PCJH Quarterly Newsletter, Fall 2023 VOL 21

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to be a community, Rooted in c h R ist, R eaching out in love

FALL 2023
+ Past, PResent & FutuRe Pg.10 + home, community & values Pg.12 Q&a a beautiFul vision Pg.14 Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole ~ Quarterly Newsletter I v ol ume no 21


Building for our future


In this Pinnacle edition you will have the opportunity to learn more about the PCJH employee housing project from a variety of perspectives. Our very talented and dedicated housing team and staff share their updates, insights and unique points of view. We hope this will help you better understand the who, where, when, why, how and what of the project. "by the grace god has given me, i laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. but each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus christ." u 1 Corinthians 3:10-11

COVER: This porch image doesn't exactly reflect what the future PCJH Home+Sted will look like—but they will be beautiful!

v olume no 21 I F ALL 2023 table of Contents
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023 2
a residential C ommunity for PCJH staff
04 building FoR ouR FutuRe ~ r ev. Ben Pascal
a little histoRy ~ Mike Halpin
Faith-based consulting ~ terry Goolsby
case statement
s cott O'Hare
Past, PResent & FutuRe
Q &
PcJh staFF PeRsePctives
behind the vision ~ Mark turner
management oF the new housing PRoJect ~ John s cott
bdays & anniveRsaRies
PcJh housing team ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
+ sted

September NOV ember OC t O ber

1 ~ Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. david emmanuel goatley, 8 & 10:15am worship


5~ daylight saving time ends

all women invited

tuesdays High School Breakfast Club

� thuRsdays Middle School Breakfast Club

� sundays youth sunday school

P C J H M U S I C A C A D E M Y 7:27-8:30am 7:27-8:30am 10:15am

adult class: “genesis: the beginning of the beginnings” � sundays

satu R day oct. 14th 7am-12pm 9-10

am in chapel

wednesdays 24 ~ PcJh: youth grody games


30 ~ Workshop with Fuller President Rev. dr. david emmanuel goatley


19 Campaign begins!

~ end-of-year stewardship

annual meeting St tH

22 ~ Thanksgiving Break (office closed and break


24 ~ from all activities)

W E D N E S D A Y C O M M U N I T Y D I N N E R S B E G I N ! 6 - 7 p m i n H a y d e n H a l l P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e ~ c A lend A r @pcjh.org/events 11:30am
5~ annual congregational meeting @ 11:30am to elect new elders, deacons, and nominating team. tH tH
9am-12pm 7-8pm
tH 5 ~ oct tH tH tH Now - Saturday, October 14th
Fall sessions begin weekly events
during worship
or on Zoom
FALL CLEANOUT annual stewaRdshiP

tH e P r OPH et Jerem I a H W r O te these words to the Israelites in exile, longing for home. this promise from Jeremiah 29:11 is beautiful and is filled with hope for the future. I still believe that the best days are not behind us, but ahead of us. It will always be that way as we move closer to God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

In 2009, addie and I were living in Seattle and longing for God’s plan for us to come to fruition. We were living in an 800 square-foot house we could barely afford and were expecting our daughter Nina to arrive soon. I was unemployed as many were in the Great recession. We wondered if we would ever be able to have a home where we could raise a family.

a year later, in 2010, I was called as associate pastor at PCJH. I still remember when Pastor Paul and the search committee told us there was a house in rafter J that would be part of my housing compensation package. We were blown away by the thoughtful planning and generous provision of the congregation as we were in no position to

buy a home, even then, when it was affordable by today’s standards. It was an answer to our prayer, and it gave us hope for our future as we moved into this new home where we still live 13 years later.

the rafter J manse has been a sanctuary for our family. this is the only home our kids know and have grown up in a wonderful neighborhood. this home is one reason we have been able to stay so long here in Jackson at PCJH. It has been a blessing to us and others. It truly feels like our home, not “employee housing.”

there are certainly challenges around not owning our home. For instance, we are not building equity and our home is attached to my employment, so we are increasingly aware that we may not be able to stay in the Jackson community when I am no longer the pastor at PCJH. But overall, it has been a positive experience for both PCJH and the Pascals. No solution is perfect but our situation has been a blessing. I am forever grateful for the home PCJH has provided us. the rafter J manse was donated to the church in 2003 by a PCJH family. I often think about the amazing foresight

BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023 BUI ld I ng F or o U r FU t U re ~ r ev. Ben Pascal
"For I know the plans I have for you,”declares the
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give and a future.”
u Jeremiah 29:11

Lord, you hope

and generosity of that family. their gift to PCJH was a game changer. the early founders of PCJH also had the foresight and thoughtfulness to purchase land for the future needs of the church. We now have the opportunity to create homes for PCJH staff on church-owned land. I believe a future generation of PCJH members will appreciate the courage, generosity, and wisdom of our current members for addressing the ever-present housing challenge of Jackson Hole for the benefit of the vision and mission of PCJH.I truly believe we will not be the thriving church we have always been without providing affordable housing solutions for our staff. this project is about building for our future.

as you read this Pinnacle edition, you will learn more about our employee housing project from our exceptional and experienced committee members and consultants. You will also hear firsthand from staff members - past and present - to learn more about the housing challenges they have experienced and their gratitude for how PCJH has stepped in to help.

When I hear congregation members concerned about the housing project causing the church to become a landlord, the truth is we already are! It is a reality of being an employer in Jackson Hole today. the majority of our fulltime staff live in some sort of PCJH orchestrated housing. In each scenario below, housing offered by the church was essential in being able to hire the employee.

tammy and I both live in homes owned by the church. the Pascals in rafter J, tammy in Indian trails. ally Kiefer (Communications & music academy Coordinator), megan Walker (Youth and Young adult Coordinator), and a Little Lambs Preschool teacher all live in apartments leased by the church in two separate locations in town.

Our soon-to-be-hired Children’s ministry Coordinator will also be living in a unit leased by the church in town.

Brian Bultema (Church administrator) was able to

buy a teton County Housing authority workforce home in teton Village because a previous employee back in 2014 designated PCJH as having the first option to appoint a buyer into perpetuity on the deed. Whenever that house sells in the future PCJH will always have the opportunity to appoint a buyer from among its employees.

I tell you all of the above so you can see all the ways in which we have already been finding creative ways to try to solve the housing challenges facing our employees thus far – and these needs are only increasing.

Isaiah 32:18 says, “my people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.” I am thankful I serve a congregation that wants to care for and honor its staff with beautiful dwelling places.

We have contracted with Horizons Stewardship to help guide us in a capital campaign. many of you participated in a congregational survey regarding the proposed employee housing project. thank you! 136 surveys were completed, which was a great turnout. the survey results were very positive towards the proposed project with 92% in favor of proceeding with the plan (noting that 33% of those in favor still wanting more details to be fleshed out). according to Horizons, these results are substantially more positive than surveys they receive from other churches they consult with.

I believe it is important for PCJH to solve the housing challenge for our staff in order to build for the church’s future as a vibrant church known for its outreach to our community and to children, youth, and families. I believe there may also be a bigger vision that comes out of all this as we obtain valuable entitlements on our land that may not only meet the needs of the church in the future, but also bless other like-minded organizations and partners in our community.

Please join us in praying for the church as we forge ahead into the promise of the hope and the future the Lord has for PCJH. may all we do ultimately bring glory to our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and Giver of Life. “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” ~1 Corinthians 3:10-11 ✝

Faithfully, ~Pastor Ben

is the senior Pastor of PcJh, married to addie and blessed to have three amazing kids.

5 pcjh.org ~ Pinnacle P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
Rev. ben Pascal

tW e N t Y-t H ree Y ear S a GO ON a u G u S t 13 , 2000, a small parade of dedicated and God-loving people marched up South Loop road to the new Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole.

In the over two decades since, our church has cultivated a vibrant ministry for our members and fulfilled the great commandment to serve our neighbors.

In 2023, we face a new challenge for the future of our church – a shortage of staff due to the high cost and limited availability of housing in Jackson Hole. It has been difficult to recruit and retain staff because they cannot find affordable places to live. We have seven fulltime and up to 35 part-time positions but some remain vacant. this is putting undue burdens on our pastors, current employees and volunteers. It has also impacted our ministries and the ability to serve our members, our community and our world.

the important role of Children’s ministry Coordinator has been unfilled for almost two years. Housing is a major hurdle in hiring someone for this position. thankfully our leadership had the foresight to lease an apartment where this person can live once hired. Our popular JOY Summer Camp, which in 2022 served 222 young people, has been paused for the foreseeable future, as it was severely understaffed in the past few years due to the inability to

hire and house enough young adult counselors to run the program. Some of our current staff also face serious housing disruptions, moving frequently in order to afford rent.

We now find ourselves in a difficult situation. Without essential staff, we cannot continue the services we now provide.

a few years ago, an employee Housing Committee was created to tackle this issue. unlike others in our community who face a similar staff/housing crisis, PCJH has a rare asset —an appropriate site for housing on our campus. PCJH owns a nearly 3-acre site adjacent to our parking lot along South Park Loop road. after a review of all options, our employee Housing Committee concluded that building on our vacant site is the best and least expensive way to create homes for our staff. Owning the land substantially lowers building costs. In addition, these new homes fit the town Plan for the residential character of the neighborhood and would contribute to the workforce housing inventory.

to create a plan for the site, PCJH selected GreenSpur, a design build firm led by mark turner. a Jackson Hole native, mark understands the history, culture and aesthetic of our community and is a champion of pocket communities. His firm’s innovative pocket community in Bentonville, arkansas, has received widespread admiration for its design and enjoyed incredible popularity with residents.

BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023 6
pcjh h ome+ s ted cA se st A tement
"trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
~ s cott O'Hare
u Proverbs 3:5-6

mark inspired us to adopt a larger vision and plan for a pocket community that will be a more attractive place to live and more complementary to our neighborhood. this community eventually will comprise 21 modestly sized townhomes with front porches facing a central village green, extensive open spaces for recreation and two gathering buildings. Further, it can be developed in phases.

Because approval from the town of Jackson may require up to a year or more, the employee Housing Committee and Session decided it would be prudent to apply for permits for all 21 townhomes simultaneously. In PHaSe 1, only 10 of the townhomes plus a small Fellowship Cabin will be built. these will be a mix of one, two and three bedroom townhomes, plus one four-bedroom unit. We believe these will fulfill the church’s needs for at least the next 10 years.

PHaSe 2 of the community will include an additional 11 townhomes. this phase will be built in the future as funding allows and will ensure PCJH can provide homes for future staff or, as the church mission determines there could be opportunities to partner with other like-minded organizations in town.

We anticipate that the townhomes will be constructed using sustainable materials with modular systems built offsite and then assembled onsite, reducing costs significantly. the site has easy access to necessary utilities, lowering these infrastructure costs.

in the next month, we will be submitting our plans to the Town of Jackson for review and approval. I know there are a number of questions:

� what will all of this cost? We are still in the design and permitting phase, but at this time we estimate the cost for the first 10 townhomes and the Fellowship Cabin to be around $7.5 million. We have several Church members with construction experience who will be guiding us in getting this built with the lowest possible cost.

� who will be eligible to live in this community?

the Church has a personnel team that will have the responsibility for prioritizing which staff members would be offered a townhome to rent. as we consider the current and longterm needs of staffing the church, here is the breakdown of which staff positions we envision utilizing the proposed 10 units of PCJH housing: 1) Church administrator, 2) Communications Coordinator, 3) Children’s ministry Coordinator, 4) Youth and Young adult Coordinator, 5) Worship and music Coordinator, 6) Little Lambs Preschool Director, 7) JOY Summer Camp Director, 8) Little Lambs teachers and/ or JOY Summer Camp Counselors, 9) Facility & Grounds Caretaker, 10) temporary housing for an individual or

family in crisis or for visiting preachers/teachers. If at times we have more townhomes than demand from Church staff, we could offer residences to other non-profits in the Valley. Our neighborhood will be deed-restricted to local workers.

� How will you ensure Ben and Tammy keep their focus on our ministries and not on housing? It’s a good question and one we gave a lot of thought to. Our current thinking is to create a separate non-profit organization, owned by the church, but with an independent management structure to manage housing. this organization will be responsible for managing rental revenue, ongoing maintenance, repairs, etc.

� Have you considered other options like buying additional residences in the valley or in victor or driggs? Yes. But each time you purchase a home, or townhome or condo in the Valley, you are purchasing more land when in fact the Church already owns more than enough land on which to build staff housing. We believe this is the most cost effective way to go. We also believe that the Church needs to control the development of the property adjacent to our sanctuary. there is also a ministry advantage to having our staff live in close proximity in Jackson so that they can be present in the day to day lives of most of our community and members, being salt and light and more available to serve.

� what will the church charge for rent? For now, our thinking is to model this similar to how we approach this with our pastors as guided by the PCuSa denomination. If this is the case, then employees would pay rent equal to 30% of their gross salary/wages.

� Have you asked Church staff about the project?

the Housing Committee has surveyed both former and current staff and their response has been very positive.

I know there are a lot more questions.

We should know more each month as the town approval process progresses. We expect to have final approval from the town in early 2024, with construction starting in the spring, and completion sometime in early 2025. We will continue to pursue temporary solutions for next summer, as well as continue to lease the apartments for current staff.

thanks to everyone for your support and we will make sure to keep you, the congregation, updated on our progress. ✝

7 P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
scott o'haRe is a PcJh member and serves on the PcJh housing commitee. learn more about scott cont. on Page 19 >

h o m e s t e d

aS a P er SON BO r N a ND ra IS e D IN t HIS valley, I am thrilled that our firm GreenSpur Inc can play a role in creating the Home+Sted Project for the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole. Our firm is constantly trying to pursue a rich blend of history, community and modern scale and efficiency.

We value architecture that speaks to the past not only from a mass perspective, but also, and arguably more importantly, to a community culture. We love front porches and all that they evoke architecturally and add to the social fabric of a community. We love common lawn areas akin to a college campus where people take off their shoes, feel safe, and can easily interact with others. We think there should be a proper scale to homes, where there are right size bedrooms, comfortable living spaces, and community amenities that can be shared socially and economically.

We have always been inspired by this idea of the “third place”—a place that is neutral, architecturally inspiring and allows people to gather in meaningful ways. We chose the form of an old log cabin inspired by the Cunningham Cabin on the north end of the valley—where I spent many days playing in my youth. this classic and simple “dog trot” design will be the warm portal and gathering space that will benefit both social and spiritual goals of both the Church and Home+Sted Community.

It's also a nice nod to both the romance of a western log cabin, and to one of the first seminaries serving the Presbyterian mission that building called, the Log College, was founded in 1727 to help train and pass along the church values and mission. many of the founders and principles of this Log College led the formation of the College of New Jersey now known as Princeton university.

the Home+Sted Community is modeled after a concept called a Pocket Community. these types of communities were very prevalent across the uS prior to World War II—given that many of the zoning regulations at the time encouraged this idea of medium density zoning. Sadly, our zoning, cultural and economic incentives have

BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023 8
B eh I nd the v I s I on ~ Mark turner
maRk tuRneR developed his passion for design from years building forts in the woods behind his family ranch traingle X. Learn more about Mark cont. page 19 >
"my people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”
u Isaiah 32:18
A community, rooted in Christ, reaching out in love.
presyterian church of jackson hole

prevented this kind of development over the past 50 years. But thanks to architects like ross Chapin, these pocket communities are experiencing a resurgence given their ability to deliver reasonable and socially responsible housing solutions to a sector of the market that is really demanding this type of product.

Not everyone (and particularly amplified in Jackson Hole) can afford, or even wants some of the prevailing market options: large homes on single lots, or super dense apartment style living. People like to have their own turf, front porch and identity. they also like walk-up front doors and personal storage capacity. they like their kids to feel safe, they want to engage with their neighbors, and they don’t like to take care of large landscapes. they value good architecture and proper scale and efficiencies. a pocket community is able to deliver many of these things and, over time, create a sense of community that is truly lasting and purposeful.

A l I ttle h I stor Y ~ Mike Halpin

nestled in several now well-established neighborhoods in west Jackson is our PCJH campus. The founding members of our church in 1996 acquired six residential lots that had been set aside by the developers in the indian springs master Plan for an elementary school that ended up a short distance away on the teton county school district campus. these six lots are part of the indian trails Addition to the Town of Jackson.

An additional lot in Indian Trails was acquired adjacent to the six, and is now the church manse of our associate Pastor. that home was constructed in 2015.

in 1999, several church members had the foresight to acquire two additional three-acre parcels in the Cottonwood Park Master plan just east of the current church parking lot from the Emily Oliver family and eventually transferred these parcels to our church. these parcels were for our future growth and needs. collaboration and many months of planning with the town of Jackson and Teton County - who also contributed additional lands - produced the current church campus as it stands today with both the original building and the addition that now houses our little lambs Preschool, in hayden hall and its surrounding classrooms. the combination of all these small pieces into a larger, comprehensive dream of the church will hopefully come to fruition soon.

the name Home+Sted comes from the big idea that much of the West was founded on as a result of the Homestead act of 1862—an adventurous spirit that was willing to risk certain things for the hope of a better and more secure life. the root words of homestead comes from Old english hamstede. Ham meaning home, town or village. Stead meaning “a lot of land adequate for the maintenance of a family.” It’s a modern take on an old idea connected with a cross—signifying the intentionality of a Christian mission of Home, Community and Values.

On a separate but strategic note, our firm has been hyper focused on many modular systems that will greatly enhance the speed and, reduce cost of this project, which everyone is aware is a major obstacle in building in Jackson Hole. We currently have a project down the road that is incorporating many of these systems for things like concrete foundations, wall and roof systems. We are encouraged by the cost and speed of some of these systems and hope to employ many of them on this project as well to help keep cost and timing in check. It's a challenging issue and we hope that some of these strategies will help make this project an organizational and economic success.

We greatly look forward to making the Home+Sted at PCJH a reality. ✝

9 pcjh.org ~ Pinnacle P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
� � � � �
mike halPin has been a full-time resident of Jackson Hole for 36 years, and is a member of PCJH. Learn more about Mike cont. on Page 19 >

h o m e s t e d

A community, rooted in Christ, reaching out in love.

presyterian church of jackson hole, wy

pHASe 1—10 of the townhomes + a small Fellowship Cabin will be built. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes + a four-bedroom unit.

A plan for a pocket community that will be an attractive place to live and complementary to our neighborhood. this community eventually will comprise 21 modestly sized townhomes with front porches facing a central village green, extensive open spaces for recreation and two gathering buildings. It can be developed in phases.

10 BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023
p A st, present & FU t U re o F pcjh + ~ Home+ s ted

pHASe 2—11 additional townhomes will be built in the future.


The founding members of our church acquired six residential lots in the Indian Trails Addition to the Town of Jackson 2008 2025

The new PCJH church was born, and Worship held in 2000 Today’s Dahlquist Chapel was a faux wall that lead into a garden courtyard

Phase 2 construction included the Sanctuary remodel, the Dahlquist Chapel, Hayden Hall, the Commercial Kitchen, the Nursery, Children and Adult Classrooms 03

A capital campaign is to begin as a silent phase of securing lead gifts followed by an in-depth public phase of information, to culminate with a commitment Sunday in late spring of 2024

We expect to have final approval from the Town in early 2024, and begin construction of Phase 1 with 10 of the townhomes, plus a small Fellowship Cabin, and completion sometime in early 2025 05

11 P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
2023/24 HOME+STED
04 O v e r t h e l a s t t w o d e c a d e s o u r c h u r c h h a s c u l t i v a t e d a v i b r a n t m i n i s t r y f o r o u r m e m b e r s a n d f u l f i l l e d t h e g r e a t c o m m a n d m e n t t o s e r v e o u r n e i g h b o r s T o d a y w e f a c e a n e w c h a l l e n g e t o b u i l d t h e f u t u r e o f o u r c h u r c h i n p a r t c r e a t i n g a r e s i d e n t i a l c o m m u n i t y f o r P C J H s t a f f a n d f u l f i l l t h e m i s s i o n o f P C J H

m anagement

iN eVaLuatING tHe reSuLtS OF tHe meetINGS and surveys of the PCJH Congregation, one common theme expressed by a number of people was how the housing would be managed. the main concern being that the church, its pastors, and its staff would be overly involved in the day-to-day operations of managing the rentals.

the employee housing committee has devised a potential solution that we think addresses this concern. We are in the process of forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC), to be called PCJH Housing LLC. the plan is to then have the LLC operate and – potentially – own the project. the LLC would have just one single member: PCJH. Since PCJH is a tax-exempt entity, and would be the only member, the LLC would also be a tax-exempt entity. (Contributions to the project through the capital campaign would still be made directly to PCJH, which in turn would invest those funds into the LLC.)

Our intention is to have the LLC hire a property manager to collect rent, and handle maintenance and repairs. that keeps the entire project separate from the responsibilities of the church staff and pastors.

as far as oversight of operations, we can have an indepen-

dent board of directors which would report to the Session of PCJH. Having an independent board would keep a level of separation from the church itself, which helps ensure the additional layer of liability protection that an LLC provides.

all the foregoing is still in the planning stages; the details may change as the project progresses. We have the help of a local lawyer for the planning and documentation, and to suggest changes where needed. Overall, though, the purpose of the LLC would be to serve to keep the management of the project separate from the church and its staff. It would provide an extra layer of liability protection and a future source of income for the church.

the LLC structure would hopefully help solve the housing needs of the church far into the future, while minimizing the effect on the church itself. PCJH would continue to pursue its vision and mission as it always has, comfortably separate from the management of its housing.

I tend to view the progression of this project as similiar to ascending a set of stairs. Some of the steps are bigger than the others, some higher up, so the trip is a series of inconsistent speeds.

at any point we can stop and survey progress, or take a different angle, but we’re still moving up, even though it seems as if we have a long way to go. the idea of the LLC is one of those steps, one which may very well alleviate some of the concerns of the congregation and help us keep moving forward. ✝

12 BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ F all 2023
~ John s cott
o F
P R o J
the n ew h ousing
John scott has been a fishing guide, a cPa, a baseball coach, a fastpitch softball coach, an investor, and a rancher. to learn more about John, see his bio on page 19 >

Faith - based consulting

hO r I z ONS Ste W ar DSHIP IS a N at ION a L full-service fundraising, faith-based consulting firm. Our work consists of a broad range of services including pre-campaign feasibility studies, development assessment, data analytics, campaign counsel, annual campaigns, major gifts, planned gifts, educational seminars, and coaching. While we serve a variety of clients nationally, the majority of Horizons Stewardship clients are churches, religious foundations and judicatories.

Horizons Stewardship was founded in 1992 by Dr. J. Clif Christopher, an ordained u nited m ethodist pastor and stewardship consultant. His vision was to assist churches and other faith-based institutions to make strategic decisions and grow in faith, while securing the necessary capital to accomplish their vision for ministry.

t he use of the word stewardship in the company name is intentional. We believe we are created by a generous and loving God who gifted each one of us that we might use our gifts to enable God’s will to be done. Horizons Stewardship has worked with more than 30 denominations and is a preferred provider of the PC( u S a ) Foundation.

Horizons Stewardship has 34 m inistry Strategists (or consultants) who have collectively raised over $9 billion for the Christian community throughout the u nited States, including church campaigns as large as $100 million.

During m ay of 2023, a feasibility study was conducted with the PCJH congregation by Horizons Stewardship. t he church family provided 29 interviews and 107 congregational surveys for a total of 136 respondents.

a strong sense of congregational unity and consensus related to the need for staff housing was apparent. Of great significance was an evaluation of the following trends in the responses:

• A strong inclination (75% of respondents) from church members to financially support the capital campaign.

• An unprompted appreciation for Pastor Ben Pascal.

• A strong agreement (93% of respondents) with the vision/calling/direction of PCJH.

• Consensus that the church is “headed in the right direction.”

• Strong support (92% of respondents) felt the church should proceed with a capital campaign.

Horizons campaigns are customized for every client and will be respectful of the theology and particular DNa of PCJH. the plan for PCJH is to begin a silent phase of securing lead gifts followed by an intentional spiritual focus of discernment for all congregants and friends. the capital campaign timeline will contain an in-depth public phase of information and discernment, by and for congregants, to culminate in a ‘Commitment Sunday’ in the spring of 2024. ✝

13 P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
~ terry Goolsby teRRy goolsby serves as a consultant for PcJh with horizons stewardship. to learn more about terry, see his bio on page 19 >
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” u -Psalm 127:1

Q & A inteRviews with Rev. tammy mitchell, ally kieFeR, and bRian bultema

housing PeRsPectives FRom staFF

How has PCJH helped you in providing housing?

tammy: When a congregation calls a pastor to serve, they are prayerfully intentional about including some sort of housing arrangement. I believe that around 2014, PCJH made the bold decision to designate a portion of the property to build an independent home used for a pastor as a manse. I was called in September of 2016 and part of the terms of agreement was that I was able to live in the manse, located behind the church in a lovely subdivision of Jackson.

ally: I’ve been residing in subsidized employee housing through PCJH since July 2022—over a year now! Prior to this, I had lived in two different housing situations in the valley, first south of town in a dorm-style basement with five other roommates, and then in a condo in town with two, then three others. When the region’s housing crisis intensified to a panic during the summer of 2021, the monthly rent for the condo spiked to almost double what it had been over my three years of my living there. my roommates and I were able to reason with the landlord into reducing the increase, but it was exhausting, time-consuming, and our trust with him had been broken. I was able to stay because of PCJH’s rent assistance initiative, a blessing that allowed me to remain housed while seeking other options. In the spring of 2022, Cindy and Jeff Dahlin generously offered their apartment unit to the church as employee housing, which PCJH would then subsidize. I moved in that summer.

brian: In July 2022, we received an email from the elders that a townhome in teton Village would be going up for sale in the Fall. this townhome was a part of teton County’s Workforce Housing program and was deed restricted for PCJH, which allowed the church to appoint a buyer any time the unit came up for sale. my wife, Sandra and I were thrilled at the prospect of owning our own home, especially one we loved and that we could grow into! We were eventually appointed as the buyers and closed on the unit in November 2022. In what way did that housing offer a sense of stability and financial relief?

tammy: PCJH’s offer of housing came as a real source of comfort for me. the call as a pastor came during a time in my life when I had gone through some recent personal transitions. I had always wanted to live in Jackson. However, I knew housing was going to be difficult to secure. When the search team showed me the beautiful home, I was quite moved, thinking

this congregation so valued and honored the position, and cared enough for their pastors, that they would sacrifice their resources to provide housing for someone who needed a new home.

ally: I cannot express the relief that moving into employee housing has given me. after living through the shock and panic of being suddenly unable to afford my 2021 housing, and realizing that the increased rental costs in Jackson were here long-term and were completely unaffordable for me, I wouldn’t have been able to remain a resident of Jackson without being offered stable, subsidized housing. Knowing that my rent won’t unexpectedly leap a disconcerting amount, knowing that my home won’t be suddenly sold, and knowing that my landlords (the Dahlins and the church!) care about my wellbeing, brings me a peace-of-mind that I haven’t experienced with any other living situation in town. brian: Owning a home here and building equity is something we never dreamed possible. even if we were blessed with being picked in a lottery for a unit through either teton County’s affordable and Workforce Programs, we figured the unit would be small and we wouldn’t be able to really grow into it. this is something we’ve heard from quite a few friends. But our home is large enough for hosting guests and growing our family, and – in fact – we are welcoming a baby into the family soon!

As I re F lect ~ Preston Gordon

As I reflect on both of my stints living in Jackson over the past 12 years and serving at P c J h , housing was a significant question. When I came to PCJH as a single 22-year-old, I would not have taken the job except for the clause – “Room and board included. ” i wanted to come and serve, and I knew I could not do it without this provision.

w hen i returned in 2022 with a family, again i said, “ t his can only happen if housing is provided.” There were simply zero options to live and work in Jackson without PcJh helping provide a roof over us. in both of these instances, generosity from PcJh parishioners blessed me and our family more than i can put words around. i am deeply grateful. yet challenges are very real, and I’m grateful you all are working as a community to find solutions for affordable housing in Jackson.

PReston goRdon serves as Rector of all saints anglican church in montrose, co he previously served as children's ministry coordinator for PcJh he is married to deanna and two boys, anderson and elliot.

Coffee talk at locals hangout Picnic cafe. Photo: Beth RicciaRdi
Rev. tamaRa mitchell serves as PcJh associate Pastor. she has two married daughters, and a dog named charlie.

What impact did available housing have on your ability to serve at PCJH?

tammy: For most of my pastoral career, I have lived in a manse or housing provided by the church. Being able to live in the manse has provided me the capacity to spend my time investing in building relationships with the congregation and increasing my dedication and focus on the ministry. It can also foster a sense of community, as I learn what it means to be a part of this special place, its rich history and its ongoing future. ally: the spring-summer of 2021 was one of the lowest points in my mental health journey. I was living with regular anxiety, and a big part of that (along with the trauma from a global pandemic and fraught political landscape) was housing instability and financial fear. Let me tell you, struggling with mental health is exhausting, prevents you from feeling present in the moment and severely limits what one is able to concentrate

over 11 Y e A rs ~ Kenny Hadden

During my eleven years in Jackson, I lived in eight different houses. t his might not be uncommon for a single person, but for a middle-aged couple raising two kids, it's definitely not ideal. Even so, most of that time I felt lucky for what we had. Several colleagues of mine - college educated, full time employees in education and non-profit work - had months when they were living out of their cars, showering in the bathroom at their workplace in the mornings and touring overpriced rentals in the evening and on weekends. It simply wasn’t sustainable, so people finally gave up and moved away, despite their love of community and place and vocation.

if the church wants to retain a strong staff, providing housing is absolutely the first priority. When it became clear that my family was at the end of our rope, PcJh moved mountains to help us find and afford a consistent home. Although it turned out remaining in Jackson wasn't in the cards for us, the church leadership maintained that momentum, and their ongoing efforts are increasingly visible in the Employee Housing Project.

kenny hadden served as worship director at PcJh from 2014-2019. he now works as a financial advisor in Bend, oregon and contributes to music and education programs at First Presbyterian of bend.

on and do in a day! Having a stable, peaceful place to live - a home to retreat to, rest in, recharge in - is one major piece of the puzzle in feeling emotionally and physically secure.

brian: as any young person will tell you, worrying about housing can take up so much energy and time. Planning for contingencies, stressing over getting a lease renewal, it’s all a part of life here for many folks. Being confident that the rug won’t get pulled from under me, frees up so much mental energy I can dedicate to PCJH and the community at large.

Why do you think it is important for PCJH to address housing issues for employees?

tammy: the importance of addressing housing for employees was something that came gradually for me. Frankly, I did not see the need so much until my fellow co-workers were struggling to find a place to live. I watched these wonderful people be forced to move several times during their tenure at PCJH, creating incredible stress and anxiety, as well as distracting them from what they loved and longed to do – namely serve at PCJH. I believe the housing issue will continue to be present, so however PCJH addresses it, would be beneficial to the entire congregation and community.

ally: PCJH won’t have employees outside of a very specific privileged demographic if it doesn’t offer housing assistance. most young adults, single adults, even dual-income partnered adults making salaries at the national average simply can’t sustainably afford to buy or rent in this valley, with its current market prices, without assistance of some kind. I’m encouraged to see that many organizations and businesses in town, including PCJH, are recognizing this need and rising to meet it in creative ways, like offering employee housing, increased pay, and/or housing stipends.

brian: as so many organizations have discovered in Jackson, having available housing expands the candidate pool. and those who feel called to serve Christ in a church can feel like they can do so without the constant squeeze of ever-inflated housing costs.

What do you see as the benefits and challenges of the upcoming housing project?

tammy: I see the upcoming project as a mission �

ally kieFeR, communications coordinator at PcJh, is from ca and has lived in Jackson for the past 5 years. She loves sunshine, sweet potato fries, and quality time.

15 P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e
“by wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures."
u Proverbs 24:3-4

opportunity. this step is a tangible way in which we can publicly demonstrate our commitment to not just “ourselves” (as some see it), but to intentionally address a real need for those who do not have the financial means to live here year- round. Why would we not want to help those who may choose to work at PCJH or others in our community? Of course, no one is ignorant of the challenges this may bring such as privacy concerns, maintenance, property responsibility, and housing longevity. I do not believe that this housing project will be the panacea for all housing issues for PCJH. I do believe that it is a step toward doing what we can now, knowing that the future will always hold challenges ahead.

ally: PCJH’s upcoming housing project will come to full fruition if the whole church understands the needs of not only PCJH’s employees, but also the very real housing issues facing our community as a whole, and sees the housing project as a way that this church can help alleviate insecurity in the community at large. through this project, PCJH has an opportunity to model what stewarding resources to benefit people’s physical, mental, spiritual and financial well-being looks like, which then positively impacts the work of the church and the greater Jackson community. It will take great intention and communication to make sure that the housing available, after all is said and done, is truly affordable, and is meeting the needs listed above for employees, but I’m hopeful that the vision won’t be lost in the grand process of fundraising, building and preparing.

brian: the biggest benefit is the forward-thinking nature of this project. Having such a large pool of housing will allow PCJH to grow and thrive in the future and expand ministries where and when they are needed. We’ll be contributing to a healthier community here in Jackson Hole. One challenge will be how to prioritize which positions, especially part-time positions, will receive options to live in housing. this will especially be true if the initial build doesn’t have too many units.

What hopes and prayers would you offer to our community of faith for the housing project?

tammy: my prayer is that this housing project will be a source of joy and a doorway for mission - another avenue to share the

Gospel of Christ. my prayer is that PCJH would embrace the risk (because there is risk in faith), and just see what the Lord might do in our midst. I pray that this entire project be motivated out of our love for God and love for our neighbor and that we might somehow be able to create a small community of light in Jackson. my prayer is that we do this together - that while we may disagree with the details, we can unite with one another, following however our Lord is leading.

ally: this is an exciting opportunity for PCJH to step out in faith, hope and love for individuals and the community. my prayer is that this project brings the congregation closer together in unity around a beautiful vision and a hope for what Jackson can become, and for whom Jackson can be called a long-term home.

brian: Being in Jackson Hole, development projects always run into inevitable changes and are never without obstacles. I’d say prayers for understanding, patience and unity for both the congregation and e mployee Housing Committee as the project moves forward. a nd the hope that the faith of all of us may be stretched with something so big! ✝

As many know from experience, affording a place to live in Jackson, especially as a single income renter, is difficult and feels nearly impossible.

I knew that the cost of living would be a big struggle when deciding to move here to work at PCJH. However, I also knew that securing housing before moving would contribute to the stress of the whole transition process. I am thankful to share about how PCJH was committed to finding a place for me to live so that i didn't have to worry about searching while living in another state on top of the jarring cost of living.

h aving a safe and secure place to live certainly contributed to my ability to follow my calling to come out here. i hope that this continues to be an option for future and current employees as more housing becomes available through this housing project!

megan walkeR PcJh youth & young Adult Coordinator, moved to Jackson year from washington state. she loves spending time with students, learning about other’s passions, hiking, and eating burgers.

BUILDING FOR OUR FU t UR e ~ 16 Q & A inteRviews with Rev.
bRian bultema is on staff here at PcJh as the church administrator and has been in the Jackson area since 2009 after several summers in gtnP. he is married to sandra guido Fernandez."
tammy mitchell, ally kieFeR, and bRian bultema
“being confident that the rug won’t get pulled from under me, frees up so much mental energy..."
As m A n Y K no W ~ Megan walker �


ken thomasma


01 louisa sandvig

william & sharon schoen (57)

02 cindy weber

03 marian meyers

erin Rosenberg

ralph & Jean Hudelson (31)

04 steve & sharon Fralin (20)

05 kent nichols

07 dylan wade

david meyers

John scott

08 katie mendenhall Brad & Barb andrews (29)

10 Darla Jackson Kae Brockermeyer

11 catherine wade

12 corrine berg

13 sierra Fulton 14 Mike Halpin

15 Brett & Gaylyn Frantz

16 nancy brumsted

Church administrator assitant x107

Ally Kiefer akiefer@pcjh.org Communications Coordinator x102

Program Staff

Laura Huckin huckin@silverstar.net worship & Music Coordinator x123

Amanda Lack alack@pcjh.org

little lambs Director x111

Megan Walker mwalker@pcjh.org

youth & young adult Ministry Coordinator x124

Ruling Elders

Class of 2023

Caryn Haman adult Ministry

Josh Ziolkowski young adult Ministry

Alan Lund


Patty McDonald assimilation & Nomination


Clerk of session: Ken Blount


Wes Lucas* stewardship

Steve Iobst* Buildings, Grounds & Vehicles

Marian Meyers youth Ministry

Becky Kimmel worship

Sarah Romorini Mission

Trent Doyle Children’s Ministry

Tiffany Tate Congregational life

teaching elders: rev. Ben Pascal & rev. tamara Mitchell


Class of 2023

Michael Schrotz*

Ponteir Sackery

Brian Bultima

Sandra Guido


Class of 2024

Lori Dodd*

Brad Herman*

Joy Steiner*

Tom Segerstrom

*Serving second term

Class of 2025

Cameron Page

Dorothy Neckels*

Karlene Owens

Sierra Fulton*

John Scott* Finance 17

~ pcj h B I rthd AY s / A nn I vers A r I es
sePtembeR 01 Meg
& liz Jorgenson (21)
Peter & Deb Keenan (16) 02 Jeff hanson
Kraig Kobert & Julie Birrer (27)
tom & Kris thompson (43)
03 louise deland bill
04 Paula Jorgenson Judy
blount Billy & Kathy robertson (47) 05 matt Faupel caroline taylor 08 ed & shirley Cheramy (37) Joe & Julie whitlock (62) 09 mary neal 10 Joni upsher 13 shirley cheramy laura soltau 14 brandie orchard heather martin 15 duane schneider 16 deedee sorsby
stuart mcFarlene 18 aaron nydam 19 John hanlon alan & Irene lund (42) 20 larry vangenderen Paul & amy Boillot (19) 21 Phil & Betsy stevenson (32) 22 Megan Walker mary williams 23 Nicole Ackley 26 mary williams 28 Lynn Finkel 29 deb keenan Aaron Ackley
steve & Cindy weber (44)
scarborough ben
Neal (36) 23 Janice Skinner 28 beth Ricciardi doug & donna niemi 29 barbara casey 30 Chris & louisa sandvig (14) 31 Pete Forster novembeR 01 deb kopp 02 sandra guido bultema 04 barbara carlsberg 07 alan & sue Bybee (53) 08 sue sullivan 09 david conine bob Jones george scarlett 10 Colter & alli lane (11) 11 Ben & Karen Brennan (17) 13 Becky Jordan Eileen Blackwell Michael & Claudia schrotz (36) 14 brad andrews alan brumsted 15 donna heinz 17 ed lavino chris brown 19 eric Johnson 20 addie Pascal sandra Pavuk-Zender 21 eunice conine 23 John & Barbara simms (44) 24 alli lane Rob werner 25 warren vangenderen scott & Cindy Zabriskie (34) 27 Mack Mendenhall 30 claudia schrotz leah nydam
Staff Rev. Ben Pascal bpascal@pcjh.org senior Pastor x 101 Rev. Tammy Mitchell tmitchell@pcjh.org associate Pastor x 104 Office Staff Brian Bultema bbultema@pcjh.org Church administrator x109 Cindy Dahlin cdahlin@pcjh.org
17 barb andrews Robert Pascal
meyers 18
& Mary

maRk tuRneR

mark grew up on his family’s ranch (triangle X) in the heart of Grand teton National Park. mark’s passion for design and the built environment came from years building forts in the woods behind the ranch. the award-winning GreenSpur has been in business over 15 years and is the result of mark’s passion for the West and for sustainable development. mark has a Great Books degree from the university of Notre Dame and an mBa in Finance from Old Dominion university.

mike welch

mike arrived in Jackson in 1992 and, during his time here, has worked for local small businesses, larger employers, and several non-profit organizations. Over the last few years, he’s moved into project management and consulting roles that allow him more flexibility to spend time with his wife and sons. through his service as an employee, non-profit leader, and board member, mike has become increasingly engaged in community-building and planning issues. an advocate by nature, mike believes strongly that encouraging engagement from a broad range of individuals is critical in keeping Jackson Hole a vibrant and healthy community.

mack mendenhall

Born in North Carolina, mack graduated from North Carolina State university with honors and promptly moved out West over 20 years ago. mack became connected with Jackson Hole as a river guide, and photographer, and worked at Jackson Hole mountain resort. Being raised in the family brokerage, mack quickly found his calling and became a third-generation realtor. mack and his real estate team, Graham-Faupel-mendenhall, have consistently been recognized as one of the prominent teams in the country. mack has volunteered for numerous organizations and has served as teton Board of realtors® President. mack and wife Katie are grateful to be raising their daughters in this incredible community.

John scott

a PCJH elder, chair of the finance committee, and member of the employee Housing Committee. John formerly was licensed as a CPa in North Carolina, and has an mBa. He worked in public accounting, private industry, and managed an investment fund. through those years he also coached baseball and fast-pitch softball, from youth levels through high school. although officially retired—he is still active as an investor and a rancher, now living full time here in Wyoming.

baRbaRa casey

Barbara Sayre Casey has had a home in Wilson for 30 years, becoming a full-time resident in 2020. She has been active at the National museum for Wildlife art and currently serves on the Board of trustees. an expert on branding, public relations and image-building, she had a corporate career and then became an entrepreneur leading her own firm, Casey & Sayre, working with clients such as Korn/Ferry International, at&t, Caruso Holdings, Broad museum, LaCma, Conrad Hilton and annenberg Foundations. Her daughter meredith and her husband eric red, a well- known filmmaker and author, live in Los angeles. they both share Barbara’s love for Jackson Hole.

teRRy goolsby

terry Goolsby has been a highly successful ministry Strategist for over 22 years and serves as a Senior Vice President at Horizons. He has worked with a vast array of Christian denominations, both large and small, and helped raise over $500 million dollars. Prior to joining Horizons, terry spent 21 years in local church ministry. He enjoys working with church leadership in discerning and strategizing the goals of the church around vision. terry and his wife, Pam, reside in Dallas where he enjoys biking, gardening, and outdoor activities.

pcjh ho U s I ng te A m ~

chRis sandvig

Chris was raised in the upper Great Plains States. the eldest of five, he and his brothers were active skiers and outdoors enthusiasts. Chris received his undergraduate degree from university of North Dakota and an mBa from aGSIm (thunderbird). Shortly after marriage, he began his banking career in Portland, Oregon where he and his wife had two daughters. In 1984 the family moved to the Chicago area with First Chicago/JP morgan. In 2004, Chris moved to Jackson with united Banks of Wyoming/ Jackson State Bank/Wells Fargo. In June 2021, he became a full time Grandfather, Father, Husband, Brother, mentor, tormentor, Friend with no distractions.

steve iobst

Steve and his family—wife Debbie, daughter allison, sons Ben and Steven – moved to moose in the summer of 1997 when Steve was appointed Deputy Superintendent of Grand teton National Park. Before the original church building was completed, Steve was ordained as an elder (B & G of course)! Debbie was a youth leader for high school and organized many mexico border ministry trips. Debbie was also a successful middle and High School swim coach, which she continued after Steve transferred to Yellowstone in 2003. With Debbie living in the Jackson Hole community each late summer through fall, the Iobst family was able to stay involved in PCJH. Steve retired from the National Park Service after 43 years.

baRb andRews

Barb was raised on a registered black angus cattle ranch in Winifred, montana. She moved to Jackson in 1990 and is married to Brad with three children, Claire, Sarah and Will. at the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole, she was the youth elder for six years and currently serves on the Housing Committee and Personnel Committee. She loves her animals and enjoys the outdoors. She is an associate broker with KWJH real estate.

michael halPin

mike Halpin has been a full-time resident of Jackson Hole for 36 years, and spent his childhood summers at Lost Creek ranch. He and his family reside at Indian Springs ranch, a project that he and his family and a small group of investors developed in 1992. In 1994, they developed the Indian trails addition to the town of Jackson, where the current PCJH campus resides. His development company meridian Group also facilitated projects in Johnson City, tX, mesquite, NV and alpine WY and is currently developing a project in ririe, ID.

His prior affiliations include: Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, JH Land trust advisory Committee, Grand teton Park Foundation, JH Chamber Board of Directors and executive Committee, numerous HOa boards, two terms in the JH tourism Board, three years working on the tribal trail Stakeholders Committee, and a member with his family at PCJH for 15 years.

scott o’haRe

Scott O’Hare has attended PCJH since 1999 and been a member since 2018. Before retiring, Scott worked for Dell technologies, mcKinsey & Company, and as a geophysicist for Chevron. He and his wife, Kacy, split their time between Jackson and austin, texas. they have two grown sons, Jake and Patrick, who enjoyed summer camp at PCJH for many years.

19 P c J h.o R g ~ P INN ac L e ~ get to K no W U s
Address Service Requested Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit # 189 Jackson, WY 83002
P iRiT sightings
will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. no
will they build houses and
live in
or plant and
will long enjoy the
u Isaiah 65:21-22 >
1251 South Park Loop Road, P.O. Box 7530, Jackson, WY 83002 I pcjh.org I 307-734-0388
"they will
houses and dwell in them; they
For as the days
a tree, so will be the days
my people; my chosen ones
their hands."
Future site of the PCJH
Photo: beth RicciaRdi

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