List Of Exploratory Essay Topics

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Self Exploration

Many of us go through life skimming the surface of our identities. That is, we don't truly dig deeply into our thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams. Part of the problem is that we're always on the go. When to–do lists keep swelling, self–exploration takes a backseat. How can it not, when we barely find time for self–care?

Specifically, self–exploration involves "taking a look at your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors and motivations and asking why. It's looking for the roots of who we are – answers to all the questions we have about [ourselves]," according to Ryan Howes, Ph.D, psychologist, writer and professor in Pasadena, California.

Having a deeper understanding of ourselves has many benefits. It "helps people understand and more content...

Take some time and think about what you might need in order to be happy and ultimately successful in your job/career. For example, a few things to consider might be salary, geographic location, job autonomy, work hours, and professional growth opportunities, to name a few. Which ones of these, and/or others, are most significant; things that would make an obvious difference in whether we would enjoy our job/career? If you don't take the time to consider who you are and what you want, you won't know what you are looking for. You need to be aware that no job/career is going to be perfect and meet all of your expectations. But if you at least think about which things are more vital to your happiness and aim for those, you can come pretty close to what you want. Think about the skills and abilities you may have that you would like to utilize in your chosen profession (i.e. leadership, helping others, mathematical ability, creativity, communication, etc.) Which careers give you more of an opportunity to express yourself and be yourself? Many people make the mistake of assuming that they can and will do just about anything for the right amount of money. Well let me assure you that this is only partially true. In the beginning, the money may seem like enough to sustain your job satisfaction and happiness, but soon everyone realizes that money alone is only a temporary fix. If you don't really like what you are doing, or like where you work, you won't be

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Everything in this world we use comes from the ocean in some way. The air we breathe, the water we drink, even the products we use day to day, would not be possible without the ocean. That's why the issue of ocean pollution is so important and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. We depend on the ocean for so much in our life, without it we would surely become extinct. People seem to think that since the ocean is so large and vast, we can dump as much waste as we'd like into it and it will never have an effect on us. However, since we've been polluting the ocean as far back as Roman times, the evidence of ocean pollution becoming a major problem is all too clear. There are many different ways the ocean can become more content...

Fishnets improperly discarded into the ocean can also cause major issues, tangling into unsuspecting mammals and fish. According to the Marin Academy's Oceanography website, there are over 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in each square mile of ocean off the Northeast coast of the United States, which contributes to the death of 100,000 marine mammals and two millions sea birds yearly. A way you wouldn't expect pollution to be caused is by noise. The pressure from the sounds omitted by ships, sonar devices, oil rigs, and earthquakes can disrupt communication, hunting, migration, and reproduction patterns from many marine animals like whales and dolphins. This can throw the whole system off balance. Air pollution can also cause ocean pollution by being absorbed into the water and contaminating it, and vice versa. Ocean pollution can eventually cause air pollution. Dirt can also spill into waterways from top soil or silt from fields or construction sites, causing endangerment to fish and wildlife habitats.

Out of all of these ways, oil spills can cause a noticeably excessive amount of damage to the ocean. Although only 12% of the oil entering the sea is caused by spills, they can deteriorate ocean life and environment more than any other pollution. One gallon of used oil spilled into the ocean, which contains toxic chemicals and heavy metals severely dangerous to the micro–organism at the base of the food chain, can cause an eight–acre layer Get more content

Ocean Pollution Essay

Security and Privacy


February 10, 2014

Aimee Kirkendol

Security and Privacy


Protecting patient's privacy is of the most important when it comes to the health care field. There are many individuals who want to steal information which is not theirs, but allows them to this information to get what they want and this is, called identity theft. This paper will take a look at the incident at St. John's Hospital and what should be done with patient information and what not to do with unwanted files. This paper will also take a look at the management plan and code of conduct.

Security Breach

It has been brought to the attention of the administrative office that there has been a security breach more content... Department of Health and Human Services, 2014).

All computer printouts or other papers that may contain patient information will not be thrown into the trash unless they have been shredded first. It is very important to this hospital that we take every opportunity to keep patient information private. All department heads will take responsibility for making sure that this is being done correctly, and if these rules are violated by anyone then a report of who, when, why, and how they violated the privacy rule will be turned into the department head and a meeting will be held with the one responsible for violating these rules of privacy.

Each week of the first month there will be a meeting with the department heads to discuss how things are going concerning the privacy of others. This is to make sure that everyone is following the rules as they should. After the first month if everything is going well then the meetings will become bi–weekly and then monthly. If everything continues to run smoothly then these meeting will happen every six months on a regular basis. The employees will be given the freedom to do their jobs and to do them well. At the same time they will also be keeping private information

Security and Privacy Essay

private and secure. Each and every office will have a shredding machine so that sensitive materials that is not needed can be shredded and disposed of correctly. This plan is important so that there will not be any more disposing

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CTE affects many different athletes all over the world. Chronic Traumatic encephalopathy or normally referred to as CTE is a brain disease that affects people who have had multiple head injuries. It is found in many cases of ex NFL players who took many hits to the head when playing over their careers. There are many documented cases of it across other sports and some military veterans as well. We have made large strides in learning more and more about the terrible disease. The game of football has changed since we have learned so much more about the terrible disease in recent years. We could prevent concussions by changing the way players practice. CTE is developed by taking multiple blows to the head which is why many retired more content...

Hits inside the tackle box, however, will not fall under the new guidelines (Breslow)." This rule change will help prevent as many hits with the head as previously because players won't want to get penalized and hurt there chances of winning a game. It will hopefully lower the number of concussions per game from running backs because they currently get 1 in every 9 concussions in the NFL (Breslow). This new rule was created to lower that number and prevent as many every season. I think a bigger change that we could make is having players learn to tackle at practice without helmets on. There was a study done by the University of New Hampshire football team and The National Athletic Trainers Research and Education Foundation where they tested the impact of players practicing with helmets and some without. The goal of this study was to see if helmetless practice would teach players to not tackle using their heads which currently is a main reason why players get concussions. They had the control group practice with helmets on, while the intervention group did not wear shoulder pads or helmets. They completed a five minute drill and the purpose of not wear pads or helmets was supposed to teach the players to learn to tackle without using their heads in a way that they could be injured. They found substantial evidence that this helped prevent head injuries, it resulted in a 28% reduction in head injuries over the course of the football season for

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CTE Essay

Love: an Exploratory Paper

Love: An Exploratory Paper

Leanna M. Benny

July 25th, 2011 \

The Purpose

Love is said to be the greatest human experience in which mankind are privilege to partake in. To love can be a wondrous experience filling life with bliss and other strong emotions. Some people believe to love is to be alive and be able to see the good in the world and others. The purpose of this paper is to examine and find a better understanding of what is love, to explore what people believe love to be, and what lies surround the perception of love and to explore and expose what the meaning true love is or at the very least the authors understanding of the perception of love.

In addition to exploring the concept, deception and the truth of love, more content...

Unlike Eros love that is solely based on a strong emotion and only being shown the good quality of each person, Philos love is based on a "give and take" where two people benefit mutually in varies way from each other. Being giving and taking equally is important in this type of love, and the concern that each partner is benefiting is essential to each partner. It can be statement in truth that Philos love is a higher type of love then Eros, where love is not just based on a strong emotion experienced before the understanding and appreciation of both partners that is gained from the pervious and continuing friendship.

Agape (Unconditional Love)

Agape love is a more technical term for the unconditional love. Agape is the highest form of love placed above Eros and Philos. This type of love is completely selfless; it is a love that is given without conditional and no benefits. When a person loves someone even when the love is not return to him or her, yet that love continues. A mother's love is often described as this type of love. This is personally true. A mother will

love her child and does everything within her power to help, nurture, protect and provide for her child, even if her child is unruly and behaves badly toward her. A child's love for a parent can be very Get more


Exploratory Essay: Abortion

There are many limitations valued when it comes to the right of abortion. The news media still outlines the pros and cons of anti–abortion rights in certain–states–to soon, the entire country. My perspectives on the issue of abortion have been entitled from it to never be banned among citizen's rights. The reproduction of pregnancy has been emphasized heavily on a mother's decision to abort their child, but the father of the child plays an active role since he considers to that particular title. Through this current issue, majority of the people against abortion do not seem to have an open mind to how much it primarily affects the decision of the mother amongst her own views of considering abortion. In my freshman year of high school, more content...

Prior to having an abortion, I became indecisive on many reasons, so I looked at the pros and cons of the dilemma to better justify my reasoning. I was only seventeen years old in my junior year of high school when I found out I was two months pregnant. The main reasons I concluded to my choice, were because I knew I wanted to go to college, and raising a baby while in school I knew would be a difficult task to handle. My second reasoning was I didn't want to be portrayed as the typical teenage girl who was pregnant, since majority of the girl's at my school had gotten inpregnated. I knew I did not want to end up alone either. Even though I had gotten pregnant by my boyfriend, I still underestimated the fact that he would help me through my situation. The last reason was, because I did not want to disappoint my parents. My father mentioned to me a while back that if I ever gotten pregnant, he would kick me out his house. I couldn't bear pass the thought of what might happen since he suffers from a bipolar disorder. My mom on the other hand, would be even more stressed by the situation, since she already is dealing with enough problems of her own. The experience of having an abortion was painful and scary. I felt alone in the surgical room, and by then I realized that I am doing one of the hardest things a woman can possibly do. After the abortion, I felt nothing emotionally until I attended Get more content

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