Pie Digest Part 8

Page 45

PAVAROTTI Ron Howard takes an in-depth, no holds barred look at the life, career and lasting legacy of the musical icon PHOTOGRAPHY_ SACHA GUSOV. COURTESY OF MONGREL MEDIA

“The more I learned, the more I came to see Pavarotti as someone who is a testament to the power of living your life with passion and unabashed commitment to what you love” - Ron Howard

He had one of the most epic voices and expressive

human being formed from contrast, mixing child-

hearts in human history, but in Ron Howard’s

like lightness with a deep soul, a strong loyalty to

documentary, the remarkable Luciano Pavarotti

his peasant upbringing, and that enigmatic X-factor

is seen as he's never been seen before: in a

that drives some to the edges of human possibility.

ravishingly intimate close-up, that delves behind the

Howard had met Pavarotti brief ly, long ago, and was

glory of his music and the heat of his charisma, to

captivated. Intrigue soon turned to inspiration, as

uncover his private human struggles, humour and

Howard also found a story he couldn’t resist: the tale

hopes. Echoing the universal themes that have kept

of a small-town man sent on a meteoric trip to the

opera relevant in the 21st century - love, passion,

heights of fame, trying to figure out how to bring

joy, family, loss, risk, beauty - the film weaves a

all his roiling emotions, nerves, dreams and love

story of a man discovering, wrestling with, and

for others along for the ride. The precise source of

ultimately learning, to harness the monumental

his magical voice might always be a mystery, but

enormity of his gifts. The golden-hued voice of

what caught Howard's attention was how Pavarotti

Pavarotti speaks for itself. But Howard sets out to

learned to use it.

uncover the man, finding an unceasingly fascinating


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