Volume 28th February 2017

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Not For Sale Volume 28 February 2017







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Contents 11 12 22 42 58 64

28 72 80

Egypt is racing against Time to build a strong economy News

New Products Comparative Analysis for IPR in Vertical and Horizontal Gas Reservoirs Applying the Learning from The Gulf of Mexico Response to Enhance Emergency and Oil Spill Preparedness Production Technology Challenges in Deepwater Subsea Tie-Back Developments

Smart Proppants With Multiple Down Hole Functionalities

Impact of Formation Damage on Well Productivity throughout Experimental Work and Field case study Industry At A Glance

‫الرئيس يتابع تط���ورات العمل بحقل ظهر ورئيس‬ 2017 ‫اينى يؤكد بدء االنتاج نهاية‬ ‫تضمنت إعادة هيكلة وتطوير البنية التحتية‬ »‫المهندس رضا الس����نجابي ي����روي « لبتروليم توداي‬ ‫تفاصيل تطوير وتحديث شركة التمساح لبناء السفن‬ : ‫الرئيس التنفيذي لفالكون جروب‬ ‫ ونتجه لتغطي���ة إحتياجات‬%65 ‫حصتن���ا الس���وقية‬ ‫السوق المصري من بعض األجهزة األمنية‬

2 8 12

‫تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر وو تقديـر‬ ‫شـكر‬

‫‪ Petroleum Today‬تتقدم بخالص الشكر والتقدير اىل السادة التايل أسمائهم ملا قدموه وما زالو يقدموه‬ ‫من إسهامات قيمة للمجلة منذ خروجها للنور عرب كتابة املقاالت العلمية وطرح الرؤى الفنية اخلاصة بتطوير‬ ‫وحتديث قطاع البرتول املصري كما يسعدنا إستقبال املزيد من املقاالت والرؤى اخلاصة بقطاع البرتول‪.‬‬

‫الرئيس الشرفى للمجلة املهندس‪ /‬أسامة كمال وزير البرتول األسبق‬ ‫املهندس‬


‫طــاهر عبد الرحـيم‬

‫ماهر مصباح‬

‫رئيس شركة برتوسيلة‬

‫رئيس جامعة قناة السويس‬



‫مصطفى البحر‬

‫أحمد الصباغ‬

‫الرئيس السابق لشركة عجبية للبرتول‬

‫رئيس معهد بحوث البرتول‬



‫حممد بيضون‬

‫عطية حممد عطية‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة برتوزيت‬

‫رئيس قسم البرتول اجلامعة الربيطانية‬



‫حممد حامد اجلوهري‬

‫عادل سامل‬

‫الرئيس السابق للشركة العاملية لتصنيع مهمات احلفر‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬



‫حممد ابراهيم‬

‫جمال القليوبى‬

‫الرئيس السابق لشركة غازتك‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة االمريكية‬



‫خــالد عبــود‬

‫إسماعيل عياد‬

‫مدير تطوير األعمال العاملية (‪)MCS‬‬

‫معهد بحوث البرتول‬



‫أحمد نــوح‬

‫إسماعيل حمجوب‬

‫أستاذ البرتول باجلامعة األمريكية‬

‫الرئيس االسبق لشركة عجيبة للبرتول‬



‫هانــى حــافظ‬

‫أحمد رضوان‬

‫الرئيس السابق ملبيعات شل مصر‬

‫رئيس شركة يوكس للخدمات البرتولية‬



‫مصطفى قدرى‬

‫حممد ندى‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة مالتى ديلنج‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة (باسكو)‬



‫أحمـد هاشــم‬

‫عالء الدين القباري‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة بروسريف‬

‫خبري الطاقة والبيئة‬



‫نادر خميس‬

‫شريف حسب اهلل‬

‫رئيس جملس إدارة شركة جنيوماركس‬

‫مدير العمليات رشيد للبرتول‬


Address: 37 Ibrahim Aboul Naga street, Abbas Al-Akkad Extension, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt. Phone: +202 2 273 1374 - 2 670 0108 Fax: +202 2 272 6183 Email: saber@kobold.com


Petroleum Today Chairman Mohamed Bendary Vice-Chairman Ali Ibrahim

Egypt is racing against Time to build a strong economy


Executive Editor-in-Chief Magdy Bendary General Manager Hany Ibrahim Scientific Secretary Ali Afifi

o doubt that collection of reform measures which have been taken by the Egyptian government lately, comes on top of it price release of Egyptian pound, all are factors to attract and encourage flow of foreign investments in Egypt in the light of currently experienced Egyptian Economy crisis.

Editing Staff Mohamed Ahmed Magdy Rashid Marketing Mohamed Attia Mahmoud Mabrouk Medhat Negm Magdy Ahmed

Measures pack is to improve investment environment in Egypt also included collection of decisions and facilities which have been approved by the Investment Council, on top of it reduction of land prices to encourage investors and motivate them on resuming new investments in Egypt, as well as preparation of new investment law which is seen by number of expert economists that it is a quality leap represent to stimulate, bring and encourage investment in Egypt whether for foreigners or Egyptians investors.

Financial Management Wael Khalid Art Director Walid Fathy Art Direction Mohamed Bendary

And on Petroleum Sector level, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources is trying to search for more foreign investments in the petroleum sector through lunching universality tenders for international oil to work inside Egypt, where already a number of foreign companies on top of it Italian ENI, British BP, American APACHE and SHELL, Malaysian PETRONAS, and Kuwaiti KUWAIT ENERGY and many other companies which began new investments in the petroleum sector.

Photography Mohamed Fathy Scientific Staff Dr. Attia M. Attia Dr. Adel Salem Dr. Ahmed Z. Nouh Dr. Ismail Aiad Dr. Gamal Gouda Eng. Mahmoud A. Gobran Eng. Mohamed nada Eng. Taher Abd El Rahim Eng. Mohamed Bydoun Eng.Samir Abady Dr. Lubna Abbas Saleh

The Economic situation becomes encouraging for more investments in this sector and that new natural gas discoveries in the Mediterranean helped on attracting more investments coincided with big efforts and commitments by the petroleum sector to pay off debts for foreign partners than encourages them to continue working in Egypt and returning on new investments. Encouragement efforts to attract new investments in the Petroleum and Gas Sector included also organize a big event which is Egypt Petroleum Show Conference and Exhibition EGYPS which is considered as a giant gathering for petroleum Egyptian, Arab and Foreign Companies, supported by Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi himself which confirms Political leadership care on improving investment climate and presence of big desire to encourage and support petroleum sector and push it forward to support Egyptian National Economy. YOU are very welcome in the Exhibition. And In the end, we salute you all and wish for Egypt pride and dignity.

Petroleum Today

Special thanks to all the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mr. Hany Hafez All opinions expressed through the magazine is pertaining to their authors & don,t express the magazine›s point of view Publisher & Distribution The Egyptian Company For Marketing 29 Abd El - Aziz Gawesh st. Lebaono Sq. , Mohandeseen Giza - Egypt Tel. : +202 33050884 Mob.: 01006596350 Mob.: 01000533201 E-mail: petroleum.mag@gmail.com E-mail: mohamed@ petroleum-today.com www.petroleum-today.com th

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Egypt News Sisi is Following Up Developments in ZOHR Field And ENI’s President Confirms the Start of production By the End of 2017 President Abdel Fattah Al- Sisi, welcomed Claudio Descalza CEO of Italian «ENI», in the presence of Engineer Sherif Ismail , the Prime Minister, and Tarek Al- Moulla, Minister of Petroleum. Ambassador Alaa Youssef spokesman for the presidency said that the CEO of «ENI» showed during the interview the latest updates of the work carried out by the Italian company to develop a natural gas field «ZOHR» in the Egyptian waters in the Mediterranean. The Spokesman added that the president looked forward to further investments for «ENI» in Egypt and reaching for more new discoveries will contribute to meeting the needs of economic development taking place in Egypt, and noted the importance of adhering to the timetable set for the start of «ZOHR» field production, directing Ministry of

Petroleum and authorities to continue intensive cooperation and periodic follow – up of field development with the company.

Petroleum Minister: Egypt is committed to pay $3.5 Billion To Foreign Companies $3.5 billion though shortage of foreign currency increases difficulty to pay this debt. Al-Moulla said that Egypt committed to monthly payments for foreign companies which will lead to decrease the debt and that Egypt will resort to immediacy market and government deals to fill the gap between gas production and consumption through liquefied natural gas imports. The Minister added “During the year we’ll see the remaining amounts to cover the month and season requirements”. Petroleum Minister Engineer Tarek Al-Mulla confirmed in a press statement that Egypt is committed to pay late receivables for foreign petroleum companies amounting

16 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

Al-Moulla said: «We were able to race against time and accelerate developments and get more and more from Gases».

BPPetroleum agrees withConfirms Egypt toProductivity speed of the of Seven Wells Were Egypt fines Completely European oilfrom tanker 58 million Drilled ZOHR Field development of Atulfield pounds for having a broken oil pipeline in Suez

fiscal year 20172018/ for investments of about $3.8 billion Suez Court of First Instance, by Judge Mohamed for exploration activities andheaded the completion of the first YahyaRafat oil tanker «Nassau Energy», phase of the Fined, projectforeign development. and owned by fromofEuropean countries, and He pointed out partners that a total ZOHR field development flying the flag of Liberia the amount of 58.00085 million investments will reach the end of the year 20172018/ to about thousand the benefit of theinfishing $8 billion,pounds, which isfor a huge investment a shortsector periodinand the Red Sea, and that after having a broken oil pipeline reflects the size of the effort and the challenge of completing in in thesea Zeiteyatport and to polluting theSuez project withinwater time,atand it is planned reach athe total sea water, equivalent to 4 thousand barrels of crude oil. investment over the life of the project about $16 billion. The oil tanker petroleum oilofinseven a He stressed that during so far itits haspumping completed the drilling pipeline to the Red Sea, broke the line and caused the wells and confirms the productivity of these wells through BP announced that it has signed a preliminary agreement leak 4 thousand barrels of crude oil into the sea water, two tests of two wells ZOHR -2 and ZOHR-5. with Egypt to accelerate the development of Atull marine contamination of vast tracts of the Red Sea and the Gulf of He added that the current fiscal year 2016 / 2017 targeting gas field, which is now expected to begin production in 2018. Suez water, and the destruction of the naval environment The signing of the agreement with the Egyptian Minister of the continuation on exploration activities and drill deep and the excuse and fish in polluted areas. Engineerafter Atefdiscussions Hassan, chairman of the board CEO of directors Petroleum between Bob Dudley, of explorations in the field, which aims to reach to deeper pay The Court notified the security authorities in Port Tawfiq BPofandPETROBEL Egyptian President Fattah al-Sisi. Company is zones of carbon which there is potential for the presence of whereAbdel PETROSHROOK Port Suez with the contents of the decision that is to Dudley said infrom, a statement: arebeen pleased we are subtracted said that«We it has the that adoption of the oil and gas. conserve the oil tanker «Nassauenergy» in the draft of making rapid progress towards the development of Atull the Suezport of, after encounter exist two days before after less than eight months from the announcement of the Al-Masry: Gas Production to Rise from 3.9 to 4.5 Billion CubicinFeet of Gas the decision the draft of the verdict ago after leaving discovery.» Egypt after the disaster that caused, the pretext is to BPEngineer was announced relatively large field discovery in Marchpointed that the most important results Mohammed Al-Masry President of (EGAS) achieved during the first half reconciliation with the EEAA . andofreserves estimated aboutthe 1.5signing trillion of cubic gas the current fiscal year, fourfeet newofagreements for oil and gas in the Mediterranean invested a minimum of and$306 31 million of granting condensation. millionbarrels and the of the signing of $10.5 million to drill eight exploration wells. It isHe expected that the full development of the field Atull added that the drilling plan for work the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile Delta had achieved a success rate of 75% and it has consists of two stages: theproduction first consists of 23.9 developedwells been increasing daily from billion cubic feet of natural gas to 4.5 billion cubic feet, as the completion of the linked to the existing infrastructure, production is expected first phase of the natural gas lines connected to the power stations «Beni Suef - New Capital - Borollos». to begin delivered in 2018.Itis expected the success of this He also reviewed the budget for the fiscal year 2017 / 2018, pointing out that the year will see the first of the natural gas stage to lead to pumping additional investments for drilling production from several projects in the forefront of the North Alexandria fields , ZOHOR, Atoll. Also Norse Production other wells and increase production. rates have risen in record time to 900 million cubic feet of gas daily. The Paranoiac Petroleum company will (one of the participating companies the Bp and the petroleum sector) Russianand Interest in Investment Petroleum and Gas Sector in Egypt implement operateAtull development at operations. Fyodor Ukashen, President Mission Commercial Russian at

Egypt provides a full need of factories of natural gasper day Egypt, said to «Novosti» Russian news agency, that Mission Commercial organized more talks with Chairman Russian petroleum of the Egyptian Holding Company for Natural Gas (EGAS) said that and gas companies and Egyptian Petroleum Ministerthe full needs of the industrial sector of natural gas after run Egypt now provide according to oil and gas sector aimsthe of second attracting hugestation and linked to the national gas net. floating investments from potential investors at this important sector. A large number of fertilizers, iron and steel and cement companies in Egypt Ukashen added: «The Egyptian marketsuffers currently fromreceives a lack of natural gas regular reaching but also fully snapped in some many Russian companies, whether directly cases dueorto through the Ministry of Petroleum conversion most local andimported gas western partners, such as Russian «Luk Oil» company quantities intowhich electric power stations. is considered as an important petroleum Khalid investorAbdul-Badiexplained, in Egypt». according to Reuters news agency, «he said the He said that there is an agreement industrial on joiningsector Russian in Egypt does not have any trouble getting its needs of gas. «ROZNEFT « company at ZOHR in thewith starting the second Alngez station.» Indeed we have provided gasinvestment to all industrial sectorfield factories Egypt hired two ships Regas this to provide the needsis of gas forelectricity sector and factories. Mediterranean sea, for pointing that year Mission Commercial A number of steel company›s officials in telephone contact with Reuters to provide the required gas for their factories from monitoring closely Petroleum and Gas sector in Egypt. the“Novosti” beginning quoted of the first of Russian November. from resources that Russia has President Abdel said earlier thisGas month thatduring the factories in Egypt will not face any problems in getting its gas invested $1.5 Fattah billionAl-Sisi in Egyptian oil and sector by the the past end of November. year and a half.

Petroleum Today - February



Arab News Lebanese President : We will start Oil Production In 2018 Lebanese President Michel Aoun announced the date which Lebanon is expected to start Oil production and all its revenues will be deposited in private wealth box. President Aoun said at a meeting with delegation from association journalists, according to «Sky News Arabia «, that Lebanon will begin production in 2018, pointing that all what will be collected will be for the Lebanese people favor. He added that revenues will be invested in projects development, committed to increase efforts to improve depreciated infrastructure in the country. Lebanon announced its first round for exploration and production licenses lateness three years at a step to develop the sector which was damaged by the political crisis.

Algeria Calls for Companies to Compete for Petrochemical Projects A Source in the National Algerian energy company SONATRACH, said that the company began to call all world engineering companies to compete in four Petrochemical complexes projects reaching the total of $6 Billion. Winning companies will build up refineries which will be held at Tayarat, Hassi Massoud and Skikda including cracker oil complex and another refinery for Naphtha processing. And the source said that energy complexes in Tayarat and Hassi Massoud will reach five million tons for each. Algeria as a member of OPEC intends building more refineries to promote revenues as it is harmed from Oil prices collapse which currently produces 30 million tons from refined oil products annually.

Saudi Arabia Calls for International Companies to Provide Renewable Energy Project Tenders in next April Saudi Minister of Energy Khaled Alfaleh said that the kingdom would invite International and Local Companies to provide renewable energy projects in April and expected awarded contracts in September. Alfaleh said at a journalist conference in Riyadh, those projects will include two plants of new solar and wind energy with the ability of producing 700 megawatts from Electricity. These Projects came at a big framework of renewable energy supply program and is expected to include investments ranging between $30 and $50 Billion by 2023. The minister said: «These Projects are on large scale ... and it is the first in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia which raises partnership system between Private and national Sectors while it is being financed by Private Sector «.

18 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

International News TRUMP signs Decision To Continue Building Oil Pipe Lines Stopped by OBAMA US President, Donald Trump, signed an executive decree to continue building Pipe line «Keystone X L «and» Dakota ACCESS «. The decision of proceeding on building pipe lines contradicts efforts which exerted previously by president Barack Obama to prevent lines building, at when Trump fuller one of his promises during his campaign. Dakota ACCESS line project is amounted at $3.7 Billion and it is expected to transfer 470.000 barrel/daily over four states, and specifically goes through North Dakota where around 7.4 Billion undiscovered oil barrels, this oil will be transferred to markets in the eastern coast and gulf coast area. While «Keystone X L» pipe line was suggested to cross around 1.2 thousand miles over Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas to transfer more than 800.000 barrel/daily from heavy crude oil from sand oil in Canada to refineries in gulf coast.

OPEC achieved 82% of its commitments to reduce oil production in January A Survey was conducted and published by Reuters showed up results OPEC organization’s production from Petroleum decreased by more than One million barrel during January which indicates the strong beginning by the Organization in first execution an agreement at Eight years on reducing its supplies. The Survey –which was based on navigation data and information from sector resources-, noted that the average supply of 11 countries members of OPEC covered by the agreement totaled 30.01 million barrel/daily in January

decline from 31.17 million barrel/daily in December. Compared with levels which Countries agreed on reducing production on October. It means that OPEC members lowered production by 958,000 barrel/ daily from which they agreed on by1.164 million barrel/daily which reflects only %82 of agreement commitment. That increase is more than initial commitment rate which is %60 achieved by producers at execution of previous reduction agreement in 2009, and the survey boosted the figures which shows high commitment degree.

PETROCHINA Seeks To Meet One - Third of China’s Target of Shale Gas by 2020 China news agency (Xinhua) said that PETROCHINA, giant Chinese Energy Company, plans to intensify shale gas development in Sichuan province this year to meet onethird of Government energy target by 2020. Chinese official agency said that PETROCHINA intensify exploration at south parts from Sichuan which is the most important area to produce Gas and an important area of early mission stages of shale gas development. PETROCHINA plans to increase shale gas energy production estimated to10 Billion cubic meters at Sichuan by 2020, including equivalent one-third of production target which was set by Beijing for this source at this Year.

20 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

Corporation News Saudi ARAMCO owns 15% of World Oil Reserves Resources said that first independent review for oil reserves owned by Saudi ARAMCO confirmed petroleum government company’s data before insertion planned of its shares in the market next year. This insertion is expected to become the first largest public insertion in the world, and it substrates Saudi Arabia government plan to achieve changes across to attract investment and diversify economy resources and reduce oil adoption. According to oil reserves amounting to 265 billion barrel, ARAMCO fields are about %15 of confirmed world oil reserves and any sign that these reserves are less than this level, it might affect the company’s market value at insertion. ARAMCO requested from two specialized American companies to review and evaluate its petroleum reserves.

Rasheed Begins Ninth Phase of Development Implementation (B) To Add 351 billion gas feet Engineer Hisham Al Attar President of Rasheed and Burollus Gas Company is currently beginning preparation to implement the ninth phase (B) of business development, which includes adding 8 wells to West Delta area facilities at deep water by production rate around 387 million cubic feet of gas daily and strategic stock about 351 billion cubic feet of gas and around 4.3 million condensates barrel at investment cost around $950 millions.

He added that Torres and Libra fields project in north Alexandria and west Delta consists of 9 wells will be placed on production at the second quarter of 2017 where all business connectivity with facilities completion for Rasheed and Burollus Company, also right now processing work before operating and tests required for systems control on navy platform, and also completion of business required on EDCO station to receive Gas production from the project.

Badr Al-Din Petroleum Plans to Produce 143,000 Barrels of Equivalent Oil with Investments about $321 Millions Badr Al-Din Petroleum Company achieved four new discoveries at the first half in 2016 / 2017, three of them have been put on production map have contributed to increasing company ‹s production is currently about 138.000 barrels of equivalent crude oil and natural gas. As for the fourth detection which prepare larger reveal in the Western Desert where its primary estimated reserves about half Trillion cubic feet and currently adoption necessary measures to increase production level to 143.000 barrels during current month. Investments arbitrage in 2017 / 2018 around $321 millions includes drilling of 8 exploratory wells and 24 development wells.

22 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

M+F delivers 18 Metering Skids with KROHNE Coriolis Flow Meters at Misr Petroleum In 2015, Misr Petroleum took the decision to establish new Petroleum depot. Together with Petrojet as the main EPC, they started to design the new terminal for 18 skids in Badr City, based on state-of-the-art technologies, replacing old flow measuring technology Positive Displacement with Coriolis Mass Flow measurement, implementing advanced flow computers, and complete terminal automation. After having many companies bidding, M+F Technologies GmbH was awarded this project in February 2016. M+F is a German based solution provider specialized in offering complete systems for loading stations and metering systems. They have more than 30 years of experience delivering loading solutions all over the world and more than 15,000 installation of its flow computer MFX_4. At the core of any metering system is the flow meter. M+F chose the Coriolis Mass flow meter OPTIMASS 6400 from KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH because KROHNE has tr emendous experience in manufacturing Coriolis flow meters since the 80s, one of the very few companies that can meet the challenging requirement of liquid flow accuracy (±0.05% of measured value) and repeatability, and with competitive price.

Through international cooperation between M+F and KROHNE, IAC (M+F representative in Egypt) and RMS Engineering (KROHNE r epr esentative in Egypt), a special tailored system was developed. The 18 skids were constructed in Hamburg, Germany. Factory acceptance test was held on July 2017 testing the system under different non-ideal situations. Overall uncertainty of the system was even better than the requested uncertanity in Misr Petroleum tender. The 18 metering systems are currently installed at Misr Petroleum new terminal in Badr. Petrojet is finishing other site construction and it is expected that terminals will be into operation by mid of 2017.

Mr. Mostafa Kadry is the sole agent for Shearwater Company in Egypt Mr Mostafa Kadry announced that Multidealing company became the sole agent for Shearwater company in Egypt. Shearwater is a global provider of powerful geophysical marine seismic acquisition and processing services. also licence Shearwater 21st Century seismic processing software, OpenCPS, to E&P companies as well as seismic contractors and consultants. Shearwater operates a fleet of four powerful, modern seismic vessels. employ processing technology both onboard these high capacity vessels and in Shearwater processing centres in the UK and USA. Working together, Shearwater acquisition and processing teams provide you with the highest quality seismic data and images

Hady Meiser Egypt Hady Meiser Egypt for producing steel gratings is specialized in fabricating steel gratings ( blackgalvanized ) as well as steel stair steps which is also made with gratings by press welding according to DIN 24537 & 24531 and ISO 1461 & ASTM A 123 . All specification is according to the shown onto our catalogue and dimensions are according to client›s inquiries. Address : ElShrouk Industrial Zone – Khanka – Kaiobia Contacts : 01001726068 - 010 280 20 120 - 0127 679 8800 – 01001726135 Fax : +2 02 44698047 – 44698212- 44604123 E-mail : trabia.meiser@gmail.com & trabia_meiser@hadymeiser.com

Petroleum Today - February



MCS News MCS has been awarded 2 years’ contract for provision of subsea inspection, data acquisition and digital reporting services for “REPSOL” Malaysia as end client. The contract includes provision of MCS Latest 3D subsea measuring/viewer technology photo realistic cloud of points (PRC) with track record expanded to include Australia, Malaysia and UAE. The biggest operator in offshore UAE has declared to their offshore contractors that the use of MCS PRC technology is mandatory for the coming inspection campaigns. On the other hand, a new inspection contract has been awarded to MCS and PMS Consortium for 3 years with a 2 years’ extension option for Burullus Gas Co as an end client.

-DeepTech has successfully renewed the Work class ROV drilling support contract onboard El QAHARII for drilling/ completion activities for PETROBEL companyfor an extra 1 year. -in July2016, DeepTech and PMS as a consortium signed a one-year extension to provide intervention activities and construction support for Burullus Gas Co. as end client. The intervention contract has been going since 2014.

Lubemaster expanding in partnership with Chevron Corporation Chevron Corporation is one of , the world s largest integrated energy giants doing business in more than 180 countries worldwide. Headquartered in California – USA, it is also a leading global manufacturer for premium lubricants across the globe. Under the partnership umbrella, Lubemaster expand its investment with Chevron distributing and marketing industrial lubricant oils, greases, and specialty products in Egypt and offers lubricant solutions for industrial

applications. The executive director Eng . Yahia Makrm said «The combined resources and technology of Lubemaster and its partner company Chevron, produce a powerful Lubricants team with a huge competitive advantage» «Lubemaster ‹synergy of its team and the unparalleled expertise in innovative technology solutions offers a unique value proposition to customers that differentiates the Company from the rest» «Our knowledge of local business environments and our world-class experience provides local know-how on a global scale».

New Agency Announcement Continuing to our business cooperation and in order to satisfy our customers’ needs in the Egyptian market, we have obtained the agency of the following companies: Viking Pumps(A unit of IDEX Corporation): The pioneer for internal and external Gear pumps in the world with headquarter in USA and plants in Europe, in addition to rotary vane pumps and accessories. Manufactures positive-displacement pumps and flowcontrol systems for a variety of fluid-handling applications (Internal Gear Pumps - External Gear Pumps - Rotary Vane Pumps).

Your Partner for Fluid Management

and Transportation Segments of the Oil & Gas Industry, E&P, Petrochemical, Chemical, Mining/Minerals, Power, Marine and Industrial markets. GWC Italia SpA extensive line of valve and flow control products include (Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves, Pipeline Gate and Check Valves, Floating Ball Valves, Gate, GWC ItaliaSpA: Founded by an Italian Group & USA Entrepreneurial Globe and Check Valves including cast & forged, Butterfly Management team, has become the Parent Company of the Valves including triple offset, high performance and resilient sealed n Dual Plate Check Valves, Needle and Gauge Valves long standing GWC Worldwide Companies. GWC Valves are used in major applications for Upstream and Wellhead Gate Valves).

24 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

Al-Tawakol NTT has a wide variety of products in the electric field making it one of the leading companies in Egypt. With this variety of products, we provide our customers with total electrical solutions for their projects. Our continuously improving quality control team helps us gain the trust of our clients by ensuring deficiency free products. With its factories and different branches, we are able to reach and have a presence in all different levels of the Egyptian market.



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New Products Hybrid Drill Bit Baker Hughes introduced its line of KymeraXTreme hybrid drill bits, designed to help oil and gas operators lower their well construction costs through faster and more-durable drilling performance. The bits—which combine the strengths of polycrystalline-¬diamond-compact and tricone-bit technology—offer the consistent performance of previous generations of hybrid bits while improving penetration rates and run life. The drill bits are available in a variety of designs, each capable of addressing specific challenges in numerous applications, formation types, and hole sizes. The cutting structures incorporate enhanced shapes and carbide grades. The designs provide added tool-face control, The KymeraXTreme hybrid drill bit from Baker Hughes. enabling the drilling of longer distances at higher buildup rates than previously possible, while maintaining a high-quality borehole throughout extended runs. Blade and roller-cone designs can be optimized based on the operator’s application to deliver a variety of benefits that include long section-to-section runs and durability during transitions between formations. The bits also offer high steerability and control in difficult environments, including carbonates and interbedded formations. Ó For additional information, visit www.bakerhughes.com.

Wellhead Outlets for Low-Cost Operation AnTech has introduced three new products within its Wellhead Outlet range. With the demand for more data and distributed measurements, there has been growth in the use of fiber-optic cables for permanent monitoring. These solutions are only as good as the connections at surface, and AnTech’s Type FC outlet has been designed to meet this requirement. In order to meet a lower price point for customers, AnTech has reviewed materials and manufacturing processes to keep costs to a minimum. As a result, the new Type FC outlet incorporates a 3D printed smart system for handling and storing up to four fibers. AnTech has also launched two further electrical outlets, Types CB and CC. Each adaptation has been carefully designed to suit various working environments, including pressures ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 psi and temperatures from -60 to +160°C, while meeting tightening budget constraints. The three new wellhead outlets do not compromise on specification and provide customers with a solution in a challenging market. Ó For additional information, visit www.antech.co.uk.

26 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

Dual-Barrier HP/HT Riser System Chemical-Injection System Remote Automation products Aquaterra EnergyMonitoring and Plexus(RAM) Holdings have allow developed a lightweight, dualupstream andhigh--pressure/high--temperature midstream operations to increase (HP/HT) chemical-riser system that can be -barrier injection precision and efficiency while reducing chemical deployed by a jack-up to enable an alternative to semisubmersible installation for andHP/HT overhead costs. RAM uses patent-pending, virtualwell operations. The technology is suitable for shallow water depths up to flowmetering and stroke-¬counting technology to achieve 150 m. By uniting Aquaterra Energy’s HP/HT riser system and Plexus’ wellheadprecise dosage delivery. RAM’s IPC2000 -engineering technology, an inner riser cellular string ispump installed inside a conventional controller uses this technology to sense each compression high-pressure riser to span the gap between a dry-surface blowout preventer stroke by the pump without 20,000 additional anddelivered a wet subsea tree. It provides psi sensors, capability and uses metal-to-metal cables, or components (Fig. 2). It offers major savings riser on string. The system also gas-tight seals on both the external and internal equipment costs includes PROFLO flow- developments that contain eliminates theand issues associated withproportional surface wellhead control technology. PROFLO allows the option of setting elastomeric seals, particularly those located between the mudline and surface. chemical-delivery targets on the basis of conventional In comparison with semisubmersible mobile units, new-generation, heavy-duty quart-¬per-day parameters, or in parts per million (PPM). jack-up drilling units can now undertake drilling, completion, intervention, and Theabandonment PPM mode activities permits aatsimple inputrates signal a risk. Moreover, they can lower day and from reduced product flowmeter to automatically modulate chemical potentially mitigate the heavy loading implications and weather constraints often dosage on thewith basissemisubmersibles. of the user-set PPM concentration associated Aquaterra Energy and Plexus Holdings’ duallevel. All RAM ¬cellularand satellite-based controllers Ó For additional information, visit www.aquaterraenergy.com. barrier HP/HT riser system. feature integrated tank monitoring, local autonomous pump and tank management, comprehensive battery Asset Controller Technology Monitoring’s IPC2000 cellular pump controller. management, temperature-controlled methanol injection, Fig. 2— Remote AutomationManufacturing andThe security alerts. They also offer comprehensive scheduled/polled reporting through text, Systems’ a mobile web page,manufacturing or RAM’s Weatherford WellPilot ONE Peak Well IRIS-3D FLEET web-based human/machine interface. controller/remote terminal unit technology provides a high-¬expansion, Ó For additional information, www.remoteautomationmonitoring.com.. (RTU) provides asset visit control, mechanical support system that can automation, and optimization be applied to a wide range of possible for the entire field and enables applications. For downhole applications Magnetic Thickness Detector seamless transitions throughout in particular, it can be used to extend the GOWell’s latest-generation magnetic-thicknessall production and lift phases, performance of traditional elastomer seals detector (MTD) tool is capable of evaluating which reduces the total cost of and therefore enables a new suite of wellbore quantitative thickness measurements of three concentric ownership.Typically, automating sealing systems. With the addition of IRISpipes (Fig. 3). The instrument combines a high-power a field requires operators to 3D components to Peak’s existing downhole transmitter, improved ¬signal/noise electronics, and use an array of different RTUs SIM plug system, personnel have been able fully configurable acquisition. This flexible approach or controllers that adjust well to extend the performance of the SIM seal allows a wide range of evaluations under different The Weatherford Well-Pilot ONE operations while they collect, universal controller is preloaded from 150°C and 5,000 psi to 200°C and conditions and conveyance systems, including logging with built-in, advanced logic and is store, and transfer near-¬real10,000 psi. IRIS-3D is now focusing on two expandable to provide multi-well in large pipes (up to 18⅝ in.), fast logging of single automation and control for the life of time data. With the WellPilot development paths: the ability of IRIS-3D to pipes, chrome- and alloy-pipe evaluation, thick casings, the entire field. controller, operators will Internally, be develop a new range of high-performance andONE memory-optimized logging. the tool able to improve wellsite efficiency by controlling multiple applicationmedium-expansion plugs and exploring acquires up to 300 channels of pulsed-eddy-current specific operations precisely. Initially installed to monitor flowing wells the role of IRIS-3D in high-expansion seal transient decay that can be transmitted in real time and to automate the full production facility, the controller can transition systems. The latter could potentially deliver to surface or stored downhole. Real-time logging is to different forms of lift asbelow well conditions change. The controller can an IRIS-3D enabled, high-performance, possible either in combination any of GOWell’s also simultaneously handle multiple tasks for multiple wells, and it is through-tubing retrievable plug capable existing Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC) tools or when capable of monitoring and controlling various forms of artificial lift at of passing through a 4.5-in tubing before combined with PegasusStar, -GOWell’s high-speed once. Other capabilities include oil, gas, and water measurement; tankexpanding over 70% to seal in 7-in. telemetry system. Memory acquisition is supported by ¬level memory monitoring; wellsystem. testing;When hazardous-¬substance monitoring; and casing. The technology has other potential GOWell’s logging run with their well control and shutdowns. controller includes built-in logic for applications beyond downhole seals and Pegasus¬Star platform, the MTDThe is fully combinable 3— GOWell’s MTD tool can evaluate quantitative thickness process control, and every form Fig. of artificial extrusion barriers,pipes. including drilling tools, withelectronic the MFCflow tool measurement, and their Digital-Radial-Bond Tool, measurements of three concentric lift and offers scalability through its unlimited capacity for input/output connectors, and surface-pipeline tools. allowing a comprehensive evaluation of well integrity, expansion modules. Ó For additional information, visit providing accurate thickness information for multiple pipe strings as well as the cement-bond quality. Ó For additional information, visit www.weatherford.com www.peakwellsystems.com. Ó For additional information, visit www.gowellpetro.com.

Petroleum Today - February



Tubing Coating Sucker-rod wear on production tubing has been an industry issue for decades, resulting in the need for costly workovers. Grit and sand exacerbate the problem, along with corrosives such as hydrogen sulfate, methane, and carbon dioxide. Diamond Scientific was asked by United Casing to develop a product to extend the life of the tubing at wear points. A 5-year research and development project resulted in the ACR-T16 coating. While the primary concern is abrasion of the tubing, a variety of tests were performed by independent laboratories to ensure the corrosion A Taber abrasion machine, used to test Diamond Scientific’s ACR-T16 tubing coating. stability of the coating. Autoclave tests for corrosion in various atmospheres, pressures, and temperature variations were conducted, resulting in excellent adhesion and no coating loss or blisters in aqueous, hydrocarbon, or liquid phases. Wear-resistance tests determined that the coating demonstrated an increased resistance of more than an 1,100% improvement over J55 steel. Currently, 150,000 ft of production tubing has been coated at wear points in multiple wells. The coated tubing has been in service for 21 months without need for any workover. Before running the coated tubing, these wells required a workover every 6 months. Ó For additional information, visit www.unitedcasing.com.

Neutral-Wettability Proppant Baker Hughes’ NeutraProp neutral¬wettability proppant is a surface¬modified material that enables fluids to flow freely through the pore spaces in a proppant pack. It is neither oil-wet nor water-wet, and it can be applied to various substrates from lightweight ceramic to high-strength proppant. The proppant reduces pressure drop in multi¬phase flow and eliminates the buildup of fluid residues, letting more hydrocarbons Baker Hughes’ NeutraProp neutral-wettability proppant. Top image shows unmodified ceramic proppantbottom image shows NeutraPropproppant. flow out of the reservoir at higher rates for longer periods of time. The solution also improves cleanup by reducing capillary pressure and accelerates the time to first oil while reducing nonproductive time. An operator working in deep-water Gulf of Mexico needed a frac pack to complete a new well to enable production quickly. The well had very low bottom hole pressure, low reservoir energy, and no gas lift. The Neutra¬Prop was selected and applied, and all of the flowback fluids were recovered in approximately 14 hours. This represents a 43% reduction in rig time compared with an average of 24.5 hours on three previous wells in which conventional proppant was used. The operator eliminated 10 hours of rig time and saved more than USD 438,000 by using the proppant. Ó For additional information, visit www.bakerhughes.com.

28 Petroleum Today

- February 2017


No Scare Tactics! Just High Accuracy Tank Gauging • Whether you are ready to upgrade your existing tank gauging system or are looking for a new, high accuracy solution, we can help. • Our aim is to work with you to deliver high accuracy gauging systems, giving you reliable, safe, continuous measurement and accountability. • Monitoring your tanks, preventing loss, tracking product movement, saving you money. • Tank Gauging is key to your business. Our systems and design have evolved with you. We are a part of your operations team. High Accuracy Radar Level Gauging. High Accuracy Servo Level Gauging. Diamond Tank Gauging System. Diamond Report Engine. Diamond Web Tank Gauging System.

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Electrical-Submersible-Pump System Baker Hughes introduced the CENtrilift PASS slimline electrical-¬submersible-pump (ESP) system, designed to help operators optimize production and reserves recovery while lowering lifting costs in small-diameter wellbores or wells with restricted space owing to casing patches or complex completion designs. The system incorporates an extended-range pump that operates at flow rates from 2,500 to 50 B/D, mitigating the need to change out pumping systems as production rates decline. The pump’s optimized flow path also improves ESP system reliability by preventing solids buildup and abrasive wear in the pump. The system manages gas entrained in the production stream or gas slugs that break out of the reservoir. When the ESP is deployed in a horizontal or deviated orientation, gravity cups shift to block the pump-inlet ports on the high side of the intake where the gas accumulates, preventing the gas from entering the pump and venting it into the annulus. When the ESP is installed in a vertical orientation, the production stream bypasses the gravity cups and mechanical vortex gas-separation technology diverts gas away from the pump and into the annulus. For applications that only require mechanical gas separation, the system includes a vortex gas separator. Ó For additional information, visit www.bakerhughes.com.

The FLEXPumpER extended-range pump, part of Baker Hughes’ CENtrilift PASS ESP system.

ROYAL MARINE SERVICES Royal, was created In Egypt (Alexandria) since 2007, our company gained recognition for being a reliable marine services company providing top quality services to the leading shipping companies, owners and clients. Our service extends to almost all ports of Egypt. We are specialized in supplying marine lubricants, and we have a sole agency now for marine lubricants of OILYBIA (Ex. name TAMOIL) , We can provide it to any vessel passing by any port of Egypt. We are providing lubricants with a high quality and competitive price, we are able of providing it locally and overseas, and we serve our clients with some extra services in addition to providing the lubricants (as technical support, Oil analysis) We guarantee 24 hours non stop service, outstanding quality and efficient delivery. The base of our business is the excellence of our service. With a presence in several African ports, OiLibya offers products and services for the shipping industry. Different types of lubricants specially produced for marine use are available to meet the needs in this sector. The OiLibya products and services available for the shipping industry are extensive and range from small local fishing vessels to large international cargoes travelling all over the world. In Africa OiLibya is a leader in providing fuel and lubricants to the shipping industry coupled with a high quality service.

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Contact Person : Ms. Venis Tharwat

Smart Proppants With Multiple Down Hole Functionalities By

Sachit Goyal, Arjun Raghuraman, Kaoru Aou, Fabio Aguirre-Vargas, Juan Carlos Medina, Runyu Tan, and Dan Hickman, The Dow Chemical Company



Objective/scope: Breakthrough technologies for down-hole capture of radium-226 or hydrogen sulfide contaminants in fracking operations have been developed, and are presented here. These technologies could enable significant reduction in topside waste concentrations, and therefore simplify waste management operations and reduce expenses in fracking operations. These novel technologies still possess desirable primary functions of proppants such as flow back control and conductivity. Methods, procedures, process: Multifunctional coatings supported by a variety of urethane chemistries were designed for down-hole capture of Ra-226 or H2S while preserving primary proppant functionality. Polymer coatings were applied to 2040/ or 2030-/mesh Northern White sand proppants. Coated proppants with Radium-capturing abilities were exposed to simulated brine spiked with Ra-226 in batch mode. Ra-226 was analyzed in the brine before and after treatment using liquid scintillation counting and in the solids using Gamma-ray spectrometry. The H2S-capturing proppants were exposed to water/ tetradecane spiked with H2S, and H2S was analyzed in the headspace of the vessel containing proppant solution via gas chromatography. Results, observation, and conclusions: In batch experiments, multifunctional resin coated proppant with Radium-capturing abilities (slurried at 20 - 33 wt% in brine) showed 2350 - 24000 pCi Ra-226 capture from synthetic brine /lb proppant used (water containing 5.0 wt% NaCl, 2.6 wt% CaCl2 and/or 0.07 wt % BaCl2 .2H2O). The capture was dependent upon: concentration of salts in brine, initial concentration of Ra-226 (2500 - 35000 pCi/L), brine temperature (7090- °C), and duration of exposure (1h 1week). Radium capture was not affected by Na+ and Ca2+

32 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

concentration in the brine, but was significantly affected by Ba2+ concentration. Furthermore, other proppants were also designed to deliver only contaminantcapturing abilities. In this case, and under same experimental conditions, we observed up to 22000 pCi Radium capture/ lb proppant. This more economical approach can be used to impart only waste capturing functionality to proppants. Experiments in water at 70°C for 1 hour of exposure with multifunctional resin coated proppants for H2S capture showed 66 - 100% capture (initial [H2S] in liquid at equilibrium = 100 ppm, experimental capacity demonstrated ~1.1E-03 lb S removed/ lb proppant used). Analogous H2S capture experiments in tetradecane solvent (simulated hydrocarbon) showed a slower rate of capture. Please explain how this paper will present novel (new) or additive information to the existing body of literatures that can be of benefit to a practicing engineer Presented multifunctional proppants can enable simplification of topside waste water treatment, enable waste water reusability, mitigate pipeline corrosion, and limit worker exposure by keeping key contaminants down-hole (Ra 226 or H2S) in the fractures. This is the first demonstration of truly multifunctional resin coated proppants that successfully capture waste from synthetic brine.


Upon drilling of a well bore for oil and gas recovery, a commonly used technique to enhance production in unconventional wells is to introduce fracturing fluid into the well bore in order to crack open subterranean formations using fluid pressure.1,2 An unconventional well is one that that is drilled into an unconventional formation, which is defined as a geologic shale formation where natural gas generally cannot be produced except by horizontal or vertical well bores stimulated by hydraulic fracturing.3 Drilling and

hydraulic fracturing of a typical unconventional well requires 4 - 6 million gallons of fracturing fluid, which comprises water (90 - 95%), solid proppant (5 - 10%) and chemical additives (< 1%) to ensure good flow during production. Examples of chemical additives used in fracturing fluid are scale inhibitors, wax inhibitors, biocides, oxygen scavengers and friction reducers. Generally, 1040%- of the drilling fluid is recovered during the initial period (7 - 14 days) of production and is referred to as flowback water. Once the well is in production, it will typically continue to produce some amount of water that is called produced water. As can be expected, there is a wide variability in the composition of flowback and produced water, and this makes wastewater management challenging. Wastewater management with respect to naturally occurring Radium Wastewater management is crucial to successfully and sustainably operate wells, and is essential to prevent contamination of surface and ground water. Wastewater disposal by underground injection is the leading management approach that accounts for more than 95% of oil and gasassociated wastewater in the US.4 Underground injection is regulated by the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program, which requires that wastewater from oil and gas production be disposed in Class II injection wells.5 Prior to 2010, majority of the wastewater was sent to municipal or industrial plants for treatment and discharge. These plants were not equipped to handle the waste from oil and gas wells, which resulted in a high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) load, especially in Pennsylvania.4,6 The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) effectively banned discharge of wastewater in 2011 which meant that underground injection for hydraulic fracturing became the main wastewater management option. Since Pennsylvania›s geology does not lend itself to underground injection, only six injection wells exist in the state on contrast to 177 in Ohio and approximately 50,000 in Texas.7 Therefore, most of the PA wastewater needs to be transported to Ohio for disposal in Class II injection wells, which increases the disposal costs substantially. The Marcellus Shale is the largest shale gas resource in the United States.4 The Marcellus formation consists of a considerable portion of black shale, which contains high uranium and thorium levels when compared to other sedimentary formations.8 This results in significant 226Ra and 228Ra levels (decay products from uranium and thorium isotopes) in the flowback water.8 Radium is particularly problematic because, unlike uranium, Ra2+ is soluble in water and is usually present as RaCl2 in flowback water. The halflife of 226Ra and 228Ra are 1600 and 5.75 years, respectively, and 226Ra is the dominant naturally occurring radioactive

material (NORM). While 226Ra decays via alpha decay to Radon gas, 228Ra decays via beta decay to Actinium-228.9 In addition to the problem of ground and surface water contamination, radium exposure to workers in the oil and gas industry can occur by inhalation of radon gas.10,11 Figure 1 depicts a general overview of the wastewater management process in Pennsylvania, especially with respect to radium. The wastewater, which has high total dissolved solids content (TDS > 100,000 ppm), is transported to treatment facilities for reduction in TDS levels via precipitation technologies. The sludge is separated and disposed in specialized landfills. Distillation of the treated water results in a concentrate with up to 25% of TDS and a distilled water product. The concentrate is transported is typically West Virginia or Ohio for disposal in underground wells because, as mentioned before, Pennsylvania as very view underground injection wells. A second important management strategy for wastewater disposal is reuse of flowback water for subsequent hydraulic fracturing jobs. Flowback water is stored in centralized impoundments or storage tanks in order to be reused in a flexible manner. Reusing wastewater is associated with several challenges – 1) high ion concentrations can result in sulfate, carbonate and iron-based scales which impede oil and gas flow, 2) anaerobic bacteria can cause biological fouling, and 3) variations in salinity can compromise formation structure by clay shrinking or swelling.4 In addition, there are logistical issues relating to the timing and transport of water generated at one well to another. Finally, recycling tends to be feasible only when the number of new wells being constructed exceeds those in production. A recent report investigated the fate of 226Ra in three storage impoundments over a 2.5 year period in southwestern Pennsylvania.11 The study revealed that 226Ra increased over this period by 44% when the wastewater in the impoundment was not treated for radium. Furthermore, 226Ra tended to accumulate in the bottom sludge in sufficient levels that required the sludge to be classified as radioactive waste. Radium that is concentrated in this way is referred to as Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Materials (TENORM).12 In 2015, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) published a report on TENORM associated with oil and gas operation in Pennsylvania.13 Thirty eight well sites were sampled during the period June 2013 to July 2014, including thirty four unconventional wells. The median 226Ra level in the flowback water generated from these wells was found to be 4550 pCi/L. In general, majority of the radiation is from 226Ra with the exception of produced water from conventional wells. About 12 and 9% of the radiation is from 228Ra in flowback water and

Petroleum Today - February



fracturing fluid, respectively. The oil and gas industry is therefore being challenged to develop cost-effective radium removal technologies in order to continue fracturing operations in unconventional wells. To date, all technologies for radium removal take place topside and produce radioactive waste that need to be disposed according the regulatory requirement outlines in Table 1. These technologies are summarized in Table 2 and were compiled from data between 1982 and 1995.14 Based on the ranges of waste concentration, underground injection or reuse may be the only options for the liquid waste. Currently, technologies that enable treatment of radium downhole thereby either eliminating radium concentration topside or minimizing radium topside are unheard of. A breakthrough technology enabling capture of radium contaminants downhole can enable significant reduction in topside waste concentrations and therefore simplify waste management operations and reduce expenses in fracking operations. In addition, the technology can enable waste water reusability, as well as limit worker exposure by keeping key contaminants down-hole (Ra 226) in the fractures.

One solution to controlling H2S levels is to use biocides to kill bacteria. This approach will only affect H2S produced by biogenic pathways. The hydrolytic and thermal stability of biocides and their ability to be placed and kept downhole are important to the effectiveness of this approach. Most biocides are severe eye and skin irritants and thus pose an occupational safety hazard.18 A second way to mitigate H2S corrosion is the use of engineering controls such as protective coatings and H2S removal equipment. Chemical treatment of oil and gas topside is another approach to H2S removal although this approach will not protect well casings. A breakthrough technology enabling capture of H2S downhole can mitigate pipeline corrosion and limit worker exposure by keeping key contaminants down-hole (H2S) in the fractures thereby simplifying waste management operations and reducing expenses in fracking operations.

Concept of multifunctional proppants

H2S opportunity

Another problem encountered during production is souring, which refers to an increasing mass of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) per unit mass of total production fluid. Generally speaking, upto less than 3 ppmv of H2S in the liquid phase is considered benign. Well operations and associated processing equipment needs to be maintained within NACE standards to ensure that the partial H2S pressure does not exceed 0.05 psia.15 If H2S levels cannot be maintained within the NACE limit, the well and process equipment may have to be closed out for tubing and wellhead replacement or upgrades. In addition to production loss, these operations can be very expensive. Failure to remove H2S from flowback water and oil can lead to corrosion of casings (sulfide-stress corrosion cracking), mechanical failure, fluid leakage and environmental contamination. Other corrosion mechanisms such as, hydrogen embrittlement (HE), hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) are also known.15,16 Other than corrosion, H2S in oil and flowback water presents an occupational safety problem, and can react with soluble iron to form iron sulfide scales.17 Hydrogen sulfide in oil wells can result from biogenic or non-biogenic sources. Biogenic H2S results from microbial contamination by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) which convert sulfate to H2S in the absence of O2. There are four important non-biogenic pathways that produce H2S in oilfield15 – (1) thermochemical sulfate reduction, (2)

34 Petroleum Today

decomposition of organic sulfur compounds, (3) dissolution of pyritic material and (4) redox reactions involving bisulfite oxygen scavengers. Factors that affect the rate of H2S generation include the nature of the formation (pyrite/ siderite balance), well temperatures and pressure.

- February 2017

Currently resin coated proppants are desirable in hydraulic fracturing of low permeability reservoirs because they can impart a degree of adhesion between particles under proppant which in turn prevents the proppant from being flushed out of the well, a process commonly referred to as flowback. Flowback is undesirable because they lead to closure of the crack and damage to equipment used in the fracturing process. Hence resin coated proppants are typically used in the tail end of the fracture to allow for flowback control (FC). Resin coated proppants can also improve the ability of proppants to withstand closure stresses and can contain/ mitigate fines (fines mitigation or FM) generated from cracking of the proppant substrate thereby resulting in enhancement of conductivity of oil and gas. Known resins used to coat proppants include phenolic resins, furan-based resins, epoxies and polyurethane thermosets. Polyurethane (PU)-based chemistries have a number of advantages over other chemistries such as fast reaction rates, ability to cure at lower temperatures and the lack of need of specialized equipment. The level of resin in polyurethane-coated proppants is typically between 0.5 - 4.0 wt % of the substrate depending on the substrate or the application. In this paper we introduce the concept of adding new functionalities to the resin coated proppants while preserving the primary functionality of the proppants (flowback control, FC or fines mitigation, FM) that can potentially enable (as shown in Figure 2)1. Simplification of the upstream processes

2. Simplify or potential eliminate the need for topside treatment For example, radium present in the flowback water can contaminate the equipment and result in generation of radioactive waste topside that needs to be treated or concentrated (see Figure 2) before disposal via underground injection or specialized landfills. The H2S gas produced downhole can corrode the pipelines and cause extensive equipment damage. This paper describes the preparation and scavenging ability of multi-functional resin coated proppants for Radium removal and H2S capture. In batch experiments, multifunctional resin coated proppants with Radium-capturing abilities (proppant slurried at 20 - 33 wt% in brine) showed 2350 - 24000 pCi Ra-226 capture from synthetic brine /lb proppant used (water containing 5.0 wt% NaCl, 2.6 wt% CaCl2 and/or 0.07 wt% BaCl2 .2H2O spiked with Ra-226). The capture was found to be dependent upon: concentration of salts in brine, initial concentration of Ra-226 (2500 - 35000 pCi/L), brine temperature (7090- °C), and duration of exposure (1h - 1week). Furthermore, proppants were also designed to deliver only Radium contaminant-capturing abilities. In this case, and under same experimental conditions, we observed up to 22000 pCi Radium capture/ lb proppant used. This more economical approach can be used to impart only waste capturing functionality to proppants. This is the first demonstration of truly multifunctional resin coated proppants that successfully capture radium waste from synthetic brine. In batch experiments, multifunctional resin coated proppants for H2S capture (20% proppant slurried in water) showed 66 - 100% capture from water containing 100 ppm [H2S] (initial concentration in liquid phase at equilibrium, experimental capacity demonstrated ~1.1E03 lb S removed/lb proppant used) at 70°C after 1 hour of exposure. Analogous H2S capture experiments in tetradecane solvent (simulated hydrocarbon) showed a slower rate of capture.

Methods Method A for experimental measurement of radium capture

The following procedure was used for R1. Proppant samples were treated with a synthetic brine solution consisting of 5% sodium chloride, 2.6% calcium chloride, 0.07% barium chloride and 1043 pCi/sample of 226Ra. The granular material was suspended in the synthetic brine solutions using a 7 day leach period at 90° C. The brine solution (160 g, 6520 pCi/L) was added to 40 g of the solid granular media in a 500 ml amber glass container. The container was placed in an oven to maintain the temperature at 90°C with occasional agitation through each 24 hour period for a total of 7 days. At

36 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

the end of the mixing period the solid and liquid phases were separated by pressure filtration. Resulting solid and liquid phases were then analyzed for radium 226 activity by high purity gamma spectrometry. The proppant samples were screened prior to testing to determine if any native 226Ra was present as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). No activity was detected above the background. The following procedure was used for R3. Two test solutions containing certified amounts of 226Ra traceable to the National Institutes of Standards and Technologies (NIST). Standard number 0299-H containing 2467 dpm/mL of Ra226 was aliquoted with 1.2 mL to yield a test solution of 1333 pCi/sample. A second higher activity standard was created using 2.5 mL of the same standard yielding a known activity of 2778 pCi/sample. These two standards were added to separate synthetic brine solutions containing 2.6% calcium chloride and 5% sodium chloride. 250 grams of the solid media was added to a one liter amber glass container with 500 mL of the liquid standard solution; this would yield approximately 2700 and 5560 pCi/L radium solutions depending on which standard were used. The container was placed in an oven to maintain the temperature at 70 °C with occasional agitation over a 24 hour period. At the end of the mixing period the solid and liquid phases were separated by vacuum filtration using a 0.45 micron filter. Resulting solid and liquid phases were then analyzed for radium 226 activity by high purity gamma spectrometry.

Method B for experimental measurement of radium capture

The following procedure was used for R2, C1, and R4. Proppant samples were treated with a synthetic brine solution consisting of 5% sodium chloride, 2.6% calcium chloride, 0.07% barium chloride spiked with 226Ra (35 nCi/L). Proppant (90 g) was combined with brine (360 g) in a 1 L glass container. The container was placed in an oven to maintain the temperature at 90°C with occasional agitation periodically. The solid and liquid phases were separated by filtration through a fritted column under gravity and the radium concentrations were measured by high purity germanium gamma spectroscopy. Resulting solid and liquid phases were then analyzed for radium 226 activity by high purity gamma spectrometry.

Method for experimental measurement of H2S capture

Each sand sample (2.0 g coated or uncoated sands) was weighed into a 22-mL headspace GC vial with a stir bar. Deionized water (10 mL) or tetradecane (10 mL) was then added into each vial and sealed with a PTFE lined silicon

crimp cap. Hydrogen sulfide gas (1.5 mL, STP equivalent to 2.28 mg) was injected into the headspace of each vial. The vials were then heated at 70 °C for testing with water and heated at 110°C for testing with tetradecane in an aluminum heating block on top of a stirring hot plate for 1 h, after which the vials were cooled and the H2S concentrations in the headspace of the vials were analyzed by headspace gas chromatography. Two samples were tested for each experiment to ensure repeatability.

Results and Discussion Evaluation of Multifunctional Proppant for Radium capture

Table 3 outlines the results from testing of different multifunctional proppant samples. Samples R1, R2 and C1 were designed with a primary function of fines mitigation (FM) and medium temperature/pressure wells and contained 2% of polyurethane where R1 and R2 contained actives for capturing radium and C1 served as control. Sample R3 contained 3% resin and was designed for flowback control (FC) in addition to radium capture. Sample R4 contained 0.5% resin and was designed for the sole purpose of radium capture with minimal flowback control functionality. Radionuclide capture testing was performed using 20% by cweight of the proppants at 90 °C for entry R1, R2, C1 and R4. The samples were periodically agitated every 812- h. The solid and liquid phases were separated by filtration through a fritted column under gravity and the radium concentrations were measured by high purity germanium gamma spectroscopy. Sample entries R1 and R2 showed capture of about 235024000- pCi/ lb proppant in the presence of BaCl2 depending on initial radium concentration. The control sample prepared without active for capturing radium showed capture of about ~4100 pCi/lb proppant in the presence of BaCl2 (when starting Ra concentration was 35000 pCi/L), which can be attributed to adsorption/absorption of radium in the coating. The sample R3 prepared for flowback control primary functionality showed 7700 pCi/lb proppant capture (at low initial radium concentration 5560 pCi/L) in the absence of BaCl2. The sample R4 prepared for the sole intention of contaminant removal demonstrated 22050 pCi/lb proppant capture from the synthetic brine containing BaCl2. Radium capture was not affected by Na+ and Ca2+ concentration in the brine. High levels of radium capture in the absence of Ba2+ ions (entry R3 vs other samples) indicate strong influence of Ba2+ ions on the Radium capture. The effect of other ions including Sr2+on radium capture was not investigated in this study but is expected to influence radium capture by proppants as well. Kinetic studies for radium measurement performed on one sample in batch experiment indicated that equilibrium was reached within

the first 4 hours of exposure to synthetic brine spiked with Radium. This observation implies that all data presented here refers to equilibrium radium concentration. Radium concentration measured in the supernatant liquid and solid proppant obtained after separation for a particular sample usually added up to 100% indicating good radium balance. The results presented here demonstrate that multifunctional proppants have an experimental capacity of 235024000pCi Ra/lb proppant from well waters downhole depending on initial concentration of Ra-226 in the well water, the chemistry of the well waters (concentration of Ba2+, Sr2+ ions), and brine temperature (7090- °C). This technology has the potential to mitigate/ eliminate radium seen topside thereby simplifying topside treatment of radium. Evaluation of Multifunctional Proppant for H2S capture Eight samples were prepared and evaluated for H2S capture at 70 °C in water and hydrocarbon (Table 4). The effect of coated proppant type (flowback control, FC or fines mitigation, FM), active concentration in the coating, and type of active was investigated. Control polyurethane coated proppants designed for the sole purpose of providing primary functionality showed 17 - 19% H2S capture (0.180.21-E-03 lb S removed/lb proppant used) in water and 6% capture (0.06E-03 lb S removed/lb proppant used) in tetradecane (entries C2 and C3). This may be attributed to physical adsorption/absorption of H2S or inherent solubility of H2S in the polymer. Under these conditions, raw sand captured 20% H2S. Coated proppant for fines mitigation application captured 66% H2S from aqueous phase (entry HS1), where the coating was designed to theoretically capture 2E-03 lb S /lb proppant and about 0.7E-03 lb S capture/lb proppant was observed. Proppant samples corresponding to entries HS25- are intended for low temperature / flowback control applications. Increasing the loading of active agent in the coating resulted in increase in H2S capture in 1 h (88 vs 100%, entries HS2 and HS3). The experimental capacity corresponding to entry HS3 was 0.95E-03 lb S /lb proppant which is 47.5% of the theoretical capacity. In contrast, the experimental capacity corresponding to entry HS2 was >1.08E-03 lb S /lb proppant which is >27% of the theoretical capacity. This observation indicated that the proppant may not be fully saturated and has the capacity to capture more H2S until saturation is attained. Difference in surface modification of the actives had an effect on capture: entry HS4 showed 11% less capture than entry HS3 in 1 h. This observation suggests that surface modification of the active can be used to enhance the rate of H2S capture. Experiments conducted in tetradecane showed a similar trend across coated proppants although the rate of capture was slower. The results presented here demonstrate that multifunctional proppants designed for H2S capture can theoretically be

Petroleum Today - February



designed to capture anywhere from 2-~10E-03 lb S /lb proppant depending on the concentration of the active in the coating. On investigation of coated proppants designed with theoretical H2S removal capacity of 24- E-03 lb S /lb proppant, within 1 hour of capture the maximum experimental capacity of H2S capture was observed to be ~50% (experimental capture of 1E-03 lb S /lb proppant) indicating dependence of capture on type of active/ surface modification of active, coating permeability (HS1 vs HS3), temperature of brine, type of media (aqueous or hydrocarbon), and duration of capture.


Wastewater management is, and will continue to be, an important process as long as hydraulic fracturing is used to extract oil and gas from shale basins. Since the shale formations containing black shale are relatively rich in uranium and thorium ores, radium levels are high in flowback and produced waters. In this paper, we have shown that it is possible to use resin coated proppants to capture radium at different temperatures from bulk solutions containing salts at fairly high concentrations. We demonstrated that multifunctional resin coated proppants with Radiumcapturing abilities in batch experiments (proppant slurried at 2033- wt% in brine) showed 2350 - 24000 pCi Ra-226 capture from synthetic brine /lb proppant used. The capture was found to be dependent upon: concentration of salts in brine, initial concentration of Ra-226 (2500 - 35000 pCi/L), brine temperature (7090- °C), and duration of exposure (1h - 1week). Furthermore, proppants were also designed to deliver only Radium contaminant-capturing abilities. In this case, and under same experimental conditions, we observed up to 35% Radium capture. This more economical approach can be used to impart only waste capturing functionality to proppants. This is the first demonstration of truly multifunctional resin coated proppants that successfully capture radium waste from synthetic brine. We also demonstrated that it is possible to use resin coated proppants to capture H2S from water and hydrocarbons. In batch experiments, multifunctional resin coated proppants for H2S capture (20% proppant slurried in water) showed 66 - 100% capture from water containing 100 ppm [H2S] (initial concentration in liquid phase at equilibrium, experimental capacity demonstrated ~1.1E-03 lb S removed/lb proppant used) at 70°C after 1 hour of exposure. Analogous H2S capture experiments in tetradecane solvent (simulated hydrocarbon) showed a slower rate of capture. The multifunctional proppants for H2S capture presented here can be designed to capture upto 2-~10E-03 lb S / lb proppant. These technologies could enable significant reduction in topside waste concentrations, enable waste water reusability,

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- February 2017

mitigate pipeline corrosion, and limit worker exposure by keeping key contaminants down-hole (Ra 226 or H2S) in the fractures and therefore simplify waste management operations and reduce expenses in fracking operations. These novel technologies still possess desirable primary functions of proppants such as flow back control and fines mitigation.


The authors thank Rajat Duggal, Abhijit Namjoshi, William Koonce, Bob Goltz, and David Babb for helpful discussions. The authors thank Siaka Yousuf for help in performing the radium measurements, and Sweta Somasi for initial help in determining the kinetics of radium capture. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Montgomery, C. T.; Smith, M. B. History of an enduring technology. J. Pet. Technol. 2010, 62, 26 -28, 30 - 32. Hydraulic fracturing: How it works. http://fracfocus.org/ hydraulic-fracturing-process. Report Instructions for the Permits Issued Detail Report. Lutz, B. D.; Lewis, A. N.; Doyle, M. W. Generation, transport, and disposal of wastewater associated with Marcellus Shale gas development. Water Resour. Res. 2013, 49, 647 - 656. Class II Wells - Oil and Gas Related Injection Wells (Class II). http://water.epa.gov/type/ groundwater/uic/class2/index.cfm. Warner, N. R.; Christie, C. A.; Jackson, R. B.; Vengosh, A. Impacts of Shale Gas Wastewater Disposal on Water Quality in Western Pennsylvania. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47, 11849 - 11857. Unconventional Oil And Gas Development: Key environmental and public health requirements for Office, U. S. G. A.2012. Rowan, E. L.; Engle, M. A.; Kirby, C. S.; Kraemer, T. F. Radium content of oil- and gas-field produced waters in the northern Appalachian basin (USA): summary and discussion of data 2011. Landsberger, S.; Brabec, C.; Canion, B.; Hashem, J.; Lu, C.; Millsap, D.; George, G. Determination of 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb in NORM products from oil and gas exploration: Problems in activity underestimation due to the presence of metals and selfabsorption of photons. J. Environ. Radioact. 2013, 125, 23 - 26. Steinhaeusler, F. Radiological impact on man and the environment from the oil and gas industry: Risk assessment for the critical group. NATO Sci. Ser., IV 2004, 41, 129 - 134. Zhang, T.; Hammack, R. W.; Vidic, R. D. Fate of Radium in Marcellus Shale Flowback Water Impoundments and Assessment of Associated Health Risks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 9347 - 9354. Technologically-Enhanced, Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials. http://www.epa.gov/ radiation/tenorm/. 13. Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) Study Report for Perma-Fix Environmental Services Inc.: Harrisburg, PA2015. A regulators’ guide to the management of radioactive residuals from drinking water treatment technologies2005. Eden, B.; Laycock, P. L.; Fielder, M. Oilfield Reservoir Souring for Executive, H. a. S.1993. Brondel, D.; Edwards, R.; Hayman, A.; Hill, D.; Mehta, S.; Semerad, T. Corrosion in the Oil Industry. Oilfield Review1994. Nasr-El-Din, H. A.; Al-Humaidan, A. Y.: Iron Sulfide Scale: Formation, Removal and Prevention. In nternational Symposium on Oilfield Scale; Society of Petroleum Engineers: Aberdeen, UK, 2001. Kahrilas, G. A.; Blotevogel, J.; Stewart, P. S.; Borch, T. Biocides in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids: A Critical Review of Their Usage, Mobility, Degradation, and Toxicity. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 16 - 32.

Figure 1—Schematic description of frack wastewater treatment process.

Figure 2—Schematic diagram introducing the concept of multifunctionality

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- February 2017

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- February 2017

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Comparative Analysis for IPR in Vertical and Horizontal Gas Reservoirs Ψ By

Adel Salem, Petroleum Eng. Dept., Suez University, Suez, Egypt and Shedid A. Shedid, American University in Cairo (AUC), Cairo, Egypt



flow only, highlighting the need for separate IPRs.

Horizontal wells have been applied all over the world because of their high productivity. The well performance of these wells has not been well-defined yet. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to evaluate the well performance of horizontal wells and compare it to that one of vertical wells.

Using the same drainage areas and similar fluid properties, the well productivity and Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) for both vertical and horizontal wells are evaluated and compared for steady-state flow of compressible and incompressible fluids. Current models for both types of vertical and horizontal wells are evaluated to stress their strengths and weaknesses. The replacement ratio of horizontal well to vertical well are calculated. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis are performed on common variables to compare and evaluate vertical and horizontal well flow equations

1. Introduction

An inflow performance relationship (IPR) relates the well production rate as a function of the drawdown pressure and gives a comprehensive understanding of what the reservoir can deliver into the well at a specific time [ 1].

Horizontal wells are becoming increasingly popular and economically viable with technological improvements [ 4] and new analytical equations and correlations are constantly being developed in order to fully characterise reservoir performance. A quantitative comparison using various new models and correlations as well as industry standards should be performed in order to determine the model which best describes steady state flow in both horizontal and vertical wells. Moreover, as the difference between the cost and performance of a vertical or horizontal well in the same reservoir will be very different [ 5] well orientation is often a difficult decision faced by many companies. To aid in this, a replacement ratio of horizontal well to vertical well will be calculated. A sensitivity analysis of key fluid and rock properties common to the models will also be examined in order to determine and quantify the dominating factor to the calculation of both horizontal and vertical IPRs. This study investigates steady-state flow in horizontal and vertical wells for compressible flow.

Bendakhlia and Aziz [ 2] (1989) showed that using an IPR developed for a vertical well gave unsatisfactory results for horizontal well flow which should have its own specifically derived IPR.

Single and multi-phased compressible and incompressible fluids in horizontal and vertical steadystate flow are characterised quite differently, as the reservoir behaves differently in each flow regime. Single-phased flow IPRs are characterised using analytical methods for both vertical and horizontal flow [ 6]. These analytic formulae are vital for predicting the productivity of both horizontal and vertical wells and aid the decision making process and development of a reservoir [ 4].

Furui, Zhu and Hill [ 3] (2003) also noted that the drainage pattern and flow geometry of horizontal and vertical wells were different. A horizontal well was more likely to have radial flow near the wellbore and linear flow away from the wellbore while a vertical well was most likely to have radial

Two-phased flow however, is characterised by correlations rather than analytical methods because of complexities which include the treatment of relative permeability [ 7] and composition and phase change which occurs with reservoir depletion, which are not easily modelled [ 8].

The inflow performance of horizontal and vertical wells is characterised by different IPRs.

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- February 2017

1.1. 1.1. Background Background Theory Theory

Numerous Numerous literatures literatures is is available available on on thethe IPRs IPRs forfor both both horizontal horizontal andand vertical vertical wells wells with with much much of of thethe literature literature focused focused on on thethe creation creation of analytical of analytical models models or correlations or correlations to to model model horizontal horizontal well well productivity productivity under under particular particular reservoir reservoir andand flow flow conditions. conditions. As As thethe useuse of horizontal of horizontal wells wells became became more more common, common, studies studies on on horizontal horizontal well well deliverability deliverability andand thethe formation formation of of horizontal horizontal IPRs IPRs have have alsoalso become become more more widespread widespread with with industry industry standards standards such such as Joshi as Joshi [ 9][ (1988) 9] (1988) andand Cheng Cheng [ 10] [ 10] (1990) (1990) coming coming under under examination[ examination[ 11].11]. Vertical Vertical wells wells however, however, have have been been well well established established within within thethe industry industry forfor much much longer longer andand a great a great body body of work of work hashas been been reported reported on on thethe calculation calculation of aofvertical a vertical IPRIPR [ 6]. [ 6]. ForFor example example thethe equation equation derived derived by by Vogel Vogel equation equation [ 12] [ 12] (1968) (1968) forfor vertical, vertical, twotwo phased phased flow, flow, hashas become become an an accepted accepted industry industry standard standard forfor inflow inflow performance performance calculation calculation andand so so is one is one of the of the models models chosen chosen forfor comparison. comparison.

andand Economides Economides [ 16] [ 16] (1991). (1991). Although Althoughstudies studiesquantifying quantifyingthethedifference differencebetween between horizontal horizontal andand vertical vertical IPRs IPRs forfor a particular a particular field field or area or area areare useful, useful, they they cannot cannot be be applied applied to to all all reservoirs reservoirs across across thethe field. field. Instead, Instead, they they areare applicable applicable only only if the if the properties properties of of reservoir reservoir in question in question match match those those of of thethe reservoir reservoir studied. studied. This This problem problem is addressed is addressed by by Mukherjee Mukherjee andand Economides Economides [ 16] [ 16] (1991). (1991). They They examined examined several several scenarios scenarios including including comparing comparinga afully fullycompleted completedhorizontal horizontalwell wellwith witha a fractured fractured vertical vertical well well in ainlow a low permeability permeability reservoir reservoir andand thethe performance performance of aofhydraulically a hydraulically fractured fractured horizontal horizontal well well to that to that of aofhydraulically a hydraulically fractured fractured vertical vertical well. well. Mukherjee Mukherjee andand Economides Economides (1991) (1991) concluded concluded thatthat horizontal horizontal wells wells areare preferable preferable to vertical to vertical wells wells in most in most cases cases assuming assuming an an idealized idealized vertical vertical isotropic isotropic medium. medium.

However, However, in ainreservoir a reservoir with with reasonable reasonable vertical vertical anisotropy anisotropy > 1.5) andand lowlow permeability permeability (≤ (≤ 0.10.1 md)md) a hydraulically a hydraulically (Iani(I>ani1.5) Well Well productivity productivity estimation estimation is still is still a challenge, a challenge, especially especially fractured fractured vertical vertical well well is preferable. is preferable. with with two-phased two-phased flow flow [ 13] [ 13] andand models models calculating calculating horizontal horizontal AllAll of the of the above-reviewed above-reviewed studies studies assumed assumed thatthat thethe pressure pressure andand vertical vertical IPRs IPRs areare frequently frequently being being produced produced to to better better gradient gradient though though thethe horizontal horizontal partpart of aofhorizontal a horizontal well well waswas describe describe reservoir reservoir flow. flow. These These models models should should be be under under negligible negligible in order in order to simplify to simplify their their theoretical theoretical models. models. In In constant constant revision revision andand compared compared with with those those commonly commonly used used reality, reality, thisthis is not is not thethe case case andand cancan be be seen seen in in production production within within industry. industry. This This is performed is performed by by Kamkom Kamkom andand ZhuZhu [ [ logs logs as as reported reported by by Folefac Folefac et al et [al17] [ 17] (1991) (1991) who who found found 11]11] (2006) (2006) which which looked looked at “Generalised at “Generalised Horizontal Horizontal Well Well thatthat thisthis assumption assumption often often ledled to the to the over over prediction prediction of of thethe Inflow Inflow Relationships Relationships forfor Liquid, Liquid, GasGas or or Two-Phase Two-Phase Flow” Flow” productivity productivity index index andand deliverability deliverability of of horizontal horizontal wells. wells. andand adjusted adjusted various various correlations correlations in order in order to better to better describe describe This This issue issue is also is also addressed addressed by by Shedid Shedid andand Zekri Zekri [ 18] [ 18] (2005) (2005) reservoir reservoir flow. flow. TheThe same same procedure procedure willwill be be applied applied andand thethe who who calculated calculated horizontal horizontal well well performance performance experimentally, experimentally, adjusted adjusted correlations correlations by by Kamkom Kamkom andand ZhuZhu [ 11] [ 11] (2006) (2006) andand thereby thereby eliminating eliminating thethe assumption assumption of aofnegligible a negligible pressure pressure others others willwill be compared be compared to those to those commonly commonly used used in industry. in industry. gradient gradient along along horizontal horizontal wells wells in in common common theoretical theoretical 1.1.1. 1.1.1. Productivity Productivity of Horizontal of Horizontal andand Vertical Vertical Wells Wells models. models. TheThe comparison comparison of the of the productivity productivity of horizontal of horizontal andand vertical vertical 1.1.2. 1.1.2. Effect Effect of Well of Well andand Rock/Fluid Rock/Fluid Properties Properties wells wells hashas been been reported reported by by several several authors, authors, each each with with specific specific A. A. Vertical Vertical Wells Wells with with Compressible Compressible Fluid Fluid TheThe IPRIPR forfor a a reservoir reservoir conditions. conditions. ForFor a thin a thin oil oil zone, zone, Kossack Kossack andand Kleppe Kleppe vertical vertical well well depends depends on on thethe number number of phases of phases present present either either [ 5][ (1987) 5] (1987) concluded concluded thatthat a horizontal a horizontal well well exhibited exhibited much much forfor compressible compressible (a gas) (a gas) or slightly or slightly compressible compressible (water (water andand better better performance performance than than a conventional a conventional vertical vertical well well if the if the oil).oil). horizontal horizontal well well length length waswas more more than than 1500 1500 ft. ft. TheThe steady-state steady-state relationship relationship based based on on Darcy’s Darcy’s lawlaw [ 21] [ 21] forfor Fleming Fleming [ 14] [ 14] (1993) (1993) compared compared thethe performance performance of vertical of vertical an an incompressible incompressible fluid fluid cancan be be adjusted adjusted forfor a compressible a compressible andand horizontal horizontal IPRs IPRs using using data data from from a reservoir a reservoir within within thethe fluid, fluid, by by using using an an average average gasgas formation formation volume volume factor factor Piceance Piceance Basin Basin of Colorado. of Colorado. Hashemi Hashemi andand Gringarten Gringarten [ 13] [ 13] (2005) (2005) alsoalso hadhad similar similar results results when when they they compared compared thethe production production of of a horizontal a horizontal well well to that to that of of a non-stimulated a non-stimulated (1)(1) vertical vertical well well in in a gas-condensate a gas-condensate reservoir reservoir found found thatthat horizontal horizontal wells wells increase increase productivity productivity in in drydry gasgas systems systems This average gasgas formation volume factor is aisfunction of of This average formation volume factor a function andand enhance enhance productivity productivity even even further further below below thethe dew dew point. point. both pressure andand temperature, resulting in in a Darcy’s gasgas both pressure temperature, resulting a Darcy’s Dashti, Dashti, Mar Mar andand Kabir Kabir [ 15] [ 15] (2001) (2001) however, however, found found thatthat a a well deliverability of of well deliverability horizontal horizontal does does notnot always always offer offer higher higher productivity productivity andand (2)(2) looked looked at the at the high high permeability permeability andand high high anisotropy anisotropy Burgan Burgan Third Third Middle Middle Sand Sand reservoir reservoir in in Kuwait Kuwait where where production production This approximation is only acceptable small flow approximation is only acceptable forfor small gasgas flow waswas tubing-constrained, tubing-constrained, meaning meaning thatthat “deliverability “deliverability at the at the This rates Equation assumes only Darcy flow occurs as as Equation (2)(2) assumes thatthat only Darcy flow occurs sandface sandface overwhelmed overwhelmed thatthat at at thethe surface, surface, regardless regardless of of rates Equation is often written Equation (2)(2) is often written as as orientation”. orientation”. This This sentiment sentiment is also is also expressed expressed by by Mukherjee Mukherjee [1].[1].

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(3) Fetkovich [22] (1973) showed that where non-Darcy flow was evident, such as for large flow rates, Equation (3) should be adjusted to (4) where 0.5 < n <1 and is determined by fitting the data on a logarithmic curve [19] (Akhimiona & Wiggins, 2005). A more accurate model to characterise the gas deliverability of a vertical gas well was developed by Aronofsky and Jenkins [23] (1954) who utilised the Forchheimer equation of flow and developed the time-dependant IPR

(5) Where D is the non-Darcy flow coefficient and rd is the effective drainage radius as defined by Aronofsky and Jenkins [23] (1954) as

The IPR of a horizontal gas well is commonly found by adjusting the model used to find the horizontal oil well deliverability as presented in Kamkom and Zhu [11] (2006) where Furui, Zhu and Hill’s model [3] (2003) for gas wells is adjusted to take into account the varying formation volume factor which is a function of pressure and temperature, and the non-Darcy flow effects due to the high velocity flow usually typical of gas wells.

(9) Note that the gas viscosity and the gas compressibility are average values which are taken at average pressure. Akhimiona and Wiggins [19] (2005) analysed the pressure rate performance of horizontal gas wells using a threedimensional finite difference reservoir simulator for various reservoir and wellbore conditions and then fit a curve to the data to obtain an IPR. They found that plotting the data in terms of pressure-squared gave the best coefficient of fit with Equation 10 giving a concave curve

(6) Where tD is the time dependence of the relationship and is


2. Simulator Description (7) Note that Equation (5) is only time dependant until . The non-Darcy flow coefficient, D can be approximated by the empirical relationship found in Economides, Hill and Ehlig-Economides [1] (1994)

(8) Where ks is the near wellbore permeability in md, γ is the gas gravity, h and hperf are the net and perforation thicknesses in feet and μ is the gas viscosity in cP. B. Horizontal Wells with Compressible Fluid Horizontal wells are considered most effective in thin reservoirs as they increase the wellbore contact area with the reservoir, reservoirs with good vertical permeability and those which have water or gas coning problems [20]. The IPR for horizontal wells differ from that of vertical wells with two major differences. Firstly, flow regimes and secondly anisotropy. These added differences make horizontal well performance more difficult to determine analytically.

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- February 2017

The software package used Petroleum Production Systems (PPS) is a comprehensive software package which aims to “aid production engineers in performing design and diagnosis for oil and gas well production” [25]. The software package is primarily based on theory presented in the book, Petroleum Production Systems, by Economides, Hill, and Ehlig-Economides [1] (1994) but also includes calculations from other sources. The PPS software package contains eight modules as shown in Figure 1 which are Fluid Properties

Reservoir Inflow

Skin Calculation

Flow in Pipes

Well testing



Artificial Lift

The gas IPR can be calculated using a pseudo-pressure relationship, m(pwf), or a pressure-squared, (pwf)2 relationship. For consistency, the pressure squared relationship was chosen as this is the form that pressure takes in both our vertical and horizontal analytic models.

2.1. Evaluations and Comparison of the Performance of Vertical and Horizontal Wells

The evaluation of horizontal and vertical wells is made using the analytical models and empirical correlations.

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Petroleum Production Systems (PPS), a comprehensive petroleum software package is also used to calculate IPRs for comparison. The IPRs calculated by both the models and PPS will be compared using Microsoft Excel, a simple spreadsheet program.

Base Case

Base case simulations and calculations were performed using the default input data values given by the PPS software with all variable used for each case. Base case simulations were run for vertical and horizontal wells in

Vertical Well Base Cases with a Compressible Fluid

Darcy’s analytical solution which models Darcy flow in a gas well and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ [23] (1954) equation which models non-Darcy flow is compared to both Darcy and non-Darcy flow in PPS as shown in Figure 2. Both Darcy’s [21] and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ [23] models require the assumption of an average viscosity for the entirety of the reservoir. Darcy’s equation also requires the assumption of an average compressibility factor, both of which would introduce an element of error into the calculations. In order to calculate the average viscosity, empirical correlations by Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows [24] (1954) were used. The average compressibility factor for the base case gas reservoir was found using an empirical correlation developed by Standing and Katz [26] (1942). Aronofsky and Jenkins’ [23] equation also requires the calculation of the perforations height which was assumed to be half of the reservoir net thickness. On comparison, Darcy’s model in Equation (2) and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ model in Equation (5) are identical except for the non-Darcy flow factor, Dq, contained in Aronofsky and Jenkins’ equation. This is reflected in Figure 2 with both Darcy’s model and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ model giving very similar flow rates, with Aronofsky and Jenkins giving slightly higher flow rates, consistent with its inclusion of the non-Darcy flow factor, Dq. It is also noted in Figure 2 that, the IPRs from the PPS simulator are significantly higher than those calculated using analytical solutions.

Horizontal Well Base Cases with a Compressible Fluid

The horizontal well base case in a gas reservoir is compared and computed using Kamkom and Zhu’s [7] equation, Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation and the results of the PPS simulator with non-Darcy flow. To calculate an IPR for a horizontal gas well, PPS uses an adjusted Joshi’s equation for a compressible fluid which is given by

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(11) This Equation (also incorporates the non-Darcy flow coefficient, D which takes into account the effects of turbulence. Joshi’s equation for a horizontal gas well was also used in Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation as it requires the calculation of the absolute open flow (AOF). A comparison of these models is shown in Figure 3, where a great deal of variation in the IPRs calculated can be seen. Differing models give entirely different flow rates, highlighting the inconsistencies of differing models in characterising horizontal gas flow. Figure also shows that the curvature of Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation is not entirely concave which is typical of all other IPRs but instead, goes from convex at pressures close to initial pressure to concave at AOF. When modelling a horizontal gas well, the turbulence effects can be treated as negligible. This is because as seen in Equation (11), the turbulence effects, Dq, is multiplying by the scaling ratio , reducing the pressure drop from the near-wellbore turbulence [1]. It can also be seen that the flow rate of the horizontal well is far greater than the flow of the vertical well in the base cases gas reservoir. This is generally the case for most reservoirs but there will be a length at which the productivity from a vertical well will meet that of a horizontal well in the base case reservoir.

Evaluation of Key Well, Fluid and Rock Variables

A sensitivity analysis was performed on the key well, fluid and rock properties which are: • horizontal well length, L • Oil viscosity, μ • Formation thickness, h • Formation isotropy,


• Skin, s Each variable was changed in certain domain and an IPR calculated in order to study the magnitude of the change on the vertical and horizontal IPR models, with the appropriate base case used as a standard benchmark. The models used in the base case simulation were again employed to calculate IPRs in the sensitivity analysis, changing the variables listed above, over the range shown in Table 1. For comparison, the AOF for each IPR calculated were plotted for each model to better compare the behaviour of the models in the sensitivity analysis. This is a valid way

of comparing different models as the sensitivity analysis has shown that the inherent curvature of each IPR is maintained, independent of the variable that is changed. In this way, the IPR for each model can be summarised in a single plot in either a horizontal or vertical well, making comparison of the models much easier.

Horizontal Well Length in an Gas Well

The horizontal well length was varied from 100 to 3000 ft. Changing the length of the horizontal region of the wellbore only affects flow in horizontal wells. The horizontal wellbore length is varied for each model, with the general trend of an increase in horizontal wellbore length gives an increase in production displayed by all curves. The shape of the IPR was also found to be independent of wellbore length for all fluid types, which is consistent with finding by Akhimiona and Wiggins [19] (2005). Varying the horizontal wellbore length results in different behaviour with different models used characterising horizontal gas flow as seen in Figure 4. Kamkom and Zhu’s [7] equation can be seen to give a linear relationship which can be attributed to the equation seen in Equation (9). Kamkom and Zhu’s [7] equation has wellbore length, L, located on the numerator and so an increase in wellbore length will always correspond to a proportional increase in flow rate. This is contrasted to Akhimiona and Wiggins’ model [19] and PPS which shows a non-linear relationship which has a decreasing AOF until a wellbore length of 500 ft and then an increasing AOF with increasing wellbore length. As an empirical model, Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation requires the calculation of the AOF, qo,max using an equation which models horizontal gas flow. This is done using Joshi’s equation for horizontal gas flow as given in Equation (11) which is also employed by PPS to calculate a horizontal gas IPR, explaining why both models have similar behaviour. It can be seen in Joshi’s equation for horizontal gas flow that the wellbore length, L, does not have a linear relationship with flow rate, resulting in a non-uniform increase or decrease in the AOF with a regular increase in horizontal wellbore length. When examining results of Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation in Figure 4, an unusually large increase in AOF when increasing the horizontal wellbore length from 2000 ft to 3000 ft can be clearly noted. Although seemingly large, the value given by Akhimiona and Wiggins is consistent with the value given by Kamkom and Zhu’s equation but is much higher than that calculated by PPS.

Gas Viscosity

Gas viscosity was varied between 0.005 – 0.09 cP. This range

was determined using gas viscosity empirical correlations by Carr, Kobayashi and Burrows [24] (1954). This required the calculation of pseudo-critical and pseudo-reduced temperature and pressures and for ease of calculation, we assume the reservoir pressure and gas gravity was constant. This means that we have a constant pseudo-critical pressure and pseudo-reduced pressure as well as a constant composition. Therefore, the corresponding temperature for each viscosity was found and is given in Table 2. The values in Table 2: were then used to calculate IPRs both horizontal and vertical gas wells. The AOF values for different models used to describe vertical oil flow can be seen in Figure 5. It can be seen that both Aronofsky and Jenkins’ and Darcy’s models for vertical gas flow give the expected exponential relationship with decreasing viscosity but PPS does not. It can be concluded that although the calculated temperatures and pressures correspond to the same viscosities, changing the reservoir temperature does not give the same expected exponential behaviour. This is because back-calculating a change in viscosity to a change in temperature and pressure introduces large amounts of error into the calculation. Figure 5 shows that both Darcy’s and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ [23] models give very similar results. When examining the models, we find that Aronofsky and Jenkins’ equation gives AOF values approximately 50 MSCF/day higher than those calculated by Darcy for viscosity values above the base case viscosity of µ = 0.0241 cP. For viscosities less than µ = 0.0241 cP, Darcy›s flow giving much higher AOF values than Aronofsky and Jenkins› equation. From the results of varying viscosity alone, we are unable to determine whether either Darcy›s equation or Aronofsky and Jenkins› equation is more accurate. The same exponential relationship between viscosity and flow rate is also seen when modelling flow in a horizontal gas well as shown in Figure 6 with the exception of the AOF rates calculated by PPS. This is again due to the error introduced when back-calculating from viscosity to temperature and pressure. Although the same exponential relationship can be seen with both Kamkom and Zhu [11] and Akhimiona and Wiggins› [19] models they give very different AOF rates. The AOF given by Kamkom and Zhu is much higher than those calculated by Akhimiona and Wiggins› equation with the difference increasing at lower viscosities, highlighting the variance in results given by different horizontal models.

Formation Thickness in an Gas Reservoir

For all cases in all fluids, reservoir formation thickness was varied between 50 and 450 ft. An increase in formation thickness increases the pay zone and the area open to flow, corresponding to an increase in IPR and therefore AOF. This hypothesis is

Petroleum Today - February



consistent with all results, independent of fluid type. Using Darcy’s equation, Aronofsky and Jenkins’ [23] equations and PPS to calculate vertical gas IPRs gives results as shown in Figure 7. Similar to Darcy’s equation for oil flow, all models used to describe vertical gas flow show a positive linear relationship between formation thickness and the AOF. Note the AOF calculated by Aronofsky and Jenkins is slightly higher than those given by Darcy’s method as they take into account the non-Darcy component of gas flow. The PPS gives higher flow rates with both Darcy and nonDarcy flow than the flow rates calculated using analytical equations. In all cases, the linearly proportional relationship between flow rate and formation thickness in vertical gas flow can be attributed to a linear relationship in the relevant equation. A horizontal well in a gas reservoir does not give the same linearly proportion behaviour with varying formation thickness as seen for a vertical gas well. Instead, as formation thickness increases, flow rate increases in decreasing increments which can be seen by all models when comparing the AOF in Figure 8. The flow rates calculated by Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] and PPS plateau at approximately 300 ft, which suggests that after this thickness, an increase in formation thickness does not significantly increase the flow rate or productivity of the well. Although PPS gives consistently higher flow rates than those given by Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation, they are of the same magnitude with values close enough to each other to make either method preferable to Kamkom and Zhu’s [7] equation for calculating the IPR for horizontal well in a gas reservoir. This is because there is a huge discrepancy in AOF rates calculated between Kamkom and Zhu’s equation and both Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation and PPS with Kamkom and Zhu giving unrealistically high flow rates. This occurs at all formation thickness but becomes more pronounced as formation thickness increases.

Anisotropy Ratio in a Gas Reservoir

In order to vary the anisotropy ratio, it is assumed that vertical permeability, kV, is constant at the base case value and vary horizontal permeability kH. Although the permeability anisotropy ratio is the same for all fluid types, as permeability varies for a gas reservoir and oil or twophase reservoir two separate tables of permeability cases are required. For gas flow, Table 3 includes anisotropy and permeability values used in gas IPR equation. For a vertical gas well, both Darcy’s and Aronofsky and Jenkins’ equations employ permeability, k, to calculate IPRs This results in a positive linear relationship between both Darcy’s and Aranofsky and Jenkins’ equations and

52 Petroleum Today

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anisotropy ratio is evident in Figure 9. Note that in order to vary the anisotropy ratio, the permeability values from Table 3 are used. When comparing Aronofsky and Jenkins’ equation to Darcy’s equation for a vertical gas IPR, it can be seen that both have a similar flow rate with Aronofsky and Jenkins having slightly higher AOF values with a maximum difference of approximately 50 STB/d. This is most likely due to the effect of non-Darcy flow. The results given by PPS for Darcy and non-Darcy flow are non-linear as seen in Figure 9. As previously seen in both the base case and sensitivity analysis, the flow rates calculated by PPS are significantly higher than those calculated using analytical equation. The AOF results of different models for a horizontal gas well can be shown in Figure 10. Again, different models give different flow rates and trends with varying anisotropy ratio. Kamkom and Zhu’s [7] model in Figure 10 is observed to be linear relationship with flow rate, but upon closed inspection and examining Kamkom and Zhu’s equation in Equation (9), a slight difference in flow rate can be seen as the anisotropy ratio changes. A stronger non-linear relationship can be seen by both PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation. As seen in Figure , at low anisotropy ratios PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation gives similar flow rates but as anisotropy ratio increases, the flow rates diverge. This may be because both PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation employ Joshi›s equation for horizontal gas flow in Equation 11 to calculate flow rate. It should also be noted that although all the models describing horizontal gas flow employ anisotropy ratio, they also use another closely related variable in the numerator of the IPR equation. For example, Kamkom and Zhu,s equation uses permeability, k, on the numerator whereas Joshi,s equation for horizontal gas flow which is used both PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins’ uses horizontal permeability, kH, on the numerator which could also be a factor in the differing flow rates.

Skin in a Gas Reservoir

Skin is a dimensionless number which represents a pressure drop in the near-wellbore region and is usually caused by a distortion of the flow lines or a restriction to flow. One way of distorting the flow-lines is through damage to the reservoir’s natural permeability and therefore the effects of a positive skin can be seen to be similar to the effects of a reduction in permeability. A negative skin however, means that the pressure drop in the near well-bore region is smaller

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than normal and improves flow. In this paper, skin is varied for all cases between -7 and +7. The skin effect in a horizontal well, s’eq, is characteristic of the shape of damage in horizontal wells and takes into account the permeability anisotropy and the likelihood of larger damage penetration nearest to the vertical section [1]. The IPR of a vertical gas well with varying skin can be calculated using Darcy’s model Aronofsky and Jenkins’ model and PPS and are the AOF of which are shown in Figure 11. All models show approximately the same behaviour of an increasing flow rate as skin decreases. For positive skin values, Aronofsky and Jenkins’ model giving slightly higher flow rates than Darcy›s model with a maximum difference of approximately 50 MSCF/day. At large negative skin values (s = -7), Darcy’s equation gives 65% higher results. PPS however, gives flow rates which consistently give higher values than both analytic models. For horizontal gas flow, both PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins› equation utilise Joshi’s equation for horizontal gas flow in Equation (11) which in its original form does not account for skin effects. However, Economides, Hill & Ehlig-Economides [1] (1994) includes the effect of skin by adding the damage skin effect within the second set of brackets in the denominator as shown below in Equation (12)


The modified Joshi,s equation is then employed by both PPS and Akhimiona and Wiggins, [19] model for calculating flow in a horizontal gas well. It is immediately obvious from Figure e 12 that Akhimiona and Wiggins’ [19] equation model gives very large flow rates for large negative skin values. For example, Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation gives a maximum flow rate of over 2 million MSCF/day for a skin value of, s = -7 which for the inputs used, is and, for the variables used, can be seen to be unrealistic. From this we can conclude that Akhimiona and Wiggins’ equation is only applicable for positive skin and low values of negative skin. The large flow rates given by Kamkom and Zhu’s [11] equation can be eliminated by removing large negative skin values and plotting Figure over a reduced range as seen in Figure 12. For positive skin values and low negative skin values, it can be seen that the three models still generate very different results. Kamkom and Zhu,s equation gives an approximately linear relationship between flow rate and skin over a 2000 MSCF/d range. PPS follows a similar shape, with slightly more curvature but gives lower flow

54 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

rates whereas Akhimiona and Wiggins’ model gives an approximately exponential relationship over a much larger range of flow rates. The AOF results for a horizontal gas well with varying skin again differs when different models are used, once more highlighting the inability of current flow models to accurately characterise horizontal flow.


A comprehensive evaluation of inflow performance relationship (IPR) for both vertical and horizontal well have been achieved and the following conclusions are drawn: 1. All models of compressible and incompressible fluid under steady-state flow condition have been evaluated and compared for both vertical and horizontal wells. 2. The vertical and horizontal wells’ analysis performed has highlighted the inconsistency of current models in characterising horizontal well flow. 3. The effects of flowing viscosity, reservoir anisotropy, formation thickness, horizontal well length, skin factor, and other parameters have been evaluated. 4. The proposed reservoir model has been found to have severe effect on the predicted IPR results for horizontal wells and has no effect for vertical ones. 5. The rock anisotropy has shown an influential impact on result as values for both vertical and horizontal wells.


Figure 1: The PPS opening screen box with modules

Figure 4: Horizontal gas AOF with varying horizontal wellbore length

Figure 2: Comparison of vertical gas well IPRs

Figure 5: Vertical gas AOF with varying viscosity

Figure 3: Comparison of horizontal gas well IPRs

Figure 6: Horizontal gas AOF with varying viscosity

Petroleum Today - February



Figure 7: Vertical Gas AOF with varying formation thickness

Figure 10: Horizontal gas AOF with varying anisotropy ratio

Figure 8: Horizontal gas AOF with varying formation thickness

Figure 11: Vertical gas AOF with varying skin

Figure 9: Vertical gas AOF with varying anisotropy ratio

Figure 12: Horizontal gas AOF with varying skin

56 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

Figure 13: Horizontal gas AOF over a reduced range of skin

Table 1: Base case values and range of values for sensitivity analysis



Base Case

Cases Investigated

Horizontal Well Length (ft)


100 to 3000



0.1 to 4

Viscosity (cP)


0.005 to 0.09



-7 to 7

Formation thickness (ft)


50 to 450

Table 2: The temperatures and viscosity ranges used in this study













































Table 3: Range of permeability anisotropy ratios used

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Case 6

Case 7

Case 8

Case 9

Case 10














































Sandvikis a world leader in sulphur solidification and handling plantshaving delivered complete end-to-end systems from receipt of molten sulphur to transport loading of solid material to hundreds of companies around the globe since 1951. Today, the company manufactures equipment forsulphur degassing, molten truck and rail car loading, block pouring, remelting, a full range of sulphur solidification, downstream storage and reclamation, as well as bulk loading for truck, rail and ships. In terms of solidification, Sandvik provides systems to meet all throughput requirements. The well-known Rotoform, designed for small to mid-size capacity requirements, offers unrivalled product uniformity and environmentally friendly operation. Sandvik’sRotoform remains the most widely used process for the production of

58 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

premium quality pastillesinternationally. Where higher capacity is required, the company’s RS-1500™ drum system is a fully automated, once through,sulphur granulation process based on rotating drum technology. The revolutionary method of forming the seeds externally from the drum allows for higher operational availability and tighter control of the particle size distribution. With a nominal throughput rate to 65 mtph, this is the highest capacity granulation unit available in the market. Sandvik has supplied more than 700 sulphur forming units around the world and has offices in over 130 countries for efficient customer support. Sulphur production and agricultural fertilizers Elemental sulphur is the primary ingredient in sulphuric acid, the world’s most widely used chemical, and an essential

plant nutrient widely used in agricultural fertilizers. Sulphur is considered to be the fourth major nutrient behind nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. However, as it is hydrophobic in solid form, it takes time to break down to a state whereby bacteria can process it into sulphates needed for plant nutrition. One way to expedite this breakdown is to add bentonite clay, which expands 3 to 5 times its size on contact with water. Sandvik has delivered a number of systems that include in-line mixing to enable the production of sulphur bentonite in pastille form. This can be further enhanced by adding zinc, copper, boron or other micronutrients to the mix, delivering new, value added fertilizers for specific applications.

Minimizing Flow-Assurance issues with cost-effective MEG regeneration and reclamation technology For ENI’s JANGKRIK Project, PROSERNAT was awarded in 2014 for the design and supply of an integrated monoethylene glycol (MEG) regeneration and reclamation module, to be installed onto a FPU located offshore Borneo in Indonesia. This unit will be used to purify MEG that will be injected at the wellhead to inhibit formation of hydrates and resultant freeze-up of the subsea flowlines, due to the higher glycol and lower water content. It will treat the mixture of MEG, salts and f produced water (condensation & formation water) returning to the FPU. This scheme allows the complete removal of salts and a recovery of the MEG up to 99.5%. The extracted salts will be unloaded into containers for further treatment onshore. According to PROSERNAT design, integrating the two functions of regeneration and salt reclaiming, led to 30% savings in capex and opex compared to other conventional designs. Other benefits, PROSERNAT claims that integrated scheme: ■ Reduces risk of corrosion of both subsea and onshore pipelines ■ Significantly reduces fouling and scaling of the overall MEG loop The Jangkrik module, weighing 408 Tons, was adapted into a compact design which measures 11.5 m wide x 13 m long by 14 m high in order to fit into the narrow available space

60 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

onboard the FPU. It is designed to treat a rich MEG at a rate of 11 m3/hr and to remove salts at a rate of 80 kg/hr.

by CCR Technologies in Canada,

This kind of unit is an improvement of a process developed in the 1990s

is currently under delivery for ENI’s

of which PROSERNAT is now the exclusive licensor. The same MEG reclaiming technology ZOHR project, offshore the Nile delta.

Applying the Learning from The Gulf of Mexico Response to Enhance Emergency and Oil Spill Preparedness By Dr. Steven A Flynn, IPIECA



The Macondo blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and the earlier Montara incident in Australia, led the entire oil and gas industry to review both drilling safety and oil spill preparedness. As a result, the International Oil and Gas Producers Association (IOGP) established a multi-year programme to embed the learning from these and similar incidents, and to enhance future prevention and preparedness. This presentation provides an overview of the latest practical tools that can be used by operators to improve their emergency and spill response plans.


The Macondo blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, and the earlier Montara incident in Australia, led the entire oil and gas industry to review both drilling safety and oil spill preparedness. As a result, the International Oil and Gas Producers Association (IOGP) established a multi-year programme to embed the learning from these and similar incidents, and to enhance future prevention and preparedness. This presentation provides an overview of the latest practical tools that can be used by operators to improve their emergency and spill response plans.

New Techniques from the Macondo Response

The Macondo response in particular resulted in a number of innovations as a result of the scale and complexity, and technically challenging conditions. More than 150 companies and multiple government agencies were involved in tackling the sub-sea blowout and spill, all under the overall di-

62 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

rection of the US Coast Guard in the Unified Command: Ó Unique sub-sea operations, including capping and containment, were conducted about 50 miles from shore, in around 5000 feet of water, at sea bottom temperatures of about 3 degrees Centigrade Ó Over 48,000 responders were mobilized across five US States along the Gulf of Mexico coast Ó Over 6,500 vessels and up to 120 aircraft were deployed during the response Ó Over 13.5 million feet of boom were deployed Ó Around 50 surface vessels and up to 16 Remotely Operated Vehicles were operated within a tight radius of a mile over the well site – managed by large-scale simultaneous operations. The well flowed for 87 days before being capped and this was the largest spill response in history. Many innovative techniques were developed and applied for the first time at this scale. These included: Ó Sub-sea dispersant injection to disperse oil at the well head Ó Controlled burning of oil slicks on the sea surface for extended periods Ó Satellites, infra-red and ocean vehicles for spill tracking and sea monitoring Ó ‘Common Operating Picture’ information systems used to manage huge amounts of disparate data in support of the response Companies, industry associations and governments worked quickly to capture and apply the learning from these events. At the Global level IOGP assembled the Global Industry Response Group and progressed programmes on well incident prevention, subsea well

intervention (including capping and containment), and oil spill preparedness and response.

Sub-Sea Well Response Project

The sub-sea well response project was progressed in partnership with Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) and the resulting system comprises: Ó Four well capping systems – located in Brazil, Norway, South Africa and Singapore, that can be shipped to an incident location Ó Well containment toolkits – which can be used with standard industry equipment to bring flowing hydrocarbons from the well-head to the surface for storage in the event the well cannot be shut in Ó Two supplementary hardware sets – comprising: Ó Site survey equipment (including sub-sea sonar) Ó Debris clearing equipment to enable access to a blow-out preventer (BOP) Ó Subsea dispersant application equipment Ó High pressure high volume accumulators for closing a BOP More information on the Subsea Well Response Project is available at: http:// subseawellresponse.com.

Oil Spill Preparedness and Response Project

The oil spill response recommendations were progressed in a joint industry programme (OSR-JIP) managed by IPIECA – the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues. 19 companies have invested millions of dollars of effort in the 5-year programme to produce a completely revised and updated suite of guidelines incorporating the experience from the Gulf of Mexico response

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By By andand Response Response Planning Planning for for Offshore Offshore releases. releases. adopting adopting andand training training responders responders in in Facilities") Facilities") Ó Dispersant Ó Dispersant testing testing techniques techniques for for a common a common system, system, the the effort effort cancan be be b. Response b. Response Strategies Strategies Using Using NEBA NEBA both both surface surface and and sub-sea sub-sea appliappliscaled-up scaled-up andand different different teams teams inteinte– for – for each each planplan scenario, scenario, thethe newnew cation cation have have been been extensively extensively reregrated grated intointo a single a single unified unified structure. structure. Good Good Practice Practice Guide Guide on on "Response "Response viewed viewed (see: (see: "Guidelines "Guidelines on on OilOil e. Stakeholder e. Stakeholder Engagement Engagement – compa– compaStrategy Strategy Development Development Using Using NetNet Characterization Characterization to to Inform Inform Spill Spill nies, nies, governments governments andand communities communities Environmental EnvironmentalBenefit BenefitAnalysis Analysis Response Response Decisions"). Decisions"). need need to work to work together together before, before, during during (NEBA)" (NEBA)" helps helps to identify to identify thethe optioptiÓ Comprehensive Ó Comprehensivereviews reviewsof ofdis-disandand following following an an incident. incident. StakeStakemum mum approach approach to minimize to minimize impacts impacts persant persant supply supply logistics logistics have have been been holders holders should should be involved be involved from from the the on on people people andand thethe environment environment by by conducted conducted andand industry industry hashas recently recently veryvery startstart of planning of planning andand preparation preparation considering: considering: established establishedshared sharedstockpiles stockpilesin in so that so that there there is aisshared a shared understandunderstandÓ Spill Ó Spill circumstances circumstances strategic strategic locations locations (see: (see: "Dispersant "Dispersant inging of priorities of priorities andand quicker quicker decisiondecisionÓ Practicalities Ó Practicalities of clean-up of clean-up techniques techniques Logistics Logistics andand Supply Supply Planning"). Planning"). making. making. ThisThis cancan include include pre-approvpre-approvÓ Relative Ó Relative impacts impacts of clean-up of clean-up andand re- reÓ The Ó The considerations considerations andand advantagadvantagal of al certain of certain response response techniques techniques andand sponse sponse options options es of es regulatory of regulatory pre-approval pre-approval andand strategies strategies to accelerate to accelerate their their deploydeployAdditional Additionalsupporting supportingguidance guidanceis is authorisation authorisation areare set set outout in: in: "Dis"Disment ment in an in emergency. an emergency. available available on on mapping mapping sensitive sensitive localocapersant persant Licensing Licensing andand Approvals". Approvals". New New Guidance Guidance onon OilOil Spill Spill Re-Re- b. In-Situ tions tions andand spillspill trajectory trajectory models. models. b. In-Situ Burning Burning of Oil of Oil – prior – prior to the to the sponse Tools Tools and and Techniques Techniques c. Oil c. Oil Spill Spill Response Response Resources Resources – the – the sponse Macondo Macondo response response controlled controlled in-situ in-situ IOGP andand IPIECA IPIECA have have published published up-up- burning plans plans for for equipment equipment andand manpower manpower IOGP burning of oil of oil on the on the seasea surface surface hadhad dated practical practical guidance guidance on on response response only need need to be to matched be matched with with the the response response dated only been been done done in test in test burns burns of up of up techniquesincorporating incorporatingthethelatest latest to 40 strategies strategies(updated (updatedandandrevised revised techniques to 40 minutes. minutes. Controlled Controlled burns burns of of information from from a range a range of technical of technical up up "Contingency "Contingency Planning" Planning" Good Good PracPrac- information to 10 to 10 hours hours were were routinely routinely used used projects. TheThe information information available available is is in the ticetice Guide Guide available). available). It isIt also is also im-im- projects. in the GoM, GoM, clearly clearly demonstrating demonstrating comprehensive andand thisthis presentation presentation thethe portant portant to decide to decide in advance in advance which which comprehensive importance importance of the of the technique technique for for only highlights highlights a few a few selected selected areas areas to to combatting resources resources need need to to be be available available lo- lo- only combatting offshore offshore spills. spills. Field Field andand illustrate thethe sortsort of products of products available. available. subsequent cally, cally, andand which which cancan be sourced be sourced from from illustrate subsequent laboratory laboratory testing testing datadata

Petroleum Today - February



has now been incorporated into a Good Practice Guide: "In-Situ Burning". This explains how and when to apply, equipment design and selection for fire resistant boom and ignition systems, and operational and monitoring considerations. c. Spill Surveillance, Monitoring and Visualisation – the latest information has been compiled in a series of technical reports covering: Ó In water surveillance – including ocean vehicles for sub-sea and surface detection and tracking of spills, and the range of sensors for monitoring hydrocarbons in water Ó Remote Surveillance – practical recommendations on the use of satellite and airborne remote sensing Ó Predictive Modeling and Metocean Databases – a review has been completed and recommendations made for their use in oil spill response Ó Common Operating Picture – geospatial information systems (GIS) were used in the Gulf of Mexico to combine response data such as: Ó Topography, infrastructure and administrative boundaries Ó Environmental sensitivities Ó Vessel and response resource locations Ó Weather Ó Spill locations and trajectory predictions The JIP Report "Common Operating Picture" recommends a suitable architecture that allows layers of information to be superimposed with actual observations from the field using mobile technology and made available to a variety of users

Summary and Conclusions

The industry has invested millions of dollars to revise and update oil spill guidance, and incorporate the learning from Macondo, Montara and similar incidents. This has produced 24 Good Practice Guides, 15 technical guides, 3 research papers and 2 Recommended Practices. Only a small sub-set of the

64 Petroleum Today

- February 2017

newly available resources has been shared in this presentation. The key developments and considerations include: a. Major accident risk analysis should be the starting point for developing response plan scenarios b. Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) should be used during planning to help identify the optimum response strategies for the different spill circumstances c. Response plans should identify in advance which resources are sourced locally, regionally or globally using the latest guidance on Tiered Response and Preparedness. d. The industry recommended Incident Management System (IMS) guidance should be considered when reviewing response organisation structures and procedures to enhance potential collaboration and ability to scale-up a response e. The latest guidance on oil spill response equipment and techniques should be incorporated into response plans, training and exercises f. Government and community stakeholders should be involved throughout the planning, response and followup lifecycle to enhance transparency, speed and effectiveness of response. Preparedness and Response Framework. Ó Oil Spill Preparedness and Response: An Introduction. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Risk Assessment and Response Planning for Offshore Facilities. IOGPIPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Response strategy development using net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA). IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Sensitivity Mapping for Oil Spill Response. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Contingency Planning. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Tiered Preparedness and Response. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Incident Management System for the

Oil and Gas Indistry. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Response. Ó Subsea Well Response Project: http://subseawellresponse.com Ó Guidelines on oil characterization to inform spill response decisions. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Surface Application of Dispersants. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó At-sea monitoring of surface dispersant effectiveness. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Subsea Application of Dispersants. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Dispersant logistics and supply planning. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Dispersant licensing and approvals. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó In-Situ Burning. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Surveillance Modelling and Visualisation. Ó Ariel Observation of oil pollution. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Satellite Remote Sensing. IOGP-IPIECA Good Practice Guide Ó Capabilities and Uses of SensorEquipped Ocean Vehicles for Subsea and Surface Detection & Tracking of Oil Spills. IOGP-IPIECA OSRJIP Report Ó An Assessment of Surface Surveillance Capabilities for Oil Spill Response using Satellite Remote Sensing. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Surface Surveillance Capabilities for Oil Spill Response using Remote Sensing. IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Review of models and metocean databases. I IOGP-IPIECA OSR-JIP Report Ó Validation of models and recommendations for their use in oil spill response. IOGP-IPIECA OSRJIP Report Ó Common Operating Picture. IOGPIPIECA OSR-JIP Report Bibliography Ó Selected resources are available from the IOGP-IPIECA JIP website: http://oilspillresponseproject.org/ completedproducts

Since 2003, flow measurement Systems Company has been established according to the investment authority laws and executive regulations to serve the oil &gas sectors as well as industrial & commercial sector in Egypt & the region to provide hydro test and calibration services. We are accredited by the ILAC, based on the international mutual recognition arrangements (MRA), under the guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025 for general requirements for competence of calibration and testing laboratories. We are certified ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001. The ILAC is the peak international authority on laboratory accreditation. Laboratory accreditation provides our clients with formal recognition of the competence of our laboratory. We are re-evaluated regularly by the accreditation body to ensure our continued compliance with requirements. Thus, being accredited is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as reliable indication of our technical competence. Accordingly our data is readily accepted overseas. PRESSURE TEST

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Objective : Air blowing services as an efficient way to remove construction debris, loose rust, liquids, and other contaminants from process piping. Application processes : Ó Air Flushing for piping diameters less than 6”. Ó Air Blowing (Buffing) for piping diameters bigger than 6”.

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FMS (PL&IS) offers jetting equipment capable of working at ultrahigh pressures for the removal of inner preservation coatings, paints and accumulated hard scale. High-pressure jetting hoses can be used with both static and rotating nozzles and fluid supplied by either electric- or diesel-driven pumps. Hydro jetting can also be used on external surfaces, reducing the need for sand blasting or removing the hard scale.


FLOW MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS (FMS) 177 Fifth & Sixth District, Industrial Zone, Zahraa Al Maadi Cairo Egypt

Calibration of Pressure Working Devices; Inspection of Safety-Relieving Devices; Provision of Liquid and Gas Pressure Test Services

No Exclusions Identified as Applicable

Effective Date: Expiration Date: Registered Since:

MAY 31, 2016 MAY 31, 2019 MAY 31, 2016

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What is the gratings ?

Production Technology Challenges in Deepwater Subsea Tie-Back Developments By

E.A. Ageh, SPE, O.J. Uzoh, SPE, and I. Ituah, Shell Nigeria E&P



The era of easy oil is coming to an end, a lot of the major reserve finds these days are located in very challenging operating environments such as deep and ultra-deep water. Subsea tie-back systems over the years have evolved as a solution to the challenge of harnessing these reserves in a cost effective manner. The challenges for subsea type developments are not only limited to the cost of drilling and infrastructure or the complexity of the subsea layouts but also the technology of assessing and producing the volumes to surface poses a great challenge. Production technology challenges include multi-phase fluid flow, completion design, flow assurance (hydrate mitigation & management), well intervention and long term well monitoring. Of particular concern are the issues of waterflood management, intelligent completion & production systems which are core to achieving increased ultimate reservoir recovery and production volumes required for cost effectiveness. This article highlights the major production technology challenges articulated for a typical long subsea tie-back development and discusses how these could be managed.


For the sake of this review we considered a deepwater field located in the Gulf of Guinea. The field is comprised of a combination of stratigraphically and structurally trapped hydrocarbon accumulations in middle miocene turbidite reservoirs. Six oil-bearing reservoirs (A, B, C, D, E & F) have been targeted for development as shown in Figure 1, the reservoir bodies are stacked with distinct NNE to SSW orientation with the exception of “A” reservoir which has an east to west orientation. The proposed development concept is a tieback to a host

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- February 2017

facility (an FPSO) that is about 18 kilometers away and is the most optimal concept for economic development of the opportunity. The development philosophy is to fill ullage on the FPSO as host production declines and also to utilize existing infrastructure as much as possible. The expected full field development will consist of 32 subsea wells (17 production and 15 water injection) including dual zones completions (Smart wells).


The base case development scheme includes: (Figure 2) Ó - Drilling of 25 wells in the first phase including 13 production wells and 12 injection wells. Ó - Connection of the production wells to four production manifolds and the injection wells to three injection manifolds. Each of manifolds has slots for six wells Ó - Laying of 10 in. subsea pipe-in-pipe single loop production flowline and injection flowline connecting the field to the host. Ó - Gaslift lines for riser-base gaslift Ó - Installation of risers at the starboard side of the FPSO to ensure connection of the subsea lines to topsides Ó - System of umbilicals and termination assemblies for controls and chemical injection.

Technical Challenges

One of the key technical challenge is how to design a robust production system to economically transport the production fluids from subsea wells to topsides and to be able to sufficiently mitigate all the flow assurance and operational risks. Flow assurance risks are crucial due to existing high pressures and low temperatures. The subsea system design and well completion design for this tie-back field was greatly influenced by flow assurance

mitigation mitigation strategies. strategies.

and/or and/or pipeline pipeline insulation insulation or heating or heating may may have have to be to made. be made.

Another Another major major technical technical challenge challenge for for thethe field field development development is shallow is shallow hazard hazard arising arising from from small small pockets pockets of hydrocarbon of hydrocarbon accumulations accumulations thatthat cancan be be encountered encountered in in thethe drilling drilling of of development development wells. wells. This This is ais major a major consideration consideration in in thethe placement placement of of drilldrill center center locations locations andand casing casing design design schemes. schemes.

Shallow Shallow Hazards Hazards

have have to be to carefully be carefully considered considered depending depending on the on the anticipated anticipated severity severity andand scaling scaling tendencies tendencies of the of the reservoir reservoir fluids. fluids. ForFor ourour subject subject field field periodic periodic scale scale squeeze squeeze operations operations have have been been selected selected as as an an optimal optimal mitigation mitigation strategy. strategy. TheThe main main flow flow assurance assurance challenge challenge is the is the prevention prevention of hydrate of hydrate formation formation in the in the wellbore, wellbore, at the at the wellhead, wellhead, production production flowlines flowlines andand risers. risers. Insulation Insulation of of thethe flowlines flowlines combined combined with with hydrate hydrate inhibitor inhibitor injection injection (Figure (Figure 4) at 4) start-up at start-up andand shutdown shutdown willwill be the be the primary primary flow flow assurance assurance technique. technique.

Ó To Ó To allow allow for for additional additional recoverable recoverable reserves. reserves.

Shallow Shallow hazard hazard studies studies areare usually usually conducted conducted at the at the start start of any of any deepwater deepwater operation, operation, to select to select well well cluster cluster sites sites with with minimal minimal geohazards. geohazards. It isIt important is important to carryout to carryout a detailed a detailed assessment assessment of of thethe seismic seismic cross-sections cross-sections for for potential potential hazards hazards such such as shallow as shallow amplitude amplitude anomalies, anomalies, gasgas chimneys, chimneys, pockmarks pockmarks and and faults. faults. Sometimes Sometimes options options for for selection selection of of Geotechnical Geotechnical challenges challenges alsoalso exist, exist, it isitexpected is expected thatthat planned planned favourable favourable locations locations may may be limited be limited hence hence the the casing casing scheme scheme surveys surveys would would provide provide sufficient sufficient datadata for for riskrisk mitigation. mitigation. design design willwill need need to be to be robust robust to provide to provide for for contingency contingency OnOn thethe subsurface, subsurface, all all thethe reservoirs reservoirs exhibit exhibit structural structural andand casing casing to ward to ward off off anyany unwanted unwanted pressure pressure zone zone (figure (figure 3) 3) stratigraphic stratigraphic complexities complexities including including faults, faults, stratigraphic stratigraphic Recovery barriers, barriers, etc.etc. which which have have impact impact on on recoveries. recoveries. TheThe major major Recovery Classical Classical reservoir reservoir engineering engineering methods methods [4] [4] applied applied to to challenge challenge here here is inisthe in the optimal optimal placement placement of drainage of drainage zones zones understand understand the the relationship relationship between between well well drawdown drawdown and and to sufficiently to sufficiently recover recover economic economic volumes. volumes. ultimate ultimate recovery recovery show show thatthat wells wells produced produced with with lower lower Overall, Overall, keykey technology technology driver driver for for anyany subsea subsea project project must must backpressure backpressure areare abandoned abandoned at lower at lower pressure pressure hence hence willwill center center on on thethe desire desire to to produce produce thethe field field in in a most a most costcost usually usually recover recover more. more. ForFor subsea subsea tie-back tie-back developments, developments, it it effective effective andand efficient efficient manner. manner. As As most most of of today›s today›s subsea subsea is anticipated is anticipated thatthat many many of the of the fields fields willwill be abandoned be abandoned with with developments developments areare in in frontier frontier deep deep andand ultra-deepwater ultra-deepwater high high well well head head pressures pressures duedue to the to the backpressure backpressure created created regions, regions, andand at step-out at step-out distances distances thatthat makes makes thethe useuse of of by by long long pipelines/flowlines. pipelines/flowlines. This, This, coupled coupled with with thethe factfact thatthat existing existing infrastructure infrastructure demanding, demanding, costcost andand feasibility feasibility areare production production rates rates areare reduced, reduced, again again duedue to back to back pressure, pressure, is is twotwo important important challenges challenges being being faced faced by by operators. operators. expected expected to affect to affect ultimate ultimate recovery recovery from from subsea subsea wells. wells. ForFor thethe subject subject field field andand similar similar developments, developments, waterflooding waterflooding Production Production Technology Technology Solutions Solutions may may be be a viable a viable solution. solution. ForFor thethe subject subject field, field, planned planned Flow Flow Assurance Assurance recovery recovery mechanism mechanism is is an an engineered engineered waterflood, waterflood, thethe TheThe buildup buildup of wax, of wax, scale, scale, hydrate hydrate etc.etc. in subsea in subsea flowlines, flowlines, tubing tubing sizes sizes have have been been designed designed for for higher higher offtake offtake rates. rates. In In wellheads wellheads andand risers risers is is a special a special problem problem for for subsea subsea addition, addition, artificial artificial lifting lifting viavia gasgas injection injection at the at the riser riser base base is is production. production. ForFor thethe subject subject field, field, given given thethe temperature temperature considered considered to reduce to reduce backpressure backpressure effects. effects. UseUse of Intelligent of Intelligent regime regime of the of the wells wells andand expected expected high high arrival arrival temperatures, temperatures, Completions Completions cancan alsoalso address address reservoir reservoir management management issues. issues. thethe riskrisk of wax of wax deposition deposition is very is very lowlow as flow as flow streams streams would would Intelligent Intelligent Well Well Technology Technology (Smart (Smart Well Well Application) Application) be be outside outside thethe waxwax deposition deposition envelope. envelope. Scale Scale deposition deposition Operators Operators often often useuse intelligent intelligent well well technologies technologies for for three three riskrisk in in thethe wellbore, wellbore, subsea subsea hardware hardware andand flowlines flowlines is is primary primary reasons: reasons: conventionally conventionallymanaged managedby bydownhole downholescale scaleinhibitor inhibitor Ó To reduce reduce or eliminate or eliminate intervention intervention costs costs injection. injection. Managing Managing scaling scaling risks risks in in thethe wellbore wellbore andand Ó To Ó To accelerate accelerate production production andand reserves reserves andand improve improve perforations perforations for for subsea subsea wells wells cancan have have significant significant bearing bearing Ó To reservoir reservoir management management on on project project /operation /operation costs costs hence hence thethe management management strategies strategies ForFor thisthis subsea subsea tie-back, tie-back, useuse of of intelligent intelligent wells wells waswas proposed proposed to improve to improve thethe economics economics of the of the development. development. Given Given thethe stacked stacked nature nature of of thethe reservoirs, reservoirs, smart smart well well application application enables enables development development of the of the marginal marginal reservoirs, reservoirs, andand alsoalso helps helps in reservoir in reservoir management. management. Among Among keykey drivers drivers of the of the smart smart well well technologies technologies are:are: Ó Fewer, Ó Fewer, larger larger (tubulars (tubulars andand production production rate) rate) well well

Ó completions which which complement complement advanced advanced directional directional TheThe production production flowlines flowlines willwill operate operate in multiphase in multiphase flow, flow, Ó completions drilling capabilities capabilities andand should should operate operate above above thethe hydrate hydrate formation formation temperature temperature drilling andand should should notnot require require hydrate hydrate inhibitor inhibitor injection injection during during Ó Pre-completion Ó Pre-completion of of primary, primary, secondary secondary andand tertiary tertiary pays pays steady steady flow. flow. to to exploit exploit multiple multiple reservoirs reservoirs within within thethe same same primary primary wellbore, favoring favoring commingled commingled production. production. ForFor fields fields where where waxwax deposition deposition is is a problem, a problem, huge huge wellbore,

investment investment in paraffin in paraffin inhibitor, inhibitor, special special VITVIT tubing tubing types types Ó Overall Ó Overall increasing increasing sensitivity sensitivity to unplanned to unplanned OPEX, OPEX, driving driving

Petroleum Today - February



reliability (availability) requirements. Intelligent Well Technology (IWT) encompasses two primary concepts Ó Surveillance in real time – making measurements of downhole flow and/or reservoir conditions possible in real time Ó Control in real time – the ability to remotely control zones via interval/inflow control valves ICV, by on/off control or choking (variable ICV) methods. Control is achieved by electric, hydraulic or electro-hydraulic (hybrid) actuation of a valve or sleeve.

Well Intervention

The remoteness of these subsea wells, coupled with a number of complex interactions between subsea wells, flowlines and the ocean environment make monitoring and intervention much more difficult. Also a shift to subsea production represents a significant departure from conventional production operations, and therefore presents a number of technical challenges. The single most-often-cited reason for running Intelligent Well Systems is intervention avoidance. Intervention carries with it a high cost, including rig cost, workover fluids, completion equipment, etc. In addition there is an opportunity cost that includes lost production for the duration of the intervention. Integrating intelligent well technology into subsea well architecture (figure 4) is actually a complex task since that would involve more dedicated support systems like power lines in umbilicals and additional power requirements for their usage.

Reliability Issues – Intelligent Well Systems

Intelligent Wells have evolved with development in completion technologies like downhole safety valves, sliding sleeves, downhole gauges, and other components that are becoming more and more reliable. With the extension of these components, Intelligent Wells can serve many purposes like flow control, downhole monitoring, and communication from the wellbore to the platform. The benefits are certainly desirable for most fields, but although close to 86% of all Intelligent Wells have experienced no failure, the number should be closer to 95% to call Intelligent Wells “mature” The most critical part that most often fails is the downhole electronics. One major technology gap is designing electronic gauges that can withstand severe downhole conditions because these components are the most sensitive to high temperatures. Thus fields with reservoirs of relatively higher temperatures, especially the deeper formations, may face higher risks of failure.

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Well Integrity Monitoring

The ability to monitor the long term condition of a well is a special concern for subsea wells. The GOM has experienced a widespread occurrence of sustained casing pressure in producing wells. Methods to monitor and remediate this problem in subsea wells is an area of high interest and should not be ignored in the detailed design of the wells. Adequate measures need be put in place to provide for effective monitoring of well integrity.

Well Testing & Allocation (MPFM)

The traditional method of well testing and allocation has been by test separator information. For deepwater subsea type development there are significant challenges with this traditional separator well testing method. The challenges are further complicated by the subsea tie-back development. Some of the challenges bother on the need to: 1. Reduce number of risers and flow lines leading to a daisychain architecture. The impact of this reduction in number of flowlines and risers includes: Reduction in flexibility to handle separate LP/HP production Reduction in the flexibility for topside well testing Production loss/deferment due to need for well testing 2. Mitigate Flow Assurance challenges such as slugging (unstable flow line conditions) 3. Design for appropriate operational range of test separators or flow meters The application of multiphase flowmeters (MPFM) brings new solutions to the well testing and allocation challenges. Multiphase flow meters provide real time production data enhancing reservoir management and production allocation. The application of Multiphase Flow Meters for well testing and production allocation is recommended. Most projects install MPFMs on each of the oil production subsea wellheads and at the topsides on each of the production risers so that a real time flow rate of oil, water and gas can be obtained. The MPFM on the wellhead will measure the three-phase production from the well in real time while the MFPM on the production riser will measure the combined three phase flow from all wells into the pipeline leading to the riser in real time.


A number of production technology solutions have been identified to mitigate some of the key production/injection challenges faced by a number of deepwater subsea tieback development projects. Subsea tie-back systems are currently the most cost effective development option for harnessing small to edium size hydrocarbon accumulations from deepwater and ultradeepwater plays.

Figure 1: Seismic depth profile along appraisal wells drilled in the field

Figure 2: Subsea Architecture for the field development

Figure 3. Casing Schemes

Figure 4. General Well Architechture

Petroleum Today - February



Vice President of CATEC:

We have lots of Competitive Advantages and plans to expand in MENA!

CATEC (Consulting And Technical Engineering Company) is one of the leading companies in the Middle East and Africa in the field of industrial boilers, specialty lubricants, special pumps, textile machinery, and solar systems. The company was established in 1980 and entered the oil services sector since 2001. The Company has hundreds of customers in more than 50 countries, and it is the official exclusive agent for several German reputable industrial manufactures. It also has many competitive advantages that made it a pioneer in the field of renting and operating boilers to Oil Services Companies as well as industrial factories. In addition, the company is keen on the permanent training of its Personnel, whether in Egypt or Germany, to raise the level of technical performance for them in order to offer the best service to customers. Petroleum Today Magazine had the honor to meet Engineer Shamel Elnomany, Vice President of CATEC, to identify the industrial areas of work and operations, as well as how the Company serves the Oil & Gas sector, and the company future vision for expansion in the MENA region.

Shamel Elnomany is an Egyptian Engineer and has the Canadian nationality. He lived in Canada for 14 years and graduated from McMaster University in 2006, with dual degree from Mechanical Engineering and Business Management. Directly after graduation he worked in Toronto, Canada for two years in Shaw Group, a reputable American EPC company with 7+ billion dollars in projects worldwide. He worked within an engineering team on a petrochemical project for SABIC. He moved to Egypt in 2008, and now he has been working in CATEC for the past nine years, becoming its VP in 2011.

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- February 2017

When was CATEC established and its work fields? “CATEC was established in 1980 as an Engineering company, and obtained the exclusive agency of top European industrial manufacturers (mainly German). CATEC started working in textile machines and after 3 years the company entered the field of boilers, pumps and lubricants for all types of industrial applications. The company is an exclusive agent of “BOSCH Industrial” German company (formerly known as LOOS), and also provides boiler services throughout the Middle East & Africa. CATEC also is an exclusive agent of “LUTZ” German company for drum & container pumps, in addition to “Klüber Lubrication” German company for lubricants. I would like also to add that Klüber possesses more than 2000 types of specialty lubricants used in delicate areas in all kinds of complex industrial applications, including the oil & gas sector”.

When did CATEC began to provide its services to Oil Sector Companies? “As I said earlier, the company is the agent of “BOSCH Industrial” in the field of boilers. In 2001 the company decided to buy boilers and redesign it with accessories inside 20ft containers for easy and quick mobilization. We rent our mobile boiler systems to oil services companies with our operation, consisting of engineers and technicians to operate the boilers on offshore & onshore rigs. We have started working first in Egypt and expanded after that throughout the MENA region. Now, we work in many Arab countries and our most important customers are SCHLUMBERGER, HALLIBURTON, EXPRO and ALMANSOORI. Let me note that our containerized boilers are used in the Well Testing phase, as well as cleaning processes”.

and their Engineer must be sent to fix problem. The second advantage is that the company is working in the field of boilers for more than 35 years now, and our BOSCH brand boilers are the best and most reliable in the world. Third advantage is that CATEC can provide a rental boiler for its clients upon request during two or three days only, and our prices are very competitive compared to our European competitors”.

We would like to highlight the number of company branches and the number of workers in it? “The company has four offices in Egypt as well as a workshop and a warehouse in the industrial area of Borg Alarab in Alexandria. We also have a temporary office in Canada to serve our projects in North America. We have hundreds of customers in more than 50 countries around the world, and the company has more than 60 full time employees, mainly Engineers. Our technical staff have the required Certificates, and our boilers have TÜV German certification”.

How does CATEC give concern to its staff in terms of training and upgrading their technical and professional levels? “CATEC puts training and raising the technical level of engineers and technicians as first priority to always exceed our customers’ expectations. The company gives training courses once a week in order to teach all the new technology of boilers, to keep up with technological progress. We also send several Engineers every year to BOSCH in Germany for intensive training on boilers and gain new knowledge. In addition our Engineers are faced with new boiler problems at factory sites, which also represents a kind of training. Also every three or four years we organize seminars and we invite managers and engineers of our clients’ companies for training on boilers and identify all what is new in this field. As a result of this training system, CATEC has countless maintenance contracts of various brands of boilers (not only BOSCH) throughout Africa, Middle East and South Asia”.

What is the competitive advantage that CATEC has? “The company has several competitive advantages. For example, our operational staff has the highest technical level of qualified engineers and technicians to work on boilers, so that if any malfunction occurs in a boiler during operation they are capable to fix the problem on site, while our competitors’ operators cannot

What is CATEC Company’s future vision for enlargements and offer more services for companies? “We have visions and objectives aspirations of expansion in the coming years throughout the MENA region to gain more customers. We have also opened our Renewable Energy division in 2013, and already installed Solar systems in Egypt.

Petroleum Today - February



Impact of Formation Damage on Well Productivity throughout Experimental Work and Field case study. By

Dr. Ahmed Nooh Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt.



Well productivity decline have been widely observed in Western Desert, Egypt for oil and gas wells producing the reservoir fines. The phenomenon has been explained by the lifting, migration and subsequent plugging of the pores by the fine particles, finally resulting in permeability decrease. It has been observed in numerous core flood tests and field cases. This extensive paper dealt with the subject of formation damage by drilling fluids. It discusses the impact of damage on well productivity, the major mechanisms of formation damage by drilling fluids, assessment and testing of damage, outline considerations for mud selection and optimisation, and removal of mud damage. We define formation damage for the purposes of this report as any process that impairs the permeability of reservoir formations such that hydrocarbon production (in production wells) or injectivity (in injector wells) is reduced. While formation damage can occur at all stages of well construction, during remedial treatments and during production, this paper is concerned only with damage caused by drilling fluids. Work in progress in oil companies, service companies and academic institutions will continue to improve our knowledge, which in turn will increase

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the efficiency with which we produce oil and gas. Laboratory core flood tests had been used to determine the causes, degree, and extent of damage. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the rock samples used for the core flood test before and after the test. Core flood test had been done to evaluate the effect of acid on damaged cores. Matrix acid stimulation on a case study from the studied field was evaluated.

1. Introduction

A traditional philosophy has been to worry less about formation damage by drilling fluids because stimulation treatments could generally be employed to recover lost productivity. There is now a growing awareness that prevention of damage is better than cure. If muds are designed and used properly, the need for stimulation can be reduced and often removed. An increasing number of wells are completed without casing and perforation, using instead gravel packs, pre-packed screens and slotted liners. In these completions, near-wellbore damage by drilling fluids is not bypassed by perforation tunnels. Hence avoidance of shallow mud-induced damage becomes a major issue in nonperforated wells. These considerations explain the increased importance given to the understanding and control of

formation damage. Of the preventable forms of damage, that caused by drilling fluids is generally seen as a major issue. This report will discuss the impact of mud damage on well productivity, the mechanisms by which drilling muds can cause damage, methods of formulating low damage muds, and ways of preventing and removing damage.

1.1 Impact of Formation Damage On Well Productivity

Pressure draw-down measurements made during well tests give information on the actual performance of a well and allows comparisons to be made with a model well where productivity is estimated from reservoir data, including rock permeability and porosity, permeability variations, reservoir size and shape, structural characteristics and the properties of the formation fluids. If the well produces at a rate lower than its full potential, the well is said to be damaged. This damage is depicted as a permeability reduction, or skin, which surrounds the wellbore (Figure 1). There are many causes of skin, including damage by drilling mud, cement, perforating, well geometry, stimulation and production, and the total skin measured in a well is the combination of these effects. The component of the skin caused by drilling mud damage is frequently highlighted as a major

cause cause of reduced of reduced inflow. inflow. Furthermore, Furthermore, it isit aiscause a cause thatthat cancan often often be be signifisignificantly cantly reduced reduced by by proper proper mud mud design design andand engineering engineering practices. practices.

1.21.2 Formation Formation Damage Damage MechMechanisms anisms of of Drilling Drilling Fluids Fluids

From From thethe time time thethe drilldrill bit bit contacts contacts thethe toptop of of thethe reservoir reservoir until until thethe wellwell is is brought brought intointo production, production, thethe formation formation is exposed is exposed to several to several fluids fluids andand operaoperations tions which which have have thethe potential potential to reduce to reduce permeability permeability andand hence hence impact impact pro-productivity. ductivity. TheThe possibility possibility of formation of formation damage damage does does not,not, of course, of course, stopstop when when thethe wellwell is brought is brought on on stream, stream, butbut maymay occur occur during during thethe entire entire lifelife of the of the wellwell when when changes changes in the in the reservoir reservoir stress, stress, pressure, pressure, temperature, temperature, fluid fluid chemistry chemistry etc.etc. cancan givegive riserise to permeability to permeability im-impairment pairmentknown known as as production production damdamage.age. Discussions Discussions of of thethe fullfull range range of of damage damage types types cancan be found be found elsewhere. elsewhere. In this In this paper paper we we limit limit ourselves ourselves to conto considerations siderations of permeability of permeability impairment impairment caused caused by by drilling drilling fluids. fluids. A wide A wide range range of mud of mud types types andand comcompositions positions are are used used as as drilling drilling fluids fluids for for reservoir reservoir sections. sections. These These fluids fluids are are often often called called drilling-in drilling-in or or drill-in drill-in flu-fluids ids to signify to signify thatthat special special fluids fluids and/or and/or engineering engineering practices practices are are adopted adopted when when drilling drilling the the reservoir. reservoir. TheThe possible possible damdamageage caused caused by by these these mud mud components components cancan be classified be classified in several in several ways ways (1).(1). Damage Damage byby Physical Physical ReducReduction tion in in Pore Pore Size Size

1.3.1. 1.3.1. Invasion Invasion by mud by mud solids solids Drilling Drilling fluids fluids cancan contain contain various various types types of of solids solids thatthat areare used used to give to give density density (barite, (barite, calcium calcium carbonate, carbonate, hematite), hematite),fluid fluidlosslosscontrol control(e.g. (e.g. sized sized calcium calcium carbonate) carbonate) and, and, somesometimes, times, viscosity viscosity (bentonite). (bentonite). Drilled Drilled solids, solids, which which build build up up in the in the mud mud as as drilling drilling proceeds, proceeds, areare alsoalso generally generally present present in significant in significant concentrations. concentrations. Undissolved Undissolved polymers polymers (fisheyes) (fisheyes) andand insoluble insoluble polymer polymer residues residues may may alsoalso be be present. present.These These solids solids cancan invade invade thethe rock rock during during thethe early early (spurt) (spurt) stage stage

of of thethe filtration filtration process process(Figure (Figure 2). 2). Most Most muds muds willwill quickly quickly form form a fila filtercake tercake on on thethe majority majority of permeable of permeable rocks rocks (exceptions (exceptions being being some some very very permeable, permeable, vuggy vuggy or fractured or fractured formaformations) tions) and, and, once once thisthis hashas taken taken place, place, further further invasion invasion of mud of mud solids solids is genis generally erally prevented. prevented. This This filtercake filtercake cancan be be located located on on thethe surface surface of the of the rock rock (an(an external external cake), cake), within within thethe rock rock (an(an internal internal cake) cake) or be or be a combination a combination of of thethe two. two. TheThe damage damage potential potential of of mud mud solids solids willwill depend depend on on thethe sizesize of the of the particles particles relative relative to the to the sizesize of the of the pore pore throats throats in in thethe rock rock formation formation being being drilled. drilled. TheThe shape, shape, flexibility flexibility andand degree degree of of dispersion dispersion of particles of particles willwill alsoalso be imbe important. portant. Table.1 Table.1 (4),(4), shows shows typical typical sizesize ranges ranges of of solids solids commonly commonly found found in in muds. muds. TheThe relative relative proportion proportion of each of each sizesize range range of drilled of drilled solids solids willwill depend depend on on thethe type type of solids of solids control control system system in in use.use. There There areare some some accepted accepted rules rules of of thumb thumb concerning concerning bridging bridging andand plugplugging ging of pores of pores by by particles: particles: If the If the solid solid particles particles have have a diameter a diameter greater greater than than about about 1/21/2 of of thatthat of of a a pore pore throat throat they they tend tend to bridge to bridge pores pores very very effectively effectively andand willwill therefore therefore notnot invade invade far far intointo thethe rock. rock. Possible Possible ex-exceptions ceptions to this to this statement statement areare highly highly flexible flexible particles particles such such as as bentonitic bentonitic clays clays which which cancan deform deform sufficiently sufficiently to penetrate to penetrate pores pores smaller smaller than than thethe di- diameter ameter of the of the clayclay sheets. sheets. If particles If particles areare between between 1/61/6 andand 1/31/3 of the of the diamediameter ter of aofpore a pore throat, throat, it has it has been been shown shown (5)(5) thatthat they they cancan invade invade a significant a significant distance distance intointo thethe rock rock before before bridging bridging pore pore throats. throats. Particles Particles lessless than than 1/61/6 of the of the pore pore throat throat diameter diameter generally generally do do notnot bridge bridge (but(but cancan migrate migrate freely freely through through thethe rock) rock) andand so, so, might might be be considered considered non-damaging. non-damaging. TheThe op-optimum timum particle particle sizesize distribution distribution forfor mud mud solids solids is normally is normally selected selected after after obtaining obtaining pore pore sizesize measurements measurements on on reservoir reservoir cores, cores, forfor example example by by mermercury cury porosimetry porosimetry or or Scanning Scanning ElecElectrontron Microscopy Microscopy (SEM). (SEM). Techniques Techniques such such as SEM as SEM cancan alsoalso be be

used used to examine to examine rock rock cores cores for for invadinvaded ed solids. solids. Because Because of the of the high high atomic atomic number number of barium, of barium, barite barite is easily is easily im-imaged aged in filtercakes in filtercakes andand cores, cores, as shown as shown in Figure in Figure 3. 3. Several Several studies studies of of formation formation damage damage duedue to mud to mud solids solids invasion invasion have have been been carried carried outout (6),(6), (7),(8).(9). (7),(8).(9). TheThe results results show show that, that, with with thethe correct correct choice choice of of mud mud system, system, significant significant invasion invasion of of solids solids (and (and hence hence damage) damage) cancan be be re- restricted stricted to the to the firstfirst 2 or2 3orcentimetres 3 centimetres of of formation, formation, andand often often to to thethe firstfirst fewfew millimetres millimetres in rocks in rocks with with permepermeabilities abilities below below about about 1 Darcy. 1 Darcy. This This is is achieved achieved by ensuring by ensuring thethe mud mud is able is able to to form form a good a good quality quality external external filtercake filtercake rapidly rapidly (i.e.(i.e. thethe spurt spurt volume volumein the in the pre-cake pre-cake formation formation stage stage is kept is kept as low as low as possible) as possible) andand thatthat amounts amounts dispersed dispersed andand deflocculated deflocculated colloidal colloidal mud mud solids solids areare keptkept to atominimum. a minimum. However, However, even even though though thethe depth depth of invasion of invasion is generis generallyally small, small, thethe degree degree of damage of damage in the in the invaded invaded zone zone cancan often often be be extremely extremely high, high, in some in some cases cases reducing reducing thethe origioriginalnal permeability permeability by by over over 90%. 90%. In rocks In rocks with with permeabilities permeabilities greater greater thanthan about about 1 Darcy, 1 Darcy, andand in situations in situations where where high high differential differential pressures pressures exist, exist, invasion invasion is is often often found found to be to deeper be deeper thanthan 2 - 23 -cen3 centimetres. timetres. Krueger Krueger (8) (8) quotes quotes datadata from from an an Alaskan Alaskan field field where where wells wells drilled drilled with with mud mud overbalances overbalances lessless thanthan 1500 1500 psi psi typically typically produced produced about about 2000 2000 bar-barrelsrels perper dayday more more oil oil thanthan those those drilled drilled at at differential differential pressures pressures higher higher thanthan 1500 1500 psi.psi. TheThe impact impact of of damage damage by by colloidal colloidal fines fines hashas been been investigated investigated (10)(10) using using some some muds muds which which contain contain chemically chemically deflocculated deflocculatedbentonite bentoniteandandothers others where where thethe clayclay hashas been been flocculated flocculated with with sodium sodium chloride. chloride. In In thethe deflocdeflocculated culated mud, mud, thethe dispersed dispersed particles particles of of bentonite bentonite were were ableable to invade to invade deep deep intointo rocks rocks with with a wide a wide range range of permeabiliof permeabilities.ties.Experiments Experiments identified identified bentonite bentonite particles particles in the in the effluent effluent obtained obtained dur-duringing dynamic dynamic andand static static filtration filtration on on 5 5 cmcm long long cores cores of Clashach of Clashach Sandstone Sandstone (permeability (permeability about about 400400 mDarcies), mDarcies),

Petroleum Today - February



showing that dispersed clay can penetrate deeper than 5 cm. Permeability measurements indicated some damage along the full length of the core. Provided invasion and damage by mud solids is confined to the first few centimetres of rock adjacent to the wellbore, then the productivity of perforated wells should not be affected, since perforating guns will easily bypass the damage. Mud solids invasion does, however, become important in fractured or vugular formations where the primary production comes via these high permeability channels. In these cases, coarse particulates (lost circulation materials) added to the mud system are sometimes effective at minimising solids invasion (11). Techniques such as underbalanced drilling may also offer ways of drilling these (and non-fractured) formations whilst avoiding invasion and damage (underbalanced drilling is not discussed in this report). 1.3.2. Plugging by mobilised formation fines It is not uncommon to encounter reservoir rocks which contain fine minerals in the matrix. Often, as shown in Figure 4, a high proportion of these fines are located at the surfaces of the rock pores and can become mobilised when exposed to certain fluids or flow conditions. These fines can comprise a range of minerals including clays (illite, kaolinite, chlorite, montmorillonite), carbonates, quartz and feldspars. The occurrence and composition of potentially-damaging formation fines can be identified by a combination of SEM and X-ray diffraction studies on reservoir cores, although in some cases it is easy to confuse formation fines with invaded mud solids. Migrating fines can cause extensive damage (12), (13),(14) by blocking pore throats (Figure. 4). In most formations mobile particles in the size range from 1 to 100 microns are be-

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lieved to be most damaging, since particles finer than 1 micron are normally strongly held to the surfaces of larger mineral grains by Van der Waals forces and are difficult to dislodge, while particles above 100 microns are larger than most pore throat diameters and so cannot migrate any great distance. It is usually difficult to carry out successful remedial treatments to remove damage caused by formation fines and sometimes these treatments can, themselves, cause fines to become mobilised (e.g. by dissolving intergranular cements) or can leave reaction products which are themselves damaging. If possible, it is better to avoid inducing fines mobilisation by correct choice of drilling fluids than to plan for remedial treatments. 1.3.3. Swelling of smectite clays Rocks that contain swelling clays (montmorillonite, or other smectite minerals) in the pore system can suffer significant permeability reduction if the clays are allowed to swell and block, or partially block, pores (Figure.5). As the minerals swell (15) they also become more fragile, and may be broken up and mobilised by the flowing filtrate. Hence damage can occur through fines migration as well as through swelling. Smectites swell most in low salinity aqueous environments and therefore will become a problem when pore fluid is replaced by a low salt water-based mud filtrate. Sodium exchanged Smectites swell more than calcium or magnesium varieties. Swelling can be controlled by maintaining a high salinity filtrate, preferably containing some potassium or calcium ions which adsorb on the clay and greatly limit water uptake. The clays will not swell in oil, making oil-based muds an option for Smectite-rich reservoirs. Water-based mud additives which use cationic polymers or aluminium chemistry to stabilise swelling clays

have been described in the literature (16),(17).

2. Damage by Relative Permeability Reduction

In their natural state, hydrocarbon reservoirs can be water-wet (i.e. a layer of water is in immediate contact with the surfaces of rock grains), oil-wet (oil in contact with the rock grains) or in an intermediate, or neutral, state. Oil production is more efficient when formations are water-wet because then oil does not cling to the mineral grains but moves smoothly in a piston-like displacement through the pore system, sliding on an oil/water interface. By contrast, oil draining from an oil-wet reservoir does so by a less efficient film drainage mechanism. Most sandstone oil reservoirs are in a water-wet state, while many carbonates are intermediate or oil-wet. Invaded drilling mud filtrate can cause damage by introducing an additional fluid phase into the formation, or by increasing the saturation of the nonhydrocarbon phase. These processes can result in a reduction in the relative permeability of the formation to the hydrocarbon phase, and consequently a decrease in well productivity. Damage due to relative permeability changes may only be temporary in the case of emulsion and fluid blocking; however, the higher the viscosity of the damaging phase, the longer it will take for the formation to recover its initial permeability. In long producing intervals, such as in horizontal wells, low drawdown pressures may make it impossible to restore the original permeability along the full length of the producing interval. 2.1. Wettability change due to adsorption of mud surfactants Surfactants (or certain types of polymer) in mud filtrate can change the wettability of the rock and thus affect hydrocarbon production. In particular, oil-based and synthetic-based muds

(both invert and all-oil fluids) contain highly surface active emulsifiers and oil-wetting agents which can change grain surfaces from their natural water-wet to an oil-wet state (Figure.6). Indeed, oil-wetting agents are specifically designed to make weighting agent and drilled solids particles hydrophobic so that they remain in the continuous oil phase of the mud; it is therefore inevitable that, if free surfactant enters the rock in the mud filtrate, the rock is also likely to become oil-wet. Permeability damage caused by wettability change is generally assumed to be permanent, and is most common with oil-based muds. However, due to the low fluid loss rates of oil muds, the depth of damage will often be small. Wettability change generally has a greater impact on production in tight rocks which contain pores of small diameter(18). It has been demonstrated that damage due to wettability change in oil-based muds can be reduced if muds are formulated with low concentrations of free surfactant. However, these muds need careful monitoring to ensure sufficient surfactant is always present to maintain stable fluid properties. 2.2. Emulsion formation If two immiscible fluids - such as crude oil and water-based mud filtrate or formation water and oil-based mud filtrate - are mixed with sufficient energy, an emulsion (water in oil or oil in water respectively for the two above cases) will form which will have a higher viscosity than either of the component fluids. If the emulsions form inside pores, or are transported into pores, an emulsion block can form (Figure.7) and productivity will be decreased. Fine mud solids or formation fines can stabilise these emulsions as can mud surfactants or any natural surfactants in the crude oil. The energy needed to form stable emulsions is greatly reduced in the presence of

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surfactants. Some workers think it is unlikely that sufficient shear will be present inside rock pores to form an emulsion, but they will form in the wellbore and may then invade (consider the emulsion droplets as flexible solid particles with a range of diameters similar to mud solids). Like drilled solids, the invasion of emulsion droplets is unlikely to extend beyond a few centimetres unless fractures are present or the rocks have a very high permeability. Other authors (18),(19) suggest sufficient shear does exist to form emulsions inside rock because, even though the bulk flow rate of mud filtrate is low, the localised rate of shear at pore throats and other constrictions is sufficient to produce emulsions, particularly when mud surfactants are present in the filtrate. 2.3. Fluid saturation change and blocking A fluid saturation change can occur when, for example, an aqueous mud filtrate invades an oil-bearing zone. The water saturation is increased in the near-wellbore region, which reduces the relative permeability to oil. (Figure. 8). The effect of increasing water saturation on relative permeability has been demonstrated by several workers. Figure. 9 shows data by Keelan and Koepf (19). In this figure, the residual water saturation is defined as the minimum water saturation of the rock when only oil is flowing at a specified pressure drop (i.e. water trapped near grain surfaces or in small pores is not flowing). The residual oil saturation is the corresponding value for oil retained in rock when water is flowing. As water-based mud filtrate invades an oil reservoir, the rock is driven towards residual oil saturation. When the well is turned on to production the oil will push the aqueous filtrate out of the rock, moving the formation back towards residual water saturation and to improved relative permeability to oil.

Temporary damage by saturation change and blocking is common in many wells, however this normally clears up during production provided sufficient drawdown can be placed on the producing formation (20) maintaining a low fluid loss in the mud will minimise the problem.

3. Conclusions and Summary

In this paper, the author have studied the impact of formation damage caused by drilling fluids on well productivity and hence on the commercial viability of some oil and gas developments. While damage can be caused by drilling fluids, cements, the perforation or other completion processes, remedial (stimulation) treatments and by the act of producing from a reservoir, we focused only on damage by drilling muds. This can occur by a number of mechanisms: Ă“ Blocking of rock pores or pore throats by - invasion by mud solids - plugging by mobilised formation fines - swelling of smectite formation clays - adsorption/precipitation of polymers - inorganic scale formation Ă“ Relative permeability effects - wettability change by surfactants - emulsion formation - fluid saturation change and fluid blocks The susceptibility of a formation to damage is strongly dependant on the nature of the rock (mineralogy, pore size distribution etc.), the composition of the pore fluids, the temperature and the pressure. The degree of damage caused by a drilling fluid will then depend on variables such as the chemical composition of the mud, the nature and size of the solids in the mud, the spurt and fluid loss rate, and the stability of the fluid components. The prevention of formation damage

by drilling muds has become a major consideration for the oil and gas industry, since damage can have a significant adverse impact on the profitability, and sometimes the economic viability, of many fields. The industry still does not have a complete understanding of: Ó the mechanisms of formation damage. Ó how mud and filtercake damage to certain types of open hole comple-

tions impacts well performance Ó how, in quantitative terms, formation damage impacts well productivity Ó how to formulate stable, environmentally-acceptable, minimallydamaging drilling muds Ó how to measure accurately the damage caused by drilling muds in real wells. Laboratory experiments and scan-

REFERENCES 1. Bennion. D.B, Thomas, F.B, and Bennion. D.W: “Effective laboratory coreflood tests to evaluate and minimise formation damage in horizontal wells”: Third International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology, November 12 - 14, 1991, Houston, Texas 2. Ghalabor. A, Hayatdavoudi. A and Shahidi-Asl. M: “A study of formation damage of selective mineralogy due to bacterial plugging”: 3rd Latin American/Caribbean Pet. Eng. Conference, Argentina, April 1994, 818 - 829 3. Lappan. R.E and Fogler. H.S: ”The effects of bacterial polysaccharide production on formation damage”: SPE 19418, 1990, 165 - 172 4. Amoco Production Training Centre: “ Reservoir engineering rock properties”: Volume II (Private communication) 5. Sparlin. D.D and Hagen. R.W: “ Formation damage prevention”: SPE Short Course, Feb. 1994, Lafayette, LA. 6. Abrams. A: “ Mud design to minimise rock impairment due to particle invasion”: Journal of Petroleum Technology, May 1977, 586 - 592 7. Glenn. E.E and Slusser. M.L: “ Factors affecting well productivity II - drilling fluid particle invasion into porous media”: Trans Soc. Pet. Eng. 1954, Vol. 210, 126 - 131

8. 9.


11. 12. 13.

ning electron microscope studies have shown that, these particle-particle interactions are responsible for the formation of gel bridges across pore throats and that these bridges prevent invasion of mud solids into the formation. Thus, the filtercake formed with Visplex is located external to the formation and is easily removed at low drawdown pressures when the well is brought on production.

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EDUCATION: Associate.Prof at TheAmerican University in cairo PhD. in Petrophysics.Waseda and Menofia University, 2003. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Faculty of Science and Engineering, The AmericanUniversity in Cairo (12010/9/ – Now, full time Ass.Prof of drilling, completion and workover). -Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, The BritishUniversity in Egypt (212010/9/1 – 2008/12/, full time lecturer and Ass. prof), Undergraduate Level: Oil well drilling, Advanced drilling Engineering, Horizontal drilling, Drilling fluids, Principles of Petroleum Geology, Well logging, core analysis, Development Geology, Completion and workover, Reservoir Rock properties, Reservoir Engineering. -Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo (Full time Researcher : (12008/12/21 - 2005/12/) Faculty of Science, Menofia University, Egypt : (2003 - 2008), Graduate Level:Method of Prospecting. And Well Logging

Figure 1: Schematic representation of skin surrounding a wellbore

Figure 2: Mud solids invasion. Water-based mud (light background) invading a rock containing oil (dark background). Rock grains are shown in white.

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Figure .7: Emulsion formation . Water droplets (light background ) emulsified in oil (dark background). Figure 3: Scanning electron micrograph of barite particles (light grey) in pores of Ketton limestone

Figure 4: Scanning electron micrograph of sandstone reservoir rock showing secondary quartz fines lining pores.

Figure. 5 Swelling of Smectite formation clays. Water-based mud (light background ) invading a rock containing oil (dark background).

Figure 8: Fluid blocking. Water-based mud (light background ) invading a rock containing oil (dark background).

Figure 9: Effect of degree of water saturation on relative permeability to oil(23) Table 1: Classification of drilling mud solids by particle size

Figure. 6: Wettability change caused by oil-based mud filtrate (dark background) invading a water-wet formation.

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Type of Solid

Typical Size Range (microns)


1 – 100


0.1 – 2

Calcium carbonate

1 - 3000 (different size ranges available)

Drilled solids (coarse)

> 2000

Drilled solids (intermediate)

250 – 2000

Drilled solids (medium)

74 – 250

Drilled solids (fine)

44 – 74

Drilled solids (ultrafine)

2 – 44

Drilled solids (colloidal)


Industry At A Glance by Ali Ibrahim Table (1) World Crude oil Supply.* Supply (million barrels per day)

U.S (50states)


North sea(2)


OPEC (4)


15.04 15.01 14.75 14.71 15.06 14.83 15.00 14.80 14.86 14.46 14.48 14.76 14.85 14.84

26.65 26.57 26.59 26.54 26.93 26..37 25.76 25.88 26.55 26.33 25.76 26.49 26.80 26.78

2.85 2.83 2.83 2.81 3.22 3.25 3.15 2.92 3.28 3.24 2.60 3.07 3.27 3.25

38.73 38.61 38.42 38.17 38.34 39.03 39.06 39.06 39.60 39.55 40.01 40.33 40.68 40.50

36.96 36.38 36.73 36.01 36.56 37.26 37.26 37.79 37.74 37.73 38.26 38.73 39.00 38.80

95.96 95.63 95.66 95.29 95.39 95.71 95.53 96.15 96.65 96.90 96.5 97.4 98.2 97.9


December Jan.2016 February March April May June July August September October November December Source EIA

* «Oil Supply» is defined as the production of crude oil (including lease condensate) Natural gas plant liquids, and other liquids, and refinery processing gain. NA = no data available (1) OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (2) North Sea includes offshore supply from Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom (3) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. (4) OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries doesn’t include Angola.

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Table Table (2) (2) World World crude crude oil production. oil production. ( Million ( Million Barrels Barrels Per Per dayday ) )

Libya Libya Sudan Sudan Nov-15 Nov-15 December December Jan.2016 Jan.2016 February February March March April April May May June June July July August August September September October October November November December December Source Source EIAEIA

0.38 0.38 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.29 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.25 0.25 0.31 0.31 0.55 0.55 0.58 0.58 0.62 0.62

0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26

(1) (1) Egypt Egypt OPEC OPEC

0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69

38.68 38.68 38.45 38.45 38.5 38.5 38.37 38.37 38.34 38.34 39.03 39.03 39.06 39.06 39.6 39.6 39.55 39.55 39.55 39.55 40.01 40.01 40.33 40.33 40.68 40.68 40.50 40.50

Persian Persian North North World World (2) (2) (3) (3) Gulf Gulf SeaSea 23.13 23.13 2.85 2.85 95.96 95.96 23.03 23.03 2.83 2.83 95.63 95.63 23.1 23.1 2.84 2.84 95.66 95.66 23.0 23.0 2.81 2.81 95.29 95.29 23.06 23.06 3.22 3.22 95.39 95.39 23.58 23.58 3.25 3.25 95.71 95.71 23.96 23.96 3.15 3.15 95.53 95.53 24.35 24.35 2.92 2.92 96.15 96.15 24.45 24.45 3.28 3.28 96.65 96.65 24.46 24.46 3.24 3.24 96.9 96.9 24.9 24.9 2.60 2.60 96.53 96.53 25.10 25.10 3.07 3.07 97.45 97.45 25.25 25.25 3.27 3.27 98.16 98.16 25.16 25.16 3.25 3.25 97.90 97.90

1 OPEC: 1 OPEC: Organization Organization of the of the Petroleum Petroleum Exporting Exporting Countries: Countries: Algeria, Algeria, Angola, Angola, Ecuador, Ecuador, Indonesia, Indonesia, Iran,Iran, Iraq,Iraq, Kuwait, Kuwait, Libya, Libya, Nigeria, Nigeria, Qatar, Qatar, Saudi Saudi Arabia, Arabia, the the United United Arab Arab Emirates, Emirates, andand Venezuela. Venezuela. 2 The 2 The Persian Persian GulfGulf countries countries are are Bahrain, Bahrain, Iran,Iran, Iraq,Iraq, Kuwait, Kuwait, Qatar, Qatar, Saudi Saudi Arabia, Arabia, andand the the United United Arab Arab Emirates. Emirates. Production Production from from the the Kuwait-Saudi Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Arabia Neutral Neutral Zone Zone is included is included in Persian in Persian GulfGulf production. production. 3 North 3 North SeaSea includes includes the the United United Kingdom Kingdom Offshore, Offshore, Norway, Norway, Denmark, Denmark, Netherlands Netherlands Offshore, Offshore, andand Germany Germany Offshore. Offshore.

Table Table (3) (3) International International petroleum petroleum consumption consumption Million Million Barrels Barrels Per Per DayDay OECD(1) OECD(1)

Nov-15 Nov-15 December December Jan.2016 Jan.2016 February February March March April April May May June June July July August August September September October October November November December December

46.57 46.57 46.84 46.84 45.92 45.92 47.02 47.02 46.99 46.99 45.64 45.64 45.01 45.01 46.34 46.34 46.55 46.55 46.47 46.47 47.03 47.03 46.61 46.61 46.83 46.83 47.02 47.02

U.SU.S (50(50 Canada Canada Europe Europe States) States) 19.23 19.23 2.43 2.43 13.85 13.85 19.23 19.23 2.42.4 13.48 13.48 18.82 18.82 2.33 2.33 13.4 13.4 19.01 19.01 2.39 2.39 13.83 13.83 19.62 19.62 2.27 2.27 13.97 13.97 19.26 19.26 2.16 2.16 13.48 13.48 19.2 19.2 2.24 2.24 13.24 13.24 19.83 19.83 2.33 2.33 13.74 13.74 19.9 19.9 2.34 2.34 13.87 13.87 19.99 19.99 2.38 2.38 13.57 13.57 19.86 19.86 2.37 2.37 14.40 14.40 19.62 19.62 2.35 2.35 14.17 14.17 19.60 19.60 2.39 2.39 13.88 13.88 19.51 19.51 2.36 2.36 13.53 13.53

Japan Japan 4.23 4.23 4.74.7 4.52 4.52 4.71 4.71 4.44 4.44 4.04 4.04 3.61 3.61 3.74 3.74 3.81 3.81 3.82 3.82 3.73 3.73 3.72 3.72 4.01 4.01 4.46 4.46

NonNonOther Other NonNon China China World World OECD OECD -OECD -OECD 47.87 47.87 11.46 11.46 18.54 18.54 94.44 94.44 47.24 47.24 11.13 11.13 18.23 18.23 94.08 94.08 45.86 45.86 11.2 11.2 17.94 17.94 92.28 92.28 46.72 46.72 11 11 18.14 18.14 94.17 94.17 47.56 47.56 11.21 11.21 18.07 18.07 94.55 94.55 49.16 49.16 11.94 11.94 18.7 18.7 94.8 94.8 49.03 49.03 11.76 11.76 19.09 19.09 94.31 94.31 49.69 49.69 11.91 11.91 19.42 19.42 96.03 96.03 49.72 49.72 11.72 11.72 19.71 19.71 96.26 96.26 49.46 49.46 11.65 11.65 19.66 19.66 95.93 95.93 49.82 49.82 11.90 11.90 19.69 19.69 96.85 96.85 49.23 49.23 11.73 11.73 19.07 19.07 95.83 95.83 49.23 49.23 11.97 11.97 18.67 18.67 96.06 96.06 48.49 48.49 11.63 11.63 18.25 18.25 95.50 95.50

Source Source EIAEIA (1) (1) OECD OECD = Organization = Organization for for Economic Economic Cooperation Cooperation and and Development: Development: Australia, Australia, Austria, Austria, Belgium, Belgium, Canada, Canada, the the Czech Czech Republic, Republic, Denmark, Denmark, Finland, Finland, France, France, Germany, Germany, Greece, Greece, Hungary, Hungary, Iceland, Iceland, Ireland, Ireland, Italy,Italy, Japan, Japan, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mexico, the the Netherlands, Netherlands, NewNew Zealand, Zealand, Norway, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovakia, South South Korea, Korea, Spain, Spain, Sweden, Sweden, Switzerland, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkey, the United the United Kingdom, Kingdom, and and the United the United States. States.

Petroleum Today - February



Source EIA

Fig. (1) World Crude Oil Prices US $ per BBL

Table (4) Egypt Rig Count per Area

Fig. (2) Natural Gas Prices US $ Per MMBTU

Source EIA

86 Petroleum Today






Gulf of Suez






Mediterranean Sea






Western Desert












Eastern Desert












Total 73 Source Petroleum Today





Egypt Suez Blend Price (Dollars per Barrel) based on 33O API

- February 2017

‫جمموعة �ل�شموخ‪� :‬لتنمية �لعربية �أوىل �إهتماماتنا‬

‫�ل�شوق �مل�شرية �أهـم �لركائز �لإقت�شادية �لعربية‬ ‫نظرا الأهمية �صناعة البرتول يف التنمية االقت�صادية‬ ‫وب ��روز احلاجة اإىل اعتم ��اد تطبيق ��ات التكنولوجيا‬ ‫احلديث ��ة فقد مت تاأ�صي�س جمموع ��ة ال�صموخ يف عام‬ ‫‪ ،1989‬وفقا لروؤية وا�صحة تتمثل يف توريد املنتجات‬ ‫ذات اجل ��ودة العالي ��ة وتق ��دمي اخلدم ��ات مب�صتوى‬ ‫عاملي يف ال�صوق املحلي والعربي اللذان كانا ي�صهدان‬ ‫تط ��ورات كبرية يف قط ��اع االأعمال والتج ��ارة‪ ،‬ومنذ‬ ‫ذلك احلني ال تزال جمموع ��ة ال�صموخ تقدم العديد‬ ‫من اخلدمات املتميزة من خالل عدد من ال�صركات‬ ‫العاملي ��ة املتخ�ص�ص ��ة بتق ��دمي اخلدم ��ات واملعدات‬ ‫والتكنولوجي ��ا امل�صتخدمة واملطلوبة يف حقول النفط‬ ‫و�صناعة النفط والغاز عموما‪.‬‬ ‫وعل ��ى م ��دى ال�صن ��ني‪ ،‬متكن ��ت جمموع ��ة ال�صم ��وخ‬ ‫م ��ن مواكب ��ة العدي ��د م ��ن التط ��ورات والتغريات يف‬ ‫ال�ص ��وق‪ ،‬وعل ��ى ال ��دوام كان الرتكي ��ز يف العمل على‬ ‫تق ��دمي الدع ��م وامل�صان ��دة اإىل عمالئن ��ا من خالل‬ ‫اإيج ��اد احللول املنا�صبة واملبتكرة واملجدية من حيث‬ ‫التكاليف لتلبية احتياجاتهم ومتطلباتهم املتغرية يف‬ ‫كافة املجاالت ‪.‬‬ ‫وت ��زاول جمموع ��ة ال�صم ��وخ اأعماله ��ا يف خم�ص ��ة‬ ‫قطاع ��ات رئي�صي ��ة وه ��ي ‪� :‬صناع ��ة النف ��ط والغاز‪،‬‬ ‫والت�صني ��ع والتوري ��د‪ ،‬والتجارة واملق ��اوالت العامة‪،‬‬ ‫وال�صحة وال�صالم ��ة والبيئة‪ ،‬وتكنولوجيا املعلومات‪،‬‬ ‫اإ�صاف ��ة اإىل تق ��دمي اال�صت�ص ��ارات يف التوظي ��ف‬ ‫والتدريب اإ�صافة اإىل متثيل ال�صركات‪.‬‬ ‫لق ��د مر اأكرث م ��ن عقدين من الزم ��ن وال تزال‬ ‫جمموعة ال�صموخ تتو�ص ��ع يف اأعمالها واأن�صطتها‬ ‫الرئي�صي ��ة والتوري ��د حت ��ى اأ�صبح ��ت الي ��وم‬ ‫جمموعة متع ��ددة التخ�ص�ص ��ات واالعتمادات‬ ‫حي ��ث ح�صل ��ت عل ��ى �صه ��ادات االآي ��زو ‪9000‬‬ ‫و‪ 14000‬و‪ ،18000‬وغريها من املعايري الدولية‬ ‫املتخ�ص�صة يف كافة املجاالت‪.‬‬ ‫اإن ا�صتقط ��اب الكفاءات من ذوي اخلربات الوا�صعة‬ ‫‪16‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬

‫دكتور‪ /‬علي �سعيد العامري‬ ‫رئي�س جمل�س الإدارة‬

‫ي�ص ��كل حجر الزاوية يف اأعمالنا وذلك للقيام بعملية‬ ‫التطوي ��ر والتحديث يف بيئ ��ة تتغري ب�ص ��كل م�صتمر‪.‬‬ ‫ويتك ��ون راأ�س املال الب�صري يف جمموعة ال�صموخ من‬ ‫فري ��ق عمل يتاألف م ��ن ‪ 500‬موظف مم ��ن يتمتعون‬ ‫بامله ��ارات املتميزة ويعملون مع ��ا لتحقيق اأمر واحد‬ ‫فقط وهو اإر�صاء العمالء‪.‬‬ ‫اإنن ��ا نه ��دف اإىل اال�صتم ��رار يف ا�صتب ��اق االأح ��داث‬ ‫واإيج ��اد احللول املبتكرة للتحديات اجلديدة ون�صعى‬ ‫لتحقي ��ق ذلك م ��ن خالل اإج ��راء التقيي ��م املنا�صب‬ ‫وو�صع اخلطط الالزم ��ة والتدريب والتنفيذ والتعلم‬ ‫من الدرو�س امل�صتفادة‪.‬‬ ‫وكمجموع ��ة �ص ��ركات متكامل ��ة نبذل كاف ��ة اجلهود‬ ‫املمكن ��ة لتح�ص ��ني عالق ��ات العم ��ل م ��ع العم ��الء‬ ‫وال�صركاء الكرام وذلك بتحقيق اأهدافهم وامل�صاركة‬ ‫يف تنمي ��ة وتطوي ��ر اأعمالهم وحتقي ��ق النجاح ب�صكل‬ ‫م�صتمر‪.‬‬ ‫ونظ ��را الأهمي ��ة ال�ص ��وق امل�صري ��ة فق ��د تواج ��دت‬ ‫جمموع ��ة ال�صم ��وخ يف ال�صوق امل�صري ��ة منذ ‪،2008‬‬ ‫وتعمل يف جم ��ال ال�صناعة والتج ��ارة والتكنولوجيا‬ ‫والزراع ��ة والعق ��ارات وحي ��ث ان النف ��ط اأحد اأهم‬ ‫م�صادر املواد اخل ��ام لل�صناعات املختلفة اإذ يدخل‬

‫يف اإنتاج نحو ‪ 300‬األف منتج �صناعي ب�صكل كامل اأو‬ ‫جزئي‪ ،‬يف ال�صناعات احلربية والزراعية وال�صحية‬ ‫والن�صيجي ��ة النايل ��ون‪ ،‬االأ�صم ��دة الكيميائية اإ�صافة‬ ‫اإىل امل ��واد البرتوكيماوية التي يج ��رى ت�صنيعها من‬ ‫النفط فقد ا�صتثمرت املجموعة يف هذه ال�صناعة يف‬ ‫جمهورية م�صر العربية ‪.‬‬ ‫وحي ��ث اأن من اأهدافنا اأن يك ��ون لنا دور ًا يف التنمية‬ ‫العربية حيث ان توف ��ر العائدات النفطية الأي دولة‪،‬‬ ‫تطل ��ق جهود التنمية بخطى �صريعة‪ ،‬حيث تخ�ص�س‬ ‫ميزاني ��ة لالإمن ��اء فتك ��ون الربامج الطموح ��ة لبناء‬ ‫الطرق واملدار�س وامل�صت�صفي ��ات وامل�صاكن‪ ،‬و�صواها‬ ‫من عنا�صر البنى الهيكلية االقت�صادية واالجتماعية‬ ‫وهذا ما �صجعنا على اال�صتثمار يف هذه ال�صناعة‪.‬‬ ‫لق ��د حققت بلداننا العربية املنتجة للنفط اإجنازات‬ ‫اإمنائية وا�صح ��ة‪ ،‬لكن لالأ�صف لي�ص ��ت هناك تنمية‬ ‫حقيقي ��ة نتيجة لع ��دم ا�صتعمال ال ��رثوة يف امل�صاريع‬ ‫ال�صحيحة وال يزال اقت�صاد هذه الدول يعتمد ب�صكل‬ ‫مبا�صر على اإنتاج النف ��ط اخلام وت�صديره‪ ،‬ويعتمد‬ ‫مطلق ��ا على التجارة اخلارجية وهذا ما يلزم تغيريه‬ ‫لبناء البنى الهيكلية االقت�صادية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬ ‫اأي اأن علين ��ا ا�صتغ ��الل العائ ��دات النفطي ��ة خلدمة‬ ‫اغرا�صه ��ا كاأداة الكت�ص ��اب املجتم ��ع للق ��درة‬ ‫التكنولوجي ��ة التي هي �ص ��رط اأ�صا�صي للقيام بتنمية‬ ‫حقيقي ��ة م ��ع االهتم ��ام بالقطاعات غ ��ري النفطية‪،‬‬ ‫كالقطاع الزراعي‪.‬‬ ‫فالطريق ��ة املجدي ��ة الفعال ��ة ال�صتثم ��ار عائداتن ��ا‬ ‫وتطوي ��ر بلدانن ��ا‪ ،‬حتتم قي ��ام تع ��اون وتن�صيق على‬ ‫م�صتوى الوطن العربي‪ ،‬ومن �صاأن ذلك اأن يوؤدي اإىل‬ ‫حتقي ��ق م�صالح م�صرتكة بني البلدان املنتجة و�صائر‬ ‫الوط ��ن العربي كالتخطيط القوم ��ي العربي للموارد‬ ‫الب�صرية وهيئ ��ة عليا للتنمي ��ة والتكامل االقت�صادي‬ ‫العرب ��ي‪ ،‬وموؤ�ص�صة مركزية للتمويل االإمنائي العربي‬ ‫واإن�صاء �صناديق مالية عربية موحدة‪.‬‬

‫�أدفان�شي�س ق�شة جناح مل�شروعات متكاملة‬

‫تاأ�ش�ش ��ت �شرك ��ة اأدفان�شي�س للم�شروع ��ات املتكاملة‬ ‫ع ��ام ‪ 2010‬لتكون ذراع امل�شروع ��ات ملجموعة اإنرتو‬ ‫للتجارة واملقاوالت وهى امل�شاهم الرئي�شى فى �شركة‬ ‫اأدفان�شي�س للم�شروعات وفى جمموعة اأدي�س للبرتول‬ ‫و�شركة راميدا للأدوية وعدة �شركات اأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫حر�شت اإدارة ال�شركة على اأن تكون ال�شركة قادرة‬ ‫على تنفيذ م�شروعات متكاملة واأن يكون لها اأق�شام‬ ‫للت�شمي ��م و امل�شرتي ��ات اخلارجي ��ة باالأ�شافة اإىل‬ ‫اأق�شام االإن�ش ��اءات املختلفة ( املدنية ‪ ,‬امليكانيكية‪,‬‬ ‫الكهربائية ‪ ,‬االأجهزة )‪.‬‬ ‫وذل ��ك لتلبي ��ة االأحتي ��اج املتزاي ��د الإن�ش ��اء وت�شغيل‬ ‫و�شيان ��ة امل�شروع ��ات التنموي ��ة ف ��ى م�ش ��ر وقارة‬ ‫اأفريقيا فى املجاالت املختلفة واأهمها النفط والغاز‬ ‫وامل�شروعات ال�شناعية وم�شروعات البنية التحتية‬ ‫وكذلك املبانى االإدارية والتجارية‪.‬‬ ‫تق ��وم ال�شركة حالي ًا بتنفيذ اعم ��ال �شيانة للمن�شات‬ ‫البحري ��ة ل�شركة جابكو و�شركة ‪ BP‬بخليج ال�شوي�س و‬ ‫ي�شمل جمال االأعمال‪ ..‬اأعمال اإحلل وجتديد �شبكات‬ ‫املوا�ش ��ر اخلا�ش ��ة بخط ��وط اخلدم ��ات اأو االإنت ��اج‬ ‫وكذلك اأعمال �شيانة املن�شاآت املعدنية وما يتطلبه من‬ ‫اأعمال ال�شقاالت والرتميل والدهانات املختلفة باأعلى‬ ‫جودة وطبق ًا ملتطلبات(‪.)ISO 9001‬‬ ‫فى جمال املبانى ال�شناعية تق ��وم ال�شركة باإن�شاء‬ ‫وت�شطي ��ب مبان ��ى املعام ��ل واالأم ��ن ال�شناع ��ى‬ ‫ل�شرك ��ة اأنرب ��ك للبرتوكيماوي ��ات مبنطق ��ة وادى‬ ‫القم ��ر باالإ�شكندري ��ة وي�شم ��ل جم ��ال االأعم ��ال‬ ‫واالإن�ش ��اءات املتكاملة والت�شطيبات وجميع االأعمال‬ ‫الكهروميكانيكية اخلا�شة باملبانى ‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا ف ��ازت ال�شرك ��ة ف ��ى مناق�ش ��ة اإن�ش ��اء خزان‬ ‫اأر�ش ��ى �شع ��ة ‪ 3000‬م‪ 3‬و غرف ��ة طلمب ��ات باملجمع‬ ‫ال�شناع ��ى لل�شرك ��ة ال�شرقي ��ة للدخ ��ان مبدين ��ة ‪6‬‬

‫مهند�س‪ /‬نا�صر عماد الدين على‬ ‫الرئي�س التنفيذي والع�ضو املنتدب‬

‫اأكتوبر ال�شناعي ��ة ويبداأ التنفيذ خلل �شهر اأبريل‬ ‫اإن �شاء اهلل ‪.‬‬ ‫واأي�ش ًا ف ��ازت ال�شركة مب�شروع اإن�ش ��اء مبنى نقابة‬ ‫املهند�شني الفرعية مبدينة ال�شوي�س واملدة الزمنية‬ ‫للم�ش ��روع ‪� 18‬شه ��ر تب ��داأ م ��ن �شهر ماي ��و‪2016/‬‬ ‫وي�شم ��ل جم ��ال االأعمال اأعمال ه ��دم واإزالة املبنى‬ ‫الق ��دمي مع تدعيم و ا�شلح بع�س االجزاء و ان�شاء‬ ‫مبني جديد و اعمال الت�شطيبات لكل املباين ‪.‬‬ ‫وطبق� � ًا ل�شيا�ش ��ة ال�شركة فى التو�ش ��ع فقد تقدمت‬ ‫ال�شرك ��ة بعطاء ل�شرك ��ة ‪ ENI‬ل�شيان ��ة من�شات‬ ‫بحرية فى البحر املتو�شط تابعة للجمهورية الليبية‬ ‫وكذلك بعطاء الأعمال اإن�شاءات ميكانيكية وخطوط‬ ‫مكافحة حريق مبحطة اإ�شالة الغاز جنوب اجلزائر‬ ‫ل�شركة �شوناطراك ‪.‬‬ ‫ومع تعدد م�شروعات ال�شركة فى املجاالت ال�شابقة‬

‫فاإنن ��ا ن ��وىل اهتمام ًا خا�ش� � ًا مب�شروع ��ات الطاقة‬ ‫املتج ��ددة واأهمها م�شروعات الطاق ��ة ال�شم�شية اإذ‬ ‫نقوم حالي ًا بدرا�شة تطوي ��ر واإن�شاء حمطة كهرباء‬ ‫تعم ��ل بالطاقة ال�شم�شية �شع ��ة ‪ 20‬م‪/‬وات مع اكرب‬ ‫ال�شركات العاملية املتخ�ش�شة فى هذا املجال ‪.‬‬ ‫وتعت ��رب ال�شركة العام ��ل الب�شرى هو اأه ��م اأ�شولها‬ ‫حي ��ث حتر� ��س عل ��ى تواج ��د اأف�ش ��ل اخل ��ربات‬ ‫والكف ��اءات فى املج ��االت املختلفة وتق ��وم بتطبيق‬ ‫نظ ��ام اإدارى مت ��وازن ي� �وؤدى اإىل تنمي ��ة اخلربات‬ ‫الفنية واملهارات االإدارية للعاملني مع حتقيق اأعلى‬ ‫اإنتاجية بامل�شروعات‪.‬‬ ‫ويع ��د عام ��ل ال�شلم ��ة وال�شح ��ة املهني ��ة م ��ن‬ ‫اأه ��م عوام ��ل تقيي ��م اأداء العام ��ل وامل�شروع ��ات‬ ‫بال�شرك ��ة وذلك طبق ًا لكل م ��ن (‪ISO 14001 ,‬‬ ‫‪.)ISO18001‬‬ ‫‪- February 2017‬‬

‫‪15 Petroleum Today‬‬


195 A, 267 St., New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt T: (+202) 2520 2928 F: (+202) 2754 9280 www.advansys.me

An EPC Contractor for oil & gas, Infrastructure and industrial sectors both onshore and offshore multi-disciplinary projects. Projects arm of Intro group that is operational since 1980 in different fields related to the Oil & Gas sector. Advansys Projects as an EPC contractor provide the following services in Egypt and North Africa: Ó Plant construction Ó Pipelines Ó Storage tanks Ó Process equipments Ó Offshore platform rehabilitation Ó Infrastructure Ó Buildings

‫�أم ��ن �ملط ��ار�ت و�مل ��و�ين وذلك لدق ��ة تخ�س�سها ‬ ‫�ملهن ��ي ولتدري ��ب �لك ��و�در �لأمني ��ة لدين ��ا لتاأمني ‬ ‫�ملط ��ار�ت �مل�سرية‪� ،‬أما خ ��الف ذلك فاإن �ل�سركة ‬ ‫د�خل م�سر تعتم ��د على �لتدريب د�خل �ملوؤ�س�سات ‬ ‫�لأمنية �ملعتمدة من �لدولة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬م��اذا عن تاأمني فالك��ون للمطارات واملواين‬ ‫وما هو دورها يف التاأمني ؟‬ ‫ � ُأ�سن ��د �ىل جمموع ��ة فالك ��ون موؤخر� تل ��ك �ملهمة ‬ ‫وبد�أن ��ا بالفع ��ل مبطار �س ��رم �ل�سيخ ويلي ��ه تباعا ‬ ‫باقي �ملطار�ت �ملقرر ت ��ويل تاأمينها وفقا للجدول ‬ ‫�ملو�سوع لذلك‪� ،‬أما عن �ملهام �لتاأمينية فهي مهام ‬ ‫تفتي� ��س �حلقائب و�لتاأكد من ع ��دم دخول �أيا من ‬ ‫�ملخالف ��ات �ملق ��ررة يف �ملطار عن طري ��ق �أجهزة ‬ ‫حديثة وكو�در مدربة تدريب مهني عايل �جلودة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬م��ا ه��و دور ال�شرك��ة يف تاأم��ني الأح��داث‬ ‫واملعار�س الكربى التى ت ُنظم على اأر�س م�شر؟‬ ‫ ل ��كل حدث �أو معر�س متطلب ��ات خا�سة به فلدينا ‬ ‫منظوم ��ة عمل منهجي ��ة ومنا�سبة ل ��كل حدث وما ‬ ‫يحتاجه من خدمات �أمنيه �أو تنظيمية وتتنوع بني ‬ ‫�أفر�د �أمن و�أجهزة ومعد�ت فنية �أو حتى خدمات ‬ ‫�أو �أعمال تنظيمية للحدث ب�سكل عام ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬تاأم��ني مباري��ات ك��رة الق��دم يحت��اج اىل‬ ‫مه��ارات خا�شة فما هى طريقة ال�شركة يف‬ ‫تاأمني مباريات كرة القدم الكربى ؟‬ ‫ �أول ل ن�ستطي ��ع �أن نف�س ��ح ع ��ن �لطريق ��ة �أو ‬ ‫تفا�سيلها وذل ��ك لدو�عي �أمنية ولكن من �ملمكن ‬ ‫�أن ن ُثب ��ت �أن لدين ��ا منظومة خا�س ��ة للتعامل مع ‬ ‫تلك �ملباريات وهى لي�ست بجديدة على جمموعة ‬ ‫فالك ��ون‪ ،‬وق ��د �سب ��ق و�أن قمن ��ا �لف ��رتة �ملا�سية ‬ ‫بتاأم ��ني مباري ��ات �ملنتخب �لقوم ��ي‪ ،‬و�حلمد هلل ‬ ‫ب�سكل منظ ��م و�جلميع �أ�ساد بها وم ��ن �ملوؤكد �أن ‬ ‫ن�ستخ ��دم �آليات خا�سة لذل ��ك وتكنولوجيا ذكية ‬ ‫للتع ��رف عل ��ى �جلمهور �مل�س ��ارك و�أي�س ��ا ربطه ‬ ‫برق ��م �لبطاق ��ة �لقومي ��ة و�سورت ��ه �ل�سخ�سي ��ة ‬ ‫بخالف �إجر�ء�ت �أمنية �أخرى ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬م��ا هو ع��دد اجلامع��ات الت��ي توؤمنه��ا فالكون‬ ‫وكيف جنحت يف �شبط املنظومة الأمنية بها؟‬ ‫ توؤمن فالكون ع�سر جامعات حكومية و ‪ ٣‬جامعات ‬ ‫خا�س ��ة �لأن‪� ،‬أما عن جن ��اح �ملنظومة فرتجع �ىل ‬ ‫عدة �أ�سباب‪� ،‬أرى �أن من �أهمها هو تعاون �لطالب ‬ ‫نف�سه و�إح�سا�سه با�ستقر�ر �لعملية �لتعليمية ب�سكل ‬ ‫�آم ��ن و عدم توقفه ��ا ول يوم و�حد من ��ذ ��ستقر�ر ‬

‫تلك �ملنظومة‪ ،‬وبالطبع �لتن�سيق �لتام بني �أجهزة ‬ ‫�ل�سرطة ورج ��ال وز�رة �لد�خلية �لذين قدمو� كل ‬ ‫�لدع ��م �للوجي�ستي لذل ��ك‪ ،‬و�أي�سا �إد�رة �جلامعة ‬ ‫و�لأمن �لإد�ري لها وتن�سيق �لعمل فيما بيننا ودور ‬ ‫ك ��و�در �أفر�د فالكون و�لأجه ��زة و�ملعد�ت �لأمنية ‬ ‫كل تلك �لظروف كانت �أ�سباب لنجاح ملنظومة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬يعد العن�شر الب�شري حجر الزاوية لتقدم‬ ‫اأى �شرك��ة ‪ ..‬كي��ف تنظ��ر فالك��ون جروب‬ ‫اىل هذا العن�شر؟‬ ‫ ب ��كل تاأكيد نعترب �أن �ملوظف يف فالكون هو �سريك ‬ ‫جن ��اح �أ�سا�س ��ى له ��ا‪ ،‬وبالت ��ايل م ��ن �أول �لرعاية ‬ ‫�ل�سحية �خلا�سة به وباأ�سرته �ىل منظومة تاأهيل ‬ ‫وتدريب م�ستم ��ر �ىل �إن�ساء جمعية خدمات تقدم ‬ ‫خمتل ��ف �خلدم ��ات �خلا�سة بالعامل ��ني‪ ،‬ونر�عي ‬ ‫بالطب ��ع و�سع نظ ��ام متعل ��ق بالرتقي ��ات ومتابعة ‬ ‫حرك ��ة تطوي ��ر �ملوظفني لدين ��ا من خ ��الل �إد�رة ‬ ‫متخ�س�سة بذلك ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬وم��اذا ع��ن اجلوائ��ز وال�شه��ادات املحلي��ة‬ ‫والدولية التي ح�شلت عليها ال�شركة ؟‬ ‫ تعت ��رب �سرك ��ة فالك ��ون ه ��ى �ل�سرك ��ة �لوحي ��دة ‬ ‫�حلا�سلة على �سهادة �لإيزو‪٩002‬‬ ‫ ولي� ��س لع ��ام و�ح ��د فقط‪ ،‬و�من ��ا تك ��رر �أكرث من ‬ ‫ع ��ام جتديد تلك �ل�سه ��ادة بخالف ح�سولنا على ‬ ‫�لعدي ��د من �لتكرمي ��ات �ملحلية و�لدولي ��ة للتميز ‬ ‫و�لأد�ء‪ ،‬منه ��ا مث ��ال جائزة فار� ��س �جلودة بدبي ‬ ‫كاأف�س ��ل �سركة �أمن و نق ��ل �أمو�ل و خدمات عامة ‬

‫يف �لوط ��ن �لعربي‪.‬وهى متنح للكيان ��ات �ملتميزة ‬ ‫مبج ��ال عمل ما و�أي�سا ت�سدرنا �إح�ساء تقييمات ‬ ‫جمموع ��ة فورب� ��س �ل�سحفي ��ة �مل�سري ��ة كاأف�سل ‬ ‫�سركة �أمن م�سرية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬م��ا ه��م ع��م��اء ال�����ش��رك��ة م��ن البنوك‬ ‫وال�������ش���رك���ات وال���ف���ن���ادق وال��ه��ي��ئ��ات‬ ‫البدلوما�شية ؟‬ ‫ بالطب ��ع ه ��م عدد �سخ ��م وكبري ولك ��ن ممكن �أن ‬ ‫نق ��ول �إن �لقط ��اع �مل�س ��ريف بن�سب ��ة ‪ %70‬ونف� ��س ‬ ‫�لن�سب ��ة للهيئ ��ات �لدبلوما�سي ��ة‪� ،‬أم ��ا �لفن ��ادق ‬ ‫و�ل�سركات فتقريبا بن�سبة ‪.%45‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬هل تقوم ال�شركة بدور اإجتماعى وما هو؟‬ ‫ نق ��وم ب ��دور �إجتماع ��ى ب�سكل متقط ��ع عن طريق ‬ ‫بع�س �لزي ��ار�ت �لتي تنظمها �ل�سرك ��ة مل�ست�سفى ‬ ‫�أبو �لري�س �أو بع�س مالجيء �لإيتام ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬هل لل�شركة خطط تو�شعية يف الفرتة القادمة؟‬ ‫ لدينا قطاع �إ�سرت�تيج ��ي متخ�س�س ومن �سمن ‬ ‫مهامه در��س ��ة �إحتياج �ل�س ��وق �مل�سرية‪ ،‬وو�سع ‬ ‫روؤي ��ة وخط ��ط تو�سعي ��ة للمجموعة ونح ��ن نتجه ‬ ‫�لفرتة �لقادمة نحو �لت�سنيع �ملحلي لإحتياجتنا ‬ ‫من بع�س �لأجه ��زة �لأمني ��ة �مل�ستخدمة‪ ،‬وبد�أنا ‬ ‫بالفع ��ل يف �آلي ��ات �لتنفي ��ذ لذل ��ك م ��ع خ ��رب�ت ‬ ‫�أجنبي ��ه لأ�سهر �ل�سركات �ملتخ�س�سة يف ت�سنيع ‬ ‫�لأجه ��زة �لأمني ��ة يف �أوروب ��ا‪ ،‬مم ��ا يوف ��ر عملة ‬ ‫�سعب ��ة م�ستهلك ��ة لإ�ستري�د تلك �ملع ��د�ت و�أي�سا ‬ ‫لتعظيم قيمة "�شنع فى م�شر"‪.‬‬ ‫‪- February 2017‬‬

‫‪13 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫الرئي�س التنفيذي لفالكون جروب ‪:‬‬

‫ح�ستنا ال�سوقية ‪ %65‬ونتجه لتغطية اإحتياجات‬ ‫ال�سوق امل�سري من بع�س الأجهزة الأمنية‬

‫اك��د �شري��ف خال��د الرئي���س التنفي��ذي‬ ‫والع�ش��و املنت��دب ملجموع��ة "فالك��ون" عل��ى‬ ‫اأن احل�ش��ة ال�شوقية لل�شرك��ة و�شلت تقريبا‬ ‫اإىل ‪ %65‬للع��ام ‪ 2017‬مقارن��ة ب��� ‪ %45‬لعام‬ ‫‪ 2014‬م�ش��را يف ح��وار "لبرتولي��م ت��وداي "‬ ‫اىل اأن املجموع��ة تتج��ه يف الف��رتة القادمة‬ ‫نح��و الت�شني��ع املحل��ي لتغطي��ة اإحتياج��ات‬ ‫ال�ش��وق امل�ش��ري من بع�س الأجه��زة الأمنية‬ ‫امل�شتخدمة ‪ ...‬واليكم ن�س احلوار‬ ‫‪ Ó‬مت��ى تاأ�ش�شت جمموع��ة فالك��ون وما عدد‬ ‫فروعها وعدد العاملني بها ؟‬ ‫ � ُأ�س�س ��ت جمموع ��ة فالك ��ون ك�سرك ��ة م�ساهم ��ة ‬ ‫م�سرية ع ��ام ‪، 2006‬و�سلن ��ا �إىل ‪ 14‬فرع حتى ‬ ‫�لأن‪ ،‬ون�ستهدف فتح ‪ 4‬مناطق مركزية بالقاهرة ‬ ‫و �سوف تكون �سورة م�سغرة من �ملركز �لرئي�سي ‬ ‫بحي ��ث ت�ستم ��ل عل ��ى ممث ��ل لل�سئ ��ون �لقانونية ‬ ‫و�ملالية و�لت�سويق بال�سافة �إىل �لإد�رة �لطبية‪ ،‬‬ ‫مم ��ا ي�ساعدنا على تطبي ��ق �لالمركزية ب�سورة ‬ ‫�أكرب فى �لعمل ت�سهيال للعمالء و�ملوظفني‪ ،‬ويبلغ ‬ ‫عدد �لعاملني بها بكل �لقطاعات حو�يل ‪� 22‬لف ‬ ‫موظف و�د�ري وتتعدد �س ��ركات �ملجموعة حيث ‬ ‫ت�سم ��ل �سركة خدمات �أمنية و�سركة نقل �لمو�ل ‬ ‫و�سركة خدم ��ات عامة و�سركة �د�رة �مل�سروعات ‬ ‫و�سرك ��ة �لأجه ��زة �لفني ��ة �ملتخ�س�س ��ة عن كل ‬ ‫�لأجهزة �لمنية ومنظومة كامري�ت �ملر�قبة وما ‬ ‫�ىل ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬ك��م تبلغ احل�شة ال�شوقية لفالكون وما هو‬ ‫حجم �شوق احلرا�شة والتاأمني يف م�شر ‪...‬‬ ‫وروؤية �شيادتكم مل�شتقبلها ؟‬ ‫ �حل�س ��ة �ل�سوقي ��ة لفالك ��ون تقريب ��ا ‪ %65‬لع ��ام ‬ ‫‪ 2017‬مقارن ��ة ب� �� ‪ %45‬لع ��ام ‪� 2014‬أم ��ا حج ��م ‬ ‫�سوق �حلر��سة و�لتاأمني يف م�سر فهو كبري وعدد ‬ ‫‪12‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬

‫�ل�سركات يتجاوز�ملائة �سركة‪ ،‬ولكن لي�س جميعهم ‬ ‫�س ��ركات معتم ��دة �أو حتى موؤهل ��ة للمناف�سة بهذ� ‬ ‫�لقط ��اع �أو تقدمي خدم ��ات جي ��دة و �سيتم تقنني ‬ ‫ذلك �ملو�سوع من خالل قانون �لأمن �جلديد‪ .‬‬ ‫ �أم ��ا عن روؤيتي �خلا�سة مل�ستقب ��ل هذ� �ل�سوق فاإن ‬ ‫�حلاجة �ليه تتز�يد عاما بعد عام‪ ،‬فاإحتياج �سوق ‬ ‫�لعم ��ل و�لقت�ساد يف م�سر ينمو ومع حجم �لنمو ‬ ‫لب ��د �أن يكون بالتو�زي مع حج ��م �لتاأمني و�لأمن ‬ ‫ولك ��ن ب�س ��كل �إحرت�يف ومهن ��ي‪ ،‬ف ��ال ن�ستطيع �أن ‬ ‫نف�س ��ل ب ��ني حج ��م �ل�ستثم ��ار يف م�س ��ر وحجم ‬ ‫زيادة �سوق �سركات �لأمن و�حلر��سة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬م��ا ه��ى اخلدم��ات الت��ى تقدمه��ا ال�شرك��ة‬ ‫لقطاع البرتول امل�شرى ؟‬ ‫ نقدم خدمات متنوعة مثل خدمات �أمنيه للمقر�ت ‬ ‫وخدم ��ات فني ��ة كمنظوم ��ة كام ��ري�ت �ملر�قب ��ة ‬ ‫وبو�ب ��ات �لتفتي� ��س و�أجهزة �لك�سف ع ��ن �ملعادن ‬ ‫و �ملتفج ��ر�ت وغريها م ��ن خدمات نق ��ل �لأمو�ل ‬ ‫وخدمات �لنظافة و �سيانة �ملباين و �ملن�ساآت‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬هل متلك فالكون اأن�شطه خارج م�شر ؟‬

‫ كل خدم ��ات فالك ��ون موجه ��ة د�خل م�س ��ر‪ ،‬وكل ‬ ‫�أعمالن ��ا لل�سوق �ملحلي و يوج ��د طلبات من بع�س ‬ ‫�لدول �لعربية لفتح بع�س فروع لل�سركة‪ ،‬وهو �أمر ‬ ‫�ستقرره �ل�سركة بعد �إج ��ر�ء �لدر��سات �لالزمة‪ ،‬‬ ‫و م ��ن ناحية �أخرى نح ��ن وكالء لبع�س �ل�سركات ‬ ‫�لأجنبي ��ة �ملتخ�س�سة بت�سني ��ع وتوريد �لأجهزة ‬ ‫�لأمني ��ة وكام ��ري�ت �ملر�قب ��ة مبختل ��ف �أ�سكالها ‬ ‫لل ��وكالت رقم ‪ 1‬على م�ستوى �لع ��امل ك�سركة �سيا ‬ ‫و ر�بي�سكان و �سميث هيمن‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬هل تتع��اون ال�شرك��ة مع �ش��ركات اأجنبيه‬ ‫لنقل واإكت�شاب خربات يف التاأمني؟‬ ‫ كم ��ا ذكرن ��ا �أن �ل�سركة هى وكي ��ل ح�سري لكربى ‬ ‫�س ��ركات �لأجه ��زة �لأمني ��ة‪ ،‬و بذل ��ك يت ��م تدريب ‬ ‫�لكو�در �خلا�سة بنا على �أحدث �ملنظومات �لأمنية ‬ ‫يف �لتاأم ��ني و�ملر�قب ��ة و�لك�س ��ف عن جمي ��ع �ملو�د ‬ ‫و�ملع ��د�ت �ملحظورة‪ ،‬و مثال عل ��ى ذلك �لتدريبات ‬ ‫�مل�ستمرة مع �سركات �سيا و ر�بي�سكان و�سميثهيمان ‬ ‫و�نديجو فيجني �لخ‪ ،...‬وتعاونت فالكون موؤخر� مع ‬ ‫�سركة ري�سرت�تا �لإجنليزية �ملتخ�س�سة يف تدريب ‬

‫● هل تن ��وي ال�صركة التو�ص ��ع و الدخول يف جمالت‬ ‫واأن�صطة جديدة قريبا ؟‬ ‫ نعم بداأنا العمل يف ن�ساط ��ن جديدين وهما ت�سنيع ‬ ‫املوا�س ��ر ونق ��وم بتاأ�سي�سه حاليا ونعم ��ل على توفر ‬ ‫املاكينات بدرفيل �ستة اأمتار ت�ستطيع درفلة املوا�سر ‬ ‫حت ��ى �سم ��ك ‪ 30‬م ��رتا اىل جان ��ب توف ��ر ماكينات ‬ ‫ت�سكي ��ل املوا�س ��ر " ‪ "CNC‬اوتوماتي ��ك‪ ،‬اأم ��ا ‬ ‫الن�س ��اط الث ��اين فه ��و ت�سني ��ع م�ستلزم ��ات ال�سفن ‬ ‫م ��ن اأب ��واب واأغطي ��ة عناب ��ر و�س ��المل ‪ ....‬الخ‪،‬وكل ‬ ‫تلك امل�ستلزمات يت ��م ا�سترادها من اخلارج وبع�س ‬ ‫الدول حتتك ��ر �سناعتها مثل ال�س ��ن وكوريا‪،‬ولكننا ‬ ‫و�سعنا ا�سرتاتيجية لت�سنيعها لوقف نزيف العمالت ‬ ‫الأجنبية وهو ما يعد خطة تو�سعات جديدة لل�سركة ‪.‬‬ ‫● ملاذا كانت حتقق ال�صركة خ�صائر يف ال�صابق؟‬ ‫ كان ذلك ب�سبب تقادم الوحدات البحرية ‪ ،‬وتهالك ‬ ‫البني ��ة التحتية‪ ،‬اأما ال�سب ��ب الثالث فيعود اىل عدم ‬ ‫وج ��ود اإدارة للت�سوي ��ق وه ��ى اأ�سباب ف�س ��ل �سركات ‬ ‫القط ��اع العام ب�سفة عامة لأن القطاع العام يحتاج ‬ ‫اىل التطوي ��ر والتجديد وتبن ��ى فكر ت�سويقي حديث ‬ ‫وه ��ذا ما فعلن ��اه يف التم�ساح فتحول ��ت ال�سركة من ‬ ‫خا�سرة اىل رابحة العام املا�سي ‪ .‬‬ ‫● ما هو حجم الأعمال والأرباح امل�صتهدفة للتم�صاح‬ ‫خال العام ‪ 2017‬؟‬ ‫ ن�سته ��دف حتقيق حجم اأعمال خ ��الل ‪ 2017‬ي�سل ‬ ‫اإىل ‪ 500‬ملي ��ون جنيه‪،‬كم ��ا اأننا نخط ��ط مل�ساعفة ‬ ‫اأرباحه ��ا خ ��الل العام احل ��ايل من خ ��الل التو�سع ‬ ‫يف جم ��الت جدي ��دة �سب ��ق ذكرها‪،‬لأنن ��ا يف نف� ��س ‬ ‫الوق ��ت ن�سخ ما يق ��رب من ‪ 250‬ملي ��ون جنيه على ‬ ‫بناء البنية التحتية لل�سرك ��ة و اإعادتها باأ�سرع وقت ‬ ‫ممك ��ن مع مراع ��اة الظروف التي مت ��ر بها م�سر‪ ،‬‬ ‫وحالي ��ا قمن ��ا بتجدي ��د كل اأونا�س ال�سرك ��ة و�سراء ‬ ‫املاكين ��ات ال� �� "‪ " CNC‬وبرنام ��ج كام ��ل لت�سميم ‬ ‫ال�سفن يتم الأن تدريب املهند�سن للعمل به‪،‬وكذلك ‬ ‫جتدي ��د اأ�سطول النقل وبناء ور� ��س جمهزة باأونا�س ‬ ‫علوية واأبنية اإدارية جديدة ‪ .‬‬ ‫● وماذا عن العن�صر الب�صري يف ال�صركة؟‬ ‫ نهت ��م يف املق ��ام الول بالعن�س ��ر الب�س ��ري ونعي ��د ‬ ‫تدريب ��ه وتاأهيل ��ه ورف ��ع معنوياته وب ��ث روح جديدة ‬ ‫لدي ��ه كتلك الروح املوجودة ل ��دى العامل يف القطاع ‬ ‫اخلا�س ومت زيادة مرتب ��ات العاملن‪،‬ومن الناحية ‬ ‫ال�سحي ��ة اأقمن ��ا عي ��ادة �سحي ��ة ورفعن ��ا القيم ��ة ‬ ‫التاأميني ��ة عل ��ى احلي ��اة مبق ��دار ‪ % 50‬كما مت رفع ‬ ‫‪10‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬

‫مرتبات العقود اليومية ‪ % 50‬وكل ذلك يزيد اإنتماء ‬ ‫العامل جتاه �سركته‪.‬‬ ‫● مت ��ى تت�صل ��م ال�صرك ��ة ال�صفين ��ة اأحم ��د فا�صل وما‬ ‫هى واإمكاناتها ؟‬ ‫ ال�سفين ��ة اأحمد فا�سل هى اإح ��دى �سفن الإمدادات ‬ ‫العمالق ��ة التي تعم ��ل بنظام ‪،DP2‬وتع ��د حاليا يف ‬ ‫مرحل ��ة التجريب البح ��ري‪ ،‬ومن املخط ��ط اأن يتم ‬ ‫ت�سلي ��م ال�سفين ��ة يف مار� ��س املقبل‪،‬وه ��ى �سفين ��ة ‬ ‫جمه ��زة ب�ساح ��ة لطائ ��رات الهليكوب ��رت‪ ،‬وكذل ��ك ‬ ‫جمه ��زة بوحدت ��ن بحريت ��ن للغط� ��س " ‪"ROV‬‬ ‫للك�س ��ف والبح ��ث والتنقي ��ب اأ�سف ��ل البح ��ر عل ��ى ‬ ‫اأعماق ت�س ��ل اإىل ‪ 3‬اآلف مرت وك ��ذا مزودة بفتحة ‬ ‫غط�س "‪ ."MOONPOOL‬‬ ‫● و ماذا عن اإمكانات ال�صفينة بدر ؟‬ ‫ ال�سفينة ب ��در من �سفن خدم ��ات البرتول وجمهزة ‬ ‫مبط ��ار ووح ��دات ك�س ��ف عل ��ى الأعم ��اق‪ ،‬واأي�س ��ا ‬ ‫جمهزة باخلامات الالزم ��ة لعمل احلفارات وتعمل ‬ ‫م ��ع �سرك ��ة ب ��رتول خلي ��ج ال�سوي�س "جابك ��و" منذ ‬ ‫دخوله ��ا اخلدم ��ة م ��ن ‪� 5‬سن ��وات حت ��ى الن‪ ،‬ومت ‬ ‫جتدي ��د عقد العمل موؤخرا ل� �� ‪� 5‬سنوات اأخرى وهى ‬ ‫اأ�سغ ��ر من ال�سفينة اأحمد فا�سل ومالئمة للعمل يف ‬ ‫البح ��ر الحمر بخالف ال�سفين ��ة اأحمد فا�سل التي ‬ ‫�ستعمل يف البحر البي�س املتو�سط مع �سركات الغاز ‬ ‫حيث نعمل حاليا ‪.‬‬ ‫● ر�صالة توجهها لقطاع البرتول ؟‬ ‫ اأنا�س ��د قطاع البرتول ومعايل وزي ��ر البرتول بو�سع ‬ ‫ال�سركات الوطنية واحلكومية يف املقام الول للعمل ‬ ‫م ��ع �سركات النتاج‪ ،‬واإتاح ��ة الفر�سة لها كاملة يف ‬ ‫التعاق ��دات ويكون له ��ا الأولوي ��ة يف احل�سول على ‬ ‫العقود‪،‬ف ��ال ي ُعقل اأن يكون لدين ��ا �سركات م�سرية ‬

‫متلك �سفن م�سرية ونتعاقد مع �سركات اأجنبية ‪.‬‬ ‫● ر�صالة توجهها للعاملن ب�صركة التم�صاح ؟‬ ‫ ل يفوتن ��ي هن ��ا الإ اأن اأثم ��ن اجله ��ود الكبرة التي ‬ ‫يقوم بها العاملون بال�سركة‪ ،‬وخا�سة ق�سم الت�سويق ‬ ‫والعق ��ود وعل ��ى راأ�سهم املهند�س ��ه واملهند�سة دعاء ‬ ‫طه واملهند�س اإ�سالم ال�سيد ‪،‬حيث قام هذا الق�سم ‬ ‫بجهود �سخمة يف الفرتة املا�سية ومازال يبذل هذا ‬ ‫اجلهد للت�سويق خلدمات ال�سركة والتوا�سل اجليد ‬ ‫مع العمالء للح�سول على تعاقدات جديدة واأخرى ‬ ‫دخلت يف مرحلة التنفيذ حالي ًا‪.‬‬ ‫وعل ��ى هام� ��س املقابلة قال ��ت املهند�سة دع ��اء طه اأنه ‬ ‫يكف ��ي اأن ننظ ��ر اىل و�س ��ع ال�سرك ��ة قب ��ل وبع ��د تويل ‬ ‫املهند� ��س ر�س ��ا من�سبه ونق ��ارن ب ��ن الو�سعن حتى ‬ ‫نتع ��رف على جهوده يف تنمي ��ة وتطوير �سركة التم�ساح ‬ ‫التي اأ�سبحت الأن تعمل وفقا لفكر جديد غر تقليدي ‬ ‫على عك�س ما كان يحدث قبل ذلك م�سرة اىل �سيا�سة ‬ ‫ال�سركة يف التوا�سل م ��ع العمالء وت�سويق خدماتها يف ‬ ‫اإط ��ار اإدارة الت�سوي ��ق‪ ،‬وه ��و مامل يكن متع ��ارف عليه ‬ ‫لدى الدارات ال�سابقة ونتيجة لل�سيا�سات اجلديدة مت ‬ ‫اإبرام تعاقدات جيدة مع �سركات البرتول ‪ .‬‬ ‫فيما ا�س ��اد املهند�س اإ�س ��الم ال�سيد بجه ��ود املهند�س ‬ ‫ر�س ��ا ال�سنجابي يف تطوي ��ر ال�سركة واع ��ادة هيكلتها ‬ ‫وتطوي ��ر البني ��ة التحتي ��ة وتدري ��ب وتاأهي ��ل العن�س ��ر ‬ ‫الب�س ��ري به ��ا‪ ،‬مم ��ا اأدى اىل حتقي ��ق الأرب ��اح م�سرا ‬ ‫اىل اأن ��ه لي�س جمرد رئي�سا ملجل�س اإدارة يعطي الأوامر ‬ ‫والتعليم ��ات فقط‪،‬واإمن ��ا يدع ��م وي�سان ��د العاملن يف ‬ ‫عمله ��م حتى يحقق ��ون النتائج املرجوة‪،‬كم ��ا اأنه اأن�ساأ ‬ ‫اأق�سام ��ا جديدة مث ��ل العق ��ود والت�سوي ��ق وتكنولوجيا ‬ ‫املعلوم ��ات واأن�س� �اأ اأي�سا املوقع اللك ��رتوين لل�سركة يف ‬ ‫اإطار تكثيف الدعاية والت�سويق خلدمات الت�سماح ‪.‬‬

‫ال�صنجابي؟‬ ‫ال�صنجابي؟‬ ‫ر�صار�صا‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫علىعلى‬ ‫نتعرف‬ ‫نتعرف‬ ‫نريد اأن‬ ‫نريد اأن‬ ‫بدايةبداية‬ ‫●●‬ ‫�ن كلية الهند�سة ‬ ‫�ن كلية الهند�سة ‬ ‫�م هند�سة بحرية م �‬ ‫�م هند�سة بحرية م �‬ ‫أنا خريج ق�س �‬ ‫أنا خريج ق�س �‬ ‫ ا ا‬ ‫أ�سكندرية عام ‪ ،1985‬عملت يف هيئة قناة ‬ ‫أ�سكندرية عام ‪ ،1985‬عملت يف هيئة قناة ‬ ‫جامعة ال‬ ‫جامعة ال‬ ‫�د البحرية‪ ،‬حا�سل على ‬ ‫�د البحرية‪ ،‬حا�سل على ‬ ‫�س برت�سانة بور�سعي �‬ ‫�س برت�سانة بور�سعي �‬ ‫ال�سوي� �‬ ‫ال�سوي� �‬ ‫�اة ال�سوي�س ‬ ‫�اة ال�سوي�س ‬ ‫�ا يف جامعة قن �‬ ‫�ا يف جامعة قن �‬ ‫�ات العلي �‬ ‫�ات العلي �‬ ‫�وم الدرا�س �‬ ‫�وم الدرا�س �‬ ‫دبل � دبل �‬ ‫إ�سراف ‬ ‫إ�سراف ‬ ‫�ة ائ �ل�ة ال‬ ‫�ت مع هي‬ ‫�ت مع هيئ �‬ ‫�ن اليابان ‪ ،‬عمل �‬ ‫�ن اليابان ‪ ،‬عمل �‬ ‫ودبلو�ة م� ��ة م �‬ ‫ودبلوم �‬ ‫‪AHMED‬‬ ‫‪AHMED‬‬ ‫‪FADEL‬‬ ‫‪FADEL‬‬ ‫�وات‪ ،‬دار�س ‬ ‫�وات‪ ،‬دار�س ‬ ‫أربع �سن �‬ ‫أربع �سن �‬ ‫�دة �ا�دة ا‬ ‫�ن س �مل ��ن مل‬ ‫�ة يف ال�‬ ‫�ة يف ال�س �‬ ‫إجنليزي �‬ ‫إجنليزي �‬ ‫ال ال‬ ‫�ى ل ��ى ‬ ‫�ل ع�ل ��ل ع‬ ‫�ودة‪ ،‬حا�س‬ ‫�ودة‪ ،‬حا�س �‬ ‫إدارة اجل �‬ ‫إدارة اجل �‬ ‫�ات ول‬ ‫�ات ول‬ ‫إدارة الرت�سان �‬ ‫إدارة الرت�سان �‬ ‫ل ل‬ ‫�ن من ‬ ‫�ن من ‬ ‫�واع ال�سف �‬ ‫�واع ال�سف �‬ ‫�ى جماأين���ع اأن �‬ ‫�ى جمي ��ع ‬ ‫�ف عل ��ف عل �‬ ‫�ادات للك�س �‬ ‫�ادات للك�س �‬ ‫�سه ��سه �‬ ‫�ة يف لندن ‪ ،‬رئي�س ملجل�س ‬ ‫�ة يف لندن ‪ ،‬رئي�س ملجل�س ‬ ‫إجنليزي �‬ ‫إجنليزي �‬ ‫إ�سراف ال‬ ‫إ�سراف ال‬ ‫هيئةال‬ ‫هيئةال‬ ‫أن‪ .‬لأن‪ .‬‬ ‫ادارة �سركة التم�ساح من العام ‪ 2016‬وحتى ا‬ ‫ادارة �سركة التم�ساح من العام ‪ 2016‬وحتى ال‬ ‫المقبل‬ ‫المقبل‬ ‫مارس‬ ‫مارس‬ ‫فاضل‬ ‫فاضل‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫أحمد‬ ‫السفينة‬ ‫السفينة‬ ‫لتسلم‬ ‫لتسلم‬ ‫نستعد‬ ‫تطوي ��ر نستعد‬ ‫تطوي ��ر‬ ‫‪2016‬ط �خ�ةط ��ة‬ ‫‪ 2016‬خ‬ ‫�ال�امع ��ام‬ ‫�ال ع �‬ ‫ال�صرك �خ ��ة خ �‬ ‫ال�صرك ��ة‬ ‫● ب ��د●ا ب �أت�داأت‬ ‫المتوسط‬ ‫المتوسط‬ ‫االبيض‬ ‫االبيض‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫في‬ ‫في‬ ‫الغاز‬ ‫الغاز‬ ‫شركات‬ ‫شركات‬ ‫معمع‬ ‫للعمل‬ ‫بعد اأن للعمل‬ ‫بعد اأن‬ ‫جنيهجنيه‬ ‫مليون‬ ‫مليون‬ ‫اىل ‪20‬‬ ‫أرباحاص ��لت�ص �اىل�ل ‪20‬‬ ‫أرباحا ت�‬ ‫وحق اق ��ت ا‬ ‫وحقق ��ت‬ ‫�ركات البرتول‪،‬وكما قولت �سابقا فقد ا�ستحدثنا ‬ ‫�س � �س �‬ ‫أعمال ‪،‬حيث مت تدريبهم يف م�سر وبريطانيا وكل ‬ ‫أعمال ‪،‬حيث مت تدريبهم يف م�سر وبريطانيا وكل ‬ ‫�ركات البرتول‪،‬وكما قولت �سابقا فقد ا�ستحدثنا ال ال‬ ‫ذلك؟ذلك؟‬ ‫حدثحدث‬ ‫كيفكيف‬ ‫اخلا�صرة‬ ‫اخلا�صرة‬ ‫ال�صركات‬ ‫ال�صركات‬ ‫كانت من‬ ‫كانت من‬ ‫�ال وي�سم ‬ ‫�ود وتطوير ام �لأعم �‬ ‫�ود وتطوير الأع‬ ‫�ق والعق �‬ ‫�ق والعق �‬ ‫�ا للت�سوي �‬ ‫�ا للت�سوي �‬ ‫إحدى إحدى ق�سم �ق�سم �‬ ‫أن خطوط ‬ ‫أن خطوط ‬ ‫�رتول حتتاج لهذا اجل�از ه �ل�از ل‬ ‫�رتول حتتاج لهذا اجله �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ال وي�سم �س � �س �‬ ‫أن �سركة التم�ساح هى ا‬ ‫أن �سركة التم�ساح هى ا‬ ‫أن نو�سح ا‬ ‫أن نو�سح ا‬ ‫بداية يجب ا‬ ‫بداية يجب ا‬ ‫ ‬ ‫ؤهلن واملدربن على ‬ ‫�ة من �سباب املهند�سن املو‬ ‫�ة من �سباب املهند�سن املو‬ ‫�ك �سبع نخب �نخب �‬ ‫�ل اىل ‪ 3‬الف ‬ ‫�ل اىل ‪ 3‬الف ‬ ‫أعماق ت�س �‬ ‫أعماق ت�س �‬ ‫�ى لا ��ى ا‬ ‫�ب التي تقع ع‬ ‫�ب التي تقع عل �‬ ‫النابي �‬ ‫ؤهلن واملدربن على النابي �‬ ‫�ك �سبع ‬ ‫�س والتي متتل �‬ ‫�س والتي متتل �‬ ‫�اة ال�سوي� �‬ ‫�اة ال�سوي� �‬ ‫�ة قئ �ن ��ة قن �‬ ‫�ركات هي‬ ‫�ركات هيئ �‬ ‫�س � �س �‬ ‫أنا ننطلق يف كال من ال�سوقن ‬ ‫العقود والت�سويق‪ ،‬وبدا‬ ‫أ الفريق مهاب ممي�س رئي�س الهيئة العقود والت�سويق‪ ،‬وبدا‬ ‫ك ‪.‬مك ‪.‬‬ ‫أنا ننطلق يف كال من ال�سوقن مرت حتتاج اىل الت�سوير والك�سف وقيا�س ال�س ُم‬ ‫أ الفريق مهاب ممي�س رئي�س الهيئة ‬ ‫�سركات‪ ،‬وقد بدا‬ ‫�سركات‪ ،‬وقد بدا‬ ‫مرت حتتاج اىل الت�سوير والك�سف وقيا�س ال�س ُ‬ ‫�ا يوجد بال�سركة قطاعا للغط�س ي�سم عددا من ‬ ‫�ا يوجد بال�سركة قطاعا للغط�س ي�سم عددا من ‬ ‫�م �سركات كم � كم �‬ ‫�م �سركات ‬ ‫�ا مع معظ �‬ ‫�ا مع معظ �‬ ‫�ي فتوا�سلن �‬ ‫�ي فتوا�سلن �‬ ‫�ري والعرب �‬ ‫�ري والعرب �‬ ‫�ادة هيكلة لهذه ال�سركات امل�س �امل�س �‬ ‫�ادة هيكلة لهذه ال�سركات ‬ ‫خطة �ساملة لتطوير واإع �‬ ‫خطة �ساملة لتطوير واإع �‬ ‫�ى �سهادة المييكا ‬ ‫�ى �سهادة المييكا ‬ ‫�ن املهرة احلا�سلن عل �‬ ‫�ن املهرة احلا�سلن عل �‬ ‫الغطا�س �‬ ‫�ا احلالية الغطا�س �‬ ‫�ا احلالية ‬ ‫�ا احتياجاته �‬ ‫�ا احتياجاته �‬ ‫�ة ودر�سن �‬ ‫�ة ودر�سن �‬ ‫�رتول امل�سري �‬ ‫�رتول امل�سري �‬ ‫�ذه اخل�ة ط ��ة الب � الب �‬ ‫�ذه اخلط �‬ ‫�ي س �ه ��ي ه �‬ ‫�ام املا�سي‪،‬وتق�‬ ‫�ام املا�سي‪،‬وتق�س �‬ ‫�ن الع ��ن الع �‬ ‫بدايم� ��ة م �‬ ‫بداي ��ة ‬ ‫�وط البرتول‪،‬وهناك ‬ ‫�وط البرتول‪،‬وهناك ‬ ‫أعمال ال�سيانة خلط �‬ ‫أعمال ال�سيانة خلط �‬ ‫�ام با�ام با‬ ‫�ات حقول الغاز للقي �للقي �‬ ‫�ات حقول الغاز ‬ ‫�وايل اكت�ساف �‬ ‫�وايل اكت�ساف �‬ ‫�ة يف ظل ت �‬ ‫�ة يف ظل ت �‬ ‫وامل�ستقبلي �‬ ‫�ة التحتية وامل�ستقبلي �‬ ‫�ة التحتية ‬ ‫�ركات وتطوير البني �‬ ‫�ركات وتطوير البني �‬ ‫�ة ال�س �‬ ‫�ة ال�س �‬ ‫�ادة هيكل �‬ ‫�ادة هيكل �‬ ‫باإع �باإع �‬ ‫�دورات ‬ ‫�دورات ‬ ‫�ع ال�سمن �‬ ‫�ع ال�سمن �‬ ‫�و ت�سني �‬ ‫�و ت�سني �‬ ‫�م وه �‬ ‫�م و�ه �‬ ‫�ر مه ��ر مه‬ ‫�اط اآخ �‬ ‫�اط اآخ �‬ ‫ال�سخمة يف البحر البي�س املتو�سط والتي �ستحقق ن�س � ن�س �‬ ‫�ل على تطوير ال�سخمة يف البحر البي�س املتو�سط والتي �ستحقق ‬ ‫�ل على تطوير ‬ ‫أنا نعم �‬ ‫أنا نعم �‬ ‫�ا لذلك بدا‬ ‫�ا لذلك بدا‬ ‫�ا بالكامل‪،‬ووفق �‬ ‫�ا بالكامل‪،‬ووفق �‬ ‫له � له �‬ ‫م�ستقبال زاهرا مل�سر ‪ .‬‬ ‫أهداف هو م�ستقبال زاهرا مل�سر ‪ .‬‬ ‫أو �سمندورات ‬ ‫أو �سمندورات ‬ ‫�دادات ا‬ ‫�دادات ا‬ ‫�دورات اإم �‬ ‫�دورات اإم �‬ ‫�واء كانت �سمن �‬ ‫�واء كانت �سمن �‬ ‫�س � �س �‬ ‫أهداف هو ‬ ‫أول االأول ال‬ ‫�ة وكان ‬ ‫�ة وكان ا‬ ‫�ة وفقا خلطة زمني �‬ ‫�ة وفقا خلطة زمني �‬ ‫ال�سرك �‬ ‫ال�سرك �‬ ‫العربي ؟‬ ‫العربي ؟‬ ‫ال�صوق‬ ‫ال�صوق‬ ‫وماذا عن‬ ‫وماذا عن‬ ‫�ول املتهالكة التي مل ● ●‬ ‫�اط والت�سويق ‬ ‫�اط والت�سويق ‬ ‫�ر هذا الن�س �‬ ‫�ر هذا الن�س �‬ ‫�ا يف تطوي �‬ ‫�ا يف تطوي �‬ ‫روباط‪،‬وبداأن �‬ ‫روباط‪،‬وبداأن �‬ ‫�ول املتهالكة التي مل ‬ ‫�ة وا �لأ�س �‬ ‫�ة وا�لأ�س‬ ‫�ر البنية التحتي‬ ‫�ر البنية التحتي �‬ ‫تطوي �تطوي �‬ ‫�ة اخلليج ‬ ‫�ي وخا�سة منطق �‬ ‫�ي وخا�سة منطق �‬ ‫�وق العرب �‬ ‫�وق العرب �‬ ‫�ا يف ال�س �‬ ‫�ا يف ال�س �‬ ‫أت يف أت يف بد اأن �بداأن �‬ ‫�ن �سركات ‬ ‫�ن �سركات ‬ ‫�دات مع عدد م �‬ ‫�دات مع عدد م �‬ ‫�ا على تعاق �‬ ‫�ا على تعاق �‬ ‫�ه وح�سلن �‬ ‫�ه وح�سلن �‬ ‫�ة اخلليج ل � ل �‬ ‫�ا بدا�ا بدا‬ ‫�وات عديدة‪،‬كم �‬ ‫�وات عديدة‪،‬كم �‬ ‫�ا منذ �سن �‬ ‫�ا منذ �سن �‬ ‫يتم جتديده �‬ ‫يتم جتديده �‬ ‫أخ�س يف ال�سعودية والكويت وقطر‪،‬فهناك ‬ ‫�ى ا �ل�ى ال‬ ‫�اب قامو وعل �وعل‬ ‫�ة والبحرانية ‬ ‫�ة والبحرانية ‬ ‫�ركات جم�س �‬ ‫�ركات جم�س �‬ ‫�ل ��س ��ل �س �‬ ‫�رتول حاليا مث‬ ‫�رتول حاليا مث �‬ ‫أخ�س يف ال�سعودية والكويت وقطر‪،‬فهناك الب � الب �‬ ‫�اب قامو ‬ ‫�ود والت�سويق من �سب �‬ ‫�ود والت�سويق من �سب �‬ ‫�م العق �‬ ‫�م العق �‬ ‫�س ق�س �‬ ‫�س ق�س �‬ ‫تا�سي� �‬ ‫تا�سي� �‬ ‫أنا العمل ‬ ‫خطة للتواجد يف ال�سوق اخلليجي كذلك بدا‬ ‫�ر لعادة ال�سركة اىل مكانتها يف خطة للتواجد يف ال�سوق اخلليجي كذلك بدا‬ ‫مل�ستقات الغاز وزيتكو ‪ .‬‬ ‫أنا العمل مل�ستقات الغاز وزيتكو ‪ .‬‬ ‫بجهد ون�ساط كب �‬ ‫بجهد ون�ساط كب �‬ ‫�ر لعادة ال�سركة اىل مكانتها يف ‬ ‫�وق العاملي من خالل التعاون مع �سركات يف ‬ ‫يف ال�س �‬ ‫�ك حتى تتحول �سركات يف ال�س �‬ ‫العاملن‬ ‫العاملن‬ ‫لنقللنقل‬ ‫لن�صات‬ ‫لن�صات‬ ‫لتوفري‬ ‫لتوفري‬ ‫خطةخطة‬ ‫حتدثتم�نع ��ن‬ ‫حتدثتم ع �‬ ‫�وق العاملي من خالل التعاون مع �سركات يف ● ●‬ ‫�ك حتى تتحول �سركات ‬ ‫ال�سوق املحلي والعربي وذل �‬ ‫ال�سوق املحلي والعربي وذل �‬ ‫�ن ل�سركة ‬ ‫�اين كممثل �‬ ‫�اين كممثل �‬ ‫�دي واب �لإ�سب �‬ ‫�دي والإ�س‬ ‫�ن الهولن �‬ ‫�ن الهولن �‬ ‫ال�سوق �‬ ‫�رة اىل �سركات تدر ربحا ال�سوق �‬ ‫الطائرات‬ ‫الطائرات‬ ‫�دل�نم ��ن‬ ‫�دل �م �‬ ‫�رتول ب‬ ‫�رتول ب �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ولق ��ص ��ول �ص �‬ ‫�ن ل�سركة يف حقيف� ح‬ ‫�رة اىل �سركات تدر ربحا ‬ ‫�ة من �سركات خا�س �‬ ‫�ة من �سركات خا�س �‬ ‫الهيئ �الهيئ �‬ ‫�ة حتديداحتى يتم ‬ ‫�اح يف اخلدمات البرتولي �‬ ‫�اح يف اخلدمات البرتولي �‬ ‫التم�س �‬ ‫التم�س �‬ ‫ذلك ؟‬ ‫ذلك ؟‬ ‫ماذيفمت يف‬ ‫الهيلكوبرت مت‬ ‫�ة حتديداحتى يتم الهيلكوبرت ماذ‬ ‫أجنبية‪.‬‬ ‫أجنبية‪.‬‬ ‫للدولة وخا�سة بالعملة ال‬ ‫للدولة وخا�سة بالعملة ال‬ ‫�رتول وخا�سة ‬ ‫�رتول وخا�سة ‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ا ل��س ��ا ل�س �‬ ‫�الل زياراتن‬ ‫�الل زياراتن �‬ ‫من خ �‬ ‫من خ �‬ ‫أنا �سيا�سة طرق ‬ ‫أنا �سيا�سة طرق ‬ ‫أي�سا بدا‬ ‫أي�سا بدا‬ ‫�ق ل�سفن ال�سركة‪ ،‬وا‬ ‫�ق ل�سفن ال�سركة‪ ،‬وا‬ ‫الت�سوي �‬ ‫التم�صاح؟ الت�سوي �‬ ‫التم�صاح؟‬ ‫�صركة�صركة‬ ‫تقوم بها‬ ‫تقوم بها‬ ‫أن�صطةالتي‬ ‫أن�صطةالتي‬ ‫أهم الأهم ال‬ ‫وما اهى‬ ‫● وما● هى‬ ‫أن هذه ‬ ‫أن هذه ‬ ‫العاملة يف منطقة البحر البي�س تبن لنا ا‬ ‫العاملة يف منطقة البحر البي�س تبن لنا ا‬ ‫أمريكا‪.‬‬ ‫أمريكا‪.‬‬ ‫أبواب يف ال�سوقن الهندي وجنوب ا‬ ‫أبواب يف ال�سوقن الهندي وجنوب ا‬ ‫�ة متخ�س�سة يف ال ال‬ ‫�ة متخ�س�سة يف ‬ ‫�ا وال�سرك �‬ ‫�ا وال�سرك �‬ ‫إ�سالحه �‬ ‫إ�سالحه �‬ ‫�ن و�ا�ن وا‬ ‫�اء ال�سف‬ ‫�اء ال�سف �‬ ‫ بن � بن �‬ ‫لقطاع‬ ‫ال�صركة‬ ‫ال�صركة‬ ‫تقدمها‬ ‫تقدمها‬ ‫اخلدمات�يالت ��ي‬ ‫اخلدمات الت �‬ ‫هى هى‬ ‫�ة جلمي ��ع ● م ��ا● م ��ا‬ ‫�ركات حتتاج لو�سيلة لنقل العاملن من املوقع ‬ ‫�ركات حتتاج لو�سيلة لنقل العاملن من املوقع ‬ ‫لقطاع ال�س �ال�س �‬ ‫�ة جلمي ��ع ‬ ‫�رات امل�ساحب �‬ ‫�رات امل�ساحب �‬ ‫�رات والقاط �‬ ‫�رات والقاط �‬ ‫�اء القاط �‬ ‫�اء القاط �‬ ‫بن � بن �‬ ‫البرتول؟‬ ‫�ركات البرتول امل�سرية واخرى البرتول؟‬ ‫اىل ال�ساطئ والعك�س ويتم نقلها حاليا بالطائرات ‬ ‫اىل ال�ساطئ والعك�س ويتم نقلها حاليا بالطائرات ‬ ‫�ركات البرتول امل�سرية واخرى ‬ ‫هيئات املواينء و�س �‬ ‫هيئات املواينء و�س �‬ ‫�ة البحر ‬ ‫�ا يف منطق �‬ ‫�ا يف منطق �‬ ‫�ف عمله �‬ ‫�ف عمله �‬ ‫�ه لتكثي �‬ ‫�ه لتكثي �‬ ‫�ة تتج �‬ ‫�ة تت�ج �‬ ‫ال�سرك‬ ‫�از‪�� ،‬از‪ ،‬ال�سرك �‬ ‫إ�سااف �إ�سا�ة ف ��ة ‬ ‫�ددة ا�ددة ‬ ‫�ات �حم �‬ ‫�ات � حم‬ ‫�ة ويف � اأوق‬ ‫�ة ويف اأوق‬ ‫�ف عالي �‬ ‫�ف عالي �‬ ‫وبتكالي �‬ ‫�ة البحر وبتكالي �‬ ‫�ركات الغ‬ ‫�ركات الغ �‬ ‫�ا ل��س ��ا ل�س �‬ ‫�ة خ�سي�س‬ ‫�ة خ�سي�س �‬ ‫�رات امل�سمم �‬ ‫�رات امل�سمم �‬ ‫القاط �القاط �‬ ‫�ة يف ظ �‬ ‫�رتة ا �ملُقبل �‬ ‫�رتة املُقبل‬ ‫�الل الف �‬ ‫�الل الف �‬ ‫�ط س �خ ��ط خ �‬ ‫�س املتو�‬ ‫�س املتو�س �‬ ‫�ات البرتولية ولدينا الأبيا�ل�أبي� �‬ ‫أدت اىل حمدودي ��ة ‬ ‫أدت اىل حمدودي ��ة ‬ ‫�ي تا ��ي ا‬ ‫�ة ال�ت ��ة ال‬ ‫أمنيل�أمني‬ ‫�روف ا‬ ‫�روف ال‬ ‫اىل الظ �‬ ‫�ة يف �ل ظ ��ل اىل الظ �‬ ‫�ات البرتولية ولدينا ‬ ‫�ا الن�ساط الثاين فهو اخلدم �‬ ‫�ا الن�ساط الثاين فهو اخلدم �‬ ‫اأم � اأم �‬ ‫�ن احلديثة حتى توائم توايل اكت�سافات حقول الغاز ال�سخمة والتي ت�سكل ‬ ‫�دام الطائرات‪،‬فدر�سنا هذا المر ومن ثم ‬ ‫�دام الطائرات‪،‬فدر�سنا هذا المر ومن ثم ‬ ‫ا�ستخ �‬ ‫توايل اكت�سافات حقول الغاز ال�سخمة والتي ت�سكل ا�ستخ �‬ ‫�ن احلديثة حتى توائم ‬ ‫�ة م�ستقبلية لزيادة ال�سف �‬ ‫�ة م�ستقبلية لزيادة ال�سف �‬ ‫خط �خط �‬ ‫أت �سركة ‬ ‫�ك املنطقة‪ ،‬واب ��دا‬ ‫�ك املنطقة‪ ،‬وب ��د‬ ‫�د ايل تل �‬ ‫�د ايل تل �‬ ‫�ال واع �‬ ‫�ال واع �‬ ‫م�ستقب �‬ ‫�رتول خا�سة م�ستقب �‬ ‫�ك ال�سركات للن�سات �سريعة ‬ ‫�ك ال�سركات للن�سات �سريعة ‬ ‫إحتياجات تل �‬ ‫إحتياجات تل �‬ ‫أدركنا ا‬ ‫أدركنا ا‬ ‫أت �سركة ا ا‬ ‫�رتول خا�سة ‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ركات الب �‬ ‫�ل � �س ��ل �س �‬ ‫�ة ع�م ��ة عم‬ ‫�ات وطبيع‬ ‫�ات وطبيع �‬ ‫متطلب �‬ ‫متطلب �‬ ‫أبي�س أبي�س التم�ساح العمل يف ذلك املجال نظرا لقلة ال�سركات ‬ ‫�ع اىل ‪� 100‬سخ�س � ��س ‬ ‫�ع اىل ‪� 100‬سخ� �‬ ‫�ال وت�س �‬ ‫�ال وت�س �‬ ‫�ل العم �‬ ‫�ل العم �‬ ‫�ع ني �ق ��ع نق �‬ ‫ت�ستط‬ ‫التم�ساح العمل يف ذلك املجال نظرا لقلة ال�سركات ت�ستطي �‬ ‫�ة يف منطقة الب�ر اح �ل�ر ال‬ ‫�ة يف منطقة البح �‬ ‫�از العامل �‬ ‫�از العامل �‬ ‫�ركات الغ �‬ ‫�ركات الغ �‬ ‫�س � �س �‬ ‫أن التم�ساح هى ‬ ‫أن ننوه هنا اىل ا‬ ‫أن ننوه هنا اىل ا‬ ‫العاملة فيه‪،‬ويجب ا‬ ‫إمدادات العاملة فيه‪،‬ويجب ا‬ ‫�ن الطائرات ‬ ‫�ن الطائرات ‬ ‫�رة وبتكل�ة اأف �ق ��ة اأ�ل قم� ��ل م �‬ ‫�رة وبتكلف �‬ ‫�ات كب �‬ ‫�ات كب �‬ ‫وب�سرع �‬ ‫أن التم�ساح هى وب�سرع �‬ ‫إمدادات ‬ ‫املتو�سط والتي �ستحتاج اىل �سفن خدمات وا‬ ‫املتو�سط والتي �ستحتاج اىل �سفن خدمات وا‬ ‫�ك جهاز"‬ ‫�ك جهاز"‬ ‫�ة قطاع عام متتل �‬ ‫�ة قطاع عام متتل �‬ ‫أول �سرك �‬ ‫أول �سرك �‬ ‫ا ا‬ ‫أكرب من ال�سفن املوجودة حاليا يف م�سر‪ .‬‬ ‫أكرب من ال�سفن املوجودة حاليا يف م�سر‪ .‬‬ ‫بحجم ا‬ ‫بحجم ا‬ ‫‪" ROV‬‬ ‫‪" ROV‬‬ ‫�ات ومن ‬ ‫�ات ومن ‬ ‫�ل النفق �‬ ‫�ل النفق �‬ ‫�ات لتقلي �‬ ‫�ات لتقلي �‬ ‫إجتااه �إجتاه �‬ ‫�ود �ا�ود ‬ ‫�ل وج‬ ‫�ل و�ج �‬ ‫لتبداأ لتبداأ يف ظ �يف ظ‬ ‫�الل جمموعة من ‬ ‫�ة من خ �‬ ‫�ة من خ �‬ ‫�اه العميق �‬ ‫�اه العميق �‬ ‫�ل يف املي �‬ ‫�ل يف املي �‬ ‫البرتول؟ العم �العم �‬ ‫البرتول؟‬ ‫�صركات‬ ‫�صركات‬ ‫العمل مع‬ ‫العمل مع‬ ‫ال�صركة‬ ‫ال�صركة‬ ‫وهلأتبداأت‬ ‫وهل بدا‬ ‫●●‬ ‫�د خا�س بال�سركة ‬ ‫�د خا�س بال�سركة ‬ ‫�ا نبتكر ت�سميم جدي �‬ ‫�ا نبتكر ت�سميم جدي �‬ ‫هنا بداأن �‬ ‫�الل جمموعة من هنا بداأن �‬ ‫�ا بالفعل جمموعة من الزيارات لعدد كبر من ‬ ‫ بد اأن �بداأن �‬ ‫ؤهلن واملدربن للقيام بتلك ‬ ‫�اب املو‬ ‫�اب املو‬ ‫املهند�سن ال�سب �‬ ‫�ا بالفعل جمموعة من الزيارات لعدد كبر من املهند�سن ال�سب �‬ ‫وندر�س بنائه حاليا‪.‬‬ ‫ؤهلن واملدربن للقيام بتلك وندر�س بنائه حاليا‪.‬‬ ‫‪20172017‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪- February‬‬ ‫‪- February‬‬ ‫‪9 9 Petroleum‬‬

‫ت�ضمنت اإعادة هيكلة وتطوير البنية التحتية‬

‫املهند�س ر�ضا ال�ضنجابي يروي " لبرتوليم توداي" تفا�ضيل‬ ‫تطوير وحتديث �ضركة التم�ضاح لبناء ال�ضفن‬




‫اإع ��ادة الهيكل ��ة‪ ،‬وتطوي ��ر البني ��ة التحتي ��ة‪ ،‬واإ�ص ��اح الأ�صول املتهالك ��ة‪ ،‬ورفع‬ ‫معنوي ��ات العامل ��ن وتبن ��ي الفك ��ر الت�صويقي احلدي ��ث‪ ،‬والتوا�ص ��ل اجليد مع‬ ‫العم ��اء لت�صوي ��ق خدمات ال�صرك ��ة‪ ،‬كل تلك عوامل كفيل ��ة بتحويل اأي �صركة‬ ‫قط ��اع ع ��ام خا�ص ��رة اىل �صركة رابح ��ة ‪ ،‬هذا ما فعل ��ه املهند�س ر�ص ��ا ال�صنجابي‬ ‫رئي� ��س جمل� ��س اإدارة �صرك ��ة التم�ص ��اح لبن ��اء ال�صفن حتى حتول ��ت ال�صركة من‬ ‫�صركة خا�صرة اىل رابحة خال توليه من�صبه يف عام ‪. 2016‬‬ ‫جمل ��ة " برتولي ��م ت ��وداي" اأرادت التعرف على خطط املهند� ��س ر�صا لتطوير‬ ‫ال�صرك ��ة واأي�ص ��ا اخلدم ��ات الت ��ي تقدمه ��ا �صرك ��ة التم�ص ��اح ل�ص ��ركات البرتول‬ ‫فكانت ال�صطور القادمة ‪.‬‬



‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬




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1. Printers and Scanners (Portable Label PrintersDesktop Printers) 2. RFID solution 3. General Labelling & Equipment Identification 4. Wire, Cable & Panel Markers 5. Pipe Markers and Valve ID 6. Safety Signs 7. Area and Logistics Marking 8. Visual Tagging - Scafftag 9. Spill Control Products 10. Lockout Tagout 11. Safety Software & Services

‫العامة للبرول حتقق اعلى معدالت انتاج فى تاريخها وتنتج ‪ 87.6‬الف برميل مكافئ ي�ميا‬ ‫حقق ــت ال�سرك ــة العامة للبرتول اعل ــى معدلت انتاج فى تاريخه ــا وذلك كما اأو�سحته نتائ ــج الأعمال التي‬ ‫حتقق ــت يف الن�س ــف الأول م ــن العام املاىل احل ــايل و�سجلت ال�سركة اإنت ــاج بلغ ح ــواىل ‪ 87.6‬األف برميل‬ ‫مكافىء للزيت يومي ًا من حقول ال�سركة ون�سيبها من اإنتاج ال�سركات امل�ساركة ‪.‬‬ ‫وت�سري النتائج اإىل حتقيق ك�سفني جديدين للزيت اخلام والغاز بحقل �سمال عامر البحرى بخليج ال�سوي�س‬ ‫وك�سف �سمال غرب راأ�س البحار بال�سحراء ال�سرقية اجلارى حالي ًا تقييم نتائجهما ‪،‬‬ ‫وته ــدف موازنة ال�سرك ــة للعام ‪ 2018/2017‬اىل حف ــر ‪ 18‬بئ ــر ًا ا�ستك�سافي ًا وتنموي ًا وتنمي ــة الإحتياطيات‬ ‫املكت�سف ــة وتنفيذ برنامج عمل متكامل لتطوي ــر البنية الأ�سا�سية وحتديث ت�سهيالت الإنتاج الربية والبحرية‬ ‫واملرافق املختلفة ‪.‬‬

‫�شركة التم�شاح لبناء ال�شفن تت�شلم ال�شفينة اأحمد فا�شل مار�س املقبل‬ ‫ت�ستع ــد �سركة التم�ساح لبناء ال�سفن التابعة لهيئة قناة ال�سوي�س لت�سلم ال�سفينة اأحمد فا�سل اإحدى �سفن‬ ‫المدادات العمالقة التي تعمل بنظام ‪ ،DP2‬وتعد حاليا يف مرحلة التجريب البحري‪.‬‬ ‫و�س ــرح املهند�س ر�سا ال�سنجابي‪ ،‬رئي�س جمل�س اإدارة ال�سركة لـ « جملة برتوليم توداي » اإنه من املخطط‬ ‫اأن يت ــم ت�سلي ــم ال�سفينة يف �سهر مار�س املُقبل‪ ،‬لفتًا اإىل اأن ال�سفينة جمهزة ب�ساحة لطائرات الهليكوبرت‪،‬‬ ‫وكذلك جمهزة بوحدتني بحريتني للغط�س" ‪ "ROV‬للك�سف والبحث والتنقيب اأ�سفل البحر على اعماق‬ ‫ت�سل اإىل ‪ 3‬اآلف مرت حتت البحر وكذلك مزودة بفتحه غط�س "‪."MOONPOOL‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫وا�س ــاف اأن ال�سركة تتجه حاليا لتكثيف عملها يف منطقة البحر الأبي�س املتو�سط خالل الفرتة املقبلة يف‬ ‫ظل توايل اكت�سافات حقول الغاز ال�سخمة والتي ت�سكل م�ستقبل واعد لتلك املنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وا�سار رئي�س جمل�س اإدارة �سركة التم�ساح اإىل اأن ال�سركة بداأت العمل يف ذلك املجال نظرا لقلة ال�سركات‬ ‫العامل ــة في ــه ‪ ،‬واأن التم�ساح هى اأول �سركة قطاع عام متتلك جهاز" ‪"ROV‬لتبداأ العمل يف املياه العميقة‬ ‫م ــن خ ــالل جمموعة من املهند�س ــني ال�سباب املوؤهلني واملدرب ــني للقيام بتلك الأعم ــال حيث مت تدريبهم‬ ‫يف م�سر وبريطانيا‪.‬‬ ‫وك�س ــف املهند� ــس ر�سا ال�سنجابي عن اأن ال�سركة حققت اأرباحا خالل ‪ 2016‬بعد اأن كانت حتقق خ�سائر‬ ‫كب ــرية قب ــل ذلك التاريخ م�سري ااإىل اأنها ت�ستهدف حجم اعمال خالل ‪ 2017‬ي�سل اإىل ‪ 500‬مليون جنيه‪.‬‬ ‫كما اأنها تخطط مل�ساعفة ارباحها خالل العام احلايل من خالل التو�سع يف جمالت جديدة منها ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬بن ــاء قاطرات ل�سركات البرتول بت�سمي ــم جديد متوافق مع �سفن الغ ــاز مت ت�سميمه ب�سركه التم�ساح‬ ‫وبالتعاون مع �سركة ‪ VOITH‬العامليه ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ Ó‬الدخ ــول يف جم ــال �سناع ــة وامت ــالك" ‪ "CREW BOAT‬كبدي ــل م�ستقبل ــي لطائ ــرات الهيلكوبرت‬ ‫بت�سميمات جديدة تتوائم مع طبيعة عمل �سركات البرتول امل�سرية والعاملية ‪.‬‬

‫رئي�س لبنان‪:‬‬ ‫�شنبداأ اإنت�اج النفط يف ‪2018‬‬ ‫اأعل ــن الرئي�س اللبناين مي�سال ع ــون‪ ،‬املوعد الذي‬ ‫يتوق ــع اأن تبداأ فيه لبنان اإنت ــاج النفط اخلام‪ ،‬على‬ ‫اأن تودع اإيراداته يف �سندوق ثروة �سيادي‪.‬‬ ‫وق ــال ع ــون‪ ،‬يف اجتم ــاع م ــع وف ــد م ــن نقاب ــة‬ ‫ال�سحفيني‪ ،‬ح�سب "�سكاي نيوز عربية"‪ ،‬اإنَّ لبنان‬ ‫�سيب ــداأ الإنتاج ع ــام ‪ ،2018‬م�س ـ ًـريا اإىل اأنَّ كل ما‬ ‫�سيجري حت�سيله �سيكون ل�سالح ال�سعب اللبناين‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�س ــاف اأنَّ الإي ــرادات �ست�ستثم ــر يف م�سروع ــات‬ ‫للتنمي ــة‪ ،‬متعهدً ا بزيادة اجله ــود املبذولة لتح�سني‬ ‫البنية التحتية املتهالكة يف البالد‪.‬‬


‫واأطلـــق لبنـــان اأول جولة لرتاخي�ـــس التنقيب‬ ‫واإنتـــاج النفط والغاز بعد تاأخـــر ثالث �سنوات‬ ‫يف خطـــوة لتطوير القطاع الـــذي ت�سرر جراء‬ ‫الأزمة ال�سيا�سية‪.‬‬ ‫‪- February 2017‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫م�شادر‪ :‬اأرامك� ال�شع�دية متتلك ‪ %15‬من االحتياطيات العاملية للنفط‬ ‫قالت م�سادر‪ ،‬اإن اأول مراجعة م�ستقلة لحتياطيات النفط لدى اأرامكو ال�سعودية اأكدت بيانات �سركة النفط‬ ‫احلكومية‪ ،‬وذلك قبل الإدراج املزمع لأ�سهمها فى ال�سوق العام املقبل‪.‬‬ ‫ومن املتوقع اأن ي�سبح هذا الإدراج اأكرب طرح عام اأوىل فى العامل‪ ،‬وميثل اإحدى ركائز خطة احلكومة ال�سعودية‬ ‫لتحقيق التحول فى اململكة عرب جذب ال�ستثمار وتنويع موارد القت�ساد وتقلي�س اعتماده على النفط‪.‬‬ ‫وبن ــا ًء عل ــى احتياطيات تبلغ ‪ 265‬ملي ــار برميل‪ ،‬فاإن حقول اأرامكو حتوى بذل ــك نحو ‪ %15‬من الحتياطيات‬ ‫العاملي ــة املوؤك ــدة‪ ،‬واأى دلئل عل ــى اأن الحتياطيات تفوق اأو تقل بكثري عن ه ــذا امل�ستوى قد توؤثر على القيمة‬ ‫ال�سوقية لل�سركة فى الإدراج‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت اأرامكو طلبت من �سركتني اأمريكيتني متخ�س�ستني فى مراجعة احتياطيات النفط تقييم احتياطياتها‪.‬‬

‫خالدة ت�شتهدف انتاج ‪ 151‬الف برميل و‪ 800‬ملي�ن قدم مكعب غاز خالل العام‬ ‫قال املهند�س حممد عبد العظيم رئي�س �سركة خالدة ان موازنة عام ‪ 2018/2017‬تبلغ ا�ستثمار ‪810‬‬ ‫مليون دولر وحفر ‪ 33‬بئر ًا ا�ستك�سافي ًا واإكمال برنامج امل�سح ال�سيزمى ثالثى الأبعاد فى مناطق غرب‬ ‫كالب�سة وخالدة ‪ ،3 -‬واأ�ساف اأنه من املخطط حفر ‪ 52‬بئر ًا تنموي ًا ومن امل�ستهدف اأن يبلغ اإجماىل الإنتاج‬ ‫اليومى من الزيت اخلام واملتكثفات حواىل ‪ 151‬األف برميل وحواىل ‪ 800‬مليون قدم مكعب من الغاز‬ ‫الطبيعى ‪ ،‬كما اأ�سار اإىل اأهم نتائج الأعمال التى حتققت فى الن�سف الأول من العام حيث مت حتقيق ‪4‬‬ ‫اكت�سافات وحفر ‪ 13‬بئر ًا تنموي ًا لزيادة الحتياطيات والإنتاج ‪ ،‬اأ�سار اإىل اتباع ال�سركة برنامج لرت�سيد‬ ‫النفقات تنفيذ ًا لتوجيهات وزارة البرتول حيث بلغ اإجماىل اخلف�س فى امل�سروفات فى الن�سف الأول من‬ ‫عام ‪ 2017/16‬حواىل ‪ 18‬مليون دولر ومن املخطط اأن ي�سل اإىل ‪ 35‬مليون دولر على مدار العام ككل‪.‬‬

‫ر�شيد تبداأ تنفيذ اأعمال التنمية للمرحلة‬ ‫التا�شعة (ب) ال�شافة ‪ 351‬مليار قدم غاز‬ ‫واأو�س ــح املهند� ــس ه�سام العط ــار رئي�س �سرك ــة ر�سيد‬ ‫والربل� ــس للغ ــاز اأن ال�سرك ــة تق ــوم حاليـ ـ ًا بالب ــدء فى‬ ‫الإع ــداد لتنفي ــذ اأعمال تنمي ــة املرحل ــة التا�سعة (ب)‬ ‫والتى تت�سمن اإ�سافة ‪ 8‬اآبار اإىل ت�سهيالت منطقة غرب‬ ‫الدلتا فى املياه العميقة مبعدل انتاج حواىل ‪ 387‬مليون‬ ‫ق ــدم مكعب غ ــاز يوميـ ـ ًا واإ�سافة خم ــزون ا�سرتاتيجى‬ ‫ح ــواىل ‪ 351‬مليار قدم مكع ــب غاز وحواىل ‪ 3.4‬مليون‬ ‫برميل متكثف ــات بتكلفة ا�ستثمارية ح ــواىل ‪ 950‬مليون‬ ‫دولر‪ ،‬واأ�س ــاف اأن حقلى تور�س ولي ــربا مب�سروع �سمال‬ ‫الإ�سكندري ــة مبنطق ــة امتياز غرب الدلت ــا يتكون من ‪9‬‬ ‫اآب ــار �سوف يتم و�سعها على الإنتاج فى الربع الثانى من‬ ‫عام ‪ 2017‬حيث مت النتهاء من جميع اأعمال الربط مع‬ ‫الت�سهيالت الربية والبحرية ل�سركة ر�سيد والربل�س كما‬ ‫يتم الآن التجهي ــز لأعمال ما قبل الت�سغيل والختبارات‬ ‫املطلوبة لأنظمة التحكم املوجودة على املن�سة البحرية‬ ‫كما مت النتهاء من الأعمال الربية املطلوب تعديلها على‬ ‫حمطة اإدكو ل�ستقبال الغاز املنتج من امل�سروع‪.‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬

‫ترامب ي�قع قرار ًا مب�ا�شلة بناء خط�ط اأنابيب نفطية اأوقفها اأوباما‬

‫خطي الأنابيب "كي�ستون اإك�س اإل"‬ ‫وقع الرئي�س الأمريكي‪ ،‬دونالد ترامب‪ ،‬مر�سوم ًا تنفيذي ًا يق�سي مبوا�سلة بناء ْ‬ ‫و"داكوتا اأك�س�س"‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قرار امل�سي قدم ًا ببناء خطي الأنابيب طرح جانبا اجلهود التي بذلتها اإدارة الرئي�س ال�سابق‪ ،‬باراك اأوباما‪ ،‬ملنع‬ ‫بناء اخلطني‪ ،‬يف حني اأوفى باأحد وعود ترامب اأثناء حملته النتخابية‪.‬‬ ‫خط اأنابيب "داكوتا اأك�س�س" هو م�سروع تقدر قيمته بـ‪ 3.7‬مليار دولر‪ ،‬من �ساأنه اأن ينقل ‪ 470‬األف برميل من النفط‬ ‫يومي ًا عرب اأربع وليات‪ .‬و�سيمر على وجه التحديد‪ ،‬من خالل املنطقة الغنية بالنفط يف ولية داكوتا ال�سمالية حيث‬ ‫هناك ما يقدر بنحو ‪ 7.4‬مليار برميل من النفط غري املكت�سف‪ .‬هذا النفط �سيتم �سحنه اإىل الأ�سواق وامل�سافى‬ ‫يف ال�ساحل ال�سرقي ومنطقة �ساحل اخلليج اأما خط اأنابيب "كي�ستون اإك�س اإل" فكان من املقرتح اأن ميتد على مدى‬ ‫‪ 1.2‬األف ميل عرب‬ ‫مــون ـتــانــا وداك ــوت ــا‬ ‫اجلنوبية ونربا�سكا‬ ‫وك ـ ـ ـن ـ ـ ـ� ـ ـ ـسـ ـ ــا�ـ ـ ــس‬ ‫واأوك ـ ـ ــاله ـ ـ ــوم ـ ـ ــا‬ ‫وت ـك ـ� ـســا�ــس‪ ،‬لنقل‬ ‫اأكــر من ‪ 800‬األف‬ ‫برميل مــن النفط‬ ‫اخل ـ ـ ـ ــام ال ـث ـق ـيــل‬ ‫يــومـيـ ًا مــن الــرمــال‬ ‫النفطية يف كندا‬ ‫اإىل مـ�ـســايف على‬ ‫�ساحل اخلليج‪.‬‬

‫ظه��ر‬ ‫حق��ل‬ ‫حفره��ا‬ ‫االنته��اء‬ ‫انتاجي��ة ‪7‬‬ ‫الب��رول ت‬ ‫ظه��ر‬ ‫حق��ل‬ ‫ف��ىف��ى‬ ‫حفره��ا‬ ‫م��نم��ن‬ ‫االنته��اء‬ ‫مت مت‬ ‫أب��ارأب��ار‬ ‫انتاجي��ةا‪ 7‬ا‬ ‫ؤك��دؤك��د‬ ‫الب��رول� ت�‬ ‫مظلتها‬ ‫برتوبل‬ ‫عاطف‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫مظلتها‬ ‫حتتحتت‬ ‫تقع تقع‬ ‫برتوبلالتىالتى‬ ‫�سركة�سركة‬ ‫رئي�سرئي�س‬ ‫ح�سنح�سن‬ ‫عاطف‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫قال قال‬ ‫‪2018/2017‬‬ ‫ا�ستثمارات‬ ‫اعتماد‬ ‫برتو�سروق اأنه‬ ‫لتبلغلتبلغ‬ ‫‪2018/2017‬‬ ‫املاىلاملاىل‬ ‫العامالعام‬ ‫ا�ستثمارات‬ ‫اعتماد‬ ‫برتو�سروق امتأنه مت‬ ‫�سركة�سركة‬ ‫املرحلة‬ ‫وا�ستكمال‬ ‫ال�ستك�ساف‬ ‫أن�سطة‬ ‫دولر ل‬ ‫املرحلة‬ ‫تنميةتنمية‬ ‫وا�ستكمال‬ ‫ال�ستك�ساف‬ ‫أن�سطة‬ ‫دولر ل‬ ‫مليارمليار‬ ‫‪3.83.8‬‬ ‫ـواىلـواىل‬ ‫حـ حـ‬ ‫امل�سروع‪.‬‬ ‫أوىلل من‬ ‫امل�سروع‪.‬‬ ‫أوىل من‬ ‫ال ا‬ ‫بنهاية‬ ‫�ست�سل‬ ‫ا�ستثمارات ا‬ ‫اجماىل‬ ‫عامعام‬ ‫بنهاية‬ ‫�ست�سل‬ ‫ظهرظهر‬ ‫حقلحقل‬ ‫تنميةتنمية‬ ‫أعمالأعمال‬ ‫ا�ستثمارات ا‬ ‫اجماىل‬ ‫إىل اأنإىل اأن‬ ‫واأ�ساو ًرا اأ�سا ًر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لال�ستثمارات‬ ‫�سخما‬ ‫حواىل ‪8‬‬ ‫‪ 2018/2017‬ا‬ ‫لال�ستثمارات‬ ‫�سخما‬ ‫رقمارقما‬ ‫يعد يعد‬ ‫وهو وهو‬ ‫دولردولر‬ ‫مليارمليار‬ ‫حواىل ‪8‬‬ ‫إىل اإىل‬ ‫‪2018/2017‬‬ ‫التوقيت‬ ‫امل�سروع فى‬ ‫لجناز‬ ‫والتحدى‬ ‫املجهود‬ ‫ويعك�س‬ ‫ق�سرية‬ ‫التوقيت‬ ‫امل�سروع فى‬ ‫لجناز‬ ‫والتحدى‬ ‫املجهود‬ ‫حجمحجم‬ ‫ويعك�س‬ ‫ق�سرية‬ ‫فرتةفرتة‬ ‫فى فى‬ ‫امل�سروع‬ ‫ا�ستثماراته‬ ‫إجماىل‬ ‫املخطط اأن‬ ‫املحدد‪ ،‬وا‬ ‫امل�سروع‬ ‫عمرعمر‬ ‫مدارمدار‬ ‫علىعلى‬ ‫ا�ستثماراته‬ ‫إجماىل‬ ‫يبلغ ايبلغ ا‬ ‫املخطط اأن‬ ‫املحدد‪،‬أنهوامنأنه من‬ ‫حواىل ‪16‬‬ ‫دولر‪.‬دولر‪.‬‬ ‫مليارمليار‬ ‫حواىل ‪16‬‬ ‫هذه ال‬ ‫انتاجية‬ ‫آبار اوتا‬ ‫حفر ‪ 7‬ا‬ ‫النتهاء من‬ ‫حتى ال‬ ‫إىل اأنه‬ ‫آبارلآبار‬ ‫هذه ا‬ ‫انتاجية‬ ‫أكيداأكيد‬ ‫آبار وت‬ ‫حفر ‪7‬‬ ‫النتهاء من‬ ‫حتىآنالآن‬ ‫إىل امتأنه مت‬ ‫واأكدو اأكد‬ ‫ظهر‪.5-‬‬ ‫ظهر‪ 2-‬و‬ ‫للبئرين‬ ‫اختبارين‬ ‫ظهر‪.5-‬‬ ‫ظهر‪ 2-‬و‬ ‫للبئرين‬ ‫اختبارين‬ ‫طريقطريق‬ ‫عن عن‬ ‫ي�ستهدف‬ ‫العميق وال‬ ‫ال�ستك�سافى‬ ‫والقيام‬ ‫ال�ستك�سافية‬ ‫ي�ستهدف‬ ‫ـذىلــذى‬ ‫العميقـ وا‬ ‫ظهرظهر‬ ‫ال�ستك�سافى‬ ‫البئرالبئر‬ ‫بحفربحفر‬ ‫والقيام‬ ‫ال�ستك�سافية‬ ‫تكثيف ال‬ ‫ا�ستمرار‬ ‫‪2017/2016‬‬ ‫حلـ اـاىل‬ ‫العام املـ‬ ‫أ�ساف اأن‬ ‫تكثيف ال‬ ‫ا�ستمرار‬ ‫ي�سهدي�سهد‬ ‫‪2017/2016‬‬ ‫حلــاىل‬ ‫ـاىلملـ اـاىل‬ ‫العام ا‬ ‫أ�ساف اأن‬ ‫وا وا‬ ‫احتمالت‬ ‫الكربونية ال‬ ‫الطبقات‬ ‫أن�سطةأن�سطة الو�سول اإىل‬ ‫بها‪ .‬بها‪.‬‬ ‫وغازوغاز‬ ‫زيتزيت‬ ‫لوجودلوجود‬ ‫احتمالت‬ ‫يوجديوجد‬ ‫التىالتى‬ ‫أعمقأعمق‬ ‫الكربونية ال‬ ‫الطبقات‬ ‫الو�سول اإىل‬

‫البحرية‬ ‫و�شقري‬ ‫مبناطق‬ ‫بروليتني‬ ‫اتفاقيتني‬ ‫يرتفع‬ ‫امل�شري ‪:‬‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫و�شقري‬ ‫قارونقارون‬ ‫غربغرب‬ ‫امتيازامتياز‬ ‫مبناطق‬ ‫بروليتني‬ ‫اتفاقيتني‬ ‫ت�قعت�قع‬ ‫غازغاز م�شرم�شر‬ ‫مكعبمكعب‬ ‫قدمقدم‬ ‫مليارمليار‬ ‫‪4.54.5‬‬ ‫اىلاىل‬ ‫‪3.93.9‬‬ ‫من من‬ ‫يرتفع‬ ‫الغازالغاز‬ ‫انتاجانتاج‬ ‫امل�شري ‪:‬‬

‫الطبيعية‬ ‫القاب�سة للغ‬ ‫ال�سركة‬ ‫امل�سرى� ــس‬ ‫امل�سرى رئي‬ ‫املهند�س حم‬ ‫الطبيعية‬ ‫ـازاتـازات‬ ‫القاب�سةـ للغ ـ‬ ‫ال�سركة‬ ‫رئي� ــس‬ ‫املهند�سم ـحمـدم ــد‬ ‫ـارس ــار‬ ‫اأ�س ـ اأ�‬ ‫أوللمن‬ ‫الن�سف ال‬ ‫حتققت خ ـ‬ ‫النتائج‬ ‫العامالعام‬ ‫أول من‬ ‫الن�سف ا‬ ‫ـاللـالل‬ ‫حتققت خ ـ‬ ‫التىالتى‬ ‫النتائج‬ ‫أهماأهم‬ ‫إىل اانإىلاان‬ ‫ـس) ـاـس)‬ ‫إيجاا� ـإيجا�‬ ‫(ا (‬ ‫بالبحر‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫للبحث عن‬ ‫جديدة‬ ‫اتفاقيات‬ ‫إبرام ‪4‬‬ ‫احلاىل ‪ ،‬ا‬ ‫بالبحر‬ ‫والغازوالغاز‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫للبحث عن‬ ‫جديدة‬ ‫اتفاقيات‬ ‫إبرام ‪4‬‬ ‫احلاىل ‪ ،‬ا‬ ‫ـاىلــاىل‬ ‫امل ـ امل‬ ‫دولرن ــح‬ ‫دولر وم‬ ‫‪ 306‬ملي‬ ‫ـاراته ــا‬ ‫ـارات حد‬ ‫با�ستثم ـ‬ ‫املتو�س ـ‬ ‫‪10.510.5‬‬ ‫توقيعتوقيع‬ ‫ومن ــح‬ ‫ـوني ــون‬ ‫‪306‬ـ مل‬ ‫أدنىلأدنى‬ ‫حد اه ـلـا ا‬ ‫با�ستثم ـ‬ ‫ـطس ــط‬ ‫املتو�‬ ‫املتو�سط‬ ‫بالبحر‬ ‫احلفر‬ ‫ا�ستك�سافية‪ ،‬وا‬ ‫دولرف ــر‬ ‫دولر حل‬ ‫املتو�سط‬ ‫بالبحر‬ ‫احلفر‬ ‫خطةخطة‬ ‫ا�ستك�سافية‪،‬أكدو اأنأكد اأن‬ ‫آبار اآبار‬ ‫حلف‪8‬ـ اـر ‪8‬‬ ‫مليونمليون‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫اليومى من‬ ‫زيادة ال‬ ‫‪ %75‬وا‬ ‫ن�سبةــاح‬ ‫ن�سبة جن‬ ‫حققت‬ ‫ودلت ــا‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫اليومى من‬ ‫إنتاجإنتاج‬ ‫زيادة ال‬ ‫‪%75‬أنهوامتأنه مت‬ ‫جن ــاح‬ ‫حققت‬ ‫النيلالنيل‬ ‫ودلت ــا‬ ‫مكعب ‪،‬‬ ‫‪ 4.5‬ملي‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫طبيعى اإىل‬ ‫‪ 3.9‬ملي‬ ‫كما كما‬ ‫مكعب ‪،‬‬ ‫قدمقدم‬ ‫ـاري ــار‬ ‫‪4.5‬ـ مل‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫طبيعى اإىل‬ ‫غاز غاز‬ ‫مكعبمكعب‬ ‫ـدم ــدم‬ ‫ـاري ـق ــار ق‬ ‫‪3.9‬ـ مل‬ ‫الطبيعى ا‬ ‫تو�سيل الغ‬ ‫أوىلل خل‬ ‫املرحلة ال‬ ‫ـاء اأع‬ ‫النتـاءه ـمن‬ ‫النته ـ‬ ‫إىل اإىل‬ ‫الطبيعى‬ ‫ـازغ ــاز‬ ‫تو�سيلـ ال‬ ‫ـوطــوط‬ ‫أوىلط ـخلط‬ ‫املرحلة ا‬ ‫منم ـاأعـالم ــال‬ ‫مت مت‬ ‫الربل�س "‪.‬‬ ‫اجلديدة –‬ ‫العا�سمة‬ ‫�سويف –‬ ‫كهرباء "‬ ‫حمطات‬ ‫الربل�س "‪.‬‬ ‫اجلديدة –‬ ‫العا�سمة‬ ‫�سويف –‬ ‫بنى بنى‬ ‫كهرباء "‬ ‫حمطات‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫م�سريا ا‬ ‫‪، 2018/2017‬‬ ‫التخطيطية‬ ‫املوازنة‬ ‫م�سروع‬ ‫ا�ستعر�س‬ ‫م�سريإىلا اأنإىل اأن‬ ‫‪، 2018/2017‬‬ ‫لعاملعام‬ ‫التخطيطية‬ ‫املوازنة‬ ‫م�سروع‬ ‫ا�ستعر�س‬ ‫كما كما‬ ‫مقدمتها‬ ‫م�سروعات يف‬ ‫الطبيعى ع ـ‬ ‫الطبيعى من‬ ‫باكورة ا‬ ‫�سي�سه ــد‬ ‫مقدمتها‬ ‫م�سروعات يف‬ ‫منـدةع ــدة‬ ‫الغازالغاز‬ ‫إنتاجإنتاج‬ ‫باكورة ا‬ ‫�سي�سه ــد‬ ‫العامالعام‬ ‫معدلت‬ ‫ارتفعت‬ ‫حقل� ــس‬ ‫حقل نور‬ ‫وظهر وا‬ ‫أ�سكندري ــة‬ ‫�سمال ال‬ ‫معدلت‬ ‫ارتفعت‬ ‫نور� ـقدـس قد‬ ‫آتولاواآتولأن واأن‬ ‫وظهر و‬ ‫أ�سكندري ــة‬ ‫�سمال ال‬ ‫حق ـحـولق ــول‬ ‫يوميا ‪ً.‬‬ ‫يوميا ‪ً.‬‬ ‫قيا�سى ا‬ ‫إنتاجه فى‬ ‫غاز غاز‬ ‫مكعبمكعب‬ ‫قدمقدم‬ ‫مليونمليون‬ ‫‪900900‬‬ ‫إىل اإىل‬ ‫قيا�سى‬ ‫وقتوقت‬ ‫إنتاجه فى‬ ‫ا ا‬

‫برتوليتني‬ ‫اتفاقيتني‬ ‫املعدنية‬ ‫البرتول وال‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫برتوليتني‬ ‫اتفاقيتني‬ ‫املعدنية‬ ‫ـروةـروة‬ ‫البرتولـ وال ـ‬ ‫وزيروزير‬ ‫املالاملال‬ ‫طارقطارق‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫وق ــعوق ــع‬ ‫للزيتح ـللبـثح ـعن‬ ‫للزيت للب‬ ‫و�سركة �س‬ ‫العامة للب ـ‬ ‫امل�سري ــة‬ ‫للهيئ ــة‬ ‫الغازالغاز‬ ‫ـث عن‬ ‫ـارىـارى‬ ‫و�سركةح ـ�سح ـ‬ ‫ـرتولـرتول‬ ‫العامة للب ـ‬ ‫امل�سري ــة‬ ‫للهيئ ــة‬ ‫ال�سوي�س‪.‬‬ ‫وخليج‬ ‫الغربية‬ ‫ال�سحراء‬ ‫مناطق‬ ‫إنتاجهما فى‬ ‫والبرتول وا‬ ‫الطبيعى‬ ‫ال�سوي�س‪.‬‬ ‫وخليج‬ ‫الغربية‬ ‫ال�سحراء‬ ‫مناطق‬ ‫إنتاجهما فى‬ ‫والبرتول وا‬ ‫الطبيعى‬ ‫الرئي�س‬ ‫احلديدى‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫البرتول كل‬ ‫التفاقيات مع‬ ‫الرئي�س‬ ‫احلديدى‬ ‫طارقطارق‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫من من‬ ‫البرتول كل‬ ‫وزيروزير‬ ‫التفاقيات مع‬ ‫وقع وقع‬ ‫على م ـ‬ ‫واملهند�س‬ ‫العام ــة‬ ‫امل�سري ــة‬ ‫للهيئ ــة‬ ‫التنفي ـ‬ ‫املديراملدير‬ ‫ـرياــريا‬ ‫على م‬ ‫واملهند�س‬ ‫ـرتولـرتول‬ ‫العامللـبـةـ للب ـ‬ ‫امل�سري ــة‬ ‫للهيئ ــة‬ ‫ـذىــذى‬ ‫التنفي‬ ‫واملهند�س‬ ‫طاهر‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫بح�سور‬ ‫�سحارى للز‬ ‫ل�سركة‬ ‫واملهند�س‬ ‫طاهر‬ ‫حمم ـحمـدم ــد‬ ‫املهند�س‬ ‫بح�سور‬ ‫ـتي ــت‬ ‫�سحارىي ـللز‬ ‫ل�سركة‬ ‫الع ـ الـامع ــام‬ ‫الوزارة‬ ‫أ�سرف ف ـ‬ ‫واجليولوجى ا‬ ‫ـوزارة‬ ‫وكيال ا‬ ‫الوزارة‬ ‫وكيلوكيل‬ ‫ـرجــرج‬ ‫أ�سرف ف‬ ‫واجليولوجى ا‬ ‫ـوزارة‬ ‫أول ال ـأول ال ـ‬ ‫وكيال‬ ‫ؤن�سوؤن�س‬ ‫حمم ـحمـدم ـموـد م‬ ‫وال�ستك�ساف ‪.‬‬ ‫إتفاقيات‬ ‫وال�ستك�ساف ‪.‬‬ ‫إتفاقيات‬ ‫لال لال‬ ‫امتياز‬ ‫منطقة‬ ‫للزيت ف ـ‬ ‫�سحارى‬ ‫و�سركة‬ ‫أوىلئ ــة‬ ‫أوىلل لهي‬ ‫التفاقي ــة‬ ‫امتياز‬ ‫منطقة‬ ‫للزيتـىف ــى‬ ‫�سحارى‬ ‫و�سركة‬ ‫ـرتولـرتول‬ ‫لهيئالـب ــة الب ـ‬ ‫التفاقاي ـلـة ا‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫حدها ال‬ ‫ا�ستثم ـ‬ ‫إجماىل‬ ‫الغربية با‬ ‫بال�سحراء‬ ‫غرب ق ـ‬ ‫حواىل‬ ‫أدنىلأدنى‬ ‫حدها ا‬ ‫ـاراتـارات‬ ‫ا�ستثم ـ‬ ‫إجماىل‬ ‫الغربية با‬ ‫بال�سحراء‬ ‫ـارونـارون‬ ‫غرب ق ـ‬ ‫الثانية‬ ‫والتفاقية‬ ‫وحفربئر‬ ‫وحفر ‪11‬‬ ‫توقيع ‪5‬‬ ‫‪ 30‬ملي‬ ‫الثانية‬ ‫والتفاقية‬ ‫‪، 11‬بئر ‪،‬‬ ‫دولردولر‬ ‫ـوني ــون‬ ‫توقيعملي‪5‬ـ مل‬ ‫ومنحومنح‬ ‫دولردولر‬ ‫ـوني ــون‬ ‫‪30‬ـ مل‬ ‫بالعمليات‬ ‫ال�سوي�س‬ ‫بخليج‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫امتياز‬ ‫مبنطقة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫بالعمليات‬ ‫وتقوموتقوم‬ ‫ال�سوي�س‬ ‫بخليج‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫�سقري�سقري‬ ‫امتياز‬ ‫مبنطقة‬ ‫البرتول‬ ‫لهيئةلهيئة‬ ‫البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫(او�سوكو)‬ ‫للزيت‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫هيئةهيئة‬ ‫عن عن‬ ‫نيابةنيابة‬ ‫(او�سوكو)‬ ‫للزيت‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫�سقري�سقري‬ ‫�سركة�سركة‬ ‫‪20172017‬‬ ‫‪Petroleum‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪Today‬‬ ‫‪- February‬‬ ‫‪- February‬‬ ‫‪3 3Petroleum‬‬

‫الرئي�س يتابع تط�رات العمل بحقل ظهر ورئي�س اينى ي�ؤكد بدء االنتاج نهاية ‪2017‬‬ ‫ا�ستقبل الرئي�س عبد الفتاح ال�سي�سي‪ ،‬كالوديو ِدي�سكالزي الرئي�س التنفيذي‬ ‫ل�سركة "اإيني" الإيطالية للبرتول‪ ،‬بح�سور املهند�س �سريف اإ�سماعيل رئي�س‬ ‫الوزراء‪ ،‬واملهند�س طارق املال وزير البرتول ‪.‬‬ ‫و�سرح ال�سفري عالء يو�سف املُتحدث الر�سمي ب ِا�سم رئا�سة اجلمهورية باأن‬ ‫الرئي�س التنفيذي لــ"اإينى" ا�ستعر�س خالل املقابلة املوقف التنفيذي لالأعمال‬ ‫التي تقوم بها ال�سركة الإيطالية لتطوير حقل الغاز الطبيعي ُ‬ ‫"ظهر" باملياه‬ ‫امل�سرية يف البحر املتو�سط‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�ساف املُتحدث الر�سمي اأن الرئي�س اأعرب عن تطلعه لزيادة ا�ستثمارات‬ ‫"اإيني" يف م�سر وتو�سلها ملزيد من الكت�سافات اجلديدة مبا ي�ساهم يف تلبية‬ ‫احتياجات التنمية القت�سادية التي ت�سهدها م�سر‪ ،‬ونوه اإىل اأهمية اللتزام‬ ‫باجلدول الزمنى املُحدد لبدء اإنتاج حقل ُ‬ ‫"ظهر"‪ ،‬موجه ًا وزارة البرتول‬

‫واجلهات التابعة لها مبوا�سلة التعاون املكثف مع ال�سركة واملتابعة الدورية‬ ‫لأعمال تنمية احلقل‪.‬‬

‫وزي��ر الب��رول‪ :‬م�ش��ر ملتزم��ة ب�ش��داد ‪ 3.5‬ملي��ار دوالر لل�ش��ركات االأجنبية‬ ‫اأكد وزير البرتول املهند�س طارق املال فى ت�سريحات‬ ‫�سحفية اإن م�سر ملتزمة ب�سداد امل�ستحقات‬ ‫املتاأخرة ل�سركات النفط الأجنبية والبالغة ‪3.5‬‬ ‫مليار دولر واإن كان نق�س العملة الأجنبية زاد من‬ ‫�سعوبة �سداد هذه الديون‪.‬‬ ‫وذك ــر املــال اأن م�سر تـ�ـســدد مــدفــوعــات �سهرية‬ ‫لل�سركات الأجنبية مبا يحول دون ارتفاع اإجمايل‬ ‫الــديــون واأن م�سر �ستلجاأ اإىل الـ�ـســوق الفورية‬

‫وال�سفقات احلكومية ل�سد الفجوة بني اإنتاجها‬ ‫وا�ستهالكها مــن الـغــاز مــن خــالل واردات الغاز‬ ‫الطبيعي امل�سال‪.‬وا�ساف الوزير "على مدار العام‬ ‫�سرنى ما هي الكميات املتبقية التي نحتاجها لتغطية‬ ‫متطلبات ال�سهر ومتطلبات املو�سم‪".‬‬ ‫وقال املال "ا�ستطعنا اأن ن�سابق الزمن ون�سرع وترية‬ ‫التطوير واحل�سول على مزيد من الغاز ومن ثم ل‬ ‫حاجة لوحدة تغييز عائمة ثالثة‪".‬‬

‫اه��ت��م��ام رو����ش���ى ب��اال���ش��ت��ث��م��ار ف���ى ق��ط��اع ال��ن��ف��ط وال���غ���از مب�شر‬ ‫قــال ف ـيــودور لوكا�سني‪ ،‬رئي�س البعثة التجارية الرو�سية فــى م�سر‪ ،‬لوكالة‬ ‫اأنباء"نوفو�ستى" الرو�سية‪ ،‬اإن البعثة التجارية نظمت �سل�سلة من املحادثات مع‬



‫‪Petroleum Today - February‬‬

‫�سركات النفط والغاز الرو�سية ووزيــر البرتول امل�سرى فى �سوء �سعى قطاع‬ ‫النفط والغاز فى م�سر لجتذاب اإ�ستثمارات �سخمة من امل�ستثمرين املحتملني‬ ‫فى هذا القطاع الهام ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�ساف لوكا�سني‪ ":‬اأن ال�سوق امل�سرية ت�ستقبل حاليا عددا من ال�سركات الرو�سية‪،‬‬ ‫�سواء ب�سورة مبا�سرة اأو من خالل �سركائها الغربيني‪ ،‬منها �سركة "لوك اأويل"‬ ‫الرو�سية التى تعترب م�ستثمرا هاما فى تطوير حقول النفط فى م�سر"‪.‬‬ ‫وذكر اأن هناك اتفاقا على اإن�سمام �سركة "رو�س نفط" الرو�سية لال�ستثمار فى‬ ‫حقل "ظهر" امل�سرى للغاز فى البحر املتو�سط‪ ،‬م�سريا اإىل اأن البعثة التجارية ما‬ ‫زالت تراقب عن كثب تطور قطاع النفط والغاز فى م�سر ‪.‬‬ ‫ونقلت نوفو�ستى عن م�سادر رو�سية اأن رو�سيا ا�ستثمرت نحو ‪ 1.5‬مليار دولر‬ ‫بقطاع النفط والغاز امل�سرى خالل فرتة العام ون�سف العام املا�سية‪.‬‬







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