The Phi Gamma Delta Magazine - Spring 2022

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Vol. 143 No. 2 | Spring 2022

Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness

Victor Cui (Alberta 1994) Aims to Outwork Everyone Else

25 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA The Phi Gamma Delta is published semi-annually by The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, 1201 Red Mile Road, Lexington, KY 40504. Circulation: 25,884 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Phi Gamma Delta, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY, 40544-4599. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 875, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A 6P2 Publications Mail Agreement No. 41752521


Phi Gamma Delta was founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, PA, on May 1, 1848. 204,142 men have been initiated into the Fraternity since its founding.

International Headquarters 1201 Red Mile Road Lexington, KY 40504

Editor Rob Caudill (Akron 2004)

Change of Address: To update your address, email, call the number above, or mail to the address above.

Director of Communications Erica M. Carlson


Phone: 859-255-1848 Email: Website:

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Spring 2022 VOLUME 143, NO. 2

Cover Story


36 Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness Victor Cui (Alberta 1994) Aims to Outwork Everyone Else


President's Message


Gamma Gram

10 On Campus


27 Graduate 6

Phi Gamma Delta's Strategic Plan 2030 Honoring Our Values


25 Spring 2022 Colonization

Results & Fall 2022 Expansion Plans

26 Chartering at Kent State 43 2022 Fiji Academy


40 Spotlight 68 Ad Astra 71 Fraternally Speaking

On the Cover

Highlights from the 2022 Fiji Academy


46 2021 Honor Roll of Donors

Victor Cui (Alberta 1994) at Edmonton Elks Football Club Commonwealth Stadium North American Interfraternity Conference

Fraternity Communications Association



President's Message


ou may have heard the old saying, “What a difference a day makes!” In my case, however, my “day” as an Archon is now nearing the end of its sixth year, and I can’t help but reflect upon the wonderful journey that we have shared together at Phi Gamma Delta. As I look back, I am reminded that although our mission of Building Courageous Leaders remains deeply rooted in our core values of Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality and Excellence, many things around us have changed the way we operate. The COVID-19 pandemic, an entirely disruptive event, enabled us to find ways of embracing technology. We changed the mode and frequency of Archon and chapter meetings, recruitment formats, staff and volunteer visits, and the general administrative functioning of our organization, as fewer of us could be in the same place at the same time. Some of these changes are with us to stay, and they are beneficial to us in many ways. I am also reminded that change is a constant factor in life and what matters most is how we anticipate those changes, adapt to them and use the new scenarios to our advantage. Successful organizations recognize the need to change for the better. What makes these organizations thrive is their members share clear, elevating goals, unified commitment, standards of excellence and principled leadership. While transforming themselves, they remain true to their core values which continue to endure and promote success. What happens to organizations which cannot, for one reason or another, successfully transform themselves


to address changes in their environments or competitive circumstances? Let’s look at the history of American railroads. One hundred years ago has been described as the golden age of railroading in the United States. Rail transportation systems comprised the primary means of intercity passenger travel and the shipment of freight. Most mail moved by train, as clerks sorted letters aboard rolling post office cars. The Pullman Company lodged as many as 40,000 travelers per night aboard specially outfitted sleeper cars. Small packages moved swiftly through the efforts of the Railroad Express Agency, and many of the country’s finest restaurants were found in railroad dining cars. Today, we find most of these functions are being performed by companies that hail from modest beginnings and grew by unrelenting attention to customer service and maintenance of their core beliefs. For example, Walmart began as a local company, and the entire airline industry grew in response to a need to move people more quickly. Many restaurant and hotel companies have prospered by focusing on their markets and their cultures. The secret, then, lies in the ability to identify new ways of meeting continuing needs and to provide a better way of doing things. As such, we are reminded that change is an integral element of success. At Phi Gamma Delta, many things have changed about our Fraternity since our founding. Our organizational structure is different, we govern ourselves in a different manner and our Ritual has evolved over time. All


these changes have been good for our Fraternity. For the most part, they have occurred because our members have seen the need to act, formulated a plan of action and moved forward as quickly as possible. What has remained constant, however, is an adherence to the beliefs that unite our brotherhood and continue to propel us into the future. Our values are the glue that holds us together and provides the basis for our achievements. Phi Gamma Delta of today is different from the Phi Gamma Delta of yesterday. Just as the Phi Gamma Delta of tomorrow promises to be different from today, while continuing to yield the same beneficial influence to our members and to promote a pathway to lifetime fulfilment. We should be careful to embrace change that benefits our future and avoid the routes that obstruct our ability to accomplish our objectives or deviate from our longestablished principles of brotherhood. My time as an Archon has been a personally rewarding experience for me, and I am forever grateful for your decision to entrust me with the responsibilities of the office of Archon President. As we go forward as brothers, I look toward a continuation of our success in our quest to create enduring friendships, stimulate knowledge and build courageous leaders. Thank you for everything. Fraternally,

Nic Loiacono (Illinois 1974), Archon President t

Gamma Gram

News, Events, Feedback

Headquarters Staff Updates



Noah Reetz joined staff as the Senior Director of Chapter Services in December 2021. In this position, Noah leads all activities related to the support of undergraduate chapters and colonies, and he works closely with chapter advisors and campus partners to assist under-performing chapters. He is also the primary staff member responsible for coordinating The Summit and the Alcohol-Free Housing Exemption process. Previously, Noah was the as Assistant Director of Compliance at Indiana University, and he served in chapter services and education roles at Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Noah earned his B.A. in communication studies from the University of Minnesota and his M.A. in higher education at the University of Denver. In January, Lauren Tanner-Leif was named Senior Director of Education. In this new role, Lauren manages the Fraternity's educational activities and initiatives. This includes health & safety education, leadership



education and development, new member education programming, online learning development, philanthropy, service and scholarship. Lauren first joined staff as Director of Education in April 2019. Previously, she worked at the University of Arizona for five years. Lauren earned her B.A. in organizational communication from Emporia State University and her Master's in higher education from the University of Arkansas. She is also a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. In February, Abby McCollum joined staff as Director of Undergraduate Member Experience. In this new position, Abby is primarily responsible for the development of the Fraternity's DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging) initiatives, leadership education and mental health programs. She also manages and plans The Leadership Institute. Previously, Abby worked in the Sorority & Fraternity Engagement Office at Iowa State University. Abby

received her Bachelor's in journalism & broadcasting from Oklahoma State University, where she joined Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, and she earned her Master's in higher education administration from the University of Kansas. Logan McLendon (Alabama Birmingham 2020) departed staff on May 20 after serving for two years. He first joined staff as a Field Secretary in May 2020, serving for one year. Then he served as Director of Chapter Services - East from June 2021 - May 2020. He graduated from the University of Alabama Birmingham in 2020 with a B.S. in information systems and a finance minor. Logan moved back to his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, where he will be working in SaaS (software as a service) sales.t



Phi Gamma Delta's Strategic Plan 2030 | Honoring Our Values Research Proves Fraternities: Foster Positive Mental Health

• Members report higher levels of positive mental health and less depression or anxiety than unaffiliated members • Nearly 80% report excellent to good mental health & wellbeing

Are an Accelerator for Success

• 83% of members are more confident in their leadership skills because of their membership • Fraternity alumni find jobs more quickly after graduation

Create Lifelong Connections with the Campus/Community

• 78% of members feel a strong connection to campus and more satisfied with their experience • Members spend significantly more time volunteering, and they feel like they belong in their communities


hi Gamma Delta has a deep, rich history that is replete with worthy traditions. But it has not existed unchanged over its 174-year history. Instead of remaining stagnant, our fraternity has thrived by continuously evolving and adapting to the challenges it has faced throughout its history. Our advantage today is that we have never been better equipped to understand the importance of fraternity and the positive impact the fraternity experience has on a man during his college years and throughout his life. From Gallup – the leader in research and analysis – to university faculty members, researchers have worked with fraternities to conduct studies which help guide advocacy efforts and enable fraternities to make data-driven decisions to meet the needs of today’s students. Studies over the past three years have shown that fraternities are an accelerator for success in college and beyond and create lifelong connection to the campus, community and friends, and that fraternity members experience stronger mental health than their unaffiliated peers (shown left). Today, this positive impact is overshadowed by a narrative that depicts fraternities as out of control. While most of our members embody our stated values, our reputation is unduly influenced by the harmful behavior of a few members. We must change the negative fraternity stereotype by eliminating these harmful behaviors. Phi Gamma Delta is built to respond with Courageous Leadership, and we are currently facing one of our most challenging Testing Points. Will we be the active, vital force for change that our founders envisioned? Or will we shrink from the challenge, cling stubbornly to practices that no longer serve us well, and wait for change to be forced upon us? In response to this challenge, the Archons recently adopted four strategic objectives to position Phi Gamma Delta to thrive in the future. These objectives will energize our mission to “unite men in enduring friendships, stimulate the pursuit of knowledge, and build courageous leaders who serve the world with the best that is in them.”

Impactful Moments, Changes & Threats Throughout Phi Gamma Delta's 174-Year History 1861


Phi Gamma Delta's Founding





American Civil War begins (ends 1865)



Section Chief role established



[Strategic Initiative] Objective 1 | Eliminate Hazing & All Forms of Self-Destructive Behavior Honoring the privilege and responsibility of building men, we must take additional deliberate steps to eliminate selfdestructive behaviors by some members. Over our history, Phi Gamma Delta has faced many challenges. Some of these challenges have been external, like world wars, economic collapse and pandemics. And some have been internal, such as hazing practices, sexual misconduct, alcohol misuse and other self-inflicted wounds rooted in resistance to change. Phi Gamma Delta is committed to ending those self-destructive behaviors that directly contradict our values through educational approaches, policies and other changes which better position us for the future.

Key Initiatives:

1. Deploy Innovative Approaches to Become a Phi Gam: We are rethinking our joining process – beginning with recruitment and assimilation of our newest members. The aim is to build relationships in a healthy and productive way and address the power dynamics associated with hazing. Phi Gamma Delta is shifting the focus from what is traditionally known as pledge education through implementation of Foundation of Courage, a new-member orientation program focusing on building strong relationships. The shift in approach is complemented by other strategic objectives that adjust our approach to

recruitment and overall undergraduate member engagement. 2. Promote & Strengthen ChapterLevel Accountability: Two core fraternity lessons are learning to work with others and holding brothers accountable. Phi Gamma Delta will continue to provide our newest leaders with the tools needed to be Courageous Leaders, challenging brothers to live by our values. 3. Strengthen the Graduate Advisor Role in Education & Mentorship: It can be difficult for undergraduates to accomplish positive change alone, so we provide support from our graduate advisors. The Fraternity will enhance the training and resources provided to our graduate advisors so they are best

equipped to help our chapters succeed. 4. Engage Parents & Leverage Their Role to Promote a Safe, Positive Environment: We also recognize that we need more than graduate advisors’ influence to aid our efforts. We need parents actively engaged to reinforce our key messages that help their sons grow and mature. 5. Continue to Strengthen Education & Prevention Efforts on Alcohol Misuse, Hazing & Sexual Misconduct: The Fraternity will continue to provide education and resources, supplementing those tools available from our host institutions, that help undergraduates make smart decisions, particularly when it matters most.

Objective 2 | Enhance the Undergraduate Membership Experience Phi Gamma Delta works continuously to enhance the undergraduate experience. We will continue to promote the positive impact of fraternity and maintain our efforts to Build Courageous Leaders, which is at the heart of the undergraduate experience.

Key Initiatives:

1. Develop & Implement a ResumeWorthy, Four-Year Leadership

Program Based on Building Courageous Leader Principles: In our efforts to rethink the joining

process and enhance the undergraduate experience, Phi Gamma Delta will soon fully launch the Built to Lead



Purple Legionnaire position created


The U.S. enters WWI (ends 1919)


Ekklesia governance structure adopted


'Grand Revision' of Fraternity laws & Ritual

1st staff member, Field Secretary hired


The Great Depression begins (ends 1939)










[Strategic Initiative] program. Built to Lead is a customizable four-year, multi-level development experience for all undergraduate brothers. It helps brothers build and strengthen skills necessary to become a Courageous Leader. The program is designed to develop brothers through every year of the undergraduate experience and launch them into the professional world as capable, experienced, and thoughtful leaders. 2. Promote Inclusion, Equity & Belonging to Increase Diversity Within Phi Gamma Delta: We live and operate in an increasingly diverse world. For Phi Gamma Delta, that diversity begins on the campuses from which our chapters draw their members. Our future success depends on our ability to appreciate and embrace equity, inclusion and belonging in our chapters, embodying our values of friendship and morality and creating an

environment where all brothers, families and guests feel connected and respected.

The impact of giving back not only benefits those served, but also those who serve.

Phi Gamma Delta’s goals are to: a) educate our undergraduates and graduate advisors on the value of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB); b) develop resources to help chapters achieve their goals; c) increase our transparency and communication on DEIB issues, and d) create organizational structures to support these efforts.

4. Anticipate Undergraduate Expectations & Respond Accordingly: Phi Gamma Delta actively seeks and measures what our undergraduate members want and need from their fraternity experience. We will provide tools to our chapters to meet those needs, adapt to changing expectations and thrive.

3. Create & Promote New Service & Philanthropy Opportunities for Chapters to Give Back to Their Campuses & Communities: Integral to promoting our value of service is growing brothers’ capacity to make a positive impact in their communities through consistent service and philanthropy. We will create and promote opportunities that can be quickly deployed to make a lasting difference.

5. Support Improved Housing Standards Employed by House Corporations: We will continue to provide resources to house corporations to encourage a safe living environment, a supportive educational atmosphere, and a sense of fellowship. Through these efforts, our undergraduate members will take pride in their surroundings and enjoy an improved experience.

Objective 3 | Improve Volunteer & Organizational Effectiveness With leadership changing annually in an undergraduate chapter, the consistent presence of graduate volunteers is essential. We firmly believe that the most important graduate volunteer position in the Fraternity is the Purple Legionnaire, the principal chapter advisor. However, the chapters that are consistently strong do not rely on just one graduate for advice but have a corps of engaged advisors. So that all volunteers are best positioned and equipped to support Phi Gamma Delta and its chapters, we will evaluate our volunteer structure and provide the resources and communications the volunteers need to be effective.

Key Initiatives:

to Accomplish Our Critical Goals: Phi Gamma Delta’s volunteer model has roots in our earliest days and has not been significantly modified in

1. Modernize Organizational Structure & Volunteer Roles, Responsibilities & Involvement


PGD Educational Foundation founded


1st Fiji Academy is held


The U.S. enters WWII (ends 1945)






Period of campus unrest begins


decades. The first step is to evaluate our volunteer structure and its key elements ensuring we are best positioned to accomplish our most critical goals.


Fraternity laws amended to allow non-Christian, non-white members



[Strategic Initiative] 2. Establish Mechanisms to Measure Volunteer Effectiveness: The Fraternity will measure graduate volunteer preparedness and effectiveness, making changes where indicated to better support chapters and ensure that the volunteer experience is fulfilling.

3. Improve Graduate Volunteer Communications About Critical Issues: Phi Gamma Delta is a volunteer-driven organization, served by graduate brothers who need to balance life priorities with volunteer duties. We are committed to timely and clear communications with

volunteers on critical issues to help them stay informed, prepared and productively engaged.

Objective 4 | Strengthen Phi Gamma Delta With a Smart-Growth Philosophy Growth is good; it is healthy; it is essential to a fraternity. Smart growth helps chapters attract members who are aligned with our values and who contribute to Phi Gamma Delta’s success. To grow smartly, we will utilize tools and information we have not had available to us in the past to propel Phi Gamma Delta in the future.

Key Initiatives:

1. Modernize Undergraduate Recruitment to Better Identify Quality Men: Too often, we see fraternity recruitment approaches that rely on “them finding us” and big events that are not suited to attract men who will make our chapters better. Such chapters then rely on the new member process to “weed out” men who should not have been asked to join in the first place. A modern recruitment mentality is year-round, values-based,

and objectively identifies men who meet the chapter’s high standards. It evaluates each man’s fit before a bid is extended. It establishes his relationship with the chapter, so members are ready and willing to accept him as a brother when he is invited to join. Through implementation of this growth system, Phi Gamma Delta chapters will adopt a recruitment approach that: a) sets high standards for joining; b) works to identify men who are motivated to join for the right reasons; c) incorporates continued education and advisory support,

and d) leverages technology, making recruitment more organized. 2. Target to Add Six New Provisional Chapters (Colonies) per Year Using Campus Criteria to Determine the Best Potential for Success: While it is important to continually grow the Fraternity by adding new chapters, this growth also should be smart, using our resources efficiently and preserving our reputation. Phi Gamma Delta will position itself for success by utilizing key campus criteria and being purposeful in evaluating expansion opportunities.

A healthy organization continuously evaluates itself and its environment and adjusts accordingly. The evaluations and accompanying changes described here are not a novel occurrence in Phi Gamma Delta. Throughout our history, we have adopted substantial changes to maintain our prominence and relevance. While many of those earlier changes were significant at the time, they did not alter or diminish the founding values that are timeless expressions of who we are. Those values are the foundation of this strategic plan and will guide us in our work to make a positive impact on our brothers and through them, on the world. t

1994 1988

Governance changes adopted

1st Risk Management Policy adopted






Archons establish long-term growth & graduate initiatives

Alcohol-Free Housing adopted


COVID-19 pandemic begins


Building Courageous Leaders launched




On Campus

Please keep in mind that news continues to come in, even when an issue has gone to press. While it may seem dated to include events from the previous semester or school year, our goal is to recognize all our brothers.

ITALICS indicates Colony


| Akron, OH During the spring 2022 semester, Alpha Omicron hosted their second annual FIJI Bark Madness Tournament philanthropy, supporting One of a Kind Pet Rescue (OKPR). Through this virtual event, Akron fraternities and sororities competed to raise money for a dog in a bracket-style tournament. Over $4,800 was raised for OKPR, which will help the organization purchase a new animal transport vehicle for sick and injured pets. The Chapter also hosted the Bark-B-Que philanthropy for OKPR


during the fall 2021 semester. The event was held on Homecoming and raised over $2,000. Jackson Grove (2025) and Jack Boettler (2024) were elected IFC President and Vice President of Member Development, respectively. Chapter President Jose Garcia (Akron 2024) cofounded the University's new International Student Organization.


| Tuscaloosa, AL In October 2021, the Theta Chapter partnered with Greek Give, an on-campus philanthropy which aims


to donate extra meals from fraternities to the Tuscaloosa Soup Kitchen. Since then, the Chapter has donated 100 meals a week to support those in need. The Chapter continued to uphold its academic excellence with a 3.34 GPA during the fall 2021 semester. Several brothers were elected to leadership positions on campus. Will Fracchia (2024) was elected Treasurer of the IFC. Thomas Ashton (2025) was elected senator for the Culverhouse College of Business. And Collier Dobbs (2024) and Eric Doh (2024) were elected

Vice President for External Affairs and Treasurer of the Student Government Association, respectively. Collier Wilson (2022), Cole Mozingo (2025), Whatley Thompson (2024) and Thomas Cochran (2024) were selected to serve as Capstone Men, official ambassadors of the University.


| Edmonton, AB

With COVID-19 restrictions easing, Epsilon Alpha was able to host their annual Graduate vs. Undergraduate Hockey

[On Campus]

Game in January. The game allows the undergraduates to bond with their graduate brothers with some healthy competition. The undergraduates won the game with a score of 11-10.

The Chapter hosted two blood drives during the spring 2022 semester.


In December 2021, Beta Nu received the Blue Ridge Parkway Volunteer Group Award from the National Park Service. The Chapter received the award because brothers have been an important part of volunteer operations in the Boone and Blowing Rock areas of the parkway, contributing hundreds of service hours ranging from trail maintenance and construction to campground maintenance.

| Meadville, PA During the fall 2021 semester, brothers from the Pi Chapter participated in several service projects, totaling 342 community service hours, an average of 18 hours/brother. Two of these projects were Make a Difference Day, where brothers renovated a wheelchair ramp, and the annual French Creek Conservancy Cleanup, where brothers volunteered at the weigh station.

Appalachian State | Boone, NC

In November 2021, Jack Singley (2022) was

awarded IFC President of the Year from the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office.

Arizona State | Tempe, AZ

Alpha Sigma hosted their Shave to Save philanthropy event to raise money for The Center for Rare Childhood Disorders at the Transnational Genomics Research Institute in November 2021. Fortyseven brothers shaved their heads during the event, which raised over $56,000 for the Center. Due to the tremendous community support for the event, the Chapter extended their donation deadline to January 31. They raised an additional $7,600, bringing

their final donation total to $63,640.

During the 2021 calendar year, the Chapter completed 751.5 community service hours. This included over 300 hours at the Salvation Army and 180 hours at Feed My Starving Children. One of the many service projects included the Valley Partnership Community Project (VPCP), benefiting the Salvation Army Tempe, on December 4, 2021. Brothers volunteered by landscaping, painting the facility and packaging food and hygiene boxes. Pictured: Alpha Sigma brothers with Tempe Mayor Corey Woods (center) at the VPCP.


4 11

[On Campus] Arkansas

| Fayetteville, AR Parker Blackburn (2022) won Outstanding Position Paper and Outstanding Delegate in Conference from the National Model United Nations. He was also a part of the University of Arkansas team, which was named the Distinguished Delegation.

Boise State | Boise, ID

Beta Psi created a GoFundMe fundraiser to help support Jacob Peters (2024) and his family, because Jacob was recently diagnosed with GuillainBarre Syndrome (GBS). GBS is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the

immune system attacks the nerves. Jacob was admitted to a hospital and spent several weeks in a clinical rehab center. The diagnosis and unexpected medical expenses came at an inopportune time for Jacob's family, so the Chapter decided to help raise money to cover these expenses. As of April, the Chapter had raised over $6,200, and they continue to raise money on GoFundMe.

On February 20, several brothers volunteered to clean up the Boise River Greenbelt on campus. This is one of the Chapter's favorite ongoing community service projects, which began in 2020. The Chapter also welcomed

nine men to their spring 2022 new member class.

British Columbia | Vancouver, BC

Brothers from the Pi Gamma Chapter held their

Wreck Beach Cleanup community service event in the spring 2022 term. The event was held in partnership with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup Project, the City of Vancouver and the local parks board. Brothers and women from some of the UBC sororities spent the day cleaning up the beach to help keep their city beautiful.


| Lewisburg, PA In November 2021, the Delta Chapter raised $15,825 for their Movember Fundraiser for men's health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The top three fundraisers for the event were: Henry Selvala (2024), raising $2,100; Will Scott (2024), raising $1,475; and Michael Fulling (2023), raising



[On Campus] young adults with intellectual disabilities obtain the life skills necessary to gain employment and live independently.

IFC New Member of the Year, respectively, at the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life's Greek Gala.

Caudill, President Brett Bettinger (2024) and Historian Nick Heaton (2023).

| Irvine, CA



Iota Chi sold stuffed Teddy bears for Valentine's Day to raise money for their endof-the-quarter Puppy Day.

$1,035. Additionally, brothers grew beards to help support the cause.

California Irvine

Central Florida | Orlando, FL

The Chapter scored 4 out of 5 stars on Central Florida's Standards of Excellence for the 2021 calendar year, the highest the Chapter has ever scored. The Standards of Excellence are designed to compile and present a chapter's accomplishments and impact on the Greek community over the previous calendar year. In February, Cole Pisarik (2023) and Matthew Faur (2025) won Chapter President of the Year and

| Cincinnati, OH On February 19, Chi Omicron hosted their Pig Dinner at the Mill Race Banquet Center. There were approximately 20 undergraduates and 40 graduate brothers in attendance, including Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), who was the keynote speaker. In his speech, Rob talked about the future of Phi Gamma Delta and what it takes to be a fraternity man in the world today. Pictured (L-R): Recording Secretary Jacob Nehren (2024), Corresponding Secretary Travis Nehren (2024), Treasurer Ethan Lansangan (2023), Rob

The Chapter also held several philanthropies this school year, raising over $2,000 for the USO and Greenville Homeless Alliance. Graduate brothers helped by donating over $1,000 to the USO at this year's Pig Dinner, which happened to be the largest Pig Dinner in the Chapter's history. Additionally, the Chapter hosted a Puppy Run to support local animal shelters.


| Boulder, CO

| Clemson, SC Chi Alpha has been heavily involved with the ClemsonLIFE (Learning Is for Everyone) program this semester, including hosting a day of basketball at the campus Recreational Center. ClemsonLIFE is a program that helps

On November 5, 2021, the Beta Kappa Chapter held their second Pig Dinner since rechartering in November 2019. Over 250 undergraduate and graduate brothers attended. The Chapter held two philanthropy events for



[On Campus] the Susan G. Komen Foundation (SGKF) this school year. The first was a dart throwing event, where contestants paid donations for the chance to throw darts to win prizes. The second was a Valentine's Day sale, where brothers sold Valentine's cards and Krispy Kreme donuts. All proceeds were donated to the SGKF, which benefits breast cancer research.

The Chapter also partnered with Colorado Responds to help with the Boulder County wildfire relief. On January 15 and February 5, brothers volunteered by packaging clothes and household supplies for wildfire victims. Additionally, the Chapter welcomed 20 men during their spring 2022 new member class.


Colorado School of Mines | Golden, CO

At the beginning of the spring 2022 semester, Gamma Kappa resumed their Monday Night Dinners after a long break due to COVID-19 restrictions. Monday Night Dinners is a free event where brothers cook food for the campus community. Menus have included enchiladas, fried chicken, cacciatore and other homecooked classics. The Chapter held their semesterly Big Brother/ Little Brother event at Beau Jo's in Idaho Springs, Colorado. Brothers enjoyed a variety of brotherhood building activities as well as skiing. Brothers also hosted a Super Bowl LVI watch


party outside the chapter house, cooking a variety of snack foods to enjoy while watching the game. Justice Davis (2022) built new "FIJI" letters for the chapter house.


| Davidson, NC During Parents Weekend in October 2021, Delta Kappa hosted their annual Slushies & Puppies philanthropy event, benefitting Continuing the Mission (CTM). Parents, graduate brothers and students enjoyed shaved ice and burgers and played with Labrador Retriever puppies. The Chapter raised over $500 for CTM, a local nonprofit that trains service dogs for veterans.


| Chicago, IL In October 2021, Lambda Pi hosted their annual camping trip. The weekend-long retreat was held at Chapter President Jacob Siepker's (2022) grandmother's farm outside of Iowa City, Iowa. Brothers were invited to attend Chi Omicron at Cincinnati's Pig Dinner in February, and they hope the relationship between their chapters continues for years to come. Additionally, the Chapter's Island Week philanthropy event returned on April 4-8. All event proceeds were donated in memory of Collin DuQuet (2021), who passed ad astra in August 2021, to NoStigmas. NoStigmas is a nonprofit organization

[On Campus] and brothers volunteered at the Field Day Festival, benefitting the Judy Field Memorial Foundation.


| Athens, GA Kappa Deuteron awarded a total of $19,500 in scholarships to freshman and sophomore members who had a 3.6+ GPA during the fall 2021 semester.

that is working to eliminate the days of silence, solitude and stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide.

East Carolina | Greenville, NC

Brothers from the Pi Nu Chapter pledged to keep Eastern Street beautiful by regularly cleaning and picking up trash. Eastern Street is in a neighborhood off campus.


| Daytona Beach, FL From January to March, Epsilon Rho completed 215 community service hours

through a partnership with Daytona Dream Center (DDC). DDC is a homeless intervention and prevention organization playing an invaluable role in the Daytona Beach community. Every week, brothers bagged groceries and served meals to those in need. Brothers also volunteered for DDC’s afterschool program, tutoring elementary and middle school students. Throughout the semester, the Chapter participated in other ERAU fraternity and sorority philanthropies, raising over $2,000. Zane Rollins (2025),

Jake McGurk (2024) and Ricardo Peña (2022) volunteered for an after-school program where they led Bible lessons, played games and tutored students.

Florida State | Tallahassee, FL

In February, Phi Sigma raised over $33,000 for FSU's Dance Marathon, supporting the Children's Miracle Network. Over 25 brothers participated in Dance Marathon, spending 30 hours on their feet between two shifts. Also this semester, the Chapter raised over $20,000 for Camp Kesem,

The Chapter selected Tommy Powell (2022) as the first recipient of the William R. Hardell, Sr. (Case Western Reserve 1951) Distinguished Service Award for his exceptional service to the University, Fraternity and Athens community. The award is presented in memory of William, who served the Chapter as Purple Legionnaire from 1968-83 and as BCA Graduate Relations from 1984-88. Dallas Hunt (2023) was elected President of the IFC in November 2021.


| Hampden-Sydney, VA Delta Deuteron is starting a scholarship fund in memory of Thomas Salamon (2021), who passed ad astra in January 2021. The College requires a minimum of $50,000 to




[On Campus] start a new scholarship, so the Chapter is raising the funds needed. For more information, contact Corresponding Secretary Franz Gilbert (2023) at


| Hanover, IN On October 15, 2021, the Tau Chapter participated in the IFC's burger cook-off, an all-fraternity recruitment event. Throughout the event, brothers played yard games and interacted with first-year students. The Chapter also won “best burger” thanks to head chef Jey Gregory (2022). On November 3, 2021, brothers held their campus trash pick-up, which they do approximately three times per semester to ensure the campus stays beautiful. The Chapter also hosted Protect the Chest, a piratethemed philanthropy supporting breast cancer awareness, on November 13, 2021. Brothers built a pirate ship in front of the chapter house and raised approximately $300 for the cause. Additionally, the Chapter pledged and initiated 25 men during the 2021 calendar year. And 90% of brothers are involved in clubs and sports, with a majority holding leadership positions.


Luke Eppler (2022) helped lead the Hanover men's soccer team to two conference championship titles and to the Elite Eight in the 2021 Division III national tournament. He also received a second team and two first team AllConference awards in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference. Cooper Hanson (2022) holds the College's track and field record in the 800-meter run with a time of 1:55.31.


| Moscow, ID Jack Pachner (2022) and Levi Bailey (2022) were elected IFC Vice President of Membership Development and Executive Vice President, respectively.


| Bloomington, IN On October 29-31, 2021, over 50 brothers from the Zeta Chapter participated in the University's Dance Marathon, benefiting Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. The Chapter raised more than $115,000, contributing to the overall $3 million raised by the campus community.



| Iowa City, IA

On February 24, Mu Deuteron brothers wore blue to show support for suicide prevention and awareness. Mason Miller (2023) and Brett Crandell (2024) were elected IFC President and Vice President of Finance & Operations, respectively.

Iowa State | Ames, IA

During the spring 2022 semester, Alpha Iota worked with several sororities to host their Phi Gam Football Jam philanthropy event. All proceeds were donated to the Garden Gate Ranch, an organization that provides safe housing and restorative and transitional services for sexually-exploited women and their children.


| Indianapolis, IN On March 5, brothers from the Iota Pi Chapter volunteered at the six-miler event of the 500 Festival Miler Series. Brothers were stationed at two of the six mile markers, handing out Gatorade and water and ensuring the safety of the runners.


| Lexington, KY In March, the University held their annual DanceBlue philanthropy, supporting For the Kids (FTK). FTK is an organization that supports children with pediatric cancer and raises money for pediatric cancer research. This year, 12 Upsilon Kappa brothers participated, helping the University raise over $1.43 million for FTK.

[On Campus] Knox

| Galesburg, IL Gamma Deuteron once again hosted their annual St. Baldrick's philanthropy event. Six brothers shaved their heads, raising $2,504 for the event. The Chapter donated an additional $1,500 to St. Baldrick's, bringing their total donation to $4,004. The St. Baldrick's Foundation supports childhood cancer research.

The Chapter welcomed 10 new members during their winter 2022 recruitment process. Pictured (L-R): Back row: Sean Gallery, Patrick Mattar, Aidan Derry and Derek Sult. Middle row:

Adam Chermouh, Nick Stan and Jake Schabes. Front row: Holden Jones, Jonathan Gonzalez and Andy Brown.

Louisiana State | Baton Rouge, LA

Several Beta Rho brothers attended Louisiana State Greek Life's Empower Greek Leadership Retreat in March.


| Orono, ME On March 5, Omega Mu hosted FIJI 3v3 Crossover for Red Cross, a basketball tournament supporting the American Red Cross. Registering teams for $15 each, the Chapter raised

over $300 for the Red Cross disaster relief fund.


Chapter President Michael Marro (2024) was elected IFC Vice President of Risk Management & Judicial Affairs.

The Mu Tau Colony welcomed nine new members to their Alpha Class in December 2021 and five new members to their Beta Class in February.

| Memphis, TN



[On Campus]

Recruitment Chairman Alexander Welch was elected scholarship chair of the IFC.


| Ann Arbor, MI

On October 23, 2021, the Alpha Phi Chapter participated in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity's

87th Michigan Mudbowl football competition. Mudbowl is an annual philanthropic competition that takes place Homecoming weekend. This year's Mudbowl philanthropy was the Charles Woodson Fund at C. S. Mott Children's Hospital. The Chapter raised $10,422, bringing

the event's total raised to $73,500.

Mississippi State | Starkville, MS

Sigma Mu reached their academic goals for the fall 2021 semester. Among all IFC fraternities, the Chapter had the highest new member GPA, the highest percentage of brothers above a 3.0 GPA, and the best overall chapter GPA.

Sixteen brothers earned a 4.0 GPA for the fall 2021 semester. On April 30, the Chapter held their Phi Gam Space Jam basketball philanthropy for the first time in five years. Fraternity and sorority teams



competed in the event, which supports the Brickfire Project (BP). BP is an afterschool service for local children that is operated by MSU students. Campbell Taylor (2023) was elected president of the IFC in November 2021. He previously served as IFC Director of Communications.


| Montevallo, AL Bradley Wilt (2023) was inducted into the Order of Omega during the spring 2022 semester. He also auditioned and was selected to perform classical guitar in the University music department's Honors Recital this year.

[On Campus] Northeastern

Oklahoma State

In February, Nu Eta held their annual ski trip at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Maine. Forty undergraduate and graduate brothers gathered for a weekend of skiing, snowboarding and brotherhood.

Sigma Omicron participated in the University's Varsity Revue, an annual Greek life competition show. The Chapter won 2nd place overall, and two brothers won awards. Wyatt Smith (2023) was named Best Male Performer, and Gage Gibbs (2024) was unanimously named Best Male Vocalist, an award that has not been unanimously awarded in 93 years.

| Boston, MA

Also during the spring 2022 semester, the Chapter resumed their community service partnership with TD Garden to raise money for the Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation (BCSF) during Celtics games. BCSF supports programs that directly benefit children in need by forming key partnerships with New England-based nonprofit organizations that provide vital services and support to youth.

| Stillwater, OK

Oregon State | Corvallis, OR

On February 25-26, Kappa Omicron partnered with the Chi Omega Women's Fraternity to clean up the Porter Park

in Corvallis. Both chapters cleaned the playground, raked leaves and spread mulch throughout the park, completing over 45 community service hours.

Penn State

| State College, PA

Gamma Phi partnered with the Sigma Kappa Sorority to raise money for Penn State's annual THON, a 46-hour no sitting and no sleeping dance marathon benefiting For the Kids (FTK). FTK provides emotional and financial support to the children and families impacted by childhood cancer. On February 19-20, four brothers danced for 46 hours straight: Noah Rothenberger (2022), Garrett Pumilia (2022), Gage Frye (2022) and Will Becker (2022). The Chapter and Sigma Kappa raised over $179,500 for THON, with Gamma Phi brothers raising more than $103,000.



[On Campus] Purdue

| West Lafayette, IN Michael Uhrig (2024) raised $4,000 while competing in Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority's Big Man on Campus (BMOC) competition. BMOC supports and raises awareness for those affected by breast cancer. Will Crawford (2024) participated in the University's Dance Marathon, raising over $3,000 for the Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis.

Rose-Hulman | Terre Haute, IN

On December 4, 2021, Rho Phi brothers participated in the annual Bikes for Tykes service event,


organized by Terre Haute’s Chances & Services for Youth. Brothers helped by assembling bicycles, which were distributed to deserving local children for Christmas. The Chapter had the largest volunteer turnout of any university group. The Chapter also partnered with the Chi Omega Sorority to volunteer at the Happiness Bag's (HB) annual Christmas Party. Brothers set up dinner tables, decorated, sang carols and handed out gifts as Santa and an elf during the event, which was attended by over 150 individuals. HB is a recreational and educational oriented facility designed for people with disabilities.


Sam Houston State | Huntsville, TX

On October 17, Sigma Eta Chapter brothers volunteered at the Special Olympics Texas by hosting a bocce ball tournament.

South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Mu Lambda hosted Karaoke for Cancer, a philanthropic karaoke competition and head shaving event. Thirteen brothers shaved their heads, helping

[On Campus] were awarded Cum Laude (3.5-3.64 GPA); five brothers were awarded Magna Cum Laude (3.65-3.79 GPA), and the following 10 brothers were awarded Summa Cum Laude (3.8-4.0 GPA): Christian Armisted (2024), Cole Hubbard (2023), Machen Murphy (2022), Avery Conkin (2022), Patrick Ockerhausen (2024), Charlie Park (2025), Michael Betonio (2023), Akshay Bakshi (2024), Brycen Eisenhut (2024) and Gavin Dawson (2025).

the Chapter raise over $10,000 for the American Cancer Society.

South Florida | Tampa, FL

The Kappa Phi Chapter won Sigma Kappa Sorority's philanthropic dodgeball tournament benefiting Alzheimer's research. The Chapter also participated in Sigma Delta Tau Sorority's POTH philanthropy. POTH is a lip-syncing competition that supports Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA). The Chapter won the People's Choice Award and received 3rd place overall, helping Sigma Delta Tau raise over $41,000 for PCAA.


| Tampa, FL

This spring, the Tau Beta Chapter partnered with Delta Zeta Sorority and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity in the University's annual Greek Week. During the week, all fraternity and sorority teams competed to raise the most money for a charity of their choice, and they competed in the Greek Variety dance competition. The Chapter's team won the overall event by winning the dance competition (pictured) and raising $16,000 for Relay for Life and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. During the fall 2021

semester, the Chapter raised over $200 for the USO through their Dunk a Campus Safety Officer philanthropy. During the event, students took turns throwing baseballs at a dunk tank to try to dunk a campus safety officer.


| Knoxville, TN Kappa Tau welcomed 32 new members in the fall 2021 semester and 14 new members in the spring 2022 semester. The Chapter partnered with the USO for their annual Island philanthropy event during the spring semester. In academic recognition for fall 2021, eight brothers

The Chapter is also excited to share that Nick Pell (2023) has made a full recovery from testicular cancer and has returned to campus to finish school.

Tennessee Tech | Cookeville, TN

The Theta Tau Chapter hosted a water balloon throwing fundraiser for the Tennessee Tech Miracle (TTM) campaign, supporting the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. The event was held February 10 and was planned by Chapter Treasurer Austin Sigg (2023), who served as Miracle Captain. Brothers sold water balloons, which could be thrown at any Phi Gam brother. The Chapter sold $200 worth of balloons during the event, bringing their total raised for TTM to $1,700. 4



[On Campus] During the fall 2021 semester, 11 brothers made the Dean's List: Chase Colotta (2023), Wade Gargan (2021), Jesse Griffey (2024), Jacob Hill (2022), Bryce McDonald (2022), Michael Mollica (2022), Roy Netlandsnes (2023), Trenton Preston (2022), Austin Sigg, Mitchell Turner (2023) and Jonathan Vermillion (2023).


| Austin, TX Tau Deuteron partnered with the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation for the eighth consecutive year. The B+ Foundation raises money and awareness for childhood cancer research and aids children and their families as they battle childhood cancer. As of March 15, the Chapter had raised nearly $23,000. During the fall 2021


semester, the Chapter raised over $1,000 for Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans to assist with Hurricane Ida relief. Additionally, the Chapter earned a 3.67 GPA during the fall 2021 semester, above the all-men's average and fifth in the IFC. Jake Adamson (2023) was elected IFC Executive Vice President, and Cade Crawford (2023) was elected Vice President of IFC Relations for the Not On My Campus organization. Jake and Cade also established Greeks Give Back, an organization working to connect philanthropic organizations with the Greek community. Drew Dodge (2023), Eli Bakht (2023) and Blake Wills (2023) were named to the leadership team for the Reformed University Fellowship.


Texas Christian

130 families from the San Marcos area were served.

After a long hiatus caused by the pandemic, Tau Chi was excited to bring back two of their annual philanthropies in April: FIJI Futbol, supporting The Front Row Foundation, and FIJI Fabrics, supporting Union Gospel Mission.

The Chapter also welcomed 18 men to their spring 2022 new member class.

| Fort Worth, TX

The Chapter ranked fifth in GPA among all IFC fraternities for fall 2021. Chase Karel (2023) and Thomas Naylor (2024) were elected to serve on the IFC as Vice President of Recruitment and Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, respectively.

Texas State

| San Marcos, TX

Sigma Upsilon brothers volunteered at a Hays County Food Bank service event in February. Over


| Charlottesville, VA On November 21, 2021, the Omicron Chapter partnered with Rho Alpha at Virginia Tech for their annual FIJI Run Across Virginia philanthropy, which supports the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Each year, brothers participate by running the game football to the host school of the Virginia vs. Virginia Tech football game. This year, 37 brothers ran over 80 miles and raised over $18,000 for the V Foundation.

Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, VA

Rho Alpha had a successful recruitment year, with 32

[On Campus]

new members added in the fall 2021 semester and 16 new members added in the spring 2022 semester. On November 21, 2021, the Chapter and Omicron at Virginia held their annual FIJI Run Across Virginia, supporting the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Each year, brothers run the game ball 80 miles to the school hosting the Virginia vs. Virginia Tech football game. This year, 37 brothers participated, raising over $18,000 for the V Foundation.


| Crawfordsville, IN On November 11, 2021, the Psi Chapter initiated its new member class, which included the addition of four families to Fiji Sires and Sons. They were Nate (2025) and Tom Plake (1988); Tommy (2025)

and Josh Minkler (1985); Jehan (2025) and Jim Boyers (Hanover 1994); and Nathaniel (2025) and Tim Oakes (1986).

Pullman Child Welfare Food Bank.

Richard Pan (2024) was awarded the "Realizing the Dream" scholarship from the Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI). He was one of 28 first-generation college students selected from a private, nonprofit college/university in the state of Indiana. Richard, who is a philosophy, politics and economics major, received a $3,000 scholarship from ICI.

| Bowling Green, KY

Washington State | Pullman, WA

Pi Mu hosted a 48-hour food drive outside a local grocery store on November 10-11, 2021, collecting 613 pounds of food for the

Western Kentucky ⮝

On March 1, Chi Eta participated in a stadium recycling program, which was organized by WKU Facilities Management's Environmental Services & Resource Conservation Office. Brothers cleaned up after a high school basketball game. These volunteer efforts left an impact of 33 pounds of recycling, 36 pounds of trash and 84 pounds of liquids, for a total diversion of 76.8%. The Chapter earned a $750 donation for participating in the program. John Downing (2022) was named the 2022 Overall Greek Co-Chair. Kendall Wheeler (2023)

was one of 19 students to earn WKU's Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad. Kendall, a biology and chemistry doublemajor, was awarded the scholarship to study in Tanzania this summer.

Western Ontario | London, ON

Lambda Omega shared a variety of mental health resources on January 26 for Bell Let's Talk Day (BLTD). BLTD is a campaign designed to raise awareness and combat the stigma surrounding mental illness in Canada.

William & Mary | Williamsburg, VA

Rho Tau hosted a sandwich-making philanthropy recruitment event to support the House of Mercy, a local poverty assistance



[On Campus] organization aimed at ending hunger and homelessness in the Williamsburg area. By the end of the event, 150 sandwiches were donated to House of Mercy.

William Jewell | Liberty, MO

Zeta Phi hosted their annual Lighting of FIJI in December 2021. Brothers worked hard to light up the chapter house for the event, which promotes their philanthropy, Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA). Brothers bonded with BACA members and presented them with a $1,200

check, which was raised through the Chapter's Halloween event. BACA is a nonprofit that helps children who need support in their court cases against their abusers.

William Woods | Fullton, MO

During the fall 2021 semester, Kappa Chi celebrated their 20th anniversary. Approximately 50 undergraduate and graduate brothers celebrated throughout the anniversary weekend.


awareness and works to end violence against women.

On February 6, the Mu Chapter participated in the Langdon Invitational Pond Hockey Tournament, a philanthropic event that raises money for the Special Olympics. The Chapter competed in the tournament along with all campus fraternities and won first place.

On February 26, the Chapter volunteered at Veterans Inc. to sort clothes for a large clothing drive. Then on February 28, the Chapter hosted a food drive on campus for veterans and their families. Over 50 pounds of food was collected and donated to Veterans Inc.

| Madison, WI


| Worcester, MA Pi Iota raised over $300 for V-Day by selling flowers on Valentine's Day. V-Day is an organization that raises

In September 2021, the Chapter hosted a dunk tank to raise money for the American Parkinson Disease Association. Brothers also participated in 5k Races for Veterans. t

Pi Iota Celebrates 130th Anniversary With Groundbreaking On November 20, 2021, Pi Iota at WPI celebrated the 130th anniversary of their chartering. The event kicked off with a ceremonial groundbreaking for construction of a new chapter house at 99 Salisbury Street in Worcester. “Old 99”, the beloved 122-year-old chapter house built for Pi Iota by our graduate brothers in 1899, was demolished on October 28, 2021, to make way for the new house, a 14,500 square-foot residential colonial style home with three levels and a basement. The house will provide a comfortable,

modern living environment which meets the needs of today’s college students. It will have 16 bedrooms to accommodate up to 40 live-in brothers. It will also be equipped with full kitchen and dining facilities, as well as a study and social spaces which are fully accessible. F.W. Madigan Company of Worcester is building the new facility designed by William J. Masiello Architect, also of Worcester. Pi Iota brothers in Consigli Construction Co. assisted with the pre-construction planning. Undergraduate members, graduate brothers and representatives from the architect and construction company attended the groundbreaking. House Corporation President Henry Fitzgerald (1975) and Purple Legionnaire Dave Willens (2009) shared some remarks about this undertaking and anniversary milestone.



[On Campus]

Expansion Spring 2022 Expansion Results During the spring 2022, the Fraternity successfully established a new colony at George Washington University.

George Washington | Washington, DC

Timeline: January 18 - March 4, 2022 Staff: Field Secretaries Graham Hess and Jackson Daugharty Founding Fathers: 13 GPA: 3.26 (above the all-fraternity average) Fun Facts: • The Founding Fathers are involved in campus organizations, including the IFC, student activist organizations, College Democrats/Republicans and orientation leaders. • The Colony has a strong graduate advising team led by Purple Legionnaire Bennett Adamson (Arizona 2020).

Fall 2022 Colonization Plans At press time, Phi Gamma Delta had received invitations to recolonize at Cornell University, the University of Vermont and the University of Wyoming. The Archons approved all three for recolonization during fall 2022. Plans are always subject to change, and additions to our expansion schedule will be posted on Expansion. If you know men at any of these schools, please recommend them to us at




Recolonization Founded: 1865 Enrollment: 15,507 IFC Fraternities: 29

Recolonization Founded: 1791 Enrollment: 10,700 IFC Fraternities: 9

Recolonization Founded: 1886 Enrollment: 9,807 IFC Fraternities: 9 t

| Ithaca, NY

| Burlington, VT

| Laramie, WY



[On Campus]

Kappa Upsilon at Kent State University Re-chartering

Date: November 6, 2021 Original Charter Date: April 23, 1960 Chapter President: Nathan Vitale (Kent 2022) Purple Legionnaire: Brian Sommers (Bowling Green 2001) Legate: Tim Kilduff (Kent 1968), Archon Councilor International Fraternity Delegation: • • • • •

Jack Foley (Pittsburgh 2022), Archon Councilor Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007), Ritualist Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), Executive Director Logan McLendon (Alabama Birmingham 2020), Director of Chapter Services - East Jeff Stinson (Western Michigan 2020), Field Secretary

Ritual Team: Brothers from the Akron and Ohio Northern chapters Charter Members: 21

Noteworthy: • The Chapter raised over $1,500 for the USO in spring 2021. • Eight brothers hold leadership positions in organizations outside of Phi Gamma Delta. • The Chapter has volunteered for over a dozen events or organizations since returning to campus. t



Graduate Almanac Akron

Arizona State

On April 1, Alpha Omicron hosted its Not for College Days Alone Dinner to allow undergraduate brothers to bond with local graduate brothers.

John Raidt's (1983) book, Politics Inc: America's Troubled Democracy & How to Fix It, was released in February 2022.

| Akron, OH

| Tempe, AZ

Case Western Reserve | Cleveland, OH

Jack Vanek (1970) released his latest mystery novel, Bedeviled, in December 2021. Bedeviled is the fourth book in the Father Jack Austin series.


| Cincinnati, OH

On January 9, Bruce Ziegler (1971), Chi

Omicron's first Colony President, was married at Burnt Shore Marina in Punta Gorda, Florida. Several of the Chapter's founding fathers attended the wedding, where they were surprised to receive their Gold Owl pins, celebrating 50 years of membership. Pictured (L-R): Marvin Larry Sprague (1971), Bruce Ziegler, Chuck DeWitt (1972), Robert Lamar (1971), Dan Adovasio (1971), Bill Dowdney (1971) and Steve Crowe (1972).


| Boulder, CO On November 5, 2021, the Beta Kappa Chapter held their second Pig Dinner since their rechartering. Over 250 graduate and undergraduate brothers attended.


| Daytona Beach, FL

Jordan Neely (2018) graduated from Air Force pilot training in 2021. Jordan said, “It was a very rewarding feeling to see all




[Graduate Almanac] my hard work pay off, and I feel I owe it to FIJI for setting me up for success.”

European Graduate Chapter | Europe

On March 20, the European Graduate Chapter hosted their first Pig Dinner. Brothers from seven chapters, spanning four countries, attended the virtual event. The Graduate Chapter also plans to host an in-person Fiji Weekend in Amsterdam this fall. The weekend will include activities for brothers of all generations, as well as opportunities for business

discussions, networking and socializing.


| Athens, GA

On October 15, Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) traveled to the Kappa Deuteron Chapter for the

Distinguished Fiji Award ceremony honoring Bill Bracewell (1968) and Kessel Stelling (1978), who were recipients of the 2020 and 2021 Distinguished Fiji Award, respectively. The Fraternity was unable to hold an award presentation for Bill in 2020 due to the pandemic. Bill has

since passed ad astra in December 2021. Pictured (L-R): Kessel Stelling, Bill Bracewell, University of Georgia President Jere Morehead (1988) and Rob Caudill. Peter Stoddard (1979) produced an audio humor CD and wrote two books about Lewis Grizzard, a writer and humorist who was a Sigma Pi at UGA. In January, Peter was an invited guest on ESPN's The Paul Finebaum Show for the third time to discuss his work on Lewis Grizzard. Peter aspires to produce a Lewis Grizzard documentary.


| Hanover, IN Rory Mannering (2012) was named defensive coordinator and linebackers coach at DePauw University. Previously, he served as defensive coordinator & defensive backs coach at Denison University.



[Graduate Almanac] John Fawbush (2017) graduated from the University of Louisville School of Medicine on May 8 and is beginning his residency at Med Center Health in Bowling Green, Kentucky. John’s goal is to specialize in med/peds (a combination of internal medicine and pediatrics) and continue his specialization in congenital cardiology. On April 18, Sam Krieg (1998) started the 126th Boston Marathon at the front of the pack with the world's elite runners. He earned this position because he was accepted into the Pro Start Field after earning a time among the top 50 Open Runners and the top 10 Masters Athletes competing in the race. Sam earned the Master’s distinction at the 2019 Chicago Marathon with a time of 2:59.59, the last marathon he ran

before the pandemic. This time ranked 8th in the 40+ Masters division and 48th in the Open field.


| Moscow, ID On March 11, Mu Iota hosted their 102nd Pig Dinner. There were 125

brothers in attendance, including a trio of brothers from the same pledge class: Andy Christensen (1991), David Burns (1991) and John Nelson (1991). John supported Andy a year ago by traveling to his home in southeastern Idaho when he was dealing with a serious illness. David was also a keynote speaker at this year's Pig Dinner. The other keynote speakers were Kent Valley (1962) and John Mansanarez (2022), and Ken Nuhn (1975) delivered the Exile's Toast.

George Ngalamulume (2020) (right), a former refugee from Africa, started his first year at the University of Idaho College of Law this year. George is following in the

footsteps of his brother, Patrick (2017) (left), who passed the Idaho State Bar in 2020 and now works as an associate attorney at Parsons, Behle & Latimer in Boise. For more on George and Patrick’s inspiring story, read the spring 2017 cover story here: TheMostGenerousThing.


| Urbana-Champaign, IL

On October 7, 2021, Steve Spontak (1985) (left) and his son, Nicholas (2019) (right), summited Pico de Orizaba in Mexico. Pico de Orizaba is the highest peak in Mexico and third highest peak in North America at 18,491 feet.


4 29

[Graduate Almanac] home of Rex Luzader (1971) in the Outer Banks, North Carolina.


| Bethlehem, PA

Bill Marsh (1955) (left) and Tom Bloomer (Johns Hopkins 2002) (right), reunited at a family member's wedding last summer. Bill and Tom are the grandfather and uncle of the bride, respectively.

Michigan State | East Lansing, MI


| Bloomington, IN

Last summer, 20 brothers from the class of 1990 gathered for a long weekend to celebrate their 30th anniversary (one year late due to the pandemic). Brothers played golf at the new Pfau Golf Course, which honors Ned Pfau (1965) and his family's long history with IU. Ned's son, Chip (1990), was one of the 20 brothers at the reunion. Gene Thweat (1954), Dr. Jim Links (1954) and Jim Cummins (1954) met for lunch in Indianapolis to celebrate their 70th pledge class reunion last summer. Brothers from the class of 1965 have been gathering


for reunions every five years since their graduation - only missing one reunion in 1980. This year, the reunion started on October 22, 2021, with a dinner, where they remembered 10 of their deceased brothers. Twenty-nine attended the dinner, including brothers, some of their wives, and the wives and daughter of some of the deceased brothers.

and uncle of the bride, respectively.

Kettering B | Flint, MI

On October 9-10, 2021, Alpha Gamma graduate brothers celebrated their 50th anniversary at the

During summer 2021, Epsilon Lambda graduate brothers from the classes of 1972-76 gathered for a reunion. These brothers have been close for 50 years, and they have gathered every other summer since 2004. Each reunion lasts about three days, and typically about 10 brothers and three wives attend. Brothers in attendance in 2021 were Tom

Johns Hopkins | Baltimore, MD

Last summer, Bill Marsh (Lehigh 1955) (left) and Tom Bloomer (2002) (right), gathered at a family member's wedding in Stowe, Vermont. Bill and Tom are the grandfather


[Graduate Almanac] Brennan (1974), Mike Closz (1973), Tom Condit (1971), Rich Lively (1973), Andy Munro (1976), Dave Pequet (1974), Ralph Shaheen (1972), Bruce Tolbert (1972) and Jeff Williams (1985).

Mississippi State | Starkville, MS

Sigma Mu hosted the first graduate brother event since February 2020, holding a graduate tailgate on March 26. Brothers and their families were invited to the chapter house after the Mississippi State vs. Alabama baseball game to enjoy a night of brotherhood.

North Carolina | Chapel Hill, NC

In September 2021, William E. Ellington III (1950) received his Diamond Owl certificate, celebrating 75 years of membership. William has since passed ad astra on December 19, 2021, at the age of 94.

Northeastern | Boston, MA

In February, 40 Nu Eta graduate and undergraduate brothers gathered for the Chapter's annual ski trip, called Skiji. The event took place at the Sunday River Ski Resort in Maine, where brothers enjoyed a weekend of

skiing, snowboarding and brotherhood.

Ohio Wesleyan | Delaware, OH

On October 15, 2021, James Pry (1963) and his wife, Janet Peckinpaugh Pry, were inducted as life members of the Henry Solomon Lehr Society at Ohio Northern University (ONU). James was inducted by ONU President and Phi Gam Dr. Daniel DiBiasio (1971). James attended ONU for law school, graduating in 1970. James and Janet have several Phi Gam relatives, including Janet's father, Ralph Peckinpaugh (1942); uncles Walter (Michigan 1939) and John (1953); brothers Roger (1963) and David (Colorado College 1980); and nephews Scott McDonald (Colorado College 1989) and Bryan (Cincinnati 2000). James' brother, Nick (1963), passed ad astra on December 22, 2021.

Oklahoma | Norman, OK

Denny Cresap (1956) was inducted into the University of Oklahoma Hall of Fame.


| West Lafayette, IN Lambda Iota graduate brothers gathered at Acme Seed & Grain in Nashville, Tennessee, for the Music City Bowl: Bob Foster (1991), Don Hollensbe (1988), Dan Kelly (1989), Tom Kelly (1991), JT Kinkel (1991), Darrin Sheetz (1989), Nik Souris (1988) and Jeff Tucker (1989).

Rose-Hulman | Terre Haute, IN

Nachi Hosahatti (2021) helped the Rose Grand Prix Engineering Team build elements of a formula race car for the 2021 racing season during his senior year.

Now that he has graduated, Nachi is using his mechanical engineering degree to help the Arrow McLaren SP team become a top competitor in the NTT IndyCar Series.

Southern Methodist | Dallas, TX

Highland Park Independent School District's newest elementary school, Boone Elementary, was named for Michael Boone (1964). Mike was honored for his deep involvement in public school finance matters. A prominent attorney in Dallas, he received the Distinguished Fiji Award in 2007.


| Syracuse, NY

Ken Murawski (1973) received the Association of National Accounts Executives' (ANAE)




[Graduate Almanac]

Back Row (L-R): Jack Nash (1975), Skipper Nelson (1974), Rick Halden (1977), Gil Lundquist (1975), Clay Smith (1975), Stan Caskey (1975), Peter Barbour (1975), Bruce Hotze (1974), Gary Pugh (1975), Scott Shaeffer (1975), Jackson Hooper (1975), John Thomas (1975) and Ras Redwine (1975). Front Row (L-R): Steve Pearce (1975), Doug Barnes (1975), Chris Sharp (1975), Joe Flack (1973), Roger Lutz (1975), John Gordon (1977), John Newton (1975), John Peloubet (1975), Frosty Moore (1975), John Patton (1976) and Clark Covert (1975). National Account Executive Lifetime Achievement Award, the organization's highest honor. Pictured (L-R): Ken Murawski and ANAE President John Pritchard.


2019 William A. Martin III Distinguished Fiji Award. Glenn received this award for his contributions to Phi Gamma Delta as a volunteer, a member of multiple boards, and a former staff member. He previously

served in multiple volunteer roles, including Purple Legionnaire and Archon Treasurer. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Educational Foundation board of directors. Pictured (L-R): Former

Archon President Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982), Glenn Moor, Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) and Executive Director Emeritus Bill Martin (Mississippi State 1975).

| Austin, TX

On October 15, 2021, Tau Deuteron brothers from the 1971 pledge class gathered at the chapter house to celebrate their 50th pledge class reunion. There were 25 brothers in attendance including three of the recruitment captains from that year.

Texas Tech | Lubbock, TX

In October 2021, the Fraternity presented Glenn Moor (1984) with the



[Graduate Almanac] Toronto

| Toronto, ON On February 23, Greg White (2000) and Myron Genyk (2004) co-founded Evermore and Canada's first target date ExchangeTraded Funds (ETFs). They are the only target date ETFs in North America. The organization donated 100% of their revenues in March, April and May to humanitarian support in Ukraine. Myron, Evermore's CEO, is of Ukrainian descent and is very involved in the Canadian-Ukrainian community.

Union College | Schenectady, NY

In February, John Robbins (1971) hosted

a Chi Chapter reunion at his home on Lake Winnipesaukee in Meredith, New Hampshire, and 13 brothers attended. This was the 23rd consecutive February gathering. Brothers enjoyed dining out, watching a sled dog race, ice fishing and reminiscing about their undergraduate years. Pictured (L-R): Top row: Steve Pierce (1971), Hank Riehl (1974) and Drew Hanelink (1971). Bottom row: John Seay (1967), Ken LaBarge (1969), Walt Hennings (1969), Al Britton (1974), Bill Palmer (1969), Doug Tosh (1972), Bob Herron (1970), John Robbins, Mark Curry (1969) and Bob Farnum (1968).

Utah State

| Logan, UT

Luke Huffman's (2019) fiction book, Holt's Almanac, was published on January 31. Luke will give the bulk of his book proceeds to his chapter. Luke also has written several songs, one of which, "College With a View," is about his undergraduate career at USU. It has nearly half a million streams on Spotify.

Western Ontario | London, ON

On November 16, 2021, Ken Fidlin (1971) was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame,



[Graduate Almanac] receiving the 2019 Jack Graney Award. He received the award as a longtime baseball columnist for the Toronto Sun. The presentation was delayed until November 2021 because of the pandemic.

William Woods | Fullton, MO

Kappa Chi celebrated their 20th anniversary during the fall 2021 semester. Approximately 50 undergraduate and graduate brothers attended the anniversary weekend.


| Worcester, MA On November 20, 2021, the Pi Iota Chapter, which

was the first fraternity at WPI, celebrated the 130th anniversary of their chartering. They also hosted the groundbreaking for a

new chapter house. The old chapter house, which was built in 1899, was demolished on October 28, 2021.t

Rho Alpha Celebrates Their 50th Anniversary The Rho Alpha Chapter at Virginia Tech, chartered on May 13, 1972, celebrated their 50th Anniversary Norris Pig Dinner on April 30. There were 395 people in attendance at the banquet, including 114 graduates brothers and 120 undergraduates. This included Douglas S. Painter (1974), who was recognized for his perfect attendance at all 50 Pig Dinners since chartering. The anniversary celebration was a three-day affair complete with a founder’s dinner, golf tournament, winery



tour, on-campus BBQ, awards luncheon and, of course, the main banquet. Over $2,000 was raised for various charities, and a new chapter scholarship fund was established at the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation by Jeffrey D. McMahan Jr. (2003) and his wife, Kim. Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) gave the keynote address, and former Archon Councilor Dana Hesse (1986) and former Archon Secretary Josh Holly (Tennessee 1997) were in attendance.

Podcast Series 1-3 Available Now! Visit to watch and listen to the podcast. Guests have included Hall of Fame college football coach Bill Snyder (William Jewell 1962), Emmy Award winning editor of Ted Lasso, A.J. Catoline (New York 1992), former FBI negotiator Mac Lewison (Akron 1996), 2015 Wilkinson Award winner Memme Onwudiwe (Ohio Wesleyan 2015) and more!



Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness Victor Cui (Alberta 1994) Aims to Outwork Everyone Else



[Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness]


nyone that chooses to join a fraternity is an unreasonable man,” asserts Victor Cui (Alberta 1994).

“When I joined the fraternity, almost everybody I spoke to said, ‘Why would you do that? You want to join a frat, be a frat boy? How does that make any sense?’ Reasonable friends gave me reasonable advice.” But in the Epsilon Alpha Chapter at the University of Alberta, Victor found a group of men who, like him, did not want to follow the reasonable path. “When you join the fraternity at 18 years old, you don’t know what people’s journey is going to be,” he explains. “You only know that you’ve come together because you want to learn from others around you and be part of an organization that demands a different standard, demands a higher level of values, of integrity, and holds you to it. That is not a reasonable choice at that age. “Many people think of ‘unreasonable’ in the negative sense, but I look at the word unreasonable as a very positive word.”

Living the Dream Since graduating in 1994, Victor has literally been around the world and to the pinnacle of success in international sports marketing. In 2010 he cofounded mixed martial arts (MMA) platform ONE Championship and helped build the company into Asia’s largest sports media property, broadcasting events to over 150 countries and with a current market valuation of over $1 billion (USD). Given his heritage and upbringing, it is no surprise that Victor has made his career in sports or that he has thrived in an international arena. In the 1970s his parents migrated from the Philippines to Edmonton, Alberta, where Victor was born. His father’s work then took the family to Africa, Europe, and Asia before returning to Edmonton. Victor’s father introduced him and his brother to boxing at an early age. He later gravitated to martial arts, specifically taekwondo, in which both he and his wife are black belts. He also competed in other

sports and dreamed of a career in sports. After completing high school in Edmonton, he attended the University of Alberta, studying international politics and joining Phi Gamma Delta. Based in Edmonton after graduation, he built expertise in sports management and marketing, traveling internationally to work on such momentous events as the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Malaysia – which he calls his first big break – and the Sydney Olympics in 2000. Closer to home, he managed some of Edmonton’s most prominent sporting events, including the 2001 World Championships in Athletics (track and field). Leaving Canada in 2002 to immerse himself in international sports marketing, he was hired by ESPN STAR Sports, Asia’s number one sports broadcaster, and became senior director of its event management group, based in Singapore. In 2010, after six-plus years with ESPN, he co-founded ONE Championship. Victor served in a variety of roles, beginning as the company’s first CEO. He went on to become CEO International and led multiple areas of the company’s global business. He also served as CEO of ONE Elite Agency, managing some of the world’s biggest MMA athletes and celebrities. How many dream jobs does one person get in life? Most people would consider themselves lucky to find one. Victor is still counting. From working the Commonwealth Games and the Summer Olympics early in his career, to ESPN, to founding and building Asia’s largest sports media property, where do you go next? How about returning to your hometown as the top executive of the professional football team you grew up pulling for? On January 25 of this year, Victor was announced as president and CEO of the Edmonton Elks Football Club, one of the flagship franchises in the Canadian Football League (CFL). The team, which is community-owned (like the Green Bay Packers), was founded in 1949 as the Edmonton Eskimos. The name was changed to the Elks in 2021. Edmonton has won the Grey Cup, or CFL championship, 14 times, most recently in 2015.


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[Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness]

As president and CEO, Victor is responsible for overseeing the entire operation of the club, both business and football. He reports to the board of directors and, in collaboration with the board, sets the strategic vision for the organization. Any longtime fan of a professional sports team can appreciate Victor’s excitement when he says, “The opportunity to return home and lead this cherished organization that I grew up watching from the Knothole Gang is truly a dream come true.” As the saying goes, you make your own breaks. Great jobs and success are not dreamed into existence. Victor credits his success to unreasonableness, surrounding himself with great talent, hard work, and, yes, persistence.

Unreasonable “A lot of my leadership experiences started with what the fraternity taught me,” says Victor. “The first one is being unreasonable in the company of greatness. “As you start out in the fraternity, you have this group of arrogant 18-year-old men who decided not to follow the reasonable advice of reasonable friends. They are from all walks of life -- different religions, different ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds -- and they come together in the fraternity. Somehow they build this common bond around something more they each want in life. And with each other, in the fraternity, they slowly discover what that something else is and what this lifelong bond is about. “That is the beginning of the journey of being comfortable with a sense of unreasonableness that you understand, and reasonable people do not. That’s such a big lesson for me, because with a lot of the things that you want to do, people of good

Victor has been featured in the Fraternity’s video/podcast series On the Banks. To hear more of his thoughts on the fraternity experience and his theme of “Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness,” go to



intentions give you reasonable advice that leads you down a reasonable path. We’re very fortunate in North America compared to the rest of the world, in that achieving a reasonable life is within the grasp of most people. To have a roof over your head, running water and indoor plumbing, food, all these kinds of reasonable expectations that are achievable in North America, whereas, in other parts of the world, no matter what people do, they will never escape poverty. We’re so fortunate to have this reasonable life there for us if we just do a few things -- get an education, stay out of trouble, treat people with respect, be responsible. You can have a good life, have a car, provide for your family. “Those are all reasonable goals, but a lot of times the things that you want to do that are not the average and are on a different path require you to have faith in your unreasonable goals. And that’s why I love that word. It used to faze me when people said, ‘Be reasonable’ or ‘You’re being unreasonable.’ But today I look at that as a compliment.”

In the Company of Greatness “In the fraternity you’re around all these people, and you’re building a foundation that is unmatched, in my experience, in your later years of professional relationships. You meet people later in life, and they become good colleagues, good co-workers, or good friends, and you know them. But in the fraternity, you’ve got relationships that build, decade after decade, from a time when you all were still trying to figure life out, and you were helping each other do that, whether it was studying for an exam or supporting a brother who just broke up with his girlfriend. “I think back to my days in the chapter and looking around at my brothers. Recalling today our growth together and knowing what they have all accomplished in their lives, I realize that that was the first time that I was with people that had such amazing potential. In my pledge class I was by far the dumbest, so I was lucky – and still consider myself lucky – to be in that group. “In my work life today, when I’m in meetings and I look around, I get the feeling that I used to get in the fraternity: How did I get so lucky to be at this

[Unreasonable in the Company of Greatness]

table with all these talented people? I am continually amazed at that. Greatness wants to be in the company of greatness; people want to be around other talented people.”

Work Hard & Persist “When I walk into a room, I’m almost always not the smartest person there. “Generally in my life, whatever I was doing, whether it was sports or academics, I was never the naturally smartest. I never got the highest grades. I was never the fastest runner. I was never the most talented. There was no particular talent or skill where I was the best. “The biggest strength that I developed was when I decided, if I didn’t have the talent, then I would have to outwork everybody else. If the coach said do five laps, I’d do eight. If I thought you had to study two hours for something, I’d study five. I put in the extra time to make up for my weaknesses. This also put me in the mindset that, when I’m around other people, I’m there to learn. Of course I want to give, but I want to absorb and learn from others as opposed to

thinking I’m here to spread my knowledge and teach everybody because I’m the smartest in the room.” “In some of the lowest times in my life, when I thought that everything was going to be a failure, that quote of ‘Persistence’ and that belief that persistence will yield rewards was one of the things that I drew upon. In anybody’s path in life, you’re going to face these moments where you have to decide ‘Do I persist with what I want to do, or do I give up?’ And sometimes giving up is the right choice, but sometimes you have to have faith that your persistence will yield rewards.”

The Sweetest Influence “My grandfather always used to say, ‘Even best friends were strangers at one point.’ That is literally what the fraternity is. You walk in on the first day and think, ‘Who are these people?’ They’re absolute strangers, and they end up being lifelong friends. It's such a unique experience because you don’t get a chance to do that anywhere else in life. The fraternity has been such a big part of my life and of my friendships, and I am eternally grateful.” t THE PHI GAMMA DELTA




on Graduate Brothers


Michael D. Deetsch

Dr. Kenneth A. Jessell

Mike Deetsch was named the senior director of learning & interpretation at the Toledo Museum of Art (TMA) in February 2022. In this position, Mike plays a critical role in developing TMA's culture of belonging and operationalizing its commitment to quality. Mike has worked for TMA since 2013, when he was hired as the assistant director of education. In 2015, he was named director of education & engagement, overseeing the Museum's docent program, art classes and curriculum. He served in that role until his recent promotion. Prior to joining TMA, Mike worked at the Brooklyn (New York) Museum as a senior museum educator, the Lexington (Kentucky) Art League as exhibition & programs director, and the Kentucky Historical Society as the student programs manager. In 2012 he was selected to participate in the Getty Leadership Institute's NextGen program. Mike received a B.A. in art history from Hanover and a M.S. in art education from the Pratt Institute (Brooklyn, NY).

On January 21, 2022, Dr. Ken Jessell was named interim president of Florida International University in Miami. Ken has served FIU as senior vice president of finance & administration and CFO since 2009. He is also a professor of finance in the College of Business Administration. He moved to FIU from Florida Atlantic University, where he worked for 26 years, serving in several key leadership positions, concluding as senior vice president for financial affairs. Ken earned three degrees from Florida State University, a bachelor’s in political science, a MBA, and a Ph.D. in finance. He has served the Phi Sigma Chapter at Florida State on the Board of Chapter Advisors and the House Corporation, including four years as House Corporation President.

(Hanover 1998)




(Florida State 1977)

Bruce K. Kidd (Purdue 1980)

Bruce Kidd is the co-founder and president of Concerts for a Cause (CFAC), which supports




small nonprofit organizations in the Indianapolis area that provide important services for children, adults and families. Launched in early 2016, CFAC generates its support through ticket sales for live music events that it organizes. Even with an 18-month cessation of live events during the pandemic, CFAC has donated $360,000 to over 19 organizations. CFAC resumed live performances in 2021 and has four events scheduled for 2022. Bruce says that brothers of all ages from the Purdue Chapter have been some of CFAC’s biggest supporters. In addition to his volunteer work with CFAC, Bruce is chairman of the board of Flight1, which conducts an aviation centered mentoring program for children who face health challenges or have lost a loved one to illness. He also serves on the Purdue Biological Sciences Alumni Advisory Council, and he was chairman of the board of the Indiana Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation from 2014-16. Professionally, Bruce is the founder and president of Kidd Consulting Group, a business advisory firm that assists privately held companies in finding solutions to their business challenges and needs. Find out more about CFAC at

W. Brent Powell

(William Jewell 1992) The Honorable Brent Powell was one of four William Jewell alumni to receive the College’s



2022 Citation for Achievement. Brother Powell is a justice on the Supreme Court of Missouri, having been appointed to that position in 2017 and then elected in 2018 for a 12-year term. Previously, he served as a circuit judge in Jackson County, Missouri, for nine years. Prior legal experience included executive assistant U.S. attorney for the Western District of Missouri and assistant prosecuting attorney in the Platte County (Missouri) prosecutor’s office. Among the honors Brent has received for his professional contributions are Judge of the Year from the Association for Women Lawyers of Greater Kansas City and the President's Award from the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. He majored in political science as an undergraduate and earned his J.D. from the University of Missouri School of Law.

Tom Roy

(Arizona 1981) Tommy Roy is lead producer for all golf coverage at NBC Sports, including year-round PGA TOUR coverage and major championships that include The Open (British Open), KPMG Women’s PGA Championship and the Senior PGA Championship. His first encounter with NBC Sports came in 1978 as an undergraduate at the University of Arizona, when he served as a runner for the network at the Tucson Open. Upon graduation in 1981, he joined NBC Sports as a





production associate and rose steadily through the ranks, promoted to associate producer in 1983 and producer in 1986. In 1993 he was named executive producer and remained in that role until 2005, when he transitioned to producing golf full-time. He has produced or executive produced the broadcasts of many of the world’s biggest sports events, including the Olympics, Super Bowls, the NBA Finals, the Kentucky Derby, the Daytona 500, and Wimbledon. He continues to serve as producer for swimming and speedskating events at the Summer and Winter Olympics, respectively. Tommy’s work has earned 29 Emmy Awards.

Dr. Charles L. Shearer (Kentucky 1964)

Dr. Charles Shearer was inducted into the University of Kentucky Hall of Distinguished Alumni on October 1, 2021. The honor recognizes recipients for “meaningful contributions to the Commonwealth, nation and the world.” Brother Shearer is the former president of Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky. His 27 years in the position was the longest tenure among Transy presidents. Under his leadership, university enrollment grew by more than 75 percent, with attendant growth in majors offered and faculty numbers. Before becoming president in 1983, he was the University’s vice president of finance. In addition to his undergraduate degree in accounting and a master’s in economics and international diplomacy from UK, Dr. Shearer holds a master’s and a Ph.D. in economics from Michigan State University. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters from UK in 2012 and was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame of UK’s Gatton College of Business and Economics in 1999. He was named a Distinguished Fiji in 2010.

in Richmond, Virginia, and the Community Foundation for a greater Richmond. Honorees were recognized for “improving people’s lives and creating a stronger Richmond for generations to come.” Francis received the award in the category of Advancing Our Quality of Life. He is the art program manager for real estate services firm JLL and manages a team that has maintained and expanded a contemporary corporate art collection installed within office buildings throughout North America. Francis earned a B.A. in studio art and a Master of Fine Arts in arts administration from Virginia Tech. He serves on the advisory board of the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts in Farmville, Virginia, and on the Virginia Tech School of the Visual Arts Advancement Council. From 2013 to 2018, he served the Fraternity as Purple Legionnaire for the Mu Pi Chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University, and he currently serves as Section Chief for the chapters at Richmond and HampdenSydney. t

Francis G. Thompson (Virginia Tech 2000)

Francis Thompson was one of six honorees to receive this year’s Richmond History Makers Award, presented by The Valentine, a museum



2022 Fiji Academy


he 2022 Fiji Academy was held January 7-9, 2022, bringing undergraduate and graduate leaders back in-person to the historic St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. This annual leadership training aims to prepare our brothers to “lead with courage” to make a positive impact on their campus and community.

By the Numbers Despite a spike in COVID-19 cases causing several attendees to cancel, this year's event had a strong showing, with 498 brothers and guests in attendance. This included: Ū Undergraduates: 392 ■ From 116 chapters and colonies Ū Chapters/Colonies with 3+ Delegates: 37, including: ■ 11 from Kansas State ■ 9 from Rose-Hulman Ū Graduates: 72, including: ■ 34 Purple Legionnaires ■ 16 Section Chiefs

Pursuing Excellence The 2022 Fiji Academy kicked off with the Pursuing Excellence sessions, providing early arrivals with an opportunity to do a two-hour deep dive into important topics facing our chapters across North America. Brothers attended these sessions on topics such as hazing prevention; sexual assault prevention; mental health; diversity, equity, inclusion and

belonging; relearning the Ritual, and supporting brothers’ academics. Concurrent with these sessions, new Purple Legionnaires gathered to learn about their new role from Section Chiefs and experienced Purple Legionnaires.

Opening Banquet The event’s first large group opportunity was the Opening Banquet on Friday evening. First-time Academy emcee Jade Metcalf (Washington State 1992) opened tthe evening recounting Fiji Academy history. The main event was the President’s Perspective keynote by Archon President Nic Loiacano (Illinois 1974). Nic provided an update to brothers on the Fraternity’s strategic initiatives.

Hazing Prevention The Fiji Academy included several guest speakers and presenters. One of the most powerful

Pursuing Excellence session

Pursuing Excellence session

Jade Metcalf, Academy Emcee

Archon President Nic Loiacono, President's Perspective presentations was Saturday’s opening session, led by parents from the


4 43


The Gruvers and Dr. Gentry McCreary, Opening Session

Executive Director Rob Caudill, Opening Session

data and research around hazing The Piazzas, Opening prevention and Session reasons why hazing occurs. The session included a Q&A segment facilitated by Executive Director Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) in which the Gruvers, the Piazzas and Dr. McCreary Executive Director Ben focused on how chapter officers AntiRobinson, Foundation can eliminate hazing in their Hazing Luncheon Coalition chapters. The two-hour session ended with a standing ovation and for the parents for courageously Dr. Gentry sharing their stories. McCreary, CEO of Dyad Strategies. Rae Foundation Ann and Steve Gruver, Luncheon Max Gruver's parents, and Evelyn and Jim Piazza, Tim Saturday's luncheon was sponPiazza's parents, shared the sored by the Phi Gamma Delta stories of their sons’ deaths due Educational Foundation. It to alcohol-related hazing and began with highlighting the educated brothers on the need to Ed Gulewitz (Texas Christian end hazing. Dr. McCreary shared 1989) Award for the Promotion



Pig Dinner head table

of Organ Donation, which recognizes a chapter/colony that excels in encouraging people to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. Due to COVD-19, there were not enough chapters that were able to conduct on-campus donor drives to be able to present the award. We look forward to presenting the award again at the 2023 Fiji Academy. The luncheon program focused on updates from the Educational Foundation, which included the announcement of a new scholarship opportunity for brothers, the Persistence Scholarship, which will provide financial aid to members with demonstrable financial need.

Pig Dinner The 2022 Fiji Academy concluded with a model Frank Norris Pig Dinner. Brothers from our newest chapter,


Bill Miller and Anthony Moncman kissed the pig as the eldest and youngest brothers in attendance, respectively

Brothers from the Kappa Upsilon Chapter at Kent State had the honor of bringing in the pig as the newest chapter. Kappa Upsilon at the Kent State University, had the honor of bringing in the pig. Longtime Ritualist and former Archon President Bill Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue Graduate Affiliate 1996) was the eldest brother in attendance, and Anthony Moncman (Wayne State 2025) was the youngest. These brothers shared the honor of kissing the pig. Former Archon Councilor Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983) concluded the Norris-related activities with a rendition of An Exile’s Toast. The evening concluded with the recognition of the chapter and individual award winners for the 2020 calendar year. This included presentation of the Wilkinson Award to Liam Bettez (Purdue 2021) as Phi Gamma Delta’s most outstanding

senior. Liam gave an inspirational speech about his fraternity experience.

Jeff Downey, Exile's Toast

COVID-19 Precautions The 2022 Fiji Academy returned to an in-person event after the 2021 Academy was held virtually. To return to the in-person setting, the Fraternity took several precautions. Prior to arriving, all attendees provided proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test through a secure text platform. While at the event, attendees completed a daily health screening and wore a face covering, regardless of vaccination status, unless actively eating or drinking.

The Fraternity Liam Bettez, Wilkinson was flexible Award winner on attendance requirements for those brothers that did not feel comfortable attending an in-person event or could not attend due to campus policy, and the chapter services staff followed up with those chapters to provide supplemental education.

We look forward to returning to the Union Station Hotel in January 2023 as the Fraternity continues to Build Courageous Leaders. t



[2021 Donors]

2021 Honor Roll of Donors Educational Foundation

Fiscal Year: July 2020 - June 2021 *From audited financial statements


Donations: • Unrestricted gifts • Designated gifts Net Investment Income Other Total Income

Dear Brothers, $ 1,410,865 984,440 6,086,000 130,777



Programming/Services: • Scholarships • Leadership, Health, Human Services, etc. • Other Programs/Support • House Corp. Grants Subtotal Management & General Fundraising Subtotal Total Expenses

$ 459,775 149,379 287,082 689,410 $1,585,646 $ 340,155 248,481 $588,636


Board Members: Chairman: Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987) Vice Chairman: Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984) Finance Committee Chairman: Kevin W. Haga (Jacksonville 1992) Secretary: William R. Brand (RPI 1987) Directors: D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987); G. Carl Gibson (Oklahoma 1981); Donald M. Heinrich (Chicago 1974); Mitchell I. Henn (Case Western 1972); Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983); Scott R. Mowrer (Washington 1971); John P. O’Neill (Akron 1987); Michael J. Stewart (Penn State 1972); Robert A. Wunderlich Jr. (DePauw 1988)


Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation


College campuses began to come back to life last fall. With that return, many sophomore brothers came to campus and for the first time attended an in-person chapter event. Many brothers missed that first year of experiencing all things Phi Gam and all things college. That missed year means that their knowledge of how a chapter operates and what it means to live the values of the Fraternity in their daily lives will have to be learned now. That is where you come in. Thank you for the generous gifts you gave last year. Because of your support, we are prepared to address the needs of our brothers. It’s not just learning how to run a chapter, but more importantly, how to be a Phi Gamma Delta brother. Our values guide our members to live courageously and to represent the whole fraternity well. Represented on these pages are those who gave to help undergraduate brothers to immerse themselves in the values. Updates and brief reports on the scholarships and programs we fund are placed throughout the list of donors. We hope you will take a look. Fraternally, Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987), Chairman (left) Ben Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986), Executive Director (right) More information about the Foundation may be found online at

[2021 Donors]

The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada Brothers,

Foundation of Canada Fiscal Year: January 2021 December 2021

Your generous financial support allowed us to continue our focus on academics through scholarships, leadership training, mental health education and alcohol abuse prevention. We continue to keep our administration, fundraising and operating costs as low as possible.


We want to acknowledge the generous gift of Jan and Frank Smeenk (Western Ontario 1971), which helps to secure the future of the Foundation. Their impact upon the Foundation will allow us to interact with members in a supportive and positive way.


The estate of William H. Gear (McGill 1956) once again generously benefited the Foundation. We are grateful to the brothers who have planned to benefit Phi Gamma Delta in this way. We also want to thank the hundreds of brothers over the last few years who donated to the Foundation. Keep it up, brothers. Your brothers benefit greatly from your support!

Board Members:

We also want to thank F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963) for his 25 years of service to the Foundation as our Treasurer. His steady hand has helped guide us, and he has performed yeoman’s work in delivering operational tasks needed to run our Foundation. Norm will rejoin the Foundation as a board member and has turned the treasurer’s responsibilities over to Stephen G. Firth (Western Ontario 1973). Please note our new mailing address for gifts to the Foundation below. Thanks to our donors, for supporting us in 2021 and helping us to do this important job of supporting Phi Gamma Delta.

Chapter Restricted Program/Unrestricted Other

$ 12,427 974,926 196

Total Receipts


Scholarships Operating/Fundraising

$ 70,090 16,481

Total Disbursements


President: D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) Vice President: Tristan L. Patterson (Alberta 2010) Secretary: Murray L. Coulter (Western Ontario 1972) Treasurer: Stephen G. Firth (Western Ontario 1973) Trustee Emeritus: L. Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972) Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001); John B. Carswell (Alberta 1976); F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963); Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985); Ashley A. O’Kurley (Alberta 1994); Rob Witchel (Toronto 1987)

Fraternally, D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987), President

New Foundation Mailing Address: Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada c/o Stephen Firth 804-2185 Marine Dr, Oakville, ON L6L 5L6 Visit to learn more.

Norm Dundas served as Treasurer for 25 years (1996-2021)!



[2021 Donors]

The Perge! Society 2021 The Perge! Society is the Annual Fund of the Educational Foundation. By giving tax-deductible unrestricted gifts to the Educational Foundation you are supporting its activities, including alcohol education, scholarships, and leadership programs. Your gifts allow Phi Gamma Delta to stay relevant on college campuses. Many thanks to all the brothers who generously give to Phi Gamma Delta. You can join The Perge! Society securely online at If you have questions please email the Foundation at or call 859-255-1848 ext. 133. Listed here are the 534 donors who joined The Perge! Society in 2021 at the $500 and above levels. The number following a brother’s school and year indicates the number of years as a Perge! Society member. Thank you for supporting Phi Gamma Delta through the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation and The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada.

Norris Affiliates (Gifts of $5,000 & greater) Edward R. Adams (Richmond 1941) 2 Erwin K. Aulis (Northwestern 1980) 4 William R. Bracewell (Georgia 1968) 19* Donald W. Bradley PhD (Southern California 1961) 1 William F. Brock (Purdue 1963) 19 William W. Brooke (Alabama 1978) 10 Robinson S. Brown (Kentucky 2002) 13 Wayne H. Brunetti (Florida 1964) 12 Douglas H. Dittrick Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan 1955) 24 Jonathan Espy (Drake 1995) 7 David R. Frick (Indiana 1966) 16

Christopher T. Fuldner (Missouri 1973) 8 William H. Gear (McGill 1956) 24* John Gottschalk (Nebraska 1965) 24 Jerome C. Groniger (Illinois 1956) 15 Kevin W. Haga (Jacksonville 1992) 18 Donald M. Heinrich (Chicago 1974) 4 Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985) 13 Kevin J. Hopper (Cincinnati 1973) 19 Robert B. Knutson (Michigan 1956) 24 Alan W. Larson (Syracuse 1960) 19 Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983) 18 Richard D. McCormick (Iowa State 1961) 24

Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984) 18 William T. Morris Trust (Penn State 1949) 24* Michael E. Morris (Kansas State 1977) 22 John G. Pappajohn (Iowa 1952) 22 Robert C. Pohlad (Arizona State 1976) 22 Clark A. Robertson (Nebraska 1982) 18 Jan & Frank Smeenk (Western Ontario 1971) 1 John C. Schroeder (Wabash 1969) 22 F. Barry Shaw (Gettysburg 1965) 20 James E. Whistler (Idaho 1970) 19 Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana 1967) 20 Samuel A. Wilson (Oklahoma 1952) 14

Wilkinson Affiliates (Gifts of $2,000 - $4,999) Edwin M. Ahrens MD (Denison 1973) 18 Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987) 17 Tyson K. Beem (Southern California 1997) 11 William R. Brand (RPI 1987) 21 Tucker S. Bridwell (SMU 1973) 3 Noel E. Briscoe (San Diego State 1991) 6 Christopher B. Burke (Purdue 1977) 12 Jon B. Burmeister (Iowa State 1967) 22 Marvin J. Carver III (North Carolina 1975) 23 Stephen A. Comunale (Ohio State 1972) 4 Dr. James L. Cook (Illinois Wesleyan 1964) 14 Robert M. Crawford (Louisiana State 1960) 3 Jeffrey M. Downey (UCLA 1983) 16 Charles T. Doyle (Oklahoma 1956) 14 Thomas D. Earley (Illinois 1963) 7 Matthew G. Etlinger (Montana 1998) 6 Jameson G. Fee (Kettering A 2008) 4 Matthew S. Garrison (Hampden-Sydney 1999) 15 Douglas W. Grover (San Diego State 1987) 3 Robert W. Higgins MD (Washington State 1956) 16 G. David K. Hopper MD (Wittenberg 1963) 22

John M. Humphrey (Case Western 1981) 13 J. Brent Humphries (Oklahoma 1991) 8 Edward J. Jackman (Toronto 1962) 8* Robert M. Justin (Michigan State 1969) 4 Anthony D. Kenkel (Drake 1998) 11 William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) 18 Patrick E. Matoole MD (Denver 1991) 9 William H. Mautz (Kentucky 1965) 23 Phillip J. Meek (Ohio Wesleyan 1959) 22 Richard K. Merker (Gettysburg 1976) 6 A. Cameron Mitchell (Sewanee 1958) 1 Lee M. Moss (Tennessee 1973) 6 Samuel H. Mudie (Rutgers 1962) 17 Scott B. Murray (Auburn 1969) 1 Marc W. Myers (Wittenberg 1989) 6 Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Tech 1998) 7 George R. Oliver (WPI 1982) 5 Carl F. Pollard (Kentucky 1960) 17 Michael L. Raisor (Indiana State 1995) 2 Robert W. Reniers Jr. (Colorado College 1968) 18 N. Clay Robbins (Wabash 1979) 24

John C. Robbins III (Union 1971) 7 Stephen E. Robinson (Georgia Tech 1966) 3 Mark N. Roth (West Virginia 1977) 1 John D. Rowell (Idaho 1948) 17* Robert C. Samuel (Oregon 1960) 23 W. Eric Saraniecki (Chicago 2006) 4 Gregory R. Schermerhorn (Michigan 1987) 15 Charles W. Shears (Texas 1985) 1+ Curtis D. Smith (Bradley 1999) 2 N. W. Solomon (Nebraska 1951) 6* Andrew Z. Soshnick (Northwestern 1985) 12 Michael P. Spack (Minnesota 1996) 13 Jon R. Stuart (Oklahoma 1971) 3 Robert A. Svoboda (Memphis 1978) 19 R. Wayne Thompson (Kansas 1964) 5 Norman K. Thordarson (Washington 1963) 20 David M. Todd (Southern California 1967) 18 Kirk D. Walden (Texas Arlington 1972) 20 Gary H. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1951) 22 Joseph E. Williamson (Wittenberg 1967) 17 John P. Wyand (Indiana 2002) 1

Wallace Affiliates (Gifts of $1,000 - $1,999) Mark D. Aigner (Baylor 1984) 7 Sean G. Alexander (Ohio State 1991) 11 Leonard F. Anglis (Wabash 1976) 2

* ad astra


BOLD new member

Charles G. Armstrong (Purdue 1964) 10 John Fox Arnold (Missouri 1959) 22 James R. Arthur (Wittenberg 1958) 1

Peter J. Ashton (CSoM 1991) 9 Gerald R. Baker (Texas Arlington 1969) 2 Kevin T. Barnett MD (TCU 1995) 10

+ first time donor


[2021 Donors]

Wallace Affiliates continued... Robert H. Becknell (Kentucky 1967) 18 Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson 1994) 7 Bruce Blanchard (MIT 1957) 16 Rodney W. Bohman (Idaho 1967) 3 Tracy T. Bomberger (UC Riverside 1985) 15 Robert R. Boothby (Toronto 1986) 6 Patrick P. Born (Miami 1973) 6 Douglas J. Bourne (Oklahoma 1943) 17 Kenneth P. Caniglia (Illinois 1985) 3 Mark P. Carroll (Texas State 1995) 2 Robert E. Carter (Johns Hopkins 1968) 14 Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004) 12 Robert D. Cheeley (Georgia 1979) 20 Robert E. Coletti (Miami 1979) 4 Thomas P. Cottrell (Indiana 1982) 19 C. Denny Cresap (Oklahoma 1956) 6 James W. Dodds (Colorado 1954) 19 F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963) 22 Kristopher P. Dworschak (Alberta 2015) 3 Garry D. Elder (Indiana State 1974) 10 Robert S. Ellis (Oklahoma 1948) 16 Eric H. Ericson (Hanover 1967) 3 Richard W. Esser (Gettysburg 1964) 10 James H. Everest (Oklahoma 1971) 16 Kenneth L. Farmer Jr. (Auburn 1972) 13 Erik J. Fay (Washington State 1999) 6 Carl M. Ferraro (Case Western 1978) 5 L. Jeffrey Fitterman (South Florida 1970) 11 Michael J. Flanagan (Bradley 1996) 1 Samuel H. Franklin (Auburn 1969) 24 Joseph G. Gamble Jr. (Florida 1948) 8* John W. Gardner (Ohio Wesleyan 1957) 1 Robert T. Gladu (Maine 1987) 6 Norman H. Godwin (Auburn 1991) 14 Manuel G. Gonzalez IV (UC Berkeley 1977) 10 David C. Green (Virginia Tech 1994) 3 James T. Guess (Memphis 1989) 19 Daniel M. Guggenheim (UC Berkeley 1960) 23 David G. Hancock (Alberta 1979) 14 William G. Hanley (Purdue 1960) 22 Wayne A. Hargrove (Kansas State 1970) 1 Bruce H. Hart (Arizona 1982) 9 Mark L. Heinemann (Missouri 1971) 10 R. Michael Henderson (Wabash 1961) 18 Mitchell I. Henn DDS (Case Western 1972) 5 Alan F. Herbert (Purdue 1969) 18 Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Tech, WKU 1986) 6 Charles M. High III (New Mexico 1982) 2 Brandon K. Holcomb (Texas 1996) 3 William S. Hunnicutt Jr. (Texas Arlington 1981) 9 Jay B. Hunt (Indiana 1962) 13 Michael B. Jeffers (Washington 1962) 15

Robert S. Jepson Jr. (Richmond 1964) 17 Christopher J. Johnston (Calgary 1991) 1 John J. Jolley (Washington 1980) 6 Thomas H. Jones III (Richmond 1974) 4 David L. Kieper (Minnesota 1960) 3 Joshua T. Kivett (Georgia 1995) 2 K. Thomas Klimmeck (Illinois 1984) 2 Thomas H. Koops (Texas Arlington 1968) 6 Eli Krambeer (Iowa State 2013) 2 William G. Kuchta (Union 1972) 7 Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State 2006) 9 Joshua P. Laufenberg (Illinois 2008) 8 Dexter K. Lee (RPI 1994) 14 John E. Lindahl (Minnesota 1968) 1+ Robert H. Little (Illinois 1957) 14 Morgan Little (Arizona 1964) 4 Nicholas A. Loiacono (Illinois 1974) 6 John D. Major (DePauw 1986) 1+ James E. Malarkey (Westminster 1978) 1 Craig J. Mardany (Rutgers 1982) 17 William C. Martindale Jr. (Gettysburg 1964) 8 Robert H. Martinsen (Colgate 1955) 2 Donald J. Maxwell (Ohio Wesleyan 1956) 5 Derek C. Mayne (Calgary 1997) 3 Paul D. McCluskey (WPI 1987) 3 Charles L. McCullough (Hampden-Sydney 1986) 1 John E. McKinnie (Ohio Wesleyan 1954) 16 Donald C. Meek MD (Ohio Wesleyan 1957) 1 Frederick R. Michel (Syracuse 1967) 1 William R. Miller (Indiana, Purdue 1962) 21 Judd Miller Jr. (Texas 1955) 9 C. Kimble Miller Jr. (Kentucky 1970) 8 Kevin F. Mitchelson (Kansas 1979) 10 Jeffrey J. Mongan (Arizona 1983) 17 Jonathan L. Moore (Auburn 2004) 9 Donald E. Morel Jr. (Lafayette 1979) 18 Robert C. Muff (Gettysburg 1960) 21 John W. Mundinger Jr. (Louisiana State 1976) 1 Robert E. Nagy (Miami 1964) 4 Graeme W. Norval PhD (Toronto 1983) 19 William T. Novak (Illinois 1963) 4 William L. Oliver (Penn State 1967) 21 Gary L. Ostenson (Washington 1969) 23 Joel M. Oxley (Iowa 1971) 2 Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue 1965) 22 William G. Paul (Oklahoma 1952) 5 Scott Petty Jr. (Texas 1960) 16 Robert D. Potts (Minnesota 1964) 20 Robert W. Rahal (Denison 1975) 7 Peter J. Rathwell (Arizona 1965) 18 Donald J. Regan (UCLA 1956) 7 John L. Richeson (Kansas 1962) 6

Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (Georgia 1973) 20 James C. Rinaman Jr. (Florida 1955) 22 William E. Roberts EdD (Arizona State 1975) 4 Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986) 23 Henry E. Ross (Texas Tech 1979) 1 William H. Rousseau (Texas Tech 1998) 2 John M. Saada Sr. (Chicago 1956) 20 Richard L. Scheff (Gettysburg 1977) 6 Lane T. Schnotala (Bradley 1992) 10 Paul C. Schorr III (Nebraska 1959) 4 Eric W. Schwarz (Ohio State 1986) 11 John W. Schwentker (Purdue 1952) 6 Larry M. Shaben (Alberta 1985) 2 Adam L. Shires (Iowa State 2000) 9 Richard D. Shirk (Gettysburg 1967) 2 Matthew D. Smyth (Maine 1980) 1 James H. Stellar (Occidental 1954) 21* William F. Stephan (Hanover 1955) 1 Marvin G. Stephens Jr. (Texas Tech 1964) 15 Michael J. Stewart (Penn State 1972) 14 David T. Stewart Jr. (New Mexico 1980) 16 Jeffrey I. Stone (Auburn 1979) 14 Michael D. Stratton MD (DePauw 1988) 21 Robert N. Supple (Purdue 1957) 1 Martin S. Suzuki (UC Irvine 1986) 3 James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan 1976) 4 Douglas C. Taylor (Case Western 1986) 17 James E. Taylor (Kansas State 1970) 3 Neil R. Thornton (Idaho 1952) 6 Richard E. Trail (Idaho 1966) 12 William H. Valentine Jr. (Florida 1967) 12 William A. Vance (Amherst 1955) 10 John A. Vanek (Case Western 1970) 2 Paul L. Vogel (Missouri 1989) 16 Omer G. Voss Jr. (Michigan 1968) 2 Thomas M. Waldon (Iowa State 1979) 1 M. Coleman Walsh Jr. (Richmond 1974) 11 Thomas W. Warne (Arizona 1965) 6 Gordon E. Watts (Florida 1967) 11 Joseph A. Weist (Rose-Hulman 1987) 5 Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg 1974) 20 Max A. Wernick (Arkansas 1974) 18 Eric B. Westendorf (Wittenberg 1992) 13 Richard J. White (Idaho 1969) 2 Gary A. Wildish (Oregon State 1963) 1 Timothy J. Wiley (Indiana 1981) 1 Andrew J. Williams (WPI 1992) 7 Gregory P. Wilson (Ohio Wesleyan 1974) 7 Robert A. Wunderlich Jr. (DePauw 1988) 4 Walid K. Yassir (Columbia 1988) 1

Fairbanks Affiliates (Gifts of $500 - $999) The Harry G. Gram Foundation 4 Owen H. Ackerman (Illinois 1959) 3 James J. Adams (Georgia 1983) 4 Roger T. Aeschliman (Kansas State 1982) 1 Rick L. Allen (Arizona 1962) 1 W. Scott Anderson (TCU 1982) 3 George J. Andrush (Bucknell 1988) 1 David G. Areghini (Arizona 1965) 15 James E. Arnold (Illinois 1985) 10 Michael C. Ashman (Indiana 1991) 1 John V. Bailliet (Louisiana State 1961) 3 Soumitra R. Banerjee (Pittsburgh 1987) 1 Michael G. Bark (UC Irvine 1986) 13 Joseph D. Barnette Jr. (Wabash 1961) 24 Richard I. Barr (Kansas 1959) 14 John J. Barrett (Purdue 1992) 2 Ronald A. Batchelor (North Carolina 1981) 1 Gerald B. Bay (Purdue 1962) 23 William P. Becker (Purdue 1976) 1

Scott A. Bernholdt (Bradley 1988) 3 Phillip D. Bianchini (Michigan 1979) 1 William B. Black (William Jewell 1963) 2 John A. Bobst (Iowa 1999) 1 Michael M. Boone (SMU 1963) 19 Michael A. Borton (San Diego State 1986) 6 Bradford R. Boss (Rhode Island 1955) 5 E. Bruce Bower (Johns Hopkins 1963) 1 John B. Bowker (UC Berkeley 1949) 1 Thomas L. Brcka (Iowa 1986) 1 J. Douglas Breen (Lehigh 1968) 12 John O. Briggs (Georgia Tech 1967) 24 Stephen D. Brunson II (Mississippi State 1984) 2 Christopher J. Cacheris (Arizona 1976) 11 Joseph F. Callo (Yale 1952) 1 Paul H. Campbell (Iowa State 1975) 1+ Brian G. Carney (William Jewell 1996) 4 Lon P. Carpenter (Texas 1961) 4 John B. Carswell (Alberta 1976) 11

John M. Carulli Jr. (Vermont 1988) 4 Robert R. Cebula (Allegheny 1959) 7 Benjamin W. Chase (Idaho 1994) 11 Merritt B. Chastain Jr. (Oklahoma 1962) 3 John A. Coller (Penn State 1958) 1 Norman K. Cook (Chicago 1958) 23 John R. Coomer (Hanover 1961) 4 John D. Crisafulli (San Diego State 1992) 3 Ronald D. Crockett (Washington 1961) 17 Gregory E. Custer (Wisconsin 1967) 1 James R. Damron MD (Purdue 1966) 1 John H. Day (Iowa 1962) 1 Sean T. Donnelly (Iowa State 1995) 9 John M. Dougherty Jr. (Pittsburgh 1971) 1 John H. Douglas III (Mississippi State 1981) 12 Brian M. Douglas (Tennessee Tech 1998) 7 George W. Drach MD (Arizona 1957) 6 Michael R. Dumas (Purdue 2006) 3 Curtis J. Dunshee (Arizona 1982) 3


4 49

[2021 Donors] Fairbanks Affiliates continued... Jere W. Dutt III (DePauw 1990) 1 J. L. Edmondson (Emory 1969) 1 Stephen H. Edwards (Idaho 1964) 11 Stephen M. Edwards (Mississippi State 1973) 2 Stephen H. Eibling (Ohio State 1962) 5 Jeffrey K. Eliason (Iowa 1982) 1+ David G. Elmore (Indiana 1955) 10 Charles J. Farnham (Maine 1982) 1 Michael S. Favo (Purdue 1984) 2 J. Dixon Fleming Jr. (North Carolina 1976) 9 Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell 1961) 9 David W. Forti (Pittsburgh 1992) 3 Donald R. Foster (Case Western 1950) 7 Joshua I. France (Cincinnati 2008) 2 James E. Freytag (Wisconsin 1958) 1 Russell A. Frishmuth (CSoM 1992) 1 Nicholas H. Fuerst (Washington & Lee 2010) 2 Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990) 9 Steven C. Galbraith (Washington 1967) 4 James M. Galbraith (Michigan State 1966) 1 William S. Garner Jr. (Arkansas 1971) 9 James E. Gavacs (Case Western 1973) 1 William P. Gettings (Purdue 1978) 1 John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State 1975) 9 G. Carl Gibson Jr. (Oklahoma 1981) 8 Richard A. Gillis PhD (Miami 1960) 1 Mark W. Glasgow (Arizona State 1980) 1 Ronald A. Glen (Alberta 1989) 4 Richard C. Gohl (Arizona State 1987) 3 James B. Goll (Nebraska 2001) 4 Richard Gonzalez (Jacksonville 1998) 21 Matthew M. Green (Indiana 1994) 3 James H. Greene Jr. (Penn 1972) 1 N. Michael F. Griffith (Virginia Tech 1973) 19 Michael S. Grunwald (Colorado State 1988) 4 Ben L. Guenther (Missouri 1952) 6 Scott E. Gurney (Kentucky 1997) 2 Lowell & Ruth Haga 8 Mark M. Harnden (Alberta 1976) 3 Benjamin R. Harper (Kentucky, WKU 1969) 15 Kenneth A. Harris Jr. (Michigan 1982) 1 Stephen P. Hart (Cincinnati 1973) 1 Steven L. Hawes (Oklahoma 1980) 4 Douglas B. Hayden (Illinois 1993) 1 Kevin M. Hayes (New Mexico 1997) 5 Matthew J. Hazleton (CSoM 1996) 5 Steven J. Heeney (Kansas 1978) 2 Frederick A. Henderson (Michigan 1980) 9 Richard K. Hendrich (Missouri 1955) 3 Thomas M. Hendrickson (Rose-Hulman 1971) 1 James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan 1961) 15 Greg G. Heubel Jr. (Syracuse 1984) 9 Harold E. Hindsley (Illinois 1950) 3 John A. Hink (Arizona 1984) 1 Marcus W. Hitt (Wittenberg 2005) 1 Ernest V. Hodge (Westminster 1967) 2 Robert B. Holland (DePauw 1965) 1 Joshua C. Holly (Tennessee 1997) 4 Dave Houser (Miami 1970) 1 Chuck Howard (Washington 1962) 3 Steven M. Hudson (Alabama 1980) 2 James A. Hull (CSoM 1988) 9 William C. Ieuter (Illinois 1957) 2 William A. Irwin (Michigan 1965) 1 Philip A. Ivancovich (Fresno State 1988) 1 Thomas L. Jackson (Rose-Hulman 1972) 1 William W. Jessup (Alabama 1960) 4 Brian P. Jeter (Hampden-Sydney 1984) 6 Scott W. Johnson (Ohio State 1986) 2 Michael L. Johnson (North Alabama 1977) 2 Craig S. Kalter MD (Emory 1984) 15 Bijan P. Karimi (UC Santa Barbara 1995) 4 Keith D. Kelly (Ohio Wesleyan 1984) 1 Corwin P. King (Washington State 1965) 2 Henry H. King Jr. (Virginia Tech 1982) 4 Michael J. Knoll (Kentucky 2008) 4 Matthew A. Kosior (Case Western 1989) 1

* ad astra


BOLD new member

Donald J. Kyte (Oklahoma 1990) 10 Paul A. Laliberte (Vermont 1986) 2 Thomas D. Lammers (Ohio 1974) 1 John S. Landrum (Sewanee 1968) 2 R. Ward Lariscy Jr. (Auburn 1963) 1 Peyton W. Larkin (Ohio Wesleyan 2021) 1+ Roger D. Lawrence (Kansas State 1988) 1+ Benjamin B. LeCompte III (Virginia 1972) 24 James S. Lee (Minnesota 1978) 20 Lennox B. Leighton (Missouri 1999) 1 Robert D. Lindner Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan 1971) 4 Howard M. Logan (Iowa State 1946) 19 John H. Lollar III (Oklahoma 1960) 2 Joseph T. Lower (Indiana 1989) 3 James M. Lowes (Rose-Hulman 1970) 2 Andrew J. Lucyshyn (Central Florida 1995) 3 Michael W. MacConnie (Bradley 1983) 9 Douglas K. MacKechnie (RPI 1987) 1 Kevin J. Malone (Florida State 1975) 16 John J. Manginelli (Rutgers 1983) 17 Ronald L. Marmer (Northwestern 1974) 23 Richard C. Marquardt Jr. (Penn State 1979) 1 Robert W. Marshall III (Rhode Island 1977) 9 John B. Martin (Kansas 1959) 18 Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State 2009) 3 Donald C. Mattison Jr. (Michigan 1950) 8 Rory L. McKean (Auburn 1976) 7 Brian J. Meek (Colorado College 1986) 3 Todd Melby (Rose-Hulman 1999) 1 Paul E. Mendelssohn (South Florida 1972) 2 John C. Meng Jr. (Wabash 1966) 17 Kenneth J. Mighell (Texas 1952) 4 James M. Miller (Tennessee 1970) 4 Michael A. Mische (New York 1976) 4 Dwight K. Montgomery (Ohio State 1984) 2 Charles R. Morehead (Miami 1965) 1 Scott R. Mowrer (Washington 1971) 6 Howard B. Moyes (Davidson 1987) 8 Steven C. Mueller (Kansas 1980) 1 R. Andrew Muir Jr. (WPI 1971) 1 Kenneth G. Murawski (Syracuse 1973) 5 James C. Murray II (Iowa State 1959) 21 Alan E. Muschott (Bradley 1984) 1 David T. Nanney (Tennessee 1993) 1+ Douglas A. Nemecek (DePauw 1985) 2 Tyler J. Nestor (Bradley 2020) 1+ Jack W. Nicklaus (Ohio State 1961) 24 William G. Niederer (Indiana State 1985) 6 Michael T. Novak (Chicago 1985) 5 Daniel A. O'Connor (Cincinnati 1997) 1 Steven D. Oldham (Texas 1991) 1 Jeffery M. O'Neill (Akron 1988) 1 Daniel F. Organek (Johns Hopkins 1994) 9 Roger L. Pardieck (Indiana 1959) 2 William E. Parrish (Westminster 1957) 18 Howard A. Pelham (Hanover 1951) 17 Richard D. Peppler (Gettysburg 1965) 1 Kurt J. Peter (Wisconsin 2010) 1 Brad W. Petrella (Akron 1987) 3 J. Rand Petrie (UC Irvine 1987) 1 Ross J. Pillari (Case Western 1972) 2 Richard L. Pinkerton PhD (Michigan 1955) 16 Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue 1971) 9 Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State 1975) 12 John D. Porter III (Wisconsin 1983) 2 Nicholas A. Potter (Kettering B 1994) 10 Martin P. Powers (Case Western 1997) 3 Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) 5 W. Craig Prain (Wittenberg 1984) 2 David J. Pratt (Case Western 1983) 1+ Denny Pryor (Georgia Tech 1951) 1 Thomas A. Raar (Michigan 1985) 23 Rajeev Raghavan (Case Western 2001) 1 Charles E. Ramsey (Wittenberg 1964) 7 William H. Ray Jr. (Alabama 1949) 11 Stephen W. Ray (Oklahoma 1979) 6 Curtis L. Rettig (RPI 1985) 2

Eddie W. Rhea (Oklahoma 1980) 13 Gary R. Richert (Purdue 1974) 5 A. Peter Rimsans II (Iowa State 1993) 16 C. H. Roath Jr. (Colorado 1951) 9 Edward M. Robinson (Bucknell 1986) 5 Robert S. Roby (Ohio Wesleyan 1992) 1 John J. Ronayne III (Kettering A 1969) 10 William F. Ross III (Bradley 1987) 15 Ronen Rotem DDS (New York 1988) 3 Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) 5 David S. Rudiger (Richmond 1980) 1 James A. Rumble (Mississippi State 1985) 2 Andrew R. Sackin (Missouri 1973) 20* Ronald A. Sages (Ohio 1973) 23 Paul W. Sams (UC Santa Barbara 1992) 12 James S. Samuel (Oregon 1984) 13 Stephen L. Sartain (Auburn 1994) 1 Michael A. Schell (Indiana State 1973) 1 Charles J. Schleusner (Iowa State 1997) 5 Robert G. Schmidt (Purdue 1952) 1 Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg 1965) 3 David S. Schramm (Knox 1978) 8 George L. Schueppert (Wisconsin 1961) 3 Randolph L. Scott (Georgia Tech 1984) 1 Jason J. Seeger (Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) 7 Charles W. Semenchuk (Chicago 2001) 1 William T. Shier (DePauw 1988) 19 Geoffrey H. Simmons (Missouri 1996) 4 James M. Singel (UCLA 1989) 5 Craig D. Singer (Florida 1985) 8 Martin C. Smith (UC Berkeley 1976) 16 Philip H. Smith (Washington State 1966) 3 D. Mark Smith (Texas Arlington 1983) 13 Nicholas Smock (Iowa State 2008) 6 Mark R. Solem MD (Arizona State 1977) 7 Lee K. Souter (Vermont 2005) 9 Thomas E. Spurgeon (Purdue 1961) 2 Lias J. Steen (Texas A & M 1980) 7 David J. Steinbock (Rose-Hulman 1975) 1 John H. Stockmann (Case Western 2014) 1 Gene F. Stone (UCLA 1980) 1 Robert L. Sullivan (Oklahoma 1968) 1 Jack R. Sutermeister (Washington 1979) 3 Joseph D. Swanson (Nebraska 1959) 1+ G. R. Tait PhD (McGill 1961) 9 Karl K. Taylor (Knox 1960) 1 Wade H. Taylor (Washington 1978) 2 Paul J. Testa (RPI 1989) 3 David E. Thompson (Washington 1980) 1 Lawrence H. Thompson (Iowa State 1964) 7 Richard A. Toogood (Alberta 1987) 3 Joseph Valvona Jr. (Emory 1976) 1 Jeffrey D. Vernam (Rutgers 1973) 4 William J. Viglione (Richmond 1968) 1 Ronald D. Wagoner (Kentucky 1962) 2 Curt R. Ward MD (DePauw 1988) 20 D. Garrad Warren III (Purdue 1974) 8 David E. Waters (Kansas State 1999) 10 David B. Watson (Penn State 1979) 1 James M. Webb (Arizona 1967) 4 Robert A. Weber Jr. (Kansas State 1973) 1 Robert H. Westfield (Oklahoma 1959) 17 Dale L. Wierman (Washington State 1964) 8 Mark R. Wilkison (Vermont 1983) 2 Glenn C. Williams (Georgia 1974) 1 Vincent T. Williams (Kettering A 1984) 3 Brent D. Williams (Ball State 2004) 1 Nicholas A. Willis (Indiana State 2002) 1 David J. Willmer (Akron 1992) 3 C. Daniel Wilson Jr. (Sewanee 1963) 5 Richard T. Wilson (Akron 1992) 2 W. Miller Wood III (Tennessee 1967) 2 Paul A. Woods (Memphis 1993) 7 Alexander S. Wylie (Arizona State 1996) 9 Richard A. Zak (Miami 1988) 1

+ first time donor


[2021 Donors]

White Star Legacy Society The White Star Legacy Society recognizes brothers who have chosen to leave a legacy for Phi Gamma Delta through their will, trust or estate plans. We are grateful to brothers who donate and plan to donate. We were notified by 10 brothers that they had included the Foundation in their estate plans indicated with an “+”.

Top Three Ways to Join the White Star Legacy Society: #1 Give a charitable bequest (a percentage or dollar amount) in your will or living trust to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.

#2 Name Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation as a beneficiary of your assets such as your 401K or other retirement plans upon your passing.

#3 Open a life insurance policy with the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation as the policy owner and cover annual premiums with gifts to the Annual Fund.

We Thank These Loyal Brothers for Their Consideration & Generosity: Akron

John P. O'Neill 1987 Brad W. Petrella 1987


Frank M. Hardy 1955 Steven M. Hudson 1980 James E. Jones 1963


Bernhard H. Brinkmann 1983 L. C. Murray 1972


Matthew A. Bocchi 2013


Rick L. Allen 1962 Brock C. Tella 1972+ Lloyd H. Wiborg 1961

Arizona State

Kenneth T. Bulahan 1987 Gary Emerson 1976


Steven E. Area 1973 Eddie W. Daniel 1978

Jack W. Gresham 1957

Anthony G. Canzonieri 2010

Case Western

Mitchell I. Henn DDS 1972 John M. Humphrey 1981 Michael K. Magness 1970 Clyde B. Myers Jr. 1962 Jason M. Prigozen MD 1997

Central Florida


Robert R. Dawson 1950 Ian Ferguson 1985


Wayne H. Brunetti 1964 George C. Johnson Jr. 1975 James C. Rinaman Jr. 1955 William H. Valentine Jr. 1967

Florida State

Joseph W. Kuhn Jr. 1969 Donald S. Stuart 1972

Rafael M. Padron Jr. 2009 Jason J. Ring 2007



Georgia Tech

Peter O. Clauss 1955 Bernard J. DelGiorno 1955 Stephen E. Woodbury 1979


Kevin J. Hopper 1973

Colorado State

Steven J. Bocher 1983

David S. Armitage 1980 Warren T. Cooke 1983


Charles K. Baber Jr. 1964 Charles T. Crawford 1952 Kevin F. Mitchelson 1979

Dennis A. LaRosa 1969


British Columbia


California of PA

Donald J. Herman 1985

Christopher A. Guntermann 1974

Michael Lucas 1983 William F. Ross III 1987

David G. Shigekawa 1959

James L. Cook 1964 Scott E. Huch 1986 Dale H. Spiess 1966

Anthony D. Kenkel 1998+ Timothy J. Rueter 1998


Jeffrey I. Stone 1979

Illinois Wesleyan


Chadwik T. Teague 1988 John O. Briggs 1967 Raymond K. Elderd 1960 William G. Grip 1982 Bradley A. Tilton 1981+


Jarrod S. Benton 1990 Benjamin E. Robinson 1986 John J. Toner V 2001+





Jere W. Dutt III 1990 Paul O. Germann Jr. 1952 Thomas B. Grooms 1966 Paul B. Qua 1982 James E. Sanford DDS 1971


Jonathan C. Espy 1995

Timothy A. McGeath 1984 James V. Hawkins 1958 James E. Whistler 1970


Owen H. Ackerman 1959 Thomas D. Earley DVM 1963 Jerome C. Groniger 1956 Victor S. Kamber 1965

David G. Elmore 1955 Frederick E. Henoch PhD 1964 Neil R. Hinchman 1957 Jay B. Hunt 1962 James A. Ramsey 1964 John P. Wyand 2002+

Indiana State

William G. Niederer 1985 Christopher B. Vance 1976


Bradley C. Nielsen 1986

Iowa State

W. R. Griswold Jr. 1964 Steven J. Hunst 1976 Howard M. Logan 1946 Harvey E. Mallory III 1957 Richard D. McCormick 1961 James C. Murray II 1959 Dean R. Plager 1964 Robert J. Roth 1978 Kevin A. Shires 2005 Robert A. Zeis Jr. 1997


Kansas State

Andrew J. Lutz II 1981 Michael A. Martin 1983 Michael E. Morris 1977 Gregory C. Stuart 1970 James E. Taylor 1970 Gregory H. Wilson 1978


Leonard M. Appel 1963 Robert H. Becknell 1967 William R. Connell 1994


Peter L. Clark 1968


Benjamin P. Shakman 1990


David H. Aronson 1965 Bruce A. Wilson 1981


J. D. Breen 1968 John A. Hollingsworth 1955


Louisiana State

Johns Hopkins


Michael L. Brown 1988 Brian W. Dudley 1996 Kevin W. Haga 1992 Jack Carlock 1958

Robert M. Crawford 1960+ Arthur L. Roberts 1960 David G. Trepagnier Jr. 2018+ Matthew D. Smyth 1980


4 51

[2021 Donors]

White Star Legacy Society Want to Learn More?


Contact Executive Director Ben Robinson at 859-255-1848 ext. 133 or brobinson@phigam. org for questions about the White Star Legacy Society. The Foundation’s Tax ID is 52-6036185.


To leave a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation consider the following: “I leave and bequeath unto the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation Inc. the sum of $____ or ___% of estate (or specific securities or other property). Said Foundation is a non-profit 501(c (3) corporation (Federal ID Number 52-6036185) organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky with administrative offices at 1201 Red Mile Road P.O. Box 4599 Lexington KY 40544-4599. *This gift is unrestricted for general Foundation purposes.” *For estate gift restrictions please contact the Foundation for specific wording.

Joseph E. Samora Jr. 2008


F. N. Dundas 1963 Paul A. Woods 1993


Ted W. Goble 1968 James P. Horning 1977 Dave Houser 1970 Lee C. Schmitt 1963+


Franklin K. Gregory 1957 Eugene L. Hartwig 1955 Robert B. Knutson 1956 Kenneth N. Nemerovski 1972 Mark L. Persitz 1977 Richard L. Pinkerton PhD 1955 Kelley V. Rea 1966

Michigan State

Keith A. Anderson 2010 Timothy J. Costello 1968 David W. Pequet 1974

Mississippi State P. E. Burnside 1970 Malcolm B. Wall 1970


Gary L. Bussing 1973 David M. Dannov 1983 Edward B. Mullen 1957 Bradley P. Pemberton 1974 Paul L. Vogel 1989


John Gottschalk 1965 Brian M. Hensley 1998

New York

Bruce B. Blau DDS 1980

Texas Christian


Vance M. Hubbard 1962 Gary S. Jennings 1977 Glenn D. Moor 1984

Carl D. Campbell 1981 Robert J. Kepke 1963 William G. Paul 1952 William W. Rodgers Jr. 1959

Oklahoma State

John P. Gallagher Jr. 1966 Steven B. Pittman 1975

Old Dominion

Robert W. Walter 1984


William J. Prenger 1968

Oregon State

Patrick C. Faessler 1990


Charles G. Armstrong 1964 Gerald B. Bay 1962 William P. Gettings 1978 Richard E. Grace 1951 J. R. Marshall 1959 Michael P. Schreyer 1965


Robert S. Jepson Jr. 1964


William R. Brand 1987 George P. Norman 1987


Mark G. Esposito 1982

San Jose State Brett C. Vigil 2000


Thomas H. Ewers 2008

Southern California

North Alabama

Andre P. Affatato 1969 Donald W. Bradley PhD 1961 David M. Todd 1967

North Carolina

South Florida

Thaddeus J. Boughton 2004 Marvin J. Carver III 1975 Theo H. Pitt Jr. 1958 John T. Stanley 1971

North Texas

Jeffrey M. Fulton 2011


J. R. Gorski 1968 Mark D. Kaufman Sr. 1971


Robert W. Holstrom 1946


John A. Cassese 1976 Ronald A. Sages 1973

Ohio Wesleyan

David R. Bennett 1977 Douglas H. Dittrick Jr. 1955 Charles P. Eichhorn 1955 John E. McKinnie 1954


Jerry K. Rinehart 1957 Kenneth B. Sternad 1977 Gary H. Wilkinson 1951


Eugene N. Balter 1977 Paul E. Mendelssohn 1972

Southern Methodist Walter T. Henderson 1960 Robb Stewart 1952


Howard A. Rubin 1955


Jeff C. Crew Jr. 1967 Kenneth L. Morrison 1965+


James D. Froula 1967 Lee M. Moss 1973 John J. Sheridan 1972 Gerald L. Vantrease 1966

Charles R. Stewart 1979

Texas Tech


Robert E. McCulloch 1965

UC Berkeley

Manuel G. Gonzalez IV 1977

UC Los Angeles

Jeffrey M. Downey 1983 Alfred L. Woodill 1946

UC Irvine

J. R. Petrie 1987

UC Riverside

David B. Marino 1985


Mace A. Bloom 1977


Scott J. Sarisky 1990

Virginia Tech

Dana W. Hesse, WKU 1986 Jeffrey M. Scattergood 1999


Eric M. Cavanaugh 1976


T. Michael Doyle 1968 Michael B. Jeffers 1962 Gary L. Ostenson 1969

Washington & Jefferson

Donald L. Wickerham MD 1972

West Virginia

Robert W. Martini 1974 Mark N. Roth 1977

Western Michigan

William G. McClimans Jr. 1979 Michael A. McDonald Jr. 2014 Bryan S. McNee 1989

Western Ontario

Frank C. Smeenk 1971


William E. Parrish 1957 Dale G. Schaefer 1958


Douglas L. Acker 1983 Earle L. Bowman Jr. 1948 William K. Johnson 1976


William H. Smith Jr. 1965


Byron M. McKnight DDS 1978 Ron D. Willis 1984

[2021 Donors]

2021 Donors Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation & the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada Both Foundations operate to support the educational endeavors of Phi Gamma Delta, its chapters and its members. Listed are the donors who gave either unrestricted annual fund gifts, restricted endowment gifts or chapter restricted gifts to the Foundations in the 2021 calendar year. Donors are listed in their lifetime giving societies. Perge! Society members donating more that $500 are listed at the end of each chapter section; the gold, bolded number indicates the number of years the brother has given at a Perge! Society level. This listing is only Foundation donors. All brothers who gave graduate dues are listed at

Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra

Friends of the Foundation

Calvin Coolidge Fidelity Investment Charitable Gift Fund Horejsi Charitable Fnd Centennial Columbus Fnd Omaha Community Fnd Schwab Charitable Fund William T. Morris Trust Black Diamond Benevity Community Impact Fund Greater Houston Community Fnd Golden Chain Bank of America Charitable Fnd J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund Lilly Endowment San Diego Fnd YourCause Royal Purple Ayco Charitable Fnd Shirlee L. Heidler+ Lynn M. Kace Knopf Family Fnd The Vaughn Fnd Vanguard Charitable Canonsburg Brunetti Family Charitable Fnd Markel Corp Ohio Wesleyan HC+ White Star General Electric Fnd+ Natl Philanthropic Trust

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Network for Good Log Cabin Akron Community Fnd Community Fnd of NW MO Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Lowell & Ruth Haga Merrill Lynch & Co Fnd Matching Gift Program Natl Christian Fnd Houston United Way of Columbia Willamette Purple Clematis Community Fnd of Central IL Facebook Payments Mechanicsburg Area Fnd Natl Christian Fnd CO Orange Cty Community Fnd Saratoga Charitable Fnd The Catholic Fnd Columbus United Way of Central OH Wukasch Fnd Ft. Armstrong Cannon Giving Fund Fnd for the Carolinas Johnson & Johnson Fnd Lincoln Community Fnd Lindsey & Ken Meyersieck Moss Family Fnd Progressive Insurance Fnd State Farm Companies Fnd Snowy White Owl Amazon Smile Baird Fnd Suzette Ball BNSF Railway Co Community Fnd for Greater

Atlanta Harry G. Gram Fnd HighPoint Resources Amy Kurtz Marathon Petroleum Corp+ Merchants Bonding Co Fnd Morgan Stanley Renaissance Charitable Fnd Salesforce Fnd The Harry G. Gram Fnd United Way of Greater LA+ Washington DC (Natl Capital Fijis) Grad Chapter Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign+ Delta Frontstream LMEPAC Charity Program Ryan Manning Natl Christian Fnd of Carolinas Mike Snell United Way CA Capital Region United Way of RI Brian Zolotor Friendship 1810560 Alberta Ltd+ Emily Britt Kitty L. Brown+ Alison Burke Erica M. Carlson Caterpillar Fnd Charities Aid Fnd of America Cleveland Fnd Community Fnd North Central WA Digital Pix Composites+

Kathleen Falk+ Kimberly Gray+ Ashley Harville+ M. Spencer Hudec Kappa Mu Grad Assoc. Kristen Kardas+ Helen C. Lahrman Lauren P. Leif Robert J. Long+ Ann A. Michel+ Paypal Giving Fund Prospera Financial Services Raytheon Charity Custodial Acct Taren Robin Brian Roebuck+ Shirley & James Simpson+ Beverly Soxman+ Francine Speer+ Dorothy Spencer+ Hugh Underwood+ United Way of AL Amy Watson

Total $464,246


Canonsburg John P. O'Neill 1987 David J. Willmer 1992 White Star Robert B. Caudill 2004 Log Cabin Joshua M. Blubaugh 1999 Brad W. Petrella 1987 Purple Clematis Pete A. Hoge 1989 Stephen M. Mariani 1992 Ft. Armstrong James A. Eckelberry 1988 Chuck Galmarini 1987 Daniel B. Ishee 1992 Jeffery M. O'Neill 1988 Kyle W. Sullivan 1988 Richard T. Wilson 1992 Snowy White Owl Tedd J. Barr 1994 Matthew D. McGill 2006 Ryan M. Naymik 2011 Terence M. Rhodes 1988 Robert J. Wiseman 2001 Delta Dale R. Adams Jr 2003 Edward P. Friedl 1988 Michael A. Keller 2001 Henry A. King Jr 1988 Matthew M. Perez 2007

Scott J. Reese 1987 Friendship Mason U. Arnold 2024+ Dylan E. Fonner 2014+ Justin T. Halter 2020 Anthony R. Heavilin 2020 Brooks T. McKinley 2022 Christopher S. Ray 2016 Justin T. Rich 1997+ Joseph W. Roth 2019 Perge! Wallace Robert B. Caudill 12 2004 Perge! Fairbanks Jeffery M. O'Neill 1 1988 Brad W. Petrella 3 1987 David J. Willmer 3 1992 Richard T. Wilson 2 1992

Total $14,519


Royal Purple William W. Brooke 1978 Log Cabin William H. Ray Jr 1949 Ft. Armstrong Steven M. Hudson 1980 Snowy White Owl Hollis N. Gieger Jr 1980 Paul F. Goree Jr 1958 William W. Jessup 1960 Peter L. Lowe 1960 Eugene A. Moore Jr 1959 James L. Richardson 1979 Delta William C. Hines Jr 1966 Walker Reynolds IV 2004 Friendship Willard W. Livingston Jr 1965+ Sidney T. Philips 1983 Perge! Norris William W. Brooke 10 1978 Perge! Fairbanks William H. Ray Jr 11 1949 William W. Jessup 4 1960 Steven M. Hudson 2 1980

Total $7,544

Alabama Birmingham

Friendship Elijah J. Ussery 2018


Golden Chain John B. Carswell 1976

Royal Purple David G. Hancock 1979 Canonsburg Bernhard H. Brinkmann 1983 Micheal G. Harris 1987AA White Star Barry M. Benkendorf 1987 Chad G. Boddez 2001 Michael P. Culleton 1993 Larry M. Shaben 1985 Log Cabin Ronald A. Glen 1989 Cam Murray 1972 Tristan L. Patterson 2010 Carl P. Rodriguez 1998 Duane B. Schlereth 1971 Richard A. Toogood 1987 Purple Clematis Chadrick R. Buffel 1985 Kristopher P. Dworschak 2015 Ft. Armstrong Robert A. Graesser 1973 Mark M. Harnden 1976 Christopher J. Tang 2005 Snowy White Owl Gregory T. Atkinson 1973 Peter T. Buijs 2007 Christopher A. Caruana Calgary 1989 Ian E. Clarke 2010 Steven Huynh 2013 Timothy D. Ira 2011 David E. Isaman 2004 Ashley A. O'Kurley 1994 Richard C. Pearson 1990 Tony Pham 2007 Andrew W. Robertson 1990 Benjamin J. Sparrow 2008 Richard A. Veldhoen 2007 Kenway Yan 2009 Friendship Armeen Ahmadian 2021 Jared N. Althouse 2017+ Nick S. Balkan 2022+ Landon J. Berger 2006 Michael A. Clarke 2012+ Chris Feng 1998 Chandler P. Guilfoyle 2019 Eric W. Hermanns 2012 Marc A. Lee 2010 Michael J. Lee 2010 Rajan Maghera 2024+ Mark D. Mandrusiak 2016 Thomas E. Patrick 2016+ Andrew T. Pearcey 2001+




[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra Graeme R. Quest 2007 Semion Sinyavsky 2022 Yatin Sood 2016+ Joshua J. Ulliac 2010 Christopher Wood 2021+ Joseph R. Ylagan 2013 Perge! Wallace David G. Hancock 14 1979 Larry M. Shaben 2 1985 Kristopher P. Dworschak 3 2015 Perge! Fairbanks John B. Carswell 11 1976 Mark M. Harnden 3 1976 Richard A Toogood 3 1987 Ronald A. Glen 4 1989 In Honor of: Mark D. Mandrusiak 2016 by Chandler Guilfoyle 2019 In Memory of: Murray W. Dorin 1976 by David G. Hancock 1979 Joseph A. Francese 1992 by Ashley A. O'Kurley 1994 Kenneth R. MacDonald 1987 by Chadrick R. Buffel 1985, David G. Hancock 1979, Richard A. Veldhoen 2007, Chris Feng 1998 & Ronald A. Glen 1989

Total $19,749


Log Cabin Robert R. Cebula 1959 Ft. Armstrong Gerald E. Gibbons MD Washington 1953 Henry B. Suhr Jr 1955 Snowy White Owl Ralph D'Onofrio 1957 Richard W. McLeary 1979 Stevenson Mountsier 1952 Gregory R. Vallano 2015 Delta James H. Bair 1959 Robert T. Buck 1954 Ronald J. Klinefelter Jr 1990 Carl W. Stenberg III 1965 Michael S. Wild 1982 Friendship Zachary J. Andrews 2020 William E. Bowser 1956 Zachary M. Canali 2019 Alton I. Caylor 2022+ Nicholas E. Cianci 1970 R. Graham Dunlop 1955 Cayton Hornberger 2020 Donald C. McClimans 1949 Bruce A. Stubbs 1984 Benjamin V. Thomas 2017 Perge! Fairbanks


White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Robert R. Cebula 7 1959

Total $2,383


White Star William A. Vance 1955 Perge! Wallace William A. Vance 10 1955

Appalachian State

Friendship Carter B. Crawford 2015 Ismael G. Gomez 2013 Dionysis Protopapadakis 2017


Royal Purple Kevin C. Heidler 1990 Canonsburg David G. Areghini 1965 Jeffrey J. Mongan 1983 Peter J. Rathwell 1965 White Star Deron P. Bocks 1986 James M. Webb 1967 Log Cabin George W. Drach MD 1957 Bruce H. Hart 1982 Michael R. Johnson 1983 John S. Mueller 1952 Thomas W. Warne 1965 Purple Clematis Rick L. Allen Arizona 1962 Benjamin F. Brooks III 1985+ Christopher J. Cacheris 1976 Jeffrey C. Derickson 1972 Dwayne A. Douglas 1986 Curtis J. Dunshee 1982 John A. Hink 1984 John G. Mansour III 1987 Ft. Armstrong Adam F. Band 2008 + J. Owen Clymer 1982 Roman W. DeSanctis 1951 Morgan Little 1964 James M. Sutter 1984 Snowy White Owl Craig R. Barron 1979 David P. Brady 1986+ Michael P. Connolly 2008+ Theodore L. Cook 1964 John P. Derickson 1975 James E. Fritsch 1966 Daniel J. Mariscal 1960 Douglas E. Marsh 1983+ Ralph B. Miller 1958 Terrell A. Muse 1961 James G. Orradre 1991 J. Baker Smith 1986+

Brock C. Tella 1972 Richard M. Thompson 1959 James W. Washington 1976 William J. Wheeler 1961 James R. White 1981+ Delta George F. Baker 2004 Thomas W. Constable 1966 Craig M. Courville 1981 James V. Eade 1991 Michael R. FitzGerald 1971+ Howard M. Harlan II 1967 Gary E. Munk 1963 Friendship B. Wayne Battenfield 1967+ J. Michael Flournoy 1959 Daniel R. Forde 2002 Robert L. Guilford Jr 2017 Curtis W. Ingram 1989 Richard C. Johnson 1976 Philip La Mantia 1983 Douglas S. Stanley 1963+ Cooper A. Wynn 2019 Perge! Wallace Morgan Little 4 1964 Peter J. Rathwell 18 1965 Thomas W. Warne 6 1965 Bruce H. Hart 9 1982 Jeffrey J. Mongan 17 1983 Perge! Fairbanks George W. Drach 6 1957 David G. Areghini 15 1965 James M. Webb 4 1967 Christopher J. Cacheris 11 1976 Curtis J. Dunshee 3 1982 John A. Hink 1 1984 In Memory of: Danny W. Montgomery 1974 by Michael P. Connolly 2008

Total $66,252

Arizona State

Founders Robert C. Pohlad 1976 White Star John C. Philips 1969 Log Cabin Mark R. Solem MD 1977 Alexander S. Wylie 1996 Purple Clematis William E. Roberts EdD 1975 Ft. Armstrong Mark W. Glasgow 1980 Richard C. Gohl 1987 John D. Kellogg 1976 Tom M. Whitelock 1965 Snowy White Owl George R. Duganz 1968 Gary Emerson 1976


Richard S. Lin Sr 2005 Robert E. Wacker 1970 Delta S. Michael Van Royen 1980 Friendship Joseph R. Ashton 1987+ Donald W. Burnes Jr 1971 Thomas Lisi 1971 Thomas J. Melita 1988 Brett E. Miller Bradley 2002+ Paul C. Probst 1971 Ryan J. Short 1999+ Perge! Norris Robert C. Pohlad 22 1976 Perge! Wallace William E. Roberts 4 1975 Perge! Fairbanks Mark R. Solem 7 1977 Mark W. Glasgow 1 1980 Richard C. Gohl 3 1987 Alexander S. Wylie 9 1996

Total $76,296


Canonsburg William S. Garner Jr 1971 Max A. Wernick 1974 Snowy White Owl Thomas C. Gean 1985 Delta W. Grant Bray Jr 1984 G. Warren Miller Jr 1975 William R. Thompson 2014 Perge! Wallace Max A. Wernick 18 1974 Perge! Fairbanks William S. Garner Jr 9 1971

Total $2,200


Royal Purple Samuel H. Franklin 1969 Canonsburg Cliff J. Hare 1977 Jeffrey I. Stone 1979 White Star Bruce E. Bartholomew 1978 Kenneth L. Farmer Jr 1972 Norman H. Godwin 1991 Edward O. Harris 1978 Log Cabin Jonathan L. Moore 2004 Purple Clematis Scott B. Murray 1969 Ft. Armstrong Edward B. Fischer 1967 R. Ward Lariscy Jr 1963 Rory L. McKean 1976 Michael J. Ramsey 1990 J. Edward Ruzic Jr 1969 Snowy White Owl Don Craft 1965 Brian W. Elrod 1982 Hunter T. McCord 2004 J. Michael Roberts 2004 Stephen L. Sartain 1994 Jeffery T. Todd 1989 Delta John B. Bush 1978 Paul D. Dees 1999 Kenneth L. Henderson 1976 John B. Massey 1969 Charles R. Pelham 1967 Friendship Douglas J. Fees 1979 Phillips B. Harrington 2005 Carey F. Hollingsworth III 1981

James R. Lowry 1963 Leon F. Melazzo 1980 Perge! Wilkinson Scott B. Murray 1 1969 Perge! Wallace Samuel H. Franklin 24 1969 Kenneth L. Farmer Jr 13 1972 Jeffrey I. Stone 14 1979 Norman H. Godwin 14 1991 Jonathan L. Moore 9 2004 Perge! Fairbanks R. Ward Lariscy Jr 1 1963 Rory L. McKean 7 1976 Stephen L. Sartain 1 1994

Total $15,180

Austin Peay

Friendship Jann Jyson B. Abana 2021 Jonathon B. Jeanis 2020+

Ball State

White Star Christopher L. Kurtz 2006 Snowy White Owl Ryan D. Burklow 2005 Michael A. Lang 2003 Ryan D. McFarland 2002 Shawn M. Meier 2009 Martin A. Merkel 2007 Logan U. Parmele 2008 Brent D. Williams 2004 Delta Andrew W. Koenig 2005 Brendon D. Papineau 2003 Friendship Anthony R. Alexander 2008 Frank T. Blair 2005 Michael P. Boles 2006 Joshua A. Brooksher 2009+ Nathan Bush 2011 Christopher Campaniolo 2000 Jason W. Conn 2017 Timothy R. Cope 2003 Robert M. Dawson Jr 2004+ Benjamin A. Doerr 2009+ Adam D. Drummond 2002 Michael T. Dunagan 2005 Austin S. Durbin 2007 Kyle P. Ellis 2009+ Erik A. Faigh 2006 Joseph D. Flores 2004+ Andrew C. Fries 2013+ Michael J. Greenwalt 2009 Alexander L. Greimann 2008 David J. Harben 2004 Christopher K. Harrison 2010 Franklin R. Hood 2010 Joseph T. Hynes 2009+ Thomas C. James 2009 Michael J. Jessup 2020 Bryan C. John 2011+ Matthew A. Lacy 2009 Carson Lance 2010 Jason A. Lebar 2003 Andrew J. Madison 2020 David P. Malone 2001 Connor J. Manion 2018 Eric J. Maroun 2008 Mark R. McCormack 2002 Austin L. McMillan 2012 Louis M. Milli 2002+ Daniel E. Netser 2001 James D. Oger 2002 Robert K. Price 2001

Jonathan E. Raichel DVM 2010+ Sean D. Ratkus 2014 Ian E. Rausei 2003 Jacob C. Reeder 2009 Sean C. Reilly 2004 Drew A. Schafer 2008 Daniel L. Schneider 2004 Shawn C. Scott 2001+ Brandon L. Spidel 2000+ Justin T. Syndram 2004 Mark Z. Tendler 2006 James H. Thomas III 2004 Casey T. Wall 2001 Kyle R. Wanke 2006+ Brian A. Williamson 2004+ Geoffrey D. Wise 2001 Joel C. Wiseman 2004+ Daniel J. Woody 2010+ Perge! Wallace Christopher L. Kurtz 9 2006 Perge! Fairbanks Brent D. Williams 1 2004

Total $4,574


Purple Clematis Mark D. Aigner 1984 Ft. Armstrong Jonathan D. Walt 2007 Snowy White Owl L. Hayes Fuller III 1977 Jeffrey M. Heath 1981 William A. Jones 1980 William E. Russell V 1982 Delta Alan B. Story 1978 Perge! Wallace Mark D. Aigner 7 1984

Total $1,898

Boise State

Friendship Rex Bartlett 2020

Bowling Green

Delta Scott D. Snyder 1986 Friendship Douglas W. Born 1988 Justin A. McLean 2015+ Brian G. Sommers 2001 Timothy A. Woliver 1992+

Total $384


Centennial Michael A. Lucas 1983 Canonsburg William F. Ross III 1987 White Star Ricardo J. Anesi 1983 Jason R. Preston 1995 Log Cabin Michael W. MacConnie 1983 Purple Clematis Scott A. Bernholdt 1988 William J. Kelly 1984 Timothy C. Pearce 1984 Lane T. Schnotala 1992 Curtis D. Smith 1999 Ft. Armstrong Joel C. Carr 1994 Daniel P. Pelphrey 2005 Snowy White Owl Bryan M. Bernacki 1995 Jonathan R. Falk 1993 Matthew Fijalkowski 1993

[2021 Donors] Michael J. Flanagan 1996 Gregory K. Harmon 2000 Roger A. Leenerts 1986 Joseph A. Leone 1983 Alan E. Muschott 1984 Leslie E. Youngren 1987 Delta Matthew F. Adams 2005 P.J. Fitzpatrick 1987 Paul A. Marks 1987 Christopher L. Muniz 1996 Tyler J. Nestor 2020+ Amit A. Riswadkar 2007 Joseph R. Sullivan 2003 Friendship Jason P. Altschul 1994+ Peter L. Aranavage Jr 1994 Andrew M. J. Becker 2009 Michael G. Bernhard 1983 Thomas A. Bortscheller 1994+ Michael Buchalski 1999 Nicholas J. Butler 2015+ Timothy R. Carlson 1984 Thomas J. Chochrek Nebraska 1983 Brian P. Cicirello 2001+ Nathan D. Clark 2016+ Christopher N. Contos 1996 Paul M. Cook 2001+ Anthony L. Davis 1989+ John H. Derbas 1987+ David J. Deutsch 2002 Craig M. Donlon 1983 J. Scott Emmerich 1986+ Jason C. Flagg 2001+ David J. Fritz 1984 Steven R. Gastrau 1987 Jonathan P. Gluckman 1985+ Jon T. Green 1983 Edward A. Grondzki 1984 Christopher A. Hardwick 1998 Matthew K. Heerdegen 2017 Ronald P. Hehn Jr 1993 Steven P. Jara 1986 Ewan Jetton 2022+ Christopher M. Jones 1990+ Jeffrey C. Keyser 1990+ Timothy D. Krampitz 1997+ Peter J. Lawin 2005 Joshua S. Levi 1993 John C. Mathis 1987+ Gregory R. Rider 2006 James A. Rusch 1990 Randall M. Satterthwaite 2002 Bryan J. Scartozzi 2000 Robert E. Schaich Jr 2006+ Jesse D. Smith 2007+ Joshua D. Smith 1998 Richard S. Spilky 1987 Joseph C. Stornello III 1993+ Timothy M. Unser 2003+ David A. Wiese 1987+ Reece J. Willerton 1994+ Ryan D. Willerton 1996 Jacob Z. Winslow 2014+ Perge! Norris Michael A. Lucas 18 1983 Perge! Wilkinson Curtis D. Smith 2 1999 Perge! Wallace Lane T. Schnotala 10 1992 Michael J Flanagan 1 1996 Perge! Fairbanks Michael MacConnie 9 1983

Alan E. Muschott 1 1984 William F. Ross III 15 1987 Scott A. Bernholdt 3 1988 Tyler J. Nestor 1 2020

Total $22,821

British Columbia Royal Purple David H. Mills 1976 White Star Robert H. McGowan 1992 Ft. Armstrong Joshua S. Morita 2001 Snowy White Owl Gregory R. Descantes 1989 Matthew M. Edgar 2007 Craig T. Lindsay 1988 Richard A. Wadsworth 1988 Christopher White 1990 Delta Patrick B. Kelly 1980 John A. Roaf 1975 Warren Wilczewski 1998 Friendship Philip R. DeLaGiroday 1952 James A. Keyton 1995

Total $2,288


Delta Terry Franc III 1958


Centennial David S. Marren 1983 Purple Clematis Edward M. Robinson 1986 Ft. Armstrong George J. Andrush 1988 J. Craig Fuehrer 1966 Geoffrey P. Mynott 1954 Snowy White Owl Robert J. Erwetowski 1964 Ian Ferguson 1985 Dale R. Fernandes 1954 Jonathan D. Leef 1988 Robert J. Sampson 1993 G. Robert Van Schooneveld Jr 1975 Charles A. Weidenfeller Jr 1964 Delta John P. Burgess 1986 Ethan D. Eiswerth 2002 Victor E. Rauscher III 1981 Dan W. Willcoxon 1983 Friendship Thomas M. Boals 1989 R. Kemp Bohlen 1969 Douglas B. DePietro 1992+ Robert S. DeWaters Jr 1958 John W. Ford 1953 Mark D. Genest 1980 Ryan M. Kinsey 2017+ Robert H. Stumpf 1958AA Samuel H. Ticknor 1983+ Perge! Fairbanks Edward M. Robinson 5 1986 George J. Andrush 1 1988 In Memory of: Robert H. Stumpf 1958 by Mrs. Robert H. Stumpf

Total $18,295

California State Long Beach

Snowy White Owl Steven J. Stonecypher 1992

Healthy Environment & Courageous Leadership

It is still true that a healthy brother in a healthy chapter will produce a great experience. With 9,000+ undergraduate members, our chapters and their brothers are at times in need of mental health and substance abuse help. Last year we provided $149,400 for leadership, mental health, substance and alcohol abuse education to identify and prevent problems, teach intervention, and show brothers how to get the support they need. The Fraternity encourages brothers to talk about their health and to get assistance rather than neglecting it. We have always contended the chapter environment is a powerful catalyst for developing future leaders. To that end, our leadership programs, including the valuesbased Leadership Institute, which is part of the Building Courageous Leaders initiative, are the mainstays in our programming. The Leadership Institute is scheduled to take place this summer after being online for the last 2 years.


Black Diamond Donald J. Herman 1985 Purple Clematis Christopher J. Johnston 1991 Snowy White Owl Brett J. Greenlaw 1999 Derek C. Mayne 1997 Friendship Kevin S. Gibbons 1995 Boaz F. Schuman 2013 Randall W. Thurm 1985 Perge! Norris Donald J. Herman 13 1985 Perge! Wallace Christopher J. Johnston 1 1991 Derek C. Mayne 3 1997

Total $52,906

Case Western

Golden Chain Kun Chae 2004 Canonsburg John M. Humphrey 1981 White Star Mitchell I. Henn DDS 1972 Douglas C. Taylor 1986 Log Cabin Jason M. Prigozen MD 1997 Purple Clematis Carl M. Ferraro 1978 David E. Forbes Watkins 1961 Donald R. Foster 1950 Sean F. Martindale 1995 Ft. Armstrong Patrick T. Carney 1980 Ronald G. Gymer 1961AA+ Robert J. Henderson 1991 Robert Koch 1953 Fred J. Lekson 1952 John D. Lubahn MD 1971 Lawrence M. Oberdank 1958 Ross J. Pillari 1972 Martin P. Powers 1997 John A. Vanek 1970 Snowy White Owl Edward C. Baran Jr 1964 Joseph S. DeLeese 1965 Jonathan F. Diller MD 1975 Thomas A. Gasho 1978 James E. Gavacs 1973 James L. Heuer 1990

Michael P. Kapostasy 1970 Irving J. Katz 1994 Matthew A. Kosior 1989 Paul D. Norder 1962 Rajeev Raghavan 2001 Timothy A. South 1987 Daniel L. Turner DO 1991 James L. Worthley Ohio State 1962 Delta Mark G. Ashba Northwestern 1980 Thomas W. Carr 1989 James A. Castiglione 1989 David W. Dodds 1980 Michael K. Dunn 1968 Richard E. Halverstadt 1969 Norman T. Ingrassia 1962 James M. Marsh 1972 Douglas L. Montgomery 1972 David J. Pratt 1983+ John H. Stockmann 2014 Christopher E. Taggart 2002 R. Foster Thomas 1963 Daniel J. Vaughn 1991 Aaron J. Wirscham 1999+ Friendship Dominic M. Albertone 1961+ Felipe J. Barcia 2016 Luke T. Beery 2012 Andrew B. Binder 1988 Ryan J. Brubaker 2017 Patrick A. Burkhart 1984 Kevin M. Carney 2009 Paul T. Cevasco 1972 Paul F. Deimling 2003 Michael M. Figura 2013 Andrew R. Ibibo 2018+ Christopher D. Jennewein 2010 Ronald L. Keffer 1968 Zachary M. Kuzemka 2014 Neil W. Love 1949 Daniel R. McCarthy 1986+ Daniel C. McDermott 2014+ Evan R. McDowell 2013+ Albert J. Morhard 1952 Richard H. Nam 1994+ Chris H. Partis 1976 Jim D. Petras 2012 Joseph D. Plazek 2016+ Jeremy L. Pomerantz 2013 Eric J. Rauert 2017+ Joshua S. M. Richards 2010 Ryan R. Shoup 2011

Henry J. Spradley 2013+ Andrew Stungys 2011+ Robert C. Sutter Jr 1964+ Igor Tutelman 2020+ Kyle A. Wolf 2014 Bruce G. Yeager 1967 Perge! Wilkinson John Humphrey 13 1981 Perge! Wallace John A. Vanek 2 1970 Mitchell Henn 5 1972 Carl M. Ferraro 5 1978 Douglas C. Taylor 17 1986 Perge! Fairbanks Donald R. Foster 7 1950 Ross J. Pillari 2 1972 James E. Gavacs 1 1973 David J. Pratt 1 1983 Matthew A. Kosior 1 1989 Martin P. Powers 3 1997 Rajeev Raghavan 1 2001 John H. Stockmann 1 2014 In Memory of: James J. Chae 2000 by Kun Chae 2004 William R. Hardell 1951 by Lawrence G. Liston Colorado State 1975

Total $22,137

Central Arkansas Friendship Michael T. Wilson 2020+

Central Florida

Ft. Armstrong Andrew J. Lucyshyn 1995 Friendship Thomas V. Didzbalis 1997+ Trevor S. Jordan 2006 Perge! Fairbanks Andrew Lucyshyn 3 1995

Total $818


Friendship James O. W. Berkedal 2008


White Star Norman K. Cook 1958 Donald M. Heinrich 1974 John M. Saada Sr 1956 Log Cabin W. Eric Saraniecki 2006 Ft. Armstrong

Stephen R. Baum 1975 Edward D. Jones III 1966 Michael T. Novak 1985 Snowy White Owl William O. Johnson 1958 Michael B. Karluk 1977 Peter D. Richardson 1970 Paul T. Schuster 1974 Charles W. Semenchuk 2001 James W. Vice Jr 1954 Stephen E. Woodbury 1979 Delta Douglas A. Cipriano 1986 Jeffrey J. Harman 2009 James A. Kaplan 1976 Steven D. Williams MD 1979 Friendship Allan E. Coe 1959+ Edward W. Lean 1962 Roger J. McCann 1984 Keith W. Millikan 1980 Richard L. Williams Purdue 1951+ Perge! Norris Donald M. Heinrich 4 1974 Perge! Wilkinson W. Eric Saraniecki 4 2006 Perge! Wallace John M. Saada Sr 20 1956 Perge! Fairbanks Norman K. Cook 23 1958 Michael T. Novak 5 1985 Charles W. Semenchuk 1 2001

Total $11,238

Christopher Newport

Friendship Christian Urch 2020


Golden Chain Kevin J. Hopper 1973 Ft. Armstrong Stephen P. Hart 1973 Snowy White Owl Edward T. Daniel 1974 Nelson D. Evans 1976 Joshua I. France 2008 Jeffrey B. Linkous 1980 Ted M. Sharber 1977 Brian S. Todd 1998 Joshua M. Weitzman 2001 Delta




[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra Daniel J. Adovasio 1971 Charles R. DeWitt 1972 Phillip T. Mason 2000 Daniel A. O'Connor 1997 Steven M. Petitjean 1994 Friendship William C. Dowdney 1973 John S. Kahermanes 1972 M. Larry Sprague 1971 Perge! Norris Kevin J. Hopper 19 1973 Perge! Fairbanks Stephen P. Hart 1 1973 Daniel A. O'Connor 1 1997 Joshua I. France 2 2008

Total $8,190


Friendship Shawn M. Knight 2016

Coastal Carolina

Snowy White Owl Derek J. Murphy 2011 Delta C. Hayes McLeod 2014 Friendship Nicholas M. Cerone 2013 Zay'Quan Chisholm 2019 Robert E. Dugas 2013 Joseph M. King 2020+ Stephen M. Kirkwood 2022 Brian Loizzi 2019 Owen M. Maggio 2024+ Arnold J. Martin III 2020+ Matthew P. McHugh 2015 Meet N. Patel 2016+ Daniel Rojas 2018+ Benjamin A. Rutherford 2017 Connor M. Seay 2020 Nicholas T. Shannon 2022+ Johnathan S. Sharp 2016 Taylor W. Spangler 2016

Total $759


Ft. Armstrong Robert H. Martinsen 1955 Michael D. Milone 1978 Darrell E. Weber 1963

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Delta Gordon S. Brummer 1955 Friendship Thomas F. Kirkpatrick 1961 Robert S Mortenson Jr 1970 Denis W. Schreiber 1976 Perge! Wallace Robert Martinsen 2 1955

Total $1,582

College of Charleston

Friendship Christian R. Weeks 2018+


Canonsburg James W. Dodds 1954 Purple Clematis C. H. Roath Jr 1951 Ft. Armstrong George S. Writer Jr 1957 Donald B. Zinn 1965 Snowy White Owl Rom H. Barnes 1965 John M. Lyon 1962 Delta Theron R. Harley 1956 Michael L. Rosen 1987 Peter C. Schaefer III 1961 Friendship Wayne R. Bush 2002 Jim S. Camp 1958 Hugh H. Scheurer 1964 Abe Shafer V 1991+ Duane Stephens 1955+ Richard I. Taylor Idaho 1970 Perge! Wallace James W. Dodds 19 1954 John Fox Arnold 22 1959 Perge! Fairbanks C. H. Roath Jr 9 1951

Total $4,120

Colorado College Royal Purple Robert W. Reniers Jr 1968 Log Cabin Brian J. Meek 1986 Purple Clematis Kelly B. Powers 1984

Ft. Armstrong Bruce A. Kolbezen 1975 Robert A. Otto 1966 Delta Samuel C. Anderson 1976 Robert J. Trousdale 1957 Friendship Jack D. Real 1961 Perge! Wilkinson Robert W. Reniers Jr 18 1968 Perge! Fairbanks Kelly B. Powers 5 1984 Brian J. Meek 3 1986

Total $4,765

Total $1,735


Purple Clematis Bruce D. Sargent 1966 Ft. Armstrong Adam F. Barrison 1991 William A. Billingham DDS 1951 Dudley Ferris 1952AA Anthony J. Leitner Jr 1965 Timothy D. Nank 1993 Snowy White Owl Jerry L. McIntyre 1963 Walid K. Yassir 1988 Robert H. Yunich 1965 Phil E. Zegarelli 1970 Delta James N. Cooper 1959 Kevin J. Fay 1981 Michael T. Girouard 1988 Joseph M. Lane 1961 Friendship Roger L. Crossland 1970 Robert L. Hatcher MD 1962 Perge! Wallace Walid K. Yassir 1 1988

Colorado School Total $3,293 of Mines Connecticut Log Cabin Peter J. Ashton 1991 James A. Hull 1988 Purple Clematis Russell A. Frishmuth 1992 Ft. Armstrong Matthew J. Hazleton Texas Arlington 1996 Snowy White Owl Paul E. McElligott 1989 Friendship Patrick M. Athey 2005 Justice L. Davis 2021+ Joshua L. Souza 2007+ Alexander S. Tieman 2018+ Perge! Wallace Peter J. Ashton 9 1991 Perge! Fairbanks James A. Hull 9 1988 Russell Frishmuth 1 1992 Matthew Hazleton 5 1996

Total $3,771

Colorado State

Ft. Armstrong Michael S. Grunwald 1988 David J. Miller 1971 Snowy White Owl James C. Daley 1976 Christopher A. Guntermann 1974 Lawrence G. Liston 1975 Rocky D. Tschappat 1984

Academic Excellence

The Fraternity’s cumulative GPA is 3.1. We remain in the top 3 fraternities in total scholarships awarded (990) and amount granted ($419,000). Five additional chapter restricted scholarships were endowed or begun, which helps to strengthen our scholastic ranking.


Richard R. Ulery 1971 Delta James E. Hurley 1982 Gary M. Osterhout 1979 Perge! Fairbanks Michael Grunwald 4 1988


Friendship Colin R. Treanor 2014


Ft. Armstrong Alfred F. Van Ranst Jr 1974 Snowy White Owl Joseph G. Bruce 1977 John E. McPhee 1976 David L. Worrell 1967 Delta David M. Ayers 1980 Michael D. Bruce 1984 Friendship Ron Barnes 1961+ James F. Buckley 1985+ Scott N. Fintzy 1996+ William R. Probst Georgia Tech 1954AA In Memory of: Michael H. Wood 1977 by Joseph G. Bruce 1977

Total $735


Friendship Donald A. Davies 1959+


White Star Towner A. Blackstock 1994 Howard B. Moyes 1987 Snowy White Owl Carl H. Anderson Jr 1984 William W. Crone 1984 Theodore H. Davis Jr 1987 William S. Randolph Jr 1967 Delta Taylor B. Hogan 2013 Richard V. Liles Jr 1953 Friendship William B. Armstrong 1961 Colin M. Bye 2017+

Michael D. Kennedy 1979 Stephen F. Lewis 1979 Alexander P. Ormond Jr 1955+ Don D. Reid 1954 Todd E. Strawser 1990 Carl K. Whipple 1989 Perge! Wallace Towner Blackstock 7 1994 Perge! Fairbanks Howard B. Moyes 8 1987

Total $3,270


Friendship Ryan J. Hoffman 2019+


Canonsburg Edwin M. Ahrens MD 1973 Log Cabin Robert W. Rahal 1975 Ft. Armstrong Harold P. Quinn Jr 1977 Snowy White Owl John A. Larson 1971 John N. Oest 1974 James D. Parsons 1974 Delta William F. Brown Jr 1961 Friendship Patrick J. Forbes 1988 Perge! Wallace Robert W. Rahal 7 1975 Perge! Wilkinson Edwin M. Ahrens 18 1973

Total $4,125


White Star Patrick E. Matoole MD 1991 Ft. Armstrong Adam S. Bashaw 1987 Steven J. Bocher 1983 Delta Peter Gonzalez 1985 Perge! Wilkinson Patrick E. Matoole 9 1991

Total $2,275


Thomas Marshall Thomas B. Grooms 1966 Centennial Thomas W. Boswell 1966 Golden Chain William W. Graham 1962 Royal Purple Russell O. LaMore 1988 James D. Moore 1974 Joseph H. Short 1987 Canonsburg J. Kurt Mahrdt Jr 1956 Douglas D. Mitchell 1970 Michael D. Stratton MD 1988 White Star Robert B. Holland 1965 William T. Shier 1988 Curt R. Ward MD Purdue 1988 Robert A. Wunderlich Jr 1988 Log Cabin Alex L. Rogers 1965 W. Kirby Whyte 1970 Purple Clematis George C. Lortz 1962 Wade R. Nichols 1972

Clark Orr 1965 Ft. Armstrong Michael W. Allee 1971 Jere W. Dutt III 1990 Robert L. Erickson MD 1958 William T. McMurry 1956 Douglas A. Nemecek 1985 Jack D. Noyes 1956 James E. Sanford DDS 1971 Douglas A. Smith 1968 Gary L. Wegenke 1960 Snowy White Owl John T. Axelberg 1983 Thomas O. Dawson 1962 Jim Knapp 1963 John D. Major 1986+ J. Dennis Marek 1964 Stanford K. McCoy 1993+ Douglas C. Reynolds 1973 Eric J. Vale 1981 Robert F. Wells 1966+ Eric A. Wolfe 2004 Delta Bruce D. Allen 1959 James M. Dietz PhD 1970+ Richard L. Fairchild 1962 Stephen W. Hayes 1966 Douglas S. Ingersoll 1988 James A. Yoder 1970+ Friendship Joseph J. Atria 1981+ William W. Finley 1962 John V. Hollensteiner 1989 Charles G. Huizenga MD 1959+ Robert S. Johnson 1990+ Patrick W. Murphy 2005 Paul B. Qua 1982 Daniel A. Strayer 1974+ Perge! Wallace John D. Major 1 1986 Michael Stratton 21 1988 Robert A. Wunderlich Jr 4 1988 Perge! Fairbanks Robert B. Holland 1 1965 Douglas A Nemecek 2 1985 William T. Shier 19 1988 Curt R. Ward 20 1988 Jere W. Dutt III 1 1990 In Memory of: Thomas G. Lueder 1986 by Joseph H. Short 1987

Total $102,848


Royal Purple Jonathan Espy 1995 Anthony D. Kenkel 1998 Delta Ryan J. Rohlfsen 1996 Daniel J. Schuster 2002 Perge! Norris Jonathan Espy 7 1995 Perge! Wilkinson Anthony D. Kenkel 11 1998

Total $10,075

East Carolina

Friendship Matthew B. Hoover 2015+

Embry Riddle

Friendship Christopher F. Beaulieu 2023+


White Star Craig S. Kalter MD 1984

[2021 Donors] Purple Clematis Thomas A. Adams 1970 Ft. Armstrong Randall J. Altmann 1985 Joseph Valvona Jr 1976 Snowy White Owl Dr. Charles O. Barker 1967 Robert L. Crenshaw 1971 J. L. Edmondson 1969 Albert W. McKay Jr 1974 Michael B. Shapiro 1978 Stanley L. Storey 1965 Delta Dennis A. LaRosa 1969 Friendship Louis S. Lee 1988 Perge! Fairbanks J. L. Edmondson 1 1969 Joseph Valvona Jr 1 1976 Craig S. Kalter 15 1984

Total $3,070


Ft. Armstrong Jeremy R. Tarr 1998 Snowy White Owl Christopher W. Cook 2002 Jonathan G. Kissel 2006 Nathan L. Kortokrax 2003 Christopher L. Rafferty 2001

Total $520


Royal Purple Wayne H. Brunetti 1964 James C. Rinaman Jr 1955 William H. Valentine Jr Coastal Carolina 1967 White Star Gordon E. Watts 1967 Log Cabin Joseph G. Gamble Jr Alabama 1948AA Purple Clematis R. Charles Scott 1975 Craig D. Singer 1985 Ft. Armstrong William R. Lomax 1964 Gregg T. Templin 1972 J. Christopher Wilt 1976 Snowy White Owl Walter W. Baggesen Jr 1957 William W. Collins 1973 James C. Frishe 1971 Craig D. Goldwyn 1971 Dane C. Griffin 1970 Michael H. Houchard 1957 John F. Hurlebaus 1952AA Lawrence A. Kraujalis 1982 Douglas G. Lamb 1968 John M. Lowe Jr 1961 John A. Metts 1958 Edward F. Newberger Jr 1969 William K. Rinaman 1960 Fred F. Roberts MD 1954 Loren H. Walker 1958 Delta Michael L. Aiken 1973 Alan H. Brown II 1966 Daniel S. Fahey 1993 William S. Humphreys Jr 1967 Richard L. Nelson 1956 William G. Read III 1972 Friendship W. Dane Adkinson 1967

Gregory W. Biehl 1984+ Douglas R. Fisher 1971 Daniel W. Getson 1986 John D. Martin Jr 1968 Sean T. Rees 2018 William D. Richardi 1964 Chase J. Root 2020 N. Frank Six Jr 1957 Perge! Norris Wayne H. Brunetti 12 1964 Perge! Wallace Joseph G. Gamble Jr 8 1948 James Rinaman Jr 22 1955 William H. Valentine Jr 12 1967 Gordon E. Watts 11 1967 Perge! Fairbanks Craig D. Singer 8 1985 In Memory of: John F. Hurlebaus 1952 by Mrs. John F. Hurlebaus

Total $18,097

Florida International

Snowy White Owl David Velez 2001 Friendship Wilver Almarales 2005 Anthony G. Pego 2005 Brian W. Smatt 2000

Total $212

Florida State

Log Cabin Paul W. Bonapfel 1972 Kevin J. Malone 1975 Ft. Armstrong Steven L. Sparkman 1969 Donald S. Stuart 1972 Snowy White Owl William J. Duston 1975 Peter L. Jones 1993 Joe W. Osborne Jr 1977 David B. Radzivill 1986+ Friendship Robert L. Baylies 1976 Griffin W. Gowdey 2016+ Jon Marc E. MacLean 1999+ Stanley E. Peacock 1973 Perge! Fairbanks Kevin J. Malone 16 1975

Total $2,206

Fresno State

Ft. Armstrong Jason R. Anderson 1996 Chad T. Snyder 2000 Snowy White Owl Philip A. Ivancovich 1988 Delta John H. Peregrini 1995 Friendship David A. Rooney 2001 Perge! Fairbanks Philip A. Ivancovich 1 1988

Total $1,500


Centennial Robert D. Cheeley 1979 Black Diamond Keith R. Breedlove 1978 David G. Hanna 1986 Frank J. Hanna 1983 Golden Chain Kessel D. Stelling Jr 1978 Royal Purple

Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr 1973 Canonsburg William R Bracewell 1968AA White Star James J. Adams 1983 John P. Cheeley 1989 James W. Purcell 1973 Edouard L. Stelling 1976 Log Cabin J. Rance Cain 1969 Jere W. Morehead 1988 Danny A. Neil 1968 Purple Clematis William K. Bass Jr 1976 Steven L. Beard 1974 James W. Boyles Jr 1978 Darren W. Devore 1986 George D. Henderson 1974 J. Alexander Johnson 1974 Keith W. Mason 1982 Robert B. Meyer 1970 Kenyon W. Murphy 1978 Gregory C. Sowell 1980 Ft. Armstrong Kenneth G. Abele 1987 Thomas G. Bennett III 1969+ Thomas R. Blando 1986 Jeffrey A. Brown 1988 James C. Connah 1970 Peter F. Curnyn 1988 Thomas E. Fitzgerald III 1973 Joseph T. Fleming 1985 Dewain T. Hamilton 1987 Robert T. Hardell Sr 1986 Rickard S. Hawkins Jr 1982 David M. Kraebber 1977 M. Scott Meadows 1986 R. Glen Owen Jr 1986 Douglas B. Smock 1993 Clay Stoddard 1970 Chadwik T. Teague 1988 Homer E. Weeks 1975 Snowy White Owl Matthew K. Abele 1985 Richard L. Berta 1971 Mark B. Bodenheim 1973 Stephen A. Boggs 1986 Charles P. Conboy 2002 Carl W. Duyck 1975 William J. Gavlak 1987 Vernon E. Googe III 1991 Eugene T. Haley 1972 Chris L. Holcomb 1986+ Bradley W. Jordan 1985 Joshua T. Kivett 1995 Dr. J. Steven Lammert 1985 W. Matthew Mitcham III 1975 M. Shane O'Neill 1992 John R. Parker Jr 1973+ Jeffrey L. Rosenthal 1993 Neal T. Seiter 1974 F. John Semley 1970 Mark S. Shore 1987 Samuel F. Smith 1974 Brian M. Thomas 1988 Keith H. Vickers 1978 David G. Watson 1979 Glenn C. Williams 1974 Kevin M. Williams 1989 Delta Ira Bershad 1987 Douglas M. Collins 1983+ Charles A. Cone 1970 Kingsley G. Corbin 1983 Gary P. Cox 1971 M. Henry Day Jr 1975

Judson A. Ficklen 1989 Michael L. Jones 1971 William W. Lavigno III 1970AA Michael L. Leonard 1968 William E. Pyron Jr 1985 Phillip A. Reddick 1974 Thomas H. Rogers Jr 1973 Terry L. Sparks Auburn 1996 Neal A. Thompson 1986 Jeffrey G. Tucker MD 1985 Todd M. Wilson 1988+ Friendship Steven P. Anderson 1979+ Neil S. Bitting 2012+ John R. Boynton 2018+ Morris L. Bradshaw 1969 Ralph M. Braswell III 1972 Brian E. Brown 1987 Robert P. Bunn 1971+ Wade S. Cox 2019+ Charles F. Crump 1969+ J. David Diaz 2017+ William W. Douglas IV 2012+ Steven M. Ellis 1989+ Carson P. Elmore 2014+ Jerry D. Guthrie 1970+ Robert W. Henson 1984+ Louie P. Hicks II 1988+ William W. Horlock Jr 1985 Travis J. Johnson 2011+ William T. Jones Jr 1971 Edwin A. Kuhn 2015+ Troy A. Lanier 1988+ C. Barry Lennon 1987+ Grayson C. Littleton 2015+ Jhan I. Mattox 1968+ William H. McChesney Jr 1970 J. Morgan McClung 2014+ William T. McKenzie 1975+ Joshua M. Neel 2001 Christopher C. Nichols 1993+ David W. Nuckolls 2015+ Michael S. O'Neal 1968 Michael A. Parham 1987+ William L. Phalen III 1995+ Todd R. Phinney 1988+ John L. Polhill 1970+ Allen I. Robbins III 1990+ Ronald T. Scott Jr 1988+ Alexander P. Seebohm 2016+ Peter J. Shedd 1974+ T. Randolph Shingler 1971 Jeffrey V. Smith 1974 Tyler P. Stevens 2007+ Albert C. Strickland Jr 1970 Neil C. Thom 1988+ Parker S. Tuggle 2014+ John C. Williams 1976 Christopher L. Windley 1999 Perge! Norris William R. Bracewell 19 1968AA Perge! Wallace Samuel W. Richwine Jr 20 1973 Robert D. Cheeley 20 1979 Joshua T. Kivett 2 1995 Perge! Fairbanks Glenn C. Williams 1 1974 James J. Adams 4 1983 In Honor of: Samuel W. Richwine 1973 by Jeffrey V. Smith 1974

Latham G. Saddler 2005 by James J. Adams 1983 In Memory of: William Bracewell 1968 by Brian Roebuck; Rob Caudill Akron 2004; Charles E. Gabe Hanover 1990; A. P. Rimsans Iowa State 1993; Samuel W. Richwine 1973; Christopher C. Nichols 1993; Brian M. Price NC State 1999; Robert W. Marshall Rhode Island 1977; Tyler P. Stevens 2007; Christopher C. Nichols 1993; Jerry D. Guthrie 1970; James B. Goll Nebraska 2001; Mark R. Wilkison Vermont 1983; Hugh Underwood; Samuel F. Smith 1974; Robert T. Hardell 1986; G. P. Robinson Mississippi State 1975; Shirley & James Simpson; Jerry D. Guthrie 1970; Glenn D. Moor Texas Tech 1984; Jere W. Morehead 1988; Joseph A. Weist RoseHulman 1987; Thomas E. Fitzgerald 1973; Charles A. Cone 1970; Harry G. Gram Foundation Inc; David F. Slater Ohio 1967; Michael G. Fligg William Jewell 1961; Ben Robinson Hampden-Sydney 1986. Edward K. Martin 2019 & Terrance C. Sullivan 1972 by James J. Adams 1983

Total $49,748

Georgia Tech

Thomas Marshall R. Kirk Landon 1950AA Royal Purple Andrew Kohl 1967AA Canonsburg John O. Briggs 1967 Stephen E. Robinson 1966 White Star Charles T. Brasfield III 1966 Log Cabin William E. Miller Jr 1967 Purple Clematis Ben H. Adler 1965 Harold F. Brinkley 1948 Denny Pryor 1951 Ft. Armstrong Ralph C. Carter Jr 1979 Jeffrey C. Korth 1977 Donald T. Miller 1966 Stephen A. Pyburn 1996 J. Gregory Robbins 1968 Leslie A. Spencer Jr 1973 Larry S. Sutton 1972 W. Scott Walker 1980 Snowy White Owl Bret D. Anderson 1990 Milton E. Berry 1962 Dale A. Brandt 1963 W. Martin Bretherton Jr 1977 M. Andrew Clark 1959 Frederick A. Dorsey Jr 1995 Brandon M. Drew 1999 Raymond K. Elderd 1960 Russell B. Flowers 1972 William G. Grant Jr 1963

William G. Grip 1982 Orville T. Guffin 1962 Edward Hunt Guilbert Jr 1965 Robert H. Hormberg 1960 Richard A. Lawson 1986 James D. Morrill 1969 George A. Parker Jr 2004 Kirk A. Poucher 2006 Kyle C. Quick 2015 James S. Rountree 1972 Randolph L. Scott Florida 1984 John B. Snead 1988 George A. Stewart Jr 1969 Brett D. Vogt 2006 Kenneth S. Weatherspoon 1962 Clifford D. Wells 1967 Delta Joseph N. Bell 1978+ L. Darby Bryant 2006 H. Dale Hartough Jr 1966 Kirk P. Moss 2012 Graham R. Neff 2007 Marc D. Perla 1992 Tylan H. Shultz 1990 Robin C. Sickles 1972+ Gale E. Sights 1962 G. Wayne Stewart 1971 J. Eric Taylor Jr 1964 Bradley A. Tilton 1981 Dean P. Watts 1971 D. Collins Westcott 2005 J. Harold White III 1997 Jeffrey S. Zickus 1996 Friendship Victor J. Borowsky 2001 Donald R. Brandt 1965+ R. Robert Brannon Jr 1963 Joseph F. Cornelius Jr 1959 J. Walter Coursey 1969+ Albert T. Gimbel Jr 2002 Michael D. Haney 1963 Robert D. Hazen 1954 Matthew C. King 1995 Thomas N. Knowles 1962 William A. Morse 1987 Jeffery C. Pope 1971 Gary M. Potter 1964 Joseph W. Price 1966 Kelly M. Rodriguez 1990+ Clay B. Roth 1996 Charles A. Shoemaker 2010 Connor M. Soutter 2018 Donald L. Towns 1957 Manuel R. Walters 1992+ Bruce E. Warnock 1958 Perge! Wilkinson Stephen Robinson 3 1966 Perge! Fairbanks Denny Pryor 1 1951 John O. Briggs 24 1967 Randolph L. Scott 1 1984 In Memory of: Andrew Kohl 1967 by Raymond K. Elderd 1960

Total $314,141


Centennial F. Barry Shaw 1965 Canonsburg Robert C. Muff 1960 White Star William N. Lindsay III 1969 Richard K. Merker 1976 Richard L. Scheff 1977 Log Cabin Richard W. Esser 1964




[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra William C. Martindale Jr 1964 Purple Clematis William M. Kramer 1978 Frederick A. Schoenbrodt 1965 Richard D. Shirk 1967 Ft. Armstrong Fred F. Fielding 1961 R. Bruce McMahon Jr 1972 Edward L. Morgan Jr 1965 Richard D. Peppler 1965 Snowy White Owl Philip J. Bernardi 1979 Stuart R. Carswell Jr 1957 Patrick R. Dempsey 2008 W. Scott Griffiths 1974 Bruce R. Limpert 1973 Delta Arthur M. Carter III 1969 Kyle R. Ibbitson 2005 Peter P. Wolynec Jr 1966 J. David Young Jr 1980 Friendship T. Chester Bright DDS 1952 Peter L. Lyon 1975 George E. Shepherd 1946 Perge! Norris F. Barry Shaw 20 1965 Perge! Wilkinson Richard K. Merker 6 1976 Perge! Wallace Robert C. Muff 21 1960 Richard W. Esser 10 1964 William C. Martindale Jr 8 1964 Richard D. Shirk 2 1967 Richard L. Scheff 6 1977 Perge! Fairbanks Richard D. Peppler 1 1965 Frederick A. Schoenbrodt 3 1965

Total $24,902

Grand Valley

Friendship Terrell D. Couch 2017 Zachary W. T. Skinner 2017


Royal Purple Matthew S. Garrison 1999 Benjamin E. Robinson 1986 Ft. Armstrong Jason H. Culp 2001 Brian P. Jeter 1984 Charles L. McCullough 1986 John J. Toner V 2001 Snowy White Owl F. Lee Hagan III 1984 Paul E. Pisano 1989


White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

John H. Turner III 1987 Delta William D. Call II 2002 Kenneth E. Childress 1970 C. Clifford Edahl Jr 2007 J. Scott Harris 1973 Joel C. Hutcheson MD 1985 William E. Linden III 1984 Michael A. Prizzi 1984 George M. Trible IV 1991 Friendship Christopher C. Altizer 1984 Carter D. Barrett Jr 2011+ Herbert M. Bennett 1983 Albert J. Bolet 1988+ Gary W. Boswick 1985 Michael J. Cahak 2000 Andrew H. Clifford 1984+ Mark K. duBose 1990+ Warren P. Dumford 1986 Adam D. Forsberg 2004 Trace H. P. Hall 2011+ J. Matthew Haynes Jr 1997 John A. Howard Jr 1997 Wallace L. Huff Jr 1987 Stewart M. Johnson 2016 Tyler S. Johnson 2013+ Justin B. Jones 2000 Andrew M. Kamm 1988 Lewis D. Kelley Jr 1982 J. Clinton Kelly 1997 Thomas L. Krebs 2002+ Jordan C. Marshall 2011+ Wilhelm U. Meierling 2004+ Timothy V. Monahan 1994+ James F. Moseley Jr 1984 Justin R. Norbo DDS 2006 Baxter F. Phillips III 1997 Zachary C. Rucho 2007+ Matthew H. Shankle 2011+ Kenneth S. Strickler 2005 Charles S. Stringfellow Jr 1970 Randolph P. Tabb Jr 1970 Michael S. York 1998 Perge! Wilkinson Matthew Garrison 15 1999 Perge! Wallace Ben E. Robinson 23 1986 Charles McCullough 1 1986 Perge! Fairbanks Brian P. Jeter 6 1984 In Memory of: Christopher A. Akstin 2004 by Wilhelm Meierling 2004

Total $16,749


White Star Charles E. Gabe 1990

Howard A. Pelham 1951AA Purple Clematis John R. Coomer 1961 Ft. Armstrong Bruce K. Bunger 1977 Eric H. Ericson 1967 Karl J. Klein 1966 Timothy A. McGeath 1984 Thomas J. Nacca 1957 Snowy White Owl John V. Davis 1953 Richard L. Farmer 1967 Bill L. Nighbert 1954 William F. Stephan 1955 Delta James M. Boyers 1994 Thomas W. Bruner 1961 Scott T. McCurdy 1975 James R. Willey Jr 1987 Friendship G. Greg Boehnlein 1996 Brian J. Murphy 1983 John R. Musgrave 1966 Devon M. Sharpe 2013 Leslie A. Spriggs Jr 1958 Robert D. Tyner 1956 Perge! Wallace William F. Stephan 1 1955 Eric H. Ericson 3 1967 Perge! Fairbanks Howard A. Pelham 17 1951 John R. Coomer 4 1961 Charles E. Gabe 9 1990 In Memory of: Frederick D. Lowell 1941 by Sean G. McMullen Texas Tech 2001 Howard A. Pelham 1951 by C. D. Reed Wabash 1985

Total $6,405


Centennial John D. Rowell Oregon State 1948AA James E. Whistler 1970 Canonsburg Stephen H. Edwards 1964 Gerald R. Schlatter 1959 Richard E. Trail 1966 White Star Benjamin W. Chase 1994 James V. Hawkins 1958 Kenneth L. Reagan 1968 Neil R. Thornton 1952 Log Cabin Rodney W. Bohman 1967 Purple Clematis Richard E. Fredekind 1975 Michael D. Roach 1974 Ft. Armstrong Robert E. Bohman 1970


Carroll C. Livingston Jr 1964 Andrew J. Rice 1988 Richard J. White 1969 Snowy White Owl Wallace E. Hedrick 1970 William A. McCurdy 1971 Jan R. Noorda 1971 A. James Sather 1955 Ron J. Sestero 1972 David V. Uberuaga 1972 Friendship Michael G. Dehlin 1987 Arthur E. Humphrey 1948 Karl W. Klages 1952 Edward J. Marohn 1968 Brian A. McDowell 1964 William B. Merrill 1960+ Jack A. Pachner 2022 Richard H. Steckler II 1989 Barry L. Zamzow 1975+ Perge! Norris James E. Whistler 19 1970 Perge! Wilkinson John D. Rowell 17 1948AA Perge! Wallace Neil R. Thornton 6 1952 Richard E. Trail 12 1966 Rodney W Bohman 3 1967 Richard J. White 2 1969 Perge! Fairbanks Stephen Edwards 11 1964 Benjamin Chase 11 1994

Total $22,641


Centennial K. Thomas Klimmeck 1984 Black Diamond Jerome C. Groniger Illinois Wesleyan 1956 Canonsburg Thomas D. Earley 1963 Robert H. Little 1957 Nicholas A. Loiacono 1974 White Star Daniel A. Damon 1958 Harold E. Hindsley 1950 William C. Ieuter 1957 Log Cabin Owen H. Ackerman 1959 Purple Clematis James E. Arnold 1985 Joshua P. Laufenberg 2008 William T. Novak 1963 Ft. Armstrong Rodney S. Bond 1966 Kenneth P. Caniglia 1985 Roger J. Chamlin 1962 John A. Helledy 1961 R. Thomas Herget 1972 Craig M. Johnson 1975 Jay R. Larson 1955 Snowy White Owl John M. Benson 1986 Robert L. Braun 1963 Ramon M. Brinkman 1952 Gregg A. Bruhn 1975 Richard A. Day Jr 1977 William D. Hickey 1986 William W. Nicholas 1970AA John D. Stuart Florida 1979 Delta William G. Bingham 1955 Brian S. Brown 1982 Craig P. Gillespey 1963 Peter M. Hasselman 1959 Douglas B. Hayden 1993 Dr. Stephen B. Lindell 1957 Joshua M. Moore 2011

Stephen F. Spontak MD 1985 Steven A. Wright 1970 Friendship Robert M. Armstrong 1961 Julian E. Gorman 1973 Kenneth M. Hoggay 1993 Michael B. Neeley 1973 William L. Riley 1965 Derek S. Rockwell 2007 Kent R. Sands 1976 Perge! Norris Jerome C. Groniger 15 1956 Perge! Wilkinson Thomas D. Earley 7 1963 Perge! Wallace Robert H. Little 14 1957 William T. Novak 4 1963 Nic A. Loiacono 6 1974 K. Thomas Klimmeck 2 1984 Kenneth P. Caniglia 3 1985 Joshua Laufenberg 8 2008 Perge! Fairbanks Harold E. Hindsley 3 1950 William C. Ieuter 2 1957 Owen H. Ackerman 3 1959 James E. Arnold 10 1985 Douglas B. Hayden 1 1993

Total $35,158

Illinois Wesleyan White Star Dr. James L. Cook 1964 Purple Clematis Marvin D. Bower 1945 Ft. Armstrong Dana C. Belyea 1950 Robert M. Bicket 1967 John P D'Alessandro Jr 1988 William B.M. Fader 1957 Robert L. Hildebrand 1952 Gerald L. Philpott 1959 Michael S. Welch 1986 Snowy White Owl Roy A. Ferguson 1959 Phillip B. Gebben 1991 Scott E. Huch 1986 Walter G. Krug 1969 Charles P. Kulier PhD 1957 J. William Roberts 1964 Ronald L. Ruecker MD 1966 Delta Robert V. Hageman Jr 1967 Larry D. Jensen 1963AA Richard W. Nolen 1967 John H. Wilmas 1996+ Friendship Randall M. Bensen 1987+ Tye M. Elliott 1986 Curtis A. Emery 1986+ Wayne K. Falk 1963 Perry D. Ford 1986+ David S. Fricke 1985 C. Greg Gardner 1960 Mark A. Gratkowski 1990+ Jason C. Hayek 1993+ David B. Hiltabrand 1973 Todd A. Hogan 1985+ Jeffrey L. Lambert 1986 Brian T. Lockenvitz 1986+ Jeffrey T. Lockenvitz 1984 Robert J. McShane 1975 Mark O. Nelson 1965 Paul R. Orchard 1988 Steven J. Pilipchuk 1988 Joseph F. Romic Jr 1989+ Andrew M. Rusk 1990 Bradley A. Spiess 1990 Alexander K. Stinites 1988 Todd L. Thorstenson 1989

Andrew J. Weems 1988 Mark B. Wichman 1990+ Kirk M. Wulf 1990 Vasily P. Zimbrakos 1989 Perge! Wilkinson James L. Cook 14 1964 In Memory of Larry D. Jensen 1963 by Mrs. Larry D. Jensen Illinois

Total $5,509


Thomas Marshall William R. Miller Purdue 1962 Centennial David G. Elmore 1955 Black Diamond David R. Frick 1966 Royal Purple Jay B. Hunt 1962 Robert N. Whitacre 1967 Canonsburg Thomas P. Cottrell 1982 Purple Clematis Thomas C. Froehle 1985 Ft. Armstrong Jay E. Allardt 1978 David F. Bennhoff MD 1959 Eugene J. McGarvey Jr 1958 Timothy J. Wiley 1981 Warren H. Woolcott 1972 John P. Wyand 2002 Snowy White Owl Don R. Ammerman 1968 Michael C. Ashman 1991 James E. Dice 1959 James D. Frey DDS 1959 Richard L. Geupel 1958 Matthew M. Green 1994 Ted Hartley 1990 Neil R. Hinchman 1957 Robert M. Hinds 1972 Robert T. Hoover 1959 Justin B. Jones 1949 Joseph T. Lower 1989 Thomas E. Mariani 1991 William K. McGarvey 1959 Roger L. Pardieck 1959 Ronald F. Remak 1979 Dale E. Rider 1953 Charles D. Storms 1965 John R. Terrill 1989 Delta Vincent J. Backs 1962 Robert V. Barrett MD 1957 Richard L. Bennett 1954 Richard C. Buck MD 1963 Thomas C. Eckert 1976 Jack N. Johnson 1967 Thomas K. Peck 1986 Thomas V. Ransom 1967 Robert J. Rogers 1975 Andrew R. Thompson 1968 Robert I. Thompson 1964 L. Eugene Thweatt 1955 Mark F. Wheeler 1971 Eric B. Yazel 1998 Friendship William C. Barada 1997+ Craig W. Barber 2003 Joseph D. Baxter 1959 D. Barry Downing 1979 Robert B. Hicks Jr 1983 Thomas A. Howley 1992 Steven A. Johnson 1994+ Harry P. Lamberson 1965 William J. McCarthy 1963+ Matthew R. Panucci 1992 Andrew J. Parkison 1991+

[2021 Donors] David R. Perks 1964 Marc T. Quigley 1993 Samuel L. Reed 1956 Robert H. Sebring 1963 Michael C. Sechrist 1973 Thomas E. Tharp 1979+ Perge! Norris David R. Frick 16 1966 Robert Whitacre 20 1967 Perge! Wilkinson John P. Wyand 1 2002 Perge! Wallace Jay B. Hunt 13 1962 William R. Miller 21 1962 Timothy J. Wiley 1 1981 Thomas P. Cottrell 19 1982 Perge! Fairbanks David G. Elmore 10 1955 Roger L. Pardieck 2 1959 Joseph T. Lower 3 1989 Michael C. Ashman 1 1991 Matthew M. Green 3 1994

Total $90,004

Indiana State

Log Cabin Garry D. Elder 1974 Brent A. Leffel 1991 William G. Niederer 1985 Purple Clematis Michael L. Raisor 1995 Ft. Armstrong James D. Spencer 1973 Snowy White Owl William E. Briggs 1972 Timothy S. Harlan 1972 Michael A. Schell 1973 Christopher B. Vance 1976 Nicholas A. Willis 2002 Delta Charles D. Brown 1974 Michael S. Daugherty 1970 Peteris R. Silins 1989 Friendship Michael P. Arnold 2000 Earl D. Fluharty 1978 Perge! Wilkinson Michael L. Raisor 2 1995 Perge! Wallace Garry D. Elder 10 1974 Perge! Fairbanks Michael A. Schell 1 1973 William G. Niederer 6 1985 Nicholas A. Willis 1 2002

Total $7,905


Thomas Marshall John G. Pappajohn 1952 Royal Purple Matthew M. Amend 1987 Ft. Armstrong James D. Carstensen 1989 Gunther R. Lubben 1988 Martin J. Maher 1997 Joel M. Oxley 1971 Snowy White Owl John A. Bobst 1999 Thomas L. Brcka 1986 Christopher T. Hawkins 1987 Scott A. Irlmeier 1993 Steven R. Krusie 1983 James G. Pointer 1983 Stephen M. Stewart 1972 Delta John H. Day 1962 Jeffrey K. Eliason 1982+ Steven J. Gibson 1973

Bradley C. Nielsen 1986 Bradley J. Peterson 1984 Craig A. Trammell 1985 Michael C. Woody 1981 Friendship Steven R. Amend 1977+ Michael J. Busch 1998 D. Clayton Hicks 1990+ Curtis B. Hollebrands 1974 Richard Kelly Prey 1991 Chester E. Rauch 1969 Thomas R. Spooner 1961+ Stephen R. Wilcox 1973+ Perge! Norris John Pappajohn 22 1952 Perge! Wilkinson Matthew Amend 17 1987 Perge! Wallace Joel M. Oxley 2 1971 Perge! Fairbanks John H. Day 1 1962 Jeffrey K. Eliason 1 1982 Thomas L. Brcka 1 1986 John A. Bobst 1 1999

Total $13,156

Iowa State

Calvin Coolidge Richard D. McCormick 1961 Golden Chain Jon B. Burmeister 1967 James C. Murray II 1959 Royal Purple Howard M. Logan 1946 White Star A. Peter Rimsans II 1993 Adam L. Shires 2000 Nicholas Smock 2008 Lawrence H. Thompson 1964 Log Cabin Sean T. Donnelly 1995 Purple Clematis Charles J. Schleusner 1997 Kenneth R. Sinibaldi 1966 Robert J. Taylor Jr 1968 Ft. Armstrong Kent D. Evans 1978 Eli Krambeer 2013 Peter J. McNally 1990 Carl R. Sahlberg DePauw 1967 Ronald L. Scharnweber 1967 Kevin A. Shires 2005 Michael E. Smith 1978 Richard E. Wiltamuth 1960 Snowy White Owl R. James Abbott 1970 Timothy L. Chambers 1988 G. Edward Deery 1988 W. Robert Griswold Jr 1964 Steven J. Hunst Iowa 1976 Jason D. Pauling 1994 Lynn R. Schroeder 1976 James R. Tannhauser 1978 Thomas M. Waldon 1979 Delta Harlan H. Asmus 1987 Paul H. Campbell 1975+ Dustyn J. Curran 2007 John A. Dueben 1973 James E. Ficke 1955 Jan C. Haugen 1965 Neil E. Johnson 1958 John R. Krantz 1970 William H. Lounsbury Jr 1967 Robert H. Macdonough

1963 C. David Morton 1964 David J. Stockman 1971 F. Clark Warden 1960 Friendship William R. Bish 1963 Thomas R. Calame 1969 Alexander I. Champagne 2018 Nolan T. Christensen 2017+ Hendrik J. A. deHoog 2009+ Matthew J. Dohrmann 2014 Nicholas Dohrmann 2018+ Richard W. Fickey 1962 Richard G. Kuhl 1957 William F. Paul 2018+ Phillip E. Prybil 1990 Trenton D. Purdy 2016 Eric D. Ritland 1990+ John E. Ryburn 1955 Kevin P. Servais 2013+ Spencer C. Stevens 1966 Perge! Norris Richard D. McCormick 24 1961 Perge! Wilkinson Jon B. Burmeister 22 1967 Perge! Wallace Thomas M. Waldon 1 1979 Adam L. Shires 9 2000 Eli Krambeer 2 2013 Perge! Fairbanks Howard M. Logan 19 1946 James C. Murray II 21 1959 Lawrence H. Thompson 7 1964 Paul H. Campbell 1 1975 A. Peter Rimsans II 16 1993 Sean T. Donnelly 9 1995 Charles Schleusner 5 1997 Nicholas Smock 6 2008

Total $23,810


Golden Chain Kevin W. Haga 1992 White Star Richard Gonzalez 1998 Purple Clematis Michael L. Brown 1988 Snowy White Owl Brian W. Dudley 1996 Gregory D. Sullivan 1992 Charles M. Walker 1981 Delta H. J. Devine 1985 Friendship Robert D. Eberhart 1994+ William J. Parrish 1994 Brooks T. Tomlin 1991 Perge! Norris Kevin W. Haga 18 1992 Perge! Fairbanks Richard Gonzalez 21 1998

In Memory of: Craig M. Munsen 1988 by Lowell & Ruth Haga

Total $6,578

James Madison

Ft. Armstrong Marc G. Mertz 1996 Snowy White Owl William E. Beasley 1995 Stephen E. Luttrell 2000 William J. Prendergast Jr 2000 Douglas W. Tees 1995 Friendship Robert D. Delmarco 1995 Clifford C. Eichler 1995+ Christopher D. Sampson 2004

Total $779

Johns Hopkins

White Star Robert E. Carter 1968 Daniel F. Organek 1994 Purple Clematis David L. Koch 2002 Krishna V. Potarazu 2006 Ft. Armstrong E. Bruce Bower 1963 Snowy White Owl Thomas D. Bloomer Jr 2002 Paul J. Boyle 1978 Rob Caples 1958 Mark K. Fischer 1980 Marc D. Leone 2005 Charles P. McCormick Jr 1950 David G. Shigekawa 1959 Thomas S. Summers Jr 1951 Delta William J. Beutler 1979 William J. Hughes 1983 Monte E. Ikemire 1969 George J. Maddaloni III 1993 Michael D. Privitera Jr 1976 James A. Schoettler Jr 1978 Steven J. Valenti 1983 Friendship A. Keith Blizzard 1979+ Daniel S. Blynn 2000+ Matthew E. Boccia 2002+ Charles J. Buffa 2013 Daniel E. Camous 2017+ Joseph F. Devlin 1978+ John K. Dierkes 1977 Howard J. Drew 1978+ John P. Evans 1971 Richard O. King 1961 Alexander S. McLaughlin 2017+ Kevin H. Strang 2012 Evan P. Tassis 2015

Christopher Temple 2006+ Douglas F. Tribull 1968+ Perge! Wallace Robert E. Carter 14 1968 Perge! Fairbanks E. Bruce Bower 1 1963 Daniel F. Organek 9 1994 In Memory of: Timothy P. Cullinan 1977 by John K. Dierkes 1977

Total $15,081


Calvin Coolidge John S. Horejsi 1990 Stewart R. Horejsi 1959 Centennial John B. Martin 1959 Royal Purple Steven J. Heeney Kansas State 1978 White Star Richard I. Barr 1959 John H. Mitchelson 1980 Kevin F. Mitchelson 1979 Log Cabin John L. Richeson 1962 R. Wayne Thompson 1964 Purple Clematis Heywood H. Davis 1952 F. Alan Stamper 1964 Ft. Armstrong Roger D. Johnson 1964 Steven C. Mueller 1980 Snowy White Owl Doug W. Draper 1993 Jon P. Morris 1963 Delta Charles E. Barry 1957 Bret M. Boeger 1988 Daniel L. Casson 1959 Wilson E. Clark 1976 Charles K. Hyter 1965 D. Tom Jones Colgate 1950AA Friendship Nicholas M. Brown MD 2001 John R. Hunter Sr 1975 Jake B. Lueck 2017 John F. Riordan 1974 Scott R. Ryan 1991+ Jeffery C. Sheppard 1984 Perge! Wilkinson R. Wayne Thompson 5 1964 Perge! Wallace John L. Richeson 6 1962 Kevin Mitchelson 10 1979 Perge! Fairbanks Richard I. Barr 14 1959 John B. Martin 18 1959 Steven J. Heeney 2 1978 Steven C. Mueller 1 1980 In Honor of:

Bennett J. Austin 2021 by Jeff S. Austin TCU 1984

Total $212,635

Kansas State

Centennial Michael E. Morris 1977 Canonsburg Kendal D. Johnson 1979 White Star Terry L. Meyers 1969 L. David Schreck 1969 W. Drake Shaw 1977 Log Cabin Christopher A. Hupe 1994 James E. Taylor 1970 Purple Clematis John M. Foust 1992 David E. Waters 1999 Ft. Armstrong Roger T. Aeschliman 1982 Brett C. Bogan 1989 William C. Giltner 1989 Corey A. Imhoff 1991 Larry L. Sears 1976 Cecil E. Stout 1970AA Snowy White Owl Stanley E. Foltz 1974 Keith A. Geyer 1992 Wayne A. Hargrove 1970 Tom L. Haug 1982 Michael A. Kijowski 1990 Robert J. Svec 1984 Robert A. Weber Jr 1973 Barry L. West 1969 Craig W. West 1984 Delta Ronald H. Buck 1992 Roger D. Lawrence 1988+ Gordon G. Lewis 1974 Michael D. Moody 1979 C. William Ossmann 1973 Stephen G. Sexton 1980 Friendship Brian R. Campbell 2010 Benjamin C. Geiger 2013 Daniel B. Kennedy 2004 Robert W. Kobetich 1970 Kurt M. Niebuhr 2003 Perge! Norris Michael E. Morris 22 1977 Perge! Wallace Wayne A. Hargrove 1 1970 James E. Taylor 3 1970 Perge! Fairbanks Robert A. Weber Jr 1 1973 Roger D. Lawrence 1 1988 Roger Aeschliman 1 1982 David E. Waters 10 1999

Total $15,265

Kent State

Ft. Armstrong Dennis J. Kowalski 1968

Foundation Income & Donors


Gifts to the Foundation for all funds totaled $2,091,713 from 3,340 donors in 2021. The Annual Fund had 2,808 donors giving $1,074,000 in unrestricted gifts and program designated gifts. These are used to fund educational program grants for the Fraternity, scholarships, administration of the foundation, stewardship and fundraising. A total of 534 brothers gave $500 or more to the Perge! Society Annual Fund. They are recognized at four levels on page 48 for their unrestricted gifts. The Perge! Society celebrates 25 years in 2022 and has defined our success for two decades. Thank you, brothers, for your generosity. THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra E. Alan Rumbaugh 1963 Thomas M. Vassallo 1964 Snowy White Owl Stephen K. Campbell 1969 Delta Herbert A. Fotheringham 1960 Friendship Timothy W. Kilduff WPI 1968+ Thomas S. Nighswander 1964 Richard D. Selong 1964+ Gary A. Storm 1965 Jeffrey E. Zink 1970

Total $1,247


Golden Chain Carl F. Pollard 1960 Royal Purple Robert H. Becknell 1967 Benjamin R. Harper Western Kentucky 1969 William H. Mautz 1965 Canonsburg Robinson S. Brown 2002 Log Cabin C. Kimble Miller Jr 1970 Purple Clematis Leonard M. Appel 1963 Thomas E. Bloch 1972 Scott E. Gurney 1997 Charles D. Leffler 1972 Ronald D. Wagoner 1962 Ft. Armstrong Harry L. Dadds 1971 Ronald M. Green 1972 C. Edward Hastie 1968 Michael J. Knoll 2008 Fred W. Myers 1965 Snowy White Owl Richard A. Bean 1969 John R. Bryden 1974 C. Robert Clark 1962 James H. Eckler 1974

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Kevin E. McKiernan Missouri 1973 Joseph T. Richardson 1971 Dennis L. Willaman 1967 Delta Matthew A. Gillies 1995 T. Michael Jones 1965 Frank C. King Jr 1968 Edward L. Schumacher 1967 Friendship Andrew M. Depew 2010 Luke I. Francis 2015 Bruce C. Grant 1975 Christopher A. M. Quevedo 2008 Griffin D. Snyder 2021 Perge! Norris Robinson S. Brown 13 2002 Perge! Wilkinson Carl F. Pollard 17 1960 William H. Mautz 23 1965 Perge! Wallace Robert H. Becknell 18 1967 C. Kimble Miller Jr 8 1970 Perge! Fairbanks Ronald D. Wagoner 2 1962 Benjamin Harper 15 1969 Scott E. Gurney 2 1997 Michael J. Knoll 4 2008

Total $22,264

Kettering A

White Star David L. Schoewe 1975 Log Cabin Jameson G. Fee 2008 John J. Ronayne III 1969 Purple Clematis Dean W. Munger 1973 Bruce B. Roesner 1970 Sheldon L. Thorpe 1987 Ft. Armstrong Donald L. Barefoot 1977 Donald G. Kowalke 1968 Kyle McNeil 1975 Eric J. Rose 1991

Vincent T. Williams 1984 Snowy White Owl Colm P. Boran 1988 Ronald D. Massar 1982 Dwenell A. Mills 1985 Peter Z. Rylko 1992 Dean A. Skinner 1997 James E. Tackett 1973 John R. Williams Jr 1978 Friendship Eli N. Ashwal 2018 Scott A. Boughton 2002+ Gregory D. Brock 1993+ Halbert A. Crumes 1982 Daron L. Gifford 1980 Gabriel E. Guevara 2017+ Nicholas L. Hawley 2017 Richard H. Krentz 1987 Reed J. Lubbers 2016+ Stanley W. Oleszkowicz 1991+ Eric L. Peterson 2009+ Robert A. Pudvan 1992+ James F. Searcy Jr 1991+ Damian T. S. Vaubel 2021+ Robert W. Voltz 1983 Joel M. Weeks 1984 Perge! Wilkinson Jameson G. Fee 4 2008 Perge! Fairbanks John J Ronayne III 10 1969 Vincent T. Williams 3 1984

Total $9,138

Kettering B

Log Cabin Nicholas A. Potter 1994 Snowy White Owl J. Keith Councell 2003 Delta Stacy E. Thompson 1969 Friendship James C. Bendert 2008+ Jeffery B. Blakely 2005+ Matthew R. Burris 2005+ Andrew J. Dolgner 2005+

Estates, Gifts of Stocks, IRAs & Matching Gifts

Stephen Gerstacker 2004+ Nicholas A. Keehn 2005+ Edward J. Kiell 2002 Danny Ljungberg 2005+ Benjamin C. Zink 2008+ Perge! Fairbanks Nicholas A. Potter 10 1994

Total $1,193


White Star David S. Schramm 1978 Log Cabin J. Phillip Morrow 1963 Ft. Armstrong Bradford J. Colby 1976 Colin M. Harding 1963 Snowy White Owl Robert J. Anderson Jr 1954 Robert T. Boynton 1965 Robert H. Fett 1954 Duncan M. Rowles Jr 1963 Karl K. Taylor 1960 Delta Frank M. Johnson 1952 Joseph S. King 1965 Steven P. Malecha 1981 Paul L. Salansky Jr 1973 John D. Sherrick 1978 Steven G. Sutker 1983 Friendship James E. Crowfoot 1961 Jerry F. Kuzanek 1963 Stephen Roake 2000 Matthew M. Wafer 1997 Perge! Fairbanks Karl K. Taylor 1 1960 David S. Schramm 8 1978 In Memory of: James L. Albrecht 1954 by Ann A. Michel

Total $2,488


Royal Purple Donald E. Morel Jr 1979 Ft. Armstrong Victor Angeline III 1978 Snowy White Owl J. Todd VanCleef 1988 Delta Gregory R. Slonaker 1979 Edward A. Vanyo 1986 Friendship Richard P. Teets Jr 1977 Arthur Williams IV 1985 Perge! Wallace Donald E. Morel Jr 18 1979

Total $1,645


Snowy White Owl Carl J. Guecia 1985

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Snowy White Owl Edward C. Lake Jr 1967 Edward A. Rath 1966


Log Cabin J. Douglas Breen 1968 Purple Clematis William D. Bast 1979 Ft. Armstrong Albert C. Cooke III 1982 Charles A. Reinhart III 1982 Timothy J. Shotmeyer 2000 Snowy White Owl Peter B. Beck 1965 Michael J. Connor 1980 Mark L. Gardner 1983 John A. Hollingsworth 1955 Delta Andrew D. Eckert 1982 Perge! Fairbanks J. Douglas Breen 12 1968 In Memory of: Robert W. Davies Gettysburg 1957 by J. D. Breen 1968

Total $1,692

Louisiana State

Purple Clematis John V. Bailliet 1961 Robert M. Crawford 1960 Ft. Armstrong Duncan L. Bridewell 1969 Charles A. Germano 1978 P. Donald Hidalgo 1950 Frank J. Listi Jr 1967 Arthur L. Roberts 1960 Snowy White Owl John G. Allelo 1984 Stephen H. Cordill Jr 1962 Ralph D. Jackson Jr 1966AA John W. Mundinger Jr 1976 Kevin B. Simpson 1985 Delta Don W. Brown 1968 John T. Joubert 1993 Donald L. Lantz Jr 1958 John W. Lilley III 1986 David G. Mauney 1976 Friendship Harold B. Babin 1958 Phillip G. Brown 1964 Richard E. Cantey 1961 Andrew S. Crowe 2020+ Michael S. Cusimano 1991+ Andrew J. Fusaiotti 1992+ Tolbert L. Greenwood 1963+ Thomas M. Leaber 1992 Mark F. Neal 1976 Gene Sausse 1988 William G. Yates 1962 Perge! Wilkinson Robert M Crawford 3 1960 Perge! Wallace John Mundinger Jr 1 1976 Perge! Fairbanks John V. Bailliet 3 1961

Total $6,781


White Star Eugene D. Cote' III 1981 Purple Clematis Robert T. Gladu 1987 Ft. Armstrong Charles J. Farnham 1982 Snowy White Owl

Michael Barkley 1992 Harold C. Flynn Jr 1987 Robert E. Harrison 1966 Steven Harth 1967 Matthew D. Smyth 1980 Delta Joseph A. Lacasse 1966 Donald E. MacLauchlan 1961 Charles E. Morgan 1963 Raymond W. O'Keefe 1969 Daniel E. Peters 1978 Friendship Rick A. Blaisdell 1987+ Jeffrey R. Brinch 1982 Stephen A. Cosgrove 1987 Russell D. Cromwell 1998 Michael T. Kersey Jr 2021 Frederick W. Pierce III 1960 Perge! Wallace Matthew D. Smyth 1 1980 Robert T. Gladu 6 1987 Perge! Fairbanks Charles J. Farnham 1 1982

Total $3,990


Snowy White Owl Christopher M. O'Brien 1989 Delta Robert W. Ramsey III 1979 Friendship Timothy M. Gary 1990 Andrew M. Griffin 2011

Total $333

Massachusetts Friendship Donald Doci 2016


Calvin Coolidge William H. Gear 1956AA Royal Purple F. Norman Dundas 1963 Purple Clematis G. R. Tait PhD 1961 Ft. Armstrong J. Lorne Atchison 1959 Snowy White Owl John D. Surridge 1967 Friendship Richard K. Joyce 1968+ Perge! Norris William H. Gear 24 1956 Perge! Wallace F Norman Dundas 22 1963 Perge! Fairbanks G. R. Tait 9 1961 In Honor of: F. N. Dundas 1963 by Donald J. Herman Calgary 1985

Total $82,254


Royal Purple Robert A. Svoboda 1978 Canonsburg James T. Guess 1989 Purple Clematis Paul A. Woods 1993 Delta Ben Z. Rogers IV 1997 Friendship Owen A. Keith 1994+ Joseph L. Turner 1998 Perge! Wilkinson Robert A Svoboda 19 1978

[2021 Donors] Perge! Wallace James T. Guess 19 1989 Perge! Fairbanks Paul A. Woods 7 1993

Total $5,221


Royal Purple Robert E. Coletti 1979 Ted W. Goble 1968 Robert E. Nagy 1964 Thomas A. Roebuck 1968 Lee C. Schmitt 1963 Log Cabin Patrick P. Born 1973 Purple Clematis Charles E. Hilgeman 1978 Dave Houser 1970 Ft. Armstrong James M. Cribley 1963 Charles E. Goodwill 1958 Timothy S. Lewis 1986 James W. Morgan 1971 Brad A. Snively 1980 James E. Walter 1964 Snowy White Owl Ken Berger 1965 Joseph J. Fink 1975 Philip R. Gibbs 2006 Richard A. Gillis PhD 1960 Richard C. Graeff 1977 John C. Kellenberger 1960 Jonathan W. Klaaren 1977 Robert K. Morris 1975 Gregory S. Shumaker 1970 Dale B. Stork 1977 William R. Thompson 1965 Michael C. Urbanski 1971 Richard A. Zak 1988 E. Larson Zalud 1982 Delta Robert G. Berry 1953 William R. Hineline 1963 Charles R. Morehead 1965 J. Craig Owen 1974 Mark S. Schaffer MD 1975 Paul L. Winkle 1980+ Friendship Douglas R. Baker 1976+ Jeff Berding 1989 Thomas M. Berry 1967 Steve R. Denbow 1972+ Bruce L. Greenberg 1978+ David E. Haarmeyer 1980+ Keith B. Logan 1969 Stephen H. Long 1965 Gordon C. MacFarland 1970 Michael H. Meyer 1977 Raymond J. Mulligan 1973 Perge! Wallace Robert E. Nagy 4 1964 Patrick P. Born 6 1973 Robert E. Coletti 4 1979 Perge! Fairbanks Richard A. Gillis 1 1960 Charles Morehead 1 1965 Dave Houser 1 1970 Richard A. Zak 1 1988

Total $22,516.75


Calvin Coolidge Robert B. Knutson 1956 Canonsburg Gregory R. Schermerhorn 1987 White Star Frederick A. Henderson 1980

Richard L. Pinkerton PhD 1955 Thomas A. Raar 1985 Martin B. Tarlie 1989 Log Cabin Omer G. Voss Jr 1968 Purple Clematis Donald C. Mattison Jr 1950 Ft. Armstrong Arthur E. Albin 1979 Charles J. Andrews 1960 Richard W. Hodgman MD 1953 Stephen K. Hunter 1961 Gregory F. Ippolito 1983 Thomas M. Leopold 1955 John V. Melick III 1984 Frank H. Tranzow 1959 Snowy White Owl Phillip D. Bianchini 1979 James H. Davies 1957 S. Lee Davis 1964 Stewart M. Greenlee 1983 Franklin K. Gregory 1957 Kenneth A. Harris Jr 1982 Richard A. Herrington MD 1968 Scott F. Hesse 1992 Cyrus C. Hopkins 1959 Gordon L. Hyde MD 1954 William A. Irwin 1965 Hugh M. Jacob 1978 E. Jeffrey Lyons 1980 James E. Minns Jr 1984 Kenneth Nemerovski 1972 James J. Spurrier 1968 Charles E. Thomas Jr 1965 Robert W. Thomas 1968 Scott R. Wilson 1974 Delta Todd M. Blosser 1994 Sean M. Estok 2008 Brian Henderson 1986 Lennart H. Lofstrom 1964 Ronald A. Sistrunk 1962AA Robert L. Stahl 1958 E. Timothy Thieme 1971 Hal C. Whittemore 1942 Friendship Alan M. Christman 1956 Thomas R. Eames 1965 David L. Hay 1977 Frank H. Mabley 1960 Arthur B. Maurer 1994 William H. Moeller Jr 1958+ Adam M. Rosen 1992 Thomas V. Toft 1958 Jeffrey A. Wojcik 2011 Perge! Norris Robert B. Knutson 24 1956 Perge! Wilkinson Gregory R. Schermerhorn 15 1987 Perge! Wallace Omer G. Voss Jr 2 1968 Perge! Fairbanks Donald Mattison Jr 8 1950 Richard Pinkerton 16 1955 William A. Irwin 1 1965 Frederick A. Henderson 9 1980 Phillip D. Bianchini 1 1979 Kenneth A Harris Jr 1 1982 Thomas A. Raar 23 1985

Total $37,933

Michigan State Purple Clematis Don S. Creyts 1961 Robert M. Justin 1969

David W. Pequet 1974 Ft. Armstrong Fredric J. Aichele Kent State 1963 James M. Galbraith 1966 Edward J. McKibbon 1967 Snowy White Owl Edward W. Christoffers III 1969 Dan Pettigrew 1969 Delta Richard J. Anderson 1970 Clare R. Darlington 1961 Douglas B. Enck 1982 Kenneth F. Shaw 1963 Friendship Anthony J. Biallas 2014+ David M. Pavlik 1964 Timothy L. Schroeder 1983 Christian P. Singleton 1989+ Dan P. Skorich 1972 Perge! Wilkinson Robert M. Justin 4 1969 Perge! Fairbanks James M. Galbraith 1 1966

Total $4,240


Canonsburg Michael P. Spack 1996 White Star James S. Lee 1978 Robert D. Potts 1964 Ft. Armstrong Richard Avendano 2012 William A. Crosley 1950 David L. Kieper 1960 Robert W. Ready 1966 Todd Rotgers 2011 Michael S. Schmidt 1965 Snowy White Owl David C. Anderson 1968 William F. Hullsiek 1980 David W. Johnston 1960 John E. Lindahl 1968+ Thomas T. Odell 1967 Troy M. Rossow 1986 Gerald K. Sognesand 1963 Amelious N. Whyte Jr 1999 Delta Thomas M. Bienemann 1971 Allen M. Ringer 2010 E. Joe Shaw Jr 1959 Graeme R. Thickins 1969 Friendship Lucas P. Abbott 2020+ Joel R. Anderson 2010 Thomas R. Colman 1979+ Carl M. Dutchin 1995+ Jonah J. Finkelstein 2012+ Matthew R. Fuller 1999+ Daniel D. Ganter 1981 Richard L. Hamer 1982+ Matthew K. Jorjorian 2012 Matt T. Palzkill 2010+ Branden M. Reeves 2016 Ryan Rolfes 2011 Leif D. Rush 1998+ Garrett N. Schwartz 2019 Peter M. Simpkins 2013+ Jacob M. Stanczyk 2014 Thomas J. White 1999+ Mark C. Wilson 2013+ Quinn C. Yesker 2021 Perge! Wilkinson Michael P. Spack 13 1996 Perge! Wallace David L. Kieper 3 1960 Robert D. Potts 20 1964

John E. Lindahl 1 1968 Perge! Fairbanks James S. Lee 20 1978 Todd Rotgers 5 2011 In Memory of: Roger A. Wahldick 1957 by Edgar J. Shaw 1959

Total $10,470.68


Snowy White Owl Frank H. Smith III 1997 Delta Joseph W. Gex II 1992

Mississippi State

Royal Purple William A. Martin III 1975 White Star G. Porter Robinson 1975 Robert A. Siedell 1974 Malcolm B. Wall 1970 Log Cabin John H. Douglas III 1981 Purple Clematis Stephen D. Brunson II 1984 P. Elliott Burnside 1970 Stephen M. Edwards 1973 Ft. Armstrong Walter C. Lindsey 1984 James A. Rumble 1985 Snowy White Owl Robert B. Glenn III 2005 John S. Rumble 1982 Delta Christopher Rebmann 1977 Friendship Nathan A. Burns 1999+ Robert A. Fields 2019 Terry R. Fuller 1982 Paul D. Jonson 1985 Raymond W. Jordan Jr 1974 K. Jarrett Keyton 2020+ Blake M. Macon 2002 David G. Morrison 1973 Guy M. See 1986 John C. Wallace 1977 Greg Whitehead 2001 Jeff Zadroga 1986 Perge! Wilkinson William A. Martin III 18 1975 Perge! Fairbanks Stephen Edwards 2 1973 John H. Douglas III 12 1981 Stephen Brunson II 2 1984 James A. Rumble 2 1985

Total $7,161


Royal Purple John Fox Arnold 1959 Paul L. Vogel 1989 Canonsburg Christopher T. Fuldner 1973 White Star Richard N. DeShon 1957 Mark L. Heinemann 1971 Andrew R. Sackin 1973AA Purple Clematis Ben L. Guenther 1952 Richard K. Hendrich 1955 Michael R. Jones DDS 1982 Ft. Armstrong A. Overton Durrett Jr 1954 Glen A. Glass 1968 Bryan M. Goolsby 1966 Kenneth V. Roberts 2002 Geoffrey H. Simmons 1996 Snowy White Owl

David M. Dannov 1983 George L. Holmes 1960 F. Ewell Lawson III 1992 Andrew J. McRoberts 1975 Lee A. Mendenhall 1985 Morris J. Nunn 1967 Geoffrey W. Peters 1994 Todd A. Stich 1991 LeRoy Vogel 1966 Marvin E. Wright 1958 Delta Lennox B. Leighton 1999 Bryan K. McGruder 1982 Friendship Bryan C. Breckenridge 1974 Donald S. Burgess 1962+ Michael D. Fields 1969+ Bill L. Haw 1961 John J. O'Neill 2012 Ryan Y. Poage 1998 Jon F. Sansone 1989 Mark E. Stone 1981 Chad K. Vanlandingham 1990 Grant W. Weathers 1984+ Vincil M. Wilt DVM 1976 Perge! Norris Christopher Fuldner 8 1973 Perge! Wallace Mark Heinemann 10 1971 Paul L. Vogel 16 1989 Perge! Fairbanks Ben L. Guenther 6 1952 Richard K Hendrich 3 1955 Andrew R. Sackin 20 1973 Geoffrey Simmons 4 1996 Lennox B. Leighton 1 1999 In Honor of: Michael R. Bender 1974, Bradley P. Pemberton 1974 & Todd A. Spiegel 1973 by Andrew R. Sackin 1973

Total $13,120

Missouri State

Ft. Armstrong Wesley J. Martin 2009 Delta Marco F. Kilongkilong 2011 Shayne L. Martin 2008 Jack M. Meyer 2013 John P. Torno 2011 Friendship Tyler W. McLain 2014 Perge! Fairbanks Wesley J. Martin 3 2009

Total $1,163


White Star Bruce Blanchard 1957 Snowy White Owl B. Gary Garmon 1967 Alfredo G.F. Kniazzeh 1959 Donald A. Roellke 1957 David S. Wilbourn 1955 Friendship Edward T. Foster 1963 Chester R. Seba Jr 1965 Perge! Wallace Bruce Blanchard 16 1957

Total $1,650


Canonsburg Matthew G. Etlinger 1998 Purple Clematis Michael L. Letson Jr 1997 Ft. Armstrong

William C. Rathert 1994 Snowy White Owl Albert J. Nault 1996 Friendship James T. Hauck 1990 + Perge! Wilkinson Matthew G. Etlinger 6 1998

Total $3,889.00


Thomas Marshall John Gottschalk 1965 Royal Purple Clark A. Robertson 1982 N. W. Solomon 1951AA Log Cabin Paul C. Schorr III 1959 Purple Clematis Eric J. Drumheller 1998 James B. Goll 2001 Ft. Armstrong Lloyd D. McBeth 1950 Peter M. O'Shea 1968 Snowy White Owl Walter E. Blore 1957 Thomas D. Colvin 1970 James R. Commers 1974 Chad V. Mercer 2001 Delta William S. Bowen 1999 Malvin D. Dohrman 1959 Robert J. Kirkendall 1956 Joseph D. Swanson 1959+ Friendship Garret C. Crusey 2020+ Walter Gerlach 1958+ Perge! Norris John Gottschalk 24 1965 Clark Robertson 18 1982 Perge! Wilkinson N. W. Solomon 6 1951 Perge! Wallace Paul C. Schorr III 4 1959 Perge! Fairbanks Joseph D. Swanson 1 1959 James B. Goll 4 2001

Total $17,422

New Mexico

Canonsburg David T. Stewart Jr 1980 Purple Clematis Kevin M. Sprague 1981 Ft. Armstrong Kevin M. Hayes 1997 Stephen J. Klimczuk Massion 2014 Edward W. Whitcher 1969 Snowy White Owl J. P. Bowdoin 1991 Tim A. Golden 1977 Charles M. High III 1982 Timothy L. O. Savidge 1995 Delta Thomas E. Joule 1969 Michael A. Rudnick 2006 Friendship Cody M. Seevers 2012+ Perge! Wallace David Stewart Jr 16 1980 Charles M. High III 2 1982 Perge! Fairbanks Kevin M. Hayes 5 1997

Total $4,059

New York

White Star Louis G. Filosa Iowa State 1973




[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra Purple Clematis Michael A. Mische 1976 Ronen Rotem DDS 1988 Ft. Armstrong Robert W. Brooks 1970 George E. Hansen 1962 Snowy White Owl Robert L. Boykoff 1982 Philip M. Caso 1981 William Gomez 1976 Delta Theodore Chan 1990 Nickitas F. Panayotou 1961 Richard T. Schulz 1978 Perge! Fairbanks Michael A. Mische 4 1976 Ronen Rotem 3 1988

Total $2,660

North Alabama

Ft. Armstrong Michael L. Johnson 1977 Snowy White Owl R. Keith Henley 1989 Friendship Douglas P. Tallman 1974 Perge! Fairbanks Michael L. Johnson 2 1977

Total $650

North Carolina

Royal Purple Marvin J. Carver III 1975 White Star J. Dixon Fleming Jr 1976 Purple Clematis John T. Stanley 1971 Ft. Armstrong Ronald A. Batchelor 1981 Theodore E. Haigler Jr 1946 Laurence B. Maddison Jr 1965 W. Ward Marslender 1962 Snowy White Owl Kenneth F. Anderson Jr 1956 David R. Bickel 1967 E. Lewis Bryan 1953 Frank P. Meadows Jr 1949 Delta David P. Gwyn 1987 William P. Hobson 1964 Henry N. Lee Jr 1952 R. Hart Lee 1970 Friendship Charles W. Holderness 1974 John S. Hughes 1968+ Henry M. Kidd 1983+ Averette M. Lamm 1968 Gene F. Lyon 1954AA Ben E. Roney Jr 1964 James B. Sessoms 1976+


White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Charles M. Vincent 1968 Marvin E. Ward 1958 William F. Young 1950 Perge! Wilkinson Marvin J. Carver III 23 1975 Perge! Fairbanks J. Dixon Fleming Jr 9 1976 Ronald Batchelor 1 1981

Total $5,581

North Carolina State Delta Brian M. Price 1999

North Carolina Wilmington Friendship John E. Saylor 2017 Adam E. Thomas 2010

North Texas

Snowy White Owl J. Max Fulton 2011 Delta Jonathon C. Linn 2011 Friendship Taylor I. Bailey 2012 Justin R. Blackbourn 2017+ Matthew D. Decuir 2010 Christopher Ivester 2011+ Trey T. Mitchell 2012+ Robert H. Moore 2014 Mario A. Perez 2009+ Carlos Rodriguez 2011+ Joseph D. West 2012+

Total $909


Friendship Nicholas Besnecker 2019+ Chase S. Boni 2020 Anthony M. Moreira 2018+ Alex D. Seidner 2021+

Northern Arizona Delta Alejandro V. Cruz 2017 Friendship Brock Walkenbach 2019


Black Diamond Ronald L. Marmer 1974 Royal Purple Erwin K. Aulis 1980 Canonsburg Andrew Z. Soshnick 1985 Snowy White Owl Angelo J. Accetta 1973 Walter R. Derlacki 1945

Robert M. Doench 1959 Vernon E. George 1961 Michael L. Lutton 1964 Gene P. Stepanovic 1959 Delta John E. Linderoth 1960 Robert L. Sogge 1966 Friendship Robert H. Henert 1964 Sharp Lannom 1961 Perge! Norris Erwin K. Aulis 4 1980 Perge! Wilkinson Andrew Soshnick 12 1985 Perge! Fairbanks Ronald L. Marmer 23 1974

Total $13,480


Royal Purple James H. Stellar Arizona 1954AA Purple Clematis John C. Cushman 1955 Robert W. Fults 1960 Snowy White Owl Kenneth M. House MD 1962 Delta A. Richard Apple 1951 Robert M. San Miguel 1954 Friendship Hal D. Hichborn 1952 Perge! Wallace James Stellar 21 1954AA

Total $1,950


Golden Chain Ronald A. Sages 1973 Royal Purple John A. Cassese 1976 Purple Clematis Christopher S. Doyle 1990+ John A. Kemper 1984 Thomas D. Lammers 1974 Ft. Armstrong Timothy L. Davis 1990 Jeffrey L. Reed 1971 Gary W. Staley 1989 Snowy White Owl Tim Adams 1988 Timothy J. Boesken 1971 Benjamin J. Darrah 2006 George J. Eschenfelder IV 1990 Otis R. Hess III 1990 Christopher J. Moehring 1974 Craig W. Robinson 1978 John S. Rowe Jr 1967 Steven R. Shannon 1969


David F. Slater 1967 Kenneth I. Slon 1986 Scott P. Stauffer 1994 Eric J. Wahl 1989 John D. Ziza 1978 Delta John D. Carroll 1992 Jeff A. Fortney 1991 Thomas A. Frame 1972 Timothy M. Guesman 1981 Michael C. Hennessy 1989 Daniel R. Ingle 1992 George H. Promenschenkel 1986 Jonathan A. Rotunno 1992 David A. Widener 1992 Jerrold R. Winkler 1990 Friendship Christopher R. Beckerman 1991+ Thomas J. Beckerman 1969+ Jason C. Beckstrom 1991+ Kenneth R. Brenneman II 1990 Alan M. Brock 1990+ Michael J. Brown 1992+ Thomas J. Catalano 1973 Eric R. Eggleton 2018+ Rob D. Ellis 1986+ James A. Fox 1969 Sam E. Haddad 1991 Michael J. Hajoway 2006 Thomas H. Harwood 1968+ Andrew Hines 2017 Jeffrey B. Janas 1990 Jeffery D. Keller 1990 Dennis E. Lubin 1968 Gregory R. Lutz 1988 Thomas R. McCarroll 1980 Brian P. McGarry 1997 David P. Meyer 1992+ Keith W. Miller 1991+ Bradford J. Muzzy 1990 Joseph P. Peters 1992+ Jason D. Phillips 1995 Peter D. Puttmann 1981 Timothy T. Rogers 1989+ John E. Rohrer 1984 Rodreich V. Stotsenburg 1992 John L. Sweney 1988+ Walter R. Thiel Jr 1985 Robert M. Valloric 1988 Charles J. Weckman 1993 Perge! Fairbanks Ronald A. Sages 23 1973 Thomas Lammers 1 1974

Total $14,400

Ohio Northern

Friendship Zachary Berkstresser 2014

Ohio State

Royal Purple Edwin S. Kirby 1960 Canonsburg Jack W. Nicklaus 1961 Log Cabin Sean G. Alexander 1991 Stephen A. Comunale 1972 James B. Gould 1959 Eric W. Schwarz 1986 Purple Clematis Stephen H. Eibling 1962 John E. Gibson IV 1975 Frank J. McGavran 1962 Don L. Presar 1960 Ft. Armstrong

Douglas E. Frey 1963 John L. Houston 1960 Darrell A. Hutchinson 1955 Scott W. Johnson 1986 Snowy White Owl Justin M. Burns 2007 Richard L. Ernst 1954 Christopher J. Hubman 1987 Raymond C. Krstolic 1963 S. Michael Miller 1960 Dwight K. Montgomery 1984 Richard A. Weisheimer 1964 Delta William C. Crusey 1980 Michael F. Gehrig 1970 William R. Greenlee 1982 Theodore D. Griley II 1955 Paul R. Jannot 1990 Robert L. Prior 1963 Dick L. Schumacher 1938 Paul A. Wasserbauer 1977 Anthony D. Zimmerman 2010 Friendship Adam L. Barbina 2006 Daniel M. Bonacci 2016 Ryan G. Cutler 2015 James J. Kerrigan 1983 Theodore P. Schwartz 1960 Theodore R. Smith 1996 Marc A. Tartaglia 1979 Franklyn B. Theis Jr 1958+ Gregory J. Toupalik 2014 Perge! Wilkinson Stephen Comunale 4 1972 Perge! Wallace Eric W. Schwarz 11 1986 Sean G. Alexander 11 1991 Perge! Fairbanks Jack W. Nicklaus 24 1961 Stephen H. Eibling 5 1962 John E. Gibson IV 9 1975 Dwight K. Montgomery 2 1984 Scott W. Johnson 2 1986

Total $13,533

Ohio Wesleyan

Thomas Marshall Douglas H. Dittrick Jr 1955 Black Diamond Phillip J. Meek 1959 Golden Chain Gary H. Wilkinson 1951 White Star Harry N. Faulkner 1963AA James S. Hering 1961 Donald J. Maxwell 1956 John E. McKinnie 1954 Log Cabin John A. Burns MD 1960 Robert D. Lindner Jr 1971 James C. Tauschek 1976 Gregory P. Wilson 1974 Purple Clematis Thomas L. Grissom 1962 Geoffrey A. Hirt 1966 J. Patrick Huber 1962 William F. Myers 1955 Hugh D. Pace 1974 Ft. Armstrong David R. Bennett 1977 Charles P. Eichhorn 1955 Charles E. Johnston 1976 James W. Link 1982 Anthony C. Martinez 1980 James P. Phillips 1953 David N. Young 1956

Snowy White Owl T. Page Brightman 1953 Scott L. Chaney 1971 John W. Gardner 1957 George M. Heeschen Jr MIT 1963 Michael B. Heisler 1974 Charles R. Johnston Jr 1970 Donald C. Meek MD 1957 Charles E. Phifer 1955 Robert S. Roby 1992 Robert E. Zimmerman 1961 Delta Attila Daray 1970 Gerald L. Dickey 1960 Richard E. Hulse 1953 Keith D. Kelly 1984 Peyton W. Larkin 2021+ David P. Lauffer 1998 James W. Pry II 1967 Jeffrey L. Sprink 1971 Christopher J. Swift 1977 Friendship Jack A. Foley 2022 Alfred J. Hulse 1952+ William M. Iovino MD 1974 James E. McIlvain 1963 Fred L. McKinley 1956 Rudolph A. Peckinpaugh Jr 1976 Stephen H. Powell 1965+ Brian A. Rink 1987 Louis T. Yank 2020 Perge! Norris Douglas H. Dittrick Jr 24 1955 Perge! Wilkinson Gary H. Wilkinson 22 1951 Phillip J. Meek 22 1959 Perge! Wallace John E. McKinnie 16 1954 Donald J. Maxwell 5 1956 John W. Gardner 1 1957 Donald C. Meek 1 1957 Gregory P. Wilson 7 1974 James C. Tauschek 4 1976 Perge! Fairbanks James S. Hering 15 1961 Robert Lindner Jr 4 1971 Keith D. Kelly 1 1984 Robert S. Roby 1 1992 Peyton W. Larkin 1 2021 In Honor of: E. J. Dickey 1957 by Gerald L. Dickey 1960 Phillip J. Meek 1959 by Brian J. Meek Colorado College 1986 In Memory of: Harry N. Faulkner 1963 by Donald S. Burgess Missouri 1962 James E. McIlvain 1963 Ralph L. Peckinpaugh 1942 by James W. Pry 1967 Stephen M. Wilson 1976 by Gregory P. Wilson 1974

Total $30,486


Thomas Marshall Jon R. Stuart 1971 Centennial C. Denny Cresap 1956 Charles T. Doyle 1956 James H. Everest 1971 W. DeVier Pierson 1953 Black Diamond Lee Allan G. Smith 1951 Golden Chain

[2021 Donors] Gerald D. Neff 1961 William G. Paul 1952 Samuel A. Wilson 1952 Royal Purple Douglas J. Bourne 1943 Canonsburg Robert S. Ellis 1948 Donald W. Haskins 1957 White Star Kenneth R. Carson 1981 J. Brent Humphries 1991 D. Lindsay Perkins 1963 Stephen W. Ray 1979 Eddie W. Rhea 1980 Robert H. Westfield 1959 Log Cabin G. Carl Gibson Jr 1981 Donald J. Kyte 1990 Purple Clematis Vance L. Beagles 1985 Merritt B. Chastain Jr 1962 Steven L. Hawes 1980 John H. Lollar III 1960 Ft. Armstrong Christopher L. Chase 1993 William E. Ingram III 1964 William L. Oliver Jr 1960 Randy L. Shockey 1977 Snowy White Owl Randall S. Fudge 1975 Gib James 1971 Robert L. Sullivan 1968 David B. Timberlake II 1992 Delta R. Joe Kepke 1963 Frank L. Kerstetter Jr 1950 Charles K. Webster 1963 Friendship Howard S. Browne MD 1946 Kent Cohenour 1969 Robert B. Kellough Jr 1964 J. Tony Madeira MD 1963 H. Kent Moore III Oklahoma State 1962+ John L. Moseley III 1960+ Austin A. Nolan 2014+ Benjamin D. Toler 2014 Perge! Norris Samuel A. Wilson 14 1952 Perge! Wilkinson Charles T. Doyle 14 1956 Jon R. Stuart 3 1971 J. Brent Humphries 8 1991 Perge! Wallace Douglas J. Bourne 17 1943 Robert S. Ellis 16 1948 William G. Paul 5 1952 C. Denny Cresap 6 1956 James H. Everest 16 1971 Perge! Fairbanks Robert Westfield 17 1959 John H. Lollar III 2 1960 Merritt Chastain Jr 3 1962 Robert L. Sullivan 1 1968 Stephen W. Ray 6 1979 Steven L. Hawes 4 1980 G. Carl Gibson Jr 8 1981 Eddie W. Rhea 13 1980 Donald J. Kyte 10 1990

Total $26,572

Oklahoma State Centennial Frank R. Crabtree Jr 1973 Golden Chain Eric D. Knam 1992 Royal Purple J. Herschel Beard 1972 J. Pat Gallagher Jr 1966

J. David Jensen 1970 Steven B. Pittman 1975 Charles A. Powers MD 1969 Philip D. Webb 1972 Canonsburg James L. Thomas Jr 1966 Purple Clematis Ryan J. Bebee 1995 Cran Pollock 1975 Ft. Armstrong S. Lawrence Faulkner Jr 1994 Robert B. Lindsly 1967 Snowy White Owl Aaron M. Bonnett 2004 Delta Roy J. Anderson 1978 Richard F. Biggs 1977 Mark H. Mayer 1998 William H. Teel 1969 Friendship Travis R. Cambern 1999+ Brent M. Koch 1996+ Lesley D. Smith 1988+ Perge! Fairbanks Steven Pittman 12 1975

Total $13,209

Old Dominion

Snowy White Owl Peter L. Ostrom 1991 Friendship David R. Alexander 1991 James R. Barnes 1992 Todd M. Burton 1992+ Brandon S. Hamlet 2017+ Thom E. Stanton 1989 Mark P. Swink 1991

Total $621


Golden Chain Robert C. Samuel 1960 Log Cabin James S. Samuel 1984 Ft. Armstrong Leslie T. Neighbors 1961 Snowy White Owl Marc H. Alport 1968 Delta Douglas C. Elkinton 1979 Milton J. Schoof 1960 Friendship Donald H. Holman Jr 1959 Edward D. Latourette 1965 Perge! Wilkinson Robert C. Samuel 23 1960 Perge! Fairbanks James S. Samuel 13 1984

Total $3,140

Oregon State

White Star Kirk B. Maag JD 2005 Log Cabin Dennis M. Picht 2002 Gary A. Wildish 1963 Purple Clematis Benjamin N. Miles 2003 Michael B. Peterson 2002 Ft. Armstrong Bert E. Loughmiller 1964 Kenneth B. Ross 1971 Snowy White Owl Gabriel R. Carlton 2001 Ronald R. Dueltgen 1962 Gordon R. Everett 1954 Patrick C. Faessler 1990 Theron C. Gorden 1952

Jon T. Rodriguez 1981 Delta Timothy E. Drury 1973 Terence H. Dunn 1971 Ronald I. Enna 1965 Bruce P. Frederick 1978 James L. Kotchik 1965 Frank G. Sauer 1949 David E. Schwartz 1982 Colin L. Walker MD 1966 Friendship C. Chase Anderman 2021+ Benjamin J. Binek 1998 William D. Brandt 1969 John F. Cox 1982 Warren L. Dalziel 1962 Lon D. Haberlach 1976 Stephen A. Hall 1959+ Jon R. Hytinen 1987+ Norman E. Koch 1955 T. William Main 1970 Daniel C. Porth 1981 James M. Root 1969 Michael L. Sawtelle 1970 Steven D. Scott 1972 Brian Smith 1979+ Brent J. Wilson 2016 Stephen L. Wolfe 1990 Perge! Wallace Gary A. Wildish 1 1963

Total $12,793


Ft. Armstrong James H. Greene Jr 1972 Louis J. Petrie 1960 Snowy White Owl Richard C. Sanford 1959 Delta Paul J. Burg 1998 Friendship Eric Cavallo 2017+ Stephen A. Jannetta 1986 Paul N. Thornell 1994+ Perge! Fairbanks James H. Greene Jr 1 1972

Total $1,122

Penn State

Centennial William T. Morris 1949AA Black Diamond William L. Oliver 1967 Golden Chain Michael J. Stewart 1972 Royal Purple Calvin E. Burgart 1965 White Star Richard C. Marquardt Jr 1979 William A. Rossi 1968 David B. Watson 1979 Ft. Armstrong Stephen M. Oechslein 2003 Kenneth A. Schwartz 1976 George N. Stewart IV 1980 Snowy White Owl Edward E. Birkinshaw Jr 1955 Robert E. Funk 1975 Bruce A. Harnish 1980 Mark C. Krauss 1976 N. Jeffrey Muller 1971 Matthew D. Nee 1999 David A. Oechslein 2004 Hugh R. Phillis 1977 Delta Winfred R. Boyer 1962AA John A. Coller 1958

Anti-Hazing Education & Prevention

The Foundation is committed to helping the Fraternity do what is necessary to stop hazing. This may be the most important work we do. Hazing is destroying men’s lives and closing chapters. We must work together to stop hazing. Not one of our values relates to hazing. Olin A. Cramer 1946 A. Bennett Orme Jr 1967 Marc A. Rossow 1991 F. Daniel Wilder 1955 Ryan D. Yarnell 2001 Friendship Robert J. Abraham 1969 Robert P. Bookman 1958 Timothy R. Booth 1975 Louis J. Curry 1960 Michael T. Frank 1992 Alan W. Gesalman 1979 Richard B. Keyes 1985 Robert K. Knechtel 1972 Daniel J. Kulbieda 1996 Robert J. Onofrey 1980 Steven P. Petrosino PhD 1974 Steven R. Schwin 1984+ Richard J. Shutt 1959+ William J. Snow III 1962 W. John Soost 1962 Ralph L. Swank II 1959 Perge! Norris William Morris 24 1949AA Perge! Wallace William L. Oliver 21 1967 Michael J. Stewart 14 1972 Perge! Fairbanks John A. Coller 1 1958 Richard C. Marquardt Jr 1 1979 David B. Watson 1 1979

Total $20,663


White Star John D. Sheppard Jr 1975 Purple Clematis David W. Forti 1992 Ft. Armstrong Soumitra R. Banerjee Texas Arlington 1987 John M. Dougherty Jr 1971 Bennett T. Wallander Sr 1989 Snowy White Owl Peter M. Daloni 1981 Edward L. Graf 1960 John B. Lennon 1967 James V. O'Rourke 1979 Fred W. Schmeisser Minnesota 1965 Richard D. Stoehr 1968 Mark A. Uminski 1980 William H. White 1966 Delta Jeffrey J. Bloemker 1993 J. Duane Brannon 1954 Glenn M. Cooper 1987 Robert C. Furst 1962 George F. Keiser Jr 1982 Michael O. Wisniewski 1970 Friendship Anthony E. DeFiore 1987+ Peter Ficarri III 1986 Samuel C. Johnson IV 1991+ Joseph G. Moran 1978+

Timothy A. Peach 1973 Larry A. Poglein 1973 Randolph M. Roberts 1964+ David A. Scola 1975 David F. Wissinger 1989 Perge! Fairbanks John Dougherty Jr 1 1971 John Sheppard Jr 4 1975 Soumitra Banerjee 1 1987 David W. Forti 3 1992 In Memory John D. Sheppard 1944 by John D. Sheppard 1975

Total $5,018

Puget Sound

Snowy White Owl Stephen C. Hunt 1973


Thomas Marshall William R. Miller Indiana 1962 Black Diamond William G. Hanley 1960 Royal Purple Charles G. Armstrong 1964 William F. Brock 1963 Christopher B. Burke 1977 Richard E. Grace 1951 Roger W. Parkhurst 1965 Canonsburg Alan F. Herbert 1969 White Star Gerald B. Bay 1962 John W. Schwentker 1952 Log Cabin Richard C. Cammerer MD 1964 Gary R. Richert 1974 Purple Clematis Stanley E. Bissey 1965 Bruce M. Pitman 1971 Larry M. Ray 1962 D. Garrad Warren III 1974 Ft. Armstrong John J. Barrett 1992 R. Lee Bruce 1978 Michael R. Dumas 2006 Matthew J. Garrett 1995 Jack E. Goris DDS 1976 Thomas G. Gotschall 1961 Keith D. Johnson 1981 J. Richard Marshall 1959 Richard T. Newton II 1979 Thomas E. Spurgeon 1961 Robert N. Supple 1957 Thomas J. Ubelhour 1975 Snowy White Owl William P. Becker 1976 James R. Damron MD 1966 Michael S. Favo 1984 Allen L. Gerard 1953 William P. Gettings 1978 James B. Hill 1994 John T. Hopkins 1979 Carlton R. Mitchell 1991 Thomas S. Pfendler 1972 Fredric C. Phares 1956

James K. Ramaker 1965 Robert G. Schmidt 1952 John W. Smith 1949 George T. Timmons 1961 Herbert J. Wilken 1958 Delta Peter N. Anderson 1985 Harry D. Ballard Jr 1953 Joseph F. Breen 1978 John S. Getty 1970 William S. Hackleman 1971 Jeffrey Z. Mortensen 1971 John C. Noel 1989 James R. Ryerson 1967 Friendship Scott C. Axelrod 1985 Jeffery W. Covert 1966 Joseph L. Fehribach 2015+ Adam R. Lester 2007 Jared J. Lester 2011 James R. McCaffery 1951 Thomas A. Pfaff 1968+ Robert A. Ryder 1951 Jack F. Semler 2019+ Lyman F. Wible 1968 Perge! Norris William F. Brock 19 1963 Perge! Wilkinson Christopher Burke 12 1977 Perge! Wallace John Schwentker 6 1952 Robert N. Supple 1 1957 William G. Hanley 22 1960 William R. Miller 1962 Charles Armstrong 10 1964 Roger Parkhurst 22 1965 Alan F. Herbert 18 1969 Perge! Fairbanks Robert G. Schmidt 1 1952 Thomas Spurgeon 2 1961 Gerald B. Bay 23 1962 James R. Damron 1 1966 Bruce M. Pitman 9 1971 Gary R. Richert 5 1974 D. Garrad Warren III 8 1974 William P. Gettings 1 1978 William P. Becker 1 1976 Michael S. Favo 2 1984 John J. Barrett 2 1992 Michael R. Dumas 3 2006

Total $32,415

Rhode Island

White Star Bradford R. Boss 1955 Robert W. Marshall III 1977 Purple Clematis Kent T. Stepanishen 2006 Ft. Armstrong Alfred Armstrong Jr 1948 Henry G. Caniglia 1958 Todd M. Hemenway 1990 Brian G. Kerr 1984 Thomas J. Lusardi 1985 Stephen J. MacDonald 1986 Snowy White Owl William R. Johnson 1966 David F. Ludwig 1980 Robert J. Mairs III 1958




[2021 Donors] Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra Leonard C. Panaggio 1968 Jonathan W. Russell 1970 Robert J. Silvia 1970 Delta Richard L. Croteau 1974 Mark E. Felag 1984 James W. Gormley Jr 1987 Louis J. Monari 1972 Richard W. Moore Jr 1974 Thomas G. Picone 1986 Harold E. Uttley 1959 John D. Zimmermann 1978 Friendship Daniel J. Adams 2008+ Brandon A. Auletta 2010 Anthony J. Bale 1974+ John T. Carley 1990+ John J. Cavaliere 1959 Paul A. Croce 1962 Manuel F. Ferris Jr 1970 Robert L. Fulford 1974 Matthew M. Guida 2009+ Jordan D. Jones 2010+ Mark J. Levin 1979 William Mackinnon 2011+ Michael C. Wood 1976 Perge! Fairbanks Bradford R. Boss 5 1955 Robert Marshall III 9 1977 In Memory of: Armand J. Croce 1969 by Paul A. Croce 1962

Total $5,358


Black Diamond Robert S. Jepson Jr 1964 White Star Edward R. Adams 1941 Log Cabin M. Coleman Walsh Jr 1974 Purple Clematis Robert S. Ukrop 1969

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

Ft. Armstrong Tom C. Biede 1981 William J. Bugg Jr 1960 Thomas H. Jones III 1974 Anthony D. Sakowski Jr 1965 William J. Viglione 1968 Gregory P. Williamson 1967 Snowy White Owl B. Benjamin Baker III 1957 Marshall R. Frazer 1962 John H. Gooch III 1965 Thomas C. Leffew 1969 W. Keith McClure 1969 John N. Moreau 1964 Ronald C. Nelson 1977 Delta William R. Carpenter III 1965 D. Gregory Edel Jr 1978 Richard Galasso 1990 Robert W. Gay Jr 1959 L. Ward Kerr Jr 1970 Robert V. Long 1987 David S. Rudiger 1980 James E. Triemplar 1974 Friendship R. Gent Cofer 1957 Charles R. Goss Jr 1959 Anthony P. Renaldi 1967 Joshua H. Steirman 2005 Perge! Norris Edward R. Adams 2 1941 Perge! Wallace Robert Jepson Jr 17 1964 Thomas H. Jones III 4 1974 M. Coleman Walsh Jr 11 1974 Perge! Fairbanks William J. Viglione 1 1968 David S. Rudiger 1 1980

Total $13,106


Centennial James M. Lowes 1970 Canonsburg Michael J. Schipper 1982 Log Cabin David J. Steinbock 1975 Joseph A. Weist Evansville 1987 Purple Clematis Steven C. Goble 1971 Ft. Armstrong Leonard J. Muhlenkamp 1993 James D. Tribble 1974 Snowy White Owl Nathan B. Edwards 1978 John P. Foley 1980 Thomas M. Hendrickson 1971 Thomas L. Jackson 1972 Todd Melby 1999 James D. Myers 1975 Edwin L. Sowell 1982+ Bruce P. Williams MD 1970 Timothy J. Wilson 2007 Donald S. Zona 1977 Delta Charles E. Dewey IV 1991 Douglas L. Evans 1977 James M. Krogstie 1977 Michael R. Mann 1977 Steven A. Richey 1977 Friendship Gavinn P. Bakker 2021 Kyzer D. Bowen 2023+ William M. Bradshaw 2023+ Luke A. Calabrese 2021 Max Chaplin 2023+ Scott A. Dayton 2020 Blake M. Deckard 2023+ Michael B. DeZearn 1976 Harrison G. Finch 2022+


Briggs M. Fultz 2024+ Matthew B. Fuson 2013+ Alexander J. Gresock 2023+ David A. Grodzki 2007+ Samuel D. Hedrick 2022+ Kyle Hoyng 2023+ Jacob T. Huff 2021+ Dennis O. Ison 1987 Andrew J. Krajecki 2023+ Ryan J. Krouse 2021 Garrett E. Loyed 2024+ Phillip A. Noblitt 2023+ Jared Petrisko 2023+ Timothy N. Pulliam 2007 Fredrick L. Queary 1990 Richard R. Radzville 1990 Walter R. Roberts 2022+ Peyton G. Sakelaris 2021 Adam O. Saliu 2023+ Connor Schulte 2022+ Cody S. Steiner 2022+ Samuel D. Stieby 2023+ Andrew C. J. Toler 2024+ Michael J. Whitacre 2021 Patrick P. Wildemann 1986 Jake M. Zimmerman 2021+ Perge! Wallace Joseph A. Weist 5 1987 Perge! Fairbanks James M. Lowes 2 1970 Thomas M. Hendrickson 1 1971 Thomas L. Jackson 1 1972 David J. Steinbock 1 1975 Todd Melby 1 1999 In Memory of: Luis A. Pettengill 2007 by Steven A. Richey 1977

Total $18,332


Golden Chain William R. Brand 1987 Canonsburg David A. Luecke 1985 White Star W. Matthew Hartley 1998 Dexter K. Lee 1994 Connor S. Rhoads 2016 Log Cabin Jonathan M. Couch 1995 Ft. Armstrong David D. Glynn 1993 Michael D. Keats 1987 Thomas J. Shoemaker 1991 Paul J. Testa 1989 Snowy White Owl David J. Camerota 2007 Timothy M. Cole 2010 Nelson P. Hildreth 1987 Curtis L. Rettig 1985

We continue to use an investment policy that seeks growth of our endowment without taking on unreasonable risk. We use endowment income/appreciation as directed by the donor to fund scholarships, leadership programs, alcohol education and general operations of the Foundation. The Foundation’s principal investments are $14,375,000 at the end of February 2022. Current income from these investments combined with annual fund donations is sufficient to meet current program and operating expenses. Additional assets of $12,423,000 are restricted for chapter scholarships and qualifying chapter building projects. The endowment funds are managed and invested by a professional manager under the oversight of the Foundation’s investment committee, made up of board members and volunteer brothers experienced in financial management.



Delta Douglas K. MacKechnie 1987 Rahul R. Parwani 2006 Friendship Bruce W. Bristol Jr 1994 Chevy Chen 2022+ Joel D. Covitz 1992+ Robert D. Greenstine 1992+ Jeffrey C. Lester 2003+ Dylan J. Lingenau 2017 Eric S. Lopez 1998 Paul N. Meixner 1987 Robert J. Odell 2009 Zachary Vanderzee 2015+ Perge! Wilkinson William R. Brand 21 1987 Perge! Wallace Dexter K. Lee 14 1994 Perge! Fairbanks Douglas K. MacKechnie 1 1987 Curtis L. Rettig 2 1985 Paul J. Testa 3 1989

Total $13,483


Canonsburg Samuel H. Mudie 1962 White Star Arthur W Lederer Jr 1938AA John J. Manginelli 1983 Craig J. Mardany 1982 Purple Clematis Jeffrey D. Vernam 1973 Snowy White Owl Fred J. Billock Jr 1973 David H. Bugen 1970 Joseph Carfora 1966 Donald R. Lehman 1962 Russell A. Schaible 1984 David A. Stout 1965 Jason P. Thomas MD 1990 Delta Gerald W. Dameon 1974 Dominick J. Eboli 1991 Leo E. Egan 1974 James R. Hipsky 1967 Albert Sanchez Jr 1979 Salvatore J. Sedita 1962 Edmund G. Zito 1970 Friendship Robert J. Alexander 1986 Kevin A. Brady 1973 Frank L. Brunetti 1970 Bruce F. Lach 1977 William C. Russell 1962+ Thomas R. Scherr 1960 Edward J. Zobitz 1968 Perge! Wilkinson Samuel H. Mudie 17 1962 Perge! Wallace Craig J. Mardany 17 1982 Perge! Fairbanks Jeffrey D. Vernam 4 1973 John J. Manginelli 17 1983

Total $15,980

Sam Houston

Friendship Ryan A. Caycoya 2015 + M. Leo Meshell 2017

San Diego State

Canonsburg Noel E. Briscoe 1991 Log Cabin Douglas W. Grover 1987 Purple Clematis

Michael A. Borton 1986 John D. Crisafulli 1992 Snowy White Owl Edward G. Jimenez 1986 Brian G. Thorngate 1987 Delta David C. Born 1994 Joseph C. Pinkowski 1990 Friendship Russell J. Parris 2019+ Perge! Wilkinson Douglas W. Grover 3 1987 Noel E. Briscoe 6 1991 Perge! Fairbanks Michael A. Borton 6 1986 John D. Crisafulli 3 1992

Total $7,294


Ft. Armstrong John S. Landrum Texas 1968 A. Cameron Mitchell 1958 William R. Weaver MD Texas 1959 C. Daniel Wilson Jr 1963 Ronald R. Zodin 1963 Friendship Kenneth L. Barrett Jr 1957 Robert J. Egleston 1978+ Edward R. Robinson 2011+ William G. Ross 2019+ Robert D. Scott 1957 Daniel I. Thornton 1965 Ralph E. Turner Jr 1963 Justin D. Wear 2001 William W. Wilson 1970 Perge! Wilkinson Cameron Mitchell 1 1958 Perge! Fairbanks C. Daniel Wilson Jr 5 1963 John S. Landrum 2 1968

Total $4,795

South Carolina

Delta Joseph J. Fortune 2016

South Florida

White Star L. Jeffrey Fitterman 1970 Ft. Armstrong Gene Balter 1977 Paul E. Mendelssohn 1972 Snowy White Owl W. Gifford Clegg III 1977 Joseph W. Guida 1977 Friendship David G. Anderson 1977 Michael A. Cardinale 1976 Jonathan McIntosh 2016 Perge! Wallace L. Jeffrey Fitterman 11 1970 Perge! Fairbanks Paul Mendelssohn 2 1972

Total $2,367

Southern California

Canonsburg Tyson K. Beem 1997 Donald W. Bradley PhD 1961 David M. Todd 1967 Snowy White Owl Willard B. Buchanan 1961 David C. Cashion 1957 William Crowhurst 1974AA John R. Jordan 1967

[2021 Donors] Kenneth G. Sayles 1956 Delta Brock J. Dewey 1983 David H. Hannah 1973 Paul T. Kott 1977 Mark H. Peacock 1964 Stephen B. Tuck 1970 Friendship Michael J. Clapper 1976 Charles S. Cochrane 1973 William B. Hedekin 1962 Jeffrey J. Kaplan 1978 Perge! Norris Donald W. Bradley 1 1961 Perge! Wilkinson David M. Todd 18 1967 Tyson K. Beem 11 1997 In Memory of: William H. Crowhurst 1974 by Gene F. Stone UCLA 1980

Total $25,195

Southern Methodist

Royal Purple Jason A. Kulas 1993 White Star Michael M. Boone 1963 Purple Clematis Tucker S. Bridwell 1973 Ralph L. Shanks Jr 1963 Ft. Armstrong Howell D. Harralson 1968 Walter T. Henderson 1960 Allen R. Myers 1964 Gregg J. Smolenski 1969 Jesse D. Wilkinson 1960 Snowy White Owl William D. Armstrong 1982 Wayne Z. Burkhead Jr 1974 Edward A. Copley 1957 Robert A. Frantz Jr 1959 G. Roger Gielow 1965 Mark S. Harrison 1982 John M. Hawes III 1979 Samuel E. Moyers 1961 Jon P. Rowe 1964 Peter F. Rusch PhD 1965 Jeff E. Samford Jr 1960 Jeffrey R. Spain 1988 Alan C. Tatum 1969 Allister M. Waldrop Jr 1972 Steven A. Waters 1972 Delta W. Douglass Bond 1987 Jesse M. Griffin 1962 Robert N. Hughes 1960 William H. Millard Jr 1978 Raymond G. Zinckgraf 1954 Friendship W. Kent Anger PhD 1965 Douglas G. Bayerlien 1978 Jerry W. Bayless 1973 Michael P. Massad Jr 1966 Lawrence Maxwell Jr 1959 Jason D. Nichols 1996 Edward E. Smiley Jr 1966 David W. Soelter 1949+ Jay C. Wagner 1993+ Michael H. York 1959 Perge! Wilkinson Tucker S. Bridwell 3 1973 Perge! Fairbanks Michael M. Boone 19 1963

Total $7,967


Ft. Armstrong Timothy F. Luria 1968

William T. White III 1962 Snowy White Owl Richard J. Borda 1953 Philip G. Chapman 1966 Friendship Robert W. Goldsworthy 1957 Larkin N. Hall 1954+

Total $620


Golden Chain Alan W. Larson 1960 Log Cabin Russell A. King 1952 Purple Clematis Greg G. Heubel Jr 1984 Kenneth G. Murawski 1973 Robert W. Whiteford 1975 Ft. Armstrong F. Thomas Havern 1965 Bruce M. Kennedy 1954 William B. Kuhl 1967 Frederick R. Michel 1967 John P. Trever 1965 Snowy White Owl Robert L. Coakley 1996 Norman H. Compson 1968 Jeff C. Crew Jr Florida State 1967 Glendon O. Garvin 1993 Richard S. Golobic 1956 Eugene F. Renske 1965 Roy A. Sykes Jr 1970 Delta Ronald D. Brzezinski 1964 John G. Crysler 1968 C. Edward Durei 1998 Richard A. Esposito 1961 Daniel D. Park 1975 Charles O. Spear IV 1976 Friendship Wesley D. Bacon Jr 1962 Michael J. Peter 1970 Perge! Norris Alan W. Larson 19 1960 Perge! Wallace Frederick R. Michel 1 1967 Perge! Fairbanks Kenneth Murawski 5 1973 Greg G. Heubel Jr 9 1984

Total $9,518


Friendship Alec J. Decato 2020


White Star Lee M. Moss 1973 Log Cabin Montgomery G. Turner 1991 Purple Clematis Donal C. Bosson Jr 1968 Mark A. Medley 1968 Ft. Armstrong Joshua C. Holly 1997 Benjamin B. McCeney Jr 1957 James M. Miller 1970 John J. Sheridan 1972 W. Miller Wood III 1967 Snowy White Owl George E. Dominick 1957 James D. Froula 1967 P. Douglas Goddard Jr 1966 Bruce A. Kingshill 1972 William P. Long 1969

John H. Medley 1971 D. Mark Nolan 1989 Gaines S. Pittenger 1967 Timothy L. Pitts 1990 George H. Schultz 1982 David A. Thornton 1981 Blake Williams Jr 1967 Delta G. Tim Busby 1975 J. James Kerr 1971 Philip J. Morrison 1969 David T. Nanney 1993+ S. J. Staples III 1971 George M. Trotter III 1970 Gerald L. Vantrease 1966 Friendship Donald B. Anderson 1963 Colin B. Barrett 2000 David N. Chennault 1983 Joseph M. Harrill 1961+ Jonathan R. Hughes 2002+ Michael J. McGowan 2001+ John L. Reagan 2017 David K. Schopp 1989 Andrew R. West 1974+ Amos L. Wilson Jr 1957+ Perge! Wilkinson Lee M. Moss 6 1973 Perge! Fairbanks W. Miller Wood III 2 1967 James M. Miller 4 1970 David T. Nanney 1 1993 Joshua C. Holly 4 1997

Total $9,191

Tennessee Tech

Black Diamond Jerry C. Wolverton Jr 1985 Royal Purple Todd L. Fairley 1993 Michael S. MacIndoe 1984 White Star D. Todd Arrants 1984+ Jackie R. Wilmore Jr 1982 Log Cabin Mickey H. Williams 1980 Purple Clematis Brian M. Douglas 1998 K. Paul Polpanich 1998 Ft. Armstrong J. R. Gillette 2005 R. Lee Wray 1981 Snowy White Owl Kevin G. Givens 2002 Delta Andre J. Bahou 1993 Perge! Fairbanks Brian M. Douglas 7 1998

Total $127,520


Royal Purple Mathew B. Benton 1993 Scott Petty Jr 1960 White Star Douglas M. MacMahon 1999 David A. McAllister 1978 Judd Miller Jr 1955 Robert T. Ray 1982 Log Cabin Ron D. Willis 1984 Purple Clematis Lon P. Carpenter 1961 Paul H. Smith 1950AA Don C. Wukasch 1959 Ft. Armstrong Aubrey C. Black 1949 Lee Caldwell 1957

Brandon K. Holcomb 1996 Wilson K. Mason III 1964 Kenneth J. Mighell 1952 Charles W. Shears 1985+ Snowy White Owl Marshall T. Clegg 1954 Frank B. Jones Jr 1959 Robert S. McCaig 1952 Byron M. McKnight DDS 1978 Steven D. Oldham 1991 Michael A. Reilly 1970 Roy E. Rushing 1965 David C. Schick 1968 Marc H. Stewart 1958 James E. Suttle 1959 Delta Laurens A. Hall 1964 Jack D. Liston III 1992 Robert J. Robertson 1959 Britt W. Smith 1982 Friendship Ralph J. Aniol Jr 1951 Ralph L. Arrell 1965 J. Scott Finnegan 2016 Jerry B. Peckham 1962 Perge! Wilkinson Charles W. Shears 1 1985 Perge! Wallace Judd Miller Jr 9 1955 Scott Petty Jr 16 1960 Brandon Holcomb 3 1996 Perge! Fairbanks Kenneth J. Mighell 4 1952 Lon P. Carpenter 4 1961 Steven D. Oldham 1 1991 In Memory of: Donald R. Mighell 1956 by Charles D. Brown Indiana State 1974

Total $16,843

Texas A & M

Log Cabin Lias J. Steen 1980 Purple Clematis Robert F. McGoldrick 1989 Ft. Armstrong Mack O. Forrester 1981 D. Greg Graham 1982 Snowy White Owl Case D. Fischer 1987 Delta Edgar F. Erwin 1992 Friendship Matthew B. Chapman 1993 Peter J. Corbett 2025+ Benjamin A. Martin 2013 Travis M. Tapella 2005 Perge! Fairbanks Lias J. Steen 7 1980

Total $1,705

Texas Arlington

Thomas Marshall Kirk D. Walden 1972 White Star D. Mark Smith 1983 Log Cabin William S. Hunnicutt Jr 1981 Purple Clematis Gerald R. Baker 1969 Thomas H. Koops 1968 Ft. Armstrong Thomas C. Darden 1978 Snowy White Owl Jack R. Barber 1970 Michael D. Jarrett 1972AA Michael T. Mannion 1981

Richard K. Stuart III 2005 Scott C. Taylor 1970 Delta R. Adam Whitten 2009 Friendship Daniel J. O'Leary 2007+ Beau P. Ruiz 2019+ Perge! Wilkinson Kirk D. Walden 20 1972 Perge! Wallace Thomas H. Koops 6 1968 Gerald R. Baker 2 1969 William Hunnicutt Jr 9 1981 Perge! Fairbanks D. Mark Smith 13 1983

Total $127,805

Texas Christian

White Star Kevin T. Barnett MD 1995 Log Cabin David B. Symonds 1997 Ft. Armstrong W. Scott Anderson 1982 W. Steven Anderson 1984 Peter E. Dodd 2003 Paul D. Hains 1987 Snowy White Owl Robert S. Clifton 1985 Delta Craig M. Franks 1983 Edward A. Gulewitz Jr 1990 Friendship Jeffrey R. Allaman 1988 Jeff S. Austin 1984 William G. Behr 1982 Andrew C. Elliott 2014+ Phillip Olson 2019+ Perge! Wallace Kevin T. Barnett 10 1995 Perge! Fairbanks W. Scott Anderson 3 1982

Total $3,706

Texas San Antonio

Friendship Travis W. Grahmann 2012 Miguel A. Saldana 2009

Texas State

Snowy White Owl Mark P. Carroll 1995 Friendship Matthew L. Barzilla 2018 Joshua Chandler 2020+ Michael A. Grubbs 2023+ Franklin A. Rhodes 2018+ Perge! Wallace Mark P. Carroll 2 1995

Total $1,193

Texas Tech

Thomas Marshall Glenn D. Moor 1984 White Star Marvin G. Stephens Jr 1964 Purple Clematis Bobby G. Waddle 1955 Ft. Armstrong F. L. Ballard 1955 William H. Rousseau 1998 Snowy White Owl George D. Andrews 1967 Charles C. Beatty 1958 O. Randal Greebon 1965 Robert F. Nease PhD 1951 Henry E. Ross 1979

John E. Roueche III 1988 Delta Gary W. Harrod 1971 Dr. Robert E. Maniss 1954 Tony M. Street 1972 Larry D. Watkins 1977 C. Perry Wright 1966 Friendship Martin P. Atwood 1975 Gregory A. Malmgren 1997 Sean G. McMullen 2001 Perge! Norris Glenn D. Moor 18 1984 Perge! Wallace Marvin Stephens Jr 15 1964 Henry E. Ross 1 1979 William Rousseau 2 1998

Total $95,112.40

In Honor of: George H. Nelson 1958 & Chad W. Tinsley 2001 by Sean G. McMullen 2001 In Memory of: Darryn D. Andrews 1999 & T. K. Beasley 2000 by Sean G. McMullen 2001


Friendship Gregory R. Clausing 2008 Christopher M. Fox Strauss 2019+ Jason V. Morris 2004


Golden Chain Edward J. Jackman 1962AA Royal Purple Graeme W. Norval PhD 1983 Canonsburg Robert R. Boothby 1986 Purple Clematis David W. Booz 1985 Ft. Armstrong W. David Ellis 1964 Nicholas J. Poppenk 1971 Snowy White Owl Bruce C. Bone 1950 Paul B. Walters 1956 Friendship Robert Ciszek 2011 Dwight D. Lupish 1967 A. Scott McCulloch PhD 1989 John C. Mowbray 1972 Alan H. Spindel 1987 William D. Stephenson 1987+ Jonathan P. Veale 1992 Perge! Wilkinson Edward J. Jackman 8 1962 Perge! Wallace Graeme W. Norval 19 1983 Robert R. Boothby 6 1986

Total $5,845


Snowy White Owl Jack L. Millaway 2010 R. Thomas Williams 1993 Delta Ted D. Klein 2008 Shawn Noroozi 1992 Friendship Todd A. Erlandson 1987 Bryant J. Ingram 2009 Andrew M. Tiktin 1989

Total $1,080




[2021 Donors] Virginia

Lifetime Giving Societies Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499 Perge! Norris $5,000+ Society Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor AA Ad Astra

UC Berkeley

Golden Chain Daniel M. Guggenheim 1960 White Star Manuel G. Gonzalez IV 1977 Martin C. Smith 1976 Purple Clematis Dennis M. Drew 1975 Ft. Armstrong John B. Bowker 1949 Timothy S. Lien 1979 Gerald F. Murphy 1967 Snowy White Owl Stephen H. Booth 1964 Robert W. Rowell 1952 Delta Peter A. Crosby 1967 John W. Ewing 1954 Taylor C. Smith 2004 Ronald V. "Bud" Stone 1949 Friendship Thomas C. Cramer 1982 Robert J. Mangum 1959+ Alan M. Oleson 1955 Richard C. Rowson 1947 Perge! Wallace Daniel M. Guggenheim 23 1960 Manuel G. Gonzalez IV 10 1977 Perge! Fairbanks John B. Bowker 1 1949 Martin C. Smith 16 1976

Total $4,645

UC Irvine

Log Cabin Michael G. Bark 1986 Purple Clematis Martin S. Suzuki 1986 Snowy White Owl Allen A. Ilano 1990 J. Rand Petrie 1987 Steven M. Shaw 1997 Delta Scott R. Rollins 1981 Perge! Wallace Martin S. Suzuki 3 1986 Perge! Fairbanks Michael G. Bark 13 1986 J. Rand Petrie 1 1987

Total $3,461

UC Los Angeles

Royal Purple Jeffrey M. Downey 1983 Purple Clematis Donald J. Regan 1956 Ft. Armstrong James M. Singel 1989


White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 Delta $500-999 Friendship Up to $499 Wallace $1,000+ Fairbanks $500+

H. Ralph Snyder 1949 Snowy White Owl Z. C. Branson 1961 Quintus A. Guthrie 1957 Richard Oberreiter 1984 David K. Smith 1987 Gene F. Stone 1980 Delta Richard B. Bradley 1957 William L. Moore 1961 Felipe J. Sefchovich 1990 Friendship Joseph R. Aragon 1993+ Robert G. Sbardellati 1971 E. Arno Vigen 1981+ Perge! Wallace Donald J. Regan 7 1956 Perge! Fairbanks Gene F. Stone 1 1980 James M. Singel 5 1989

Total $7,607

UC Riverside

White Star Tracy T. Bomberger 1985 Ft. Armstrong Dennis J. Whitcomb 1986 Snowy White Owl Dominic A. Dicarlo 2000 Friendship David A. Blackman 1979 Mark E. Werner 1986+ Perge! Wallace Tracy Bomberger 15 1985

Total $1,511

UC Santa Barbara White Star Paul W. Sams 1992 Log Cabin Bijan P. Karimi 1995 Snowy White Owl Christopher B. Gipson 1993 Joshua S. Tonkins 1993 Ryuichi M. Watanabe 2003 Perge! Fairbanks Bijan P. Karimi 4 1995 Paul W. Sams 12 1992

Total $1,680


Log Cabin William G. Kuchta 1972 John C. Robbins III 1971 Ft. Armstrong Steven D. Pierce 1971 Stephen G. Wall 1984 H. Frederick Wintsch 1962 Snowy White Owl Mace A. Bloom 1977 James A. Burke 1977 Ernest M. Myer 1956

Douglas S. Tosh 1972 Delta Harry Adamakos 1981 Matthew B. Hicks 1980 Friendship Frank A. Casagrande 1980 Perge! Wilkinson John C. Robbins III 7 1971 Perge! Wallace William G. Kuchta 7 1972

Total $4,240

Utah State

Purple Clematis Kenneth J. Hammerle 1976 Snowy White Owl William B. Evans 1985 Mitchell H. Mason 1974 Donald D. Shaw 1981 Karl D. Zufelt 1969 Friendship Kent J. Barnes 1971+ Edward L. Carey Jr 1986 Craig J. Yeager 1983

Total $844


Purple Clematis John M. Carulli Jr 1988 Lee K. Souter 2005 Ft. Armstrong Paul A. Laliberte 1986 Mark R. Wilkison 1983 Snowy White Owl David D. Martin 1978 Delta Enerino M. Caruccio 1984 Lucas F. Harmon 2008 Bernard P. Isabelle 1978 Brett P. Joseph 1984 Friendship Ryan B. Diller 2014+ Michael Fortuna 1987 Scott C. McCarty 2008 Perge! Fairbanks Mark R. Wilkison 2 1983 Paul A. Laliberte 2 1986 John M. Carulli Jr 4 1988 Lee K. Souter 9 2005

Total $2,842


Ft. Armstrong Anthony M. Imbesi 1996 Delta Brian E. Collie 1995 Jeffrey A. Fuchs 1993 Friendship Robert O. Mannion 1992

Total $325


Royal Purple Benjamin B. LeCompte III 1972 Ft. Armstrong Kevin L. Beicke 2001 A. Colquitt Shackelford Jr 1951 Snowy White Owl Jonathan R. Hilliard 2007 John B. Purcell Jr 1964 Delta Matthew J. Allman 2008 William R. Easton 1965 George E. Holland 1976 Friendship Carroll M. Berndt Jr 1956 Brian L. Kitchen 1972 Perge! Fairbanks Benjamin B. LeCompte III 24 1972

Total $1,528.00

Virginia Tech

Canonsburg N. Michael F. Griffith 1973 White Star Jason T. Newcomb 1998 Log Cabin Dana W. Hesse Western Kentucky 1986 Jeffrey M. Scattergood 1999 Purple Clematis Henry H. King Jr 1982 Ft. Armstrong Jason A. Dean 1996 David C. Green 1994 Brendan J. McMurrer 2001 Snowy White Owl Howard C. Canada III 1976 Richard B. Gass 1981 Mark A. Mennuti 1993 Charles E. Radford 1980 Paul T. Zawistowski 1983 Delta Jordan A. Wood 2004 Friendship Adil B. Dittmer 2014 Michael J. Morrone 1993 Leigh J. Perry 1999 Vil S. Vaitas Jr 1979 Perge! Wilkinson Jason T. Newcomb 7 1998 Perge! Wallace Dana W. Hesse 6 1986 David C. Green 3 1994 Perge! Fairbanks N. Michael Griffith 19 1973 Henry H. King Jr 4 1982

Total $7,427


Centennial John C. Schroeder 1969 Golden Chain N. Clay Robbins 1979 Canonsburg R. Michael Henderson 1961 White Star Joseph D. Barnette Jr 1961 Eric M. Cavanaugh 1976 Log Cabin Jeff D. Lundy 1978 John C. Meng Jr 1966 Purple Clematis Leonard F. Anglis 1976 David J. Carlson 1969 Ft. Armstrong John B. Culley Jr 1969

Theodore F. Holland III 1971 Harry F. McNaught Jr 1976 Robert E. Sonnemaker 1967 Paul B. VanNess Illinois 1977 Snowy White Owl John B. Bridge 1972 Roger O. Drummond 1953 Donald G. Fisher 1952 Roland N. Litterst Sr 1958 Joseph M. Pfennig 1982 Lonnie M. Therber 1959 Lorne A. Zielaskowski 1993 Delta Robert H. Hall 1974 John T. Keith 1991 David M. Litterst 1964 James R. Nichols 1961 C. Davies Reed 1985 John F. Reynolds 1973 Richard F. W. Sadler Illinois 1954 Adam H. Soshnick 2013 Mark W. Stutz 1977 James C. Symanek 1994 Michael E. Wingard 1972 Anthony E. Wolf 1974 Friendship Paul M. Brooks 1978+ Robert D. Cebul 1980 Callum Davies 2011 Hollis A. Evans 1983+ Todd C. Green 1992+ Thomas J. Gunderman 1989 Philip G. Miller 1964 Kevin P. O'Shaughnessy 1977 Leon H. Osmon MD 1957 Griffin A. Smith 2019 John F. Wilhelm III 1958 Perge! Norris John C. Schroeder 22 1969 Perge! Wilkinson N. Clay Robbins 24 1979 Perge! Wallace Leonard F. Anglis 2 1976 R. Michael Henderson 18 1961 Perge! Fairbanks Joseph Barnette Jr 24 1961 Rick L. Allen 1 1962 John C. Meng Jr 17 1966

Total $33,911


Golden Chain Ronald D. Crockett 1961 Canonsburg Gary L. Ostenson 1969 Norman K. Thordarson 1963 White Star Michael B. Jeffers 1962 Purple Clematis Steven C. Galbraith 1967 John J. Jolley 1980 Peter C. White Sr 1952 Ft. Armstrong Steven M. Helmbrecht 1985 James R. Hinz 1975 Chuck Howard 1962 Stephen M. Lamberson 1980 Scott R. Mowrer 1971 Gerald A. Nielsen 1961 Jack R. Sutermeister 1979 Wade H. Taylor 1978 Ronald C. Wilderman 1965 Snowy White Owl T. Michael Doyle 1968

Robert W. Juhl 1975 Robert L. Kuebler 1954 Stephen P. Miller 1979 W. Jeffers Pickard 1965 J. Lewis Thayer 2010 David E. Thompson 1980 Robert M. Trimble 1964 Delta David B. McClinton 1970+ Leon M. Moore 1955 Lyman W. Newton 1959 Ray E. Redman III 1971 Shane A. Richards 2007 Tad B. Richards 2003 Friendship James F. Barrington 2005 Bruce H. Bittman 1978 Gary F. Finke 1960+ John C. Haskell Jr 1978 W. James Howard 1967 Milo J. Magnano Jr 2001 John T. Mark 1994 William Mitchell MD 1973+ Tom Napa 1974 Cliff Otis 1973 Charles F. Sanborn 1946AA Nathan T. Thramer 2011 Robert L. Vieira 1956+ Perge! Wilkinson Norman K. Thordarson 20 1963 Perge! Wallace Michael B. Jeffers 15 1962 Gary L. Ostenson 23 1969 John J. Jolley 6 1980 Perge! Fairbanks Ronald D. Crockett 17 1961 Chuck Howard 3 1962 Steven C. Galbraith 4 1967 Scott R. Mowrer 6 1971 Wade H. Taylor 2 1978 Jack R. Sutermeister 3 1979 David E. Thompson 1 1980 In Memory of: Scott S. Patrick 1980 by John J. Jolley 1980

Total $13,727

Washington & Jefferson

Log Cabin D. Lawrence Wickerham MD 1972 Snowy White Owl William E. Allen Allegheny 1953 Friendship Donald B. Kamerer MD 1955 Charles M. Robbins DDS Ohio State 1966

Total $650

Washington & Lee

Ft. Armstrong Nicholas H. Fuerst 2010 Samuel A. Syme Jr 1956 Snowy White Owl W. Rowland Denman Oklahoma 1955 David L. Moore Jr 1974 Delta David K. Eubank 1976 Thomas P. Rideout 1963 Laurence M. Smail 1959 Friendship Gerald D.N. Bryant III 1976+ William G. Burns 1957

[2021 Donors] William G. Hummer 1973+ James D. Humphries III 1966 Stephen R. Kern 1980 Perge! Fairbanks Nicholas H. Fuerst 2 2010

Total $1,150.00

Washington State

Royal Purple Robert W. Higgins MD 1956 Log Cabin Dale L. Wierman 1964 Purple Clematis Erik J. Fay 1999 Harlan R. Mayer II 1970 Philip H. Smith 1966 Ft. Armstrong Augustan D. Kittson 1978 John D. Metcalf 1992 Kelly W. Montfort 1964 Gary E. Schell 1970 Snowy White Owl Gerald R. Davis 1958AA Bruce O. Devereaux 1968 Charles F. Diesen 1962 Corwin P. King 1965 Gordon C. McLean 1966 Clifford O. Ridgway 1972 Doug Shaul 1960 Delta Gerald C. Clodius 1953 Peter S. Dawson 1960 James I. Mock 1959 Donald J. Raz 1984 Andrew P. Sobczyk 1982 Friendship Kevin J. Keiler 1968 Raymond L. Lakey 1958 Ray M. Maxson 1965 V. James Morris Jr 1954 Oscar U. Padilla 2013+ Perge! Wilkinson Robert W. Higgins 16 1956 Perge! Wallace Erik J. Fay 6 1999 Perge! Fairbanks Dale L. Wierman 8 1964 Corwin P. King 2 1965 Philip H. Smith 3 1966 In Memory of: Wallace S. Campbell 1956 by Robert W. Higgins 1956

Total $9,220

Wayne State

Friendship Jeremy J. Bojnowski 2019 James D. Carpenter II 2017+ Tyler J. Fisk 2020+ James P. Phelps 2020 Jeffrey T. Pokriefka 2021 Francisco S Puebla Jr 2021+ Zachary Rich 2018+ Peyton J. Ward 2024+

Total $208

West Virginia

Canonsburg Mark N. Roth 1977 Snowy White Owl Harold J. Creel 1984 Mark W. Obermann 1976 Friendship Thomas J. Leonette 2000+ Samuel S. Newman MD 1980+

Perge! Wilkinson Mark N. Roth 1 1977

Total $2,775

Western Kentucky

Royal Purple Benjamin R. Harper Kentucky 1969 Log Cabin Dana W. Hesse Virginia Tech 1986 Delta Jeffrey T. Baynham 2002 Bryan J. Hartzell 2014 Friendship Dylan H. Ward 2013 Mitchell R. White 2011+

Total $243

Western Michigan

Snowy White Owl William G. McClimans Jr 1979 Steven S. Moline 1986 Corey A. Watt 1999 Michael J. Wygocki 1986 Delta William P. Martin 1984 Michael McDonald Jr 2014 Friendship Robert M. Abbott 1990 Brian J. Ball 1994 Jeffrey R. Davidson 1991 Douglas E. Mathews 1993

Total $959

Western Ontario

Calvin Coolidge Jan & Frank Smeenk 1971 White Star John G. Starzynski 1974 Mark P. Trenton 1986 Log Cabin Douglas M. Workman 1977 Purple Clematis Murray L. Coulter 1972 Ft. Armstrong Scott E. Peters 1999 Snowy White Owl John W. Chandler 1971 Rodger F. Cooper 1965+ Timothy B. Johnson 1987 Friendship Elliot N. Grady 2017+ Jordan A. Herald 1996 In Memory of: William F. DeWolf 1971 by John W. Chandler 1971

Total $836,119


White Star William E. Parrish 1957 Ft. Armstrong Ernest V. Hodge 1967 James E. Malarkey 1978 R. Andrew Miller III 1967 Snowy White Owl Jimmy D. Adams 1957 R. Art Bickel 1961 Richard K. Elder Illinois 1968 Brian D. Johnson 1964 Thomas M. Murphy 1964 Dale G. Schaefer 1958 Delta

Brian W. Dale 1989 Friendship James A. Kunkel MD 1954 Kimball A. Libkie 1971+ Harry H. Overtoom 1953+ Thomas N. Schellingerhout 1979 Kent VanValkenburgh 1964 Perge! Wallace James E. Malarkey 1 1978 Perge! Fairbanks William E. Parrish 18 1957 Ernest V. Hodge 2 1967 In Memory of: Thomas L. McDonald 1960 by William E. Parrish 1957 Ben Robinson HampdenSydney 1986

Total $4,057

William Jewell

White Star Michael G. Fligg 1961 Log Cabin Jack L. Capps 1947 Ft. Armstrong William B. Black 1963 Brian G. Carney 1996 Kent T. Dicus 1980 Snowy White Owl H. Allen Dierking 1968 Mark P. Foley 1975 Leonard L. Poppenhagen 1960 Delta Jonathan G. Curtis 1995 Douglas L. Gilpin 1964 Edward J. Johnson 1964 Eric R. Sapp 1992 Friendship Donald M. Dahlfues 1961 T. Graham Houston 1979 Darin J. Lee 1997+ Russell A. Rinklin Jr 1965+ Brett P. Smith 1996 Perge! Fairbanks Michael G. Fligg 9 1961 William B. Black 2 1963 Brian G. Carney 4 1996 In Memory of: Lee F. Soxman William Jewell 1945 by Beverly Soxman

Total $3,445

William Woods

Friendship Eric M. Saak 2023+ Buddy W. Smith 2002+


Snowy White Owl Charles J. Kurtz III 1962


Purple Clematis James E. Freytag 1958 George L. Schueppert 1961 Ft. Armstrong Gregory E. Custer 1967 Kenneth R. DeWeerdt 1960 John D. Porter III 1983 Thomas D. Stevens 1972 Snowy White Owl M. Gregory Anunson 1969 G. Richard Cope 1955 Richard E. Ela Jr 1958 P. Dan Gilbert 1965 John C. Hofmann 1960

Educational Housing

As a service to house corporations, we provided grants for construction of qualifying educational space, equipment, renovations and maintenance of $689,000. These grants are funded by generous brothers for specific projects (sometimes over a few years) and did not come from the Foundation’s general funds. Richard E. Holdredge 1967 David L. Johnson 1964 Stephen R. Moore 1964 Theodore J. Moreau 1969 Kurt J. Peter 2010 Scott R. Simon 1987 Dag Sohlberg 1965 Delta Franklin P. Ciano 1974 Reed E. Hall 1970 John H. Hendricks 1964 Jeffrey L. Reis 1975 Malcolm P. West 1974 Friendship J. Michael Finnane 1960 Thomas D. Finnigan 1969 Eric L. Lied 2014 Luke A. Nevermann 2014 Paul D. Schmutzler 1964 John W. Seymour 1977 Andrew Sundene Jr 1965 Tyrone M. Trbovich 1960 Richard J. Wood 1955+ William H. Zaeske 1966 Perge! Fairbanks James E. Freytag 1 1958 George Schueppert 3 1961 Gregory E. Custer 1 1967 John D. Porter III 2 1983 Kurt J. Peter 1 2010 In Memory of: Thomas P. Creagan 1963 by Richard E. Holdredge 1967

Total $5,960

Wisconsin Eau Claire

Ft. Armstrong Jason J. Seeger 2002 Snowy White Owl Terrance J. Ostrander 1981 Friendship Timothy T. Kay 1981+ Michael A. Nickels 2006 Jeffrey D. Schuster 1992+ Perge! Fairbanks Jason J. Seeger 7 2002

Total $735


Golden Chain G. David K Hopper MD 1963 Royal Purple Peter G. Welsh 1974 Joseph E. Williamson 1967 White Star Marc W. Myers 1989 Eric B. Westendorf 1992 Log Cabin Charles E. Ramsey 1964 Ft. Armstrong Peter C. Anderson 1961 David E. Baines 1969 George A. Buckley Jr 1980 Lynn N. Carlton 1964 Donald S. Hauck 1956 Richard F. Keier 1961 Ernest M. Manuel Jr 1980

Snowy White Owl Austin D. Adams 1970 James R. Arthur 1958 Robert C. Baden 1965 David A. Hammond 1968 Marcus W. Hitt 2005 W. Craig Prain 1984 Dean W. Shaffer 1948 Bertrand A. Trompeter 1950 Delta John A. Demer Jr 1969 Ronald K. Storfer 1964 Friendship Marvin N. Cable 2005 Joseph K. Creviston 1958 Nathaniel T. Dreyfuss 2010 Arthur B. Kouwenhoven Jr 1958 Douglas K. Myser 1977 Bradley K. Rechel 1978 Perge! Wilkinson G. David Hopper 22 1963 Joseph Williamson 17 1967 Marc W. Myers 6 1989 Perge! Wallace James R. Arthur 1 1958 Peter G. Welsh 20 1974 Eric B. Westendorf 13 1992 Perge! Fairbanks Charles E. Ramsey 7 1964 W. Craig Prain 2 1984 Marcus W. Hitt 1 2005 In Memory of: Michael T. George 1966 by David A. Hammond 1968 George Hopper 1932 by Kevin J. Hopper Cincinnati 1973 Thomas G. Mattern 1959 by Richard F. Keier 1961

Total $14,312


Royal Purple William C. Alexander 1981 White Star Garry P. Balboni 1974 David G. Healey 1969 George R. Oliver 1982 Log Cabin Ken Charak 1974 Purple Clematis Thomas I. Burns 1974 Henry J. Fitzgerald 1975 Hans H. Koehl 1956 Paul D. McCluskey 1987 Andrew J. Williams 1992 Ft. Armstrong David E. Huhtala 1980 Paul A. Mannheim 1961 R. Andrew Muir Jr 1971 John A. Pelli 1970 Snowy White Owl John Fiore Jr 1967 Michael J. Irwin 1975 David P. Makris 1978 Douglas A. Riley 1968 John C. Rupprecht 1962 David G. Valliere 2002

Delta Richard N. Dresser 1966 Kyle R. Gauthier 2008 Mitchell B. Riley 2009 Richard E. Roy 1967 Walter T. Towner Jr 1983 David C. Willens 2009 Friendship Douglas L. Acker 1983 Johnathan A. A'Vant 2019 John D. Daly 1957 Raymond M. Dunn Jr 1978+ Michael A. Pierce Jr 2007 Jon C. Wyman 1975 Perge! Wilkinson George R. Oliver 5 1982 Perge! Wallace Paul D. McCluskey 3 1987 Andrew J. Williams 7 1992 Perge! Fairbanks R. Andrew Muir Jr 1 1971

Total $49,319


Snowy White Owl Ronald F. Larson 1970


Ft. Armstrong Joseph F. Callo 1952 Arthur C. Rettig Jr 1963 Snowy White Owl Edman L. Gray 1961 Thomas F. Hartch 1963 Barney T. Young 1955 Delta Frank H. Eastman III 1963 David W. Mette 1966 Friendship Juan E Rodriguez Diaz 1963 Perge! Fairbanks Joseph F. Callo 1 1952

Total $1,175




Ad Astra William R. Bracewell (Georgia 1968)

passed ad astra on December 10, 2021. Bill had a distinguished career as an educator, both as a student affairs professional at the University of Georgia and as a volunteer in Phi Gamma Delta. He did his undergraduate studies at Emory University but did not join a fraternity. In 1965 he began a 34-year career on the student affairs staff at Georgia, initiating the role of Director of Judicial Programs in 1971 and serving in that position until his retirement in 1999. He was initiated into the Fraternity as a faculty initiate at the chartering of the Kappa Deuteron Chapter in 1968. His service to Phi Gamma Delta was continuous from that time. At Kappa Deuteron, he served for eight years as Purple Legionnaire and for many more years on the Board of Chapter Advisers. He served the International Fraternity as a Section Chief, as an Archon from 1988 to 1992, and as Educational Director for 24 years. He served as Legate for charterings at the College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina, and Clemson. In the 1990s he represented Phi Gamma Delta on the board of the North


Fratres Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra


Albert M. Fortier Jr. (1955) 3/5/2022 Jeffrey L. Smith (1976) 1/24/2022



Oliver S. Barravechia (2025) 4/7/2022 James A. Baird Jr. (1957) 2/26/2022 Oliver C. Baker (1952) 12/23/2021 W. Fitzgerald Hill (1957) 12/11/2021 Vernon L. Sellers (1973) 1/28/2022 Alan E. Watson (1978) 12/5/2021


Peter C. Abernethy (1993) 4/24/2021 Robert M. Kennedy (1961) 8/8/2021

Colorado College

William E. Parrish (1956) 3/14/2022 Charles Rubens (1952) 4/29/2021 Albert E. Strand (1952) 10/28/2021

Carl O. Anderson (1965) 10/11/2021 James S. Lewis (1949) 12/18/2021




Charles N. Leach Jr. (1956) 8/6/2021 Paul N. Vonckx Jr. (1959) 12/26/2021


Craig M. Courville (1981) 2/7/2022 Franklin D. Coxon (1955) 12/28/2021 Daniel J. Mariscal (1960) 2/8/2022 Harold M. McNair (1955) 6/27/2021 Howard T. Roberts Jr. (1970) 1/3/2022 Charles M. Rucker (1956) 11/25/2021

Arizona State

Keith R. Armstrong (1981) 1/23/2022


James J. Gideon (1966) 2/27/2021 Dennis R. Powell (1962) 6/1/2021


Louis R. Sukle Jr. (1988) 11/14/2021

British Columbia

Terry S. Julian (1945) 2/3/2022 Blair E. Mercer (1984) 8/1/2021 Jerrold K. Peterson (1956) 8/4/2021


Thomas M. Churchill (1960) 11/2/2021


Joseph Golomboski (1982) 7/11/2021 Robert H. Stumpf (1958) 7/13/2021 Richard H. Tichenor Sr. (1958) 6/24/2021

California Berkeley

Earl F. Galligan (1948) 1/24/2022 Nick Hummel (1956) 1/18/2022 Gregory H. Miller (1976) 2/11/2022 Merle M. Smith (1959) 12/8/2021 Jerald P. White (1960) 8/18/2021

California Los Angeles

Randy R. Johnson II (1962) 2/9/2021 James C. T. Noe Jr. (1958) 6/17/2021

California Riverside

Tom Ambrose (1981) 12/31/2021

Case Western Reserve

Thomas J. Glennon (1987) 11/29/2021 Neil W. Love (1949) 3/22/2022 Timothy R. Meehan (1970) 9/17/2021


John D. Foret (1953) 9/7/2021


Dudley Ferris (1952) 12/29/2021 Ara S. Aftandilian (1983) 8/25/2021 Klaus P. Brinkmann (1953) 4/3/2021 Frederick A. McFarlin (1955) 12/4/2021 Kent R. Woloson (1959) 1/23/2021

William W. Lavigno III (1970) 11/12/2021 Clay A. Richardson (1992) 2/22/2022

Georgia Tech

Edgar M. Holtsinger (1946) 9/1/2021 Kevin G. Neal (2003) 10/11/2021 Ernest O. Rotramel Jr. (1952) 11/23/2021


Richard L. Barrick (1952) 2/2/2021 Arthur J. Hendley (1957) 3/6/2022 Stephen J. Schulz (1956) 6/8/2021


Daniel R. Durrett (1967) 5/25/2021 Pete P. Kovacic (1943) 3/11/2022 J. David Mauer (1975) 4/3/2021 Peter L. Roesner II (1986) 11/13/2021





William L. Beshore (1959) 9/29/2021 John S. Edison (1956) 9/30/2021 George B. Smith Jr. (1952) 1/17/2022 Louis C. Turner (1955) 12/29/2021 Ralph A. Warburton (1947) 12/25/2021 Charlie B. Shapard (1964) 6/15/2021


James W. Baird (1968) 3/9/2021 Richard L. Boyer (1965) 1/19/2021 Chris Cornell (1977) 3/7/2021 James J. Fais (1967) 12/29/2020 John M. Houk Jr. (1951) 8/1/2021 James M. Kennedy (1958) 1/11/2022 John F. Peters (1946) 11/28/2021 James N. Sutherin (1946) 11/12/2021 Edward B. Weston II (1952) 5/15/2021


William C. Frey Jr. (1957) 7/22/2021 Charles K. Hall Jr. (1953) 11/2/2021 David M. Jenkins II (1957) 9/14/2021 Steven R. Linville (2006) 10/19/2021 Michael D. Milatovich (1980) 12/1/2021 Luke J. Ruane III (1972) 10/15/2021 David W. Sowersby (1959) 10/29/2021

East Carolina

Thomas S. Jenkins (2020) 12/11/2021


William A. Gillaspie II (1966) 12/18/2021


Geoffrey H. Finlay (1957) 12/16/2021 Harold D. Fowler (1972) 11/7/2021 Andrew W. Klemm (1962) 12/13/2021 John D. Rowell (1948) 11/12/2021 P. Craig Storti (1968) 3/4/2022 Ronald W. Thurber (1959) 7/31/2021 Ron W. Watson (1966) 10/11/2021 Harry L. Childress (1954) 4/7/2021 A. F. Gaynor (1976) 9/16/2021 Theodore J. Himes (1950) 11/5/2021 Harold E. Hindsley (1950) 1/17/2022 William R. Irwin (1962) 3/29/2022 William W. Nicholas (1970) 12/16/2021 Ronald N. Peterson (1958) 8/26/2021

Illinois Wesleyan

Charles W. Bimba (1965) 1/12/2021 Dr. James L. Cook (1964) 12/4/2021 Willard H. Curtis (1960) 2/16/2022 Graham Hoggins (1958) 12/17/2021 Bruce K. Imig (1963) 3/20/2022 John Naylor (1962) 3/31/2022 William J. Polich (1957) 9/14/2021


James E. Dice (1959) 4/9/2022 David A. Drinkwater (1952) 10/14/2021 Richard L. Neal (1957) 10/20/2021 Robert R. Wait (1959) 2/19/2022

Indiana State

Anthony M. Hernandez (2016) 12/3/2021 Donald R. Schuessler (1973) 1/6/2022 James C. Storm (1974) 10/7/2021

L. Del Butterfield Jr. (1960) 2/7/2022 John F. Hurlebaus (1952) 8/3/2021 Edward F. Newberger Jr. (1969) 3/29/2022



Iowa State

Steve W. Crawford Jr. (1993) 12/21/2021

Steven L. Aanes (1971) 1/22/2022 William R. Bailey (1963) 11/7/2021 Mark Lemon (1977) 12/15/2021 Robert L. Logan (1955) 2/6/2022 William J. Miller (1974) 2/16/2021 Randal L. Rehmke (1978) 3/2/2022

[ Ad Astra ] Johns Hopkins

Gerald L. Bartell (1959) 2/27/2022


Barney E. Barnes (1965) 9/3/2021 Donald B. Burns (1976) 3/16/2022 Donald G. Green (1979) 3/16/2022 Dean M. Grogger (1952) 6/16/2021 Joseph A. Hambright (1964) 12/5/2021 Clarence O. Hughes Jr. (1952) 3/16/2022 Robert F. Johnson Jr. (1962) 3/16/2022 Mark A. Kirkpatrick (1967) 12/30/2021 Todd L. Laster (1978) 7/13/2021 Finis G. Shannon (1952) 3/16/2022 Shelby W. Smith (1952) 11/6/2020 F. Alan Stamper (1964) 1/8/2022 Scott J. Wilson (1982) 3/16/2022

Kansas State

Juan C. Sexton (1972) 10/22/2021 Cecil E. Stout (1970) 11/11/2021


Rex L. Bailey (1961) 2/25/2022 James F. Boyd (1960) 11/9/2021

Kettering A

Elon L. Clark Sr. (1965) 1/12/2022 Gary Kusumi (1969) 4/11/2022


J. Jay Graening (1963) 12/8/2020 John D. Lange (1977) 7/7/2021 Gerald L. Pihl (1949) 1/27/2022


Arthur H. Axberg (1953) 2/19/2022 George B. Cannon Jr. (1950) 3/18/2021 William M. Houldin Jr. (1958) 3/29/2022 Bert E. Stromberg (1966) 8/11/2021


William T. Johnson (1966) 12/13/2021


Alfred F. Burfeind (1961) 11/6/2021 C. Keith Rust (1957) 3/25/2022 Charles F. Wuestner Jr. (1956) 12/3/2021

Louisiana State

Christopher J. Gauthier (1992) 2/11/2022 Ralph D. Jackson Jr. (1966) 10/28/2021 Alexander S. McKean Jr. (1959) 10/15/2021 Kenneth D. Posey Jr. (1964) 7/14/2021


Robert S. Cheney Jr. (1978) 3/17/2022 Steven M. Dunwoody (1979) 4/8/2021 Peter J. Frost (1968) 3/11/2021 George K. Hutchinson (1955) 1/17/2022 Paul F. McCarron (1963) 12/25/2021 Michael J. McInnis (1968) 3/15/2022 Floyd L. Milbank Jr. (1951) 10/29/2021 Albert L. Noyes (1955) 11/1/2021


John M. Anderson (1959) 2/7/2022 James C. Robertson (1962) 2/14/2022


William R. Jefford (1991) 3/11/2022 Tim D. Newton (1963) 6/27/2021 Ted D. Owens (1965) 4/12/2021 Michael C. Parisi (1963) 3/31/2022 G. Steven Wellman (1970) 2/8/2022 Richard M. Wonder Sr. (1959) 11/16/2021


Alan M. Christman (1956) 1/9/2022 John P. Deniston (1960) 11/25/2020 Charles W. Gerdts III (1975) 3/5/2022 Stephen M. Qua (1955) 11/9/2021 Ronald A. Sistrunk (1962) 11/3/2021 Robert N. Wells Jr. (1955) 12/10/2021


Earle G. Maynard (1949) 3/23/2022 Roger A. Wahldick (1957) 11/18/2021

Mississippi State

Justin L. VanStory (2004) 7/20/2021


James R. Connell (1951) 10/17/2021 Gary F. Miller (1964) 1/18/2022 Christopher C. Polson (1969) 2/13/2022 Hal A. Souther (1967) 1/13/2022

Oklahoma State

R. Rance Bennett (1974) 11/16/2021 Tom R. Cornish (1966) 2/2/2022 Larry L. Warren (1972) 4/10/2022

Old Dominion

George A. Thompson Jr. (1981) 11/30/2021


John E. Dugan (1956) 11/15/2021 Michael A. Huycke (1966) 1/23/2021 Victor E. Kreick (1953) 11/19/2021

Oregon State

K. Lawrence Clark (1964) 12/21/2021 Norman E. Koch (1955) 2/10/2022 Ronald J. Lucas (1967) 3/18/2021 Frank G. Sauer (1949) 3/20/2022



Lucian W. Dixon (1965) 7/9/2021 Walther S. Stephenson (1949) 10/24/2021


Penn State

William C. Mitchell (1949) 1/25/2022 Richard A. Goll (1953) 12/24/2021 Donald R. Larson (1953) 12/30/2021 James D. Myers (1948) 11/26/2021 J. F. O'Keefe (1959) 1/12/2022 Darrell L. Scharmann (1951) 11/12/2021

New Mexico

Richard W. Leep Jr. (1970) 12/11/2021

North Carolina

E. Thomas Baysden Jr. (1965) 2/13/2022 Hugh E. Eagleton (1966) 11/11/2021 William E. Ellington III (1950) 12/19/2021 Gene F. Lyon (1954) 7/28/2021 Duncan I. MacCalman (1951) 7/16/2021 F. Rockwell Poisson (1950) 2/19/2022 David B. Strickland (2003) 3/22/2022 William R. Titchener (1969) 1/21/2022


Norman Young (1947) 10/21/2020


William E. Manning (1951) 3/31/2022

Ohio State

Jameson Crane (1948) 12/22/2021 John E. Criss Jr. (1950) 11/11/2021 James W. Davis (1960) 10/19/2021 Robert H. Jolliffe (1954) 2/10/2022 Jervis W. McEntee (1955) 1/17/2022 Sheridan L. Weaver (1945) 2/19/2022 Michael L. Wu (1996) 10/19/2021

Ohio Wesleyan

Robert B. Martin (1955) 12/2/2021 John T. McDonald Jr. (1987) 1/22/2022 C. Nicholas Pry (1963) 12/22/2021 W. Leslie Rogers (1955) 3/28/2022


Larry L. Hanson (1974) 1/7/2022 James O. Harp (1981) 10/22/2021

American Interfraternity Conference. He was named a Distinguished Fiji in 2020.

Donald C. Kinsinger (1969) 11/12/2021 Robert G. Mullendore (1958) 6/28/2021 Alfred M. Steadley Jr. (1957) 3/30/2021 William G. Thompson (1964) 12/18/2021

Richard L. Johnston (1957) 2/22/2022 George A. Reihner (1977) 3/11/2021 Robert R. Ross (1950) 10/25/2021 David F. Titus (1964) 1/13/2022


Harrison F. Gleason III (1954) 2/14/2022 Milo Gwosden Jr. (1961) 4/20/2021 Gary W. Shaffer (1960) 1/24/2022


James D. Brock (1951) 3/16/2021 T. Scott Collier (2000) 3/10/2022 William R. Davis (1959) 11/18/2021 James C. Donham (1948) 6/20/2021 Patrick L. Grady (1947) 2/3/2022 Sam J. McClure (1959) 10/9/2021 Kenneth T. Milne Jr. (1949) 1/22/2021 Richard A. Mitchell (1961) 5/8/2021 James R. Stover (1978) 12/28/2021 George P. Sweet (1964) 10/16/2021 Robert F. Worley (1958) 11/10/2021

Rhode Island

Norman B. Carlson (1954) 10/28/2020 William B. Stillman (1970) 11/18/2020 Gerard A. Succi (1962) 1/29/2022


James A. Cales Jr. (1964) 4/23/2021 G. Ashton Carlton Jr. (1960) 12/23/2021 Thomas A. Ligon (1948) 1/11/2022 George W. Paynter (1964) 1/31/2021 A. Eugene Stewart Jr. (1951) 8/25/2021 Robert D. Whitehurst (1962) 5/16/2021 Richard T. Willis (1959) 1/25/2022


James A. Cramer (1984) 5/6/2021


Wilson J. Andrews Jr. (1954) 11/25/2021 James E. Sierk (1960) 1/17/2022

Richard C. Carson (Nebraska 1952)

passed ad astra on December 19, 2021. Dick majored in speech and radio at the University of Nebraska. In 1956, after service in the U.S. Navy, he began a 43-year career in television, starting in San Diego and in 1960 moving to Los Angeles, where he directed several programs for ABC. In 1962 he was hired as director of the New Yorkbased Tonight Show, which his brother, Johnny (Nebraska 1949), would soon join as host and star. After seven years, Dick returned to California, where he would direct The Merv Griffin Show for 14 years and the Wheel of Fortune game show for 22 years, until his retirement. Over his career, he directed thousands of TV shows, commercials, and pilots and earned five Emmy awards.

Thomas R. Matte (Ohio State 1961) passed ad astra

on November 2, 2021. After starring as a quarterback at Ohio State, he began his 12-year NFL career in 1961 as a halfback with the Baltimore Colts. He earned All-NFL second team honors in 1969 and appeared in the 1968 and 1969 Pro Bowls. He was the starting halfback for the Colts in the 1969 Super Bowl against the New York Jets, rushing 11 times for 116 years and




[ Ad Astra ] catching two passes for 30 yards. His 10.5 yards per carry is still a Super Bowl record. Over his career, he ran for 4,646 yards, caught 249 passes for 2,869 yards, and scored 57 touchdowns. After his playing days, he was a color analyst on NFL games for CBS from 1976 to 1978 and from 1996 to 2005 was on the broadcasting team covering Baltimore Ravens games on local radio.

Richard A. Waugh (1964) 12/16/2021

Steve M. York (1973) 2/4/2022



John A. Rodgers (Kansas 1953) passed ad astra on


August 29, 2021. At Kansas Jack played varsity football and basketball and was a member of the 1952 NCAA national championship basketball team. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, he worked for a number of years for IBM. Leaving IBM, he settled with his family in 1972 in Seattle, where he owned and operated several successful restaurant and retail franchises. His experience with franchising and involvement in a Seattle private equity group brought the opportunity in 1986 to join a small coffee enterprise that became Starbucks Coffee Company. He was the first senior vice president of business development for Starbucks and served on the board of directors. He was a founding member of the Seattle Seahawks Booster Club and part of the ownership group for the Seattle Supersonics of the NBA and the Seattle Storm of the WNBA. He and his wife, Nancy, created two scholarship funds at the University of Kansas to support Native American and African American students in the Schools of Business and Education.

James H. Stellar (Occidental 1954 Arizona 1954) passed aad astra on January 7, 2022. Jim’s lifetime

of involvement in Phi Gamma Delta extended from the chapter level to multiple positions in the International Fraternity. He served as a Field Secretary from 1954 to 1956, after which he returned to Southern California, eventually settling in Redlands and enjoying a career with Hayden Industrial. Resuming his fraternity involvement as a volunteer, he served as Section Chief in Southern California in the mid-1960s and again from 1978 to 1982. He played a key role in the founding of the Chapter at the University of California Riverside, serving as Purple Legionnaire from 1976 to 1978 and on the Board of Chapter Advisers for many more years. He served on the board of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation from 1992 to 2001, including terms as Secretary and Vice President, and was named a Director Emeritus in 2004. As further evidence of his lifetime commitment to Phi Gamma Delta, Jim attended 21 Ekklesiai. He was the sire of Fiji son James H. Stellar, Jr. (CSU Long Beach 1991).



David H. DePatie (1951) 9/23/2021 Kent S. Henning (1959) 4/26/2021

Southern California

William H. Crowhurst (1974) 5/17/2021 Ralph E. Wolter (1971) 10/28/2020

Southern Methodist

Henry R. Bockus III (1976) 9/5/2021 Robert C. Francis (1965) 4/25/2021 James D. Jones (1978) 11/2/2021 Raymond H. Rockholt (1952) 3/31/2021 Donald R. Collins (1950) 2/3/2022 Scott P. McCullouch (1964) 11/25/2021 Charles W. Poulson (1951) 1/10/2022 Eugene K. Shank (1954) 8/8/2021 Stewart Weitzman (1957) 12/29/2021


John E. Belle (1957) 11/5/2020 Robert F. Coulter (1949) 4/9/2021 Robert E. Neumeier (1972) 10/23/2021 William Skye (1953) 11/23/2021


Norman E. Daniel (1954) 1/12/2022 L. Blair Kline (1989) 1/27/2022 M. Andrew Mays Jr. (1979) 3/2/2022 R. Stephen Reece II (2001) 11/7/2021 William E. Robinson (1955) 1/25/2022 Paul A. Robinson (1950) 12/2/2021 David W. Rule (1964) 2/5/2022 Luttrell G. Schettler (1957) 6/25/2021 Alfred L. Thomason (1954) 10/29/2021


Randy M. Bishop (1969) 8/6/2021 Aubrey C. Black (1949) 1/30/2022 Judson C. Boykin (1959) 1/20/2022 R. Wilson Cozby Jr. (1955) 2/27/2022 William J. Derrick (1956) 11/24/2021 Steven H. Grage (1985) 4/7/2022 Michael S. Lee (1970) 6/10/2021 John C. McCaleb (1948) 2/12/2022 Paul H. Smith (1950) 12/10/2021 Robert S. Timmins (1954) 7/16/2021 James F. Witten (1952) 2/24/2022

Texas A & M

Weston A. Miller (2025) 3/5/2022

Texas Arlington

Michael D. Jarrett (1972) 12/2/2021

Texas Christian

Zachary C. Gilmore (1986) 9/21/2021

Texas Tech

Michael F. Novak (1981) 11/26/2021 Larry N. Phipps (1974) 9/14/2021 C. Greg Smith (1964) 11/4/2021

Peter M. Higgins (1961) 3/25/2021


Arthur T. Arcand (1944) 8/1/2021 Roland J. Barhyte (1946) 12/1/2021 Carl E. Gaiser (1962) 1/20/2022


James R. Coulter (1952) 12/1/2021 Thomas B. Slade III (1953) 11/19/2021

Virginia Tech

Ronald S. Hill (1975) 3/6/2022 Vernon F. Tydings Jr. (1972) 2/9/2022


William F. Brown (1974) 11/13/2021 Larry J. Chapman (1957) 2/22/2022 John D. Proffitt (1954) 6/30/2021 Ray H. Riddle (1959) 4/6/2022 John E. Trefz (1969) 10/25/2020


John M. Davis (1958) 9/4/2021 Curry E. Johnson (1963) 11/16/2021 Patrick A. Munter (1965) 5/3/2021 Robert F. Philip (1940) 11/14/2021 Charles F. Sanborn (1946) 8/1/2021 Edward J. Watson Jr. (1959) 11/22/2021

Washington & Jefferson

Robert M. Gordon Jr. (1952) 11/11/2021 Barrett C. Walker (1951) 1/20/2022

Washington State

Gerald R. Davis (1958) 10/27/2021 Larry R. Weir (1957) 8/16/2021

William Jewell

William Fligg (2016) 10/26/2021 Daniel Hacku (1950) 1/12/2022 Charles H. Owens Jr. (1952) 12/27/2021 Lloyd W. Searcy (1951) 4/5/2021


John H. Dalton (1949) 12/21/2021


David A. Campbell (1957) 2/19/2021 John J. Ellsworth (1990) 7/1/2021 Stanley S. Judd Jr. (1956) 12/5/2021


Paul J. Morsches Jr. (1951) 2/12/2022


W. Todd Akin (1971) 10/3/2021 Carleton C. Comins (1953) 12/4/2021 George E. Crosby (1957) 1/24/2021 Stephen J. Cummings (1976) 3/9/2021 William H. Holmes (1961) 3/11/2022


Howard V. Clayton (1952) 2/11/2022 Bruce Kendrick (1951) 8/27/2021 Richard R. Wilson (1967) 3/31/2021

Obituary Notifications Submit obituary notifications online at www. or email to phigam@


Fraternally Speaking


s iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another was inscribed on a pen I received as a college graduation gift. It is a fitting description of the power of relationships built in fraternity. But at twenty-two, I did not realize the profound impact and possibilities of that simple verse. This month’s cover story features Victor Cui (Alberta 1994), who shares his thoughts on friendships built in fraternity. As Victor attests, we have a unique opportunity to surround ourselves with people who will challenge us to think and act differently and help make us our best – no matter how unreasonable that may seem at a young age. In this role I have the good fortune of hearing from and visiting with brothers frequently. Over the past several months, that has included a welcome return to in-person events. Those anniversary events and Pig Dinners are refreshing, providing great examples of the power of friendships, brothers reconnecting, and the sincerity with which a man credits his chapter brothers for influencing his life. Many rightfully look to their brothers when they need someone most. We can all recount times when our brothers surrounded us as we faced life’s most difficult challenges – the loss of a family member, turmoil in our relationships, or an abrupt change in career plans. As Phi Gamma Deltas we not only consider friendship to be the sweetest influence, but also trust that our brothers will cling to us in our greatest times of need – offering a helping hand and sympathizing heart. While we often appreciate the impact the Fraternity has on its members, we

Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, PA, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts & Naaman Fletcher.

The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta

1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 405444599 | 859-255-1848 |


cannot forget those Rob Caudill brothers who in Executive Director turn have profoundly impacted Phi Gamma Delta. Two of those men are remembered in the Ad Astra section of this issue. Jim Stellar (Occidental 1954, Arizona 1954) served the Fraternity as a Field Secretary, Section Chief, Purple Legionnaire, BCA member and board member for the Educational Foundation, but his service was more than a series of titles. He was a mainstay and source of continuity in southern California for decades, always present wherever brothers gathered to honor the traditions of Phi Gamma Delta. Over the years he stayed connected with the Fraternity and engaged with nearby chapters and brothers, whether in a formal role or as just another brother. Bill Bracewell (Georgia Faculty 1968) offered more than fifty years of devoted service to the Fraternity and was a pillar of his Kappa Deuteron Chapter. In his many roles, including as Archon Councilor and Educational Director, he emphasized that the development of our undergraduate brothers must be a constant priority. Bill was a shining example of a Fiji Gentleman, always going above and beyond, and putting others’ interests ahead of his own. He genuinely loved his brothers and his Fraternity, serving as a teacher and mentor for countless chapter officers, graduate volunteers and staff members. By their examples, Jim and Bill remind us today to consider the positive impact we can make in our daily lives, and the opportunity we have each day to espouse our values in service to one another and to our Fraternity. t

• President: Nic Loiacono (Illinois 1974) • Vice Pres: Bill Hunnicutt (Texas Arlington 1981) • Treasurer: Don Herman (Calgary 1984) • Secretary: Ed Gabe (Hanover 1990) • Councilor: Tom Waldon (Iowa State 1979) • Councilor: Tim Kilduff (Kent State 1968) • Councilor: J.C. Neilson (Akron 1991) • Councilor: Jack Foley (Ohio Wesleyan 2022) • Councilor: J.T. Stoll (Western Kentucky 2023)

Headquarters Staff

• Executive Director: Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) • Asst Executive Director: Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) • CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988) • Sr Dir of Chapter Services: Noah Reetz • Sr Dir of Education: Lauren Leif • Sr Dir of Graduate Engagement: Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017) • Dir of Chapter Services-West: Emily Sledd • Dir of Communications: Erica Carlson • Dir of Fraternity Growth: Tyler Fisk (Wayne State 2020) • Dir of Membership & Operations: Amy Watson • Dir of Undergraduate Member Experience: Abby McCollum • Asst Dir of Education: Andrew Depew (Kentucky 2010) • Sr Executive Assistant: Taren Robin • Administrative Assistant: Mahogany Dobbins • Receptionist: Tina Ritchie • Field Secretaries: Graham Hess (Akron 2021); Jackson Daugharty (Idaho 2020); Jeff Stinson (Western Michigan 2020); Collin Clifford (Sam Houston 2021)

Appointed General Officers

• Curator of Archives: Joe Weist (Rose-Hulman 1987) • Dir of DEIB: DeVere Kutscher (Davidson 1997) • Educational Dir: Amelious Whyte (Minnesota Faculty) • General Counsel: Jim Boyers (Hanover 1994) • Historian: Towner Blackstock (Davidson 1994) • PR Dir: Mike Sacks (James Madison 2004) • Ritualist: Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007)

Educational Foundations

Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation 1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 405444599 Board Members • Chairman: Matthew Amend (Iowa 1987) • Vice Chairman: Glenn Moor (Texas Tech 1984) • Finance Comm Chairman: Kevin Haga (Jacksonville 1992) • Secretary: Bill Brand (RPI 1987) • Directors: Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987); Carl Gibson (Oklahoma 1981); Donald Heinrich (Chicago 1974); Mitchell Henn (Case Western 1972); Mike Lucas (Bradley 1983); Scott Mowrer (Washington 1971); John O'Neill (Akron 1987); Michael Stewart (Penn State 1972); Rob Wunderlich (DePauw 1988)

Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada

804-2185 Marine Dr, Oakville, ON L6L 5L6 Board Members • President: Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) • Vice President: Tristan Patterson (Alberta 2010) • Treasurer: Stephen Firth (Western Ontario 1973) • Secretary: Murray Coulter (Western Ontario 1972) • Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001); John Carswell (Alberta 1976); Norm Dundas (McGill 1963); Donald Herman (Calgary 1985); Ashley O’Kurley (Alberta 1994); Rob Witchel (Toronto 1987) • Trustee Emeritus: Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972)

US & Canadian Foundations Staff

• Executive Director: Ben Robinson (HampdenSydney 1986) • COO/CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988) • Sr Dir of Graduate Engagement: Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017)



The Fraternity of PHI GAMMA DELTA 1201 Red Mile Road Lexington KY 40504

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