Evangel Edition 19

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JUNE 11, 2022


North Bahamas Conference

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Sabbath Greetings The President’s Desk Youth Ministry Women's Ministry Article Writing Health & Happiness Further Announcements


G r e h e t t a i n b g b s a S


The President's Desk The President’s Page 11 June, 2022 Oh day of rest and gladness, oh day of joy and light, oh balm of care and sadness, most beautiful most bright... (SDA Hymnal # 383). The Administration of North Bahamas Conference greet and welcome each of you as we worship our God on this His Holy Sabbath day. Last Sabbath, we did not have services at our local churches, as all of the islands in the our Conference were under a tropical storm warning. We praise God, that though we experienced heavy rain and flooding in some areas, God kept and sustained us. June is the hurricane season and we pray God's protection from any storm this year. We need to be prepared both in our homes, and in our churches. Each church should have a plan in place to protect and secure the premises and to assist with members before and after the passing of any storm. Pastor Clarke

June is the hurricane season and we pray God's protection from any storm this year. We need to be prepared both in our homes, and in our churches. Each church should have a plan in place to protect and secure the premises and to assist with members before and after the passing of any storm. This weekend, the 61st session of the General Conference concludes in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Under the theme, Jesus is Coming, Get Involved, thousands of delegates from around the world convened at the convention center, and virtually, to conduct the business of the church. They elected leaders and directors of the General Conference and administrators for the thirteen world Divisions. Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson was elected as President, Elder Erton Kohler as Executive Secretary and Elder Paul Douglas as Treasurer of the General Conference for the next three years. You can view all the news and updates of the General Conference by logging on to the website site of Adventist News Network, Adventist Review or the General Conference YouTube channel. Let's keep all of our leaders in prayer as they carry our the work and mission of the church. Please pray for the safe return home of all delegates including Pastor Eric and Sis. Patrice Clarke, and Bro. Gentry Morris, who represented our Conference at the GC session.

The President's Desk We extend a special congratulations to two of our conference administrators and their spouses who celebrated wedding anniversaries this week. Pastor Eric Clarke, our President, along with his wife, Sis. Patrice Clarke celebrated their 37th anniversary. Elder Brien Palmer and his wife Sis. Tonia Palmer, our Chief Financial Officers, celebrated 30 years of marriage. This weekend and on Monday, Grand Bahama Academy will host its Baccalaureate Service and the Graduation and Promotion Services.

Pastor Clarke

The Baccalaureate Service will be held today, Sabbath , June 11, at the Freeport SDA Church. The Graduation Service will be held on Sunday, June 12, at 3:00 p.m. and the Promotion Service will be held Monday, June 13, at 10:00 a.m. Both service will held on the school grounds. Congratulations to all our graduates from Grand Bahama Academy, along with students who graduated from the various primary schools and high schools whether in Grand Bahama, Abaco, Bimini or the Berry Islands. Please pray for the persons who are on your sick lists and persons who are bereaved. God is in the healing business. He is more willing to hear than we are willing to ask. You are encouraged to be faithful in all things. Lasting things are those that are done for Christ. Return a faithful tithe and freewill offering and watch God open heaven’s windows to bless you. You are encouraged to read the Bible through this year. You can complete the Bible by reading 3 chapters each day and 5 chapters on 1 day of the week, a total of 23 chapters each week.

The President's Desk Calendar for June 2022 3 Labour Day Holiday 4 - 12 General Conference Session 4 Personal Ministries Day 6 Whit Monday Holiday 10 GBA Closes (Students) 11 GBA Baccalaureate Service, (Pastor Chirnus Isidore) 12 GBA Graduation 13 GBA Promotion Service 13 - Aug 13 Vacation Bible Schools 18 Father’s Day Sabbath (Women, & non-fathers) 19-25- NBC Pathfinder Camp Pastor Clarke

25 Women’s Ministry Day, Monthly Baptism Sabbath

Prayer Highlights: 1. PRAISE: Praising God for His Sovereignty. 2. THANKS: A) Grateful for Sabbath blessings. B) Thankful for preservation of life. C) The opportunities for Evangelism 3. COMFORT: Solace for all who mourn. 4. PROTECTION: Petitioning divine guidance and safety for all fleeing refugees, worldwide: Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Congo, Somalia 5. PEACE: Divine intervention to bring peace between Russia & Ukraine, and all war zones globally. 6. PROVISION: Praying a) Essential resources for those in need; b) healing for the sick; c) support for the bereaved d) solutions for complex life issues. Have a blessed Sabbath and a Spirit-led new week. NBC Administration

Congratulations to Pastor Danny Clark and Sis Patrice on 38 years of wedding anniversary while they were at the General Conference, let us all Thank God for the blessings and their marriage as they contuine to serve him in ministry.

Report of General Conference Session

After service last night. The 2 able delegates from North Bahamas Conference, Elder Gentry Morris and Pastor Clarke.

Pastor Clarke and Sis Patrice participated in the March of Nations

Other delegates from the Atlantic Caribbean Units including Dr. Lenard Johnson and his wife.



ALL CHURCH MEMBERS ! If anyone in your local church have something they want their church to know, please feel free to write an article that may inspire the saints, send through your Communication Director.

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! Call/ Whatsapp Us For More Information

+1 242-804-4930 pr.watsonvii@gmail.com

Health and Happiness Bible Lessons are still available! Please contact your local Elder or Personal Ministries Director for copies to share.

FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS General Conference Sessions are normally held every 5 years. The meetings will be held in Missouri this year June 3-12. We are in 40 days of Prayer (May 3-June 11) for the Lord to lead in the meetings. Grand Bahama Graduation will be held June 12th. We celebrate our students. We welcome home our returning students, who have been studying abroad.


North Bahamas Conference

Produced by: Nekeisha Alexis Pastor Peter Watson Jháda-Nicole Been 06/11/2022

let’s get in touch Beachway Dr., Freeport,The Bahamas 242-374-2052 http://nbcadventist.org/ president@nbcadventist.org

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