The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018

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Mandy Phoenix,

100 Years Strong B

orn during the 1st World War, Winnifred has seen a lot happen over her 100 years on this earth, but nothing is more important to her than her family, and God. Born right in the sea mouth of Lucea Bay on December 3rd 1917, Winnifred Downie, or Winnifred O’Reggio as she was known then, lived in Johnson Town in the Parish of Hanover, Jamaica and had a sister and a brother, the latter of whom has sadly passed away. Winnifred’s upbringing was not a regular one by any means. Having been made an orphan by the age of 9, and with the education system being as it was at the time, Winnifred only had a couple of years of schooling during her childhood.

Continued on Page 6

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Inside This Month

Streetbike Delivers Christmas Cheer to Ronald McDonald House - Page 4

Meet Canada’s New Democrats Leader - Page 39

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Page 2 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


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here was a community meeting on December 28th which was held at the Afro-Caribbean Millenium Centre, chaired by Desmond Jaddoo and Bentley Cunningham. The general consensus of the meeting was that there was a lack of information and transparency about community projects, businesses and organisations that are currently in serious trouble. There was uproar when the issue of The Mohammad Ali Centre was


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raised, and it became apparent that within this room, no one knew what was happening with the project, although it was also confirmed that there was a 999 year lease that is now in the hands of Hermin McIntosh who as you know is also the Chief Executive of Kajans Womens Enterprise, who ran Kajans Hospitality and Catering Studio College which had a massive amount of funds poured into it, although it has been documented that it failed to satisy the expectations required by the Government and was forced to close.

e are liasing with Councillor Sharon Thompson and Birmingham City Council regarding The Drum, so that we can have a greater understanding as to what is happening to it, and again, how the community can get involved. Once again, this is a building that was purpose built for community use. It now stands empty, waiting l Councillors Sharon for a prognosis on its future. Thompson and Sandra Samuels, We have not received any information pertaining to moveUnited together for change and transparency


he Bullring Indoor Markets is such a sensitive issue, as with anything else that affects the Birmingham community, but it is one that keeps coming up time and time again. We were privileged to interview Alan Doherty, a well established and long serving butcher in the markets, who has expressed his concerns about the lack of footfall that the market is currently receiving, and has been for some time. Barlows, in particular, said that they would guarantee a sellout on Good Friday when 95% of his customers were from the Afro-Caribbean Community. How many of you remember the days when The Bullring Market was an integral place to meet friends, family and associates? If you’re like me, you’ll remember the atmosphere and

Hermin is now at the head of the Mohammad Ali Centre, but was not available on the day to answer specific questions about who would benefit financially within the community with Kajan and herself holding the lease on such a well loved community initiative. There are many speculations around this issue, but it is fair to say that although there was not much public awareness given to the outcome of this decision, the community still feels that they have a right to know how it came about and why they have been granted the lease.

The newspaper has been informed that Hermin would like a special meeting with those people who want to contribute to the development of the centre, either in ideas, resourcefulness or in labour. If this is enough for you, then please feel free to exercise your right to demand transparency as a member of the community. We have contacted the City Council for an official statement on the Mohammad Ali Centre, and will report back once we have had a response to this.

ments at The Drum, for, or against any developments with this particular organisation, but we are keen to keep you informed once we have spoken to the right authority so that we can give you definite responses and answers to your queries. Councillor Sharon Thompson has expressed that this is an initiative very close to her heart and she would like to see everything dealt with in the correct manner with full transparency for the benefit of the community at large.

vibrancy surrounding shopping days such as Tuesdays, where you could guarantee that public transport would be filled with our senior citizens along with people coming from all over to visit our wonderful market to get the finest cuts of meat. The displays were beautifully laid out, with succulent fresh choices of meat on display, with every counter promoting themselves with pride, inviting us to buy their produce. With that said, I have to say that this is unfortunately no longer the case. I very rarely go to the markets myself because it is no longer that wonderful place that it once was, in fact if I may say so myself, it’s rather scary. Although we appreciate that there are those who do purchase offal, and other parts of the animals not usually on display, it can be a little daunting for someone walking in to the market

to see a display of numerous goat heads with eyes staring back at you from the counters, and the stench is said to be like no other. There are no longer attractive displays to encourage us to spend our hard earned money, and you no longer see the senior citizens out to buy produce in their droves. Do you remember when you could choose from an array of fresh fruit and vegetables, tatalisingly displayed to choose from? Now all we have are 2 bowls for £1. Everything is in a bowl, and although it may be a bargain for the few die hard shoppers, it seems to be a no-go area for many shoppers who used to delight in the pride of the stallholders of the markets. For butchers like AP Doherty, and Barlows that I personally remember

from back in the day, I can only say how sorry we are to see the demise of such a legendary institution. Many things undergo change, and the Bullring Market is one of those changes that has truly affected an integral part of Birmingham and its communities. We respect the views and concerns of the market traders and sincerely hope that things will get better moving forward.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 3


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – Changing The Royal Direction R

oyal protocol is such, for centuries that would have forbidden the match. Not too long ago, it would have been nigh-on impossible to imagine a Prince becoming engaged to marry a woman who doesn’t ‘tick the boxes’ in any way – that is the ‘given’ as history has revealed. So, as 2018 leaves the starting blocks, and the impending nuptials of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gathers greater column-inches, their collective generation of royal followers, and future news-seekers of the monarchy, will continue to doth their caps to someone who is proving, ongoing, to be a man for all people. Given that actress Meghan is Black, Catholic, divorced and from the United States, the prospect of the ‘Suits’ star being beside the fifth in line to the throne marks probably the most telling indication that the House of Windsor is, more so now than ever before, ‘representing’ their people over whom they rule.

Less of a constitutional significance than, say, had Prince Harry had been older than his brother, Prince William, but the fact that his relationship with the 36-year-old is likely to be played out on pretty much every given media platforms, for, ostensibly, an unimaginably endless period of time, it’s clear that these are changed times. The right-wing tabloids have made Ms. Markle’s race a talking point and were criticized for dog-whistle racism in their coverage of her, with one – the Daily Mail - describing Markle’s mother’s neighbourhood as being “famous for gangs” as it detailed the number of crimes that happened in the vicinity of her home. The young, dashing 33-year-old Prince Harry is the very epitome of what his late mother, Princess Diana, represented. And, with his relationship with the ‘90210,’ ‘CSI: NY’ and ‘Castle’ star the subject of endless bulging discussions and mega media hype, it’s just plain to see; Love clearly does conquer ALL.

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Monthly views withTony Kelly Your health is your wealth


nother New Year has dawned and we are in 2018. To some it seems like just the other day that we were talking about the beginning of the millennium and now we are eighteen years ahead. Talk about time flying by!!!! One can only hope that this New Year is better and brighter for all the Phoenix newspaper readers. My true wish is that everyone takes their health seriously as that is indeed ones wealth. I urge those who lead inactive lifestyles often referred to as sedentary or couch potato to find a suitable past time/ hobby which gets the human heart beating at a speedier rate at least four times a week. Fast paced walking, jogging, line dancing, gardening, swimming, water aerobics, bicycle riding, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, badminton, squash, tennis are just a few examples of physical activities I can recommend. Playing a team sport for recreation such as hockey, football, netball, bowling, or basketball is equally of benefit. There are other less strenuous activities that can be done in the comfort of one’s home such as window cleaning and vacuum cleaning. When out and about, climbing the stairs and in so doing avoid the use of the lift/elevator and escalator are all physical activities that one should consider doing routinely to exert the human body. For shorter journeys leave the car at home and walk and if on the bus come off at the stop before or the stop after your usual stop and walk briskly is a good way to increase physical activity in ones daily routine. You will be surprised how much these simple tasks make for a healthy body and a healthy mind. One will feel better physically, emotionally and mentally if one sticks to an active fitness programme. Always bear in mind what your body is telling you as no one knows your body better than you do. As someone who has had type 2 diabetes (mine being hereditary) for the past 13 years due to a disciplined approach of diet and physical activity I have never taken any medication for it. I am living proof of the benefits of being active, mobile and eating a balanced and healthy diet. I am not for one moment suggesting that these all have to be done at the gym but what I find truly amazing is after the Christmas and New Year celebrations when people have overindulged and put on excess weight the gyms are packed to capacity with people feeling guilty. However in a couple of months the interest to keep fit and lose weight falls by the wayside and the numbers at the gym decrease rapidly. The motivation goes and some people with the best intentions return to their old habits. For encouragement and motivation one should aim do these physical pursuits in pairs or more instead of on your own. Wishing you all a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

RMHC receive Special Delivery by Streetbike’s ‘The Big One’


undreds of Bikers turned out to deliver sackfuls of presents to Ronald McDonald House Birmingham, brightening up those who were unfortunately requiring the aid of the Charity. The Charity, who recently won the Charity of the Year Award at The Phoenix Newspaper 7th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Awards Presentation, were inundated with bikers, as the teams from Streetbike, Midland Blood Bikers and Bridgenorth Bikers among others descended on the House bringing festive goodies, presents and household items for the families. Lord Mayor of Birmingham Councillor Anne Underwood was also in attendance as the mountain of presents were unloaded via conga line by the bikers who had driven all the way from Streetbike’s base in Halesowen to deliver the goods. A brilliant cause supported by a passionate and devoted group of people who have been making a difference in this way now for 6 years. Long may the tradition continue!

Belgrade Awarded Theatre of Sanctuary Status


oventry’s Belgrade Theatre has become one in only a handful of theatres across the UK to be awarded Theatre of Sanctuary status, recognising its commitment to becoming a welcoming and safe place. The award was presented to the Theatre during an event to mark Universal Children’s Day on which featured a showcase of music, artwork and live performances by Syrian Refugees in collaboration with the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre in partnership with The Children’s Society and Positive Youth Foundation. Dr. Seyedeh F. Naser-

iniaki, a member of the City of Sanctuary assessment panel, and Reem Doukmak, Community Participation Officer at Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre and President of Student Action For Refugees, presented the award which was accepted by the Belgrade’s former General Manager Claire Simpson. “In order to achieve this status as a Theatre of Sanctuary, the Belgrade has demonstrated to a visiting panel its ability to raise awareness of what it means to be a person seeking sanctuary and take action to support the inclusion of sanctuary seekers and refugees in its activities.” Earlier this year, the

theatre held an event to mark Refugee Week 2017, which included a panel discussion on what it means to be a place of sanctuary for refugees and asylum seekers, involving leading figures from organisations working with refugees in Coventry and beyond. The Belgrade’s Associate Director, Justine Themen said, “We are delighted to have been awarded the status of Theatre of Sanctuary. The Belgrade prides itself on welcoming and building strong relationships with the diverse communities in the city – whether as audiences, participants or artists.”

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 5

Will you Treecycle S your Christmas Tree?


tatistics show an estimated 350,000 trees will be bought in the West Midlands this Christmas, yet only 3,500 of those will be recycled. Local charity, Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice is challenging residents to help increase that figure by recycling their festive firs in the largest tree collection the city has seen. Volunteers from the Hospice are expected to collect 3,000 trees from residents’ doorsteps on 13 and 14 January across the city, in return for a donation. The ‘Treecycling’ scheme will reach out to a range of postcodes across Birmingham and Solihull, where all collected trees will be recycled into compost and biomass fuel. All funds raised from Treecycling will go towards Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice, which provides vital care and support to

local families living with terminal illness across Birmingham and Sandwell. Richard Green, Treecycling volunteer at Birmingham St Mary’s Hospice, said: “After all the festivities are over, getting rid of the tree can feel like a post-Christmas chore. “With Treecycling though, we can save you both time and hassle by picking up the tree right from your doorstep, saving you from getting needles in your car and queuing for the tip. “Not only is this scheme a fantastic way to be eco-friendly in the New Year but it will also help raise crucial funds for our Hospice. “All of our services – whether they are provided at the Hospice, in people’s homes or in the local community – are completely free of charge and so we rely on the generosity of local people to help us provide our vital care to everyone who needs it.”

FREE Donations welcome

2 DEC 2017 – 15 APR 2018 A ground-breaking and vital contemporary art exhibition including works by Grayson Perry, Tracey Emin, Andy Warhol, Derek Jarman, Sarah Lucas, David Hockney, Chila Kumari Burman, Sunil Gupta, Steve McQueen and Francis Bacon.

#ACCNationalPartners #ComingOutBMAG @BM_AG



SEXUALITY, GENDER & IDENTITY Coming Out is a touring exhibition conceived by National Museums Liverpool, in partnership with Birmingham Museums Trust as part of the Arts Council Collection National Partners Programme 2016–19. Arts Council Collection is managed by Southbank Centre on behalf of Arts Council England.

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Centurion Winnifred Still Going Strong at 100 Years! Continued from Front Page

Despite this, she held onto her faith, “From I was a child I could remember being taken to church holding onto a finger, and I’ve been going ever since. Without God you are nothing. In everything Jesus comes first.” Working on the plantations in Jamaica while living with 3 Aunts, Winnifred turned her hand to baking, a skill she learned from one of her Aunties, and perfected once she moved to Wolverhampton. In November 1955, a 38-year-old Winnifred moved from Jamaica to the UK, settling in Wolverhampton and began work at the former Eye Infirmary in Chapel Ash, earn-

ing £3. 2s. 6d. a week, saving up to bring her daughter Alric, then just a few years old, over from Jamaica to be with her. “I missed her terribly,” she explained, “I couldn’t be without her.” “At one point in Wolverhampton, if anyone was getting married from the West Indian community, mum would be the one making the wedding cakes” explained daughter Alric McCabe, “and it wasn’t just small and simple cakes either, the masterpieces she created were breathtaking, including bridges and towers!” “I’m proud of making the wedding cakes,” mused Winnifred, “I was a good cakemaker, and I did the bridal bouquets as well.”

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 7


l Centurion Winnifred, right, with her eldest daughter Alric, surrounded by hundreds of 100th Birthday cards and well wishes. After marrying Thomas Downie in March of 1958, and 2 more daughters, Sharon and Fay, Winnifred bought her own house in Wolverhampton, although it was a difficult process because not only was she black, but she was also a woman, and found it very difficult to buy a property. In the end she had to put her husbands name down to be able to purchase it. Winnifred returned to work at a care home in Penn Road, where she continued to work until she was 70, despite calls from her daughters to retire, as she loved what she did so much. “Everybody liked me there because I treated them like people.” “Mum was very very well known In Wolverhampton,” reminisced Alric, “Going round Wolverhampton, and the Mander Centre, mum used to go up to these gangs of

youths that were hanging around, and just say “Come on, lets go, off to your homes!” and such was the respect for this woman that they moved on. These were groups that the Police even found difficult to move along!” Such was her popularity with people off all ages, Nicola, Winnifred’s granddaughter was out one day with her mum and nan when she asked “I can see the older West Indian people stopping and speaking to Nanny, and I can understand the middle-aged ones stopping and speaking to her, but how do all the punks and the goths know her?!” Her popularity was undeniable as we conversed in her living room, surrounded by hundreds of 100th Birthday cards, presents and well wishes. With 3 children, 9 grandchil-

l A proud Winnifred with granddaughter Asha Phillip, wearing her medal.

dren, and 5 great-grandchildren, Winnifred’s legacy is plain to see, and despite her difficult start to life and education, she has ensured that all her family have had the best starts possible. “One of my old teachers got back in touch recently, and he said that he could always remember seeing my mum at Parents Evening,” laughed Alric, ”She’d wait for ages to see every teacher and just come up and say “God Bless Teachers” and continue on. She didn’t have any idea of the education system, but she wanted to make sure that the school knew we had the support and care at home.” Winnifred also boasts a very famous grand daughter, Olympic 4x100m Bronze Medalist and European 60m Champion, athlete Asha Phillip. “Mum gets very upset if Asha

ering of family and friends at the Haywood Suite at the Molineux with approximately 220 guests in attendance. With great food and great music alike, everyone had a brilliant time, especially Winnifred who even got up to perform herself! The birthday girl dazzled the crowd by singing for them, and also reciting a poem – The Pied Piper of Hamelin – which she had had to learn for her 3rd book recitation in Jamaica as a child – recalled word perfect from start to finish. “Some of the testimonies that people gave for Mum, I didn’t realise how many people she had helped! Even to the point of tak-

ing people in to live, at least 3 or 4 people.” Still fiercely independent, Winnifred attends a day care service 4 days a week, mainly at St Marks. “Other people help to keep her entertained as she gets fed up with me all day!” remarked Alric as her mother burst into laughter. “If I go too early to pick her up I get told off!” Looking forward to Christmas and the year ahead, Winnifred only had one thing to say, “Give God the glory. Always need to give God Praise in everything you do.” As those words have served her well for 100 years, there may be something there for all of us.

doesn’t win,” explained Alric, “But not upset about the result, upset with Asha! ‘How can you let someone else beat you?’ Keeping herself busy, Winnifred absolutely loves word searches, and also reads her Bible every day. She used to read newspapers, but with the negative news everywhere she stopped, until she picked up a copy of The Phoenix Newspaper that is! Winnifred has remained very mobile across her years until she was about 96. She has had a knee operation at 90, but refused to have the other done, a decision she is now regretting as she isn’t as mobile as she would need to be to have the operation done now. This year she also had 2 cataract operations – and has recovered from both really well. December saw a massive gath-

l Winnifred’s 100th Birthday celebrations at the Molineux with her family around her

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Advice Bureau Saying to Think Before Signing to Gyms


n light of the now regular boost to gym memberships this time of the year, advisory organisations are saying that consumers should think carefully before signing up for membership. In the year to the end of November 2017, one organisation, Citizens Advice, said it helped sort out 3,500 problems involving gyms and fitness studios. Over the same period, 60,000 people looked at its web pages for advice on how to cancel membership. However, the number of unhappy customers in 2017 was in line with previous years. Citizens Advice received an average of six complaints each day about gyms and fitness clubs during 2017, the charity revealed. Consumer expert at Citizens Advice, Kate Hobson, said: "At this time of year we're bombarded with offers for health and fitness memberships, which can ask for a lot of money or commitment up front. It's really important to do your homework before you sign up to

What are the Keys to the Productivity Challenge in 2018?


any gym, health club or fitness studio. Make sure you know how long you're committing for, how much

it will cost you, and think about how often you'll need to use it for it to make sense on your budget." Previous research by Citizens

Advice has found that many people get trapped paying gym subscriptions which they never use.

Coventry Showing Off Its Culture


ith Coventry being named the UK’s city of culture for 2021, it gives the city a one-off opportunity to boost the economy, tourism, civic pride and access to the arts – but also, its backers hope, a chance to be in the limelight and have some fun. It follows Derry and Hull as the third UK city of culture, a programme modelled on the European capital of culture concept which had such a dramatic effect on the fortunes of Glasgow in 1990 and Liverpool in 2008. The winning city was announced by the arts minister John Glen, beating Swansea, Stokeon-Trent and Sunderlandand the town of Paisley in Scotland. David Burbidge, chair of the Coventry 2021 bid team, said: “It’s huge and just an incredible result. Most importantly, we are bringing this to the people of Coventry and they deserve this, so we are thrilled that we have been selected.” The West Midlands city is the birthplace of poet Philip Larkin, thriller writer Lee Child, singer Hazel O’Connor and the Specials, whose anthem to 1980s urban decay and rising unemployment, ‘Ghost Town,’ was inspired by the city. The city of culture status gives Coventry leverage and access to extensive pots of money, public and private.

s 2017 concludes, was enterprise orientation given priority as an integral part of UK economic policy? Trends from various quarters however, have put this into question. With the rise of training providers in recent years, there is an ‘air of expectancy’ that enterprise skills training can go a long way towards improving production and productivity. Between 2001 and 2015, there were up to 252,000 business closures with 19,000 or 7% of them in the West Midlands. In 2016, approximately 392 outlets closed, compared to just under 350 openings, equating to a net reduction of 60 shops. In Wolverhampton, there were 38 closures compared to 20 ‘openings’, which amounted to nearly 8% of high street firms leaving the city. Dudley, Kidderminster, Walsall and Bloxwich, also experienced a net reduction in the total businesses of four, one, six and one respectively. Stafford was the best performing location with 17 openings compared to 13 closures. The UK Industrial Strategy (November 2017) which has 5 ‘foundations’, has no conclusive enterprise skills training plan for young people and women interested in business start-ups. Females make up 29% of self-employment activities in the country although they represent 51% of the population. Academies and other secondary institutions, have Business or Enterprise Studies department-units as part of their organisational structure, yet learners have limited knowledge of local labour markets. How many are aware for instance, are aware of key issues in the West Midlands? On the one hand, Open College Network (OCN), City & Guilds and other authorities, offer accreditation for employability/enterprise training courses. Conversely, funding agencies encourage applicants or grantees to deliver job search and enterprise-related initiatives for learners from various demographic locations. This approach is important for these principal reasons:• Ex-offenders believe enterprise training should be embedded into resettlement/rehabilitation schemes - before and on release. • Long-term unemployed females feel ‘money management’ training should be a prerequisite in vocational programs. • Young people feel that money problems are due, in part, to their lack of and/or inadequate ‘financial literacy’. • Minority ethnic learners perceive that ‘the basic functions of money’ are essential to their economic and social well-being. The issue here, is not about the volume of enterprise training available, but the method of engagement and type of learning materials used. Participants must have access to area-based, quality information


w a r d - w i n n i n g journalist, editor and publisher Dr Christopher Johnson writes his monthly column in The Phoenix aiming to inform, educate and entertain.

and data. The local dynamics of residents must be considered in this particular context. Relevant information and statistics are vital to analysing the West Midlands ecology with regard to enterprise orientation:• 2.9 million (8.4%) work in 20 different industry sectors. • 190,105 ‘micro’ firms comprise 89.1% of all businesses. • 19,215 or 9.0% of firms are ‘small’. • 3,300 or 1.5% of firms are classed as ‘medium’. • 835 or 0.4% of businesses are ‘large’ in character. • Local business ‘units’ make up 250,735 in the entire region. If productivity is to be improved more so, enhanced, then local and regional strategies must underpin enterprise education. In polling members to ascertain their views on Brexit, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) highlighted these pertinent concerns: • One in five small business employers have EU staff. • 21% have low-skilled, 47% mid-skilled and 32% high-skilled staff. • Almost one third do business with or within the EU. • 72% recruited all EU staff when they were living in the UK. • 59% were concerned with ‘accessing the skills they need’. • 54% were concerned about the ‘ability to grow their businesses. One of the key 10 recommendations of the FSB, was that Britain’s post-Brexit future should consider the needs of young people so that they can “access high quality technical and vocational pathways into each sector; and to be supported by high quality careers information, advice and guidance” The idea of policymakers formulating strategies for young people that match their aspirations, hopes and ambitions, is essential. These actions will help to create a pool of skilled and adaptive workers for local labour markets. They can also offer tangible benefits via recruiting or enlisting suitably- trained apprentices, thereby ensuring genuine investment and dedicated support for small firms. Undoubtedly, 2018 will be the year in which a renewed approach to enterprise education and training should be quintessential to economic policy. By offering this process greater recognition, authorities will be reinforcing the paramount importance of orientation as a value-add to human development overall.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 9


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EBTS Launch Exiting New Trade Show Initiative

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elevision’s man of sport, Gary Newbon, was the chief presenter as VIP Events Worldwide announced the first ever exclusive Business Trade Show, to be held on February 18, followed by their International Business Recognition Ceremony & Gala Dinner, at the same venue, the following day. “The Asian community has contributed massively to our community,” said the TV sport icon. “And this event will highlight that fact.” Alongside Newbon on the top table was VIP chair, Dr M G Moula Miah, who said: “The Business Trade Show is set out to target SME businesses and organisation – in particularly from Birmingham Radio station Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, 1296 am 807 833 targeting those who have made a significant impact on the economy.”







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l Gary Newbon





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Page 10 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


A Big ‘Thank You’ From VM


ts 139 years since they have been served their ever-loyal, ever-growing band of bankers providing first-class, reliable and dedicated service the world over. So, in marking its development, since that first customer walked into its first branch, in Jamaica, Victoria Mutual Building Society provided a special evening of very special ‘thank yous’ to a select band of business associates, loyal users, friends and colleagues as they looked forward to what will develop for them over the next 139 years. On a night of celebration, at the H Suite, in Birmingham, in seeing 2017 out, Chief Representative Officer, Leighton Smith, highlighted what the night was all about: “You were specifically invited because you are especially important to us,” he said. “You are the chosen few because tonight is all about thanking you – not selling Victoria Mutual…we’ve done that already.” From its humble beginnings, in the Kingston Parish Church, in 1878, it has grown to be one of the world’s leading financial institutes serving people the world over, from various walks of life, all with the one thing in common…safe in the knowledge that their money is no safer anywhere else.

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Study Reveals Impact of Hosting World Class Athletics


s the 2017 sporting calendar drew to an end, an event impact study has demonstrated the huge benefits of London hosting the world’s biggest sporting event in 2017. The study, undertaken following the World Para Athletics Championships and IAAF World Championships London 2017 has revealed the positive impact the ‘Summer of World Athletics’ had on the city with unprecedented results achieved. London became the first city ever to host both the World Para Athletics Championships and IAAF World Championships in the same year with more than 3,300 athletes from more than 200 nations competing in 30 sessions across 20 days and the study, delivered by The Sports Consultancy, in partnership with Nielsen Sports, Gracenote and PCSG, assessed the total direct economic impact of the Summer of World Athletics as exceeding £107million. More than a million people attended both Championships with events not just held in the London Stadium but across the capital. The report also revealed that a £2.1million investment was made into grassroots athletics and running with the official inspiration programme and ‘Team Personal Best’ engaging with 250,000 people through 733 events with 250 held in the host city alone. Further to that, an average 45% of those surveyed said they had been inspired to do sport or active

l Lord Sebastian Coe recreation more often than usual as a result of attending the Championships. IAAF President, Sebastian Coe said: “We witnessed the greatest number of athletes, the highest level of performances and largest stadium audiences ever seen across the event’s 16 editions. This report shows the positive impact of hosting an IAAF World Championships.” The Championships also impacted audiences across the globe via broadcast and social media. On digital channels there were a recorded 1.6 billion potential impressions for the official hashtags #IAAFWorlds and #ParaAthletics. In addition the official mascot of the IAAF World Championships, Hero the Hedgehog,

reached 4 million through the two main highlight videos on Facebook whilst the BP ‘Energy Within’ Campaign video featuring Richard Whitehead, released around the World Para Athletics Championships, attracted over 10 million Facebook views. London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, said: “When it comes to hosting global sports events, this unforgettable summer proved once again that nobody does it quite like London. Our great city made a huge success of hosting both the World Para Athletics Championships and the IAAF World Championships – the first time both events had ever been staged in the same stadium, in the same year.”

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 11


Starz Shining Even Brighter For 50


l 50 Cent

merican entertainment company Starz Inc. has announced its commitment entrepreneur/rapper 50 Cent by extending his existing exclusive premium overall deal into 2019. 50, aka Curtis Jackson, an executive producer for the hit series ‘Power,’ will continue to develop new projects for the network with G-Unit Film & Television, Inc., the production company launched by Jackson. "I am extremely pleased to expand my partnership with Starz and Lionsgate,” Jackson said. “This investment in my television and film ventures through G-Unit Film & Television will launch a wide range of new original scripted and unscripted programming I’m looking forward to everyone seeing.” Starz CEO & President Chris Albrecht added, “This deal recognizes how Curtis’ abilities have gone beyond music and business to include acting and show creation. We’re pleased to continue our relationship and bring new projects to his current and future fans.” Award-winning rapper, Jackson, is continuing to extend his brand in other areas, including: footwear and apparel, fragrance, video games, publishing, headphones, vodka, health drinks, Casper mattresses and supplements.

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Page 12 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


g n i t o Prom xcellence Student E Scoops As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting the positive and inspirational individuals and organisations in our communities, The Phoenix Newspaper presents Promoting Excellence - a closer look at our role models, entrepreneurs, community figures and success stories.

National Africa Rising Cancer T Award by Kesa Nkulu

he land that we have neglected, Katiopa (Africa), fuelled the industrial revolution in Europe and the America’s...and has continued to be pillaged by anyone who could buy a puppet leader in Africa. The phrase ‘He who rules Africa…Rules the world’ seems to be known by everyone except its rightful occupants, which include the diaspora. Before this, Thousands of years ago spiritual concepts were plagiarized, re-written, translated and regurgitated and can be found in many religious books that we find across the globe today. The world owes a debt of gratitude Katiopa and its original inhabitants. The Bukongo teaches us that Katiopa means the land blessed by the Great Star Sirius, is the continent given to us by The Bana ba Zulu = the Son’s of the Sky who embarked upon the Ethiopian Plateau…as the 1st occupants…Katiopa is the richest continent on earth however its people are amongst some of the world’s poorest. This, however is changing as our people change their mentality and recognize that Katiopa is the ‘bread basket of the world’ and that it’s people could equally be described as the salt of the earth. Katiopa gave civilisation to the world. Ne Nsaku gave us Spirituality which was love incarnated, Ne Mpanzu gave us Science and technology which was Intelligence incarnated and Yaya Nzinga gave us Order, which was power incarnated. These 3 concepts when unified are the foundation for civilisation. The Greek patriarch such has Pythagoras, Thales, and Plato to name a few sat at the feet of the African Grandmasters. Wise men and students travelled great distances to the Kingdoms and great learning centres such as Great Zim-

babwe, Kimbasi/Kikimba/ Kilemba(which were in Kongo) Songhi, Timbuktu, Ghana and the Greatest Central African Kingdom of Kongo Dia Ntotela which comprised of: Kongo(Congo), Angola, Botswana, Gabon, Mozambique, Cameroun, Central African Republic and Nam-

ibia…and whose birth dates back to 320. The decline of Egypt meant that a large number of the Bana ba Zulu which w e r e in Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kana(Canaan) Madinna etc were told via prophecy to move from the head to the Heart of Katiopa. When they eventually got there they began to build Kongo Dia Ntotela. Later Sir Isaac Newton who has been accredited with the theory/laws of gravity was in fact the beneficiary of the work Johannes Kepler. However Kepler clearly states that he had stolen ‘the golden vases of the Egyptians’ which was planetary laws and motion. Unfortunately, the victors of wars re-write history presenting themselves in a favourable light and plagiarizing the works of others. During the Berlin conference in 1884/5 the European colonialists divided Katiopa(Africa) into manageable countries and each had a piece of the pie. A people without their own

land are seen as nomads, l refugees, they will be known as immigrants or foreigners in the countries that they arrive in. They will be seen as second or third class citizens with limited rights and opportunities in terms of political, social and economic status. They will assimilate the language, traditions and even deities of the culture of that land their children will sink deeper into this assimilation and the generation after that will sink even lower still. Now that the illusion of an American dream and revealed itself to be an American nightmare(this s t a n d s equally for the ex-colonial countries) surely we must start to consider o u r Homeland. The Right Honourable Marcus Garvey was once asked are you a Jamaican or an African? He replied by saying ‘I would never give up a continent for an Island…and that he was an African yesterday, today and tomorrow!’ Yesterday we had the prophecies of MFUMU KIMBANGU and today they are being fulfilled by NE MUANDA NSEMI. The rehabilitation of our cultural way of life and values which are the basis for the re-emergence of a future central African union called Ntimansi(Ntima = heart, Nsi = country). This union promoting the laws of the Nature will be the catalyst for the total independence of the continent of Katiopa. Bundu Dia Kongo is a cultural and political movement for the restoration of the values of Katiopa (Africa) in accordance with the Laws of the Nature.

l Ogechi Nkeonye

Kheris Rogers, Youngest Designer Ever at NYFW


n 11-year-old entrepreneur has made history at New York Fashion Week as the youngest fashion designer ever to present. Kheris Rogers became an internet sensation earlier this year after her sister posted photos of her promoting her unapologetic Flexin' in My Complexion apparel line. She created the line after being bullied for her dark skin, and becoming inspired to boost the self-esteem of other dark skin girls. This year's New York Fashion Week featured many different shows and the collections of many different famous designers. Los Angeles-native Kheris presented her designs at the Museum of the City of New York in East Harlem - after which she tweeted: "I just made history as #NYFW youngest fashion designer EVER! I am only 11 years old and made it while encouraging people to love their skin." She got her start in fashion after

she was bullied by her classmates for being "too dark." She says she went home crying and eventually transferred to another school. But her older sister was determined to boost her pride and confidence, and started taking model style photos of Kheris. After posting them on social media, the photos instantly went viral with more than 100,000 likes and shares. This encouraged her to not only be proud of her skin tone, but to also do something about it. So, she decided to start an apparel line called ‘Flexin' in My Complexion.’ In addition to New York Fashion Week, Kheris has also presented her designs during Harlem Fashion Week and at Tom Joyner's Family Reunion. She has received tons of press and has even been featured on a whole host of mainstream blogs. She was even interviewed on CBS News. Despite all that, though, she remains humble and says that she is in-

l Kheris Rogers spired by the positive words and the success of the likes of actress Lupita Nyong’o. "Now, I know I'm pretty,” she says. “And I'm not going to let anyone tell me different."

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 13



University of Wolverhampton student has scooped an award for her work into cancer research. Ogechi Nkeonye, originally from Nigeria and studying for a PhD in Biomedical Science in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, was presented with the award along with a £250 bursary by the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) at its national conference held recently in Liverpool. The award was for her work as part of the cancer research team which is investigating the effectiveness of using a treatment for alcoholism, Disulfiram, to treat pancreatic cancer. Ogechi presented some of her work at the conference. Ogechi said: “I’m blessed to be able to work as part of a very supportive team of committed and dedicated individuals. I work in the laboratory all week and am already seeing some very positive results. “I’m honoured to have received this recognition from the National Cancer Research Institute and it was wonderful to profile the work of the team on a national platform.” There are currently very few treatments for pancreatic cancer

and less than 7% of people survive for five years or more after diagnosis in the UK. More than 800 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the West Midlands on average every year. Survival has barely improved over the past 40 years and, despite this, over the last decade only one per cent of the total UK cancer research spend has been dedicated to the disease. The team is currently looking at whether Disulfiram can be used to effectively treat pancreatic cancer after the University was awarded more than £73,000 by Pancreatic Cancer UK. Professor Weiguang Wang, Professor of Experimental Cancer Therapeutics at the University, said that if his team is able to develop a new delivery system which allows Disulfiram to stay in the bloodstream for longer periods of time, they could test how effective the drug is at killing pancreatic cancer cells. “We’re very pleased our research was chosen for funding and that we have been able to continue our work with Disulfiram and test its effectiveness in treating pancreatic cancer.

Universities Facing ‘No-Platform’ Fines


niversities must protect free speech and "open minds, not close them", the universities minister said in a speech in Birmingham. Jo Johnson said "no-platforming," the policy of banning controversial speakers, is stifling debate. From April, a new regulator - the Office for Students - will have the power to fine universities that fail to uphold free speech. Universities UK has said it will not allow legitimate debate to be stifled. In his speech, Johnson said:

"In universities in America and worryingly in the UK, we have seen examples of groups seeking to stifle those who do not agree with them. We must not allow this to happen. Young people should have the resilience and confidence to challenge controversial opinions and take part in open, frank and rigorous discussions." In his speech, at the Limmud Festival, which celebrates Jewish learning and culture, he said that the Office for Students will ensure universities promote "freedom of speech within the law."

In 2016, nearly two-thirds of university students believed the National Union of Students was right to have a "no-platform" policy. That approach means people or groups on a banned list for holding racist or fascist views are not given a platform to speak on student union premises. The NUS official no-platform list contains six groups including the BNP and Al-Muhajiroun, but individual unions and student groups can decide their own.

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Day Nursery


l Claudio Yacob lends a hand in the classroom

It’s Top Marks for Albion Stars P remier League stars Claudio Yacob, Salomon Rondon and Allan Nyom headed back to school as part of the Premier League Primary Writing Stars project. Recently launched, the initiative aims to engage primary school

children with poetry. The West Bromwich Albion trio paid a surprise visit to Year 6 pupils at Tividale Hall Primary School, in Dudley, in the West Midlands, and helped the youngsters get creative. Getting involved with the lesson brought back fond memories for midfield maestro, Yacob. "I really

loved going to school, I can remember that," he said. Known for his tough-tackling, he brought his competitive streak into the classroom. "The friends I have in school, they are the same friends I have now." Albion Foundation Primary Coordinator, Dave Moore, has seen his class improve through the Premier League project. He said: "Premier League Primary Stars is fantastic because it allows pupils to engage in school through ways like the Premier League Writing Stars programme. Since I started working at the school I've seen a lot of changes with a various number of pupils. This can be through their behaviour, or it can be through their engagement. They're all really passionate about coming into this session and to come into work every day. To have that feeling is fantastic."

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Page 14 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Anya Shrubsole MBE – Promoting Excellence with Sport


layer of the match when England secured a dramatic victory over India to win the Women's World Cup in July, 2017, all-round sports lover, Any Shrubsole enjoyed football, rugby and swimming as a child before concentrating on cricket after honing her skills in her parents' back garden – a far cry those heady times last summer at Lords. The Somerset bowler took five wickets in 19 balls as she claimed 6-46, the best bowling figures in a World Cup final. She won the Most Promising Young Women's Cricketer Award at the end of the 2008 season and was called up to England's squad for the 2009 Women's Cricket World Cup, winning the Most Promising Young Women's Cricketer Award, selected by the MCC, and called up to England's squad the following year. Way back when she played in boys' teams, appeared for Somerset's women's side by the age of 12 and four years later had made her England debut.

A right-arm medium pace bowler, she was leading wicket-taker at the World Twenty20 four years ago and went on to become England's vice-captain. On the World Cup triumph Anya, 25, said: "You never actually think these things are going to happen. For that dream to be a reality is just amazing." Highlighting her Corinthian spirit, she became the first female cricketer to receive the Christopher Martin-Jenkins Spirit of Cricket award for consoling distraught South Africa captain Dane van Niekerk after the semi-final victory before celebrating with her team-mates. After coming in the top 10 finalists, in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year, Anya capped a memorable 2017 with her inclusion in the New Year's Honours List after she was awarded an MBE for services to cricket after helping her country win the Women's World Cup on home soil over the summer, including a match-winning 6-46 in the sold out final against India.

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The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 15

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Page 16 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


TV - Online - MAGAZINE /markdwaynemusic

/ /streetcredmagazine

Editors note


ow what a year it has been for music, Afrobeats and Grime have truly taken over. The sounds from Lagos Nigeria have transcended cultures and are smashing the clubs and stadiums from Africa to America and the UK. Its not really about the language, it’s the beat that is speaking to everyone. Music is the language, it is so good to see what is happening.

The artists from the UK like J Hus, Stormzy, Big Shaq and Kojo Funds are representing the genre fully and of course we have the likes of 2 Face, Davido, Wizkid and many more back home bringing the fire. The African sound is going global at a remarkable speed and we at Street Cred are so happy to be a part of the growth. We as a positive media are dedicated to reporting on the stars of now and

the future from Africa giving the recognition the music deserves. We helped the growth of R&B, Hiphop, Reggae and Grime music as a media to get it to where it is today and now we are to truly represent the Afrobeatz genre. Street Cred feels the need to push the genre and scene to the fullest, highlighting whats abroad and over here. Young Africans born in the UK have done their country

proud helping to push the sound as big as possible. See our 2017 look at this years artists and support the movement which we call truth. Feel it and enjoy what is about to come...We have arrived!!! #lagos #africatouk #streetcred #wobeysound




t's time to LIGHT UP THE PLACE, with the widest selection of Rums and the smoothest selection of Reggae music in the UK! On Entry You will be given a Rum Atlas & a Welcome Rum Punch! Take a Rum journey around the world, hosted by their very own Reggae Sound System, tasting rare and special craft rums from the West Indies, Cuba, South America & The United States. Alongside this, enjoy some amazing Reggae acts, performing all day across multiple stages.

There will be: • Carnival Dancers and Steel Drum Performances to get your body moving • Traditional Jamaican Food • Get your Chicken, Rice and Pea fix! Try their Photo Booth for free, and make it a festival to remember! You can even order your favourite Rum of the Day and they can post it to your home address. Strictly Over 18's only!

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 17

LOTTO BOYZZ AFROBBEAN TOUR Another Birmingham success! Lotto Boyzz Ash and Lucas smashed their recent UK Tour, and Streetcred was there, access all areas for this. Catch the footage of the 02 Birmingham Sold Out show on our Facebook and Youtube! They will be back with another bigger tour starting April 2018! Here are a few pics of what you may have missed!!!!

Mist: Karlas Back With A Bang!


Birmingham Hiphop star Mist is back with the Diamond in the Dirt Tour and the long awaited EP set for release in January 2018! This is a must attend! Brap brap!

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Page 18 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


The ting goes skrrrrraa pap pap pap pap pap pap... That’s the line which has the whole world going crazy. The genius comedian Michael Dapaah plays the character Big Shaq which is a story of a road man that goes from rags to riches. Yes this is only a character that really wasnt meant to be taken that seriously. But as you saw these sketches on his online TV show #SWIL were getting over 400,000 views for each episode so like Ali G why not put out a song and see how it goes. WOW 'Mans Not Hot' has become the biggest song this year. Michael Dapaah is a


QUILOX Check out the pics of Quilox and how they get down in Nigeria! #Quilox #nightclub #luxurylifestyle #lagos #nigeria #clubs #clubbing #party #fun #lagosnightlife #luxurylifestyle #nightout#nightclub #clubquilox

comedian and Big Shaq the alter ego has become a major brand. So it looks like pretending to be a gangsta can make you a lot of money at the end of the day. All people want is a good song and if its by a comedian then so be it. Hip Hop laws have changed clearly where they say you have to keep it gangsta and real - todays generation just want a really good song. Mans Not Hot is massive and has over 100 million views on YouTube which is insane but yes its a sick tune cant deny! This is the man of the year Michael Dapaah aka Big Shaq - we respect the hustle but where is the next hit!?

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 19


J Hus Is The Bouff Daddy!


here is no stopping this guy - he is constantly rising. 'Lean and Bop' Star J Hus is the future of Afro, Grime & Hip Hop all combined! His debut and Mercury Prize nominated album 'Common Sense' reached the official chart at no 6 and has spent a phenomenal ten weeks and is now certified Gold. ‘Did You See’ is

Stefflon Don Brings Her Debut Tour


o the hottest UK Female artist right now Stefflon Don is doing big tings! Opening up the MTV EMA redcarpet and smashing the 1xtra live in Manchester are only a few of the things she has

done in 2017! Get ready for her debut tour!! We know there will be big guests and wont be surprised to see the likes of Skepta who she as recently collaborated with on the banger Ding-a-Ling.

now officially certified as Platinum, having sold well over 600,000 units. The visual has had over 42 million views and an impressive 78 million plus combined Spotify and Apple Music streams for the audio. Life is good for the African East Londoner who joined reggae don Pop Caan for a legendary combo performance at the Red Bull Culture Clash in 2016. The two have now teamed up on the remix of J Hus’ new single Bouff Daddy. In my area, bouff means money, so whenever I go back to my area, everyone’s like ‘the bouff man, the bouff Daddy’,” explains Hus of the title. “A lot of the words I use, people might not know what they mean, so you have to listen to the music to catch on, to work it out. To me, it’s normal, it’s just how we’ve always spoken in east London.” Hus was nominated this year for a staggering 4 MOBO Awards, and went on to win Best song for the club Banger 'Did You See' we also saw him shut-

down the 1xtra live in Manchester alongside acts Travis Scott, French Montana, Bryson Tiller and more. He also delivered an epic performance at Spotify’s recent ‘Who We Be Live’ show at Alexandra Palace alongside the likes of Bugzy Malone, Cardi B, Giggs & Stefflon Don It is plain to see that J Hus is

v e r y happy right now and you can see it in his videos especially his new groundbreaking single Bouff Daddy where you see Hus enjoying the sunshine and living lavish. Yes J Hus is showing that its all about rising to the top! Mansion living surrounded by multiple women in swimsuits!! Words: Mark Dwayne

Page 20 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Comedian Ellie Taylor announces ‘This Guy’ Spring Tour Dates


ot off the heels of her 20 date Autumn UK Tour, Ellie Taylor is back by popular demand with her show ‘This Guy’ for a 12 date, Spring UK tour. Married and in her 30s, Ellie has overcome the surprise of being in a dreadfully happy marriage only for society to test her with a new question – whether or not she wants to breed. If Ellie had been given a pound every time she’s

been asked ‘Are you going to have a baby?’ she could have bought a really expensive baby. But with the maternal instinct of a pitta bread, Ellie has questions – how do you know if you’re ready to be a parent? Should you just take the risk regardless? And what if Ellie does have a baby and her career stalls, or her marriage breaks down or more terrifying of all, the kid has a monobrow?

l Lady Gaga comes to Arena Birmingham this January


January 11 The Hunna 12 Catapult Club ft. Ali Gilbert 14 Progress Wrestling Presents Chapter 61 14 Bronnie - Rejex Tour 2018 19 Catapult Club feat. The Attics 20 36 Crazyfists 20 Jake Mitchell 23 Black Veil Brides & Asking Alexandria 26 Witt Lowry 26 Hollywood Undead 27 Your Alibi 28 Alvarez Kings


January 15 Seaway 18 Sinach 20 Hudson Taylor 22 Louise 25 August Alsina 25 Hardy Caprio 26 Motionless in White 27 Alvarez Kings 27 Mongol Horde 27 Stamina Tour 30 Will Varley


January 11-14 Autosport International 11-14 Performance Car Show 14-15 Trophex ‘Live’ 2018 20-21 National Running Show 21-23 Beta International 2018 21-24 January Furniture Show 21-23 Printwear & Promotion LIVE!


January 19-21 Strictly Come Dancing 25 Chris Rock 28 BBL Cup Final 2018 31 Lady Gaga


January 14 Paramore 20 Power Maxed Arenacross Tour


January 01 Johann Strauss Gala (SH) 02-12 Stick Man (TH) 02-06 Blue Man Group (ICC) 06 Viennese New Year (SH) 07 Saint Petersburg Classic

Ballet - Swan Lake (SH) 08-09 Birmingham City University Awards Ceremonies (SH) 11 Bruckners Seventh (SH) 12 Centre Stage: CBSO String Ensemble (CBSO) 15 Lunchtime Organ Concert - Thomas Trotter (SH) 17 Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra (SH) 17 Domonkos Csabay in Recital (TH) 17 Bobtail and Olly Chalk Trio with John O’Gallagher (SH) 18 King King (TH) 18 Jim Jefferies (SH) 19 An Evening of Music and Dance with Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet Sinfonia (SH) 19 Asiab Dub Foundation Presents La Haine (TH) 20 Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra (SH) 21 Black Dyke Full Band Photo 2017 Cropped (SH) 23 Joshua Bell - Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (SH) 24 Bernstein Stage And Screen (SH) 25 The Original 1968-77 Elvis TCB Band with special guests (TH) 26 The Classic FM Movie Music Hall of Fame (SH) 27 Anton & Erin (SH) 27 Ed Byrne: Spoiler Alert (TH) 28 Birmingham Contemporary Music Group - Celebrating Carter (TH) 29 Lunchtime Organ Concert - Thomas Trotter 29 Christoph Sietzen in Recital 30 The Classic Rock Show 2018 - Guitar Greats 31 Rachmaninov’s Second


January 06 VIP Music Fair 13 S-X: Show #1 19 Francis Dunnery - Eat Me In St. Louis 20 Fire Red Empress 21 RavenEye 26 East Of The Severn 27 Jonn’s Atomic Memoir Won’t Write Itself 28 Tony Walsh: An Evening With Longfella

Arun Ghosh


ward-winning and internationally renowned clarinettist Arun Ghosh returns to Birmingham with new music, new sounds and new album, But Where Are You Really From? Revealing his 'indie-kid' Manchester musical upbringing, the new material marks Ghosh's move away from his trademark IndoJazz sound towards more song-like structures and psychedelic textures. Alice Coltrane meets The Doors, Spiritualized and The Velvet Underground. Propelled by a hard driving rhythm section, and supported by the multi-layered guitar of Shirley Tetteh, Ghosh's celebrated lyricism, melodic outpourings and freewheeling improvisations become passionate and intensely emotional 'songs without words'.

T U O K O LO . R . E . H FOR 2

017’s favourite new R&B superstar H.E.R. has just announced an 8 date UK & EU run for March

2018. The newly announced tour will

see the mysterious singer/songwriter play shows four different countries and includes a headline show at London’s famed Koko. Tickets are on sale from

March 2018

Thursday 8th O2 Ritz Friday 9th Koko Saturday 10th O2 Academy2 Monday 12th Yoyo Wednesday 14th CBE Thursday 15th Ampere Saturday 17th Zoom Sunday 18th Paradiso

Manchester, UK London, UK Birmingham, UK Paris, France Cologne, Germany Munich, Germany Frankfurt, Germany Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 21





2017 has been a year packed to the rafters with excellent blockbusters, arguably some of the best in years, and War for the Planet of the Apes is head and shoulders above them all. Combining the big-budget action spectacle of a blockbuster with the hard-hitting brutality of a psychological thriller and the heart-wrenching emotion of an intimate drama, the resulting movie is simply breathtaking. The concluding chapter in a trilogy that started back in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes is not only the best film in this particular trilogy but quite simply one of the best films of the year. APES…TOGETHER…STRONG! Blu-Ray/DVD Release Date: Out Now


Top 5 of 2017


The X-Men Universe is a peculiar beast, playing fast and loose with its continuity and story progression, we see different actors playing the same characters in different movies, we jump backwards and forwards in time and in some cases, they have shown a complete disregard for events we’ve already seen transpire by totally ignoring them. It’s this bizarre approach that has prevented this franchise from emerging as something truly outstanding — until now. LOGAN is not only the best superhero movie of the year, it’s arguably one of the best superhero movies ever made. This is, in part, due to the fact it doesn’t even feel like a superhero movie. It’s more of an ultra-violent modern day western that just happens to feature characters with special powers and abilities. As Hugh Jackman’s final appearance as this character after almost two decades of wearing the claws, LOGAN is a fitting tribute and a wonderful farewell to one of the most beloved characters in superhero cinema. Blu-Ray/DVD Release Date: Out Now



Taylor Sheridan has had a truly unbelievable couple of years. Writer of the critically acclaimed films Sicario and Hell or High Water, Sheridan continued his amazing track record by writing and directing WIND RIVER; a mystery/thriller about a rookie FBI agent teaming up with a local tracker to solve the murder of a young woman on a Native American reservation. WIND RIVER is an example of what I like to call “perfect storm” filmmaking, where every element comes together exquisitely to formulate something truly special. The writing, the direction, the cinematography, the music, the performances — it’s all flawless. Wind River is an intimate little masterpiece — and I don’t use that word lightly. Blu-Ray/DVD Release Date: 22 January 2018



What can I say? Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2, much like its predecessor back in 2014, is arguably the most fun I had at the movies this year and if that isn’t a good enough reason for it to be one of my favourite movies of 2017 then I don’t know what is. It’s colourful, it’s whacky, it’s imaginative, it's hysterically funny and profoundly emotional. It’s also a huge step in the right direction in regard to Marvel’s villain problem, in that most of them are bland and generic, with Kurt Russell delivering an impossibly charming and charismatic yet sinister performance. Also, any film that ends on an extreme close-up of a Cybernetically-enhanced space Racoon’s face as a single tear descends down his furry cheek as he silently questions his own morality, while somehow simultaneously managing to feel like one of the most raw and human moments of any film in 2017, deserves a place on anyone’s “best of the year” list. Blu-Ray/DVD Release Date: Out Now



Something strange is afoot when Chris Washington, a young African-American man, travels to a quiet, secluded little suburb to meet his Caucasian girlfriend’s family for the first time. Upon arrival, he discovers a neighbourhood populated almost exclusively by white people, with the only black people being in subservient roles of servitude and displaying worryingly peculiar behaviour. What begins as an awkward weekend quickly descends into a fight for survival as Chris realises the townsfolk may have sinister motives. Actor and comedian Jordan Peele, of comedy-duo Key and Peele fame, makes his directorial debut here with a smallscale, claustrophobic little movie that utilises the real-world racial tensions simmering within the United States as the backbone for his brilliant, socially aware horror story. Blu-Ray/DVD Release Date: Out Now

Honourable Mentions — John Wick: Chapter 2, Split, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, IT and Thor: Ragnarok

Top 5 Most Anticipated FOR 2018 THE IRISHMAN

THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI Months have passed and the police have failed to find a culprit in her daughter's murder case, so grieving mother Mildred Hayes paints a controversial message on three billboards leading into her town, directed at William Willoughby, the town's revered chief of police. When his second-in-command Officer Dixon, an immature mother's boy with a penchant for violence gets involved, the battle between Mildred and Ebbing's law enforcement is only exacerbated as she continues on a war path against the police force. From writer/director Martin McDonagh (In Bruges) comes this darkly comic drama with a phenomenal cast including; Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Caleb Landry Jones and Abbie Cornish. There’s already a lot of “Oscar Buzz” surrounding this one and as one of the best reviewed films in recent memory, there are more than enough reasons to be excited about this quirky little adventure. UK Release Date: 12 January 2018



From visionary director Guillermo Del Toro (Pan’s Labyrinth) comes a fable set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962. In the hidden high-security government laboratory where she works, lonely Elisa is trapped in a life of isolation, but her life is changed forever when she and her co-worker Zelda discover a secret classified experiment involving a mysterious aquatic creature deep within the facility. Guillermo Del Toro is an exciting filmmaker who dares to branch out in to weird and wonderful territory in order to tell wholly unique stories we’ve never seen before and The Shape of Water seems no different. The film looks painfully beautiful and I’m convinced it will be an unexpected hit when it hits UK cinemas. Also, the incomparable Michael Shannon stars as the film’s villain and that alone is enough reason to be excited. UK Release Date: 14 February 2018

Everything we’ve seen from the Marvel Cinematic Universe up until this point has been building towards this pivotal moment. Thanos, first introduced in a mid-credits scene in Avengers Assemble, has been scouring the universe in search of the Infinity Stones — artefacts that will grant him unlimited power — and with only a couple left to find, his journey brings him to Earth, where he comes fact to face with our mightiest heroes. Every hero we’ve met thus far appears in Infinity War; Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, The Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Falcon, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Mantis, Loki, Valkyrie and perhaps even a few surprise appearances from characters that haven’t been introduced yet, such as Captain Marvel, result in the single biggest ensemble cast ever assembled. Whether you like superhero movies or not, Avengers: Infinity War is a historical moment not only for the genre, but for cinema in general. Ten years, eighteen movies, one universe — bring on the war! UK Release Date: 27 April 2018

This Netflix Exclusive reunites legendary director Martin Scorsese with Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci for the first time since Casino (1995) in a new gangster epic that tells the story of Frank Sheeran, a labor union official and mob hitman, who recalls his involvement in the slaying of American union leader, Jimmy Hoffa. With a supporting cast featuring Al Pacino, Jesse Plemons, Bobby Cannavale, Harvey Keitel, Anna Paquin, Ray Romano and our very own Stephen Graham, the cast alone is enough to send chills

down your spine. Couple that with that fact it is being directed by one of the greatest filmmakers of all time and its easy to see why The Irishman is definitely one to keep your eye out for. UK Release Date: TBA

LADY BIRD Lady Bird is a coming-of-age comedy/drama of an artistic seventeen-year-old girl from Sacramento, California who is embarking on her senior year in high school. That brief synopsis alone may not sound terribly exciting and it may even sound like you’ve seen something like it countless times before, but what sets Lady Bird apart from the pack is the sheer adoration this film has received in recent months. Released in the United States in November 2017, Lady Bird has fluttered its

way in to the hearts of critics and the general public alike, being showered with praise and being hailed as one of the best of the year. UK Release Date: 16 February 2018

Honourable Mentions: Black Panther, Isle of Dogs, Annihilation, A Wrinkle in Time, Halloween

Page 22 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Caribbean living THE at Sandals Resorts

WE RUN THIS! Check out the top names in Grime, Afrobeat and Hip Hop making the waves and creating history.

1.STEFFLON DON -HURTIN ME No 1 single featuring USA French Montana stormed the charts and beat even the hype of Rihannas ‘Wild Thoughts’.

Experience the very pinnacle of luxury With 16 resorts scattered across the beautiful islands of Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Antigua, the Bahamas, Grenada and

Barbados, these stunning Luxury Included retreats offer more quality inclusions than any other resorts in the world.



600 thousand units sold for single, Mercury Prize nomination, 4 MOBO nominations and number 6 in album chart.

Birminghams hottest Hip Hop act signed a deal with Adidas and Levis and won best video at the MOBOs

3. STORMZY - TOO BIG FOR YOUR BOOTS Independently smashed it and even featured on X Factor as a judge!

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 23



8. BIG SHAQ - Mans Not Hot

A sold out tour, collabs with the likes of Chipmunk and their singles have been streamed over 70 million times.

The most viewed urban single on YouTube - boasting over 100 million views!

6. DAVIDO - IF The hottest Afro Beat star smashed it at the MOBOs and is creating waves worldwide.

7. YUNGEN - BESTIE Although not nominated for a MOBO this year, his single Bestie was a massive smash!

9. DAVE featuring Mostack - NO WORDS Dave has had a big buzz and now boasts millions of views in one week of release for his Steel Bangle produced No Words featuring Manchesters finest Mo Stack.

10. GIGGS - Lock Doe Absolutely topping the charts worldwide with collaborations with world icon Drake

Ed is Number 1! F ollowing the success of his third album, Divide, Ed found himself back on top of the charts again, this time with his single release of his duet with Beyonce on his song ‘Perfect’. So perfect was this collabora-

tion, that it took him straight to Chistmas Number 1, beating out Big Shaq’s ‘Man’s Not Hot’ and Wham’s resurgent ‘Last Christmas’ to the top spot. But that wasn’t all for the young singer/songwriter, as the week after, Divide soared back to the

top of the album charts, marking a record 7th time at the top of the charts for an album by a solo male artist! Well done Ed, and looking forward to seeing what 2018 will bring!

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An Ovation Christmas Treat!!


ake no mistake, this lady is on fire. There is no stopping the ball of fire igniting itself in every town and city across the UK and the African continent. The Caribbean should expect a whirlwind visit that will rock the nations! This lady has launched the Esther Ajayi Foundation in London, using a platform where she supported the Celebration of the Reunification of Jerusalem And the Balfour Declaration, before moving to the Second City of Birmingham, home to the Commonwealth Games in 2022.

Using the platform of the UK’s only Positive, Informative and Objective Newspaper, The Phoenix Newspaper’s 7th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Awards Presentation. Reverend Esther shared the stage with Founder and CEO of The Phoenix Newspaper, Marcia McLaughlin as she

once again captured an audience of dignitaries and royalty. Moving swiftly on to Nigeria, The Esther Ajayi Foundation used the impressive platform of Ovation’s 10th Anniversary Christmas Carol, and once again this dynamic Lady of Giving spread her magic with a smile that could light up a thousand ships. She launched once again at the Ovation event, a night full of remarkable moments in the lives of many youth whom were empowered by the Esther Ajayi Foundation to boost their entrepreneurial skills in various vocations. The Reverend Mother Esther Ajayi who believes in putting smiles on peoples faces, had the opportunity of empowering five youths with a cash donation of N1,000,000.00 each, as well as the Widows Foundation, and Educational Foundation whom she gave a cash donation of N1,000,000.00 each. The celebrated UK based philanthropist was in fact the talk of the town going by her belief in which is the practical way, in which she changes the lives of people who come across her. It’s easy to see why she has been called

the Mother Theresa of our time, she believes that the call to serve humanity and the less privileged should be a thing of joy to the rich in the society. The Esther Ajayi Foundation which started just last year has already greatly affected the lives of many people. “Giving is part of me,” she noted, and she is willing to partner with NGO and organisations that are ready to be involved in positive life changing. Citing the pains and stigma that deported Nigerians from Libya and the crisis presently going on in the north which have left so many displaced, she says that this is a call to serve and save lives. She stressed that her foundation will venture into building hostels and the training of these displaced people in order to bring them back to stability and into a normal lifestyle through vocational skills and services. In a final call to arms, she called on all well-todo individuals and Philanthropists to get involved in this drive of life changing, as it pays to affect lives. As the main sponsor The Esther Ajayi Foundation once again graced an audience on a night where the entertainment was off the hook! Ovation

Magazine knows how to throw a party. Long live Ovation Magazine and good blessings for its founder Dele Momodu, a man of courage and strength, to celebrate 10 years of the Ovation Red Carol is no mean feat and is something to be applauded, well done! With acts including world class performers, Davido, 2Face and Sinach, Street Cred Magazine and Phoenix Newspaper were able to capture moments of great talent as the stage lit up with talent. In attendance was His Imperial Majesty The Ooni of Ife, and Africa’s richest person, Aliko Dangote. The good Bishop Cierion Dewar was onhand to support the Esther Ajayi Foundation which is experiencing a whole new breed of marketing as the foundation is being launched not only once but seemingly in every country she intends to visit. Congratulations to Ovation Magazine for hosting another successful Christmas Carol. The Phoenix Newspaper thanks The Esther Ajayi Foundation for the exclusive invitation to this occasion.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 25


Look Who Was In The House - Aliko Dangote!

l Aliko Dangote with Marcia McLaughlin, Founder and CEO of The Phoenix Newspaper

l Bishop Cierion Dewar with Mr and Mrs Anthonia John Okhiaode

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Bear-illiant Gifts for Sick Kids A

utosport International and Ferrari teamed up with Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity, which brightens the lives of seriously ill children by granting their wishes and granting hospital ward wishes, to deliver some Christmas cheer to children at Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Santa was on hand to take delivery of a sack full of Ferrari teddy bear gifts for the children from a luxurious and powerful Ferrari GTC4Lusso T, before meeting the children in the hospital’s Renal Unit. Youngsters on Ward 1 - aged from six days to 17 years old were delighted when Santa turned up to pay them a special surprise visit. After handing out all of the gifts and posing for pictures with the children on the ward, Santa was on hand to take fulfil a few Christmas wishes and show the children around the turbocharged V8 supercar outside. The GTC4Lusso T can go from 0-60mph in just 3.5 seconds – enough to make Rudolph look slow. Its V8 produces more than 610 horsepower and was an instant hit with the children as they got to sit

l Santa, Emma Walsh and Ibrahim with Ferrari GTC4Lusso T and the Ferrari Bears

in and take a look around the car with Father Christmas himself. The gifts were delivered just in time for the Yuletide period by Emma Walsh - TV personality, singer and social media star. Walsh appeared on reality TV Show Made in Chelsea for season 10 and has a racing license, making her the perfect person to ensure Santa received his gifts on time. The visit came ahead of a busy period for Santa and for the show, as it revs closer towards Birmingham’s NEC this month. Autosport International is set to open for four days from January 11th. Ferrari will be the main feature for 2018 as the Italian marque showcases a range of racing cars from its 488 Challenge all the way through to its celebrated F1 teams machinery. Kate Woodley, Show Director for Autosport International, said: “We are so happy that Santa could pay the youngsters at Birmingham Children's Hospital a special visit at what is arguably his busiest time of year. “There is surely no better way for his presents to arrive than in a Ferrari, the iconic marque which will be playing a feature role at our show in the New Year.”

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The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 27

Suzuki Steps Up for 2018 S uzuki has confirmed pricing for the new SV650X, with the cafe racer-inspired, V-twin middleweight coming with a launch price of £5,999 when it arrives in dealerships in early 2018. Unveiled at Eicma, ‘neo-retro’ styling sees the SV650X get a new bikini fairing, tinted screen, and tuck-roll seat, while clip-on handlebars add to the look and give a sportier rider compared to the one-piece handlebars of the standard machine. Performance comes from Su-

New UK Driving Test Format for 2018


riving tests in the UK have undergone significant changes with the overall structure of the examination being overhauled in order to reflect the way that drivers interact with their cars – and traffic – in today's driving conditions. The big difference facing anyone taking their test now is that there are fewer traditional driving and parking manoeuvres – and more independent driving. Driving under instruction of the new test lasts around 20 minutes. Candidates drive without directions from the driving examiner, and instead will follow directions from a sat-nav. But this is not the case with everyone – one-in-five won't be directed by sat-nav. The traditional reversing

around a corner and the old threepoint turn have been ditched. Instead, candidates will be asked to do one of three manoeuvres during the test – parallel park at the side of the road, park in a bay (either driving in forwards or reversing), or to pull up on the right-hand side of the road, reverse for two car lengths and re-join the traffic. In addition, candidates will need to answer a couple of vehicle safety questions while driving. These are in the form of ‘show me, tell me’ questions, such as, 'tell me how you know the power steering is working’ or ‘show me how to wash your windscreen.’ The pass standard, duration of the test and costs are unchanged, so candidates will still fail if they make more than 15 minor driving

faults and/or a serious or dangerous fault. The examiner marks the test in the same way, and the same things still count as faults. The overall time the driving test takes remains at about 40 minutes. Parkers Editor, Keith Adams, said: “Passing the driving test should just be the start of it. We recommend continuous driver instruction and anything that makes the roads safer is a very good thing. We like the new format, it's a reflection of modern driving, and as you found, it's still a challenging driving test.” The test is no easier or harder than before. It's all down to the driver's ability, and how they react to the traffic around them – if you're prepared for the test, how you take your driving instructions shouldn't make a difference.

zuki’s renowned, punchy, and characterful V-twin engine, while handling is improved with new, preload adjustable front forks, which appear across the SV range for 2018.


Infiniti Concept to Debut in 2018 The concept previews a new generation of Infiniti vehicles and represents the first manifestation of a new Infiniti form language. Karim Habib, Infiniti Executive Design Director says the new Infiniti concept car will take the traditional saloon architecture to its next stage of evolution. “A shift towards smarter, more compact and less intrusive powertrains; We were able to create an alternative form with flowing gestures, more engaging in character and more enriching in experience. “With its long cabin, balanced proportions and muscular stance, the concept heralds in a new era for Infiniti models. Shown alongside Prototype 9, the new Infiniti concept will be revealed in Detroit on 15 January, 2018

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ey guys… Christmas is soon approaching and guess who turned 18?! I’m so excited for the new year ahead. Now I remember thinking about all the amazing opportunities I can do once I turn 18.. I mean getting married without legal permission… being an adult in the eyes of the law. What are you looking forward to once turning 18? Maybe, it’s that trip you’ve been wanting to go to alone or maybe it’s independence. Some of you may already be 18. However I want you guys to remember no matter whatever age you are God can still use you. I remember turning 16 and thinking about the all the things I would do before I turn 16. A lot of the time, due to living in such a fast paced generation, it can lead us to believe that we are running out of time. You’re not!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a new day and it’s up to you, how you choose to change it. How amazing is it that, despite the hard times, despite not being where you thought you would be today, that God’s plans for your life remains exactly the same, as is did 5… 10 years ago. It will NEVER change! Trust that the Lord is good, giving my life to Christ was the best decision I made. I recently had a small phone call with Kayode Ewumi some of you may recognise him from a famous character he made called RS. Kayode Ewumi is 24 years old and his “Hood Documentary” has spawned countless reaction videos and memes and he now has a new comedy

series called ‘Enterprice’. I believe Kayode’s success so far shows how influence can play a big factor in someone’s career.

Any advice you can give? “When I put out Enterprice some people had things to say but what what’s important is if you’ve pleased God. Don’t do things unto man do it onto God and make sure you pray. Remember this scripture Just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. - 1 Corinthians 10:33”

Some Inspiration “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” TD Jakes “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” - Zig Ziglar


“If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace.” - Max Lucado

Colossians 1:27

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To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

A night of dance, entertainment, praise and worship!!! Find tickets on Eventbrite!

KEEP IN TOUCH As we are all aware there is power in social media, I will be using these networking sites, to promote this newspaper page, and #TEAMFLAIR which will not only advertise, but will promote what to look forward to in the newspaper. I’m not only hoping to create just another column, but a movement, for young people of all races.

Go and check out new twitter page #TEAMFLAIR twitter page! To keep updated with activities, polls and more, do not forget to hashtag #Teamflair

Contact me at with all your news, information and more!

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 29


Pretty Little Thing Introducing the collection you’ve been waiting for. This is PrettyLittleThing By Kourtney Kardashian. Queen Kourtney leads us into party season with the ultimate high voltage dance floor dresses and disco inspired pieces made for after dark. Own the night in sultry satin pieces infused with intricate lace detailing. Go big for heavy metal with all over sequins as disco aesthetics and show some skin in barely there mini lengths and pieces featuring killer cut outs for the fashion brave only. Consider these pieces the party icons you need to rack up all the likes. This collection is better than breaking the internet, it’s breaking your style goals. Bible.


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Welcome to my column where I feature some of the most Welcome to my column where Iand feature some of the most special Charities, Organisations People I have come across. special Charities, Organisations andbeing People I have come across. Be a part of my journey and enjoy inspired... Be a part of my journey and enjoy being inspired...

How To Have A Positive 2018


n this months’ Spotlight, I would like to introduce you to a POSITIVE 2018. Again at this time of year, I find myself asking how has time flown by so quickly? I don’t know about you but this motivates me to better myself and to work harder and smarter towards my goals!

Tips for 2018 1. Help out at your local homeless shelter – You can contact your local Borough or County and they will be able to recommend a number of Homeless Shelters where you can offer a helping hand.

This action does not need cash just a positive spirit and caring heart. It is usually as simple as helping to dish up and serve food or if you are courageous enough - help to cook or prepare the meal. If you can get a group of family and/or friends then it makes it even more special. I did this on Saturday 30th December 2017 and cooked a tasty meal with close ones for a Homeless Shelter at a local church called Elim – we had a great time. I remember when I first helped at a night shelter, I ended up just casually chatting with some of the people that attended.

Most attendees were homeless because of circumstances beyond their control. Many people that I spoke to opened my eyes to how desperate they were and also how intelligent many were, holding their degrees. Some held a job but could not afford to rent because of the initial financial outlay needed. 2. Write a to do list – Each day, note down a list of things that you need to do to keep order and routine in each day. The list could be as simple as: wash clothes, hoover house, give mum or a loved one a call to see how they are. Don’t let chores catch up around

you and become over-bearing. As each completed task is ticked off your list… I bet you’ll feel good! 3. Recycle – I am not sure how many of you have had a chance to watch David Attenborough’s recent series Blue Planet 2 but you will be able to see just how plastic affects not just the oceans but our world as a whole. Mr Attenborough said everyone’s actions have an effect on the ocean, “we have a responsibility, every one of us,” he said. “We may think we live a long way from the oceans, but we don’t. What we actually do here, and in the middle of Asia and wherever in

the world, has a direct effect on the oceans – and what the oceans do, then reflects back on us.” 4. Say “good-morning” to someone new – say hi to your neighbour, smile to the lady walking her dog or even to the old man taking a stroll – you might brighten up their morning and it’s likely to brighten up yours! 5. Travel to at least 1 place outside of your local area or in fact, even your country! You would be surprised by the amount of adults who have never travelled outside of their area, their Borough, County or Country - don’t let opportunities like this pass you by. There’s an amazing world out there; full of beautiful people from different cultures, great food and amazing sites to see. 6. Network – I have mentioned this in the past; do not be afraid of networking. Networking is connecting and building stronger relationships with people, whether that be with your

friends, family, colleagues, old classmates or acquaintances. You never know when you might need their expertise or advice or when you come across a great opportunity for them! Win win. 7. Consistency – is everything! If you want to accomplish a goal, you have to remain consistent. Do a little bit each day and in the future you will see just how far you have come – this means sometimes doing tasks even when you don’t feel like it. You can do it. I want to see you win! These are some of the things that helped me to stay upbeat in 2017. I hope they are also helpful for you in 2018. I look forward to featuring some exceptional Charities, Organisations and People again this year. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas if you were celebrating and I wish you all a prosperous, productive and positive New Year! Love, Cx

Get in Touch with Camara Camara (aka mizzcamara for websearch)

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 31


Christine Keeler


he central figure in the sex-and-espionage scandal that rocked Cold War Britain in 1963, the then 19-year-old model and nightclub dancer had an affair with British War Secretary John Profumo whilst also sleeping with a Soviet naval attaché with ties to Russian intelligence. Profumo resigned in disgrace after lying in Parliament about his affair and the scandal helped topple Harold Macnillan’s Conservative government. The 1989 film, ‘Scandal,’ based

Shashi Kapoor


member of the Kapoor dynasty, a dominating force in the Hindi film industry for decades, the veteran Bollywood actor, a child artiste in the 1940s, made his debut in the 1961 Hindi film ‘Dharamputra;’ earning acclaim for his performance in notable epicss which include Deewaar, Satyam Shivam

Sundaram, Junoon, Shaan, Namak Halaal and others. His performance in more than 175 films mainly in mainstream Bollywood and art films has been widely acknowledged and has been felicitated with several awards. He also worked in English films too. Suffering from ailments for the past few years, he was 79.

Notice Board


Keith Chegwin

on the affair, was made and in 2013 Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the stage musical; ‘Stephen Ward,’ on the story. Born in Middlesex, in 1942, she was 75.


ith a career in acting, presenting and reality TV spanning five decades, he was one of the nation’s most recognised entertainers. The very definition of a good sport, in the 70s and 80s he was one of the hosts of classic Saturday morning show ‘Swap Shop’ before hosting his own musical

Johnny Hallyday


rance’s biggest rock star, also known as the ‘French Elvis,’ he a career that covered more than half a century and was credited for popularizing rockand-roll music in his country in the early 1960s and he was also an actor, appearing in more than 30 films. Although he never sang in Eng-

lish, he was widely influenced by British and American music performing 3,257 concerts in front of more than 28 million people A large number of his recordings were French adaptations of English-language songs’ and throughout his career he topped the French charts and sold more than 110 million albums. He was 74.


he disgraced celebrity publicist was serving an eight-year sentence for historical sex offences after being convicted of eight historical indecent assaults on women and young girls. He started his own company at 27, looked after press and publicity for Marlon Brando, Marvin

game show, ‘Cheggers Plays Pop.’ As well as presenting and acting, he also starred in many adverts. More recently he appeared in ‘Dancing On Ice,’ ‘Extras,’ ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ and ‘Naked Jungle.’ Brother to fellow presenter, Janice Long, he died after a long illness age 60.

Max Clifford Gaye, Muhammad Ali and Jade Goody and helped to launch the career of The Beatles by sending press releases about their debut single, ‘Love Me Do.’ High-profile clients came to him because of his connections in the tabloid press. He died after collapsing in prison, aged 74.


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Page 32 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Mass Endorsem Focus on Disabi


riends and supporters gathered to pay homage to the extraordinary work of an organisation whose ethos is about empowering and making life meaningful for people with disability – children and adults – in Nigeria, and the wider African Diaspora. At the Love of Christ Generation Church (C&E) London, celebrities, dignitaries and fellow guests got together for this; the Focus on Disability Foundation UK 5th Annual Event for networking, fundraising and all round entertainment to highlight the effective work carried out for

people who are too often ignored throughout the continent and beyond. Under the theme: ‘The Effect of Negative Attitudes Towards People With Disabilities!’ the Christmas period hit the early heights as this truly was a celebration of humanity, humility and spirit of ‘giving.’ Hosted by grand patron, Love of Christ Generation Church founder, The Reverend Mother Esther Ajayi, all praise went to Focus on Disability Foundation UK founder, Abiodun Enilari Paseda, and the too regularly unnoticed, huge work carried out, by a charity that so small

in size. “If we can affect one person,” said Master of Ceremony, Dr Ibrahim K Asante, “that number will always grow – as it does – worldwide. The mission statement of Focus on Disability UK is all about working throughout the whole of Africa and aspiring the next generation. Abi and his team do that a hundred times over.” Then, with a glowing presence, Reverend Mother Esther entered the room to a standing ovation – by her side the effervescent, highly respected TPN Media Founder/ Managing Editor, Marcia

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 33

ments for Abi’s ility Foundation

McLaughlin. “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom,” she said as she declared the evening officially open with a prayer. “We have a fantastic team who does fantastic world for disadvantaged people,” Paseda said. “Focus On Disability have empowered thousands of people, especially in Nigeria – for 5 years - and Ghana especially supporting children back into school. We are few in numbers, but our voice is massively heard.” “And with the support of The Reverend Mother we plan to touch the lives of over 1 million people.”

“Over 95% of the monies they raise go direct to the beneficiaries,” said Dr Ibrahim. “Reverend Mother Esther is a miracle worker of our generation,” he continued. “God should raise more women like Rev Esther. “We need to go back to Nigeria and more support health care there, and throughout Africa. “It’s not just about money – it’s about realising the need to aid people with disability who have not been heard.” “Abi’s charity is fantastic,” said FODUK patron, Lady Shola Ali. “This is just the beginning. We aim to reach far more needy people in 2018.”

It proved a line which evoked TPN Media Founder/ CEO, Marcia McLaughlin to state that “it’s always fantastically wonderful to listen to ‘giving people’ and supporting charities like Abi’s and I will be supporting Focus on Disability UK in The Phoenix Newspaper throughout the coming year.” “I give thanks and appreciation to all the businesses and organisation that support us,” said Paseda. As Ghandi once said; “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”


Page 34 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


ocus F on Social Care

Gender Equality and Freedom of Choice


have had the pleasure in serving my community over the past thirteen years in a super diverse city of 1.1 million people. The Equality Act provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. This clearly also covers gender discrimination, both men and women must be treated equally in all aspects of their lives. In December in the City Council Chamber I am asking my fellow councillors in the chamber to consider a woman’s right to make their own choices without being subject to obstructions and intimidation. • There are growing concerns about the harassment of women seeking pregnancy terminations some have been targeted by pro-life protestors and this street harassment is a form of sexism against women. • Independent research for the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has shown that the intimidation and distress felt by the women is also linked to women’s broader experiences in public spaces. • While the distress caused is clear, the efficacy of such protests is not. The number of women who decide to continue their pregnancy after contacting an abortion clinic does not change whether or not there are anti-abortion activists outside. The council acknowledges that those with deeply held beliefs will continue to campaign against abortion. However it is clearly inappropriate to further this debate by targeting women outside healthcare providers. Women in Birmingham have a right to make healthcare decisions privately and should be able to access pregnancy

Take 3-Steps Before Visiting Your GP

A l Cllr Paulette Hamilton termination services without hindrance. The right to protest must be balanced with the right of pregnant women to choose and to obtain advice and treatment in confidence and free from intimidation. Furthermore, staff at all women’s health clinics should be protected from bullying and intimidation at their place of work. Those who wish to campaign to restrict women’s reproductive choices have plenty of opportunities and locations in which to do so. The area outside a clinic need not and should not be one of them. Therefore at Full Council I will be proposing that we resolve to: • Uphold the right of women to make difficult decisions free from intimidation and harassment. • Fully explore options to prevent protestors from intimidating and harassing women outside women’s health clinics in the city. • Take steps to protect the privacy of staff, patients and nearby residents. I would be really interested in what readers think about this issue, you can email me at paulette.hamilton@ b i r m i n g h a m . g o v. u k I would love to hear your views.

doctors' leader has urged people to take three steps to try to solve a health problem before seeing their GP. They say there are not enough family doctors working and that practices are closing at an "alarming rate" and patients should see if they can sort it themselves, see a pharmacist or use a reputable online source of information. The Royal College of GPs have urged patients to adopt the "three before GP" mantra, with Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, saying that "up to a quarter of appointments could be avoidable, or sorted out by other means." GPs "really feel the pinch" over winter because of demand, she said. "We're just asking people to stop and think when you reach for the

phone to book a GP appointment think: 'Can I do this myself? Do I need some online help? Could a pharmacist help me?' Even if 5% of people paused before reaching for the phone... that would save 50,000 appointments, perhaps freeing up a bit of space for those who need them. A reputable online source would include NHS Choices, she said, praising the site for its "helpful, sensible advice that's up-to-date, written by doctors and nurses for patients. There's nothing more trustworthy than the NHS. The NHS spends a lot of money on that website for very good reason." But she added: "We're not suggesting for a moment that people shouldn't be seeing their GPs if they need to - that's what we're

here for. She went on: “People eat a bit too much, drink a bit too much, gain a bit of weight and develop indigestion and heartburn. A pharmacist could easily signpost them to a range of medications to resolve that." Neal Patel of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society said pharmacists were the experts on medicines and could help people with questions about winter bugs as well as concerns about side-effects of prescription medicines. "Even if it is a cough or a cold, don't wait until it gets more serious. Seek advice from your pharmacist. Crucially, pharmacists can help you decide when that worrying symptom is something you can manage yourself or when you

should seek help." An NHS England spokesman said: "We do need more GPs." Newly-qualified doctors were choosing GP training at near-record levels, he said, but this was being partly offset by early retirements so the NHS was also stepping up international recruitment. The Home Office said it was keeping all immigration routes under review, but said the last time the independent migration advisory committee reviewed whether GPs should be added to the shortage occupation list, they did not recommend including them. Today over a million people will be seeing a GP around the UK.

Social Media Damaging the Mental Health of Young


nstagram is rated as the worst social media platform when it comes to its impact on young people's mental health, a UK snapshot survey suggests. The poll asked 1,479 people aged 14-24 to score popular apps on issues such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, bullying and body image. Instagram said keeping the platform a safe and supportive place for young people was a top priority. Mental health charities urged companies to act to increase users' safety. The Royal Society for Public Health study says social plat-

forms should flag up heavy social media use and identify users with mental health issues. Instagram says it provides tools and information on how to cope with bullying and warns users before they view certain content. The RSPH report says that "social media may be fuelling a mental health crisis" in young people. However, it can also be used as a tool for good, the report said. Instagram, for example, was found to have a positive effect on self-expression and self-identity. Shirley Cramer, chief executive of the RSPH, said: "It is interesting to see Instagram and Snapchat ranking as the worst

for mental health and well-being - both platforms are very image-focused and it appears they may be driving feelings of inadequacy and anxiety in young people." In light of the findings, public health experts are calling for social media platforms to introduce

a series of checks and measures to help tackle mental health. About 90% of young people use social media - more than any other age group - so they are particularly vulnerable to its effects, although it is not clear what these are on current evidence.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 35

New Programme Putting Type 2 Diabetes into Remission


new programme involving an intensive diet of 800 calories a day could help put Type 2 diabetes into remission, a research study suggests. DiRECT (Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial) has been testing a new approach to putting Type 2 diabetes into remission in just over 300 people with Type 2 diabetes. Scientists leading the trial, Professors Mike Lean and Roy Taylor, have announced the initial results at the International Diabetes Federation Congress in Abu Dhabi, also published in the Lancet. The results shows that a new weight management programme resulted in almost half the participants (45.6%) being in remission of Type 2 diabetes after 12 months. The programme involves a low-calorie, nutrient-complete, liquid diet for 3 to 5 months. Food is then reintroduced and those taking part are provided with long-term support to maintain their weight loss. It’s delivered entirely through GP practices, with nurses and dietitians. The study found there was a


Support Column

Make sure to look after yourself post surgery - it helps! close link between remission and total weight loss. 86% of people who lost more than 15kg on the programme put their Type 2 diabetes into remission after a year. As did 57% of those who lost 10 to 15kg, along with 34% of those who lost 5 to 10 kg. In the comparison group, where people with Type 2 diabetes received standard care, only 4% achieved remission. Professor Mike Lean from the

University of Glasgow, a lead researcher of the study, said this could benefit not only people with Type 2 diabetes, but the NHS too: “Putting Type 2 diabetes into remission as early as possible after diagnosis could have extraordinary benefits, both for the individual and the NHS. DiRECT is telling us it could be possible for as many as half of patients to achieve this in routine primary care, and without

drugs.” Director of Research at DiRECT, Dr Elizabeth Robertson, said: “These first year findings of DiRECT demonstrate the potential to transform the lives of millions of people. We’re very encouraged by these initial results, and the building of robust evidence that remission could be achievable for some people.”

Hospitals Make Record £Ms in Car Parking Charges Hospitals in England made a £174m last year in charging for parking, 6% up on the previous financial year. Data collected by the Press Association under the Freedom of Information Act showed a growing amount of revenue being made from fines - up by a third to £950,000. The system has been branded a "tax on sickness," but hospitals said charging was needed and money made reinvested. Car parking is largely free in Scotland and Wales. Rachel Power, Chief Executive of the Patients Association, said the current state of NHS finances meant it was sometimes hard to blame hospitals for trying to find money. But she said that did not make the current situation acceptable."For patients, parking charges amount to an extra charge for being ill," she said. Concessions are available in many places for those who need to make repeat visits, such as chemotherapy patients. A Department of Health spokesman said charges were a matter for local hospitals.


number of our Cysters have had traumatic surgeries over the festive

period. This is because of the lack of time off work they have, so the festive period is the only time they could get a date and rest time for surgery. So we have put together some tips! Let’s be honest, after surgery you feel like s***. So here are some tips to make the recovery quicker and easier.

1. Follow doctor’s orders.

Yeah I know. It’s a chore, and you’ve got things to do, but the doctor knows best!

2. Keep your follow up appointments

You might feel better but you don’t know or can’t see everything happening within your body. Your consultant knows what to look for! Plus your medication might require an adjustment.

3. Nourish yourself

Yes, after surgery you may feel like “f*** it”, but that’s the best time for some self-care! Staying hydrated and sticking to a recommended diet can help promote healing and minimize complications. So ladies.. don’t spend weeks of recovery after gorging on takeaways.. it won’t help!

4. Care for your incision.

I personally hate this. I dont like thinking about it or touching ‘it.’ But inspection, cleaning and washing your hands

before touching are all too important in caring for your incision. AVOID harsh cleaning, scrubbing or scab-picking.

5. Don’t rush back to work

This one for the workaholics! While it’s good to stay mobile post-op, you have to be realistic about what you can and can’t handle. Also a good employer will completely understand. If not we can speak to them and help advocate time off / phased return with you both. Plan in advance for time off and ask your doctor when you should return.

6. Self care

Be kind to yourself. Because you will be down and in recovery mode, it’s easy to slip into bouts of depression. After all you’ve been through a traumatic experience. But this is where we come in. Cysters have a great chat group, and due to our international reach the group is lively at all times of the day! Come talk to us! We hope these tips help with your post treatment healing. Don’t forget to get in touch if you need a Cyster. Love your Cyster Neelam Cysters - Because everyone needs a Sister. Facebook: Cysters – Support and Awareness Group Twitter: @cystersbham Website: Email:

Page 36 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Giving Thanks At The Gene


he Esther Ajayi Foundation, a life changer, through the grace of God upon the founder, Reverend Mother Abimbola Ajayi, has taken up the challenge of affecting lives positively and imbibing the spirit of giving to people. The three days flag off of her foundation in Nigeria that started with a thanks giving service at CCC AKA Genesis Global New Movement, was full of praises and thanksgiving by all the congregation who were in attendance, drawn from all different parts of the world, in the bid to praise God and be part of the events. In a message by the church pas-

tor and founder, Israel Oladele, he thanked God for making the day possible as he encouraged his congregation to ever be grateful to God and live a life of thanksgiving to Him. He noted that his strength is from God and not man as such he is able to do the mighty things through Christ Jesus. All this would not have been possible if not only through prayer and time devoted to God in fasting. He further acknowledged Reverend Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi, whom they popularly call, “Iya Aladura” which roughly translated as “prayer warrior woman”, and thanked her, for making the day possible with her

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 37


esis Global New Movement

presence in this year thanks giving service. He noted it’s a great day for him and the entire church at large, and mentioned that as a white garment church leader he is out to make a difference. In her message to the church, which was brief and powerful, Iya Aladura, charged the congregation to have the heart of praises to God almighty as this is the key to happiness, the power of cheerful heart is very important she noted, affecting someone’s heart is part of His call to service. A genuinely warm, forward thinking source of forgiveness and respect, Reverend Mother demonstrated the love she shares

with her joined-at-the-hip husband. She gave him the respect and said ‘Behind every successful woman there is her Great Man!” A kiss was planted and the love was visible and strong. A true connection of mind and partnership – role models to emulate for the next generation. This is a recipe for success. The Esther Ajayi Foundation gives. Find out more about how you can be one of the million lives touched target for 2018. Contact The Esther Ajayi Foundation on

Page 38 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018

AZUZA STREET 2Baba releases a remix to his African Queen


lways bringing that sweet soulful and angelic sounds is Nigerias own 2Baba who is Celebrating 4 years marriage to his Queen. This is also the movie soundtrack to all couples, these amazing visuals show all what a beautiful wedding ceremony is about and was shot in the most beautiful parts of Africa. This reality reminds you of love and togetherness.

New Community and Faith Network Keeping People Safe and Protected

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ommunity and faith groups have signed up to a new safeguarding network launched to help protect vulnerable children and adults. Around 100 people – included; professionals from Sandwell Safeguarding Children Board, Sandwell Council, West Midlands Police, Sandwell's Inclusive Muslim Action Network (IMAN), the Department for Education and members of community and faith organizations - attended a special event, at West Bromwich Community Centre, to develop the network in the West Midlands borough. The Community and Faith-

based ‘Establishment Safeguarding Network’ will be a platform for building stronger links, sharing ideas and resources, providing training and working together to help make sure vulnerable children and adults are safe. The event included workshops on leadership, partnership working and what the network could achieve. Councillor Syeda Khatun, Sandwell Council’s Deputy Leader, said: “The event was very positive, bringing together a wide range of professionals and community and faith groups to look at how we can better protect vulnerable people and children.” Cabinet Member for Children’s

Services, Cllr Simon Hackett, said: “I welcome the launch of this network and everyone working more closely together to keep children and young people safe.” Chief Superintendent Richard Baker, chair of Sandwell Safeguarding Children Board’s Community Engagement Group, said: “It is important that the network is led, influenced and directed by the community, working with our partner organisations. “We will be looking to get more people from the community involved as we develop the network and tackle the key issues to keep people safe.”

Sinach Releases A New Song For Jesus!


inach is soon to do a live show in the UK and we can not wait for it. This lady is one of the most powerful gospel singers from Africa who has released a beautiful song dedicated to Jesus on Christmas Day 2017. Some of us forget that what the day really means and it is the birth of Jesus, the day God showed us his love and gave us his one and only Son. We are in love with Him, because He first loved us. Watch the video on YouTube, post a video of yourself singing the love song this season, and tag @therealsinach and #inlovewithyou on Instagram or Snapchat It’s a love song celebrating the birth of Jesus, therefore sing with Sinach to celebrate His Love!

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 39


Meet Jagmeet, Canada’s New Democrats Leader A s 2017 bowed out, Canada created its own history as Sikh politician Jagmeet Singh was picked by Canada’s federal New Democrat party to lead their party into the next general election and becoming the first ethnic minority in the country to lead a major federal party. In the leadership race, 38-year-old Singh won a decisive first-ballot victory over three other candidates. “Thank you, New Democrats. The run for prime minister begins now,” he tweeted. He now has the difficult task of rebuilding the party that lost 59 seats in the 2015 election.

Mr Singh, who said he would focus on issues of climate change, reconciliation with indigenous peoples, and electoral reform, finished well ahead of his rivals with 53.6% of the vote in Sunday’s leadership contest. He called the win an “incredibly profound honour” and said; “the race renewed excitement in our party.” A video which recently emerged in which Mr Singh responded to a heckler during a campaign rally also boosted his profile amongst the public in the lead up to the election. Christopher Cochrane, a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, said: “His skill, in being able to defuse the situation, it un-

derstandably appealed to a lot of people who ended up supporting him.” The New Democratic Party, which has never held power, is currently the third place party in Canada’s Parliament, with 44 of 338 seats. The left-of-centre party made historic gains in the 2011 general election and was catapulted into Official Opposition, only to lose almost a million votes – mostly to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals – four years later in the 2015 election. Congratulated his new political rival on Twitter, Prime Minister Trudeau said: “I look forward to speaking soon and working together for Canadians.”

Football Legend, Weah: Liberia’s New President

THIS SPOT COULD BE YOURS! Reach a diverse audience worldwide Postive, Informative and Objective News Inspiring a New Generation Keeping you connected with your community


ormer AC Milan, Chelsea and Manchester City striker George Weah is the new president of Liberia. Weah, 51, became the first – and, to date, the only - African player to win the Ballon d'Or in 1995 - just one of many achievements over a prolific 18-year professional career that ended in 2003. He entered politics after his retirement and had been serving as a senator in Liberia's parliament.

His victory was announced by Liberia's National Elections Commission on Thursday - it said that with 98.1% of ballots counted, Weah had won 61.5% of the vote. "I measure the importance and responsibility of the immense task which I embrace," he said after he was confirmed. "Change is on." He succeeds Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the continent’s first elected female president. She defeated Weah in elections in 2005, held shortly after the end of a brutal civil war.

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Page 40 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018


Record Increase in Camping, Caravanning and Motorhoming


igures show a record numbers in tent campers this autumn and winter, with January and November 2017 seeing record numbers of bookings. In general, 2017 has been the best ever year for tent camping with the Caravan and Motorhome Club seeing a 13% increase in camping over 2016; not only has it been best ever figures for winter camping, but the more usual summer months of May to September have seen

record-breaking figures too. It’s not just tent campers that are a hardy lot braving the winter months; there has been a record November for touring caravans, motorhomes and campervans, with an 11% increase in pitch nights from 2016. Harvey Alexander, marketing director of the Caravan and Motorhome Club said: “Our members love an adventure whatever the time of year and we are here to help and inspire them. “Our Sites have fantastic fa-

cilities and over 50 of them are open all year round. “We also have an extensive five-van site network – Certificated Locations (CLs) – so the range of Sites and CLs enables members to enjoy the best of the UK countryside or explore some of our most vibrant cities throughout the seasons.” From the Welsh Valleys and the Scottish Highlands to the tides of the English Riviera, pitches are available to suit everyone’s taste.

Walk Through Time Along The Jurassic Coast

Make This Valentine’s Day the Most Romantic Day Of Their Life


tarting as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints, Saint Valentine's Day celebrates the priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269. Contemporary Valentine's Day is connected mainly with romantic love. The modern Valentine's Day customs developed in early modern England and spread in the 19th century. The customs include sending cards, flowers, chocolates to one's beloved. Paper Valentine cards became so popular in England in the early 19th century that they were assembled in factories. Today, romantic couples take on a variety of things to celebrate St Valentine’s Day. From mini weekend breaks to

just sharing each other’s company in front of a fire and watching TV people who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously. Valentine's cards are often decorated with images of hearts, red roses or Cupid. Common Valentine's Day gifts are flowers chocolates, candy, lingerie and champagne or sparkling wine. However, some people use the occasion to present lavish gifts, such as jewellery. Many restaurants and hotels have special offers at this time. These can include romantic meals or weekend breaks. However you celebrate Valentine’s Day, make it the most romantic ever.

England’s first natural UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Jurassic Coast is 95 miles stretching from Exmouth in East Devon to Old Harry Rocks in Studland Bay in Dorset. It is a Walk Through Time. With its rocks and fossils we can uncover detailed stories from Earth’s ancient past. Through its landslides, cliffs and beaches we can learn about the natural processes that formed the coast and continue to shape the world today. The layers of sedimentary rock along the its coast can be read like a book. They reveal the history of Earth across 185 million years and form a near complete record of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Exploring this immense story takes you on a walk through time across deserts, tropical seas, ancient forests and lush swamps, recorded in rock and laid out along the 95 mile stretch of coast between Exmouth in East Devon and Studland Bay in Dorset. Discover the Highlights of a Walk Through Time here. It is a site of outstanding international importance for Earth Science. For this reason the Dorset and East Devon Coast – the Jurassic Coast – was designated as England’s first natural World Heritage Site in 2001.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 41


Skiing Beyond the Seasons in Trysil O

pened at the end of last October, and closing at the beginning of May, Trysil is one of the longest ski seasons of any resort in Europe. Right through to almost the Russia Pacific in the East, it is the home to Norway's largest ski area. With 31 lifts, over 100kms of marked piste and a vertical drop of almost 3000 feet it is a match for most Alpine resorts. Located close to the Swedish border it is actually two villages in one; Trysil Centre is the main village with a shopping mall at one end of the High Street, while a number of bars and restaurants are dotted along the

Choose to Cruise the Caribbean C ruises are fast becoming the next biggest travel trend as both young and old alike choose to take to the seas for their next holiday. With al-inclusive prices and a variety of destinations to choose from, it is easy to see why. Holiday providers are starting to modernise their cruise holiday, with some exciting new changes and experiences. And, more people across the generations are choosing the Caribbean as their ideal destination. Whilst many may not want to put off booking their holiday, it should consider that now is the best time to book to experience the multi-island multi-layer of

blue skis and golden sands. During this post-Christmas time many tour operators are quiet and so they offer discounts in order to attract consumers. Cruises are often considered expensive. Meals, drinks and other items can attract a premium on cruise ships, so requesting a priced menu or drinks list may be

advisable. From Jamaica to Barbados, Venezuela to Puerto Rico, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago, Cuba, The Cayman Islands, Dominica, or any one of the 52 island/states, there is never enough time. So, perhaps it’s best to get going now.

main street. Trysil Tourist Centre is on the mountain; with bars, restaurants, the information centre, sports shops, a large super market and a Lego shop for the Children. Perfect for introducing beginners, especially children, to skiing and snowboarding, the nursery areas surpass most of the areas that traditional Alpine resorts further south can offer. And there is also a crèche available for the tiny tots. Further nursery areas include Trysil Hoyfjellssenter on the North side of the mountain with 7 nursery lifts, over 12 green runs, a magic carpet and the all-important Lego shop to play in. Intermediates can revel in the

wide open slopes and virtually no lift queues. The blues and reds off the Fjellekspressen 6 man express chairlift swoop back down to the base area - over 2 miles of glorious pisted snow to really start those carve turns. The more advanced skiers will be surprised at the amount of varied skiing available at Trysil both on and off piste. Trysil offers a unique snow guarantee - if there is no snow then the company running the ski centre will refund the costs of accommodation, and any ski passes, ski hire and ski school that have been pre-booked.

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ith a national shortage of Foster carers across the UK, there are more children than ever who need a caring and loving environment, which every child has the right to experience. Whether a crisis in the family, illness or relationship difficulties could be some of the reasons why a child is placed in care.

There are already so many fantastic individuals who foster and adopt children into their families- but we need more! At the Phoenix, all of our team are committed to raising awareness of fostering and adoption through our campaign not just for the month of May, but for an entire 12 months!

We will be highlighting the inspiring work of current carers, the extensive support and training that is available and the difference that you could be making in a young persons’ life. If you feel that you can offer this, or even if you would like to find out a little bit more – don’t hesitate! It could make the greatest difference to a child’s life.

Adoption in Nigeria Adoption & Fostering Our ongoing campaign to help the children in need in our communities

Voluntourism Affected by Child-Trafficking Fears


doption in Nigeria is said to be difficult to follow through where its laws are often said to be complex and the system is frequently not transparent. In general, non-Nigerians who first obtain temporary custody (foster care) of a child for a period


leading international organisation is severing all links with overseas orphanages, citing fears of child trafficking and exploitation as its main reason. Projects Abroad, one of the largest volunteer abroad organizations in the world, but its head of program development, Jenny Puyo, has said that the company could have a far greater impact through community-based care. With volunteer or intern abroad in Africa, Asia, Europe, or Latin America, the announcement is a significant turning point in the campaign against orphanage tourism, which has built momentum in Australia in recent months as the government considers introducing a modern slavery act. As one of the largest ‘voluntourism’ companies in the world, the announcement means that there will no longer send any of its volunteers to orphanages in developing nations. Puyo said: “The reach of our volunteer projects is stronger in community care, with greater potential for real lasting contribution. Community-based care for children en-

sures that parents can work while their children are cared for and engaged in targeted interventions for early childhood development, including literacy, numeracy, English and hygiene.” Children are often exploited to attract tourist dollars, and can be subjected to abuse and forced labour, while deprived of food, education and safety. The orphanage industry is propped up by well-meaning westerners, through donations, volunteering placements and tourism. Campaigners are attempting to divert the money spent by westerners away from orphanages, towards kinship and community care. Project Abroad has thousands of volunteers working across 30 countries, who will instead now focus their efforts in community-based childcare, which allows children to remain in their own communities and maintain valuable familial connections. Its decision follows a similar action taken by travel company Intrepid Travel.

may adopt such child. However, as with all adoption procedures, rules differ from state to state: adoptive parents must foster their children for at least 3 months in Lagos, but must foster for at least one year in Akwa Ibom. Abuja allows adoption if and only if at least one parent is Ni-

Children stop being children. But parents never stop being parents. Every child is different. But what they all need is a parent-figure to give them the love and stability they need. If your children have left home or gone to university, you could give a foster child the family they need to grow to their full potential.

Can you help? Please call 0800 9177937 or visit

gerian. The U.S. Consulate in Lagos is not aware of any legally recognized agencies in Nigeria, which assist adopting parents, or of any licensed Nigerian adoption agencies. However, there are orphanages, hospitals and other institutions that are relatively more experi-

enced with international adoption. Check with the U.S. Consulate in Lagos for information on these institutions. In general, adoptive parents who are not able to take up residence in Nigeria for at least a 3-month period will find the adoption process extremely difficult.

The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018 - Page 43


Women’s Cricket on the Up


ngland Women are set to play a T20 Tri-Series in India this year as the game looks to attract a greater number of fans, with the Commonwealth Games seen as another platform for the game. Heather Knight's side will travel to Mumbai and play two matches against India and Australia with the final scheduled for 3 April. The tournament will provide useful preparation for the T20 World Cup which will be played in the Caribbean in November. England concluded the recent Women's Ashes by winning the last two T20 matches - performances which will have pleased Head Coach Mark Robinson as attention turns towards the World Cup. The team will also play three ODIs against India following the T20 Tri-Series. The matches are to be played outside the ICC Women’s Championship structure with dates and venues to be announced shortly. With women’s cricket creating headlines on a more regular basis, the Commonwealth Games Committee is looking at the game as a possible inclusion in the near future. And with the race to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games finally won by Birmingham, organisers are yet confirmed whether Women's T20 will be in by then. Head of the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) David Grevemberg said that Games organisers are in discussions with

Continued from Back Page

“Along with Coventry winning the ‘City of Culture’ vote for 2021, it’s a great period to showcase a resurgent, diverse and confident West Midlands to the world.” Birmingham City Council leader, Ian Ward, said: “The hard work begins now and we all have just four-and-a-half years to deliver an unforgettable Games that will shape the future of our city, our region and our people. “The vast majority of the Games venues are in place,” said Martin “and with extensive experience in the UK of hosting successful major events – including Manchester 2002, London 2012 and Glasgow 2014 – the CGF looks forward to a truly spectacular Games that delivers not only for the 2.4 billion citizens across the Commonwealth but the wider world, too. “This is great for Birmingham, global Britain and our resurgent Commonwealth Sports Movement.” the International Cricket Council (ICC) about women's cricket being included in some form. "Cricket is a great commonwealth sport. In 1998 in Malaysia, it made a fantastic contribution to the overall team sport programme," he said. "I really think it does have a place within

the Games." England Women lost to Australia in the recent multi-format Ashes. They last met India in the T20 format during the group stage of the last World T20 in 2016, beating the hosts by two wickets in Dharamsala.

BYSA Girls Enjoy Albion Celebration Visit


orty girls from a Birmingham sports academy took part in a massive celebration to enjoy the life of a footballer which included a full match day package with Premier League club West Bromwich Albion. The Birmingham Youth Sports Academy 1st Girls Project took in a stadium tour, training ses-

And The Winner Is...

sions in the indoor Dome, run by the Albion Foundation coaches, had lunch, took part in an awards presentation before taking in a live Premier League game against Crystal Palace. The action-packed day out at The Hawthornes was, for many of the girls, their first ever visit to a live football match. “Our Female Head Coach, Amina Begum, and her dedicated

team of volunteers put in some great work, at our base at Saltley Leisure Centre,” said a BYSA reperesentative. “We encourage all girls to get involved in all our projects.” Birmingham Youth Sports Academy is looking to get more trips organised to clubs and start a mentoring programme to get more girls active and socially involved - on and off the pitch.

Page 42 - The Phoenix Newspaper - January 2018

BYSA Girls Enjoy Albion Celebration - Page 43

Women’s Cricket on the Up - Inside Back

And the Host for the 2022 Commonwealth Games is...


And The Winner Was...


t was the perfect Christmas present as Birmingham was confirmed as the host city for the 2022 Commonwealth Games. The only city standing with a bid submitted to the Common-

wealth Games Federation CGF president, Louise Martin, confirmed the decision saying: “We warmly congratulate Birmingham on the announcement. With its rich history, cultural diversity, youthful dynamism and ambi-

tious spirit, it embodies all that we cherish about the Commonwealth." Despite a bidding process beset with problems, with the South African city of Durban originally awarded the Games in 2015 be-

fore being stripped of the event because it did not meet the CGF criteria, the UK’s second city is set to host the most expensive sports event in Britain since the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The success in securing a major global sporting event has been a long time coming for the city after decades of failure, but now the decision means that there will not only be 11 days of sport in the summer of 2022 but major investment in sports venues, transport, housing and jobs over the next few years. In making the announcement, in front of pupils from Arena Academy in Great Barr, in Sandwell, Ms. Martin said: “You have to earn the right and Birmingham has earned it.” West Midlands Mayor Andy

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Street added: “The successful bid depended entirely on the whole of the West Midlands region getting behind it and recognising the benefits it will bring. These Games will provide the opportunity to not only see world-class sport but bring economic and social benefits.

Continued on Page 46

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t seemed that, out of the whole nation, only one person was surprised at the decision. For Sir Mohammed Farah to get the nod in the 2017 BBC Sports Personality Of The Year showpiece, there really couldn’t be any semblance of doubt – apart from the man himself. Given the strong line-up of contenders to the crown, then, perhaps, the result wasn’t as much as the ‘given’ it was, leading up to, and on the night, on Merseyside. The 34-year-old record-breaking multi long-distance multi-champion had been considered third favourite by bookmakers, before coming out ahead of motorcyclist Jonathan Rea and Para-athlete Jonnie Peacock. "To be honest, I'm kind of shocked," he said through a video link, on the night. "I owe it to the public, to the people who voted for me and supported me," he said. For four-time Olympic champion, Farah, a third successive World Championship 10,000m gold medal was the highlight of a year in which he also won a world 5,000m silver, missing out on a fifth major championships distance double in a row, before received the knighthood from the Queen in November. So, despite the strong line-up of challengers, there was only ever going to be one winner – a real, true-life SPOTY!

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