Volume 45th - February 2022

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Volume 46 February 2022

Petroleum Today Not For Sale

Egypt Petroleum & Mining Focus COP26 : Was it helpful? COP27 : What to expect? THE STORY OF A SHIP THAT BECAME A BOMB Talent & Technology Industry At A Glance Technology Applications An Interview with

Denisse Abudinén Chief Executive ENAP Sipetrol

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Above, the main vessel DLV SEMINOLE assisted by cargo barge and tugs is in operation at El-Hamra Field to install a 36”x8.5 km subsea pipeline at El-Alamein, Egypt, in the Med Sea. The pipeline shall import and export crude oil between El-Hamra facility and tankers through a new offshore SBM system, including a new CALM buoy single point mooring, anchor legs, mooring hawser, floating hoses assembly and manifold (PLEM), for the tie-in to the onshore existing plant. Main Contractor: Petroleum Marine Services (PMS), Egypt Client: Western Desert Operating Petroleum Company (WEPCO), Egypt

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Cairo Office: Address: 2B Nozha st., Heliopolis, APT. 7, Cairo, 11341, Egypt Phone: +20 (2) 24145127 / +20 (2) 24145128 Fax: +20 (2) 24145129 Email: catec.cairo@catecegypt.com

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Petroleum Today contents 9 12 24 34 42 52 65 74

Editor’s section News Talent & Technology COP26 : Was it helpful? COP27 : What to expect? Egypt Petroleum & Mining Focus The Story of A Ship That Became A Bomb A Success Story: Utilizing Different Variables in Design and Execution of Coiled Tubing Extended Reach Milling Operations

Time Lapse Production Allocation Using Oil Fingerprinting for Production Optimization in Deepwater Gulf Mexico


80 Industry At A Glance

An Interview with

Denisse Abudinén Chief Executive ENAP Sipetrol

19 ‫ و«البطل» خلفًا‬..»‫تغييرات في «البترول‬ ‫لعابد عز الرجال‬ ‫ سيارة أجرة بأسوان للعمل بالغاز‬800 ‫تحويل‬ :‫المهندس أشرف بهاء‬ ‫ عامًا من النجاح والتمـيز‬25 »‫شركة مصر للصيانة «صان مصر‬ :G.T.S ‫رئيس مجلس إدارة‬ ‫نواجــه األزمــات بالتفكـــير اإليجابــي ونتوسع في قطاع البترول‬ ‫ومجاالت الكهرباء والمياه‬ ‫ سيـــد مصطفى‬:‫لقــــاء خــــاص مع المهنـــدس‬ ‫رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة اوجينى جروب‬

2 3 6 8 12

Petroleum Today

Editor’s section


Mohamed Bendary Vice-Chairman

Ali Ibrahim

Executive Editor-in-Chief

Magdy Bendary


Scientific Secretary

ince the year 2017, February month has given a special interest in the Egypt’s petroleum sector since it was when the first Egypt Petroleum Show, EGYPS was launched.

Ali Afifi


Mahmoud Mabrouk Medhat Negm Magdy Ahmed Athar Yousry Senior Editor

In this month the country hosts the fifth version (EGYPS 2022) which attracting attendees from local & international businesses to identify opportunities from Egypt, North Africa and the Mediterranean’s future project requirements, strategic priorities and gain insights into the wider oil and gas sector. Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources approved the results of the final evaluation phase for the second batch of the Middle Management Program which reflects how is the Egyptian political leadership sees the vital role that the young leaders can add towards reforming the petroleum sector, congratulations to all enrolled. In this unique edition of Petroleum Today, you will have excellent update on Egypt Petroleum and Mining Focus in terms of Oil, gas, LNG & mineral resources. With Egypt officially announced as the hosts of COP27 we highlighting how Egypt will seek to make the summit a watershed moment in international climate efforts, collaborating with other nations for a prosperous and thriving future. Finally, we inviting you to visit our booth in EGYPS 2022 exhibition for more insights about our media success capabilities that are always steps ahead for our successful partners. In the end, greetings to you, Egypt has pride and dignity

Petroleum Today

Ahmed Bedier Mahmoud Morsy Editing Staff

Mohamed Ahmed Magdy Rashid Financial Management

Wael Khalid Art Director

Walid Fathy Office Manager

Marwa Negm Photography

Mohamed Fathy Secretary

Kholoud Hussain Scientific Staff Dr. Attia M. Attia Dr. Adel Salem Dr. Ahmed Z. Nouh Dr. Ismail Aiad Dr. Gamal Gouda Eng. Mahmoud A. Gobran Eng. Mohamed nada Eng. Taher Abd El Rahim Eng. Mohamed Bydoun Eng.Samir Abady Dr. Lubna Abbas Saleh Special thanks to all the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Mr. Hany Hafez All opinions expressed through the magazine is , pertaining to their authors & don t express the magazine,s point of view Publisher & Distribution The Egyptian Company For Marketing 41 El Israa St. - 26th of July Tower Lebaonon Sq., Mohandeseen Giza - Egypt Tel. : +202 33023221 Mob.: 01006596350 Mob.: 01000533201 E-mail: petroleum.mag@gmail.com E-mail: mohamed@ petroleum-today.com www.petroleum-today.com Copyright Reserved Design and Print by:


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egypt news Egypt signs 2 new E&P agreements worth $506 mln investments


inister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, signed two new agreements with the Canadian Transglobe and Pharos Energy companies to search for, develop and produce petroleum in several regions in the eastern and western deserts. Total new investments amount to a minimum of $506 million, and a signature grant of $67 million to drill 12 wells, according to a statement by the Ministry of Petroleum issued Thursday. The first agreement with the Canadian Transglobe Company includes the merger of the regions of North West Gharib, West Ghareb and West Bakr, in the Eastern Desert, and the injection of new investments for research, development and production of crude oil. The second agreement with Pharos Energy aims to inject investments in research, development and production of crude oil in the Fayoum region in the Western Desert.

El-Molla: ASORC gasoline production complex covers 100% of Petroleum products


resident Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi opened on 22/12/ 2021 the gasoline production complex at Assiut Oil Refining Company (ASORC). The Assiut gasoline Production Complex is one of the state’s strategic projects which come within the framework of development plans in Upper Egypt. The project is the largest petroleum complex in Upper Egypt and aims to secure gasoline supplies for Upper Egypt’s governorates and save the cost of transporting them from the existing refineries in Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez to various regions of Upper Egypt. The total production of the complex is 800,000 tons annually, thus representing 13% of Egypt’s total production and covering 100% of Upper Egypt’s consumption and needs. It also plays key role in maximizing the value-added while reducing the risk and cost of transporting petroleum products from Lower Egypt to Upper Egypt. Egypt’s local production of gasoline increased by 55% from about 3.9 million tons in 2014 to 6 million tons in 2021, as a result of three major projects, including the new project in Assiut, the Egyptian Refining Company’s (ERC) Mostorod refinery, and the expansions of the ANRPC plant in Alexandria. The complex shows ability of the Egyptian petroleum companies in implementation of such mega and national projects through injecting fresh investments in the Upper Egyptian governorates. The total investments of the project reache nearly USD 450 million (an equal of EGP 7.2 billion).

14 Petroleum Today

- February 2022

Egypt targets $7 bln in FDI for oil and gas in 2022 - 23


gypt targets $7 billion in direct foreign investment (FDI) for its oil and gas sector in the fiscal year 2022 - 2023 that starts in July, Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla told Sky News Arabia TV. The petroleum ministry said earlier in the month that it planned to increase investments in the state-owned oil companies to 30 billion Egyptian pounds ($1.92 billion) in 2022 - 23, which is the highest ever.


inister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Tarek El Molla, appointed Alaa El-Batal as the new Chairman for the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), starting January 26th, 2022 as EGPC’s former Chairman Abed Ezz EL Regal has reached the legal retirement age. El-Batal has led an astonishing journey benefiting the Egyptian oil and gas sector. In May, 2020, El-Batal was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors at Ganoub El Wadi Petroleum Holding Company (Ganope). Before that, El-Batal has served EGPC as the Vice President for Exploration, a position he held for 18 months.

Alaa El-Batal Appointed As EGPC Chairman

Egypt mulls IPO of $7bn power plants built with Siemens


gypt is mulling the possible initial public offering of its joint project with Siemens known as Egypt Megaproject, the country’s largest power plants. “This offering is one of the most important projects in line with the objectives of the Egyptian state,” Ayman Soliman, the executive director of The Sovereign Fund of Egypt, said in the statement. The three power stations, built by Siemens in July 2018 at a total cost of 6 billion euros ($7 billion), each generate 4.8 gigawatts of electricity, and are managed by Siemens under an 8-year contract with the Egyptian government. Egypt’s sovereign fund plans to acquire 30 percent of the power stations as part of the deal aimed at reducing

the debt burden of financing the three power stations of the government, Soliman said in statements to Bloomberg. The announcement followed a meeting with the prime minister Mostafa Madbouly to review the developments of the Fund’s major projects and explore the possibility of floating some companies of the National Service Projects Organization on the Egyptian Stock Exchange. He added that the offering reflects the fund’s main objective to create partnerships with the private sector, expand its contribution in economic growth, maximize the return on state-owned assets, and refinance state investments in order to ease the burden on the public budget.


Egypt to inject more investments in mining sector

gypt’s Ministry of Petroleum plans to increase mining’s contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) tenfold by 2026. With an average of 48 million tons of tantalite, 50 million tons of coal, and 6.7 million ounces of gold, Egypt has the potential to be one of the top mining locations in the world. The main producers in the country include Egypt Ministry of Petroleum, National Service Projects Organization, Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority (EMRA), Al Wadi Al Gadid for mineral resources & oil shale, Shalateen Mining Company, Hammash Misr for Gold Mines, Phosphate Misr Company, and Egyptian Black Sand company. In 2020, the government introduced a new regulation shifting the system from production sharing agreements to its rent, royalty and tax systems. The new system which tackles industry concerns while offering sector and investor-friendly terms and conditions attracted global investors and aided Egypt into becoming a captivating investment spot.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 15

Arab & International News Iraq to acquire Exxon Mobil stake in West Qurna oilfield


he Iraqi government has given its approval for the Iraqi National Oil Company to acquire Exxon Mobil Corp’s stake in the giant West Qurna 1 oilfield, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said. West Qurna 1, in southern Iraq, is one of the world’s largest oilfields with recoverable reserves estimated at more than 20 billion barrels. It had a production capacity close to 500,000 barrels per day in 2021, according to Iraqi officials. State-run Basra Oil Company director Khalid Hamza told Reuters last year that Exxon was seeking to sell its 32.7% stake in the field for $350 million. Foreign interest in developing fields in southern Iraq has fallen as Iraq along with other top producers curbs output to support prices and as a result of tension between the United States and Iran, which has close ties to Iraqi Shi’ite militias.

NPCC awarded $2.23bn contract by Saudi Aramco


bu Dhabi’s National Petroleum Construction Company, which is wholly owned by the National Marine Dredging Company, was awarded a major contract by Saudi Aramco for works related to the Zulf marine field in the kingdom. The contract is valued at Dh8.2 billion ($2.23bn), NMDC said on Monday in a statement to the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, where its shares are traded. The company said the project will be executed over three years, without divulging further details. NPCC was merged with NMDC last year and has operations in the Arabian Gulf, South Asia and South-East Asia. It plans to expand to Africa and the Caspian region. The company owns a fleet of 23 offshore vessels with modern equipment to support its shallow and deep water

operations in the oil and gas sector. The awarding of the new contract comes on top of other contracts won by the company last year, including a $744 million contract by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company to develop the offshore Belbazem block to boost its light crude production capacity to 45,000 barrels per day, with the first barrel of oil expected in 2023. NPCC also signed a strategic agreement with Egypt’s Petroleum Projects and Technical Consultations to explore engineering, procurement and construction opportunities in the UAE and Egypt as well as a preliminary agreement with France’s Technip Energies to form a joint venture to collaborate on energy transition projects in the UAE and the broader Middle East and North Africa region.

Basra-Aqaba pipeline should cost under $9bn: Iraq oil minister


uwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company, or Kufpec, has discovered natural gas and a light form of oil in Indonesia. Kufpec, which is a unit of Kuwait’s state energy company, made the discoveries “through the successful drilling of the Anambas-2X well” in 288 feet (88 meters) of water, Bloomberg reported. The quantities of gas are very promising, CEO of Kufpec Shaikh Nawaf S. Al-Sabah said. He added all the discoveries are owned by the company as it is the operator of the project, and it was its first discovery at an offshore block that it operates. Kufpec started its operation in 1981, known as an international upstream company, engaged in exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas outside Kuwait.

16 Petroleum Today

- February 2022

OPEC expects a supported oil market in 2022 despite omicron


PEC maintained its forecast for robust growth in world oil demand in 2022 despite the omicron coronavirus variant and expected interest-rate hikes, predicting that the oil market would remain well supported through the year. In a monthly report, The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said it expected world oil demand to rise by 4.15 million barrels per day this year, unchanged from its forecast last month. “Monetary actions are not expected to hinder underlying global economic growth momentum, but rather serve to recalibrate otherwise overheating economies,” OPEC said in the report. “The oil market is expected to remain well-supported throughout 2022.” World consumption is expected to surpass the 100 million bpd mark in the third quarter, in line with last month’s forecast. On an annual basis according to OPEC, the world last used over 100 million bpd of oil in 2019. “While the new Omicron variant may have an impact in the first half of 2022, which is dependent on any further lockdown measures and rising hospitalization levels impacting the workforce, projections for economic growth remain robust,” OPEC added. OPEC and OPEC+ are gradually unwinding record output cuts put in place last year. At its last meeting, OPEC+ agreed to boost monthly output by 400,000 bpd in February, despite concern about the new variant. The report showed OPEC output in December rose by 170,000 bpd to 27.88 million bpd, a smaller rise than OPEC is allowed under the deal.

Gazprom Daily Gas Exports in January Fall to Lowest Since 2015


azprom PJSC’s daily gas exports to its main markets shrank in the first 15 days of the new year to the lowest since 2015 while criticism is growing that it’s withholding supplies to Europe. The Russian gas giant exported 5.4 billion cubic meters to its key markets, which include most of Europe, Turkey and China, the company said Monday. That equates to average daily flows of 360 million cubic meters and is almost 18% lower than last month’s average, according to Bloomberg calculations based on Gazprom statements. Russian gas shipments to Europe have been closely watched as a shortage of the fuel -- and soaring prices -- hurt economies across the continent. European Union antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager said last week she’s “eagerly awaiting” answers from Gazprom about the scant supply. A day earlier, the head of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, blamed Russia for the region’s energy crunch.

Global oil benchmark tops $90 for the first time since 2014


rent crude futures, the international oil benchmark, topped $90 on Wednesday Jan. 26 for the first time since 2014, adding to oil’s blistering recovery since its pandemic-era lows in April 2020. The threshold breakthrough comes amid growing geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and as supply remains tight amid a rebound in demand. The contract added more than 2% at one point to hit a high of $90.47 per barrel for the first time since October 2014. However, Brent pulled back slightly in afternoon trading, ultimately settling 2% higher at $89.96 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate crude futures, the U.S. oil benchmark, settled 2.04% higher at $87.35 per barrel. During the session the contract hit a high of $87.95, a price last seen in October 2014.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 17

Corporate News

K Kuwait Energy Egypt opens Maternity and Childhood Units at Ras Gharib


uwait Energy Egypt celebrated the grand opening the newly constructed five medical clinics of Maternity and childhood units at Ras Gharib on Sunday January 23 in collaboration with Misr El Kheir Foundation with a united long-term perspective of securing the highest standard of specialized healthcare to every child and mother in Ras Gharib. During the opening, Eng. Kamel El Sawi, President of Kuwait Energy Egypt spotlighted the company’s strategic role in meeting Ras Gharib’s needs and supporting various initiatives that will benefit the region. He mentioned that Kuwait Energy Egypt’s is committed by the local community development and has been the cornerstone of its success, and today we are celebrating the success of transforming a neglected area to an illuminating sustainable Motherhood and Childhood clinic serving the community. Today, we celebrate delivering the operated clinics to serve 75,000 beneficiaries.

Energean, INA get gas exploration licence in Egypt

K-based natural-gas focused energy company Energean said its unit Energean Egypt, in 50:50 consortium with Croatian oil and gas company INA, was awarded an exploration licence in Egypt on January 3. The licence covers exploration activities in Block-8 of East Bir El-Nus concession in the Western Desert of Egypt, Energean said in a press release last week. The award is in line with Energean’s strategy to increase and diversify its presence in Egypt and reinforces its commitment to the country, the company added. The work programme for the licence includes a 170km 2D seismic survey, a 200km 3D seismic survey plus two exploration wells, which are expected to target estimated resources of some 100 millions of barrels of oil equivalent.


Eni dominates Egypt licensing round results

18 Petroleum Today

- February 2022

he Italian company Eni announced that it won five new exploration, after participating in the global bid for oil exploration in 2021. The licenses are located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Block “EGY-MED-E5” in partnership with BP 50%50% and Block “EGY-MED-E6” IEOC 100%), in the Gulf of Suez (Block “EGY-GOS-13” IEOC 100%) and in the Western Desert (Blocks “Egy-WD- 7” in partnership with APEX 50%-50% and “EGY-WD-9” IEOC 100%) with a total acreage of about 8,410 sqkm. It added that the licenses are placed within prolific basins with proved petroleum systems able to generate liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons and can also rely on nearby existing producing and processing facilities and on a demanding market that will allow a quick valorization of the potential exploration discoveries.

Hady Meiser Egypt Company Hady Meiser Egypt Company for Steel Grating is living its golden age by acquiring multiple projects within the Arab Republic of Egypt, including (Bearing bar x wire) and (Bearing bar x Bearing bar). And from these projects 1- ANOPEC project with a quantity of 5600 m2 2- Hydrocracking project with a quantity of 3300 m2 3- Zohr project with an amount of 1700 m2 4- Idco workshop project with a quantity of 1000 m2 And the company is currently going to participate in the International Exhibition for Building and Construction Libya Construction in the Tibesti Exhibition Center, Benghazi To contact us Mr. Taha Abo Rabia General Manager Mobile : 01001726068 : 01144877633 : 01001726135 E-mail : Trabia.Meiser@Gmail.com E-mail : Trabia_Meiser@HadyMeiser.com Web Site: www.hadymeiser-egypt.com


Enap Sipetrol Egypt is awarded with West Amer block in Gulf of Suez Egypt

inistery of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, announced the results of the first digital global bid for oil and gas exploration and exploitation in the Mediterranean, Western Desert, and the Gulf of Suez, in which ENAP Sipetrol has been awarded the West Amer Block in the Gulf of Suez. West Amer block is located on the onshore central Gulf of Suez. It is in the vicinity of a grand prolific oil field, such as Bakr, and Gharib fields towards the East; and several scattered discoveries have been included recently in the area. The first oil discovery was in Gulf of Suez, Egypt, in 1868. This province continues to promise considerable prolific exploration potential. Currently, ENAP Sipetrol Egypt has operations in East Ras Qattara block in the Western Desert and has an average production of 12,000 barrels of oil per day. With this tender, the area where exploration and production activities are developed in Egypt has been increased significantly.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 19

Since 1950, ENAP has been a strategic company, 100% owned by the State of Chile, that promotes energy development with the purpose of boosting a sustainable future, articulating powerful and innovative energy solutions. ENAP has two business lines: Exploration and Production (E&P); Refining and Gas and Power. ENAP is a multinational entity which has operations in Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Egypt. ENAP has been in Egypt for 24 years, with investments in several concessions in the Western Desert, North Sinai & offshore Mediterranean.

An Interview with

Denisse Abudinén Chief Executive ENAP Sipetrol

■ Ms. Denisse Abudinén, you proved to have international experience in Latin America as well as Middle East, with over 14 years in the energy, oil and gas, and renewable industry, we would like to know more about yourself, your studies, and your professional career? I graduated as Civil Industrial Engineer from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and I have a MSc Business and Competitive Strategy from the same university. I also

studied a MSc International Management at the University of London – King´s College London. In 2007 I joined ENAP as Planning Engineer at the Planning and Control Management. Then I held different positions, such as E&P Planning and Commercial Manager, Head of ENAP Corporate Strategy and Business Development as well as Corporate Manager of Exploration & Production Business Line (E&P). I also worked in

the consultancy industry, as Senior Client Development Advisor in McKinsey and Company developing the Latin America Energy Hub based in Mexico, which was a very enriching experience. Currently, I am the CEO of ENAP Sipetrol and General Manager of ENAP Sipetrol Egypt branch and I am also in charge of the ENAP operations in Ecuador and Argentina. In parallel, I am the co-founder of a nonprofit organization that aims to provide

social social service, service, by by choosing choosing the the most most2004 2004 withwith 50.5% 50.5% participation participation interest interest withwith foodfood to the to the poorest poorest people people in Chile in Chile andand we weandand successful 20 women 20 women from from every every sector. sector. “Kuwait “Kuwait Energy Energy Egypt” Egypt” holding holding 49.5%. 49.5%. alsoalso trained trained entrepreneur entrepreneur women women thatthat hadhadsuccessful As As a result a result of of the the effective effective cooperation cooperation limited limited financial financial resources. resources. We We must must transmit transmit a message a message to all to women all women constant constant support support of of bothboth Ministry Ministry andand young young females females out out there there thatthat theythey cancanandand of of Petroleum Petroleum & & Mineral Mineral Resources Resources andand reach reach for for the the top:top: theirtheir hardhard work work payspays off,off, ■ Being ■ Being a woman a woman in energy in energy sector, sector, andand Egyptian Egyptian General General Petroleum Petroleum Corporation, Corporation, theythey willwill be be judged judged on on theirtheir ideas, ideas, theirtheir holding holding a leading a leading position, position, whywhy do you do you ENAP Sipetrol, Sipetrol, through through its its Joint Joint Venture Venture dedication, dedication, andand theirtheir talent, talent, not not for for theirtheirENAP think think is important is important to have to have more more women women “Petroshahd” “Petroshahd” has has completed completed the the acquisition acquisition chromosomes. chromosomes. A gender-balanced A gender-balanced industry industry in executive in executive positions? positions? of High-Definition 3D 3D seismic seismic acquisition acquisition is aisbetter a better industry. industry. NotNot justjust for for women, women, but butof High-Definition Women Women could could playplay a very a very important important rolerolefor for project project over over ERQ ERQ fields. fields. The The headcount headcount all of allus. of us. to diversify to diversify the the industry industry workforce, workforce, having having for for the the project project waswas around around 800800 persons, persons, women womenin inleadership leadershipposition positionshould should accordingly, accordingly, ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol andand Petroshahd Petroshahd ■ ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol hashas been been in Egypt in Egypt for for become become the the norm, norm, not not the the exception. exception.■ ENAP maintained maintained relentless relentless efforts efforts to foster to foster a safe a safe more more than than 23 23 years years with with investments investments Studies Studies have have shown shown thatthat companies companies withwith working working environment environment for everyone for everyone to ensure to ensure several concessions concessions in in thethe strong strong female female leadership leadership deliver deliver a 36% a 36% in in several a high a high statestate of awareness of awareness andand adoptions adoptions of of Western Western Desert, Desert, Sinai, Sinai, andand offshore offshore higher higher return return on equity, on equity, andand thatthat companies companies COVID-19 COVID-19 mitigation mitigation measures measures withwith zerozero Mediterranean, howhow do do youyou describe describe withwith at least at least oneone female female executive executive board board Mediterranean, stand-by stand-by rate.rate. the the company’s company’s journey journey in in Egypt Egypt member member outperformed outperformed those those withwith male-only male-only ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol & & Petroshahd Petroshahd resumed resumed throughout thethe pastpast years? years? boards. boards. As As for for the the energy energy sector, sector, it has it has been been throughout 2021 2021 drilling drilling activities activities afterafter finalizing finalizing the the ENAP is a is State-owned a State-owned company company andand hashas twotwo demonstrated demonstrated thatthat a lack a lack of gender of gender equality equalityENAP interpretation interpretation of the of the newnew seismic seismic acquisition acquisition business lines: lines: Exploration Exploration andand Production Production putsputs utilities utilities at aatdisadvantage, a disadvantage, withwith boards boardsbusiness andand drilled drilled twotwo development development wells wells which which (E&P); (E&P); Refining Refining and and Commercialization Commercialization withwith at least at least 30%30% women women having having higher higher added added 2,470 2,470 BOPD BOPD to the to the production production of of (R&C); thisthis lineline includes includes GasGas andand Energy Energy profit profit margins margins thanthan those those thatthat do not do not have have it. it.(R&C); ERQ ERQ to reach to reach 12,000 12,000 BOPD. BOPD. In 2022, In 2022, we we (G&E). ENAP ENAP Exploration Exploration andand Production Production It has It has alsoalso been been suggested suggested thatthat energy energy sector sector(G&E). have have planned planned an intensive an intensive development development andand activities activities are are carried carried out out in inChile, Chile, organizations organizations thatthat improve improve gender gender equality equality exploration exploration program program in East in East RasRas Qattara Qattara focused focused on on Unconventional Unconventional natural natural gasgas cancan boost boost innovation. innovation. Concession Concession to maximize to maximize ourour production production andand developments developments in the in the Magallanes Magallanes Region, Region, I feel I feel proud proud to be to working be working in ENAP in ENAP as we as we increase increase ourour reserves. reserves. andand abroad abroad through through ENAP’s ENAP’s international international have have empowered empowered the the woman woman rolerole since since From the the HSE HSE Side, Side, ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol hashas subsidiary subsidiary ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol which which carries carriesFrom ourour global global CEO, CEO, Andres Andres Roccatagliata, Roccatagliata, been focused focused on on increasing increasing the the level level of of out out E&P E&P activities activities in Argentina, in Argentina, Ecuador, Ecuador,been obtained obtained the the Impulsa Impulsa Female Female Talent Talent Award. Award. safety andand environmental environmental standards standards in ERQ in ERQ andand Egypt. Egypt. ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol hashas been been in insafety TheThe objective objective of this of this award, award, created created in 2016, in 2016, fields. ForFor example, example, in January, in January, Petroshahd Petroshahd Egypt Egypt for for 23 23 years years andand we we are are veryvery proud proudfields. is toisidentify to identify andand highlight highlight those those companies companies fields have have been been certified certified withwith ISOISO 14001 14001 withwith ourour journey journey becoming becoming oneone of of the thefields that,that, in their in their field, field, promote promote the the women women andand Environmentalmanagement managementsystem system& & players players in the in the Egyptian Egyptian oil oil andand gasgas sector, sector,Environmental the the development development of female of female talent. talent. Among Among 45001 45001 Occupational Occupational Health Health & Safety & Safety withwith a strategy a strategy focusing focusing on the on the aggregation aggregationISOISO the the reasons reasons for for the the distinction distinction obtained obtained Management Management System. System. of of value value through through maximizing maximizing production production by by ENAP, ENAP, its its Gender Gender Equity Equity andand Family Family andand reserves reserves in ainchallenging a challenging dynamic dynamic andand LifeLife Reconciliation Reconciliation Policy Policy stands stands out,out, as as highly highly competitive competitive environment. environment. ■ How ■ How do do youyou evaluate evaluate ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol wellwell as the as the leading leading rolerole played played by by women women ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol Egypt Egypt hashas been been active active in the in the Egypt Egypt performance performance in 2021? in 2021? in in its its Board Board of of Directors Directors andand in in senior seniorENAP exploration andand production production of hydrocarbons of hydrocarbonsENAP management management positions. positions. Today Today ENAP ENAP hashasexploration ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol Egypt Egypt hadhad a fantastic a fantastic yearyear over over the the past past 23 23 years years in in the the country, country,in 2021 50%50% percent percent of of women women in senior in senior leader leader in 2021 in East in East RasRas Qattara Qattara Concession, Concession, as as participating participating as an as investor an investor in 5inconcessions 5 concessionswe we position position andand 2 Board 2 Board members. members. resumed resumed drilling drilling activities activities in Q32021in Q32021withwith a success a success exploratory exploratory raterate of 53% of 53% along alongfollowing following a Brent a Brent price price hike, hike, increasing increasing Also, Also, I have I have been been recognized recognized between between the the withwith totaltotal investments investments of $481 of $481 Million Million till till output output production production from from 8,000 8,000 to to 12,000 12,000 “Best “Best 20 20 Chilean Chilean Executives Executives Women Women in in 2021. 2021. Currently Currently ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol is operating is operating BOPD. BOPD. 2021” 2021” duedue to my to my highhigh contribution contribution in the in the EastEast RasRas Qattara Qattara (ERQ) (ERQ) Concession Concession withwith a a executive executive positions positions I have I have been been appointed appointed for for have have already already completed completed the the firstfirst phase phase participation participation interest interest of 50.5% of 50.5% andand we we were wereWe We in ENAP. in ENAP. As As ENAP ENAP thisthis is aisvery a very important importantawarded of of gas gas power power generation generation project project in East in East awarded withwith West West Amer Amer block block in the in the lastlast recognition recognition highlighting highlighting the the important important roleroleEGPC Ras Ras Qattara Qattara Concession Concession and and succeeded succeeded to to EGPC bid bid round. round. of our of our executives executives inside inside the the company company andand generate generate + / +- /20% - 20% of the of the required required power power the the impact impact in the in the countries countries where where ENAP ENAP consumption consumption for for ourour fields fields by by gas,gas, andand in in ■ What is the is the operational operational update update on East on East2022 2022 ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol is targeting is targeting to increase to increase hashas operations. operations. ThisThis recognition recognition hashas been been■ What Qattara Qattara Concession Concession in the in the Western Westernsuchsuch ratioratio to reach to reach 80%, 80%, which which willwill have have a a taken taken place place in Chile in Chile for for the the pastpast 20 20 years years RasRas Desert? Desert? veryvery good good impact impact on on the the environment environment andand nominating nominating the the most most important important women women in in ERQ Concession Concession in the in the Western Western Desert Desert waswaswillwill maximize maximize the the value value of the of the asset asset by by the the country country from from different different roles: roles: executives, executives,ERQ acquired by by ENAP ENAP Sipetrol Sipetrol as Operator as Operator in insignificantly significantly reducing reducing the the lifting lifting cost.cost. academic, academic, businesswomen, businesswomen, public public service, service,acquired

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We were also awarded with a new concession in the last EGPC bid round, which is an excellent base for growing our portfolio in the country.

acquisition of seismic data, are scheduled to begin in 2023.

■ ENAP Sipetrol has been awarded the West Amer Block in the Gulf of Suez, what would this new block add to your portfolio in Egypt?

Maximizing the value of our assets is the highest priority for ENAP. For this purpose, a consolidated plan has been defined. For East Ras Qattara concession we will continue with our drilling program during all 2022 in order to rise our production and reserves. Based on the last 3D seismic acquisition, we are also studying new exploration targets that will allow us to increase the potential of the block. At the same time, we will continue implementing our high operational efficiency plan. All of that will allow us to escalate East Ras Qattara prospective as well as its value.

ENAP Board and its administration established in its Strategic Plan the definition of growing its operations and investment in Egypt besides our operations in the Western Desert in East Ras Qattara Concession due to the very good results that our branch has had during the past years and the great economic and institutions stability that Egypt has for foreign investments in the country. This award is an important achievement for the company, which allows us to strengthen our exploration portfolio in Egypt, a country in which we have had very successful history. West Amer block is located on the onshore central Gulf of Suez and this new block will allow us to increase our reserves. This award reaffirms our commitment to pursue high-quality opportunities in the country. We look forward to work with the government and deploy our proven expertise and advanced technology. ENAP Sipetrol will operate the block and hold 100% interest. Operations, including

■ How do you plan on maximizing the value of your assets in Egypt?

Regarding our new block, West Amer, we already started to plan the exploration activities for having the highest quality definition 3D seismic acquisition. As ENAP Sipetrol we will continue growing our Egypt branch in the coming years. For this objective, we will keep looking for new business opportunities in the country that fit with our strategy. ■ What do you expect for the near future of the Oil & Gas Industry in Egypt? Egypt has the ambition to become a regional gas hub. In 2020, it began importing gas

from Israel and now Egypt is exporting gas to Jordan which is a huge achievement. Infrastructure in the East Mediterranean might be leveraged to monetize discoveries. At the same time, Egypt’s corporate landscape offers strong M&A chances for majors, medium and small companies. Near-field onshore oil exploration is also encouraged by easy access to infrastructure and inexpensive prices. By regional norms, the fiscal conditions are very favorable. The government has been pragmatic in giving tax breaks to encourage upstream development. All the companies will play a very important role for increasing the oil & gas production in the country and as ENAP Sipetrol we want to be part of this. I also expect that the Oil & Gas industry will become part of the solution of the climate change reaching zero CO2 emissions in the future. This will be a very important challenge where we need to contribute, specially now that Egypt will hold the COP 27. I think Oil & Gas Industry in Egypt will follow the path that has been implemented for most of the countries and players in the industry regarding Energy Transition. For example, as ENAP, we are developing studies to install Green Hydrogen production plants in Chile with collaboration with other partners. We also developed the first Geothermal Plant in the country as well as the first Wind Plant in Magallanes Region. ENAP is eager to share its experience in Green Hydrogen projects with Egypt.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 23

ADMASCO OIL FIELD SERVICES CO. Established in Egypt in 1982 as a free zone company under the investment law number 8 / 1997 Admasco committed to facilitate its esteemed customers with professional services, quality products, timely deliveries and excellent pre and post-sales supports through highly qualified Admasco team and pioneered principals. CAMTECH Manufacturing FZCO API 6D, API 6A, API QI Valves Manufacture of Ball, Gate, Globe, Butterfly, Check and Pigable Valves NOV Process & Flow Technologies US, Inc. Choke Valves NOV-MD Totco Rig Instrumentation, Gauges, Recorders & Mud Monitoring Systems Hoffer Flow Controls, Inc. Turbine Flow Meter for Fluid, Gas, Water and Steam TRANSNEFT Diascan JSC-Russia Smart pigs in-inspection tools with diameters from 6»-48» USK Series(WM)-MSK Series(MFL)-(MFL+TFI)-(MFL+WM+CD)-MSK Series(TFI) Puplic Joint-Stock Company - PAO Severstal - Russai SAWL Pipes & Accessories from 20 in. up to 56 in. API-5L, X52 - X60 - X70 - X80 - PSL 1 & PSL 2

Rustavi Metallurgical Plant Carbon Steel Seamless pipe up to 16»

TripleFast Middle East Ltd. Manufacturer of a Bolting Gaskets, Seals and Machined Components

Admasco Work Shop ISO / IEC 17025 & 4126 - 1 Accreditation for Pressure Gauges, Transducer, Safety Relief Valves and Hydrostatic Test for Hoses, Pipes, Valves, BOPs & Vessels according to ASME B31.3 ISO 1402 - API 570 - API 598 - API 7K & 16C – API RP 53 and API 510


Main Office: 28 Rd. 270, 4th Sector, New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Tel.: +202 27025224 Fax: +202 27023290 E-mail: admasco@admasco-eg.com Free Zone Warehouse: Free Zone Amerya - Alex. Work Shop Yard: Plot 17S, Industrial Zone, Investment Land, Qattamia, Cairo, Egypt

MYDESIGN 01007904247

JVS Flow Control Chock Manifold- Chokes & Gate Valves Drilling equepment repair and recirtification.

Talent & Technology

Oceaneering unveils new topsides chemical throttle valve

Fig (1) Oceaneering new topsides chemical throttle valve


CEANEERING international’s rotator business has launched a new high-performance Topside Chemical Throttle Valve (T-CTV) for multiple industries for oil and gas and other industrial markets. The T-CTV is designed to leverage existing field-proven technology to address operational requirements for efficient topside chemical dosing. The company says that the T-CTV provides a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for both greenfield and brownfield projects. The T-CTV is also ideal for unmanned and remotely operated applications across industries and can be configured with optional Wi-Fi capabilities. The valve is also reportedly the industry’s only design that combines a full-flush position with an integrated mechanical scraper. This feature is designed to ensure

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superior contamination tolerance and deliver long-term performance without the need for filters. The increased accuracy of the valve results in less chemical waste, Oceaneering says. The T-CTV control system uses continuous, live feedback from its Coriolis flow meter to automatically regulate and continuously display flow rates. The valve’s helical flow path is designed to provide stable, controlled flow throughout the Oceaneering says that the T-CTV is the industry’s only design that combines a fullflush position with an integrated mechanical scraper entire operating range. A fully programmable deadband is set to further optimize flow performance.Oceaneering says that the enhanced accuracy and reliability of the T-CTV will ultimately reduce opex via lowered chemical costs and improved uptime.

Hands-free, self-installing specialty connector


Fig (2) Dril-Quip BADGeR specialty casing connector

onventional casing connectors and traditional installation methods are employed offshore every day, but with the industry struggling to lower OPEX costs and reduce HSE risk exposure in increasingly complex environments, long-established approaches need to be reevaluated. The fact is that applying the same thinking and using the same types of components cannot deliver substantive improvements. The need for reliability in more and more exacting operating environments has led to changes in industry connector standards and customer demands, but even the most stringent qualification requirements in existence today do not reflect the high-pressure/ high-temperature conditions these components often experience when they are deployed. To provide connectors that can contend reliably in extreme conditions, it is necessary to set the performance bar higher. The anti-rotation keys and the self-aligning profile not only eliminate cross-threading and simplify connector placement, but they also reduce installation time. Using this novel connector saves 2 to 10 minutes per connector installed. Calculating savings based on 100 - 150 joints on each 22in. casing joint, using this connector can reduce costs by $80,000 to $100,000 per well.

Subsea 7 NANO Platform SUBSEA 7 and its autonomous subsidiary XODUS Group received the award for the Subsea 7 nano engineered sensor platform (NESP). The platform can continuously monitor fatigue and corrosion offshore. The wireless nanotechnology sensor can be deployed efficiently and easily across any operating asset.Subsea 7 NESP, which requires no power supply or batteries, offers a scalable,cost-effective, zero maintenance solution to extend asset life and improve uptime. Fig (3) Subsea 7 nano engineered sensor platform (NESP).

Petroleum Today - February 2022 27

New subsea pump enables equipment movement to the seabed


ost recent advances in offshore technology are designed to increase hydrocarbon recovery or reduce capex/opex by improve overall field design. One such new technology is the transfer of well treatment chemical storage and pumping equipment from the host production facility to the sea floor, adjacent to the wells. The significant advantage is that it allows for the reduction of complex production umbilicals and assists in supporting all-electric subsea trees by moving the chemical injection systems subsea. Hammelmann Corp. has long since built chemical pumping systems for major operators’ production facilities around the world. So, with Fig (4) The Hammelmann Subsea Pump, including drive motor and variable displacement system. the idea of moving this technology subsea, and with the support from major operators, the company developed their high capability and reliability pump into a subsea package. The challenge was to transfer this high capability and reliable system into a subsea package that could meet the stringent operational requirements needed for deepwater operation. With the operational profile assistance given to them by a major oil and gas concern, and with help from OHI, LLC in application, logistics, and configuration, Hammelmann embarked on the development of two pump configurations with multiple pressure and flowrate capabilities. The first challenge was picking the right size alliburton Dynaand configuration pumps to offer. Two of Trac real-time their highest priority goals were to meet high wireless depth reliability and high-pressure multiple fluid flow correlation system. rate and type compatibility. The system is said to The operational challenges of placing these eliminate uncertainty in pumps long distances from the production tool position without the facilities meant that the pump must be capable need for wireline or work of operating with initial voltage losses and string manipulation while against full injection pressure head. To tracking movement of the accomplish this, the drive motor is capable of bottomhole assembly. handling large voltage drops, and the pump is internally configured and capable to de-stroke to zero flow output, start, then bring on flow gradually against pressure. In addition, the same pump with smaller plungers can be used in HP/ Fig (5) Halliburton DynaTrac™ HT applications over 20k psi (1380 bar), or with large plungers for high volume flow.

DynaTrac™ Real-Time Wireless Depth Correlation System


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New flexible line designed for HP/HT environments Continental hoses has created what it says is the industry’s first 20,000-psi API 16C choke and kill flexible line. The technology is said to be able to withstand the high temperatures and high pressures encountered when tapping into deep oil deposits, while controlling the wellbore effluents with confidence. To create this new flexible line, engineers based the design around the company’s patented TauroFlon liner, which Continental says is designed to survive the most aggressive chemicals circulating from subsea wells in the most unforgiving offshore environments. The Continental 20,000-psi flexible line is also fitted with an internal stainless-steel carcass that is engineered to endure periods of continuous operation where there is a high risk of rapid decompression. Recommended applications include choke and kill lines; well testing; well completion; well stimulation/acidizing; and chemical injection. Continental says that operating temperatures can range from - 20˚C to +121˚C

Fig (6) Continental flexible line has an internal stainless-steel carcass that grantees continuous operation.

( - 4˚F to 250˚F), and that coupling materials meet NACE MR 01 - 75 / ISO 15156 requirements. The company says that the Continental 20k psi API 16C flexible line has passed the most stringent tests required by API 16C 2nd Edition and witnessed by DNV.

NEXXIS Robotic Inspection Technology Perth-based robotics company NEXXIS says that it has been recognized at the IFAP CGU SafeWay Awards, winning an award for technology that improves worker safety in industrial environments. The award recognized Nexxis’s Magneto-EX technology, which the company says is the world’s first ex-rated robotic crawler. Nexxis says that the Magneto platform is a versatile, spiderlike, climbing inspection robot able to negotiate hazardous and confined space inspections, without the need for a human operator. The multi-limbed, spatially aware device has been created for use in high-risk settings, including the oil and gas industry, eliminating the need for personnel to perform dangerous tasks. Magneto is also said to be capable of integrating intelligent autonomous control systems and is designed to carry a wide range of non-destructive testing sensors, remote visual inspection cameras, and maintenance tools. Nexxis Founder and Director Jason De Silveira said: “Magneto represents a major leap in safer inspections for the oil and gas industry, as well as other sectors including mining, infrastructure and petrochemical requirements where there is a need for hazardous, confined space inspections.

The cutting- edge technology behind the robot enables internal visual inspection of assets and more detailed data to be gathered.” “Improved accessibility, frequency and accuracy of inspections enabled by Magneto will lead to reduced environmental and safety risks, targeted and immediate maintenance and repairs, faster decision making and longer operational life of assets,” De Silveira added.

Fig (7) NEXXIS robotic inspection

Petroleum Today - February 2022 29

Plot No.141,Fifth and Sixth District,Zahraa El-Maadi,Industrial Zone

Midco Oilfield Services Free Zone

Cell :+01143259599 Tel: +202 25218062639/ Ext. 120 Fax:+202 25218635 - 25218631 info@midco-eg.com www.midco-eg.com


Eng.Essam Abd Elfattah MIDCO CEO First, We would like to highlight MIDCO (Free Zone), Your work, The Services you Provide MIDCO is a petroleum services company committed to provide a high level of services to oil gas operators in Egypt and the Middle East. MIDCO Has Highly experienced professionals specialized in upstream and downstream ( oil and gas ) related to facilities services provides a full range of services this includes and not limited to :• Wellhead Maintenance • Wellhead Supply • Manpower Supply • Casing Cold cutter services • Pre-heating & Welding Services • Pressure Test Services • High torque machine & Bolting Services • Drilling Management and Man power supply • Filtration Services • Sand blasting & Painting • Load Test for handling tools • Sling Test • Lifting Inspection • Tubular Inspection • Rig Inspection • Supply Bloom and Voss handling tools • Flanges and risers supply

32 Petroleum Today

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• CST Wellhead agency When did MIDCO started working with petroleum sector companies MIDCO Oilfield Services Company has been established in 1998 as a Free zone company. What is the competitive advantage of MIDCO? The company ,s services are at a high advanced level coping up with the new generation ideas ;through its leading vision of Engineer Essam daughters Tabarak and Tasneem • MIDCO has the professional ability to manage projects, manufacturing and supply from the planning stage to commissioning. • MIDCO is certified ISO 9001 , ISO 45001: 2018, API Q2 , and awarded LEEA full membership , in addition to CST Wellhead agency. • MIDCO also in the previous period succeeded to reconstruct its building and its facilities to match API requirements and improve its services quality and increase productivity. • MIDCO has Oil industry expertise, which enableson schedule completion of contracts to the full satisfaction of the

client regardless of the location. • We offer inspection services carried out by qualified engineers who is equipped with personal computers to provide immediate on-site reports. • Rig Inspection surveyors and inspectors are on call 24 / 7 specifically to provide services for the oil and gas industry. • For the Load test ; MIDCO provides two types of load test:Proof load testing as per API-8C (Specification of drilling & production hoisting and Performance load testing as per API- 8B (Recommended practice for procedures for inspection, maintenance, Repair and Remanufacture of hoisting equipment) • MIDCO aims to integrate new techniques to its package for more efficient and quality services.Such as HY-TORC services that offered by MIDCO which apply hydraulic Power Pack to provide the speed and pressure that make HY-TORC system efficient and accurate. The last two years has been challenging, How did you face the pandemic? • In addition to its impact on public health, (COVID-19) has caused a major economic shock. • Despite all the risks and stress, it is

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important to remember that we have faced crises situations before and it is a challenge for the company’s management. We believe that people are the most valuable asset to our business, so in crises we have to show up for the employees and support them. MIDCO put in place procedure and assessed the risk related to the COVID pandemic to ensure the safety of employees who have to be at work and cannot work remotely. MIDCO established a strategy to analyze the critical roles and key positions, and prepared temporary succession plans for key executive positions. MIDCO Analyzed the priority of the company’s projects and critical tasks and managed them in the most effective way. Work through the most difficult scenarios and prepare appropriate communications for the employees. Update the travel and meeting policies and Re-Planning of workforce strategies

What are your recent awarded contracts in the region? • MIDCO awarded many contracts and agreements of providing various services with number of oil and gas companies in Hi torque, cold Cutting, and well head maintenance. What are your plans to invest more in Egypt? • Our vision is to be the preferred partner for solutions,fully independent & integrated services provider witha high level of professionalism in the oil and gas industry through living our values In order to match our vision we have the below strategies in the coming period : Focus on new Technology in our service • Invest in the development ofservices andUpdateour services and products to keep up with most recent world wide trends. Cross sell services and products • Focus on selling additional services and products to the same customer by increasing the scope of the awarded contracts to include additional services. Hiring more expertise • A plan started from 2022 to be able to meet the increase in demand and to match the new contracts requirements.

that all personnel are suitably aware and trained in all aspects of their duties, responsibilities and job functions. • Training plan either internal or external is put in place and implemented according to the training needs assessment and development targets. • Identifying of our training needs is one of the fundamental prerequisites for our effective development strategy to identify the knowledge and skills of our employees need to perform their work safely. • To help our company department(s) to identify their employees training needs, we advised using of the following standard techniques (if applicable), those are: - Revision of the work activities and responsibilities for all occupations. - Revision of the critical task analysis and procedures. - Revision of the underlying causes relating to lack of inadequate training of previous accidents. - Revision of the hazard identification and risk assessments. - Revision of the inspection report analysis - Revision of the changes in process design, work methods, equipment, materials management analysis. - Revision of the operating procedures - Revision of the applicable regulations and standards. What about the healthand safety procedures that the company follows in its production sites, especially with the continuous changes of the epidemic • As per our QHSE Policy; MIDO Provide and maintain safe, healthy and friendlyenvironment working conditions for all our employees, contractors, customers, visitors and public to ensure prevention

• •

of work-related injury, ill health &environmental pollution. MIDCO Considered implementing flexible and remote work options during the pandemic period. MIDCO tried to Share the up-to-date and relevant information from credible sources about COVID-19 symptoms and disease prevention recommendations among company employees. Safety instructions and recommendations is communicated and added in a clear vision. We Focused on organizing a safe work environment and self-monitoring of employees, health, and disinfection of workplaces. Monitoring and supervision to make sure people are following controlsput in place, eg followinghygiene procedures, washinghands, wearing masks, keeping distance etc.. Meetings are held either internet or on the phone where possible. MIDCO ensure the safety of working environments by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting workplaces.

Engineer Essam is continuing his development and growth measures impacting his Company members to deliver a world wide petroleum services that exceeds expectations of excellence and quality.

How does MIDCO maintain a high technical level of its staff? • Training is given to improve and ensure

Petroleum Today - February 2022 33

An Interview With

Mr. RANDALL C. NEELY, C.A., CFA President and CEO, Director TransGlobe Energy Corporation Can we update our readers insight on the TransGlobe strategy in light of the current oil market? Given the ongoing oil price volatility, TransGlobe is continually focused on strict capital discipline through operational cost controls and minimizing our exposure to financial leverage by remaining debtaverse. Despite market volatility, we have positioned ourselves as a nimble company with the ability to create value through a balanced portfolio of exploitation, development and exploration opportunities across our diversified onshore assets in Egypt and Canada. This approach has enabled us to build our production base, generate strong cash flows and provide a return to shareholders through a semi-annual dividend.

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Where are the most promising areas / concessions the company is working in? We are most excited about our low-risk development operations in Egypt and our newly discovered resource potential in the Cardium play in Alberta. In Egypt we are particularly focused on the continued expansion of our Eastern Desert Concessions. For the past year plus we have been working alongside the Egyptian General Petroleum Company (“EGPC”) to develop a framework to extend the concessions and amend our licenses which will provide for the increased development and recovery of the oil in place in those legacy concessions through increased secondary as well as tertiary recovery approaches. We believe that some of the techniques utilized in our

Canadian operations, namely horizontal drilling and multi-stage completions will be directly applicable to certain areas within our concessions in the Eastern Desert. TransGlobe has been working in Egypt for more than a decade, what are some attractions in the Egyptian petroleum sector? The production and distribution of oil is an integral part of Egypt’s economy and the country has developed a well-established service industry to support exploration and development operations, exemplified by an increasingly large and talented workforce. This presents an exciting opportunity for TransGlobe to operate within. Addition-

ally, we are very encouraged by the leadership within the Ministry and EGPC who continue to work towards a modernization of the industry which we believe will lead to a stronger and more investible operating environment once completed. What is the amount of TransGlobe`s 2019 allocated budget here in Egypt with reference to other countries? And how many wells do you plan to drill during the current calendar year? Our 2020 capital program equates to $37.1 million (before capitalized G&A), which includes $23.7 million for Egypt and $13.4 million (C$17.4 million) for Canada. This plan is strategically aimed at maximizing free cash flow to direct at future value growth opportunities in Egypt and outside of Egypt. As a result of the recent de-risking of the area we refer to as South Harmattan, we can deploy capital in Canada, to achieve our production and cash flow goals in 2020 while we await finalization of our concession consolidation efforts in the Eastern Desert in Egypt. What is the operational update on the South Ghazalat exploration? Production was initiated at South Ghazalat on 24 December 2019 from the SGZ-6X well following the installation of production facilities at site. Initial oil production was in the range of a field estimated 800-1,000 bopd, however, the gas oil ratio rapidly increased to a level that interfered with the ability to separate oil from water in the facilities. This, combined with prudent management practices on the upper Bahariya reservoir completed in this well, has led to the well now being produced at a restricted field estimated 300-400 bopd. The lower Bahariya reservoir also tested oil in this well and remains a future recompletion target. We have a rig contracted to drill both a follow-up well in the 6X discovery pool as well as an exploration well in a prospect to the East of the existing discovery later this year. What is the growth strategy of TransGlobe worldwide and in Egypt? We are primarily focused on development and production with a core view of generating strong cash flows and long-term value accretion. By steering the bulk of the company’s efforts towards stable production, we have been able to create a uniquely competitive position in the market. Given our strength in maximizing recoveries from under-loved and under-developed

assets, we look to capitalize on our core skillsets to improve field rejuvenation possibilitiesby looking to expand our operations in Egypt or similar regions through synergistic acquisitions. Through this approach we hope to triple our production output and more importantly cash flow in the medium term. Having said that, having a little exploration success along the way is always welcome. Do you see your recent success in Canada having you refocus to a more Canadian centered business going forward? We re-entered Canada in 2016 in order to diversify our portfolio of development assets and gain exposure to the increasing technological advancements in North American drilling and completion techniques. Our Canadian re-entry was part of the Company’s ongoing strategy of portfolio diversification into countries with attractive netbacks to support growth. This decision inevitably played to our core strength of value creation through development drilling and reservoir management. Recently, we have had some success in our South Harmattan area. This success provides more balance to our portfolio but we still see the real prize in the portfolio in the potential resources that could be pursued in the Eastern Desert if the Company has both the right fiscal terms and adequate time; which are the key elements of the restructuring work being discussed with EGPC. How will your plans change if the recent fall in oil prices turns into a prolonged return to low prices? We have been able to weather unpredictable markets by maintaining control over our own operations and focusing on opportunities where we can operate most efficiently. Because we are the operator of all our Egyptian assets and the majority of our Canadian assets, we can react quickly if oil prices shift materially. We’re not forced to push ahead when it isn’t favorable to do so and we can therefore control our costs accordingly. We believe there is potential for much stronger oil prices in the not-to-distant future and the key to success is being in a position to capitalize on those prices when they occur. We are also optimistic that the current sell-off in oil prices due to the potential for lower Chinese demand will be short lived. You have recently had some key people in your organization depart and have added

some new names, can you tell us a little about that transition? After a 20+ year career with TransGlobe, Mr. Lloyd Herrick retired recently; Lloyd is one of the finest individuals I have ever worked with in my career. He was truly dedicated to our shareholders, our partners and loved by our employees, he will be dearly missed. In anticipation of Lloyd’s retirement, we were fortunate enough to hire Mr. Geoff Probert last spring. Mr. Probert is a highly skilled professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience, much of which in North Africa including Egypt. Geoff has already made a valuable contribution to the Company assisting in the efforts of our consolidation and in particular advancing our understanding of the contingent resource potential within the Eastern Desert lands. Finally, we would like to know about TransGlobe’s ESG initiatives that you can share with us. TransGlobe has been supporting the Ras Gharib hospital for many years, as a recipient of choice as suggested by our joint venture employees. Our production assets are close to city of Ras Gharib on the Gulf of Suez and a large number of our joint venture employees live in Ras Gharib and have a strong attachment to the hospital. In 2013, TransGlobe provided support to fund the establishment of the first intensive care unit at the hospital and we continue to support the unit with donations to fund the acquisition of specialist heart and lifesaving equipment on a regular basis. TransGlobe makes donations to the hospital whenever a significant HSE achievement is reached so that we are improving safety continually as well as supporting an essential local facility in Ras Gharib. In addition to this, TransGlobe has 2 staff members on the CSR committee, which is a subcommittee of the Egypt Oil and Gas Technical Committee. Although only recently formed, this committee is already very active in liaising with other IOC’s to share and align CSR activities across the industry. We have additional plans to decrease our emissions in the Eastern Desert which will become viable once our consolidation efforts have been concluded. We look forward to discussing these with the industry, the public and our investors once we have concluded that consolidation.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 37

COP26: Was it helpful? COP27: What to expect?

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is held every year in a different country, with the first one being in Berlin, Germany, in 1995. In addition, it has been confirmed that the COP27 will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2022. The decision was made at COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland, which was hosted by the United Kingdom. Egypt’s Minister of Environment, Yasmine Fouad, extended her gratitude to all delegations, particularly those from African countries for their support of Egypt. Fouad invited a number of countries to gather in Egypt next year to work towards a practical solution to the problems of climate change and to assist developing and African countries in promptly confronting and adapting to climate change.

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Egypt will seek to make the summit a watershed moment in international climate efforts, collaborating with other nations for a prosperous and thriving future.

But did the twenty-sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) deliver?

The COP is critical for global climate action and raising awareness about what nations need to do to play their part in the solution. The major goal is to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and global emissions must be lowered in half by 2030, with a goal of reaching “net zero” by 2050.

United Nations OCHA asked aid workers, scientists and climate activists — many from countries extremely vulnerable to climate change — for their thoughts on COP26 and their hopes for COP27, to be held in Egypt 2022.

Furthermore, US President Joe Biden has announced the mobilization of $100 billion per year to help climate action in underdeveloped countries. The success of COP26 Glasgow was due to the submission of many new ‘Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs),’ which are climate action plans set to reduce emissions and adapt to climate effects. When implemented together, these plans are efficient enough to put the world on track for a temperature below 2 degrees Celsius.

Climate finance for adaptation doubled, but what does it mean? The Glasgow Climate Pact — the climate deal struck at COP26 — urges developed countries to at least double their 2019 commitment to provide climate finance for adaptation to developing countries by 2025.

Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi stated that strengthening efforts for climate action to achieve such a goal has become “crucial and indomitable.”

In 2009, developed countries had agreed to provide US$100 billion per year to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. But by 2019, developed countries had provided only $80 billion, of which only around 25 per cent (roughly $20 billion) was allotted for adaptation.

The world’s most vulnerable communities pinned a great deal of hope on COP26 in Glasgow. They anticipated the world putting the brakes on the rising global average temperature, preventing a rise beyond 1.5°C, and for more resources to help them cope with and adapt to the impact of a changing climate.

This means that “the amount will only reach $40 billion annually by 2025, with no details provided on the road map between 2021 to 2025,” said Harjeet Singh, Senior Adviser at Climate Action Network-International. Calling the amount “highly inadequate,” Singh added: “It is important to recognize that delay in adaptation finance to vulnerable

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Loss and damage raised but did not push the envelope Scientists are increasingly recognizing that as the Earth faces an unprecedented rate of warming, largely due to humaninduced climate change, we will be, or are already being, exposed to situations to which we cannot adjust or adapt. Permanent losses are already being experienced, such as the loss of a way of living or farming, especially in low-income countries unable to provide their citizens with sustainable alternatives. Saleemul Huq is a senior scientist from Bangladesh and lead author of the adaptation chapters in the third and fourth IPCC assessment reports. He maintains that “we have already entered the new era” of loss and damage, and “the impacts will only get bigger every year and it will be unavoidable to discuss it in future COPs.” people will lead to more loss and damage.” Loss and damage broadly refers to the negative effects of climate change that cannot be avoided through mitigation or adaptation. Citizens being forced to relocate and to give up their land, cultural identity and right to human dignity are crucial loss-and-damage issues for vulnerable countries. Balgis Osman-Elasha is a senior scientist from Sudan and a lead author of the assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She noted that the provision of adaptation finance “remains challenging for developing countries, with most of the funding available through loans and other non-concessional instruments.” Osman-Elasha also said that the “inability to access climate finance aggravates problems that vulnerable countries are already facing.” Despite “promising steps in the right direction, what we got in Glasgow is still too little too late,” said Maarten van Aalst, Director of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Centre. He feels that what we need even more is “transformational change in how we manage risks.” Over $450 million was announced for locally led adaptation at COP26, which van Aalst sees as a welcome development. “It signals that while we surely need attention for the quantity of adaptation finance, it may be even more important to ensure that it actually reaches those worst affected,” he added.

Low-income countries have been asking for loss and damage to be acknowledged at the climate negotiations, and they have sought financial and technical resources to help them cope. But loss and damage has become a polarizing issue, with some in the developed world believing any acknowledgement would lead to a demand for compensation. The 2012 COP, held in Doha, agreed to set up a mechanism to address loss and damage at the 2013 COP in Warsaw. Six years later, the COP in Chile set up the Santiago Network on Loss and Damage (SNLD) to develop the mechanism’s work, such as by providing technical assistance to vulnerable countries. Singh explains that at COP26, developing countries “demanded a financing facility to assess and meet the needs of developing countries and communities to recover from devastating floods, storms and rising seas. However, they have been offered the Glasgow Dialogue [on averting and dealing with loss and damage], a process over the next three years, which ignores the urgency of the situation and the needs of millions who are losing their homes and incomes to the ongoing climate emergency.” The COP26 deal also strengthened SNLD, urging countries to fund its operationalization outcome. Huq said that while this was “a positive result,” it was centred only on technical assistance and was not actually about addressing loss and damage.

Osman-Elasha said: “It is important that the world leaders treat climate adaptation with the same level of urgency and seriousness as COVID-19.”

Dealing with loss and damage now

UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his disappointment with the decisions on adaptation at COP26, saying: “Adaptation isn’t a technocratic issue, it is life or death.”

Van Aalst, who was the coordinating lead author of the IPCC’s special report Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change, reckons that as

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the world has done too little too late, “we are now dealing much more prominently than before with the third branch of climate discussions: loss and damage.” (Mitigation and adaptation are the two other branches.) He added: “Possibly thanks to the terrible disasters even in the richest countries, Glasgow featured a more prominent and realistic discussion on this topic [loss and damage] than at previous COPs. From disasters to displacement, the challenges are right in front of our eyes. And the humanitarian community is very clear: simply funding more and more response is not the way out.” Zinta Zommers, a climate expert with OCHA and an author of IPCC’s forthcoming Sixth Assessment Synthesis, echoed similar concerns: “…our adaptation options have not been widely implemented nor effective at lowering risk. “Hopefully, the additional adaptation finance and the focus on providing technical support on loss and damage will help the most vulnerable countries be able to take greater action. Whether or not this goes to the most vulnerable people remains to be seen.”

“Protecting and restoring nature was rightfully recognized as crucial to reach the 1.5 Celsius goal,” said Osman-Elasha. She noted the decision as “most relevant to vulnerable people in Africa, who are largely dependent on nature and natural resources for their livelihoods.” She added that world leaders pledged $2 billion to support the restoration of 100 million hectares in Africa. “This could help with scaling up funding for naturebased solutions in the drylands of Africa, for example for the Great Green Wall.”

Looking ahead to COP27 In a message of hope to disappointed climate activists at COP26, Secretary-General Guterres said: “We won’t reach our destination in one day or one conference.” On that note, Huq said that the issue of loss and damage “will be raised again in COP27 by the incoming Egyptian presidency, and indeed again in COP28 and beyond.”

On a more optimistic note, Huq cited developments outside the UNFCCC, such as the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, contributing GBP2 million ($2.6 million) towards a new Loss and Damage Fund. Huq said the fund will “take on a life of its own going forward.”

Osman-Elasha would like to see higher levels of commitment to help vulnerable countries adapt and become more resilient. She said COP27 should also set clear timelines and quantifiable targets for climate adaptation, such as achieving zero vulnerability by 2050, parallel to the target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions set for the same year.

Pledge to end deforestation

She added: “I am glad that COP27 will be held on African soil, in Egypt. This provides a chance for stronger and more effective participation by African countries and for coming together as one voice. It is a chance for Africans to stress the need for prioritizing Africa-relevant solutions and push for a powerful African leadership of COP27.”

The Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use was issued at COP26 to end deforestation by 2030. The pledge was signed by more than 120 countries, representing about 90 per cent of the world’s forests.

Van Aalst said: “While Glasgow achieved a small step in the right direction, the heavy lifting remains ahead of us towards COP27.” Zommers hopes to see “meaningful increases” in countries’ efforts to cut their greenhouse gas emissions “so that we are able to meet or stay close to” preventing the global average temperature from rising by 1.5°C. She also hopes that arrangements to fund actions to help minimize, avert and address loss and damage will finally materialize in COP27. Secretary-General Guterres offered some final uplifting words: “Never give up. Never retreat. Keep pushing forward. I will be with you all the way. COP27 starts now.”

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Egypt Petroleum & Mining Focus

A new focus report produced by Oxford Business Group (OBG) explores Egypt’s efforts to carve a niche as a regional energy hub and develop its mining industry by capitalising on its abundant untapped resources. In early 2020 economic forecasts for Egypt estimated growth of 5.8% in FY 2019 / 20 and 5.9% in FY 2020 / 21. The country was beginning to see the benefits of the IMF-backed economic reform programme following its conclusion in July 2019, as corporate earnings overtook pre-currency floatation levels in November 2019 and salaries similarly began to catch up, which was expected to drive consumer spending. Past reforms put downward pressure on consumer spending as nominal wage growth fell below inflation rates between 2016 and 2018, although retailers continued to see moderate growth during that time due to rapid population expansion.

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While the business and investment environment in the run up to the pandemic had improved greatly, the government was also in a stronger fiscal position after reducing subsidies, introducing value-added tax and issuing a new income tax law, among other measures. Therefore, despite the Covid-19 pandemic having a significant impact on economic growth, GDP still expanded by over 2% in 2020. In a clear signal of strength, Egypt was one of just a handful of countries to see positive growth that year. The petroleum sector was an important contributor to the economy prior to the pandemic, when it accounted for 27% of GDP, and hydrocarbons activity continued to play a key role throughout 2020, comprising 24% of GDP that year.

Petroleum Sector The petroleum sector has long been a key pillar of Egypt’s economy, with the oil and gas industry contributing 27% to GDP in 2019. Indeed, Egypt is the largest oil producer in Africa that is not a member of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Egypt continues to be a net importer of oil products due to the high energy needs of its large population, but expanded refining capacity in recent years has seen the import of gasoline and diesel fall while lower-cost crude imports rise. In terms of natural gas, the discovery of Zohr natural gas field and the beginning of its production in December

2017 helped Egypt to achieve self-sufficiency in natural gas in October 2018. The value of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports then rose by 150% in 2019 to $1.24bn, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics. A burst of oil exploration contracts around the same time raised hopes that oil production would emulate recent gains in the gas segment. Despite these positive trends, global oil consumption fell to 92.2m bpd amid the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, down 8.9% from 2019, per estimates by the US Energy Information Administration. As a result, the Egyptian petroleum sector’s contribution to GDP contracted by three percentage points in 2020, to 24%. Furthermore, the central bank reported that FDI in the oil sector fell from a net inflow of $744.2m in the first quarter of FY 2019 / 20 to a net outflow of $75.3m in the same period of FY 2020 / 21, which covers July to September. Responsibility for overarching energy strategy lies with the Supreme Energy Council, established in 1979 and reformed in 2014, while the petroleum sector falls under the regulatory authority of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. The ministry oversees exploration; the production and distribution of oil, oil products and gas; and all related services. These activities are carried out by the national entities Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS), Ganoub El Wadi Petroleum Holding Company (GANOPE) and Egyptian

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Petrochemicals Holding Company. International oil companies (IOCs) can form joint ventures and enter into production-sharing agreements with subsidiary companies of the EGPC, EGAS and GANOPE to exploit concessions after they have been awarded a tender by the EGPC. Production sharing agreements also make the EGPC the contractual buyer of the majority of crude oil and natural gas from the companies responsible for exploration and production.

History of Oil Activity Oil was first discovered in Egypt in 1886 at Ras Gemsah, which is located in the Eastern Desert. The country’s first refinery began operations in 1912 and the first commercial oilfield was discovered in Ras Gharib in 1938 by the AngloEgyptian Oil company. Many discoveries followed and production ramped up in the decades thereafter, with the government establishing the General Petroleum Authority in 1956 to oversee refineries and other infrastructure pertaining to petroleum. Six years later the EGPC was created. In 2019 Egypt had some 3.1bn barrels of proven oil reserves, according to the “BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020” report, and oil production stood at 686,000 bpd. This figure is down from 730,000 bpd in 2009 due to political instability following the 2011 revolution and the fall in crude oil prices that began in mid-2014. Domestic consumption in 2019 averaged 743,000 bpd, exceeding production. Egypt

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has been a net oil importer since 2006, but the government expects to return to self-sufficiency in oil production by 2023. In February 2021, the country began its first exploration tender round through the digital platform Egypt Upstream Gateway, which allows IOCs to access a century of seismic, production and other data digitally as they evaluate their investment options and submit tender bids. The main centres of oil production are in the Western Desert and Gulf of Suez, although other areas including the Eastern Desert and Sinai Peninsula also have significant output. Egypt can easily access markets in Europe, Africa and the Middle East due to its favourable geographic location on the Mediterranean Sea and as the operator of the Suez Canal; therefore it is well-positioned for trade in the global energy market. The Suez Canal, which was expanded in 2015, is an important route for international oil and gas shipments, and the Suez-Mediterranean (SUMED) pipeline is the only alternative for moving hydrocarbons between the Mediterranean and Red seas. In 2017 the canal and SUMED together accounted for 9% of all seaborne-traded petroleum products and 8% of global LNG trade.

Refining Infrastructure Egypt’s refinery capacity – which remained mostly stable in the last decade, at around 800,000 bpd – is the largest in Africa. The country’s nine refining facilities are all partially or entirely owned by the EGPC through several subsidiaries.

Egypt’s production of refined petroleum products falls significantly short of its combined capacity, but in 2020 Egypt achieved a positive external trade balance for refined products for the first time – equal to 17,000 bpd. The majority of Egypt’s refinery output is directed at local demand, which means that lower-than-normal demand for refined oil products at home due to lockdowns and movement restrictions in 2020 contributed to the positive export figure, as did an increase in demand from Asia towards the end of the year. However, domestic demand is expected to rise over the medium term amid accelerated post-pandemic GDP growth, which is forecast at an annual average expansion of 5.6% for 2022 - 24 by the IMF. The Mostorod facility, located 20 km north of Cairo, has been the focus of the government’s strategy to increase refining capacity to fully supply the local market while also exporting abroad. In 2020 the new Mostorod Petrochemicals Refinery was inaugurated at a value of $4.3m and has the capacity to produce 4.7m tonnes of petroleum products per year. The complex is expected to boost the country’s diesel output by 30% and gasoline output by 15% annually. Gasoline and naphtha exports are targeted by 2023. Another significant pillar of Egypt’s refining strategy is the 60,000-bpd expansion at the Middle East Oil Refinery, which began in 2017 and – prior to the pandemic – was expected to be completed in 2022. Furthermore, in 2020 an agreement was signed for a $2.8bn hydrocracking complex at the Assuit refinery. The facility will have a production capacity of 2.8m tonnes of

diesel, 400,000 tonnes of highoctane gasoline and 100,000 tonnes of butane per year.

Natural Gas Production In February 2021 the EGPC and EGAS announced the beginning of a bidding round for oil and natural gas exploration and production, offering 12 blocks in the Western Desert, nine in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and three in the Gulf of Suez. This follows the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum in 2019 that led to a September 2020 agreement to form a regional intergovernmental organisation based in Cairo. The organisation seeks to strengthen cooperation between buyers, producers and transit countries in the eastern Mediterranean. Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Italy, Greece, Israel and Cyprus are the original members, with France’s membership approved in March 2021 and the US acting as a permanent observer. Between 2012 and 2016 Egypt witnessed a decline in natural gas production, which, in combination with growing domestic consumption, transformed the country from a gas exporter into a net importer. However, this trend has begun to reverse thanks to the discovery of a number of significant gas fields in recent years, including El Zohr field in 2015. With estimated reserves of 30trn standard cu feet, El Zohr is being developed by a consortium comprising Eni, Rosneft, BP and Mubadala Petroleum, along with a number of Egyptian companies.

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It is currently the largest offshore natural gas field in the Mediterranean Sea. After being fast-tracked, production began in 2017 and reached 2.7bn standard cu feet per day (scfd) in August 2019. Peak production for the field is estimated to be 3.2bn scfd. Also in 2015, BP discovered the Atoll offshore field in the East Nile Delta, which began production in February 2018. During FY 2019 / 20 production at the field grew by 28%, from 250m scfd to 320m scfd.

LNG Ambitions On the back of natural gas discoveries and the significant increase in production over the last decade, Egypt was able to stop importing LNG in October 2018 and began exporting it once again in January 2019. While the country’s broader strategy is to position itself as an international centre for natural gas liquefaction and LNG export, Egyptian exports in 2019 made up 1% of the global market. Currently, Egypt has two LNG plants located in Idku and Damietta. The former operated at about 15% capacity between 2013 and 2019, and the latter had been nonoperational since November 2012. In September 2019, however, Idku was reportedly operating at 90% capacity. After a brief pause in operations due to the pandemic, the Idku plant restarted in

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February 2021 – at which time the Damietta plant came back on-line as well. The government aims to increase LNG exports from the two plants to 12.5m tonnes annually over the medium term. In addition to domestic natural gas, the country’s long-term plan to establish itself as a major LNG exporter will see it receive natural gas from fields under development by other Mediterranean countries, including Israel, Cyprus and Greece. Egypt also hopes to leverage the strength of its established gas infrastructure and regional ties to become a key centre for the processing and export of Mediterranean LNG to European and Asian markets. In 2019, 1.3m tonnes of Egyptian LNG were sent to the EU, while Pakistan and Singapore represented the second- and third-largest purchasers, at 0.6m and 0.3m tonnes, respectively.

Mining Agenda Although the mining sector in Egypt currently accounts for around 0.5% of GDP, it is set to be one of the fastestgrowing and most strategic sectors of the decade in light of public policy prioritisation, with over 40 initiatives in place to attract greater investment in mining under the country’s

overarching plan through to 2030. In January 2020 Egypt issued executive regulations for a new mining law, which aims to transition the sector away from a framework based on the petroleum industry – namely, the employment of production-sharing agreements, which hampered growth – to a framework better suited to the investment requirements and production cycle of mining with regards to tax, rents and royalties. By setting royalties between 5% and 20% and eliminating joint venture requirements, mining industry laws have been brought in line with international norms, attracting significant interest from exploration companies. Additionally, the new mining law allows investors to take advantage of the provisions in the 2017 investment law that are designed to attract more FDI to Egypt. The requirement that each mining agreement receives parliamentary approval has also been dropped, eliminating some red tape. This reshaping of the industry will facilitate the government’s efforts to achieve mining exports of $10bn and raise the sector’s contribution to GDP to $20bn by 2040. The new legal framework for the establishment of a vibrant mining sector that is attractive to investors is certainly a step in the right direction, but will likely be insufficient on its own. According to an October 2020 report by global consultancy McKinsey, it is also necessary to build local mining expertise and invest in the proper direct and indirect infrastructure to support activity. Just as Egypt has made investments in oil refineries and LNG plants, the mining sector requires investments in laboratories, processing plants and mine-to-port infrastructure, such as railways.

Bidding and Gold Exploration Much of the initial interest in Egypt’s mining potential has centred on gold. The country’s only producing gold mine in 2020 was the Sukari mine, operated by Centamine, although in June of that year a gold deposit with estimated resources of 1m oz was discovered by state-owned company Shalateen Mining. A new company will be created to mine the deposit, which is estimated to be worth as much as $1.8bn. Following a bidding round in November 2020, 11 companies were awarded 82 gold exploration concessions in the Eastern Desert.

to allow companies more time to come forward, and winning companies began to be announced in July 2021. Companies of varying profiles have shown interest, with bids from both local and international players headquartered in Canada, Australia and the UK. Centrum, Barrick Gold, Lotus Gold, AKH Gold, Red Sea Resources and B2Gold were all awarded concessions in the first round in November 2020. Looking ahead, given the strong performance of gold on global markets, exploration of the mineral is seen as a priority for some companies. For example, remote sensing technology was being used for exploration across 1565 sq km in the Eastern Desert by AKH Gold in early 2021. Given the encouraging early results, field teams were being assembled in the second quarter of the year to conduct more systemic exploration in the area.

However, those awards represented only a portion of the blocks being offered. Originally scheduled for March 2021, the second round focused on 10 different minerals also in the Eastern Desert, spread over 38,000 sq km for a total of 208 blocks. In February the deadline was extended until May 15

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Soon, a vast, decrepit oil tanker in the Red Sea will likely sink, catch fire, or explode. The vessel, the F.S.O. Safer—pronounced “Saffer”—is named for a patch of desert near the city of Marib, in central Yemen, where the country’s first reserves of crude oil were discovered. In 1987, the Safer was redesigned as a floating storageand-off-loading facility, or F.S.O., becoming the terminus of a pipeline that began at the Marib oil fields and proceeded westward, across mountains and five miles of seafloor. The ship has been moored there ever since, and recently it has degraded to the verge of collapse. More than a million barrels of oil are currently stored in its tanks. The Exxon Valdez spilled about a quarter of that volume when it ran aground in Alaska, in 1989.

The Safer’s problems are manifold and intertwined. It is forty-five years old—ancient for an oil tanker. Its age would not matter so much were it being maintained properly, but it is not. In 2014, members of one of Yemen’s powerful clans, the Houthis, launched a successful coup, presaging a brutal conflict that continues to this day. Before the war, the Yemeni state-run firm that owns the ship—the Safer Exploration & Production Operations Company, or sepoc— spent some twenty million dollars a year taking care of the vessel. Now the company can afford to make only the most rudimentary emergency repairs. More than fifty people worked on the Safer before the war; seven remain. This skeleton crew, which operates with scant provisions and no air-conditioning or ventilation below deck—interior temperatures on the ship frequently surpass a hundred and twenty degrees—is monitored by soldiers from the Houthi militia, which now occupies the territory where the Safer is situated. The Houthi leadership has obstructed efforts by foreign entities to inspect the ship or to siphon its oil. The risk of a disaster increases every day. A vessel without power is known as a dead ship. The Safer died in 2017, when its steam boilers ran out of fuel. A boiler is a tanker’s heart, because it generates the power and the steam needed to run vital systems. Two diesel generators on deck now provide electricity for basic needs, such as laptop charging. But crucial processes driven by the boiler system have ceased—most notably, “inerting,” in which inert gases are pumped into the tanks where the crude is stored, to neutralize flammable hydrocarbons that rise off the oil. Before inerting became a commonplace safety measure, in the nineteen-seventies, tankers blew up surprisingly often, and with lethal consequences: in December, 1969, three of them exploded within seventeen days, killing four men. Since the boilers on the Safer stopped working, the ship has been a tinderbox, vulnerable to a static-electric spark, a discharged weapon, a tossed cigarette butt. Many people familiar with the Safer liken it to the dockside warehouse in Beirut, packed with ammonium nitrate, that exploded last year. That blast killed two hundred and eighteen people and destroyed a swath of the city: nearly eighty thousand apartments were damaged. Beirut’s plight was predicted, too—six months before the explosion, officials inspecting the consignment of ammonium nitrate on the waterfront warned that it could “blow up all of Beirut.” Ahmed Kulaib, who was the head of sepoc until recently, described the Safer to me as a “bomb.” Some observers also believe that the Houthis have laid mines in the waters around the Safer. Many coastal regions under Houthi control have been booby-trapped this way. If explosives indeed surround the ship, nobody knows their exact locations. According to sources in Ras Issa, the port

closest to the ship, the Houthi officer responsible for laying mines in the area was killed. Given these concerns, it is striking that many tanker-safety experts and former sepoc employees are more worried about the ship sinking than about it exploding. Its steel hull is corroding, as are its many pipes and valves. Last year, the skeleton crew had to make emergency repairs to a cracked pipe leaking seawater into the engine room; a sinking was narrowly averted. If the Safer goes under, one of two scenarios is likely: it would break free of its moorings and be dashed against coastal rocks, or its weakened hull would shear apart. In either event, the ship’s oil would spill into the water. The Safer threatens not only the ecosystems of the Red Sea but also the lives of millions of people. A major spill would close a busy shipping lane. Not long ago, a British company, Riskaware, worked with two nonprofits, acaps and Satellite Applications Catapult, to generate projections for the U.K. government outlining possible outcomes of a disaster on the Safer, allowing for seasonal variations in Red Sea currents and wind patterns. In the worst forecasts, a large volume of oil would reach the Bab el-Mandeb Strait—the pinch point between Djibouti, on the African mainland, and Yemen. Every year, enough cargo passes through the strait to account for some ten per cent of the world’s trade. The insurer Allianz estimated that when the container ship Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week, this past March, the incident cost about a billion dollars a day. Ships rarely traverse oil-contaminated waters, especially when a cleanup is in progress, and their insurance can be imperilled if they do. A spill from the Safer could take months to clear, imposing a toll of tens of billions of dollars on the shipping business and the industries it services. acaps estimated that the cleanup alone could cost twenty billion dollars. In any scenario, Yemenis would suffer the most. The country, which has a population of thirty million, is already experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Tens of thousands of Yemenis live in famine conditions, and another five million face dire food insecurity. Twenty

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million people require the support of non-governmental organizations to access basic provisions, and four million are internally displaced. A fire or an explosion on the Safer could pollute the air for up to eight million Yemenis, and would complicate the delivery of foreign aid to the western coast. A spill would be even more calamitous. Yemen’s Red Sea fishing industry has already been ravaged by the war. An oil slick would knock it out entirely. A big spill would also block the port of Hodeidah, which is some thirty miles southeast of the tanker. Two-thirds of Yemen’s food arrives through the port. In every projection presented to the U.K. government, Hodeidah remained closed for weeks; in the worst case, it did not reopen for six months. The United Nations, whose mission to Yemen is overstretched and underfunded, has no contingency plan to accommodate a shutdown of the Hodeidah port. John Ratcliffe, an American who is a Yemen specialist in the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, is one of the central figures engaged in the U.N.’s attempt to solve the Safer crisis. He told me recently that the prolonged closure of the Hodeidah port might precipitate a famine unprecedented in scale in the twenty-first century. In 2018, unicef estimated that, if the port closed, three hundred thousand children would be at risk of dying from starvation or disease. Ratcliffe told me that this calculation is still valid in 2021. “We have no Plan B,” he said. “It would be a catastrophic situation.” Yachts are compared by length, and container ships by cubic capacity, but oil tankers are compared by “deadweight”— the maximum tonnage that they carry when fully laden. By this yardstick, the Safer is one of the biggest ever built. Completed in May, 1976, in a shipyard in Japan, it measures more than four hundred thousand deadweight tons. It is eleven hundred feet long and two hundred feet wide, and can carry more than three million barrels of oil. The month the ship was completed, the United States was importing that much crude about every eighteen hours. The ship, then owned by Exxon, was initially named the

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Esso Japan. Classified as an ultra-large crude carrier, it resembled a giant barge more than a traditional seagoing ship. On the open ocean, slowing from full speed to a stop took about fifteen minutes, and required two miles of clear water. When the ship was fully laden, its “draft”—or depth below the waterline—extended more than seventy feet. It could be berthed only in the world’s deepest ports. The English Channel was very nearly impassable for the ship, and it could not steam through the Suez Canal. In the years when the ship was being built, this unwieldiness was hardly considered a liability. From the beginning of the Six-Day War, in 1967, until 1975, the Suez Canal was closed to commercial shipping, and for most of this period oil was relatively cheap. Shipbuilders and oil companies began designing ever-bigger tankers, to make the transport of crude oil more economical. Ultra-large crude carriers were so enormous that Exxon offered bicycles to senior officers stationed on them, to make crossing the deck faster. The huge increase in the size of tankers corresponded with a rash of fatal accidents and sinkings, most notably the wreck of the Torrey Canyon, which struck rocks off the coast of Cornwall in 1967, causing what was then the world’s largestever spill. At least eight hundred thousand barrels of oil are thought to have spilled into the English Channel. In 1974, in an influential two-part investigation for this magazine, Noël Mostert suggested that the fragility of supertankers rendered them “fatally flawed” as a species. As Mostert wrote those words, the brief golden age of the supertanker was already ending. The oil crisis of 1973 had driven up crude prices, reducing demand and setting off a worldwide financial crisis. The Suez Canal reopened in 1975, making smaller tankers useful again. The moment the Esso Japan left the shipyard, it was a dinosaur. Nonetheless, the supertanker was active for a while. Archived reports from Lloyd’s List, a London shipping bulletin, document it shuttling between deepwater ports in the Middle East and Europe, and occasionally voyaging to the Caribbean or the United States, even as the ship’s economic usefulness was waning. In 1982, it was sent to Ålesund, Norway, and was “laid up.” That year, about two hundred and fifty oil tankers were mothballed in this fashion: Norway’s fjords became tanker parking lots. Many of the vessels were eventually sold for scrap, but the Esso Japan found another purpose. In 1983, the Hunt Oil Company, of Dallas, discovered crude in the Marib desert. The site of the strike was in the Yemen Arab Republic—sometimes known as North Yemen—about twenty miles from the border with the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, or South Yemen. Between 1984 and 1987, Hunt teamed up with Exxon to build a pipeline from the Marib oil fields to Ras Issa, on the coast of North Yemen, near Hodeidah.

For its Marib crude, Hunt needed storage space and an export facility on the coast. The company’s license to extract oil lasted only fifteen years, so building an onshore storage terminal at Ras Issa—which would take years and cost more than a hundred million dollars—didn’t seem like a good investment. Instead, for about a tenth of that price, Hunt bought the Esso Japan and retrofitted it as a floating storageand-off-loading unit. Smaller tankers could berth alongside it to access its oil. Karim Abuhamad, a manager who worked on the conversion of the ship for Hunt, told me that the intent was to create a “floating gas station.” The Esso Japan steamed from Norway to Korea for the twelve-million-dollar conversion, whereupon it was renamed the F.S.O. Safer. Among other modifications, the tanker was outfitted with a rotating-front mooring system, so that the ship could swing around its bow, like a weathervane, whenever winds kicked up, reducing strain on the hull. The tanker arrived in the Red Sea by March, 1988. In the late eighties, the Safer was one of the best places to work in Yemen. Many of the crew members were Italian, including some excellent chefs. More and more Yemenis came aboard to work. One former employee recalled that during this period the ship was as well appointed as “a fivestar hotel,” with pristine living quarters. Moreover, Yemen was relatively peaceful. The discovery of oil on the border between North and South Yemen had spurred coöperation, and in 1990 the states merged. During this period, Abuhamad lived in Hodeidah, travelled to the ship by helicopter, and windsurfed on the weekends. By the late nineties, the Safer had begun to decay. In 2000, Hunt was granted a five-year extension at Ras Issa, but a more durable storage facility was clearly needed. The Yemeni government convened a committee to plan an onshore terminal. Abdulwahed Alobaly, an accountant who used to work for sepoc, the state-owned oil company, told me that the project’s budget was about a billion dollars—a wildly excessive sum. Not a brick was laid. Alobaly, who fled Yemen four years ago, told me that he suspected “huge corruption.” Hunt was denied permission to keep extracting oil in Yemen, and in 2005 sepoc began administering the pipeline and the Safer, which at that point was thirty years old. The ship’s age was beginning to show, but it was maintained well enough to pass annual inspections by the American Bureau of Shipping. Seven years later, a consortium led by ChemieTech, a Dubai-based company, finally began building an onshore terminal, this time with a budget of less than two hundred million dollars. Hundreds of Yemeni and international contractors set up camp at Ras Issa and began constructing three enormous vats for storing crude oil. From the site, the workers could see the Safer floating

on the horizon. Sameer Bawa, a director at ChemieTech, remembers discussing the poor state of the ship with crew members who came onshore. “That was what everyone was talking about—that it may sink at any time,” Bawa recalled. The new oil terminal was half built when Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, was overtaken by the Houthis. President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who ruled North Yemen between 1978 and 1990, and the unified state of Yemen until 2011, was astonishingly corrupt. A U.N. panel has estimated that while he was in power he acquired as much as sixty billion dollars in personal wealth. He also appears to have played a double game with the West: he officially aligned himself with the war on terror while tacitly providing support for proscribed Islamist organizations, to keep foreign aid flowing in. In 2011, the Arab Spring swept the region, and Saleh, facing uprisings, agreed to pass the Presidency to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. But Hadi’s government, assailed by rival factions, was weak, and in September, 2014, a militia led by Abdelmalik al-Houthi seized control of the capital. Yemen is predominantly Sunni, and the Houthis are Zaydi Shiites—a minority of a minority. They long opposed the misrule of Saleh, whom they accused of robbing the country and colluding with imperialist enemies. (The Houthis’ slogan is “God is great, death to the U.S., death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam.”) Nevertheless, the Houthis, whose power base lies in the mountains of northern Yemen, formed a coalition of convenience with Saleh to launch their coup. In the months after the Houthis captured Sana’a, they won ground across Yemen, taking Hodeidah and marching on the southern city of Aden. President Hadi eventually fled to Saudi Arabia. In March, 2015, a coalition led by Saudi Arabia, which included the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, intervened to stop the Houthi advance. The U.S., Britain, and France provided intelligence, planes, naval support, and bombs. The Saudis saw in the Houthi advance the hand of their regional enemy Iran, a Shia nation. But, despite the aerial might of the Saudi coalition, the Houthis weathered the attacks, and

Petroleum Today - February 2022 59

entrenched themselves in northern Yemen. When Saudi Arabia entered the conflict, it predicted that fighting would last six weeks; instead, it has endured for more than six years. During the war, other regional actors, such as the U.A.E., have flexed their military muscle. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has maintained a foothold in the south of the country. A secessionist group called the Southern Transitional Council holds Aden. It is extremely unlikely that the Yemen of 2014 will ever be put back together. The consequences for civilians have been devastating. Both the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition are alleged to have committed many war crimes. The Saudi air campaign has been recklessly conducted, and has killed thousands of civilians, including children. The Houthi regime has used child soldiers, deployed banned antipersonnel mines, and fired indiscriminately into civilian areas. Meanwhile, a sea-and-land blockade of Houthi-controlled areas by the coalition has contributed to life-threatening shortages of food, medicine, and fuel. Recently, the outlook for Yemen has deteriorated further. Although fierce fighting continues—particularly in Marib, one of Yemen’s largest oil fields—foreign-aid donations have proved unreliable, partly because the pandemic has strained resources. In March, Britain halved its contributions to Yemen. Andrew Mitchell, a former minister for international development, said that the reduction in spending would

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“condemn hundreds of thousands of children to starvation.” The crew of the Safer has watched the unfolding catastrophe in Yemen with mounting despair. ChemieTech’s onshore facility has been abandoned, and soldiers plundered much of the machinery and materials at the terminal. The Houthi capture of Sana’a also grievously wounded sepoc. According to Alobaly, the accountant, the Houthis appropriated the company’s entire operating budget—about a hundred and ten million dollars. The annual sum spent on the Safer dropped from twenty million dollars to zero. By the end of 2015, all but one of the expatriate workers on the ship had evacuated. Tugboats, helicopters, and other vessels that serviced the Safer were withdrawn, and a team of divers who specialized in underwater repairs returned to their base city of Dubai. sepoc hired a local fishing boat to transport a Yemeni crew to and from the ship. Once the war started, the American Bureau of Shipping could no longer access the vessel for inspections. According to Lloyd’s List, the ship has been uninsured since September, 2016 The fuel oil for the boilers soon began to run low. sepoc had normally spent five million to eight million dollars on boiler fuel every year. The company no longer had the budget for this, and in any case the type of fuel used to run the boilers was in short supply amid the war. The crew began to use the boilers only intermittently, to maintain the inert-gas and fireresponse systems. By 2017, the boiler system’s fuel supply had been exhausted. The crew considered using crude from the Safer’s own tanks but decided that the risk of an explosion was too high, because the crude might emit dangerous gas. They also understood that once the boilers stopped they would probably not function safely again without significant repairs. The normal process for “laying up” boilers of such a size requires preservatives, known as oxygen scavengers, to be placed in the tank, in order to prevent corrosion. The sepoc employees on the Safer had no scavengers. sepoc, which was in debt to ChemieTech for the abandoned onshore-terminal project, grew financially desperate, and attempted to sell the Safer for sixty million dollars. But nobody was interested in a forty-year-old, uninsurable rust bucket anchored in the world’s hottest conflict zone. By 2018, with the vessel now a dead ship and the area around Hodeidah overwhelmed by vicious fighting, virtually nobody was left on board the Safer except for a chief engineer, an electrician, two mechanics, a cook, and a cleaner. The team was swapped out with another one every month or so—if travel to Ras Issa was feasible. The million barrels of oil were stored in the ship’s central tanks, along its spine, and sepoc managers had filled the ship’s outside tanks with seawater, to mitigate the threat of a bullet piercing the hull and causing an explosion. If there were a fire on the ship, it would be

impossible to control, because the Safer’s water pumps had been powered by the boiler system. In any case, there was now insufficient manpower to operate the ship’s fire stations. In early 2018, the official government of Yemen and the Houthi leadership wrote separately to the U.N. SecretaryGeneral, asking for assistance with solving the Safer crisis. The problem fell outside the U.N.’s normal remit. Resolving the issue required arcane technical knowledge, and the Safer was part of Yemen’s private sector. The U.N. does not like to become too entangled with commercial entities. Nevertheless, the U.N. passed along the task to John Ratcliffe, the Yemen specialist who works in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. He told me that his division is “very good at setting up in-country humanitarian operations, mobilizing funding, and all of these kinds of things,” adding, “We’re not experts on oil tankers.” Nevertheless, Ratcliffe’s office began working with the U.N. Office for Project Services, which could procure necessary hardware and expertise, and with the U.N.’s special envoy to Yemen, a Brit named Martin Griffiths. In December, 2018, the warring parties in Yemen met in Stockholm to sign a partial deal, which Griffiths had brokered. A key breakthrough of the Stockholm Agreement, as the accord was called, concerned the Hodeidah port. In the months before the summit, there had been a brutal fight for control of the city. Given the dire ramifications for the whole country if the port was closed, both sides agreed to a ceasefire in Hodeidah, and at the nearby ports of Salif and Ras Issa. The warring parties have since discarded many provisions of the Stockholm Agreement, but the port of Hodeidah has stayed open, averting a nationwide famine. The relative peace near Hodeidah seemed to present the U.N. with an opportunity to solve the Safer crisis. The U.N. and the Houthis began negotiating the matter through two channels. On a political level, the special envoy led talks. On a technical level, senior officers from the Office for Project Services, informed by consultants from A.O.S. Offshore—a private company with experience in the field of oil-tanker safety—attempted to organize an inspection of the Safer. By the summer of 2019, the U.N. and the Houthis had come to an accord that guaranteed the U.N. team’s safety and made the Houthis responsible for its safe passage to the ship. The U.N. assembled a team in Djibouti, which would cross the Red Sea in a service vessel and assess the Safer. But, the night before the inspection voyage was to start, a senior official in the Office for Project Services received a text message from a Houthi leader that said the mission had been cancelled. The Houthis later explained that they were upset about a separate issue. To prevent foreign weapons and other contraband from flooding into Yemen, the U.N. had instituted a protocol requiring ships bound for Houthi-

controlled ports to have their cargo inspected in Djibouti or in international waters. For complicated reasons, the Houthis wanted these inspections to take place at the Hodeidah port. The U.N. was adamant that discussions about an ecological and humanitarian danger should not be appended to other wartime negotiations. But the Houthis were looking from the other end of the telescope: the Safer crisis gave them leverage in broader negotiations concerning the war. The sudden cancellation of the Safer inspection shocked Ratcliffe. “I always understood that there was a lot of risk here in terms of environmental and humanitarian impact,” he told me. “But I did honestly believe that we would be able to get to some kind of solution fairly quickly.” When the Houthis withdrew their support for an inspection, he went on, “it became very clear to me that this was going to be a politically much trickier issue than what I had been expecting—it was the first red flag.” Asecond red flag was raised on May 27, 2020, when an alarm sounded on the Safer, indicating a leak in the engine room. The chief engineer, Yasser al-Qubati, rushed to the bottom of the ship to see what was going on. He was horrified to discover that a corroded pipe had burst and was spewing seawater into the engine room as if from an opened fire hydrant. Usually, an oil tanker like the Safer uses seawater as a coolant. Water is drawn inside through a “sea chest”—an exterior valve that sits below the waterline—pumped throughout the vessel, and then discharged. Qubati determined that the leak needed to be fixed without delay: if the engine room filled with seawater, the Safer would sink. The crew worked for five days, with little sleep, to stem the flow. The heat, humidity, and lack of ventilation created a vile smell deep inside the ship. The men attempted to clear the engine room of water using a pump powered by a diesel generator, but the generator failed. Fortunately, an electrician who happened to be visiting the ship repaired it within several hours. A rudimentary clamp was affixed to the broken pipe while a welder fashioned a patch for the hole. A team of divers with no experience on oil tankers was summoned from Hodeidah to fasten a steel plate over the sea chest, to stop the ingress of water. The divers succeeded—an impressive feat—but the plate was only a partial fix. Even today, some water continues to enter from the sea chest, and must be pumped out using power from the on-deck generators. After this near-disaster, the Houthis took a more active role on the ship. A small unit of soldiers was detailed to board the vessel. They carried weapons, which made the sepoc crew members nervous, given their fears about the leaks of flammable gases. The soldiers also installed surveillance cameras all over the ship. Following the sea-chest incident, nobody could doubt the fragility of the vessel.

Petroleum Today - February 2022 61

Since 2003, flow measurement Systems Company has been established according to the investment authority laws and executive regulations to serve the oil &gas sectors as well as industrial & commercial sector in Egypt & the region to provide hydro test and calibration services. We are accredited by the ILAC, based on the international mutual recognition arrangements (MRA), under the guidelines of ISO/IEC 17025 for general requirements for competence of calibration and testing laboratories. We are certified API Q2, ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001.The ILAC is the peak international authority on laboratory accreditation. Laboratory accreditation provides our clients with formal recognition of the competence of our laboratory. We are re-evaluated regularly by the accreditation body to ensure our continued compliance with requirements. Thus, being accredited is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as reliable indication of our technical competence. Accordingly our data is readily accepted overseas.

PRESSURE TEST ACTIVITY (Hydrostatic & Pneumatic) Ó Fully computerized and plc controlled test units, capable of building pressure up to 30,000 psi Ó The pressure test monitored digitally on system wide screen and recorded on digital charts to issue full test report. Ó Camera system is installed for monitoring the test and observing any leakage. Ó Internal video borescope for inspection internal parts. Ó Wide range of items tested by FMS (Manual Valves, Pipelines, blow out preventers, vessels, etc)

PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE TESTING We undertakes Inspection, Overhaul, Testing and Certification of all types of Pressure Relief Valves , pressure switches, pilot relief valves ) with high accuracy equipment likeVentil test unit , Haskel gas boosters , pressure sensors ) FMS carries out these jobs according to procedures developed ‘In House’ conforming to the requirements of BS EN ISO : 2013, 4126 API-527, API-598 and API 576 standards.

CALIBRATION SERVICES Ó Calibration for pressure devices up to 30K psi (Analog & Digital). Ó Calibration for pressure recorder (Renting and repair). Ó Calibration for tong torque and tong line pull systems. Ó Calibration for silo tanks weight indicator systems. Ó Length measurement tools (vernier caliper- micrometers). Ó Calibration for torque devices with different kind and ranges. Ó Calibration for all kind of pressure and temperature transmitters and transducers.

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FLOW MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS (FMS) 177 Fifth & Sixth District, Industrial Zone, Zahraa Al Maadi Cairo Egypt

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1986 graduate of Egypt-based Mansoura University’s School of Engineering, Muhammad Mahmoud Abulkheir pursued his professional

career immediately after graduation. Less interested in public employment, Abulkheir turned his sights to private industries, creating a glue and gelatin manufacturing plant. In the early 1990s, the young engineer had already made great strides, and his startup became Egypt’s leading manufacturer, for its quality mass production. The products are used in woodworking and coating applications. Along the way, Abulkheir noticed how the domestic market was short of thinner and how public

64 Petroleum Today

- February 2022

corporations dominated the industry. In 1996, he seized the opportunity by creating a coating solvent facility before introducing ink solvents and industrial solvents. Again, the professional engineer replicated his earlier success, making his plant the best solvent-producing facility both in Egypt and across the Middle East. After that, ELMOHANDES Coatings & Solvents started producing wood and auto coatings. The company became a key competitor and a leading manufacturer of these products across Egypt. With this industrial-scale production, creating a liquid bulk terminal to receive large volumes of chemicals became all

the more inevitable. While saving huge import costs and promoting green industries, the terminal would do without storing chemicals in IBC tanks, a practice which involved a disposal of the tanks as toxic industrial waste. Instead, bulk chemicals were imported and carried in tanker trucks, from the company’s headquarters at Alex-based Dekheila port, for direct use in its plants. In addition, ELMOHANDES created a 28-million-liter capacity subsidiary for trading bulk liquids at the port. The Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir, a former army general who also chairs Alexandria Port Authority’s board of directors, and several ministry and APA officials attended the opening ceremony. The ELMOHANDES is now an EGPC certified supplier of all chemicals and petrochemicals used in the industry. It won several tenders made by various oil companies. Thanks to making timely, standard deliveries, the company gained the recognition of everyone working for those businesses. ELMOHANDES worked also hard to have welltrained professionals in various areas and maintains special relationships with the industry’s global businesses, based on the company’s long-standing history and positive work with its partners. In recent years, ELMOHANDES played a special role in helping reduce the prices of chemical supplies to oil companies.

events help manufacturers produce high-quality products.

While maintaining a strong presence in the Egyptian market, ELMOHANDES exports its range of products to more than 25 countries, securing its foreign currency needs and helping as well adjust the national balance of payments. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has pooled and directed its resources towards the domestic market, making its products regularly available along the way. Compared to 2019, the company’s 2020 sales increase clearly reflects this trend.

Over the next period, ELMOHANDES’s goal is to introduce more wood and auto coatings and boost its exports.

Along with this, ELMOHANDES pays considerable attention to community engagement in a range of fields, including by providing training to its workers to hone their various skill sets. It also holds several technical support workshops at artisanal zones nationwide, to provide training to manufacturers and artisans on how to best use the company’s products. These

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, ELMOHANDES has carried our several disinfection campaigns across various provinces, including Beheira, Gharbia and Kafrelsheikh. It worked also regularly to disinfect Alexandria and Dekheila ports, along with donating money to the Catastrophe Relief Fund. The company has followed all preventive measures to protect its workers and educated customers about COVID-19 to prevent the spread of the deadly pandemic.

Egypt is making every effort to strengthen economy and support exports, through maintaining security and stability, launching huge infrastructure projects and achieving considerable breakthroughs in countless areas. These efforts are the prime driver behind boosting national economy and achieving inclusive development for the population. Finally, we ask God wholeheartedly to keep us safe, united and resilient!

Petroleum Today - February 2022 65

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Technology Applications A Success Story:

Utilizing Different Variables in Design and Execution of Coiled Tubing Extended Reach Milling Operations By: Kaveh Yekta and Benjamin Stang, Essential Energy Services; Scott Hilling, Chris Schwartz, and Bettina Cheung, Shell Canada Limited; Kevin J. Elliott and Cedric D. Williams, NOV Quality Tubing



The Shell Canada Fox Creek asset is located in West Central Alberta and has development activities focused on the Duvernay reservoir. Efficient, horizontal, plug and perf wells, are key to delivering economic production from this unconventional light tight oil play. Unlocking more acreage per well, through the application of longer laterals, contribute significantly to CAPEX reduction. Although interventionless completions are a future aspiration, well intervention is still required for plug removal to assure stimulated intervals are able to flow unimpeded. A number of initiatives were actioned collaboratively across service providers and well delivery teams, to support well intervention to the limits of Coiled Tubing (CT) milling operations on the FC734 D well. Considering the length of this well (7349mMD), a new string design was required to achieve the maximum depth as well as to provide the required WOB for milling operations. Horizontal wells with long laterals, such as in this case, require heavy wall tubing in the vertical section to beyond the heel into the lateral. Using a special custom-designed transition section in the Coiled Tubing string enabled the CT to reach the maximum depth. Utilizing fluid rheology application provided a means to keep track of Reynold,s number in a real-time fashion to ensure turbulent flow regime downhole, and in turn, to optimize solid transport as well as chemical consumptions. The application of fluid rheology resulted in wiperless milling operation in the extended reach applications. The flagship unit in the fleet was utilized in this operation. Generation four of the CT unit was designed in such a way that it can carry up to 8,345m of 60.3mm(28/3-in) CT pipe. There were different technological advancements, industry-leading features, and custom engineering used in the design of this unit. Such features include customized PLC automation, user-friendly remote operation, advanced informative human-machine interface displays, and real-

time data acquisition and data storage from vast arrays of operational sensors. There is a twofold impact on the field development plan when the total measured depth (MD) was increased. First, this enables the operator to increase step out/generate drilling optimized trajectories without sacrificing lateral length. Second, the 400m/well increase in MD when applied principally to the lateral length netted an average increase of 250m/lateral in the subject area and reduced the well count by 4% (pad count reduction of 10%). The synergy impact of utilizing several variables resulted in successful operations. Those variables are field development plan (well design), custom string design (CT reach), realtime fluid rheology (solid transport), and the application of an advanced CT unit (equipment advancement). The successful delivery of the FC734 D well demonstrated the value of collaborative design and best practice sharing and has extended the technical design limit of well lengths across Shell Unconventional.


As the demand for increasing the depth of wells grows to expose more of the reservoir interval, the intervention operation becomes more challenging. Maximizing the reach and eliminating the wiper trips during the milling operation were among the main goals of the completions program in the extended reach wells for the past couple of years. To fulfill these objectives, the new components are required to be introduced to this type of operation. From the operators, side, it was evident that multi-components needed to be utilized to address the mentioned challenges. Comprehensive studies were performed to examine the different variables that influenced this type of operation by several operators. Pawlik et al. (2014), Asafa et al. (2014), Huynh et al. (2014), Cano et al. (2016), Pope et al. (2017)

Petroleum Today - February 2022 69

and Barraza et al. (2018) studied for the improvement in horizontal milling operations. The impact of fluid quality assurance and control (QA/QC), string selection, fluid rheology, bottom-hole assembly (BHA) design, application of viscous gel, plug type, well trajectory, the effect of a short pull out of the hole (POOH) trip, and plug catcher debris analysis were presented in the mentioned papers. Custom string design and utilization of an advanced Coiled Tubing unit are two essential components that were also examined in this paper.

length (80%L), except for two short sections at either end of the strip (10%L each). This process eliminates the use of multiple strips of constant thickness in the string when attempting to achieve tapering, thereby reducing the need for various bias welds of dissimilar gauge material. The actual weld juncture between two strips is at a point of equal thickness on both ends of the Continuous Taper strip, reducing the stress concentrations caused by non-uniform load transfer when joining strips of differing material gauges. A typical strip wall profile from twenty years ago is shown in Figure 3.

Well Information

As the trend to a longer length and larger diameter tubing progresses, the hanging weight of the string increases. Horizontal wells with long laterals, such as in this case, have become common and more challenging to reach TD with the Coiled Tubing. The application of the friction reducer and the downhole vibration tool are two solutions to extend the CT reach. However, using these will only get CT so far.

The milling operation was required to remove all the plugs in the FC734 D well located in Fox Creek area. This well is part of the Duvernay reservoir located in West Central Alberta. The well was completed by the plug and perf completion method. The well total measured depth (MD) and true vertical depth (TVD) are 7349 mMD and 3080 m, respectively (Figure 1). The 139.7 mm (29.79 kg/m) and 114.3 mm (20.09kg/m) casing with cross-over depth at 3252mMD were used in this well. The bottom-hole pressure (BHP) and temperature (BHT) were 53 MPa and 110 deg C, respectively. There were 48 plugs installed with 83 m spacing from the toe port. It was noticeable that the actual drilling of the FC734 D well was performed smoothly, and there was no high dogleg experienced. The smooth trajectory helped to avoid any extra drag force to limit the maximum reach. In one of the neighboring wells, the high dogleg spot imposed a challenge to the CT reach (Figure 2). There was a two-fold impact on the field development plan when the operator increased their total MD. First, this enables them to increase step out/generate drilling optimized trajectories without sacrificing lateral length. Second, the 400m/well increase in MD when applied principally to the lateral length netted an average increase of 250m/lateral in the subject area and reduced the well count by 4% (pad count reduction of 10%).

String Design

The use of tapered wall thickness in coiled tubing goes back well over twenty years. At first, coiled tubing manufacturers utilized straight wall strips of steel of different wall thicknesses to achieve the taper. The dissimilar wall thicknesses were joined using plasma arc welding and then manually ground and finished to «feather out» the differences in the wall. The first Continuous Taper products were released around twenty years ago, which significantly improved upon the original concept for creating a tapered string. The Continuous Taper process achieves a linear taper by gradually varying the thickness of the flat steel strip over almost its entire

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These wells require the tubing to have heavy wall tubing in the vertical section beyond the heel into the lateral. Once in the lateral, the string wall transition needs to go from the heavy-to-light wall as quickly as possible with that transition starting point depending on lateral length, completion ID,s, and trajectory. With traditional longer transition sections, the weight of that section is «spread» out over a longer distance resulting in the string trying to «push» more weight out into the lateral. Shorter transitions allow for better weight distribution along the length of the tubing by putting the heavier wall section closer to the thin wall section resulting in better reach. Initial modeling using commercially available modeling software shows the trend that more rapid designs yield a greater horizontal reach, as seen in Figure 4. At the design phase of this operation, initially, all the existing strings in the service company,s inventory were examined to see if the maximum reach was achievable. At the same time, only the planned survey for this well was available. The service company and the operator engineering team performed an iterative process of evaluating different existing strings (extended length/different grades) using the planned survey. There was a set of modeling parameters laid out by the operator to model the tubing forces (Figure 5). After the examination of all the existing options, it was evident that a new custom-tailored string design required. The as-drilled survey became available during the string design process in the later stage. The Tubing Force Analysis (TFA) was updated based on the as-drilled survey. When modeling long horizontal wells, it is a matter of «trial and error» to see what design can reach TD. After

several iterations of modeling standard vs. shorter Rapid Continuous Taper sections, results consistently point to a reach advantage using the Rapid Continuous Taper designs. The range of this CT string,s wall thickness was from 6.35mm (0.250in) to 3.68mm(0.145in). When using standard taper sections, the average total transition length to range from 6.35mm(0.250in) to 3.96mm (0.156in) is around 1,950.7m (6,400 ft). With the use of Rapid Continuous Taper sections, this transition length was reduced by over half to approximately 914.4m (3,000 ft), allowing TD to be reached. In addition to the reduced length to get from heavy to light wall, Rapid Continuous Taper sections allow for a reduced number of taper sections. The number of tapers using conventional tapers would have required five sections to transition from 6.35mm(0.250in) to 3.68mm (0.145in) such as this: - Taper one: 6.35mm (0.250in) to 5.68mm(0.224in) - Taper two: 5.68mm (0.224in) to 5.16mm(0.203in) - Taper three: 5.16mm (0.203in) to 4.44mm(0.175in) - Taper four: 4.44mm (0.175in) to 3.96mm(0.156in) - Taper five: 3.96mm (0.156in) to 3.68mm(0.145in) With a Rapid Continuous Taper design, that number was reduced to a total of three taper sections as follows: - Taper one: 6.35mm (0.250in) to 5.16mm (0.203in) - Taper two: 5.16mm (0.203in) to 3.96mm (0.156in) - Taper three: 3.96mm (0.156in) to 3.68mm (0.145in) The reduced number of tapers means fewer bias welds to make when manufacturing the string, which cuts down on total manufacturing time and, more importantly, a reduced number of bias welds to manage in the field over the life of the string. The use of shorter tapers typically results in the overall string weight being less, which was the case for this string. The specifications of the final designed string for this operation was shown in Figure 6.


The real-time monitoring and fluid rheology system were utilized during the operational phase. All the data were communicated to the client and service company engineers in a real-time fashion. The live streaming of information enabled all the parties to monitor the progress of the job and apply any changes required on the fly. In Figure 7, it showed the screenshot of the real-time data. On the top section, all the CT critical parameters such as weight indicator, circulation pressure, wellhead pressure, CT speed, fluid rate, total pumped fluid volume, and the return rate were captured. In the central part of the screenshot, the graph demonstrated the 10 min time interval. The CT operator preferred a short time

interval to focus on different operating parameters. In the lower-left section of the screen, real-time fluid rheology parameters were shown. This section will be explained during the fluid rheology section. The 3D view of wellbore showed the current position of the CT and helped to visualize the location of CT relative to the wellbore. The Von Mises real-time graph located in the lower right part of the screen. The position of the green dot (above stripper) and the red dot (below stripper) updated on the Von Mises graph continuously. The entire job parameters were plotted against the time in Figure 8. As shown in this graph, there was no wiper trip exercised during this operation. The CT reached to the max depth of 7267 mMD. This depth was the deepest depth ever reached by the service company. The real-time Force Monitor is another component utilized during this job (Figure 9). The module enables the engineer/ rig manager to calibrate the tubing force model with the realtime data. The real-time match between designed and actual data enabled the engineer to project the maximum reachable depth. Another benefit of utilizing this module is to detect any anomaly in hole cleaning and excessive pickup weight during the weight check. The excessive pickup weight could be an indication of improper solid distribution in the wellbore as a result of milling and required to apply the remedial action. Since the operator wanted to perform a wiperless milling operation, the service company recommended utilizing the real-time fluid rheology system. Monitoring fluid rheology variables provided a tool to maintain the turbulent flow regime in the wellbore. Keeping the Reynold,s number above 40,000 was the main objective of utilizing the realtime fluid rheology system in the milling operation. To fulfill this goal, a Chem van unit and a specialist were utilized. A fluid sample was taken approximately every 30 min by the Chem van operator from the injection line on the pump unit. The Chem van operator measured the viscosity of the sample with the OFITE device. Other parameters, such as salinity, pH, and temperature of the sample, were also measured. The pump unit assigned to this operation was capable of measuring the real-time density of the fluid. The Reynold,s number was calculated based on the measured and acquired values. By keep tracking of Reynold›s number, the chemicals loading could be optimized to deliver the best results during the milling operations. On real-time monitoring screen (Figure 7) in the lower-left section, the fluid rheology parameters such as viscosity (injected fluid), annular velocity, Reynold›s number(injection), and density of the fluid were shown. In Figure 10, the graph demonstrated the real-time Reynold,s number, depth, fluid

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density, and viscosity against time. It is noticeable that the Reynold,s number is above 40,000 during this wiperless milling operations. In Figure 11, the equipment arrangement involving in the fluid rheology presented in the form of a P&ID diagram. The Chem van unit, capable of providing continuous chemical injection, is tied to the pump unit. As stated before, the pump unit equipped with a real-time density measuring device. The sample extraction point located on the pump unit. The post job friction match was performed to find the actual friction factors (Figure 12). The friction match exercise resulted in RIH and POOH friction factor of 0.22. The actual weight on bit (WOB) based on the calibrated model was approximately 200 daN (Figure 13). The treatment report is also known as the Tour sheet, can be used to generate standard key performance indicators (KPI) for the milling operation in the form of a plot. The KPI items for this operation are listed as slide time, mill time, annular velocity, circulating pressure, and wellhead pressure against plug numbers (Figure 14). It is noticeable that the slide time increased from plug 15 to plug #1 (the deepest plug) as result of fighting with friction.

Advanced Coiled Tubing Unit

In response to providing intervention services to over 7000 mMD wells, the service company and equipment manufacturing company designed and transformed the existing unit into a new advanced conventional unit (Figure 15). Two dished head tubing reels were custom manufactured to ensure the maximum reel capacity and efficient reel swapping abilities while maintaining safety standards. The reel type designated as 3086 and 3087 accommodate 8,345m and 7,584m of 60.3mm (2 38/in) string, respectively. The reel drive mechanism on this unit was designed in such a way that rig up, reel swap, and rig out process can be done quickly and efficiently. The current fleet uses 578,269 N (130,000 lb) injectors; however, the utilization of 711,716 N (160,000 lb) injectors is considered in the design of this unit. During the design process of this unit, previous lessons learned by the operations team were communicated with the manufacturer to enhance the equipment. The operator panel and screen layouts were optimized to be more user-friendly. The system on this rig allows remote access to perform any remote troubleshooting and pre-diagnostic before dispatch of technicians. This feature can reduce the nonproductive time (NPT) during the troubleshooting process and provide more support for operations and maintenance. The Human Machine Interfaces (HMI) touchscreens also display system variables readiness,

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and if there is a malfunction, it can be used by the operator to detect any component failures. The rear deck station was upgraded to provide operators with full access to the injector controls to improve efficiency when performing operations such as stabbing in and tooling up. Furthermore, this unit can acquire and store live data for the CT critical operating parameters and hydraulics systems variables. The recorded hydraulic variables include injector skate pressure, chain tension, injector motor shift pressure, reel back tension pressure, reel brake pressure, stripper pressure, and more. Using recorded skate and chain pressures vs. depth and surface weight data could be used for monitoring proper operational skills, finding optimum injector settings, and for training purposes. In Figure 16, it shows all the mentioned CT critical operating parameters for the entire length of this operation. Another feature of this unit is the ability to monitor the critical engine parameters, such as battery voltage, engine oil pressure, coolant level, percent load, etc. to ensure the engine is running within working thresholds. This unit has an advanced control system built with complete Siemens Automation Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The operational controls combined both HMI touchscreens with a connection to physical switches (joysticks, switches, potentiometers, etc.) to optimize controls while maintaining operator friendliness. There is also built-in Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) technology designed as a ring topology to permit two ways of communication. Hence if there is a single way communication failure (i.e., cable fault or electrical short), the system can overcome the failure and overcome it with much faster recovery times. The advanced automation hardware used in this conventional coiled tubing rig offers the potential for full automation of the injector and further automation features in the near future.


In conclusion, the successful delivery of the FC734 D well demonstrated the value in collaborative design and best practice sharing and has extended the technical design limit of well lengths across Shell Unconventional. There are multiple variables contributed to the successful design, execution and evaluation phases. These components are listed as the well-drilled wellbore (optimized trajectory), optimized string design, real-time monitoring, real-time fluid rheology and utilization of the advanced CT unit. The successful results of the milling operation have furthermore contributed to a review of field development plans, unlocking additional acreage, reducing well counts as well as surface footprint.


The authors wish to thank Chris Rentas, Tyler Zemenchik, Curtis Perry, Ray Phung and Tyler Woitas with Essential Energy Services. Also, thanks are due to Shell Canada Limited and NOV Quality Tubing management teams.

Nomenclature CT = Coiled Tubing WOB =Weight On Bit PLC = Programmable Logic Controller BHA = Bottom-Hole Assembly QA/QC = Quality Assurance and Quality Control POOH = Pull Out Of the Hole MD = Measured Depth TVD = True Vertical Depth BHP = Bottom-Hole Pressure BHT = Bottom-Hole Temperature TD = Total Depth ID = Internal Diameter TFA =Tubing Force Analysis P&ID = Piping And Instrumentation Diagram RIH = Run In the Hole KPI =Key Performance Indicator HMI =Human Machine Interface MRP =Media Redundancy Protocol NPT =Non-Productive Time

Figure 1—The Well FC734D Trajectory

REFERENCES • Pawlik, Michael et al. (2014), Optimizing Frac Plug Mill Outs in Horizontal Wells using Coiled Tubing. SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 25-26 March 2014. SPE-168279-MS. https://doi. org/10.2118/168279-MS. • Asafa, Kolapo A. et al. (2014), Improving Post-Stimulation Coiled Tubing Drillout. SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 25-26 March 2014. SPE-168290-MS. https:// doi.org/10.2118/168290MS. • Huynh, Darren et al. (2014), Composite Plug Milling Efficiency Improvement Through Rheology Control - Lessons Learned From The Horizontal Completions In The Duvernay Shale. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, The Amsterdam, Netherland, 27-29 October 2014. SPE-170738-MS. https://doi. org/10.2118/170738-MS. • Cano, Valeriano et al. (2016), Improved CT Well Cleanout and Milling Procedures Utilizing Only Non-Viscous Cleanout Fluids. SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference & Exhibition, The Houston, Texas, USA, 22-23 March 2016. SPE179070-MS. https://doi.org/10.2118/179070-MS. • Pope, Charles et al. (2017), Stop, Drop and Circulate; An Engineered Approach to Coiled Tubing Drillouts. Stop, Drop and Circulate; An Engineered Approach to Coiled Tubing Drillouts. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, The San Antonio, Texas, USA, 9-11 October 2017. SPE-187337-MS. https://doi. org/10.2118/187337-MS. • Barraza, Jesus et al. (2018), Factory Model Approach for Successful Coil Tubing Unit Drillout Operations in Unconventional Horizontal Wells. SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, The Dallas, Texas, USA, 24-26 September 2018. SPE-191689-MS. https://doi.org/10.2118/191689-MS.

Figure 2—High dogleg in horizontal section in one of the wells in the neighboring pad.

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Figure 3—Typical Continuous Taper strip from twenty years ago with a taper from 0.095 in to 0.109 in.

Figure 4—Modeling exercise evaluating horizonal reach comparing Continuous Taper to Rapid Continuous Taper string designs.

Figure 5—The input info for Tubing Force Analysis (TFA).

Figure 6—Specifications for finalized string designed.

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Figure 7—Real-time data screen dashboard.

Figure 8—Coiled tubing critical parameters for entire operation.

Figure 9—Real-time Force Monitor screenshot.

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, Figure 10—Real-time Reynold s Number graph vs. depth.

Figure 11—Generic P&ID diagram for equipment used. Fluid Rheology System.

Figure 12—Post job friction match results.

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Figure 13—Weight on bit (WOB) based on post job friction match results.

Figure 14—key performance indicators for the FC734D well.

Figure 15—Advanced Coiled Tubing Unit (2049).

Figure 16—Recorded system variables in the advanced CT Unit (2049).

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Technology Applications Time Lapse Production Allocation Using Oil Fingerprinting for Production Optimization in Deepwater Gulf Mexico By: Lingbo Xing, Chevron Energy Technology Company; Stan Teerman and Frank Descant, Chevron North America Exploration and Production



The variety and sophistication of upstream technologies have been growing fast for imaging the subsurface, modeling reservoir performance and monitoring oil and gas production. Yet there remains a fundamental need to thoroughly sample and analyze the produced reservoir fluids. Reservoir fluid analysis is critical for understanding the nature of produced hydrocarbons and is the key for production optimization. To gain the maximum value from this analysis, reservoir fluid sampling programs need to be well designed and integrated into well testing and reservoir surveillance programs, and not to be developed after. In one of Chevron›s deep-water Gulf of Mexico (DWGOM) sub-salt fields, a robust geochemical sampling plan and production monitoring program has been in place since initial production to estimate the zonal contribution from individually stacked reservoirs. This surveillance work has been ongoing for 9 commingled wells over a period of 10 years. This paper presents the accuracy of time lapsed production geochemistry allocation and how the results can substantially impact and improve reservoir characterization and trouble shoot completion issues


Global oil exploration and developments projects are increasingly targeting deep water multilayered reservoirs that contain substantial reserves. A technical and economic requirement of this strategy is the utilization of commingled wells (IPAA Oil & Gas Symposia, 2007). These wells are either commingled from stacked reservoirs in the same field, or a single reservoir with multiple pay intervals. Commingled wells provide higher production rates per well, cost savings from reduction in the number of development

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wells, and flexibility in locating a surface facility with a reduced footprint. However, commingled wells pose a challenge for reservoir surveillance programs to accurately monitor production from individual reservoirs, and complete history matching and track the zonal production profiles over time. This is especially challenging in subsea wells, where conventional Production Logging Tools (PLTs) can be expensive and carry significant mechanical risk. A useful method for defining production allocation is the application of oil fingerprinting to «unravel» comingled mixtures of oil. An oil fingerprint is defined as a series of hydrocarbon peak ratios determined by whole oil Gas Chromatography (GC) or Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS). Distinct oil fingerprints reflecting unique hydrocarbon compositions that are usually associated with individual reservoirs, specific reservoir zones or separate compartments (Hwang et al 1994). This technique has proven successful for evaluating fluid communication and complementing other techniques used to evaluate reservoir compartmentalization (Hwang and Baskin, 1994; Sundararaman et al., 1995). Geochemical production allocation is achieved by identifying and quantifying oil fingerprints differences between end member oils from specific reservoirs and co-mingled production fluids. Methods of using oil fingerprinting to allocate commingled production from two or more zones are detailed in Kaufman et al (1987 and 1990), Hwang and Baskin (2000), Nicolle et al (1997) and McCaffery et al (2011). Oil fingerprinting can be also used to define allocation from multiple fields to a single comingled pipeline (Hwang et al., 2000). In one of Chevron›s Deepwater Gulf of Mexico (DWGOM) fields, oil fingerprinting has been used for ten years as an essential surveillance tool to determine the contribution from each zone in 9 two-zone comingled wells. The geochemical results have been used as an important volumetric input to assist reservoir model history matching and to help evaluate

completion performance. For this DWGOM field, geochemical fluid characterization and oil fingerprinting began with the first discovery well and continued through the appraisal program. Initial geochemical investigations concentrated on oil typing and fluid characterization and defining vertical fluid communication. During the appraisal program, emphasis shifted to evaluation of vertical and lateral fluid communication combined with understanding the field filling mechanisms and history. This pre-production geochemical program provided a good understanding of field-wide variations in oil fingerprints related to fluid communication and a foundation for potential production allocation. The objectives of this paper include: 1) illustrate the integrated application of alkyl- benzene and whole oil GC fingerprinting approaches for production monitoring and reservoir surveillance; 2) demonstrate the accuracy of geochemical allocation compared to well test measurements; and 3) illustrate how time lapse geochemical results help assess completion issues.

Sample and Methods

Fluid Samples- Collection and Storage MDT fluid samples were collected from discrete zones reservoirs and represented end member oils. After production began, comingled dead oil samples were collected from the test separator. The frequency with which oil samples are collected and analyzed is determined by the availability of test flowline and specific production needs. Initially, oils should be collected and analyzed on a frequent basis to define production characteristics and identify in anomalies or changes in production. After a well is determined to produce crude of a constant composition and its connectivity to other wells is assessed, quarterly analysis should be adequate for monitoring. More frequent analyses may be needed when 1) production characteristics change over time, 2) if chemical injection is initiated, or 3) any well intervention is done. All oil samples have been stored in standard glass bottles with Teflon lined caps to avoid potential contamination from plastic containers and prevent evaporation and loss of light hydrocarbons. Oil fingerprinting and Data Analysis For the producing reservoirs in this DWGOM field, previous oil fingerprinting defined statistically distinct oils consistent with pressure differences indicating the absence of vertical fluid communication between the two stacked reservoirs. Geochemical studies demonstrated that these small but consistent oil fingerprint differences are related to thermal maturity, source facies input, filling history and compositional grading.

The fingerprint differences between reservoirs provide a good foundation to effectively utilize geochemical production allocation. An oil fingerprint is defined as a series of hydrocarbon peak ratios, determined by whole oil GC or GCMS. Peak height ratios are commonly used instead of absolute compound concentrations because the variation of injected sample size. Various statistical techniques are used to define and illustrate oil fingerprint similarities and differences in end-member oils. A multivariate linear regression was completed using selected peak height ratios and isotope and biomarker parameters to define allocation from individual reservoirs. Details of peak selection for oil grouping and allocation were described by Hwang et al (1994) and Kaufman et al (1987). This oil fingerprinting and production allocation workflow is summarized in Figure 1. Whole Oil fingerprinting The oil GC fingerprinting method has been described by Kaufman et. al, (1987). The chromatograms are first inspected to determine the overall quality of the oil including evaporation or loss of light ends, contamination, biodegradation, or sample handling artifacts. The major peaks in the chromatogram are then identified and numbered. Almost all MDT oil samples were contaminated by oilbased mud (OBM) to different degrees. The hydrocarbons in this OBM are primarily in the C13 – C18 hydrocarbon number range; therefore, peak height ratios in this range were eliminated from the allocation calculation. Although whole oil GC fingerprint results effectively evaluated vertical fluid communication in these reservoirs, the resulting fingerprint differences were often small as shown in the limited differences between star diagrams (Figure 2) and This small statistical separation restricted confidence in unraveling commingled proportions of the produced oil. Because of this, the alkyl benzene approach was employed to more effectively define variations in the comingled oil. In this study, whole oil GC›s were used to complement alkylbenzenes fingerprint results if collected oil samples were suspected to be contaminated or altered due to sample collection or handling. Gas Chromatography-Mass spectrometry (GCMS) – Alkylbenzene Analyses GCMS analysis was used to identify and define alkylbenzenes peak heights ratios for a group of C7 – C9 branched aromatic compounds. The C7 compound is toluene and the C8 compounds are the xylenes. The parameters used in the analysis are based on descriptions by Mohammad (2000).

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The advantage of this analysis is that it uses standard, identifiable peaks which are well separated from each other resulting in a high level of reproducibility. The disadvantage is that these low molecular weight compounds are volatile and susceptible to loss by evaporation. Alkylbenzene analysis was the principal method for defining time lapsed production allocation in this study since it shows enhanced power to differentiate oils in the stacked reservoir interval and unravel comingled mixtures. A comparison of conventional whole oil GC results compared to Alkylbenzene results are shown in figures 2a and 2b. In addition, alkylbenzenes provide great chromatographic reproducibility through time. Over a 2-year period the reproducibility was less than 1% relative standard deviation (figure 3). This eliminated the need to re-run endmember oils with each batch of commingled produced oil, which is a requirement of the whole-oil GC approach. This preserves the end member oils for long-term geochemical surveillance work. The whole oil GC and GCMS analyses of the samples were conducted by a commercial laboratory and Chevron Covington Geochemistry Lab.

Results and Discussion

In a deep water GOM Miocene field with subsea wells, the typical completion consists of two stacked frac packs that commingle the upper and lower zones of a single reservoir (see figure 4). The well design is very robust and effective but leaves uncertainty in the flow contribution of the two zones. The two zones have distinctive geochemical signatures, thus geochemical oil fingerprinting is used as the key surveillance activity to monitor the zonal contribution from the stacked zones. Geochemistry zonal oil allocation is much less expensive than PLTs, poses no risk to the wells, and does not involve any production loss due to well interventions. It has been used as a long-term monitoring tool for 7 wells in this field, some for as long as 10 years.

The accuracy of geochemical allocation

Over all geochemical zonal oil allocations are reliable and consistent with inferences from reservoir characterization and reservoir modeling. Some challenges still exist with data scatter and variability over time and with some results which are not consistent with the well,s completion history. Also, there has been no means to quantitatively validate the allocations. Therefore, the geochemical results have been used as qualitative data in analysis of this field,s performance. However, an opportunity to quantitatively validate the geochemical zonal oil allocations in this field has recently become available. In a recent infill well, some well-specific

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reservoir management and surveillance needs drove the installation of an Intelligent Well Completion (IWC). The two zones are independently monitored and controlled, including single-zone production well tests through the field,s test separator. At four points in time, geochemical samples were collected around the same time that zonal well tests were conducted, and the geochemical allocations were compared to the well test allocations. Thee allocations are within 5% of the well test measurements (see figure 5). This demonstrates the reliability and accuracy of oil fingerprinting work, and has increased confidence in the allocations.

Assessing completion issues

Time-lapse geochemical oil allocation results can be used to diagnose well completion issues and design interventions to remediate those issues. In an example from the same DWGOM field, a commingled well suddenly began producing solids along with a sharp increase in water production. This was diagnosed as the failure of a sand control screen, but it was not apparent which of the two screens (upper or lower) had failed. The geochemical zonal oil allocation results, in Figure 6, showed a steadily decreasing proportion of oil from the upper zone leading up to the failure. Based on this information, the initial assessment was that the upper zone was steadily watering out, and then experienced a failure of its sand control screen. This assessment was confirmed by analysis from a later solids-producing event, which showed the solids included proppant which was tagged with a tracer unique to the upper frac pack. Based on the assessment, a well intervention was designed and performed on the well. Resin was pumped into the upper frac pack so that upper zone, with its high water cut and solids production, would be shut off while the lower zone would continue producing. The intervention resulted in a sharp drop in water cut, which further confirmed the geochemical zonal allocation assessment.


This study demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of geochemistry production allocation using alkylbenzene and whole oil GC data, and the great reproducibility of alkylbenzene analysis proved it to be a powerful tool for long term production allocation with limited volume of end member oil. The time lapse geochemical analysis of produced oil provides high-confidence zonal production allocations and help diagnose well completion issues. The collection, management and storage of downhole wireline test (MDT) and well test samples are critical for effective application of geochemical programs. These unique samples are extremely expensive to collect and need

to be preserved and managed for future use. For an effective surveillance, Geochemistry needs to build into the reservoir surveillance plan, so the sampling and analysis program can be implemented as soon as the production begins.


The authors wish to thank the management of Chevron

North America Exploration and Production Unit for granting permission to publish this paper. This is an accumulative work with extensive collaboration between asset team and Production Chemistry Team of Chevron Energy Technology Company. Many thanks for Scott Turner, Russ Kaufman, Rong Hwang, Gregory Rowland, Yanfen Zhang, Robert Steffes, Wesley Clark, and Russ Pressney for their contributions.

REFERENCES • Kaufman, R. L., Ahmed, A. S., and Hempkins, W. B., (1987), A new technique for the analysis of commingled oils and its application to production allocation calculations, Proc. Indon. Pet. Assn., Sixteenth Annual Convention. • Kaufman, R.L., Ahmed, A.S., Elsinger, R.J., 1990. Gas Chromatography as a Development and Production Tool for Fingerprinting Oils from Individual Reservoirs: Applications in the Gulf of Mexico. In: GCS-SEPM Foundation Ninth • Annual Research Conference, Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, 263 • Hwang, R. J., A. S. Ahmed, and J. M. Moldowan, 1994, Oil composition variation and reservoir continuity: Unity Field, Sudan: Org. Geochem., v. 21, p. 171–188. • Hwang R. J. and Baskin D. K. (1994). Reservoir connectivity and oil homogeneity in a large-scale reservoir. Middle East Petroleum Geoscience Geo 94 2, 529–541. • Hwang, R.J., Elsinger, R.J., 1995. Detecting production tubing leak by time resolved geochemical analysis of oils. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE 29478, Oklahoma City,1995. • Hwang, R. J., D. K. Baskin, et al. (2000). Allocation of commingled pipeline oils to field production. Org. Geochem. 31: 1463–1474. • Nicolle, G., C. Boibien, H. L. ten Haven, E. Tegelaar, and P. Chavagnac, (1997), Geochemistry: a powerful tool for reservoir monitoring: SPE Paper No. 37804, p. 395–401. • McCaffrey, M. A., D. H. Ohms., M. Werner, C. Stone, D. K. Baskin, and B. A. Patterson (2011) Geochemical allocation of commingled oil production or commingled gas production. SPE # 144618, p 1–19. Rowe, R, Elsinger, B, and Hutton, A, (2001), Implementation of multiphase metering on Anasuria, Nineteenth International North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop. • Mohamed, S. M., (2000), Obaiyed field fluid geochemical analysis, SPE paper No 87289, p. 536–547. • Hwang, R. J., A. S. Ahmed, and J. M. Moldowan, 1994, Oil composition variation and reservoir continuity: Unity Field, Sudan: Org. Geochem., v. 21, p. 171–188. • Sundararaman, P., B. A. Patterson, and O. T. Udo, 1995, Reservoir geochemistry: applications and case studies in Nigeria, in J. O. Grimalt, and C. Dorronsoro, eds., Organic Geochemistry: Developments and Applications to Energy, Climate, Environment and Human History. Selected Papers from the 17th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Donostia-SanSebastián, The Basque Country, Spain: San Sebastian, AIGOA, p. 369–371

Figure 1—Oil fingerprinting process

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Figure 2a—Whole Oil GC fingerprinting star diagram for the upper and lower interval in the commingled well.

Figure 2b—Star diagram of alkylbenzene ratios for the upper and lower interval. Enhanced oil difference was observed using alkylbenzene analysis. Thus, alkylbenzene analysis is the principal method for this allocation work.

Figure 3—Summary of statistics data of Alkylbenzenes in 2-year period. The reproducibility was less than 1% for relative standard deviation for different ratios for 11 measurements on a single sample.

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Figure 4—Schematic of the log and completion schematic for the typical commingled well in the stacked zone.

Figure 5—Validation of Geochemical Oil Allocation Results in an IWC well

Figure 6—Geochem Time-lapse production split of a two-zone completed well

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Industry At A Glance by: Ali Ibrahim

World liquid fuels production and consumption balance (MMBPD) million barrels per day

OPEC Crude Oil Production

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Crude Oil Prices

NYMEX Natural Gas Prices USD/Million BTU

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Haidi M.Hashad


Address: Egypt, Cairo, New Maady, 6/W/3 Divison Of Al Lasilky, Fourth Floor-Apartment No.5.

Fax: +202 225177648 E-mail: info@eugenedps.com Website: www.eugenedps.com

‫لوديف ��ى الكويتي ��ه اأه ��م عقوده ��ا ف ��ى الفرتة‬ ‫االأخ ��رية هى م ��ع �شركة ج ��ون انرج ��ى للحفر‬ ‫و�شركة املانية اأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬م��ا‪Ü‬ه��ي‪Ü‬اخلط��ط‪Ü‬التو�ص��عية‪Ü‬لل�ص��ركة‪Ü‬‬ ‫خالل‪Ü‬الفرة‪Ü‬القادمة؟‬ ‫خططنا القادمة اأن �شاء اهلل بالن�شبة ل�شركة‬ ‫اوجين ��ى ه ��ى التو�شع فى جم ��ال اخلدمات‬ ‫النفطي ��ة وفح� ��ص احلف ��ارات واملعدات فى‬ ‫اململك ��ة العربي ��ة ال�شعودي ��ة و�شلطنة عمان‬ ‫وبع ��ون اهلل �شنك ��ون متواجدي ��ن ف ��ى اأملانيا‬ ‫قريب جدا‪.‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬بلمحة‪Ü‬م��ن‪Ü‬خرباتك‪Ü‬ماه��ي‪Ü‬التوقعات‪Ü‬‬ ‫التقريبية‪Ü‬ل�صناعة‪Ü‬البرول‪Ü‬والطاقة‪Ü‬‬ ‫يف‪Ü‬الفرة‪Ü‬املقبلة‪Ü‬حمليا‪Ü‬وعامليا؟‬ ‫توقعات ��ي ل�شناعة البرتول ه ��ى اأن يكون هناك‬ ‫انتعا�شه فى اإنتاج النفط �شواء من حيث العر�ص‬ ‫والطلب وذل ��ك بف�شل اإعادة الفت ��ح التدريجي‬ ‫لالإقت�شاد العاملي ما بعد كوفيد‪ ،١٩-‬وارجو اأال‬ ‫يتاأثر بالعوامل اجليو�شيا�شية‪.‬‬

‫‪- February 2022‬‬

‫‪13 Petroleum Today‬‬

‫لقــــاء خــــاص مع المهنـــدس‪:‬‬

‫سيـــد مصطفى‬ ‫رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة اوجينى جروب‬

‫ً‬ ‫م‪�.‬ص��يد‪Ü‬م�ص��طفى‪Ü،‬نرح��ب‪Ü‬ب��ك‪Ü‬بداية‪Ü‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬‬ ‫ونود‪Ü‬التعرف‪Ü‬على‪Ü‬م�ص��رتك‪Ü،‬وحياتك‪Ü‬‬ ‫املهنية‬ ‫بداية م�شوارى من �شنة ‪ ١٩٩٣‬فى �شركة احلفر‬ ‫امل�شرية على احلفار البحرى زو�شر وبعد ذلك‬ ‫�شاف ��رت اإىل ليبي ��ا ودول ��ة الكويت ع ��ام ‪٢٠٠٤‬‬ ‫وعملت فى �شركة برقان للحفر ما يقرب من ‪١٣‬‬ ‫عام‪ ،‬وبعدها قررت اأن اأ�شتغل خربتى فى تو�شع‬ ‫ال�شركة اخلا�شة ب ��ى �شركة اوجينى جروب فى‬ ‫م�شر وبالفعل بدانا نتو�شع فى اخلليج ورو�ش ًيا‪.‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬حدثنا‪Ü‬عن‪ÜÜ‬تاريخ‪Ü‬ال�ص��ركة‪Ü‬واخلدمات‪Ü‬‬ ‫التي‪Ü‬تقدمها‬ ‫�شرك ��ة اوجين ��ى ج ��روب منظوم ��ة اإداري ��ة‬ ‫وا�شت�شارية عالية ج ��د ًا وبدايتها كانت �شنة‬ ‫‪ ٢٠٠٩‬وتخ�ش�ش ��ت ف ��ى جم ��ال اخلدم ��ات‬ ‫البرتولي ��ة وفح� ��ص املعدات واجه ��زة حفر‬ ‫اآب ��ار النف ��ط والتوريدات وبدان ��ا نتو�شع فى‬ ‫املجال النفطى فى اخلليج ورو�شيا ولها اأربع‬ ‫افرع وهى‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .١‬لوديفى لال�شت�شارات البرتولية ( الكويت )‬

‫‪Petroleum Today - February 2022 12‬‬

‫‪ .٢‬لوديف ��ى لتج ��ارة من�شات احلف ��ر ومعداتها‬ ‫وفح�ص املعدات (االمارات)‬ ‫‪ .٣‬اوجين ��ى اإنرجي للخدمات البرتولية وفح�ص‬ ‫املعدات ( ال�شعودية)‬ ‫‪.٤‬اوجينى مات�شا للخدمات البرتوليه ( رو�ش ًيا)‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬دائم��ا‪Ü‬م��ا‪Ü‬تواج��ه‪Ü‬ف��رات‪Ü‬االدارة‪Ü‬‬ ‫الناجح��ة‪ Ü‬يف‪ Ü‬تاري��خ‪ Ü‬ال�ص��ركات‪Ü‬‬ ‫العدي��د‪Ü‬م��ن‪Ü‬التحديات‪Ü،‬ماه��ي‪Ü‬اأهم‪Ü‬‬ ‫التحدي��ات‪Ü‬التي‪Ü‬واجهته��ا‪Ü‬ادارتك‪Ü،‬‬ ‫وكيف‪Ü‬تغلبت‪Ü‬عليها؟‬ ‫اأعتقد اأن اأهم التحديات بالن�شبة ىل �شخ�شيا‬ ‫ه ��ى تاأهي ��ل ال�ش ��ركات امل�شري ��ة للعم ��ل ف ��ى‬ ‫الكوي ��ت (�شرك ��ة احلف ��ر امل�شري ��ة و�شرك ��ة‬ ‫�شينوثروة للحفر) وذلك بعد ثمانون عام ًا من‬ ‫اكت�شاف البرتول وكيفي ��ة ح�شولها على عقود‬ ‫باأ�شرع وقت‪.‬‬ ‫وف ��ى احلقيقة الفرتة االأ�شع ��ب كانت فى اأزمة‬ ‫كورونا يف ذلك الوقت ح�شلت �شركة �شينوثروة‬ ‫ف ��ى الكوي ��ت على عق ��د بقيمة ربع ملي ��ار دوالر‬ ‫وعليه ��ا ت�شغي ��ل احلف ��ارات فى الوق ��ت املحدد‬

‫ب ��دون تاأخري واحلمدهلل قد مت ذلك بف�شل ربنا‬ ‫اأوال واإدارة �شرك ��ة �شينوثروة للحفر وبدعم من‬ ‫وزارة البرتول امل�شرية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬بالنظ��ر‪Ü‬اإىل‪Ü‬العام��ني‪Ü‬ال�ص��ابقني‪Ü‬جن��د‪Ü‬‬ ‫اأ�ص��عب‪Ü‬الف��رات‪Ü‬التي‪Ü‬واجه��ت‪Ü‬العامل‪Ü‬‬ ‫حديث�� ًا‪Ü،‬كي��ف‪Ü‬تخط��ت‪Ü‬ال�ص��ركة‪Ü‬ازمة‪Ü‬‬ ‫الوباء؟‬ ‫ه ��ى فرتة �شعب ��ة بالفعل ولكن ربن ��ا وفقنا جد ًا‬ ‫اأن جنتازه ��ا بف�شل االدارة الناجحة واملوظفني‬ ‫ل ��دى �شركة اوجين ��ى و�شركة لوديف ��ى الكويتيه‬ ‫وفى احلقيقة وجودنا فى اأكرث من دولة �شاعدنا‬ ‫كثري مادي ًا على تخطى هذه االزمة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ÜÜ‬ماه��ي‪ Ü‬اأح��دث‪Ü‬العق��ود‪Ü‬الت��ي‪Ü‬ح�ص��لت‪Ü‬‬ ‫عليها‪Ü‬ال�صركة؟‬ ‫اأهم العقود فى م�شر كانت بني �شركة اوجينى‬ ‫و�شركة اأوغندية للتنقيب على البرتول فى دولة‬ ‫اأوغندا واأمتن ��ى اأن ن�شتكمل االجراءات بعد اأن‬ ‫توقفنا اأثناء اأزمة كورونا وعقد فح�ص املعدات‬ ‫مع �شرك ��ة �شينوثروة للحف ��ر وبالن�شبة ل�شركة‬

Hady Meiser Egypt is an Egyptian German joint venture investment that manufacture bar gratings with high quality and prices than their imported which used in various fields as petroleum companies – Power stations – Cement companies – Fertilizers company , spiral stairs and slitting coils.

Perpendicularly and anchored securely can carry substantial load.

Hady Meiser grating is acknowledged by trade specialists to be one of the best product of its kind in Europe , It,s a fair assessment, we feel and part of the reason is undoubtedly the committed work of our planning department and our reliable delivery dates.

and twisted cross bars 5 mm. or 6 mm in addition to the possibility of manufacturing the serrated grating which are specially made for the petroleum companies

Try asking non- experts what a grating is « a grating ?» , most of them will reply « a grating is a kind of floor on which you can stand safely, but when you look down , you get the feeling you›re standing in mid-air.

Slitting coils : In addition that it has been inserted a new production line for rod slitting coils ( black-galvanized – hot – cold ) in thickness starting from 1 m up to 4 mm

Mr. Taha Abou Rabia General Manager


Indeed , more than 80% of any grating does exist of holes, we simply exploit the fact that a strip of metal positioned .

our gratings enjoy various specifications they have different sizes of bearing bars starting from 25x 3 mm . up to 50 x 5 mm and fences .

Head office : 2 Asma Fahmy St,Heliopolis, Cairo,Egypt Tele : (+202)24175822 - 22903879 Fax : (+202 ) 26903694 - 22919273 E-mail : Trabia_meiser@hadymeiser.com website: www.hadymeiser-egypt.com

Factory : ElShrouk Industrial Zone – Khanka – Kaiobia Tele : +2 02 44564091 - 2 Fax : +2 02 44564093 - 44698212 Mobile : 01001726068 – 01144877633 01276798800 – 01001726135 E-mail : trabia.meiser@gmail.com


What is the gratings ?

Gratings Specification :



(+2) 02 - 2736 - 4529 (+2) 02 -2736 - 0659 info@tamoilfield.com

‫كان ل�صركة ‪ yokogawa‬ل�صالح مكتبهم يف اجنلرتا‬ ‫وكان عبارة عن م�ص ��روع حتكم عن بعد ملوقع خا�س‬ ‫ب�صرك ��ة ‪ British petroleum‬واحلم ��د هلل جنحن ��ا‬ ‫يف تنفي ��ذه عل ��ى اأكمل وج ��ه وكانت مرحل ��ة االإعداد‬ ‫والتجهيز تتم يف م�صر ويتم تنفيذها يف اجنلرتا‪.‬‬ ‫ث ��م تتبع ذلك م�صروع اأخر تاب ��ع ل�صركة ‪yokogawa‬‬ ‫اأي�صا ل�صالح �صركة ‪ EXXON Mobil‬ومت ا�صتكماله‬ ‫عل ��ى اأح�صن وج ��ه ويف نف�س التوقيت ب ��داأت ال�صركة‬ ‫ت�صته ��ر عاملي ��ا ب ��داأت مواقع كث ��رة يف العامل تطلب‬ ‫مهند�صين ��ا مث ��ل هولن ��دا واإيطاليا ورو�صي ��ا ومن ثم‬ ‫ا�صتطعن ��ا توري ��د املهند�ص ��ني االأعلى كف ��اءة خلارج‬ ‫م�صر ولل�صرق االأو�صط وتلك كانت رحلة ال�صركة يف‬ ‫اأول اأربع �صنوات‪.‬‬ ‫ومن ��ذ بداية عام ‪ 2010‬اجتهن ��ا للعمل املحلي داخل‬ ‫م�ص ��ر لتنفي ��ذ م�صروع ��ات يف قط ��اع الب ��رتول مثل‬ ‫م�صروعات �صركة البحراني ��ة مل�صتقات الغاز و�صركة‬ ‫اأم ��ل للبرتول و�صرك ��ة �صمال �صيناء للب ��رتول واأي�صا‬ ‫تنفي ��ذ م�صروع ��ات ع ��ن طري ��ق تقدمي خدم ��ات ثم‬ ‫اجتهنا ملج ��ال امل�صروعات اخلا�ص ��ة بالتحكم االأيل‬ ‫واأجه ��زة القيا� ��س باالإ�صاف ��ة اإىل اأننا بداأن ��ا تو�صيع‬ ‫جماالت عم ��ل ال�صركة لي�صمل قطاع ��ات اأخرى اإىل‬ ‫جان ��ب قطاع البرتول مثل جم ��االت املياه والكهرباء‬ ‫وقمن ��ا بتنفيذ م�صروع ��ات يف تل ��ك القطاعات حتى‬ ‫حدث ��ت طفرة يف ع ��ام ‪ 2017‬حي ��ث ا�صتحوذنا على‬ ‫م�ص ��روع اأثر ب�ص ��كل كبر يف اإي ��رادات ال�صركة وكان‬ ‫عب ��ارة عن تنفيذ م�ص ��روع مراقبة منظومة حمطات‬ ‫الوق ��ود ملن�ص ��وب اخلزانات وم ��ا ي�صمى مب�ص ��روع ال�‬ ‫(‪ )ATG‬اخلا� ��س بتنفيذ ه ��ذا النظام على م�صتوى‬ ‫اجلمهوري ��ة وكان عب ��ارة عن ح ��وايل ‪ 3600‬حمطة‬ ‫وتل ��ك كانت نقط ��ة اإنطالق ��ة لل�صركة وم ��ن خاللها‬ ‫ا�صبح ��ت جلوب ��ال تكني ��كال �صرفي� ��س ت�ص ��ارك يف‬ ‫م�صروعات كبرة‪.‬‬ ‫حقق��ت �ش��ركة ‪ GTS‬مع��دل منو جي��د جدً ا‬ ‫على م��دار ‪ 13‬عا ًم��ا بداء من اي��رادات ‪500‬‬ ‫األ��ف دوالر اأمريك��ي وو�ش��وال اإىل اأك��ر م��ن‬ ‫‪ 12‬ملي��ون دوالر اأمريك��ي بنهاية عام ‪2020‬‬ ‫‪ ،‬كيف تقيم اأدائها يف ‪2021‬؟‬ ‫كم ��ا قلت كانت اإنطالقة ال�صرك ��ة يف عام ‪ 2017‬من‬ ‫خ ��الل تنفيذ م�صروع تطوير حمطات الوقود ومن ثم‬ ‫بداأن ��ا خطة تطوير وتو�صع ��ات يف اأكرث من جمال يف‬ ‫القط ��اع وتنفيذ امل�صروعات م ��ن �صكل الآخر وخا�صة‬ ‫م�صروع ��ات مكافح ��ة احلري ��ق يف قط ��اع الب ��رتول‬

‫وحققنا اإيرادات عالي ��ة يف ‪ 2021‬بلغت اأكرث من ‪15‬‬ ‫مليون دوالر يف اأخر �صنة‬ ‫م��ا هى العق��ود االأخ��رة التي ح�ش��لت عليها‬ ‫ال�شركة يف املنطقة؟‬ ‫اأخرعقود ح�صلت ال�صرك ��ة عليها كانت امل�صروعات‬ ‫اخلا�ص ��ة بنظ ��ام مكافح ��ة احلريق ونظ ��ام كا�صف‬ ‫احلري ��ق كان اأك ��رث م ��ن م�ص ��روع يف �صرك ��ة الن�صر‬ ‫للب ��رتول وم�ص ��روع كام ��ل ل�صرك ��ة جم�ص ��ة للبرتول‬ ‫و�صرك ��ة خال ��دة باالإ�صاف ��ة اإىل م�ص ��روع ‪SCADA‬‬ ‫ونظ ��ام ك�صف الت�صرب ل ��كل خطوط �صرك ��ة اأنابيب‬ ‫البرتول‪.‬‬ ‫كي��ف تعامل��ت ال�ش��ركة م��ع ازم��ة جائح��ة‬ ‫غ��ر الوب��اء‬ ‫كورون��ا يف ع��ام ‪ ،2020‬وه��ل رّ‬ ‫ا�شرتاتيجية عملك؟‬ ‫دائم ��ا ما نواجه االأزمات والتحدي ��ات ونتعامل معها‬ ‫بالتفك ��ر االإيجاب ��ي مثلما ح ��دث مع االأزم ��ة املالية‬ ‫العاملي ��ة يف ‪ 2008‬حي ��ث قمن ��ا بتغي ��ر ا�صرتاتيجية‬ ‫عم ��ل ال�صركة واجتهنا للعمل داخ ��ل م�صر مما كان‬ ‫ل ��ه م ��ردود اإيجاب ��ي عل ��ى ال�صركة ويف خ ��الل ذلك‬ ‫الوق ��ت ن�صب ��ت اأح ��داث الث ��ورة يف ‪ 2011‬مما كان‬ ‫له ��ا تاأثرعلى قطاع ��ات كثرة منها قط ��اع البرتول‬ ‫واأخ ��را يف ‪ 2020‬وم ��ع ظه ��ور فر�س كورون ��ا دفعنا‬ ‫ذل ��ك اىل العمل عن طريق االأون الين وا�صتطعنا من‬ ‫خالل ذل ��ك من التوا�ص ��ل مع ال�ص ��ركات اخلارجية‬ ‫ب�ص ��كل اأ�صرع بدال من ال�صف ��ر واالإنتقاالت ويف خالل‬ ‫ذلك الوق ��ت ك�صفت االأزمة اأن العامل اجلديد يحتاج‬ ‫اأك ��رث اىل م�صروعات خدم ��ات الرقمنة ودفعنا ذلك‬ ‫اىل تغي ��ر اال�صرتاتيجية واالإجتاه اإىل توفر احللول‬ ‫اخلا�صة بالتحول الرقم ��ي املتجهة له الدولة ووزارة‬ ‫الب ��رتول ب�صكل كبر يف الوقت احلايل وذلك كان له‬ ‫اأثر اإيجابي كبر على عمل ال�صركة يف تلك الفرتة‪.‬‬ ‫عندم��ا خطط��ت الهيئ��ة العام��ة للب��رتول‬ ‫لتنفيذ م�شروع مراقبة حمطات الوقود على‬ ‫م�شتوى اجلمهورية‪ ،‬ح�شلت على م�شاعدة من‬ ‫‪ ،GTS‬كيف كان امل�شروع؟‬ ‫كان ��ت بدية امل�صروع من خ ��الل طرح مناق�صة عامة‬ ‫طرحته ��ا الهيئ ��ة العام ��ة للب ��رتول ملحاول ��ة تطوير‬ ‫منظومة الوقود واأن يوجد نظام كامل خا�س مبراقبة‬ ‫كل حمط ��ات البنزين يف م�صر ونحن كنا نتابع ذلك‬ ‫امل�ص ��روع منذ بدايته ع ��ام ‪ 2014‬حت ��ى اأخر مرحلة‬ ‫وا�صتطعن ��ا تقدمي اأف�صل حل من خ ��الل التعاون مع‬

‫اأف�ص ��ل ال�صركات املتخ�ص�ص ��ة يف ذلك املجال وهى‬ ‫�صرك ��ة ‪ Dover-Wayne‬وطبع ��ا م ��ع خ ��ربة �صركة‬ ‫‪ GTS‬يف املج ��ال الفن ��ي‪ ،‬وكان ��ت تلك ه ��ى االأ�صباب‬ ‫التي جعلت الهيئة العامة للبرتول و�صركة اإنبي ت�صند‬ ‫ل�صركة ‪ GTS‬م�صروع ا�صرتاتيجي بهذا ال�صكل ‪.‬‬ ‫كي��ف تخط��ط لتعظي��م ع��دد م�ش��اريعك يف‬ ‫م�شر؟‬ ‫اخلط ��ة بداأت من ��ذ عام ‪ 2020‬بتبن ��ي حلول مبتكرة‬ ‫ت�صاعدن ��ا على تق ��دمي حلول كاملة للتح ��ول الرقمي‬ ‫ولي� ��س جم ��رد اأنظمة منف�صلة فنح ��ن نقوم بتجميع‬ ‫االأنظم ��ة كلها يف �صكل نظام واح ��د متكامل يكون له‬ ‫عائ ��د اإيجابي وم ��ردود اإقت�صادي للبل ��د وا�صتطعنا‬ ‫طرحه على خمتل ��ف القطاعات مث ��ل الهيئة العامة‬ ‫للب ��رتول ووزارة الب ��رتول وال�صرك ��ة القاب�صة للمياه‬ ‫و�صركات الكهرباء‪.‬‬ ‫را‪ ،‬هل �ش��رى �ش��ركة ‪ GTS‬يف م�ش��اريع‬ ‫اأخ ً‬ ‫جديدة قري ًبا؟‬ ‫نعم ب ��كل تاأكيد نتج ��ه لتنفيذ م�صروع ��ات كبرة يف‬ ‫قطاعات البرتول واملياه والكهرباء‬ ‫وبالن�صبة لقطاع البرتول ننفذ م�صروع �صركة اأنابيب‬ ‫الب ��رتول بنظام ك�صف الت�صرب ل ��كل خطوط �صركة‬ ‫اأنابي ��ب البرتول كان من خالل ‪ yokogawa‬يف جزء‬ ‫ال � � ‪ SCADA‬وبال�صراكة مع �صرك ��ة هواوي يف جزء‬ ‫االإت�صاالت و�صركة هيم ��ا يف اأجهزة ك�صف الت�صرب‬ ‫باالإ�صاف ��ة اىل اأنن ��ا اجتهن ��ا للعم ��ل يف م�صروع ��ات‬ ‫ع ��دادات الكهرب ��اء يف قط ��اع الكهرب ��اء واأي�صا يف‬ ‫قطاع املياه‬ ‫هل تتعامل ال�ش��ركة مع �ش��ركات عاملية وهل‬ ‫تقوم ال�شركة بال�شراكة مع �شركات جديدة‬ ‫يف الفرتة القادمة؟‬ ‫بالفع ��ل تربطن ��ا عالق ��ة �صراك ��ة ا�صرتاتيجي ��ة م ��ع‬ ‫�صرك ��ة ‪ yokogawa‬الياباني ��ة يف جمال التحكم االآىل‬ ‫واأجهزة القيا�س وموؤخ ��را مع �صركة هواوي يف جمال‬ ‫االإت�ص ��االت ب�ص ��كل كام ��ل واأي�صا مع �صرك ��ة هيما يف‬ ‫جم ��ال نظام ك�ص ��ف الت�ص ��رب و�صرك ��ة ‪sagemcom‬‬ ‫وهى �صركة فرن�صية يف جمال العدادات الذكية وطبعا‬ ‫ن�صعى دائما لعقد �صراكات مع ال�صركات العاملية التي‬ ‫تخدم جمال احللول املتكاملة اخلا�صة بالرقمنة‪.‬‬ ‫‪- February 2022‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫رئيس مجلس إدارة ‪:G.T.S‬‬

‫نواجــه األزمــات بالتفكـــير اإليجابــي‬ ‫ونتوسع في قطاع البترول ومجاالت‬ ‫الكهرباء والمياه‬

‫نواج ��ه الأزم ��ات والتحدي ��ات بالتفك ��ر الإيجاب ��ي‬ ‫مثلم ��ا ح ��دث م ��ع الأزم ��ة املالي ��ة العاملي ��ة ‪2008‬‬ ‫واأح ��داث ث ��ورة يناي ��ر واأزم ��ة جائح ��ة كورون ��ا‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫نتو�س ��ع يف جم ��ال الب ��رول وجمالت عم ��ل اأخرى‬ ‫مث ��ل قطاعات الكهرب ��اء واملياه‪ ،‬واأي�س ��ا نعمل على‬ ‫تق ��دمي �سورة جي ��دة للمهند�س ��ني امل�سريني خارج‬ ‫م�س ��ر وتوقيع العديد م ��ن ال�سراكات مع ال�سركات‬ ‫العاملي ��ة‪ ،‬تل ��ك كان ��ت اخلط ��وط العري�س ��ة ل�سركة‬ ‫جلوب ��ال تكني ��كال �سرفي� ��س "‪ "GTS‬والت ��ي‬ ‫او�سحه ��ا املهند� ��س اأم ��ني �ساب ��ر رئي� ��س جمل� ��س‬ ‫الإدارة يف ح ��واره م ��ع جمل ��ة برولي ��م ت ��وداي ‪....‬‬ ‫واإىل ن�س احلوار‬ ‫يف البداي��ة ن��ود معرف��ة املزي��د عن��ك وعن‬ ‫حياتك املهنية؟‬ ‫اأنا خري ��ج هند�صة القاه ��رة ق�ص ��م االإت�صاالت عام‬ ‫‪ 1993‬وب ��داأت العمل يف قطاع البرتول عام ‪ 1996‬يف‬ ‫�صركة عجيبة للبرتول ب� �اإدارة امل�صروعات الأكرث من‬ ‫‪8‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today - February 2022‬‬

‫‪� 10‬صنوات عملت خالل تلك الفرتة ملدة عام ب�صركة‬ ‫‪ ENI‬م ��ن خ ��الل �صركة عجيبة للب ��رتول عام ‪2000‬‬ ‫ثم عملت بعد ذلك مب�ص ��روع الربل�س ‪ LNG‬ت�صريب‬ ‫الغ ��از يف دمياط ث ��م عملت يف م�صروع ��ات الربل�س‬ ‫مل ��ا اتعمله؟ ‪ Extension‬يف خ ��الل الفرتة من ‪2001‬‬ ‫ل � � ‪ 2005‬واأخ � ً�را كان العمل مب�ص ��روع �صمال �صيناء‬ ‫للبرتول كاإ�صت�صاري عام ‪2006‬‬ ‫كي��ف مت اإن�ش��اء �ش��ركة جلوب��ال تكني��كال‬ ‫�ش��رف�س وما ه��ى املجاالت املتخ�ش�ش��ة التي‬ ‫تعمل بها ال�شركة؟‬ ‫يف ‪ 2006‬ا�صتطعنا جتميع عددا من املهند�صني ذوي‬ ‫اخل ��ربة املهني ��ة العالية يف قط ��اع الب ��رتول واإن�صاء‬ ‫ال�صرك ��ة يف ‪ 2006‬با�ص ��م جلوبال تكني ��كال �صرف�س‬ ‫وكان الهدف من و�صع كلمة جلوبال يف ا�صم ال�صركة‬ ‫ه ��و تخط ��ي احل ��دود والعمل عل ��ى امل�صت ��وى العاملي‬ ‫ولي� ��س يف م�صر فق ��ط‪ ،‬اأما جزء تكني ��كال �صرف�س‬ ‫فق ��د اخرتناه نظ ��را الأن كل امل�صاهمني كانوا يعملون‬ ‫يف وقت �صابق يف �صركات متعددة بخربات خمتلفة‪،‬‬

‫وكان هدفن ��ا امل�صاركة بتلك اخل ��ربات خارج م�صر‬ ‫لتقدمي �صورة جيدة عن املهند�صني امل�صريني‪.‬‬ ‫اأم ��ا بالن�صبة للمج ��االت فال�صرك ��ة يف البداية كانت‬ ‫قائم ��ة عل ��ى تقدمي اخلدم ��ات الهند�صي ��ة وخدمات‬ ‫املوقع من خالل توريد مهند�صني خارج م�صر مثلما‬ ‫ذكرت �صابقا‪ ،‬لكن منذ فرتة اجتهت ال�صركة اإىل اأن‬ ‫تك ��ون ‪ EPC contractor‬وت�صتطي ��ع احل�ص ��ول على‬ ‫م�صاريع ب�صكل كامل بداية من الت�صميم‪ ،‬واإختبارات‬ ‫ما قب ��ل الت�صغيل والت�صغيل وطبع ��ا ال�صركة تعمل يف‬ ‫اأكرث م ��ن جمال وتقدم اأكرث من خدمة‪ ،‬فنحن نعمل‬ ‫يف جم ��ال اأجه ��زة التحك ��م االآىل‪ ،‬اأجه ��زة القيا�س‬ ‫ب�صكل كامل‪ ،‬اأجه ��زة قيا�س خزانات الرادار‪ ،‬قيا�س‬ ‫اخلزان التلقائي واأي�ص ��ا اأجهزة مكافحة وا�صت�صعار‬ ‫احلريق ونظام ك�صف الت�صرب‪.‬‬ ‫كي��ف ت�ش��ف رحلة ال�ش��ركة يف م�ش��ر طوال‬ ‫ال�شنوات املا�شية؟‬ ‫كم ��ا ذك ��رت �صابق ��ا كان اله ��دف تق ��دمي اخلربات‬ ‫الفني ��ة يف قط ��اع الب ��رتول واأول م�ص ��روع مت اإ�صناده‬

‫الدخول للمقرات االإدارية وكافة املواقع و�شرورة احل�شول على اللقاح امل�شاد لفرو�ص‬ ‫كورونا امل�شتجد او عمل م�شحة كل ثالث اأيام‪.‬‬ ‫وعن التواجد دوليا خا�شة فى ظل اجلائحة خالل الثالثة اأعوام املا�شية ‪ ،‬فقد حر�شت‬ ‫�شرك ��ة م�شر لل�شيانة على ا�شتمرار تواجدها دوليا بنف�ص منهج ال�شالمة ا�شلوب حياه‬ ‫وتطبي ��ق كاف ��ة القواع ��د االحرتازية فى جميع الف ��روع اخلارجية وتواف ��ر غرف العزل‬ ‫والرعاي ��ة الطبي ��ة كما مت العم ��ل خالل تلك الف ��رتة على تنمية مه ��ارات العاملني من‬ ‫خ ��الل تطوير قنوات التدريب عن بعد بالفروع اخلارجية مما ادى اىل تطوير املهارات‬ ‫ورفع م�شتوى االداء وحتقيق معدل �شفر بجانبى احلوادث والوقت ال�شائع‪.‬‬ ‫ماهى احدث العقود التي ح�صلت عليها ال�صركة؟‬ ‫جنح ��ت ال�شركة خالل تلك الفرتة فى حتقيق التن ��وع فى االأن�شطة لتتما�شى مع طبيعة‬ ‫متغ ��رات اال�ش ��واق املحلية والعاملية فى ظل اجلائحة مما نت ��ج عنه ا�شتحداث اأن�شطة‬ ‫جديدة وتطوير االن�شطة املوجودة فعليا‬ ‫وقد مت ا�شناد العديد من امل�شروعات لل�شركة فى جماالت متعددة‪:‬‬ ‫فف ��ى جمال ال�شيانة ال�شاملة كمجال مميز لهوية �شركة م�شر لل�شيانة ‪ ،‬مت احل�شول‬ ‫عل ��ى عقود اعمال خدم ��ات ال�شيانة ل�شالح �شركات ب ��رتول بالعيم والبرتوكيماويات‬ ‫امل�شرية ك�شركات قطاع �شقيقة‪.‬‬ ‫اأم ��ا ف ��ى اطار االن�شطة امل�شتحدثة التى �شب ��ق اأن مت التنويه عنها ‪ ،‬فقد مت ا�شناد بع�ص‬ ‫م�شروع ��ات التطوير وامل�شروع ��ات املتخ�ش�شة مثل ‪ :‬م�شروع جمم ��ع ت�شنيع م�شتقات‬ ‫امليثانول ل�شالح �شركة ال�شوي� ��ص مل�شتقات امليثانول وكذا م�شروع ا�شرتجاع غاز ال�شعلة‬ ‫ل�شالح �شركة العامرية لتكرير البرتول وا�شتغالله كوقود بديل للغاز الطبيعى وذلك فى‬ ‫اإطار امل�شروعات �شديقة البيئة‪.‬‬ ‫وانطالق ��ا م ��ن حر�ص ال�شرك ��ة على تنوع االعم ��ال ‪ ،‬تخو�ص ال�شرك ��ة للمرة االوىل فى‬ ‫تاريخه ��ا جتربة بيع الكهرباء بالنظ ��ام التعاقدي( البناء ‪ ،‬التمليك‪ ،‬الت�شغيل) ملدة ‪25‬‬ ‫عام ل�شالح �شركة تكنولوجيا االخ�شاب‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا مت ا�شناد العديد من م�شروع ��ات �شيانة املن�شات احلكومية والبنوك وامل�شت�شفيات‬ ‫وذلك فى اطار خدمات �شيانة املن�شات الذى تتميز به ال�شركة‬ ‫واخ ��را ولي� ��ص اخ ��را ‪ ،‬اأود ان انوه عن ا�شن ��اد م�شروع ادارة املراف ��ق باحلى احلكومى‬ ‫بالعا�شم ��ة االداري ��ة اجلديدة وهو نتيجة تتوي ��ج التحالف والتعاون م ��ع موؤ�ش�شة ح�شن‬ ‫ع ��الم ‪ ،‬حيث يتم اال�شن ��اد الدارة مرافق ‪ 34‬مبنى وزارى وك ��ذا بع�ص املرافق احليوية‬ ‫وامل�شاحات اخل�شراء ملدة خم�ص �شنوات‪.‬‬ ‫وياأت ��ى هذا امل�شروع كرتجمة ملواكب ��ة ا�شرتاتيجية م�شر ‪ 2030‬وتعظيم القيمة امل�شافة‬ ‫لالقت�شاد الوطنى والعمل حتت مظلة اال�شتدامة‪.‬‬ ‫ما هى الروؤية امل�ص��تقبلية لل�صركة واخلا�ص��ة بالتو�صعات وتقدمي خدمات‬ ‫اأكرث لل�صركات؟‬ ‫تاأت ��ى روؤي ��ة ال�شركة امل�شتقبلي ��ة للتو�شعات لتت�شق م ��ع ا�شرتاتيجية ال�شرك ��ة املعلنة للفرتة‬ ‫‪ ، 2023-2019‬والت ��ى يتم حتديثها �شنويا تتبنى فيه ��ا اإدارة ال�شركة عدة ممار�شات منها‬ ‫االعتماد على التنفيذ الذاتى والتو�شع خارج م�شر والتى يكون من �شاأنها حتقيق اال�شتدامة‬ ‫و تو�شيع قاعدة العمالء واخلدمات املقدمة وكذا ا�شتهداف اأ�شواق جديدة واأعمال جديدة‬ ‫�شمن النطاق من خدماتها املتنوعة التي توؤكد التزامنا الكامل مببداأ اال�شتدامة‪.‬‬ ‫وم ��ن االأمثلة على ذلك ‪ :‬اإ�شافة نطاق اأعمال جديد وهو توليد الطاقة بكل ما يخ�شها‬ ‫�ش ��واء كانت حم ��ركات الغ ��از اأو التوربينات الغازي ��ة باالإ�شافة ايل تعظي ��م دورها يف‬ ‫جم ��االت الطاق ��ة اجلدي ��دة واملتجددة �ش ��واء طاق ��ة الري ��اح اأو الطاق ��ة ال�شم�شية او‬ ‫املائي ��ة وتعظيم نطاق اعمال �شيانة واإدارة املن�شاآت واملرافق‪ :‬فى اإطار الثورة الكبرة‬ ‫يف جم ��ال االن�ش ��اءات الذي ترت ��ب على التوجه امل�ش ��ري لال�شتدامة فق ��د ا�شبح من‬ ‫ال�ش ��روري التو�شع يف جمال اأعم ��ال اإدارة املرافق وذلك عن طريق اال�شتخدام االأمثل‬

‫للم ��وارد املوؤهلة وعقد حتالفات مع كربى ال�شركات املتخ�ش�شة وتبنى �شيا�شة التحول‬ ‫الرقم ��ى من خالل تطبيق �شيا�ش ��ة احلماية من القر�شنة االلكرتونية يف قطاع النفط‬ ‫والغ ��از م ��ن خالل تطوي ��ر تكنولوجيا املعلوم ��ات واالت�شاالت من خ ��الل خطة ت�شويق‬ ‫وحتالفات مع اأ�شحاب التكنولوجيا‪.‬‬ ‫كيف تهتم ال�ص��ركة بالعن�ص��ر الب�ص��ري من حي��ث التدريب ورفع امل�ص��توى‬ ‫التقني والفني؟‬ ‫عن ��د ذك ��ر م�شطلح العن�ش ��ر الب�ش ��رى ‪ ،‬جتدر اال�ش ��ارة هن ��ا اإىل اأنه الكن ��ز احلقيقي‬ ‫والركيزة اال�شا�شية واال�شتثمار م�شمون العائد ‪ ،‬ومن هذا املنطلق حتر�ص ال�شركة دائما‬ ‫على تنمية را�ص املال الب�شرى وحت�شني بيئة العمل‪ .‬كما حتر�ص ال�شركة على تفعيل برامج‬ ‫التدريب وتاأهيل الكوادر الفنية وبخا�شة الكوادر ال�شابة باأحدث التقنيات احلديثة‪.‬‬ ‫وم��اذا ع��ن اإجراءات ال�ص��امة وال�ص��حة املهني��ة التي تتبعها ال�ص��ركة يف‬ ‫مواقع االنتاج؟‬ ‫تعد قواعد و اإجراءات ال�شالمة وال�شحة املهنية من الركائز اال�شا�شية فى �شيا�شة �شركة‬ ‫م�ش ��ر لل�شيانة والتى نحر�ص ا�شد احلر�ص عل ��ى تطبيقها حتت �شعار ال�شالمة ا�شلوب‬ ‫حياة – اجلودة منهج عمل والتى تعد احدى دعائم برنامج ( نحن نهتم ) الذى تطبقه‬ ‫ال�شرك ��ة كحماية ورعاية للعاملني والعمالء وال�ش ��ادة امل�شاهمني كما تعمل ال�شركة على‬ ‫متابع ��ة االلتزام الكامل مبعاير ال�شالمة وال�شحة املهني ��ة وحماية البيئة‪ ،‬كما نحر�ص‬ ‫ب�شف ��ة م�شتم ��رة على اجراء من ��اورات التاأهب للطوارىء مبواقع العم ��ل املختلفة وعقد‬ ‫وقفات ال�شالمة الدورية للتوعية باملخاطر وكيفية الو�شول لتحقيق بيئة عمل اآمنة‪.‬‬ ‫نه ��دف اأخر ًا بهذا ال�شدد للو�شول لتحقيق اكرب قدر م ��ن �شاعات العمل االآمنة بدون‬ ‫ح ��وادث اأو وق ��ت �شائع ‪ ،‬مما ينعك�ص ذلك على توفر احلماي ��ة الكاملة االآمنة فى بيئة‬ ‫العمل والدليل على ذلك‪:‬‬ ‫االداء املتمي ��ز يف تنفي ��ذ جميع االأعم ��ال املوكلة الينا بطريقة اآمن ��ة ‪ ،‬وهو ما ظهر جلياً‬ ‫يف االأداء الع ��ام الأداء ال�شح ��ة وال�شالم ��ة والبيئة خالل ع ��ام ‪ .2021‬وحققت ال�شركة‬ ‫«‪ 28‬ملي ��ون» �شاع ��ة عم ��ل بزيادة تقارب ع�ش ��رة ماليني ون�شف �شاع ��ة عمل اأكر مما‬ ‫مت اإجن ��ازه يف العام املا�شي (‪ ،)2020‬مما اأدى اإىل تك ��رمي ال�شركة كاأف�شل مقاول يف‬ ‫جمال ال�شالمة من قبل �شركة برتوبل‪.‬‬ ‫ر�ص��الة يوجهها املهند�س اأ�ص��رف بهاء لرجال االأعمال امل�صرين‪ ،‬خا�صة يف‬ ‫ظل دعمكم لروؤية م�صر ‪2030‬‬ ‫ف ��ى اطار روؤية م�ش ��ر ‪ 2030‬كاأجندة وطنية تعك�ص اخلط ��ة اال�شرتاتيجية طويلة املدى‬ ‫للدول ��ة لتحقيق مبادئ واأهداف التنمية امل�شتدام ��ة يف كل املجاالت‪ ،‬وتوطينها باأجهزة‬ ‫الدول ��ة امل�شرية املختلفة‪ .‬م�شتندة على مبادئ «التنمية امل�شتدامة ال�شاملة واميانا منا‬ ‫باهمي ��ة امل�شاركة الفعالة فى حتقيق من ��و اقت�شادي مرتفع وم�شتدام وتعزيز اال�شتثمار‬ ‫يف الب�ش ��ر ارتكازا على حوكمة موؤ�ش�ش ��ات الدولة واملجتمع من خالل االإ�شالح االإداري‬ ‫وتر�شي ��خ ال�شفافية‪ ،‬اأنا�شد اجلميع بالتكات ��ف وااللتفاف حول موؤ�ش�شات الدولة والعمل‬ ‫عل ��ى ب ��ذل اجلهد والعمل املتق ��ن و�شوال لاله ��داف املرجوة نحو تعزي ��ز اال�شتثمارات‬ ‫الوطنية وتوفر مناخ متميز اقت�شاديا واأمنيا نتيجة جلهود الدولة امل�شرية‬ ‫‪- February 2022‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫المهندس أشرف بهاء‪:‬‬

‫شركة مصر للصيانة «صان مصر»‬ ‫‪ 25‬عامًا من النجاح والتمـيز‬ ‫فى البداية نود اإلقاء ال�ص��وء على �ص��ركة م�ص��ر لل�ص��يانة (�ص��ان م�ص��ر) ما هو حجم ا�صتثمارات ال�صركة ؟‬ ‫وتاريخها الطويل مع قطاع البرتول امل�صري؟‬ ‫ف ��ى اطار حر�ص ال�شركة على تفعيل مفه ��وم تنمية وا�شتدامة االعمال وحتقيق التكامل‬ ‫بداي ��ة اأود اأن اأتق ��دم بخال�ص ال�شك ��ر والعرفان لوزارة البرتول وال ��روة املعدنية حتت ب ��ني ان�شط ��ة ال�شركة الرئي�شية وتطور ال�ش ��وق املحلى والعاملى فق ��د ا�شتهدفت ال�شركة‬ ‫قي ��ادة معايل ال�شيد املهند�ص طارق امل ��ا ‪ /‬معاىل وزير البرتول والروة املعدنية وذلك اأن�شطة م�شتحدثة مثل ن�شاط توليد الطاقة وبالتاىل قطاع الطاقة وال�شناعات وكذلك‬ ‫لتقدمي الدعم امل�شتمر ل�شركتنا ‪.‬‬ ‫امل�شروعات �شديقة البيئة مثل م�شروعات ا�شتغالل الغازات واملحروقات وقد ادى هذا‬ ‫كما اأود اأن اوؤكد على حر�ص �شركة م�شر لل�شيانة على العمل �شمن االطر والتوجهات التن ��وع والتكامل اىل تط ��ور ن�شب االعمال القابل ��ة للتنفيذ خا�شة ق ��ى االعوام الثالث‬ ‫ال�شيا�شي ��ة واالقت�شادي ��ة للدولة وقطاع الب ��رتول امل�شرى ‪ ،‬ا�شتهداف ��ا لتحقيق مفهوم املا�شية لتحقيق اوامر ا�شناد ت�شل ل ‪ 14‬مليار جنيه م�شرى عام ‪.2021‬‬ ‫التنمية امل�شتدامة فى ظل النظم احلديثة للحوكمة والتحول الرقمى‪.‬‬ ‫جنحت �ص��ركة م�ص��ر لل�ص��يانة ان تتواجد �ص��من قائمة اأكرب ‪ 250‬مقاول‬ ‫للحدي ��ث ع ��ن تاريخ ال�شرك ��ة البد من اإلقاء ال�ش ��وء على عدة نق ��اط ا�شا�شية �شاهمت دويل لع��ام ‪ 2021‬ال�ص��ادرة م��ن موؤ�ص�ص��ة ‪Engineering News‬‬ ‫ف ��ى �شنع تاريخ ال�شركة ون�شاطاتها املتط ��ورة با�شتمرار والتى �شاهمت فى حفر مكانة ‪ Record‬االمريكية‪ ،‬كيف ترى هذا االجناز؟‬ ‫ممي ��زة ل�شركة م�شر لل�شيان ��ة وحتقيق مفهوم جديد ومتكام ��ل ملجال تقدمي خدمات ياأت ��ى هذا االجناز ليكل ��ل جهود ادارة ال�شرك ��ة والعاملني املخل�شني به ��ا بالنجاح بعد‬ ‫ال�شيانة والدعم الفنى واخلدمات املتخ�ش�شة فى خمتلف القطاعات‪.‬‬ ‫اجله ��د والعزم واملثابرة املبذولني لو�شع ال�شركة فى م�ش ��اف ال�شركات العاملية ‪ ،‬مما‬ ‫�شرك ��ة م�شر لل�شيانة ‪ ،‬هى اإحدى ال�شركات التابعة لوزارة البرتول والروة املعدنية‪ ،‬وهى يتي ��ح الفر�شة لل�شركة فتح قنوات ات�شال مع ال�شركات العاملية والتواجد الدائم حمليا‬ ‫�شراك ��ة م�شرتك ��ة بني الهيئة امل�شرية العام ��ة للبرتول و�شركة"اأيب ��ل" الرنويجية‪ ،‬تاأ�ش�شت ودولي ��ا ملتابع ��ة اأهم امل�شتج ��دات املتعلق ��ة مبجاالت اأعم ��ال املقاوالت وتقني ��ات العمل‬ ‫ال�شرك ��ة عام ‪ ،1997‬لتقدم اخلدمات البرتولية املتكامل ��ة واملتخ�ش�شة جلميع القطاعات املتط ��ورة وتطبيقها فى ظل اإطار التطوي ��ر املوؤ�ش�شي كما ي�شتوجب هذا الت�شنيف و�شع‬ ‫داخل م�شر لت�شمل قطاع البرتول وخمتلف القطاعات‬ ‫الكث ��ر م ��ن امل�شئولي ��ات واجلهود عل ��ى عاتق رجال‬ ‫االخرى داخ ��ل م�شر‪ ،‬كما اأن ل�شرك ��ة م�شر لل�شيانة‬ ‫المهندس أشرف بهاء رئيس مجلس‬ ‫ال�شرك ��ة املخل�ش ��ني بكاف ��ة فئاتهم لرف ��ع موؤ�شرات‬ ‫تواج ��د ومتثي ��ل قوى فى اال�ش ��واق الدولي ��ة من خالل إدارة شركة مصر للصيانة «صان مصر»‪ :‬وم�شتوي ��ات االداء وبالت ��اىل رفع م�شت ��وى الت�شنيف‬ ‫اأف ��رع ال�شركة املختلفة ف ��ى كل من (على �شبيل املثال)‬ ‫عام تلو االخر‪.‬‬ ‫الع ��راق – اململكة االأردني ��ة الها�شمية – �شلطنة عمان‬ ‫يف ظ��ل الظ��روف القا�ص��ية خ��ال العام��ن‬ ‫ اأجنوال‪.‬‬‫ال�ص��ابقن‪ ،‬كيف جنحت ال�ص��ركة لي�س فقط‬ ‫ما هى ال�ص��ركات التي ت�ص��تهدف �ص��ركتكم‬ ‫يف تخط��ي وباء كورون��ا بل والتواج��د دوليا‬ ‫التعامل معها‪ ،‬واهم اخلدمات التي تقدمها؟‬ ‫بقوة؟‬ ‫تتغ ��ر روؤي ��ة ال�شركة دوم ��ا لت�شمل جم ��االت ان�شطة‬ ‫مت و�ش ��ع الع ��امل باأ�شره حت ��ت قيود وب ��اء كورونا‬ ‫واعم ��ال جدي ��دة متطورة ملواكبة متغ ��رات اال�شواق‬ ‫وتداعيات ��ه ليواجه اكرب وا�شع ��ب التحديات على‬ ‫املحلي ��ة والعاملي ��ة وبالت ��اىل يتم ا�شتهداف عم ��الء جدد وعلى �شبيل املث ��ال ال احل�شر كافة االأ�شعدة ‪ ،‬وبالتاىل واجهت م�شر هذا التحدى مبنتهى ال�شالبة والعزم على‬ ‫ت�شتهدف �شركتنا الهيئ ��ات واملوؤ�ش�شات العاملة فى جماالت النفط والغاز ‪ ،‬حتلية املياه اجتي ��از تلك املحنة باأقل اخل�شائر املمكن ��ة وجعل حماية العن�شر الب�شرى االولوية‬ ‫وال�ش ��رف ال�شحى ‪ ،‬الكهرباء‪ ،‬الطاقة ال�شم�شية وك ��ذا ال�شركات العاملة فى جماالت االوىل قبل اأى اعتبار اآخر‪.‬‬ ‫النقل واملرافق والطرق والكباري‪.‬‬ ‫وف ��ى اطار ه ��ذا التوجه االإ�شرتاتيجى للدول ��ة وفى ظل العمل باالج ��راءات االحرتازية‬ ‫كم ��ا اأود ان ان ��وه هنا بنبذة خمت�ش ��رة عن اهم اخلدم ��ات املتخ�ش�ش ��ة املميزة التى داخ ��ل هيئات وموؤ�ش�شات الدولة والتى ت�شمل قطاع البرتول ‪ ،‬قامت ال�شركة حتت �شعار‬ ‫تقدمها �شركة م�شر لل�شيانة على مدار خم�شة وع�شرون عاما من العطاء‪:‬‬ ‫برنام ��ج ( نحن نهتم) بتطبيق كافة االإجرءات االحرتازي ��ة من تخفيف اعداد العمالة‬ ‫ف ��ى جمال خدم ��ات ال�شيانة ‪ ،‬جمال االإن�ش ��اءات والتطوير‪ ،‬جم ��ال الت�شنيع‪ ،‬جمال وتطبي ��ق قواعد ال�شالمة وال�شحة ب�شرام ��ة تطبيقا ملبداأ ال�شالمة ا�شلوب حياة والذى‬ ‫م�شاري ��ع اخلدمات املتخ�ش�شة‪ .‬جمال خدم ��ات تكاملية االأ�شول والتفتي�ص الهند�شى ‪ .‬انتهجت ��ه ال�شركة ملواجهة هذه اجلائح ��ة‪ .‬باالإ�شافة اإىل توفر غرفة للعزل مبع�شكرات‬ ‫جم ��ال الدعم الفنى كن�شاط مميز ومتخ�ش�ص لل�شركة حمليا ودوليا‪ .‬جمال اخلدمات ال�شرك ��ة ‪ ،‬لع ��زل احلالة امل�شتب ��ه بها ‪.‬بجان ��ب احلر�ص عل ��ى توعية ال�ش ��ادة العاملني‬ ‫الفنية الهند�شية و الت�شميم‪ ،‬جمال التوريدات‪.‬‬ ‫وا�شره ��م بكاف ��ة امل�شتجدات من خالل املن�ش ��ات االلكرتونية املختلف ��ة بجانب تنظيم‬

‫استراتيجيتنا اإلعتماد‬ ‫على التنفيذ الذاتي‬ ‫والتوسع خارج مصر‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February 2022‬‬

‫“أوابك” مرص تحقق نسبة منو‬


‫خالل ‪ 2021‬ىف صادرات الغاز وهى‬ ‫األعىل عامليا‬

‫أيناب سيبرتول تفوز مبنطقة امتياز‬ ‫غرب عامر بخليج السويس‬

‫اأعل ��ن املهند� ��س طارق املال وزي ��ر البرتول وال ��روة املعدنية عن نتائ ��ج املزايدة‬ ‫العاملي ��ة الرقمي ��ة الأوىل للبح ��ث عن الب ��رتول والغ ��از وا�صتغاللهما ف ��ى البحر‬ ‫املتو�ص ��ط وال�صحراء الغربية وخلي ��ج ال�صوي�س‪ .‬حيث مت اعالن فوز �صركة اأيناب‬ ‫�صيبرتول منطقة امتياز غرب عامر بخليج ال�صوي�س‪.‬‬ ‫تق ��ع منطقة غ ��رب عامر عل ��ى ال�صاحل الأو�ص ��ط خلليج ال�صوي� ��س‪ .‬بالقرب من‬ ‫مناط ��ق منتجة للب ��رتول ‪ ،‬مثل حقلي بكر وغ ��ارب باجتاه ال�ص ��رق‪ .‬وكذا العديد‬ ‫من البار التى مت اكت�صافها موؤخ ًرا يف املنطقة‪ .‬علما بان اأول اكت�صاف زيت خام‬ ‫يف خلي ��ج ال�صوي� ��س كان يف ع ��ام ‪ .1868‬وجدي ��ر بالذكر ان ه ��ذه املنطقة واعده‬ ‫با�صتك�صاف حقول وابار غزيرة الإنتاج‪.‬‬ ‫وبال�صاف ��ة اىل هذا تعمل �صركة اأيناب �صيب ��رتول كمقاول يف منطقة �صرق راأ�س‬ ‫قط ��ارة يف ال�صح ��راء الغربية حي ��ث يبلغ متو�ص ��ط اإنتاجه ��ا ‪ 12000‬برميل من‬ ‫الزي ��ت اخلام يوم ًيا‪ .‬وبف�صل هذا العطاء مت زي ��ادة م�صاحة اأن�صطة ال�صتك�صاف‬ ‫والإنتاج يف م�صر زيادة كبرية‪.‬‬

‫ك�ص ��ف تقرير تطورات الغ ��از الطبيعى امل�صال والهيدروجني خ ��الل الربع الرابع‬ ‫لع ��ام‪ ،2021‬اأن جمهوري ��ة م�صر العربي ��ة قامت بت�ص�دير نح ��و ‪ 2.1‬مليون طن‬ ‫خ ��الل ه ��ذا الربع‪ ،‬علما باأنه خ ��الل نف�س الفرتة من الع ��ام ال�صابق ‪ 2020‬بلغت‬ ‫ال�ص� ��ادرات نحو ‪ 1‬مليون طن ويعود هذا النمو امل�صتمر يف حجم ال�صادرات اإىل‬ ‫اإعادة ت�صغيل جممع الإ�ص�الة يف دمياط يف �صهر فرباير مطلع ‪ 2021‬والذي تبلغ‬ ‫طاقت ��ه الإنتاجي ��ة نحو ‪ 5‬مليون ط ��ن ‪ /‬ال�صنة ‪ ،‬بع ��د اأن كان متوقفا عن الت�صغيل‬ ‫لنح ��و ‪� 8‬صن ��وات‪ ،‬بجان ��ب ا�صتم ��رار ت�صغي ��ل جممع « اإدك ��و « الذي تبل ��غ طاقته‬ ‫الإنتاجية نحو ‪ 7.2‬مليون طن ‪ /‬ال�صنة ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�ص ��ار التقرير ال�صادر ع ��ن منظمة ال ��دول العربية امل�صدرة للب ��رتول‪ ،‬واأعده‬ ‫املهند� ��س وائل حامد خبري ال�صناعات الغازي ��ة باملنظمة‪ ،‬اأن م�صر جنحت يف‬ ‫ت�صغيل كال املجمعني خالل الربع الرابع بكامل طاقتهما الت�صميمية البالغة ‪1.6‬‬ ‫ملي ��ار قدم مكعب ‪ /‬اليوم م�ص�تغلة الفائ�س عن ال�صتهالك املحلي ب�صبب تراجع‬ ‫الطلب على الكهرباء يف ف�صل ال�صتاء‪ ،‬وم�صتفيدة من ارتفاع الأ�صعار الفورية يف‬ ‫الأ�صواق العاملية ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�ص ��ار التقري ��ر‪ ،‬اأن الربع الرابع من عام ‪� 2021‬صه ��د ت�صدير نحو ‪ 0.7‬مليون‬ ‫طن من جممع دمياط لي�صل اإجمايل ال�صادرات من املجمع منذ معاودة ت�صغيله‬ ‫يف �صه ��ر فرباير ‪ 2021‬اإىل اأكر من ‪ 2.2‬مليون ط ��ن ‪ .‬وتابع التقرير‪ ،‬اأن الهند‬ ‫وباك�صت ��ان وال�صني وموؤخ ��ر ًا تركيا كانت اأبرز وجهات �ص�حن ��ات الغاز الطبيعي‬ ‫امل�صال من حمطة دمياط ‪.‬‬ ‫واإجم ��ال فقد بلغت �صادرات الغاز الطبيعي امل�ص�ال من كال املجمعني خالل عام‬ ‫‪ 2021‬نحو ‪ 6.5‬مليون طن مقابل ‪ 1.5‬مليون طن عام ‪ ، 2020‬بن�صبة منو �صنوية‬ ‫بلغ ��ت نحو ‪ ، % 385‬وهي ن�صبة النمو الأعلى عاملي ًا مقارنة بباقي الدول امل�صدرة‬ ‫للغ ��از الطبيعي امل�صال خالل عام ‪ ، 2021‬كما اأن ��ه اأعلى رقم لل�صادرات حتققه‬ ‫م�ص ��ر منذ ع ��ام ‪ ، 2011‬لتوؤكد بذلك على اأهميتها ودوره ��ا الرئي�صي يف ال�صوق‬ ‫العاملي للغاز الطبيعي امل�صال‪.‬‬ ‫‪- February 2022‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫البرتول‪ :‬القطاع ينفذ حاليا برنامج‬ ‫عمل لخفض االنبعاثات الكربونية‬

‫اأك ��د املهند�س طارق املال وزي ��ر البرتول والروة املعدني ��ة‪ ،‬اأن قطاع البرتول ينفذ‬ ‫حالي ��ا برنامج عمل خلف�س النبعاث ��ات الكربونية ت�صمل ‪ 6‬ركائز اأ�صا�صية لتحقيق‬ ‫ه ��ذا الهدف وهي اإ�صالح دع ��م الطاقة والتو�صع يف العتم ��اد على الغاز الطبيعي‬ ‫كوق ��ود نظيف ورفع كفاءة ا�صتخدام الطاقة وخف�س انبعاثات الكربون وال�صتفادة‬ ‫منها وا�صتخ ��دام الطاقات املتجددة يف املواقع البرتولية واإقامة م�صروعات للوقود‬ ‫احليوي‪ ،‬ف�صال عن التوجه اإىل ا�صتخدام الهيدروجني مع التاأكيد على اأن التعاون‬ ‫والتكامل بني الأطراف املعنية هو الأ�صا�س وال�صبيل الوحيد لنجاح هذه املجهودات‪.‬‬ ‫واأو�صح امل ��ال‪ ،‬اأن اإ�صالحات دعم الطاقة يف م�ص ��ر �صمحت بتوجيه خم�ص�صات‬ ‫الدع ��م مل�صتحقيه يف اإطار مب ��ادرات تهدف اإىل حت�صني م�صتوى معي�صة املواطنني‪،‬‬ ‫م�صيف ��ا اأن ��ه ج ��راء تل ��ك الإ�صالحات ح ��دث انخفا�س ف ��ى ا�صته ��الك املنتجات‬ ‫البرتولية بن�صبة ‪ %30‬خالل ال�صنوات ال�صت الأخرية مبا اأدى بالتايل اإىل انخفا�س‬ ‫النبعاثات وقابل ذلك زيادة يف ا�صتهالك الغاز الطبيعي كوقود نظيف بن�صبة ‪%35‬‬ ‫من اإجمايل ا�صتهالك الوقود الأحفوري ‪.‬‬ ‫واأ�صار املال‪ ،‬اإىل ا�صتمرار جهود زيادة العتماد على الغاز الطبيعى بدي ًال عن بع�س‬ ‫املنتج ��ات البرتولية باعتباره وق ��ود اقت�صادي متوفر ويتمت ��ع بخ�صائ�س �صديقة‬ ‫للبيئة واأحد اخليارات املهمة للتحول نحو الطاقة النظيفة وخف�س النبعاثات‪.‬‬ ‫وذك ��ر اأن اأهم موؤ�صرات ه ��ذا التوجه متثلت يف زيادة ا�صتح ��واذ الغاز على ح�صة‬ ‫ن�صبته ��ا نحو ‪ %65‬من اجم ��ايل ال�صتهالك للوقود حالي ًا مقارن ��ة بن�صبة ‪ %48‬قبل‬ ‫‪� 6‬صن ��وات‪ ،‬لفتا اإىل تزايد العتماد على الغاز الطبيعى فى ال�صناعات التحويلية‬ ‫التى حتقق قيمة م�صافة‪.‬‬

‫التشــغيل التجريبي ملرشوع إنتاج األسفلت‬ ‫الجديـــــد بتكلفـــــة اســتثمـاريــــة تبلـــــغ‬


‫مليون جنيه‬

‫ق ��ال الكيميائ ��ي ه�صام فتحى ان ��ه بداأ الت�صغي ��ل التجريب ��ي مل�صروع اإنت ��اج الأ�صفلت‬ ‫اجلديد الذي تبلغ طاقته الإنتاجية حوايل ‪ 1200‬طن اأ�صفلت يومي ًا بتكلفة ا�صتثمارية‬ ‫تبلغ حواىل ‪ 970‬مليون جنيه والذي قامت بت�صميمه وتنفيذه �صركتى اإنبى وبرتوجت‪،‬‬ ‫وم�صروع اإن�صاء ‪ 3‬م�صتودعات تخزين ملنتج الأ�صفلت ب�صعة اإجمالية ‪ 9000‬مرت مكعب‪،‬‬ ‫بالإ�صاف ��ة اإىل من�ص ��ة لت�صهيل اأعمال �صح ��ن الأ�صفلت بتكلف ��ة اإجمالية حواىل ‪139‬‬ ‫ملي ��ون جنيه‪ ،‬ف�ص ًال ع ��ن م�صروع اإعادة تاأهيل م�صتودع ��ات املقطر ال�صمعى القدمية‬ ‫(‪3‬م�صتودعات ب�صعة اإجمالية ‪ 7500‬مرت مكعب) بهدف زيادة اإنتاج ال�صولر‪.‬‬ ‫بال�صاف ��ة لتنفي ��ذ م�صروع اإن�ص ��اء جممع التفحي ��م واإنتاج ال�ص ��ولر والذي يهدف‬ ‫اإىل تعظي ��م القيم ��ة امل�صافة بال�صتغالل الأمثل لكميات امل ��ازوت منخف�س القيمة‬ ‫وحتويله ��ا اإىل منتجات عالية القيمة لتلبية احتياجات ال�صوق املحلي من املنتجات‬ ‫البرتولية خا�صة ال�صولر والبوتاجاز للحد من ال�صترياد ‪ ،‬وتبلغ التكلفة الإجمالية‬ ‫للم�ص ��روع ح ��واىل ‪ 28.6‬مليار جنيه‪ ،‬ه ��ذا بالإ�صافة اإىل م�ص ��روع توريد وتركيب‬ ‫فا�صلني امالح لوحدات التقطري ‪ 1‬و‪ 2‬بتكلفة ا�صتثمارية حواىل ‪ 600‬مليون جنيه‪.‬‬

‫«املال»‪ :‬ندرس طرح مزايدة عاملية جديدة للبحث عن البرتول والغاز‬ ‫يف النصف الثاين من ‪2022‬‬

‫اأعلن املهند�س طارق املال‪ ،‬وزير البرتول والروة املعدنية‪ ،‬عن اإمكانية طرح مزايدة‬ ‫عاملية جديدة للبحث عن البرتول والغاز يف الن�صف الثاين من العام اجلاري‪.‬‬ ‫وقال «املال» خالل موؤمتر �صحفي لالإعالن عن اإطالق الدورة اخلام�صة من موؤمتر‬ ‫ومعر� ��س م�صر الدويل للبرتول «اإيجب�س»‪ ،‬اإنه مت ت�صكيل جلنة قومية مع الوزارات‬ ‫الأخ ��رى ت�صم وزارة الكهرباء لو�صع خط ��ة وا�صرتاتيجية لفتح اأ�صواق يف جمالت‬ ‫ا�صتغ ��الل الهيدروجني الأخ�صر باعتباره طاقة نظيف ��ة وحتظى باهتمام كبري من‬ ‫القيادة ال�صيا�صية‪.‬‬ ‫واأو�ص ��ح «املال»‪ ،‬اأن املوؤمتر �صي�صهد م�صاركة اأو�صع من ال�صنوات املا�صية من جانب‬ ‫ال�ص ��ركات العاملية يف جمالت اإنتاج الهيدروجني الأخ�صر لعر�س فر�س ال�صتثمار‬ ‫يف هذا املجال‪.‬‬


‫‪Petroleum Today - February 2022‬‬

‫خطوة يف طريق التحول الرقمي‪...‬‬ ‫غرفة جديدة للمراقبة والتحكم‬ ‫بشبكة خطوط أنابيب البرتول‬ ‫ملنطقة السويس والقناة‬

‫ق ��ام املهند�س طارق املال وزير البرتول وال ��روة املعدنية بافتتاح غرفة املراقبة‬ ‫والتحك ��م الرئي�صي ��ة التابعة ل�صرك ��ة اأنابيب البرتول ملنطق ��ة ال�صوي�س والقناة ‪،‬‬ ‫والت ��ى ت�صمل نظ ��ام القيا� ��س الآىل للم�صتودعات (‪ )RTG‬ملحط ��ة ال�صهيد على‬ ‫جم ��ال ونظام املراقبة والتحكم لعنابر التدفيع على خطوط ال�صوي�س ‪ /‬م�صطرد‬ ‫وال�صوي�س ‪ /‬بور�صعيد‪.‬‬ ‫كما ا�صتعر�س املهند�س حممد ماجد رئي�س ال�صركة املوقف التنفيذي مل�صروعات‬ ‫التحول الرقمي بال�صركة و�صمل ��ت نظام ال�صكادا والك�صف املبكر عن الت�صريب‬ ‫باخلط ��وط و القيا� ��س الآيل للم�صتودع ��ات (‪ ، )RTG‬واأجه ��زة قيا� ��س املع ��دل‬ ‫وح�ص ��اب الكمي ��ات بنظ ��ام الت�صلي ��م املعتم ��د وميكنة غ ��رف البل ��وف برتكيب‬ ‫م�صغالت كهربائي ��ة للمحاب�س ومد كابالت فايرب مبح ��اذاة اخلطوط اجلديدة‬ ‫ل�صتخدمها يف تطوير �صبكة الت�صالت بال�صركة وا�صتخدم كابل الفايرب لك�صف‬ ‫الخرتاقات والت�صريب باخلطوط بح�صا�صية عالية ودقة حتديد اماكن الخرتاق‬ ‫اأو الت�صري ��ب‪ ،‬بالإ�صافة اىل تطوير �صبك ��ة الت�صالت الرئي�صية بال�صركة لتعمل‬ ‫بتقني ��ة ‪ IP‬ب�صرعة تدفق البيان ��ات ملواكبة م�صروعات التح ��ول الرقمى وتطوير‬ ‫البني ��ة التحتي ��ة ل�صبكة احلا�ص ��ب الآىل وان�ص ��اء انظمة املراقب ��ة املرئية لتامني‬ ‫وحماية مواقع عمل ال�صركة‪.‬‬

‫تحــــو يـــــــل‬

‫‪800‬‬ ‫“موبكو”‬

‫تسعى إلنشاء مصنع للميالمني بتكلفة‬ ‫‪ 260‬مليون دوالر‬

‫ت�صعى �صركة م�صر لإنتاج الأ�صمدة «موبكو» امل�صرية لإن�صاء م�صنع للميالمني‬ ‫يف املنطقة احل ّرة بدمياط بتكلفة اإجمالية ‪ 260‬مليون دولر‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫و�ص ُينت ��ج امل�صنع اجلدي ��د ل�”موبكو” نحو ‪ 60‬األف طن �صنوي� �ا من امليالمني‪،‬‬ ‫وفق ًا ل�”ال�صرق»‪.‬‬ ‫وتبل ��غ ال�صيول ��ة يف ال�صركة نح ��و ‪ 3.451‬ملي ��ار جنيه‪ ،‬كم ��ا يف نهاية �صبتمرب‬ ‫‪ ،2021‬وفق ًا لأحدث اأرقام مالية متاحة عن ال�صركة‪ ،‬فيما يبلغ اإجمايل ديونها‬ ‫نح ��و ‪ 1.257‬ملي ��ار جنيه‪ ،‬بح�ص ��ب قائمة املرك ��ز املايل لل�صرك ��ة يف �صبتمرب‬ ‫املا�صي اأي�ص ًا‪.‬‬

‫سيارة أجرة بأسوان للعمل‬ ‫بالغاز الطبيعى مجانا‬

‫يف اإطارالتعاون امل�صرتك بني وزارتى البرتول والروة املعدنية والداخلية لتنفيذ‬ ‫تكليفات الرئي�س عبدالفتاح ال�صي�صى يف اأ�صبوع ال�صعيد بتحويل �صيارات الأجرة‬ ‫الت ��ي ت�صتخدم الوقود ال�صائل يف اأ�صوان اإىل الغاز الطبيعى‪ ،‬فاإنه مت حتويل ‪800‬‬ ‫�صي ��ارة اأجرة للعم ��ل بالغاز‪ ،‬حيث تبن ��ت وزارة الداخلية تنفيذه ��ا بالتعاون مع‬ ‫قط ��اع البرتول وذل ��ك ب�صكل جمان ��ى لل�صيارات الأج ��رة تزامن ًا م ��ع احتفالت‬ ‫ا�صوان بعيدها القومى ونفذتها �صركتي غازتك وكارجا�س‪.‬‬ ‫وج ��ارى حالي ًا الإع ��داد لت�صغيل املحطة الت ��ى مت اقامتها بالتع ��اون بني �صركتى‬ ‫غازت ��ك والنيل لت�صويق الب ��رتول بطاقة متوين ‪� 1200‬صي ��ارة يومي ًا‪ ،‬كما يجرى‬ ‫تنفيذ ‪ 4‬حمطات اأخرى بالتعاون بني غازتك وم�صر للبرتول بخالف ‪ 3‬حمطات‬ ‫يجرى اقامتها بالتعاون بني �صركتى كارجا�س والتعاون والنيل‪.‬‬

‫‪- February 2022‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today‬‬


‫األخبـــار‬ ‫اتفاقيتني جديدتني للبحث عن البرتول وإنتاجـه‬ ‫يف الصحـراء الرشقيـة والغربيـة بإستثمـارات‬ ‫وقع املهند�س طارق املال وزير البرتول والروة املعدنية اتفاقيتني جديدتني مع‬ ‫�صركت ��ى تران�س جلوب الكندية وفارو�س انرجى للبح ��ث عن البرتول وتنميته‬ ‫واإنتاج ��ه يف عدة مناطق بال�صحراء ال�صرقي ��ة والغربية باإجماىل ا�صتثمارات‬ ‫جدي ��دة يبلغ حده ��ا الأدنى ‪ 506‬مالي ��ني دولر ومنح توقي ��ع ‪ 67‬مليون دولر‬ ‫حلفر ‪ 12‬بئر ًا‪.‬‬ ‫وت�صم ��ل التفاقية الأوىل مع �صركة تران�س جلوب الكندية الدمج ملناطق �صمال‬ ‫غ ��رب غارب وغرب غارب وغرب بكر بال�صح ��راء ال�صرقية و�صخ ا�صتثمارات‬ ‫جدي ��دة للبح ��ث والتنمية والإنت ��اج للزيت اخل ��ام‪ ،‬بينما ت�صته ��دف التفاقية‬ ‫الثاني ��ة مع �صرك ��ة فارو�س انرجى �ص ��خ ا�صتثمارات للبح ��ث والتنمية والإنتاج‬ ‫للزيت اخلام مبنطقة الفيوم بال�صحراء الغربية‪.‬‬

‫‪506‬‬ ‫ماليني دوالر‬

‫تغيريات يف «البرتول»‪ ..‬و«البطل» خلف ًا لعابد عز الرجال‬ ‫اأ�ص ��در املهند� ��س طارق املال وزي ��ر البرتول وال ��روة املعدنية‪ ،‬ق ��رارا بتكليف‬ ‫اجليولوج ��ي ع ��الء عبدالفت ��اح قا�صم البط ��ل رئي�ص ��ا تنفيذيا لهيئ ��ة البرتول‬ ‫اعتب ��ارا م ��ن ‪ 26‬يناي ��ر خلف ��ا للمهند�س عاب ��د عز الرج ��ال الذي بل ��غ ال�صن‬ ‫القانونية للمعا�س‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا قرر الوزير تكليف الدكتور نائ ��ل عبدالرحمن حممد دروي�س رئي�صا ملجل�س‬ ‫اإدارة �صرك ��ة جنوب الوادي امل�صرية القاب�صة‪ ،‬والكيمائي حممد عمرو اإبراهيم‬ ‫بركات رئي�صا ملجل� ��س اإدارة والع�صو املنتدب لل�صركة امل�صرية لت�صغيل و�صياتنة‬ ‫امل�صروع ��ات “اإبروم”‪ .‬واملهند�س عالء عادل عبا�س ال�صيد حجر رئي�صا لالإدارة‬ ‫املركزي ��ة للمكتب الفني بوزارة البرتول‪ ،‬واملهند�س اإبراهيم ح�صن اأحمد حممد‬ ‫نائبا للرئي�س التنفيذي بال�صركة امل�صرية الإ�صبانية للغاز “�صيجا�س»‪.‬‬


‫مرص تخطط إىل‬

‫مليار دوالر استثامرات‬ ‫خارجية مبارشة بالخام‬ ‫والغاز‬

‫اعل ��ن وزير البرتول امل�صري ط ��ارق املال لقناة �صكاي ني ��وز عربية‪ ،‬ان م�صر‬ ‫ت�صته ��دف ا�صتثم ��ارات خارجي ��ة مبا�صرة مببل ��غ �صبعة ملي ��ار دولر يف جمال‬ ‫البرتول والغاز للعام املايل القادم اعتبار ًا من يوليو املقبل‪.‬‬ ‫كم ��ا خططت الوزارة �صابق ًا يف يناير انها تنوي رف ��ع ال�صتثمارات يف �صركات‬ ‫اخلام التابعة للدولة اإىل ‪ 30‬مليار جنيه م�صري (‪ 1.92‬مليار دولر) يف العام‬ ‫املايل ‪ ،2023-2022‬يف اأعلى معدل لها يف تاريخها‪.‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪Petroleum Today - February 2022‬‬

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