The Phi Gamma Delta Magazine - Spring 2020

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PHI GAMMA DELTA Vol. 141 No. 2 | Spring 2020

Mu Iota at Idaho Celebrates Their 100th Anniversary

36 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA The Phi Gamma Delta is published semi-annually by The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, 1201 Red Mile Road, Lexington, KY 40504. Digital Circulation: 84,077 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Phi Gamma Delta, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY, 40544-4599. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PO Box 875, Station A, Windsor, ON N9A 6P2 Publications Mail Agreement No. 41752521 2

Phi Gamma Delta was founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, PA, on May 1, 1848. 198,111 men have been initiated into the Fraternity since its founding.

International Headquarters 1201 Red Mile Road Lexington, KY 40504

Editor Rob Caudill (Akron 2004)

Change of Address: To update your address, email, call the number above, or mail to the address above.

Director of Communications Erica M. Carlson


Phone: 859-255-1848 Email: Website:

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Spring 2020 VOLUME 141, NO. 2

Cover Story


40 A Lesson from Mu Iota at 100: Don't Forget Your Chapter

Features 6



COVID-19 Response

The Fraternity provides guidance on the COVID-19 crisis.

Leading the Fight Against Hazing Update about the Fraternity's Join the Fight Against Hazing campaign.

31 Spring 2020 Colonization Results & Fall 2020 Expansion Plans


President's Message


Gamma Gram

10 On Campus 43 Graduate Almanac

51 Spotlight 76 Ad Astra 79 Fraternally Speaking

32 Getting Personal with That Other



Story about a brother, and his wife, who tragically died from an opioid overdose.

On the Cover

35 Chartering at Colorado Boulder 36 Fiji Academy Wrap-Up


Highlights from the 2020 Fiji Academy in St. Louis, Missouri.

54 2019 Honor Roll of Donors

Idaho brothers gather in front of their 94-year-old chapter house during their 100th Pig Dinner weekend. North American Interfraternity Conference

Fraternity Communications Association THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


President's Message B


First things first. I hope and pray your family, friends and chapter brothers are healthy and well. What a difference a month or two makes. As I write this, we all find ourselves between stay-at-home orders and phase one re-openings across the country as we still try to outflank the COVID-19 virus. We are all adjusting on the fly to this new reality, albeit one we hope is short-lived, but making alternate plans just in case. Phi Gamma Delta is no different, with all our undergraduate members finishing their school year at home and likely wondering how this will affect them in the fall. Universities are in various stages of planning for the fall term, and it seems more than likely that in-person classes will be held at most of the major universities. Our headquarters staff is working remotely from home and is busy doing contingency planning depending on the length of this virus. House corporations are developing contingency plans for our chapter houses in the event this virus has negative consequences for group living in the fall. Like other organizations, the Fraternity has cancelled all the events planned for the next two months. This summer, two sessions of the Leadership Institute have been canceled, and The Summit has been adapted into a virtual event. God willing, the 172nd Ekklesia will be held August 6-9 in Phoenix, but plans are also being prepared if we need to scale down, delay or conduct our convention remotely. While there has not been an Ekklesia cancelled during my lifetime, it is not without precedent, having occurred twice during World War II. In any event, we will first 4

consider the safety of our brothers and second how to conduct elections, consider law changes and approve a budget. Thankfully, the Fraternity is in strong shape financially to weather the storm, due in large measures to the conservative nature of our organization and the growth initiative that was undertaken by our leadership over a decade ago. And, of course, an organization that has survived 172 years will find a way to persist through the dedication of its brothers, as it always has. I mentioned in an online Q&A, during the Fraternity’s recent birthday, that COVID-19 ultimately cannot infect the ideals and principles upon which we are founded. Our survival is not in question. Yes, we are concerned with the financial operations of our house corporations and headquarters, but the Fraternity itself is immune from this virus. We will work the problem just as others are doing and come out on the other side stronger for it. Now a word on our Fiji Family, and in particular our spouses, for whom Phi Gamma Delta means almost as much as it means to us. In early March, my wife, Suzanne, and I flew to Stillwater, Oklahoma, to attend the Sigma Omicron Pig Dinner. OSU’s Pig Dinner is attended by spouses as well as girlfriends. While there, we met Karen Hicks, whose husband, Craig (Oklahoma State 1972), had passed away several years ago. Karen is part of our extended Fiji Family and still attends every Pig Dinner. She is part of that large universe of fraternity spouses, my Suzanne included, who support us in our service to the Fraternity, love our brothers as much as we do and rejoice in our shared friendships. In honor of Karen and of


Lynn Shouvlin, widow of Tom (Ohio 1973), I extend heartfelt thanks to all Fiji Sweethearts for all they have done for our association. They enrich Phi Gamma Delta every day. In my last column as President, I want to express my profound thanks to the headquarters staff with whom I have had the opportunity to work closely these past six years. Their professionalism and passion for the Fraternity continue to set a high bar against which others in the fraternity world measure themselves. Phi Gamma Delta continues to be blessed with a deep bench when it comes to our Appointed General Officers, in particular our General Counsels past and present, who work tirelessly on the legal affairs of the Fraternity. Thank you all for your exemplary service. I have also been fortunate these past six years to have served alongside many outstanding brothers on the Archonate, each of whom brought different skill sets, experiences and perspectives to the board. Most importantly, they brought a desire to do only what is in the best interests of Phi Gamma Delta. They have all served “selflessly and joyful in the privilege." Lastly, I am grateful every day to my dad, Ken Robertson (Nebraska 1951), who introduced me to Phi Gamma Delta back in the summer of 1978. Thank you, Dad. Mighty Proud to be a Fiji. Clark Robertson Fraternally, (Nebraska 1982),

Archon President

Gamma Gram

News, Events, Feedback

Headquarters Staff Updates

Whyte Appointed Educational Director

In April, Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) was named Assistant Executive Director. Todd has served on the Fraternity staff since 2013, first as Director of Education and then as Senior Director of Undergraduate Services. In his new role, Todd will continue to oversee chapter conduct, plan the Fiji Academy and Ekklesia, and provide leadership to the chapter services team. His new responsibilities include leading the Fraternity’s hazing prevention efforts, overseeing advisor support and taking a larger role in interfraternal matters and initiatives. Also in April, Helen Lahrman joined the Fraternity staff as the Senior Director of Chapter Support. In this position, she will lead all efforts related to the support, resources and services provided to our undergraduate chapters and colonies. Previously, she worked as a Vice President of Campus Operations for the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) and as Director of Greek Life at Northeastern University. Helen earned her

bachelor’s at Franklin College, where she joined Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women, and her master’s in educational leadership at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. In May, Joe Roth (Akron 2019) assumed the role of Director of Chapter Development, where he will work most closely with our colonies and young chapters. He previously worked as a Field Secretary for one year, traveling the southeast region. As an undergraduate Joe served his chapter in many roles, including President and Historian, and was Senate Chair of the Student Government. He earned a B.S. in labor economics with a minor in international politics. Three staff members recently departed the Fraternity staff. Nick Hawley (Kettering 2017) departed in November 2019 after serving as Director of Growth for one-and-a-half years and as Field Secretary for one year. Thomas Lovejoy (Oregon State 2014) departed in January after just over a year as the Director of Graduate Involvement. Alex Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017) departed in May after serving on the staff for three years, first as a Field Secretary and then as Director of Chapter Development.

In April, the Archons named the Fraternity’s newest Appointed General Officer, Amelious N. Whyte, Jr. (Minnesota Faculty), as Educational Director. Amelious was introduced to Phi Gamma Delta and initiated as a graduate in 1999 while serving as the Mu Sigma Chapter’s Scholarship Advisor, a role he continued to hold until appointed as Educational Director. He also served as Purple Legionnaire at Mu Sigma from 2006-2008, won the Coulter Cup in 2018 and served as a facilitator for the Fraternity’s Leadership Institute. Professionally, Amelious is the Director of Public Engagement for the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota and has held numerous student affairs-related roles since 1993. Amelious was appointed following the retirement of Bill Bracewell (Georgia Faculty) as Educational Director in November. Bill served as Educational Director from 1982-1988 and 2001-2019. He served as Archon Councilor from 1988-1992, in addition to being a former Section Chief, Purple Legionnaire and BCA member. He won the Distinguished Fiji Service Award in 1993. t THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


Adapting to the COVID-19 Pandemic Chapters & Brothers Adapting to the Pandemic:

Beta Nu at Appalachian State held their first online brotherhood event in March. The Chapter is planning more online events in the future, and they will invite graduate brothers to join as well.

Pi Iota at WPI modified their original Humvee Push philanthropy into a virtual Photoshop competition. The event raised over $2,000 for the USO.



he COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered how Phi Gamma Delta operates, as it has for each of our brothers. Each of our undergraduate chapters was disrupted this spring as colleges and universities cancelled in-person classes. In many cases, students moved away from campus, with residence halls and chapter houses closing for the remainder of the spring semester. Traditional spring activities, including Pig Dinners and campus-based philanthropies, were postponed or cancelled. Our undergraduate and graduate chapters were suddenly forced to find ways to connect and carry on their activities in other ways. The International Headquarters was also forced to alter its operations. By mid-March, all travel was halted, and staff members began working from home. However, the staff was able to respond quickly and shift how support is provided to our brothers, with a significant focus on strategies for keeping brothers connected. As an example, while Field Secretaries could not visit in person, they began weekly communication with chapter officers and key volunteers, and they continued their planned visits via phone and video


conference. The Fraternity quickly began offering additional resources, pulling from our interfraternal and campus partners to help our chapters adjust. Every chapter was given access to a Zoom license to maintain its meetings, educational offerings and vital chapter functions. Planned summer events were also significantly altered. The Leadership Institute, an immersive program for up and coming leaders, was cancelled for 2020. The Summit, a workshop for recruitment chairmen and new member educators, was shifted to a summer-long online series. It has not yet been decided whether the 172nd Ekklesia, planned for August, will continue or be altered. While the pandemic has altered how the Fraternity operates, it has not disrupted the Phi Gamma Delta spirit. Our brothers have responded to our current challenge with creativity and persistence. While campuses may have closed, our chapters did not cease their operations. They adapted. They quickly changed their plans to host online philanthropies, hold Zoom Pig Dinners, and continue to recruit and meet (albeit virtually) to stay connected with one another.

We do not know what to expect in the months ahead, but we know that our fraternity can and will survive the COVID-19 pandemic and thrive as it subsides. Flexibility and adaptation will be key, particularly with traditional chapter operations. Phi Gamma Delta’s staff and volunteers are preparing plans under several different scenarios to help our chapters persevere during the unknowns of the coming year and flourish under our new normal, whatever that may be. Brothers should be comforted that many years of astute leadership and fiscal responsibility have positioned the International Fraternity to be able to continue its important work in supporting our chapters and volunteers. While campus closures and cascading impacts will present a financial strain, and the Fraternity will need to make adjustments, our financial position, along with the continued generosity of our graduate brothers, will ease the burden on the Fraternity and our undergraduate brothers. Having just celebrated our 172nd anniversary, we should also be reminded of the resilience Phi Gamma Delta has proven over time. We have endured and prospered

through wars, pandemics, recessions and depressions by remaining committed to our values, adapting, and showing persistence to advance our brotherhood. During World War I, 50% of our undergraduate membership enlisted, and our average chapter size dropped from 20 to just 13. Newly acquired chapter houses were suddenly threatened. It was during this time that the Archons, under the leadership of Orion Cheney (New York 1897), created a “Purple Legion” of graduate brothers “to be charged with the general welfare of [their] chapter” and organized a “National Rushing Week,” asking graduate brothers to solicit names of prospective members. These were both precursors to the graduate involvement Phi Gamma Delta enjoys today. This crisis will no doubt bring about changes to Phi Gamma Delta, but those changes will make us stronger moving forward. The foundation of our fraternity is our belief that Friendship is the Sweetest Influence. Whether we face adversity or prosperity, this belief will sustain us for years to come.t

Western Kentucky brothers Clay Simpson (2012) (left) and Tyler Jury (2012) (right) are making COVID-19 face shields in their Louisville-based leather goods business, Clayton & Crume. They made a total of 585,000 face shields for the state of Kentucky.

Rho Alpha at Virginia Tech adapted their Pig Dinner, along with traditions such as kissing the Pig, to host brothers and guests virtually.



Leading the Fight Against Hazing


lthough most chapters do not haze, the practice creeps into our chapters far too often. Unfortunately, in just over two years’ time, the Fraternity has had to close 11 chapters for hazing, which is why we call it the number one killer of fraternity chapters. There is zero tolerance for hazing in Phi Gamma Delta, on the campuses where we operate, and in society. It is contrary to our values, and it has no place in our fraternity. While hazing itself is an action, it is rooted in an attitude – an attitude that causes some people to do things to pledges in the fraternity setting that they would never do to their friends or mere acquaintances in other settings. The hazing attitude says, “These guys want to be Fijis so bad that they will do anything I tell them to do.” For some people with that attitude, “anything” might be seemingly innocuous requirements, but for others, “anything” could include dangerous behaviors involving alcohol, physical pain or mental stress. Here is the reality: No one knows what the “anything” limit is for any individual. But the hazing attitude – “these guys want to be Fijis so bad” – puts pledges’ well-being and the chapter’s future in the hands of any individual brother. Experience has shown that is too great a risk to bear. Therefore, we invite all those with an interest in the present and future of Phi Gamma Delta, and their own chapter, to Join the Fight to eliminate and prevent hazing. The Fraternity is committed to the elimination and prevention of hazing. Just over a year ago, the Archons adopted a new comprehensive Hazing Prevention Plan. Paramount in this plan is a



recognition that no single action or policy will solve this problem. Instead, we aim for the cumulative impact of efforts around several key areas.

Rethink the Joining Process Phi Gamma Delta is rethinking how a man “becomes a Fiji.” This begins with the recruitment process, shifting our time of acclimation and evaluation so that the new member period is not an excuse to “weed out” those whom we did not get to know initially. The Fraternity will soon introduce a new New Member Education program that honors our foremost value of Friendship – focusing first on building the foundation of fraternity through productive and meaningful bonding experiences. Later this year the Fraternity will also introduce the framework for a continuing member development program. Too often a brother’s formal development as a Fiji ends at initiation. Our goal is to extend learning about the Fraternity and the Ritual throughout a brother’s undergraduate career and relieve the pressure to try to teach a man everything about being a Fiji before he is initiated.

Increased Training & Education We will provide increased training and educational opportunities to our New Member Educators and chapter officers to explain the Fraternity’s expectations regarding education and treatment of new members. Beginning last year, all Chapter Presidents and New Member Educators are required to complete online courses and signed agreements prior to the start of their New Member Education Program. Last summer, we launched The Summit, an annual conference, to provide training, strategies and tactics for both new member education and recruitment. Additional training and educational resources are

also provided for our chapter advisors. And our continued focus on Building Courageous Leaders both challenges and prepares brothers, regardless of title or position, to respond with courage at that testing point when someone promotes or engages in hazing.

Reinforce Hazing's Risks & Consequences We will continue our deliberate and direct communication to all undergraduate brothers to help them understand the risks and consequences of hazing. When a chapter is closed for hazing, we inform the undergraduates of all chapters so they can understand that there are real and painful consequences for chapters that haze. We also remind brothers of the consequences that individuals may face, including criminal prosecution, civil liability, and expulsion from the Fraternity and/ or their school. The Fraternity fully supports interfraternal efforts to strengthen state laws against hazing


"Hazing in all forms is destructive to our fraternity and our young men. If Phi Gamma Delta is going to continue to thrive and be a leader among fraternities, we need to eliminate this behavior from our experience." - Archon President Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982)

as well as efforts to establish federal anti-hazing legislation.

Rally All Constituents We look to all stakeholders – including parents and especially graduate brothers – to stand with us and Join the Fight against the number one killer of fraternity chapters. Hazing and hazers perceive silence as agreement and even permission. You may have seen that the Fraternity launched its Join the Fight campaign last fall. The campaign continues, with the goal of giving everyone involved with our undergraduates meaningful ways to take a stand against hazing. If you have not already, we encourage you to take the pledge to Join the Fight against hazing at www. One of the strongest preventatives we can have is for brothers, of all ages and in undeniable numbers, to state clearly that they do not support hazing and are committed to its elimination. t

"It is ruining the reputation and morals of fraternities. It is an issue I take personally and want to eradicate immediately. Every pledge should have a fun and personal experience with their new brothers, not a forceful attack to one's character." - Anonymous Undergraduate "Hazing is anti-brotherhood." Jonathan Espy (Drake 1995) "I want to get rid of the stereotype that fraternities cause harm to students." Anonymous Undergraduate "Joining a fraternity is more than just hazing. It's about belonging." - Roger Hansbarger (California PA 2021)

"I want to end the negative stigmas of Greek life and show the new generation how amazing it is to join a brotherhood." - Anonymous Undergraduate "Hazing has no place in our brotherhood. It divides rather than unites. It is dangerous and reflects poorly on all of us, especially in the public eye. We want to create good brothers/ friends, not obedient servants." - Anonymous Graduate "Hazing doesn’t build brotherhood; it is the very thing that destroys it." - Ryan Miller (Grand Valley State 2023) "We are better than that." Anonymous Undergraduate



On Campus

Please keep in mind that news continues to come in, even when an issue has gone to press. While it may seem dated to include events from the previous semester or school year, the goal is to give credit to all our brothers, chapters and colonies.

ITALICS indicates Colony


| Akron, OH

6 In September, Alpha

Omicron hosted their 4th annual Puppy Party, raising over $1,000 for One of a Kind Pets, Akron, Ohio's only no-kill animal shelter. In January, the Chapter assisted with the Chili Open Golf Classic, sponsored by the Akron Rotary Club, for the 30th consecutive year. Brothers volunteered over 273 hours to help raise money for the Rotary Club, which provides scholarships for families who would otherwise be unable to afford camp for their children. The Chapter also hosted their annual Section Meeting on February 29. During the meeting, graduates taught the undergraduate members about courageous leadership.

was awarded the IFC Man of the Year Award.


Alabama Birmingham


ers from the Alpha Beta Chapter volunteered with Birmingham Young Democrats to register voters.

Epsilon Alpha participated in, and won, Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority's Pearls & Tiaras philanthropy. The Chapter won the event by collecting the most food donations for the local food bank and winning the talent show portion of the event.

| Tuscaloosa, AL At Alabama's 2020 Greek Excellence Awards, the Theta Chapter won the award for Outstanding Service & Philanthropy, and Mason Lake (2020) 10


| Birmingham, AL

5 On March 7, broth-

| Edmonton, Alberta

The Chapter also participated in and won the Local Greek God & Goddess

[ On Campus ]

Competition, where brothers performed a decade dance throwback.


| Meadville, PA

5 On January 25, Pi

Chapter brothers volunteered with the French Creek Valley Conservancy Group for their first "Service Saturday" of the

semester. Brothers helped by dismantling and removing tree stands from the surrounding forests.

Appalachian State | Boone, NC

Justin Marks (2021) received the 2019 Community Impact Award from the University. Justin

received this award for his dedication to community service. He led efforts to promote active citizenship and community service in Boone, North Carolina, by creating the Active Citizens of Appalachia, and he helped educate and empower others to support the Free Tibet Movement. Justin also serves his chapter as Philanthropy Chairman.

5 Beta Nu hosted their

inaugural Kickball for the Kids, a philanthropic kickball tournament. The event raised over $2,500 for the Western Youth Network in Boone, North Carolina.


| Tucson, AZ

3 During the fall 2019

semester, Upsilon Alpha raised over $9,000 for the USO by hosting multiple philanthropy events, including a car smash, flag football tournament (pictured) and inflatable jousting.

John Papakalos (2022), Greg Scholz (2022), Peter Relf (2022), Andrew Stuckey (2022) and Griffin Rettig (2022) were accepted into the Eller Global Cohort and will be studying abroad in Portugal this summer.


| Fayetteville, AR Phi Alpha partnered with Arkansas' IFC fraternities to support the local Police Department after one of their police officers was killed. All 14 fraternities provided breakfasts and dinners and demonstrated other acts of kindness for a whole week to support law enforcement.


| Auburn, AL Alpha Upsilon will begin a chapter house renovation project that will add more housing units and a new chapter room and porch and update the front half of the house. 4



[ On Campus ] List recipient for three consecutive semesters.


| Waco, TX The Kappa Chapter hosted their 16th annual Fiji Fright Night philanthropic event. Fright Night is a haunted house style experience that benefits the USO.

Boise State | Boise, ID

Austin Peay | Clarksville, TN

5 Several Alpha Psi

brothers attended APSU's Ziegler Leadership Forum in February.

Ball State | Muncie, IN

Beta Sigma held their 2nd annual Haunted House philanthropy event, raising approximately $1,000 for the USO. Every brother worked in the haunted house.

services hours. Former Chapter President Michael Jessup (2020) was named Outstanding Chapter President. J.T. Wengilkowski (2021) won Outstanding New Member. And Chapter President William Gilbert (2022) received the Outstanding Greek Leader Award, having served in many leadership positions within the Chapter and being a Dean's

6 Beta Psi was awarded

Chapter of the Year for the second consecutive year and won the Intellectual Development, Leadership Development, Brotherhood Excellence and Ritual Integration awards. Connor Johnson (2020) won the University's Fraternity Man of the Year award. Connor is the IFC President and was the former Recording Secretary for his chapter.

During the fall 2019 semester, the Chapter initiated 30 brothers, which is the most in the Chapter's history. Additionally, the Chapter donated several pumpkins to the children at the Boise State Children's Center.

Bowling Green | Bowling Green, OH

Beta Gamma hosted the Sweetheart Competition, raising $2,500 for the USO in just two days. Seven women competed by raising money in various ways, including a bake sale, social media fundraisers and a talent competition. The bake sale alone raised over $900. Additionally, the Chapter attended their Section Meeting on February 29. During the meeting, graduate brothers taught the undergraduates about courageous leadership. The

The Chapter's house mom, Debbie "Mom" Woodfin, passed away due to complications from multiple myeloma. Debbie was involved with the Chapter since its founding in 1999. During the University's Greek Awards, several brothers won individual awards. Alex St. John (2022) received the Service Award by completing over 500 community 12


[ On Campus ] event was hosted by Alpha Omicron at Akron.

California Berkeley

| Berkeley, CA

4 During the winter,

Delta Xi hosted the inaugural Mile for Mental Health event. The event is designed to raise awareness for mental illness and provide support, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families. During the spring 2020 semester, Clay Fudurich (2021), Matt Dixon (2021), Rusty McDonough (2021) and Will O'Connor (2021) studied abroad in Budapest, Hungary.

California Davis | Davis, CA

up a church in the local community.

During the fall 2019 semester, Delta Chi was #1 in grades with a 3.127 GPA.

Case Western Reserve

California of PA

Xi Deuteron hosted their annual Fiji Howl Fest, an electronic music festival that raises money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN). The Chapter sold 300 tickets to the fest and raised nearly $2,000, which was donated in honor of Hugh Marshall (Graduate Initiate 2001), who passed ad astra in June 2018 at the age of 65 after battling pancreatic cancer.

| California, PA

6 In October, Chi Rho brothers helped clean

Additionally, one of the musicians who performed at the festival was Dennis Wong (2007).

Central Florida

| Cleveland, OH

| Orlando, FL

Omega Phi volunteered with Fleet-Farming Orlando by planting crops for an impoverished neighborhood so the residents would have organic food and spices to eat.


| Orange, California

6 Omega Chi par-

ticipated in the C.A.R.E.S. (Creating A Rape-Free




[ On Campus ] Environment for Students) Clothesline Project event on November 13. The Chapter participated by setting up the event, helping hang over 800 T-shirts (which were created by students, faculty and staff) on clothes lines throughout campus.

Christopher Newport

| Newport News, VA The Delta Colony has hosted two major philanthropy events since their founding in spring 2019. The Colony hosted a Fraternity Feud, raising

money for the USO. And they partnered with Habitat for Humanity (HfH) to host a cornhole tournament, raising money for both HfH and the USO.

4 During the spring 2020 semester, the Colony welcomed 11 new members.

Additionally, the Colony has been involved in community service through clean-up projects at local beaches and assisted living communities.


| Cincinnati, OH The Chi Omicron Chapter was recognized by the IFC

for outstanding recruitment during the fall 2019 semester.


| Clemson, SC

3 Twenty Chi Alpha

brothers volunteered to clean up the community during the University's annual Martin Luther King Day of Service. The Chapter also donated flu prevention supplies to the Pickens County Elementary School in February.



Coastal Carolina | Conway, SC

From November 11-15, Mu Beta hosted a philanthropy week to raise money for the USO. Throughout the week, the Chapter held several events, including a sand volleyball tournament, a donut sale and a basketball tournament.

Colorado School of Mines | Golden, CO

6 The Gamma Kappa Chapter received several awards at the FSL

[ On Campus ] Florida State | Tallahassee, FL

Greek Awards Banquet. The Chapter received the Golden Impact Award and the Chapter Advisor Award, recognizing Purple Legionnaire Thorn Svendsen (2011). Also, Doyle Smith (2021) and Doug Meredith (2020) were awarded Most Spirited Greek Member and Greek Scholar, respectively. The Chapter was also #1 in grades during the fall 2019 semester with a 3.42 GPA.

Colorado State

Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Sigma Kappa broke the University's Huskython fundraising record, raising over $16,000 for the Connecticut Children's Hospital.

5 The Chapter also raised

$11,500 for a summer camp for kids with serious illness through their Carving for Camp philanthropy. This broke the University's fundraising record for an individual philanthropy.

| Fort Collins, CO


Phi Kappa received the Excellence in Community Service & Philanthropy Award for 2019. The Chapter volunteered 1,105 hours of community service during the fall 2019 semester alone.

Kappa Nu won Cornell's Outstanding Commitment to Leadership & Accountability Award Interfraternity Council at the Sorority & Fraternity 2019 Awards Ceremony.

The Chapter also tied for 3rd among IFC chapters for grades with a 3.1 GPA.

| Ithaca, NY

East Carolina | Greenville, NC

Pi Nu hosted their 5th annual Phi Gam Day Jam,

raising $2,500 for the Beau Stanley (2022) Scholarship. The University started the scholarship after Beau passed ad astra in April 2019 in a car accident.

5 Tucker Robbins

(2021), former Chapter President, was elected President of the SGA.


| Daytona Beach, FL In November, Epsilon Rho raised over $20,000 for the USO through their Islander Philanthropy Week. Spencer Helsing (2021) spent the spring 2020 semester abroad in Prishtin, Kosovo. Spencer is a Homeland Security major and a member of the University's Emergency Response Team.


| Evansville, IN Epsilon Iota's intramural basketball team won the campus championship. The Chapter was also #1 in grades for the fall 2019 semester with a 3.51 GPA.

Phi Sigma participated in the University's Dance Marathon, a weekendlong event supporting the Children's Miracle Network. The Chapter was recognized for raising $30,000, the most of any Greek organization on campus.


| Gettysburg, PA This school year, the Xi Chapter raised $7,244 for the William Templeton Foundation for Young People's Mental Health and a breast cancer foundation.


| Hanover, IN During the fall 2019 semester, the Tau Chapter was #1 in grades with a 3.32 GPA.


| Moscow, ID On March 7, Mu Iota held their 100th anniversary Pig Dinner. Over 500 graduate brothers and guests traveled back to participate in the centennial celebrations.


| Urbana-Champaign, IL On September 28, 35 Chi Iota brothers and new members volunteered with UI's Student Ambassadors to help clean up campus. In October, the Chapter THE PHI GAMMA DELTA



[ On Campus ] hosted the Fiji Fall Fest. The Chapter raised $5,000 for the USO, and 18 sorority teams participated. Additionally, in August the Chapter hosted the 34th annual Tom Jump Memorial Fiji Open at the Carriage Greens Country Club in Darien, IL. The event consisted of an afternoon of golf, followed by pizza and brotherhood. There were 70 brothers (from the classes of 1969-2021) in attendance, including 42 graduate and 16 undergraduate golfers.


| Bloomington, IN On February 8, the Zeta Chapter attended Indiana State Day with the other eight Phi Gam chapters


in the state. Zeta received the Beta Cup, as the most outstanding chapter, for the second consecutive year, and they won the Most Outstanding Recruitment, Community Service and Campus Involvement awards. And Holden Jastremski (2020) won Most Outstanding Member.

6 The Chapter also

won several awards at the University's Greek Assessment & Awards Program. They won the Chapter of Excellence Award (the most prestigious award), the Chapter Alumni Relations Award and the Chapter Civic Engagement Award. Chris Johnson (2020) was named Chapter President of the Year.


Additionally, during the fall 2019 semester, the Chapter was #1 in grades with a 3.448 GPA.


| Iowa City, IA During Thanksgiving break, the Mu Deuteron Chapter volunteered at

Feed My Starving Children by preparing and packing meals that were delivered to those in need.

5 The Chapter also par-

ticipated in the University's Dance Marathon, which supports pediatric patients and families affected by cancer. Brothers raised

[ On Campus ]

$23,288, breaking their fundraising record.


| Indianapolis, IN During the fall 2019 semester, Iota Pi raised $5,000 to support the USO. The Chapter also won the University's annual Regatta Race, a canoe race on the White River in Indianapolis. Finally, the Chapter was #1 in grades for the fall 2019 semester with a 3.164 GPA.

Johns Hopkins | Baltimore, MD

5 Beta Mu raised over

through their annual PUSH event, where teams of eight pushed a 5,000pound Humvee.

Kansas State | Manhattan, KS

Chi Deuteron received the IFC's Change Maker Award as the fraternity that has shown the most improvement over the past calendar year. The Chapter made numerous improvements throughout the year, which resulted in 100% new member retention and building brotherhood. They also received the Purple Circle Award in recognition of these achievements.

Kent State


This semester, Kappa Upsilon Colony set a community service goal of 15 hours per brother. Most brothers have already reached their service goal.

6 On February 29, 10

| Kent, OH

| Lexington, KY Upsilon Kappa brothers participated in the University's Dance Blue, a dance marathon supporting the Pediatric Center at


$2,000 for the USO



[ On Campus ] Albert Chandler Hospital. The event raised over $2 million. The Chapter also held their first brotherhood ski trip at Perfect North in Indiana.


| Galesburg, IL

4 Gamma Deuteron

brothers set a goal to raise $1,200 for the St. Baldrick's Foundation. Not only did the Chapter exceed their goal by raising over $3,300, brothers also shaved their heads to fully participate in the fundraiser.

Loyola New Orleans

| New Orleans, LA

6 On January 26, Delta

Colony brothers volunteered at the Youth Run NOLA in Joe Brown Park. The Colony was #1 in grades for the fall 2019 semester with a 3.081 GPA.


| Orono, ME Hunter McDonough (2020), Chapter President and IFC VP of Finance, and Sam Burgoyne (2020), IFC VP of Philanthropy, attended the Northeast Greek Leadership Association's Annual

Conference in Baltimore, Maryland with brothers from the Quinnipiac and William & Mary chapters.


| Oxford, OH On March 1, Mu Upsilon traveled to the International Headquarters in Lexington for their initiation ceremony.

Michigan State | East Lansing, MI

Epsilon Lambda has partnered with the Salvation Army of Lansing (SAL) to do community service. The Chapter volunteers with the SAL every Wednesday by unloading food trucks and preparing food packages for those in need. The Chapter also won the



2019 Intramural Football Championship.

Mississippi State | Starkville, MS

The Sigma Mu Chapter received the Excellence in Leadership Award at the Ritter Awards for Greek Life ceremony. And former Chapter President Seth Male (2020) was elected to the Greek Hall of Fame. In February, the Chapter celebrated their 50th Anniversary Pig Dinner. Over 230 graduate brothers returned to attend the event. Executive Director Rob Caudill also attended as the guest speaker, and the Chapter presented him with his own cowbell. In March, the Chapter partnered with the Beta Upsilon Chi Christian

[ On Campus ] a Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) chapter at MSU. Cooper was inspired by his mother, who has survived cancer twice. Since its establishment, the CAC Chapter held a membership drive and started various support groups for students affected by cancer. They also started a fundraising campaign this spring, raising $32,000 to go towards cancer research and supporting patients.


| Columbia, MO Fraternity to host Breakfast for Brickfire, a philanthropy event benefitting the Brickfire Mentoring Project. Brickfire provides afterschool care, tutoring and mentoring for

underprivileged children in the Starkville community. The event raised over $3,000.

5 During the fall

2019 semester, Cooper Thaggard (2020) started

6 The Chi Mu Chapter

participated in the University's annual fundraiser basketball game, called Rally for Rhyan (RfR). RfR supports pediatric cancer research and

was named after Missouri basketball coach Brad Loos' six-year-old daughter, Rhyan, who was diagnosed with a rare spinal cancer at the age of two. Thirty brothers volunteered at the event during the halftime show (pictured), and the Chapter raised over $10,000, bringing the University's total to over $80,000. Also, Chris Hurt (1988) and the Build-A-Bear Workshop donated 300 bears to be sold at the game.

Missouri Kansas City | Kansas City, MO

The Delta Colony was #1 in grades for the fall 2019 semester with a 3.31 GPA.




[ On Campus ] Missouri State | Springfield, MO

4 Psi Mu won the IFC

flag football championship, beating the Sigma Pi Fraternity 13-12.


| Montevallo, AL Jacob Heath was selected as one of the University's 2020 Orientation Leaders.

Nebraska | Lincoln, NE

Lambda Nu received three PRSA Nebraska 2019 Paper Anvil Awards. The Chapter's recruitment campaign received the Award of Excellence: Brand Management and Award of Merit: Community Relations, and their membership and awareness video received the Award of Excellence: Video. PRSA is the society for public

relations and communications professionals.

North Alabama | Florence, AL

6 On November 1, Phi

Upsilon sold hot chocolate on campus to raise money for the USO.

North Carolina State

North Carolina Wilmington

On February 16, Nu Sigma brothers donated $50 to compete in Delta Zeta Sorority's Hoops for Hearing basketball competition, which supports the Starkey Hearing Foundation. The brothers played five games throughout the day and won the competition, winning a $250 donation to their philanthropy of choice, the USO.

Pi Chi hosted their largest Fiji Islander Experience philanthropy event to date. Held on February 28 at the Brooklyn Arts Center, the event featured a performance by the Blue Footed Boobies, a local psycheblues duo. The Chapter sold out the event, selling over 750 tickets. The proceeds benefit the Indo Jax Surf Charities.

| Raleigh, NC

The Chapter also partnered with the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, raising $2,855 for the University's Dance Marathon, which supports pediatric cancer research. 10 brothers danced in the marathon on February 22. Brothers also wrote letters to cancer survivors throughout the event. 20


| Wilmington, NC

North Texas | Denton, TX

Nu Tau recently held their Phi Gamma Melta philanthropy event. The Chapter sold grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup at their chapter house, raising $292 for Denton County Friends of Family. The

[ On Campus ] Chapter also donated their leftover food.

Northeastern | Boston, MA

On February 15, Nu Eta hosted 17 graduate brothers, nine of whom were recent graduates of Northeastern. The Chapter looks forward to hosting more events for graduate brothers in years to come.


| Athens, OH

6 Pictured (L-R): Logan

Harding (2021), Noah Wagner (2022) and Andrew Willett (2023) participated in IMPACT, a two and a half day campusbased leadership institute held by the NIC (North American Interfraternity Conference).

Ohio State

| Columbus, OH Jimmy Franklin (2020) and Josh Rademacher

(2020) won the Pace Setters Award from OSU's College of Business. The award recognizes students who achieve at high levels, both inside and outside of the classroom, and is given to just 1% of the undergraduates in the school.

4 Brothers from the

Omicron Deuteron Chapter participated in the University's BuckeyeThon, a dance marathon, from February 7-8. BuckeyeThon is an annual studentrun philanthropy event, which raises money for the Children's Miracle Network Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. This year, the brothers raised over $11,000, bringing the University's overall total to over $1.6 million.

Ohio Wesleyan | Delaware, OH

This fall, Theta Deuteron participated in and won

Delta Gamma Sorority's Anchor Bowl, a flag football philanthropy event. Brothers also volunteered at local food banks and at Big Brothers Big Sisters throughout the semester.

Oklahoma State | Stillwater, OK

6 Caileb Booze (2020)

was recently elected IFC President. As the first African American elected to the role on campus, his main goals are to foster unity among the Greek community, to bolster

philanthropic efforts and inclusivity.

Old Dominion | Norfolk, VA

Mimo Daniel (2021), Wolf Kerat (2019) and John Eldredge (2020) volunteered with the Vets on Track Foundation, helping furnish the homes of veterans in need.


| Eugene, OR On November 22, the Epsilon Omicron Chapter and the Sigma Nu Fraternity partnered with Food for Lane County to host the inaugural Fall Fest to Smash Hunger. The event raised over $6,400 to support families in Eugene that cannot afford their own Thanksgiving meals. The Chapter also moved back into their chapter house at the beginning of the school year. The house was originally purchased in 4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


[ On Campus ] the late 1970s and was last occupied by the Chapter in 1998.

Oregon State | Corvallis, OR

4 On October 26, Kappa

Omicron participated in the OSU Christian Center's 2nd annual Corvallis Walk4Water. Brothers and other OSU students walked four miles, roundtrip, from Avery Park to the Willamette River to fill jugs of water. The journey simulated the average distance people in developing countries walk every day to collect water for their families. The University's goal is to raise $7,500 to drill one well in Haiti or Zimbabwe. Walk4Water is a program within Healing Hands International, which holds events all over the U.S. to


raise money to build wells in developing countries. The Chapter hosted their annual Haunted House to raise funds for the children of Jackson Street Youth Shelter (JSYS). The theme was asylum, so the Chapter converted their entire house into a haunted asylum. Tickets were sold for $5, and all the proceeds were donated to JSYS. Additionally, brothers went to Devils Lake, Oregon, for their annual Brotherhood Retreat in January, and the intramural wiffleball team won the championship, after placing second last year.

Penn State

| State College, PA

6 Five Gamma Phi

brothers danced in PSU's


Dance Marathon (THON) on February 21-23. THON is a 46-hour no-sitting-orsleeping event benefiting the Four Diamonds Fund, a nonprofit that supports children and families with all medical expenses related to pediatric cancer care. The brothers raised

over $84,000, bringing the University's total to $11.7 million.


| Pittsburgh, PA Pi Sigma won best choreography at the Greek Sing 2020 with their partners,

[ On Campus ]

Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.


| West Lafayette, IN During the fall 2019 semester, Lambda Iota helped Habitat for Humanity with several projects as a part of their partnership. They helped build a wheelchair

ramp, and they helped clear the remains of a previous structure so two new homes can be built for families in the program. The Chapter will be reinstating their Fiji Putt-Putt philanthropy event. The event will be held at the chapter house, and proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity.

Quinnipiac | Hamden, CT

Eta Chi is planning their 3rd annual Not Just for One event, which supports various cancer research charities. The Chapter also has volunteered over 500 community service hours in the past year.

3 Pictured (L-R):

Hunter McDonough (Maine 2020), Chapter President and IFC VP of Finance, Sam Burgoyne (Maine 2020), IFC VP of Philanthropy, Hugh Sokolski (2021), Recording Secretary and IFC VP, Stefan Dennis (William & Mary 2021), IFC VP of Health & Wellness, and Luke Scarano (William & Mary 2021), IFC President, attended the Northeast

Greek Leadership Association's Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.

Rhode Island

| South Kingstown, RI

5 During the spring

2020 semester, Kappa Rho has volunteered with the University's Coastal Society by cleaning local beaches. The Chapter also has hosted several philanthropy events. They raised over $800 for the Autism Speaks Foundation through their Spring Rush T-Shirt Sale. And they partnered with the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority for a Valentine's Day Carnation Sale, raising $800 for Breast Cancer Awareness and the American Red Cross. 4



[ On Campus ]

Rose-Hulman | Terre Haute, IN

Garrett Wight (2020) and Brett Tuttle (2022) were named the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week and Special Teams Player of the Week, respectively, for their play in Rose-Hulman’s win over Manchester on September 28. Additionally, Garrett and Brett have been on the Dean's List every quarter during their undergraduate career. Corey Vincent (2020) and Garrett Wight were selected to the NCAA Division III Academic AllDistrict VII football team,


and Garrett was named a Division III All-American for the third year in a row. Noah Thomas (2021) is the first software engineering intern at Zotec Partners. Through this internship, Noah has contributed to developing software solutions for a national healthcare client that will simplify the health care process for customers.


| New Brunswick, NJ Nu Beta has been working with Kurt Fauerbach (1989) and Chris Allen (1988) to raise money for their organization, Positive For Life Foundation (PFL).


PFL provides individuals and organizations the resources to motivate and inspire others in the area of self-esteem, positive thinking and goal setting so they can realize their dreams. The Foundation was created in memory of Dave Musikant (1989), who passed ad astra in 2004 after a long battle with brain cancer.

basketball tournament. Brothers assisted by setting up and breaking down the event, keeping score and cheering at the games.

Sam Houston State

| Columbia, SC

| Huntsville, TX

5 On February 22,

the Sigma Eta Chapter partnered with Special Olympics Texas and Livingston Middle School to support a local

On February 22-23, several undergraduate and graduate brothers attended the third annual Texas FIJI Summit in College Station, Texas.

South Carolina Mu Lambda was named 2019 IFC Chapter of the Year by the office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. The Chapter also collected over 700 pairs of shoes and donated them to Soles 4 Souls.

[ On Campus ] Southern Methodist | Dallas, TX

4 After a tornado hit the

North Dallas community in the fall, 10 Delta Tau brothers went to the area to help people clean up their yards.

Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Kappa Tau paired with Best Buddies during Homecoming week. Brothers and Best Buddies members played a basketball tournament on Monday, had a Halloween party on Tuesday and competed in a dance competition on Thursday. The Chapter also participated in UT's annual Big Orange Give, a Greek challenge philanthropy event. The Chapter won the competitions for most dollars raised and most donations collected , with over $12,000 raised from 192 donors. The University granted the Chapter $5,000 as a reward for winning both competitions.

Tennessee Tech | Cookeville, TN

Following the tornado that struck Nashville and the surrounding area in early March, Theta Tau brothers volunteered at food shelters and cleaned up debris in the most damaged areas.


| Austin, TX

4 Tau Deuteron hosted Parents Weekend at the chapter house on November 9-10.

Texas San Antonio

| San Antonio, TX During spring 2019, the Sigma Alpha Colony hosted a Donate Life event, registering 170 individuals as organ donors. The Colony was recognized with the Edward A. Gulewitz Award for the Promotion of Organ Donation at the 2020 Fiji Academy because of this accomplishment. The award was presented by Kevin Lee, Vice President of Community Engagement at Mid-America Transplant, and Ed Gulewitz (Texas

Christian 1989), who had a double lung transplant in 2014.

brother from the Chapter to be inducted into Order of Omega.


Virginia Tech

Levi Hill (2022) was inducted into Order of Omega, which represents the top 5% of Greek leaders at Toronto. Levi is the fifth

In October, Rho Alpha held a food drive for Feeding America at the local Kroger store. They donated over $170 worth of canned food 4

| Toronto, ON

| Blacksburg, VA



[ On Campus ]

plus additional donations by customers.



Wayne State

On November 24, 2019, the Chapter once again partnered with the Omicron Chapter at Virginia for their annual Run Across Virginia, supporting the Jimmy V. Foundation (JVF). This year, 24 undergraduates ran the game football nearly 100 miles relay-style, and the Chapter raised $12,000 for JVF.

5 On February 24, broth-

During the fall 2019 semester, the Sigma Tau Chapter was #1 in grades with a 3.6 GPA.

6 On September 30,

Also, during the spring 2020 semester, the Chapter welcomed 36 new members, the largest new member class in the Chapter's history.


| Crawfordsville, IN ers from the Psi Chapter participated in an annual fundraising banquet hosted by the Heroes New Hope Foundation (HNHF). HNHF is a nonprofit that organizes hunting and fishing trips for wounded, blinded or otherwise injured veterans and their families. This is the second consecutive year the Chapter donated to HNHF, with over $1,000 donated to date.


| Seattle, WA

| Detroit, MI

Delta Mu hosted the FIJI Petting Zoo philanthropy event to raise money for

[ On Campus ] the Michigan Humane Society (MHS). The petting zoo included sheep, alpaca, ducks, a mini cow, etc. The Chapter collected donations and sold chips and water and food cups to feed the animals to raise money for the MHS. The Chapter also raised $179 to donate to the Australian Red Cross to assist those affected by the wildfires in Australia. Michael Paniccia (2023) was elected social media correspondent for the IFC. Michael is one of the first members of the University's IFC, which the Delta Mu Chapter helped establish.

Western Kentucky

Garrett Edmonds (2021) was elected IFC VP of Recruitment.

Western Michigan | Kalamazoo, MI

On January 25, brothers participated in WMU's Futsal Tournament, raising over $400 for the Aspiras Foundation. Aspiras is a nonprofit organization that uses soccer as a tool to raise awareness, educate and empower communities in the Dominican Republic. The Chapter also hosted Rent-a-FIJI, raising over $3,500 for the Bronson Children's Hospital in February. And several brothers went to the hospital to personally drop off

the check and many toys.

5 On January 25-26,

six brothers in the Sports Business Association attended a front office workshop with the Chicago

Cubs. Pictured (L-R): Trevor Wheeler (2021), Ben Lemanski (2022), Sean Murray (2022), Brady Brown (2021), Jake Parillo (2023) and Travis Leonardi (2021).


| Bowling Green, KY

4 Bike4Alz, the Chi Eta

Chapter's philanthropy, won WKU's inaugural Outstanding Student Excellence Philanthropy Award. Bike4Alz is an annual cross-country bike ride that raises money and awareness for Alzheimer's research. The Chapter participated in Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority's Striking Out Arthritis, a bowling tournament that raises money for the Arthritis Foundation. The Chapter was also #1 in grades with a 3.439 GPA during the fall 2019 semester.



[ On Campus ] has shown the greatest improvement over the past academic year. Hall of Fame Football Coach Bill Snyder (1962) took note and wrote a handwritten letter to congratulate the Chapter. The Chapter was also #1 in grades for the fall 2019 semester with a 3.28 GPA.

5 Nick Bsharah (2021)

attended the AFLV Central Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 30-February 2. Pictured: 25 brothers, representing more than 20 chapters, at the AFLV Central Conference.

William & Mary | Williamsburg, VA

Stefan Dennis (2021), IFC VP of Health & Wellness, and Luke Scarano (2021), IFC President, attended the Northeast Greek Leadership Association's

Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland with Hunter McDonough (Maine 2020), Sam Burgoyne (Maine 2020) and Hugh Sokolski (Quinnipiac 2021).

William Woods | Fulton, MO

During the fall 2019 semester, the Kappa Chi Chapter was #1 in grades with a 3.21 GPA.

Wisconsin | Madison, WI

Throughout the fall 2019 semester, Mu Chapter brothers volunteered by working the concession stands at Wisconsin hockey games every week. By volunteering at these events, the Chapter was able to collect the concession stand proceeds. The Chapter used the proceeds to start Meads Scholarship, named after Michael Meads, who passed away last year. The goal of the scholarship is to help people in Michael's hometown pay for their

William Jewell | Liberty, MO

4 Zeta Phi's Chapter

President invited all undergraduate members and graduate brothers to the chapter house to celebrate winning 2nd place in the Condon Cup. The Condon Cup is awarded to the Phi Gam chapter which

Recommend a Member The recruitment of quality men remains essential to the success of Phi Gamma Delta and is the most important area of operation for each of our chapters. If you know a man who would be an asset to Phi Gamma Delta, we ask that you complete the recommendation form at The information you submit will be forwarded to the appropriate chapter, so that the brothers can provide useful information to the man you have recommended. If you have any additional comments, please contact Jake Lueck, Director of Expansion, at



[ On Campus ] college expenses and to reward a Mu brother who excels in scholarship and philanthropy. Charlie Quinn (2020) was elected President of the IFC. As President, Charlie's primary focus is to increase awareness and support for mental health within the Greek community at Wisconsin. He is also in collaboration with the University and Madison police departments to implement strategies to increase student safety and wellbeing.


| Worcester, MA On September 4, Pi Iota hosted Dunk a Fiji, a dunk tank philanthropy supporting ALS research. For $1, participants got the chance to throw a softball at the target with the hopes of dunking one of the brothers. The event raised

$3,230, which was donated to the ALSE Therapy Development Institute. The Chapter held another philanthropy event for the USO on September 11, selling yellow ribbons

throughout the day and raising $292.

5 On February 15, brothers sold roses at the Rubin Campus Center to support V-Day, a domestic violence prevention organization. The event raised $327.

The Chapter also hosted the 2nd annual Northeast Summit in February 2020. The Northeast Summit is an educational event for chapter leaders and executive members where brothers learn leadership techniques.

3 Lucio Nicoletti (2020)

and Ben Bushe (2021) received charity bids to run in the Boston Marathon. Lucio and Ben will be running for Team Inspire of

the 26.2 Foundation. They have been training since the fall and have each set a fundraising goal of $8,500 for the Foundation. Section Chief Tim Kilduff (Kent State 1968, WPI 2018) founded the 26.2 Foundation, which is pursuing the dream of building an International Marathon Center in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, with the purpose of promoting educational initiatives that offer multi-generational programs to raise health and wellness awareness through the sport of marathoning. Tim is a past race director of the Boston Marathon. t



[ On Campus ]



[ On Campus ]

Spring 2020 Expansion Results It is an exciting time of the year as we have completed a spring colonization at Seton Hall University.

Seton Hall University | South Orange, NJ Colonization Timeline: January 13 - February 24, 2020 Staff: Field Secretary Robbie Guilford GPA: 3.1 Founding Fathers: 60 Fun Facts: • The Founding Fathers are from nine states. • Brothers are members of 20 organizations on campus, The Delta Colony at Seton Hall including: Alpha Kappa Psi Academic Business Fraternity, Gerald P. Buccino Leadership Development Honors Program, Social Work Association and Student Government, to name a few.

Fall 2020 Colonization Plans At press time, Phi Gamma Delta has received invitations to colonize at California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, the University of Memphis and Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. The Archons have approved all three for colonization during fall 2020. Plans are always subject to change, and additions to our expansion schedule will be posted on If you know men at any of these schools, please recommend them to us at

California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA Colonization

Founded: 1901 Enrollment: 20,453 IFC fraternities: 15

University of Memphis | Memphis, TN


Founded: 1912 Enrollment: 17,378 IFC fraternities: 6

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi, TX Colonization

Founded: 1947 Enrollment: 11,929 IFC fraternities: 4




Getting Personal with That Other Epidemic By Alex Wylie (Arizona State 1996)


ur lives are so busy—work, kids, the rest. That’s what I told myself as I grabbed my bag and Starbucks and started toward the jetway. I knew the “too busy” line was a trite excuse. But I indulged in the bit of self-deception one early morning last August. After all, I was finally making a long overdue trip to Long Beach, California, to see Mike Blazevich (Arizona State 1996), my pledge brother and best friend from our alma mater, Arizona State University. We remained close after college, taking several vacations together and appearing in each other’s weddings. Lately, I kept in touch with Mike by text message, his wife Hannah’s Instagram account (Mike wouldn’t touch the social media stuff), and the occasional phone call. However, I realized that morning it had been far too long—almost two years since our last visit, when Mike brought his family to Portland for Halloween. As I handed my 32


boarding pass to the gate agent, I winced a little in guilt at the calculation. Mike went through a lot in the last ten years, but in August of 2019, all was well. Mike was handsdown the smartest brother in our chapter. He graduated in 1997 and started strong. His brains and hard work led to a management-level job as a computer science engineer. But in the mid-2000s, Mike’s social drinking (for which he was legendary in college) devolved into severe alcoholism. Mike lost his job, got divorced and went bankrupt. He was in bad shape. But we saved him. Through a series of gut-wrenching and extraordinary efforts, Mike’s family and a few chapter brothers convinced him to enter treatment. We supported Mike’s recovery in every possible way during the months and years that followed. It worked. He never drank again. Mike pulled himself together and started a new business in the Los Angeles

[ Opioid Epidemic] area that grew into a minor multi-state empire. He became a licensed pilot (because why not) and remarried. Mike and Hannah now had two beautiful young daughters and lived in a great house close to the ocean in Long Beach. I was thrilled for Mike when, in an early 2019 text message, he told me he received an eight-figure offer to buy his business—that he turned down. He didn’t want to be bored. We were so proud of Mike. So it will always be with an overwhelming sense of disbelief that I think of Mike’s death. And Hannah’s. Brian Badillo (1999), another chapter brother who helped Mike overcome alcohol addiction, called me in the car Sunday morning, November 3, 2019. Brian’s tone was unusually soft. “Alex, you better pull over.” Mike and Hannah— both together—were dead of an apparent drug overdose. It seemed that their daughters, just five and two years old, were orphans. We were stunned. Of course, I knew something about the opioid epidemic making national news. But I didn’t realize how deeply the tentacles of the crisis had penetrated American society. If you had asked me how Mike, an otherwise healthy 45-year-old was most likely to die, I would have guessed a car accident. But it turns out the crisis is so severe that young and middle-aged Americans are now more likely to die of an opioid-related drug overdose than in a car accident.1 More than 70,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2017, with 28,466 of those deaths featuring a synthetic narcotic like Fentanyl.2 By contrast, in 1999, the total number of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. was less than 17,000. How could this happen to Mike and Hannah— to us? The question continues to haunt Mike and Hannah’s friends and family. The couple did not appear to fit any of what I understood to be risk factors—which is probably a polite way to say stereotypes. One stereotype is that the opioid epidemic is a mostly rural problem. And according to the numbers, it was. But between 2014 and 2017, the opioid epidemic expanded and morphed. Rural counties now have the lowest rate of overdose deaths, while large fringe metro areas have the highest.3 The very week before Mike and Hannah’s deaths, the Los Angeles Times reported that Fentanyl, once rare on the west coast, now appears in a variety of illicit drugs.4 “[It] is being

pressed into counterfeit pills that look like exact replicas of prescription narcotic and anti-anxiety medications.” The LA Times article’s author quoted a University of California San Francisco illicit drug use expert, who said, “[we] are in the killing fields now.”

The Opioid Epidemic

By the Numbers:


People died every day from opioid-related drug overdoses 3

10.3 Million

People misused prescription opioids in 2018 1

I was just there! I stayed with Mike and his family 47,600 only a few months before People died from overdosing his death. We ate together. on opioids 2 We took walks in the eve2 Million ning around their Long People had an opioid use Beach neighborhood. I disorder in 2018 1 played and colored with his adorable daughters. 2 Million I saw that Mike and People misused prescription Hannah’s lives were very opioids for the first time 1 busy—chaotic even. But Sources I did not detect any signs 1. 2019 National Survey on Drug Use & of substance abuse durHealth. Mortality in the United States, 2018. ing my visit in August. 2. NCHS Data Brief No. 329, November 2018. Also, several Alpha Sigma 3. NCHS, National Vital Statistics System. Estimates for 2018 & 2019 are based on Chapter brothers made provisional data. a trip with Mike to East Lansing, Michigan, for the ASU v. MSU football game on September 14. None of us could have imagined Mike and Hannah as “junkies” in the stereotypical sense. That said, during my visit, Mike did talk about his back problems. I noticed how he would sit stiffly and sometimes grunt a little when he stood up. And I knew from my work as an injury lawyer that Mike’s complaints of numbness and tingling in his legs meant that he might need back surgery. But hey—we’re in our 40’s—of course we have back pain. I did not know (or think to ask) how Mike was treating his back pain, and I did not understand that anyone who takes prescription opioids is at risk for addiction.5 4

According to the Mayo Clinic, risk factors for opioid misuse include stressful life circumstances, a personal history of substance abuse, and prior drug or alcohol rehabilitation. THE PHI GAMMA DELTA

" 33

[ Opioid Epidemic] According to the Mayo Clinic, risk factors for opioid misuse include stressful life circumstances, a personal history of substance abuse, and prior drug or alcohol rehabilitation.6 It has been about six months now, and I still don’t know exactly what happened to my friend and his wife. I may never know. I want to believe that Mike and Hannah would not have knowingly taken “street drugs,” and certainly not Fentanyl, which is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.7 But would they have taken pills from a friend or acquaintance—pills that resembled the ones in a prescription bottle—either to ease physical pain or for a weekend-night break from the stress and chaos? That’s one more thing I don’t know. Despite the uncertainty clouding Mike’s tragedy, I do understand that knowledge is vitally important to our Fraternity. We say that knowledge never dies, but knowledge received too late sure feels to me like regret. So hopefully, timely knowledge can become wisdom, even courageous action. It is in this spirit that Mike’s sisters, Bethany and Anna, and I want you to know about Mike, and we want you to know more about the opioid epidemic and the risk factors that can lead to disaster. You should also know that Anna and her husband (along with their two young boys) have welcomed Mike and Hannah’s daughters into their home, and Anna is now their legal guardian. The girls are safe, loved and with family. Two weeks after Mike’s death, I took another flight to Long Beach, this time for Mike and Hannah’s memorial gathering. About 100 people assembled on the beach in front of a condo where

The realization hit us like a collective gut punch. There is our friend, in a box. We gathered around Jeff and put our hands on the box.


the couple lived after they met. Friends and family gave eulogies, while Mike’s daughters and their cousins played nearby in the sand. As loved ones talked about Mike and Hannah, I had to avoid looking at the folding tables with flowers and lots of happy pictures of Mike and Hannah with their kids. After the service, a group of chapter brothers helped clean up. Mike’s closest friend, Jeff Leitch (1995), went to pick up a polished wooden box from one of the folding tables. One of the brothers asked Jeff, “What’s that?” “That’s Mike.” The realization hit us like a collective gut punch. There is our friend, in a box. We gathered around Jeff and put our hands on the box. Another brother, Mike Nuzzo (1996), said a prayer. Mike Blazevich was the brightest star in our era of the Alpha Sigma Chapter and an irreplaceable friend to so many. With practically no warning, the opioid epidemic stole our friend, and it stole both parents from his daughters. The whole thing is such a senseless, unfathomable tragedy. I hate that I did not know enough about the opioid epidemic or my friend’s struggles to help save him this time. If you or someone you care about may be struggling with opioids, or dependence on other substances, please use your current knowledge and gain more. Ask uncomfortable questions. Think of the things that seem unthinkable. Act now and seek help. I hope you can avoid personal experience with the opioid epidemic. t

1. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Jan. 2019 rev., Opioid Overdose Crisis retrieved from:; Jessica Bursztynsky, Jan. 16, 2019, Americans More Likely to Die From Opioid Overdose Today Than Car Accident retrieved from: 2. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Jan. 2019 rev., Overdose Death Rates retrieved from: trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates 3. Sara Karlovitch, July 19, 2019, Unintentional Injury Death Rate Increased 40% Since 1999 retrieved from: medical-news/unintentional-injury-death-rate 4. Melissa Healy, Oct. 25, 2019, New Drug Overdose Data Capture Earliest Days of Fentanyl’s Deadly Westward Expansion retrieved from: 5. Mayo Clinic, Feb. 16, 2018, How Opioid Addiction Occurs retrieved from: prescription-drug-abuse/in-depth/how-opioid-addiction-occurs/art-20360372 6. Id. 7. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Feb. 2019 rev., What is Fentanyl? retrieved from: fentanyl



[ Chartering ]

Beta Kappa at University of Colorado Boulder Re-Chartering

Date: November 2, 2019 Original Charter Date: May 16, 1912 Chapter President: Ryan Henkel (2021) Purple Legionnaire: Mike Rosen (1987) Legate: Matthew Hazleton (Colorado School of Mines 1996) International Fraternity Delegation: • Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982), Archon President • Tom Waldon (Iowa State 1979), Archon Councilor • Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007), Ritualist • Patrick Athey (Colorado School of Mines 2005), Section Chief • Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), Executive Director • Alex Cruz (Northern Arizona 2017), Director of Chapter Development • Eli Ussery (Alabama Birmingham 2018), Field Secretary

Cabinet Officers (L-R): Corresponding Secretary Emerson Beinhauer (2021), Treasurer Ben Sarna (2020), President Ryan Henkel, Recording Secretary Nicholas Elvera (2020) and Historian Jonathan Fletcher (2021).

Ritual Team: Brothers from the Colorado School of Mines Chapter Charter Members: 59


• Brothers involved in over 40 other campus organizations • Over 500 community service hours • Facilitated several community service projects with the Ronald McDonald House, which includes providing meals, collecting wishlist items and auctioning handmade birdhouses THE PHI GAMMA DELTA



5Jade Metcalf (Washington State 1992) presenting the Courageous Leadership Pursuing Excellence session

2020 Fiji Academy

Leaders Challenged to Run Their Own Race


he 2020 Fiji Academy was held January 3-5, 2020, bringing undergraduate and graduate leaders back to the historic St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. This annual leadership training prepared our brothers to “Lead with Courage” to make a positive impact on their campus and community.

1 By the Numbers 2020 had a strong showing, with 645 brothers and guests in attendance. This included: • Undergraduates: 504 from 146 chapters and colonies • Chapters/Colonies With 3+ Delegates: 47 (Kansas State sent 11 brothers; Auburn and Bucknell both sent 7 brothers!) • Graduates: 111 (Including 53 Purple Legionnaires and 26 Section Chiefs)

2 Pursuing Excellence The 2020 Fiji Academy kicked off with the Pursuing Excellence sessions, providing early



arrivals with personal and professional development opportunities outside of their core officer and advisor responsibilities. On Friday afternoon, more than 450 brothers attended these sessions on topics such as career development, leadership development, judicial board training, diversity & inclusion, mental health, crisis communication, Fraternity history, and living our values. Concurrent with these sessions, new Purple Legionnaires gathered to learn about their new role from Section Chiefs and experienced Purple Legionnaires.

3 Opening Banquet The event’s first large group opportunity was the Opening Banquet on Friday evening. Longtime

3T.J. Sullivan,


Confronting the Idiot Brother


5Archon President Clark Robertson, President's Perspective

4Texas San Antonio Colony with Ed Gulewitz (second from right) and Kevin Lee (far right), Vice President of Mid-America Transplant

5 Academy emcee Towner Blackstock (Davidson 1994) opened the evening recounting Fiji Academy history. The main event was the President’s Perspective keynote by Archon President Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982). Clark highlighted how individuals have different reasons for taking on leadership positions; however, all leaders face testing points. He said that leaders who do not confront the challenge at the testing point can expect others to step in and take the initiative out of their hands. He ended with three key points for a new leader: (1) Run your own race, (2) take on the most pressing issues, and (3) where the eyes look, your body will follow.

4 Confronting the Idiot Brother The Fiji Academy invited several guest speakers and presenters, including T.J. Sullivan, a well-known speaker on college campuses and an interfraternal friend. Leading off the program on

Saturday morning, T.J. acknowledged that every chapter has at least one member whose behavior causes tensions and problems for everyone, and that confronting that brother can be very challenging. In an upbeat and humorous presentation, he challenged all brothers to step to the plate and find the courage to confront negative actions and attitudes from their fellow brothers. He offered practical strategies for increasing the effectiveness of constructive confrontations.

5 Foundation Luncheon Saturday's luncheon, sponsored by the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, began with the second annual presentation of the Ed Gulewitz (Texas Christian 1989) Award for the Promotion of Organ Donation, which recognizes a chapter or colony that excels in encouraging people to register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor. This year’s award winner was the Sigma Alpha Colony at Texas San Antonio. 4




3Paul Hains (left) received the


Distinguished Fiji Award from Rob Caudill (right)

5Dr. Gentry McCreary, Dyad Strategies

4Josh Hooper (left) and

Bill Miller (right) kissing the pig


Our luncheon keynote speaker was Dr. Gentry McCreary, interfraternal friend and CEO of Dyad Strategies. Dr. McCreary shared highlights from Phi Gamma Delta’s second member experience survey, challenging brothers to consider brotherhood in the context of belonging and accountability.

6 Pig Dinner The 2020 Fiji Academy concluded with a model Frank Norris Pig Dinner. Brothers from our newest chapter, Beta Kappa at the University of Colorado Boulder, had the honor of brining in the pig. Longtime Ritualist and Former Archon President Bill Miller (Indiana 1962, Purdue Graduate Affiliate 1996) was the eldest brother in attendance, and Josh Hooper (William Woods 2023) was the youngest. These brothers shared the honor of kissing the pig. Section Chief Tom Adams (Emory 1970) concluded the Norris-related activities with a rendition of An Exile’s Toast. The evening included with a recognition of the 38


winners of chapter and individual awards for 2018. Chase Stiffler (Georgia 2019), one of the co-winners of the Wilkinson Award, given to Phi Gamma Delta’s most outstanding senior, gave an inspirational speech about his fraternity experience. Unfortunately, Kai Nichols (Colorado School of Mines 2019), the other co-winner, could not attend. Our keynote speaker was Paul Hains (Texas Christian 1987), the William A. Martin III Distinguished Fiji Award recipient and Sam Houston State Purple Legionnaire. Paul talked about the leadership lessons learned through his more than 24-year career in the US Army, specifically talking about his experience in the Battle of 73 Easting in Iraq. This year’s Academy concluded with the presentation of the inaugural Courageous Leaders Award (see next page). We look forward to returning to the Union Station Hotel in 2021 as the Fraternity continues to Build Courageous Leaders.

3Matt Guzman (left) received the

Courageous Leader Award from Archon President Clark Robertson (right)

3Debbie Woodfin

The Courageous Leader Award The First Two Recipients Are Named


n 2019, the Archons established the Courageous Leader Award to recognize individuals who, through acts of selflessness or courage, make an impact in the lives of others and demonstrate a commitment to their values at a testing point. The inaugural Courageous Leader Award winners were announced at the 2020 Fiji Academy’s Pig Dinner by Archon President Clark Robertson. The first recipient is Debbie Woodfin, the former housemother of the Beta Sigma Chapter at Ball State. She became housemother when Beta Sigma was colonized in 1999,getting involved as soon as her husband, Dan Woodfin (Auburn 1964), became Beta Sigma’s first Purple Legionnaire. Brothers quickly saw that Debbie embodied the Fraternity’s values. She was a friend to every brother, taught membership development classes, and was a sounding board for any problem brothers faced. Debbie was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an aggressive blood/plasma cancer, over five years ago. While saddened by the news, she refused to give up. She recognized this personal testing point and vowed to fight. Her courageous leadership was a quiet strength. She wasn’t overly vocal about her

battle with cancer, but she led and inspired by example. Unfortunately, Debbie passed away on October 21, 2019, after a long-fought battle. Our second recipient is Matthew Guzman (Arizona 2023). In October 2019, Matt was walking on the UA campus when he saw a fellow student who had fallen to the ground from a dorm walkway. Matt ran to the student and saw blood coming from their mouth. He immediately called 911, and the dispatcher gave instructions to provide lifesaving compressions, which Matt performed calmly and with precision until EMTs arrived. Unfortunately, the student later died in the hospital. But Matt had not hesitated to help. He saw someone in need and immediately came to their aid. Rather than wait for someone else to act, he did the right thing when it mattered. Nominations for the Courageous Leader Award are accepted year-round, and recipients are announced each year in January. All brothers, new members and friends of Phi Gamma Delta are eligible to receive this award. For more information or to nominate someone, visit t THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


A Lesson from Mu Iota at 100: Don't Forget Your Chapter By Don Shelton (Idaho 1976)

About the Author: Don Shelton serves as Graduate Relations Chair on Mu Iota’s Board of Chapter Advisors. He retired as Executive Editor of The Seattle Times. Contact him at dshelton111@

M podium.

ore than 500 Fiji brothers and guests look up at me as I stand at the

All I can do is smile. Then I pull out my phone and snap a picture. I need to preserve this moment. Mu Iota’s 100th Frank Norris Pig Dinner was the highlight of an amazing weekend that kicked off our chapter’s year-long Centennial Celebration. But the most remarkable part wasn’t more than a third of our living

graduate brothers traveling to the University of Idaho from as far away as Ireland and Egypt to join us. Nor was it the heartfelt hugs or the tearful toasts we shared. The most amazing thing was that the weekend happened at all. The odds were against us. For me, the journey toward that unforgettable Centennial selfie with 500 others started 14 years ago with a single phone call from a long lost Phi Gamma Delta pledge brother. That spurred a

Mu Iota undergraduates and graduate brothers gather for a group photo in front their 94-year-old chapter house as snow falls during their 100th Pig Dinner weekend. 40


[ Mu Iota's 100th] trip back to Idaho for my 30th reunion a few months later. But I also saw hints of trouble, and my worst fears were confirmed a year later at a sparsely attended Pig Dinner. The half-empty house was in disrepair and the chapter in disarray. Only then did I realize we had to do something - if it wasn’t too late. All of those thoughts flash through my mind as I prepare to speak at the end of our 100th Pig Dinner. The resurrection of the Mu Iota Chapter is a story both cautionary and uplifting. We renovated our house, rescued our chapter, restored our connection with Phi Gamma Delta and rediscovered our Brotherhood. Yet I’m sharing our journey not simply out of pride, but so other Fijis and their chapters can avoid our mistakes and tap into the restorative power of hard work and brotherhood.

A Brother's Phone Call The phone call in early 2006 came out of nowhere. Andre “Andy” Pedersen (1976) told me he had early-onset Alzheimer’s and wanted to say goodbye to our pledge class of 1976. We quickly organized a 30th reunion in April, and 19 of us converged on Moscow, Idaho. I hadn’t been back in 25 years. That weekend made me realize how much I missed my pledge brothers, Phi Gamma Delta and the University of Idaho.

A year later, I attended Mu Iota’s Pig Dinner and was stunned when only about 45 joined me, including undergraduates. The kitchen had been shut down by the health department, and only about 35 lived in a house built for 70. I pulled aside Purple Legionnaire Ken Nuhn (1975). “We’re going to be fine, right?” I asked.

L-R: Mitchell Sonnen, Rob Caudill, Don Shelton

He paused before replying. “I’m not sure we’re going to be around in a year.” Later, at a house corporation meeting, Ken underscored to graduates what might happen if we failed to save the Chapter. “There could be other Greek letters in front of our house next fall,” he said. A voice broke the silence. “Like hell!” roared Todd Elliott (1981). “No way are we going to let that happen!” Phone calls were made, and graduates rallied around our troubled chapter. We developed a plan to solve two major issues – updating the chapter house and getting more graduate involvement. Led by co-chairs Tom Nicholson (1959) and Jim Hawkins (1958), brothers contributed $1.8 million to renovate the chapter house. The first stage was managed by Jerry Schlatter (1959), the house corporation president, and later stages by his successor, Dan Dorman (1979).

Re-engaging graduates was my job. I organized fall reunions and revamped spring Pig Dinners. I took over our chapter’s newsletter and wrote stories for newspapers and magazines about my experiences. I joined the Board of Chapter Advisers and house corporation. I organized a monthly lunch for Idaho Fijis in Seattle, while others did the same in Boise and Spokane.

The Road Back to Idaho Graduates started making the long trip back to Moscow, an idyllic but isolated campus in northern Idaho. Pig Dinner attendance improved each year, and our 99th Pig Dinner in 2019 drew 162. Something equally magical happened inside our chapter house. With more graduate guidance, our undergraduate numbers and quality improved. We now regularly rank near the top of all men’s groups in grades, win 4



[ Mu Iota's 100th]

intramurals, and blow every living group away in philanthropy. As planning began for our 100th Pig Dinner, I wanted to punctuate our comeback with an epic weekend. Mitch Sonnen (1986), chairman of our BCA, planned a can’t-miss event. Dan Harris (1981) organized a network of more than 60 class and decade leaders to relay information and rally brothers. A couple of weeks before the March 6-8 weekend, our goal of 500 seemed within reach. I clear my throat and wonder how I can put all that into words. In the audience for our 100th Pig Dinner is the University of Idaho’s new president, Scott Green, a product of Idaho’s Greek system, and six other U of I officials. Phi Gamma Delta’s new Executive Director, Rob Caudill (Akron 2004), is there, too, along with Section Chiefs

and former Archons, including Bruce Pitman (Purdue 1971), former Archon Councilor and Idaho’s retired Dean of Students and Vice Provost of Student Affairs. Rob and Bruce agree that graduate involvement was the key to saving our chapter. But they also point out that our work isn’t done. “If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that a fraternity chapter is a fragile thing,” Rob said. “It takes a lot of nurturing, a lot of involvement and lot of endurance. For a chapter to reach that Centennial bar is definitely an accomplishment. It’s a tribute to the atmosphere you’ve created at Mu Iota."

'Don't Forget About Your Chapter' The atmosphere for our 100th Pig Dinner is electric. With 500 waiting for me to finish the

group selfie and speak, I know what I need to say. I leave my notes under the podium and just tell my story, Mu Iota’s story. It starts with a phone call from a pledge brother and ends with a challenge. “Go back home and savor this weekend, but don’t forget about your chapter,” I say. “If we do that, the same thing will happen. Without graduate support, our chapter will struggle. Come back and get involved in any way you can. Our chapter needs your help.” A few minutes later, the pledge brother who first inspired me slowly makes his way to the stage to accept an award. He pushes a walker given to him that weekend by a pledge brother. Another pledge brother is at his elbow. Like our chapter, Andy Pedersen has made it back despite the odds. Soon 16 of our brothers join us on stage, hugging and posing for photos. More than a pledge class surrounds me. The power of our brotherhood molded us and has brought us back together 44 years after we left the house. That same brotherhood became the force that saved our chapter when it needed us most.

Don Shelton (holding plaque) and his Mu Iota pledge class from 1976 celebrate with the brother who recruited them, Larry Halvorson (1974), behind the podium to Don's left. Andre Pedersen is in the back row wearing a gold jacket.



It’s a lesson Mu Iota and I learned the hard way. As we begin a Centennial Celebration that almost didn’t happen, I hope other brothers and other chapters avoid the same mistakes. t

Graduate Almanac Arkansas

| Fayetteville, AR Bill Garner (1971) was recently named MVP of the Year in Energy Law, one of five such energy lawyers recognized nationally by legal newswire Law360. Bill is a shareholder in the Houston, Texas office of Greenberg Traurig. He has served the Fraternity as General Counsel and as Archon Treasurer.

Appalachian State | Boone, NC

5 Ryan Dowdle (2019)

completed the Appalachian Trail (AT) in November 2019. The AT is a 2,192mile hike, passing through 14 states in the Eastern United States (including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia). It took Ryan 160 days to complete the hike.


| Auburn, AL

soldiers that show up to Ranger School will graduate and earn their Tab. All three brothers agree that it was a combination of persistence and brotherhood that got them through the course. Conner is going to the 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina with Ben.

Bowling Green | Bowling Green, OH Dru Sexton (2009) recently became the

President of the Ohio Chapter of the Urban & Regional Information Systems Association.

California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Emmett Loverde's (1989) latest feature film, "Beauty, Brains, and Personality," had its world premiere at the Golden State Film Festival in Hollywood on February 27.

4 On March 6, 2LT

Conner Morschauser (2019) (left), 2LT Ben Seitz (WPI 2019) (middle) and 2LT Andrew Bright (Mississippi State 2019) (right) graduated from the US Army's Ranger School. Ranger School doubles as the premier leadership school for the Army and is one of the toughest courses offered to US military personnel. Only a small percentage of the Army has earned the privilege of wearing the Ranger Tab, and even more significant less than 50% of the



[ Graduate Almanac ] Chicago Blackhawks vs. St. Louis Blues hockey game.


Des Moines Graduate Chapter

Michael Shapiro (1978) was named 2019 Outstanding Faculty Partner by the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.

| Des Moines, IA

6 The re-established Des

Chicago Graduate Chapter | Chicago, IL

Brothers from the Chicago Graduate Chapter attended the Gator Bowl on January 2 in Jacksonville, Florida.


| New York, NY James Nugent (1948) received his Diamond Owl


certificate, celebrating 75 years as a Phi Gam.


| Greencastle, IN

5 On December 2, 2019,

Bill Bach (1991) invited three of his Lambda brothers, Rob Johnson (1990), Matt Reinhard (1989) and Dave Kimbell (1989), to join him in his seats for the


Moines Graduate Chapter held their first Happy Hour event on February 18. There were 20 brothers from the Iowa State and Drake chapters in attendance.


| Daytona Beach, FL Connor Sanchez (2016) graduated from army flight school as a Chinook pilot in October 2019. Payton Fritz (2019) entered flight school at Embry-Riddle in fall 2019.

| Atlanta, GA


| Gainesville, FL On February 8, Upsilon Phi hosted their Pig Dinner in a banquet room overlooking the 50-yard line at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, aka The Swamp. There were several graduate brothers in attendance who had not been to Pig Dinner in many years.

[ Graduate Almanac ]

Houston Graduate Chapter | Houston, TX

5 In September 2019,

Houston Graduate Chapter brothers raised nearly $1,300 for the Travis Manion Foundation during the 9/11 Heroes Run. The Graduate Chapter also hosted several social events during the fall (pictured).


| Moscow, ID Joe P. Harle (1942) received his Diamond Owl certificate, commemorating 75 years of Phi Gam membership. Joe recently turned 100, making him older than the Mu Iota Chapter. He was also the

first member of his family to become a Phi Gam, followed by his brother, Neil (Missouri 1946), his late son, Robert (Texas Tech 1970), and his grandsons, Joe W. (Texas Tech 1999) and Lee (Texas Tech 2004).

4 John Koyama (1986)

presented John Rowell (1948) with his Diamond Owl certificate, honoring 75 years as a brother of Phi Gamma Delta. Brother Rowell's father, Paul (1922), uncle, Ralph (1922), and brother, Peter (1947) were all Phi Gams from the Idaho Chapter. Paul was also the first President of the Idaho Chapter upon its installation.

Andy Pedersen (1976) was awarded the Not for College Days Alone Award, which is presented annually at Pig Dinner to the graduate brother who has shown outstanding dedication to the Fraternity beyond his undergraduate career.


| Iowa City, IA Mu Deuteron brothers from classes of 1993 and 1994 met in Scottsdale, Arizona for a pledge class of 1990 reunion. The reunion featured golf at Troon North as well as a round at 4



[ Graduate Almanac ]

TPC Stadium Course. They also caught a Cubs spring training game. The brothers who attended were: Kevin Solis (1994), Matt Mausser (1994), Chris Kennedy (1994), Mike Rochholz (1993), Paul VanVeldhuizen (1994), Jon Blumenthal (1993) and Jason Niegsch (1994).


| Lawrence, KS

5 D. Tom Jones (1950)

received his Diamond Owl



(Wabash 1976), the new President & CEO of Penske Entertainment Corp., were invited to the Indiana House of Representatives, which honored Brother Penske and the HulmanGeorge family. Pictured (L-R): Mark Miles, Eric Holcomb and Roger Penske upon the sale of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to Brother Penske.

5 Roger Penske (1959),


certificate celebrating 75 years as a Phi Gam.


| Lexington, KY House Corporation President Harry Dadds (1971) received a UK Greek Hall of Fame award for his service to his chapter.

| Bethlehem, PA Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (Hanover 1990) and Mark Miles


| Ann Arbor, MI On September 6-7, 2019, 16 brothers from the

classes of 1955-65 gathered for a reunion in Ann Arbor. Brothers from classes of the 1950s have been getting together every 3-5 years for the last 20 years, but they decided to extend the invitation to brothers from the classes of the 1960s this year. Brothers enjoyed a social hour and dinner at the Kensington Court Hotel on Friday, the Michigan football game on Saturday afternoon, and another dinner on Saturday night. Foundation Executive Director Ben Robinson spoke at the Saturday dinner to give an update on the state of the Fraternity.

Michigan State | East Lansing, MI

6 On February 17, 24

Epsilon Lambda brothers from the classes of 1966-70 met at the Beach House

[ Graduate Almanac ] restaurant on Anna Marie Island, Florida, for their 3rd annual winter gathering. Brothers and 15 of their wives/significant others enjoyed lunch, and several brothers shared photos from their undergraduate years. Many of the brothers had not seen each other in 50 years. They also serenaded their wives/significant others on the beach.

Mississippi State Mid-South | Starkville, MS Graduate Chapter 5 On February 21-23, | Memphis, TN

6 Brothers of the Mid-

South Graduate Chapter gathered for a pre-Thanksgiving celebration and to discuss the possibility of the Fraternity returning to the University of Memphis. Pictured (L-R): Front: Jim Guess (Memphis 1989), Eric Harris (Memphis 1989), Brian Rogers (Arkansas 1994) and Donald Hankinson (Memphis 1983). Back: Ben Wallander (Pittsburgh 1989).

Sigma Mu Fijis celebrated their 50th Anniversary and Pig Dinner, with over 230 graduate brothers returning for the event. Executive Director Rob Caudill also attended as the guest speaker, so the Chapter presented him with his own cowbell. On March 6, 2LT Andrew Bright (2019), 2LT Conner Morschauser (Auburn 2019) and 2LT Ben Seitz (WPI 2019) graduated from the US Army's Ranger School. Ranger School

doubles as the premier leadership school for the Army and is one of the toughest courses offered to US military personnel. Only a small percentage of the Army has earned the privilege of wearing the Ranger Tab, and even more significant less than 50% of the soldiers that show up to Ranger School will graduate and earn their tab. All three brothers agree that it was a combination of persistence and brotherhood

which got them through the course. Andrew is going to 2nd Brigade of the 10th Mountain Division in Fort Drum, New York.


| Columbia, MO

5 S. Neil Harle (1946)

received his Diamond Owl certificate, celebrating the 75th anniversary of his initiation. Neil spent most of his career in journalism and real estate, and




[ Graduate Almanac ] he also volunteered nine years with the Peace Corps from 1982-1991. Although 95 years old, Neil lives independently in his own residence, and his son and daughter care for him. He also comes from a family of Phi Gams, including his brother, Joe P. (Idaho 1942), nephew, Robert (Texas Tech 1969), and great-nephews, Joe W. (Texas Tech 1999) and Lee (Texas Tech 2004).

Ohio Wesleyan | Delaware, OH

6 On October 25, 2019,

seven Columbus, Ohio, area brothers gathered at the Westerville Golf Course to golf in memory of Payne Stewart (Southern Methodist 1979). It was the 20th anniversary of


Brother Stewart's death. Don Denton (1953) organized the golf event. He invited brothers to play a round Stewart-style and dress up like Payne, wearing his iconic plus-fours (trousers that extend 4 inches below the knee) and matching socks. Pictured (L-R): Dave Prescott (Wittenberg 1977), Dave Tilley (Ohio


State 1976), John Gibson (Ohio State 1975), Don Denton, Michael Pittroff (San Jose State 1990), Sam Balla (Allegheny 1997) and Gus Domenick (Wittenberg 2013).

Oklahoma State | Stillwater, OK

5 Sigma Omicron hosted their 57th Pig Dinner

on March 7, just before campus was closed. There were 232 in attendance, including 113 undergraduate brothers, 93 graduate brothers and 26 guests. Brothers who received their Gold Owl certificates, celebrating 50 years of membership - pictured (L-R): Ralph Heatly (1971), Steve Bowersox (1972), Greg Dennis (1973), Michael

[ Graduate Almanac ]

Lucas (1973), Steve Dennehy (1972), Phil Webb (1972), Scott Roach (1973), Bob Murphy (1972) and David Reitze (Bucknell 1965), who attended his first Pig Dinner since he was an undergrad to be with his grandson, Hunter (2023).


| Eugene, OR R. Verne Wheelwright (1957) recently published another book, titled Small Business Foresight. It is written for business owners to help them understand and apply the tools and methods of long-term planning, including strategic planning, scenario development, and trend analysis. Jeff Gill (1980), David Thoma (1981) and Jeff Conway (1981) are raising money for the ALS Association of Greater

Philadelphia (ALS AGP) and a specially built "all terrain" wheelchair. The fundraiser was created in honor of Brother Conway, who was diagnosed with Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS), a relative of ALS, several years ago. This June, the three brothers will be joining a group of approximately 50 people for a group trip sponsored by the organization I'll Push You Disability Camino (www.illpushyou. com). During the trip, the participants will use the "all terrain" wheelchair to push Jeff along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. After the trip, the chair will be donated to the ALS AGP, so others may enjoy special experiences they otherwise could not. The chair is expensive, $5,400, and this trip comes at a time when Jeff Conway’s medical expenses are rising. So they

are hoping to raise enough money for the chair, to help defray some of Jeff ’s additional costs, and to support the ALS AGP. For more information, please visit: will-you-give-us-a-pushand-help-others-too.

get-together. Numerous graduate brothers, their spouses, and undergraduate brothers gathered for the event. ESPN filmed brothers playing cornhole, and they were featured on national television during the Pitt v. Miami game.



5 In October 2019, the

6 On October 12-13,

| Pittsburgh, PA Pi Sigma Chapter hosted a Homecoming tailgate and

| West Lafayette, IN 2019, Lambda Iota brothers from the class of 1959



[ Graduate Almanac ] Wisconsin | Madison, WI

Several Mu brothers attended Kurt Peter's (2010) wedding in August 2019, including: Luke Nevermann (2014), Johnny Koremenos (2013), Eric Lied (2014), Bill Booth (2012), Troy Marks (2010), John Cagadas (2011), Mike Puck (2012) and Tim Fram (2011).


| Worcester, MA

gathered for Purdue's Homecoming weekend to celebrate their 60th reunion.


| New Brunswick, NJ

5 Nu Beta brothers from

the class of 1970 gathered in Arizona for spring break.

Southern California

| Los Angeles, CA Mark Peacock (1964) published his sixth short story collection, Another Four Break Time Stories. The Kindle book includes another “mangled� fairy tale, Snow Job and The Four Dwarfs, along with three other tales written to be


read as complete stories during a typical work break. His two paperback books, The First Gathering of The Break Time Stories and The Second Gathering of The Break Time Stories, are available through


|Austin, TX On November 16, 2019, the 1969 pledge class of the Tau Deuteron Chapter celebrated their 50th anniversary. The event included watching the UT football game, a fajita dinner and brotherhood. The 1970 and 1971 pledge classes also attended the reunion at the historic Buen Retiro house in Austin.


West Virginia

| Morgantown, WV Tom Sloane (1966) was inducted into the Beta Class of 2020 of West Virginia University's Greek Alumni Hall of Fame. The Greek Alumni Hall of Fame honors five alumni of fraternities and sororities each year for meritorious service in their respective industries and organizations. Brother Sloane was honored as the former Executive Director of International Student Life & Global Services at WVU. He retired from that position in 2016, after serving the University in various student life roles for more than 40 years.

On March 6, 2LT Ben Seitz (2019), 2LT Conner Morschauser (Auburn 2019) and 2LT Andrew Bright (Mississippi State 2019) graduated from the US Army's Ranger School. Ranger School doubles as the premier leadership school for the Army and is one of the toughest courses offered to US military personnel. Only a small percentage of the Army has earned the privilege of wearing the Ranger Tab, and even more significant less than 50% of the soldiers that show up to Ranger School will graduate and earn their Tab. All three brothers agree that it was a combination of persistence and brotherhood which got them through the course. Ben is going to the 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina with Conner. t



on Graduate Brothers


Ryan P. Fisher (Kettering 2018) Ryan Fisher (Kettering 2018), an engineer in the Additive Manufacturing Branch at Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) in Bethesda, Maryland, stepped into a new role teaching additive manufacturing to service members. In this role, Ryan travels to different parts of the world to train deployed U.S. Marines in the use of 3D printers. The technology allows Marines in a forward-deployed setting to manufacture replacement parts for vehicles and other equipment. Ryan’s job developed from a Fiji connection at the 2018 Archives Weekend at the fraternity headquarters, where he met Dana Hesse (Virginia Tech 1986), who was a manager at NSWCCD at the time.


Director of the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures, the first academic center in the U.S. to combine hospitality, environmental design, and health policy and management to improve service in healthcare, wellness, and senior living. In 2018 he received Cornell’s President's Award for Employee Excellence, recognizing his work in developing the Institute for Healthy Futures. In addition to his undergraduate degree from DePauw, Brooke has earned a Master of Architecture & Urban Design from Washington University and an MBA from Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. The Fiji heritage in Brooke’s family is strong, including his father, Robert (Pennsylvania 1946), uncle, Calvin (Pennsylvania 1940), brother, Blair (DePauw 1976), and son, Lars (Purdue 2008).

R. Brooke Hollis (DePauw 1973) Dan A. Hughes, Jr. (Texas A&M Brooke Hollis (DePauw 1973) was recently 1980) named Professor of the Practice in Policy Analysis & Management, in addition to his continuing role as Associate Director of the Sloan Program in Health Administration at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Brooke also is Executive

Dan Hughes (Texas A&M 1980) was a 2019 recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Texas A&M. The award recognizes alumni who have achieved excellence in their profession




[ Spotlight ]

Nelson (right), while volunteering in Mexico


and made meaningful contributions to the University and their local communities. Dan has had a long career in oil and gas exploration and production and is president of Dan A. Hughes Co. and other oil and gas related companies. He was previously named an Outstanding Alumnus of A&M’s Mays Business School and served on the University’s presidential search committee. His extensive support to projects at A&M includes the Berg-Hughes Center for Petroleum and Sedimentary Systems and the redevelopment of Kyle Field, Home of the 12th Man. From 2009 to 2015, Dan served on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, chairing the commission in the final two years. He serves on the advisory board of Texas A&M University-San Antonio, and in 2013 he and his wife, Peggy, were honored with the University’s Dream Maker Award.

Tyrel W. Nelson (Minnesota 2002) Ty Nelson (Minnesota 2002) is the Program Manager for Community Partnership Programs with Xperitas in Minneapolis. Xperitas is a nonprofit organization that promotes cross-cultural understanding through volunteer service and cultural immersion with indigenous and marginalized communities in the U.S. and around the world. In January, Ty lead a team of volunteers on a 10-day trip to Mexico’s south-central state of Puebla. In the village of Chicueyaco,



participants built relationships with members of the community and worked alongside them on a renovation to the village school. Since graduating with a B.A. in journalism and Spanish studies, Ty has overseen Habitat builds in Central America, taught English in Ecuador, and led many Xperitas trips to Mexico. He is the author of three books, including Stories from Ecuador and Those Darn Stripes, both available at

Peter O. Pierson, Ph.D. (Denison, UCLA 1954) Peter Pierson (Denison, UCLA 1954) recently published an updated second edition of The History of Spain, a book he originally published in 1999. The book is aimed at a general audience and examines the politics, society, economy, and culture of Spain chronologically, focusing on the last two centuries. Other books by Peter include Philip II of Spain and Commander of the Armada: The Seventh Duke of Medina Sidonia, and he has published articles in MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History. Initiated at Denison, Peter transferred to UCLA, graduating in 1954 with a bachelor’s in political science. He served four years in the U.S. Naval Reserve and subsequently earned a M.A. in history and a Ph.D. from UCLA. He taught history at Santa Clara University for 34 years, retiring as professor emeritus in 2000.

[ Spotlight ]

Schuldt (left) with his wife, Renee

Sentell (left) with Liz Bittner

Shawn C. Schuldt (Iowa State 1994) Shawn Schuldt (Iowa State 1994) retired in August 2019 with the rank of Colonel after 25 years of service in the U.S. Army. As an undergraduate, Shawn served the Alpha Iota Chapter as Treasurer. Upon graduation with a degree in finance, he was commissioned to the Infantry and ultimately served as a Battalion Commander and then a Brigade Commander. Over his career in the Army, he deployed in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom, served a tour of duty in the Pentagon, and attended Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government as a National Security Fellow. He holds a master’s degree in supply chain management from Florida Institute of Technology and is a Certified Professional Logistician. Col. Schuldt's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Army Meritorious Service Medal, and Joint Service Commendation Medal, as well as many other achievement and campaign medals.

Awards on behalf of ATD. ATD won the award for its marketing campaign for the U.S. Civil Rights Trail and is the first U.S. state tourism department to win an International Travel & Tourism Award. ATD also was recognized for the civil rights trail campaign with the Mercury Marketing Award from the U.S. Travel Association. The trail, which covers 14 states, is a result of research to nominate civil rights landmarks as World Heritage Sites. Lee is serving in his fifth term as Director of ATD, a position that is appointed by the Governor. Under his leadership, the department has conducted yearly marketing campaigns, each spotlighting a different theme to promote Alabama tourism. The recent Mercury Marketing Award was ATD’s sixth in 12 years. (Attached photo, Alabama Tourism Director Lee Sentell and Travel South USA President & CEO Liz Bittner - credit Alabama Tourism Department). t

Charles Lee Sentell (Auburn 1966) Lee Sentell (Auburn 1966), Director of the Alabama Tourism Department (ATD), recently accepted the Best Regional Destination Award from the International Travel and Tourism



[ 2019 Donors ]

2019 Honor Roll of Donors Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation Normally, in this letter, we look back at the last year. Since times are far from normal, we thought it equally important to address the immediate and near future. Actions taken years ago to streamline our staff, find efficiencies in processes, broaden our donor base and increase our Perge! Society and White Star Legacy Society memberships have helped to mitigate the impact of the recent global virus outbreak and the ensuing economic downturn. While the outcomes affected everything, we do have strong fraternal leadership and financial reserves that allow us to operate into the fall 2020 semester. Your Foundation operates using Fiscal Year: July 2018 these guiding principles: use your gifts to encourage excellence; be open and willing to try new approaches to solve problems; remain June 2019 good stewards of your gifts; develop relationships to strengthen Phi *From audited financial statements Gamma Delta.


Donations: • Unrestricted gifts • Designated gifts • Endowment gifts Net Investment Income Other Total Income


1,034,969 1,466,614 475,597 562,604 131,568 $3,671,352

Expenditures Scholarships Leadership Health, Human Service Other Programs/Support House Corp. Grants Subtotal Management & General Fundraising Subtotal Total Expenses

Liabilities & Net Assets



431,873 202,058 158,696 259,042 436,814 $1,488,483 $ 328,625 263,410 $592,035 $2,080,518



We communicate regularly with Rob Caudill, Executive Director of the Fraternity, and the Archons. We have offered to assist them in any ways that we can, including grants and programming support above and beyond our regular funding. There is enough uncertainty about what will happen on college campuses this fall that we are prepared to put the full weight of the Foundation behind undergraduate programming. As we move forward, your continuing support is critical to our ability to serve chapters and our brothers. As you look through the Donor Yearbook, you will find Foundation updates and brief reports on our 2019 grants, programs funded and programs to raise funds for Phi Gamma Delta. Thank you, and stay well.

3Kevin J. Hopper (Cincinnati 1973), President

4Ben Robinson (Hampden-

Sydney 1986), Executive Director Perge! More information about the Foundation may be found online at

[ 2019 Donors ]

The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada What a difference a few months make. I hope you and your family are staying healthy. We know that these times are trying for everyone. I encourage you to reach out to brothers and make that connection. While 2019 seems like a distant memory, I want to share what we accomplished because of your involvement. Your generous financial support allowed us to grant 83% of unrestricted income to brothers and chapters in the form of scholarships, leadership training, mental health and alcohol abuse education. We continue to keep our administration, fundraising and operating cost low at 18% of income, which is a good percentage! We continue to stay focused on areas that foster, challenge and grow our brothers. We awarded $63,900 in scholarships this year, our largest ever. We issued 20 - $500 Academic Achievement Awards (Triple A) to all newly initiated members who earned a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. We also awarded 50 scholarships of $1,000 each to deserving undergraduate and graduate brothers. All chapters received scholarships. These awards have helped to place an importance on academics in our chapters.

Fiscal Year: January December 2019 Receipts Chapter Restricted Unrestricted Other


16,117 96,386 3,504

Total Receipts


Disbursements Scholarships Educational Programming Operating/Fundraising


Total Expenses


Total Assets

63,900 20,000 21,274


Estate gifts continued to be important to our ability to fund with the estate of William H. Gear (McGill 1956) again this year generously benefiting the Foundation. We are grateful to the brothers who have planned to benefit Phi Gamma Delta this way. We also want to thank the hundreds of brothers over the last few years who donated to the Foundation. Keep it up brothers as your chapter benefits from your support! Thanks to you, our brothers, for helping to make 2019 the best year ever and helping us to do our job of supporting Phi Gamma Delta. Fraternally, D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) President

Educational Foundation Board Members:

Foundation of Canada Board Members:

President: Kevin J. Hopper (Cincinnati 1973) Vice President: Matthew Amend (Iowa 1987) Treasurer-VP: Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984) Secretary: G. Carl Gibson (Oklahoma 1981) Exec. Committee: Michael J. Stewart (Penn State 1972) Directors: William R. Brand (RPI 1987); Kevin W. Haga (Jacksonville 1992); Mitchell I. Henn, DDS (Case Western 1972); Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985); Scott R. Mowrer (Washington 1971); Robert A. Wunderlich, Jr. (DePauw 1988)

President: D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) Secretary: Murray L. Coulter (Western Ontario 1972) Treasurer: F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963) Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001); John B. Carswell (Alberta 1976); Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985); Ashley A. O’Kurley (Alberta 1994); Tristan L. Patterson (Alberta 2010); Frank C. Smeenk (Western Ontario 1971); Robert Witchel (Toronto 1987) Trustee Emeritus: L. Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972) 4



[ 2019 Donors ]

The Perge! Society 2019 The Perge! Society is the Annual Fund of the Educational Foundation. By giving tax-deductible, unrestricted gifts to the Educational Foundation, you are supporting its activities, including alcohol education, scholarships and leadership programs. Your gifts allow Phi Gamma Delta to stay relevant on college campuses. Many thanks to all the brothers who generously give to Phi Gamma Delta. You can join The Perge! Society securely online at Click Donate. If you have questions, please email the Foundation at or call 859-255-1848 ext. 133.

Listed here are the 449 donors who joined The Perge! Society in 2019 at the $500 and above levels. The number following a brother’s school and year indicates the number of years as a Perge! Society member. Thank you for supporting Phi Gamma Delta through the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation and The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada.

Norris Affiliates (Gifts of $5,000 and greater) Boston Massachusetts Graduate Chapter 1 Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada 8 Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity 4 Phi Gamma Delta of MIT Fund 1 Erwin K. Aulis (Northwestern 1980) 2 Michael P. Bonds (Arkansas 1984) 16 William R. Brand (RPI 1987) 19 William F. Brock (Purdue 1963) 17 Wayne H. Brunetti (Florida 1964) 10 Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw 1950) 17* Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan 1955) 22 Jeffrey M. Downey (UCLA 1983) 14 David R. Frick (Indiana 1966) 14

R. William Gardner (Ohio State 1957) 15 William H. Gear (McGill 1956) 22* John Gottschalk (Nebraska 1965) 22 Jerome C. Groniger (Illinois 1956) 13 Kevin W. Haga (Jacksonville 1992) 16 Mrs. Lee T. Hanley 5 Donald M. Heinrich (Chicago 1974) 2 Donald J. Herman (Calgary 1985) 11 G. David K. Hopper MD (Wittenberg 1963) 20 Kevin J. Hopper (Cincinnati 1973) 16 Edward J. Jackman (Toronto 1962) 7 Robert B. Knutson (Michigan 1956) 22 Alan W. Larson (Syracuse 1960) 17 Michael A. Lucas (Bradley 1983) 16

Richard D. McCormick (Iowa State 1961) 22 Glenn D. Moor (Texas Tech 1984) 16 William T. Morris Trust (Penn State 1949) 22* Michael E. Morris (Kansas State 1977) 20 John G. Pappajohn (Iowa 1952) 20 Robert C. Pohlad (Arizona State 1976) 20 William W. Rodgers, Jr. (Oklahoma 1959) 12 John C. Schroeder (Wabash 1969) 20 F. Barry Shaw (Gettysburg 1965) 19 Michael J. Stewart (Penn State 1972) 12 Peter G. Welsh (Wittenberg 1974) 18 Eric B. Westendorf (Wittenberg 1992) 11 James E. Whistler (Idaho 1970) 17

Wilkinson Affiliates (Gifts of $2,000 and greater) Edwin M. Ahrens, MD (Denison 1973) 16 D. Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) 8 Matthew M. Amend (Iowa 1987) 15 Tyson K. Beem (USC 1997) 10 Kevin L. Bradley (Kentucky 1998) 1 Noel E. Briscoe (San Diego State 1991) 4 Jon B. Burmeister (Iowa State 1967) 21 John B. Carswell (Alberta 1976) 9 Marvin J. Carver, III (North Carolina 1975) 21 Benjamin W. Chase (Idaho 1994) 9 Charles T. Doyle (Oklahoma 1956) 12

* ad astra 56

BOLD new member

Thomas D. Earley (Illinois 1963) 5 Jonathan Espy (Drake 1995) 6 Matthew G. Etlinger (Montana 1998) 5 Douglas C. Gardner (SMU 1985) 13 Matthew Garrison (Hampden-Sydney 1999) 13 Hal Hart (Georgia Tech 1969) 12* Robert Higgins MD (Washington State 1956) 14 Vance Hubbard (Texas Tech 1962) 20 John M. Humphrey (Case Western 1981) 11 Robert M. Justin (Michigan State 1969) 3

William C. Lentz (DePauw 1964) 8 Patrick E. Matoole, MD (Denver 1991) 7 William H. Mautz (Kentucky 1965) 21 Phillip J. Meek (Ohio Wesleyan 1959) 20 Richard K. Merker (Gettysburg 1976) 4 Donald E. Morel, Jr. (Lafayette 1979) 16 Marc W. Myers (Wittenberg 1989) 4 Jason T. Newcomb (Virginia Tech 1998) 5 Carl F. Pollard (Kentucky 1960) 16 Robert Reniers, Jr. (Colorado College 1968) 16 N. Clay Robbins (Wabash 1979) 22

+ first time donor


[ 2019 Donors ]

Wilkinson Affiliates continued... Clark A. Robertson (Nebraska 1982) 16 Mark N. Roth (West Virginia 1977) 14 Robert C. Samuel (Oregon 1960) 21 Scott J. Sarisky (Utah 1990) 6 Gregory R. Schermerhorn (Michigan 1987) 13 Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (Gettysburg 1965) 1 Curtis D. Smith (Bradley 1999) 1

Marlis E. Smith (Texas Tech 1954) 22 Nicholas Smock (Iowa State 2008) 4 Matthew L. Snyder (San Diego State 1988) 10 Michael P. Spack (Minnesota 1996) 11 Bernard W. Stanek, Jr. (Washington & Jefferson 1988) 6 Michael D. Stratton, MD (DePauw 1988) 19 Robert A. Svoboda (Memphis 1978) 17 Norman K. Thordarson (Washington 1963) 18

Louis F. Trost, Jr. (Oklahoma 1950) 8 Mark D. Turner, MD (Tennessee 1976) 8 Kirk D. Walden (Texas Arlington 1972) 18 Gary H. Wilkinson (Ohio Wesleyan 1951) 20 Joseph E. Williamson (Wittenberg 1967) 15 Samuel A. Wilson (Oklahoma 1952) 12 Robert A. Wunderlich, Jr. (DePauw 1988) 2

Wallace Affiliates (Gifts of $1,000 and greater) Tau Delta Chapter University of Texas Dallas 1 Mark D. Aigner (Baylor 1984) 5 Sean G. Alexander (Ohio State 1991) 9 John Fox Arnold (Missouri 1959) 20 Peter Ashton (Colorado School of Mines 1991) 7 Richard Avendano (Minnesota 2012) 2 Robert H. Becknell (Kentucky 1967) 16 Roy D. Bertolet (Penn State 1944) 5 Towner A. Blackstock (Davidson 1994) 5 Bruce Blanchard (MIT 1957) 13 Kenneth H. Blanchard (Cornell 1961) 8 Robert L. Bledsoe, Jr. (Georgia Tech 1977) 1 Tracy T. Bomberger (UC Riverside 1985) 12 Douglas J. Bourne (Oklahoma 1943) 15 William R. Bracewell (Georgia 1968) 17 Marion B. Burton (Penn State 1952) 5 Robert B. Caudill (Akron 2004) 10 Michael E. Chateauneuf (Syracuse 1965) 12 Robert D. Cheeley (Georgia 1979) 18 Stephen A. Comunale (Ohio State 1972) 2 Bradford L. Cornell (Denison 1976) 1 Thomas P. Cottrell (Indiana 1982) 17 James W. Dodds (Colorado 1954) 17 George W. Drach, MD (Arizona 1957) 4 F. Norman Dundas (McGill 1963) 20 Kristopher P. Dworschak (Alberta 2015) 2 + Garry D. Elder (Indiana State 1974) 8 Robert S. Ellis (Oklahoma 1948) 14 Vernon D. Ellis (Arizona 1962) 5 Richard W. Esser (Gettysburg 1964) 8 Kenneth L. Farmer, Jr. (Auburn 1972) 11 Jameson G. Fee (Kettering A 2008) 2 Carl M. Ferraro (Case Western 1978) 3 L. Jeffrey Fitterman (South Florida 1970) 9 Roderick W. Fletcher (Nebraska 1950) 8

Samuel H. Franklin (Auburn 1969) 22 Christopher T. Fuldner (Missouri 1973) 6 Major E. Garrett (Missouri 1984) 1 G. Carl Gibson, Jr. (Oklahoma 1981) 6 Norman H. Godwin (Auburn 1991) 12 Manuel G. Gonzalez, IV (UC Berkeley 1977) 8 Daniel M. Guggenheim (UC Berkeley 1960) 20 Bruce H. Hart (Arizona 1982) 7 Mark L. Heinemann (Missouri 1971) 8 R. Michael Henderson (Wabash 1961) 16 Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (Case Western 1972) 3 Alan F. Herbert (Purdue 1969) 16 John C. Holman (Wisconsin 1960) 1 Anthony M. Imbesi (Villanova 1996) 2 Michael B. Jeffers (Washington 1962) 13 Robert S. Jepson, Jr. (Richmond 1964) 15 William P. Johnson (DePauw 2016) 2 William S. Kaiser (MIT 1977) 3 Anthony D. Kenkel (Drake 1998) 9 Henry H. King, Jr. (Virginia Tech 1982) 3 Michael J. Knoll (Kentucky 2008) 2 Eli Krambeer (Iowa State 2013) 1 William G. Kuchta (Union 1972) 5 Christopher L. Kurtz (Ball State 2006) 7 Dexter K. Lee (RPI 1994) 12 Robert H. Little (Illinois 1957) 12 Carroll C. Livingston, Jr. (Idaho 1964) 2 Nicholas A. Loiacono (Illinois 1974) 4 J. Kurt Mahrdt, Jr. (DePauw 1956) 17 John J. Manginelli (Rutgers 1983) 15 Craig J. Mardany (Rutgers 1982) 16 Jeffrey D. Martchek (Pittsburgh 1987) 1 John B. Martin (Kansas 1959) 16 William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975) 17

William C. Martindale, Jr. (Gettysburg 1964) 7 William R. Miller (Indiana, Purdue 1962) 19 Judd Miller, Jr. (Texas 1955) 7 C. Kimble Miller, Jr. (Kentucky 1970) 7 Kevin F. Mitchelson (Kansas 1979) 8 Jeffrey J. Mongan (Arizona 1983) 15 Jonathan L. Moore (Auburn 2004) 7 Samuel H. Mudie (Rutgers 1962) 15 Robert C. Muff (Gettysburg 1960) 19 Kenyon W. Murphy (Georgia 1978) 1 James C. Murray, II (Iowa State 1959) 19 Robert W. Niebaum (Case Western 1969) 7 George Norman (RPI 1987) 3 Graeme W. Norval, PhD (Toronto 1983) 17 William T. Novak (Illinois 1963) 2 William L. Oliver (Penn State 1967) 19 George R. Oliver (WPI 1982) 3 Peter O'Malley (Penn 1960) 19 Roger W. Parkhurst (Purdue 1965) 20 Homer Paul, Jr. (Oklahoma 1954) 16* William B. Perkins (Arizona State 1967) 1 Scott Petty, Jr. (Texas 1960) 14 Robert D. Potts (Minnesota 1964) 18 Martin P. Powers (Case Western 1997) 1 Charles E. Ramsey (Wittenberg 1964) 6 John L. Richeson (Kansas 1962) 4 Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (Georgia 1973) 18 James C. Rinaman, Jr. (Florida 1955) 20 Benjamin E. Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986) 21 Edward M. Robinson (Bucknell 1986) 4 Stephen E. Robinson (Georgia Tech 1966) 1 John D. Rowell (Idaho 1948) 15 Richard L. Scheff (Gettysburg 1977) 4 Lane T. Schnotala (Bradley 1992) 8 Paul C. Schorr, III (Nebraska 1959) 2 Eric W. Schwarz (Ohio State 1986) 9 4



[ 2019 Donors ]

The Perge! Society 2019 Wallace Affiliates continued... John W. Schwentker (Purdue 1952) 4 Adam L. Shires (Iowa State 2000) 8 Gordon J. Smith (Iowa State 1961) 16 D. Mark Smith (Texas Arlington 1983) 11 Andrew Z. Soshnick (Northwestern 1985) 10 James H. Stellar (Occidental 1954) 19 Marvin G. Stephens, Jr. (Texas Tech 1964) 13 David T. Stewart, Jr. (New Mexico 1980) 14 J. Edward Stinson (Georgia Tech 1969) 3 Jeffrey I. Stone (Auburn 1979) 12

Martin S. Suzuki (UC Irvine 1986) 1 Martin B. Tarlie (Michigan 1989) 9 Reese S. Terry, Jr. (Kentucky 1964) 1 R. Wayne Thompson (Kansas 1964) 2 C. N. Tinker (Michigan 1954) 21 David M. Todd (USC 1967) 16 Richard E. Trail (Idaho 1966) 10 William H. Valentine, Jr. (Florida 1967) 10 Paul L. Vogel (Missouri 1989) 14 Malcolm B. Wall (Mississippi State 1970) 12

M. Coleman Walsh, Jr. (Richmond 1974) 9 DeWitt Waltmon, Sr. (Texas 1949) 20 Gordon E. Watts (Florida 1967) 9 Joseph A. Weist (Rose Hulman 1987) 3 Max A. Wernick (Arkansas 1974) 16 Robert N. Whitacre (Indiana 1967) 18 Andrew J. Williams (WPI 1992) 5 Jay Winkelhake (Colorado School of Mines 2000) 3 Alexander S. Wylie (Arizona State 1996) 7

Fairbanks Affiliates (Gifts of $500 and greater) The Harry G. Gram Foundation 2 Owen H. Ackerman (Illinois 1959) 1 James J. Adams (Georgia 1983) 2 Thomas A. Adams (Emory 1970) 3 Robert L. Albin (Missouri 1962) 12 Brett M. Alexander (Ohio State 1991) 5 James H. Algie (William Jewell 1960) 6 Robert M. Allen, MD (Penn State 1950) 2 Allan C. Anderson (Syracuse 1954) 2 Charles G. Armstrong (Purdue 1964) 8 Ferdinand R. Avril (Hanover 1954) 2 Robert E. Babcock (Missouri 1988) 1 Douglas H. Banks (Maine 1982) 1 Joseph D. Barnette, Jr. (Wabash 1961) 22 James R. Bartimus (Missouri 1971) 1 Gerald B. Bay (Purdue 1962) 21 Scott A. Bernholdt (Bradley 1988) 2 Paul W. Bonapfel (Florida State 1972) 1 Aaron M. Bonnett (Oklahoma State 2004) 1 Michael M. Boone (SMU 1963) 17 Patrick P. Born (Miami 1973) 4 Michael A. Borton (San Diego State 1986) 5 Craig E. Bowen (Missouri 1996) 1 Stephen C. Bowersox (Oklahoma State 1972) 1 Tucker S. Bridwell (SMU 1973) 1 John O. Briggs (Georgia Tech 1967) 22 Stephen D. Brunson, II (Mississippi State 1984) 1 Alfred J. Buescher (Penn 1948) 9 Gary L. Bussing (Missouri 1973) 6 Howard C. Canada, III (Virginia Tech 1976) 1 Kenneth P. Caniglia (Illinois 1985) 2 Kenneth R. Carson (Oklahoma 1981) 6 Robert E. Carter (Johns Hopkins 1968) 12 Robert R. Cebula (Allegheny 1959) 5

* ad astra 58

BOLD new member

Larry R. Christenson (Missouri 1969) 2 Richard H. Clements (Georgia Tech 1948) 4 Dr. James L. Cook (Illinois Wesleyan 1964) 12 Norman K. Cook (Chicago 1958) 20 John D. Crisafulli (San Diego State 1992) 2 Ronald D. Crockett (Washington 1961) 15 Christina Crow 1 Michael P. Culleton (Alberta 1993) 3 Dwight W. Davis (Oregon 1965) 18 Robert R. Dawson (Bucknell 1950) 1 Erik de las Casas (San Jose State 1989) 2 Sean T. Donnelly (Iowa State 1995) 7 G. Stanley Doore, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan 1954) 7 John H. Douglas III (Mississippi State 1981) 10 Steven D. Dugger (Nebraska 2003) 2 Michael R. Dumas (Purdue 2006) 2 Stephen H. Edwards (Idaho 1964) 9 Stephen H. Eibling (Ohio State 1962) 3 David G. Elmore (Indiana 1955) 8 Eric H. Ericson (Hanover 1967) 1 James H. Everest (Oklahoma 1971) 14 Harry N. Faulkner (Ohio Wesleyan 1963) 20 Erik J. Fay (Washington State 1999) 4 J. Dixon Fleming, Jr. (North Carolina 1976) 7 Michael G. Fligg (William Jewell 1961) 7 David A. Forsee (Missouri 1978) 4 Joshua I. France (Cincinnati 2008) 1 John K. Freeman (MIT 1966) 9 Eugene U. Frey (Minnesota 1952) 17 Charles E. Gabe (Hanover 1990) 7 William O. Gamble, III (Oklahoma 1961) 20 Arik C. Garner (Texas Arlington 1996) 1 John E. Gibson IV (Ohio State 1975) 7 Robert T. Gladu (Maine 1987) 4 Richard C. Gohl (Arizona State 1987) 1 Gerard M. Golden (Richmond 1999) 1

James B. Goll (Nebraska 2001) 2 Richard Gonzรกlez (Jacksonville 1998) 19 Edmond H. Goodknight (Indiana 1993) 1 William W. Graham (DePauw 1962) 2 Matthew M. Green (Indiana 1994) 1 David C. Green (Virginia Tech 1994) 1 James T. Guess (Memphis 1989) 17 Richard H. Haas (MIT 1943) 1 Lowell and Ruth Haga 6 Michael E. Hagan (Iowa State 1988) 8 Adam J. Hagelgans (RPI 2013) 1+ Kenneth J. Hammerle (Utah State 1976) 6 David G. Hancock (Alberta 1979) 13 Arthur S. Hansen, DDS (Lafayette 1962) 3 Gregory K. Harmon (Bradley 2000) 1 Gordon D. Harnett (Miami 1964) 3 David P. Harnois (Vermont 1994) 7 Benjamin R. Harper (Kentucky, Western KY 1969) 14 Kevin M. Hayes (New Mexico 1997) 3 Richard K. Hendrich (Missouri 1955) 2 James S. Hering (Ohio Wesleyan 1961) 14 Dana W. Hesse (Virginia Tech, WKY 1986) 4 Edwin E. Hightower, Jr. (Denver 1990) 4 Thornton M. Hill (Richmond 1967) 6 Harold E. Hindsley (Illinois 1950) 2 Brandon K. Holcomb (Texas 1996) 2 Joshua C. Holly (Tennessee 1997) 2 Robert C. Hudson, Jr. (Minnesota 1950) 22 Michael A. Huhnke (Rose Hulman 1975) 4 James A. Hull (Colorado School of Mines 1988) 7 J. Brent Humphries (Oklahoma 1991) 6 William S. Hunnicutt, Jr. (Texas Arlington 1981) 7 J. Wilmar Jensen (Chicago 1947) 8 William W. Jessup (Alabama 1960) 2

+ first time donor


[ 2019 Donors ]

Fairbanks Affiliates continued... Thomas H. Jones, III (Richmond 1974) 2 Craig S. Kalter, MD (Emory 1984) 13 Andrew W. Kendall (Rutgers 1952) 1 Brett R. Kinzel (Minnesota 1989) 1 Thomas H. Koops (Texas Arlington 1968) 4 Charles J. Kurtz, III (Williams 1962) 1 Donald J. Kyte (Oklahoma 1990) 8 Stephen M. Lamberson (Washington 1980) 4 John S. Landrum (Sewanee 1968) 1 Joshua P. Laufenberg (Illinois 2008) 6 Benjamin B. LeCompte, III (Virginia 1972) 22 James S. Lee (Minnesota 1978) 18 Robert D. Lindner, Jr. (Ohio Wesleyan 1971) 2 Morgan Little (Arizona 1964) 2 Howard M. Logan (Iowa State 1946) 17 Joseph T. Lower (Indiana 1989) 2 Michael W. MacConnie (Bradley 1983) 7 Martin J. Maher (Iowa 1997) 3 Kevin J. Malone (Florida State 1975) 15 Robert W. Marshall III (Rhode Island 1977) 7 Wesley J. Martin (Missouri State 2009) 1 Derek C. Mayne (Calgary 1997) 2 Paul D. McCluskey (WPI 1987) 1 Kip S. McDonald (Hanover 2007) 1 Rory L. McKean (Auburn 1976) 5 Mark A. Medley (Tennessee 1968) 6 Kenneth J. Mighell (Texas 1952) 2 R. Andrew Miller, III (Westminster 1967) 2 Michael A. Mische (NYU 1976) 2 Joshua S. Morita (British Columbia 2001) 8 Daniel P. Mossop (Akron 1989) 8 Howard B. Moyes (Davidson 1987) 6 Kenneth G. Murawski (Syracuse 1973) 3 Derek J. Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011) 3 + George H. Nelson (Texas Tech 1958) 9 Jack W. Nicklaus (Ohio State 1961) 22 William G. Niederer (Indiana State 1985) 4 Michael T. Novak (Chicago 1985) 3 Tod J. Ochsner (Nebraska 1985) 1 Francis P. O'Hara, Jr. (Cornell 2009) 2 Daniel F. Organek (Johns Hopkins 1994) 7 Gary L. Ostenson (Washington 1969) 21 Roger L. Pardieck (Indiana 1959) 1 William E. Parrish (Westminster 1957) 16 Tristan L. Patterson (Alberta 2010) 2 Howard A. Pelham (Hanover 1951) 15 Bruce M. Pitman (Purdue 1971) 7 Steven B. Pittman (Oklahoma State 1975) 10 Nicholas A. Potter (Kettering B 1994) 8 Kelly B. Powers (Colorado College 1984) 4

Don L. Presar (Ohio State 1960) 4 Norm Pressley (UC Berkeley 1950) 2 John B. Purcell, Jr. (Virginia 1964) 1 James W. Purcell (Georgia 1973) 4 Harold P. Quinn, Jr. (Denison 1977) 2 Thomas A. Raar (Michigan 1985) 21 Robert W. Rahal (Denison 1975) 5 Peter J. Rathwell (Arizona 1965) 16 William H. Ray, Jr. (Alabama 1949) 10 Stephen W. Ray (Oklahoma 1979) 4 James C. Redinger (Purdue 1959) 3 Michael A. Reilly (Texas 1970) 1 Eddie W. Rhea (Oklahoma 1980) 11 H. Grantland Rice, III (Alabama 1980) 4 A. Peter Rimsans II (Iowa State 1993) 14 C. H. Roath, Jr. (Colorado 1951) 7 John C. Robbins, III (Union 1971) 5 William E. Roberts, EdD (Arizona State 1975) 2 John J. Ronayne, III (Kettering A 1969) 9 William F. Ross, III (Bradley 1987) 14 Ronen Rotem, DDS (NYU 1988) 2 Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) 3 + James A. Rumble (Mississippi State 1985) 1 John M. Saada, Sr. (Chicago 1956) 18 Andrew R. Sackin (Missouri 1973) 19 Ronald A. Sages (Ohio University 1973) 21 James S. Samuel (Oregon 1984) 11 Jeffrey M. Scattergood (Virginia Tech 1999) 4 Charles J. Schleusner (Iowa State 1997) 4 David L. Schoewe (Kettering A 1975) 15 David S. Schramm (Knox 1978) 6 George L. Schueppert (Wisconsin 1961) 1 Jeffrey A. Schwarz (Indiana 1994) 2 Henry J. Schweiter (Gettysburg 1977) 7 Jason J. Seeger (Wisconsin Eau Claire 2002) 4 Brandon A. Shallcross (Bradley 2004) 1 Ralph L. Shanks, Jr. (SMU 1963) 3 John D. Sheppard, Jr. (Pittsburgh 1975) 2 William T. Shier (DePauw 1988) 17 Jerry A. Shively (UC Riverside 1988) 1 Geoffrey H. Simmons (Missouri 1996) 2 + William P. Simpson (Emory 1972) 1 James M. Singel (UCLA 1989) 3 + Craig D. Singer (Florida 1985) 6 John A. Sivo (Arizona 1977) 6 Thomas B. Slade, III (Virginia 1953) 1 Martin C. Smith (UC Berkeley 1976) 14 Philip H. Smith (Washington State 1966) 1 John S. Smith (Texas Arlington 1993) 2

John M. Sorensen (Illinois Wesleyan 1968) 1 Lee K. Souter (Vermont 2005) 7 Leslie A. Spencer, Jr. (Georgia Tech 1973) 2 Kevin M. Sprague (New Mexico 1981) 5 F. Alan Stamper (Kansas 1964) 4 Lias J. Steen (Texas A & M 1980) 5 Donald S. Stuart (Florida State 1972) 1 G. Rodney Tait (McGill 1961) 7 James C. Tauschek (Ohio Wesleyan 1976) 2 Douglas C. Taylor (Case Western 1986) 15 Christopher R. Tebo (Toronto 1992) 1 Bruce V. Templin (Florida 1970) 6 Lawrence H. Thompson (Iowa State 1964) 5 Neil R. Thornton (Idaho 1952) 4 Andrew O. Todd (UC Riverside 1987) 15 Douglas S. Tosh (Union 1972) 1 Charles L. Townsdin (Arizona 1963) 16 William A. Vance (Amherst 1955) 8 Thomas M. Vassallo (Kent State 1964) 2 Jeffrey D. Vernam (Rutgers 1973) 2 Ronald D. Wagoner (Kentucky 1962) 1 Curt R. Ward, MD (DePauw 1988) 18 Thomas W. Warne (Arizona 1965) 5 D. Garrad Warren, III (Purdue 1974) 7 James M. Webb (Arizona 1967) 3 Robert H. Westfield (Oklahoma 1959) 16 Randall L. Whittaker (Oklahoma State 1970) 2 Dale L. Wierman (Washington State 1964) 6 David J. Willmer (Akron 1992) 1 C. Daniel Wilson, Jr. (Sewanee 1963) 3 Paul A. Woods (Memphis 1993) 5




[ 2019 Donors ]

White Star Legacy Society The White Star Legacy Society recognizes those who have chosen to leave a legacy for Phi Gamma Delta through their will or estate plans. These loyal Phi Gams and families have helped to shape the future of the Fraternity.

Top Three Ways to Join the White Star Legacy Society: #1 Give a charitable bequest (a percentage or dollar amount) in your will or living trust to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.

#2 Name Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation as a beneficiary of your assets such as your 401K or other retirement plans upon your passing.

#3 Open a life insurance policy with the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation as the policy owner and cover annual premiums with gifts to the Annual Fund.

We Thank These Loyal Brothers for Their Consideration & Generosity: Akron



Jerome C. Groniger 1956 Victor S. Kamber 1965


California of PA


Illinois Wesleyan

Brad W. Petrella 1987 Frank M. Hardy 1955 Steven M. Hudson 1980 James E. Jones 1963


Bernhard H. Brinkmann 1983 L. Cam Murray 1972


Matthew A. Bocchi 2013


Rick L. Allen 1962 Lloyd H. Wiborg 1961

Arizona State

Kenneth T. Bulahan 1987 Gary Emerson 1976


Steven E. Area 1973 Eddie W. Daniel 1978


Jeffrey I. Stone 1979


William F. Ross III 1987

British Columbia

David S. Armitage 1980 Warren T. Cooke 1983


Robert R. Dawson 1950 Ian Ferguson 1985 Jack W. Gresham 1957


Donald J. Herman 1985 Anthony G. Canzonieri 2010

Case Western Reserve

Mitchell I. Henn DDS 1972 John M. Humphrey 1981 Michael K. Magness 1970 Clyde B. Myers Jr.1962 Jason M. Prigozen MD 1997

Central Florida

Rafael M. Padron, Jr. 2009 Jason J. Ring 2007


Peter O. Clauss 1955 Bernard J. DelGiorno 1955 Stephen E. Woodbury 1979


Kevin J. Hopper 1973

Colorado State

Christopher Guntermann 1974


Steven J. Bocher 1983


Paul O. Germann, Jr. 1952 Thomas B. Grooms 1966 Paul B. Qua 1982 James E. Sanford DDS 1971


Jonathan C. Espy 1995 Timothy J. Rueter 1998


Dennis A. LaRosa 1969 Wayne H. Brunetti 1964 George C. Johnson Jr. 1975 James C. Rinaman Jr. 1955 William H. Valentine Jr. 1967

Florida State

Joseph W. Kuhn, Jr. 1969 Donald S. Stuart 1972


J. Rance Cain 1969 Danny A. Neil 1968 Chadwik T. Teague 1988

Georgia Tech

John O. Briggs 1967 Raymond K. Elderd 1960 William G. Grip 1982 Andrew Kohl 1967 Ernest O. Rotramel Jr. 1952


Jarrod S. Benton 1990 Benjamin E. Robinson 1986


Timothy A. McGeath 1984


James V. Hawkins 1958 John D. Rowell 1948 James E. Whistler 1970


Owen H. Ackerman 1959 Thomas D. Earley DVM 1963

James L. Cook 1964 Scott E. Huch 1986 Dale H. Spiess 1966


David G. Elmore 1955 Frederick E. Henoch PhD 1964 Neil R. Hinchman 1957 Jay B. Hunt 1962 Richard H. Mills 1948 James A. Ramsey 1964

Indiana State

William G. Niederer 1985 Christopher B. Vance 1976


Bradley C. Nielsen 1986

Iowa State

W. Robert Griswold Jr. 1964 Steven J. Hunst 1975 Howard M. Logan 1946 Harvey E. Mallory III 1957 Richard D. McCormick 1961 James C. Murray II 1959 Dean R. Plager 1964 Robert J. Roth 1978 Kevin A. Shires 2005 Robert A. Zeis Jr. 1997


Michael L. Brown 1988 Brian W. Dudley 1996 Kevin W. Haga 1992

Johns Hopkins

Jack Carlock 1958 David G. Shigekawa 1959


Charles K. Baber Jr. 1964 Charles T. Crawford 1952 Kevin F. Mitchelson 1979 Michael H. Mount 1964

Kansas State

Andrew J. Lutz II 1981 Michael A. Martin 1983 Michael E. Morris 1977 Gregory C. Stuart 1970 James E. Taylor 1970 Gregory H. Wilson 1978


Leonard M. Appel 1963 Robert H. Becknell 1967 William R. Connell 1994


Peter L. Clark 1968 Craig H. Nickel 1974


David H. Aronson 1965 Bruce A. Wilson 1981


J. Douglas Breen 1968 John A. Hollingsworth 1955

Louisiana State

Arthur L. Roberts 1960


Matthew D. Smyth 1980

[ 2019 Donors ]


Joseph E. Samora Jr. 2008


F. Norman Dundas 1963


Paul A. Woods 1993


Ted W. Goble 1968 James P. Horning 1977 Lee C. Schmitt 1963


Jerry K. Rinehart 1957 Kenneth B. Sternad 1977 Gary H. Wilkinson 1951

Texas Christian


Texas Tech

Carl D. Campbell 1981 Robert J. Kepke 1963 William G. Paul 1952 William W. Rodgers Jr. 1959 Louis F. Trost Jr. 1950

Oklahoma State

John P. Gallagher Jr. 1966 Steven B. Pittman 1975

Jim M. Satterwhite, Jr. 1985 Charles R. Stewart 1979 Vance M. Hubbard 1962 Gary S. Jennings 1977 Glenn D. Moor 1984


Robert E. McCulloch 1965

UC Berkeley

Manuel G. Gonzalez IV 1977

Franklin K. Gregory 1957 Eugene L. Hartwig 1955 Robert B. Knutson 1956 Kenneth N. Nemerovski 1972 Mark L. Persitz 1977 Richard L. Pinkerton PhD 1955 Kelley V. Rea 1966

Old Dominion

UC Irvine



Michigan State


Keith A. Anderson 2010 Timothy J. Costello 1968 Robert J. Pemberton 1962 David W. Pequet 1974

Mississippi State

P. Elliott Burnside 1970 Malcolm B. Wall 1970


Gary L. Bussing 1973 David M. Dannov 1983 Edward B. Mullen 1957 Bradley P. Pemberton 1974 Andrew R. Sackin 1973 Paul L. Vogel 1989


John Gottschalk 1965 Brian M. Hensley 1998

New York

Bruce B. Blau DDS 1980 Michael A. Mische 1976

North Alabama

Thaddeus J. Boughton 2004

North Carolina

Marvin J. Carver, III 1975 Theo H. Pitt, Jr. 1958 John T. Stanley 1971

Robert W. Walter 1984 William J. Prenger 1968

Oregon State

Patrick C. Faessler 1990 Charles G. Armstrong 1964 Gerald B. Bay 1962 Robert L. Carrel 1955 William P. Gettings 1978 Richard E. Grace 1951 J. Richard Marshall 1959 Richard A. Miller Jr. 1964 Michael P. Schreyer 1965


William R. Brand 1987 George P. Norman 1987


Robert S. Jepson Jr. 1964


Mark G. Esposito 1982

San Jose State Brett C. Vigil 2000


Thomas H. Ewers 2008

South Florida

Eugene N. Balter 1977 Paul E. Mendelssohn 1972

Southern California

Andre P. Affatato 1969 Donald W. Bradley PhD 1961 David M. Todd 1967

J. Rand Petrie 1987 Jeffrey M. Downey 1983 Alfred L. Woodill 1946

UC Riverside

David B. Marino 1985


Mace A. Bloom 1977

Virginia Tech

Dana W. Hesse 1986 Jeffrey M. Scattergood 1999


Scott J. Sarisky 1990


Eric M. Cavanaugh 1976


T. Michael Doyle 1968 Michael B. Jeffers 1962 Gary L. Ostenson 1969

Washington & Jefferson

Donald L. Wickerham MD 1972

West Virginia

Robert W. Martini 1974 Mark N. Roth 1977

Western Michigan

William G. McClimans Jr. 1979 Michael A. McDonald Jr. 2014 Bryan S. McNee 1989

Western Ontario Westminster

J. Roger Gorski 1968 Mark D. Kaufman, Sr. 1971






J. Max Fulton 2011


Robert W. Holstrom 1946


John A. Cassese 1976 Ronald A. Sages 1973

Ohio Wesleyan

David R. Bennett 1977 Douglas H. Dittrick Jr. 1955 Charles P. Eichhorn 1955 John E. McKinnie 1954

Walter T. Henderson 1960 Robb Stewart 1952 Howard A. Rubin 1955 Jeff C. Crew Jr. 1967


James D. Froula 1967 Lee M. Moss 1973 John J. Sheridan 1972 Gerald L. Vantrease 1966

Contact Executive Director Ben Robinson at 859-255-1848 ext. 133 or brobinson@phigam. org for questions about the White Star Legacy Society. The Foundation’s Tax ID is 52-6036185. To leave a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation, consider the following: “I leave and bequeath unto the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, Inc. the sum of $____, or ___% of estate (or specific securities or other property). Said Foundation is a non-profit 501(c (3) corporation (Federal ID Number 52-6036185), organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with administrative offices at 1201 Red Mile Road, P.O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 405444599. *This gift is unrestricted for general Foundation purposes.” *For estate gift restrictions, please contact the Foundation for specific wording.

Frank C. Smeenk 1971

Southern Methodist

North Texas

Want to Learn More?

William E. Parrish 1957 Dale G. Schaefer 1958 David E. Moeller 1963 John P. Pirozzi 1971 Douglas L. Acker 1983 Earle L. Bowman, Jr. 1948 William K. Johnson 1976


William H. Smith, Jr. 1965


Byron M. McKnight DDS 1978 Ron D. Willis 1984



[ 2019 Donors ]

2019 Honor Roll of Donors

Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation & the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor

Friends of Phi Gamma

70-30 Productions đ&#x;&#x;Š Akron Community Fnd đ&#x;?˘ AllianceBernstein đ&#x;?˘ Amazon Smile đ&#x;Ś‰ Sirgurd & Ann Anderson+ đ&#x;‘¤ Anonymous ⛪ Arch Insurance Group đ&#x;?˘ AT&T Employee Giving Campaign+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ayco Charitable Fnd ⛪ Baird Foundation D Suzette Ball đ&#x;Ś‰ Bank of America Charitable Fnd' Benevity Community Impact Fund' BNSF Railway Company đ&#x;Ś‰ Boston, MA Grad Chapter+ D Alan G. Brackett+ đ&#x;‘¤ Bristol-Myers Squibb Fnd đ&#x;‘¤ Emily Britt đ&#x;‘¤ Nick Burch+ đ&#x;‘¤ Alison Burke đ&#x;‘¤ Erica M. Carlson đ&#x;‘¤ Jillian Caudill đ&#x;‘¤ Central New York Community Fnd đ&#x;?˘ Columbus Fnd đ&#x;’Ž Community Fnd of Central Illinois đ&#x;Œ¸ Charles Cook +đ&#x;‘¤ Christina Crow D CSX Corporate Citizenship đ&#x;&#x;Š Jeff Davis +đ&#x;‘¤ Dayton Fnd ⛪ Debra Dorten+ đ&#x;‘¤ Exelon Corporation đ&#x;?˘ Facebook + đ&#x;Œ¸ Fidelity Investment Charitable Gift Fund đ&#x;’ Fnd for the Carolinas đ&#x;Ś‰ General Electric Fnd đ&#x;&#x;Š Glass Fnd ⛪ Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund đ&#x;Œ¸ Lauren Gragson +đ&#x;‘¤


đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra Greater Kansas City Community Fnd ' Lowell & Ruth Haga đ&#x;Œ¸ Catha J. Hall +đ&#x;‘¤ Mrs. Lee T. Hanley đ&#x;‘‘ Hartford Fnd for Public Giving đ&#x;Ś‰ Vance & Sheri Hawley đ&#x;‘¤ Horejsi Charitable Fnd đ&#x;’ Indianapolis Beta Grad Chapter D Integral Resources đ&#x;‘¤ Jackman Fnd đ&#x;&#x;Š JPMorgan Chase đ&#x;‘¤ Kappa Mu Grad Association đ&#x;‘¤ Knopf Family Fnd ⛪ Amy Kurtz đ&#x;Ś‰ Langley Federal Credit Union+ đ&#x;? Carter Lawson đ&#x;‘¤ Lauren P. Leif+ đ&#x;‘¤ Lilly Endowment đ&#x;‘‘ Lisa & Bob Cheeley Fnd đ&#x;Ś‰ LMEPAC Charity Program đ&#x;‘¤ Veronica Lytle+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan Manning D Marathon Petroleum đ&#x;Ś‰ Markel Corporation ⛪ Frances C. Martiny+ đ&#x;‘¤ Geoff Martiny+ D Abby McCollom+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mechanicsburg Area Fnd đ&#x;?˘ Merchants Bonding Co. Fnd đ&#x;‘¤ Merrill Lynch Fnd/Matching Gift Program đ&#x;?˘ Lindsey & Ken Meyersieck đ&#x;?˘ Morgan Stanley đ&#x;Ś‰ Ann J. Myers+ đ&#x;‘¤ National Christian Fnd Colorado đ&#x;Œ¸ National Christian Fnd Houston đ&#x;? Network For Good đ&#x;? Diana Norman+ đ&#x;‘¤ Julie B. Northrop+ đ&#x;‘¤ Northwestern Mutual Fnd đ&#x;‘¤ Elizabeth Oesterle+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ellen R. Oppenheimer+ đ&#x;‘¤ Pasadena Community Fnd đ&#x;Ś‰ Paypal Giving Fund đ&#x;‘¤ Liz Pensiero+ đ&#x;‘¤ Phi Gamma Delta đ&#x;’


Phi Gamma Fnd of Canada đ&#x;’Ž Phi Gamma Delta of MIT+ đ&#x;Ž W. Carol Preston D Prospera Financial Services đ&#x;‘¤ Rho Phi House Corporation đ&#x;‘‘ Candida I. Rivera đ&#x;‘¤ Taren Robin đ&#x;‘¤ Taylor Ross+ đ&#x;‘¤ Sacramento Region Community Fnd đ&#x;Ś‰ Salesforce Fnd đ&#x;Ś‰ San Diego Fnd đ&#x;‘‘ Ann Schelstreet+ đ&#x;‘¤ Schwab Charitable Fund đ&#x;Ž Timothy Sheerin+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mike Snell D State Farm Companies Fnd D Synovus Bank+ đ&#x;‘¤ William Takewell+ đ&#x;‘¤ The Armstrong Fnd+ đ&#x;‘¤ The Boston Fnd đ&#x;‘¤ The Harry G. Gram Fnd đ&#x;Ś‰ The Vaughn Fnd đ&#x;&#x;Š Truist đ&#x;Œ¸ UBS Financial Services đ&#x;?˘ United Way California Capital Region đ&#x;‘¤ United Way of Central & NE Connecticut đ&#x;Œ¸ United Way of Central Ohio đ&#x;Œ¸ United Way of Columbia Willamette đ&#x;Œ¸ University of Texas Dallas+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Upsilon Alpha Building Corp+ đ&#x;? Vanguard Charitable ⛪ James and Kim Walt đ&#x;‘¤ Washington DC Grad Chapter đ&#x;Ś‰ Amy Watson đ&#x;‘¤ Western Michigan University+ D William T. Morris Trust đ&#x;Ž Rachelle Wish+ đ&#x;‘¤ Woodmere Fnd đ&#x;Ž YourCause đ&#x;&#x;Š

TOTAL $582,951


Dale R. Adams Jr. 2003 D Daniel J. Birx 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

Joshua M. Blubaugh 1999 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert B. Caudill 2004 đ&#x;? Norman L. Clark 1989 ⛪ William C. Darrow 2005+ đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew M. Estock 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Chuck Galmarini 1987 đ&#x;?˘ Justin T. Halter 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony R. Heavilin 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Graham S. Hess 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel B. Ishee 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Weston L. Jessie 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Brandon R. Johnson 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Phillip J. Jones 2002 đ&#x;?˘ J. Michael Kelley 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Henry A. King Jr. 1988 D Cameron W. Macesich 2023+đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen M. Mariani 1992 đ&#x;Œ¸ Ryan C. Matthews 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew D. McGill 2006 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brooks T. McKinley 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob R. Miller 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel P. Mossop 1989 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael J. Naymik 2015+ đ&#x;‘¤ Robert R. Naymik 1994 đ&#x;?˘ Ryan M. Naymik 2011 D James C. Neilson 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brandon M. O'Neill 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Bryan J. O'Neill 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffery M. O'Neill 1988 đ&#x;?˘ John P. O'Neill 1987 đ&#x;&#x;Š Matthew D. Pell 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew M. Perez 2007 D Colton J. Peters 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Brad W. Petrella 1987 đ&#x;Œ¸ Matthew B. Petrus 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas A. Plaxton 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Jarrod P. Polen 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Reid Polis 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan F. Privett 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher S. Ray 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Scott J. Reese 1987 D John David S. Rogers 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph W. Roth 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Frank J. Shaffer 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle W. Sullivan 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Christopher J. Tankersley 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nicholas S. Targosky 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph A. Trocchio 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas C. Valaitis 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Robert C. Vanni 1990 đ&#x;Ś‰ David J. Willmer 1992 ⛪ Richard T. Wilson 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark J. Zarlino 1988 D Perge! Society Robert B. Caudill (10) 2004 Wa Daniel P. Mossop (8) 1989 F David J. Willmer (1) 1992 F

TOTAL $7,543


Steve Broome 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ F. Hood Craddock 1979+ đ&#x;‘¤ James E. Flurry 1950 đ&#x;?˘ Paul D. Fulford 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Hollis N. Gieger Jr. 1980 D Paul F. Goree Jr. 1958 D Joshua P. Hammond 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰

William C. Hines Jr. 1966 D Steven M. Hudson 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ William W. Jessup 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ James E. Jones Mississippi State 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter L. Lowe 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Eugene A. Moore Jr. 1959 D William H. Ray Jr. 1949 đ&#x;? Walker Reynolds IV 2004 D H. Grantland Rice III 1980 đ&#x;Œ¸ James L. Richardson 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society William W. Jessup (2) 1960 F William H. Ray Jr. (10) 1949 F H. Grantland Rice III (4) 1980 F

TOTAL $3,061

In Memory of Ernest L. Deal 1952 by William W. Rodgers Oklahoma 1959, William O. Gamble Oklahoma 1961, Ben Robinson HSC 1986 Joseph R. Skinner 1992 by Joshua P. Hammond 1992

Alabama Birmingham Jordan D. Archer 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Hayden C. Batt 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ M. Hayden Bedsole 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ John Mark W. Boozer 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher M. Howley 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ William W. Larsen 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Logan McLendon 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jason M. Miller 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Connor K. Patton 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Griffin H. Rogers 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Noah Stockard 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Elijah J. Ussery 2018 đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $278


Armeen Ahmadian 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gregory T. Atkinson 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Quinn M. Beerwart 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ William L. L. Blimke 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Chad G. Boddez 2001 đ&#x;&#x;Š Bernhard H. Brinkmann 1983 ⛪ Maciej K. Bukczynski 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ Sungwoo Byun 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ John B. Carswell 1976 đ&#x;‘‘ Calvin Y. Choi 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ian E. Clarke 2010 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael P. Culleton 1993 đ&#x;&#x;Š Kristopher P. Dworschak 2015 đ&#x;?˘ Scott J. Ellerington 2000 đ&#x;?˘ Christopher L. Footz 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald A. Glen 1989 đ&#x;? Chandler P. Guilfoyle 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ David G. Hancock 1979 đ&#x;‘‘ Micheal G. Harris 1987 ⛪ Eric Hermanns 2012+ đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy D. Ira 2011 đ&#x;Ś‰ David E. Isaman 2004 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nolan R. Kennedy 2012 D Michael J. Lee 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Ren An Lim 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Frederick C. Lynch Jr. 1986 đ&#x;&#x;Š Mark D. Mandrusiak 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤

[ 2019 Donors ] Both Foundations operate to support the educational endeavors of Phi Gamma Delta, its chapters and its members. Listed are the donors who gave either unrestricted annual fund gifts, restricted endowment gifts or chapter restricted gifts to the Foundations in the 2019 calendar year. Donors are listed in their lifetime giving societies. Perge! Society members donating more that $500 are listed at the end of each chapter section; the parentheses indicate the number of years the brother has given at a Perge! Society level. This listing is only Foundation donors. All brothers who gave graduate dues are listed at Cam Murray 1972 đ&#x;? Tristan L. Patterson 2010 đ&#x;Œ¸ Braiden E. Redman 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Duane B. Schlereth 1971 đ&#x;Œ¸ Adnan K. S. Shaben 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Larry M. Shaben 1985 đ&#x;?˘ Semion Sinyavsky 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin J. Sparrow 2008 đ&#x;Ś‰ Christopher J. Tang 2005 đ&#x;?˘ Raafay Tariq 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ben I. Thomas 1998 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard A. Toogood 1987 đ&#x;Œ¸ Joshua J. Ulliac 2010+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kenway Yan 2009 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph R. Ylagan 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society John B. Carswell (9) 1976 Wi Michael P. Culleton (3) 1993 F Kristopher P. Dworschak (2) 2015 Wa David G. Hancock (13) 1979 F Tristan L. Patterson (2) 2010 F

Jeremey R. LaForce 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Dionysis Protopapadakis 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Wesley Stroupe 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤


Richard B. DeMallie Jr. 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Johnson Jr. 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ William A. Vance 1955 đ&#x;? Perge! Society William A. Vance (8) 1955 F

Rick L. Allen 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ Louis P. Benedict 1956 D Andrew C. Berkenkamp 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Frederick J. Christenson 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Craig M. Courville 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey C. Derickson 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ John P. Derickson 1975 D Dwayne A. Douglas 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ George W. Drach MD 1957 đ&#x;Œ¸ Curtis J. Dunshee 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Michael B. East 1992+ đ&#x;Œ¸ Vernon D. Ellis 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ Kenneth L. Erickson 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Roger E. Garrett 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Paul F. Gissel 1968 đ&#x;? Alan S. Hall 1984+ đ&#x;‘¤ Bruce H. Hart 1982 đ&#x;Œ¸ Ralph B. Heffelman Jr. 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Trevor D. Henson 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ James M. Hill 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Curtis W. Ingram 1989+ đ&#x;‘¤ Landon N. Jensen 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Marc A. Kates 1986 D Thomas W. Kennedy 1959 đ&#x;?˘ Robert C. Kersey 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason E. Kuhl 1994+ đ&#x;‘¤ Philip LaMantia 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ Morgan Little 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ralph B. Miller 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey J. Mongan 1983 đ&#x;&#x;Š John B. Mulchay 1958 D Terrell A. Muse 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ James G. Orradre 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ James M. Petty 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter J. Rathwell 1965 đ&#x;&#x;Š Esteban J. Serino 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ John A. Sivo 1977 đ&#x;Œ¸ Jerry L. Stitt 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Fred R. Sutter Jr. 1980 đ&#x;Œ¸ Nicholas T. Tarquin 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Richard M. Thompson 1959 D Charles L. Townsdin 1963 đ&#x;‘‘ Thomas W. Warne 1965 đ&#x;Œ¸ J W. Washington Jr. 1976 D James M. Webb 1967 đ&#x;? Cooper A. Wynn 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society George W. Drach MD (4) 1957 Wa Vernon D. Ellis (5) 1962 Wa Bruce H. Hart (7) 1982 Wa Morgan Little (2) 1964 F Jeffrey J. Mongan (15) 1983 Wa Peter J. Rathwell (16) 1965 F John A. Sivo (6) 1977 F Charles L. Townsdin (16) 1963 F Thomas W. Warne (5) 1965 F James M. Webb (3) 1967 F

Appalachian State

Arizona State

TOTAL $15,952


David A. Adams 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary J. Andrews 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gary M. Brost 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Zachary M. Canali 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Robert R. Cebula 1959 đ&#x;Œ¸ Trevor J. Colvin 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony R. Franco 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤ Nathaniel J. Gervais 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gerald E. Gibbons MD Washington 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jonathan K. Goodman 2019+đ&#x;‘¤ Cayton Hornberger 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary J. Javorsky 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew Kirn 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald J. Klinefelter Jr. 1990 D Richard W. McLeary 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Silas R. Mountsier III 1952 đ&#x;? Stevenson Mountsier 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Carl W. Stenberg III 1965 D Henry B. Suhr Jr. 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Benjamin V. Thomas 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Gregory R. Vallano 2015 D Michael S. Wild 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Williams 1960 AA đ&#x;‘¤ Marcus A. Wolf 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Austin J. Yarborough 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary B. Zoll 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Robert R. Cebula (5) 1959 F

TOTAL $2,216


TOTAL $625

Cole W. Britt 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ W. Carson Herron 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $18,146

John S. Boyd 1968 D David M. Chacon 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤

Charles T. Closson 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ George R. Duganz 1968 D Gary Emerson 1976 D Michael D. Engler 1972 D Mark W. Glasgow 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard C. Gohl 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ James D. Harris 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ John D. Kellogg 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard S. Lin Sr. 2005 D David M. Martin 1989+ đ&#x;‘¤ John T. Martin 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas J. Melita 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert M. Menzies II 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ralph C. Morgan Jr. 1973+ đ&#x;‘¤ William B. Perkins 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ John C. Philips 1969 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert C. Pohlad 1976 đ&#x;Ž– William E. Roberts EdD 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Mark R. Solem MD 1977 đ&#x;? S. Michael Van Royen 1980 D Tom M. Whitelock 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Alexander S. Wylie 1996 đ&#x;? Perge! Society Richard C. Gohl (1) 1987 F William B. Perkins (1) 1967 Wa Robert C. Pohlad (20) 1976 N William E. Roberts EdD (2) 1975 F Alexander S. Wylie (7) 1996 Wa

TOTAL $126,442


Bruce E. Baird 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael P. Bonds 1984 đ&#x;’Ž W. Grant Bray Jr. 1984 D Jeffery M. Burns 2007+ đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas C. Gean 1985 D Jeffrey A. Goodhart 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ John S. Peterson 1985 D R. Douglas Schrantz 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ William R. Thompson 2014 D Zachary R. Walker 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Max A. Wernick 1974 đ&#x;&#x;Š Gary A. Yanosick 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Michael P. Bonds (16) 1984 N Max A. Wernick (16) 1974 Wa

TOTAL $10,123


John B. Bush 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Don Craft 1965 D Paul D. Dees 1999 đ&#x;‘¤ Brian W. Elrod 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth L. Farmer Jr. 1972 đ&#x;&#x;Š Edward B. Fischer 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Samuel H. Franklin 1969 đ&#x;‘‘ Norman H. Godwin 1991 đ&#x;&#x;Š Cliff J. Hare 1977 ⛪ Edward O. Harris 1978 đ&#x;&#x;Š James W. Hutcheson 1966 đ&#x;‘‘ Emmett F. Johnson 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Nelson Knight 1964 D Hunter T. McCord 2004 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rory L. McKean 1976 đ&#x;?˘ Jonathan L. Moore 2004 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael J. Ramsey 1990 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Michael Roberts 2004 D

J. Edward Ruzic Jr. 1969 đ&#x;?˘ Jeffrey I. Stone 1979 đ&#x;&#x;Š Craig L. Tindall 1992+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffery T. Todd 1989 D C. Daniel Woodfin Ball State 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Kenneth L. Farmer Jr. (11) 1972 Wa Samuel H. Franklin (22) 1969 Wa Norman H. Godwin (12) 1991 Wa Rory L. McKean (5) 1976 F Jonathan L. Moore (7) 2004 Wa Jeffrey I. Stone (12) 1979 Wa

TOTAL $9,801

Austin Peay

Jann Jyson B. Abana 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Bryan K. Bishop 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ C. Allan Fraley 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary Groves 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joshua D. Pollina 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel J. Smallen 2015+ đ&#x;‘¤ Blue M. Tinsley 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zackary S. Toupe 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony P. Warren 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christian T. West 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jalen J. White 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $335

Ball State

Anthony R. Alexander 2008+đ&#x;‘¤ Chase M. Alley 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy B. Arlowe 2015+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael P. Boles 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan D. Burklow 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nathan Bush 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Charles J. Camp II 2007AA đ&#x;?˘ Christopher Campaniolo 2000 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Justin Concannon 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan J. Concannon 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jason W. Conn 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy R. Cope 2003 đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary P. Crain-Davis 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul R. Desmond 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Adam D. Drummond 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Brendan T. Dudukovich 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael T. Dunagan 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph G. Edwards 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle J. Goheen 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ Alexander L. Greimann 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Harben 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher K. Harrison 2010+đ&#x;‘¤ Franklin R. Hood 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas C. James 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Jessup 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mark A. Kimble 2006+ đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew W. Koenig 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher L. Kurtz 2006 đ&#x;? Matthew A. Lacy 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Carson Lance 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael A. Lang 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael Lantz 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob A. Lecea 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew J. Madison 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ David P. Malone 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Connor J. Manion 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤

Eric J. Maroun 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ Gavin M. McClure 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mark R. McCormack 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan D. McFarland, RN 2002 D Shawn M. Meier 2009 đ&#x;Ś‰ Juan M. Mendez 2003+ đ&#x;‘¤ Martin A. Merkel 2007 đ&#x;Ś‰ Allen C. Nessen 2005+ đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel E. Netser 2001+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob M. Newell 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤ Brendon D. Papineau 2003 D Logan U. Parmele 2008 đ&#x;Ś‰ Evan W. Pinsel 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Maxwell R. Reed 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary M. Richardville 2014+đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony C. Rizzie 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Drew A. Schafer 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel L. Schneider 2004+ đ&#x;‘¤ Lawrence B. Teichert III 2003+đ&#x;‘¤ James H. Thomas III 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Christian M. Vergara 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Casey T. Wall 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Brent D. Williams 2004 đ&#x;Ś‰ Geoffrey D. Wise 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Hadden R. Yarbrough 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Adam A. Zimmerman 2005+đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Christopher L. Kurtz (7) 2006 Wa

TOTAL $5,531


Mark D. Aigner 1984 đ&#x;Œ¸ Keye Duncan 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin W. Durnell 1979 D L. Hayes Fuller III 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey M. Heath 1981 D William A. Jones 1980 D Harrison K. Kirkpatrick 2022+đ&#x;‘¤ Wesley M. Kunz 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Roger C. Lowe III 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan D. Majors 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew J. McDougal 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Connor D. Price 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ William E. Russell V 1982 D Zachary J. Sides 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew O. Wallace 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan D. Walt 2007 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Mark D. Aigner (5) 1984 Wa

TOTAL $2,218

Boise State

Rex Bartlett 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jason E. Flechsing 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Reegan B. Jacobson 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Alexander R. Pietras 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Connor G. Robertson 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Hunter J. Underwood 2019+đ&#x;‘¤ Tate D. Volbrecht 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

Bowling Green

William E. Neff IV 1989 đ&#x;?˘ Jon K. Zwinski 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰


Matthew F. Adams 2005 D Nathan M. Anderson 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ricardo J. Anesi 1983 đ&#x;&#x;Š




[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor Peter L. Aranavage Jr. 1994 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew M. J. Becker 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Scott A. Bernholdt 1988 đ&#x;Œ¸ Jeffrey A. Bohlin 1999+ đ&#x;‘¤ Patrick W. Bromley 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael Buchalski 1999 đ&#x;‘¤ Joel C. Carr 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas J. Chochrek Nebraska 1983+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher N. Contos 1996+đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Deutsch 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Jordan B. Dockins 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan A. Earp 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan R. Falk 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ P.J. Fitzpatrick 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Fritz 1984+ đ&#x;‘¤ Patrick R. Garlow 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jerad A. Grewe 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Peter L. Grosso 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher A. Hardwick 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Gregory K. Harmon 2000+ D Matthew K. Heerdegen 2017+đ&#x;‘¤ William J. Kelly 1984 đ&#x;?˘ Peter J. Lawin 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph A. Leone 1983 D Joshua S. Levi 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael A. Lucas 1983 đ&#x;’Ž Michael W. MacConnie 1983 đ&#x;? Andrew J. Meyers 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher L. Muniz 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Alan E. Muschott 1984 D Daniel P. Pelphrey 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason R. Preston 1995 đ&#x;? Alex M. Raniszeski 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Amit A. Riswadkar 2007 D William F. Ross III 1987 ⛪ Randall Satterthwaite 2002+đ&#x;‘¤ Bryan J. Scartozzi 2000+ đ&#x;‘¤ Lane T. Schnotala 1992 đ&#x;Œ¸ Brandon A. Shallcross 2004+ D Scott Shoup 1999 D Curtis D. Smith 1999 đ&#x;?˘ Joshua D. Smith 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Evan G. Sturt 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph R. Sullivan 2003 D Richard J. Verdun 1997+ đ&#x;‘¤ Alvin J. Wilcox 1994+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan D. Willerton 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Leslie E. Youngren 1987 D Perge! Society Scott A. Bernholdt (2) 1988 F Gregory K. Harmon (1) 2000 F Michael A. Lucas (16) 1983 N Michael W. MacConnie (7) 1983 F Lane T. Schnotala (8) 1992 Wa Brandon A. Shallcross (1) 2004 F Curtis D. Smith (1) 1999 Wi William F. Ross III (14) 1987 F

TOTAL $17,673 64

đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra

British Columbia

D. Michael Ainsworth 1987 đ&#x;‘‘ Michael D. Akerly 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Sean J. Curley 2000 đ&#x;‘¤ David I. McDonald 1963 đ&#x;?˘ David H. Mills 1976 ⛪ Joshua S. Morita 2001 đ&#x;?˘ Torval D. Mork 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Albert C. Plant 1955 D Angelo P. Pulos 1951 đ&#x;?˘ Alexander C. von Kaldenberg 2006+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society D. Michael Ainsworth (8) 1987 Wi Joshua S. Morita (8) 2001 F

TOTAL $4,505


Robert B. Hill 1945 đ&#x;?˘


George J. Andrush 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas M. Boals 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Craig Fuehrer 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Robert R. Dawson 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ian Ferguson 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dale R. Fernandes 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jonathan D. Leef 1988 D David S. Marren 1983 đ&#x;Ž Geoffrey P. Mynott 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Duncan S. Polson 1958 đ&#x;‘¤ Victor E. Rauscher III 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ T. Robert Woodward 1954 đ&#x;‘‘ Edward M. Robinson 1986 đ&#x;?˘ Robert J. Sampson 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gary A. Scott 1986+ đ&#x;‘¤ Charles A. Weidenfeller Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dan W. Willcoxon 1983 D Perge! Society Robert R. Dawson (1) 1950 F Edward M. Robinson (4) 1986 Wa

TOTAL $18,466


Kevin S. Gibbons 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Tim G. Glowa 1993 đ&#x;Œ¸ Donald J. Herman 1985 đ&#x;‘‘ Christopher J. Johnston 1991 đ&#x;Œ¸ Derek C. Mayne 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Donald J. Herman (11) 1985 N Derek C. Mayne (2) 1997 F

TOTAL $6,842

California of PA

Michael A. Bordonaro 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Zane M. Coldsmith 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christian A. Giron-Ortega 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew J. Yankovich 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤


California State Long Beach

Robert M. Acherman 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan S. Canela 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤

Case Western Reserve

Edward C. Baran Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Felipe J. Barcia 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Luke T. Beery 2012+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan J. Brubaker 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤ Peter E. Burns 1970+ đ&#x;‘¤ David B. Burroughs 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kevin M. Carney 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Kun Chae 2004 ' Paul F. Deimling 2003 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph S. DeLeese 1965 D Philip E. Dew MD 1948 D Jonathan F. Diller MD 1975 D Carl M. Ferraro 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Michael M. Figura 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ David E. Forbes-Watkins 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ James E. Gavacs 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Brian W. Gresham 1976 D Richard E. Halverstadt 1969 D Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ John M. Humphrey 1981 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael J. Johnson 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Amruth R. Jonnalagadda 2012+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael P. Kapostasy 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Justin L. Karr 2012+ đ&#x;‘¤ Irving J. Katz 1994 D Robert Koch 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Matthew A. Kosior 1989 D Zachary M. Kuzemka 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald F. Lear 1956AA đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Lubahn MD 1971 đ&#x;?˘ James M. Marsh 1972 đ&#x;‘¤ Sean F. Martindale 1995 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas L. Montgomery 1972 đ&#x;‘¤ Albert J. Morhard 1952+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gary N. Muzzarelli 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Robert W. Niebaum 1969 ' Paul D. Norder 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Lawrence M. Oberdank 1958 đ&#x;?˘ Richard A. Ortman 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ James D. Petras 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Ross J. Pillari 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Jonathan F. Plimpton 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Martin P. Powers 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason M. Prigozen MD 1997 đ&#x;? Rajeev Raghavan 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joshua S. M. Richards 2010+đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan R. Shoup 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Smith 1972+ đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy A. South 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ Laurence E. Starkey Jr. 1975+đ&#x;‘¤ John H. Stockmann 2014 đ&#x;‘¤

Christopher E. Taggart 2002 D Douglas C. Taylor 1986 đ&#x;&#x;Š Theodore A. Thoma 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric J. Thorlin 1998+ đ&#x;‘¤ Richard C. Trump MD 1953 đ&#x;?˘ Daniel L. Turner DO 1991 D James A. Velette 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas J. Vermilion 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Charles C. Winkle 1985+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mitchell J. Wisniewski III 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle A. Wolf 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤ Trent A. Ziemer 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Carl M. Ferraro (3) 1978 Wi Mitchell Ingram Henn DDS (3) 1972 Wa John M. Humphrey (11) 1981 Wi Robert W. Niebaum (7) 1969 Wa Martin P. Powers (1) 1997 Wa Douglas C. Taylor (15) 1986 F

TOTAL $17,555

In Memory of Robert A. Barclay 1959 by Robert W. Niebaum 1969 William R. Hardell 1951 by Synovus Bank, Samuel W. Richwine 1973, William R. Bracewell 1968

Central Florida

Cory B. Carbone 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Adam T. English 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles A. Fischer 1994 D Trevor S. Jordan 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew J. Lucyshyn 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $565


Mark M. Beckler 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Douglas A. Cipriano 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Norman K. Cook 1958 đ&#x;&#x;Š Albert M. Fortier Jr. 1955 đ&#x;Œ¸ Jeffrey J. Harman 2009 D Donald M. Heinrich 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ William O. Johnson 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Edward D. Jones III 1966 đ&#x;?˘ James A. Kaplan 1976 D Michael B. Karluk 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael T. Novak 1985 đ&#x;?˘ Peter D. Richardson 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ John M. Saada Sr. 1956 đ&#x;&#x;Š Charles W. Semenchuk 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert H. Tamillow 2006+ đ&#x;‘¤ James W. Vice Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Steven D. Williams MD 1979 D J. Wilmar Jensen 1947 đ&#x;Œ¸ Stephen E. Woodbury 1979 D Perge! Society Norman K. Cook (20) 1958 F Donald M. Heinrich (2) 1974 N Michael T. Novak (3) 1985 F John M. Saada Sr. (18) 1956 F J. Wilmar Jensen (8) 1947 F

TOTAL $8,319

In Memory of Joseph A. Rider 1942 by Dale E. Rider Indiana 1953

Christopher Newport

Adam J. LeKang 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christian Urch 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤


John H. Bruns 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤ Edward T. Daniel 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ James N. Davis 1998+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joshua I. France 2008 D Stephen P. Hart 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰

Kevin J. Hopper 1973 ' Jeffrey L. Huss 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey B. Linkous 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Phillip T. Mason 2000 D Scott H. O'Daniel 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Theodore Sharber 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Brian S. Todd 1998 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joshua M. Weitzman 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Joshua I. France (1) 2008 F Kevin J. Hopper (16) 1973 N

TOTAL $7,832


Shawn M. Knight 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ William D. Richter 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael T. Walsh 1982 đ&#x;‘¤

Coastal Carolina

Nicholas M. Cerone 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ James Chamberlain 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zay'Quan Chisholm 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Dugas 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Cody M. Frizzelle 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ Cornelius C. Goodrich 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ David M. Goodstein 2014+ đ&#x;‘¤ John T. Hagelin 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Justin Keller 2015+ đ&#x;‘¤ Marcus R. King 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ William E. Lanno IV 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Brian Loizzi 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Sean P. Mattingly 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew P. McHugh 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ C. Hayes McLeod 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler M. Montgomery 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ Derek J. Murphy 2011 đ&#x;Ś‰ Travis C. Poe 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul G. Rezuke 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin A. Rutherford 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ August J. Schoenfelder 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Jack C. Schwartz 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Connor M. Seay 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Taylor W. Spangler 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Todd Weatherington 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Derek J. Murphy (3) 2011 F

TOTAL $1,167

In Honor of Derek J. Murphy, 2011 by Nicholas L. Hawley Kettering 2017


Michael J. Batza Jr. 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Gordon S. Brummer 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert H. Martinsen 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Michael D. Milone 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Curtis L. Norris 1950 D Denis W. Schreiber 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ Darrell E. Weber 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $821


Jim S. Camp 1958+ đ&#x;‘¤ James W. Dodds 1954 ⛪ Jarod D. Eassa 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Max A. Kahn 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ John M. Lyon 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ James O. Milmoe Jr. 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Douglas E. Nelson 1949 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dr. William J. Pietenpol 1943 đ&#x;Ś‰ C. H. Roath Jr. 1951 đ&#x;?˘ Michael L. Rosen 1987 D Curtis W. Spencer III 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas E. Worth 1963 D George S. Writer Jr. 1957 đ&#x;?˘ Donald B. Zinn 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society James W. Dodds (17) 1954 Wa C. H. Roath Jr. (7) 1951 F

TOTAL $3,651

[ 2019 Donors ] Colorado College

Samuel C. Anderson 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ William W. Creasey 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Frederick L. Freeman 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ James A. Gamache 1975 D Edward V. Heath 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gene C. Huang 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert D. McClellan 1982 D Brian J. Meek 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert A. Otto 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Kelly B. Powers 1984 đ&#x;Œ¸ Millard E. Pugh 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ Jack D. Real 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert W. Reniers Jr. 1968 ⛪ Charles Rubens 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Steven R. Vela 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Kelly B. Powers (4) 1984 F Robert W. Reniers, Jr. (16) 1968 Wi

TOTAL $4,965

Colorado School of Mines

Peter J. Ashton 1991 đ&#x;Œ¸ David D. Crichton IV 1997 D Russell A. Frishmuth 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Patton G. George 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ James A. Hull 1988 đ&#x;Œ¸ Owen A. Kyte 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Paul E. McElligott 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brian W. Robbins 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jordan H. Schmick 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Marlis E. Smith Jr. 1982 D Jay R. Winkelhake 2000 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Peter J. Ashton (7) 1991 Wa James A. Hull (7) 1988 F Jay R. Winkelhake (3) 2000 Wa

TOTAL $4,054

Colorado State

James C. Daley 1976 D Christopher A. Guntermann 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jaxyn M. McKesson 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Miller 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Gary M. Osterhout 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen W. Snyder 1976 D Richard R. Ulery 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $843


Adam F. Barrison 1991 đ&#x;?˘ Steven E. Coleman 1983 D Dudley Ferris 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Daniel S. Gentile 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph M. Lane 1961 D Robert C. Lawson 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony J. Leitner Jr. 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Bruce D. Sargent 1966 đ&#x;Œ¸ James C. Shehan 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Cory Weinbel 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Philip E. Zegarelli 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $1,671.00


Matthew C. Farrell 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ S. Vijay Sekhara 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Ethan R. Shafer 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Colin R. Treanor 2014 đ&#x;‘¤


Sean K. Andreas 1992 D David M. Ayers 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth H. Blanchard 1961 đ&#x;Ž Joseph G. Bruce 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ David P. Friedley 1961 D Francis P. O'Hara Jr. 2009 đ&#x;?˘ Alfred F. Van Ranst Jr. 1974 đ&#x;?˘

John L. Strauss 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ David L. Worrell 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Ken Blanchard (8) 1961 Wa Francis P. O'Hara Jr. (2) 2009 F

TOTAL $2,921


John C. Bennett 1958 đ&#x;‘¤


Carl H. Anderson Jr. 1984 D Towner A. Blackstock 1994 đ&#x;? Theodore H. Davis Jr. 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ Wilson G. Hardcastle 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Taylor B. Hogan 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Bradley Johnson 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Stephen F. Lewis 1979+ đ&#x;‘¤ Carl W. Loftin 1958 D Zach C. Miller 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Howard B. Moyes 1987 đ&#x;? Robert W. Porter 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ William S. Randolph Jr. 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Christopher H. Rendleman 1956+ đ&#x;‘¤ Mc Laurin Shaw Florida 1950 D Todd E. Strawser 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Towner A. Blackstock (5) 1994 Wa Howard B. Moyes (6) 1987 F

TOTAL $2,666


Edwin M. Ahrens MD 1973 ⛪ William F. Brown Jr. 1961 D Bradford L. Cornell 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ John A. Larson 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ John N. Oest 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ James D. Parsons 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Harold P. Quinn Jr. 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert W. Rahal 1975 đ&#x;Œ¸ Clifford D. Sethness 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard A. Young Ohio State 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Edwin Ahrens, MD (16) 1973 Wi Bradford L. Cornell (1) 1976 Wa Robert W. Rahal (5) 1975 F Harold P. Quinn Jr. (2) 1977 F

TOTAL $4,545


Adam S. Bashaw1987 đ&#x;?˘ Stephen M. Chambers 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Peter Gonzalez 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Edwin Hightower Jr. 1990 đ&#x;?˘ Patrick Matoole MD 1991 đ&#x;&#x;Š Perge! Society Edwin Hightower Jr. (4) 1990 F Patrick Matoole, MD (7) 1991 Wi

TOTAL $2,725


Thomas J. Flynn 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤


Michael W. Allee 1971+ D John T. Axelberg 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ William J. Bach 1991 D Jerry M. Burand 1955+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph B. Carney Sr. 1950AA đ&#x;‘‘ John P. Doan 1971 đ&#x;‘‘ Jere W. Dutt III 1990 đ&#x;?˘ Robert L. Erickson MD 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ William W. Graham 1962 ' David C. Hinshaw 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ John V. Hollensteiner 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Brooke Hollis 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Norman F. Jay 1955 D William P. Johnson 2016 đ&#x;Ś‰

Healthy Environment & Leadership Opportunities At the time of this writing, all institutions where we have chapters are either distance/on-line learning or closed until the fall. With our chapters vacant, the Fraternity staff is coaching/advising chapter officers how to handle communications and plans for the fall with brothers scattered. Healthy brothers produce a healthy fraternity. With over 11,000 undergraduate members, our chapters are at times in need of mental and substance abuse help. Last year, we provided $146,995 for mental health, substance and alcohol abuse education to identify and prevent problems, teach intervention, and show brothers how to get the support they need. We have always contended that the chapter environment is a powerful catalyst for developing future leaders. To that end, we granted $202,000 for leadership programs, including the values-based Leadership Institute, which is part of the Building Courageous Leaders initiative. The Leadership Institute was cancelled for 2020. Jim Knapp 1963 D Russell O. LaMore 1988 đ&#x;Œ¸ William C. Lentz Indiana 1964 đ&#x;&#x;Š J. Kurt Mahrdt Jr. 1956 ⛪ William T. McMurry 1956 đ&#x;?˘ Jeffrey R. Millard 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark C. Mills MD 1973 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas D. Mitchell 1970 đ&#x;&#x;Š James D. Moore 1974 đ&#x;? Douglas A. Nemecek 1985 đ&#x;?˘ Jack D. Noyes 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce W. Parker 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Michael Pickett 1987+ đ&#x;‘¤ Orlando Ramirez 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Alex L. Rogers 1965 đ&#x;? L. Brown Sanders 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ James E. Sanford, DDS 1971 đ&#x;?˘ William T. Shier 1988 đ&#x;&#x;Š Joseph H. Short 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael D. Stratton MD 1988 đ&#x;&#x;Š Eric J. Vale 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert A. Vedder 1966 đ&#x;&#x;Š Curt R. Ward MD Purdue 1988 đ&#x;&#x;Š Daylon T. Weddle 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ W. Kirby Whyte 1970 đ&#x;?˘ Robert A. Wunderlich Jr. 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (17) 1950 N William W. Graham (2) 1962 F William P. Johnson (2) 2016 Wa William C. Lentz (8) 1964 Wi J. Kurt Mahrdt Jr. (17) 1956 Wa William T. Shier (17) 1988 F Michael D. Stratton MD (19) 1988 Wi Curt R. Ward MD (18) 1988 F Robert A. Wunderlich Jr. (2) 1988 Wi

TOTAL $47,170


Derek P. Cloyd 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan Espy 1995 ⛪ Ryan J. Fischer 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony D. Kenkel 1998 đ&#x;‘‘ Graham E. Robles 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Jonathan Espy (6) 1995 Wi Anthony D. Kenkel (9) 1998 Wa

TOTAL $4,632


Adam M. Babbit 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ William C. Brock II 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

Christopher J. Desjarlais 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Cullen E. Flynn 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ David R. Hamelberg 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas J. Musielewicz 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ Carlos F. Ramirez L Villarreal 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Brian B. Reedy 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob T. Schwarm 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Wright 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $186


Thomas A. Adams 1970 đ&#x;Œ¸ Dr. Charles O. Barker 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Eric S. Bour 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ William A. Brosius 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert L. Crenshaw 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jed L. Frankel 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Craig S. Kalter MD 1984 đ&#x;? Dennis A. LaRosa 1969 D Albert W. McKay Jr. 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph Sciarrino 1977+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael B. Shapiro 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ William P. Simpson 1972+ D Stanley L. Storey 1964 D Joseph Valvona Jr. 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Thomas A. Adams (3) 1970 F Craig S. Kalter MD (13) 1984 F William P. Simpson (1) 1972 F

TOTAL $3,032


Jeremy D. Buente 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric P. Cioffi 2009+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher W. Cook 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jefferson T. Ebright 2008+ đ&#x;‘¤ Scott E. Gurgol 2003 đ&#x;‘¤ Bryan Hamann 2012+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kenton J. Hargis 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan G. Kissel 2006 đ&#x;Ś‰ David R. Knox 2008+ đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew A. Korn 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Nathan L. Kortokrax 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alex Kramer 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Austin P. Kraus 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ James S. Moryl 2000 D Christopher L. Rafferty 2001 D Jason A. Rainey 2002 + đ&#x;‘¤ D. Scott Stafford 2003 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jordan S. Stoltz 2013 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeremy R. Tarr 1998 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dane D. Turner 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $1,360


Robert E. Barrett 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce D. Brna 1971 D Alan H. Brown II 1966 D Wayne H. Brunetti 1964 ⛪ L. Del Butterfield Jr. 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ William W. Collins 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Daniel S. Fahey 1993 + đ&#x;‘¤ James C. Frishe 1971 D Craig D. Goldwyn 1971 D Dane C. Griffin 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael H. Houchard 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ G. Clinton Johnson Jr. 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Edward F. Newberger Jr. 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ William G. Read III 1972 D Sean T. Rees 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ William D. Richardi 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ James Rinaman Jr. 1955 đ&#x;‘‘ William K. Rinaman 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Fred F. Roberts MD 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Chase J. Root 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ R. Charles Scott 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Craig D. Singer 1985 đ&#x;Œ¸ Tyler J. Smith 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Summers 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce V. Templin 1970 đ&#x;?˘ William Valentine Jr. Coastal Carolina 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Loren H. Walker 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gordon E. Watts 1967 đ&#x;&#x;Š Eric E. Wilhjelm 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard B. Wilhjelm 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Christopher Wilt 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ Trent M. Wysocki 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Sam P. Young 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Wayne H. Brunetti (10) 1964 N James Rinaman, Jr. (20) 1955 Wa Craig D. Singer (6) 1985 F Bruce V. Templin (6) 1970 F William Valentine, Jr. (10) 1967 Wa Gordon E. Watts (9) 1967 Wa

TOTAL $12,271

Florida International

Jonathan Aguilar de Dios 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Wilver Almarales 2005 + đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony J. Bolcato II 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤ Henry V. Brimo 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ Alexander A. Falcon 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jose A. Garcia 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ D. Joseph Maya 2015 + đ&#x;‘¤ John J. Navas 2012 + đ&#x;‘¤ Carlos M. Rivero 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤




[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor David Velez 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $1,093

Florida State

Harold L. Barton III 1983 + đ&#x;‘¤ Paul W. Bonapfel 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ William J. Duston 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brendan T. Flanagan 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin J. Malone 1975 đ&#x;? Danny R. Ohnesorge 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Joe W. Osborne Jr. 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Steven L. Sparkman 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Donald S. Stuart 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Paul W. Bonapfel (1) 1972 F Kevin J. Malone (15) 1975 F Donald S. Stuart (1) 1972 F

TOTAL $1,989

Fresno State

Chad T. Snyder 2000 đ&#x;?˘

George Mason

Lukas Happe 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤


James J. Adams 1983 đ&#x;? Shane T. Annexstad 2015+ đ&#x;‘¤ Terry L. Sparks Auburn 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ James W. Boyles Jr. 1978 đ&#x;Œ¸ William R. Bracewell 1968 đ&#x;&#x;Š Jeffrey A. Brown 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Rance Cain 1969 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert D. Cheeley 1979 đ&#x;Ž Charles P. Conboy 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles A. Cone 1970 D Kingsley G. Corbin 1983 D Peter F. Curnyn 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ M. Henry Day Jr. 1975 D Carl W. Duyck 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew D. Egan 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Barry A. Fleming 1988 D J. William Hall 1982 + đ&#x;‘¤ Dewain T. Hamilton 1987 đ&#x;?˘ Robert T. Hardell Sr. 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰

đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra J. Alexander Johnson 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ Bradley W. Jordan 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dr. J. Steven Lammert 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Chris Meadows 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert B. Meyer 1970 đ&#x;Œ¸ Jere W. Morehead 1988 đ&#x;? Kenyon W. Murphy 1978 đ&#x;Œ¸ Joshua M. Neel 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Danny A. Neil 1968 đ&#x;Œ¸ Harry C. Owen 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Scott Poole 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ James W. Purcell 1973 đ&#x;&#x;Š William E. Pyron Jr. 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Phillip A. Reddick 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. 1973 đ&#x;‘‘ S. Winters Richwine III 2004 D Neal T. Seiter 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ F. John Semley 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey V. Smith 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Clay Stoddard 1970 đ&#x;?˘ Albert C. Strickland Jr. 1970+đ&#x;‘¤ Chadwik T. Teague 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Brian M. Thomas 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Neal A. Thompson 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeff G. Tucker MD 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Keith H. Vickers 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Homer E. Weeks 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Glenn C. Williams 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society James J. Adams (2) 1983 F William R. Bracewell (17) 1968 Wa Robert D. Cheeley (18) 1979 Wa Kenyon W. Murphy (1) 1978 Wa James W. Purcell (4) 1973 F Dr. Samuel W. Richwine Jr. (18) 1973 Wa

TOTAL $10,915

In Honor of Charles E. Adams 2019 by James J. Adams 1983 William R. Bracewell 1968 by John S. Lammert 1985 James C. Connah 1970 by Jeffrey V. Smith 1974

Samuel W. Richwine 1973 by S. Winters Richwine 2004

Georgia Tech

Bret D. Anderson 1990 D Anthony K. Antoniades 1991+đ&#x;‘¤ Robert C. Ashworth III 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Joseph S. Baumgartner 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Milton E. Berry 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert L. Bledsoe Jr. 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Victor J. Borowsky 2001 + đ&#x;‘¤ Dale A. Brandt 1963 D Charles T. Brasfield III 1966 đ&#x;&#x;Š John O. Briggs 1967 ⛪ Harold F. Brinkley 1948 đ&#x;?˘ L. Darby Bryant 2006 + đ&#x;‘¤ A. Russell Chandler III 1967 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard H. Clements Oklahoma 1948 ⛪ G. Wayne Clough 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph F. Cornelius Jr. 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Frederick A. Dorsey Jr. 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brandon M. Drew 1999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Raymond K. Elderd 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Russell B. Flowers 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark J. Garlen 1984 D Albert T. Gimbel Jr. 2002 + đ&#x;‘¤ William G. Grant Jr. 1963 D William G. Grip 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Orville T. Guffin 1962 D Michael D. Haney 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Hal Hart 1969AA ⛪ H. Dale Hartough Jr. 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert D. Hazen 1954 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Heneghan 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Dr. Glen J. Iannucci 2003 D D. Michael Johnson 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas N. Knowles 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew Kohl 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Patrick Lamar 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Richard A. Lawson 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Donald E. MacCullough 1948 D Ritchey M. Marbury III 1960+đ&#x;‘¤ Donald T. Miller 1966 đ&#x;?˘ William E. Miller Jr. 1967 đ&#x;?

Academic Excellence The Fraternity’s cumulative GPA is 3.1. We remain in the top three fraternities in total scholarships awarded at 1,339 and amount granted at $431,800. Ten additional chapter restricted scholarships were endowed or begun this year, which strengthens our scholastic ranking. The Academic Achievement Award (Triple A) scholarship we have funded for 20 years will come to an end on June 30, 2021. The funds used for this program will be used for different scholarships and new membership development programs which will reach a larger number of brothers. 66


F. Marion Mitchell III 1963 D James W. Mitchell Jr. 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ James D. Morrill 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason D. Morris 1999 + D William A. Morse 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kirk P. Moss 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Graham R. Neff 2007 đ&#x;‘¤ George A. Parker Jr. 2004 đ&#x;Ś‰ Marc D. Perla 1992 D Jeffery C. Pope 1971 + đ&#x;‘¤ Gary M. Potter 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Kirk A. Poucher 2006 D Joseph W. Price 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Denny Pryor 1951 đ&#x;Œ¸ Stephen A. Pyburn 1996 đ&#x;?˘ Kyle C. Quick 2015 D Bob N. Robards 1960 đ&#x;Œ¸ J. Gregory Robbins 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Stephen E. Robinson 1966 đ&#x;&#x;Š Clay B. Roth 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Ernest O. Rotramel Jr. 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ James S. Rountree 1972 D Phillip J. Scott 1970 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tylan H. Shultz 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ John B. Snead 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Leslie A. Spencer Jr. 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ George A. Stewart Jr. 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Edward Stinson 1969 đ&#x;? Bradley A. Tilton 1981 D Andy J. Van Epps 1999 D Brett D. Vogt 2006 D W. Scott Walker 1980 đ&#x;?˘ Stanley C. Ward 1985 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth S. Weatherspoon 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Torsten Wegner 1992 D Peter C. Weiland 1988 D Clifford D. Wells 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ D. Collins Westcott 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Harold White III 1997 D Jeffrey S. Zickus 1996 D Perge! Society Robert L. Bledsoe, Jr. (1) 1977 Wa John O. Briggs (22) 1967 F Richard H. Clements (4) 1948 F Hal Hart (12) 1969AA Wi Stephen E. Robinson (1) 1966 Wa Leslie A. Spencer Jr. (2) 1973 F J. Edward Stinson (3) 1969 Wa

TOTAL $38,727


Gino Alberto Jr. 1979 + đ&#x;‘¤ F. Barry Shaw 1965 đ&#x;Ž Philip J. Bernardi 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Stuart R. Carswell Jr. 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Arthur M. Carter III 1969 D Bruce P. Craft 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard H. Cromer 1951 D Alan E. Danielson 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Patrick R. Dempsey 2008 D Richard W. Esser 1964 đ&#x;Œ¸ Fred F. Fielding 1961 đ&#x;?˘ James D. Goodwin 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ W. Scott Griffiths 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter J. Hart 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Bradley C. Henrich 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle R. Ibbitson 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas A. Joyce 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew V. Leh 1959 D Bruce R. Limpert 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ William C. Martindale Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Œ¸ R. Bruce McMahon Jr. 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Richard K. Merker 1976 đ&#x;&#x;Š Edward L. Morgan Jr. 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Robert C. Muff 1960 đ&#x;&#x;Š Bryan K. Nogaki 2002 D Richard D. Peppler 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Richard L. Scheff 1977 đ&#x;? Frederick A. Schoenbrodt 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Henry J. Schweiter 1977 đ&#x;Œ¸

Richard D. Shirk 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Robert R. Sieck 1957 đ&#x;?˘ Peter P. Wolynec Jr. 1966 D Donald T. Zimmerman 1948 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Richard W. Esser (8) 1964 SW16 William C. Martindale Jr. (7) 1964 Wa Richard K. Merker (4) 1976 Wi Robert C. Muff (19) 1960 Wa Richard L. Scheff (4) 1977 Wa Frederick A. Schoenbrodt (1) 1965 Wi Henry J. Schweiter (7) 1977 F F. Barry Shaw (19) 1965 N

TOTAL $27,924

In Memory of Robert W. Davies 1957 by Timothy J. Shotmeyer Lehigh 2000

Grand Valley State

Christopher J. Clew 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤ Terrell D. Couch 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ George D. Guillen 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Cody J. Price 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler S. Tester 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤


Gary W. Boswick 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Cahak 2000 + đ&#x;‘¤ William D. Call II 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth E. Childress 1970 đ&#x;‘¤ Warren P. Dumford 1986+ đ&#x;‘¤ C. Clifford Edahl Jr. 2007 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew S. Garrison 1999 đ&#x;‘‘ J. Bradley Grafton 2000 + đ&#x;‘¤ F. Lee Hagan III 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Matthew Haynes Jr. 1997 đ&#x;‘¤ Justin S. Jarrett 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brian P. Jeter 1984 đ&#x;?˘ Justin B. Jones 2000 đ&#x;‘¤ Lewis D. Kelley Jr. 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Clinton Kelly 1997 đ&#x;‘¤ William E. Linden III 1984 D Charles L. McCullough 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ E. Winston Morris 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ James F. Moseley Jr. 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Servais E. Neil 1998+ đ&#x;‘¤ Baxter F. Phillips III 1997 + đ&#x;‘¤ Paul E. Pisano 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael A. Prizzi 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin E. Robinson 1986 ⛪ John J. Toner V 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ John H. Turner III 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ Matthew A. Wages 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas R. Waskom 1999 + đ&#x;‘¤ David M. Waugh 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Matthew S. Garrison (13) 1999 Wi Benjamin Robinson (21) 1986 Wa

TOTAL $8,447


Edwin F. Allison Jr. 1966 D Ferdinand R. Avril 1954 đ&#x;?˘ Richard W. Beatty 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Raymond A. Bowden 1949 đ&#x;?˘ James M. Boyers 1994 D Thomas W. Bruner 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ Bruce K. Bunger 1977 đ&#x;?˘ John R. Coomer 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ James L. Copeland 1961 D Eric H. Ericson 1967 D Richard L. Farmer 1967 D John D. Fawbush 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ R. Ferguson 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles E. Gabe 1990 đ&#x;&#x;Š Elmer E. Geissler 1951 đ&#x;?˘ E. Roger Jackson 1952 đ&#x;?˘

[ 2019 Donors ] Randolph B. Johns 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Karl J. Klein 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Scott T. McCurdy 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Kip S. McDonald 2007 đ&#x;Ś‰ Timothy A. McGeath 1984 đ&#x;?˘ Brian J. Murphy 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ John R. Musgrave 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas J. Nacca 1957 đ&#x;?˘ Bill L. Nighbert 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Howard A. Pelham 1951 đ&#x;? Peter L. Roesner II 1986 + đ&#x;‘¤ Devon M. Sharpe 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Larry D. Sheagley 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Cooper W. Sinclair 1996 + đ&#x;‘¤ James R. Willey Jr. 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Ferdinand R. Avril (2) 1954 F Eric H. Ericson (1) 1967 F Charles E. Gabe (7) 1990 F Kip S. McDonald (1) 2007 F Howard A. Pelham (15) 1951 F

TOTAL $6,012


Robert E. Bohman 1970 đ&#x;?˘ Rodney W. Bohman 1967 đ&#x;Œ¸ Jeremy K. Boyd 1997 đ&#x;‘¤ W. F. Buchanan 1937 AA+ đ&#x;‘¤ Edward A. Button 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin W. Chase 1994 đ&#x;&#x;Š Stephen H. Edwards 1964 ⛪ Carroll Livingston Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ David M. Lundgren 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ Edward J. Marohn 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Jan R. Noorda 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ James C. Patton 1959 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth L. Reagan 1968 đ&#x;&#x;Š Andrew J. Rice 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ John D. Rowell Oregon State 1948 đ&#x;Ž Steven B. Samuelson 1976 đ&#x;?˘ A. James Sather 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald R. Schlatter 1959 ⛪ Neil R. Thornton 1952 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard E. Trail 1966 ⛪ James E. Whistler 1970 đ&#x;Ž Philip J. Yribar 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Benjamin W. Chase (9) 1994 Wi Stephen H. Edwards (9) 1964 F Carroll Livingston, Jr. (2) 1964 Wa John D. Rowell (15) 1948 Wa Neil R. Thornton (4) 1952 F Richard E. Trail (10) 1966 Wa James E. Whistler (17) 1970 N

TOTAL $19,276

Idaho State

Gary N. Ten Eyck 1974 đ&#x;‘¤


Owen H. Ackerman 1959 đ&#x;? Ryan C. Althoff 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Rodney S. Bond 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Robert L. Braun 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kent P. Brennecke 1959 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth P. Caniglia 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Roger J. Chamlin 1962 đ&#x;?˘ David F. Cunningham 1950 D Lee E. Curtiss 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Daniel A. Damon 1958 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard A. Day Jr. 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ James P. Doan 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas D. Earley 1963 đ&#x;&#x;Š Nicholas L. Eastland 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Jerrold L. Eberhardt 1963 D Craig P. Gillespey 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph Gissler 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan C. Godke 2009 + đ&#x;‘¤ Julian E. Gorman 1973 đ&#x;‘¤

Jake Graham 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jerome C. Groniger Illinois Wesleyan 1956 ' John A. Helledy 1961 đ&#x;?˘ R. Thomas Herget 1972 đ&#x;?˘ James B. Hickey Jr. 1975 ⛪ Harold E. Hindsley 1950 đ&#x;&#x;Š William C. Ieuter 1957 đ&#x;&#x;Š Paul E. Incapreo 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Ito 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Craig M. Johnson 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Luke C. Johnson 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew Kelly 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Adam M. Kody 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jay R. Larson 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Joshua P. Laufenberg 2008 đ&#x;?˘ Robert H. Little 1957 đ&#x;&#x;Š Nicholas A. Loiacono 1974 ⛪ Andrew R. Lyon 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Wesley S. DeMoney 2008+ đ&#x;‘¤ Joshua M. Moore 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ William W. Nicholas 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ William T. Novak 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Kevin J. O'Neill 1983 + đ&#x;‘¤ Connor G. Oroni 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph W. Pizzo 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Sebastian J. Podgorni 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ Michael Rhee 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Riley 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ Derek S. Rockwell 2007 đ&#x;‘¤ Caleb J. DeRuiter 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kent R. Sands 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Stuart Florida 1979 D Edward J. Vaughn V 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jason Wandrey 2013 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Owen H. Ackerman (1) 1959 F Kenneth P. Caniglia (2) 1985 F Thomas D. Earley (5) 1963 Wi Jerome C. Groniger (13) 1956 N Harold E. Hindsley (2) 1950 F Joshua P. Laufenberg (6) 2008 F Robert H. Little (12) 1957 Wa Nicholas A. Loiacono (4) 1974 Wa William T. Novak (2) 1963 Wa

TOTAL $16,251

In Memory of Dean L. Rider 1920 by Dale E. Rider Indiana 1953

Illinois Wesleyan

Robert M. Bicket 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Marvin D. Bower 1945 đ&#x;Œ¸ Dr. James L. Cook 1964 đ&#x;? John P. D'Alessandro Jr. 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ William B.M. Fader 1957 đ&#x;?˘ Roy A. Ferguson 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Phillip B. Gebben 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert V. Hageman Jr. 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ Gordon E. Hammond Jr. 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert L. Hildebrand 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Scott E. Huch 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce K. Imig 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Larry D. Jensen 1963 D Walter G. Krug 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles P. Kulier 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Winford L. McElroy 1954+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gerald L. Philpott 1959 đ&#x;?˘ J. William Roberts 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald L. Ruecker MD 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ John M. Sorensen Indiana 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert W. Wasson 1968 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael S. Welch 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Dr. James L. Cook (12) 1964 F John M. Sorensen (1) 1968 F

TOTAL $3,387


Jason A. Allardt 2007 + đ&#x;‘¤

Michael C. Ashman 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ Vincent J. Backs 1962 D Jack R. Barber 2006 + đ&#x;‘¤ Richard L. Bennett 1954 D David F. Bennhoff MD 1959 đ&#x;?˘ Walter A. Caine Jr. 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas P. Cottrell 1982 đ&#x;&#x;Š James E. Dice 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ David G. Elmore 1955 đ&#x;Ž Douglas S. Elmore 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ John R. Feagler 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ David R. Frick 1966 ' Thomas C. Froehle 1985 đ&#x;Œ¸ Richard L. Geupel 1958 D Edmond Goodknight 1993 đ&#x;?˘ Matthew M. Green 1994 + D Ted Hartley 1990 D Robert T. Hoover 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jay B. Hunt 1962 ⛪ Steven R. Ingmire 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ William A. Johnson 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Justin B. Jones 1949 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph T. Lower 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas E. Mariani 1991 D Donald R. Marquette 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Eugene J. McGarvey Jr. 1958 đ&#x;?˘ William K. McGarvey 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Don B. McMahon 1982 D Herbert A. Miller Jr. 1957AA đ&#x;Ś‰ William R. Miller Purdue 1962 đ&#x;Ž Richard H. Mills 1948 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas K. Moore 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas C. Pagedas MD 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Roger L. Pardieck 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ James A. Ramsey 1964 đ&#x;&#x;Š Samuel L. Reed 1956 đ&#x;‘¤ Dale E. Rider 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark W. Rogers 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey A. Schwarz 1994 đ&#x;?˘ Robert H. Sebring 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael C. Sechrist 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles V. Sursa 1977 + đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew R. Thompson 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert N. Whitacre 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Timothy J. Wiley 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ Warren H. Woolcott 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Thomas P. Cottrell (17) 1982 Wa David G. Elmore (8) 1955 F David R. Frick (14) 1966 N Edmond Goodknight (1) 1993 F Matthew M. Green (1) 1994 F Joseph T. Lower (2) 1989 F William R. Miller (19) 1962 Wa Roger L. Pardieck (1) 1959 F Jeffrey A. Schwarz (2) 1994 F Robert N. Whitacre (18) 1967 Wa

TOTAL $40,920

In Honor of Louis A. Mangels 1956 by Henry A. King Akron 1988, Ben Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986) Herbert A. Miller 1957 by Robert W. Niebaum Case Western 1969 William R. Miller, 1962 by Steven C. Goble Rose Hulman 1971

Indiana State

William E. Briggs 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles D. Brown 1974 D Garry D. Elder 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ Timothy S. Harlan 1972 D John-Paul L. Herber 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Brent A. Leffel 1991 đ&#x;? Chuck Lingenfelter 1972AA đ&#x;?˘ William G. Niederer 1985 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael L. Raisor 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles M. Ricker 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Peteris R. Silins 1989 D

James D. Spencer 1973 đ&#x;?˘ Nicholas A. Willis 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Garry D. Elder (8) 1974 Wa William G. Niederer (4) 1985 F

TOTAL $3,098


Matthew M. Amend 1987 đ&#x;‘‘ Richard F. Amend 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ Allen E. Brennecke 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ James D. Carstensen 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard E. Carver 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher T. Hawkins 1987 D Scott A. Irlmeier 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ James D. Jensen 1972 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph S. Kelly Jr. 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Gunther R. Lubben 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Martin J. Maher 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joel M. Oxley 1971 đ&#x;?˘ John G. Pappajohn 1952 đ&#x;¤ľ Bradley J. Peterson 1984 D Scott D. Prill 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Chester E. Rauch 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Riley R. Roos 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen M. Stewart 1972 D Stuart S. Young 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Matthew M. Amend (15) 1987 Wi Martin J. Maher (3) 1997 F John G. Pappajohn (20) 1952 N

TOTAL $14,027

In Memory of Stuart B. Bailey 1993 by James D. Carstensen 1989

Iowa State

Jon B. Burmeister 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Matthew A. Butterbaugh 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas R. Calame 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen T. Caldwell 1986 đ&#x;? Alexander J. Champagne 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas K. Costello Jr. 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Dustyn J. Curran 2007 D Richard J. Davidson 1976 đ&#x;?˘ G. Edward Deery 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Matthew J. Dohrmann 2014+đ&#x;‘¤ Sean T. Donnelly 1995 đ&#x;Œ¸ Richard W. Fickey 1962+ đ&#x;‘¤ Roger E. Forrester 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ R. K. Griswold 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ W. Robert Griswold Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bertrand L. Gulick IV 1970+ đ&#x;‘¤ Michael E. Hagan 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Jan C. Haugen 1965 D Steven J. Hunst Iowa 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Hermann H. Koch Jr. 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ Eli Krambeer 2013 đ&#x;Ś‰ Leland T. Larson 1957 D Howard M. Logan 1946 đ&#x;‘‘ William H. Lounsbury Jr. 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ Harvey E. Mallory III Texas Tech 1957 ⛪ Richard D. McCormick 1961 đ&#x;’ Peter J. McNally 1990 đ&#x;?˘ James C. Murray II 1959 ' David A. Needham 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ James H. Norman 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ John G. Nottoli III 1981+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason D. Pauling 1994 D Richard A. Propf 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Jared M. Rhoads 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ A. Peter Rimsans II 1993 đ&#x;&#x;Š Ronald L. Scharnweber 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles J. Schleusner 1997 đ&#x;Œ¸ Randy A. Schumacher 1983 D Adam L. Shires 2000 đ&#x;? Gordon J. Smith 1961 đ&#x;Ž Michael E. Smith 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Nicholas Smock 2008 đ&#x;&#x;Š

Everett A. Sorensen 1958 đ&#x;‘¤ Spencer C. Stevens 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ James R. Tannhauser 1978 D Lawrence H. Thompson 1964 đ&#x;? F. Clark Warden 1960 D Richard E. Wiltamuth 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Jon B. Burmeister (21) 1967 Wi Sean T. Donnelly (7) 1995 F Michael E. Hagan (8) 1988 F Eli Krambeer (1) 2013 Wa Howard M. Logan (17) 1946 F Richard D. McCormick (22) 1961 N James C. Murray, II (19) 1959 Wa A. Peter Rimsans II (14) 1993 F Charles J. Schleusner (4) 1997 F Adam L. Shires (8) 2000 Wa Gordon J. Smith (16) 1961 Wa Nicholas Smock (4) 2008 Wi Lawrence H. Thompson (5) 1964 F

TOTAL $21,387

In Memory of David N. Hankinson 1955 by Hermann H. Koch 1955, Sirgurd & Ann Anderson, James H. Norman 1955, Geoff Martiny, Frances C. Martiny


Jared M. Abney 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle R. Clendenen 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Caleb Danko 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Trevor Emerick 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ John Erny 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Richard A. Foster 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Oliver D. Gehres 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Geoffrey W. Ginebaugh 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ Braeden Goodwin 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Paulius Junokas 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob F. Largent 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Alexander M. LeDonne 2022+đ&#x;‘¤ Marco A. Melo 2015 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler L. Paseka 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Christian M. Porter 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler A. Schenck 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Adam B. Thomas 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Mark A. Underwood 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $326


Guillermo A. Barrera 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ D. Kent Bigglestone II 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael L. Brown 1988 đ&#x;?˘ Lamar N. Campbell 1985 D H. J. Devine 1985 D Frank T. D'Onofrio III 1999 đ&#x;‘¤ Brian W. Dudley 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard GonzĂĄlez 1998 đ&#x;&#x;Š Kevin W. Haga 1992 ' Mark M. Milovich 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Mouro Jr. 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ William J. Parrish 1994 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew J. Plodinec III 1992 D Gregory D. Sullivan 1992 D Jeremy Toback 1995 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brooks T. Tomlin 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ E. D. Turcotte 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul A. Van Siclen 1991 + đ&#x;‘¤ Charles M. Walker 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ Steve A. Wisniewski 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas L. Young 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Richard GonzĂĄlez (19) 1998 F Kevin W. Haga (16) 1992 N

TOTAL $9,326

In Honor of Kevin W. Haga, 1992 by Lowell & Ruth Haga




[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor

Kettering đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra

In Memory of Craig M. Munsen 1988 by Lowell & Ruth Haga

R. Wayne Thompson (2) 1964Wa

James Madison

Roger T. Aeschliman 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew J. Benson 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald H. Buck 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brian R. Campbell 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel R. Carter 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Stanley E. Foltz 1974 D John M. Foust 1992 đ&#x;Œ¸ Keith A. Geyer 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gabriel J. Grant 2013 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tom L. Haug 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Christopher A. Hupe 1994 đ&#x;? Corey A. Imhoff 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kendal D. Johnson 1979 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael A. Kijowski 1990 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gordon G. Lewis 1974 D Michael A. Martin 1983 D Kevin P. Martinez 1985 D Michael D. Moody 1979 D Michael E. Morris 1977 đ&#x;Ž Kurt M. Niebuhr 2003 + đ&#x;‘¤ Geoffrey D. Schillare 1999+ đ&#x;‘¤ Larry L. Sears 1976 đ&#x;?˘ W. Drake Shaw 1977 đ&#x;&#x;Š Cecil E. Stout 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert J. Svec 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Allen L. Switzer 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ James E. Taylor 1970 đ&#x;? David E. Waters 1999 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert A. Weber Jr. 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Barry L. West 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Scott Williams 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Michael E. Morris (20) 1977 N

William E. Beasley 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brian M. Glass 2005 D Marc G. Mertz 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ William J. Prendergast Jr. 2000 đ&#x;Ś‰ Douglas W. Tees 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jerrel E. Weaver 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $825

Johns Hopkins

Brian W. Baumgardner 1983 D William J. Beutler 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul J. Boyle 1978 D Jack Carlock 1958 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Carter 1968 đ&#x;&#x;Š Marc D. Leone 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ James R. Miervaldis 2006 đ&#x;Ś‰ Daniel F. Organek 1994 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael D. Privitera Jr. 1976 D David G. Shigekawa 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas S. Summers Jr. 1951 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Robert E. Carter (12) 1968 F Daniel F. Organek (7) 1994 F

TOTAL $2,394


Thomas H. Collinson 1964 đ&#x;‘‘ Heywood H. Davis 1952 đ&#x;Œ¸ Douglas W. Draper 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Larry S. Gutsch 1957 đ&#x;? J. Joseph Hannah 1979 ' Steven J. Heeney Kansas State 1978 đ&#x;‘‘ John S. Horejsi 1990 đ&#x;’ Stewart R. Horejsi 1959 đ&#x;’ Charles K. Hyter 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ Roger D. Johnson 1964 đ&#x;?˘ D. Tom Jones Colgate 1950 D Charles W. Lilgendahl Jr. 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Jake B. Lueck 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ John B. Martin 1959 đ&#x;Ž Michael C. McGowan 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin F. Mitchelson 1979 đ&#x;&#x;Š Jon P. Morris 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Steven C. Mueller 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ John L. Richeson 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ F. Alan Stamper 1964 đ&#x;Œ¸ R. Wayne Thompson 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mike Walker 1981 + đ&#x;Œ¸ Thomas J. Walsh 1980 đ&#x;‘‘ Jack C. Williams 1957 D Perge! Society John B. Martin (16) 1959 Wa Kevin F. Mitchelson (8) 1979 Wa John L. Richeson (4) 1962 Wa F. Alan Stamper (4) 1964 F


TOTAL $226,574

Kansas State

TOTAL $9,973

Kent State

Dale L. Bardes 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Herbert A. Fotheringham 1960 D Dennis J. Kowalski 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert P. Rubins 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ E. Alan Rumbaugh 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas M. Vassallo 1964 đ&#x;?˘ Nathan T. Vitale 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Thomas M. Vassallo (2) 1964 F

TOTAL $963


L. Dale Abernathy 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas E. Alves 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Leonard M. Appel 1963 đ&#x;Œ¸ Donald A. Appledorn 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rex L. Bailey 1961 D Matthew B. Barbiea 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Samuel C. N. Barnett 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Richard A. Bean 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰


Robert H. Becknell 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Thomas E. Bloch 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Justin W. Bowling 2011+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin L. Bradley 1998 đ&#x;&#x;Š John R. Bryden 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Hugh A. Campbell Jr. 1966 D John K. Carpenter 1996 D R. Murphey Coy 2011 + đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew M. Depew 2010 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew L. Douglas 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Nathan D. Feibes 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Luke I. Francis 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew A. Gillies 1995 D Ronald M. Green 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Stephen G. Greiner 1968+ đ&#x;‘¤ Scott E. Gurney 1995 đ&#x;?˘ Benjamin R. Harper Western Kentucky 1969 ⛪ William C. Harrison MD 1977 đ&#x;&#x;Š C. Edward Hastie 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Bradley R. Heil 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert A. Jones 1962 D Frank C. King Jr. 1968 D Michael J. Knoll 2008 đ&#x;?˘ Charles D. Leffler 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ William H. Mautz 1965 đ&#x;‘‘ James E. McCullum III 2011+đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin E. McKiernan Missouri 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ C. Kimble Miller Jr. 1970 đ&#x;Œ¸ Bryce D. Moffett 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ William J. Morgan 1969 D Fred W. Myers 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Brady A. Piccioli 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ James B. Pierce 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Carl F. Pollard 1960 ' Joseph T. Richardson 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Griffin D. Snyder 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Elijah T. Sutton 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Reese S. Terry Jr. 1964+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald D. Wagoner 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ Dennis L. Willaman 1967 D O. Steven Young 1967 D Perge! Society Robert H. Becknell (16) 1967 Wa Kevin L. Bradley (1) 1998 Wi Benjamin R. Harper (14) 1969 F Michael J. Knoll (2) 2008 Wa William H. Mautz (21) 1965 Wi C. Kimble Miller, Jr. (7) 1970 Wa Carl F. Pollard (16) 1960 Wi Reese S. Terry Jr. (1) 1964 Wa Ronald D. Wagoner (1) 1962 F

TOTAL $29,494

In Memory of Victor C. Caven 1970 by Charles D. Leffler 1972 John T. Cook 1971 by Charles K. Miller 1970

Bradley J. Bayley 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Gabriel Bowerson 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Keith Councell 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dominic Q. DeMaria 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Leslie A. Deyer 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric M. Eben 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Jameson G. Fee 2008 đ&#x;?˘ Nicholas L. Hawley 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Donald G. Kowalke 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Ronald D. Massar 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kyle McNeil 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Dwenell A. Mills 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Craig H. Nickel 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ David M. Pokriefka 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas A. Potter 1994 đ&#x;? John J. Ronayne III 1969 đ&#x;Œ¸ Eric J. Rose 1991 đ&#x;?˘ Peter Z. Rylko 1992 D Joseph D. Scandy 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ David L. Schoewe 1975 đ&#x;&#x;Š Stacy E. Thompson 1969 D Sheldon L. Thorpe 1987 đ&#x;?˘ Michael J. Twork 1991 + đ&#x;‘¤ Joel M. Weeks 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Vincent T. Williams 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ John R. Williams Jr. 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Nicholas A. Potter (8) 1994 F John J. Ronayne III (9) 1969 F David L. Schoewe (15) 1975 F

TOTAL $6,017


Robert J. Anderson Jr. 1954 D William E. Bitter 1947 đ&#x;‘¤ C. Rodney Boynton 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert T. Boynton 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nathanial R. Carney 2008+ đ&#x;‘¤ Don A. Chiri 1977 + đ&#x;‘¤ Colin M. Harding 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Frank M. Johnson 1952 D Joseph S. King 1965 D Jerry F. Kuzanek 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Steven P. Malecha 1981 D J. Phillip Morrow 1963 đ&#x;? David S. Schramm 1978 đ&#x;&#x;Š John D. Sherrick 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle C. Szuta 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Karl K. Taylor 1960 D Richard A. Whitcomb 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society David S. Schramm (6) 1978 F

TOTAL $1,871


Victor Angeline III 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Barry A. Depew 1979 đ&#x;?˘ Arthur S. Hansen, DDS 1962 đ&#x;?˘ Donald E. Morel Jr. 1979 đ&#x;‘‘ Gregory R. Slonaker 1979 D Perge! Society Arthur S. Hansen (3) 1962 F Donald E. Morel, Jr. (16) 1979 Wi

TOTAL $2,921


John Arganbright 2011 + đ&#x;‘¤ Vincent L. Gaffney 1988 D Carl J. Guecia 1985 D


Edward C. Lake Jr. 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰


Charles A. Arcodia 1979 D William D. Bast 1979 đ&#x;?˘ Albert C. Cooke III 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Andrew D. Eckert 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Mark L. Gardner 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰

Guy R. Kachel 1949 đ&#x;‘¤ Douglas W. Paige 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles A. Reinhart III 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Timothy J. Shotmeyer 2000 đ&#x;?˘

TOTAL $1,003

Louisiana State

John B. Ariail Jr. 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ John V. Bailliet 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ Duncan L. Bridewell 1969 đ&#x;?˘ Don W. Brown 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen H. Cordill Jr. 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert M. Crawford 1960 đ&#x;?˘ W. Craig Cupit 1982 + đ&#x;‘¤ Charles A. Germano 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Ralph D. Jackson Jr. 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Donald L. Lantz Jr. 1958 đ&#x;‘¤ David G. Mauney 1976 D Kenneth D. Posey Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Arthur L. Roberts 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Kevin B. Simpson 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ A. Lloyd Stoessell 1962 D Philip G. Tanner 1982 D David G. Trepagnier Jr. 2018+đ&#x;‘¤ Harrison A. Trepagnier 2020+đ&#x;‘¤ William G. Yates 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald J. Zeringue 1979 đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $2,151


Douglas H. Banks 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Chuck Barrett 1956 đ&#x;‘¤ Eugene D. CotĂŠ III 1981 đ&#x;&#x;Š Russell D. Cromwell 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Devir 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles J. Farnham 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alfred T. Galella 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert T. Gladu 1987 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Harrison 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas C. Hicks 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ David C. McCarron 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Raymond W. O'Keefe 1969 D Matthew D. Smyth 1980 D Donald L. Swicker 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael J. Wissenbach 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Douglas H. Banks (1) 1982 F Robert T. Gladu (4) 1987 F

TOTAL $2,156


Andrew M. Griffin 2011 + đ&#x;‘¤


Timothy F. Silvernail 2014 đ&#x;‘¤


J. Lorne Atchison 1959 đ&#x;?˘ Carman R. Colwell 1956 đ&#x;‘¤ F. Norman Dundas 1963 ⛪ William H. Gear 1956AA đ&#x;’ John D. Surridge 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ G. Rodney Tait 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society F. Norman Dundas (20) 1963 Wa William H. GearAA (22) 1956 N G. Rodney Tait (7) 1961 F

TOTAL $75,495


James T. Guess 1989 đ&#x;&#x;Š Benjamin Z. Rogers IV 1996 D Robert A. Svoboda 1978 ⛪ Joseph L. Turner 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul A. Woods 1993 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society James T. Guess (17) 1989 F Robert A. Svoboda (17) 1978 Wi Paul A. Woods (5) 1993 F

TOTAL $3,671

[ 2019 Donors ] Miami

David A. Barker 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael D. Bevis 1970 đ&#x;‘‘ Patrick P. Born 1973 đ&#x;? David B. Bowen 1979 D Steven G. Brown 1980 D John R. Cochran 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Craig Owen 1974 D James M. Cribley 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph J. Fink 1975 D John H. Fountain 1985 đ&#x;Œ¸ George A. Fowler 1962 D Philip R. Gibbs 2006 D Ted W. Goble 1968 đ&#x;‘‘ Charles E. Goodwill 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard C. Graeff 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gordon D. Harnett 1964 đ&#x;’Ž Paul G. Heller 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Charles E. Hilgeman 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ William R. Hineline 1963 D Dave Houser 1970 đ&#x;?˘ Steven E. Kahan 1980 + D John C. Kellenberger 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jonathan W. Klaaren 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Frank H. Learned Jr. 1965 D Timothy S. Lewis 1986 đ&#x;?˘ James E. Link 1970 + đ&#x;?˘ Malcolm W. MacLeod 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ James W. Morgan 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Nagy 1964 đ&#x;‘‘ Charles B. Pettis 1961AA đ&#x;?˘ Thomas A. Roebuck 1968 đ&#x;‘‘ Mark S. Schaffer MD 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan D. Schmidt 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Lee C. Schmitt 1963 ⛪ Ned B. Shepard 1962 D Gregory S. Shumaker 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Blair D. Shwedo 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Aaron P. Simmons 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brad A. Snively 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ Dale B. Stork 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark D. Sullivan 1981 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael C. Urbanski 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ James E. Walter 1964 đ&#x;?˘ Justin B. Whelan 1983 đ&#x;Œ¸ Alan C. Wiedie 1962 D Jeffrey J. Williams 1980 đ&#x;‘‘ Frank A. Wisehart 1987 D Perge! Society Patrick P. Born (4) 1973 F Gordon D. Harnett (3) 1964 F

TOTAL $43,455


Arthur E. Albin 1979 đ&#x;?˘ George L. Allen Sr. 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Charles J. Andrews 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Todd M. Blosser 1994 D Larry G. Carter 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Frank Chambers 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alan M. Christman 1956 đ&#x;‘¤ James H. Davies 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Sean M. Estok 2008 D Kevin S. Gilligan 1982 D Stewart M. Greenlee 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brian Henderson 1986 D Frederick A. Henderson 1980 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard A. Herrington MD 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Scott F. Hesse 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard W. Hodgman MD 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ryan T. Hudson 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen K. Hunter 1961 đ&#x;?˘ Gregory F. Ippolito 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ William A. Irwin 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Hugh M. Jacob 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert B. Knutson 1956 đ&#x;’ Scott M. Kudialis 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas M. Leopold 1955 đ&#x;?˘ E. Jeffrey Lyons 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Phillip D. Matthews 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰

John V. Melick III 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ James E. Minns Jr. 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Douglas R. Murray 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ David A. Murrell 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth N. Nemerovski 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ W. David Osmer 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard L. Pinkerton 1955 đ&#x;&#x;Š Thomas A. Raar 1985 đ&#x;&#x;Š Gregory R. Schermerhorn 1987 đ&#x;&#x;Š Ronald A. Sistrunk 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ James J. Spurrier 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert L. Stahl 1958 D Martin B. Tarlie 1989 đ&#x;&#x;Š E. Timothy Thieme 1971 D Robert W. Thomas 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ C. N. Tinker 1954 đ&#x;‘‘ David M. Tremonti 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ John H. Upton 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Scott R. Wilson 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Robert B. Knutson (22) 1956 N Thomas A. Raar (21) 1985 F Gregory R. Schermerhorn (13) 1987 Wi Martin B. Tarlie (9) 1989 Wa C. N. Tinker (21) 1954 Wa

TOTAL $25,593

In Memory of Joseph D. Wingfield 1967 by William D. Osmer 1967

Michigan State

Fredric Aichele Kent State 1963đ&#x;?˘ Richard J. Anderson 1970 D Alexander C. Bradley 2023+ đ&#x;‘¤ Don S. Creyts 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ Clare R. Darlington 1961 D James M. Galbraith 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Robert M. Justin 1969 đ&#x;Œ¸ Gary P. Lonik 1972 đ&#x;‘¤ Edward J. McKibbon 1967 đ&#x;?˘ John W. Merten 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert W. Nelden 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Bryant R. O'Dwyer 1982 D Brian J. Page 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ David M. Pavlik 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert J. Pemberton 1962 đ&#x;?˘ David W. Pequet 1974 đ&#x;?˘ Dan Pettigrew 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ William R. Polhamus 1970 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Robert M. Justin (3) 1969 Wi

TOTAL $4,209


Joel R. Anderson 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard Avendano 2012 đ&#x;Ś‰ James G. Awada Sr. 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas M. Bienemann 1971 D John F. Bierbaum 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Bruno B. B. Ely 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Eugene U. Frey 1952 đ&#x;&#x;Š Daniel D. Ganter Jr. 1981+ đ&#x;‘¤ Colton R. Giammanco 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan J. Govier 2014 + đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas P. Hanson 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Conor J. Hogan 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Darrell M. Hong 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert C. Hudson Jr. 1950 đ&#x;Ž Patrick Janes 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew K. Jorjorian 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Cyrus J. Kian 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brett R. Kinzel 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ William A. Kowalski 1975 D Connor R. Lanahan 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew R. Lange 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ James S. Lee 1978 đ&#x;&#x;Š Wooam Lee 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Alec C. MacNab 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ David N. Mielke 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤

Ronald R. Montgomery 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph H. Mullen 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Grant Noble 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas T. Odell 1967 D Robert D. Potts 1964 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert W. Ready 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Branden M. Reeves 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Dean A. Ressler 1987 D Clinton E. Rhodes 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Allen M. Ringer 2010 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan Rolfes 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Troy M. Rossow 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Todd Rotgers 2011 đ&#x;Ś‰ Taylor J. Rudnick 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael S. Schmidt 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Garrett N. Schwartz 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ E. Joe Shaw Jr. 1959 D Alvin B. Shepherd 2004+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gerald K. Sognesand 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael P. Spack 1996 ⛪ Jacob M. Stanczyk 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Graeme R. Thickins 1969 D Amelious N. Whyte Jr. 1999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Quinn C. Yesker 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Richard Avendano (2) 2012 Wa Eugene U. Frey (17) 1952 F Robert C. Hudson, Jr. (22) 1950 F Brett R. Kinzel (1) 1989 F James S. Lee (18) 1978 F Robert D. Potts (18) 1964 Wa Todd Rotgers (3) 2011 F Michael P. Spack (11) 1996 Wi

TOTAL $8,797


Michael E. Gray II 1997 D

Mississippi State

Michael L. Boyd 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen D. Brunson II 1984 đ&#x;?˘ P. Elliott Burnside 1970 đ&#x;Œ¸ John H. Douglas III 1981 đ&#x;? Robert A. Fields 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ George Fike 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Evan M. Glass 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert B. Glenn III 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ David L. Grady 1982 đ&#x;Œ¸ C. Bryan Graham 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Cole A. Herring 2018+ đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher B. Hines 1994 đ&#x;‘¤ Walter C. Lindsey 1984 đ&#x;?˘ Bryson A. Marretta 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ William A. Martin III 1975 đ&#x;‘‘ Christopher R. Rebmann 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ G. Porter Robinson 1975 đ&#x;&#x;Š Raymond J. Roessel 1999+ đ&#x;‘¤ Richard K. Rozier II 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ James A. Rumble 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ John S. Rumble 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Malcolm B. Wall 1970 đ&#x;&#x;Š John C. Wallace 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Norman L. Williamson 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Stephen D. Brunson II (1) 1984 F John H. Douglas III (10) 1981 F William A. Martin III (17) 1975 Wa James A. Rumble (1) 1985 F Malcolm B. Wall (12) 1970 Wa

TOTAL $7,375

In Honor of Bill Martin, by Charles R. Stewart TCU 1979, Fredric J. Aichele MI State 1963, John N. Moreau Richmond 1964, Tau Delta Chapter (Texas Dallas), Peter G. Welsh Wittenberg 1974, Stephen A. Jannetta Penn 1986, Andrew T. Bridge Wabash 2001, Brian G. Thorngate San Diego State 1987


Steven L. Albart 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert L. Albin 1962 ⛪ Robert D. Alesi Jr. 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Justin G. Alexander 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Carl S. Arnold 1990 + đ&#x;‘¤ John Fox Arnold 1959 đ&#x;‘‘ Brian E. Babb 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert E. Babcock 1988 + D John C. Barron 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ James R. Bartimus 1971 đ&#x;?˘ David M. Barton 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Aaron R. Berlin 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Craig E. Bowen 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bryan C. Breckenridge 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Blane D. Brown 2013 + đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Brown Jr. 1969 D Gary L. Bussing 1973 đ&#x;Œ¸ Larry R. Christenson 1969 đ&#x;?˘ Robert L. Clatterbuck 1960 D John R. Cox 1994 D R. Todd Crabtree 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ David M. Dannov 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard N. DeShon 1957 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael C. Douglass 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ William D. Dowd Jr. 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ A. Overton Durrett Jr. 1954 đ&#x;?˘ Dean R. Ellis 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Jonas A. Fangman 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ James A. Fitts 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Roy V. Flesh II 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas P. Fluri 1973 + đ&#x;‘¤ David A. Forsee 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kevin L. Fritz 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher T. Fuldner 1973 đ&#x;&#x;Š Major E. Garrett 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Glen A. Glass 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Bryan M. Goolsby 1966 đ&#x;?˘ J. Michael Guffey 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey D. Hardy 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Mark L. Heinemann 1971 đ&#x;? Michael R. Hendrich 1985 D Richard K. Hendrich 1955 đ&#x;?˘ George N. Hennen 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard E. Henson 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ Ralph A. Hill 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert J. Holley 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Paul A. Holmes 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Curtis A. Hunt 1999 đ&#x;‘¤ Scott G. Idlet 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew K. Jones 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael R. Jones, DDS 1982 đ&#x;Œ¸ Thaddeus W. Juilfs 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ T. Brad Keating 1991 D Jeffrey T. Kennedy 1989 D Jonathan A. Kimerle 1989+ đ&#x;‘¤ John M. Kinker 1967 đ&#x;?˘ David D. Kinsman Jr. 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Marc R. Lewis 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles R. Link 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ John L. Livingston 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ William C. McIlroy 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Lee A. Mendenhall 1985 D Greg R. Meyer 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew P. Meyer 1986 D

James C. Millan 1989 D Sean R. Moise 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ William J. Mowrer 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Edward B. Mullen 1957 đ&#x;?˘ Matthew K. Murawski 1994 đ&#x;‘¤ David Neenan 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Morris J. Nunn 1967 D John J. O'Neill 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Geoffrey W. Peters 1994 + D David W. Pickering 1969 D Nicolas A. Pino 2003 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas C. Race 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel C. Reichman 1991+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth V. Roberts 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Phillip A. Rothermich 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Martin O. Rush 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew R. Sackin 1973 đ&#x;&#x;Š Jon F. Sansone 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Scanlan 1963+ đ&#x;‘¤ Geoffrey H. Simmons 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Clinton Slusher 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Clifton R. Spacek 1970 D J. C. Spangler 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ John W. St. Clair 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ David C. Stahlman 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard V. Stauffer 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Todd A. Stich 1991 D Joe A. Stillman 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Theodore W. Thomas 1959 ⛪ Brandon T. Tucker 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Chad K. Vanlandingham 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey S. Vogel 1990 đ&#x;Ś‰ LeRoy Vogel 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Paul L. Vogel 1989 đ&#x;‘‘ Christopher W. Watkins 1992+đ&#x;‘¤ C. Brooks Wood 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Marvin E. Wright 1958 D Perge! Society Robert L. Albin (12) 1962 F John Fox Arnold (20) 1959 Wa Robert E. Babcock (1) 1988 F James R. Bartimus (1) 1971 F Craig E. Bowen (1) 1996 F Gary L. Bussing (6) 1973 F Larry R. Christenson (2) 1969 F David A. Forsee (4) 1978 F Christopher T. Fuldner (6) 1973 Wi Major E. Garrett (1) 1984 Wa Mark L. Heinemann (8) 1971 Wa Richard K. Hendrich (2) 1955 F Andrew R. Sackin (19) 1973 F Geoffrey H. Simmons (2) 1996 F Paul L. Vogel (14) 1989 Wa

TOTAL $18,795

In Honor of Bradley P. Pemberton 1974 & Michael R. Bender 1973 by Andrew R. Sackin 1973 In Memory of Elmer E. Hall 1923 by Catha J. Hall

Missouri State

Darrell V. Hyche 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew L. Jackson 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Marco Kilongkilong 2011 đ&#x;‘¤

Educational Housing As a service to house corporations, we provided grants for construction of qualifying educational space, equipment, renovations and maintenance of $420,609. These grants are funded by generous brothers for such specific projects, sometimes over a few years, and did not come from the Foundation’s general funds. THE PHI GAMMA DELTA



[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor Zachary M. Langford 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Shayne L. Martin 2008 D Wesley J. Martin 2009 đ&#x;Ś‰ Tyler W. McLain 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Jack M. Meyer 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Preston R. Padgett III 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ John P. Torno 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Wesley J. Martin (1) 2009 F

TOTAL $1,424


Bruce Blanchard 1957 đ&#x;&#x;Š John K. Freeman 1966 đ&#x;Œ¸ Richard H. Haas 1943 đ&#x;Ś‰ William S. Kaiser 1977 đ&#x;Œ¸ Alfredo G.F. Kniazzeh PhD 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Donald A. Roellke 1957 D PGD at MIT Fund Robert J. Spinner 1984 D Alan Williams 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Bruce Blanchard (13) 1957 Wa John K. Freeman (9) 1966 F Richard H. Haas (1) 1943 F William S. Kaiser (3) 1977 Wa

TOTAL $104,375


Matthew G. Etlinger 1998 đ&#x;&#x;Š Uri K. Farkas 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael L. Letson Jr. 1997 đ&#x;?˘ Martin C. Meyer 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Albert J. Nault 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Matthew G. Etlinger (5) 1998 Wi

TOTAL $3,471


Justin D. Barrick 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher Fendley 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Roosevelt A. Mendez 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤


W. Kent Barney 1976 D Walter E. Blore 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ William S. Bowen 1999 D

đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra William D. Craig V 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Jerry P. Dierks 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ Steven D. Dugger 2003 đ&#x;Œ¸ Roderick W. Fletcher 1950AA đ&#x;Ž James B. Goll 2001 đ&#x;Œ¸ John Gottschalk 1965 đ&#x;¤ľ F. Bert Linn 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Lloyd D. McBeth 1950 đ&#x;?˘ Aaron M. Ness 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Tod J. Ochsner 1985+ D Peter M. O'Shea 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Clark A. Robertson 1982 ⛪ Paul C. Schorr III 1959 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society Steven D. Dugger (2) 2003 F Roderick W. Fletcher (8) 1950 Wa James B. Goll (2) 2001 F John Gottschalk 1965 N Tod J. Ochsner (1) 1985 F Clark A. Robertson (16) 1982 Wi Paul C. Schorr III (2) 1959 Wa

TOTAL $9,101

Nebraska Kearney

Brandon M. Bohn 2009 + đ&#x;‘¤ Phillip R. Boon 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler A. Hinrichs 2016 + đ&#x;‘¤


Ryan W. Kidd 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤

New Mexico

J. P. Bowdoin 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ Stephen E. Caine 1997+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin M. Hayes 1997 đ&#x;?˘ David J. Piech 2004 D Michael A. Rudnick 2006 D Timothy L. O. Savidge 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kevin M. Sprague 1981 đ&#x;Œ¸ David T. Stewart Jr. 1980 đ&#x;&#x;Š Toby W. Ulery 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Edward W. Whitcher 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Kevin M. Hayes (3) 1997 F Kevin M. Sprague (5) 1981 F David T. Stewart, Jr. (14) 1980 Wa

TOTAL $2,925

New York

Robert W. Brooks 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Theodore Chan 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Anthony W. Cuilwik 1962 D Richard A. Eckert Sr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Louis G. Filosa Iowa State 1973 đ&#x;? George E. Hansen 1962 đ&#x;?˘ Frank R. LaBarbera 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ira D. Lieberman 1979 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael A. Mische 1976 đ&#x;Œ¸ Nickitas F. Panayotou 1961 D Ronen Rotem, DDS 1988 đ&#x;Œ¸ Richard T. Schulz 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Leonard Z. Sotomayor 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Michael A. Mische (2) 1976 F Ronen Rotem, DDS (2) 1988 F

TOTAL $2,305

North Alabama

Gerald O. Dorroh Jr. 1987 D R. Keith Henley 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Albert H. Price III 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰

North Carolina

Kenneth F. Anderson Jr. 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald A. Batchelor 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ David R. Bickel 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ E. Lewis Bryan 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas E. Capps 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Marvin J. Carver III 1975 đ&#x;‘‘ Jerome C. Cashion 1963AA đ&#x;Ž J. Dixon Fleming Jr. 1976 đ&#x;&#x;Š Alfred W. Griffin Jr. 1948AA đ&#x;Ś‰ Theodore E. Haigler Jr. 1946 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas B. Lathrop 1947 D Henry N. Lee Jr. 1952 D R. Hart Lee 1970 D Laurence B. Maddison Jr. 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ W. Ward Marslender 1962 đ&#x;?˘ Joseph H. Nelson 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard C. Pattisall 1960 đ&#x;‘¤ Howard A. Penton Jr. 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Theo H. Pitt Jr. 1958 D N. Gee Smith III 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ John T. Stanley 1971 đ&#x;Œ¸

White Star Legacy Society We are grateful to brothers who donate and plan to donate by including the Foundation in their estate plans. Many brothers have significantly impacted the Foundation with estate gifts: William T. Morris (Penn State 1949), Jerome C. “Pop� Cashion (North Carolina 1963) and Joseph B. Carney, Sr. (DePauw 1950). We were notified by 11 brothers that they had included the Foundation in their estate plans. A listing of all White Star Legacy Society members can be found on page 60. 70


Billy G. Worsham II 1975 D Perge! Society Marvin J. Carver, III (21) 1975 Wi J. Dixon Fleming Jr. (7) 1976 F

TOTAL $61,510

In Memory of Alfred W. Griffin 1948 by Marvin J. Carver 1975

North Carolina State Carson R. Haynes 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brian M. Price 1999 đ&#x;‘¤

North Carolina Wilmington

Zachary T. Rogers 2012 + đ&#x;‘¤ John E. Saylor 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Adam E. Thomas 2010 đ&#x;‘¤

North Texas

J. Max Fulton 2011 D Jonathon C. Linn 2011 + đ&#x;‘¤


Chase S. Boni 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Akshay Kaushik 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Carter Neumann 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew Ostheimer 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary M. Weiss 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤

Northern Arizona

Jared P. Bieniek 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael D. Bulriss 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob W. Crow Arizona 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Alejandro V. Cruz 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob K. Cryder 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Nathaniel R. Diamond 2019+đ&#x;‘¤ Lucas J. Dickey 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph D. Ekholm 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Brody W. Fernandez 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Blake P. Fields 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ Derrick-Robert Fookes 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob R. Gardner 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew P. Greenslade 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Cole J. Harper 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Austin P. Jones 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ E. Scott Judge 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew J. Krull 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel A. Lord 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary J. Mahon 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brian M. McHorney 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ William E. Mocnik 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew A. Olden 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Ian M. Osborn 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Oxan J. Padilla 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jesus A. Ramirez 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Carlos E. Rascon 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Bryce I. Richards 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Cameron L. Richards 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gavin Russell 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Cade A. Sutter 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ B. Anthony Walkenbach 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Keenan S. White 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $1,004


Angelo J. Accetta 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard E. Allen 1961 D Erwin K. Aulis 1980 đ&#x;‘‘ Horace H. Cobb Jr. 1951 đ&#x;Ś‰ Walter R. Derlacki 1945 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert M. Doench 1959 D Donald C. Elder III 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert H. Henert 1964 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael K. Huff 1987 D George E. Irwin Jr. 1940 đ&#x;?˘ John E. Linderoth 1960 D Richard P. Mason 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Duane C. Matschullat 1969 D John R. Siragusa 1955 D Andrew Z. Soshnick 1985 đ&#x;&#x;Š

Gene P. Stepanovic 1959 D Edward J. Whalen 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Erwin K. Aulis (2) 1980 N Andrew Z. Soshnick (10) 1985 Wa

TOTAL $15,079

Nova Southeastern Christopher J. Joyce 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Saajan Vemala 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤


John C. Cushman 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Robert W. Fults 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Hal D. Hichborn 1952 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert W. P. Holstrom USC 1946 đ&#x;Ś‰ James H. Stellar Arizona 1954 đ&#x;‘‘ Perge! Society James H. Stellar (19) 1954 Wa

TOTAL $1,825


Tim Adams 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Timothy J. Boesken 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth R. Brenneman II 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Craig E. Clossen 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ George J. Eschenfelder IV 1990 D Roger H. Goodrich 1975 D Timothy M. Guesman 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Hajoway 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffery D. Keller 1990 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas D. Lammers 1974 đ&#x;?˘ Thomas R. McCarroll 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ David W. Middleton 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher J. Moehring 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter D. Puttmann 1981 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey L. Reed 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Michael D. Reese 1991 đ&#x;Ś‰ John S. Rowe Jr. 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald A. Sages 1973 ' Kenneth I. Slon 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Connor A. Sullivan 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard M. VanCure 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ David A. Widener 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Ziza 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Ronald A. Sages (21) 1973 F

TOTAL $2,871

In Memory of Theodore P. Versteeg 1975 by Ann J. Myers, Kathryn Pontillo, Ann Schelstreet, Timothy Sheerin

Ohio Northern

Zachary L. Berkstresser 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan D. Blagojevic 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Adam K. Cook 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tucker P. Harris 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Shane Tilton 2016 + đ&#x;‘¤

Ohio State

Brett M. Alexander 1991 đ&#x;?˘ Sean G. Alexander 1991 đ&#x;Œ¸ Richard H. Bohning Jr. 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Daniel M. Bonacci 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Justin M. Burns 2007 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alexander B. Carr 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen Comunale 1972 đ&#x;?˘ William C. Crusey 1980 D Dennis A. DiTullio 2005 đ&#x;?˘ Craig E. Donaldson 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen H. Eibling 1962 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas E. Frey 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ R. William Gardner 1957 đ&#x;Ž John E. Gibson IV 1975 đ&#x;Œ¸ James B. Gould 1959 đ&#x;Œ¸ Theodore D. Griley II 1955 D James F. Hamilton 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Dennis D. Hargreaves 1966 đ&#x;‘¤

[ 2019 Donors ] Christopher J. Hubman 1987 D Paul R. Jannot 1990 D Scott W. Johnson 1986 đ&#x;?˘ Thomas J. Laufersweiler 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Frank J. McGavran 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ S. Michael Miller 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Vernon L. Morrison 1984 D Jack W. Nicklaus 1961 ⛪ Don L. Presar 1960 đ&#x;Œ¸ James N. Schreiber 1959 D Eric W. Schwarz 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Gregory J. Toupalik 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Brett M. Alexander (5) 1991 F Sean G. Alexander (9) 1991 Wa Stephen Comunale (2) 1972 Wa Stephen H. Eibling (3) 1962 F R. William Gardner (15) 1957 N John E. Gibson IV (7) 1975 F Jack W. Nicklaus (22) 1961 F Don L. Presar (4) 1960 F Eric W. Schwarz (9) 1986 Wa

TOTAL $15,773

Ohio Wesleyan

Dr. John A. Burns MD 1960 đ&#x;Œ¸ David R. Bennett 1977 đ&#x;?˘ Daniel B. Bennington 1968 đ&#x;?˘ T. Page Brightman 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Duncan S. Copeland 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ William P. Cowden Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ David W. Cromer 1957 đ&#x;?˘ E. James Dickey 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ Gerald L. Dickey 1960 D Douglas H. Dittrick Jr. 1955 đ&#x;¤ľ Matthew R. Dixon 1999 đ&#x;Ś‰ G. Stanley Doore Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Œ¸ Harry L. Dowler Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Tim K. Duer 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Chase C. Dusek 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Raymond R. Dykes 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Charles P. Eichhorn 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Stephen J. Enck 1963 D Harry N. Faulkner 1963 đ&#x;&#x;Š Jarrod S. Ferstl 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jack A. Foley 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas L. Grissom 1962 đ&#x;?˘ John W. Guy 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ George M. Heeschen Jr. MIT 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael B. Heisler 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ James S. Hering 1961 đ&#x;&#x;Š James H. Hilborn 1963 D Geoffrey A. Hirt 1966 đ&#x;Œ¸ Charles D. Holcombe 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ralph D. Hoyt II 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Patrick Huber 1962 đ&#x;Œ¸ Thomas M. Jenkins 1974+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles E. Johnston 1976 đ&#x;?˘ David P. Lauffer 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert D. Lindner Jr. 1971 đ&#x;? James W. Link 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jose Matute 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Donald J. Maxwell 1956 đ&#x;Œ¸ Gregory S. McComas 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ John E. McKinnie 1954 đ&#x;&#x;Š Wyatt L. McQueen 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Phillip J. Meek 1959 đ&#x;’Ž Donald C. Meek MD 1957 D Dallas H. Moorhead Jr. 1949 D Hugh D. Pace 1974 đ&#x;?˘ Charles E. Phifer 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ George V. Pilat 1984 D Kenneth A. Saleski 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth B. Sternad 1977 đ&#x;?˘ Bruce C. Stoesser 1964 D James C. Tauschek 1976 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael T. Wadsworth 2019+đ&#x;‘¤ Douglas W. Warnock 1975 D Robert W. Warren 1961 đ&#x;‘¤

Benjamin R. Whitbourn 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Gary H. Wilkinson 1951 đ&#x;‘‘ Gregory P. Wilson 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ Bradley Wolford 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Louis T. Yank 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ David N. Young 1956 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Zimmerman 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Douglas H. Dittrick, Jr. (22) 1955 N G. Stanley Doore Jr. (7) 1954 F Harry N. Faulkner (20) 1963 F James S. Hering (14) 1961 F Robert D. Lindner Jr. (2) 1971 F Phillip J. Meek (20) 1959 Wi James C. Tauschek (2) 1976 F Gary H. Wilkinson (20) 1951 Wi

TOTAL $45,483

In Honor of James W. Link 1982 by Kappa Mu Graduate Association Phillip J. Meek 1959 by Brian J. Meek Colorado College 1986


Douglas J. Bourne 1943 đ&#x;‘‘ Howard S. Browne MD 1946 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth R. Carson 1981 đ&#x;? Christopher L. Chase 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas G. Cleator 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ C. Denny Cresap 1956 đ&#x;Ž Will B. Curtis 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Charles T. Doyle 1956 đ&#x;’Ž Robert S. Ellis 1948 đ&#x;&#x;Š James H. Everest 1971 đ&#x;Ž Clyde R. Ferguson 1953 đ&#x;‘¤ Randall S. Fudge 1975 D William O. Gamble III 1961 ⛪ G. Carl Gibson Jr. 1981 đ&#x;? John W. Griffin 1985 đ&#x;‘‘ Steven L. Hawes 1980 đ&#x;Œ¸ J. Brent Humphries 1991 đ&#x;&#x;Š William E. Ingram III 1964 đ&#x;?˘ Gib James 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ R. Joe Kepke 1963 D Frank L. Kerstetter Jr. 1950 D Donald J. Kyte 1990 đ&#x;? Steven T. Latham 1991 đ&#x;?˘ John H. Lollar III 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Gerald D. Neff 1961 ' Gregg D. Overstake 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Homer Paul Jr. 1954AA đ&#x;‘‘ William G. Paul 1952 ' W. DeVier Pierson 1953 đ&#x;Ž John W. Plessinger Jr. 1970 D John H. Poe Jr. 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen W. Ray 1979 đ&#x;&#x;Š Eddie W. Rhea 1980 đ&#x;? William W. Rodgers Jr. 1959 đ&#x;’Ž Randy L. Shockey 1977 đ&#x;?˘ Alvin H. Smith 1961 D Carl S. Tinch 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Louis F. Trost Jr. 1950 đ&#x;&#x;Š Blake Turner 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Charles K. Webster 1963 D Robert H. Westfield 1959 đ&#x;&#x;Š Craig W. Whitbeck 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Samuel A. Wilson 1952 đ&#x;‘‘ Perge! Society Douglas J. Bourne (15) 1943 Wa Kenneth R. Carson (6) 1981 F Charles T. Doyle (12) 1956 Wi Robert S. Ellis (14) 1948 Wa James H. Everest (14) 1971 F William O. Gamble, III (20) 1961 F G. Carl Gibson Jr. (6) 1981 Wa J. Brent Humphries (6) 1991 F Donald J. Kyte (8) 1990 F Homer Paul Jr.AA (16) 1954 Wa Stephen W. Ray (4) 1979 F Eddie W. Rhea (11) 1980 F

William W. Rodgers Jr. (12) 1959 N Louis F. Trost Jr. (8) 1950 Wi Robert H. Westfield (16) 1959 F Samuel A. Wilson (12) 1952 Wi

TOTAL $43,873

In Memory of Cecil C. Barnett 1961 by William O. Gamble 1961 Homer Paul 1954 by William W. Rodgers 1959, Ben Robinson (Hampden-Sydney 1986)

Oklahoma State

Ryan J. Bebee 1995 đ&#x;?˘ Mark A. Birmingham 1965 đ&#x;&#x;Š Stephen K. Boeckman 1992 đ&#x;‘‘ Aaron M. Bonnett 2004 + D James D. Bowersox 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen C. Bowersox 1972 D James D. Boyer 1964 đ&#x;‘‘ Frank R. Crabtree Jr. 1973 đ&#x;Ž Tyler A. Cunningham 2009 đ&#x;?˘ S. Lawrence Faulkner Jr. 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ty S. Fleming 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ William D. Fowler 1970 + đ&#x;‘¤ Richard W. Hatter 1975 D J. David Jensen 1970 đ&#x;‘‘ Kent B. Kimball 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert B. Lindsly 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Steven B. Pittman 1975 đ&#x;‘‘ William H. Teel 1969 D Randall L. Whittaker 1970 đ&#x;Ž Derryk L. Wilson 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Aaron M. Bonnett (1) 2004 F Stephen C. Bowersox (1) 1972 F Steven B. Pittman (10) 1975 F Randall L. Whittaker (2) 1970 F

TOTAL $20,878

In Memory of Corey E. Kaiser 2005 by Matthew K. Givens 2007

Old Dominion

James G. Camp III 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Philip S. Cockrell IV 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Cranmer 1988 D Ralph C. Dewey 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert C. Dewey 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brad N. Ellington 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew M. Matera 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Peter L. Ostrom 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ Gungor Cagatay Ozseker 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Thom E. Stanton 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Jordan H. Stickelman 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Clifton C. White 1985 đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $935


Barry H. Biggs 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Carl V. H. Burnham III 1984+ đ&#x;‘¤ Craig B. Cairney 1965 D Dwight W. Davis 1965 đ&#x;&#x;Š Douglas C. Elkinton 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert L. Faucett 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Darren L. Harper 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ Leslie T. Neighbors 1961 đ&#x;?˘ William J. Prenger 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald R. Rapp Jr. 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ James S. Samuel 1984 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert C. Samuel 1960 đ&#x;‘‘ Aubrey L. Smith III Oregon State 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Dwight W. Davis (18) 1965 F James S. Samuel (11) 1984 F Robert C. Samuel (21) 1960 Wi

TOTAL $4,070

Oregon State

James Avgerakis 2014 D Keith W. Backsen 1987+ đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Beckley 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard M. Bixler 1951 D Thomas J. Braden 1962 D Jonathan A. Buntin 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Gabriel R. Carlton 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ Joseph J. Cornell 1953 đ&#x;‘¤ Warren L. Dalziel 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Ashwin Devarajan 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy E. Drury 1973 D Terence H. Dunn 1971 D Brandon W. Emmert 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen A. Enna 1968 + D Gordon R. Everett 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rupert E. Fixott 1943 đ&#x;Ś‰ Theron C. Gorden 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ David W. Graham 1944 đ&#x;Œ¸ Donne G. Griffith MD 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew M. Ibarra 2018 + đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Koch 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ Norman E. Koch 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Leever 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas A. Lien 2003 đ&#x;?˘ William C. Long 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Bert E. Loughmiller 1964 đ&#x;?˘ Kirk B. Maag 2005 đ&#x;? Benjamin N. Miles 2003 đ&#x;Œ¸ Patrick M. Moen 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Hudson Naze 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael D. O'Donnell 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ David G. Paige 1985 D Jon T. Rodriguez 1981 D James M. Root 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth B. Ross 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael L. Sawtelle 1970 đ&#x;‘¤ Evan R. Shreeve 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas E. Talbot MD 1943 đ&#x;Ś‰ Colin L. Walker MD 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Gary A. Wildish 1963 đ&#x;Œ¸ Brent J. Wilson 2016 + đ&#x;‘¤ Colson Young 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $6,065


Alfred J. Buescher 1948 đ&#x;&#x;Š James J. Fitzgerald III 1962+ đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen A. Jannetta 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Carlos P. Kenda 1975 D Charles W. Lake Dartmouth 1950AA+ đ&#x;‘¤ Peter O'Malley 1960 đ&#x;‘‘ Louis J. Petrie 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Alfred J. Buescher (9) 1948 F Peter O'Malley (19) 1960 Wa

TOTAL $2,181

Penn State

Robert M. Allen MD 1950 đ&#x;?˘ Roy D. Bertolet 1944 đ&#x;&#x;Š Edward E. Birkinshaw Jr. 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert P. Bookman 1958 + đ&#x;‘¤ Winfred R. Boyer 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Calvin E. Burgart 1965 đ&#x;‘‘ Marion B. Burton 1952 ⛪ Olin A. Cramer 1946 đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin J. Cull 1993 đ&#x;?˘ Michael Cutler 2006 + đ&#x;‘¤ Alan W. Gesalman 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles E. Knopf Jr. 1963 ⛪ Mark C. Krauss 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ William P. Mallory 1949 D Ralston W. Merchant III 1998 D Michael A. Mische II 2016+ đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald P. Moehler 1969 D William T. Morris 1949AA đ&#x;Ž James M. Nagle 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Matthew D. Nee 1999 đ&#x;Ś‰

David A. Oechslein 2004 đ&#x;Ś‰ Stephen M. Oechslein 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰ William L. Oliver 1967 đ&#x;’Ž Robert J. Onofrey 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ A. Bennett Orme Jr. 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ Hugh R. Phillis 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ William A. Rossi 1968 đ&#x;&#x;Š Marc A. Rossow 1991 D Michael J. Stewart 1972 ' Ralph L. Swank II 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Cory J. Will 2009 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Robert M. Allen MD (2) 1950 F Roy D. Bertolet (5) 1944 Wa Marion B. Burton (5) 1952 Wa William T. Morris (22) 1949 N William L. Oliver (19) 1967 Wa Michael J. Stewart (12) 1972 N

TOTAL $22,895


John C. Baldus 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nathan G. Barnes 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey J. Bloemker 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ J. Duane Brannon 1954 D John M. Dougherty Jr. 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Antonio Fiocca 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ David W. Forti 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Robert C. Furst 1962 D Robert H. Huffman 1950 đ&#x;?˘ J. Scot Jennings 1986 D Kenneth S. Klucsor 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Colin M. Loiacono 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey D. Martchek 1987+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael Mezmar 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ James V. O'Rourke 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Fred W. Schmeisser Minnesota 1965 D David A. Scola 1975 + đ&#x;‘¤ John D. Sheppard Jr. 1975 đ&#x;&#x;Š Richard D. Stoehr 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Albert E. Tanjaya 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Bennett T. Wallander Sr. 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ William H. White 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ David F. Wissinger 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Jeffrey D. Martchek (1) 1987 Wa John D. Sheppard, Jr. (2) 1975 F

TOTAL $4,079

Puget Sound

Stephen C. Hunt 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰


Charles G. Armstrong 1964 đ&#x;‘‘ Scott C. Axelrod 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Harry D. Ballard Jr. 1953 D John J. Barrett 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald B. Bay 1962 đ&#x;&#x;Š M. Hugh Benson 1978 D Stanley E. Bissey 1965 đ&#x;?˘ William F. Brock 1963 đ&#x;‘‘ Morgan J. Burke 1973 đ&#x;?˘ Richard C. Cammerer MD 1964 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert L. Carrel 1955 ⛪ Daniel G. Crabb 1977 D Michael R. Dumas 2006 đ&#x;Ś‰ Todd A. Frye 1985 D Erik O. Gardstrom 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew J. Garrett 1995 đ&#x;?˘ Allen L. Gerard 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bill Getzelmann 1963 D John W. Goodin 1980 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas G. Gotschall 1961 đ&#x;?˘ Richard E. Grace 1951 đ&#x;‘‘ Alan F. Herbert 1969 ⛪ Jerry W. Kimball 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jared J. Lester 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ James D. Lutton 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald V. Lyles 1964 đ&#x;’




[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor Frank J. Maglio 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Walker Marsh 1993 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Richard Marshall 1959 đ&#x;?˘ Merlin G. Miller 1961 D William R. Miller Indiana 1962 đ&#x;Ž John C. Noel 1989 D Roger W. Parkhurst 1965 đ&#x;‘‘ Fredric C. Phares 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Martin W. Pickett 1975 + đ&#x;&#x;Š Bruce M. Pitman 1971 đ&#x;?˘ James K. Ramaker 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Larry M. Ray 1962 đ&#x;?˘ James C. Redinger 1959 đ&#x;Œ¸ Gary R. Richert 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ John W. Schwentker 1952 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert N. Supple 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert E. Swinehart 1965 ⛪ Richard C. Talbot 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas J. Ubelhour 1975 đ&#x;?˘ Jay B. Votaw 1968 đ&#x;?˘ John S. Walker 2010 + đ&#x;‘¤ D. Garrad Warren III 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ Lyman F. Wible 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Herbert J. Wilken 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert F. Worley 1958 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Charles G. Armstrong (8) 1964 F Gerald B. Bay (21) 1962 F William F. Brock (17) 1963 N Michael R. Dumas (2) 2006 F Alan F. Herbert (16) 1969 Wa Roger W. Parkhurst (20) 1965 Wa Bruce M. Pitman (7) 1971 F James C. Redinger (3) 1959 F John W. Schwentker (4) 1952 Wa D. Garrad Warren III (7) 1974 F

TOTAL $334,205

In Memory of John O. Coffin 1959 by J. R. Marshall 1959


Tyler R. Culp 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Riccardo A. Galati 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle R. Pettoni 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Krisjanis Ule 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

Rhode Island

John C. Alford 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen J. Allen 1976 D Alfred Armstrong Jr. 1948 đ&#x;?˘ John Baldwin 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bradford R. Boss 1955 đ&#x;? Henry G. Caniglia 1958 đ&#x;?˘ Matthew E. Chudy 2007 đ&#x;‘¤ Peter K. Clark 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Colin J. Clegg 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Melchior F. Crescenti 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Paul A. Croce 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan J. Elsmore 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Manuel F. Ferris Jr. 1970 đ&#x;‘¤


đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra Jacob Fontaine 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert L. Fulford 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Garrett Grill 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Todd M. Hemenway 1990 đ&#x;?˘ William R. Johnson 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ernest E. St. Louis Jr. 1950 đ&#x;Œ¸ Raymond G. Lundgren Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas J. Lusardi 1985 đ&#x;?˘ Stephen J. MacDonald 1986 đ&#x;?˘ Colby M. Machado 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Zachary B. Marks 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Robert W. Marshall III 1977 đ&#x;? Robert W. Marshall IV 2014+đ&#x;‘¤ Jack F. Miniati 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Louis J. Monari 1972 D Richard W. Moore Jr. 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Leonard C. Panaggio 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Nicholas J. Pellechio 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Thomas G. Picone 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin Pomfret 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ John W. Regan 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Harold E. Uttley 1959 D Matthew R. Vittori 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Douglas A. Whitham 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ L. Carl Whitham II 2017 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Robert W. Marshall III (7) 1977 F

TOTAL $3,430

In Memory of Armand J. Croce 1969 by Paul A. Croce 1962


Talbot J. Albert IV 1982 + đ&#x;‘¤ B. Benjamin Baker III 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Tom C. Biede 1981 đ&#x;?˘ R. Gent Cofer 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard Galasso 1990 D Robert W. Gay Jr. 1959 D Gerard M. Golden 1999 đ&#x;?˘ John H. Gooch III 1965 D Charles R. Goss 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert B. Heeke 1952 + đ&#x;‘¤ Thornton M. Hill 1967 đ&#x;?˘ James A. Jacobs 1969 đ&#x;?˘ Robert S. Jepson Jr. 1964 ' Thomas H. Jones III 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas C. Leffew 1969 D W. Keith McClure 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ John N. Moreau 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ George W. Paynter 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Anthony D. Sakowski Jr. 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Richard P. Schott 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ Joshua H. Steirman 2005 + đ&#x;‘¤ William F. Thomas Jr. 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert S. Ukrop 1969 đ&#x;?˘ Gregory A. Viggiano 1985 D W. Lee Wallace 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ M. Coleman Walsh Jr. 1974 đ&#x;? Gregory P. Williamson 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰


Perge! Society Gerard M. Golden (1) 1999 F Thornton M. Hill (6) 1967 F Robert S. Jepson Jr. (15) 1964 Wa Thomas H. Jones III (2) 1974 F M. Coleman Walsh Jr. (9) 1974 Wa

TOTAL $6,155


Ronald R. Andrews 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dante A. Betti 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Wesley J. Bolsen 2000 đ&#x;‘‘ Robert M. Bunch 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Douglas A. Collier 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles E. Dewey IV 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ Nathan B. Edwards 1978 + đ&#x;‘¤ R. Edwin Fain 1976 đ&#x;Œ¸ John P. Foley 1980 D Thomas P. Frank 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Gibson 1974 đ&#x;‘‘ Steven C. Goble 1971 đ&#x;?˘ James H. Graham 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Thomas M. Hendrickson 1971 D Charles E. Huffman 1978 D Michael A. Huhnke 1975 đ&#x;&#x;Š David B. Jackel 1980 D Lucas J. Kopecky 2017 D James M. Lowes 1970 đ&#x;Ž Michael R. Mann 1977 D Michael A. McKee 1984 đ&#x;‘‘ Leonard J. Muhlenkamp 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael F. Nisbet 1975 D Richard R. Radzville 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Royce A. Ramsay 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark L. Ress 1976 D Steven A. Richey 1977 + đ&#x;‘¤ Tyler J. Rockwood 2016 đ&#x;Ś‰ Paul E. Rupprecht III 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Schipper 1982 đ&#x;&#x;Š Joshua A. Smith 2004 D Alan L. Smock 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew J. Tochterman 2001 đ&#x;Ś‰ James D. Tribble 1974 đ&#x;?˘ Joseph A. Weist Evansville 1987 đ&#x;Œ¸ John K. Welp 1983 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jacob C. Whitacre 2017 D Bruce P. Williams MD 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Michael A. Huhnke (4) 1975 F Joseph A. Weist (3) 1987 Wa

TOTAL $182,562


William R. Brand 1987 đ&#x;‘‘ Bruce W. Bristol Jr. 1994 đ&#x;‘¤ John A. Brown 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ David J. Camerota 2007 đ&#x;Ś‰ Timothy M. Cole 2010 D Michael E. Connelly 1998 D Jonathan M. Couch 1995 đ&#x;?

Samuel Augusto P. Deslandes 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Neil H. Eklund 1991 đ&#x;?˘ Jim M. Field 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Altan K. Gulen 2014 đ&#x;Ś‰ Adam J. Hagelgans 2013 D Scott A. Hamilton 1985 đ&#x;‘¤ Nelson P. Hildreth 1987 D Michael D. Keats 1987 đ&#x;?˘ James G. Krall 1988 + đ&#x;‘¤ Dexter K. Lee 1994 đ&#x;&#x;Š Dylan J. Lingenau 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric S. Lopez 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ David A. Luecke 1985 ⛪ W. Matthew Hartley 1998 đ&#x;&#x;Š Paul N. Meixner 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Ross J. Modena 2010 + đ&#x;‘¤ George Norman 1987 đ&#x;Œ¸ Graigor H. Pierre-Noel 2018+đ&#x;‘¤ James Pietrangelo 1987 D Curtis L. Rettig 1985 D Connor S. Rhoads 2016 đ&#x;? Samuel B. Slusky 2013 + đ&#x;‘¤ Paul J. Testa 1989 đ&#x;?˘ Timothy M. M. Tse 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society William R. Brand (19) 1987 N Adam J. Hagelgans (1) 2013 F Dexter K. Lee (12) 1994 Wa George Norman (3) 1987 Wa

TOTAL $16,484


Joseph Carfora 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Leo E. Egan 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin Gan 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ James R. Hipsky 1967 D Richard J. Janish 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ W. John Bauer 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Lawrence C. Jones 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew W. Kendall 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Justin A. Koetas 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Donald R. Lehman 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bryan E. Luoma 1998 đ&#x;‘¤ John J. Manginelli 1983 đ&#x;&#x;Š Craig J. Mardany 1982 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael J. McGarry 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Samuel H. Mudie 1962 đ&#x;&#x;Š Michael J. Ricca 1988 + đ&#x;‘¤ Antonio T. Ruggieri 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Albert Sanchez Jr. 1979 D Russell A. Schaible 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Salvatore J. Sedita 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert J. Serko 1954 D David A. Stout 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dr. Edmund C. Tramont 1961 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey D. Vernam 1973 đ&#x;?˘ Carl R. Woodward III 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Andrew W. Kendall (1) 1952 F John J. Manginelli (15) 1983 Wa Craig J. Mardany (16) 1982 Wa Samuel H. Mudie (15) 1962 Wa Jeffrey D. Vernam (2) 1973 F

TOTAL $5,061

Sam Houston State

Matthew J. Bloss 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael Q. Gonzalez 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ M. Leo Meshell 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Rubin L. Sandlin II 2017 đ&#x;‘¤

San Diego State

Michael A. Borton 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Noel E. Briscoe 1991 đ&#x;&#x;Š John D. Crisafulli 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Michael R. Janes 1989 D Edward G. Jimenez 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald A. Maggio 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew L. Snyder 1988 ⛪

Perge! Society Michael A. Borton (5) 1986 F Noel E. Briscoe (4) 1991 Wi John D. Crisafulli (2) 1992 F Matthew L. Snyder (10) 1988 Wi

TOTAL $6,086

San Jose State

Erik de las Casas 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Erik de las Casas (2) 1989 F


Thomas H. Ewers 2008 D John S. Landrum Texas 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ E. Ravenel Mansfield Jr. 1970+đ&#x;‘¤ Jack A. Royster Jr. 1964 D Robert D. Scott 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel I. Thornton 1965 đ&#x;‘¤ William R. Weaver MD Texas 1959 đ&#x;?˘ C. Daniel Wilson Jr. 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society John S. Landrum (1) 1968 F C. Daniel Wilson Jr. (3) 1963 F

TOTAL $1,641

South Florida

Wisam Y. Berry 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ L. Jeffrey Fitterman 1970 đ&#x;&#x;Š Christopher E. Gutierrez 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Jose A. Iglesias 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Ian K. Leibensperger 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jonathan McIntosh 2016 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul E. Mendelssohn 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Jake J. Pergola 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Philippe P. Rochester 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Zach Stenbeck 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society L. Jeffrey Fitterman (9) 1970 Wa

TOTAL $1,949

Southern California Andre P. Affatato 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Tyson K. Beem 1997 ⛪ Donald W. Bradley 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Willard B. Buchanan 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles S. Cochrane 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ William H. Crowhurst 1974 D Brock J. Dewey 1983 D William B. Hedekin 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ John R. Jordan 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Paul T. Kott 1977 D Henry B. Miller 1950 D Mark H. Peacock 1964 D Lewis J. Pozzebon 1971 D Gene S. Prochnow 1967 D Robert H. Reed Jr. 1961 D J. Curtis Rutherford 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth G. Sayles 1956 D David M. Todd 1967 đ&#x;&#x;Š Stephen B. Tuck 1970 D Perge! Society Tyson K. Beem (10) 1997 Wi David M. Todd (16) 1967 Wa

TOTAL $4,155

Southern Methodist

W. Douglass Bond 1987 D Michael M. Boone 1963 đ&#x;&#x;Š J. Nile Brennecke 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Tucker S. Bridwell 1973 đ&#x;Ś‰ Edward A. Copley 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert A. Frantz Jr. 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Douglas C. Gardner 1985 đ&#x;’Ž Christian F. Garrett 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ G. Roger Gielow 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jesse M. Griffin 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Walter T. Henderson 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Steven L. Houston 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰

[ 2019 Donors ] Jason A. Kulas 1993 đ&#x;‘‘ W. M. Lawhon 1969 D James G. Lea 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kyle D. Lippman 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ John Q. Melcher 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Samuel E. Moyers 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Allen R. Myers 1964 đ&#x;?˘ Jason D. Nichols 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Jon P. Rowe 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter F. Rusch 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeff E. Samford Jr. 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ James R. Saunders 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kimm L. Sayre 1978 + đ&#x;‘¤ E. Tabor Scott Jr. 1955 D Ralph L. Shanks Jr. 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Edward E. Smiley Jr. 1966 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey R. Spain 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alan C. Tatum 1969 D Allister M. Waldrop Jr. 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ David L. Wilemon 1959 D Jesse D. Wilkinson 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Wilson 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Raymond George Zinckgraf 1954 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Michael M. Boone (17) 1963 F Tucker S. Bridwell (1) 1973 F Douglas C. Gardner (13) 1985 Wi Ralph L. Shanks Jr. (3) 1963 F

TOTAL $7,540

In Honor of Cody John 2012 by Sungwoo Byun, Alberta 2020 In Memory of George W. Bramblett 1963 by William A. Martin Mississippi State 1975


Stewart C. Adams Jr. 1959 D Richard J. Borda 1953 đ&#x;Ś‰ Philip G. Chapman 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Timothy F. Luria 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ William T. White III 1962 đ&#x;?˘

TOTAL $435


Allan C. Anderson 1954 đ&#x;?˘ Wesley D. Bacon Jr. 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael E. Chateauneuf 1965 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert L. Coakley 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Norman H. Compson 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeff C. Crew Jr. Florida State 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ John G. Crysler 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ C. Edward DuRei 1998 D Raymond C. Faigle 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Glendon O. Garvin 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard S. Golobic 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles D. Haggett 1960 D F. Thomas Havern 1965 đ&#x;?˘ Jon F. Hestley 1969 D Edward Hughes 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce M. Kennedy 1954 đ&#x;?˘ Russell A. King 1952 đ&#x;Œ¸ Milan R. Kosanovich 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Alan W. Larson 1960 đ&#x;‘‘ Fernando G. Lopez 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ Derek M. McClenaghan 2015+đ&#x;‘¤ Frederick R. Michel 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Alan C. More 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth G. Murawski 1973 đ&#x;?˘ R. Michael Murray 1965 D Daniel D. Park 1975 D Robert C. Raimondo 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Edward J. Ralston 1952 đ&#x;‘¤ William Skye 1953 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles O. Spear IV 1976 đ&#x;‘¤ Roy A. Sykes Jr. 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ John P. Trever 1965 đ&#x;?˘

Foundation Income Gifts to the Foundation for all sources totaled $2,501,583 from 3,334 donors in 2019. The Annual Fund had 2,696 donors giving $984,000 in unrestricted gifts, which are used to fund grants to the Fraternity for educational programs, scholarships, administration of the foundation, stewardship and fund raising. A total of 449 Brothers gave $500 or more to the Perge! Society Annual Fund. They are recognized at four levels on page 57 for their unrestricted gifts. This fundraising Society has defined our success for two decades. Thank you, brothers, for your generosity. Robert W. Whiteford 1975 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society Allan C. Anderson (2) 1954 F Michael E. Chateauneuf (12) 1965 Wa Alan W. Larson (17) 1960 N Kenneth G. Murawski (3) 1973 F

TOTAL $9,946


Anthony Coppola 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Alec J. Decato 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael Knoch 2021 đ&#x;‘¤


Lucas M. Adams 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Colin B. Barrett 2000 đ&#x;‘¤ David F. Cheek 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ George E. Dominick 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ P. Jason Farmer 1996 + đ&#x;‘¤ Mark C. Freeman 1997 + đ&#x;‘¤ James D. Froula 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ P. Douglas Goddard Jr. 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Trevor O. Grove 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Joshua C. Holly 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Henry W. Hope 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Terrell Kerr 1971 D Bruce A. Kingshill 1972 D Christopher J. Koch 1997+ đ&#x;‘¤ John H. Ley 1997 + đ&#x;‘¤ John I. Lillie Jr. 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ William P. Long 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ John H. Medley 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark A. Medley 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Lee M. Moss 1973 đ&#x;? Christopher K. Neuner 2018+đ&#x;‘¤ Wade D. Newbill 1993 + đ&#x;‘¤ Timothy L. Pitts 1990 đ&#x;Ś‰ George H. Schultz 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ John J. Sheridan 1972 đ&#x;?˘ David A. Thornton 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark D. Turner MD 1976 đ&#x;&#x;Š Montgomery G. Turner 1991 đ&#x;? Hans N. T. Wachtmeister 2022+đ&#x;‘¤ W. Miller Wood III 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Brent E. Young 1985 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Joshua C. Holly (2) 1997 F Mark A. Medley (6) 1968 F Mark D. Turner MD (8) 1976 Wi

TOTAL $7,710

Tennessee Tech

Bobby G. Adams 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ Landon J. Allison 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Andre J. Bahou 1993 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Cole Bewley 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Bo W. Byers 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Preston E. Cloud 2001 + đ&#x;‘¤ J. Brent Ellis 1999 đ&#x;?˘ Todd L. Fairley 1993 đ&#x;Œ¸ J. R. Gillette 2005 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kevin G. Givens 2002 đ&#x;Ś‰ Matthew E. Graves 1996 đ&#x;‘¤ Jordan A. Hayes 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

Matthew G. Hayes 2004 D William H. Leslie 1993 D Elliot L. Mitzelfeld 2017+ đ&#x;‘¤ J. Allen Mullis 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ K. Paul Polpanich 1998 đ&#x;Ś‰ Isaac R. Sidoli 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ James R. Simpson 1983 đ&#x;&#x;Š Gary Wayne Smith Jr. 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ George L. Titsworth II 2005+đ&#x;‘¤ Mickey H. Williams 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jerry C. Wolverton Jr. 1985+ ⛪ R. Lee Wray 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $40,623


Ralph J. Aniol Jr. 1951 đ&#x;‘¤ Mathew B. Benton 1993 đ&#x;&#x;Š Aubrey C. Black 1949 đ&#x;?˘ Lee Caldwell 1957 đ&#x;?˘ R. Chad Pierce 1992 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jason H. Downie 1992 đ&#x;‘‘ Michael U. Ellington Jr. 1990 ⛪ Porter Farrell II 1977 + đ&#x;&#x;Š Laurens A. Hall 1964 D William N. Hamilton 1944 đ&#x;Œ¸ Brandon K. Holcomb 1996 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas M. MacMahon 1999 đ&#x;&#x;Š David A. McAllister 1978 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert S. McCaig 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Byron M. McKnight DDS 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth J. Mighell 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Judd Miller Jr. 1955 đ&#x;? Robert H. Northington 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert C. Orr Jr. 1979 đ&#x;’Ž Fred W. Patterson Sr. 1952 đ&#x;Œ¸ John R. Peloubet 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Scott Petty Jr. 1960 đ&#x;‘‘ Charles S. Plummer Jr. 1975+đ&#x;‘¤ Michael A. Reilly 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rick Nelson 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Roy E. Rushing 1965 D James E. Suttle 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Patrick H. Swearingen Jr. 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ John C. Thomas 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew R. Thompson 1992+ đ&#x;&#x;Š John K. Turner 1976 đ&#x;?˘ Arthur G. Uhl III 1981 ⛪ DeWitt Waltmon Sr. 1949 đ&#x;Ž Perge! Society Brandon K. Holcomb (2) 1996 F Kenneth J. Mighell (2) 1952 F Judd Miller Jr. (7) 1955 Wa Scott Petty Jr. (14) 1960 Wa Michael A. Reilly (1) 1970 F DeWitt Waltmon Sr. (20) 1949 Wa

TOTAL $90,008

In Memory of Donald R. Mighell 1956 by Charles D. Brown Indiana State 1974

Texas A & M

Scott T. Doggett 1980 D Mack O. Forrester 1981 đ&#x;?˘

D. Greg Graham 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Glenn H. Mapes III 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ Benjamin A. Martin 2013 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert F. McGoldrick 1989 đ&#x;?˘ Lias J. Steen 1980 đ&#x;? Perge! Society Lias J. Steen (5) 1980 F

TOTAL $1,500

Texas Arlington

Jack R. Barber 1970 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas C. Darden 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Arik C. Garner 1996 D William S. Hunnicutt Jr. 1981 đ&#x;Œ¸ Michael D. Jarrett 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas H. Koops 1968 đ&#x;?˘ Michael T. Mannion 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ D. Mark Smith 1983 đ&#x;? John S. Smith 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kirk D. Walden 1972 đ&#x;Ž R. Adam Whitten 2009 D Perge! Society Arik C. Garner (1) 1996 F William S. Hunnicutt Jr. (7) 1981 F Thomas H. Koops (4) 1968 F D. Mark Smith (11) 1983 Wa John S. Smith (2) 1993 F Kirk D. Walden (18) 1972 Wi

TOTAL $5,977

Texas Christian

Frank B. Allen 1984 đ&#x;‘¤ W. Scott Anderson 1982 đ&#x;?˘ W. Steven Anderson 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey S. Austin 1984 + đ&#x;‘¤ Clintin J. Bolding 2002 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert S. Clifton 1985 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter E. Dodd 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰ Craig M. Franks 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ Cole T. Giles 2021 đ&#x;‘¤ Edward A. Gulewitz Jr. 1990 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul D. Hains 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ Christopher M. Shore 1989 D Terry E. Skinner 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ Charles R. Stewart 1979 D Cary P. Swindle 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ David B. Symonds 1997 đ&#x;?

TOTAL $1,945

Texas San Antonio

Emanuel J. Aranda 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ David L. Cherry 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Travis W. Grahmann 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Justin R. Rodriguez 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Bradd Waki 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤

Texas State

Matthew L. Barzilla 2018 đ&#x;‘¤ Adam Cardenas 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Gevin M. Dray 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Adolpho Guerra 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Mathew A. Hust 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew D. Lopez-Medley 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤

David Navarro 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $160

Texas Tech

George D. Andrews 1967 D McGregor L. Bailey 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Charles C. Beatty 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Cole M. Carter 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ David D. Cole 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Alex W. Crowder 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Daniel W. Davis 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Donald B. Davis 1966 + đ&#x;‘¤ Christopher E. Doyle 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ M. Austin Fiuzat 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Hunter Foght 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Matthew R. Fouse 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jared A. Gaines 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jack M. Griffith 2020 đ&#x;‘¤ George A. Guthrie 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Jack H. Henry MD 1959 đ&#x;Ś‰ Vance Hubbard 1962 đ&#x;¤ľ Gary S. Jennings 1977 D Jay S. Justilian 1989 D Nathaniel S. Koford 2020+ đ&#x;‘¤ Larry K. Lowe 1967 đ&#x;?˘ Gregory A. Malmgren 1997+đ&#x;‘¤ Boone C. Mansfield 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Sean G. McMullen 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ John P. Michell 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ Luke Mitchell 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Glenn D. Moor 1984 đ&#x;Ž Lee R. Morriss 1954 + đ&#x;‘¤ Mark L. Murdock 1963 đ&#x;?˘ George H. Nelson 1958 đ&#x;&#x;Š Reid M. Park 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jason M. Petrie 1992 đ&#x;‘¤ William C. Pfluger 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Samuel S. Phillips 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jerry L. Pittman 1966 đ&#x;?˘ William G. Priestner 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ R. Luke Rowland 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Marlis E. Smith 1954 ' Marvin G. Stephens Jr. 1964 đ&#x;&#x;Š Tony M. Street 1972 D W. Garrett Thompson 2016+đ&#x;‘¤ Xander B. Underwood 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Bobby G. Waddle 1955 đ&#x;Œ¸ John C. Walker 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Heath Warren 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ C. Perry Wright 1966 D Timothy D. Wright 2001 D Dylan Wurzel 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Vance Hubbard (20) 1962 Wi Glenn D. Moor (16) 1984 N George H. Nelson (9) 1958 F Marlis E. Smith (22) 1954 Wi Marvin G. Stephens Jr. (13) 1964 Wa

TOTAL $55,843

In Honor of George H. Nelson 1958 & Chad W. Tinsley 2001 by Sean G. McMullen 2001




[ 2019 Donors ] Lifetime Giving Societies đ&#x;Ž– đ&#x;’ đ&#x;¤ľ đ&#x;Ž đ&#x;’Ž ' đ&#x;‘‘ ⛪

Founders $1 Million+ Calvin Coolidge $500,000-999,999 Thomas Marshall $250,000-499,999 Centennial $100,000-249,999 Black Diamond $75,000-99,999 Golden Chain $50,000-74,999 Royal Purple $25,000-49,999 Canonsburg $17,500-24,499

Perge! Society

N Norris $5,000+ Wi Wilkinson $2,000+ + First Time Donor In Memory of Darryn D. Andrews 1999 & T. K. Beasley 2000 by Sean G. McMullen 2001


Bruce C. Bone 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ David W. Booz 1985 đ&#x;Œ¸ Robert E. Campbell 1959 D W. David Ellis 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Edward J. Jackman 1962 ' Graeme W. Norval 1983 đ&#x;‘‘ Nicholas J. Poppenk 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Mark A. Seigel 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald G. Smith 1956 đ&#x;‘¤ Arthur A. Stanley 1951 đ&#x;Ś‰ Christopher R. Tebo 1992+ D W. James Zaryski 1968 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Edward J. Jackman (7) 1962 N Graeme W. Norval (17) 1983 Wa Christopher R. Tebo (1) 1992 F

TOTAL $13,912


Todd A. Erlandson 1987 + đ&#x;‘¤ Bryant J. Ingram 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Ted D. Klein 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jack L. Millaway 2010 đ&#x;Ś‰ Shawn Noroozi 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ R. Thomas Williams 1993 D

TOTAL $363.48

UC Berkeley

Robert E. Boeddiker 1945 đ&#x;Ś‰ Stephen H. Booth 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ John B. Bowker 1949 đ&#x;?˘ Robert E. Brett Washington 1948 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard D. Brooding 1949 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dennis M. Drew 1975 đ&#x;?˘ John W. Ewing 1954 D Manuel G. Gonzalez IV 1977 đ&#x;? Daniel M. Guggenheim 1960 ' Timothy S. Lien 1979 đ&#x;?˘ Robert W. Luhr 1946 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gerald F. Murphy 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Norm Pressley 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert W. Rowell 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Martin C. Smith 1976 đ&#x;&#x;Š Taylor C. Smith 2004 D James A. Vohs 1952 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Manuel G. Gonzalez IV (8) 1977 Wa Daniel M. Guggenheim (20) 1960 Wa Norm Pressley (2) 1950 F Martin C. Smith (14) 1976 F

TOTAL $5,110 74

đ&#x;&#x;Š đ&#x;? đ&#x;Œ¸ đ&#x;?˘

White Star $10,000-17,499 Log Cabin $7,500-9,999 Purple Clematis $5,000-7,499 Ft. Armstrong $2,500-4,999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Snowy White Owl $1,000-2,499 D Delta $500-999 đ&#x;‘¤ Friendship Up to $499 Wa Wallace $1,000+ F Fairbanks $500+

AA Ad Astra

UC Davis

Joshua T. Wild 2016 + đ&#x;‘¤

UC Irvine

Jonathan Nemeh 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Dylan Sanchez 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Steven M. Shaw 1997 đ&#x;Ś‰ Martin S. Suzuki 1986 đ&#x;?˘ Dr. John C. Ta 2001 đ&#x;‘¤ Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Vargas 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Martin S. Suzuki (1) 1986 Wa

TOTAL $1,444


Eugen C. Andres III 1961 D Z. C. Branson 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey M. Downey 1983 đ&#x;‘‘ Donald J. Regan 1956 đ&#x;Œ¸ James M. Singel 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ David K. Smith 1987 D H. Ralph Snyder 1949 đ&#x;Ś‰ Neil S. Sokoler 1981 đ&#x;‘¤ James A. Walker Sr. 1950 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Jeffrey M. Downey (14) 1983 N James M. Singel (3) 1989 F

TOTAL $6,638

UC Riverside

Michael A. Baker 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Tracy T. Bomberger 1985 đ&#x;&#x;Š Donald M. Emas 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Marc Harwell 1995 đ&#x;Ś‰ Erik J. Linthorst 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles D. O'Neal Jr. 1988 D Mark A. Rhoades 1990 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jerry A. Shively 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Andrew O. Todd 1987 đ&#x;? Dennis J. Whitcomb 1986 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Tracy T. Bomberger (12) 1985 Wa Jerry A. Shively (1) 1988 F Andrew O. Todd (15) 1987 F

TOTAL $3,192

UC Santa Barbara

Christopher B. Gipson 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bijan P. Karimi 1995 đ&#x;Œ¸ Paul W. Sams 1992 đ&#x;&#x;Š Ryuichi M. Watanabe 2003 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $670


Mace A. Bloom 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ James A. Burke 1977 D Joseph H. Cerrone 1957 đ&#x;‘¤ William G. Kuchta 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ David R. McElhanney 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Ernest M. Myer 1956 D


Steven D. Pierce 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ John C. Robbins III 1971 đ&#x;Œ¸ Douglas S. Tosh 1972 D Stephen G. Wall 1984 đ&#x;?˘ H. Frederick Wintsch 1962 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society William G. Kuchta (5) 1972 Wa John C. Robbins III (5) 1971 F Douglas S. Tosh (1) 1972 F

TOTAL $2,986


Scott J. Sarisky 1990 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society Scott J. Sarisky (6) 1990 Wi

Utah State

Paul J. Beyer 1970 đ&#x;‘¤ Kenneth J. Hammerle 1976 đ&#x;Œ¸ Mitchell H. Mason 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeffrey S. Roush 1996 + đ&#x;‘¤ William L. Tennent 1971 đ&#x;‘¤ Karl D. Zufelt 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Kenneth J. Hammerle (6) 1976 F

TOTAL $793


Ian M. Ball 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Ian W. Campbell 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ John M. Carulli Jr. 1988 đ&#x;Œ¸ Scott A. Gravina 1995 + đ&#x;‘¤ Lucas F. Harmon 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ David P. Harnois 1994 đ&#x;Œ¸ Paul A. Laliberte 1986 đ&#x;?˘ David D. Martin 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ Lee K. Souter 2005 đ&#x;?˘ Mark R. Wilkison 1983 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society David P. Harnois (7) 1994 F Lee K. Souter (7) 2005 F

TOTAL $2,453


Jeffrey A. Fuchs 1993 D Anthony M. Imbesi 1996 đ&#x;?˘ John-Paul Tancona 2000 D Perge! Society Anthony M. Imbesi (2) 1996 Wa

TOTAL $1,425


Matthew J. Allman 2008 đ&#x;‘¤ C. Breckenridge Arrington Jr. 1955 đ&#x;?˘ Kevin L. Beicke 2001 đ&#x;?˘ Benjamin B. LeCompte III 1972 đ&#x;‘‘ Douglas E. Milman 1987 D John B. Purcell Jr. 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ A. Colquitt Shackelford Jr. 1951 đ&#x;?˘ Thomas B. Slade III 1953+ D

Bruce A. Talmadge 1953 D Perge! Society Benjamin B. LeCompte III (22) 1972 F John B. Purcell Jr. (1) 1964 F Thomas B. Slade III (1) 1953 F

TOTAL $2,253

Virginia Commonwealth

Michael K. Portillo 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

Virginia Tech

Howard C. Canada III 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ethan B. Crockett 2008 D Jason A. Dean 1996 đ&#x;?˘ Adil B. Dittmer 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Paul V. Ditto 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert B. Dix Jr. 1975 D Richard B. Gass 1981 đ&#x;Ś‰ David C. Green 1994 đ&#x;Ś‰ N. Michael F. Griffith 1973 ⛪ Dana W. Hesse WKU 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Henry H. King Jr. 1982 đ&#x;?˘ Linwood N. Leftwich Jr. 1987 đ&#x;‘¤ Bryan Lubsen 1998 + đ&#x;‘¤ Brendan J. McMurrer 2001 đ&#x;?˘ Mark A. Mennuti 1993 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael J. Morrone 1993+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jason T. Newcomb 1998 đ&#x;? Leigh J. Perry 1999 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles E. Radford 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gregory S. Rappaport 1994+đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew M. Roberts 2013+ đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey M. Scattergood 1999 đ&#x;Œ¸ Steven J. Shumadine 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ John M. Tabb III 2004 đ&#x;‘¤ Francis G. Thompson 2000+ đ&#x;‘¤ David C. Venable 1988 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jordan A. Wood 2004 D Paul T. Zawistowski 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Howard C. Canada, III (1) 1976 F David C. Green (1) 1994 F Dana W. Hesse (4) 1986 F Henry H. King Jr. (3) 1982 Wi Jason T. Newcomb (5) 1998 Wi Jeffrey M. Scattergood (4) 1999 F

TOTAL $7,808


Leonard F. Anglis 1976 đ&#x;Œ¸ Joshua M. Banks 2002 + đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph D. Barnette Jr. 1961 đ&#x;&#x;Š Andrew T. Bridge MD 2001 D John B. Bridge 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Eric M. Cavanaugh 1976 đ&#x;&#x;Š Robert D. Cebul 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin P. Ferguson 1996 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert H. Hall 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Michael Henderson 1961 ⛪ Theodore F. Holland III 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Daniel C. Jenkins Jr. 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ John T. Keith 1991 D Roland N. Litterst Sr. 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Jeff D. Lundy 1978 đ&#x;Œ¸ Paul A. Macri MD 1957 D Harry F. McNaught Jr. 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ James E. Miller 1980 đ&#x;‘¤ Kevin P. O'Shaughnessy 1977 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph M. Pfennig 1982 đ&#x;Ś‰ John C. Phares 1966 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rand Burnette 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ John F. Reynolds 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ N. Clay Robbins 1979 ' Richard F. W. Sadler Illinois 1954 D John C. Schroeder 1969 đ&#x;Ž Griffin A. Smith 2019 đ&#x;‘¤

Robert E. Sonnemaker 1967 đ&#x;?˘ James C. Symanek 1994 D Lonnie M. Therber 1959 D Paul B. Van Ness Illinois 1977 đ&#x;Ś‰ Anthony E. Wolf 1974 D Charles H. Wunderlich 2021+đ&#x;‘¤ Robert A. Wunderlich III 2018+đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society Joseph D. Barnette Jr. (22) 1961 F R. Michael Henderson (16) 1961 Wa N. Clay Robbins (22) 1979 Wi John C. Schroeder (20) 1969 N

TOTAL $24,910


Bruce H. Bittman 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric E. Craig 1989 D Ronald D. Crockett 1961 ' Steve D. Dondero 2000 + đ&#x;‘¤ T. Michael Doyle 1968 D Charles R. Ekberg 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Rolf H. Falk 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Steven C. Galbraith 1967 đ&#x;?˘ David Helber 1988 D James R. Hinz 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Roger W. Hulbush 1956 D Michael B. Jeffers 1962 đ&#x;&#x;Š Kenneth W. Johnson 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ James C. Kelleher 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Stephen M. Lamberson 1980 đ&#x;?˘ Leon M. Moore 1955 D Scott R. Mowrer 1971 đ&#x;?˘ Lyman W. Newton 1959 D Gerald A. Nielsen 1961 đ&#x;?˘ Gary S. Olson 1973 đ&#x;?˘ Gary L. Ostenson 1969 ⛪ Leonard G. Perry 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Shane A. Richards 2007 D Tad B. Richards 2003 D Jeffrey Sanwick 1988 đ&#x;‘¤ Walter L. Stile III 1982 D Jack R. Sutermeister 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ J. Lewis Thayer 2010 D David E. Thompson 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ Norman K. Thordarson 1963 ⛪ Jerry B. Thornton Sr. 1955 đ&#x;‘¤ Nathan T. Thramer 2011 đ&#x;‘¤ Peter C. White Sr. 1952 đ&#x;Œ¸ Ronald C. Wilderman 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ Perge! Society Ronald D. Crockett (15) 1961 F Michael B. Jeffers (13) 1962 Wa Stephen M. Lamberson (4) 1980 F Gary L. Ostenson (21) 1969 F Norman K. Thordarson (18) 1963 Wi

TOTAL $8,046.80

Washington & Jefferson

George M. Inglis 1959AA đ&#x;Ś‰ Demas L. McVay Jr. 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ William J. Morgan 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Ronald P. Sandmeyer 1957 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bernard W. Stanek Jr. 1988 ⛪ D. Lawrence Wickerham MD 1972 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society Bernard W. Stanek Jr. (6) 1988 Wi

TOTAL $3,000

Washington & Lee

David K. Eubank 1976 D J. Brennan Flanigan 2016 + đ&#x;‘¤ G. Archer Frierson II 1973 D Brian L. Hanson 1983 đ&#x;‘¤ David L. Moore Jr. 1974 D Thomas P. Rideout 1963 đ&#x;‘¤ Jordan M. Smith 1957 đ&#x;?˘

[ 2019 Donors ] Samuel A. Syme Jr. 1956 đ&#x;?˘ George B. Werthan 1954 D

TOTAL $750

Washington State

Hunter R. A. Wish 2017 đ&#x;‘¤ Gerald C. Clodius 1953 D Gerald R. Davis 1958 + đ&#x;‘¤ Peter S. Dawson 1960 đ&#x;‘¤ Bruce O. Devereaux 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Erik J. Fay 1999 đ&#x;?˘ Robert W. Higgins MD 1956 ⛪ Augustan D. Kittson 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Harlan R. Mayer II 1970 đ&#x;?˘ John D. Metcalf 1992 đ&#x;?˘ James I. Mock 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Kelly W. Montfort 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ V. James Morris Jr. 1954 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey T. Mouck 1987 đ&#x;?˘ Terry A. Mueller 1986 đ&#x;‘¤ James E. Reece Jr. 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Clifford O. Ridgway 1972 đ&#x;Ś‰ Doug Shaul 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ William J. Slodysko 1973 đ&#x;‘¤ Philip H. Smith 1966 đ&#x;?˘ Andrew P. Sobczyk 1982 đ&#x;‘¤ Gene Sutton 1959 D Dale L. Wierman 1964 đ&#x;Œ¸ Perge! Society Erik J. Fay (4) 1999 F Robert W. Higgins MD (14) 1956 Wi Philip H. Smith (1) 1966 F Dale L. Wierman (6) 1964 F

TOTAL $6,608

Wayne State

Jeremy J. Bojnowski 2019 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard S. Church 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Nolan C. Handyside 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ James P. Phelps 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey T. Pokriefka 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤

West Chester

Valentino P. Arena 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael G. Coppola 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤

West Virginia

Harold J. Creel 1984 đ&#x;Ś‰ Mark W. Obermann 1976 đ&#x;Ś‰ David W. Oehler 1990 + đ&#x;‘¤ Mark N. Roth 1977 ⛪ Perge! Society Mark N. Roth (14) 1977 Wi

TOTAL $2,083

Western Kentucky

Jeffrey T. Baynham 2002 D Benjamin R. Harper Kentucky 1969 ⛪ Dana W. Hesse Virginia Tech 1986 đ&#x;Œ¸ Samuel L. Wells 2014 đ&#x;‘¤

Western Michigan

Matthew Crowley 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kurt A. Dreyer 1991 đ&#x;‘¤ Adam M. Forgash 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Spencer K. Gillette 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ Shawn N. Holman 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey D. Karns 1983 D William P. Martin 1984 D Douglas E. Mathews 1993 đ&#x;‘¤ William G. McClimans Jr. 1979 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael A. McDonald Jr. 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. McKay 1980 + đ&#x;‘¤ Steven S. Moline 1986 + đ&#x;‘¤ Gary W. Newville 1974 đ&#x;Ś‰ Brian J. Priestley 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey L. Stinson Jr. 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jason P. Swenson 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤

Chad D. Szakacs 2008 + đ&#x;‘¤ Corey A. Watt 1999 đ&#x;Ś‰ Trevor J. Wheeler 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Ryan K. Willhauck 1994 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael J. Wygocki 1986 đ&#x;Ś‰

TOTAL $957

Western Ontario

Christopher W. Balkos 2015+ đ&#x;Ś‰ Faizan A. Basharullah 2021+ đ&#x;‘¤ John W. Chandler 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ Murray L. Coulter 1972 đ&#x;?˘ Jordan A. Herald 1996 + đ&#x;‘¤ Peter B. Hockin 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ John G. Starzynski 1974 đ&#x;&#x;Š Mark P. Trenton 1986 đ&#x;? Douglas M. Workman 1977 đ&#x;Œ¸

TOTAL $3,130

In Memory of Jonathon M. Ritchie 1993 by Jordan A. Herald 1996


Jimmy D. Adams 1957 D Victor Adams V 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ R. Art Bickel 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Richard K. Elder Illinois 1968 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ernest V. Hodge 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ John T. Howe 1968 + đ&#x;‘¤ James E. Malarkey 1978 đ&#x;Ś‰ David C. Martin 1989 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas L. McDonald 1960 đ&#x;? R. Andrew Miller III 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ William E. Parrish 1957 đ&#x;&#x;Š Neal B. Prater 1956 đ&#x;Ś‰ Dale G. Schaefer 1958 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kent VanValkenburgh 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Perge! Society R. Andrew Miller III (2) 1967 F William E. Parrish (16) 1957 F

TOTAL $2,412

William & Mary

Alexander M. Brinkley 2019+ đ&#x;‘¤ Nicholas G. Kaufman 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ W. Henry Lewis 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤

William Jewell

James H. Algie 1960 đ&#x;?˘ William B. Black 1963 đ&#x;?˘ Jack L. Capps 1947 đ&#x;? Brian G. Carney 1996 đ&#x;?˘ Peter D. Cooper 1959 đ&#x;‘¤ Michael Hodges Dermody 1992+ đ&#x;‘¤ Kent T. Dicus 1980 đ&#x;Ś‰ H. Allen Dierking 1968 D Sean C. Evans 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤

Michael G. Fligg 1961 đ&#x;&#x;Š Mark P. Foley 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Douglas L. Gilpin 1964 D Kirk A. Jones 1989 đ&#x;‘¤ Floyd T. Neth 1950 D James A. Pierce 1954 đ&#x;‘¤ Leonard L. Poppenhagen 1960 D Wayne R. Rudloff 1962 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric R. Sapp 1992 D John H. Tatlock III 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ Robert M. Taylor II 1969 D Justin L. Washburn 1997 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard D. Wright 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard M. Wright Jr. 1978 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society James H. Algie (6) 1960 F Michael G. Fligg (7) 1961 F

TOTAL $3,566

In Memory of Steve B. Goodman 1993 by Michael Hodges Dermody 1992

William Woods

Brady A. D. Branscum 2022+ đ&#x;‘¤ Grant T. Clayton 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle J. Hooper 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤


Charles J. Kurtz III 1962 đ&#x;Ś‰ Roy S. Rogers III Denison 1962 D Perge! Society Charles J. Kurtz III (1) 1962 F


M. Gregory Anunson 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Franklin P. Ciano 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ G. Richard Cope 1955 đ&#x;Ś‰ Gregory E. Custer 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Kenneth R. DeWeerdt 1960 đ&#x;?˘ Mason S. Dorgan 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Richard E. Ela Jr. 1958 D J. Michael Finnane 1960 + đ&#x;‘¤ James E. Freytag 1958 đ&#x;?˘ P. Dan Gilbert 1965 D Reed E. Hall 1970 đ&#x;‘¤ Richard E. Holdredge 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ John C. Holman 1960 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce D. Langhoff 1979 đ&#x;‘¤ Eric L. Lied 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Theodore J. Moreau 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰ Luke A. Nevermann 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ Nathan R. Palm 2014 đ&#x;‘¤ John M. Perrigo 1958 D Kurt J. Peter 2010 D John D. Porter III 1983 đ&#x;Ś‰ Michael V. Puck 2012 đ&#x;‘¤ Charles M. Quinn 2022 + đ&#x;‘¤ Jeffrey L. Reis 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph E. Ronan Jr. 1969 đ&#x;Ś‰

Paul D. Schmutzler 1964 + đ&#x;‘¤ George L. Schueppert 1961 đ&#x;Œ¸ John E. Schumann 1967 đ&#x;‘¤ John T. Siewert 1950 đ&#x;‘¤ Scott R. Simon 1987 D Dag Sohlberg 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ David A. Vollrath 1976 D Malcolm P. West 1974 D Perge! Society John C. Holman (1) 1960 Wa George L. Schueppert (1) 1961 F

TOTAL $5,301

In Memory of Thomas P. Creagan 1963 by Richard E. Holdredge 1967

Wisconsin-Eau Claire Bryce T. Abley 2020 + đ&#x;‘¤ Michael A. Nickels 2006 đ&#x;‘¤ Terrance J. Ostrander 1981 D Jason J. Seeger 2002 đ&#x;?˘ Perge! Society Jason J. Seeger (4) 2002 F

TOTAL $593.48


Peter C. Anderson 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Robert C. Baden 1965 đ&#x;Ś‰ David E. Baines 1969 đ&#x;?˘ J. Christian Bartel 1969 đ&#x;‘¤ George A. Buckley Jr. 1980 đ&#x;?˘ Marvin N. Cable 2005 đ&#x;‘¤ Lynn N. Carlton 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ William E. Downing 2015 đ&#x;‘¤ James M. Embrescia 1981 D W. Charles Geiger 1974 đ&#x;‘¤ Donald S. Hauck 1956 đ&#x;?˘ Brent S. Hillerich 1992 + đ&#x;‘¤ G. David K. Hopper MD 1963 ' Richard F. Keier 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ernest M. Manuel Jr. 1980 đ&#x;?˘ David E. Moeller 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Marc W. Myers 1989 đ&#x;Œ¸ Charles E. Ramsey 1964 đ&#x;? Bradley K. Rechel 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ Dean W. Shaffer 1948 đ&#x;Ś‰ William H. Steinbrink 1964 đ&#x;Ś‰ Ronald K. Storfer 1964 đ&#x;‘¤ Philip R. Teusink 1971 D Bertrand A. Trompeter 1950 đ&#x;Ś‰ Peter G. Welsh 1974 ⛪ Eric B. Westendorf 1992 đ&#x;&#x;Š Joseph Williamson 1967 đ&#x;‘‘ Perge! Society G. David K. Hopper MD (20) 1963 N Marc W. Myers (4) 1989 Wi Charles E. Ramsey (6) 1964 Wa

Peter G. Welsh (18) 1974 N Eric B. Westendorf (11) 1992 N Joseph Williamson (15) 1967 Wi

TOTAL $23,949

In Memory of Douglas M. Brown 1964 by Richard F. Keier 1961


Paul R. Alasso 1954 đ&#x;Ś‰ Johnathan A. A'Vant 2019 + đ&#x;‘¤ Garry P. Balboni 1974 đ&#x;?˘ Thomas I. Burns 1974 đ&#x;Œ¸ Benjamin T. Cyran 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ John Fiore Jr. 1967 đ&#x;Ś‰ Henry J. Fitzgerald 1975 đ&#x;‘¤ Kyle R. Gauthier 2008 D Erik L. Hedberg 1978 đ&#x;‘¤ David E. Huhtala 1980 đ&#x;?˘ Michael J. Irwin 1975 đ&#x;Ś‰ Yuriy Kamenivskyy 2021 + đ&#x;‘¤ Hans H. Koehl 1956 đ&#x;?˘ Paul A. Mannheim 1961 đ&#x;?˘ Paul D. McCluskey 1987 đ&#x;Ś‰ R. Andrew Muir Jr. 1971 đ&#x;Ś‰ George R. Oliver 1982 đ&#x;Œ¸ John A. Pelli 1970 đ&#x;?˘ Douglas A. Riley 1968 D John C. Rupprecht 1962 D David G. Valliere 2002 D David C. Willens 2009 đ&#x;‘¤ Andrew J. Williams 1992 đ&#x;?˘ Dennis J. Wysocki 1981 D Perge! Society Paul D. McCluskey (1) 1987 F George R. Oliver (3) 1982 Wa Andrew J. Williams (5) 1992 Wa

TOTAL $4,197

In Memory of Walter E. Knapp 1938 by Andrew J. Williams 1992


Ronald F. Larson 1970 D In Memory of Theodore P. Versteeg 1975 by Ann J. Myers, Ann Schelstreet


Philip Allen III 1960 đ&#x;‘¤ Joseph F. Callo 1952 đ&#x;Ś‰ Frank H. Eastman III 1963 D Edman L. Gray 1961 đ&#x;Ś‰ Thomas F. Hartch 1963 đ&#x;Ś‰ Bruce Kendrick 1951 đ&#x;Ś‰ David W. Mette 1966 D Juan E. Rodriguez-Diaz 1963 đ&#x;‘¤

TOTAL $595

Endowment For years we have used an investment policy that seeks growth of our endowment, but without taking on too much risk. We forgo some of the upside in the market to protect against the eventual downside. We use endowment income/appreciation as directed by the donor to fund scholarships, leadership programs, alcohol education and general operations of the Foundation. The Foundation’s principal investments were $11,479,000 at the end 2019. Current income from these investments combined with annual fund donations was enough to meet current program expenses. Additional assets of $10,609,000 are restricted for chapter scholarships and qualifying chapter building projects. As an update, on March 31, 2020, our principal assets were $10,459,000 and restricted assets were $9,755,000, a decrease of 8.6%. The endowment funds are invested by a professional manager under the oversight of an investment committee, made up of board members and volunteer brothers experienced in financial management. THE PHI GAMMA DELTA



Ad Astra David L. Alexander (Purdue 1962) passed

ad astra on February 26, 2020. Dave was the baseball coach at Purdue from 1978 to 1991, notching 407 wins in his career. The 1986 team set a school record with 37 wins, and his 1987 squad participated in the NCAA Tournament for the first time in the program's history. A former Boilermaker baseball player, he was inducted into the Indiana Baseball Hall of Fame in 1985. After leaving coaching in 1991, Dave was a Purdue athletics administrator until 1994 and then became a scout for the Seattle Mariners. Even as he was serving as baseball coach, his involvement with the Lambda Iota Chapter at Purdue was extensive, including nine years as Purple Legionnaire and five as House Corporation President.

William W. Bunten (Kansas 1952) passed

ad astra on February 29, 2020. After graduation Bill entered the Marine Corps and served in Korea, rising to the rank of Captain. He returned to his hometown of Topeka and had a long career in business and in service to his city and state. In addition to serving on a number of boards and commissions, he served in the Kansas House of Representatives from 1962 to 1990 and in the Kansas Senate from 2002 to 2004. He served two terms as Mayor of Topeka, from 2005 to 2013. He was one of four Bunten brothers from the Pi Deuteron Chapter, the others being Robert (1950) (deceased), John (1954) and Steve (1960). 76


Fratres Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra Alabama

Wells W. Talmadge (1980), 10/17/2019


Joseph A. Francese (1992), 1/22/2020 Barry P. Laiss (1985), 1/21/2020

James R. Haslem (1980), 11/9/2019 Scott C. Hoyt (1967), 10/15/2019 Henry C. Malon (1954), 12/1/2019 Benjamin P. Roosa, Jr. (1953), 12/27/2019



Ashby W. Boulware (1964), 2020 Charlie R. Thomason (1955), 1/16/2020

John W. Bush (1966), 12/2/2019 John F. Crichton (1965), 3/2/2020


Perry A. Sawyer (1942), 2/25/2020


Andrew C. Berkenkamp (2004), 4/16/2020 James H. Johnston (1952), 12/23/2019 Brent F. Moody (1961), 1/26/2020

Arizona State

Michael S. Blazevich (1996), 11/3/2019


Ernest S. Strong, Jr. (1966), 3/6/2020

British Columbia

Clayton G. Lehman (1961), 1/15/2020 Paterson A. Todd (1949), 11/2/2019


Robert R. Bair (1947), 3/3/2020 Edward J. Brassard (1969), 11/15/2019 Allen W. Whittemore (1956), 10/20/2019


Donald R. Plump (1957), 2/11/2020 David T. Rickard (1952), 10/22/2019

California Los Angeles

John M. Miller (1950), 1/23/2020 Thomas W. Richards (1952), 12/27/2019 James M. Walters, MD (1951), 2/5/2020

Case Western Reserve

Robert A. Barclay (1959), 11/3/2019 Bruce H. Gilboard (1977), 12/23/2019 Arthur E. Hood (1954), 1/14/2020 Thomas S. Quinlin (1979), 2/6/2020

Central Florida

Frederick G. Neff (1960), 6/10/2019


John C. Ballin (1949), 12/11/2019 Bud Bransky (1950), 11/14/2019 D. Garth Hetz (1960), 12/21/2019 William B. Rose, Jr. (1961), 12/9/2019 Stanley K. Stynes (1953), 10/19/2019


Eugene T. Behr (1962), 9/15/2019 Louis Frey, Jr. (1955), 10/14/2019 Peter D. Halstead (1964), 10/28/2019 William F. Moll, Jr. (1952), 12/16/2019 Harry R. Sheppard (1958), 10/19/2019 Peter W. Simmons (1942), 8/5/2019


Dana T. Lerch (1959), 2/18/2020


Seaver Peters (1954), 2/23/2020


Thomas E. Hissam (1984), 10/22/2019 Joseph D. Wheliss (1955), 10/29/2019


Raymond T. Dean (1972), 1/1/2020


Larry G. Bieller (1959), 1/2/2020 David S. Johnson (1953), 11/29/2019 Robert L. Ottoman (1961), 3/3/2020 James W. Smith (1968), 1/21/2020 John M. Sutherland (1948), 10/17/2019


David A. Harris (1978), 12/3/2019


Richard B. Burk (1953), 11/24/2019 Harold W. Kendrick (1961), 1/26/2020 Wayne M. Singletary (1969), 1/27/2020


David R. Little (1973), 2/9/2020

Georgia Tech

Joseph S. Cromwell, Jr. (1959), 1/22/2020 Apel Dido (1961), 12/17/2019 Hal Hart (1969), 10/17/2019 Marc A. Katz (1993), 3/18/2019


David M. Barclay (1961), 1/29/2020 Ronald L. Gruber (1970), 12/6/2019 Robert N. Hopple (1963), 2/25/2020 Michael J. Pacilio (1961), 12/16/2019 William J. Rochette (1978), 12/7/2019


Jerry L. Fortner (1969), 2/25/2020 Stanley J. Klaybor, Jr. (1953), 1/23/2020


John W. Davis (1960), 12/28/2019 James B. Johnson (1953), 3/16/2019


Lee E. Curtiss (1955), 3/25/2020 Donald J. Drummond (1957), 3/17/2020 Richard A. Martin (1955), 3/19/2020

Illinois Wesleyan

William P. Bartlow (1942), 12/11/2019 John W. Leupold (1969), 12/12/2019

[ Ad Astra ] Richard L. Popp (1959), 2/7/2020 Larry J. Ward (1955), 1/14/2020


Michael S. Dilonardo (1977), 3/4/2020 Roy J. Gulino (1975), 11/27/2019 Robert E. Hennessy (1987), 11/22/2019

Ryan J. Harker (2008), 10/15/2019 Herbert A. Miller, Jr. (1957), 12/6/2019 Patrick N. Pope (1989), 10/27/2019

North Alabama



Roderic W. Malcolm (1955), 2/1/2019 Robert B. Scroggs (1956), 2/19/2020

Iowa State

Charles W. Fritz, Jr. (1963), 2/3/2020 Mark R. Hurd, Jr. (1954), 1/13/2020 Wesley W. Krause (1982), 1/23/2020 Jack W. Mishler (1946), 11/6/2019 Gary C. Vrba (1977), 6/9/2019

Johns Hopkins

Rowland E. King (1957), 3/5/2020 James W. Shufelt (1955), 10/22/2019 Osmar P. Steinwald, Jr. (1958), 1/17/2020


Joseph S. McClelland (1954), 12/20/2019

Kent State

Roy D. Metcalf (1966), 1/18/2020


Gene A. Clabes (1968), 12/3/2019


Robert P. McComas (1962), 2/27/2020 James R. Turner (1949), 12/27/2018


George B. Coolidge (1963), 1/12/2020 Bruce D. Dent (1962), 10/28/2018 Donald C. Fenton (1941), 1/16/2020 Lewis S. Minkel (1963), 1/17/2020 Donald J. Morgan (1957), 12/12/2019 Robert C. Wetmore (1942), 8/11/2019


Richard E. Benner, Jr. (1954), 1/13/2020 Eugene J. Guidi, Jr. (1960), 11/8/2019

Louisiana State

William H. Giddens (1964), 1/24/2020 Jack O'Neill, III (1960), 11/6/2019 Richard J. Searles, Jr. (1961), 3/17/2020


James A. Oliver (1950), 11/7/2019 Richard W. Russell (1959), 8/14/2019 Jeffrey G. Stewart (1985), 12/7/2019


Geoffrey G. McKenzie (1952), 10/30/2019


James L. Beatty (1966), 10/27/2019 Timothy A. Loudon (1972), 1/17/2020


Harold G. Jansen (1947), 1/15/2020 Douglas M. Nelson (1966), 12/27/2019


Dale E. Harris (1965), 12/11/2019


Murray D. Backhaus (1955), 12/30/2019 Norman L. Case (1951), 4/16/2019 Donal H. Morgan, MD (1948), 1/7/2020 Timothy M. Morrison (1992), 1/19/2020

New York

John T. Barber (1959), 1/13/2020

Jeffrey C. Eubanks (1996), 2/7/2020 John T. Wallace (1984), 1/13/2020 Raymond L. Benson (1945), 11/4/2019 James R. Driscoll (1955), 11/9/2019 Brian D. Sogge (1969), 12/19/2019 Terry A. Stratton (1961), 12/4/2019


John E. Howard (1956), 11/18/2019

Ohio State

Donald F. Dupre (1949), 12/27/2019 David C. Larkin (1951), 1/2/2020 Hugh C. Palmer (1943), 12/2/2019

Ohio Wesleyan

James B. Cushing (1968), 12/18/2019 John W. Kercher, III (1963), 2/26/2020 John R. Long (1957), 11/1/2019


Dahl P. Brown, Jr. (1950), 10/16/2019 Thomas G. Clark (1963), 11/25/2019 Jack E. Howard (1947), 11/18/2019 Terry W. Johnson (1987), 10/19/2019 Michael L. Parham (1968), 12/2/2019

Oklahoma State

Dean C. Alexander (1967), 2/7/2020 Dan A. Lucas (1969), 2/14/2020

Oregon State

Rick A. Ervin (2006), 10/29/2019 David G. Rimbach (1958), 2/5/2020


Richard H. W. Chadwell, Jr. (1955), 12/4/2019


Richard B. Frost (1949), 12/10/2019 Kevin J. Thompson (1981), 1/24/2020 Henry H. Wallace (1962), 1/11/2020


Ronald W. Payne (1955), 12/3/2019 Roy E. Schwettman (1946), 2/17/2020 Anthony van Westrum (1966), 11/19/2019

Rhode Island

Edwin J. Quigley (1953), 12/13/2019 Raymond C. Smedberg (1967), 1/24/2020


Nelson D. Bristow (1963), 2/23/2020 Harvey T. Harris, Jr. (1961), 10/15/2019 John R. Shell (1946), 9/28/2019


Fred L. Adams (1955), 12/28/2019

San Diego State

Richard E. Carlson (1994), 1/8/2020 Dylan B. Hernandez (2023), 11/10/2019


David R. Anderson (1958), 9/28/2019

Southern California

John O. Coffin (Purdue 1959) passed

ad astra on December 7, 2019. As an undergraduate Jack was president of the Lambda Iota Chapter. From 1960 to 1966, he served in the U.S. Army Reserves. He lived most of his postgraduate life in Lafayette, Indiana, where he was president of Fairfield Builders Supply Corp. and founder and president of Fairfield Contractors, Inc. In 1979 he served as president of the Indiana Mineral Aggregate Association. Jack was a lifelong supporter of the Lambda Iota Chapter, serving on the Board of Chapter Advisors from 1972 to 1985 and on the House Corporation from 1976 to 2004. He also was an active member of the Southwest Florida Graduate Chapter.

John W. Creighton, Jr. (Pittsburgh, Ohio State 1954) passed ad

astra on January 29, 2020. A business and civic leader in Seattle, he was president and CEO of Weyerhaeuser Company from 1991 to 1997. In 1998 he joined the board of directors of United Airlines and came out of retirement in 2001 immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to serve without pay as interim chairman and CEO. Jack chaired the board of Unocal Corp., was chairman of Intrepid Learning Solutions, was co-chair of the World Trade Center in Seattle, chaired the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle, and served as national president of the Boy Scouts of America. In higher education leadership, he was a board member of the Ohio State University Foundation, was president of the Washington State University Foundation, and served as a trustee of the University of Puget Sound. He was named a Distinguished Fiji in 2004.

Don Harper (1952), 1/17/2020


Southern Methodist

Robert E. Best (1957), 11/7/2019 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA


[ Ad Astra ] William F. Elliott, Ph.D. (WPI 1964)

passed ad astra on December 4, 2019. Bill’s career was in college admissions, first at WPI, where he was a cofounder of the Fitzwilliam Conference, which brings admissions and secondary school professionals together to make the college admission experience better for all. In 1970 he moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began a 38-year career at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), eventually rising to Vice President for Enrollment. While at CMU, he founded the Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS), an enrichment program for underrepresented minority high school students. He served on his local school board, as a trustee and elder of his church, and as a trustee of his high school alma mater, Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, New Hampshire. Bill served the Fraternity as a Section Chief from 1966 to 1970 and as Educational Director from 1970 to 1972.

Robert I. Will (Washington 1950)

passed ad astra on October 14, 2019. Upon graduation from high school in 1943, Bob joined the Army, piloting the B-17 Flying Fortress in the Army Air Corps. At the University of Washington, he competed in crew. He was one of the team of UW oarsmen that won the gold medal for the United States in the coxed four competition at the 1948 London Olympics. He was joined in that shell by two other Sigma Tau brothers, Robert D. Martin (1946) and Warren D. Westlund (1948). In 1959 he bought a small auto dealership in Seattle and grew the business into two of the city’s leading dealerships, University Volkswagen and Audi Seattle. He was the sire of Fiji son Rolfe Will (Washington 1978).t 78



Richard A. Gritschke (1964), 1/16/2020 David W. Oberlin (1951), 12/19/2019


George C. Criticos (1964), 3/27/2020 Robert E. Helm (1960), 12/3/2019 Blair A. Knapp (1954), 11/6/2019 William P. McGrath (1955), 12/23/2019


Barnett J. Gamble (1968), 1/6/2020


R. James Comeaux (1960), 2/25/2020 Robert P. Fowler (1955), 3/8/2020 Julio S. Laguarta (1956), 1/3/2020 Dolph B. Moore, Jr. (1963), 1/3/2020 Homer J. Moore, Jr. (1943), 11/9/2019 Jack D. Sides, Jr. (1961), 1/19/2020 Richard D. Watt (1969), 2/18/2020 T. A. Delano Womack (1956), 4/19/2019

Texas Arlington

Bruce A. Legan (1988), 1/16/2020

Texas State

Teddy Abrams (1994), 12/26/2019

Texas Tech

William J. Bearden (1966), 11/3/2019 Robert W. Bond (1979), 11/28/2019 Kevin B. Crick (2015), 12/30/2019 Richard S. McClure (1958), 11/19/2019 Max S. Von Roeder (1954), 3/24/2019


J. Alexander Langford (1954), 7/23/2019 Douglas W. Maddock (1953), 3/3/2020


Robert C. Duncan, Jr. (1951), 11/19/2019 Richard C. Johnson (1964), 10/19/2019 John P. Ruebsamen (1958), 11/1/2019

Utah State

Richard K. Taylor (1974), 10/20/2019


John R. English (1970), 12/26/2019 G. Henry Seaks (1968), 1/29/2020 Charles A. Stringfellow (1959), 12/27/2019



Ardell D. Barnes (1956), 10/24/2019 Thomas F. Barrett (1965), 12/13/2019 Barry C. Davidson (1965), 1/20/2020 Irving B. Morgan (1947), 10/27/2019

Washington & Jefferson

George M. Inglis (1959), 12/13/2019 Demas L. McVay, Jr. (1955), 4/1/2019 R. Talbott Miller (1959), 10/22/2018

Washington & Lee

Roger L. Campbell (1947), 10/16/2019 Peter T. Moore (1977), 1/3/2020 John H. Norberg (1979), 1/16/2020

Washington State

Dwain H. McIntosh (1954), 10/25/2019 Karl J. Schmid (1993), 3/18/2020

Western Michigan

Charles A. VanDoren (1975), 12/23/2019

Western Ontario

Paul Bralovich (1973), 11/16/2019 William F. DeWolf (1971), 2/4/2020

William Jewell

James G. Crowley (1961), 10/26/2019 John R. Davis (1969), 1/11/2020 Alexander L. Holden (2017), 1/26/2020 Robert E. Rogers, PhD (1963), 1/21/2020


Chris M. Bauer (1970), 3/13/2020 Merritt O. Wilkins, Jr. (1958), 7/22/2019


E. Marvin Belden (1955), 12/17/2018 Roderick A. Carnarius (1957), 1/9/2020 Charles G. Depew (1952), 12/4/2019 Allan C. Doctor (1958), 2/27/2019 Frederick G. Haman, Jr. (1953), 6/29/2019 Horace D. Hetzel (1937), 10/14/2019 Theodore S. Marty, Jr. (1957), 2/13/2020 Thomas M. Meadows (1966), 11/26/2019 David E. Moeller (1963), 3/20/2020 Richard D. Osborne (1951), 4/1/2019 James E. Pearce (1958), 12/3/2019 Robert L. Shannon (1950), 12/5/2018


Theodore P. Versteeg (1975), 11/13/2019

Byron S. Lingeman (1950), 1/21/2020 Mark A. Paulson (1966), 11/17/2019 Jack M. Schenck (1951), 11/25/2019


Roy A. Cheney, Jr. (1944), 12/10/2019 Robert J. Holland (1958), 2/10/2020 David L. Page (1962), 1/14/2020

Obituary Notifications Submit obituary notifications online at or email to


Fraternally Speaking A

number of cliché phrases have developed during these unprecedented times as we have all been in this together and working toward a new normal during a rapidly evolving situation. Just prior to the publication of this issue, the Fraternity celebrated its 172nd anniversary with a Day of Brotherhood – a virtual celebration of our friendships amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As the staff spent the day coordinating live video to social media and encouraging brothers to reconnect with one another, I found myself coming back to a number of fraternity sayings that are far from clichés, but speak to the spirit of Phi Gamma Delta and the source of our strength as we persevere through the challenges in front of us. First, we believe that Friendship is the Sweetest Influence. It is the all-powerful influence which brings us together. Particularly in times of crisis, we know that we can rely on our brothers to offer a helping hand and sympathizing heart. Though often difficult for men, as Phi Gams, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with our brothers because we know that they will accept us with a willing heart and happy spirit. In that same spirit, our friendships are the basis of our work, and as men bound together by common values and goals, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. We recognize our call to self-sacrifice for one another and the greater good, positioning Phi Gamma Delta to have a tremendous positive impact not just on one another, but on the world around us. Second, we believe that Phi Gamma Delta is Not for College Days Alone. Our belief is evidenced by the continued involvement and support that our graduate brothers show for the Fraternity.

Rob Caudill, We see this in the hundreds of gradu- Executive Director ate brothers who volunteer their time and talent to advise our chapters or serve on house corporations, and the thousands who make financial contributions to the Fraternity, Educational Foundation and their chapters. This dedication is seen in other ways as well. Early this year I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand how graduates continue and renew their commitment to Phi Gamma Delta at two landmark events. In February, more than 230 graduates returned to Starkville, Mississippi, for the Sigma Mu semicentennial celebration. Just a few weeks later in early March, more than 500 Mu Iota graduates returned to Moscow, Idaho, for their chapter’s centennial. In both instances, brothers left these events enthusiastic about the fraternity experience and the value of those friendships formed many years ago. Throughout history our graduates have come forward to keep the Phi Gamma Delta spirit strong during times of crisis, and we will rely on them to continue that commitment for years to come. Finally, and perhaps most profound for us today, is our watchword, “Perge!”, meaning Press On! Dating back to our original constitution, brothers have believed that with persistence and a commitment to our values, we will succeed. Brother Calvin Coolidge famously adds to this: “The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” The Phi Gamma Delta spirit has endured and will endure, whatever challenge we may face. It can also give each of us comfort and a basis to move forward with confidence. t

Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton McCarty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts & Naaman Fletcher.

The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta

1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599; (859) 255-1848;


• President: Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982) • Vice President: Jim Link (Ohio Wesleyan 1982) • Treasurer: Nic Loiacono (Illinois 1974) • Secretary: Josh Holly (Tennessee 1997) • Councilor: Ed Gabe (Hanover 1990) • Councilor: Bill Hunnicutt (Texas Arlington 1981) • Councilor: Tom Waldon (Iowa State 1979) • Councilor: Lucas Abbott (Minnesota 2019) • Councilor: Davis Hardell (Georgia 2021)

Headquarters Staff

• Executive Director: Rob Caudill (Akron 2004) • Assistant Executive Director: Todd Rotgers (Minnesota 2011) • CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988) • Sr. Director of Chapter Support: Helen Lahrman • Director of Chapter Development: Joe Roth (Akron 2019) • Director of Chapter Services: Bryan Hartzell (Western Kentucky 2014) • Director of Communications: Erica Carlson • Director of Education: Lauren Leif • Director of Expansion: Jake Lueck (Kansas 2017) • Director of Graduate Engagement: Dionysis Protopapadakis (Appalachian State 2017) • Director of Membership & Operations: Amy Watson • Coordinator of Communications: Paige Prylinski • Coordinator of Education Programs & Online Learning: Andrew Depew (Kentucky 2010) • Senior Executive Assistant: Taren Robin • Administrative Assistant: Mahogany Dobbins • Receptionist: Kitty Brown • Field Secretaries: Hunter Wish (Washington State 2018); Josh Parker (William Jewell 2019); Eli Ussery (Alabama Birmingham 2018); Brock Walkenbach (Northern Arizona 2019); Robbie Guilford (Arizona 2017); Grant Pollett (Texas Dallas 2019)

Appointed General Officers

• Curator of Archives: Joe Weist (Rose-Hulman 1987) • Educational Director: Amelious Whyte (Minnesota Faculty) • General Counsel: Jim Boyers (Hanover 1994) • Historian: Towner Blackstock (Davidson 1994) • PR Director: Mike Sacks (James Madison 2004) • Ritualist: Justin Burns (Ohio State 2007)

Educational Foundations

Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation

1201 Red Mile Rd, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599

Board Members • President: Kevin Hopper (Cincinnati 1973) • Vice President: Matthew Amend (Iowa 1987) • Treasurer-VP: Glenn Moor (Texas Tech 1984) • Secretary: Carl Gibson (Oklahoma 1981) • Executive Committee: Michael Stewart (Penn State 1972) • Directors: Bill Brand (RPI 1987); Kevin Haga (Jacksonville 1992); Mitchell Henn (Case Western 1972); Donald Herman (Calgary 1985); Scott Mowrer (Washington 1971); Rob Wunderlich (DePauw 1988) • Directors Emeriti: Peter Clark (Kettering 1968); Jack Nicklaus (Ohio State 1961); Peter O’Malley (Penn 1959); Roger Parkhurst (Purdue 1965); William Rodgers (Oklahoma 1959) The Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada 20 Raintree Path, Etobicoke, ON M9C 5A9, Canada

Board Members • President: Michael Ainsworth (British Columbia 1987) • Secretary: Murray Coulter (Western Ontario 1972) • Treasurer: Norman Dundas (McGill 1963) • Directors: Erez Bahar (British Columbia 2001); John Carswell (Alberta 1976); Donald Herman (Calgary 1985); Ashley O’Kurley (Alberta 1994); Tristan Patterson (Alberta 2010); Frank Smeenk (Western Ontario 1971); Rob Witchel (Toronto 1987) • Trustee Emeritus: Cameron Murray (Alberta 1972) US & Canadian Foundations Staff • Executive Director: Ben Robinson (HampdenSydney 1986) • COO/CFO: Will Shier (DePauw 1988) • Director of Development & Stewardship: Duke Murphy (Coastal Carolina 2011)




Spring 2020 VOLUME 141, NO. 2

Coming Soon!

Graduate Brother Data Verification Project Phi Gamma Delta is about to embark on a comprehensive graduate brother verification project. In the coming weeks, we will be contacting all graduate brothers to help complete this project. We will be asking you to confirm the accuracy of your data and to help fill in any information gaps. Up to date information is essential to foster brotherhood in accordance with the traditions and proud history of Phi Gamma Delta.

The Fraternity plans to make a decision regarding the 172nd Ekklesia in late May. In the event the Ekklesia is not held as planned, the Fraternity is developing contingency plans to conduct the necessary business of the Fraternity. We continue to ask brothers to hold the date August 6-9, 2020 but advise that you not book travel at this time. For more information, visit

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