Penned in the Margins 2020 Programme

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'A marvellously exciting venture, bringing together the worlds of experimentalism and performance, always looking for new ways to present the spoken and written word' Ian McMillan

Welcome “I've felt it: statues carved with electric breath” abi palmer, sanatorium

it's been a rollercoaster twelve months at Penned in the Margins, with our books winning and being shortlisted for accolades including the Ted Hughes Award, the TS Eliot Prize, the Costa Poetry Prize, the Rathbones Folio Award and the Sunday Times/University of Warwick Young Writer of the Year Award. But for me it has been inspiring simply to work with such passionate and skilled writers on books which feel crucial, which have an important place in the world they are entering, which are personal, political and individually beautiful. This year we continue our mission to produce innovative and thought-provoking work — from Abi Palmer’s fragmented memoir, Sanatorium, to the eviscerating poetics of Inua Ellams' The Actual. Our authors do not hold back in their interrogation of challenging subject matter, whether that's disability, the queer body, Islam and spiritual redemption, ocean plastics, Brexit, family and loss, or racial injustice. Last spring we launched Edgelandia, a laboratory for artists to test out ideas about landscape and the topographical fringe. This year's commissions include a short film set in Blackpool and collaborative walking performances in Yorkshire and the North West. I hope the following pages fill you with as much joyful anticipation as I have felt watching all these projects come together. If you feel inspired to contact us please do: find us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

roisin dunnett

publishing coordinator


Photography by Sophie Davidson


A few words with rebecca tamás What motivated you to write WITCH? I wanted to see if I could write about the silence of female history, the thousands of years in which women have had little to no record or chance to tell their own stories. There was no way to interact with that void directly, so the figure of the witch—hyper 'female' in her sexuality, appetites and emotion, disobedient, shape-shifting, boundary breaking— allowed me to question that space, cut holes in it.

How have people responded to your book? I've especially had positive reactions from young women and non-binary people. I've met great people from the magical community—witches and a couple of druids—who said that the book meant a lot to them.

You tweeted a video of a bonfire with the caption 'We took everything we wanted to leave behind, and burnt it in the old year's fire.' What's one thing you want to leave behind from last year and one thing you want to bring forward? I would like to leave behind the paralysis that can come from feeling horrified by the political situation, leaving us more free and energised to make necessary change. I'd like to bring forward a new way of looking at the nonhuman world, as a strange equal with its own right to live and thrive. § WITCH was published in March 2019 and was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation.


'At the forefront of exploring what live literature and spoken word can and could be' Natasha Tripney the stage


Productions 2020




UK-WID E | FR O M FE B RU A R Y 2 02 0

Edgelandia Disappearing coastlines, alternative histories and a surrealist take on a seaside town feature in three brand new works commissioned for Edgelandia's 2020 programme. MARTHA PAILING Seagulls Don’t Like Me is a short film exploring Blackpool’s coastline and those who walk it; not just a love letter to the town, but a surrealist look at the wondrous honesty of a place that keeps adapting. HELEN GOODWIN Helen Goodwin is mapping the beaches of Skipsea, Yorkshire, where homes, wooden chalets and railway cottages have been lost to the sea on one of the fastest eroding coastlines in Europe. Working with the local community, Helen is creating a series of performative drawings of ‘a traced village’. EMILY OLDFIELD Rambler and poet Emily Oldfield will be exploring the history and topography of Winter Hill, Lancashire, documenting its interactions with its community through a series of walks with local artists and creative practitioners in a variety of media.

discover more | @edgelandia 6






Publications 2020

JA N U A R Y 2 02 0

The Remains of Logan Dankworth Luke Wright Logan Dankworth, columnist and Twitter warrior, grew up romanticising the political turmoil of the 1980s. Now, as the EU Referendum looms, he is determined to be in the fray of the biggest political battle for years. Meanwhile, Logan’s wife Megan wants to leave London to better raise their daughter. As tensions rise at home and across the nation, something is set to be lost forever. In the third of his powerful trilogy of political verse plays, Luke Wright examines the loss of trust in the age of Brexit. Luke Wright is a poet and theatre-maker. Flamboyant, political and riotously funny, Wright’s inventive spoken word shows are enjoyed by thousands of people across the world every year. He is the author of two full poetry collections, three pamphlets and two previous verse plays. He is the winner of a Fringe First, a Stage Award and two Saboteur Awards. He lives in Suffolk with his two sons and a gnawing sense of inadequacy. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058690 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp




A P RI L 2 02 0

Sanatorium Abi Palmer A young woman spends a month taking the waters at a thermal water based rehabilitation facility in Budapest. On her return to London, she attempts to continue her recovery using an £80 inflatable blue Chinese bathtub. The tub becomes a metaphor for the intrusion of disability: a trip-hazard, sat in the middle of an unsuitable room, slowly deflating and in constant danger of falling apart. Moving between these contrasting spaces—bathtub to thermal pool, land to water, day to night—the text braids fragments of reportage, poetry, and found and posed image, to form an immersive exploration of the disabled, female body. Abi Palmer is a mixed-media artist and writer. Her work often includes themes of disability, gender and multisensory interaction. Her artwork includes: Crip Casino (Tate Modern, Somerset House) and Alchemy, winner of a Saboteur Award in 2016. She has written for BBC Radio, The Guardian, Poetry London and Stairs and Whispers: D/deaf and Disabled Poets Write Back. Sanatorium is her first book. RRP £9.99 GENRE Biography (BG) ISBN 9781908058713 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 222pp 10



Photography by Kate Wilkinson

M AY 2 02 0

The Book of Naseeb Khaled Hakim The Book of Naseeb tells the story of an idealistic heroin dealer who dreams of fitting the victims of Afghanistan with artificial limbs. Described by the author as “a Muslim Clockwork Orange”, this innovative fiction debut is written in a mixture of British Asian street slang and Quranic-inspired language, moving from the streets of London and Birmingham to the desert and mountains of a fictional borderland. Born in Birmingham and based in east London, Khaled Hakim published poetry in the 1990s and was one of the first experimental poets of colour in the UK. He took a decadelong break to pursue a spiritual path, becoming a Sufi student and musician. He wrote The Book of Naseeb over seven years, while looking after a growing family. RRP £12.99 GENRE Fiction (FBA) ISBN 9781908058744 FORMAT Hardback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 328pp




J U NE 2 02 0

Plastiglomerate Tim Cresswell The third in a trilogy by acclaimed poet-geographer Tim Cresswell, Plastiglomerate charts the relentless impact of mankind on the environment. The central poem recycles the British folk ballad 'The Twa Magicians' to make a magnificent, troubling ecological protest song. From plastic pollution and wrecked vessels to forest fires and melting icecaps, Cresswell writes vital, urgent poetry for the Anthropocene age. Tim Cresswell is the author or editor of over a dozen books on place and mobility including, most recently, Maxwell Street: Writing and Thinking Place. His poems are widely published on both sides of the Atlantic. He co-edits the interdisciplinary journal GeoHumanities and is Visiting Professor at the Centre for Place Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University. Tim lives in Edinburgh where he is Ogilvie Professor of Geography at the University of Edinburgh. RRP ÂŁ9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058768 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp 12



S EP T EM B ER 2 02 0

An Archive of Happiness Elizabeth Reeder An Archive of Happiness is set over the course of one day during the Avens family’s annual get-together on the Summer Solstice. Theirs is a fractured family, broken by arguments, by things said and not said, by a mother who left and a father who was left behind. What happens on this day will force them to cleave together to survive and redraw the traditional bonds of family. Elizabeth K Reeder is a Chicago native now living in Scotland. She writes novels, essays and stories. Her first novel, Ramshackle, was shortlisted for a number of awards including a Saltire Literary Award. She's a MacDowell Colony Fellow and a senior lecturer in Creative Writing at University of Glasgow. RRP £9.99 GENRE Fiction (FBA) ISBN 9781908058775 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 300pp




Photography by Andy Lo Pò

O C T O B ER 2 01 9

The Actual Inua Ellams Award-winning poet and playwright Inua Ellams brings together contemporary culture, classical myth, vernacular dialect and flashes of dark humour in The Actual — his first full collection of poetry. Written on the author's phone, in transit, between meetings, before falling asleep and just after waking, these are poems of personal and political fury, sometimes probing delicately, sometimes burning with raw energy. Born in Nigeria, Inua Ellams is a UK-based poet, playwright and performer who has written for the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, and the BBC. His latest play, an adaptation of Chekhov’s Three Sisters set in Nigeria, is on at the National Theatre until 19th February 2020. The Actual is his fourth poetry release. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058782 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp 14



Selected backlist

OCT OBE R 20 1 9

After the Formalities Anthony Anaxagorou SHORTLISTED FOR THE T.S. ELIOT PRIZE

The threat of violence is never far away in Anthony Anaxagorou’s breakthrough collection. Technically achieved, emotionally transformative and razorsharp, these are poems that confront and contradict; poems in which the scholarly synthesises with the streetwise and global histories are told through the lens of one family. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058652 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 108pp

J U N E 20 1 9

Darling, It's Me Alison Winch

Candid, contemporary and comic, Darling, It’s Me confronts the ecstatic joys and gruelling realities of motherhood and marriage. ‘One of the cleverest, filthiest, most incendiary debuts I’ve ever read. Rimbaud deranged by morning sickness.’ clare pollard RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058676 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 88pp



PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

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Reckless Paper Birds John McCullough


Surreal, joyful, political and queer, Reckless Paper Birds is a collection to treasure. These exuberant poems welcome you into a psychedelic, parallel world of ‘vomit and blossom’ where Kate Bush mingles with a weeping Lady Gaga, a ‘fractal coast’ full of see-through things: water, mirrors, glass pebbles. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058638 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 83pp

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The strange, visceral and darkly witty debut by a startling new voice in British poetry. Rebecca Tamás reckons with blood and earth, mysticism and the devil, witch trials and the suffragettes, gender and sexuality. These are poems as spells — spells against suppression, silence and obedience; hexes that cling to your body like sweat, full of a messy, violent joy, ‘a small, bright, filthy song’. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058621 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 120pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



NOV E M BE R 20 1 8

The Triumph of Cancer Chris McCabe


The Triumph of Cancer blurs the borders of science and poetry, working with forensic attention to capture the ‘inscape’ of the living world. In this powerful new collection, presented as a museum of artefacts, Chris McCabe returns to the site of personal trauma to confront disease head-on. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058607 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 100pp

OC T OBE R 20 1 8

Low Country

Brexit on the Essex Coast Tom Bolton In 2016 Tom Bolton set out on a mission to walk the long, winding coastline of Essex. Low Country records his probing, hallucinatory journeys along crumbling sea-walls and through retail parks, past abandoned military forts and plotlands. In the treacherous mudflats and coastal resorts of England’s eastern edge, an alternative vision begins to emerge, shaken by Brexit and the rise of new, populist politics in Britain and America. RRP £12.99 GENRE Non-fiction (DN) ISBN 9781908058591 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 250pp 18


PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

OC T OBE R 20 1 8

The Perseverance Raymond Antrobus


The Perseverance is the multi-award-winning debut by British-Jamaican poet Raymond Antrobus; a book of loss, contested language and praise, where elegies for the poet’s father sit alongside meditations on the d/Deaf experience. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058522 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 91pp

APR IL 20 1 8

An Ocean of Static J.R. Carpenter

In this long-awaited poetry debut by awardwinning digital writer and artist J.R. Carpenter, cartographic and maritime vernaculars inflected with the syntax of ships logs and code languages splinter and pulse across the page. ‘A bravura piece of writing ... stupendous, a fully realised work of art.’ katy evans-bush, poetry london RRP £12 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058461 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 160pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



M AY 20 1 8

Twenty Theatres to See Before You Die Amber Massie-Blomfield

From Cornwall to Mull, Amber MassieBlomfield takes the road less travelled to discover Britain’s most astonishing theatres. ‘A gorgeously written, heart-felt book’ lyn gardner, the stage RRP £14.99 GENRE Non-fiction (DN) ISBN 9781908058454 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 352pp

NOV E M BE R 20 1 7

The Old Weird Albion

A Journey into the Heart of the English South Justin Hopper The Old Weird Albion moves across the Sussex and Hampshire Downs, interrogating the high, haunted landscape of the English South. RRP £9.99 GENRE Non-fiction (DN) ISBN 9781908058379 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 250pp



PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

SEPT E M BE R 20 1 7


Elizabeth-Jane Burnett Plunge into mountain lakes and drift along meandering rivers in Swims, the debut poetry collection by Elizabeth-Jane Burnett. ‘A clear-eyed ecological poem that washes off the urban world.’ the sunday times RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058492 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 64pp

M AY 20 1 7

At Hajj

Amaan Hyder At Hajj is a book of yearning and pulling away, of things handed down and newly made. Its central sequence plunges the reader into the heat and dust of the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. ‘A subtly musical debut.’ jeremy noel-tod, the sunday times RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058355 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 100pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



FEBR U AR Y 20 1 7

The Toll

Luke Wright Travel the unfashionable A-roads and commuter lines of England — ‘where industry meets marsh’ — with poet Luke Wright. ‘Sharp, gritty and warm by turns ... an overview of the mingled corruptions, humour and blessings of living in modern Britain.’ the skinny RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058423 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 100pp

JA N U AR Y 20 1 7



In a series of poetic conversations, Cain, the first murderer, provides therapy sessions for the author, covering topics from zombies to interfaith dialogue. ‘Dazzlingly ingenious’ the sunday times RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058478 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 88pp 22


PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

SEP T E M BE R 20 1 6



Next Generation Poet Melissa Lee-Houghton is a writer of startling confession. The poems in Sunshine inhabit the lonely hotel rooms, psych wards and deserted lanes of austerity Britain. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058386 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 88pp

M AY 20 1 6

Spacecraft John McCullough Margins, edges and coastlines abound in John McCullough’s tender, humorous explorations of contemporary life and love. ‘Spacecraft is a cabinet of beautifully shaped curiosities.’ the guardian best books for summer 2016 ‘A humane and spellbinding collection.’ g-scene RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058362 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



FEBR U AR Y 20 1 6

What I Learned from Johnny Bevan Luke Wright

Written in electrifying verse, this is a story of friendship, class ceilings and the battle for the soul of the Left. Winner of a prestigious Fringe First Award, What I Learned from Johnny Bevan strikes at the heart of a divided Britain. ‘Seething, dynamic poetry.’ the guardian RRP £9.99 GENRE Plays (DD) ISBN 9781908058331 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 65pp NO V E M BE R 20 1 5


Poetry of the Greek Crisis Theodoros Chiotis (ed.) Futures features the most daring new voices in Greek poetry. Bold, empassioned and critically aware texts stake new poetic and political ground. ‘Excellent ... [Chiotis’s] translations have such vitality.’ times literary supplement RRP £10.99 GENRE Poetry anthologies (DCQ) ISBN 9781908058249 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216x138mm, 200pp



PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

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Tim Cresswell Fence is an epic of fragments that is at once beautiful and beautifully strange; an exploration of the vast, frozen Svalbard islands. ‘A strange and spectral volume, born of a fence that separates nowhere from the now and here, deep in the high Arctic.’ robert macfarlane RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058317 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 64pp

J U N E 20 1 5

The Lost Art of Sinking Naomi Booth


A dark comedy about losing yourself. Sensual, funny and exquisitely written. ‘Lyrical and witty ... Beautifully written with bursts of crisp poetic monologue.’ prospect magazine RRP £12.99 GENRE Fiction (FA) ISBN 9781908058294 FORMAT Hardback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 112pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



M AY 20 1 5

The Good Dark Ryan Van Winkle


In his atmospheric second collection, Ryan Van Winkle charts what is found when love is lost. A lyric voice that is both familiar and strangely different leads us through the shifting forests of memory and towards a grim acknowledgement of the need to get up, to be careful, to move. RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058287 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp

A PR IL 20 1 5


Simon Barraclough Simon Barraclough (poet in residence at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory) is your guide to the Sun in this ambitious, energetic new collection, fusing science and literature, channelling Shakespeare, Byron, Nabokov and more. ‘This is a cosmic long view of a book... [It] weaves between playful, sardonic, grim, romantic and whimsical.’ magma RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058416 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 112pp 26


PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

D E CE M BE R 20 1 4


Chris McCabe In his most daring collection to date, McCabe delves into the shadowy recesses of London history, bringing forth unsettling anachronisms and revealing the city as a perilous place to exist. ‘McCabe’s blazing, breakthrough fourth collection explores the sleepless metropolis by Jacobean torchlight ... Breathtaking verse.’ jeremy noel-tod, the sunday times RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058256 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 80pp

NOV E M BE R 20 1 4



Midland tells the stories of three women as they fight to find their feet amidst the accumulated rubble of the 20th century: from 1940s bombsites to the building sites of the 1960s and the school halls and decaying tower blocks of the 1980s. RRP £9.99 GENRE Fiction (FA) ISBN 9781908058232 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 320pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist



M AY 20 1 4

Mount London

Ascents in the Vertical City Tom Chivers & Martin Kratz (eds.) An ingenious account of the ascent of 'Mount London' by writers and urban cartographers, each scaling a hill in the city – from Crystal Palace (112m) to Primrose Hill (78m). 'Unflinchingly original' the great outdoors RRP £12.99 GENRE Literary essays (DNF) ISBN 9781908058188 FORMAT Hardback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 216pp

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The Shipwrecked House Claire Trévien


Anchors, shipwrecks, whales and islands abound in this first collection by Anglo-Breton poet Claire Trévien. A unique and hallucinatory debut from a poet-to-watch. RRP £8.99 GENRE Poetry (DCF) ISBN 9781908058119 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 64pp 28


PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist

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Adventures in Form Tom Chivers (ed.)

Discover a multitude of new poetic forms – from tweet to time-splice, from skinny villanelle to breakbeat sonnet – in this inspiring, inventive anthology. 'Full of things to divert, entertain and provoke' will carr, the independent RRP £9.99 GENRE Poetry anthologies (DCQ) ISBN 9781908058010 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 208pp

OCT OBE R 20 1 0

Stress Fractures Essays on Poetry Tom Chivers (ed.)

Where can the poem go in the age of the supercomputer? What do Wordsworth, Byron and British rapper Roots Manuva have in common? Would Emily Dickinson have preferred Facebook or Twitter? 'An exciting introduction to new directions in poetry' times higher educational supplement RRP £9.99 GENRE Literary studies (DSC) ISBN 9780956546715 FORMAT Paperback SIZE 216 x 138mm, 224pp

PUBLICATIONS Selected backlist




Penned in the Margins creates publications and performances for people who are not afraid to take risks § We believe in the power of language to challenge how we think, test new ideas and tell alternative stories. From modest beginnings as a reading series in a converted railway arch in south London, we have grown over the last 15 years into an award-winning small arts organisation producing new work live, in print and online. We have been a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England since 2015. We publish original poetry, literary fiction and non-fiction by the UK's most exciting voices such as Raymond Antrobus, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett, Luke Kennard, Melissa Lee-Houghton, John McCullough, Rebecca Tamás and Luke Wright. Twice voted Most Innovative Publisher in the Saboteur Awards, in 2017 Penned in the Margins was shortlisted for the prestigious Clarissa Luard Award for Independent Publishers. We produce pioneering live literature, theatre and cross-arts performances — from site-specific theatre and spoken word shows to avant-garde cabaret. Our productions tour to venues and festivals all over the UK and beyond and have been commissioned by the likes of Brighton Festival, Aldeburgh and Ledbury Poetry Festivals and Southbank Centre. In 2017 we produced Fair Field, a landmark re-imagining of the medieval poem Piers Plowman.



OUR TEAM director publishing coordinator sales & marketing officer creative associate associate producer

Tom Chivers Roisin Dunnett Kate Wilkinson Russell Bender Nick Murray

associate artists Siddhartha Bose, Hannah Silva & Ross Sutherland advisory board Annette Brook, Jess Chandler, Hannah Hood, Julia Payne, Ben Pygall, Aki Schilz & Doug Wallace CONTACT US postal address Toynbee Studios 28 Commercial Street @PennedintheM London E1 6AB United Kingdom PennedintheMargins telephone +44 (0) 20 7375 0121 email website




An Archive of Happiness / The Actual The Remains of Logan Dankworth The Book of Naseeb / Plastiglomerate Sanatorium

Cover portrait of Inua Ellams by Andy Lo Pò

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