Essay On Blindness

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Blindness in Oedipus The King (Rex)

What is sight? Is it just the ability to recognize one's surroundings or is there more? Is it knowledge? Is it understanding? Can a blind man see? Can the sighted be blind? And beyond, when the truth is too terrible, do we choose not to see? The phrase "too see" has so very many connotations. One meaning is to know or to understand and the other is based on the physical aspects of things. As humans, we are distracted by the physical world, which causes us to be blinded by the most obvious of truths. Oedipus, the main character in Sophocles' play Oedipus Rex, could not see the truth, but the blind man, Teiresias, "saw" it plainly. Sophocles' uses blindness as a motif in the play Oedipus more content...

During his flight, he Oedipus kills a caravan of presumed low–class travelers. Oedipus comes into Thebes a stranger and hero who solved the riddle of the sphinx. Believing that he is blessed with great luck, Oedipus marries the recently widowed Iokaste and becomes King of Thebes. After many years, a plague vexes the city and Kreon, brother of Iokaste, comes to Oedipus with news from the oracle. He states that the plague will be lifted when the murder of Laios is avenged. Oedipus claims that he sees and understands the terrible fate of Thebes and vows to find the murderer. Since the criminal is said to still be in Thebes, Oedipus believes that a man of his intelligence should have no difficulty in finding the perpetrator. When Oedipus is confronted by Teiresias with truth, perhaps it is Oedipus' own hubris, which blinds him to the unthinkable truth.

Unwillingly, Teiresias the blind seer provides Oedipus with the hurtful truth. Although before the truth is announced, Oedipus describes Teiresias as a "seer: student of mysteries." Oedipus looks to Teiresias for help in finding the murderer of the former king. He is trusted and respected by everyone in the city as evidenced by his introduction as "the holy prophet In whom, alone of all men, truth was born." Yet, when Teiresias speaks, reluctantly but honestly to Oedipus, he is shunned and his credibility and motives are attacked. Oedipus

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Essay on Blindness and Sight

Blindness Essay

The term blindness implies total or partial loss of vision involving both eyes. The exact level of vision defined as blindness, however, varies in different countries because of differing legal or social requirements. In the United States, blindness is defined as unimprovable vision of 20/200 (6/60) or worse. This means that an individual is generally considered blind who, even with the use of ordinary eyeglasses, can see no better at 20 ft (6 m) than a person with normal vision can see at 200 ft (60 m). On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) Program

Advisory Group on the Prevention of Blindness

lists the vision level suggested as blindness as a visual acuity of less than 10/200 (3/60), which is twice more content... Thus in developing countries in tropical areas, the number of blind persons may reach at least 21 million (using the WHO definition). This high figure is due to the massive prevalence of such eye diseases as TRACHOMA, onchocerciasis (RIVER BLINDNESS), and the NUTRITION–DEFICIENCY DISEASES

keratomalacia and xerophthalmia. In addition, few eye doctors are present in such regions to treat CATARACT or accidental eye injuries. In other developing countries where eye care is not easily available and the presence of untreated cataract and undetected GLAUCOMA is also critical, the number of blind persons may reach 5.5 million. In

developed countries with advanced medical services, on the other hand, most curable blindness is treated. Thus although many persons may have vision problems, the exact number of blind individuals may be less than 2 million. The main causes of blindness in such countries are age–related cataract, glaucoma, DIABETES, and macular degeneration (see EYE DISEASES). In the United States about 1 million cataracts are removed each year and vision improved with either an intraocular plastic lens, a contact corneal lens, or a cataract glass. Several million Americans are also being treated for glaucoma, which if caught in its early stages can usually be dealt with by medication or surgery. PAUL HENKIND,

M.D. Bibliography: Dobree, J. H., and

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John Milton was born on December 9 1608. He graduated from Christ's College at Cambridge University. Once he had graduated, Milton became a big supporter of Oliver Cromwell, a man who opposed the power of the monarchy. Milton worked diligently to write and print pamphlets for Cromwell. He was warned that all the work would damage his already poor eyesight, but he didn't listen and in 1651 at the age of 44 Milton became blind. In his later years he lived in the country and wrote poetry. His poem Paradise lost is considered to be one the most important poems written in English.

The theme of 'On his blindness' is loss of sight and the poets' frustration with this. He is frustrated because his blindness prevents him from using his ability more content...

The tone of the poem is one of darkness and light. He mentions "my light is spent", light being the time before he went blind. Later he talks about spending the rest of his life "in this dark world and wide" meaning the future now that he is blind. Milton uses alliteration and contrast to try and give the readers an understanding of his affliction.

The mood of the poem is one of impatience and frustration. Milton is not happy that is no longer able to write poetry because he is loosing his eyesight.

'On his blindness' is a Petrarchan sonnet and which has been written in iambic pentameter. Milton has used a broad knowledge of scripture to create a very personal poem which moves from loss to understanding and gain. It is written in the form ABBAABBACDECDE.

In line 1 Milton considers how his "light" is used up or wasted, light could mean his eyesight but because Milton was very religious, it could also mean an inner light or spirituality.

Line 4, "Lodged with me useless" means that Milton's talent as a poet is now useless because he can no longer see.

In lines 4 to6 Milton talks about his desire to serve God by writing poetry and the feeling that his talent will be wasted now that he is unable to see. He also wishes to present a "true account" of himself to God.

In line 8 Patience is capitalized and could be personification. It could represent an aspect of Milton's inner self. In the remaining six lines patience

Milton's 'On His Blindness' Essay
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Blindness

I.Affecting an estimated 10 million people in the US alone, blindness is a disorder of the eyes and the visual centers of the brain, resulting in cloudy to no vision. Even though it is believed that the blind see nothing but darkness, only about three percent of the blind report seeing nothing. Being able to see movement and light is what 97% if the blind report seeing. Even though they are able to see light and movement, they are not able to see color. This is what they are able to see with their eyes, however some are also able to with their "mind'seye". Utilizing other senses and technology such as cortical implants, the blind population is able to create images in their "mind's eye".

II.The main causes of blindness and visual more content...

There are advantages and disadvantages to both, such as at a boarding school they are away from friends and family and might feel different from "normal" children.

2.Having specialized teachers, textbooks and being able to interact with other blind students are advantages of a boarding school

3.Blind students also attend mainstream schools, there are advantages which include getting used to interacting with the sighted, figuring ways to navigate in a "normal" environment and being with family.

4.However, there are disadvantages which include less help from the school and teachers who are not used to teaching the blind.

F.Braille is used by the blind to read.

1.A way that the blind can read is braille, it is based off sonography.

2.The first raised letter alphabet was created by Valentin Hauy in 1784, later Louis Braille created a new system in 1824 that required less space and is what is used today.

G.Even though blindness is permanent for some, it can be cured depending on the cause.

1.After a person regains sight, they will be able to quickly learn to recognize objects through the help of a professional.

2.An example of regaining vision is removing a cataract.

IV.Using other senses, the blind population can create mental

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Deaf Blindness

Most people assume that a deaf blind child is someone who is not able to hear or see. "Our country's special educational law defines deaf–blindness as the combination of the visual and hearing impairment" ("Deaf Blindness"). These two impairments make the person lose his or her communication skills, developmental and educational needs. The National Consortium on Deaf–Blindness observes that the key feature of deaf–blindness is that the "combination of losses limits access to auditory and visual information" ("Deaf Blindness"). Through this research I was able to discover the origin of deaf blindness and explore about this disability.

"Laura Bridgaman was the first person who was an individual with deaf more content... This vaccine should not be used by a pregnant woman. After taking this vaccine the women who received should wait at least two months to elapse before getting pregnant (Bekker).

All the children with deaf blindness differ from each other. They are all unique in their own way. The amount of visual and auditory loss varies in all individuals. The sensory input sometimes gets damaged but for some other individuals it won't get damaged. The vision and hearing may be lost from birth but for some others it takes time and eventually gets lost. "Either or both losses may be gradual or immediate and may not be accompanied by the loss of other body functions" (Mcllnnes and Treffry). Deaf blind people will face symptoms that are combined. There will be symptoms based on loss of hearing and loss of vision. There are different types of conditions that may lead to deaf blindness. Congenial Rubella Syndrome and Usher Syndrome are common conditions that lead an individual to be a deaf blind. loss of a little vision and hearing is very common among older people. It's just a sign of aging. This can rarely lead to be a deaf blind person (Schneider, O'Toole, and Fletcher).

Based on the statistics 45000 to 50000 people in US are deaf–blind. "According to the 2007 National Deaf–Blind Child Count, over 10,000 are children under the age of 21"("Deaf Blindness"). The word deaf Blindness is sometimes misunderstood by people. They think it means a person who cannot hear

Deaf Blindness
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Reflection Of Blindness

An individual is not merely defined by the situations that they find themselves in, but rather how they react during these tragic moments. The eminent novel, Blindness, by Jose Saramago, is an iconic story that illustrates a country enduring a pandemic that causes the inhabitants to acquire a type of blindness where they only see white. The unfortunate citizens who fall ill to the white blindness find themselve quarantined in an abandoned mental hospital where havoc inevitably ensues. A significant character that demonstrates the notion that you are defined by your actions is the doctor's wife as she was originally a very timid and kind character who then endured an atrocious situation and became very malicious. Whereas the girl with the dark glasses is an individual who was first presented as extremely selfish but later developed into an extremely selfless individual. To continue, the young boy was a character who valued his family for the entire novel and found it very difficult to live without them, yet due to his circumstances, he was able to adapt. The responses that the characters within Blindness by Jose Saramago have when presented in the face of adversity is what truly defines those particular characters. It is often through atrocious situations where individuals face a shift in their values and inevitably discover a new aspect of themselves– whether it be malice, selflessness or carelessness. The deepest and darkest aspects of oneself often only shine through when an individual undergoes a horrendous situation. During the commencement of the novel Blindness, the doctor's wife was originally one of the kindest and caring characters that Saramago mentions. This notion is evident when her husband– the doctor– was being taken away to be quarantined. During this chapter, the doctor was being seized by military officials as he was struck with the white blindness and needed to be quarantined. Although the doctor's wife was not blind she told the military officials that she was also ill in order to stay by her husband's side. When the couple arrived at the mental hospital, the doctor asked his wife why she risked falling ill to the atrocious disease by going to the hospital. She calmly replied, "my love... I'm

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Blindness Essay

"I did it to myself. It wasn't society... it wasn't a pusher, it wasn't being blind or being black or being poor. It was all my doing" (Carin 84). Quoted from Ray Charles about the success he's had in his life. His disability did not stop him from changing the music industry to how it is today. The number of people around the world affected by blindness. Worldwide almost eighty percent of allvisual impairment is avoidable (Marcovitz 7). Luckily, over twelve million suffer from less degrees of vision impairment (Plone 2017). World Health Organization "as many as three–hundred million people will suffer from blindness or other severe vision disabilities" (NFB 2017). Blindness affects more than one million Americans who fit severe more content...

There is lots of treatment for blindness in general that has saved people. The treatment for blindness is close to the same treatment for cancer one way that can fix blindness is killing the red blood cells in the eye (79). Other ways would be using angiogenesis inhibitors which are drugs that which grows new blood cells in the eye to help circulate blood through the eye (79). These are some of many different types of treatment they use Radiation therapy, electronic implants, Stem cell therapy, cell transplants, and retinal tissue transplants (79). There are many professionals in the study of blindness that help find cures and help. These are just some of the many doctors ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians (66). Charles started to lose his sight at the age of four or five, and was completely blind by the age of seven, apparently as a result of glaucoma (52). Has lived with it his whole life because it was severe blindness (52). This ability can and does affect many people's lives Socially, physically, mentally, physically, and excetra people with severe blindness need help finding objects to buy or find. Like if they are at the store looking for specific items a friend or worker may have to help them find the items (48).

How blindness affects many people and their daily activities. Many people who have severe vision impairment may need to set their belt in a

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Coping with Blindness

Coping With Blindness

Blindness: The state of lacking sight or not being able to see.

People in their everyday lives use their eye sight to help them function with everything they do. We never usually stop and think about the consequences and changes we would have to make if we were to one day lose our vision. Some people question about how we could lose our sight. There are many different ways this might happen. It could be by accident, with something injuring the eye. It could also be Cataracts, this could effect vision since the lens in the eye becomes foggy and eventually over time vision could be totally impaired. Glaucoma could be another cause, this is when fluids in the eye build up and cause too much pressure in the eye; damaging important nerves. There are many other diseases and illnesses that could cause blindness. Once you go blind there is a very slim chance that you will get your vision back. You will have to deal with the fact that your life will never be the same and you will need to get the help to cope with your life changing loss. Over the years experts have developed ways to make coping with blindness easier for people. Giving tips and providing devices to help them complete tasks and activities in their life just a bit easier. Whether its transportation, communicating or things we do in our everyday lives; specialists will keep finding ways to help the visually impaired and the blind.

Obviously transportation is a key thing in our lives. Being

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The society questions why it is so challenging to communicate with foreigners. "The Country of the Blind" is a short story first published in 1904 by H.G. Wells. He is well known for his science fiction novels. This short story is focusing on sight and blindness and brings up the theme of prejudice versus learning. In the novel we follow a traveller, who ends up in an unfamiliar strange place, which set him in learning trail, figuring out who he really is. How does the writer illustrate the difficulties with foreigners in this short story?

The protagonist Nunez is a mountain climber, who accidentally falls into a valley inhabited with blind citizens, isolated from the rest of the world. There he falls in love with a woman from the valley that leaves Nunez back with a difficult choice.When Nunez first arrives to the valley, he feels he has an advantage in relation to the other habitants in the valley, remembering an old phrase saying, "In the Country ofthe Blind the One–eyed Man is King." He tries to teach the blind people about sight and convince them that it is an excessive ability to have. Even though Nunez tries very hard to persuade the blind citizens, they do not understand, which certainly makes him frustrated. The blind inhabitants have more content...

In the story H.G. Wells illustrates the difficulties with foreigners by creating a world inhabited with blind people, that Nunez with sight randomly bumps into. The fact that he puts a person, who values the sight so much into a world where it does not exit, makes it hard for Nunez to adapt to their country. Nunez also gets easily misunderstood because he has such strong beliefs for a thing, the blind citizens cannot understand. Nunez sacrifices his need for being loved and in return he keeps his sanity. This story illustrates relations between people in general, and not necessarily confined to people of different Get more content

In The Country Of The Blind

Bob has been missing, but he is probably just outside getting some air. Sasha thinks otherwise, Tyrese and Rick tell her not to worry, but minutes later when they are distracted, I catch her sneaking out. I inform them, so they go after her, then I go looking for Daryl. I wanna know his opinion on this whole D.C. thing. "Carl, have you seen Daryl?" I ask as he lowers Judith into her crib, that is just a woven basket with a blanket and pillow inside. "He and Carol left right after we finished eating, haven't seen them return yet." I sigh and sit back on the bench. "Why the wanly face?" He asks, fixing his hair. "I really wanted to talk to him, that's all." "I'm sure he'll be back soon." I nod. Sasha burst through the doors, more content...

It may not compare to some of the things we have done, but it is close. Carl grabs my hands and wraps his around mine. "There someone laying in the grass outside." Glenn shouts from the back of the church with Maggie looking out the window next to him. Sasha rushes for the door. Everyone chases after her. I jump up, but Carl pulls me back down. He shakes his head. "Don't." I sigh before sitting down again. Nothing dramatic happens, but then a gunshot goes off and we hear Rick yelling. Tara and Sasha are carrying Bob in, Glenn, Maggie and Abraham come in behind them, then finally Rick. He keeps his gaze on the woods outside while closing the doors. They lay Bob on the floor in the middle of the church. Sasha holds his hand by his side, while everyone gathers around while also giving him some space. Gabriel is in complete shock at the sight he hides in the corner watching from afar. "I was in a graveyard, someone knocked me out, then I woke up outside this place." He slows to catch his breath. "It looked like a...a school, it was that guy, Gareth and five other ones. They were eating my leg right in front of me, like it was nothing. All proud like they had it all figured out." Rick strokes his beard. "Did they have Daryl and Carol?" I ask, getting off the bench and kneeling near him. "Gareth said they drove off." I look at Carl. He already knows what I'm thinking. "I'm sure it's not because of you, maybe they had to get away from some walkers." He whispers into my ear from behind. I nod as he slowly strokes my hair. Bob sits up to reveal... a bite on his shoulder. "It happened at the food bank." A pained expression flashes across Sasha's face. I can't help but feel that pain with her. I close my eyes, hoping this will all disappear. I back away, Carl follows quickly behind. I bend my knees to my face. "You have this look on your face, what's wrong?" Carl leans against my side, resting his head on my shoulder. "The face Sasha

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Blindness: A Narrative Fiction


Color blindness is the inability to distinguish particular colors. It is generally an inherited trait, but can result from a chemical imbalance or eye injury. There are three primary colors. They are red, blue, and yellow. All other colors are the results of different combinations of primarycolors. Special visual cells, called cones, are respon–sible for our ability to see color. People with normal vision have three different types of cones, each responsible for a different primary color.

The absence of particular cones causes the absence of particular colors. This can be one cause of color blindness. There are four types of more content... These people tend to confuse blue, yellow, and gray, but not red and green. Normal vision is called trichromatism. Most color blind people have a version of trichro–matism called anomalous trichromatism. People with this condition can see the same colors as people with normal vision, but not as well. For example, many people with this common form of color blindness are "green– weak". This means, they see green, but to see the same color normal people see when green and yellow is mixed, more green must be added. "Green–weak" and "red–weak" are the most prevalent forms of anomalous trichromatism. The "blue– weak" form is rare. Color blindness can be tested in a variety of ways. The Hardy–Rand–Rittler and Ishihara tests indicate both the type of degree of color blindness. In these tests, a variety of shapes, letters, and numbers lie in a jumbled mess of dots. The dots vary in both color and intensity, which cam–ouflage the shapes. A person's ability to detect such shapes directly corresponds with their degree of color blindness. Other tests, such as the Holmgren yarn–matching test, and the Farnsworth

Munsell 100

hue disk

matching test, measure one's ability to match colors. This can be useful when determines one's degree of anomalous chromatism.

Essay on Color Blindness
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When defining the word blindness, it can be interpreted in various ways. Either it can be explained as sightless, or it can be carefully deciphered as having a more complex in–depth analysis. In the novel Blindness, Jose Saramago depicts and demonstrates how in an instant your right to see can be taken in an instant. However, in this novel, blindness is metaphorically related to 'seeing' the truth beyond our own bias opinions. Saramago's novel clearly illustrates themes that describe the importance of the awareness of others, in terms of feeling oppressed by fear, lack of trust, dehumanization, and segregation. He describes in full detail the importance of the government's involvement in the lives of the blind victims, which more content...

For instance, "Hispanic women are more likely to be dissatisfied if they feel they have been treated badly by providers and staff and if they do not trust doctors" (Guendelman, Wagner 118). If the patient does not feel a sense of hospitality and see a welcoming smile, it discourages the patient to visit the physician because they feel they are not getting the right medical attention, and tend to be sicker. In addition, "the sicker individual risk exposure to more insults, and this leads them to pull back from the health care system" (119). In a physician/ patient relationship there needs to be a balance between actually caring and giving your patients the attention and satisfaction that they deserve. Some physicians take advantage of their patient's vulnerability of being sick by pushing them aside, and worrying more about the fastest way to make money. However, the physician then loses another patient because of greed. Saramago represents trust in a very similar manor, yet instead he describes a man who is suddenly overcome with a "white blindness" while stopped at a red light. He explains how an onlooker has offered to drive the blind man home, and takes advantage of the frantic man's situation by stealing his car, "that good soul, has taken our car [...] He took advantage of your confusion and distressed and

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Essay on Jose Saramago's Blindness

In the short stories presented blindness has affected each character in one way or another. The first story that will be discussed is the Country of the Blind. In this story it can be seen that NuГ±ez was being criticized for having eyes. He stumbled on his steps and even as he tried to explain the wonders of the world that can be seen with the eyes, he could not be understood. He watched these people go on about their everyday lives using only their four senses and he was amazed with how much they have been able to adapt to being blind. In this story a social issue that can be identified is stereotyping. This can be seen in the character of NuГ±ez, who thinks that because townspeople are blind, that they have a hard time going about their more content...

In this story it can be seen that the wealthy man was being stereotypical of the unkempt man. Not believing that the man made diamonds for a living. But despite this, the wealthy man was convinced that he was not a thief and even gave his card to this man to call in times of need. Although the wealthy man is stereotypical of the unkempt man, blindness here can be seen in a positive light as he still offered to help the man, believing in his honesty but not his work. This shows that despite blindness being a hindrance for the wealthy man to trust the unkempt man, it still paved way for him to help the diamond maker even though he did not know what happened to him in the future, he still answered his calls/messages and tried to help him as best he could despite being skeptical of the nature of his work or if he even was alive. In the end, he even doubted himself if he made the right decision of letting the unkempt man walk away. Here, blindness can be seen as a sort of "what if." What if he did believe the man? What if he did buy that diamond? These questions can only be answered now by the unkempt man–should he return and show himself to the wealthy man ever

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Theme Of Blindness In The Country Of The Blind

Many people wonder what it would be like if they were to be invisible; stealthily walking around, eavesdropping on conversations, and living as if nothing is of their concern. Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison, is centred on an unnamed fictional character who believes himself to be, indeed, invisible to the rest of the world. He is not invisible in the physical sense, but socially and intellectually. As the book develops, readers are able to experience an authentic recollection of what life is as a black man living in a white man's world. This man wants to achieve so much, but is severely limited by the colour of his skin. This novel, which has become a classic, addresses the themes of blindness in fighting stereotypes and more content...

Bledsoe, the college president, to become employed and presumably come back south to school – neither of which happens. In an attempt to display the surrounding area of the campus he mistakenly ends up driving Mr. Norton, a well respected man that has donated significant amounts of money to the college, into an housing area of poor black sharecroppers that had previously been slave quarters. So, Mr. Bledsoe scolds him for the incident and expresses the unexpected views, to the invisible man, to keep things the way they are so that he, Mr. Bledsoe, will remain in his powerful position. Generally, people of a certain group would encourage growth of power in society of their group. Instead of doing that however, Mr. Bledsoe says, "I's big and black and I say 'Yes, suh' as loudly as any burrhead when it's convenient, but I'm still the king down here. . . . The only ones I even pretend to please are big white folk, and even those I control more than they control me. . . . That's my life, telling white folk how to think about the things I know about. . . . It's a nasty deal and I don't always like it myself. . . . But I've made my place in it and I'll have every Negro in the country hanging on tree limbs by morning if it means staying where I am" (Ellison 145–146). Ultimately, this view means tearing down his ownrace in Get more content

Essay about Blindness in Invisible Man

The sinners dealt with in our past novels and the present novel Blindness empathetically been assigned the trait of ignorance. Thus, providing the root of sin and degration of lives, as relating to the treatment of people in the short story Somni in the novel Cloud Atlas. Focusing on Blindness, the ungreedy are horribly dealt with by the thugs with a "conscience with teeth to bite" (18). This quality of man is the result of how humans sometimes favor short–term luxuries over long term consequences. This can be related to the car thief of the blind man near the beginning of the novel. So evidently, Saramago uses greed for fuel of ignorance to corrupt reason in this novel, and diagnoses the "sensual appetite" (171) of humans as more content...

This can also be the thesis for the occupants on the boat in Life of Pi; such a long and hopeless endurement leads to the destruction of reason and dignity. Relating more on main group of blindness; there is the thought that "what is right and what is wrong are simply different ways of understanding relationships with others"; compensating for the group's down spiral of dignity. That kind of understanding seemed to be essential in preserving the group's sanity.

Sanity is a huge factor when dealing with ones actions, and when considering human value. The surveillance of the doctor's wife and the group effort to keep strong preserved such sanity. As for the others, the psychological realm they were trapped in seemed to betray such sanity. Reflecting back on the main group, the length of the period in which they were all confined in was definitely a contribution to the durability of the group.

The cruel confinement placed on the blind from the government manifestly shows the degration of humans, especially when it comes to the impaired judgment enforced by the ignorant. Survival and selfishness erased all reason and worthiness. In the short story of Somni in Cloud Atlas, we reflect on the greed of "Papa John's" for the degration of lives. In the Luisa Rey short story, money overwhelms the value of everything else. The military's motives in Blindness also illustrates unhealthy dignity. One of the Get

Essay on Book "Blindness"
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Changes in our surroundings are happening every minute and if we started noticing every minute detail about a scene then our visual system will be over whelmed in no time (Rensink, 2000). We are limited in our capacity to encode, retain and compare visual information from one glance to the other. Our awareness of our visual surroundings is far lesser than what most people believe intuitively. Change Blindness is the inability to consciously perceive a changing stimulus in the visual environment and subsequently not being able to report it. It occurs in other sensory modalities as well. Interestingly change blindness has been found to also take place in Olfaction (Sela & Sobel, 2010), Auditory (Eramudugola, Irvine, McAnally, Martin & more content...

The first cause is overwriting. Overwriting occurs when the individual has no visual representation of how the scene was in the beginning. The information from the first scene is simply replaced by new information (Simons, 2000).Impressions is the second culprit. When the information from an initial scene is encoded but not re–examined as long as the meaning in the scene is consistent, impressions takes place (Simons, 2000). The third cause is that nothing is stored. Since the individuals have not encoded or compared the scenes, they can't identify any changes (Simons, 2000). The fourth cause is everything is stored but not compared. Though the individuals encoded the first and the second scene, they failed to realize that both the scenes are different. Research has shown that it is possible for an individual to hold two beliefs about a scene without realizing that the scenes are very different from each other (Simons, 2000). And our final convict is feature combination. Feature combination says that individuals remember certain features from one scene and different features from the second scene that the individual remembers, not accurately represent either of the scenes (Simons, Get more content

Essay On Change

I.Blindness is a disorder of the eyes and the visual centers of the brain, resulting in poor to no vision. This disability affects an estimated 10 million people in the US alone. Although many people believe the blind see nothing but darkness, most of the blind population report seeing light and movement but no shape or color. This is what they are able to see with their eyes, however many are also able to with their "mind'seye". Utilizing other senses and technology such as cortical implants, the blind population is able to create images in their "mind's eye".

II.The main causes of blindness and visual impairments.

A.The main cause of irreversible blindness is glaucoma.

1.A serious eye disease that is caused by increased pressure more content...

An example of regaining vision is removing a cataract.

IV.Ways that the blind are able to see with other senses.

A.Touch smell and hearing are senses that many blind individuals can use to help navigate.

B.One way the blind population can see is with echolocation.

1.When a blind person uses echolocation, many make a clicking sound with their tongue and listen for it to echo off different objects.

a.Know were the objects are, they are able to make a detailed map of the room.

b.Echolocation allows the user to do hobbies such as biking.

2.The area of the brain active during echolocation is the area usually associated with vision,

3.An account from a blind person that uses echolocation is that he is easily able to picture the item in the room he is in except they have no color.

C.Using their sense of touch, the blind is able to create a mental image of what they think an object looks like.

1.This can be used to help distinguish items such as clothes, bottles and caned food.

D.Some blind individuals have other heightened senses.

1.The area of the brain that is associated with sight in blind people responds strongly to touch and hearing. This is known as cross–modal plasticity.

Paper On Blindness

V.Many blind individuals use adaptive technology to help perceive the Get

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Color Blindness Essay

Color Blindness

Many people refer to problems with one's ability to see color as color blindness, however, unless a person can't see any color at all, color vision problems should be called by another term. Common terms are abnormal color vision, color deficiency and color vision confusion. Females maybe be effected by color blindness, but usually they are just carriers. Males are more often affected. About 8% of males and 0.5% of females are effected by color blindness. Although color blindness may be a result of another eye disorder, the majority of color blind cases are hereditary and present at birth. The retina, is a complex nerve system which converts light energy into electrical energy that is then more content...

This is the rarest form of color blindness. This is when no colors can be seen at all. The color receptors are almost completely gone in this form, however, the white and black receptors remain intact. However, this condition is often misdiagnosed without proper testing. There are three basic types of color blindness: deuteranopia, protanopia and tritanopia. Deuteranopia is a condition in which people have trouble dealing with green. These people are one of the largest groups of color blind people. Very often, these people also have a problem with red. These people can often distinguish red or green when with other colors, but when it is by itself, it is very difficult. Many people will just see it as white. Protanopia are those seem to need an abnormal amount of red or have no sense of red color vision. Often, people will see bold red as black or nonexistent. Some people may see red–orange as brown and yellow–green as brown. In other words, neither red or green can often be distinguished for sure. Tritanopia are those who have trouble distinguishing blue and yellow. This disorder is much less common than the red–green colorblindness, and is usually acquired, not received through heredity. These people may see both blue and yellow as white. They may even see mint green or pink as an equal to light blue. Red color blindness is the most common. This is when the red color receptors are nonexistent. These Get more content

Sight and Blindness in Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex is a play about the way we blind ourselves to painful truths that we can't bear to see. Physical sight and blindness are used throughout the play, often ironically, as a metaphor for mental sight and blindness. The play ends with the heroOedipus literally blinding himself to avoid seeing the result of his terrible fate. But as the play demonstrates, Oedipus, the man who killed his father and impregnated his mother, has been blind all along, and is partly responsible for his own blindness. When the play opens, the people of the town are asking Oedipus for help. A curse has been cast upon the city and the only way to remove it, is to find the murderer of the last king, more content...

It is ironic that the one individual, who comes to help the city, is the individual that has been the cause of the curse. Oedipus is the illness. Oedipus and Jocasta both don't want to see the truth. Although it may occur to them at some point, but they don't give it a second thought because they think it is absurd and it isn't possible. "Why should anyone in this world be afraid, since fate rules us and nothing van be forseen?

A man should live only for the present day. Have no more fear of sleeping with your mother: How many men, in dreams, have lain with their mothers! No reasonable man is troubled by such things." Jocasta is further from believing than Oedipus, she constantly tells him not to worry about it, don't get worked up, and to just forget what you were told. Oedipus cannot forget what the oracle has said and goes on to pursue the case. Through the course of the play Oedipus is the detective, the judge, and the jury. He investigates, decides a verdict, and carries out his own punishment. When Tiresias arrives at Thebes Oedipus questions him looking for answers. Tiresias is a blind man, who ironically can see the future and truths of people's lives. It is Tiresias who is the first person to tell Oedipus that he has killed his own father. He tells Oedipus "you do not see the evil in which you live." Oedipus doubts Tiresias' ability to see the truths because of his physical blindness and states, " You

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Essay about Sight and Blindness in Oedipus Rex

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