PCJH Pinnacle Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2021 VOL 13

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Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole


Quarterly Newsletter I VolUME no 13 FALL 2021

The call to ministry pg.6

+ 25 PLUS stories of transformation pg.10


where they are today

pg. 23

to be a c o m m u n i ty, Rooted in Christ, reaching out in love

Table of Contents Volume NO 13 I FALL 2021

s t o r i e s o f t r a n s f o r m at i o n



PINNACLE The Fall 2021 edition of the Pinnacle is a compilation of 25+ short testimonials from the people of the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole and how the Lord has touched their life through the ministry and mission of this congregation. May these stories remind you of God’s faithfulness in the life of PCJH over these past 25 years. We can’t wait to see how God will continue to bring transformation in people’s lives in the decades to come! Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. u Ephesians 3:20-21

04 markers of god's faithfulness

~ Re v. Ben Pascal

cover: moving the original PCJH cross by crane, from the roof top of PCJH to it's current location today,



The call to ministry

~ Re v. Dr. Paul Hayden


get to know us

25 + stories of transformation


where they are today

Circa 2006.


stories of transformation / PCJH 25 years


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September 2 5 t h a n n i v e r sa ry c e l e b r at i o n

calendar @pcjh.org/events


OCTOBER 3~ 13 ~ RD

Welcome Home Party for Pastor Tammy


Encounter Storytelling Event

guest speaker.

24 ~ th

12 ~


~ ~ ~

17 ~

Sunday Worship Services 8am and 10:15am Outdoor Celebration 11:30am Live Music, fellowship & sharing stories of of PCJH together Individual boxed lunches from Chef Caroline

20 ~


Check pcjh.org/events/ often for calendar updates. Simply use your smart phone to scan below with ease!

5pm—Old Bills Donations Deadline


7~ TH

Annual Congregational Meeting @ 11:30 am PCJH Sanctuary

14 ~ TH

Stewardship Campaign begins

25 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ TH


Scan  QR CODE above


Alberto Solano, President and Executive Director of Agros International

for ongoing UPDATES


Thanksgiving Day Advent begins Grief Support Group 5:30-7:00pm

Music Academy Fall Semester begins


22 ~ 22 ~ 30 ~


Wednesday Community Take-Home dinners resume


Grief Support Group 5:30-7:00pm


Agros Tierras de Vida Watch Party Genesis Room 6:30-8:30pm

*Serving second term





markers of


Fa i t h f u l n e ss ~ Rev. Ben Pascal


stories of transformation / PCJH 25 years


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So Joshua called together the twelve men he had appointed from the Israelites, one from each tribe, and said to them, “Go over before the ark of the Lord your God into the middle of the Jordan. Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever. u Joshua 4:47


y f a m i l y a n d I w e r e r e c e n tl y h i k i n g i n th e W i n d River Mountains of Wyoming when we lost the trail and we were thankful to find cairns (human-made stacks, mounds, or piles of rocks) that marked the way. The cairns not only kept us on the path, but they gave us some assurance that we were headed the right way and that someone else had gone before us. They are wonderful markers for those who are on an adventure in the mountains. Cairns have been built for centuries by cultures around the world for many different purposes. They may serve as monuments, burial sites, navigational aids (by land or sea), or ceremonial grounds, among other uses. The ancient Israelites used cairns as recorded in the Old Testament book of Joshua 4:4-7 after they had crossed the Jordan River into the Promise Land: So Joshua called together the twelve men he had appointed from the Israelites, one from each tribe, and said to them, “Go over before the ark of the Lord your God into the middle of the Jordan. Each of you is to take up a stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the Israelites, to serve as a sign among you. In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever.” The stones piled on top of each other were a marker of God’s faithfulness to the Israelites for generations to come. When I ref lect back on my life, I could build a large cairn as a symbol of God’s faithfulness to me over the past 44 years. Each rock would symbolize some person or situation that God used to faithfully guide me along the way. My baptism as an infant; my family members, friends, and mentors; confirmation; disappointments and loss that God used to shape and form my character; celebratory moments like our wedding or the birth or adoption of our children; an accomplishment; my ordination and call to ministry; a mission trip or retreat; a sermon or book that spoke to me in a particular way; the various churches I have been a part of; and the list goes on. How about you? What would your cairn look like? How would you name the various stones of God’s faithfulness to you in your life? This Pinnacle edition is a cairn of 25+ stones (stories) of God’s faithfulness in the lives of the people of the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole. May these stories encourage you, challenge you, and remind you of God’s work in our lives. There are so many stories that could be shared that are not included in this Pinnacle. We encourage you to send in your stories of God’s faithfulness in your life, as we would love to know how PCJH has impacted you. We also acknowledge that there are many more stories to come. God is continuously at work in our lives and for this we give thanks! Enjoy this 25th anniversary edition of the Pinnacle. May it be a cairn that points you to the way of Jesus and a reminder that there are those who have gone before you and are traveling alongside you on this path of faith. ✝ On the journey with you, ~Ben

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CALL to m i n i s t ry T HE

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Rev Dr. Paul Hayden ramps up worship during Superbowl Sunday service.

ow does a person get from where THEY are to the place God wants them to be?

Let me tell you my story.


~ Re v Dr. Paul Hayden


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I remember well the time God’s call to ministry first came to me. It was my sophomore year in college. The dying Presbyterian Church at which I served as the paid baritone soloist was hosting a special guest preacher on a Sunday evening. Sunday evening?! Presbyterian churches don’t do that. My church growing up did, but not a Presbyterian church. The pastor invited me to attend and so I decided to go and see what this event was all about. That evening the Moderator of the General Assembly preached on Genesis 12:1-3, God’s call of Abram to go to “the land that I will show you.” I don’t remember much else of the sermon or the service. I do remember Holy Spirit moving me to listen to God’s voice and not miss the opportunity God was giving me. I listened and said “yes.” As I sat in that sanctuary, no one else knew the struggle through which I had been going. I had been invited to participate in a Christian musical group called The Free Spirit, a group created by the Free Methodist Church in an attempt to update their worship styles in their congregations. At the time the FMC used little instrumental music, a piano at best. The eight vocalists in our group would put on an hour and a half concert, using pre-recorded music from the London Symphony (yes, we were one of the first karaoke groups), dressed in flashy polyester jumpsuits (Oh, baby), each singing into their own microphone. I was asked to deliver a brief message at the end of each concert. After performing 180 times, preaching 180 mini-sermons, and doing a host of other leadership and educational functions, I saw the hand of God work in me and through me. I felt a clarifying call from God defining “the land that I will show you.” I heard God say, “Leave your declared major of music education and turn your eyes toward becoming a minister.” I knew in my heart of hearts this is what God was calling me to do. I obeyed.

The Road into the Ministry The road to becoming a minister was longer than I had expected. After the music tour I had to finish college, 2 years. Then I took a “Gap Year.” Then I had to go to seminary to earn a Masters of Divinity degree, three more years. Six years to officially get launched into the work I had felt God call me to do.

Life Training for Ministry At the first church after seminary, Fremont Presbyterian in Sacramento, I was the pastor to youth. After a couple years college ministry was added. Then I become the interim Christian Education direction and young adult pastor (while continuing to do the other assignments). My last year I led a communion service each Sunday evening. The church gave me an incredible exposure to a wide range of ministry. Little did I know the Lord was preparing me for a major change. The new senior pastor at Fremont wanted to build his own staff to fulfill the vision of ministry he felt called by God to do. I was not part of his vision. After his arrival it became quite clear that my departure was imminent. I was shattered. Sometimes God has to work through some pain to get you to his new destination. My job search ended leading me from the large church I had served (2200 members) to a small rural church in the San Juan Islands, Friday Harbor. Why Lord? Why here? Why me? Why now? Is this like John being sent to the Isle of Patmos? Is this truly your call or was this my last resort? Oh, the doubts I had. Friday Harbor was a wonderful and blessed time of ministry. The church grew. The ministry flourished. A new building was constructed. The Hayden family grew from one to three children. It was an exciting time. Little had I anticipated that God had been equipping me to use all the experiences from my previous times of serving in a new setting. I now know God uses all our lessons from life to advance our serving within the work of his Kingdom.

The Road to PCJH 11 years in a congregation is a long time. Our 22 months old son was now 12 and in 6th grade. We were concerned about the opportunities he might have (as well as the problems that might arise) if we stayed on the island. We began to pray about what God wanted us to do. A string of God nudges culminated in a friend in my doctoral program encouraging me to apply for a New Church Development in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Where? In Acts 8:26-40 we find the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. The story develops rapidly and shows how God can direct an individual to �

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Left: Top of Mt. Sinai for sunrise service on the first PCJH Holy Land trip. Right: the early years—Rev Dr. Paul Hayden playing his guitar during worship, Circa 1996.

spread the Gospel to a new part of the world. That is how I felt coming to Jackson. At the time, the word on the street was “If you are looking to move to a new church, you need to plan 12 to 18 months to do so.” I sent in my resume February 1, 1994. I had a telephone interview with the search committee on February 20. They flew me and the family to Jackson March 12. They called me to be the Organizing Pastor on March 15. We flew back to Washington, prayed, said Yes, said goodbye to dear friends and arrived in Jackson on May 5 to begin the work on May 9. Philip. That’s how we got to Jackson. God worked within the circumstances of our lives as we prayed and listened,


to direct us to the ministry he was about to unfold. God took a committee of 7 (5 locals and 2 from Presbytery), grew it to a first Sunday service of 19, then to 100 by the end of summer, then to 160 at our first Christmas worship. Over the course of time we saw 720 profess their faith as they became members of the church. Some of those are still involved and others have moved on to other churches, other places, or to heaven. In the midst of this journey we saw a number of ministries develop. Some are still active. Others served their purpose and we celebrated what had been accomplished as we concluded their time. New ones have begun. Each developed following a similar pattern: �

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“Little had I anticipated that God had been equipping me to use all the experiences from my previous times of serving in a new setting.“ 1. Look Up.

Be in touch with God. Listen. Pray.

Worship. Study.

2. Look Out. Be in touch with the community. Where are the needs? Where do we fit? Where are the opportunities to serve and share God’s love and grace?

3. Look in. What is God doing in us? Where is our heart, our passion, our giftedness, our calling? Discuss together. Pray together. Discern how the Spirit of God is moving, working, leading.

4. Create a plan using the Six P’s of preparation: Prior Prayerful Planning Prevents Potential Problems

5. Commit to and Implement the plan. 6. Be open to adjustments as we move along the way. Ministry is dynamic, not static.

7. Enjoy the ride as we Praise God from whom all blessings flow and thank and affirm the people God has called to participate in the ministry.

8. Is there something more? What’s next? Back to step one... What a journey. What a calling. What has God called you to do? As for me, there used to be an old bumper sticker. It looked like this:

PBPWM.GINFWMY Spelled out it meant: Please be patient with me. God is not finished with me yet. I don’t know what that looks like for Terri and me. I do believe that “God is not finished with us yet.” I do know where God has called us to serve at this moment in time. My hope as we move into our future is that we will continue to Look Up, Look Out, and Look In until God calls us to our eternal home. ✝





serving on trips to New Orleans, Guatemala, (3 times) and Nicaragua. Each trip exposed God’s miracles in so many ways. I also SERVED on the mission committee and as a deacon, where again God’s faithfulness shines bright. I have also found many true sisters in Christ that will forever be my trusted friends. I also can add that I happened to find a true love and a new family through this wonderful church. Pastor Paul and I were married in July of 2003, with the congregation cheering us on! Praise the Lord for the past 25 years and continue to grow in faith and love!

2 Paula Jorgensen

1 Terri Hayden We were blessed to be INVITED to PCJH back in 1998, by some very wonderful women: Bobbi, Annabelle, Susan, and Martha. On our first Sunday (in the Middle School) I was ASKED by Sherry Poinsett if I would help with the children’s program, specifically the puppet ministry (I don’t think I was even through the front doors!) Of course I said yes, which started us on our journey to reconnect and grow in faith. Cameron, my son, took part in the puppet ministry, confirmation, mission trips, and church camp. He was inspired and mentored by none other than Pastor Ben. Cam and I are forever blessed by Ben’s friendship. I found a home in the church, I belonged. I began attending classes, getting connected with Beth Moore studies which challenged me in many ways. I continued volunteering with the Wednesday after-school groups and attending Wednesday dinners. I found my passion for mission through this church,

pc_ jh Jackson Hole Presbterians pack local elementary school room for the first Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole Sunday worship, Circa 1994.


I am excited to share my thoughts about PCJH over the past 25 years. It is especially meaningful since Larry and I are part of the original 125 charter members. I worked closely with Elise Prayzich making sure all people attending Sunday worship in the school gyms had goodies and coffee when they arrived. Being a deacon has been such a rewarding experience, as well as the relationships I developed with fellow deacons. Best of all has been seeing our granddaughters, Lucy and Sayre, being baptized at PCJH; being part of Little Lambs; JOY Camp; Youth Choir; Christmas Pagaents; Confirmation; and the Youth Community Outreach. Our family was sitting in church recently and Lucy turns to me and says "Mema, I love our church". Our church fellowship group, consisting of 11 people, feel so comfortable sharing our thoughts, faith, concerns and fellowship with each other. We have a WONDERFUL PCJH Home.

3 & 4 BOB & deb KOPP As PCJH celebrates its 25th anniversary I am reminded of what a blessing it has been in my life to be a member of the church for almost half of this time period. One of the greatest impacts PCJH has had on my life has been the introduction to international mission ministry. Shortly after joining the church in 2009, my wife Debbie and I were part of a trip to Guatemala to work on a school being built by David & Liz Sparks. Seeing the joy and faith of people whose lives are filled with hardship while experiencing the warm camaraderie of our team created a desire to continue this service. We moved forward with helping to establish what has now become a 10 year PCJH relationship with Agros International, which has resulted in 12 service trips to Nicaragua involving 40 different members of our congregation. The many trips that Debbie and I have made to Guatemala and Nicaragua and my board service for Agros have inspired us to what will now be a life long commitment to serving the material poor and gaining from them a perspective on how God has blessed all of our lives. ~ Bob We’ve always been touched by how welcoming and engaging everyone at PCJH is to members, visitors and the community at large. Shortly after our move to the Aspens from upstate New York in 2009 our neighbors, long-time PCJH members Bob

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pc_ jh Ground breaking ceremony, 1996 with Joe and Julie Witlock, at the future PCJH church home.

and Annabelle Lerch, invited us to join choir rehearsal. Because of their personal invitation Bob and I dropped in on choir rehearsal before we’d even attended church. Rehearsal was just getting started, but Bill Hungate and choir members took a moment to warmly welcome us and put us at ease. Someone in the choir said “We’ve been praying for you to join us” and Bob remarked “Don’t you want to hear us sing first?” That moment laid the foundation for our on-going love and appreciation for PCJH where everyone is greeted with a warm hug, a smiling face and, by example, the love of Christ. ~ Deb

5 JULIE Whitlock Although Joe and I had been commuting to a house in Jackson for several years it wasn’t until after PCJH began that we actually moved into our home. Our neighbor, Nancy Dunlap, told us about this new “happy” church. We attended on the third Sunday with nineteen people present and have been a part of the church ever since. For us it meant an instant home church after leaving one where we had been active for over twenty years. PCJH meant deepening our faith, even expanding our faith, establishing long lasting friendships, fun times such as the snow coach trip to Old Faithful, Sunday ski trips, weekends at Triangle X and being able to serve both the church and community. Personally, I learned to “stretch” myself by agreeing to serve as a Deacon, discovering I could reach out and care for people. We learned that friendships don’t end when you leave Jackson. We ended up within walking distance of Ed and Shirley Cheramy, so if you come to Tucson you get two for one and we can even add Grace Berg.

6 Nancy Schneider We moved to Jackson in 1996. In search of a church, we were invited by our new friends, Ed and Shirley Cheramy, to attend a church that was just forming. It was led by a young

pc_ jh PCJH members and friends march towards the new PCJH, from Jackson Hole Middle school.

pastor named Paul Hayden. He had nothing to work with, it was just Paul and his guitar. He led us in praise music, and everyone had a job. We made friends quickly and looked forward to attending church and working on church projects. Our members loved that our minister was involved in the community and very well liked . His involvement placed him on many local boards. The Community Resource Center, a non profit that helped locals in need, was able to get started with his help and support. He served years on its board to assure its success. He cared about everyone. People often said they loved the way he made them feel. Everyone felt welcome at his church. When the time came for Paul to move on, he made sure he left us a good replacement . He waited, and took the time to train him up, and train him up he did! He left us with young Ben Pascal. Paul was so proud of Ben it would make you cry. He left us in very good and capable hands. The church continues to grow under Ben's leadership. He, too, is loved by our church and our community. He is a mover and shaker and attracts young members while still attending to the needs of the older members. You can feel the presence of God in this church. He is there. PCJH is a church that loves God and loves one another! I was not a churchgoer. But I felt a calling.

7 elise Prayziich Though several folks had petitioned the Presbytery of Wyoming for a Presbyterian Church in the Valley, there had been no success. Then along came Rev. Catherine Harrison, a persistent one! Living in New Jersey at that time, I was getting the JH paper preparing for a move, and answered her ad – “HOW DO YOU SPELL PRESBYTERIAN?”—offering several choices. From there on, after I arrived in JH we had a number of interested folks who formed a committee to explore bringing a Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) to the Valley. We were required by Presbytery to have 125 interested �

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folks to charter – three associate members were counted as one - memberships would be held by the Presbytery until we chartered as an official church. We needed a pastor. We advertised. We received 100 (Yes!) applications (known as PIF’s), but none were deemed appropriate for us. Then one day, Cathy and I were in the office, and the phone rang. Rev. Paul Haden on the line. When we hung up after talking with him for a bit, we looked at each other and said YES!! We agreed that WE had not found Paul, but the Lord put Paul before us when the time was right! And, those who had been involved in PCJH from 19952014, know what a difference Paul has made. An active church that has transformed many lives, young and not so young. Indeed, it has made a wonderful difference in the JH Community! It became so busy, we needed an addition—which brought with it our commercial kitchen, making it possible to invite the community for Wednesday dinners. They were a tremendous help during the Recession of 2008. What a privilege to have been “Present at the Creation!”

pc_ jh The new PCJH church was born. Worship held in 2000. The Dalquist chapel today was a faux wall that lead to a garden courtyard with the cross above.

8 BILL Klyn Even before moving to Jackson 45 years ago, my Catholic upbringing had basically instilled my faith in Christ, but I was weak in pursuing a closer relationship with Him. The Catholic church no longer connected with me with its traditional, lackluster service and lack of community within and outside the Church. My work was taking up all my time that conveniently distracted me from pursuing my re-connecting with Christ and finding a place to worship. I had met Paul Hayden through my son's involvement with Upward basketball and was impressed with his incredible persona and faith, and what he had done in creating the incredible PCJH culture and all it did to reach the outside community My son was going through a difficult time in high school and was losing his way. I sought God's help with a great deal of Hope that somehow someone could turn him around... My sense of guilt (a very catholic thing) overcame me in my not allowing my son to be involved with Christ as I had when growing up. I began to attend PCJH because of Paul Hayden and the dynamic new Pastor Ben, who very much engaged me with his passion and love for his parishioners, brilliant sermons, use of music to inspire and his ongoing interest in reaching out to the broader community. A few years ago, Pastor Ben’s long time mentor came to preach a few years back with a very unique message - Just Show Up. It was very much along the lines of how do we make a change - it begins with one step at a time. I continued to “Show Up," attending services and events and sure enough, I became much closer to Christ. My reconnection has helped me to better communicate with my son’s challenges, inspire me to become a Deacon, to better serve the Church, its incredble community, and reach out to the broader community. My friends were suprised at my involvement in the Church as they did not see me as being religious. But that opened up the discussion of "seeing my life being transformed in Jesus Christ".


9 IRENE LUND While searching for a home church for our family 19 years ago, I started attending PCJH Sunday worship. The preaching was always great and I read about a Rummage Sale being held in the Sanctuary the next week. The parking lot was jam packed, so Alan dropped off Brad and me to check it out. All the shoppers and workers were so friendly and nice. Brad found a snowboard he liked for $10 and we walked home with him balancing it on his head. The next year when I read about the Rummage Sale and the need for volunteers I decided to sign up. It felt so good to be part of something big and the sense of community and fellowship was contagious. Who knew that years later I would be co-chairing the event with Diane Nichols for six years? The sale had grown a lot and moved to the Fair Building. Shirley Cheramy, who had chaired the event for many years, taught us everything we needed to know. It was hard work, but with so many volunteers it became fun. What a great way to get to know other Christians and make lifetime friends. Working side by side and having coffee or lunch together, we got to know a lot about each other. Getting to meet shoppers from our community was great too. The generous donations were amazing and over the top, so we knew we could not sell everything in one day. Diane and I decided to contact local non profits for wish lists, so we could give away items they needed before the sale. Some needy families were invited to shop early the day before the sale at really low prices. Leftovers from the sale were donated to the Rescue Mission in Idaho Falls or put on consignment. Heard that there might be another Rummage Sale next year. Don’t miss your chance to help.

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10 Sherry Poinsett Twenty-five years ago, my friend and neighbors Bonnie and Jimmy Choy invited me to join them for PCJH’s first kick off Sunday. I can say that from that day forward, PCJH became not only my church, but my home and family as well. After attending a few more Sunday’s, I ran into Pastor Paul at the grocery store where he greeted me in his usual friendly way, then asked if I would consider working “a few hours a week” to develop a Sunday School program for the church. Unbeknownst to him, I was a former teacher and had a great deal of passion for working with children. “A few hours a week” turned into many 40-50 hour weeks over the course of the next 12 years and the Sunday School Program evolved into developing and overseeing the Nursery, Upward Basketball, Middle & High School Youth Groups, Mission Trips, Children’s Musicals, Middle School Puppet Ministry, Little Lambs Preschool, JOY Summer Camp, the Wednesday Rendezvous Program, Girls Clubs, Camp Living Water at the ranch, Family Nights, Parenting Classes, and many special events like The Life of Jesus Tour and the first GROM (Grown Up Prom). I can honestly say that I loved my job, the staff I worked with, the hundreds of volunteers I recruited, the parents of all the kiddos and most of all, the children themselves. Though I always planned for every child in the county (I was an optimist), I tried to maintain the attitude that even if just one child showed up, Jesus would give them His all and so should I. When I began my job, I felt incredibly unqualified for the call. I felt I was Bible illiterate. I never worked at a church. I never prayed out loud in front of a group. I was terrified of public speaking. Heck, I didn’t (and still don’t) know the first thing about Basketball. But as I told my college counselors many times over, God doesn’t call the qualified…. He qualifies the called. And so He did with me.

pc_ jh The view from the backside of the original PCJH Sanctuary. The stained glass cross was preserved and moved during Phase 2 construction, to the chapel where it is enjoyed today. He asked me to 1) love His little children with all of my heart and soul and mind and 2) teach them about Him. If I succeeded, then I can say I had the best and easiest job in the world. And in the end, I learned way more from those children then I ever taught them. Thank you PCJH for the most fulfilling years of my life and Happy 25th Birthday!

11 rich Viola After returning from my annual fall trip back East I called Ralph Hudelson, a fellow bass singer, about upcoming choir practice. He said that it was a familiar piece of music, but we were rehearsing at the Jackson Hole High School. Ralph said he would explain why the change when he saw me. Little did I know I was about to leave another church choir in town for the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole! Well—25yrs later and still singing in the choir, it's been quite the journey, with many of the choir members still with me. Along the way I was rewarded with several mission trips overseas. These trips really opened my mind to the realization of how important it is to help all over the world and not just locally... that God is in everything and is everywhere.

12 Nancy Brumsted

pc_ jh Elva and Nels Dahlquist shown here on their 70th wedding anniversary, were integral in a successful pursuit of erecting a Presbyterain Church in Jackson Hole—PCJH.

When I served as a youth minister for PCJH for four and a half years, (2000-2004), I had taken a one-year leave from teaching at the middle school. I was excited about a new challenge. I knew that actions, not words, would bring teens into fellowship with each other, and encourage awakening to their own spirits. We started out in the old “Pit Stop” next to Stone Drug, that Sherry Poinsett and her husband had worked �

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13 barb huhn My dear friends Kathy and Eric Johnson said they would pick me up and take me to PCJH. I cried every service. I didn’t understand all my emotions swelling up inside me every Sunday. I was feeling Gods forgiveness and love. What was missing was Larry coming with me. Several months went by ... I wanted to have “our” church, not “mine”. Larry told me later that he didn’t go because he wanted me to go to church “for me” and not because he was going. Of course then I had to go to church and repent for the anger I had felt towards him for not coming with me. LOL. That experience of having to step out of my comfort zone and do it myself... has been one of the most loving things anyone has ever done for me. It's given me a personal relationship with God, our Father, that now we share together.

pc_ jh Phase 2: construction rennovation in 2008 encompased—Sanctuary remodel, the addition of Dahlquist Chapel, Hayden Hall, the Nursery, Children and Adult classrooms, and Meeting rooms. to prepare while the new church was being built. When I look back on that time twenty years ago, I am amazed at how things took off. We went from just a few teens to more than 150 on our mailing list. The fruits of the Spirit nourished us as we “set the table” for youth in the church. Among our many spirit and joy-filled adventures as “Base Camp,” we went on 4 incredible mission trips to faraway places, had weekly youth group meetings, our own worship, Sunday night dinners, basketball games, Bible studies, backpacking trips, guitar lessons and youth band, confirmation classes, and scavenger hunts. We premiered a TGR snowboarding movie, held a dance for the high school (and set off the church smoke alarms), made super bowl subs, had weekend lock-ins, went camping, ran car washes and survived duct tape challenges. We started an after-school program using funds from Old Bill’s Fun Run (which started in 1997). We learned about faith in action, faith in each other, faith under fire, faith in our hearts, faith in the world, and faith that lasts forever, while learning to reflect the “likeness and glory of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 3:18) Our PCJH youth ministries could not have been possible without the help of many talented adults from our church family who volunteered to help. Rev. Ben came to join us, first as a volunteer, and ultimately as a youth and young adult leader. You know the rest! The young people from that youth group are now teachers, coaches, pilots, filmmakers and more. Some of them are parents who returned to Jackson, bringing their own children to church to participate in our marvelous current programs. I will always be grateful for the love and support of each and every member of this church who helped welcome our young people into our church family. It was a wonder-filled, action-packed time of awakening.


14 ross & gloria edwards About 20 years ago, we were invited to attend a service at PCJH by Lafon Ward. At this service we learned about the Sunday afternoon cross country Ski group. We decided to go to our first ski adventure with this group. We immediately said to each other; what a wonderful group of Christians are gathered here. We immediately bonded to the Byrnes, Conines, Blackwell, and Taylors. They were so inclusive and loving. They have now been friends for life. We share our faith and our concerns. This of course is in addition to the corporate spiritual life provided by Pastor Paul, Pastor Ben and Pastor Tammy. The messages on Sundays and in the newsletter are relevant and inspiring. We love PCJH. Happy Anniversary.

15 Yvonne Henze Many years ago when I was going through my divorce, my church, the small Methodist Church here in Jackson, made it impossible for me to continue there because of my sin, divorce. I was depressed. I had lost my husband and my church... A friend, Jo Lonsford, invited me to PCJH. Jo had talked to Paul about me. I finally joined her at a Wednesday night dinner. Everyone was so friendly and happy to see me. Paul came over and put his hand on my shoulder and said, “You are welcome here.” I had found my new church home! I watched Paul as he lovingly served his flock even though I knew he was going through some personal heartbreak. Through the example of Paul and the loving support of church members, I was healed. I was happily entering a new phase of my life in Jackson. I still give thanks to the Lord for sending Paul and PCJH to rescue me. A few years later my youngest son, Tim, lost his job. He came to live with me while he healed. He was very depressed with no self confidence. I tried to help him but he said “You are my mother. You have to say those things.” At that time Ben was serving PCJH as one of the youth leaders and leading ASCENT. In desperation I asked him if he would call Tim and invite him to ASCENT. Ben called not once, but several times... Tim finally accepted Ben's invitation and went to ASCENT. Ben welcomed him.

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pc_ jh Rev Stephen Brewer, preaching to a packed Easter Sunday service in 2005. supported him, and gave him some responsibilities with ASCENT. He became Tim's friend. As a result Tim began to regain his self confidence and pride in himself. Through his support Ben had given me back my youngest son. I shall always be grateful for that. The Lord knew Tim's problem and he sent Ben.

16 Brian Bultema After work one frigid December afternoon in 2009, I remember attending the memorial of a ski patroller in the Teton Village Commons. Paul Hayden’s address to the mix of ski bums, vacationers, local residents, and others rang with such empathy and relevance that I knew I had to at least visit the church he pastored. Weeks later I came to a PCJH Sunday service and felt home. The intergenerational mix of attendees, Paul’s warm and joyous sermons, and the feeling of stepping into a space with a true desire to reach the community for Jesus made me know that this was the place I could grow. Once I started dating my now wife Sandra in 2012, we starting attending together and she found those same special elements in the PCJH community. Over a decade later and after returning to Jackson in late 2020 after three years in Peru, PCJH is a spiritual refuge for my wife Sandra and I now more than ever. It’s a community where we feel we’re open to question, doubt, grieve, and celebrate as we grow as Christians.

17 KENNY HADDEN One of the great pleasures of my life was playing with Keith Phillips during my first couple of years working at PCJH. Keith was a remarkable musician by any measure, but some of my best memories of him were more about what a remarkable person he was. One week we were preparing a particularly challenging song, and I was frustrated by how our band was not able to create a similar sound to the original recording. I ran the song again and again,

pc_ jh Rev Ben Pascal's ordination takes place in the newly remodeled PCJH sanctuary, October 8th, 2010. and finally Keith said something to the effect of, “no matter who originally recorded it, our band is still going to sound like us. So let’s just make our own version and play it the best we can.” Wouldn’t that be something? For each of us to decide we’re okay being ourselves, and just try to be the very best “us” we can be? I believe this is what it looks like to live into the reality of God’s love for us - to "take hold of the life that is truly life” (Timothy 6:19). God's love is ever-present and available to us, but we are so often focused on other things. We even turn away from God intentionally for various reasons. Keith’s gentle acceptance of me, and of himself, helped me turn toward God. It’s a gift I will never forget.

18 Julia Winthers My name is Juli Winthers and I am a recovering Catholic. In 1996 I had a growing hole in my soul and was seeking a way to fill it. My experience with the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole is living proof that God is doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. June Nystrom came over to my house that Thanksgiving weekend and told me about a church that had started up in the elementary school across the street from her and invited me to join her. Walking through those doors that Sunday morning would be the last time I would ever feel alone. PCJH taught me how to be a part of, instead of apart from, by encouraging fellowship in both small group and congregation wide activities. Here I also learned that worship is an active verb. We need to participate. Weekly sermons and fellowship helped me discover a user-friendly God who continues to walk beside me and guide me. Being a Deacon was my most rewarding experience at PCJH. Small group Bible studies helped me develop a daily practice, women’s retreats cemented friendships and international mission trips opened my heart to our fellow brothers and sisters a world away. �





In 2008 Eric and I invited the entire PCJH family to be a witness to our wedding ceremony as we said goodbye to Teton County and relocated first to Merna, Wyoming and now Darby, Montana. Although I am not able to attend weekly services, you are always in my heart. I would love to hear how you are. Feel free to drop me a line – juliajwinthers@gmail.com

19 Caryn Haman The question is “how are you being transformed ?” I know what I feel and I am aware of significant changes and progress in my Christian journey. And then I thought “this is self reflection but I wonder how Jesus might view me.” I think the response might be, “you’re on the way, you finally surrendered to God and now the SHALOM you feel is because you invited my HOLY SPIRIT to be your Counselor, Corrector, Teacher and Guide. Transformation is a process that will go with you right into the kingdom of heaven “ I was blessed to know Jesus from birth. I BELIEVED! I also did things MY WAY! I often did not act on what I knew was Truth. Flash forward to PCJH. I loved Bible studies with Pastor Paul. Yet still not living it out. Then PCJH mission team led trips to Nicaragua. I never planned to go until out for a walk one day I clearly felt the Holy Spirit telling me to GO AND GO NOW. I went four times. A few years later I faced a very major life choice. Amidst tears and heart ache the Holy Spirit made the way forward clear. At last I chose to SURRENDER. Shortly after that Pastor Ben led PCJH members and friends on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I went back again the next year and look forward to returning soon. That inspired me to read the book Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes”. I began to expand and go deeper in scripture by reading books by some amazing Middle Eastern theologians whose knowledge of Hebrew and Aramaic language and culture opened up new insights and information. GOD was moving me in ways I never imagined. Pastors Ben and Tammy led group studies and discussion this year that gave us new insights that were transformative. That is leading me on a journey into Compassion, Peace, and Justice as the Bible clearly teaches. Opening life to letting God transform us into who HE created us to be leads to authentic JOY. Thanks be to GOD and PCJH.

20 RANDY REEDY We've moved many times in nearly 40 years of marriage... three different states inside the U.S., and three different countries. In each case one of the first things we did is to find our new "church home". We were never constrained to a certain denomination. In fact, when living abroad a particular denomination may not have existed in that location. Instead, we looked for the place where God called us to make a home and make a commitment. Where we would experience spiritual growth. And most importantly to us, where the church community we join chooses to "be the Church" outside of the church walls, and Sunday morning, with a heart to serve others who may not be the same as us. So in the past we've been Lutherans (ELCA and


pc_ jh Rev Dr. Paul Hayden baptising Wes and Stef Womack's two children Isabella and Oliver at String Lake, GTNP, 2013. MS), and non-denominational three times. We've made homes in churches with thousands of members, and in one with less than ten. In each case we visited many churches, in some cases several times. And in each case God gave us a very clear "THIS IS THE ONE" message. And that was certainly the case for PCJH. We found our church home until God chooses to move us again, which hopefully will not be soon!

21 DEBbie Lobst Being a youth leader in our Colorado church and experiencing my first opportunity to help lead a youth mission trip was life changing. As a result, when we moved to Grand Teton National Park and found our way to PCJH, I felt someday, and hopefully soon, that Steve and I might be able to interest the church in youth missions as well. In 2000, that vision came true as Steve and I lead, as well as other adult leaders, PCJH’s first youth mission trip with an organization called Mission Discovery. Our first trip was to Rio Bravo, Mexico. Approximately 14 youth participated in this mission effort, most from PCJH, but some youth were from other churches around the valley. Our mission was to build homes along the USA/Mexico border, conduct a VBS, and minister to families in the colonias along the border. The building of homes and loving up on Mexican children and families was the easy part. The difficult part for our youth was being confronted with other Christian teenagers who came from different parts of the United States, and who came with different praise and worship styles. The eyebrows of PCJH youth were definitely raised. So much so that when we gathered for our first small group discussion, one of our youth blurted out, “I don’t think we’re good enough Christians to be here.” However, during our week they learned it was okay to physically

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of the congregation, a Building Committee was formed led by John Briggs. John did a great job and, as a member of that committee from the outset, I learned how many people contributed to the project in so many different ways. The end result is the beautiful church building we have today. But a beautiful building does not make a church, people do! PCJH is a wonderful church because of every single person that contributes their time, treasure and talent guided by the Lord. Like so many others, we have been fortunate to make many friends at PCJH. I know the next 25 years for PCJH will be even better than the first 25.

23 Carol Poole

pc_ jh Rev Dr. Paul Hayden pre-game prayer with Upward Basketball particpants in Hayden Hall.

PCJH has given me an appreciation for the power of God’s word in The Bible. The little brown devotional, Our Daily Bread, gifted to me by the church for saying yes to being a deacon has been instrumental in helping me develop a daily practice of reading The Bible and praying. In doing so I’ve discovered how essential God’s word is in my life. Thank you PCJH! And thank you God!

24 BRAD HERMAN express one’s faith through raising of hands, music, song, and dance; and it was also okay to remain quietly seated with head bowed in the same worship service and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. During that first trip and subsequent missions to Rio Bravo, and Reynosa, Mexico; Inner City Denver; Lame Deer Indian Reservation; and Bahamas, Steve and I witnessed faith come alive in these young people. There were many hallelujah moments! The youth mission trips awakened them to seeing God every day, even in depressed areas of the country and world. The trips also provided an avenue to spread their wings a bit in their own faith journeys. The love of Jesus Christ became real for these youth. Our greatest blessing was being a part of their new faith journeys and knowing PCJH strongly supported this mission ministry.

For several years I was the lead wrangler for the Sunday services. One of the duties is to ask people to help take the offering (passing the baskets). At first it was easy to find volunteers, until Jack Hooper. The very first time he helped take the offering the basket was in middle of the row being passed and it fell on the ground. Everybody in the church heard the coins drop and roll on the floor. Several people got on their hands and knees to help clean it up. The next week it was difficult to find people to help take the offering due to the basket dropping, but we �

22 Bob Benz Not long after we moved to Jackson Hole 20+ years ago, we found the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole and decided to join and become a part of the congregation. At the time the church was the original building located on the site now used. Under Pastor Paul Hayden’s leadership the church had quickly outgrown the original building. For example, in those days the sanctuary served as a multi purpose facility for everything from Sunday services to Sunday school to meeting space to youth programs, including basketball. And, yes, we had basketball goals in the sanctuary that folded up to the ceiling when not being used. People even pulled the chairs used in the sanctuary from storage and set them up before Sunday Church Service and took them down and put them back in the closet after the service—every week! PCJH needed space and with the overwhelming approval

pc_ jh Shawn and Katie Robertson swing dancing during a cultral exchange event in the Agros village of Tierra de Nueva, 2013.





managed. Several months later I asked Jack to help again to take the offering, and as Jack’s basket was being passed in the middle of the row it fell on the ground again with the same results. Over the next two years I asked Jack to help take the offering about four times, and each time Jack’s basket would find the floor. This is no fault of Jack’s, but his basket was the only one to fall on the floor. I never asked Jack to help take the offering again, and I never saw the offering basket on the floor again. Several years later Jack asked me why I wasn't asking him to help with the offering. He said I guess that God has other ways for him to serve and he started greeting people at the door. He loved being a greeter.

25 LORI Dodd In 2017 when I moved to Jackson, I left my church family, of over 20 years, with a heavy heart. I was just here to help until my nephew graduated high school...right? Then I would go back to my church family. My brother had invited me to PCJH several times, but I was Catholic, not Presbyterian. I immediately found the Catholic Church in town and started attending Mass. I was very active at my church in Texas, so I was excited to settle in and get involved. I sat in the same pew every week, asked about the choir and faith formation...but nobody could answer my questions. I just didn’t feel at home. My brother invited me, again, to come to a service at PCJH. Of course, I attended Mass early and then headed over for the 10:15 service. I was quite early, alone and didn’t know anyone - so I just headed into the sanctuary to listen to the praise band practice. Grabbed a seat in the back row, to wait for my brother. All of a sudden, this man was standing in front of me, he said “Hi, I’m Ben, I’m one of the pastors here. I don’t think I know you.” We chatted for a few minutes about how my brother had invited me, then he shook my hand and welcomed me to PCJH. Wow, I’d been here for maybe 10 minutes, and the pastor had welcomed me - impressive! I loved the music and the message, so I decided to come back the following Sunday (after attending Mass first.) When I walked in the lobby, a woman (how I wish I could remember who) said “it’s great to see you back again!” I was floored, I had been in the church twice, and felt more at home here than where I had been attending for a couple of months. I had a feeling I was home. Since joining PCJH, I joined the choir, traveled to Austria with them, assisted with the peach sale, worked the Wednesday take-out dinners, became a deacon and now I handle Hospitality. I only hope that I can make someone's visit to PCJH as comfortable as mine was. Jackson, and the amazing mountains, have a way of worming into your heart, until you never want to leave, and PCJH is kind of the same. I have truly found my home!

26 Cindy Dahlin After moving from New Jersey to Jackson, WY in 1990, I looked in our local Yellow Pages for the address of the Presbyterian Church, only to find that the nearest one was Billings, MT. Having been raised in a family with generations of Presbyterian backgrounds, we were left with church-hopping in Jackson until the New Church Development brought Rev. Paul Hayden to town. I missed the first service of PCJH at Davey Jackson Elementary, but attended the second service – and all those to follow. During


pc_ jh Rev Tamara Mitchellw with her mother in Dalquist Chapel 2021. The stained glass cross was designed by church members and was originaly located in the PCJH Sanctuary, then moved here into Dalquist Chapel where it is enjoyed today. the familiar doxology, I stood and had instantaneous goosebumps. . . I had come home to the worship I loved. The surprising element for me was, although I was baptized, confirmed, married, had served and worshipped in the Presbyterian faith, it was not until PCJH that I experienced what having a true and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ meant. A minister who played the guitar and introduced me to praise music, fellowshipping with a community of believers, vibrant sermons and studies, brought me across the threshold of experiencing a living worship and then living out my faith. I became more confident in sharing my faith and also realizing my own growth never ceases. Worship went from being a noun to a verb. Thank you, PCJH, for all you have done for me and my family. And thank you, Jesus Christ, for revealing yourself to me through so many of your people here at this church.

27 daniel primich I am proud to say that I have been a part of of the PCJH family for 25 years. From attending our early services in the old Jackson Elementary school gym, to the Middle School Commons, and eventually taking part in the groundbreaking of our very own building, I have had the pleasure of watching our church grow and change over the years under the leadership of Paul Hayden. I was an active participant in our many youth clubs and services such as Youth Group and the Puppeteering Club. I grew up surrounded by church members such as Nancy and Alan Brumsted and Jan Segerstrom in the classroom and community. Furthermore, the mission trips I participated in during my high school years solidified the foundation of my faith. I was confirmed as a member of the church during middle school. It was at this time when I first met a young man named Ben

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Pascal, who helped build my relationship with Christ through his mentorship. Later on, when I moved back after a period in Oregon, my PCJH family was here for me. Ben Pascal has now transitioned from a mentor to our minister, wedding officiant, and the pastor who baptized our two children. We are so humbled, and honored to still be a part of this wonderful church family. As a 4th grade teacher here in Jackson, I am delighted to see some of my students grow and develop their faith alongside our church family. I can’t wait to see the wonderful things God has in store for them. Being a part of PCJH is such a blessing, and we are grateful for it.

28 DEBbie Schlinger Did becoming a member of PCJH 25 years ago change my attitude about religion? You bet it did! Prior to PCJH, I felt obligated to attend mass on Sundays and seldom chose to become involved in anything related to my faith outside that required time. But at PCJH I have a totally different story. I’ve looked forward to almost everything this church has done or offered me through these years and the incredible feelings of fellowship at its various events. Individually or as a parent, PCJH has warmed my heart, stimulated my mind, spoke to my soul, served my troubled needs, and guided my daily walk with the Lord. And I can honestly say my partner of 14 years , Tom Montgomery, enthusiastically attends all he can at the church as well. How can one not appreciate and brag about a place that has shown me a supportive community of like-minded believers... truly serving souls led by fun, bright, accepting, caring, loving pastors. Oh, and did I fail to mention how it has brought my faith alive with inspiring songs and sermons, meaningful service projects, fantastic friendships, heartfelt prayer time, motivating speakers and programs, joyous Sunday hikes and ski tours, delicious Wednesday meals, memorable retreats, mind & spirit expanding mission trips, educational studies and, as a result of all these, spiritual deepness and a hopeful heart. Although I most likely won’t be around for the next 25 year celebration, I certainly am proud and grateful of the many gifts it has given so far and all I know it will continue to do for my life.

on the same stage where we were engaged. Our brother in Christ, Ben, is now our pastor, and we are parents baptizing our firstborn child, Sally Dew. Here we were holding one of His miracles in our grateful arms: our daughter Sally! The church family that supported us becoming a “husband and wife” were again supporting us with our new roles of “mom and dad.” Watching the water drip down her sweet forehead was such a joy; language cannot describe the flood of emotion as we witnessed this sacrament unfold before our eyes. Can you even stand Christ’s goodness?! We’ve seen it on display over and over in our lives and in the lives of our fellow PCJH family. Serving is a natural overflow of gratitude, and it’s been a blast for us to plug in and serve through PCJH. We cannot imagine our family’s story without PCJH in the middle of it. The Lord only writes amazing stories; He’s the best author ever. We celebrate the stories He continues to write for our church family. We pause and pray today, “Lord Jesus, thank you for PCJH!”

30 Ally Kiefer At the start of my second summer working in GTNP, I felt a Spirit-whisper in my soul that I was meant to stay, to grow roots in the valley. Long (and miraculous) story short, God guided me to PCJH in an undeniable way, and in the nearly 3 years since I began working here—I have time and time again been moved by the grace, love, warmth, provision, selflessness and faithfulness I’ve witnessed and received through this congregation. God has become more expansive, tangible, and beautiful in my own life and worldview. For the first time, I understand why the Church is called a Body, a family–PCJH has truly become my home away from home, my Wyoming family. I will never have the words to express the extent that God has touched me, shaped me, and cared for me through this church, but I’m forever thankful for it.

29 deb & peter keenan The Lord is so generous, and one of the ways He’s put that generosity on display in our lives is through PCJH. He has lavished love and joy upon us through PCJH so faithfully. Our church has been instrumental in our story, and that continues today. Here’s a ‘lil recap! – Peter and Deb Keenan As friends in our 20’s, we plugged into Ascent. Our pal and church intern, Ben Pascal, facilitated this weekly gathering. A few years later, we became a dating couple. Next, we were engaged– Peter popped the question on stage at a 10:15am service in 2007! An utterly stunned Deb said “yes!” to Peter on bended knee as the congregation clapped, hooted, ‘n hollered. The support of our church family meant so much to us. Later that year, Pastor Paul married us, and our faith-infused journey with PCJH continued. Fast forward to 2015, and we are back at PCJH and standing

pc_ jh Sun sets on Christmas Eve worship service. Like, and unlike years past—we gather outside the PCJH church walls, due to the 2020 pandemic. A bit more distanced than the older days. Our Christ journey continues here at PCJH...






PCJ h B i r t h d ay s / a n n i v e r s a r i e s




01 Meg Womack Patty Crawford

01 Louisa Sandvig

01 Deb Kopp Sharon Schoen Suzanne Young

Mike & Liz Jorgenson (19) Peter & Deb Keenan (14) Kerry & Sue Murphy (31) 02 Jeff Hanson Ken Thomasma

Kraig Kobert & Julie Birrer (25) Tom & Kris Thompson (41) Steve & Cindy Weber (42) 03 Louise Deland 04 Paula Jorgenson Judy Scarborough Ben Blount

Billy & Kathy Robertson (45) 05 Matt Faupel Caroline Taylor

Warren & Sue Myers (23) 08 Ed & Shirley Cheramy (35)

Joe & Julie Whitlock (60)

William & Sharon Schoen (55) 02 Cindy Weber 03 Marian Meyers Erin Rosenberg

Ralph & Jean Hudelson (29) 04 Steve & Sharon Fralin (18) 05 Kent Nichols 07 Dylan Wade David Meyers John Scott 08 Katie Mendenhall

Brad & Barb Andrews (27) Kenny & Mandy Hadden (10) 10 Darla Jackson Kae Brockermeyer 11 Catherine Wade 12 Corrine Berg

09 Mary Neal

13 Sierra Fulton


14 Mike Halpin

Joni Upsher

Harry & Jodeen Tebay (21)

13 Shirley Cheramy Laura Soltau

15 Brett & Gaylyn Frantz (27)

14 Brandie Orchard Heather Martin

16 Nancy Brumsted Martha VanGenderen

15 Duane Schneider

17 Barb Andrews Fred Walker Robert Pascal

16 DeeDee Sorsby 18 Aaron Nydam 19

John Hanlon

Alan & Irene Lund (40) 20

Larry VanGenderen

Paul & Amy Boillot (18) 21 Phil & Betsy Stevenson (30) 23 Lynn Friess Alicia McGaugh

Robert & Cathy Wikoff (32)

Bill & Celia Dillon (40) 18

Bill & Mary Neal (34)


Janice Skinner

28 Beth Ricciardi Doug & Donna Niemi Grandt Wright


Sandra Guido

04 07

Barbara Carlsberg

Pastoral Staff

Alan & Sue Bybee (51)

akiefer@pcjh.org x102

Program Staff

Colter & Ali Lane (9)

Laura Huckin huckin@silverstar.net Worship & Music Coordinator x123

Ben & Karen Brennan (15) 13 Becky Jordan Eileen Blackwell

Amanda Lack Little Lambs Director

Michael & Claudia Schrotz (34)

alack@pcjh.org x111

Dylan Wade Children’s Ministry Coordinator

14 Brad Andrews Alan Brumsted

dwade@pcjh.org x103

Liz Collins lcollins@pcjh.org Youth & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator x124

15 Donna Heinz 17 Ed Lavino

Heather Martin hmartin@pcjh.org Director's Assistant to JOY and Little Lambs

19 Eric Johnson 20 Michael Adams Addie Pascal Sandra Zender

Ruling Elders

21 Eunice Conine 23 John & Barbara Simms (42) 24 Ali Lane Warren VanGenderen

Scott & Cindy Zabriskie (32) Mack Mendenhall

30 Claudia Schrotz Leah Nydam

Clerk of Session: Ken Blount

Class of 2021



Steve Iobst Buildings & Grounds

Laura Soltau* Mission

Josh Ziolkowski Young Adult Ministry

Cathy Ward Worship

Ryan Allen Children’s Ministry

Julia Stanley Adult Ministry

Wes Lucas Stewardship

Susan Conner Congregational Life

Alan Lund Personnel

Barb Andrews* Youth Ministry

John Scott Finance

Patty McDonald Assimilation & Nomination

Youth Elders : Clara McGee & Ben Blount Teaching Elders: Rev. Ben Pascal & Rev. Tamara Mitchell

30 Chris & Louisa Sandvig (11) 31 Pete Forster


28 Lynn Finkel 29 Deb Keenan


tmitchell@pcjh.org x 104

Ally Kiefer Communications Coordinator

11 Mike Taylor


Rev. Tammy Mitchell Associate Pastor

Cindy Dahlin cdahlin@pcjh.org Church Administrator x109

09 David Conine Bob Jones George Scarlett


bpascal@pcjh.org x 101

Office Staff

08 Sue Sullivan Kim Billimoria


Rev. Ben Pascal Senior Pastor

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Class of 2021 Jen Baki* Erin Rosenberg* Jim Byrne Brad Herman Joy Steiner Lori Dodd Ed Scott


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Class of 2022 Bill Klyn* Dorothy Neckels Catherine Wade Sierra Fulton

*Serving second term

Class of 2023 Michael Schrotz* George Scarlett* Abby Smerklo Ponteir Sackery



w h e r e t h e y a r e t o d ay

SARAH Scott 2008 Sarah graduated this past spring from Whitworth University with majors in Theology and Speech Communication and a minor in Music Performance for cello. She is currently taking a gap year before attending Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey, where she received the Presbyterian Leadership Award for her work with Whitworth's campus ministry and Spokane Youth for Christ. Sarah lives in downtown Spokane and spends her time working as a bartender at a few local breweries and doing agricultural work like beekeeping, training horses and general farmhand work in the local countryside. She is currently using this year to rest, read and get ready to continue following her call to vocational, pastoral ministry. Sarah served as a Whitworth fellow in 2018 and cites her time at PCJH as the most formative discerning season that led her to her calling.

jordan shive 2013-2016 Since my time at PCJH, I have been adventuring and serving in Vail, Colorado. I went from serving a church community in one ski resort town to serving a church community in another. Since January 1, 2017, I have been the Director of Youth, Family, and Small Groups at Eagle River Presbyterian Church. Over the years I have been able to dream of various ways that our church may be the embodiment of Jesus’ hospitality and relational spirit to our valley, by designing programs and inviting people, near and far, into a genuine sense of belonging within our church community. I am continuing to study at Fuller Theological Seminary in the Master of Divinity program, taking one course per quarter, and I am finally nearing the finish. Just last week I became a candidate for Ministry in Denver Presbytery. I also now work part time as a chaplain with the Behavioral and Mental Health department at Vail Health, the local hospital. PCJH, I join you all in the spirit of joy as you celebrate the many heartfelt and beautiful moments over the course of your wonderful church family’s history!

andrew perkins 2012-2014 Hello PCJH family! It is a joy to write to you all. If you don't remember me, I was a Children, Youth, and Family Intern from 2012-2014. Since leaving Jackson in the summer of 2014, I have lived in Seattle, St. Louis, and now am back in the Seattle area. In 2016, I married Jillian, and we now have two little girls - Anita Louise (2 years) and Liesel Joy (2 months) (see photo). Jillian and I lived in St. Louis, MO for 4 years, where I earned my Master of Divinity Degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. Last June (2020), we moved back to Washington, where I have been serving as an Assistant Pastor for the past year at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Issaquah, WA. It is a joy to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ from God's Word, shepherd his people, and encourage them as we all worship and serve our Lord Jesus with all of who they are. Currently, I am over our youth ministry, and often find myself drawing on the countless lessons I learned while I was an intern at PCJH. Thank you for your investment in me, and may the LORD bless you all as you worship Him, love Him and one another, and seek His kingdom!

preston gordon 2011-2013 Hello! Since my time at PCJH, my wife Deanna (who I met at your wonderful church) and I have lived in Vancouver, BC. I am an ordained priest in the Anglican Church of North America and serve as associate pastor at St. Peter’s Fireside Church in Vancouver. Deanna and I have two sons, Elliott (5) and Anderson (2.5), who keep us busy riding bikes and playing at the beach. Grace and peace to your family from ours; we hold PCJH close in our hearts!





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And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. u Ephesians 3:17b-18 Photo: standing in the current PCJH parking lot, circa 1994.

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