The Phi Gamma Delta Magazine - Spring 2020

Page 6

Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapters & Brothers Adapting to the Pandemic:

Beta Nu at Appalachian State held their first online brotherhood event in March. The Chapter is planning more online events in the future, and they will invite graduate brothers to join as well.

Pi Iota at WPI modified their original Humvee Push philanthropy into a virtual Photoshop competition. The event raised over $2,000 for the USO.



he COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered how Phi Gamma Delta operates, as it has for each of our brothers. Each of our undergraduate chapters was disrupted this spring as colleges and universities cancelled in-person classes. In many cases, students moved away from campus, with residence halls and chapter houses closing for the remainder of the spring semester. Traditional spring activities, including Pig Dinners and campus-based philanthropies, were postponed or cancelled. Our undergraduate and graduate chapters were suddenly forced to find ways to connect and carry on their activities in other ways. The International Headquarters was also forced to alter its operations. By mid-March, all travel was halted, and staff members began working from home. However, the staff was able to respond quickly and shift how support is provided to our brothers, with a significant focus on strategies for keeping brothers connected. As an example, while Field Secretaries could not visit in person, they began weekly communication with chapter officers and key volunteers, and they continued their planned visits via phone and video


conference. The Fraternity quickly began offering additional resources, pulling from our interfraternal and campus partners to help our chapters adjust. Every chapter was given access to a Zoom license to maintain its meetings, educational offerings and vital chapter functions. Planned summer events were also significantly altered. The Leadership Institute, an immersive program for up and coming leaders, was cancelled for 2020. The Summit, a workshop for recruitment chairmen and new member educators, was shifted to a summer-long online series. It has not yet been decided whether the 172nd Ekklesia, planned for August, will continue or be altered. While the pandemic has altered how the Fraternity operates, it has not disrupted the Phi Gamma Delta spirit. Our brothers have responded to our current challenge with creativity and persistence. While campuses may have closed, our chapters did not cease their operations. They adapted. They quickly changed their plans to host online philanthropies, hold Zoom Pig Dinners, and continue to recruit and meet (albeit virtually) to stay connected with one another.

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