Pelican Edge Spring 2021

Page 32


Spring 2021

The Pelican Edge



Richard Graham

Supply Chain Mobilisation Manager

Category & Supply Chain Manager

What do you do? Sue: I’m Supply Chain Mobilisation Manager, responsible for ensuring the smooth transfer of service from suppliers to customers, both internally and externally. That means I get involved in organising everything from customer product tastings, to ensuring every supplier has correctly documented industry qualifications. I get out on the road during mobilisation, to ensure deliveries are on schedule with products of the required quality; and solve any issues around supplier deliveries, once contracts are live.

Richard: As part of the category and supply chain team at Pelican, I manage the main fresh, ambient and frozen categories and food brands our clients order. What do you enjoy most about your job?

and suppliers to develop strategies that will provide our clients with the most robust and sustainable supply chain possible. What does your typical day look like?

Sue: I love solving problems! There’s nothing more rewarding than the smile of a happy customer or colleague, when an issue’s been resolved!

Sue: There isn’t one. Some days I spend in the office, handling administrative issues. The next day I could be stood outside a customer’s back door at 5am waiting to check a delivery, anywhere in the country.

Richard: I really enjoy the teamwork aspect of the job, and seeing how all the elements come together. I also enjoy working with colleagues

Richard: I start my day by walking the dog and then trying to get my teenage kids out of bed! My working day is a mix of calls with suppliers or

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