Verona Experience 2019

Page 36


Non solo il balcone Oltre all’evocativo balcone, si impone, al centro del cortile, la statua in bronzo dell’eroina shakespeariana consumata dai tanti turisti che le sfiorano il seno. Secondo la leggenda, basta un tocco per garantirsi un pizzico di buona fortuna.

Not Just the Balcony… In addition to the evocative balcony, Shakespeare heroine’s bronze statue stands in the centre of the courtyard, consumed by the many tourists who rub her breast. The legend says that just a touch is enough to have a bit of good luck.

Nich Nur der Balkon... Neben dem romantischen Balkon ragt in der Mitte des Hofes die berühmte Bronzestatue unserer Shakespeare-Heldin hervor, die von vielen Touristen an die Brust gefasst wird. Der Legende nach bringt das Glück.

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Verona Experience

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