2016 Pokfulam Report 薄扶林報告

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薄扶林報告 Pokfulam Report

My Best Wishes for 2017


薄 扶 林 報 告 Photo taken and permission granted by Martin Ng: flic.kr/p/6AX86x

2016 Pokfulam Report

2016年是我作為薄扶林區議員的第三個任期。今年區內發生的事情眾多,報告亦包括 多個項目的進展。2017年,我們預見需要繼續監察區內多個建築項目發展所帶來的威 脅、改善公共交通服務及道路安全及綠化社區等。我感謝大家讓我繼續為你們服務及 改善薄扶林的居住環境。 我希望你們亦能為薄扶林出一分力:歡迎隨時向我發表意見及建議。另外,我們透過 e-news 發放區內最新消息,請電郵我們訂閱: info@paulzimmerman.hk。 新年將至,祝賀大家2017年事事順景及身體健康。 2016 was the first year of my third term as District Councillor for Pokfulam. It was an eventful year. This report gives an update on projects and issues. For 2017 we can expect an ongoing need to focus on managing development threats, improving public transport services and road safety, and enhancing the landscape of Pokfulam. It is an honour to continue serving you and helping make Pokfulam a better place to live. You too can help: Always let us have your comments and suggestions. Secondly, by subscribing to our e-news. We use emails to keep you posted on immediate issues. Simply send us your e-mail address via info@paulzimmerman.hk My best wishes for 2017 to all.

司馬文 Paul Zimmerman 你們的區議員 Your District Councillor

道路安全 Road Safety 非法賽車 ILLEGAL RACING 晚上非法賽車發出的聲浪非常影響居民的作息時間。南區 區議會於2016年2月詳細討論了非法賽車問題。隨後警方 採取了一連串打擊非法賽車行動,共扣留了超過20架車, 涉嫌非法改裝及賽車。我以前負責管理 Aston Martin 超級 跑車的銷售網絡,我非常明白這些「玩具」的吸引之處。 但是超速駕駛或非法賽車均對其他駕駛人士及行人的安全 構成威脅,而且噪音會影響居民的作息時間。駕駛者應避 免於清靜的住宅區發出過量引擎聲浪以免影響其他人士。 Illegal road racing is a late nite nuisance that flares up at times. When it does we receive many reports from residents who were woken up by the roaring sound of vehicles being pushed to their limits. We discussed the issue in the Southern District Council in February 2016, and the Police has since detained over 20 vehicles for examination into illegal modifications. I used to be in charge of the local distribution of Aston Martin sports cars and understand the fun these ‘toys’ offer drivers. However, speeding and racing create noise nuisances at night and early morning and it compromises the safety for other road users and pedestrians. I urge all Pokfulam owners of these toys to refrain from revving their engines in our quiet neighborhood.

違例泊車 ILLEGAL PARKING 數碼港商場一帶及域多利道近華富的路段已成為違例泊車的熱點,警方會加強這些熱 點的執法。話雖如此,由於薄扶林並非屬於市區,根據優先次序警方能調配的資源有 限。大家可就違例泊車向警方作出投訴,提供車牌號碼、日期、時間及地點。你亦可 以拍低照片電郵我們:info@paulzimmerman.hk。我們會繼續要求警方加強執法, 尤其是當違泊的車輛阻塞交通、阻礙其他駕駛者視線或影響道路安全等。 Cyberport Arcade area and Victoria Road near Wah Fu have now been designated as hot spots for illegal parking. This means that the Police will pay extra attention and take stricter enforcement action. Having said that, the Police has limited resources and suburban areas such as Pokfulam are awarded a lower priority. You can report illegally parked vehicles including the vehicle registration, time and location to the police, or send your photographic evidence to info@paulzimmerman.hk. We will continue to request for enforcement especially when illegally parked vehicles impact sightlines, obstruct pavements or pose a danger to other road users.

爆竊案 BURGLARIES 2016年頭八個月西區及南區共發生58宗爆竊案,而2015年全年 的數字為68宗。過往兩個月,金粟街及趙苑先後發生爆竊案。我 呼籲各位居民及管理公司檢討保安措施,包括閉路電視的位置及 數目、保安員的巡邏路線及警覺性、屋苑週邊的保安措施等。匪 徒傾向喜歡從附近斜坡潛入屋苑。 Some 58 burglaries have been reported in the Western and Southern District during the first 8 months of 2016. 68 were reported in the whole of 2015. We have had attempted and successful burglaries in Consort Rise and Villa Cecil in the past two months. We urge all residents to work closely with your building management on reviewing the perimeter design, access controls, staff training and security measures. Our green slopes are our treasure – but also an opportunity for others.

道路凹凸不平 POTHOLES 香港的道路使用率高,亦經常因地下公用設施的掘路工程及重型車輛轉出及轉入,增 加路面損耗速度,從而引致道路凹凸不平。 路政署有專責部門負責定期及緊急道路維修。路政署早前使用較耐用的混凝土重鋪了 域多利道近西寧街一帶的路面。而域多利道 (位於沙宣道及大口環之間的路段) 亦已進 行重鋪工程。 如遇到路面凹凸不平問題,歡迎電郵我們:info@paulzimmerman.hk,請提供道路 名稱、方向及有關路段的位置。 Hong Kong has a short and heavily used road network. The road reserves are also used by utilities for pipes and cables. The excavation of the roads for work on underground utilities, and the turning of heavy goods vehicles and buses at junctions, will result in pot holes and uneven surfaces, especially during the rainy seasons. The Highways Department has a program for regular resurfacing of roads, and also a team for emergency repairs of potholes. Recent surface works include the use of concrete slabs at the junction of Victoria Road and Sai Ning Street where double decker buses turn in and out, and resurfacing of Victoria Road between Sassoon Road and Sandy Bay Road. To report potholes and uneven surfaces, please send an email identifying the road, what section (nearby landmarks or lamppost numbers) and the lane direction to info@paulzimmerman.hk

路邊魚眼鏡 ROADSIDE MIRRORS 運輸署認為路邊魚眼鏡會令影像變形及難以判斷路面車速,所以政府不會於公共道路上 安裝魚眼鏡。而閣下於路面見到的魚眼鏡均為私人屋苑或其管理公司「偷雞地」安裝。 由於駕駛者視線受阻及附近屋苑眾多(難以協調由誰安裝),我早前於碧荔道及冠冕臺交 界安裝了一塊魚眼鏡。此處的車速相對比較低,而路口位亦剛好有一條柱以便安裝。 我明白有眾多上碧瑤居民希望能於域多利道路口安裝魚眼鏡,但是該路口不幸地沒有路 牌柱或燈柱。 Government will not install convex mirrors along public roads. Convex mirrors distort images and make it difficult to judge travelling speed – hence the Transport Department’s reluctance. The mirrors you do see are installed on private land or 'unofficially' along roads by property owners and managers to improve sightlines. I took the liberty of installing a mirror at the junction of Bisney Road and Crown Terrace having taken into account a few issues: The view of traffic is blocked, vehicle travelling speeds are low, there was a pole available for mounting, and splitting the responsibility among different buildings would be cumbersome. I’m aware that some residents of Upper Baguio would want their management to put one at the junction with Victoria Road. Unfortunately there is no obvious hanging point in the right location.

Video 影片: https://goo.gl/iftdFl

電子道路收費 ELECTRONIC ROAD PRICING 為了減少交通擠塞,政府於2016年3月就電子道路 收費先導計劃進行了公眾諮詢。我們透過網上意見 調查諮詢了薄扶林居民的意見。結果顯示居民對計 劃的支持度與反對度相若:45.9%的受訪者對計劃 表示支持,48.2%的受訪者對計劃表示反對。我們 已向政府遞交調查報告,並指出薄扶林區尚未有港 鐵服務連接,而區內小巴及巴士服務班次不穩定。 居民因此而選擇利用私家車代步,對「電子道路收 費」計劃所帶來的影響表示擔憂。

Survey results 調查報告連結 : http://goo.gl/XvOQA0

In March 2016, the government consulted the public on its proposed pilot scheme for electronic road pricing in Central. The objective is to reduce private car use. We conducted an online survey and the Pokfulam community appears evenly split: 45.9% of the respondents supported the scheme whilst 48.2% opposed. We submitted the findings to Government. We pointed out that without an MTR and with the concerns over the service levels of the buses and minibuses to and from Pokfulam, many residents will continue to depend on private transport and object to electronic road pricing.

公共交通 Public Transport HR 42 碧瑤灣 - 堅尼地城站 BAGUIO VILLA - KENNEDY TOWN 自8月1日起,進智公交開通了HR 42居民巴士服務(俗稱邨巴)往返 碧瑤灣及堅尼地城港鐵站,以方便居民轉車、買餸及食飯等。服 務時間為上午7時30分至晚上7時30分(星期日及公眾假期除外), 收費為$7。 AMS is operating a 28-seater shuttle between (Upper and Lower) Baguio Villa and Kennedy Town Station every 30 minutes between 7:30am and 7:30pm, except Sundays and Holidays, since August 2016. This new service gives Baguio residents better access to the market, shops, restaurants and MTR station in Kennedy Town. The fare is HK$7 per trip. 服務詳情,請瀏覽 : For its service details, please go to : https://goo.gl/t7le5Z

43M 實時抵站時間查詢服務 REAL TIME ARRIVAL INFORMATION 自從2010年成為薄扶林區議員後,我們多次要求巴士公司提供實時抵站時間查詢服務。作為 一個智能城市,巴士實時資訊是一個基本設施。由2016年6月1日起,你可透過巴士公司網站: www.nwstbus.com.hk 或手機程式 (Android app/IOS app) 查詢43M的預計到站時間。 Ever since I took office in 2010, we have asked for real time arrival information – A basic 'smart city' feature. Starting 1 June 2016, you can monitor when bus 43M will arrive via www.nwstbus.com.hk or the phone app (Android app/ IOS app).

8號及28號小巴 MINIBUS 8 AND 28

利用我們於站頭進行班次調查的 數據以及網上意見調查的結果, 我們與居民、運輸署及營運商會 面商談如何改善碧瑤灣的小巴服 務。除了早上往港大站的短途服 務外後,28號營運商亦已於下午 及晚上繁忙段提供相同服務。另 外,進智公交開通了 HR 42 邨巴 服務往返碧瑤灣及堅尼地城站。28號營運商正在研究將漫長的路線分割為東段(銅鑼灣至中 環)及西段(碧瑤至中環)是否可行。而8號營運商向運輸署申請將8號的資源投放到8X。 歡迎向我們就服務提出意見或投訴:info@paulzimmerman.hk。 Armed with the data we gathered at the bus stops, and together with the responses to our online surveys, we continue to pressure the Transport Department and operators to improve transport for Baguio Villas. A HKU express service was implemented and a HR 42 residential service to and from Kennedy Town commenced. We expect a continuous fine-tuning of the services. The operator of the 28 has put feelers out for separating the east section (Causeway Bay/Central) and the west section (Baguio/Central). The operator of the 8 has requested approval to shift resources from the 8 to the 8x. We welcome continuous feed-back on service issues with date, time, location, route number, and if necessary the vehicle registration and/or driver registration for our follow up via info@paulzimmerman.hk

28號小巴 MINIBUS 28 營運商正在研究路線重組方案及其它措施,以便提高服務效率。運輸署已於2016年正式警 告營運商要求他們改善服務質素、實際班次、司機態度及車廂衛生。 The operator has been studying various proposals for re-organization and review of the service level of GMB 28 to improve its efficiency. Earlier in 2016, Transport Department has issued a formal warning to the operator over its poor service quality, actual frequency, drivers’ attitude and cabin hygiene.

8號小巴 GMB 8 運輸署早前就營運商對8號小巴的建議改動進行公眾諮詢。建議內容: • 8號小巴的班次將會縮減至星期一至星期五早上兩班服務:上午7時40分及上午8時40分 • 8X將會繼續提供服務,其班次將會由現時每10-20分鐘一班增強至每10-15分鐘一班,而下午繁忙時段 的班次將會由現時每10-12分鐘一班增強至每10分鐘一班。另外,8X的頭班車會由早上7時10分提前至 早上6時30分開出。 • 營運商會提供轉乘優惠,由下碧瑤往般含道或堅道的乘客可乘坐8X到港大站($8.50)轉乘10號或31號小 巴($0.90)前往目的地。總車資為$9.40。 • 如從堅道或般含道前往碧瑤灣,乘客可乘坐10號或31號到港大站,然後轉乘8X。由於第一程的車資為 $8正,第二程(8X)將不需繳付任何車資。

營運商提及改動服務的原因為:使用率及需求偏低、所經路段交通擠塞導致班次不穩 定及出現虧損、若再將班次減少亦於事無補。 我們早前透過 e-news 諮詢居民,並將收到的意見向運輸署反映。 The operator has proposed changes because of the drop in patronage, unreliable timing due to congestion, the service is losing money, and further reduction of the frequency would result in a further drop in patronage. We have circulated Transport Department’s consultation via e-news earlier and have reported the views we collected to Transport Department. Proposal from operator: Ėĺ 7 ª {ÊÀĺóĺÔ ££ĺ{ ĺ£ © Æ ĺƯĺÆÔ¯ĺ©¯¼ª ª ĺ ¹p¼Æʼ ÀĺpÆĺòėïëp©ĺpª ĺóėïëp©ĺ ¼¯©ĺ7¯ª pÚĺÆ¯ĺ ¼ pÚĝ Ėĺ ófĺ Ô ££ĺ |¯ªÆ ªÊ Ęĺ Ô Æ ĺ ¼ »Ê ª|Úĺ ©¹¼¯Ó ª ĺ ¼¯©ĺ ìëĮíëĺ © ªÊÆ Àĺ Ưĺ ìëĮìðĺ © ªÊÆ ÀĘĺ pª ĺ ìëĮìíĺ minutes to 10 minutes during evening peak. Ėĺ S ĺã¼ÀÆĺófĺ{ÊÀĺÔ ££ĺ ¹p¼ÆĺpÆĺñėîëp©ĺ ªÀÆ p ĺ¯ ĺòėìëp©ĝ Ėĺ GpÀÀ ª ¼Àĺ ¯¼ĺ ¯ª p©ĺJ¯p ĺpª ĺ p ª ĺJ¯p ĺ|pªĺÊÀ ĺófĺpª ĺ ªÆ ¼| pª ĺÆ¯ĺ© ª {ÊÀĺìëĺpª ĺîìĺ at HKU MTR with a fare concession: 90 cents for the onward journey on minibus 10 or 31 (total fare of $8.50+ $0.90 = $9.40). Ėĺ J Æʼª ª ĺ¹pÀÀ ª ¼Àĺ©pÚĺÆp ĺ© ª {ÊÀĺìëĺpª ĺîìĺp£¯ª ĺ p ª ĺJ¯p ĺpª ĺ ¯ª p©ĺJ¯p ĺpª ĺ interchange to 8X at HKU MTR station at NIL cost for the onward journey (total fare of $8.0).

54S號小巴 MINIBUS 54S 路線及服務已於2016年8月重組,歡迎向我們提出意見。 可瀏覽 https://goo.gl/Wr3NwH The service has been reorganized in August of 2016. Keep us posted with your comments. The latest details are available on-line: https://goo.gl/Wr3NwH

增加小巴座位 MORE SEATS ON MINIBUSES 繼我們於2015年發起聯署行動要求增加小巴座位後,政府正在準備文件修改法例容許小 巴由現時16座增至19座。法案需由立法會審批,預計會於2017年刊憲。 Following our campaign asking for more seats on the minibuses in 2015, the government is finalizing plans to add 3 seats to the 16 seater minibuses. Any changes will have to be approved by the Legislative Council. The gazette notice is expected in 2017.

華富邨重建計劃及南港島線(西段) WAH FU ESTATE REDEVELOPMENT & SOUTH ISLAND LINE (WEST) 政府於2014年施政報告宣佈重建華富邨。計劃包括使用位於置富花園及華富邨之間的 五幅土地作公共房屋用途。房屋署早前公布了華富邨重建發展概念圖及相關資訊,並 向區議員及持份者「摸底」。五幅用地的總建屋量為8,900個單位,作華富邨重建戶 搬遷所用。2024年落成後,華富邨原址將正式展開重建。我已向署方提出多個問題: 薄扶林道/域多利道路口的負荷量、新鐵路落成時間表、景觀問題等等。我會再向大 家匯報最新消息。 The government announced plans to redevelop the aging Wah Fu public housing estate in the 2014 Policy Address. The plans also call for utilizing 5 new sites between Wah Fu and Chi Fu for public housing development. The Housing Authority has developed initial concept plans and has been ‘soft-lobbying’ district councilors and various groups. 8,900 new units will be built on the five sites. Residents from Wah Fu will be transferred to the new sites so that the old estate can be redeveloped starting 2024. I have raised questions over the capacity of the Pok Fu Lam Road / Victoria Road junction, the timing of the new MTR, the loss of hiking trails, and requested visuals which can help Pokfulam residents to better understand the visual impacts.

官方的諮詢文件 For the official information leaflets, please go to :



有賴社區聯絡小組及愛琴苑法團主席張秀芬女士多年來的努力,鋼線灣植樹儀式於 2016年6月18日舉行,現時已種植了過萬棵樹。當渠務署完成所以相關工程後,此 處將會開放給予公眾使用。另一邊廂,數碼港移除了公園內的膠圍欄及放置了狗狗 糞便袋方便狗主處理狗隻糞便。最後,香港欖球總會已向地政總署申請將數碼港商 場前的地段發展成為球場。他們希望將球場的收入用於公園的維修及保養,並能為 公園提供新的兒童遊玩設施。繼早前他們與居民及學校會面後,來年將會有進一步 的公眾諮詢。 A tree planting ceremony took place on 18 June 2016. Thousands of whip trees have been planted at Telegraph Bay. This formalizes the end of the use of this waterfront for barging operations. The tree planting is the outcome of work by the Community Liaison Group and especially Susie Cheung, IO Chairlady of Aegean Terrace. The area will be made accessible to the public once the Drainage Services Department has finished works on their buildings and the entrance. In the meantime, plastic fences have been removed throughout the park. Cyberport is also experimenting with dispensers for ‘dog poo bags’. Finally, after initial meetings with the residents and schools in Pokfulam, the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union has submitted an application to Lands Department for a sports pitch in front of the arcade. The revenue generated would be used to install new play equipment and upkeep the park. There will be further public consultation on the proposal in 2017.

改善數碼港商場 IMPROVING CYBERPORT ARCADE 數碼港已委託獨立房地產顧問公司研究如何改善商場的店舖種類及吸引力。萊坊房地 產於商場範圍進行了問卷調查以了解顧客的需要。我們亦將問卷調查上載到網站,共 收到超過600份回覆。 顧問公司正在分析收集到的意見及數據。我們會透過e-news匯報最新情況。另外, 數碼港回應了居民的意見:以美觀可折斷的矮柱取代醜陋的雪糕筒。 Cyberport has commissioned a consultancy study into the tenant mix and need for structural changes. To gather shoppers' views, Knight Frank has been conducting surveys at the shopping mall. We have made the survey available online. Over 600 residents took the opportunity to express their views on our local shopping mall. Knight Frank will analyze the results and advise Cyberport on next steps. We will give you further updates via e-news. In the meantime, Cyberport is making small changes to respond to community concerns, including by replacing the ugly traffic cones with frangible bollards and improving the landscape. 意見調查結果 : Survey results : https://goo.gl/iHjBXo

大口環 SANDY BAY 大口環海濱落實需時,但初步 已見進展。項目獲得地區小型 工程原則性批准。而政府最近 發佈的「香港2030+」亦包括 了該海濱的走線。多個組織及 政府部門對大口環海濱用地虎 視眈眈,他們希望申請將土地 用作存放物資。另外,香港大 學亦提出申請使用該處作為戶 外歷奇教育及水上活動中心。 我們進行了意見調查,結果顯示超過98%受訪者支持土地用作康樂用途。香港大學申 請使用該空地作為戶外歷奇教育及水上活動中心。由於港大尚未提供具體計劃內容, 土木工程拓展署獲批使用該處作為26項「人人暢道通行」設施工程的臨時工地,為期 兩年(原先署方申請使用四年)。南區區議會將於2018年初再次檢討空地的用途。 Slowly but surely we are making progress on opening up the waterfront of Sandy Bay. A project to extend the promenade has been approved in principle under District Minor Works. The alignment was also included in the 2030+ study recently released by Government. In the meantime, various organisations and Government are looking into the future use of the land now used for storage. We understand that the HKU has submitted an application to use the land for an Outdoor Sports and Adventure Education Centre. We conducted an online survey showing a 98% support for recreational uses of the sites. This has helped limit the temporary land allocation to CEDD to a maximum of two years. The CEDD will use the site to support the installation of 26 lifts (universal access) at various footbridges. The District Council has asked for a review of the use of the site in early 2018.

碧荔道55-57號前碧荔軒重建 REDEVELOPMENT OF BISNEY CREST, 55-57 BISNEY ROAD 華懋集團的重建項目預計於2017年中完成,現時 兩棟洋房已平頂。 First two buildings of this development by Chinachem have topped out. The project is expected to complete by mid-2017.

大口環東華三院賽馬會護理安老院重建計劃 REDEVELOPMENT OF TWGHS JOCKEY CLUB CARE AND ATTENTION HOME AT SANDY BAY 東華三院的項目團隊於區議會會議中簡介大口環 安老院的重建計劃。他們初步傾向於原址興建13 層高的大樓。原則上我贊成增加及改善安老院的 設施及床位以應付需求,但是我非常關注重建計 劃為景觀所帶來的潛在影響及區內公共交通配套 不足問題。項目團隊承諾會稍後預備具體資料並 諮詢社區,屆時我們會再作匯報。 The TWGH project team presented the outline for redevelopment of the elderly care home in Sandy Bay at a recent council meeting. They proposed replacing the existing structures with a 13 storey building. Whilst I support more and better facilities for elderly care, I expressed concerns over potential visual impact and limited public transport capacity. They promised to prepare detailed plans for community input. We will keep you posted.

香港華人基督教聯會骨灰龕 HKCCCU COLUMBARIUM 雖然自2011年居民持續強烈要求聯會縮小項 目規模,但是政府已批准工程(只有非常少量 的修改)。我們會繼續向運輸署施壓,務求改 善現有行人路及道路網絡,並要求聯會交代如 何處理春秋二祭其間的安排。 Despite strong and continuous requests to reduce the scale since 2011, the HKCCCU columbarium building at the corner of Victoria Road and Consort Rise is now progressing with minor changes. We will continue to push the Transport Department to improve the footpath capacities in the area, and request HKCCCU for a visitation management plan to spread out the traffic when the 36,000 niches become fully used.

協康會慶華中心重建 REDEVELOPMENT OF HEEP HONG SOCIETY CATHERINE LO CENTRE 十層高的大樓已平頂,項目預計於2017年4月完成後還需 進行內部裝修工程等。 The 10 storey high building has topped out and the expected completion date is April 2017. Internal renovation and fitting out will follow.


兩座大樓已平頂。 The two new blocks have topped out.

地區小型工程 DISTRICT MINOR WORKS 我認為區議員的職責最有趣的一環是遞交地區小型工程 建議。早前完成的項目包括修復摩星嶺道至域多利道的 小徑、沿域多利道增設長凳及擴闊下碧瑤至數碼港道的 樓梯等。有多個小型工程項目 仍在排隊當中:增設長凳及車 站避雨亭、沙灣徑及摩星嶺道 休憩處、沙宣道配水庫上蓋休 憩處及修復鋼線灣道至域多利 道的小徑。

A fun part of being a District Councillor is to submit proposals for District Minor Works. Recent completions include the footpath from Mt Davis to Victoria Road, benches along Victoria Road and the widening of the staircase from Baguio to Cyberport Road. Projects in the pipeline include bus shelters and benches at various locations, sitting-out areas at Sha Wan Drive, Mt Davis Road and the rooftop of Sassoon Road water service reservoir, and the footpath from Victoria Road to Kong Sin Wan Road.

薄扶林藝術展主題 Pokfulam Art Exhibition 2016 今年6月薄扶林藝術展成功於數碼港舉行,主題 為 <Light Up The Dark>。藝術展由西島中學 的學生負責籌辦。贊助機構為數碼港及168 Gallery。 This year’s exhibition was held in June at Cyberport with the theme of ‘Light up the Dark’. The event was organised by West Island School students and sponsored by Cyberport and 168 Gallery.

慈善大回收 Charity Collection 2016 多謝眾多薄扶林居民捐出書籍、玩具、衣服、 電器、 等給予救世軍及愛連心。我們載滿兩 架9噸貨車。我希望大家於新一年能考慮少買 一點東西,用最直接的方式支持環保。 Many thanks to all in Pokfulam who cleaned out and gifted their books, toys, clothes, electronics, ties and buttons to The Salvation Army and Les Beautitudes. We filled up two 9-tonne trucks! My wish for 2017: That you may consider buying less! It’s the most effective way to staying environmentally friendly.

清潔石灘 Beach and Shoreline Clean-ups 弘立書院家長教師會於2016年11月21日清潔了大口環 的石灘。如舉辦清潔日,歡迎告訴我們。 Sandy Bay was cleaned by ISFPTA on 21 November 2016. Keep us posted on your clean up actions.

南 港︵ 島東 線段 ︶

South Island Line (East) 連貫金鐘、海洋公園、黃竹坑、利東及海怡半島的南港島線(東段)將會於2016年 12月28日通車。由於金鐘站工程比較複雜,所以通車日期較原先估計延遲了一年。屆 時,69A小巴將會延長至黃竹坑站。由於金鐘站的列車月台位於不同層數,所以如閣 下是前往港島沿線的地鐵站,我們相信到堅尼地城站或港大站轉車仍然是最直接及快 捷的方法。 A new MTR line will connect Admiralty to Ap Lei Chau, via Ocean Park and Wong Chuk Hang. The South Island Line will open on 28 December 2016, one year late due to difficult work at Admiralty. Minibus 69A will be extended to the Wong Chuk Hang MTR station. However, for journeys from Pokfulam to MTR stations along the Island Line, it may remain quicker to get on the train at Kennedy Town or HKU. We have yet to experience how much time and effort it will take to change MTR trains at different levels at the Admiralty Station.

69A小巴 (數碼港 -黃竹坑港鐵站) Minibus 69A (Cyberport to Wong Chuk Hang MTR) 星期一至星期六 (公眾假期除外) 上午7時至晚上7時 Monday to Saturdays (except public holidays) 7am – 7pm

每15分鐘一班 Every 15 minutes

星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午5時 Sundays and public holidays 10am – 5pm

每30分鐘一班 Every 30 minutes

車費:6元正 (如轉乘港鐵可享五毫子轉乘優惠) Fare: HK$6.0 (50 cents discount when interchanging with MTR)

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