Gala Life December 2022

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Gala Life

A local magazine with directory of trades and businesses - 12,000 copies delivered FREE to every home and business in Galashiels, Tweedbank, Melrose, Clovenfords, Darnick, Dingleton, Newstead and Gattonside.

December 2022

Your Community

All the news from our MPs, Councillors, Clubs, Groups and Churches.

Willie's Wonky Computer

Willie looks at protecting your kids and new computer when going online this Xmas.


Spice it up with a heart warming soup based on a Thai Red Curry.

Fitness With Alan Clinch

This month Alan looks at keeping trim over the festive period.



Learn the history of our favourite Christmas tipple and enjoy the recipe.

Christmas Books

As a present, or to curl up with this Christmas, books are great!

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4 10 14 16 18 20 Deadline for January Advertising Debbie - 07545299491 Photography & Design Lynsey - 07305577953 Editor Willie - 07906375953 Gala Life 57 Glen Crescent, Peebles EH45 9BS 14 Recipe 25,27 Sudoku 20 Christmas Books 50 The Gala Garden


Our Sudoku is also online this month, play every day and keep your brain active!

Gala Rugby Club

All the latest news, gossip and results from the boys in maroon.

Feeling SAD?

We look at Seasonal Affective Disorder and share some tips for those winter blues.

The Gala Garden

Sheila gives some great tips in planning your garden over the year.

Welcome to the December edition of Gala Life. This year has absolutely flown by and we can hardly believe that the Christmas Season is upon us. To help get everyone in the mood we have some fantastic places to eat, drink and be merry with friends and family. Christmas means gifts and this month we have a lovely array of gift providers in the magazine. You won't be short of a present!

As the nights draw in, find a bit of time for a good book by the fire. We took a look at some of the favourite books for this year. Without so much daylight we can also feel the need for comforts and we have some great tips for beating the winter blues.

This month is a time to celebrate and our churches have plenty of extra services. Santa will be at Abbotsford, there's music, markets and don't forget the pantomime!

Welcome to our new advertisers and thank you to all our existing ones, without whom we couldn’t produce this wee magazine. We appreciate the support and kindness and wish all our advertisers, columnists, contributors and of course you, the reader, a VERY Merry Christmas.

Hope your chimney's clean....

Stay safe (and warm) and see you in 2023.

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42 48 50 is the 8th December 25 48 Feeling SAD 18 Mulled Wine

Our Gala Life Community

Please check with individual groups for the latest information.

Borders Recovery Group - Meet Fridays 5-7pm @ Focus Centre. This group is run for and by people with lived experience of recovery. "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; it's connection" Johann Hari. This group is a safe and welcoming space for anyone who is 16+ to meet for peer support, fun activities and training. For more info contact or 07971757514.

Gala Waterways Group The Group usually meets at 10.00am until noon on the first Saturday of each month and typically prunes trees, clears undergrowth and removes rubbish along the Gala Water and Mill Lade in Galashiels. For more information contact or 07763 850087.

Gala Policies Group - The group holds a litter pick round Gala Policies on the last Saturday of the month from 10 - 12pm. Meet up at entrance to the Policies near Gala swimming pool. Litter pickers and bags provided. Please bring own gloves if possible. We are COVID compliant.

Lindean Carpet Bowling Club - We open for the new season at Lindean Village Hall Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Great fun for all ages, we welcome back members old and new. Don’t worry if you haven’t played the game before, tuition available for beginners. Why not give it a try! For more details phone 01896755316

Gala Squash and Racketball Club - Monday night 7pm - late: Club Night at Gala Squash Club, turn up and have a hit. £2 for members and £4 for Non-Members. Every Thursday 7pm-8.30pm is Ladies Night at Gala Squash Club - Turn up and have a hit about and a laugh, all ladies welcome.

One Acchord Ladies A Cappella Chorus - Ladies, if you want to sing, please come and meet us at Bowden Village Hall, Main Street, Bowden, TD6 0SS. Learn to sing in 4 Part Harmony, no auditions needed. We welcome everyone who wants to join us. Rehearsal times: 3 Wednesdays 7:30-9:30pm and 1 Saturday 2-5pm a month. Phone 07710699619 or visit our website

The Eildon Singers - We are a mixed voice choir of some 40 members from all over the central Borders. We sing mainly classical works, with some lighter pieces. Our rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, in the Ormiston Rooms, Market Square, Melrose, from 7.15 to 9.00 p.m. We'll be preparing music for our Christmas concert on Sunday 4th December, and new singers are always welcome (no auditions). If you would like more information please ring our secretary, Margery Inglis, on 01750 21085.

Syrinx Flutes - meet one Monday evening (7pm to 9pm) a month from August to May in the Corn Exchange at Melrose with leader Lis Dooner (07774 813693) Or try in the first instance. All abilities from approx Grade 3. Why not dust off your underused flute and join our friendly group? It’s such fun playing with others.

Gala Water Singers - Christmas Concert 2022 – Sunday 11th December at 3pm at Stow Church. Ticket price £10 and under 16 free includes wine (soft drink) and nibbles. We plan to go Carol singing on Tuesday 13th December stating at Heriot meeting at Heriot bridge at 6pm to sing at the village at A7 first then go to school for 7pm. Then on Thursday 15th December we shall be in Stow carol singing. Starting at 6pm at Craigend Road, onto Mill Road, then the Christmas Tree at the cross roads, then finishing in the Station House. Date for restart after Christmas is Tuesday 10 January 2023, more details will be advertised nearer the time. Please ring John on 01578 730289 for more information or check our Facebook page for updates.

Galashiels Clef Club. Our next meeting is Saturday 10th December at 7.30pm at Lucy Sanderson Hall in Tweed Terrace. We offer a friendly welcome to everyone who can play an instrument or

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sing and they are free to choose any piece of music to entertain their fellow members. The range of music is wide and includes all styles of classical music, along with folksongs and songs from the shows, excursions into jazz, and members' own compositions. Please contact our president, Dorothea dmghall@hotmail or secretary John for more information. Our website is for more information.

Pipe Band - The Galashiels Ex-Service Pipe Band, Wednesday nights, 7pm at The Royal British Legion Club, Park Street, Galashiels. Experienced players and beginners most welcome to join. Please contact the secretary, Scott Mitchell on

The Galashiels Town Band - Our Christmas Concert is on 16th December at 7:30pm in the Volunteer Hall. Tickets £8 and £6 (concession), Primary Age free! See advert for details. The Band will also be out in the town bringing some festive cheer! Come and say “Merry Christmas” or ask for a carol. We are friendly and are always looking for new members. For more information please contact or call Nichola Broatch on 07856266230.

Gala Windbags - We are a charitable group affiliated to chest heart and stroke Scotland with meetings every Thursday 1.30 to 3.30pm in Lucy Sanderson Hall Galashiels. Contact details are Hazel Crombie phone 01896 753788

Gentle Exercise Class for Older Adults - Langlee Community Centre - £3 per class. 10.30-11.15am every Wednesday - contact 07713357450 to book.

Al-Anon Family Groups - Every Wednesday at 7.30pm, Chaplaincy Centre at the Border General Hospital. Access is though the main entrance to the hospital and follow the pink zone on the ground floor till you see the sign for the Chaplaincy Centre. Many people are affected by the excessive drinking of someone close to them. Find understanding, help and support in Al-Anon Family Groups. For further information call 07709948205 or visit for meetings in Selkirk and Hawick.

Dance Class - Circle Dancing is suitable for almost everyone, dancing in simple step patterns to wonderful music from around the world. No previous experience necessary as each dance is taught by dance leader. New dancers are very welcome to join our small friendly group. We dance every Tuesday 2 -4 pm at Anderson Chambers, Market Street, Galashiels TD1 3AF. £5 per class. A lovely way to stay active and meet new friends. For further information Contact Kate 07523 466657.

Scottish Country Dancing - Old & St Paul's Church Hall Tuesdays 7-9pm. All welcome. Contacts 01896822354 or 01578730591.

Gala Chess Club meeting every Tuesday evening at the Focus Centre, Galashiels between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. All levels welcome. Facebook - gala chess club.

Scottish Borders Versus Arthritis Support Group - meets online first Saturday of each month from 11am until 12.30pm. With a variety of interesting speakers and coffee and catch-up sessions, anyone who is living with arthritis or has an interest is very welcome. For more information, please, email

Galashiels Studio Club - The Club is for artists and people who enjoy art. We meet weekly over the winter in Old Gala House, on Thursdays at 7 30 pm for about 2 hours and have a varied programme of talks or demonstrations by professional artists and workshops some led by club members. For more information see our Facebook site or phone 07958 241798. The Club is open to all levels of artists and new members and visitors are welcome. The programme in December is: 1 December: Practical, painting wildlife, by Jan Ferguson, Professional Artist. 8 December : Social evening. Activities will resume on 12 January 2023.

‘Heart for Art’ Trinity Church Hall, High St, Galashiels every Wednesday afternoon, 1.30pm to

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3.30pm. This is a Church of Scotland project which seeks to bring creativity and connection to those living with dementia in Scotland. Come along to our free art classes (with a carer if you wish) where staff of experienced professional artists and volunteers have enhanced dementia training. For more information look on facebook @CrossReachHeartForArt or email:

Langlee Badminton Club Thursdays, 5.15pm-7pm in the main hall at Langlee Community Centre, Marigold Drive, Galashiels, £2 per session. Under-16s must be accompanied by parent/ guardian. We're a friendly group who get together once a week to play badminton, all year round. Beginners welcome, racquets and shuttles provided. Call Kevin Janiak on 07825 269667 for more information.

Eildon Ramblers - If you enjoy walking you’ll enjoy walking with the Eildon Ramblers. We meet weekly on either a Saturday or a Sunday at 10.00am at various locations in the Borders. To see details of upcoming walks visit or for general information please email or phone 07877 159126. Our motto is friendship, fitness, fun and fresh air.

Red Gauntlet Archers - we have restarted the indoor shooting sessions at at Langlee Community Centre on Thursday nights 7.30 - 9.30 pm. We are starting a beginners course which runs for five weeks from 10 November, followed by an improver’s course for a further 5 weeks - As space is limited we can only accommodate six people at once. Another beginners course will start in January. Red Gauntlet is one of the oldest field archery clubs in Scotland. We currently shoot outdoors in Elibank forest and indoors at Langlee Community Centre. Our current members attend competitions all over Scotland. Field archery can be enjoyed at all levels from a pleasant day out to top level competition. Anyone interested can come along and see what is involved or phone Jim at 01750 20660. Melrose Historical and Archaeological Association and The Melrose Literary Society Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th December, at 7:30pm in Marmions @ the Wynd, off Buccleuch Street, Melrose - when our guest speaker, John David McLean, will present an illustrated lecture'A Runaway Slave in Duns'. All welcome. Free to Members, £4 to visitors. Ormiston Bridge Club - The club meets each Monday at 6.30pm in Gala Rugby Club from September to April. New members are very welcome. If your bridge is a bit rusty or you are unfamiliar with club play, we can provide some refresher sessions. For more information email or visit the Ormiston club website. Hope to see you in September!

Galashiels & District Probus Club - We provide regular meetings for retired and semi-retired professional and business men and women to enjoy the company of like-minded people who appreciate the camaraderie of being part of the Club. We meet fortnightly from September to May on Thursday mornings at the Waverley Castle Hotel, Melrose and after tea or coffee we enjoy a wide variety of interesting talks by guest speakers. We are always open to welcome new members and if you are interested in joining please ask any member or phone 01896 822892 for more information.

Galashiels Inner Wheel Club - The club normally meets every 3rd Tuesday in the month at Cafe Recharge in Island Street at 7pm but in December we will instead be going out to the Kingsknowes hotel for our Christmas meal on the 6th December. Then on the 21st December some club members are attending the pantomime in Edinburgh. Our normal monthly meetings will resume as normal in January. If you want to come along and see what the club is about then please contact Sheila on 07708732320 for further information.

Galashiels Camera Club - we meet almost every Wednesday at The red Room, Langlee

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Willie’s Wonky Computer Factory

It’s that time of year again, when Santa will bring a new computer, laptop, tablet or phone that will introduce children to the wonders of the World Wide Web for their first time.

Keeping them safe whilst unsupervised is worrying and I would advise parents to read up on practical advice on internet security and social media etiquette for kids. There are plenty websites offering advice; just Google ‘keep children safe online’. To get you started try keeping-children-safe/online-safety/#advice as a good starting point.

Your other problem from day one is Malware. This is a malicious software designed to harm any of your devices. It can be installed without your knowledge, often through deceptive links or downloads posing as something which might attract you or your kid’s attention. Once installed, cyber criminals can try to access personal information. They do this by logging key strokes or monitoring activity. Your device could also be controlled and forced to visit websites, send spam email or perform other actions without your knowledge. The effects of malware can be anything from a brief annoyance to identity theft. A few examples of malware are:

Virus: a computer program that can copy itself and infect your device.

Worm: a self-replicating malware program sends copies of itself to other computers.

Spyware: malware that collects information about users without their knowledge.

Adware: automatically plays, displays, or downloads adverts to a device.

Ransomware: virus that blocks access to the device and requires a ransom to be paid to release it.

Trojan Horse: a destructive program that masquerades as an application. It pretends to be a program you want, but steals information or harms the system.

Here are a few simple steps that you can take to protect yourself and your family against malware:

Turn on automatic updates to keep your device and its protection up to date.

Never connect to the internet without having a good quality anti-virus/malware program installed.

Always keep an eye on what you click and download and explain the dangers in these to your kids. Clicking unfamiliar links can expose your device to malicious software and websites. This software often contains programs that scan your computer or track what you type, including your password, so it’s advisable to block downloads for younger users and teach teens to only download from trusted sources. Always hover over links to check the address before you click. When in doubt, use trusted bookmarks for important sites.

Be careful with unfamiliar sites. If not sure, leave the site and research the software that you are being asked to install.

Do not trust anything within an email that looks suspicious. Even emails from people you know can contain malware links or attachments if their account has been hacked. Be careful when you follow links in an email - It’s better to visit websites by entering the address directly in your browser. Some programs bundle malware as a part of their installation process. When you install software, pay close attention to the message boxes. It’s also good to do some research on unknown software before you start the installation process. If you’re worried that the software might be harmful, stop the installation immediately.

Your friends may give you a disk or flash drive with an infected file on it without their knowledge. You can scan the disk with security software before opening the files.

Do not trust pop-up windows that ask you to download software. Often, these pop-ups will make you believe that your computer has been infected and ask you to download software to fix it. Close the window and make sure that you don’t click inside the pop-up window.

Be careful with file sharing. Malware can be disguised as a film or music.

For younger children, set up parental controls. Just research for the device you are protecting and you can restrict access to certain types of website, prevent downloading and online purchases. Merry Christmas.

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Community centre, Galashiels. If you are interested in photography visit our website www. Professionals, Enthusiast and beginners are all welcome.

Borders Family History Society - We have decided to close for the winter months. Our last open day will be Tuesday 29th November and we will reopen on Thursday 2nd February 2023. However, during that time, if you have research that cannot wait, we will gladly make a 2 hour appointment for you to meet with our researchers. Please email with your details.

Alternatively call 01896 750387 and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

The Three Brethren u3a, Galashiels - Our Special Christmas meeting will be on Monday 19th December 2pm at the Galashiels Rugby Club in Netherdale. If you are not a member, why not come to a 'taster' event and meet us? Come along and enjoy a festive afternoon! Details at or ring 01896 823493.

Rolling Hills Folk - Friday 16th December - Christmas Party. - Doors open at 7.30 for 8pm start. At the RHFC Christmas Party basically, anything goes so get it in the diary. Come along with festive food/snacks to share and BYOB. All ages are welcome with no pressure to perform but if you have a Christmas party piece we'd love to hear it as music song, recitation or even a joke or two-be as daft as you like! There will be a festive raffle and no charge for admission. Venue: Smith Memorial Hall, Abbotsford Road, Darnick, TD6 9AH (with disabled access). Phone 07986 644661 for more information. Find us on Facebook and at our website

Reiver Petanque - formerly Melrose and Galashiels Petanque Club, now meets at the playing area near The Waterwheel Tea Room, Philiphaugh, Selkirk, TD7 5LU for regular Club days on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons 1pm-4pm. At other times the area is open to anyone to play with their own equipment unless notices on Facebook or on the noticeboard at the piste state otherwise. There will be occasional league and other matches between other clubs throughout the year. Please contact Peter on 07895 275669 or Ron on 07986 644661 for more information and come along, learn about the sport from established players and have fun. The area is accessible for wheelchair users and the sport is suitable for all ages.

Borders Philatelic Society - we welcome new members who have an interest in Postal History, Stamps or Postcards at any level from all across the Borders. We are a small friendly club meeting fortnightly on Monday nights, 7.30 until 9pm in the Church Hall, Old Parish & St. Pauls in Scott Crescent Galashiels TD1 3JU. Please contact John Brown on 01721 723759 or Email him at for further information, or just turn up to meet like minded souls! The 2023 dates are:- February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3.

The Great Tapestry of Scotland Afternoon Tea - Available on the last Sunday of the month. Treat yourself or someone you care for with The Great Tapestry of Scotland’s Afternoon Tea in Stitchers Café. Enjoy a range of specialty teas, a selection of sandwiches, savoury bites and sweet treats with a Tapestry mocktail. Booking required, please see or call 01896 809353.

John Lamont MP

Ministerial Appointment

I am honoured to have been appointed as a UK Government minister as part of Rishi Sunak’s new team. My new role is Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland with responsibility for how the UK Government delivers for Scottish people. However, despite my new responsibilities, I remain the MP for Galashiels and the rest of the constituency in the Borders. I am also making sure that I am back home in the Borders just as much

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1 tablespoon olive oil

500g boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into 1-inch chunks

3 garlic cloves, minced

1 red pepper, diced

1 onion, diced

3 tablespoons red curry paste

1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger

1.5ltr chicken stock

400ml can coconut milk

125g rice noodles

1 tablespoon fish sauce

2 teaspoons brown sugar

3 spring onions, thinly sliced

1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander leaves

1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves

2 tablespoons lime juice

Thai red curry noodle soup


1. Heat olive oil in a large stockpot over medium heat. Season chicken with salt and pepper, add to the stockpot and cook until golden, about 2-3 minutes then set aside.

2. Add garlic, red pepper and onion. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 5 minutes.

3. Stir in red curry paste and ginger until fragrant, about 1 minute.

4. Stir in chicken stock and coconut milk, scraping any browned bits from the bottom of the pot.

5. Stir in chicken. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until reduced, about 15 minutes.

6. Stir in rice noodles, fish sauce and brown sugar until noodles are tender, about 5 minutes.

7. Remove from heat, stir in green onions, coriander, basil and lime juice, season with salt and pepper, to taste.

8. Serve with crusty bread

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14 Pitlochry Life


It’s been a bit of a year – two years of Covid followed by a pretty difficult period of economic uncertainty and rising bills…. Looking forward to a break? I think we all are, but it’s important to maintain fitness and some level of activity over the festive period. Can it be done? Of course, as long as you’re a little careful and don’t just go for the big blowout! Here are a few suggestions to try and ensure a good time over the festive period, and that your clothes still fit in the new year.

1: Don’t pig out: you’re probably reading this during the holiday period, when there is often a temptation to eat extra ‘because it’s there’. Already eaten half the chocolates (…and even the Bounties!) ? – you probably wouldn’t do it at any other time, so keep the treats out of sight, because that’s what they are – treats. Try to avoid piling plates high and stick with your normal quantities of food –concentrate on enjoying the food rather than the quantity.

2: And on the subject of quantity: The normal calorific intake for males and females is likely to be more than catered for by a ‘standard’ Christmas lunch, so bear in mind that sitting in front of ‘Strictly’s Greatest Hits’ on television is unlikely to burn all the excess energy: you don’t have to give up on the traditional food if you like it, just bear in mind that the rest of the day can involve less sedentary activities rather than eating!

3: Keep it regular: eating small amounts on a regular basis will help your body to cope better with the energy demands – this means that your body will burn calories as it needs them rather than trying to conserve energy and then eating large amounts of fatty ‘quick fix’ foods at a celebration. Breakfast and a good balance of carbs, fats, fibre, liquid (....!) and a little protein will keep your body ticking over happily. This

definitely doesn’t mean loitering beside the buffet or ‘tasting’ what you’re cooking – that’ll just ensure you eat constantly!

4: Keep hydrated: Water is essential, but it’s also important to ensure that your liquid intake contains an appropriate balance of alcoholic and other drinks. Remember water helps regulate temperature, blood pressure and ensures efficient digestion (as well as helping stave off the effects of hangovers). Watch the units of alcohol: a bottle of red or white wine can have over 500 calories in it, and a pint of premium lager has around 335: a few of these may need more than a little exercise to recover from....

And finally 5: Exercise: You should try to exercise or do physical activity all of the time, so there’s no need to stop over the break – it might be a good idea to produce a plan of what you intend to do and when it might be possible – this will help to ensure that the New Year’s resolution is achievable.

As ever: if you don’t normally exercise (or haven’t exercised for a while), or have any medical conditions which might cause problems, check with your Doctor to ensure it’s safe to increase your activity levels. New Year’s Resolutions should help, not hurt….

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with Alan Clinch Exercising and Maintaining Fitness Over the Christmas Period

Mulled Wine

Remember the classic sketch in Monty Python's Life of Brian? When John Cleese, playing Reg, at a People's Front of Judea meeting asks... 'All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what HAVE the Romans done for us?'

Well he forgot one other thing. You guessed itMulled Wine.

Mulled wine dates back to Roman times, when they used fruit and spices to disguise a wine that was about to go off. However, it wasn’t actually until the 14th century that the mix of wine, fruit and spices gained its name, from an Old English word meaning “muddled.” While the word “muddle” is most commonly used today to denote a generally confused state, in its original meaning, that confused state was brought about with alcohol.

Charles Dickens gets the credit for elevating mulled wine into a traditional Christmas drink. While mulled wine appeared in several of the beloved novelist’s books, it was its appearance in his popular short story, A Christmas Carol, that sealed its place in Christmas culinary history.

Mulled wine was also featured in the Christmas movie classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. When Clarence the Angel visits a modern bar, he considers ordering a 'flaming rum punch,' then decides 'no, it’s not cold enough for that,' then orders 'Mulled wine, heavy on the cinnamon and light on the cloves. Off with you, me lad, and be lively!'

All mulled wine recipes begin with dry red wine. Zinfandel, Syrah or Merlot are a good choice. Many mulled wine recipes fortify the wine with brandy, port or cordial. Citrus fruits are added to the wine, along with spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger. Some recipes for mulled wine use sugar or honey for a sweeter taste.

Here's an easy Mulled Wine Recipe to get you started, but feel free to experiment:

1 bottle dry red wine

125ml brandy (or to taste)

1 orange, use the zest, remove the pith, then slice the fruit into rounds

2 lemons, use the zest, remove the pith, then slice the fruit into rounds

8 tbls honey - or to your desired sweetness

3 cinnamon sticks

6 whole cloves

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Combine all the ingredients in a large saucepan and heat slowly until it begins to steam. Do not allow the mixture to boil as all the alcohol will evaporate, it should be 'finger hot' ie you can still stick your finger in without getting burned. Serve in mugs.


• Cheap plonk makes cheap mulled plonk.

• Orange and lemon pith leave a bitter flavour, use the zest and the fleshy bit only.

• Use stainless steel or enamel pots; aluminium and copper leave a metallic taste.

• If you feel the need, all the fruit and spices in these recipes can be removed with a slotted spoon. But first ask yourself, do you struggle with the fruit in a cocktail?

• Taste as you go, especially for sweetness. Demerara sugar rather than honey adds a more caramelised flavour. White sugar dissolves quickest.

Experiment with some star anise, apple, ginger, marjoram, coriander or fennel seeds.

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Whether you’re cosying up by the fire, snowed in and bored, recouperating from that late night Christmas party, or simply Netflixed out, there's not a better way to escape than a good book. Here's what's top of our reading list this winter. Hardback, Softback or Kindle - lose yourself...

Maggie O’Farrell- The Marriage Portrait

O’Farrell paints as evocative a picture of Renaissance Italy as she did Shakespearean England in the former Waterstones Book of the Year Hamnet, as Cosimo de’ Medici’s third daughter learns to navigate an opaque Florentine court and an enigmatic new husband. Winter, 1561. Lucrezia, Duchess of Ferrara, is taken on an unexpected visit to a country villa by her husband, Alfonso. As they sit down to dinner it occurs to Lucrezia that Alfonso has a sinister purpose in bringing her here. He intends to kill her.

Lucrezia is sixteen years old, and has led a sheltered life locked away inside Florence’s grandest palazzo. Here, in this remote villa, she is entirely at the mercy of her increasingly erratic husband. What is Lucrezia to do with this sudden knowledge? What chance does she have against Alfonso, ruler of a province, and a trained soldier? How can she ensure her survival.

The Marriage Portrait is an unforgettable reimagining of the life of a young woman whose proximity to power places her in mortal danger.

Maggie O’Farrell brings the world of Renaissance Italy to jewel-bright life, and offers an unforgettable portrait of a resilient young woman’s battle for her very survival.

John D. Burns - Bothy Tales

Beth Moran - Let It Snow

After the end of a long-term relationship, local weather girl Bea Armstrong has been avoiding her family, and their inevitable ‘I-told-you-sos.’ But with Christmas fast approaching, she is finally on her way home to Charis House, the school in Sherwood Forest that her mum and dad run in their old family home. And to top it all off, the insufferable Henry Fairfax – who her parents have always wanted her to marry – has also been invited. Relief comes in the shape of a last minute interview for her dream job. There are just a few minor problems… The interview is in Scotland, Bea has no car, and the snow is falling already. The only solution is for Henry to drive her –could this Christmas get any worse?

But during an unforgettable two day interview, a stay in a log cabin and a nightmare journey through the snow, Henry turns out to be nothing like she thought. And when Bea’s first love and recent ex shows up, Bea has a difficult choice to make.

Reading Beth Moran’s fabulous novels makes every day better. Feelgood, satisfying, with smart characters and gorgeous settings, it’s impossible not to fall in love with a Beth Moran story.

In this book, the follow-up to The Last Hillwalker, travel to secret places hidden amongst the British hills and share the author’s passion for the wonderful wilderness of our uplands. From remote glens deep in the Scottish Highlands, this book brings a new volume of tales - some dramatic, some moving, some hilarious - from the isolated mountain shelters called bothies. Meet the vivid cast of characters who play their games there, from climbers with more confidence than sense to a young man who doesn’t have the slightest idea what he’s letting himself in for…

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Richard Osman - The Bullet That

Missed (book 3 of 3) Osman’s beloved ageing investigators return in another captivating mystery that blends wry wit and deft characterisation with fastpaced, intricate plotting. It is an ordinary Thursday and things should finally be returning to normal. Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club are concerned. A decadeold cold case leads them to a local news legend and a murder with no body and no answers. Then a new foe pays Elizabeth a visit. Her mission? Kill. Or be killed. As the cold case turns white hot, Elizabeth wrestles with her conscience (and a gun), while Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim chase down clues with help from old friends and new. But can the gang solve the mystery and save Elizabeth before the murderer strikes again

Stanley Tucci - Taste

Filled with nostalgia and humour, this heart-warming memoir from the beloved actor and food enthusiast Stanley Tucci is a celebration of unforgettable meals and the importance of gastronomic joy in life.

Before Stanley Tucci became a household name with The Devil Wears Prada, The Hunger Games, and the perfect Negroni, he grew up in an Italian American family that spent every night around the table. He shared the magic of those meals with us in The Tucci Cookbook and The Tucci Table, and now he takes us beyond the recipes and into the stories behind them.

Taste is a reflection on the intersection of food and life, filled with anecdotes about growing up in Westchester, New York, preparing for and filming the foodie films Big Night and Julie & Julia, falling in love over dinner, and teaming up with his wife to create conversationstarting meals for their children. Each morsel of this gastronomic journey through good times and bad, fivestar meals and burnt dishes, is as heartfelt and delicious as the last.

George R.R. Martin, Elio M. Garcia Jr. & Linda Antonsson - The Rise of The Dragon

The Rise of the Dragon: The history behind 2022’s highly anticipated HBO and Sky TV series HOUSE OF THE DRAGON from the internationally bestselling creator of epic fantasy classic GAME OF THRONES Immerse yourself in the history of one of Westeros’ most notorious dynasties with this sumptuous, full-colour companion to the intrigues, adventures and dragons of House Targaryen, from the creative powerhouse behind A Song of Ice and Fire. For hundreds of years, the Targaryens sat on the Iron Throne of Westeros while their dragons ruled the skies. The story of the only family of dragonlords to survive Valyria’s Doom is a tale of twisty politics, alliances and betrayals, and acts both noble and craven. The Rise of the Dragon chronicles the creation and rise of Targaryen power in Westeros, covering the history first told in George R. R. Martin’s epic Fire & Blood, from Aegon Targaryen’s conquest of Westeros through to the infamous Dance of the Dragons— the bloody civil war that nearly undid Targaryen rule for good. Packed with all-new artwork, the Targaryens—and their dragons—come vividly to life in this deluxe reference book. Perfect for fans steeped in the lore of Westeros, as well as those who first meet the Targaryens in the HBO series House of the Dragon, The Rise of the Dragon provides a must-have overview for anyone looking to learn more about the most powerful family in Westeros.

Gala Life 21

as before.

Holding advice surgeries across the Borders, visiting businesses, and helping constituents remains my absolute priority.

Cost of Living

If you are in receipt of certain benefits, such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit, you should have received a payment of £324 during November to help you with your bills this winter. This comes in addition to the £326 payment back in July. This total £650 payment is going to more than 11,000 families across the Scottish Borders.

Similarly, every household should be seeing a discount of around £66 in their monthly electricity bills to help keep costs down, with the government also freezing energy costs for the typical household at £2,500 per year.

Around in 1 in 10 households should have received £150 payment in September if you are in receipt of some disability benefits. Over 8 million pensioner households who receive Winter Fuel Payments in the UK will also receive an extra £300 payment over the coming months.

If you believe you are eligible for any of this help but have not received it, please do get in touch with me and I will do my best to assist.

Christmas and New Year

It is hard to believe that we are heading towards the Christmas period yet again. This will be the first Christmas since 2019 without any Covid-19 restrictions. I am certainly looking forward to a few days off and spending it with friends and family. I hope you are too.

Of course, at Christmas, lots of people in our NHS, Armed Forces, and in our essential industries have to spend time away from their families working. Our thanks must go to all who keep us safe and healthy, especially at this time of year.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Councillor - Gala & District, Conservative

Something about a World Cup in November doesn't feel right. However, I am confident it will be a success as there will be something nice about watching the feast of football in the lead-up to Christmas. Although, I should have put my prediction sheet away and never looked at it again after I gave you a wrong prediction by stating that Peru would do well in the 2018 World Cup in the June 2018 Gala Life. In the end, I got it completely wrong. However, I am convinced that Senegal will have a strong tournament this time. If I get it wrong this time, I will undoubtedly hang up my prediction sheet forever. But I guess that's the fun thing about tournaments like the World Cup. You just never know what can happen. Another prediction I would like to make is that Scotland will play in the World Cup again in the next ten years. They are starting to build a belief within the national squad that anything is possible and were unlucky to miss out this time around. I am quite sure that the cultivation of a generation of players like Dalgleish, Law and Bremner wasn't about luck or just a moment in time. The talent for the beautiful game is still in our DNA. We just need to figure out how to make it work!

I will hold an advice surgery on Wednesday, 7th December 5-6 pm at Quins Restaurant Galashiels. Don't hesitate to contact me at the details below if you need assistance with any issues. Telephone – 07811977720

Facebook – @VoteEuanJardine Twitter - @VoteJardine

22 Gala Life
Continued on page 24

Citizens Advice Bureau

Rising energy costs and general cost of living increases are a concern to us all. There are various funds and payments available which you may have already received. Some you will get automatically and others have to be applied for. Get in touch and our Advisers will work with you to see what you could be eligible for, answer your questions and help you apply.

Accessing benefits and funds you are entitled to could make a difference to your household income and be very welcome towards the cost of Christmas and a good start to 2023.

Central Borders Citizens Advice Bureau

111 High Street, Galashiels RD1 1RZ. Call 01896 753889, e-mail:

Volunteer Borders is Calling for Volunteers

The current cost of living crisis will affect us all, but the impact will be disproportionately felt by those who are already struggling. Volunteering your time with charities and community groups is something you could do to support those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged in the Borders this winter. If you are able to offer your free time to make a difference, we would like to hear from you. Call Volunteer Borders on 01896 754 041 or email for more information.

Abbey Consort

Concert by 'Abbey Consort' and George Heriot's School Chamber Choir Church of Our Lady and St Andrew, Galashiels - Sunday, 11th December, 7pm. Price - £10.00. As a celebration to mark and honour the musical life of Colin Fox, founder of the choir, 'Abbey Consort'.'

'Abbey Consort' was established as a small Borders choir of 25 singers, by a renowned local singer and musician, Colin Fox, in 2002. The choir repertoire originally consisted mainly of single major works, but has evolved over the years to include more varied programmes offering a pot pourri of shorter pieces from a multitude of genres and eras - in addition to major works. Sadly Colin passed away in 2021, but with many of the original members still singing in the choir, we wanted to perform a concert in his honour during our twentieth anniversary.

Johann Sebastian Bach was Colin's favourite composer and so we are including the Bach 'Magnificat' in the programme. Our present Musical Director, James Letham, has written a wonderful composition in four parts to accompany the words of Joseph Warton's 'Ode to Music'. This is a most fitting and outstandingly beautiful tribute to Colin Fox.

The Chamber Choir from George Heriot's School will be joining us in this concert.

Gala Opera - Back In March!

After an enforced 3 year absence, we are delighted to be able to announce that we are on our way back! A few months ago we chose our ‘come back’ show. We set about choosing a show which was well known, popular with young and old, and had great music. After the last few years, we wanted a fun, light hearted show with a feel good factor. Something that would appeal to newContinuedmembers

24 Gala Life
on page 30

How to play............

Gala Life 25 8 3 7 4 6 9 1 1 5 3 6 4 8 3 4 1 9 2 6 1 2 5 4 6 9 3 7 4 8 9 2 6 1 3 9 7 6 2 8 4 5 This Month’s Easy
Fill the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. That’s all there is to it! Use reasoning and logic to solve the puzzle - there’s no maths or adding up. Look carefully for what numbers can go where and with a little practice it will get easier!
26 Gala Life


How to play............

Fill the grid so that every row, column and every 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 9 with no repetition. That’s all there is to it! Use reasoning and logic to solve the puzzle - there’s no maths or adding up.

Look carefully for what numbers can go where and with a little practice it will get easier!

Gala Life 27 2 1 9 5 4 4 7 2 8 7 6 2 6 1 3 4 2 1 3 6 4 4 5 8 2 6
This Month’s Tricky
Gala Life 29

and old and something audiences would want to come and see. We made our choice back in August. The show is now cast and we have been rehearsing since then. We are very excited to now be able to share publicly that our March 2023 production is ‘GREASE’! We now have our very own ‘Danny’ and ‘Sandy’ supported by a strong principal cast and a full, enthusiastic chorus. Our long established production team - Jeff Thomson and Marie McCullough - are back at the helm and everyone is working hard to get us back on stage with a bang in March! It’s been a long wait but we are now so looking forward to bringing this much loved, popular, high energy show to the Volunteer Hall stage for the Gala public.

GREASE : Volunteer Hall, Mon 6th - Saturday 11th March 2023 Further details on booking, tickets etc in the new year.


The Rugby Heritage Centre

The Rugby Heritage Centre in the clubrooms of Melrose Rugby Club will be opened to the public from 10 – 2 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the season from Sept 1st. Visiting at other times can be arranged by appointment and groups are requested to book in advance by contacting the club office.

Caddonfoot Hall

‘Wojtek, The Bear Who Went To War’. A BBC DVD will be shown and afterwards Aileen Orr, author of the book ‘Wojtek’, will invite questions. At Caddonfoot Hall on Friday 2nd December at 7.30pm, doors open at 7pm. Entry £3 includes tea and coffee. For more information email

Galashiels Church of Scotland

Old Parish & St Paul’s Church – Scott Crescent TD1 3JU

St John’s Church – Hawthorn Road, Langlee TD1 2JZ

Trinity Church – High St TD1 1SE

We are a united congregation who want to be God glorifying and Christ exalting in our worship. The Word of God is faithfully preached and therefore we would like to invite everyone to come and listen to God speaking to us through His Word. Sunday services are in these church buildings.

4th Dec 11am Old Parish & St Paul’s 6.30pm St John’s

11th Dec 11am Trinity 6.30pm St John’s

18th Dec 11am Old Parish & St Paul’s 6.30pm St John’s

25th Dec 11am Trinity

Christmas Eve Christingle Family Service at 6pm in Trinity

30 Gala Life
Continued on page 36
Gala Life 31
Gala Life 35 Thinking about a move? No one values your home more Contact our Galashiels office to arrange a Home Report or survey. T: 01896 752009 or

Saturday 3rd Dec Drop & Shop Messy Church for P1-7, 10am-12noon in Trinity, followed by a family lunch. No charge as sponsored by the church. Places limited. Email to register your child.

Prayer Meeting – Wednesdays at 7pm in St John’s.

Girls Brigade

1st Galashiels Girls' Brigade meets on Mondays in St John's Church halls, Langlee.

Explorers P1-P3 6-7pm

Juniors P4-P7 6-7pm Brigaders S1-S6 7- 8.30pm Please contact Susan Henderson for more information about joining us:

Choir – Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7pm in Trinity building. Guild – Tuesdays at 2.15pm in Old Parish & St Paul’s on 13th December. Minister: Rev Graeme Glover e-mail: phone: 01896 209455, website:

Galashiels Baptist Church

A word from Euan Johnstone our pastor…

“There’s no room!” A cold response to a couple in need. Mary and Joseph, weary from travelling, arrive in Bethlehem seeking shelter and a place to stay. As if carrying a child wasn’t challenging enough, Mary is told she must give birth amongst the animals and lay her child in a manger. Because for her, her husband and her unborn child… “there’s no room!” This familiar phrase in the Christmas story, often heard from the mouths of stroppy inn-keepers in children’s Nativity plays, challenges us to make room for others. To open our hearts, and our eyes, to the needs of others. As we head into a difficult winter facing a cost of living and energy crisis, we are all too aware of the need that surrounds us. Not to mention the need we ourselves face!

Far from the cold response of “there’s no room,” we at Galashiels Baptist Church wish to offer everyone a warm welcome at our Warm Welcome Hub! There is room for you! On Thursdays and Fridays in December (1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th , 15th, 16th) 1-4pm, our church hall will be a warm space available for the community, with hot drinks, seating and activities available. A place where you don’t have to buy anything or do anything; a place you can simply be! And, most of all, a place you can be warm.

I also want to take this opportunity to warmly invite you to any and all of our Christmas Services. Check out our advert on page 15 to see what we have on. You can also find out more on our website. In particular, may I highlight the Galashiels Christmas Carol Service, a wonderful opportunity for us to gather as a town to celebrate the meaning of Christmas together!

No matter how you choose to celebrate Christmas, I pray you will know that when it comes to the love of Jesus, the babe born in the manger to bring joy to the world, there is always room for you! Merry Christmas!

Bowden & Melrose Parish Church

Minister Rev. Rosemary Frew. 01896 822217 email Office: 01896 823339 email

36 Gala Life
Continued on page 38

Sunday Worship

We meet for worship at 9.30am in Bowden Kirk and at 11.00am in Melrose Church. The Melrose service is livestreamed, and you can join us on our church website or Facebook page or watch the recording thereafter

A worship podcast is posted in Facebook, Instagram and our website on Saturday evenings. You can listen on 01896 808551.

Sunday 27 November, 9.30am in Bowden Kirk, 11.00am in Melrose Church – First Sunday in Advent, Celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Sunday 4 December, 9.30am in Bowden Kirk, 11.00am in Melrose Church – Worship conducted by Rev Sara Embleton. 10.00am – Family Service in Melrose Church Hall.

Friday 9 December, 7.00pm – Darnick Carol Service.

Sunday 11 December, 9.30am in Bowden Kirk, 11.00am in Melrose Church.

3.00pm – Christmas Messy Church in Melrose Church.

Sunday 18 December, 9.30am in Bowden Kirk, 11.00am in Melrose Church.

Sunday 18 December, 6.30pm – Carol singing at Bowden Village Hall.

Saturday 24 December, 6.00pm – Christingle Service in Melrose Church.

Saturday 24 December, 11.30pm – Watchnight Service in Melrose Church.

Sunday 25 December, 11.00am – Christmas Day Worship in Bowden Kirk.

Sunday 1 January, 9.30am in Bowden Kirk, 11.00am in Melrose Church.

Caddonfoot Parish Church

In the approach to Christmas, services have continued at 9.45 a.m. each Sunday at Caddonfoot Parish Church.

Services are led by the Rev Victoria Linford assisted by Mrs Anne Grieve, the Session Clerk and Worship Leader, and Mrs Catriona Bird.

Members of the congregation each week read from the Bible while music is played by Andy Bird (keyboard and piano) and Mrs Grieve and Mrs Bird (both flute). There was a day of solemnity and a Two-Minutes Silence on Remembrance Day when the service was led by Mrs Grieve and the Roll of Remembrance read out by Bill Birch. Members of the Royal British Legion, including piper and bugler, were in attendance.

Over the festive period, a Christmas Gift Appeal is planned for Sunday, December 4, with the Family Nativity service on December 18. The traditional Christmas Eve Watchnight service will be held in the church on December 24 with a Christmas Day service at our joint churches at Stow and Heriot. Members of the congregation have supported appeals: the Lent appeal for Water Aid raised £200; the Ukraine appeal £550; and the Harvest appeal for Mary’s Meals £200. Thanks to all who donated. The Remembrance Day appeal was for the Earl Haig Fund and the Christmas Gift appeal will be for the Borders Children’s Charity.

The new commemorative booklet on Melrose and Presbytery is available and makes an historical read ahead of the new Lothians Presbytery.

The Memorial Garden remains open. Visitors are asked to exercise care in the slippery conditions.

Atholl Innes continues to collect disused stamps for the Eden Valley Hospice in Brampton and thanks to all who have donated.

38 Gala Life
Continued on page 40

Roman Catholic Parish of Our Lady & St Andrew

Parish Priest: Father Andrew Kingham

Address: Catholic Presbytery, Stirling Street, Galashiels TD1 1BY. Telephone: (01896) 752328. Email: Website:

Facebook: @borderscatholic Churches: Our Lady & St Andrew, Stirling Street, Galashiels TD1 1BY. St Cuthbert’s, High Cross Avenue, Melrose, TD6 9SQ. Our Lady & St Joseph, High Street, Selkirk TD7 4JX.

Christmas Eve

6pm Vigil Mass of Christmas; 11.30pm Midnight Mass in Our Lady & St Andrew’s Church, Galashiels. Christmas Day 9.15am Dawn Mass in St Cuthbert’s Church, Melrose. 11am Mass of Christmas Day in Our Lady & St Joseph’s Church, Selkirk.

St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Galashiels

10.30am services every Sunday followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. 6.00pm Healing service every 2nd Sunday of the month. Do come along and join us, especially if you are new to the area.

Vestry secretary John Marsden 07538 094986 contact John to book the hall for regular groups or social gatherings.

Christmas Eve 6.00pm Christingle service.

8.30pm service of lessons and carols. Christmas Day 10.30am Family Communion service.

Share Your News

Gala Life has been proud to support all local groups, charities and events by sharing their news, publishing their events and promoting their activities on line and in print. We have been doing this at no charge for over 13 years now. If you take part in a group, a charity or have an event to raise funds for a good cause - then get in touch with us.

We only ask that the activities and groups are run for the benefit of a group and not for any individual profits. If you would like to include an editorial piece in the community section then please email us at Entries should be less than 300 words and arrive by 12th preceding month.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Keep safe and warm. Debbie, Willie & Lynsey xx

40 Gala Life
Gala Life 41

Gala Rugby Club Mixed


The First teams progress since our last update has taken a small reversal with close defeats by both Kelso and Highland followed by big wins against Stewart Melville and Stirling County with Gala now sitting in third place in National League 1. The last match of the period saw an excellent display of attacking, running rugby by Gala overcoming Stirling County by nine tries to three with a final score of 55 to 17 which leaves us two points behind Ayr in second place who we play twice in the coming four weeks. This arises because of the cancellation of games resulting from the Queen’s funeral with our away game to Ayr rearranged for 19th November, so by the time you read this update we will have played both Ayr and Melrose away, the results of which could have a big bearing on the outcome of this year’s league title. We welcome Ayr to Netherdale on 10th December for the return match, sandwiched between away games to Watsonians and Aberdeen. We have been without a number of key players during the period and hope to have some returning over the coming weeks.

The Gala Wanderers and Gala Red Triangle have both made good progress during the month which resulted in the Wanderers going into the quarter final of the U18 National Cup against Boroughmuir, who were last year’s winners. The game was held at Meggetland and despite a great performance against a much bigger and stronger team they were defeated by 20 points to 6.

Gala Red Triangle also reached the quarter finals of the U16 National Shield competition and had a home tie against Ayr which, after a great all round team performance they won by 23 points to 17. We await their next opponents in the semi final. We are back hosting Christmas party nights at the club, we have sold out for our party on the 17th December but still have some availability on the 3rd December, please contact the club to purchase the tickets.

The Waverley Cup will draw a big crowd on boxing day, we will have Cindy’s Caribbean cook up on site to feed the crowds and there will be post-match party in the centenary lounge. This Christmas we are hosting a party with Santa where for £7.50 kids can book in to meet Santa, where he will give them a gift and they will enjoy our Christmas party in the main hall with music, games and a buffet.

42 Gala Life
Photos courtesy of Alwyn Johnston

Gala 1sts

3rd Dec – Watsonians (A)

10th Dec – Ayr – (H)

17th Dec – Aberdeen (A)

26th Dec – Waverley Cup – Melrose (H)

Gala Wanderers

3rd Dec – Morpeth (A)

10th Dec – Carlisle – (H)

17th Dec – Duns (A)

Gala A

3rd Dec – Lasswade (A)

10th Dec - Watsonians (H)

Gala Life 43
Mini’s training Sundays 10-11am Vixens training Wednesdays 6.45-7.45pm
44 Gala Life Suzanne Ferguson Business Services O ering bookkeeping, VAT & payroll for small and medium sized businesses. Suzanne Ferguson, MAAT, MCIPP Telephone: 0771 820 2622 E: Web:
Gala Life 45
46 Gala Life Pay after the Job £5million insurance & a Receipt Peace of mind that we’re a proper business. Timed Appointment You can track our arrival online
& up to 4 Storeys Tall buildings, schools, nursing homes and industrial units. 01896 477 016 12,500+ or online Get an instant price

Feeling a Little S.A.D?

With the clocks having changed, we probably miss the sun for more reasons than one. Our body clocks run on sun time! Waking, eating, sleeping, energy and mood are all affected by daylight - our ‘circadian rhythms’. Our ancestors were in tune with these - waking at sunrise, working outside and sleeping through the dark. Modern life, the invention of artificial light, 24hr TV and alarm clocks have allowed all of us to lose the need to recognise these important indicators. We work outside less, some of us can go a working week without seeing proper daylight and when we do step out during the winter months we are rarely guaranteed bright sunshine.

Without a good level of exposure to natural sunlight our bodies can fail to produce chemicals and hormones attributed to energy and mood balance. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for making us feel sleepy at night, it’s production is increased with lack of sunlight. Serotonin is also affected by sunlight and lack of serotonin is known to cause depression.

For the majority, winter just makes us tired and unsociable, but for some it can be a real worry with the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Each sufferer is different and there are a variety of symptoms associated with seasonal depression;

• A persistent low mood

• A loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities

• Feeling irritable

• Feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness

• Low self-esteem

• Tearfulness

• Feeling stressed or anxious

• A reduced sex drive

• Becoming less sociable In addition to symptoms of depression, you may also:

• Be less active than normal

• Feel lethargic (lacking in energy) and sleepy

during the day

• Sleep for longer than normal and find it hard to get up in the morning

• Find it difficult to concentrate

• Have an increased appetite – some people have a particular craving for foods containing lots of carbohydrates and end up gaining weight as a result

These symptoms may make everyday activities increasingly difficult. SAD is a recognised illness, sometimes known as Winter Depression and if you do suffer badly during the winter months - consult your GP as there are various medical and psychological treatments available, and a medical professional can assess your situation personally. You are entitled to the help you need and should not be afraid to ask. SAD is a very real and treatable condition.

For the rest of us, self help for the Winter Blues is a fairly straight forward:

‘Early to bed, early to rise’

It may sound like an old wives tale but getting your body into a more natural rhythm where possible has great benefits. In winter months we should be getting between 7.5 and 9 hours sleep per night, so aim to be in bed by 11.00pm and be up by 7.30am.

48 Gala Life

Get outside.

Expose as much skin as you dare, giving more area to absorb the suns natural chemicals, and also boost your vitamin D levels; boosting physical immunity and wellbeing. Sit near windows inside. Consider buying a SAD light.

Light therapy is a drug-free treatment for SAD that has been proven effective by the British Association of Psychopharmacology and research groups around the world. It involves sitting by a special lamp called a light box that simulates the sunlight missing during the winter months. Another form of light therapy is a dawn simulator lamp that gradually lights up your bedroom as you wake up. Neither of these lamps are particularly expensive and are really quite effective.


• Fermented Foods - sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha and yogurt.

Eat properly and routinely.

When you're not feeling your best self, your first instinct may be to reach for a packet of biscuits or sugary foods. While these may give you some satisfaction, they're unlikely to help your mental health in the long run. Instead, opt for nutrientrich foods like these, that help create serotonin, dopamine and antioxidants that will all give you a happiness boost:

• Dark Chocolate

• Bananas

• Coconut

• Coffee (Both caffeinated and decaffeinated)

• Avocado

Exercise regularly.

Whilst exercise is not a cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder and should not be used as the only treatment. Being more active, and spending more time outside, however, has helped many SAD sufferers improve their mood and general health. It might be tough to venture out into the cold when you’re feeling low in energy, but by motivating yourself to exercise you may start to see your symptoms improve, so get down to the gym or have a good daily walk or a swim.

Brighten up.

Light colours, mirrors and open curtains can create more light inside the home. Learn to relax.

Why not take up Mindfulness? Try to do things you enjoy. Don't shut yourself indoors. If you can no longer do the things you do in the summer, try to find other things to enjoy. Socialise with friends, go to the cinema, eat out, take an evening course or start a new hobby. Mood is affected by the way we think and behave, so keep active, make plans and you will always have something to look forward to.

See for more information. Don't suffer without help, speak to your GP or if need be, contact the Samaritans on 116 123

Gala Life 49

The Gala Garden December

Seasonality defines most of the aspects of life in the northern mid-latitudes. It shapes our lives in so many ways: what clothes we wear, what food we eat, when we put the heat on. It is also reflected in our gardens, but planting for seasonality is not always easy to do, especially in a small space.

When I am trying to plan for seasonality, I use a couple of ideas to help me figure out how much of what goes where. The general notion is easy to understand: I tend to put the winter and early spring garden nearest the house because it is most likely to be observed from the windows, looking out, or near the main entrances. When summer comes most people can venture out into the middle of the garden so that’s where I put the summer flowers. Autumn has its moments too and those plants tend to go towards the bottom of the garden where the bright leaves and berries will draw the eye. That sounds simple, but now look at the aspect of the particular garden; for example, autumn leaves tend to colour up if the shrub or tree gets the first light, so east-facing is the best spot for them. Likewise, late winter and early spring things need as much sun as possible so west-facing or south-facing positions are best for that. Even the middle of the garden can be shady if the area is overhung by large trees, so summer flowers may have to be the ones that like a semi-shady place. The second idea I use to help me plan is the notion of “peak performance”. In simple terms,

this means I need to find out which part of the year is important to the garden owner. If they are away all summer, for example, then it would be better to focus on plants that provide interest from early autumn right through the winter to the spring. Most people like the spring, especially after a long, dark winter and many appreciate anything that flowers in mid-winter. Winter interest plants are often the ones to choose for good structure; I usually include at least forty per cent of evergreen plants, but that can include good grasses that keep their form through the winter, or evergreen perennials like hellebores.

I try to combine choice small evergreens, like Thuja Smaragd or Pinus mugo pumilio, with broadleaf evergreens and add shrubs and trees with good bark. Boundaries, divisions, focal points and screens are opportunities to plant structural, mainly evergreen, plants.

Climbers and wall shrubs deserve mention: these are useful if you are short of space and trying to up the ante on a particular season. You can add winter interest with the big, shiny leaves of Hedera colchica Dentata Variegata but there are hundreds more to choose from. You can add structure and colour with Pyracantha, trained to form a lattice against an otherwise boring blank wall. The autumn glory of the Virginia creeper is always worth the wait.

Merry Christmas!

50 Gala Life
Gala Life 51 • Joinery • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Flooring - Real Wood & Laminate • Plumbing • Tiling • Paving • General Repairs Call Moubray Tod 01896 751566 07737090840 47 Abbotsford Road Galashiels TD1 3HB


• Gala Life - The Border’s favourite magazine has been running 14 years. A lot of our advertisers stay with us - because it works and continuously generates lots of business.

• Price - Gala Life is the most cost effective way to reach all the residents and businesses in the Galashiels, Melrose and surrounding areas.

• It is truly local - all advertisers operate in, or close to the area.

• Longevity - It isn’t thrown away like the local newspaper. Everyone keeps it as a point of reference from one month to the next.

• Gala Life is published monthly - around the last weekend of the month.

• It is delivered to over 11,500 homes and businesses every month, with up to an additional 500 made readily available for visitors and tourists to pick up.

Advertising Rates - In Full Colour Hi-Definition (+VAT)

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52 Gala Life
We offer a generous discounts for repeat adverts in blocks of 3, 6 or 12 issues. Please call to discuss the options available. January Edition 8th December February Edition 13th January March Edition 13th February April Edition 13th March May Edition 13th April June Edition 13th May To advertise in Gala Life, to discuss your requirements, or for more information - please contact Debbie on 07545299491 or
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Gala Life 53 D.W.NOBLE Jisfimonger Fresh Fish Daily - Filleted In The Shop Natural Oak Smoked Haddock Smoked On The Premises We will be closed 25th December and re-open 10th January However, fish freezes well, so stock up now! 29 BANK STREET GALASHIELS TDl lEN 01896 751 700

CHRISTMAS TOXICITIES Taking Care of Your Pet Over the Festive Period

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to our clients, as always, you have remained supportive and loyal as well as patient with us as we navigate post-COVID life.

As the festive period is upon us once again, it is time to highlight some things pet owners should be aware of and keep away from your furry loved ones.

Decorations – Believe it or not, there are some decorations we use that can be toxic/dangerous to our pets. Salt dough ornaments, tinsel, baubles and even the needles of your Christmas tree do present risks of tummy upsets, toxicity and intestinal perforation. Opt for pet friendly decorations and keep unsafe ones out of reach, also vacuum tree needles away daily.

Food Items – As many of us are aware now, raisins/sultanas/grapes/currants are toxic to pets both on their own and in foods such as Christmas puddings. Mouldy food also presents a high risk so please ensure all food is disposed of properly and efficiently. As tempting as it is to “give the dog a bone”, cooked turkey/chicken bones and bones of other meats become soft and brittle after being cooked which can cause them to splinter in the gut and cause serious injury to your pets. Consider giving your pet dog friendly chews instead. Another main food item that causes poisoning is chocolate.

Christmas Plants – Luckily most Christmas plants are low toxicity but ingestion can cause gastric upset. Examples of such plants are; Holly,

Mistletoe, Christmas Trees and Ivy. However, there are some things that your pets can indulge in over the festive period. These things can include plain meats (with no bones) i.e. Turkey meat, lamb meat or salmon fillets (not smoked salmon!) You can also give them some veggies such as brussel sprouts, parsnips, carrots and peas.

If you see your pet play/chew/consume any of the above items, please call your nearest vet and they will inform you on next steps.

And to round this off, just a friendly reminder to those who have pet’s on repeat medications. Please ensure you have enough to last your pet over the festive period and to order in plenty of time before Christmas/New Year. We need 48 hour notice for all prescriptions, so bear this in mind when ordering as well.

From all of us here at Border Vets, we wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy New year.

Office: Monday - Friday 8.00am - 6.00pm. Saturday 8.30am - 1pm.

54 Gala Life
Terrace, Galashiels
752156 Galashiels
Surgery Gala
TD1 3JT 01896
by appointment
Your Pet Health Plan includes: Dog Cat Rabbit Essential annual vaccination with a full health check    Flea and tick treatments (sufficient for a year) dispensed quarterly   Worm treatments (sufficient for a year) dispensed quarterly   6 monthly health check with your vet    Dog Cat Rabbit 25% off Kennel Cough vaccination  25% off Rabies vaccination   25% off flystrike preventative treatment  50% off Primary vaccination course (initial injections typically given between 2 and 4 weeks apart)    Free nurse clinics (where available)    £10 microchipping    10% off food    10% off routine neutering    10% off dental procedures    10% off other parasite treatments    Dogs, Cats and Rabbits Small (up to 10kg) £15.99 Cats (All) £15.99 Rabbits (All) £11.99 Medium (10.1kg-25kg) £17.50 Large (25.1kg-40kg) £19.50 X Large (40.1 and over) £27.50 You'll also receive the following (if applicable): Monthly prices shown, vaccinations included: Dogs: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis. Cats: Flu, Enteritis, Leukeamia. Rabbits:
VHD1, VHD2. Our Pet Health Plan is the simple and convenient way to look after your pet's health. Our easy and convenient monthly direct debits save you money too.


If you are experiencing physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse or are being intimidated or threatened by a current or previous partner, you are being subjected to domestic abuse. You may be feeling frightened, isolated and ashamed. You are not to blame for what is happening to you, it is NOT your fault. Above all, you are not alone and you don’t need to suffer in silence. Help is available to you.

If the incident requires immediate attention please contact your local police station. In an emergency always call 999 (if the incident is ongoing or life is in danger)

If you have been the victim or witness to domestic abuse, or have concerns regarding a victim of domestic abuse there are several ways you can report this to the police: At your local police station. If the incident is urgent, this is the best way to report it. If someone is in immediate danger always phone 999. Use an online domestic abuse form. If you are unable to go to your local office (or prefer to remain anonymous) you can submit the form directly to the police. If you suspect some else is suffering domestic abuse, you can report it anonymously and in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

For more information or to seek help, call the Safer Scotland Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0800 027 1234 or visit

Last Month's Sudoko Answers


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For December 2022

As 2022 draws to a close the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius appears in the spotlight and the month gets going with a buoyant start as the Sun, Mercury and Venus offer a high degree of hope and optimism. The full moon in Gemini on the 8th is in tight conjunction with retrograde Mars, this restless moon opposite a fiery Sagittarius Sun indicates a strong sense of new beginnings and new adventures, but Mars is held back by the retrograde, suggesting we may have to stay in the planning stage for a while longer. (Mars goes direct on the 13th of January 2023) Both Mercury and Venus arrive in practical and down to earth Capricorn around the second week, good for organising your social life and getting things done for Christmas. Jupiter arrives in Aries on the 21st, this important move certainly puts the emphasis on personal freedom and self-assertion; Jupiter will remain in Aries until mid-May 2023. On Wednesday the 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn and we celebrate the winter solstice, this is the shortest day of the year in our hemisphere and from now on the days will slowly get longer as we move towards the light; this is closely followed by the new moon in down-to-earth Capricorn on the 23rd . Solstice blessings and Christmas wishes to all.


The Sun, Venus and Mercury are all shining favourable light on the sector of your chart concerned with the higher mind, further education and travel. Under current trends, you should be making some exciting plans for a very bright 2023, particularly as abundant Jupiter arrives in your sign on the 21st. The powerful Gemini full moon on the 8th puts you in a talkative mood and turns your attention to inspirational thinking.


Venus in Sagittarius challenges assertive Mars in your monetary sector this month, suggesting that you might be inclined to make some impulsive decisions around your finances, best to get some solid advice and maybe wait until Mars goes direct in January. The powerful Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces offers inspiration and the possibility of a mystical experience.


The high energy planet Mars is still retrograde in your sign illuminating the fact that your projects are not going according to plan. It’s time to review your impulsive nature and take stock, listen to close friends as they can offer you fresh insight to do things differently. The auspicious Jupiter and Neptune combination in Pisces suggests heightened insight and intuition.


The Sun and Mercury both illuminate your health and wellbeing area, suggesting that your vitality is high and you could be feeling more robust than usual. December is the perfect time to forge ahead with a personal ambition and bring a long term project to a close. Love planet Venus in adventurous Sagittarius until the 10th indicates that a new romance may be on the horizon.


The Sun, Venus and Mercury are travelling through adventurous Sagittarius and all three are offering you a new sense of direction where love and creativity are concerned. Your future plans with a possible new partnership look exciting, so don’t be afraid to take the initiative. The Capricorn new moon on the 23rd looks auspicious, turning your attention to an exciting practical plan.


Venus and Mercury in fiery Sagittarius continue to highlight the domestic sector of your chart, suggesting a dynamic month where you can make the most of your self-confidence and creative ability to make positive changes within your home. Mystical Neptune and abundant Jupiter traveling together in Pisces ensure that prospects are looking rather good for harmonious relationships.


Venus, your ruling planet, is in adventurous and intuitive Sagittarius until the 10th, this cycle suggests that communication is your top priority and any exchange of ideas may bring huge rewards. Normally energetic Mars is retrograde in Gemini, try to stay patient and tolerant as you’ll need to find some new solutions to old problems. Be alert to new opportunities after the new moon on the 23rd.


The Sun, Venus, and Mercury are all highlighting the financial area of your chart, be sure to make the most of your profound and analytical intellect as you make some important decisions for the future. Beneficial Jupiter coupled with mystical Neptune in Pisces both illuminate the love sector of your chart, enabling you to make some positive romantic choices.


This month is all about putting yourself first and fully recognising your potential. Major change is now coming your way and new beginnings are eminent. Mercury and Venus both energise your sign until the second week of December, use this time to really focus on those all-important future plans. Be sure to stand your ground, and be ready to achieve whatever you set your heart on.


The month starts with a powerful combination of the moon, Neptune and Jupiter together in mystical Pisces in the communication sector of your chart. This potent energy heightens your intuition and suggests exciting new beginnings. You may feel the need to break free from old ways of doing things, it’s important to keep an open mind as you can now learn a great deal from those around you.


The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius are powerful in the area of your chart concerned with community spirt and humanitarian goals. Your vitality should be high and your big ideas could lead to remarkable results, so be sure to make your thinking optimistic and forward-looking. The Gemini full moon on the 8th is particularly auspicious and highlights your creative aspirations.

PISCES FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20 A positive start to the month seems to be assured with the connection of the moon, Neptune and Jupiter in your sign. If your ambition has been lacking lately, don’t worry, it’s all change now as the Sun in fiery Sagittarius lights up the highest point in your chart. You need to speak your mind about certain issues that have been troubling you for a while, take advantage of the practical Capricorn new moon on the 23rd.

Christine is a professional astrologer, offering private consultations in astrology, life coaching and Bach flower essences. If you would like to find out what the New Year 2023 has in store for you, please contact her to discuss your birth chart and book a consultation.

Christine Chalklin

Inspirational Astrologer and Life Coach

Email: Website:

Mobile: 07813 483549 Find me on Facebook:


Abbotsford 13 Eden Aesthetics 29 National Mining Museum 29

Abbey Consort 11,24 EE Channel Street 1 One Acchord 19

ABSS 44 Elite Decorators 34 Our Lady & St Andrew 40

Action for Children 39 Feeling SAD ? 48 Pantomime 5

Adam Purves 27 Fitness 16 Pavilion Cinema 37

Affogato Joe's 9 Gala Baptist Church 15,36 Pet Crematorium 63

Apollo Blinds 31 Gala Church of Scotland 30 Plumbstore 47

Art Home Renovations 34 Gala Garden 50 Rate Card 52

Border Cleaning Fairies 58 Gala Library 44 RC Electrical 34

Border Vets 54 Gala Opera 24 Recipe 14

Borders Buses 7 Gala Rugby Club 42 RFG Storage 26

Bowden & Melrose Church 36 Gala Town Band Concert 19 Rugby Heritage Centre 30

Brothers of Charity 41 Grove Bedding 32 Rugby Store 43

Buglass Gas Services 46 Gutter Pro 46 School Bell Tuition 35

Caddonfoot Hall 30 Hilarys Blinds 58 Slimming World 19

Caddonfoot Parish 38 Horoscopes 60 Snappy Shopper 27

Cafe Sitooterie 19 House of Hearing 53 St Peter's Episcopal 40

Chris Sinton Painter 51 Infinity Blu 28,59 Sudoko 25,27

Christmas Books 20 James Agent 64 Suzanne Ferguson 44

Christmas Fayre 11 James Graham Roofing 46 Taylors Family Butcher 25

Christmas Postal Dates 45 John Lamont MP 12,57 Titan 365 Gym 23

Citizens Advice Bureau 24 JS Repair 58 TriFitness 17

Councillor Euan Jardine 22,31 Keith Penny Décor 34 Tweed Valley Plastering 26

Councillor Neil Mackinnon 31 Luxury Look 11 Unite Union 45

Crème de la Crème 35 Mackenzie Plumbing 51 Volunteer Borders 24

DM Hall 35 Man with a Van 26 Willie's Wonky Computer 10

Domestic Abuse 56 MT Maintenance 51 Wilson Electrics 51

DW Noble 53 Mulled Wine 18 Winter Summer Spring Fall 9

Helpful Numbers to Hand

Gala Police Station 01896 752222

Scot Borders Council 0300 100 1800 Scottish Power 08452727999 Citizens Advice Bureau 01896 753889 Gas Emergency 0800 111999 BorderLine 0800 0274466

BGH 01896 826000 NHS 24 111

Social Work Emergency 01896 752111 Victim Support 01896 751212

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62 Gala Life
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