Essay On Teenage Problems

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Difficulties for Teenage Mothers

The problems of early teenage mothers are irrefutable. Some factors that are seen to contribute to teenage pregnancy are educational failure, poverty, unemployment and low self–esteem these are understood to be the results of a negative outcome of an early childhood. For example, recent studies suggest that most adolescent mothers had already made the decision to leave school before they had become pregnant. On the other hand, adolescents still in school when they give birth are as likely to graduate the same as their peers. It is not clear how well the adolescents with the most problems would have fared in the future even without early parenthood. Some of the contributing factors or causes of teenage pregnancy can be a Lack of Parental Guidance, some parents avoid talking to their children about sex, as well as this in some cases they may have supplied false information regarding sex to try and discourage their children to participate in any explanatory discussion about sex. In some cases, teenage mothers are not well educated about sex before getting pregnant and thus this leads to lack of communication between the parents and the children and in addition little understanding of the subject as a whole. Another contributing factor can be adolescent sexual behavior, among adolescents; peer pressure is a major factor that urges teenage boys and girls to take part in sexual activities. Early dating, in as early as 12 years of age can be another factor, which may contribute

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Many people in high school, mostly teens, experience dozens of pressure in their life. To be specific, Schoolwork. Most teens want to excel in school, but want to have a social life or play some kind of sport. One thing that teens don't understand is that once you're out of high school, you have college, and then maybe graduate school. Our education will not be over just in High School. You have to work hard and these four years of your life, will impact everything that you do. If you mess up even once, it may ruin everything. This article is named, "Teens Biggest Stress? School." It has been featured on It is written by, "The Associated Press". It explains how 13–17 years old have the most stress in their high school more content...

In two years she wants to get married, after a while have a family of her own, and own a house. Most of her stress comes from balancing her school life and her two part–time jobs. One as a Candy store Clerk and the other as a Bookkeeper. Wow! "Right now.....I've had friends my age who've actually bought a home. I'm like, "How can they do that?" says Kelly. Also living a middle class life can also raise your stress level. An average middle class annual income is around $50,000– $70,000. That is a suitable income. The kids that have bought their houses at age 20 could be that they can come from the rich class whose annual income would be around 200,000 and up. It could also be that they've just excelled in life so much, that over the period of times, they've become rich. Also Anxiety plays a major role in a teen's life. What does that mean? Anxiety means nervousness, worry, concerns, or fear. Anxiety is one of the most poisonous things a Teen can experience. Also depression is also one but because of Anxiety many Teens die every year. "The teensuicide rate is down from 15–20 years ago, however, she says...better medication "says Twenge. Stress relates to how the parents and the Teen think. When parents and teens don't communicate very well, that also causes stress to both the parent and the teen. If the parents force the teen to do something that they don't want to, the teen experiences tons of stress. She or He thinks of it a different and wrong way and Get more content

Teen Stress Essay

Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents

Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to more content...

Peer pressure has always been present and will also always be present. It is not a disease or a crime, it is an influence; either a negative or a positive one. Negative peer pressure is an influence put on a person to do something wrong, or something the person doesn't want to do. This may be stealing, taking drugs, or other dangerous actions. If someone influences you into doing something like this it is considered a negative peer pressure. This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feel peer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life.

Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these

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Teenage Problems

Common Teenage Problems Essay

Teenage is a fundamental stage of life that each human being passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. This depends on the environment these young adults live in, their parents, their friends, their living conditions, their education, and many other factors. Teenagers face many problems such as becoming addicted to drugs andalcohol, being influenced negatively by their peers, self–image and weight, or even arguments with their parents

Drugs between teenagers is one of the most serious problems, because it causes a change in the behavior of any teenager and a physical change too. Most of the teenagers use alcoholic drinks as a way to escape more content...

This is a major problem in most schools all around the world. Teenagers usually feelpeer pressure when they feel unpopular between their friends, or when they want to be accepted in a group of other teenagers. The group is a place where one feels accepted, where he can feel good about himself, where he feels secure. It increases his self esteem, and it also enhances his self–image. Unfortunately, teenagers who want to be part of these groups, need to follow certain unpleasant routines, such as stealing, smoking, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol. Many times they do things that they would never have imagined themselves doing before meeting a new group of people. Some teens try to make the "right" decision so others will admire them. Having parents or other responsible adults they can turn to for help or advice is crucial at this point in a teen's life.

Teenagers might also face self–image or weight problems. One of the main illnesses that comes from these problems is an illness called anorexia. Anorexia is a sickness that happens most commonly with girls. Girls with anorexia dislike food because they think it makes them obese. Some girls exercise a lot to become skinny when they don't need to because they are already extremely thin. One reason that makes teens become anorexic is the jealousy of other beautiful and fit girls. They compare themselves with other thin girls in their classes and wish to become like them. Another reason that makes teens anorexic is Get

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My Teenage Years

My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives.

I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage

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Teenagers face many difficulties. One of them being the treatment we get from our parents. To clarify, our parents treat us like children yet they expect us to act like adults; hence why their treatment is difficult for us teenagers. They expect us to dress reasonably, keep our rooms tidy, handle the tremendous amount of work we have, and make smart choices. Accordingly, we are expected to be adults. To illustrate, I struggled aimlessly with my work during freshman year. One day, after coming home from school, I was extremely stressed with my schoolwork and decided to talk to my mom about it. I talked to her about problems with my grades, and the troubles I had keeping up with school work. Regarding my statements as complaints and finding them trivial, she refused to take me seriously. Then insisted that Iact as an adult and solve my own problems. She waved me away and went back to her responsibilities. As a result, I felt overwhelmed with stress. With that said, my parents demanded me to deal with it as an adult with experience would. They expected me to act like an adult by dealing with my problems. On the contrary of their expectations, my parents treat me as a child. For instance, when I was in my freshman year my parents told me they wanted to sign me up for a sport; that sport being soccer. I voiced my dislike and refused to go, but they dismissed my concerns. While they looked for a local team for me to join, I stressed over their decision. They made a decision that Get

Teenage Problems
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The Challenges Faced By Adolescents

Child and Adolescent DevelopmentThe four challenges faced by adolescents affect their sexual behavior by the lack of development of their brain. The first challenge is impulse control, which is the failure to resist an impulsive act or behavior that may be harmful to oneself. For example, the lack of impulse control allows teenagers to have the tendency to get themselves wrapped up in the wrong situation because they acted impulsively rather than making a rational decision. The second challenge is frustration tolerance, which is the ability in completing a task despite apparent difficulty. For example, an adolescent with low frustration tolerance does not have the ability to respond well when a task is difficult, whereas an adolescent who has a high frustration tolerance can remain calm while completing a difficult task. The third challenge is the delay of gratification, which is the ability to wait in order to obtain something that one wants. For example, waiting to have intercourse until it is with the right person, or for some people even until marriage depending on the couple's beliefs, gives the couple a sense of gratification because they waited to make sure they made the right decision before just jumping to the end. The fourth challenge is the ability to live with uncertainty in the future. Youth are unable to realistically plan beyond three years into the future. For example, teenagers might make a decision solely because it seemed like a good idea at the time

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Paragraph On Teenage Depression

Teenage Depression: a Growing Issue in Today's Society Most Especially in Girls

When a child reaches the adolescence stage, it can be an amazing time of discovery, learning and building friendship; but it is also a time of rapid change and emotional highs and lows, where things can feel really tough. In this stage, the area of the brain, that is responsible for planning ahead, and assessing risk, is still immature in teenagers, which is why teens are more likely to participate in high–risk behavior leading to different results in which in today's time, the most common is Depression. Teenage depression is probably more common than you think. Depression is an emotional or mental disorder that leads to symptoms such as prolonged sadness, loss of interest in activities, lowered self–worth and feelings of discouragement. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, rates of adolescent depression peak right around the age of 16 and by 18, around 11% of kids had been diagnosed with depression. Further, teenage girls are twice as likely to experience depression. Also, according to SAHMSA National Survey, between ages 12 and 15, depression rates triple among girls. To expound this statistical observation and investigation, there are no medical evidences and explanation to accurately support this notion however; it probably has something to do with the mixture of different reasons. One reason is the hormonal changes brought on by puberty. When on this stage, there comes

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School of Business BTEC HND in Management/Marketing/Information Technology Common Issues Affecting Teenagers in Today's Society and Generation Background of the study: Now that we are well into the new Millennium society has begun to recognize serious concerns with issues that teenagers have to deal with today. Some issues have always been there but are now coming to the eyes of the public to find solutions. Other issues are new trends as society begins to adapt to a faster pace of life. This study will define the common issues that the teenagers are facing in today. According to Ofer Zur (2011), Some of the most important issues facing our teenagers at this time are cyber–bullying, teen violence, school shootings, Internet more content...

One of the most popular websites in the internet is very open to video submission of the background stories of a person going through some personal issues (like cyber–bullying, family problem, etc.) and most of them says that their only way out is to take their own lives. Surprisingly, 90–95% of those submitted videos are from teenagers ranging from 19 years old and below. A lot of studies and programs have been focused on adolescents. However, given the complexity and the dynamic nature of the issues, it is helpful to keep on updating and identifying research gaps and challenges in understanding Filipino adolescents and in shaping a better Filipino society. As the philosopher John Stuart Mill (1947) stated, no one holds the complete picture of the truth but everyone holds a bit of the truth. For social science researchers, to complete the picture of this truth is the ultimate goal. All the stakeholders engaged in adolescent development from various areas, focuses, strategies and interests contribute to the molding of young adults so that they will be ready to assume later the responsibilities of mature individuals. Self development, skills building, awareness and concern of social, economic and political issues and active community participation are the immediate goals of all concerned stakeholders, and well–being is the ultimate goal. Specifically, the policy makers, program planners and implementers are always in need of newer and richer

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Common Issues Affecting Teenagers

Parent and Teenager Relationships

As a child begins to enter adolescence, there appears to be a rise in conflict between the adolescent and parents. The amount of conflict differs from family to family and is dependent on many factors. It is mainly due to the changing characteristics and growing of the adolescent and the way in which the rest of the family adjusts to these changes. Adolescence is a time of challenge and change for both teens and parents. Teens are at a stage in life where they face a multitude of pressing decisions including those about friends, careers, sex, smoking, drinking, drugs and parental values. At the same time, they are confronted with profound physical, social and emotional changes. Myths more content...

The goal is to hurt, as the teen feels hurt by others.

When the above situations occur, many parents (and teens as well) feel they are caught in a situation that is bad; it doesn't make any difference what you do, it still doesn't work. Parent and teen are further apart than ever, and both feel terrible. The reasons are many and complex. Often, parents today do not take enough time, working and playing with their children. They need to realize that the family is a complex emotional system, not a business organization. Parents must convey the message of caring, that "you count, you are important." They must nurture, encourage, show firmness, love, guide, respect, facilitate, and "'let go."

Disagreements arise between parents and teens, usually over a matter of control, and the power struggle over "Who's in charge" and "Who's right" begins. Conflict often arises when parent and teen disagree over whether or not the teen has acted responsibly enough in the past to make certain decisions more independently in the future.

One reason that the struggle for control continues or heats up is because both parents and teens are human. Parents give up control and then take it back. Teens act responsibly one weekend, irresponsibly the next. There are few things more difficult about being a parent than trying to figure out how to give the teenage son or daughter freedom enough to learn responsibility,

Essay about Parent and Teenager Relationships
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"First thing I do in the morning: Look at the clock and hope I have more time to sleep" ("Teenager Posts"). This is every teenagers thought waking up in the morning, dreading the full day of hell ahead of them. Being a teenager isn't just an age group it is a huge step in transitioning from a child to an adult. It is extremely stressful at times; and believe me, I would know. Our lives consist of going to school, sports and extracurriculars, and of course, you cannot forget about the most important, being social. Lemme tell you, teenage years are some of the most awkward years of a person's life. There is always that thought in the back of your mind constantly reminding you that soon, these years will be over and you will be old enough to say "I'm an adult." You cannot wait to grow up, but to be honest, once you grow up and start having responsibilities and your parents won't be there to do things for you, you will realize how much you miss being a teenager, having everything done for you, and not having to worry about anything. Being a teenager is very hard, but very worth it! With that being said, the teenage years are important, challenging, and extremely rewarding. As a 17 year old writing this, I can say that I will truly miss being a teenager. I grew up with two brothers, always getting more attention than me. The second I turned 16, I started to have more responsibilities than ever before. I learned how to drive and how to manage a part–time job. From working, I

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Speech About Being A Teenager

"Biggest Challenges

Young Adults Face Today"

Tynaisa Benthall


Principles of Public Speaking

Assignment 7_07



In the world today young adults face numerous of problems. We often think Young Adults are ready for the real world such as college, career, and the adult social scenes. Some Young Adults find it difficult to adjust to making a change in their life. To me, education, unemployment andcrime are major challenges for them today in this world. Noticing that each challenge have some negative effect on each individual which causes them to occur in bad situations. Many Young Adults find they are over–loaded and over whelmed with great difficulty in making changes that they find her more content...

30% of Young people arrested– up from 22% in 1965. Which causes more problems, education problems, and home life. Experts say police are now quicker to arrest Youths. (Dr.Brame) believed the increase might not necessarily be down to more criminal behavior inYouth. At age 12, less than one percent had been arrested. I have established many Young Adults admit to the police the use ofdrug and alcohol because of life uncertainties.

I have established (Dr. Brame) said that being poor, struggling in school and having difficult home life all been linked to a high risk of arrest in that age group. Data from 2003 show that the rate of drinking was 41.6 percent for Young Adults age 18 to 25, and heavily drinking was reported by 15.1 percent of ages 18 to 25. Twenty–nine percent of 21– to 25–year Old's reported driving under the influence of alcohol, which causes crashes for this age group due to drugs and alcohol usage. Compared to adults 25 and older, Young Adults are four times more likely to report having used of illegal drug in the past 30 days. Specifically 20.3 percent of the Young Adults have used an illegal drug. More importantly, I hold the opinion that unemployment triggers other problems that leads to crimes such as drugs, guns, prostitution, gang, and violence. A lot of Young Adults are growing up with out a role model and some with their parents, single mom/or dad, or some without . when they are looking for these role model they

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The teenagers in today's society are not much different than the teenagers 30 years ago.Some of the aspects of the teen life have changed but the basics remain the same. Every teen in any era has that awkward phase where they are transitioning from a child to a young adult.In that transitional period teens bodys are changing and hormones are raging. adolescence is the biggest transition period you go through in life. when you are a teenager you have that the pressure to fit it and also having an identity crisis. Teenagers are going through a roller coaster of emotions you feel self consistence or depressed. teens have a lot of stress and pressure to deal with social life,school work,and home life it can be overwhelming. As teens we more content...

Last thing I learned to love my body and myself and not care what people say or think about me. I discovered things about myself and who I was becoming by being honest with my emotions.Teenage years are rough be it has a favorable moments and lessons that stick with you forever. In every seed of good there is always a bad. Even though being a teenager has its benefits it can be tough to be as well. A lot of teenagers are insecure and have self esteem issues. My generation of teenagers are run by social media. Teens see these pictures of models and celebrities who look skinny and have no flaw and are comparing themselves and body shaming themselves. All the models that look skinny and perfect teens starts to look at their bodies and when they dont like what they see they start calling themselves ugly and fat and being desatisfied. When I was 14 I would always look at models in magazine covers longing and desiring to look like them. I stared a dangerous diet to loose weight and I was not eating enough because I felt fat. After doing the diet for four months I stared to feel weak .sick and dizzy. I soon realized that danger I was doing to my body and it wasn't worth it. That mistake taught me to love my body and take care of it instead of harming it. We are not the same we are unique beautiful individuals and so is our body no matter what shape or size. I have a younger sibling and she is 13 years old starting her teenage years. I would advice her to not care

Essay About Teenagers And Teenagers
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The most important problems teenagers face are adapting, the desire to rebel, and responsibilities. A person's teenage years take them through many stages in life. One becomes a teenager when they turn thirteen and it ends when you turn twenty. Teenage years start in middle school and follow you halfway through your college career. When you are a young teenager, the age of thirteen to about sixteen, the body starts to make a few changes, externally, and internally. Females start at a younger age than males. Female hormones start to develop when they are eleven or twelve, but the thoughts the girls have only start to change when they are teenagers. Girls start to develop curves during their development stage. Of more content...

For others, it's not so easy, there's rejection, and wait listing. This may seem okay, but for some teenagers, being rejected at such a young age can really make one feel insecure. In high school, you start to realize, you are no longer the oldest anymore. You are lost in a new building, surrounded by new people, new peers, new teachers, new principals. Everything is new. Looking around at the older grades, you notice they don't have as many pimples, or they have learned what clothing works, and what doesn't work together. The older grades, look much older than just eighteen year old. They have already developed their fashion styles, they are in relationships, they have figured out to do their makeup, so even if they have pimples, they are covered. Through high school, people change. There's bullies, and people don't want to be friends anymore. There are teams, and groups to join, you make new friends in your new surroundings. After three and half long years in high schools, you start applying for college. This is the second school related adaption they will have to do. This time it's more difficult. There are many options, and many decisions SUNYs, CUNYs, dorm, commuter school, the options are endless. Applying to college is difficult, one is expected to know what they want to do with their lives at the age of eighteen. Think of going to a college that will help you with your major, some don't even Get more content

Essay The Difficult Teenage Years

Statement of the Problem Most people say that your teenage years are supposed to be the best years of your life; Finding your place in this world, mostly carefree (with the exceptions of homework and parents), and most of all, having the least amount of responsibilities you will have before you reach adulthood. Sadly, some teens do not get to live this luxury. Many girls in this generation become mothers while they are still considered children. There are approximately 1.3 million homeless teens living in the United States right now. Out of the 1.3 million, 6–22% are pregnant girls (Finzel, 2016). If you do the math, that is nearly 78,000–286,000 pregnant girls who are homeless right now. I chose to write about this topic because I have witnessed many friends, and community members become pregnant at a young age. With government funded programs that help teen mothers learn safe sex methods, and family counseling for distressed mothers and teens, the rate of teen pregnancy would be reduced.

Background of the Problem Teenage homelessness, as defined by the National Conference of State Legislatures, are unaccompanied youth who lack parental, institutional, or foster care (Finzel, 2016). Pregnant teenage homelessness has been a rising problem since the late 1980's–early 1990's. No one can give one reason as to why teenage mothers become homeless, as there are a broad range of categories that can lead these teens to homelessness. The most common issues that lead to

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The Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy Essay

Some (but not all) teens may go through adolescence experiencing serious psychological and behavioral problems (i.e. substance abuse, delinquency, and depression). These problems can have direct (i.e. being in contact with personal youth) or indirect (i.e. increased taxes for community services and raised anxiety about safety of neighborhoods) effects on troubled teens and those around them. The media often exaggerates the psychosocial problems of adolescents, which leads to the stereotype of adolescents being troublesome. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between normative, transitory problems that most adolescence face (e.g. self–doubt, broken hearts, etc.) and more serious psychosocial problems that few adolescents experience (e.g. drug abuse, depression, etc.). This can be done by distinguishing between occasional experimentation and ongoing patterns of troublesome behavior. The rates of adolescent experimentation often exceed rates of enduring problems. For example, while a teen may break the law once during adolescence, that doesn't mean the teenager will go on to have a criminal career. Despite this, delinquency if often associated with adolescence, However, just because a problem behavior is seen during adolescence, doesn't mean it necessarily began during adolescence. In addition, most psychosocial problems experienced during adolescence are usually resolved by adulthood, unless an adolescent had a traumatic childhood. Popular theories such as that

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The title of a topic is the subject, please tell what I can add or remove, critic away! Being told to write approximate 400 to 600 words. Believe it or not, being a teenager is really tough. It's where you have to cope and deal with the important things in your whole life. This transition from childhood to adulthood can be a smooth sail for some people, but can be treacherous for others. The one utterly most important thing about being a teenager are responsibilities. When you're a teenager, all blame goes to you for anything that is done wrong, get grounded, called out, unlike before when you were young and you could get away with "murder", and nobody would do anything about it or even blame an innocent looking child! Those days are now long gone and goodbyes were said. It's not all terrible and overwhelming being a teenager. Now since you are grown up and have your driver's license; you don't have to bother your parents to drive you to places you wanted to go to. You can now hang out with some friends and have fun driving to places to spend time together and get out of the house! You can now go to the beach, parks, and where ever interest you and lets you have fun with time ticking away. These are enjoyable and memorable times in life, as long as you are being responsible and putting thought into what you are doing. But with all good things, must come the bad. During this fulfilling age, you are hopefully mature and intelligent enough to know what to do, and make

Teens : An Essay : Being A Teenage
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Mrs. Roczniak ENG 4C Monday, December 4, 2017 Option #2– Are there too many pressures and expectations on teens today to conform and act a certain way? Teens are under more stress and have higher expectations than ever before. It's a well–known fact that being a teen is hard and accompanies its own arrangement of troubles. Teens are expected to do extremely well in school and to have an idea on what they want to do after school. Teens want to feel like they are welcomed and wanted from their peers and they will do anything to fit in. Teenagers are also expected to teach themselves in school and in life. Teens have more stress and expectations on them than every before. Teenagers are required at an early stage to do "everything right" and to have their lives arranged out, teens are expected to know what they want to do after school– where they want to work. For an example, in the breakfast club, Brian is pressured to have the best grades and to already have his life together. When he was on his way into detention his mother said, "well mister you figure out a way to study" (Hughes, 1985) even though he couldn't. At school there is a scope of scholastic weights teens feel, from requirement for flawless grades. Teens must do well since it is expected that all teens must go to the best school in the event that they need to succeed and that puts on a huge amount of weight on

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"I believe the children are the future" are the words of the late Whitney Houston which many heard while growing up. Teens are changing rapidly as a result of changes in society and other changes. Few people want to speak to teens, but cannot do so anymore because most if not all the teenagers think they are grown. The people the teens associate themselves with or even spend time with is one the main reasons why they have been changing. Their friends contribute greatly in the decision–making aspect of their lives; they manage to do this in numerous ways. The teens are now becoming reckless as they believe their friends are always right. This results in them being out of control where parents and teachers are unable to steer them in the right path or even talk to the teens. Teenagers are being involved in sexual activities and as a result, it has an impact on their social behavior, their risk of STD's and the risk of pregnancy. Some of these teens are very innocent but they love to follow their friends. Teenagers back in the days would be solely focused on their school work and house work if they had any. Nowadays, it is much different. As mentioned before, society has changed, and it has not changed for the best but the worst. Teens would never talk back to their parents at a particular point in time, unfortunately, that is what is trending now. How is it possible to disrespect the elders? Does that even make sense? No, it does not, but the activities that they are indulging in are causing these actions. Teens are sexually active as they are left loose and with no guidance as these parents are afraid to speak to their children. Any teenager would be, not knowing what the outcome would be. It can be noticed when these teens are involved in sexual activities as their manners, morals and self–esteem are gone. Little good morning is said, but only when they feel like it or if they think it is necessary. Parents, teachers and some friends cannot even have a conversation with them as they are ignorant and behave rambunctiously when spoken to. These activities allow teenagers to be bold in the wrong way. Going to school with bite marks on them just to prove a point to their friends is one of the ways in which this

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Essay About Teenagers

Case Study on Treating a Teenager Having Problems

A seventeen–year–old high school student is showing difficulty in his academics at school. He has lately been a "troublemaker" in his class and his grades have significantly dropped. After a conference scheduled with the mother, the teacher discovered that recently his father died of alcohol poisoning which emotionally disturbed the young boy. On the other hand, she also discovered that the mother was having an affair with another man in California and so did not show much emotion towards her late husband. As a result, the son became frustrated and angry towards his mother and started interacting with the wrong peer group. The student was recently caught with the possession more content... Clearly, with his mother not spending enough time to instill values and guide the young boy not only as a mother but also a confidante, destroyed the young boy's identity. Perhaps he could have been an "A" student in honors classes, but because there was no one to show him right from wrong and share experiences, he began to lose himself. The adolescent got under the wrong influence of people who thought that smoking pot was just experimenting for the sake of experimenting. Improper judgment was used and the situation became out of control. The mother's parenting style was permissive because she was very lenient and had no set rules or structure in the household. If she had high maturity demands but yet a nurturing and communicative environment the adolescent would not be suffering as much. Unfortunately, the young boy had no one to turn to and so he got involved in the wrong crowd. After collecting some additional data, the school learned that the father spent whatever time he could with his son even though he traveled extensively. Hence, the young boy had some emotional ties with his father, which seemed to provide any structural aspect in his life. He helped him with his work at school and played basketball with him indicating to be a positive outlet for the young boy. Thus, when the young boy came to know of his mother's affair with another man he was devastated and lost respect for her. At this point, the young boy might have been undergoing

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