Gala Life November 2022

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Gala Life

A local magazine with directory of trades and businesses - 12,000 copies delivered FREE to every home and business in Galashiels, Tweedbank, Melrose, Clovenfords, Darnick, Dingleton, Newstead and Gattonside.

November 2022

Your Community

All the news from our MPs, Councillors, Clubs, Groups and Churches.

Willie's Wonky Computer

Willie looks at protecting your PC from power cuts.


This month we have a delicious recipe for Chinese style Chicken Broccoli.

Fitness With Alan Clinch

This month Alan looks at keeping your fitness level up as we grow older.


Our Sudoku is also online this month, play every day and keep your brain active!

Top Toys

Our annual review of what will top Santa's wanted list this Christmas.

4 Gala Life CONTENTS
6 12 16 22 24 40 Deadline for December Advertising Debbie - 07545299491 Photography & Design Lynsey - 07305577953 Editor Willie - 07906375953 Gala Life 57 Glen Crescent, Peebles EH45 9BS 16 Recipe 24,43 Sudoku 40 Top Toys 50 The Gala Garden

Gala Rugby Club

All the latest news, gossip and results from the boys in maroon.

The Gala Garden

Sheila looks at some last minute jobs around the garden before winter sets in.

Let it Snow! 52

We have some top tips for cleaning your car this winter, without damaging the paintwork.

Welcome to the November edition of Gala Life. In this edition we are looking towards Autumn and its spectacular effects on the countryside. Who doesn’t love Scotland with all the reds and golds in the trees and the skies are so much more striking.

For you this month we have walks, trips, cinema visits and many theatre shows. Check out Abbotsford this month, they have a Christmas Market and if you’re lucky a visit from Santa. Christmas means shopping and we have lots of great places to help you get just the right gift for that someone special, including the Crafters Art & Design fair, and if you need help with children gifts have a read through our Top Toy editorial. Some favourites in there! You can’t beat a party and Tempest might just be the first choice or even a relaxing day at Stobo Castle. What will be in your stocking ?

Welcome to John Taylor and Taylors Family Butcher - it’s great to see Gala keeping it’s independent butchers, and just in time to order your turkey! I hear his scotch eggs are the best in the country too.

Lastly, it wouldn’t be Christmas without the Pantomime, a Gala tradition! This year Cinderella at The Volunteer Hall is a must see. Oh... yes it is!

Many of our great local places are getting ready for Christmas - so have a good read and make a plan for this Autumn right through until Christmas with Gala Life.

Stay safe and see you in December.

50 52 is the 13th November 42 52 Let
it Snow
22 Fitness
with Alan

Our Gala Life Community

Please check with individual groups for the latest information.

Borders Recovery Group - Meet Fridays 5-7pm @ Focus Centre. This group is run for and by people with lived experience of recovery. "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; it's connection" Johann Hari. This group is a safe and welcoming space for anyone who is 16+ to meet for peer support, fun activities and training. For more info contact or 07971757514.

Gala Waterways Group The Group usually meets at 10.00am until noon on the first Saturday of each month and typically prunes trees, clears undergrowth and removes rubbish along the Gala Water and Mill Lade in Galashiels. For more information contact or 07763 850087.

Gala Policies Group - The group holds a litter pick round Gala Policies on the last Saturday of the month from 10 - 12pm. Meet up at entrance to the Policies near Gala swimming pool. Litter pickers and bags provided. Please bring own gloves if possible. We are COVID compliant.

Lindean Carpet Bowling Club - we open for the new season at Lindean Village Hall on Wednesday 5th October, 7.30pm. Great fun for all ages, we welcome back members old and new. Don’t worry if you haven’t played the game before, tuition available for beginners. Why not give it a try! For more details phone 01896755316

Gala Squash and Racketball Club - Monday night 7pm - late: Club Night at Gala Squash Club, turn up and have a hit. £2 for members and £4 for Non-Members. Every Thursday 7pm-8.30pm is Ladies Night at Gala Squash Club - Turn up and have a hit about and a laugh, all ladies welcome.

One Acchord Ladies A Cappella Chorus - Ladies, if you want to sing, please come and meet us at Bowden Village Hall, Main Street, Bowden, TD6 0SS. Learn to sing in 4 Part Harmony, no auditions needed. We welcome everyone who wants to join us. Rehearsal times: 3 Wednesdays 7:30-9:30pm and 1 Saturday 2-5pm a month. Phone 07710699619 or visit our website

The Eildon Singers - We are a mixed voice choir of some 40 members from all over the central Borders. We sing mainly classical works, with some lighter pieces. Our rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, in the Ormiston Rooms, Market Square, Melrose, from 7.15 to 9.00 p.m. We'll be preparing music for our Christmas concert on Sunday 4th December, and new singers are always welcome (no auditions). If you would like more information please ring our secretary, Margery Inglis, on 01750 21085.

Syrinx Flutes - meet one Monday evening (7pm to 9pm) a month from August to May in the Corn Exchange at Melrose with leader Lis Dooner (07774 813693) Or try in the first instance. All abilities from approx Grade 3. Why not dust off your underused flute and join our friendly group? It’s such fun playing with others.

Gala Water Singers - Our choir practice has resumed - at the moment we can still continue at Stow Station House for our practices. 11th December Christmas concert 3-00pm, 13th December carol sing round Heriot, 20th December carol singing round Stow, Weekend 10/11 June 2023 summer concert. We look forward to welcoming old and new members to Stow Station House on Tuesday evenings.

Galashiels Clef Club. Our next meeting is Sunday 20 November at 3.00pm at Lucy Sanderson Hall in Tweed Terrace. We offer a friendly welcome to everyone who can play an instrument or sing and they are free to choose any piece of music to entertain their fellow members. The range of music is wide and includes all styles of classical music, along with folksongs and songs from the shows, excursions into jazz, and members' own compositions. Please contact our president, Dorothea

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dmghall@hotmail or secretary John for more information. Our website is for more information.

Pipe Band - The Galashiels Ex-Service Pipe Band, Wednesday nights, 7pm at The Royal British Legion Club, Park Street, Galashiels. Experienced players and beginners most welcome to join. Please contact the secretary, Scott Mitchell on

The Galashiels Town Band - Mondays - Gala Beginners Band 5.00 - 5.45pm, Tuesdays - Gala Youth Band 6.00 - 7.00pm, Gala Senior Town Band 7.00 - 8.45pm. These take place at the Galashiels Town Band Hall, 6a Roxburgh Street, Galashiels. Open to experienced, inexperienced and beginners of all ages. Instruments can be supplied, so go give it a try. For more information please contact or by calling Nichola Broatch on 07856266230

Gala Windbags - We are a charitable group affiliated to chest heart and stroke Scotland with meetings every Thursday 1.30 to 3.30pm in Lucy Sanderson Hall Galashiels. Contact details are Hazel Crombie phone 01896 753788.

Gentle Exercise Class for Older Adults - Langlee Community Centre - £3 per class. 10.30-11.15am every Wednesday - contact 07713357450 to book.

Al-Anon Family Groups - Every Wednesday at 7.30pm, Chaplaincy Centre at the Border General Hospital. Access is though the main entrance to the hospital and follow the pink zone on the ground floor till you see the sign for the Chaplaincy Centre. Many people are affected by the excessive drinking of someone close to them. Find understanding, help and support in Al-Anon Family Groups. For further information call 07709948205 or visit for meetings in Selkirk and Hawick.

Dance Class - Circle Dancing is suitable for almost everyone, dancing in simple step patterns to wonderful music from around the world. No previous experience necessary as each dance is taught by dance leader. New dancers are very welcome to join our small friendly group. We dance every Tuesday 2 -4 pm at Anderson Chambers, Market Street, Galashiels TD1 3AF. £5 per class. A lovely way to stay active and meet new friends. For further information Contact Kate 07523 466657

Scottish Country Dancing - Old & St Paul's Church Hall Tuesdays 7-9pm. All welcome. Contacts 01896822354 or 01578730591.

Gala Chess Club meeting every Tuesday evening at the Focus Centre, Galashiels between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. All levels welcome. Facebook - gala chess club.

Scottish Borders Versus Arthritis Support Group - meets online first Saturday of each month from 11am until 12.30pm. With a variety of interesting speakers and coffee and catch-up sessions, anyone who is living with arthritis or has an interest is very welcome. For more information, please, email

Galashiels Studio Club - for artists and people who enjoy art. We meet weekly over the winter months in Old Gala House, 7.30 to 9.30, on Thursdays, and provide a varied programme of talks or demonstrations by professional artists and workshops led by professionals or club members. For more information, check out our Facebook page or phone 07598241798. The club is open to all levels of artists, and welcomes new members and visitors. The programme in November is: 03 November: Practical, paint a masterpiece led by member Katherine Awlson. 10 November: Mixed media demo by Fiona Morris, Professional Artist. 17 and 24 November: Practical, Still Life, led by member Jennifer Henderson. 1 December: Practical, painting wildlife, by Jan Ferguson, Professional Artist.

‘Heart for Art’ Trinity Church Hall, High St, Galashiels every Wednesday afternoon, 1.30pm to 3.30pm. This is a Church of Scotland project which seeks to bring creativity and connection to

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those living with dementia in Scotland. Come along to our free art classes (with a carer if you wish) where staff of experienced professional artists and volunteers have enhanced dementia training. For more information look on facebook @CrossReachHeartForArt or email:

Langlee Badminton Club Thursdays, 5.15pm-7pm in the main hall at Langlee Community Centre, Marigold Drive, Galashiels, £2 per session. Under-16s must be accompanied by parent/ guardian. We're a friendly group who get together once a week to play badminton, all year round. Beginners welcome, racquets and shuttles provided. Call Kevin Janiak on 07825 269667 for more information.

Eildon Ramblers - If you enjoy walking you’ll enjoy walking with the Eildon Ramblers. We meet weekly on either a Saturday or a Sunday at 10.00am at various locations in the Borders. To see details of upcoming walks visit or for general information please email or phone 07877 159126. Our motto is friendship, fitness, fun and fresh air.

Red Gauntlet Archers - we have restarted the indoor shooting sessions at at Langlee Community Centre on Thursday nights 7.30 - 9.30 pm. We are starting a beginners course which runs for five weeks from 10 November, followed by an improver’s course for a further 5 weeks - As space is limited we can only accommodate six people at once. Another beginners course will start in January. Red Gauntlet is one of the oldest field archery clubs in Scotland. We currently shoot outdoors in Elibank forest and indoors at Langlee Community Centre. Our current members attend competitions all over Scotland. Field archery can be enjoyed at all levels from a pleasant day out to top level competition. Anyone interested can come along and see what is involved or phone Jim at 01750 20660

Melrose Historical and Archaeological Association and The Melrose Literary Society Our next meeting will be a joint meeting on Tuesday 8th November 2022. This year it will take place in Marmions @ the Wynd, off Buccleuch Street, Melrose, at 7:30pm - when our guest speaker, Jessica Turner, will present an illustrated lecture - 'Bamburgh Bones and St. Aidan's Ossuary'. All welcome. Free to Members, £4 to visitors.

Ormiston Bridge Club - The club meets each Monday at 6.30pm in Gala Rugby Club from September to April. New members are very welcome. If your bridge is a bit rusty or you are unfamiliar with club play, we can provide some refresher sessions. For more information email or visit the Ormiston club website. Hope to see you in September!

Galashiels & District Probus Club - We provide regular meetings for retired and semi-retired professional and business men and women to enjoy the company of like-minded people who appreciate the camaraderie of being part of the Club. We meet fortnightly from September to May on Thursday mornings at the Waverley Castle Hotel, Melrose and after tea or coffee we enjoy a wide variety of interesting talks by guest speakers. We are always open to welcome new members and if you are interested in joining please ask any member or phone 01896 822892 for more information.

Galashiels Inner Wheel Club - Our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Cafe Recharge in Island Street. New members are always welcome and if you want someone to take you along to your first meeting please call Sheila on 07708732320. Try a few meetings before you join to see if it’s for you.

Galashiels Camera Club - we meet almost every Wednesday at The red Room, Langlee Community centre, Galashiels. If you are interested in photography visit our website www. Professionals, Enthusiast and beginners are all welcome.

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Willie’s Wonky Computer Factory

There’s lots in the news this week suggesting we could see planned power cuts over the winter as we don’t have enough gas to meet demand and keep power stations running 24/7.

Power cuts can seriously damage your computer or games console. Fair enough, if planned, you can simply switch off in plenty time. If, however, a cold snap causes an unexpected surge in demand, we could lose power suddenly. These cuts also cause spikes, surges and drops in voltage (brownout, as opposed to a blackout)) - all capable of damaging your PC, particularly the hard drive, resulting in potential loss of all your data.

You can protect yourself against this with a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), which is basically a battery backup that kicks in instantly to provide a stable power source to your PC, so you have time to shut it down properly.

I would say at this point that if you only have a laptop, go read the Gardening page as you don’t need a UPS. Laptops simply switch to battery mode, then power themselves off when the battery gets below a certain level. Pull the power lead and test it.

There are different kinds of UPS, but as a home user, a fairly basic model will provide sufficient protection. Here’s what to look for:

Standby UPS is the most common type and is suitable for a home computer. Although it is the simplest system, it is highly efficient, small in size, and low cost.

Line-interactive UPS is the middle-of-the-road system. Line-interactive UPS systems offer more enhanced power protection than a standby UPS, as they provide additional line conditioning. They are ideal for small businesses that network computers or store data on external NAS drives or servers, whilst still relatively low cost and very efficient. On-line UPS is a more expensive system and more suited for medium to large-sized operations. These are more reliable than cheaper systems because the inverter is running continuously. This offers a great level of protection against surges, spikes, electrical noise, and harmonics, as well as complete power failures. Cost is relative to how much you value your data. Your in house IT guy will keep you right.

For a home user you just need to protect the PC itself, as a minimum, don’t worry too much about the monitor, printer or router, they are far more resilient to power cuts. Keeping your monitor on does make it easier to shut the computer down though. You can, however, programme the power button to shut down properly with a short push, whereas holding the button down is a ‘Hard’ shutdown which will turn off the computer without saving work and will not close down files and apps like a regular shutdown does - so no better than a power cut, and not what you want. The power button settings can be found in System and Security>Power Options.

You will need a UPS that will cover the power (wattage) your computer uses, so that it will stay on long enough for you to power down properly. You will get that from the spec page in its instruction manual. Unless you have a high end gaming machine 4 - 500 watts should cover it.

Most UPS will also come with surge protection. If not, buy a power strip extension that does.

Then check how long the UPS will last. It may only be a few minutes, so it makes sense to always power your computer down if you aren’t able to get to it in that time. Alternatively, look for a UPS that also connects to your PC by USB cable and includes power management software that will power down the PC for you.

Apple Macs don’t need the additional software to shut down. A UPS with USB connection will be recognised by the Mac and can be configured in the Energy Saver tab.

Next up, check the connectors on the UPS, some take a standard 3-pin plug, some take what’s called a C14 connector. With the latter, the easiest way to connect is to buy a C14 Connector Plug to UK 13 Amp 2 or 4 Gang Socket.

Not convinced? Then back up your work every few minutes to an external SSD and don’t leave your PC on or in sleep mode during the night, it might just not wake up again. Willie

12 Gala Life
Gala Life 13 THE CRAFTERS ART & DESIGN FAIR 19th & 20th November 10am-5pm Border Events Centre Springwood Park Kelso TD5 8LS admission £2.00 children under 14 free refreshments free parking disabled access

Borders Family History Society - Our next meeting is on Sunday 27th November at 2.30pm in St. Peter's (Scottish Episcopal) Church Hall, Parsonage Road, Galashiels, TD1 3HS, when our guest speaker is Rachel May telling us about "Robert Smail's Print Works - The Family and their Business" Our research room will be open over the winter months on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am till 4pm. We would love to be able to help you start your family tree or get through the brick wall to find that elusive ancestor. Please come in and have a chat with our very helpful volunteer researchers at 52 Overhaugh Street, Galashiels.

The Three Brethren u3a, Galashiels - Our November meeting will be on Monday 21st November, 2pm at the Galashiels Rugby Club, Netherdale. We will have a talk from Andrew Jepson, Stobs Camp Project Officer for Archaeology Scotland. Come and hear about this internationally important site as it relates to Scotland's preparation for the First World War and the subsequent handling of German prisoners. Learn how the Stobs Camp Project is currently exploring this remarkable part of Scottish Borders history situated close to Hawick. Do come along if you are a member or prospective member, £2 each, refreshments served after the talk. For all details about our u3a go to or phone 01896 823493.

Rolling Hills Folk - Friday 18th November - No meeting this month. A friendly welcome awaits singers and musicians and of course an occasional poet or raconteur as we return to real life. Doors open 7.30 for 8 pm start. BYOB. All ages welcome. Collection and raffle. Venue: Smith Memorial Hall, Abbotsford Road, Darnick, TD6 9AH (with disabled access). Phone 07986 644661 for more information and find us on Facebook and at our website ( Rolling Hills Folk will continue to run on the third Friday from now on with the exception of November. Reiver Petanque - formerly Melrose and Galashiels Petanque Club, now meets at the playing area near The Waterwheel Tea Room, Philiphaugh, Selkirk, TD7 5LU for regular Club days on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons 1pm-4pm. At other times the area is open to anyone to play with their own equipment unless notices on Facebook or on the noticeboard at the piste state otherwise. There will be occasional league and other matches between other clubs throughout the year. Please contact Peter on 07895 275669 or Ron on 07986 644661 for more information and come along, learn about the sport from established players and have fun. The area is accessible for wheelchair users and the sport is suitable for all ages.

Borders Philatelic Society - we welcome new members who have an interest in Postal History, Stamps or Postcards at any level from all across the Borders. We are a small friendly club meeting fortnightly on Monday nights, 7.30 until 9pm in the Church Hall, Old Parish & St. Pauls in Scott Crescent Galashiels TD1 3JU. Please contact John Brown on 01721 723759 or Email him at for further information, or just turn up to meet like minded souls! This seasons 2022 dates are:- October 10 & 24, November 7 & 21. The 2023 dates are:- February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3.

National Trust for Scotland Harmony Orchard Annual Apple Day - Saturday 1st October, 10.30am - 3.00pm. Learn about and buy some apples, also with various local produce traders offering their great products; charges apply. Entry is free with donations to support the upkeep of our Melrose properties really appreciated. Pedestrian entrance is on St Mary's Road, opposite the rear exit of St Mary's School. Dogs kept on leads welcome. No parking available in the orchard. Save the date!

The Great Tapestry of Scotland Afternoon Tea - Available on the last Sunday of the month. Treat yourself or someone you care for with The Great Tapestry of Scotland’s Afternoon Tea in Stitchers Café. Enjoy a range of specialty teas, a selection of sandwiches, savoury bites and sweet treats with a Tapestry mocktail. Booking required, please see or call 01896 809353.

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300g long-grain rice

700g broccoli, cut into bite-sized florets

2 tbsp light soy sauce

2 tbsp hoisin sauce

½ lime, juiced

2 tsp clear honey

1 tsp crushed chillies

1 tbsp cornflour

½ tsp ground white pepper

½ chicken stock cube, made up to 200ml, left to cool

1 tbsp sesame oil

400g boneless chicken thighs, cut into 3cm pieces

100g bunch spring onions, thinly sliced

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

6cm piece ginger, peeled and finely chopped

1 tbsp sesame seeds

Chicken and broccoli


Cook the rice to pack instructions, then cover the pan to keep warm. Meanwhile, steam the broccoli for 6-8 mins until just tender. Whisk the soy, hoisin, lime juice, honey, chilli, cornflour, pepper and stock in a bowl, then set aside.

Heat the sesame oil in a large frying pan until very hot. Sear the chicken for 1-2 mins, without moving, until lightly browned. Stir and cook for another 2-3 mins until browned on all sides and cooked through. Transfer to a plate.

Set 2 tbsp spring onions aside and add the rest to the pan along with the garlic and ginger. Cook for 2 mins, stirring frequently, until fragrant and just softened.

Reduce the heat to medium-low, stir in the soy sauce mixture, then cook for 2 mins to thicken. Add the cooked chicken and broccoli to the pan and gently coat in the sauce. Divide the rice between 4 plates, top with the chicken and broccoli. Scatter with the sesame seeds and reserved spring onions to serve.

16 Gala Life
16 Pitlochry Life
18 Gala Life Don't Miss Our Deadline for the December Edition Copy Date is Thursday 13th November Join us and reach up to 24,000 readers with ONE magazine! Call Debbie on 0754 5299491 to secure your space
20 Gala Life Thinking about a move? No one values your home more Contact our Galashiels office to arrange a Home Report or survey. T: 01896 752009 or


with Alan Clinch

Use it or Lose it

Age….yeah, about that… sadly, it creeps up on us, day by day. Equally annoyingly, ageing has a significant impact on our ability to exercise — this month I’ll look at how we can retain as much fitness as possible for as long as possible.

Most of us will suffer some decline in fitness each year – our aerobic capacity (that is the ability to use oxygen effectively) goes down, particularly after age 60. Muscle mass declines fairly steadily, becoming most pronounced in our forties and fifties when many people become less active. Muscle requires energy to maintain and use it, a higher amount of muscle needs a higher food intake: this causes a problem if we continue to eat the same amount despite losing some of our muscle bulk as we get older. Overweight people tend to sit or remain sedentary for three hours longer than lean people each day. In an average person this can result in up to 350 calories of ‘unused’ energy being taken in daily. If we use muscles less, this unused energy will be stored (the body will try to hang on to energy sources), we are stockpiling this energy, usually in the form of fat.

When younger people gain weight about 30% is likely to be muscle – sadly the figure is far lower in older folk. When older people lose weight, up to 50% of weight loss is from muscle tissue – a key reason why older people are more likely to injure themselves. The first fibres of the muscle to be affected are known as ‘fast twitch’ – these are used for powerful, rapid movements. With age we tend to move slower, and so favour the muscle fibres known as ‘slow twitch’ – used for endurance type activities. It varies from person to person, but it’s

likely that we’ll lose up to 20% of muscle fibres between the ages of 40 and 70. This means that we’ll experience an associated drop in strength – and thus our ability to react fast to unforeseen events such as tripping.

An effective approach to this problem is lifting weights or doing resistance based exercise. For older people (as with any fitness related programme of exercise) it’s simply a matter of using good technique, selecting an appropriate weight, the correct exercise, and ensuring adequate recovery. It’s possible to gain strength at any age - this enables people to move more efficiently and without pain, carry out daily (functional) activities more easily, and as a result live happier lives.

The critical questions are ‘what is the correct weight’ and ‘what are the most appropriate exercises?’ This is very dependent on the individual – it’s important to get advice from an exercise professional (remember that while there is a lot of valuable material on the internet, beside it is a lot of less reliable opinion and unsubstantiated ‘facts’). A personal programme means that most strength gains occur in the first few months – the nervous system learns the most appropriate order to recruit muscles for maximum efficiency. Lifting weights, as well as helping muscle strength, will also increase bone density and joint stability, assist in developing agility, balance, and co-ordination…. Oh, and burn more energy. So……it’s looking good for continuing exercise and physical activity for as long as possible – as the saying goes: ‘Use it or lose it!’

Here are a couple of sound sources of exercise advice for older folk: As always, if you haven’t exercised for a while, or have injuries or medical conditions which might be aggravated by high intensity activity, check with your GP first.

22 Gala Life
24 Gala Life 5 9 1 4 2 7 9 1 7 3 8 1 8 4 1 6 6 3 5 2 2 9 3 6 6 3 9 4 This Month’s Easy Sudoku How to play............ Fill the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. That’s all there is to it! Use reasoning and logic to solve the puzzle - there’s no maths or adding up. Look carefully for what numbers can go where and with a little practice it will get easier!
Gala Life 25

John Lamont MP

The extension of the Borders Railway to Hawick, Newcastleton and onto Carlisle would be of huge benefit to Galashiels and the surrounding areas. It would mean that the trains would not just serve the northern parts of our area but would also open up jobs and education opportunities, and make more people want to come and live in the Borders.

That is why I am so frustrated that the feasibility study into the Borders Railway has not yet begun. You may remember that this study, which will look into costs and ease of reopening the line, was announced by the Scottish and UK governments a few years ago. £10 million was allocated to this project alone. This was part of a wider economic package for the Borders, as part of the Borderlands Growth Deal.

Yet a few years on, it appears to be no further forward. Transport officials in Scotland and England need to get on with it. I sought assurances directly with the Rail Minister on the floor of the House of Commons that he would support the next steps.

The Minister, Kevin Foster MP, told me that he is ‘keen for a feasibility study to get under way’. But I am clear that we must ensure that the bureaucrats behind the scenes are not allowed to drag their feet and impose delay.

The Borderlands Growth Deal was an excellent example of both of our governments working together for the better of local people I do not want this good work to be wasted.

I will continue to campaign for better transport links for places like Galashiels so that it becomes an even better place to live and work. So I will soon be meeting with the Rail Minister to thrash out what can be done to move things along more quickly. The deal has been signed. The money has been allocated. Time to get on with it!

Euan Jardine Councillor - Gala & District, Conservative

The problem with writing a column every month for five years is that the possibility of repeating yourself is pretty high. However, I hope you don't mind that I will be repeating my push for Galashiels using this platform once again.

As twice this week, councillors outside the ward mentioned that "Galashiels looks like it's on the up." If that isn't a real confidence boost for the town, I don't know what is! One also had an email from a constituent asking what was happening in Galashiels as it must be working, and they were hoping whatever happened in Gala could happen in their town. As I have often discussed in this column, the work to improve Galashiels isn't just down to the council or the councillors. A vast array of people make things happen in the town. Many of them are volunteers, making me smile even more when people talk about the upward spiral of the town. Because people living in the town have positively driven the community forward, there is added sustainability to the progress. You may or may not be aware that I am a conservative, and one of the higher ranking Conservative philosophies is that we do not believe in big government. We believe people should be trusted and empowered to deliver in their communities. I am looking to increase that further over the next five years. I want to help provide more community empowerment and let communities shine.

I was also recently in the Philippines. While there, I took the opportunity to publicise Scottish Borders and Galashiels. I handed out hundreds of fantastic artwork postcards of the town's most iconic buildings and places, which Galashiels, Heartland of the borders, produced. I also met with the Mayor of Iloilo City. He was delighted and intrigued by some gifts I gave him, including items

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donated by Gala Rugby Club, Gala Fairydean and Heartland of the Borders.

I will hold an advice surgery on Wednesday, 2nd November, at Quins Restaurant Galashiels 5-6 pm.

Don't hesitate to contact me at the details below if you need assistance with any issues. Email - Telephone – 07811977720

Facebook – @VoteEuanJardine Twitter - @VoteJardine

Citizens Advice Bureau

Cost of Living

From the enquiries we have been receiving, there is a lot confusion about Cost of Living Payments and other support currently available. The Scottish Government has set-up a website with details of What Help is available: https://costofliving. Scottish Borders Council have also dedicated pages on their website on this.

Households receiving a qualifying DWP benefit are expected to receive the second part of the Cost of Living Payment between 8th & 23rd November - £324. It will be paid automatically – no need to claim if you receive a qualifying benefit (Universal Credit, Tax Credits, Income based JSA/ESA, Income Support or Pension Credit).

If not currently in receipt of any of these benefits, have you checked to find out if you could be? We at CAB, can check this for you - get in touch. There are also several on-line calculators you could use. In addition to increasing your general income to help with the growing cost of living there may be additional benefits available for example:

The Scottish Child Payment

If you receive any of the above benefits, live in Scotland and are the main carer for a child under 6 years old, you may qualify for The Scottish Child Payment. This is currently £20 per week per eligible child but will rise to £25 per week from 14th November. In addition, from this date, if eligible, will be payable for children up to 16 years old.

You can apply on line: or call Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222 to get help to apply or an application posted out to you. Application forms are available in large print and in over 100 languages. The Scottish Child Payment is just one on the benefits available from Social Security Scotland and from a range of additional support we can advise on.

Central Borders Citizens Advice Bureau 111 High Street, Galashiels RD1 1RZ. Call 01896 753889, e-mail:

Volunteer Borders is Calling for Volunteers

The current cost of living crisis will affect us all, but the impact will be disproportionately felt by those who are already struggling. Volunteering your time with charities and community groups is something you could do to support those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged in the Borders this winter. If you are able to offer your free time to make a difference, we would like to hear from you. Call Volunteer Borders on 01896 754 041 or email for more information.

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Pantomime Season Approaching Fast

After the huge success of last year’s annual Galashiels pantomime, which incidentally was one of the very few events of its type that went ahead due to Covid 19, rehearsals are well under way for the Right Angle Theatre’s 2022 production which this year is the ever popular pantomime, Cinderella. The Right Angle Theatre Company who has performed the pantomime over the last twenty six years are pleased to announce that they have this year, one of the biggest casts for many years with over fifty personnel of all ages already rehearsing and are all looking forward to producing a pantomime of a very high standard. The pantomime will open on Tuesday 6th December in the Volunteer Hall Galashiels. As in previous years the show will run for a week finishing on the Saturday 10th December.

Once again Derek Calder is performing the role of Musical Director and Director ably assisted by Julie Smith. Gordon Keddie will again take charge of the production side. The very talented Stuart Mitchell is again taking the role of Choreographer with Jodie Millar and Amanda Blacklock taking on the task of costuming the very large cast.

The script for the show has once again been provided by Alan Frayn and contains the usual amount of slapstick and humour which is sure to bring a smile to the audiences faces. Once more, the production team have selected a varied bunch of songs and music therefore complimenting Alan’s script which in turn will guarantee everyone leaving the hall still laughing and the music ringing in their ears.

Tickets will go on sale to the general public in early November and will be available from Fountain News and Noble’s Fish shop. As in previous years everyone is advised to book early to avoid disappointment.

The main parts are being performed by a very talented bunch of people and are as follows; Cinderella; Amy Thomson, Buttons; Billy Rooney, Baron Hardup; Tracy Borthwick, Baroness; Julia Noble, Ugly Sisters; Jodie Millar & Stuart Mitchell, Dandini; Leanne Robinson, Prince Charming; John Turnbull, Bodget; Julie Smith, Leggett; Craig Douglas, Fairy Godmother; Amanda Blacklock.

Gala Opera Returning in 2023

We are on our way back!

March 6th - 11th 2023 In Volunteer Hall Galashiels. We are delighted to announce that after a 3 year absence we have chosen our return show and can’t wait to get back on stage!!

Currently, however, due to licensing restrictions on advertising still in place for the next while we are unable to publicly announce what our show is! What we can say is …

*It’s a popular classic *It’s set in the 1950s

*It’s a fun, lively, lighthearted show well known and well loved *Its a show never performed by Gala Opera before. More details as soon as advertising restrictions are lifted!!

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Continued on page 34

Christmas fun at Abbotsford

Join the festive family fun at Abbotsford this Christmas with events and entertainment for all!

Celebrating an 1820s Christmas Step back in time with a festive visit to Sir Walter Scott’s beautifully decorated home. Christmas Market Enjoy local craft stalls, delicious food and drink and more with your friends and family.

Breakfast with Father Christmas Bring your family for an unforgettable breakfast date with Father Christmas.

Father Christmas Visit

Add a little magic this holiday season with a visit to see Father Christmas and receive a special gift ahead of the big day.

Festive Storytelling

Be whisked away on a winter wonderland adventure in an afternoon of storytelling.

Full details can be found on our website

Gala Life 31 Abbotsford Melrose TD6 9BQ 01896 752043 The Abbotsford Trust is a registered Scottish Charity SC037425

The Rugby Heritage Centre

The Rugby Heritage Centre in the clubrooms of Melrose Rugby Club will be opened to the public from 10 – 2 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the season from Sept 1st.

Visiting at other times can be arranged by appointment and groups are requested to book in advance by contacting the club office.

Caddonfoot Hall

‘Wojtek, The Bear Who Went To War’.

A BBC DVD will be shown and afterwards Aileen Orr, author of the book ‘Wojtek’, will invite questions. At Caddonfoot Hall on Friday 2nd December at 7.30pm, doors open at 7pm.

Entry £3 includes tea and coffee. For more information email

Galashiels Church of Scotland

Old Parish & St Paul’s Church – Scott Crescent TD1 3JU

St John’s Church – Hawthorn Road, Langlee TD1 2JZ

Trinity Church – High St TD1 1SE

We are a united congregation who want to be God glorifying and Christ exalting in our worship. The Word of God is faithfully preached and therefore we would like to invite everyone to come and listen to God speaking to us through His Word.

Sunday services are in these church buildings.

6th Nov 11am Old Parish & St Paul’s 6.30pm St John’s 13th Nov 11am Trinity 6.30pm St John’s 20th Nov 11am Old Parish & St Paul’s 6.30pm St John’s 27th Nov 11am Trinity 6.30pm St John’s Prayer Meeting – Wednesdays at 7pm in St John’s.

Girls Brigade

1st Galashiels Girls' Brigade meets on Mondays in St John's Church halls, Langlee.

Explorers P1-P3 6-7pm

Juniors P4-P7 6-7pm

Brigaders S1-S6 7- 8.30pm

Please contact Susan Henderson for more information about joining us:

Choir – Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7pm in Trinity building.

Guild – Tuesdays at 2.15pm in Old Parish & St Paul’s on 1st Nov, 15th Nov and 29th Nov. Tear Fund Big Quiz Night on Saturday 19th November at 7pm in Trinity building. For further information

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Continued on page 36
Gala Life 35

Minister: Rev Graeme Glover e-mail: phone: 01896 209455, website:

Galashiels Baptist Church

Galashiels Baptist Church would like to share stories over the next few months about what goes on at our church and introduce you to some of the people who are part of the Church family. This month, we’d like to introduce Alastair Sinclair:

Tell us a little bit about you:

My name is Alastair, I am married to May and we celebrated our Diamond Wedding a couple of years ago.

Why did you start coming to gbc?

We came to Galashiels in 1975 and at GBC we were warmly welcomed as a family right from the start. We soon had opportunities to serve in the church and in the wider community. Now in retirement we still enjoy sharing Christian fellowship wherever we can - often through events arranged by the Galashiels Fellowship of Churches.

Why is it important for us as a nation to pause to remember in November?

In today’s world I feel many of us are anxious about the possibility that existing conflicts between some nations may escalate into full scale war. While trying to maintain the fragile peace we do have, it is surely right that we remember the cost with millions of lives lost both militarily and in civilian populations.

Why is it important for you personally?

As a national serviceman in my late teens I experienced the Korean war and therefore welcome time to reflect again on comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice. I believe in a God of Peace and we will be praying for peace as we remember those that have been lost.

Do you think this year will be different following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth? This year I feel will be different because many of us will be remembering another national eventthe recent loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth whose presence at the Cenotaph ceremony over so many years was an inspiration to us all.

What will GBC be doing?

We will be holding our own Remembrance Sunday service alongside churches across the UK on Sunday 13th November at 10:30am when we will observe the National 2-Minute Silence as part of our service.

You are welcome to join us on Remembrance Sunday or if you’d like to join us for another Sunday service, Galashiels Baptist Church meets every Sunday at 10:30am in our building on Victoria Street.

Bethel Rock Church

We are on Summer break until 27 September. Teaching on Zoom restarts then. See for details. Contact us for any pastoral concern through the website or mobile 07815 682 027

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Continued on page 38

Bowden & Melrose Parish Church

Minister Rev. Rosemary Frew. 01896 822217 email Office: 01896 823339 email

Sunday Worship

We meet for worship at 9.30am in Bowden Kirk and at 11.00am in Melrose Church. The Melrose service is livestreamed, and you can join us on our church website or Facebook page or watch the recording thereafter

A worship podcast is posted in Facebook, Instagram and our website on Saturday evenings. You can listen on 01896 808551.

Sunday 30 October, 3.00pm – Messy Church in Melrose Church. Sunday 6 November, 10.00am – Family Service in Melrose Church Hall.

Roman Catholic Parish of Our Lady & St Andrew

Parish Priest: Father Andrew Kingham

Address: Catholic Presbytery, Stirling Street, Galashiels TD1 1BY.

Telephone: (01896) 752328



Facebook: @borderscatholic Churches:

Our Lady & St Andrew, Stirling Street, Galashiels TD1 1BY St Cuthbert’s, High Cross Avenue, Melrose, TD6 9SQ

Our Lady & St Joseph, High Street, Selkirk TD7 4JX

Caddonfoot Parish Church

Although autumn is here, and winter is around the corner, worshippers continue to attend services in Caddonfoot Parish Church with regular services each Sunday at 9.45 a.m.

Numbers remain good with the services led by our Minister, the Rev Victoria Linford, assisted at times by our Session Clerk and Worship Leader, Mrs Anne Grieve, Mrs Catriona Bird, Mrs Fay Brydon and Bill Birch.

Members of the congregation showed great teamwork as they continued to read the Bible each Sunday.

Once again, music is regularly provided by Andy Bird (keyboard and piano) and Mrs Grieve and Mrs Bird (both flute).

Harvest Thanksgiving was celebrated in September and the church was beautifully decorated on the day. Many gifts were brought to the church as well as monetary donations being place in the Harvest envelopes. The gifts were in aid of Mary’s Meals and the Galashiels Food Bank. Donations of non-perishable items can be left in the vestry.

The Remembrance Day service this year will be on Sunday, November 13, at 9.45 a.m.

Presbytery changes are in the offing with a commemorative booklet on Melrose and Peebles Presbytery, costing £5, prepared by Fraser Simm, of Stow and Heriot. Presbytery was formed in

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Continued on page 44


Well it’s that time of year again and as many a parent will know getting the right present is tough. With so much choice and the toys being so expensive, we have taken a look at what the experts predict will be high on the wish list. We also asked our own kids what they really loved playing with as youngsters. Hint - not always the same toys!! So we have some suggestions for you that hopefully won’t break the bank but will give them lots of fun.

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse By Charlie Mackesy. The Book and The Film - New Book Launch, £20 (Available from November).

Enter the world of Charlie’s four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most poignant life lessons. Charlie’s first book includes his most-loved illustrations and new ones too. The conversations of the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared thousands of times online, recreated in school art classes and hung on hospital walls.

Bluey’s S5 Talking Plush Bluey £20

Bring the fun and imaginative play of Bluey home with the Talking Bluey 33cm Plush! Bluey loves playing with her family, especially with her little sister Bingo. Press

Bluey’s tummy to hear 9 fun phrases from the Bluey TV show.

You can even sing along with Bluey to her theme song! Bluey is the perfect size for cuddles. Made with deluxe fabrics and featuring embroidered details, this supersoft plush doubles as a cuddly toy for showtime or storytime. Collect all of Bluey’s plush friends create your own Bluey adventures!

LOL Surprise Boys Series 5 Doll. £10 Each

Unbox the brother of one of the fan favourite LOL Surprise dolls with LOL Surprise Boys Series 5. Each character has a similar fierce style to his sister character, but with his own unique twist. And now they have flocked hair. Reveal an additional hidden hairstyle by using the included toy razor to shave the flocked hair. Feed or bathe doll to discover water surprises, including colour change. There are 12 assorted characters to collect. AGE 3+

Featuring Hogwarts Castle’s Great Hall with house banners, tower with movable spiral staircase, potions room and treasure room! This castle’s toy for kids 4-level tower features movable Grand Staircase spiral steps at its base, potions room, treasure room with chest.

Includes 10 minifigures: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Susan Bones, Professor McGonagall, and Albus Dumbledore, Professor Quirrell with dual Lord Voldemort face, Hagrid, Nearly Headless Nick, buildable Basilisk plus Hedwig & Scabbers figures.Accessory elements include 7 wands, 3 tumblers, an umbrella, lantern, broom, sorting hat, cauldrons, potions, candles, brooms and many more. Will combine with other Lego Harry Potter sets too.

LEGO £113 Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall Castle


I’m a Stylist Styling Head Ella, £40

Recreate The Rock vs John Cena main event of Wrestle Mania 29 witjh this package. The authentic 14-inch ring features Pro-Tension Ropes for launching attacks and a Spring-Loaded Mat for extra bounce from slams. Included in the bundle are WWE The Rock and John Cena basic action figures, featuring multiple articulation points, authentic ring gear, and detailed TrueFX technology. Colours and decorations may vary. Age 3+

Vtech JotBot (The Smart Drawing Robot), £49.99

Meet JotBot, your very own interactive robot drawing buddy by VTech! This cute little robot loves to draw and promotes drawing through fun dialogue and storytelling! Insert 1 of 15 double-sided drawing data chips to see JotBot draw the image on that chip. Code JotBot to draw using fun draw codes found in the included colour-coded guidebook, just enter the directional codes onto the arrow keys on JotBot’s head and away he goes!JotBot can draw on A3 and A4 paper and features a child-friendly felt tip pen! JotBot can draw with most pens and pencils too! JotBot is full of personality and will even sing as he works!

You can write to Santa direct!! Don’t forget a return address and a stamp!

Santa Clause Santa’s Grotto Reindeerland North Pole SAN TA1

CUT, STYLE, & CHANGE HAIR: Colorful wigs are ready to be cut and styled. The hair is incredibly realistic and soft so it is easy to style. Plus, the hair is interchangeable so you can be creative without fear of permanently messing up. Comes with 1 wig, 6 hair accessories ad 2 face gem sets. More wigs can be bought separately so you can keep on playing with Ella for many years to come.

Hot Wheels - Garage City Attacking Shark Escape Playset £55.

Take a drive through the Hot Wheels City parking garage but beware the dangerous shark that attacks and eats unsuspecting vehicles! The playset has three activators that randomly trigger the shark to break through the track and devour the car. Escape to the end, and the shark gets locked in the cage and trapped cars go free. One Hot Wheels vehicle is included, but there’s parking for more. (Additional vehicles sold separately. ) Connect it to other Hot Wheels sets and track pieces to build a one-of-a-kind cityscape. Aged4 +

Jiggly Pets Pink Pup, £11.99

Jiggly Pets Puppy is the cutest walking dog! Simply press the head to bring Jiggly Pup to life. This electronic puppy walks, barks and wags their tail whilst playing a catchy tune! Batteries Needed/ Included Age 4 +

WWE WrestleMania 29 The
v John Cena Superstar ring Bundle £38

Gala Rugby Club Good Progress

As we write Gala 1st XV remain top of National League 1 with five straight games without defeat and with an early ‘decider’ against Kelso in mid October who are also currently undefeated in NL1. By the time you read this we will have played the Kelso game at home and Highland away. Whilst the team has already had to respond to unavailability of key players through injury and other commitments it has been great to see some of our young players stepping up from the Wanderers last year playing their part, Russell Ker, James Glendinning, Jack Niven and Gregor Collins.

There are fewer games in the month due to the Autumn Test window and just one home game against Stirling, an away game against Melrose at the end of the month and the rescheduled game against Ayr, away, in the middle of the month, due to the latter game being played on an International day the KO is currently 13.30.

Our Wanderers team have unfortunately suffered a number serious injuries in the early part of the season, particularly in the loss to Peebles, but have played on well despite that. Their fixtures for November are not affected by the International window, so they have a full card of three home and one away game during November.

We are pleased to have been able to field a team for Gala A despite our injuries and unavailability although this has resulted in some difficult games for the players. There is currently only one scheduled fixture in November so we will be trying to arrange some local Border League friendlies to keep the team playing.

The Red Triangle having playing well in the Borders Town Conference and have three games currently scheduled in November. We are looking forward to hosting our kids Halloween party on the 29th October 2pm-4.30pm. We still have some tickets remaining, please contact the club for more information or to purchase a ticket. We are also hosting Christmas party nights at the club we have sold out for our party on the 17th December but still have some availability on the 3rd December, again please contact the club to purchase the tickets.

42 Gala Life
Photos courtesy of Alwyn Johnston



Gala 1sts

12th November Stirling County (Home)

19th November Ayr (Away) Early K.O. at 13.30

26th November Melrose (Away)

Gala Wanderers

5th November Kelso Quins (Home)

12th November Melrose Wasps (Home)

19th November Peebles (Away)

26th November Tynedale (Home)

Gala A

26th November Jedforest A (Home)

Gala Red Triangle 3 games scheduled in November (probably Wednesday evenings) against Peebles (Home), Selkirk (Away) and Kelso home)

Mini’s training Sundays 10-11am Vixens training Wednesdays 6.45-7.45pm

Gala Life 43
3 4 2 6 8 8 6 7 1 9 8 3 1 5 1 2 4 6 9 5 8 4 7 3 2 1 5 3 4 6 This Month’s Tricky Sudoko How to play............ Fill the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. That’s all there is to it! Use reasoning and logic to solve the puzzle - there’s no maths or adding up. Look carefully for what numbers can go where and with a little practice it will get easier!

1976 and a new Lothian and Borders Presbytery will be in place in 2023. Mrs Catriona Bird is the Presbytery representative.

Visitors should exercise care when walking through the Memorial Garden area, which has re-opened. The first face-to-face Kirk Session meeting was held in August. But these meetings will revert to Zoom until the end of March to avoid members coming out on the dark and cold evenings. Atholl Innes continues to collect disused stamps for the Eden Valley Hospice in Brampton and thanks to all who have donated.

St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Galashiels

10.30am services every Sunday followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. 6.00pm Healing service every 2nd Sunday of the month. Do come along and join us, especially if you are new to the area.

Vestry secretary John Marsden 07538 094986 contact John to book the hall for regular groups or social gatherings.

If you, your club, group, team, school or whatever are planning any events in the coming months, just send the details and we will include them in the relevant month's edition. All entries to by 10th of preceding month. Free to non profit groups.

44 Gala Life
Suzanne Ferguson Business Services O ering bookkeeping, VAT & payroll for small and medium sized businesses. Suzanne Ferguson, MAAT, MCIPP Telephone: 0771 820 2622 E: Web:
46 Gala Life
48 Gala Life Pay after the Job £5million insurance & a Receipt Peace of mind that we’re a proper business. Timed Appointment You can track our arrival online Conservatories & up to 4 Storeys Tall buildings, schools, nursing homes and industrial units. 01896 477 016 12,500+ or online Get an instant price

The Gala Garden November

November is a dark month; the days get shorter and chillier as we all bend to the same seasonal declination. It is natural to gravitate to the light, even if it is a well-lit shop or office, but, if the sun does shine, there is beauty to be seen in the garden and across the wider landscape. So carpe diem and get outside!

November light is low and warm, highlighting the shape of the hills, or the structure of buildings. The shape of leafless trees is etched against the background of field or form, picked out in the light, usually from the west at the end of the day.

Now you can understand the importance of placing shapely trees or plants where they interrupt the light. Using light this way adds a whole new dimension to your garden, but one that may only be apparent after the distraction of leaf and flower is gone.

Multi-stemmed deciduous trees, like birch or amelanchier; bold, upright grasses like Calamagrostis Karl Foerster; sculptural perennials like teasel or cardoon are all extraordinary in the last light of the year. Trees with good bark that shines like Acer griseum, Betula jacquemontii or Prunus Amber Beauty or P serrula also come to mind.

Things to do this month: definitely finish planting the bulbs, tidy the shed, replenish supplies of wood and kindling and do any restorative pruning of mature deciduous shrubs.

To restore a shrub remove one-third of the oldest and thickest stems right back down to the ground.

If you do this again next year and the year after, in three years all the wood will be renewed.

Finish trimming beech, privet, hawthorn or mixed wildlife hedges, remembering to make the hedge narrower at the top so light reaches the bottom branches too. However, it is not a good idea to trim conifer hedges when there is a risk of frost. If you missed the chance, leave it until next spring.

There has been enough rain to move any shrubs that need a bigger space. This can be a heavy piece of work so line up at least one helper. You need a spade with a good edge, a large heavy duty piece of plastic to put the shrub onto and some compost.

Dig a shallow trench around the shrub outside of the branch tips – this will show you how big the new hole has to be. Now prepare the new planting site, digging down at least half the diameter of the circle. Prick out the sides of the hole with a fork to allow good drainage and put some compost in the bottom.

Dig around the shrub, breaking some of the fine feeding roots and finally severing some of the larger anchoring roots. Lift the plant onto the plastic and slide it over to the new hole. Replant so that the soil is at the same level as before, filling in around the sides with fresh compost and heeling in as you go. Water in and keep an eye on it this winter.

Have a look for the fairy lights.

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Gala Life 51

Let It Snow?

We spend a fortune on our cars, then leave them out in all weathers with little thought of protecting the paintwork from the elements. Then, we hand wash them and probably cause more damage to the paintwork than the weather ever will - because we do it wrong!

Some people spend hours every weekend ‘detailing’ their cars. We can learn some of the basics from them, as most of us don’t know how to wash a car ‘properly’, and make these three common mistakes:

Using a Sponge. We’ve always used sponges, as did our parents and probably grandparents. A sponge, however, is the greatest offender when it comes to damaging the top layer of paint.

Sponges are great for absorbing water, but dreadful at absorbing dirt and grit, which you then drag across all the paintwork leaving very fine scratches and swirl marks. Over time these dramatically alter the appearance of the car and the colour of the paint.

Instead, use a Microfibre Wash Mitt. These are designed to pull the dirt and grit away from the edges, up into the fibre and out of harms way, minimising the damage they can cause.

Using a Single Bucket. Regardless of what you wash the car with, you end up recycling all that dirt and grit back onto the paintwork.

You need two buckets. A wash bucket for the shampoo mix and a rinse bucket filled with clean water. By cleaning a small part of the car with a shampoo covered wash mitt, and regularly returning to the rinse bucket to clean and rinse the wash mitt, you will remove excess grit and dirt, reducing the risk of causing damage to your paint.

Not Including a Contactless Wash Phase.

You really must try to remove as much dirt as possible without touching your car, using the jet on your hose, or better still, a pressure washer, on medium setting.

If you have a pressure washer you also have the

delightful opportunity of using Snow Foam. This is a high foaming formula shampoo that softens the dirt on the car for easy rinse and removal. It is applied with a Foam Gun attachment, bought to fit your particular make and model of pressure washer. They are not expensive and you might even have one in the box the washer came in.

Foam the car completely and leave for about 10 minutes for the shampoo to do its work. Just don't let it dry. Then, depending on how dirty the car was, either wash the foam off with your microfibre mitt (and two buckets), then rinse, or, simply rinse off with the power washer.

Waxing a car is hard work. You can, however, cheat as many shampoos now come with a wax included (including snow foam ones). They will leave a nice shine and bead water for a week or two. You can prolong that shine by several months by finishing with the likes of a Ceramic Spray. This is a very durable top coat that simply wipes onto a clean car, using a minimum amount, with no rubbing, then lightly buffs up to a great shine. Very easy to apply and produces a great result with very little work. Don’t forget the alloys.

The best part is that next time you wash a car coated with the ceramic spray, the dirt just slides off. Top it up when you no longer get a good water bead at the rinse stage. I use Autoglym Ceramic Spray, but there are plenty to choose from. Willie

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Gala Life 53

Geriatric Pets

How to best care for them in their Golden Years

Like their human companions, our pets can benefit from a few creature comforts to keep them young at heart.

Keep them moving!

Whilst a snail’s pace may be the one your pet is setting, exercise is still incredibly important. Exercise prevents weight gain that can further lead to joint issues, and assists cognitive function by keeping their mind active with daily sniffs and adventures.

Old pet, new tricks (keep their brains sharp)

Like humans, animals can begin to show signs of senility. Daily walks and brain games can help to keep this at bay for a little longer.

Home adaptations for joint care

You may notice that your pet is not able to get in the car or climb the stairs so easily. Ramps are great to help them into the boot and prevent jumping. Inviting bed options downstairs can remove the need for those pesky stairs.

Cats can be fed on the floor instead of high surfaces, again reducing the jumping they are doing.

Comfy and warm bedding away from drafts is also ideal for your aging companion with extra blankets in the winter.

Diet and teeth

Older pets are more likely to suffer from obesity as they are not moving as much as they used to. There are several pet foods on the market curated for older pets, with fewer calories, reduced fat and more fibre.

Keep an eye on your pet’s teeth and brush them if you can. Plaque and tarter can cause issues with eating.

Coat and skin

Keeping your pet’s skin and coat in good condition is as simple as brushing them once a week (more if you have a particularly furry breed!). As they age some pets can struggle to properly groom themselves due to stiffness, so this helps them continue to look at their best.

Regular Vet Checks

Regular vet visits are important for your aging amigo. The vet can offer advice on supplements or medications that may help with issues such as joint mobility and pain. The vet can help monitor any health issues that arise as they get older. It is important to continue to keep up to date with their vaccinations too! We can also do small things for their comfort, like clipping their nails as they are not wearing them down due to their decreased activity levels.

If you have any questions or would like some more advice, please call one of our Border Vets on 01896 752156.

Galashiels Veterinary Surgery

Gala Terrace, Galashiels TD1 3JT 01896

Office: Monday - Friday 8.00am - 6.00pm. Saturday 8.30am - 1pm. Consultations by appointment

54 Gala Life


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7 1 6 9 3 5 2 8 4 4 9 2 6 1 8 7 5 3 3 5 8 7 2 4 6 9 1 6 4 7 1 9 3 8 2 5 8 2 9 4 5 6 1 3 7 5 3 1 8 7 2 4 6 9 2 7 5 3 8 1 9 4 6 1 6 3 2 4 9 5 7 8 9 8 4 5 6 7 3 1 2
Gala Life 57 R O LLERS | ROMANS | VER TICALS | VE N E T IANS | CUR TAI N S | SHUTTERS | W O O DEN BLINDS Call me for a free in-home appointment: Gary Miller 07729877194 *Based on the same spec, size & levels of service. • I provide expert advice on the best window solutions • Flexible appointment times • Blinds & curtains tailor-made here in the UK • Ask me about multi-blind discounts • I won’t be beaten on price* • Electric blinds available YOUR LOCAL BLINDS, CURTAINS & SHUTTERS SPECIALIST ✓Friendly in-home service ✓ Options for every budget ✓ Price includes measuring & fitting Berwick “My local advisor helped me find a blind to fit my budget. The service was second to none”. Laura Jackson, customer


For November 2022

November pushes the emotional and passionate sign of Scorpio into the spotlight; this powerful energy is exaggerated by the deep thinking and communication planet Mercury remaining in Scorpio until the 16th. The extreme and potent full moon on the 8th is in the opposite sign of Taurus and puts the emphasis on all things financial. Maverick planet Uranus is highly involved in this full moon total lunar eclipse, it is a major celestial event and we should expect the unexpected, probably on a global scale. Mighty Jupiter remains retrograde in spiritual Pisces until the 24th, giving us all some extra time to use our intuition and draw on the optimistic nature of this planet for inspiring faith and giving us hope for any challenging times ahead. Trust in your ability to weather any rough times as best you can; be authentic and focus on making conscious life decisions. Mars, the planet of decisive action, remains retrograde in inquisitive Gemini all month. Curiosity is at an all-time high, but there could also be a lot of aggressive communication around; be mindful, kind and stay focused. Brightness and positivity arrives with the Sagittarius new moon on the 22nd.


November presents some financial challenges as the radiant Sun, Venus and Mercury all line up in this sector of your chart. This is the month to be bold and courageous, changes must now be made, particularly around the Taurus full moon on the 8th. Maverick Uranus is also involved and snap decisions may have to be made


Partnerships and relationships are your primary focus for November, with the planetary emphasis in determined Scorpio you will find yourself drawn to assert yourself and ask for what you need. Although you usually resist change, right now you're more open to endless possibilities that in time can lead to greater achievements.


November may feel like a difficult month as forceful Mars continues to move backwards in your sign. Take heart as this might be just the right time for a lifestyle/work review as your curiosity as at its peak. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are all lined up in powerful position to assist you with any wise decisions that you need to make.


November indicates some necessary changes around your close relationships, as well as a deepening of self-love and acceptance. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are strong in determined Scorpio and it’s time to look carefully at how you are creating the life you're living. The Taurus full moon on the 8th offers you the chance to assert yourself and be courageous.


November is an important month for you to set the foundations for your future success. There is an excellent opportunity for you to adopt new habits that will support your dreams and future goals. Domestic changes are also on the horizon and you’ll need to discipline yourself to stay committed to your family and to your own wellbeing and prosperity.


November indicates the start of new creative endeavours as you feel enticed to share your talents and express yourself in a more innovative way. Venus arriving in optimistic Sagittarius on the 16th in your domestic sector, suggests that family matters are about to become a top priority. Stay focussed, as anything that distracts you could get you into trouble.


Finances and your values are in the spotlight during November as the radiant Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Scorpio, powerfully energise this area of your chart. This is an exciting time, during which you could make some important and far reaching decisions. Communication gets a boost after the 16th as Mercury arrives in optimistic Sagittarius.


The Sun, Venus and Mercury are all in your sign this month, indicating that your mind is curious and focussed as you prepare to examine new ideas. You need to have faith in your ability to make wise decisions as it's also an excellent time to learn a new skill. The full moon in your opposite sign on the on the 8th gives you the courage to go for any new opportunities that come your way.


November highlights a rather introspective and private part of your chart, take some valuable time out so that you can embrace the opportunity to overcome any worries, fears and doubts that might be holding you back. A lucky break looks set to come your way after harmonious Venus and communicative Mercury both arrive in your sign around the 16th/17th.


November is super charged as the Sun, Venus and Mercury all line up in Scorpio and make their presence felt. Community spirit and humanitarian goals look set to be on your agenda as you develop new associations and friendships. The full moon on the 8th offers the prospect of a new romance, as your long held dreams and aspirations finally take shape.


November indicates some very favourable planetary aspects


as the radiant Sun, Mercury and Venus are at the highest point in your chart making challenging connections to innovative Uranus, your ruler. You’ll need to stay wide awake and attentive to any new prospects that suddenly appear out of nowhere.
November offers the perfect opportunity to make your life exactly what you want it to be, without any restriction, fear or inhibition. Your ruler Neptune is closely aligned with beneficial Jupiter in your sign, indicating that you should feel as if you are coming into your full power, particularly after the 24th. Now is the perfect time to envisage your ideal future. NAVIGATE YOUR WAY THROUGH these challenging times, discover your unique birth map and take a refreshing new look at the months ahead. Be more positive and plan with in-depth knowledge and cosmic awareness as you tune into your highest potential and be alerted to when positive and productive planetary cycles are working in your favour. Consultations are available on Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or telephone, please contact me for more information. Christine Chalklin Inspirational Astrologer and Life Coach Email: Website: Mobile: 07813 483549 Find me on Facebook:

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for Children

Adam Purves

Apollo Blinds

Art Home Renovations

Eden Aesthetics

Elite Decorators


Gala Baptist Church

Gala Church of Scotland

Gala Garden

Bethel Rock Church 36 Gala Library

Border Canopy Company

Border Cleaning Fairies

Border Vets

Gala Opera

Gala Rugby Club

Galashiels Mobility

Borders Buses 17 Green Spaces

Manor School of Ballet

Our Lady & St Andrew


Pavilion Cinema

Pet Crematorium


Rate Card

RC Electrical 29

Recipe 16

Rugby Heritage Centre 34

School Bell Tuition 31

Bowden & Melrose Church 38 Gutter Pro

Buglass Gas Services 48 Haystoun Property

Caddonfoot Hall 34 Haystoun Trades

Caddonfoot Parish Church 38 Hilarys Blinds

Cafe Sitooterie 18 Horoscopes

Castle Warehouse 9 House of Hearing

Snappy Shopper 25

Slimming World 57 Brothers of Charity 27 Harrisons Ford

St Peter's Episcopal 44

Stobo Castle 39

Sudoko 24,43

Suzanne Ferguson Bookkeeping 44

Taylors Family Butcher 32

CBC Service and Repairs 29 Infinity Blu 21,61 Tempest Brewing 11 Chris Sinton Painter

Advice Bureau

James Graham Roofing

Top Toys 40

John Lamont MP 26,55 TriFitness 23

Euan Jardine 18,26 JS Repair


de la Crème




Keith Penny Décor

Leaflet Distribution

Let it Snow

Little Knitting Fairy

Mackenzie Plumbing

Helpful Numbers to Hand

Unite Union

Volunteer Borders 28

Willie's Wonky Computer

Wilson Electrics

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