pointe! magazine - Summer 2011

Page 23

In the middle of the night, I wake up, lying in a puddle of my own sweat to a phone ringing downstairs. But it doesn't sound like a cell phone; it sounds like an old rotary phone, like the ones from the '60s. Then I remember that Scarlett (our eight year old) told me she was setting her alarm to wake up early. I roll over... the clock says 4:00 am...4:00 am? Really? I go to her room, "Scarlett...Scarlett…wake up, baby." She slowly, confusedly opens her eyes, "What, Daddy?" I said, "Scarlett, your alarm is going off downstairs. I wasn't sure if you had an important appointment at 4 in the morning that I didn't know about. Maybe you should get up and go turn your alarm off." 4:15 am — Back in bed. Twenty-five minutes of sleep is better than nothing. It’s also better than 14 minutes of sleep… 4:29 am — Abruptly awakened by the extreme loudness of "CHIT CHIT CHIT CHICKACHICKA CHICKACHICKA CHIT CHIT CHIT CHICKACHICKA CHICKACHICKA!" What inconsiderate schmuck turned on sprinklers at 4:30 in the morning?!? Who on earth is that crazy? Then I realize the sprinklers are hitting OUR windows. Oh, yeah, Rach was working out in the yard yesterday. We’re the inconsiderate schmucks. I get up and run downstairs, because between the CHITs and the CHICKAs, I can hear water hitting the neighbors' car. It’s still pitch black outside. Even though I barely see, I’m sure I can make out the trajectory of the sprinkler. Keep in mind, it's 4:30 in the morning, and I don't have all of my wits about me. I make it to the side of the house without getting wet. Then, just as I get to the spigot, “CHIT! CHIT! CHIT! CHIT!" and I'm soaked. From head to toe.

h H2O

My — Deanna Leitzke


(adj.) — Being bold, taking unusual risk

Being bold… okay, yea — that’s me! …taking unusual risks… well, let’s see. I have always lived around water — lakes, rivers, oceans and pools at my back door. I don’t remember learning to swim (considering my stroke method, I probably was never taught); I just did! It wasn’t until I was land-locked in Kansas City, Missouri, that I realized how much I missed the water. Which is probably why I agreed when my husband asked me to get certified to scuba dive (continued on the next page...) ( p g )

Wet and deflated, I go back inside, ready to start my day. I head back upstairs first, so I can get dressed like a ninja in the dark. You know, because I wouldn't want to wake up my sweet Rach. As I'm walking up the stairs, I hear a bell tower clanging in my room. Bell tower? What the... why? Apparently, Rach set her alarm for 4:45 am for some reason. I don't think she had any intentions of getting up because she was still sound asleep. See, I told you the love of my life was creative.

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