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Through her social media platforms,

much more powerful for others; she

Crystal has become a beacon of hope and

believes that as young women, we must get

encouragement to many young women

to a place where we trust that God will

around the world. When asked what advice

equip is to do His work. In her own words:

she would give to a woman struggling with

“If you were perfect, how would God get

her relationship with God, Crystal stated

the glory? Use your shortcomings as a

that it is always good to get plugged into a

launching pad, because in your weakness,

healthy church or Bible study, where you

God is strong!� While she expressed that she

can grow. She explained that life in

too struggled in the area of feeling insecure,

community is extremely important, and

she divulged that an event that molded her

she reminded us that even Jesus had the

into the confident woman that she is today

disciples and the disciples had each other

was moving to Nigeria at the age of

and Jesus!

fourteen. Crystal stated that this move developed and moulded her leadership

Crystal also asserted that we as young

skills, diversified her views on life and

women must fight to remain focused, since

made her more proud of her rich Nigerian

there are so many things fighting for our

culture, all of which played a role in

attention, seeking to distract us from

building the strong woman that she has

focusing on God. She encourages the young


woman struggling in her relationship with the God to not allow these things

When asked about future plans, Crystal

distractions to win.

expressed that she is not currently working on any projects at the moment. However,

Crystal also has some advice for young

she does plan to begin working on some

women who might feel too insecure to

new things in the near future, so stay tuned!

pursue her God given purpose. She asserts

Crystal ultimately hopes that God will

that these women must simply fight back!

continue to use her to speak life into others

Crystal stated that she too struggled in this

in any capacity.

area often and has learned that the enemy is crafty and even our own thoughts can

We loved getting a chance to talk with

discourage us most. She however reminds

Crystal! Her life and her ministry has been

us that God can take our mess and make it

a huge blessing to the Becoming team and

our message, so we should never be afraid

many other young women across the globe.

to share what we have been through or to

You can connect with Crystal on her

walk in our unique purposes. When we walk

instagram account at CrystalOTV, as well as

in our purposes, we can be so

her Youtube channel with the same name.

58 | April/ May 2019

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