Juying Secondary School Yearbook 2022

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School’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission, 1 Motto and Strategic Thrusts Gratitude @ Juying Secondary School 2 Teamwork @ Juying 3 Joy of Learning @ Juying 39 Character Development 49 JYians in Action 83 Our Current Batch 100 Our Graduands 113

School’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Motto and Strategic Thrusts

School Philosophy (OYSTER)

“Oysters are known for their ability to draw sediments, nutrients and algae in and over their gills to create shiny, beautiful pearls. Likewise, we wish for Juying to be our pupils’ oyster.

We are a nurturing family for pupils of all abilities and backgrounds as we believe that every pupil is unique and every pupil can learn. We aspire to enhance and amplify the individual talents of all pupils, and develop them to be persons with strength of character, such that they may, like pearls, shine and illuminate any organisation they may enter in the future.”

JYSS Vision

A gracious community of lifelong learners with strength of character

JYSS Mission

Inspiring Learning • Inculcating Values • Impacting Lives

To prepare JYians to be future-ready and useful citizens by inculcating values and inspiring in them a passion for learning.

JYSS Values (R2IGHT)

Respect. Responsibility. Integrity. Gratitude. Humility. Tenacity.

Strategic Thrust 1 - Lifelong Learners

Every JYian, a passionate and confident learner who strives for academic excellence.

Strategic Thrust 2 - Strength of Character

Every JYian, a values-driven leader and contributing citizen who adopts a healthy lifestyle.

O pportunities for all (nurturing family for pupils of all abilities and backgrounds)

Y earning for lifelong learning (every pupil can learn)

S tudent Centred (every pupil is unique)

T alent development (enhance and amplify the individual talents of all students)

Strategic Thrust 3 - Impactful Leaders

Every staff, a mission-driven role model who makes a difference to the lives of others.

Strategic Thrust 4 - Purposeful Partnership

Every partner, a committed collaborator who works towards a partnership anchored in a shared purpose.

E mpowerment (the pupil, like pearls, shine & illuminate any organisation they may enter in future)

R 2IGHT values inculcation (develop them to be persons with strength of character)

School Motto

Together We Will Succeed


Gratitude @ Juying Secondary School

‘GRATITUDE’, which continues to be the theme for this 2022 edition of our JYSS E-Magazine, has been a key focus for JYians and staff, for the last few years – marked by monthly reflections by our Principal, Mdm Soh BM, and kind deeds by the various members of the Juying family. As we continue to achieve our Vision to be a Gracious Community of Lifelong Learners, JYians have demonstrated positive and admirable character traits with various acts of gratitude and benevolence. In this very issue, the pages will showcase JYians expressing their thanks as they participate in the plethora of programmes and events that made 2022 so unique for Juying. Our continued collaboration with the Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) to inspire Gratitude and Graciousness ‘one kind act at a time’ has made this effortless.

During the last two years, the school has undergone and is still undergoing a lot of changes to its physical façade. To name a few, the refurbishment of Care Hub, Opening of upgraded Gym, the major transformation of the library to PASSION Hub and many other exciting additions. It is gratifying to see students and staff utilise these facilities to the fullest.

The period under Covid-19 had not the least bit deterred the staff and students from their desire to continually support the school and the larger community. With the gradual removal of Covid-19 restrictions, many of our activities resumed after two years of dormancy. We are currently also challenged to adjust and adapt quickly because of the opening up. The school has resumed many of the activities that were not possible during the Covid-19 period. These include learning journeys, CCA activities, National School Games and other outreach programmes. All of these are welcomed by both the students and the staff.

Even though we have been through many challenging moments in the last two years, JYIANs have once again triumphed over these challenges and emerged victorious. This 2022 E-magazine is especially dedicated to all staff, students, their parents and school partners for the memories and significant moments captured within these pages. As we smile in our moments of success, let us be thankful and reflect in gratitude for all the goodness we have enjoyed and be ready to give back to others and to spread the happiness to even more people.

“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” Cicero*

As our tagline goes, U & I, Together We Will Succeed!


106 BC.

Tullius Cicero was a Roman lawyer, writer, and orator. He was famous for his orations on politics and society, as well as serving as a high-ranking consul,

Teamwork @ Juying

Row 1: Mrs Wong-Chia Pei San, Mr Wang Woon Keat, Mdm Norhafiani Bte Abdul Majid, Mr Chung Zhiwen, Mr Lee Lian Hui Roy, Mr Cai Zhiwen, Mr Tan Ying Peng Dayan, Ms Wong Zhimin Lynette, Ms Shynn Lim Shi Ying, Mr Senthil S/O Silvarajoo, Mdm P. Manimegalai, Mr Ng Han Ming, Mdm Soh Beng Mui, Mr Tan Ching, Ms Yang Wenqing, Mdm Ong Siew Har (Amy Yeo), Ms Lim Hui Ying Maybellina, Ms Koh Shu Jiun, Mdm Lian Chuen Pei, Mdm Gan Hui Yee, Mdm Maslinni Bte Abdul Malik, Mr Fu Jizheng Edwin, Mr Karamjeet Singh, Mr Rudie Asmara Bin Rahman, Mr Mohter B Amat Amin, Mr Chong Kim, Mr Tan Meng Hwee, Mr Soh Joon Wei Row 2: Mdm Zareena Beham D/O Ponnani, Yee Jie Ying, Ms Teow Siew Kun, Mdm Mak Wai Han, Ms Lau Jia Yun, Mrs Chew Kiat Lian, Ms Wint Wah Kyaw, Mdm Nyai Diyana Kartini, Ms Goh Wan Ru, Ms Goh Shu Han, Ms Zheng Huiru, Mdm Khairiani Bte Hassan, Mdm Lim Keng Hoi, Ms Ng May Ling, Mdm Goh Hwee Tuan (Sophia Ang), Ms Lek Hui Ying, Ms Nuraini Binte Ab Ghani, Mdm Nur Wahidah Bte Sidik, Mdm Tan Xue Ni Serene, Mdm Hui Loow Tai, Ms Foo Limin Amanda, Ms Roslin Binte Rahim, Ms Chen Yong Hua, Ms Charlotte Ho Yimei, Ms Xu Jia’en Serena, Ms Raudhah Binte Mohammad Rizal, Ms Tham Wai Theng Rachel, Ms Lim Siew Yin From left to right JYian Staff
Row 3: Hema Lata D/O Veeramohan, Mdm Nor Diana Bte Ahmad (Dee), Mdm Mok Tee Lan, Mdm Rozana Bte Salleh, Ms Lin I Chen, Mrs Seow Ratnakumari, Ms Yeo Hwee Chien Jenny, Ms Tay Wen Hui, Mr Soh Wei Qiang, Mr Ong Hok Beng, Mr Lee Hon Yen, Mr Tan Jian Wei, Mr Ko Kok Kheong, Mr Ng Wei Sheng Martin, Mr Sies Bin Senan, Ms Irene Lim Miao Ee (Mrs Irene Yue), Ms Chang Sze May, Ms Khoo Woei Lin, Ms Elina Binte Amiruddin, Ms Tan Ying Shan, Mdm Shareefa Begum, Ms Elydia Binte Azman, Ms Suhana Binte Jumadi, Ms Nur’ Adilah Binte Mhurisa, Ms Yeo Yee Teng
Staff 2022
Row 4: Mr Darren Subramaniam, Mr Choong Guo Wei, Mr Teo Seng Leong John, Mr Nyoe Chee Yong Adrian, Mr Ng Poh Huat, Mr Cho Jia Sheng Samuel, Mr Yee Jen Siong, Mr Ma Yaping, Mr Mohammad Fauzul Mohd Taha, Mr Goh Qi Xuan Benjamin, Mr Ho Sing Charn, Mr Toh Jun Yang Jeshrei, Mr Woo Wei Li Terence, Mr Lui Tze Ting Albert, Mr Kartik Aravind Raj S/O V M Selvarajah, Mr Mohamed Ashraff Bin Mohamed Ali, Mr Ang Jeffrey, Mr Ashari Bin Mohamed Salleh, Mr Roslee Bin Nadi

School Management Committee


Executive and Administrative Staff


English Language and Literature Department


The English Language and Literature Department has exhibited more confident approaches to provide different lesson experiences for students this year. After two years of working on ICT-based lessons, students have been equipped with useful skills to conduct research and consolidate and communicate their learning in more creative and effective methods.

The exhilaration in the air was palpable. This year, EL Week was held on 17 to 20 May. The week celebrated a string of exciting English and Literature activities.

The department has also encouraged the use of multimodal analysis, in order to be able to tackle the new challenges of understanding the different forms of news and information today.

Students had the opportunity to exhibit their favourite Book Characters for Book Character Day. They had the creative freedom to not only choose the most iconic line and outfit, they could also whip out their acting chops as well! Various platforms saw student empowerment to showcase their hidden talents, such as the Spelling Bee to show off their spelling prowess, Caption Two! to allow them to weave in photographic inventiveness and an imaginative caption, and Essay-Writing to enable the teachers to dive into the world they created. This week definitely saw an appreciation of one another’s linguistic and literary talents.

Sec 2 Spelling Bee Semi-Finals Students preparing for their Catwalk Video Recording Spelling Bee Finals Sec 3 Seniors in costume

Mother Tongue Department


The key programmes include contextualised learning of language skills and knowledge to develop communication skills effectively, including Contemporary Issues (CI) and Current Affairs (CA) resources to enhance and empower learning/ understanding of various themes in the syllabus.

We leverage technology to empower students to stay connected to MTLs beyond the classroom by using e-pedagogy in 1:1 PLD learning environment, infusing Blended Learning : Flipped Classroom and providing explicit outline of Learning Experiences (Discussion, Collaboration).

The MT Intensive Programme (for Graduating classes) equipped our students with specific examination skills to prepare them for the GCE ‘O and ‘N level examinations. The MT Fortnight Programme (MTFP) teaches Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) beyond the classroom by creating an environment that encourages students to use MTL and appreciate the heritage and culture through various activities in the programme.

Journalism: Covering the ground Batik Painting: Traditional Motifs Batik Painting: Creative Artworks Malay Dance: Zapping the Zapin Journalism: Young Journalists at work

Mathematics Department


Joy of learning in the classroom

Applying Math skills in problem solving

Blended learning with the seamless use of ICT and face-to-face interactions is key in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics as we develop our students to be self-directed and intrinsically-motivated. Teachers continue to develop various methods to activate learning, promote thinking and discussion, facilitate student demonstration of learning as well as monitor and give feedback. Interactive thinking tools are used to enable students to explain their answers with clear reasons. Our students have more opportunities to work hands-on using apps and discuss with their classmates on the best ways

Group exploration on Probability New discoveries and learning together

to solve mathematical problems. In order to develop confident learners and make learning visible, teachers use Talk Moves to enable our students to articulate their reasonings with correct mathematical vocabulary. Teachers strive to promote the joy of learning and make Mathematics meaningful for our students.

Key programmes

For LLP (STEM week), The Math Department built a cosy Math Escape Room where students collaborated to solve puzzles and problems. Students demonstrated their mathematical

problem solving skills and had fun in the process. Bridging Programme for Secondary 1 students was incorporated in order to get our new secondary one students ready for their secondary mathematics learning. Selected students went through a 6-week programme in January. This has helped students to be more ready and confident in their numeracy skills. Students who enjoy mathematics challenges are selected to participate in competitions such as the All Secondary School Mathematics Competition.


Science Department


In Juying, a strong passion for Science is developed through engaging students’ heads, hearts and hands in every learning experience with inquiry-based learning and the discussion of real-world issues relating to life and the environment. Cultivating scientific values, ethics and attitudes begin at the lower secondary level through our key programmes. In the Science Inquiry Project, Secondary 1 students planned and carried out their own investigations to answer a question of their choice. In the Science Communication Project, Secondary 2 students built a prototype of an electric circuit system and explained the science behind how it worked in a video. For Food & Consumer Education (FCE) at lower secondary, students are involved in a mini coursework to design

food labels and to plan healthy meals. At upper secondary, teachers focus on developing disciplinary ideas in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Nutrition & Food Science through concept-based learning and practical activities.

15 3E3 P Chemistry analysis STEM Challenge Sec 1 Science Inquiry 3E1 Nutrition and Food Science 3E3 P Chemistry Practical Blended learning Sec 2 Science Comm 2T1 Balloon Car 4NA Sc(Bio) Heart 4E3 Physics Demonstration

Humanities Department


The Humanities Department’s primary go-to move is to adopt Inquiry-based learning which is an approach to learning that emphasises the student’s role in the learning process. We encourage our students to think critically and explore about issues pertaining to our respective disciplines. We also encourage students to provide objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a conclusion. A new aspect added to Humanities this year enables students to empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test solutions pertaining to different issues through Design Thinking.

Singaporeans. Students will be identifying a theme of their interest to investigate and evaluate the existing policies and subsequently propose new or modified solutions.

Geographical Investigations: Our students will undertake geographical investigations which are similar to those which geographers themselves follow when attempting to understand how the physical and human environment interact with each other.

Social Studies Investigations: The Issue Investigation adopts a Design Thinking approach to explore creative ways to improve on the policies affecting

History Investigations: Students can understand History by undergoing the process of primary source researching in order to navigate the complexity of History across the 19th Century via different lenses and experiences.

Students doing HI @ Sultan Mosque Students doing HI @ Thian Hock Keng Temple Students doing HI @ Chinatown area Students doing water testing @ Bishan Park

Aesthetics Department



In our Juying Secondary Aesthetics Department, we believe that at the heart of every JYian is an Artist. Our Total Arts Curriculum (TAC) is designed to nurture and polish the artist in our students. The school’s TAC takes the 5Es approach to Engage, Excite, Explore, Enrich and Empower all students.

students who have the talent and passion to pursue the Arts further, through our Visual and Performing Art CCAs, PASSION Arts modules and VIA projects, Polytechnic Advanced Elective Modules, as well as external Talent Development Programmes and industry attachments with Arts organisations.

to experience the joy of learning art and see the meaningfulness of the art discipline. Through the 4-5 years of Arts education in Juying, we develop essential learning dispositions in all our JYiansto become creative, appreciative and passionate learners through the inculcation of the Arts.”

The TAC has a robust, holistic and tiered structure that engages our students at multiple levels. Our Tier 1 broad-based Arts education caters to all students. It comprises the Art and Music curricula and showcases, Aesthetics assemblies and learning journeys, as well as PASSION Arts month and JYians Got Talent festival. We also have more targeted and deeper Tier 2 Arts training for interested students and enhanced exposure for selected

Some of our key Aesthetics Partnerships Programmes include the Lions International Peace Poster Contest, Singapore Organ Transplant Unit Live On Design Competition and One Heart for Singapore x National Day Parade Exhibition.

We strive to create an authentic, values-driven, student-centred and inquiry-based aesthetics education in our classrooms to allow our JYians

Artwork display of JYian Artist, Zoleen Chua at Jurong Regional Library TAC Framework 2022 Mr Dayan receiving the awards from Lions Club Chairman Mr Louis Our Principal and Lions Club Partners presenting the award to our JYian Artist, Anton Kwoh Principal with one of our award winners, Charmaine Yeo and her winning artwork Sharing by SOTU on the social issues with organ transplant Our Art Unit with SOTU Partner

Design and Technology Department



The D&T Unit believes that ‘Every JYian is a Designer’ and aims to nurture in our students the way of thinking and doing by providing an experiential learning platform through working on projects based on real-world contexts. Thinking routines, scaffolding/ templates for sketching and design stimuli are used to encourage designerly thinking among students.

Designing and making products become part of the learning experiences as students work on designand-make projects based on real-world situations.

We focus on students acquiring skills by doodling/ sketching, designing and applying other practical skills in making a prototype. Basic design knowledge and techniques such as random lines, SCAMPER and shape borrowing are used in designing to allow students to experience the process in the creation of a design solution.

Sec 3 Learning journey to Republic Poly Advanced Elective Modules in Designing. Show & Tell: Student explaining Mechanism used in everyday product!! Sec 1 students making a wooden toy car. making with Shape Borrowing of a dust bin with a sensor to detect when it is full to alert user to empty the dust bin.

Physical Education Department


Sec 2 Interclass Games

Physical activity is necessary to students’ overall well-being. It teaches students key life skills alongside improving their health and wellbeing.

In our school, games in PE classes are modified to cater to students of different skill levels for engagement. The emphasis is on participation and valuing teamwork. To allow for more comprehensive learning, each sport module spans over a period of one semester. Acquiring the fundamentals of one sport makes it easier to master the skills of another and our students have demonstrated improvement in their abilities for each sport module.

Game Analysis

At the end of each module, students participate in the culminating interclass games. This is always the highlight of each season. Team interactions teach students values of cooperation and team spirit which give students a sense of identity as they forge memories with one another.

Passion Sports Month Clinic

Sec 1 Interclass Games

Oath Taking Ceremony

Sec 3 Interclass Games


Character and Citizenship Education Department


The PASSION Programme is our customised CCE Programme, guided by national goals as well as research-based pedagogies that aim to nurture students to become Lifelong Learners with Strength of Character. The design and enactment of the integrated approach to develop in students good character, resilience and social-emotional well-being, future readiness and active citizenship, is guided by a set of principles that amalgamates the domains of purposes of education and authentic learning. Data in terms of evidence of students’ learning and students’ feedback were collected and analysed. Results suggested that the learning experience benefitted students by boosting their self-confidence, self-directed and collaborative learning skills as well as empathy.

Students are given a choice to choose their preferred PASSION (Personal Well-being, Arts, Sports, STEM, Internal security, Outreach, Nature) Module and they meet weekly with like-minded PASSION teachers and peers from the cohort to learn topics related to their PASSION Modules. They have to carry out research related to an advocacy area of their interest, collaborate with peers from different classes and work on an advocacy project that will take the form of social media content, as well as deliver an oral presentation. The year long learning culminates into a project showcase for guests and peers during the annual SPARK! Day.

AEM Experience for all Sec 3 Express students during the June Holidays ECG Cafe participants to understand what it takes to be a psychiatric nurse AEM Experience by selected Sec 4 students during the March Holidays Students engaging elderly through finger painting sec3VIA PASSION Sports US Visit to Snow city with exclusive access to the stadium and locker room PASSION STEM Vist to MINT Toy Museum with VR experience to bring drawings to life PASSION Personal Wellbeing Upper Secondary Tour at Enabling Village to understand and experience some special needs of others Total Defence Day gameshow conducted online by SDC facilitators and our Form Teachers

Information Communication Technology Department


Secondary 1 students using iPads for research and engaging eLearning.


Secondary 2 students immersed in an online quiz compete using PLDs and mobile devices

Our vision is every JYian is a self-directed and collaborative learner through the use of IT and our mission is to build a pervasive culture of promoting effective use of ICT into the school curriculum to enhance pedagogy that engages collaboration and self-directed learning. The IT Department harnesses technology to provide an enriching learning experience to all JYians. This is done through PASSION ICT lessons for Sec 1s and Enhanced IT Training for Sec 2s.

Secondary 1 students interacting with Juying’s A.I Robot TEMI

At Juying Secondary School, Personal Learning Devices (PLD) will be frequently used in and outof-class to promote active learning and to generate greater personalisation. In class, the devices will be used to support learning of the curriculum subjects independently or collaboratively. Beyond the classroom, students will be able to use the device for home-based learning. Students can review past lessons, access digital resources on the Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) and other digital platforms to enhance their learning and explore topics

Upper secondary students interact with TEMI to gather more information.

of their own personal interests using the device. Our teachers design varied learning experiences for our students to learn new media literacies where they connect, curate and create. Students can also make use of digital tools such as calendaring and note-taking applications to enhance their personal productivity. The use of PLD goes beyond the provision of a device but requires a shift in the way lessons are designed and enacted to provide the learning experiences to ‘find, think, apply and create’ through the mediated use of technology.

connectivity throughout the school allows for ubiquitous learning anywhere.

Data Management Team


Time-Tabling Committee


Student Development Team


Staff Well-being Committee


Photography and Digital Publicity, Publications, School Open House and P6 Publicity


Partnerships Committee


Exam Committees - External Exam Committee & Schoolbased Assessment


Achievers Programme


Gear-Up Committee


Joy of Learning @ Juying

Applied Learning Programme (ALP)

Our Applied Learning Programme (ALP) in Oracy aims to ‘Develop Confident, Competent and Empathetic Communicators’. Our ALP has a holistic framework that focuses on the 5Es ‘Engage, Excite, Explore, Enrich and Empower’. All our Engage programmes aim to Excite all JYians to have the joy of communicating, allow them to Explore and discover their style as a speaker, Enrich them by sharpening their oracy skills and Empower them to advocate for positive changes, be it in school or in the community.

Every year, we organise a series of workshops for all our JYians. Our Secondary Four and Five students embarked on their DSA/EAE preparatory interview training this year. They worked on their

personal narrative and application write-ups, built their e-portfolios and learnt to ace their interviews. Our Secondary Three cohort underwent research and presentation skills training, which saw them getting hands-on experience, practising how to give an effective presentation and researching on their presentation topics. Our Secondary Twos learnt to use the Readers’ Theatre Strategy to act out their scripts and put up a skit that involved applying drama techniques and exercising their creativity to bring across their advocacy message through their performance. Our secondary ones learnt to do storytelling and put together their digital storybooks that allowed them to apply the storytelling strategies they learnt and exercise their creativity in teams.

Every year, we recruit Secondary One and Two students who are interested in enhancing their oracy skills into our ALP Talent Development Programme. We provide a customised training workshop to train our ALP talent pool and Juying Achievers Programme students in toastmasters, to equip them with the necessary skills to start their journey as our Juying Gardens Ambassadors with Gardens By The Bay and represent the school in upcoming national competitions. We also conduct oracy training to develop our student leaders into more confident, competent and empathetic leaders so they can perform their roles better.

Sec 3s taking turns to present Sec 4s having mock interviews
Talent Pool having their toastmasters practice
ALP Framework 2022 ALP Student Ambassadors Sec 2s putting up a drama skit A Sec 1 JYian reading a story
Juying Orators Trophy ALP Gardens Ambassadorship ALP TED TALK Series

Learning for Life Programme (LLP) in PASSION

Our Learning for Life Programme (LLP) in PASSION aims to develop self-directed and intrinsically motivated learners through PASSION. Our LLP has a holistic framework that focuses on the 5Es’ “Engage, Excite, Explore, Enrich and Empower”. All our programmes aim to engage the heads, hearts and hands of all our JYians, excite them through exciting learning experiences, allow them to explore local and global issues, enrich them with enriching knowledge and skills and empower them as young advocates who will advocate for positive changes, be it in school or in the community.

embark on research and investigation, collect data and do analysis, and undergo ICT and ALP training. This programme allows students to interact with and make new friends across streams in the cohort, as well as hone their social emotional competencies.

The Tier 1 LLP programmes, which target at all the students in each cohort, include the PASSIONthemed Assembly Talks, PASSION curriculum and PASSION SPARK! Day and VIA Projects, which JYians from lower secondary and upper secondary respectively have to ideate in teams to come up with to showcase their learning and advocate for what they are passionate for.

All JYians also get to enjoy monthly PASSION-themed activities that expose them to the various themes that they may not have much knowledge and awareness of, to allow them to have a greater understanding of the social issues and current affairs surrounding the PASSION themes. The PASSION-themed months also enable JYians to see how the IP, CCA and CCE curricula are relevant to their PASSION experience as different subjects and CCA groups will be involved during different PASSION months to help JYians draw the connections and gain greater appreciation between what they are learning in school and what is happening in the world.

and through archiving these learning opportunities, they will be able to take stock of these milestone checks during Parent-Teacher Conferences, as they share and articulate their growth to their parents and teachers. The Secondary 4s and 5s will eventually be able to apply for EAE/DSA and use their E-Portfolio in a reflective and authentic way to showcase and represent themselves to the interviewing panel more effectively.

The year-long PASSION curriculum is offered to the Secondary One and Two cohorts. JYians get to choose one of the following PASSION modules; Personal Well-being, Arts, Sports, STEM, Internal Security, Outreach and Nature. JYians get to enjoy learning journeys, dialogue with invited guest speakers,

Finally, all JYians get to participate in the Juying PASSION Writing Festival and to reflect on their uniquely Juying PASSION journey in their PASSION E-Portfolio, which serves as a personal branding portfolio that will showcase the growth and development each JYian has made each year, through all the learning experiences the school has provided. JYians get to reflect on their takeaways

Our Principal with Winners of STEM PASSION Month Activity

ECG Cafe with Guest Speaker for Nature PASSION Month PASSION Learning Journey to Singapore Discovery Centre JYians solving Math Escape Room puzzles in STEM PASSION Month LLP Framework 2022 JYians Got Talent Lunchtime Concert in Arts PASSION Month

Active Pursuit for Passion to Learn and Excel (A.P.P.L.E)

Active Pursuit for Passion to Learn and Excel (A.P.P.L.E) is an after-school programme which aims to increase the motivation level of the students in achieving their goals, promote self-leadership, equip them with Social and Emotional Competencies (SEC) relating to conduct / behaviour such as anger management and coping mechanisms to overcome difficulties, develop the desire to attend school regularly, and improve the students’ relationships with peers and significant adults. The school partners an external agency, Majulah Community, in the running of the programme. The youth workers are trained and are engaging the students in the form of group work.

APPLE 2: Outdoor Session at Katapult Trampoline Park
APPLE 5: Warming up for the fun at Katapult Trampoline Park APPLE 1: Latte made and designed by student APPLE 3: Road Adventure at Lakeside Garden APPLE 4: Photo with teachers in-charge at Lakeside Garden

ECG Café

ECG Café 2022 is a monthly affair in Juying secondary school to expose students to the different career sectors by inviting guest speakers from different industries to share their insights with our JYians. Below are some examples of the cafes that we have held in 2022.

With the issue of mental health among school students in Singapore having been thrust into the spotlight in recent years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Juying had the honour of having Mr Rayson Choo, a psychiatric nurse, to share the intricacies of the life-changing work he does. Mr Choo gave our JYians a thorough understanding of the needs in the profession by stressing the attributes that a competent psychiatric nurse must possess.

In light of the recent OCBC phishing scams and the hacking of Toei Animation studios, the ECG Cafe invited Mr Khairul Nizam, Deputy Chief Executive (Development) of Cyber Youth Singapore, to share his insights on the world of ethical hacking. In his sharing, Mr Nizam introduced our JYians to the world of white hat, black hat and grey hat hackers,

Hands-on Experience with Mr Nizam on the world of ethical hacking

as well as various programming languages ranging from Python, Linux to C++. JYians also had a handson experience to practise ethical hacking via the Metasploit software.

To commemorate the 80th Total Defence Day Celebration, the ECG Committee was honoured to have Mr Nelson Tan, a consultant for CyberSecurity Agency Singapore, share his insights into the cybersecurity landscape in Singapore. Mr Nelson unravelled how phishing attacks occur and emphasised the importance of passwords and authentication. Having roused the interest of our JYians, he also shared the multiple possible career prospects in the cybersecurity sector.

Such dialogues with industry partners aim to indeed empower our youth to help them make informed career choices.

ECG Cafe participants learning what it takes to be a psychiatric nurse Engagement session with Mr Nelson Engagement session with Mr Rayson Understanding cybersecurity and how phishing attacks occur

Character Development

Student Leaders’ Investiture

On 22 of March, 2022, over 300 JYians were invested as student leaders. The theme for this year’s investiture was Constellations. Much like stars that shine brightly on their own but come together to form a bigger picture, Juying’s student leaders shine individually as role models, but also collaborate in order to serve the school and the wider Nanyang community. As the apex of student leadership in Juying, the Student Council is akin to the North Star, which is fixed in the night sky. Similarly, the Student Council leads the rest of the student leaders with unyielding conviction. During the ceremony, the 4th President of Student Council, Goh Jia En, stepped down and Charis King En was invested as the 5th President of Student Council. The ceremony ended with Charis leading the Student Leaders’ Pledge, in which all student leaders stood and pledged their service and commitment to the school and community.

Student Leaders Pledge Class Leaders CCA Leaders JYSC ExCo SLI Title Card

Graduation Night

The Graduation Night for the Class of ‘22 was the final event for the cohort to gather and celebrate the completion of their journey in Juying. Jointly organised by school staff and JPSG, we had teachers performing and JPSG and teachers conducting games with the graduates, with the highlight being the lucky draw with prizes contributed by staff and parents generously. It was a night to remember, and certainly one to cherish and be thankful for. Their journey in Juying may have come to an end, but the sense of belonging and identity will remain as strong as ever. Once a JYian, always a JYian!

Our parents engaging everyone with the first game Wordle

The winner of the Lucky Draw top prize sponsored by staff and parents

A sumptuous buffet dinner spread Playing the second game where our male staff recorded a boyband song! Our very own Juying singers! Our wonderful parents who gave their fullest support to organising the event Teachers and JYians at the photo booth Our Andes cohort, Class of ‘22 A night to remember for all graduates and staff

SPARK! Day 2022

SPARK! Day is an annual event where our JYians come together to celebrate and showcase their PASSION projects, as well as to ignite the spark in all our guests and visitors. This year, it is our pleasure to host about 600 primary students from our cluster schools! The JYians put in a lot of effort in showcasing their PASSION knowledge and skills learnt for the entire year. They featured their advocacy messages, digital collaterals designed by them, presentation slides as well as their oracy skills learnt from the Applied Learning Programme. Below, you can find a link to a video montage that will give you a glimpse of the event and a link to the photographs taken that day!

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boa-MIu2VaE

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/106251112@N04/ albums/72177720303194990

Making Cocktails for visitors by 3NA Elective Module group Playing a Kahoot Game they have designed Demonstrating the use of Arduino sets for self-watering system Games designed to engage eldelry How about trying some interesting experiments with us?

Testing a prototype designed by the STEM passionites

Trying out a game designed for the visually impaired

Showcasing an advocacy video for selfcare Trying out a board game designed to promote internal security Watching an advocacy video created by JYians Senior-Junior Showcase Having fun sharing what we have learnt with the primary students! Sharing of advocacy poster and slides with primary students Welcome to our DREAM Garden where we promote organic projects Sharing why it is important to take care of our mental well-being

Learning Journeys: Values in Action (Local) Programme

After a 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic, it was indeed refreshing and enriching to be able to go out beyond the classroom to learn, experience and explore. One important milestone for our Secondary 3 JYians was being able to give back to our community by extending our hearts and hands to the elderly at two NTUC Active Ageing Centres (Taman Jurong and Jurong Central Plaza) and one Senior Activity Centre (Boon Lay).

Each class researched and designed games and activities which they could do with the elderly. The activities planned by each class were in alignment with the PASSION theme that they had selected. Students delivered their kindness at one of the three venues by engaging the elderly over 16 sessions, with different activities planned for each session.

The intensive process of planning and designing activities that were empathetic and engaging was indeed a challenging one, especially having to be mindful of the Safe Management Measures in place and the special needs of the elderly. Moreover, having to think on their feet and improvise their planned activities after assessing the elderly’s mood, mode of language and mobility, was a skill that our students got to practise and hone.

Nonetheless, it was all worth the effort, seeing the smiles on the faces of the elderly during the active engagement sessions. The experiences and interactions with the elderly were rewarding and heart-warming for our JYians, the young leaders of the future.

Pre-engagement Ice-breakers

Post engagement photograph Students engaging the elderly through finger Painting Students engaging the elderly through traditional games such as pick-up sticks and five stones Students engaging the elderly through gardening exercises Pre-engagement Ice breakers led by student leaders in the class Students engaging the elderly through gardening and interactions

NE Event: Total Defence Day

We celebrated Total Defence Day (TDD) 2022 with a myriad of activities catered to different groups of students. The theme for this year was ‘Together we keep Singapore Strong’. The following lists the activities conducted in conjuction with TDD 2022:

SDC Drama Show

Interested Sec 2 students signed up to go to Singapore Discovery Centre for a drama show for a hands-on experience. The experience was enriching for students as they re-lived the experiences of our forefathers and appreciated the life they have now.

Humanities Exhibition & Quiz

JYians viewed a Humanities Exhibition on the 6 Pillars of Total Defence over a week and participated in a quiz based on the exhibition at the end of the week. Prizes were given out to each class.

Total Defence Assembly Gameshow

JYians enjoyed the interactive Total Defence Assembly Game show during their CCE lesson conducted by Singapore Discovery Centre personnel and our very own teachers. Students had a whale of a time voicing out their opinions to the different situational videos.

Contemporary Issue Lesson

JYians watched videos about Total Defence, put together by NCDCC, NCC (Sea) and Hip Hop to spark their discussion for the CCE contemporary issue lesson.

Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Café by Cyber Security Agency

Interested Sec 4/5s signed up for the ECG Café session by Cyber Security Agency to understand more about this field/industry for their academic and career exploration.

LJ to SDC drama show to re-live the experiences of our forefather Videos by CCA groups to depict situations to exemplify Total Defence TDD gameshow conducted online by SDC facilitators and our Form Teachers ECG cafe Talk by Nr Nelson from Cybersecurity Agency LJ to SDC drama show to re-live the experiences of our forefathers

NE Event: Chinese New Year Celebrations

The Chinese New Year celebration marked the first celebrational event in our school. To usher in the spring season with gratitude in our hearts, and to get JYians to count our blessings, we continued the tradition of our hamper wrapping competition. All of us participated with enthusiasm. It was observed that JYians contributed many necessities and festive goodies. Some classes and departments even made more than one hamper! All these hampers were then given to the Nanyang Community needy families. On the eve of Chinese New Year, which fell on 31 January 2022, we had our actual celebration! Reunion breakfast in groups of 5 was held in class.

Finally, students and teachers were able to sit and eat together after a year’s wait. After that, students learnt to make paper-cutting crafts to decorate their classrooms and played games on Kahoot!, which tested their knowledge on the traditions and taboos of Chinese New Year. The highlight of the day was the e-concert! Our school leaders, students, performance CCA groups prepared awesome performances not only showcasing Chinese culture but students’ talents too! JYians thoroughly enjoyed the celebration and we are looking forward to a prosperous year ahead!

CNY Hamper Making CNY Quiz CNY Lantern Making CNY DIY Lanterns CNY Reunion Breakfast CNY Lantern Making CNY Hamper Making

NE Event: National Day Celebration

Clad in Singapore’s national colours of red and white, teachers, staff and students alike gathered at the parade square for the National Day Celebrations marking the 57th anniversary of our nation’s independence.

by all our Performing Arts, Clubs, and Societies Co-Curriculum Activities (CCAs). The festivities concluded appropriately when the entire school sang National Day songs in unison.

The Observance Ceremony was led by our school’s Uniformed Groups (UGs) from the National Cadet Corps (Sea) and National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as well as the Symphonic Band. During the ceremony, our school leaders, Mdm Soh Beng Mui, Mr Ng Han Ming and Mr Tan Ching graced the parade participants with their presence before Mr Ng, the Vice-Principal, delivered the National Day message.

The ceremony proceeded with the marching in of the state flag bearers from the respective UG units and the school flag bearer from the Student Council, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, recitation of the National Pledge, honorary salutation to all national servicemen past and present in commemoration of NS55 and recitation of the recollections.

Following two years of lost opportunities to engage in mass school activities, the festivities represented a memorable day for all JYians, staff, and teachers, and honoured the dedication, resilience, and service of all the teachers, students, and CCA instructors during the pandemic.

As we celebrate our Nation’s 57th birthday, let us bear in remembrance the contributions of those who have come before us and how we can emerge stronger together through trying times.

You and I, Together We Will Succeed!

In the school Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH), the celebrations continued with various activities such as the Dance of The Nation (DOTN); a quiz on Singaporean Landmarks; Don’t Forget the Lyrics (NDP Songs Edition); and an integrated performance

Performance by JYSS Modern Dance (Hip Hop) Team Performance by JYSS Cultural Dance Club Performance by JYSS Modern Dance (Hip Hop) Team Performance by JYSS Speech & Drama Society and Art & Craft Club
Singing of the National Anthem Community Singing of NDP Songs 1 Performance by JYSS Symphonic Band All Uniformed Group Participants and Teacher Officers from the National Cadet Corps (Sea) and National Civil Defence Cadet Corps Community Singing of NDP Songs 2 From left, Vice-Principal Mr Tan Ching, Principal Mdm Soh Beng Mui and VicePrincipal Mr Ng Han Ming gracing the parade NDP Message by Vice-Principal Mr Ng Han Ming All National Day Parade Participants Crowd Engagement by Mr Adrian Nyoe & Singa The Kindness Lion Parade Contingent Comprising of JYSS National Cadet Corps (Sea) and National Civil Defence Cadet Corps Flag Party Marching in with the State and School Flags

Academic Excellence Recognition Ceremony (Sec 2 to 5)

Abigail Adams once said that ‘Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence.’ Indeed, JYians who had shown great learning attitude and determination achieved good academic results. This group of JYians received their awards for their great academic performance.

The Academic Excellence Recognition Ceremony is an annual event that is held to show recognition to JYians who have performed well academically. This year, AERC was conducted over three different sessions when the prize winners celebrated their

achievements together with their peers. A total of 108 JYians received awards for their good academic results in 2021. The JYian with the highest score for each subject would receive the Certificate of Academic Excellence Award for that subject.

While we celebrate and acknowledge the good work of the prize winners, this ceremony also serves as a good reminder to all JYians that hard work pays off and a positive learning attitude will help them achieve their academic goals, just like how the prize winners attained their academic goals.

Sec 4N Prize Winners Sec 4E-5N Prize Winners Sec 3 Prize Winners Sec 2 Prize Winners
Sec 2 AERC Ceremony

Teachers’ Day Celebration

On 1 September, Juying Secondary School (JYSS) celebrated Teachers’ and EAS’ Day. Organised and executed by Juying’s Student Council, the celebrations demonstrated JYians’ appreciation and gratitude for all that their teachers do for them. The theme of this year’s celebrations was DREAM Garden, to reflect how students bloom into the best version of themselves under their teachers’ careful and tireless care.

After a personal celebration in the classroom, the school gathered in the hall to watch this year’s Teachers’ Day Concert, the first in two years. The spectacular performances from Modern Dance, Show Choir, Cultural Dance and JYian Got Talent winners were interspersed by interactive games and Novelty Awards. It was a meaningful end to the term!

Our emcees hard at work Interactive games Teachers and JYians enjoying the performances Teachers receiving the gift prepared for them by JYSC and JYians Show Choir’s performance Mr Choong winning the Novelty Award for Most Inspirational Teacher The celebrations started in the classroom NutzCrew_s powerful performance Mdm Soh opening the concert

Teachers’ Day Dinner


After a two-year hiatus, JYSS staff was excited to be able to celebrate and enjoy Teachers’ Day together with a bang. Both teaching and nonteaching staff of JYSS gathered for the Teachers’ & EAS’ Day Dinner, on the evening of 31 August 2022, at JEN Singapore Tanglin by Shangri-La. The event was graced by Mr Andy Koh, our School Advisory Committee Chairman, along with other members of the committee, our partners and Juying Parents’ Support Group (JPSG) Exco members. It

was a night of showing appreciation to our partners in education, and JYSS’ teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication. Themed “MET Gala –Glitz & Glam”, our staff put on their creative hats and strutted down the red carpet showing off their costumes, props and moves! The dinner celebrated the coming together and the camaraderie that has developed amongst JYSS staff, as well as the building of a culture of care and trust in anticipation of an uncharted future.

Strike a pose!

Emcees of the evening - Mr Senthil & Ms Charlotte Science Dept strutting their stuff on the stage! MT Dept looking all glam! Night is MAGICAL! PE Dept owned the red carpet!

Secondary One R 2 IGHT Orientation Programme

During the first week of school, Secondary One JYians, went through an entire week of orientation. As per usual practice, the Secondary One R2IGHT Orientation Programme was planned and executed by selected Secondary Four students. Through the orientation programme, JYians learnt about and exhibited the school’s R2IGHT values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Gratitude, Humility and Tenacity!

In addition, a CCA Fair was also organised for the Secondary One JYians to make a more informed choice when selecting their CCA. All CCAs prepared an introduction and some activities to engage the Secondary One JYians to develop a better understanding of each CCA.

As the orientation programme drew to an end, the school formally welcomed the Secondary One cohort through the Secondary One Installation Ceremony.

The theme of the programme was Superheroes and Secondary One JYians had to work together to find the fragmented jewel pieces to defeat Dr Ungracious They participated in various activities such as class bonding games and a school tour. To help strengthen their bonds, every class enjoyed a Class Bonding Day with activities like Art Jam, Laser Tag, Jigsaw Puzzles or Rubik’s Cube Art.

To familiarise themselves with school programmes, Secondary One JYians also took part in a PASSION Taster Session where they got to choose and attend a PASSION module that they were interested in. PASSION is our school’s customised CCE curriculum which gives students a choice of their preferred module. The modules cover a variety of contemporary issues where students would also get to hone their social emotional skills through interactions with their peers.

All Secondary One JYians were presented with a special Singa badge to remind everyone the importance of kindness and gratitude. We also held the Secondary One Scholarship Ceremony. Scholarships were presented to Secondary One JYians with outstanding academic results.

While Secondary One JYians had a meaningful and enjoyable first week, let us not forget an important group of people who made this experience possible –the Secondary Four Orientation Group Leaders! The orientation programme ended on a heartwarming note with Secondary One JYians giving their Secondary Four seniors gratitude notes to express their heartfelt appreciation.

It was a great week and JYians certainly started the year on the R2IGHT foot!

Class Bonding Day (Art Jam) Sec 4 OGLs ready for action! Sec 4 OGLs getting to know their Sec 1 juniors Principal’s Address Sec 1 Scholarship Ceremony

Refurbishment of Care Hub

Counselling Room that has been strikingly designed to capture the essence of “Endless Possibilities”

Inviting façade of the CARE Hub

The old Counselling Hub is renamed as the CARE Hub, in alignment to the positive school culture. CARE stands for Connection, Aspiration, Resilience and Empowerment. We would like the students to take responsibility and ownership of their well-being and use the hub as a place to connect and build quality relationships with their peers and teachers.

Counselling Room that has been designed to invoke tranquility Workshop Area where support is rendered for students with learning needs and group activities targeting socioemotional competencies are conducted

The ECG Corner provides students with self-help resources, games and activities that they can access to build bigger dreams and aspirations.


Opening of Gym

The Live Life Hub is the newly renovated gym room in the school

Aligned to the PE Department’s vision and mission, the Live Life Hub serves to empower students to achieve goals in fitness and healthy living. The hub consists of 3 zones: The strength training zone, the aerobic training zone and the learning zone. The strength training zone is equipped with free weights and weight lifting support devices. Weight training builds lean, strong muscles, strengthens bones and joints and helps keep metabolism in a healthy state. The aerobic training zone is home to the elliptical cross fit trainer, the treadmills, spinner bikes and the air rower. All cardio machines are for weight management and overall cardiovascular fitness. Regular aerobics training keeps hearts and lungs healthy and reduces risk of chronic disease.

During the school PASSION month in August this year, clinics were conducted at the learning zone to bring awareness to recent sports research findings on the effects of deep muscle stretching on muscle growth. PE teachers also introduced new training strategies such as HIIT treadmill workout and cross fit training.

Through the Live Life Hub, students are equipped with both knowledge and skills for a lifelong investment in exercise fitness.

The Strength Training Zone Sports Champions. The Hub Ambassadors Opening of the Live Life Hub 12 August 2022 Passion Sports Month Clinic @ Live Life Hub The Aerobics Training Zone Training the Hub Ambassadors

Opening of PASSION Hub

With the completion and opening of the Juying PASSION Hub this year, our JYians were able to use the innovative spaces in the PASSION Hub during and after school curriculum for many varied purposes. These included borrowing and reading library books, attending Passion, Academic and enrichment lessons, as well as doing their homework and revision after school. Our JYians were also able to use the SPARK! Room, and Stand and Deliver Stage for varied learning activities, including brainstorming, discussing and collaborating with their group mates, meeting and consulting their teachers after school, doing project presentation rehearsals and showcases, and putting up performances and exhibitions at the PASSION Hub!


Besides the SPARK! Room and Stand & Deliver Stage for our JYians, our PASSION Hub also houses the Gratitude and PIPER Rooms for our staff to hold meetings and sharing sessions with colleagues and external partners.

Since the opening of the PASSION Hub, we are delighted to observe all the learning and innovation that have been taking place. We are thankful for the strong support from our SAC members in helping the school to achieve our vision of ‘Developing Lifelong Learners with Strength of Character’ through the construction of our Juying PASSION Hub!


Passion Theme Month: February (Internal Security)

We started our 2022 LLP PASSION Themed Months in the month of February with Internal Security, which involved various school teams coming onboard to plan for exciting experiences that our JYians could leverage.

Learning Journey:

Interested Sec 2s went to the Singapore Discovery Centre for a drama show for a hands-on experience.

Exhibition & Quiz:

JYians viewed a Humanities Exhibition on the 6 Pillars of Total Defence and participated in a quiz based on the exhibition during Form Teacher Time.

Assembly Gameshow:

JYians enjoyed the Total Defence Assembly Gameshow during their floating CCE lesson.

Contemporary Issue Lesson:

JYians watched videos about Total Defence, put together by NCDCC, NCC (Sea) and Hip Hop, to spark their discussion during their CCE contemporary issue lesson.

ECG Cafe:

Interested Sec 4/5s signed up for the ECG Cafe session by Cyber Security Agency to understand more about the field/industry for their academic and career exploration.


Passion Theme Month: March (STEM)

We had our LLP PASSION STEM Month in March, and many stakeholders came onboard to co-create a collaborative and immersive month of STEM experiences for our JYians.

Balloon Powered Car Challenge:

During CIT period, all our Sec 1, 3, 4 and 5 classes were involved in the Balloon Powered Car Challenge to vie for our internal Longest Distance Award per cohort. As a school, we submitted all the videos as part of a nation-wide competition and Juying Secondary School came in first position.

Ferris Wheel Challenge:

As a self-directed PASSION-led activity, many interested students joined the challenge in Groups of 4 and got the kit to work on their final product over the March holidays. The winning teams had their Ferris Wheels showcased at the foyer exhibition gallery.

Escape Room Challenge:

As a self-directed PASSION-led activity, each day after school dismissal, 2 escape rooms were opened for interested students of the same class, who signed up in Groups of 5, to play and solve Math puzzles to find a cure for a virus and win prizes.

Scavenger Hunt Challenge:

As a self-directed PASSION-led activity, different QR codes indicating different questions were pasted around the school for students to scan and answer the questions to win prizes.

STEM Foyer Exhibition:

Students read up and learnt more about visual programming and digital art technology via the educational posters and QR codes that were created and displayed at the foyer.

ECG Cafe:

Interested Sec 4/5 students signed up and learnt from the guest speaker about careers related to cyberspace. Students even enjoyed a hands-on activity during the session.


Passion Theme Month: April (Nature)

For the month of April, we had our LLP PASSION Nature Month activities for our JYSS staff and students to join in our school’s effort to play a part for the environment.

Saving Our Home Poster Design Competition:

Many JYians joined our JYSS ‘Saving Our Home’ Poster Design Competition and won attractive prizes.

ECG Cafe: Interested JYians joined our ECG Cafe to listen to our Guest Speaker, who was the National Geographic Photographer of the Year, to share his perspectives and insights about environmental sustainability, related stories and tips on how he took professional photos of nature, in nature.

Recycled Materials Repository:

Our JYians brought along recyclable items they had and contributed to the repository. These recyclable items were collected for school’s use in future.

Bring your Own Cup Day:

Our staff and JYians brought their own cup or clear bottle when buying from the drinks stall (Stall 8) and received 10 cents off per drink each Friday.

Upcycling Workshop:

Our student leaders learnt from our staff, Ms Dee and Ms Dorothy, on how they could upcycle materials to produce craft items that became nice gifts that they gave to their Form Teachers.

Sharing by Student Leaders:

Class Leaders shared with their peers on how recycling could be done appropriately to encourage all our JYians to start recycling properly.


Passion Theme Month: May (Arts)

We had an exciting month of May with our LLP PASSION Arts Month activities, as many stakeholders came onboard to create enriching learning opportunities for our JYians, spread the awareness and love for the Arts, and enhance the appreciation, creativity and passion for the Arts in all our JYians and Staff!

Caption Two!:

JYians submitted a photo with a 2 liner caption and won attractive prizes.

Essay Writing Competition:

JYians decided on the topic and what to write based on the genre they picked and won attractive prizes.

Book Character Day Showcase:

Each class sent a representative to dress up as a character in a book and verbalise a line from their selected book to compete for the coveted champion’s title.

Spelling Bee Competition:

Each class sent a representative to compete within the cohort for the coveted champion’s title.

Creative Works Exhibition:

JYians enjoyed a gallery showcase of our Sec 1s’ Chinese ink artworks and the innovative tools they had created on display at the foyer.

Interactive Art Gallery:

JYians interacted with the artworks that were put up at the foyer and uploaded a photo of themselves posing with the artworks with the hashtag #jysc on Instagram and won attractive prizes.

The Great Riddle Competition:

JYians scanned the QR Code placed in the canteen to answer and win attractive prizes.

JYians Got Talent Lunchtime Concert:

JYians came by the PASSION Hub to catch the physical showcase by some of our JYians Got Talent participants after school.

Storytelling Showcase:

JYians came by the PASSION Hub to catch the physical showcase by our Speech & Drama Club members after school.

JYians Got Talent Finale Showcase:

JYians and Staff celebrated our Juying Arts Talents together in class during CCE lesson and enjoyed the showcases by our JYians Got Talent Finalists, VPA CCA Groups and artistic Teacher Talents. They also got to share their words of affirmation for our Juying Talents and participate in a trivia to win some prizes!

Hip Hop Showcase:

JYians came by the foyer to catch the physical showcase by our Hip Hop Dance crew after school.


Passion Theme Month: July (Outreach)

We had an exciting month in July with our LLP PASSION Outreach Month activities, to spread the spirit of kindness and promote the joy of doing good in all our JYians!

Juying Advocacy Movement:

Posters were put up by our ALP & LLP Champions to rally a call-to-action from JYians. JYians were encouraged to share how they had helped others / animals or improved the environment around them and take photos or short clips as evidence of action. The goal was to mobilise every class to participate and cultivate this habit of showing kindness in Juying.

Green Quest Challenge:

JYians collected an activity grid to learn more about biodiversity, conservation and sustainability through a variety of activities. They completed 4 activities in a row (horizontal/vertical/diagonal) and successful submissions received a complimentary ticket to the Gardens By The Bay Conservatories and an e-certificate as a Green Guardian.

Outreach Assembly Talk & Quiz:

JYians heard from a social worker to understand the work that they do and participated in the quiz segment to win some prizes.


Passion Theme Month: August (Sports)

We had an enriching LLP PASSION Sports Month in August to spread the joy and importance of staying fit and healthy!

Official Opening of Live.Life Hub:

We officially opened our newly renovated Live.Life Hub, which is our refurbished school gym. It is wellequipped with a variety of gym equipment that caters to both students and staff who want a good cardio workout or who wish to build and tone their muscles.

After-School Fitness Classes:

In conjunction with the opening, the PE Department conducted a series of after-school fitness classes to get our students and staff exercising and grooving to the beat.


Passion Theme Month: Personal Well-Being

For the month of September, we embraced the month of Personal Well-Being. Our staff and students got to enjoy the following activities that the ALP/LLP Committee had planned:

1. ‘Train the Trainer’ Mindfulness Session

We trained our Sec 1 -3 ALP/LLP Champions on some mindfulness exercises so that they would be able to conduct the exercises with their class during Class-Interaction-Time in September.

2. ‘Mindfulness’ Resource Sharing

We shared with all our Staff and JYians on useful mindfulness tips to provide everyone with some useful handles to try out at their free time for their personal well-being.

3. ‘U can do it, so can I’ Tagline Challenge

We advocated for greater self-affirmation among our JYians through an advocacy tagline competition, to rally everyone to affirm one another and build their self-confidence.


Paint-A-Singa Fundaraising

In an effort to raise funds for the Juying Gratitude Fund to support fellow underprivileged JYians and their families and Nanyang Consituency Education Grant to assist members of our Nanyang community, Juying Secondary School embarked on the Adopt-A-Singa Project. Staff and parents were given the opportunity to adopt a limited edition Singa figurine and paint him with their family and friends to represent the embodiment of kindness from their lenses. The event was well received by staff and parents who not only adopted a Singa but also donated generously for the charitable cause.

Collection of Singa painted during the day Memorable Event with colleagues bonding together with their familes for a good cause The event was graced by Mr Ang ,our SAC members and partners EAS staff with Samsui Singa Mr Ang Wei Neng, Minister for West Coast GRC, officiating the event

On 28 May 2022, Mr Ang Wei Neng, our Minister for West Coast GRC, graced the Paint-ASinga event which saw staff, students and their families taking time off to come together as one Juying family to paint their adopted Singa. The room reverbated with much laughter and happiness, all for a good charitable cause indeed.

The pictures below were a testimony of the fun that those who took part had, while allowing their creative juices to flow to depict Singa from their own perspectives!

A day well spent catching up over Singa Ms Yang and exJuying VP Ms Wong A-get-together session with ex-students for Ms Lim Ms Shynn and her mother, intergenerational bonding over the event Mr Adrian painting the nuances of his Singa Mr Samuel in action spraying his Singa Ms Tan bonding with family over the event Principal’s address Colleagues who bonded together as family

Learning Journeys for Upper Secondary

After a 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic, it was refreshing and enriching to finally go out beyond the classroom to learn, experience and explore. Upper secondary students, as a class, chose their PASSION themes. Thereafter, each class went on a learning journey to a venue related to their choice of

PASSION theme, where they immersed in an experiential learning to be inspired. Most Secondary 3 to 5 Students went to one of the following venues for their learning while also bonding together as a class: Singapore Discovery Centre, Sports Hub, Sustainable Singapore Gallery, National Gallery, Mint Toy Museum, Snow City, Enabling Village.

Visit to Snow City with exclusive access to the stadium and locker room Visit to Snow City with exclusive access to the stadium and locker room Vist to MINT Toy Museum with VR experience to bring drawings to life Fun at Snow City to understand the purpose of this establisment Laser Tag at Singapore Discovery Centre after a tour on Singapore’s Defence Tour at Gardens by the Bay Cloud forest and flower dome to understand the science involved in the designs Tour at Enabling Village to understand and experience some special needs of others

Online School Exchange Programme with Queensland

The JYSS-Queensland Student Exchange Programme is a special partnership established in 2019 between Juying Secondary School and IMPACT Centre, a unit of the Queensland Department of Education specialising in online learning, critical thinking and STEM. This year, we collaborated with Mansfield State High School to connect students online for a STEM Challenge, where students

competed to build the tallest tower possible. JYians also interacted with their counterparts and shared enthusiastically about school life. This online exchange will culminate in an overseas learning journey next year in 2023, where experiencing the Australian culture will greatly deepen students’ global awareness and cultural sensitivity.

JYians getting to know one another through an icebreaker activity.

The tower made of spaghetti had to be able to stand and hold the weight of a marshmallow.

Great teamwork shown by JYians.

Striving to build the tallest tower.

Connecting online with Mansfield State High School in Queensland. The start of the STEM tower challenge!

Advanced Elective Modules (AEM)

Advanced Elective Modules (AEM) offered by polytechnics enable students to explore viable education and career options. The course spans over 3 to 4 days, with many practical components and some learning journeys to industries.

During the March holidays, 40 Secondary 4 Express students opted to attend AEMs conducted by

Polytechnics. All Secondary 3 Express students also attended an AEM module of their choice from a list of 7 modules during the June holidays. In addition, to learning and creating new products during the module, it also acted as an eye-opener into tertiary education. Students acquired new theoretical and practical knowledge beyond their classrooms.

AEM Experience for all Sec 3 Express students during the June Holidays AEM Experience for all Sec 3 Express students during the June Holidays AEM Experience by selected Sec 4 students during the March Holidays

Secondary Two Camp 2022

“Campfire’s burning now, Campfire’s burning now! Burning now, burn burn burn!” Finally, after a long period of suspension due to Covid-19, JYians were able to participate in an overnight camp again!

The 3 days 2 nights camp at MOE Labrador Outdoor Adventure Centre was certainly a funfilled and meaningful experience for our Secondary Two JYians! Before the camp, JYians did not know what to expect and they had mixed feelings about the residential camp. However, JYians rose up to the occasion once again as they displayed great camaraderie as a cohort, and exhibited the school’s R2IGHT values through their interactions with one another and active participation in the activities.

One of the more memorable activities was outdoor cooking. Equipped with a mess tin, a few pieces of solid fuel, a packet of instant noodles and some hotdogs, JYians were tasked to whip up a meal as a group. After the safety briefing, they had to plan and delegate work to all members to ensure that their outdoor cooking was a success!

Another activity that brought out the great team spirit amongst JYians was the low elements. All the low element activities required additional support from JYians whenever someone was attempting an activity. JYians made sure that their peers were wellsupported and this segment of the camp helped to build stronger trust within the classes.

JYians continued to bond with their classmates and teachers through the preparation of their campfire performances! It was amazing to see how every class planned and practised for their class performance. Class Leaders took charge and led their classmates as they generated ideas from scratch. During the campfire, JYians performed with enthusiasm and confidence, it was a very memorable night for everyone. To end the day with a grateful heart, Class Leaders planned a Gratitude segment in secret! A surprise element as part of the campfire, Class Leaders presented Gratitude Notes to all the School Leaders, teachers and their camp facilitators to express their appreciation to them!

With that, the campfire ended on an exceptionally high note with when we announced a surprise for JYians - the Camp T-shirts!

Throughout the three days, JYians forged stronger bonds, showed more appreciation to people around them and developed stronger school pride. We cannot wait for the next opportunity to have a camp like this again!

Final Cohort Photo before we bade farewell Supporting each other at the low elements Doing the campfire dance! Best Camper (Female) from 2E4 Mdm Soh lighting the fire! Best Camper (Male) from 2T1

Overcoming COVID in JYSS (2020)

2020 Classroom Activities
National Day Celebrations
Juying Orators Trophy 2020 Finalists
DREAM Gardens Opening 2020 N Level Results Release YES Racial Harmony Week Studying for Exams
Virtual Singapore Kindness Movement 2020 with JYSS Teachers
Virtual Singapore Kindness Movement
with Student Councillors
81 Overcoming COVID in JYSS (2021) 2021 Graduating Class gift pack 2021 PDLP Rollout National Day 2021 Classroom Activities First Day of School Games Nature Nurtures Participants National Day 2021 Pledge Taking 2021-eSparkDay 2021 Student Leaders’ Investiture


their PASSION modules during
Day Mass
of Students’ E portfolios
After COVID Restrictions
JYSS (2022) National Day 2022 Book Character Day 2022 Jyians sharing about
Juying Orators Trophy
Finalists Interclass Games 2022 Juying Garden Ambassadors Enthusiastic primary school visitors for SPARK! Day

J Yians in Action

Performing Arts Programme Modern Dance (Hip Hop)

Juying Secondary School’s Modern Dance Team, more affectionately known as the NutzCrew, consistently exhibits hard work and perseverance in their performances aspiring to entertain and spread cheer to the audience.

Earlier this year, NutzCrew emerged as second runner up for the D:2 Dance Competition after tenaciously overcoming the many unprecedented challenges and restrictions while preparing for their final performance. They also represented the school in the finals of the Chinese Street Dance Competition, a dance competition aiming to promote the use of the Chinese Language. Furthermore, NutzCrew was invited to participate in the Super 24 Dance Showcase and the Nanyang National Day Celebration. In school, NutzCrew performed for the Chinese New Year Celebration, Total Defence Day, Arts Passion Month, National Day Celebration and the Teachers’ Day Celebration.

All in all, every member of the NutzCrew is deeply humbled by all the victories they have brought home and is grateful for the guidance and help from the teachers and instructors. We are also thankful for the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, which allows us to deliver more engaging live performances. We pledge to continue delivering excellence both on and off stage.

Events and Achievements

- D:2 Dance Competition

- 2nd Runner UpChinese New Year Celebration by the Sec 4s

- Total Defence Day Performance

- Chinese Street Dance Competition - Finalist

- PASSION Arts Month Performance at the Foyer by the Sec 2s

- PASSION Arts Month Recorded Performance by the Sec 3s

- Nanyang National Day Celebration

- Super 24 Dance Showcase

Super 24 Dance Showcase Nanyang National Day Celebration D2 Dance Competition Chinese Street Dance Competition The Nutz Crew Family

Performing Arts Programme Cultural Dance

2020 and 2021 have been challenging for Cultural Dance. Engaging in CCA through hybrid learning has been both a challenging but meaningful experience. These two years have taught the dancers to be more grateful than before and to be more resilient in facing the journey ahead of them. This year, Cultural Dance welcomes Mr Quek Jiang Da, our new dance instructor who has helped us kick off 2022 with lots of positivity! Also, Cultural Dance welcomes Ms Suhana Jumadi as the new CCA OIC, together with Ms Goh Wan Ru and Ms Guo Bing Lian as the TICs.

Events and Achievements

- Chinese New Year Celebration

- JYian Got Talent Showcase

- NDP Celebration

CD dancers warming up CD dancers during NDP Rehearsal A significant routine for our JYian Got Talent Showcase Mr Quek sharing briefing the dancers before training CD dancers helping a peer doing her hand stand

Performing Arts Programme

Symphonic Band

The Juying Symphonic Band (JYSB) aims to develop in our members the values of responsibility and resilience, a confident appreciation for music and team spirit through performance and involvement in a thriving musical community. As such, the Symphonic Band participates in various events to build up their exposure to the music scene. JYSB strives to give every member the opportunity to learn something outside of a classroom setting, and to give them a new skill. The members also learn to persevere in times of adversity, becoming more passionate about music playing and also learning to work in harmony as a team with the other members of JYSB, so as to create music together.

Events and Achievements - School National Day Celebrations (Parade Segment)

SYF 2021
Presentation of Cert to the newly appointed Band Major E- CCA Back to face to face training after 2 years

Performing Arts Programme


JYSS Choir is a Show Choir that focuses not just on singing, but dancing as well. Therefore, we enjoy doing both choral works as well as musical numbers. We have an average of 60 members who are committed to creating meaningful performances music that are both passionate and emotional. Having had many opportunities to perform, our students have learnt to be more confident, expressive and charismatic as a group, fundamentally trusting one another and believing that we will do our best every time that we step onto the stage for another performance.

Events and Achievements

- January: Lunar New Year Virtual Performance

- May: JYians Got Talent Performance

- August: National Day Performance

- September: Teachers’ Day Performance

Virtual CCA photos during e-CCA! Choir members doing physical movement practices for dance Choir members doing physical movement practices for dance Choir members doing physical movement practices for dance

Performing Arts Group Speech & Drama

Juying’s Speech and Drama Society is a multidisciplinary society that aims to ignite members’ passion, appreciation and talent for theatre arts.

Our interactive training programme exposes members to different forms of drama, oracy and technical skills such as script writing, characterisation, stage improvisational techniques, props and costume design as well as logistical management of theatre productions.

Members are given opportunities for creative expression every year as they participate in drama competitions and perform at various school and public events.

Cast members of our own Finnegan Joop and the Candy Factory

Farewell celebrations for our graduating seniors

Getting into our regular team huddles during training session

Miming activities to improve our characterisation!


- 2021 Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation (Drama) - Certificate of Distinction

- 2022 International Drama Science Festival (Open Category) - Merit Award

Events Participated:

- 2020 Juying Secondary School Teachers’ Day e-Concert

- 2021 Juying Secondary School Teachers’ Day e-Concert

- 2022 Storytelling Showcase at Jurong West Public Library (Semestral Values-in-Action Project)

- 2022 Juying Secondary School National Day Concert”

Interactive session after the storytelling showcase to engage the young minds!

Sharing the things we enjoy about our CCA during the CCA Open House

Short improvisation activity to help us choose a fairytale for our Storytelling Showcase

Capturing the hearts of our young audience with our version of Little Red Riding Hood

Photo-taking session with the cast members of Little Red Riding Hood

Giving our best for our first stage performance since the pandemic!

A group photo to commemorate our first stage performance in a long while!

Decorating the bookshelves and walls at Jurong West Public Library as part of our Values-in-Action Project!

Adding some decorations to spruce up the Fairytale Section at Jurong West Public Library

Rehearsal for 2022 Juying Secondary School National Day Concert

Uniformed Groups National Civil Defence Cadet Corp

NCDCC aims to equip our cadets with life-saving skills to serve the community. Our cadets attended to casualties at various school and HQ events.

With the civil defence knowledge and skills imparted to them, they will also be able to lend a helping hand as Community First Responders with a compassionate heart.

These efforts are testaments of the growth of the cadets to be role models of excellence for others to emulate under the guidance of our teacher officers to learn, lead and serve.


Events and Achievements

1) UOPA (2021) - Gold

2) SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Badge Award 2022

Cadets: Muhammad Irfan Azhari Bin Mohd Farid (4A3) & Hazrul Hakim Bin Norshahrul (4E1)

3) NCDCC Instructional Video Competition


4) Precision Drill Competition 2022

5) National Day Observance Ceremony 2022

Pinnacle Badge Award 2022 (Hakim) Pinnacle Badge Award 2022 NCDCC cadets teaching Netballers basic first aid NCDCC Day Parade 2022 Appointment of NCDCC Exco Members NCDCC Photoshoot NCDCC Day Parade 2022 Madam Soh receiving NCDCC UOPA Award 2021 (Gold)

Uniformed Groups National Cadet Corp (SEA)

Since 2018, our JYSS National Cadet Corps (Sea) unit has been awarded “Distinction” every year for the annual Unit Recognition (UR). This achievement is a testimony to the past and present cadets and teacher officers who overcame the challenges due to the epidemic during the past two years.

Events and Achievements

1) UR (2021) - Distinction

2) Mini Kayaking Experience

3) Outstanding Cadet Award 2022 Cadets: HO QIAN YI ELEANOR (4E1), BONG SHI JIA (4E2)

Fitness Challenge

Junior Cadets Male

After a two-year hiatus, major district-wide events such as Freestyle Drill (FSD), Sports Championship, Dragonboat Regatta, Mini-Kayaking Expedition, 1-Star/ 2-Star Kayaking Course, Camp FORGE and Camp STEEL returned as safe distancing measures were eased.

Amidst the slew of ongoing events, our cadets displayed resilience and tenacity in maintaining a balance between their academics and commitments in the CCA. Unyieldingly, they persevered unwaveringly and steadfastly to strive for excellence.

Together We will Succeed - JYSS NCC (SEA) Unit

1st - ABHILASH NEERAJ (1N) Commendation (5th) - ZWE MIN SAN (1A)

Junior Cadets Female




Senior Cadets Male

Top 10 (9th) - ALDRICH LAU (2E3)

Senior Cadets Female



3rd - LIEW CHUN EN (2A2)


Top 10 (10th) - SIEW XUAN YING (2A2)

Cadet Leaders Male

All ready to do our best for the AKE selection

All ready to give their best in their dragonboat race


Cadet Leaders Female


2nd - EYU JIE NI (3E2)

Commendation (4th) - CHERYL LEONG JIAQI (3T1)

Girls dragonboat team for PESTA SUKAN 2022

Our GOH contingent standing with pride during NDP

Boys dragonboat team for PESTA SUKAN 2022

Boys dragonboat team roaring down the waters


Our NCC family

Knowledge Challenge

Junior Cadets

Our GOH contingent

1st - ETHAN TAN YI BIN (1S1)

Senior Cadets


Cadet Leaders

Top 10 (10th) - LUCAS CHEW YAN YU (3E2)

Dragon Boat @ Pesta Sukan 2022 DB12 (NCC Girls) - 4th














Clubs and Societies Art Club

The Art Club aims to enhance the students’ passion as well as foster their self-confidence through a series of activities that comprise both traditional and modern arts. Through the weekly practice, students are empowered by their engagement in various art forms, such as acrylic painting and using sustainable materials in order to recreate their artwork. They also learnt to contribute to the school by participating in two key events this year’s “ National Day 2022 and Teachers’ & EAS Day 2022.

This year, our students also participated in two competitions - “Singapore Youth Festival 2022 (one group achieved the Certificate of Recognition) & Live

On Festival 2022 (Aaron, 3E1, won Special Mention). Congratulations to all the members of the CCA and the winners for their hard work!!

Events and Achievements

- Singapore Youth Festival 2022 - 1 group won Certificate of Recognition

- Live On Festival 2022 - Aaron Louis Justimbaste Bondoc (3E1) won Special Mention

Sec 4 Graduating Batch Winning Artwork for SYF 2022 - Balance of Life (Certificate of Recognition) Paint-A-Singa Project Fountain made from recycled materials (Teachers and EAS’ Day) Arts PASSION Week One of the Display Banners for National Day

Clubs and Societies

Infocommunications and Technology

The Infocomm Technology Club provides a platform for students to acquire 21st century competencies and skills in the audio-visual, robotics, and photography domains. The club also provides students an avenue for character development through leadership training, camaraderie building and social integration.

In the Audio Visual and Public Address domain (AV/ PA), students receive authentic training experiences through supporting the school’s core events and successes. In the Robotics domain, students learn coding and programming of the LEGO SPIKE system through a series of theory and practical lessons. In Digital Media, students are exposed to a myriad of photography skills that are further honed through the curation of school and external events. Students learn to expertly wield different cameras from the DSLR range, as well as the specialised lenses that accompany these cameras.

Through means of providing support for the school and participation in competitions, students are able to put into practice the school values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Graciousness, Humility and Teamwork

Events and Achievements

- Our Schools Our Stories Photography Contest

- StrITwise(R) 2022 Competition @ Ngee Ann Poly

- Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of ICT’s Amazing Race 2022

- IDE (Innovation, Design and Engineering) Series Competition (2022) - Robotics

- DE (Innovation, Design and Engineering) Series Competition (2022) - Sprint

- Lions Home School Video Competition 2022

Digital Media student at a school event Digital Media student checking her shots Robotics students coding the Spike sets Robotics students preparing IDE Competition AVPA students carrying duties for a school event

Clubs and Societies Student Council

Juying Student Council (JYSC) develops student leaders who will uphold and embody Juying’s R2IGHT school values. As the apex of student leadership in the school, Student Councillors are the leaders of leaders, who lead the way for the student body through example. JYSC prides itself on being wholly student-run; Student Councillors are given full autonomy in the design of student-led programmes in the school.

Events and Achievements

- Nanyang Sayang project

- National Day Celebration

- Teachers and EAS’ Day Celebration

- Secondary 1 Orientation Camp

Strong bonds between our councillors are clear to see Collaboration with Art Club for Teachers and EAS’ Day banner Collection of JYSS Jacket Preparation for Teachers’ Day an event planned and executed by JYSC National Day Fishing For Kindness Booth

Sports Badminton (Boys/ Girls)

The badminton teams have displayed grit and graciousness while competing with other schools. This year, our team also hosted for NSG West Zone B Division Boys Championship 2022. The learning and experience the teams have gained from participating and running tournaments have helped to mould their leadership skills and enhance their teamwork.

Besides developing our students’ passion for the sport, we also hope to cultivate values of compassion and empathy in our students. In addition to being athletic and strong sportsmen, we hope to nurture our badminton players into virtuous citizens of society.

Events and Achievements

- NSG West Zone B Division Girls Championship 2022

- NSG West Zone B Division Boys Championship 2022

- NSG West Zone C Division Girls Championship 2022

- NSG West Zone B Division Boys Championship 2022

Warm up! B Girls ready to fight!
B Div
happy after training!
Girls Training
Ryan and Marc in action for C Div at Hwa Chong Boys training Joel in action during B Div againts Hillgrove

Sports Basketball


A sporting community of JYian basketballers who aspire to achieve more and inspire others with their strength of character.


- To encourage a vibrant team spirit amongst the school population, regardless of background, race or stream.

- To use the CCA as a platform for students to achieve greater exposure to tactical knowledge, camaraderie in the basketball fraternity and refereeing capabilities.

Khiaraini, Mr Ma, Ms Lek, Mr Chuah and our coach, Mr Ray.

We will also be organising the Basketball Camp in November where the boys will plan the camp with the supervision of the teachers and coach, so as to achieve our Vision and Mission.

Events and Achievements

- NSG B Div (Term 2)

- NSG C Div (Term 3)

This year has been momentuous for Juying Basketball. This was the first time our student athletes were able to participate in full in the NSG after it was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two topsy-turvy years. The Games were cancelled for the first time in 2020 and were partially restored in 2021. Both our B and C Divisions competed in the West Zone Inter-School Basketball Championships in Term 2 and Term 3 respectively, putting their best effort. The boys gave it their all and kept the Juying flag flying high, through their perseverance and discipline on the court. This was not possible without the care and guidance from our CCA teachers-in-charge, Mr Choong, Mdm

May Juying Basketball continue to build on our successes this year and attain greater achievements in the coming year!

Our B Boys getting invaluable tactical advice from our coach during our match against NUS High School B Div Team with Coach and Mr Choong Our B Boys warming up during one of the B Div NSG C Div Team with Mdm Khairiani and Mr Ma Sec 3 and 4 players with Coach and Mr Choong NSG games with NUS High B Boys listening attentively to the Prep talk by the Coach Pledge Taking

Sports Netball

JYSS Netball consists of a family of resilient and active netballers with R2IGHT values who work together to achieve a common goal of playing netball well as a team. Through trainings and competitions such as the National School Games and Netball Carnivals, we strive to attain excellence in all that we do. Besides our shared love for the sports, we also give back to the community together through VIA activities such as the 100km Relay Run for Singapore Cancer Society and collaboration with Down Syndrome Association and other schools, enhancing the culture of care. Our netballers matured to be sincere, dedicated girls who are endearing yet tenacious in the face of adversity!

Events and Achievements

1) National School Games West Zone Netball Competition (B and C Div)

2) Netball Carnival by The Netball Academy

3) Deloitte Pesta Sukan Netball Competition, 4th placing for C div

4) 100km Relay Run for Singapore Cancer Society

Strategy discussion before the match Our Netball family! Deloitte at Kallang Netball Center All smiles at the Netball Carnival Celebrating our achievement at the inaugural STAR Night Welcoming our seniors for their farewell party We love bonding games! C Division 2022 Training before the match begins! Yeah! we got 4th place :D The JYSS Netballers crushing it at the Netball Carnival Packing goodies bags for the VIA discussion with Methodist Girls’ School and Boon Lay Secondary School B division 2022 Discussion among all 3 schools Work hard, play harder! Wefie after a tough match

Sports Softball

In Juying’s Softball CCA, we aim to develop a strong and committed team of motivated and resilient softballers who strive for excellence on and off the field. The softballers will cultivate the Juying HOME spirit that encompasses the following:

- Humble in Unity

- Organised as a Team

- Motivated to Learn

- Empowered to Make Good Decisions

Events and Achievements

- National School Games C Division Softball Championship 2022

Team Huddle Lining up for the first game Pitchers agility training Batter in action Softballers attending the STAR Night Batting drill Pre-Game motivational sharing by Mrs Amy Yeo Catcher in action Thanking opponents for the game

National School Games

For this year’s National School Games (NSG), Juying Secondary School participated in the Basketball Boys B and C Division, Badminton Boys B and C Division, Badminton Girls B and C Division, Netball Girls B and C Division and Softball Boys C Division competitions. Despite the COVID disruptions, our students, teachers and coaches were highly motivated and prepared well for the competitions. Teachers were required to put in additional efforts

to ensure that Safe Management Measures (SMMs) were adhered to but they were all heartened to see the students grow in their area of passion and in social-emotional competencies.

Our school team players demonstrated high levels of personal and social responsibility throughout the NSG. They participated with high spirits, great sportsmanship and the determination to give one’s best.

B div JYSS vs Hillgrove Hosting for B div games A champion in every player Hosting for B div games C div boys badminton C Div girls in action C div girls in action B girls team
99 Enjoying every opportunity to compete Never quit trying Persistence and determination Together we are strong Memories lasts forever One for all, All for one Set the goals high Valuing great sportsmanship Train hard and compete hard Believing in yourself Going for perfection Jump start! Celebrating the efforts Continuous effort Enjoying every opportunity to play Hand in hand, we do great things


Secondary Classes 1

101 S

S1 A


S 1S2

103 S


S1 N

Secondary Classes 2

105 S2A


S2E 1


107 S2E2

S2T 1

108 S2E4

Secondary Classes 3



S3E 1



S3T 1


Our Graduands Parting Messages

Secondary Classes 4

S4A 1

S4E 1




S4T 1


Secondary Classes 5

S5A 1

1 September 2022, Teachers Day

To Alicia Lee, 4A2: Though we've drifted off a little bit, I want to thank you for being someone who I can share common topics with, whether it's about school or miscellaneous topics. Onwards to more experiences!Landric

To Ian Soh, 4A3: Thanks for being a reliable advisor when we're as a group! I'm glad how our friendship has matured over the years. To more adventures together!! - Landric

To JM, 4A2: Cheers to you for being one that has stuck with me since primary school! Its been a real honour to listen to your advice, and to advise you. Onwards for a lifelong friendship - Landric

To Mr Yee Jen Siong, Form Teacher Words cannot describe how grateful am towards you! Really thankful for your advice and care since Secondary 2, it really isn't an overstatement to say that I owe my life to you. Massive thanks to you once again! - Landric

I couldn't have done it without you. My sincere appreciation - Shaik.

I will miss you all & will remember every moment we have made throughout our journey in juying <3 I wish you all success & a future of happiness for fortune - Sofea

Thank you Jeremy and Isaac for being my best friends for the past 4 years - Rong Teck


To Haikal:

Massive thank you for sticking with me since the start of my Sec 3. You've always been my righthand man, helping me out, been there when I've made changes to my life. Really big thanks to you

To Kael Yeow: Really appreciate you for being a good friend these 4 years! We've been through rain and shine together with the rest of our squad. Onwards and upwards comrade!

To Alvis Pang: Thousands thanks for assisting me with my studies, been a great help and I hope I can return the favour in some way. Cheers brotha!

To Jovis Woo: Many thanks for sticking with me throughout these 4 years, life had been tough, but we've pulled through. Cheers to more future endeavours!

To Syabbir: Big thanks for being a excellent chairman for our class and getting along well with everyone. An exemplary role model indeed! - From Landric

Thank you mr yee and ms dee for guiding us through these two years - Isaac

Papa Yee Mama Dee

To Alvis, thank you for always helping me!

would like to thank my close Friends for hanging out with me -Kaisen

To our teachers:

These 4 years have been a roller coaster ride for us. We had almost given up, however, the neverending encouragement that all our teachers gave us helped us to persevere. Although some of us have given you endless headaches and troubles, you still treat us the same and keep giving us advice to help us improve. Not even a second did you leave us to struggle. You kept holding our hands throughout the journey. It was a dark road for us, but you were the light that shined the way for us to pass through smoothly. We have no words to describe how thankful we are to you. You have taught us to be responsible young adults and have given us the confidence to move to the next step in life. Thank you so much.

To our friends:

Time really flies, so cherish what you all have right now. Despite not being the best student, our teachers have stayed with us through thick and thin. It’s been a rough journey but we are sure all of us have matured. We tried giving up but with our teachers' endless efforts, we could continue with the journey. Despite disappointments, headaches and uncountable numbers of scoldings, you have yet to see them give up on you, so don’t take it for granted. Our teacher have shared with us the knowledge, skills and values that transform us from immature students to young adults who will soon be stepping into the working world with no more guidance. Words are unable to express our gratitude for the teachers in Juying.


-Henry To all Teachers, thank you for all the assistance that you gave us whenever we needed your help Thankz for teaching us(≧ω≦)/ -elf Thank you to all the teachers for E R S R S F O R A L L Y O U R F O R A L L Y O R H A R D W O R K A N D H A R D W O R K A N D E F F O R T , I T R U L Y E F F O R T , I T R U L Y A P P R E C I A T E T H E M ! : ) A P P R E C I A T E T H E M ! : ) - A I N - I N Thank u Cher for helping me realise my future! To our dearest teachers , thank you for all your hardwork , teaching us and putting up with our nonsense :D Thank You for being strong together all time! ~ Irfan Thank you Ms Goh and Mdm Khai for caringfor me when I had issues coming to school and helping me in my work.

I have made many fond memories and bonds with teachers. Although I am far from being a model student, my teachers have been patient and kind in guiding me. They have helped to shape my character. Thank you to all teachers who continue to be a part of a student's journey! :)

Thoughout my 4 years in Juying, i would like to express gratitude to my teachers and appreciate how you all are willing to help me with my studies. thanks for all the memories you have created with me and i definitely would still cherish them forever in life you all definitely made my journey more enjoyable by cracking jokes and such during lesson times.

to my form & subject teachers, thank you for always going the extra mile to assist us with our studies - the after school consultations, the easy to reference notes and more. We will strive to achieve results to the best of our ability.

To my peers, I hope we can all get our desired grades for O level and get into the course/school we dream of. This journey will definitely be hard, but it will be worth it at the end when we receive our results! Remember to always have sufficient rest & breaks in between study sessions! Thank you for the past 4 years in Juying ! It was nice knowing most of you all :) All the best for Os!


Dear Class Comm, thank you for organising and helping to create a well-bonded class for these 2 years. All of you have contributed and we do appreciate your efforts to make our class journey a fun one. Thank You for your service! Love

Dear uncles and aunties, you have so kindly maintained the cleanliness of our classrooms and school compounds, and also with the admin work and processes. Through your actions, you gave us a conducive and comfortable learning space. We would like to thank you for making school feel like our second home.

Dear Mdm Soh, Mr Ng and Mr Tan, thank you for always guiding and supporting us in all possible ways. We were given ample opportunities to participate in various programmes and learning journeys that enriched our minds and honed our skills. We appreciate the effort you have put in for us. Thank you so much!

Thank you Mr Chung for making our classes enjoyable and fun to learn. -Zayden Thank you Mr Lee for the memories you created with our physics class by providing fun practical lessons for us. -Axus 4E3 Thank you Mr Chung for making our classes enjoyable and fun to learn. -Zayden Thank you Mr Lee for the memories you created with our physics class by providing fun practical lessons for us. -Axus Teachers’ Day Celebration providing fun practical lessons for us. -Axus
Learning Journey to MINT Museum
Teachers’ Day
On behalf of the Class, I would like to thank all our teachers for the contributions that you have made to continuously improve our class as a whole. - Xander Thank you Ms Yang for making a hard subject easy for us to learn and tolerating our class. -Gabriel

I really appreciate all the teachers who have guided me throughout the past 5 years. Much love <3 ~zetang

Thank you teachers for helping me with my struggles ~clement Thank you teachers for guiding us for the past 5 years :) ~ryan Thank you teachers and classmates for the wonderful journey and experience ~kaden Mere words do not merit comparison to the gratitude I have to my teachers in Juying but the least I can do is to say 'Thank You' ~junlong

Well wishes to all the Teachers and thank you. ~yuya Thank you Teachers for your patience and shaping into a better peoople ~pinhui

thankyou teachers and friends for the past wonderful 5 years :> ~shirlene Thank you teachers for ur patience and guidance ~isabel thank you teachers for your hard work given and pushing us to do better.~guanji thank you Teachers for putting in so much care for us and helping us when we are in need. ~peisi

allThankyoueveryonefor thankthesupport!~yukiyouforseeingthebestinme~Erisha
Thankyou5A1foralwaysbeingsupportiveand Thankyoutoallteachersforscoldingus ~natalia
thankyouteachersand friendsforallthewonderful memoriesandguidance. ~xanthe thankyouforteachersfor youreffortsandbringing thebestinofus.~gekhuey
5A1 <3


33 Jurong West Street 91 Singapore 649038

Email: juying_ss@moe.edu.sg Phone: 6308 9898 (phone) / 6793 2835 (fax) www.juyingsec.moe.edu.sg

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