Pointe-Claire Record March 2024

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An initiative of the Pointe-Claire Citizens’ Association - www.pointeclaire.info

The Pointe-Claire Record YOU Are The Story

Welcome to the third issue of the Pointe-Claire Record! As your community newspaper, we’ve embarked on a journey from concept to launch, and now to monthly publishing, encountering challenges and moments of exhilaration along the way. Through this process, we’ve learned invaluable lessons, but one stands out above all: YOU are the story.

Pointe-Claire is more than just its physical infrastructure or civic amenities. It’s the people—those who create, organize, lead, and participate—that truly define our city’s spirit. Each of you, alongside those who came before, has contributed to making Pointe-Claire the vibrant community it is today. Together, we pave the way to an even brighter future, fueled by our collective passions and endeavors.

This is why we take immense pride in spotlighting our citizens and their stories. As a volunteer-run newspaper, we are grateful to everyone who helps make this possible. Moving forward, we aspire to expand our coverage to encompass a diverse range of interests, passions, and histories. Whether you’re an artist, book lover, cyclist, pet owner, foodie, historian, musician, handyperson, mechanic, or anything else—you are interesting, and your contributions matter. YOU are the story!

We invite you to share your stories with us. Whether it’s about your hobbies, experiences, or simply something fun, we want to hear from you. Together, let’s continue building connections and celebrating the richness of our community.

Please feel free to share your thoughts or contribute by emailing us at editor@pcrecord.ca.

Thank you for being a vital part of the Pointe-Claire community.

VOUS êtes l’histoire

Bienvenue à la troisième édition du Pointe-Claire Record ! En tant que journal communautaire, nous nous sommes embarqués dans un voyage qui nous a menés du concept au lancement, et maintenant à la publication mensuelle, en rencontrant des défis et des moments d’exaltation en cours de route. Tout au long de ce processus, nous avons appris des leçons inestimables, mais il y en a une qui se démarque de toutes les autres : c’est VOUS qui êtes l’histoire.

Pointe-Claire est plus que son infrastructure physique ou ses services civiques. Ce sont les gens - ceux qui créent, organisent, dirigent et participent - qui définissent véritablement l’esprit de notre ville. Chacun d’entre vous, avec ceux qui l’ont précédé, a contribué à faire de Pointe-Claire la communauté dynamique qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Ensemble, nous ouvrons la voie à un avenir encore plus brillant, stimulé par nos passions et nos efforts collectifs.

C’est pourquoi nous sommes très fiers de mettre en lumière nos citoyens et leurs histoires. En tant que journal géré par des bénévoles, nous sommes reconnaissants à tous ceux qui nous aident à rendre cela possible. Nous aspirons à élargir notre couverture afin de couvrir un large éventail d’intérêts, de passions et d’histoires. Que vous soyez artiste, amoureux des livres, cycliste, propriétaire d’un animal ou passionné de cuisine, historien, musicien, bricoleur, mécanicien ou autre, vous êtes in-

suite à la prochaine page

PC Record Contacts

General Questions and Info: info@pcrecord.ca

Get involved, submit an article or feedback on past articles. Nous encourageons la contribution des articles en français également ! editor@pcrecord.ca

Click here to subscribe to the PC Record

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 1
March 25, 2024

VOUS êtes l’histoire (suite)

téressant et vos contributions sont importantes. Vous êtes l’histoire !

Nous vous invitons à partager vos histoires avec nous. Qu’il s’agisse de vos loisirs, de vos expériences ou simplement de quelque chose d’amusant, nous voulons

The Polling Station

We are excited to introduce our latest Pointe-Claire Record feature… the Polling Station! It is an opportunity for everyone to weigh in on both fun and serious issues. Voting results will be published the following month, so stay tuned.

The first question is one that comes up frequently. It is whether we should allow temporary winter car shelters.


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vous entendre. Ensemble, continuons à établir des liens et à célébrer la richesse de notre communauté.

N’hésitez pas à partager vos réflexions ou à contribuer en nous envoyant un courriel à editor@pcrecord.ca.

Merci d’être une partie vitale de la communauté de Pointe-Claire.

Jonathan Csakany, Éditeur

Please click the link at the end to respond to the poll question online, but here are the three options:

1) Allow temporary car shelters for everyone.

2) Allow temporary car shelters only for seniors and citizens with disabilities.

3) Do not change the status quo, no temporary car shelters.

Click here to vote

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 2 Contents PC Record Contacts ..................................................... 1 The Polling Station ....................................................... 2 Pointe-Claire Volunteer Rescue Unit: A Volunteer Organization with a Big Heart 3 Mayor Awards Plaques to Employees of Aquatic Centre .5 Council Highlights for March 12 ............................... 5 Opinion: The PMAD Explained ................................. 6 Opinion : Le PMAD expliqué ..................................... 7 3 trucs pour débuter en course à pied 8 Around Town 8 Hockey West Island is Looking Forward to its Annual Hockey Tournament ...................................... 9 A Space for Dreamers and Doers: My Visit to Espace Rêverie in Valois ............................................ 10 Green Line: Being and Saving Green in the Kitchen11 Pointe-Claire Residents with Disabilities Embrace World Hearing Day and International Women’s Day 12 Gardening in Pointe-Claire ....................................... 14 For the Love of Pets .................................................... 14 The Kitchen: Duck Prosciutto 15 PC in Pictures 16 Obituary ....................................................................... 16
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Pointe-Claire Volunteer Rescue Unit: A Volunteer Organization with a Big Heart

It is April 5th, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. on a stormy Wednesday; a weather watch is in effect due to freezing rain. There are reports of power outages everywhere. The PointeClaire Volunteer Rescue Unit’s (PCVRU) emergency call system alerts the members that we are needed at the Hall, located at 2 Victoria, as soon as possible.

We have received emergency calls for a large number of downed trees, causing potential security risks. We also have many calls regarding the need for pumps and generators due to the power outages and flooded homes. The PCVRU members quickly respond and avail themselves to assist their community, despite the fact that we too are without power or heat. The team works tirelessly all day and into the early hours, from April 5th to April 8th, over 400 hours; there are more than 47 downed or damaged tree calls, and 28 calls requiring pumps and/or generators. This is the Pointe Claire Volunteer Rescue Unit, a group of trained volunteers referred to as the “guardian angels” and “jewels” of the City of Pointe-Claire. PCVRU was created in 1951 by former servicemen after World War II. Funded by the City of Pointe-Claire and under the umbrella of Public Security, the mission of this group is to support the community and provide

assistance in emergency situations and incidents that threaten public health and safety. This volunteer organization also presides over major events such as the Pointe-Claire Oldtimers Hockey Tournament, La Fête nationale, and Canada Day festivities in Bourgeau Park, providing first aid and emergency intervention. The City of Pointe-Claire is proud to boast that, aside from the City of Baie D’Urfé, it is the only municipality to offer this service to its community.

The men and women of PCVRU receive training every week in order to maintain and improve their skills. While the primary goal of this training is to benefit our local community, PCVRU has also earned awards over the years at local and international rescue competitions, most recently in 2021 when the unit earned 3rd place at the SARscene competition, a national competition for search and rescue organizations.

The team is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Regardless of the nature or magnitude of the call, PCVRU members can be counted on to assist in a time of need. We are university students, retirees, lawyers, accountants, customer service representatives, engineers, continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 3

Volunteer Rescue (cont.)

etc., but we all have one thing in common: we are volunteers who are big-hearted, dedicated, and hard-working. PCVRU provides the following services, free of charge, to the citizens of Pointe-Claire, as well as other communities if there is a need:

• Civil defence, flood control, emergency measures assistance;

• Removing the danger of downed or damaged trees on public and private property;

• Providing emergency lighting and electricity;

• Providing medically trained first response at major indoor and outdoor events;

• Boarding up and securing damaged buildings;

• Urban search and rescue for vulnerable individuals in collaboration with the SPVM;

• Performing certified wilderness search and rescue with the Association Québécoise des Bénévoles en

We are recruiting!

PCVRU is always actively recruiting new members. If you are interested in joining the Unit you must meet the following requirements:

• 18 years old and older

• Are in good physical condition

• Are available to commit to the unit

You can contact the PCVRU via email at: rescueunit@pointeclaire.ca

The onboarding procedure involves supervision over a few weeks, followed by a probationary period. For more information, you can visit the PCVRU website at www.pcvru.org

Recherche et Sauvetage (AQBRS);

Collaborating with other communities and organizations by providing medical services at events such as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and in Dorval at both the Oldtimers Hockey Tournament and Women’s Softball League games.

The process for receiving emergency calls falls under Public Security. A citizen contacts them at (514) 6301234 and, if they deem it appropriate, is addressed to the director of the Pointe-Claire Volunteer Rescue Unit. A call is then triaged to determine what equipment is needed and how many members are required to answer the call. The Unit has several types of vehicles and equipment available, which are regularly maintained by members of the unit, in order to be efficient and reliable.

Article and pictures provides by Marianna Ferraiuolo, Assistant Director, PCVRU. Collaborators: Rian McDonald, Captain, PCVRU and James Lapierre, Officer, PCVRU

Nous recrutons !

L’unité recrute régulièrement de nouveaux membres. Les personnes intéressées à rejoindre l’unité sont invitées à communiquer avec nous. Les exigences de base sont les suivantes :

• 18 ans et plus

• Bonne condition physique

• Disponibilité pour s’impliquer

Vous pouvez contacter l’Unité par courriel à rescueunit@pointeclaire.ca

Le processus de recrutement implique une période d’observation de quelques semaines, suivi d’une période de probation. Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur l’Unité en visitant notre site web www.pcvru.org

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 4

Mayor Thomas Awards Plaques to Employees of the Aquatic Centre

During the Council meeting on March 12th, 2024, Mayor Tim Thomas awarded plaques to employees of the Aquatic Centre in recognition for having assisted a person in distress.

On December 9, 2023, during the Pointe-Claire Aquatic Club’s annual invitational swim competition, a visiting coach had a cardiac episode and went into cardiac arrest. Thanks to the immediate intervention of the employees and the appropriate use of their AED, he rapidly received care, which saved his life.

Council Highlights for March 12

Council honours Aquatic Centre staff who saved trainer

Five employees of the Pointe-Claire Aquatic Centre were recognized by council last week for coming to the rescue of a trainer who was suffering a heart attack.

In December, during a training session, the unnamed trainer suffered a heart attack and was rendered unconscious. Thanks to the quick intervention of Aquatic Centre staff and their use of a defibrillator, the trainer’s life was saved.

“The employees’ quick response and proper administration of the defibrillator saved the coach’s life,” said Mayor Tim Thomas.

Each of the five employees was awarded plaques of recognition: Rebecca Boriero, Artimes Fallah, Zoé Gonzalez, Bruce Malcolm (whose father Gary accepted the plaque on his behalf) and Etienne Paquet.

Mayor reiterates comments about council “planting” residents to disrupt meetings

Also on March 12, Mayor Thomas reiterated his claim from a January interview that certain residents are planted by council to disrupt council meetings.

In January, following a walkout by Council at the December meeting, Thomas told The Suburban “[Council] is deliberately trying to disrupt the process so that

people will blame the mayor, even planting people in public meetings to cause disruptions.”

During question period, resident Susan Weaver asked Thomas about his comments in that interview and at the February council meeting.

“To answer what you’re getting at,” said Thomas, “My number one example of that would be you.”

Initially, Thomas dismissed Weaver’s comments as a “mischaracterization” of what he had said. But he then singled out resident John Kilpatrick, who has also been a regular presence during question period.

“That was a plant,” said Thomas.

“Usually, when someone comes up with something that’s been said in caucus, you would think that somehow there’s been some stimulation there, Miss Weaver. And I would think you’re probably the number one proponent.”

Weaver denied having been leaked information from caucus, saying she had used an access to information request.

Later in the meeting, Councillor Brent Cowan defended both Weaver and Kilpatrick, saying they were only trying to raise injustices they felt they were suffering at the hands of the city. “To suggest that a citizen who’s coming before council to present the case against an injuscontinued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 5
Picture taken during the March 12, 2024 City Council meeting. From left to right: Mr. Etienne Paquet, Ms. Rebecca Boriero, Ms. Zoé Gonzalez, Mr. Tim Thomas, Mayor of Pointe-Claire, Ms. Artimes Fallah and Mr. Gary Malcolm (representing his son Mr. Bruce Malcolm), recipients of recognition plaques and Aquatic Centre employees. Permission to reproduce this photo and article in the Pointe-Claire Record was granted by the City of Pointe-Claire

Council Highlights (cont.)

tice he feels he’s suffering – to say that that individual is a plant is absurd.”

Kilpatrick declined to comment on the mayor’s statements. Pointe-Claire will not sign up for provincial program for fire victims

In response to a question from a resident, Councillor Tara Stainforth confirmed the city would not sign on

to a provincial program that provides support to those made homeless by fire.

“It wasn’t just receiving money from them: It was that Pointe-Claire had to pay the majority of it and then there would be some of it matched from the government. And with the time delay that we had, we weren’t prepared to follow through with that until we had done more research into it and discussed it more.”

The program in question is provided by the Société d’habitation du Québec.

Opinion: The PMAD Explained

Many of you may have heard talk of the PMAD. It is actually an acronym for the “Plan Métropolitain d’Aménagement et de Développement”. In English, this translates into the “Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan.” But you’ll hear the same PMAD acronym used in both the languages of Shakespeare and of Molière. Mandated by provincial law, it establishes the framework for all planning programs and all by-laws of all the towns and cities that lie within and around the island of Montréal - which includes us here in Pointe-Claire.

What does that mean? It means our planning program and all of our planning by-laws, including zoning, must conform to the objectives, guidelines, and specifications detailed within the PMAD. The PMAD itself is the creation of the Montréal Metropolitan Community (CMM) which is under the thumb of Valerie Plante, la Mairesse de Montréal. When the first PMAD came into force in 2012, the law required that Pointe-Claire modify its planning program and by-laws in order to bring them into conformity. If we hadn’t done this by the deadline established in law, Montreal was to do it for us, and it is Montréal that continues to decide if any zoning changes the Pointe-Claire Council approves are, or are not, in conformity – the same Montréal (read: Mairesse Plante) that dominates the Agglomeration Council. If Montreal decides a zoning change does not conform to the PMAD it is disallowed, no matter what the citizens of Pointe-Claire and their ignored voice on the Agglo Council might feel about it.

The same law applies now as the first PMAD is being revised in order to respond to population growth, global warming, and threats to biodiversity. The principal objective of the second PMAD is, through properly

considered densification, to promote the construction on its territory of 461,000 new residences by 2041, including a mix of affordable and social housing. In doing this, it must conserve the green belt around the island of Montreal and focus on meeting minimum densification specifications through the more sustainable approach of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). The second PMAD is to come into force by the end of 2025.

High density housing in areas within walking distance of bus terminals, REM, metro, and train stations will be stipulated by the new PMAD through densification minimums. The aim is to make the 15-minute city a reality. This means most of life’s daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure, are to be easily reached by a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or public transit ride from any of the highdensity TOD nodes that are to be established within the boundaries of the Montreal Metropolitan Community, and most of that new development will be on-island.

That is what the new PMAD, with the authority of law, will be mandating Pointe-Claire to achieve over the next twenty years. It will be up to us to figure out how we can do this while also preserving the quality of life that makes Pointe-Claire so special. So we can determine our own path forward PROVIDED Montreal is satisfied that what the citizens of Pointe-Claire say they want aligns with what the revised PMAD will require.

Not a single representative of the demerged cities was appointed to the Agglo Committee charged with contributing to the PMAD revision process…

Contributed by Brent Cowan, Councillor, District 8 – Oneida

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this opinion article are solely continued on next page

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 6

PMAD Explained (cont.)

those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board, the newspaper, or its staff. The newspaper provides

a platform for diverse perspectives and encourages open dialogue on various issues. The publication of any opinion piece does not constitute an endorsement by the newspaper or its editors of the opinions expressed therein.

Opinion : Le PMAD expliqué

Beaucoup d’entre vous ont peut-être entendu parler du PMAD. Il s’agit en fait d’un acronyme pour «Plan Métropolitain d’Aménagement et de Développement». En anglais, cela se traduit par «Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan» (plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement). Mais vous entendrez le même acronyme PMAD dans les langues de Shakespeare et de Molière. Mandaté par la loi provinciale, il établit le cadre de tous les programmes de planification et de tous les règlements de toutes les villes situées à l’intérieur et autour de l’île de Montréal - ce qui nous inclut. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie ? Cela signifie que notre plan d’urbanisme et tous nos règlements d’urbanisme, y compris le zonage, doivent être conformes aux objectifs, aux lignes directrices et aux spécifications énoncés dans le PMAD. Le PMAD lui-même est une création de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), qui est controlée par la Mairesse de Montréal. Lorsque le premier PMAD est entré en vigueur en 2012, la loi a exigé que Pointe-Claire modifie son plan d’urnanisme et ses règlements d’urbanisme afin de les rendre conformes. Si nous ne l’avions pas fait dans les délais prévus par la loi, Montréal devait le faire à notre place et c’est Montréal qui continue de décider si les changements de zonage approuvés par le Conseil sont ou non conformes - le même Montréal (dites Mairesse Plante) qui domine le Conseil d’Agglo... Si Montréal décide qu’un changement de zonage n’est pas conforme au PMAD, il est interdit, peu importe ce que les citoyens de PointeClaire, et leur voix ignorée au Conseil d’Agglo, peuvent en penser.

La même loi s’applique aujourd’hui, alors que le premier PMAD est révisé afin de répondre à la croissance démographique, au réchauffement climatique et aux menaces qui pèsent sur la biodiversité. L’objectif principal du deuxième PMAD est de favoriser, par une densification réfléchie, la construction sur son territoire de 461 000 nouvelles logements d’ici 2041, dont une combinaison de logements sociaux et abordables. Pour ce faire, elle doit conserver l’aire verte autour de l’île de Montréal et s’efforcer de respecter les normes minimales de

densification en adoptant l’approche plus durable du développement axé sur le transport collectif (TOD).Le deuxième PMAD doit entrer en vigueur d’ici la fin de l’année 2025.

Des logements à haute densité dans des zones accessibles à pied depuis les terminaux de l’autobus et les gares de REM, de métro et de train seront stipulés par le nouveau PMAD par le biais des minimums de densification. L’objectif est de faire de la ville de 15 minutes une réalité. Cela signifie que la plupart des nécessités et des services de la vie quotidienne, tels que le travail, les achats, l’éducation, les soins de santé et les loisirs, doivent être facilement accessibles en 15 minutes à pied, à vélo ou en transport en commun à partir de n’importe quel nœud à haute densité (TOD) qui sera établi dans les limites de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal et que la plupart de ces nouveaux développements se feront à l’intérieur de l’île.

C’est ce que le nouveau PMAD, avec l’autorité de la loi, demandera à Pointe-Claire de réaliser au cours des vingt prochaines années. Il nous appartiendra de trouver les moyens d’y parvenir tout en préservant la qualité de vie qui rend Pointe-Claire si précieuse. Nous pouvons donc déterminer notre propre voie à suivre POURVU que le Montréal soit convaincue que ce que les citoyens de Pointe-Claire disent vouloir correspond à ce que le PMAD révisé exigera.

Il reste a noté que La Mairesse Plante n’a nommé meme un seul représentant des villes défusionnées àla commission de l›Agglo chargée de contribuer au processus de l’élaboration du deuxième PMAD...

Contribution de Brent Cowan, Conseiller municipal, District 8Oneida, Disclaimer: The views expressed in this opinion article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board, the newspaper, or its staff. The newspaper provides a platform for diverse perspectives and encourages open dialogue on various issues. The publication of any opinion piece does not constitute an endorsement by the newspaper or its editors of the opinions expressed therein.

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 7

3 trucs pour débuter en course à pied

C’est le printemps… Les jours se rallongent, la température s’adoucit et on a davantage d’énergie pour bouger. Est-ce que ça vous donne envie de commencer la course à pied? Si tel est votre cas, voici quelques trucs pour débuter du bon pied.

Commencez progressivement avec 2-3 sorties par semaine d’une durée de 10 à 20 minutes. Faites des intervalles et n’ayez pas peur de marcher. Par exemple, essayez 2 minutes de marche suivie de 2 minutes de course et répétez-le 5 fois.

Notez que, pour éviter les blessures, vous ne devriez pas augmenter votre kilométrage de plus de 10% par semaine. Donc, si vous faites un total de 10 km la première semaine, il ne faudrait pas excéder 11 km la semaine suivante.

Équipez-vous adéquatement. Visitez une boutique spécialisée pour trouver des souliers de course adaptés et pensez à porter des vêtements respirants et voyants. Si le temps est frisquet, optez pour 3 couches : un tissu respirant, un isolant et un coupe-vent.

Si votre budget le permet, pensez aussi à une montre qui mesure les fréquences cardiaques pour enregistrer vos progrès.

Gardez la motivation. Invitez un ami à courir. Vous n’avez pas la même vitesse? Rendez-vous ensemble sur la piste de 400 m du Parc des Voyageurs à Pointe-Claire et encouragez-vous.

Parallèlement, fixez-vous un objectif de temps à atteindre ou inscrivez-vous à un événement de course à pied. Le

Around Town

Mar 26: The Jazz Knights!

Mar 27: Wayne & Gerry!

Mar 28: Conférence-Voyage : Paris et ses musées

Mar 28: Ciné-art – Geographies of Solitude


Mar 29: Patrick Lesyk - solo !

Mar 30: Fired Up!

Mar 30: Family Paint Party

Apr 1: City bin collection schedule changes

site iskio.ca propose un calendrier de compétitions amicales dont plusieurs sont à proximité de Pointe-Claire.

Attention, avant de rêver au marathon de 42 km, choisissez plutôt une course de 5 km. Vous aurez autant de plaisir à traverser la ligne d’arrivée avec le sourire.

En guise de conclusion, rappelez-vous que le cerveau a besoin de 21 jours pour créer et apprécier une habitude. Il est normal que les 3 premières semaines soient inconfortables. Soyez rassuré; votre corps va s’adapter et vous prendrez rapidement goût aux endorphines.

Bonne course et amusez-vous !

Contribué par Peggy Labonté, coureuse, enseignante et ancienne duathlète/triathlète https://pegpeg30.wixsite.com/peggylabonte

Apr 2: Mayfair Jam Night!

Apr 3: Les secrets de la réussite d’un potager

Apr 5: Jeff Smallwood - solo at the studio

Apr 13: Family Paint Party

Apr 13: Alyssa Milani book signing

Apr 20: Sabbatica!

Apr 25: Paolo Stante Band

Apr 27: Corbeille de Pain/Empty Bowls Fundraising Event

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 8

Hockey West Island is Looking Forward to its Annual Hockey Tournament

Hockey West Island will soon be wrapping up its 20232024 season, but not before showcasing its young players during the Association’s 27th annual Provincial tournament. In just a couple of days, Hockey West Island’s twenty-four U9, U11, and U13 teams will be hitting the ice at the Bob-Birnie Arena and the EdgarRouleau Arena. For many players, the tournament represents a chance to test their skills against teams they may not have faced during the regular season. Along with our local teams from Pointe-Claire and Dorval, an additional 52 teams from Montreal, Laval, Outaouais, Montérégie, and beyond will be competing in a variety of divisions.

“We’re thrilled to be hosting this tournament once again,” said Mike Vallée, president of Hockey West Island. “It’s always a highlight of the season, bringing together players, coaches, and families for two weekends of exciting hockey.”

Games start the evening of March 28 at Bob-Birnie, continue Friday and through Easter weekend, and resume on April 6. The tournament will culminate on Sunday, April 7 with the excitement of the championship games between the U11 and U13 teams in the A, B, and C divisions. Games will also be played in Dorval on both Saturdays.

This year, the tournament will be offering its largest raffle to date, with prizes for hockey enthusiasts, tickets for local attractions, gift cards for massages and physiotherapy sessions, hair and body products, toys, Bauer hockey sticks, a signed Mike Matheson jersey, restaurant gift certificates, and much more. There’s something for everyone and the entire community is invited to

come and support our young players and buy a raffle ticket (or five!) to support the association’s only season fundraiser.

With just days to go until the puck drops, teams are putting the finishing touches on their preparations, finetuning strategies, and sharpening their skills in anticipation of the big weekend.

“We want this tournament to be a positive experience for everyone involved,” said Vallée, “Yes, the competition will be fierce on the ice, but it’s also about building friendships and great memories for all of the young players involved.”

For more information, visit hockeywestisland.org or facebook.com/HockeyWestIsland

Vol. 1, No. 3, March 25, 2024 - Page 9

A Space for Dreamers and Doers: My Visit to Espace

Rêverie in Valois

After living in Ontario for almost 20 years, Susie Ward returned to Montreal with her family, searching for community. She found it in the West Island, and as the newest merchant in Valois Village, she’s creating it too. Espace Rêverie is a gathering place, a boutique, and a place to move, reflect, and be creative. Inspired by her late father’s belief that you can be both a dreamer and a doer, Susie took over the lease from Studio Foliage and made the environment her own: a space for everyone to come and move, make and explore.

I wandered into Espace Rêverie in February in search of a new, nearby yoga studio. Then I realized I already had a connection to this place from bath bombs I’d bought at a Holiday Fair back in December. I looked around at the well-lit, cozy store, saw many things that attracted my attention, and knew that this was going to become a favourite refuge.

Like many of us during the pandemic, Susie found herself looking inward and seeking activities that made her feel more grounded, such as yoga and crafting, while embracing a more minimalist lifestyle. Being grounded

means being completely aware and conscious in the present moment and being aware of the choices we are making and their impact.

While initially seeking a space where she could teach yoga and hold workshops, Susie realized that in taking over the large space she could also offer a unique retail experience. A big proponent of reduce, reuse, and recycle, she restores precious items she has found in her travels and turns them into treasured gift items. Those gems include: a vintage skirt from Germany, handmade pottery from British Columbia, and restored jewellery from Chicago. All of these sit alongside natural and ecoconscious home and personal items from local artisans, and makes for a very unique shopping experience. “Not only do we have handmade items made by local artisans, but even the pots I sell my plants in are restored and one-of-a-kind,” said Susie.

Susie is mom to a young daughter, and one of the goals of opening Espace Rêverie was to provide the opportunity for community members to feel welcome along with their children and to be able to do family-oriented activities based on their own creativity. She is pleased to be meeting Pointe-Claire neighbours of all ages who are coming to the space to partake in workshops that include paint pouring, bath bomb making, and beginner’s crocheting, to name just a few. People are invited to take a yoga or meditation class and to browse pre-owned clothing and other curated gifts for someone special.

Shopping, self-care, and spoiling a loved one with a special gift can be satisfying, even more so if they do not contribute to our disposable, throw-away society. “I want to change the way we think about second hand items,” Susie told me. The fact that something is pre-owned does not remove its value; in many ways, a continued on next page

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Espace Rêverie (cont.)

unique object can hold much more value than a factory made item. And items that are preloved, restored, upcycled, renewed, or vintage also reduce the impact on our environment.

I love to receive a handmade birthday card or a jar of homemade preserves, and not only because these are the products of creativity; gifts such as these connect us to the earth and to each other. Plus, they offer an added cachet because a friend’s hands brought them into existence.

I can’t wait to go back to Espace Rêverie to create a special gift for a friend. And if my creativity fails me, I know I will still find plenty of unique options for gift-giving.

Espace Rêverie is located at 49A Donegani Ave

Green Line: Being and Saving Green in the Kitchen

For years, I’ve enjoyed guessing the cost of my groceries, a simple brain exercise before I get to the cash. I’ve done it so often that my teens now play along too. Most recently, however, with the increase in inflation, this fun exercise has become more and more distressing. Another big concern to me when grocery shopping is the near impossible task of trying to avoid purchasing food wrapped in plastic, as well as the looming issue of food waste, both mine and the grocery store’s. You can read more about why we need to phase out plastic here, and why food waste is a huge environmental concern here. Like most families, my partner and I have busy schedules, and as much as I would like to cook all our snacks and treats from scratch to avoid packaging, that’s not realistically going to happen right now. That said, I am not about to throw up my hands in despair. I have managed to make a few modifications to our food-related habits to save money, reduce food waste, and decrease our consumption of plastic, and I hope they’ll be as helpful to you as they have been to our household.

1. Create a meal plan: I promise you this is not as daunting as it seems! Make a list of your family’s favourite meals or ask some friends for their most popular ones. I have a dry-erase calendar hanging in the kitchen that I like to fill in a few weeks at a time. I try to include pasta, fish, meat, and beans, and make a soup or stew

once a week. Creating a meal plan reduces both food waste and food costs because I’m buying what I know I will use for the week, and because most meals will be cooked from scratch.

2. Buy raw ingredients: Creating a meal plan means that I can more easily make home-cooked meals when continued on next page

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Green Line (cont.)

I have the ingredients on hand. Much less dinner stress and no guesswork! I try to buy as many fruits and veggies as I can that are not wrapped in plastic, and if I am able to, I double the recipe so I can freeze half for later. That’s one less pre-packaged, plastic-wrapped meal I need to buy for a busy night.

3. Buy in bulk: This doesn’t mean you have to buy 11 kilos of flour at a time... though you can! This just means you’re not buying a pre-packaged quantity of an ingredient. I love the bulk counter at Marché Tau. They have an excellent selection of organic bulk grains, flours, rice, dried fruits, and even spices at very good prices. They encourage you to bring your own container to fill, but they also carry paper bags (compostable!), which they offer at no cost. Tau also allows you to order large quantities of dry goods and will give you 10% off the retail price. Bulk Barn also offers a large selection of items in bulk and you can bring your own containers there as well. Just remember to have the cashier weigh them first!

4. Give beans a chance: Legumes, including beans and lentils, are extremely affordable, versatile, and can often be purchased in bulk. They can be cooked into soups, chilis, curries, refried beans, pâtés, and even into a tofu alternative. As a bonus, the environmental impact of plant-based meals is up to 14 times lower than that of meat-based meals. (I’m not discussing regenerative farming now. That’s a topic for another time!) Luckily, if you’ve cooked too many beans you can easily freeze them for later. To give you a head start, here are a few of our personal favourite legume recipes: Lentil soup, refried beans (reduce the amount of water), red lentil curry

5. Break bread: Have you always wanted to bake your own bread but thought it would take too long or that

it would be too daunting? I have THE recipe for you! If you have a Dutch oven, I urge you to try this noknead bread. It’s the easiest and least daunting recipe you’ll ever try. It will cost a fraction of a loaf of bread you’d buy at the grocery store, you can add whatever you want to the dough, and even if you don’t make it all the time, every loaf you make is one less plastic bag for the planet. If you notice you’re not eating your bread quickly enough, you can freeze it to make croutons or bread crumbs later.

Extra tip: Own an Instant Pot? You can save money and reduce waste by making your own yogurt or by quickly cooking beans from dry.

Similar to how pennies add up to dollars, every choice or change we make is essentially a vote, despite how small we think it is. In this case, these choices and changes in purchasing patterns can make their way to business owners. Perhaps more corporations will start offering bulk food options, and perhaps others will reduce their sales of plastic wrapped products. It’s difficult to enact drastic changes in our larger food system, but it is easy to take small steps in our own lives. I encourage you to do so, and if you can, let me know (editor@pcrecord.ca) if these tips worked for you!

Geneviève Lussier is a dedicated educator with a B. Ed. in elementary childhood education, who is not only shaping young minds but also leading the charge for environmental stewardship and community activism. From her family’s household of activists to her passion for crafting and gardening, Geneviève embodies a holistic approach to living sustainably and fostering connections within her community. Whether she’s teaching knitting at the Pointe-Claire library or preserving food from her garden, Geneviève’s boundless optimism and unwavering belief in the power of community shine through, inspiring those around her to embrace positive change and collective responsibility.

Pointe-Claire Residents with Disabilities Embrace

World Hearing Day and International Women’s Day

This month, we came together to celebrate World Hearing Day on March 3, an annual advocacy event shedding light on hearing loss and care. This day urges action on addressing hearing-related issues, with specific

themes chosen by the World Health Organization and its partners.

As a Pointe-Claire resident living with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss, I am passionate about

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Residents with Disabilities (cont.)

educating others on the dangers affecting hearing health and how to prevent them.

For instance, did you know that certain medications, like some antibiotics, can be harmful to your ears? Ototoxic drugs can, depending on medical factors, have reversible or permanent effects on hearing. It’s essential to discuss concerns about ototoxicity with your doctor before taking such medications.

Other factors, like disease, environmental exposure, and genetic components, can also impact hearing. Otosclerosis, the ossification of inner ear bones, is common in women during pregnancy. Diseases like meningitis or measles and exposure to loud environments, such as rock concerts, airplanes, and construction sites, can contribute to varying degrees of hearing loss. On the genetic front, hearing loss can run in families. It is cru-

cial to stay mindful and consult with your doctor about potential risks.

Coupled with our recent observance of World Hearing Day, let’s not forget the importance of International Women’s Day, which took place on March 8. As a woman with a disability, I extend greetings of strength and fellowship to all women facing challenges. Despite disabilities, many women have bravely stood up for themselves, demonstrating that being a woman does not hinder capability or potential.

I invite all Pointe-Claire citizens to stand together in support of people with disabilities, especially women, and help eliminate the unseen barriers and obstacles we encounter daily.

To honour these important days, I recommend reading an inspiring book by Canadian author Monique Williamson, recently deafened, who has triumphed over life’s obstacles. Her book, Life After Deaf: The Inspiring True Story of One Woman’s Fight to Overcome a Mysterious Illness and Redefine Her Life, is a detailed and wellwritten account available wherever you get your books.

By Maria Benavides. Maria Benavides is a mother of 2, living with deafness since early childhood. She is a passionate writer, volunteer and disability-rights activist, advocate, and long-term PointeClaire resident. When she is not writing or moderating the Friends of Pointe-Claire Citizens with Disabilities group she founded, she juggles her time raising and educating her youngest.

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Gardening in Pointe-Claire

The snow has barely melted but many of us are looking ahead to our summer garden, eager to get things started.  Although we can’t get in there and start digging in the soil, now is a great time to join a local garden club.  It doesn’t matter whether you have a green thumb or you’re a complete beginner, you’re likely to pick up

For the Love of Pets

something new and perhaps share some tips you’ve picked up along the way.

Here in Pointe-Claire, the Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society is a great place to get together with fellow gardeners, new and experienced alike.  Throughout the year there are speakers, hands-on workshops, garden tours, a perennial plant sale every spring and a members plant swap in the fall.  There’s also a fun informational newsletter and webinars.  Meetings are held in English, usually on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The best part is THAT the annual family membership for 2024 is only $20.

You’ll find the full 2024 schedule of events on the website (pteclairehort.org). If you’re interested, just  fill out a membership form or contact us at pteclairehort@gmail. com.  It’s the best $20 you’ll ever spend!

Let’s see some pics of your furry friends! Send your pet pics to pets@pcrecord.ca and we might publish it in our next edition.

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Bobby Maggie Ms Cleo Knightrider Mighty Mavis Martin

The Kitchen: Duck Prosciutto

This is a very simple recipe that will impress guests and will get you plenty of “oohs and ahhs”. Costco quite often puts the double pack of duck breasts on sale or you can get singles at Adonis.

Ingredients and equipment needed:

• One duck breast (one pound)

• 2-3 cups kosher salt

• Peppercorns, juniper berries, fresh rosemary and/ or thyme

• White pepper

• Plastic container about double the size of duck breast

• Good quality cheesecloth and string

In a bowl add salt, peppercorns, juniper berries (crush some of the peppercorns and juniper berries). Ideally less than ½ a teaspoon each of any of the remaining flavorings. Score the duck breast with a sharp knife, making a crisscross pattern.

Next, pour a portion of the salt mixture into your plastic container and add the duck breast. Cover completely with more of the salt mixture. Cover with the lid and place in the fridge for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the duck breast, discard the salt mixture in the compost bin, rinse and pat dry. Dust both sides of the breast with white pepper and wrap with cheese cloth. Gently secure it with butcher’s twine and make a long loop to hang it in the fridge for 10 days.

After 10 days, you can slice it very thin and serve for canapes or vacuum seal and store in the freezer for a later date.

Do you have a special recipe you’d like to share? Please feel free to contribute to The Kitchen by emailing your

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PC in Pictures

We welcome picture submissions about Pointe-Claire. Send them to editor@pcrecord.ca.

Submissions must be from the person that took the picture. Feel free to tell us where it was taken, when, and any other interesting information.


Zipper crossed the rainbow bridge today. Almost 19 years as part of our family. Not the friendliest of cats but she mellowed in her older years. She loved Christmas gift unwrapping.

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Picture taken by Daniel Guay. Sunset at the corner of Cartier and Lakeshore

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