PAJE Magazine

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Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

Issue 6


First of all, Happy New Year! I know it’s February, but given the fact that it’s a review issue of January with random bits from December, I’m still extending the greeting. I’m really hoping that the year has already shown elements of promise and prosperity. I am quite pleased with the packaging of this issue, and also the content. My desire for the magazine is for it to be very relatable for even one person who reads. On that note, this issue has unique elements of inspiration, I believe. I’m so happy about the way it has all come together - looking at thought-provoking topics, examining recently released materieal, reading different stories, the works! That stated, I want to truly thank you for the support that you’ve given PAJE thus far. The encouragement and enthusiasm has been extremely overwhelming. I’d like to encourage you spend this year walking in obedience and neighbourly love. We’re all journeying together in God, and so let’s just continue to pray each other up even as God works on our hearts. Jude 1:20-21 But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love.

- Charmian-Marie Jack

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PAJE PICK Approaching the end of 2014, there were many songs that really rested on our heart. We want you to check out


by Jermaine Edwards from his recent album ‘Don’t Count Me Out’!

recent releases

We’re exceptionally heartened by the number of QUALITY releases that have taken place between the latter part of 2014 and the first month of 2015! We’re plunging our support behind the high standard that is being put forward because we believe that the industry must be more representative of the God we serve. The excellent God - Jehovah! Check out the releases we’re about to show you, and check out for reviews throughout the month!

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Rizon on a ‘Higher Level’ Minister of the Gospel, Rizon, released his album entitled ‘Higher Level’ on January 31 with the artiste receiving a tremendous amount of support. If you haven’t heard of Rizon prior to now, it’s honestly because of his humble persona. But best believe, PAJE is extremely excited about the recent release of his album. He’s very unique. This talented minister of the Gospel hails from Trinidad and Tobago and is definitely one to watch for 2015. Remember to give your support!

Chozenn releases ‘rebirth’ EP On January 31, Chozenn released his EP, ‘Rebirth’ making anticipation raise, expecting more from him musically for the months ahead. 2014 witnessed his emergence as a minister of the Gospel. We’ve seen him take the place by storm, showing a passion for music and also getting the Gospel and an overall message of resillience spread to persons through music. The compilation has received great reviews thus far, dubbing it as a collection that belongs in your possession, especially because of its ‘real vibe’.

Don't Count Me Out leaves memorable mark on 2014 and beyond We’re not even sure if Jermaine Edwards knew what this album was going to do before he and his team released it, but one thing is for sure...the anointing is REAL! Don’t Count Me Out is one of the best compilations in the history of the Caribbean Gospel music industry! The exceptional diversity that exists on this album is so impressive. Anyone who actually listens to this album is sure to relate to at least one song. The collection serves as a big encouragement to those listening and inspiration to go deeper in our walks with God! The album has set a new standard for the industry in music - not to discredit work put out by other hard working Gospel artistes. But it is an example that shows us that we don’t need to stay in the box when it comes to representing the Lord. The vibe is nested in each of us recognizing that we are all human and we need God to heal us, to guide us, to empower be our everything! Thanks to Jermaine Edwards and his hardworking team for really following God’s lead on this one. It has impacted many individuals positively. Readers, if you haven’t checked it out yet, please do!

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PROPER PUBLIC RELATIONS There is a great number of artistes associated with the Gospel music industry in the Caribbean. But, you haven’t heard of half of them. Why? No, it’s actually not because they are not taking their career seriously. Instead, it’s because of a lack of representation. It’s one thing getting to know the industry on the basis of being an artiste, but the networking required for forward movement and resultant success in the industry is also quite necessary. How are you going to successfully fulfill your mandate to spread the word if no one knows about you and therefore, no one listens to your music, really? In truth though, there is a massive issue with the fact that funds are limited generally. And that’s just life. But there are so many ways to get around that. Even if you are unable to hire someone to do public relations on your behalf as an artiste, you, with the responsibility for YOUR ministry (in being led by God), need to take the initiative to put yourself out there - and properly. Research needs to be done, and links need to made through networking

2 COMMITMENT TO QUALITY OVER QUANTITY Next on the list is something that is quite touchy as the concept of ‘quality’ is relative. A good way for artistes to measure may be to ensure that what they are putting out there is the best version of itself. Many may be tempted to say you must also evaluate your content, etc, but therein lies the discrepancy. An artiste who wrote the song in question, cannot be the sole person who goes over the content, for obvious reasons. So the way to guide that is to always remember that the song is not written for yourself as the artiste, but raher to minister to others. So feel free to ask for the opinions and guidance of honest individuals who believe in you and your ministry and will not tear you down. Remember the idea is to put out an excellent product. Therefore, eliminate the intense desire to get out there and hear your song playing on the radio, however many there may be. Instead, aim to send out solid finished products in a bid to build a relevant reputation.

3 THE EMBRACE OF PECULIARITY If persons have seen one thing from one artiste already, why are they going to go elsewhere to see the same thing? God created us differently; everyone has their own sound, their own look and their own feel. In like manner, each artiste has a different mandate, though all are called to see God glorified in the earth and win souls for the Kingdom; a collective mandate. But what needs to happen is that in the same way that God has given each of us distinctive attributes, artistes need to shape/fashion their ministry in such a way that they are distinctive from other artistes. In so doing, you’d be doing radical public relations for yourself, as you stand alone and appeal to a certain niche, and also, if this embrace of a unique image is upported by quality material, that’s brawta! PAJE || 25

What do you get when you merge Lypher’s lyrical prowess and passion, RB Records’ pristine beats and CJam’s impressively sharp skills - with each other? A quality music video bringing a great song to life! Lypher announced the release date for his music video for his song ‘Pure Joy’ and persons waited in anticipation, and rightfully so. The video was quite significant as it showed various scenes of him at different points on the island (Jamaica, W.I.), which will always be his home. The video in conjunction with the song’s message, successfully communicated a message of God always being our joy in all things. No matter what is going on, in the same way that we can ‘return home’, we can go back to Him for comfort and refuge in all situations. The work of CJam made it a pleasurable watch - as usual. The multiplicity of scenes managed to heighten the memory of the song in the minds of viewers. Great work put into this project. Looking forward to more in 2015. PAJE || 27

Rizon released his music video for the There were a few comedic elements song ‘Higher Level’ and we liked it. mixed with a genuine air of fun that we liked. We believe it really captured The video had no ‘extraness’ to it the ‘Trini’ spirit, and also showed that really, but rather showcased a desire being a Christian doesn’t actually have to be ‘boring’, and pure fun can to get to a higher in God. be quite fulfilling. The song itself underlines the idea of not being stagnant in God, then The flow of clips and the images lined up were quite memorable and fitting, making an effort to devote more to God. as well.

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So we clicked play on this video and we were like, “A WHO do dis?!” We absolutely loved the feel of this video. Even with a borderline cliche concept, it felt extremely refreshing to watch, and also to know that it was produced in Jamaica, by Jamaicans! The message of the song was both subtly and bluntly brought across by the video’s flow and it suited Rev. Ryan Mark’s overall swag, as well. Wasn’t too extra but it was definitely above average, and clean! The song reminds us to put our trust in God, really. To trust Him to provide all we need, and to understand that the God we serve is all-powerful and is everything we need. We are extremely proud of this finished product - the song which puts forward a different kind of sound both lyrically and also in examining the riddim - great work from the producers. Additionally, CAB Concepts...yes. Very good finished product.

Francis Chan states that “Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.”

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24

Best believe that is on point! As Christians, we are called to live in the world, but not to be OF the world. This means that we should not subscribe to the things that appease the flesh, but rather, strive to walk in the spirit, subscribing only to things pleasing in the sight of God. This argument tends to create many heated debates according to cultures, preferences and traditions. But let’s just make an effort to actually be the standard in the earth; the vessels through which the Lord shines His light.

#MedzLikkleBit No Gray Jonathan McReynolds

Verse 1

Verse 2

Lord I’m split in two Part of me loves the world And the other loves You So what do I do I wanna be saved But I got to stay cool too And no I’m not a fool I know eventually I’m gonna have to choose And really I don’t wanna lose My ticket into heaven And a chance to be used by You

Lord see I’ve realized when it comes to sin You just don’t compromise It’s a matter of death and life Be weak and do wrong Or be strong and do right And I don’t wanna keep going to church Singing all about how much You’re worth And then continue doing my dirt Living as if I didn’t care if You’re hurt


Lord I really need you (get it together) Im telling you that we Saints gotta We saints gotta (get it together) Mmmhmmm We Just gotta Get it together

And if it’s God that I’m after I can’t serve two masters And before something happens I got to turn it all around Because I know I can’t just have my cake and eat it too Cause it’s real easy to stay on the fence and still do you And it’d be cool if we could love the Lord and still go do our thing But see it doesn’t work like that You gotta to be white or black


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Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

Who is Yori?

*chuckles* Wow! That’s a big question. I’m a woman who loves the Lord *chuckles* - sounds so cliché. Every Christian supposed to seh dat! I love Jesus. I love how faithful He is…and so maybe for the past three to four years, I’ve been singing that song – about God’s faithfulness. I’ve seen His faithfulness at work. So I’m a woman who loves the Lord because He’s faithful – among other reasons. I’m a daughter, I’m an Aunt – ugh, that’s one of my pleasures in life; being an Aunt. I’m a sister, a manager, a worship leader, a worshipper… gosh! I love God’s presence. I am somebody who fails almost daily, but relies on God’s grace to get back up again. I am very real and very transparent about my failings; very transparent about the process, the journey…because I believe people need to know that it’s okay to make a mistake. It’s okay to fall flat on your face, but don’t stay there.

I’ve made so many mistakes along my journey and the fact that I’ve gotten back up…the fact that I’m still here is a testament to the Lord’s goodness. So I am a woman who will boldly declare that God is good and He is faithful. I just want to see God’s purpose fulfilled, not just in my life. I love when people are walking in purpose. I love when I can encourage somebody along the line of their gifting, like if I can see someone and point it out and say “Hey, you know that you’re good at this, I think you should do this…” and not just to see it and say it, but to know that what I’m saying is what is God’s will for their life, and not just talk off the top of my head. So, I’m an encourager. I like to build others up; to see people happy. I hate to see people hurt. I’m a woman who’s committed to the broken-hearted because my heart has been broken before and so I know how it feels.

Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

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Tell us how you came to know Christ

I am a woman who is determined, along my journey, to help somebody else overcome heartbreak; to help somebody else to know We grew up in church for a few that God is the only one that can years…I went to church when I was a lot younger – my mum heal that hurt…yeah. insisted that we go to Sunday I’m a woman who loves children. School. So those were the I like to cook – I don’t do it very foundation years, I guess.

Years passed and my grandmother came to live with us and she had the desire to go to church. So I got my driver’s license and so I would go with her. And it’s like my ears started to open up to it – the Word of God was becoming often, but when I’m in the kitchen, I enjoy it. Yeah, Yori is a nice My sister and I were involved to real to me but still I didn’t make an extent but I can’t say that I a decision while I was in Jamaica. girl – she feisty, but she nice! really knew what Christianity was about; I didn’t know what it Yori also reminisces on the fact that meant to be saved or anything she was always singing in school and like that. And then after a few also many times would be placed to sing lead in her choir. But her musical years of doing that, my mother journey was going to be introduced got tired of having to force us – to her future journey in the Lord. She because we felt forced going to began voice training and it turned out church, it wasn’t something we that her teacher was a Christian and felt willing to do. So, for years, each song that she was given to sing we didn’t go. were all nested in Christendom. “Looking back at it, these were all seeds that were planted in me – songs I did in my High School choir were a lot of Gospel songs… it had no meaning to me at the time, but those were seeds that were being planted in my heart. Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

I left for College in Dallas, Texas in 2000 – it was a Christian school. A friend that went to College with me, became a Christian early in our Freshman year, and her light was very transformative to me. I went to church with her one Sunday morning in the summer after my Freshman year – and I felt like I was doing her a favour. I had no intention of answering the altar call. I had no intention of surrendering my life. Even throughout the year leading up to this point, I was going to church on campus and I would sing and so forth, but I still had not surrendered my heart to the Lord. I was singing because singing has always been my gift. So I was going to the church on campus and I was singing, but my heart was far from God still. At the end of the service, the Pastor gave the altar call and somehow my hand raised. *chuckles*

Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

The next thing I know I was surrendering my life to God and there were tears flowing out of my eyes, nose-naught a run and I was bawling – I remember it distinctly and that was 2001, so this year will make it 14 years since I’ve been a Christian. It’s been a process; it’s been a journey. I’ve never turned back because there’s nothing to turn back to. Yeah, there’ve been disappointments along the way, challenges along the way, but my heart is fixed – my mind is made up that there is no other way to live; that Jesus is the only way.

Why music - officially? I have been doing recordings for a while. It was never ever with the intention of sending out, even though there was a part of me that knew I wanted to do music on that scale. Even from I was a little girl I used to imagine myself on stage; I’d be in my room and my brush would be my microphone, and I would imagine myself with the spotlight on me and singing before a crowd of people.

To cut a long story short, though, I had recorded ‘Wounded Soldier’ which was my first official single, and Marshall Redwood saw me at my church; he knew that I sang and wanted to see what I was doing with my music – if I was limiting myself to only singing at church or what I was doing with it on a larger scale. He wanted to know if I had any recordings as he wanted to put my music on the radio. So I sent him ‘Wounded Soldier’. He got very excited about it and sent it to Ariff Butler – a very popular producer in the Gospel music industry (:::Bloozick Multimedia:::) for me to be able to do a music video for the song. Even in meeting Ariff, I was very shy and nervous. She goes on to explain just how much preparation she went through prior to actually reaching the stage – expressing that she prepped for months before she finally took to the stage. The first large scale event she ministered at was ‘NexChange and Friends’ which was staged in March 2014.

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So that’s really how I started my music initially. It’s like the puzzle pieces just started to fall in place and God’s plan for my life just started to unfold. I decided to take a step of faith even in my fear. I was very intimidated but I stepped out.

Your music’s message?

I think a general message that you’d get from my music is a message of healing, a message of hope… Definitely, you’ll hear worship in there because I love worship. Moving on to describe her sound, she expresses that you’ll also find “a little fun…something you can dance to..” but she is adamant that the core of her music is based on a desire for God – to be close to Him and tell people about Him. Moreover, these messages are deeply enveloped in her unique musical tone which she states, cannot fit into a box per se. She expresses herself musically in a multiplicity of ways, but shares that some of her musical influences are Anita Baker, Whitney Houston, Regina Bell, and a few others.

Seeing that she loves the feeling of intimacy experienced through worship music, her sound tends to be a cross culture of any genre really….but it will always tend to point to a soulful feel - from her heart. So you’ll find that her songs will span from Reggae, Classical (in which she was formally trained), Soul, R&B.

Kingdom Involvement

The main thing I do right now is being a volunteer with the Rescue Package Foundation. The Rescue Package Foundation hosts the annual concert called ‘Liberation’. Our aims are geared toward the children in the ‘Dare To Care’ facilities, ‘Mustard Seed Communities’… we give to children who are less fortunate, children who are battling HIV/Aids. We help with basic care needs through the lunch programme at different schools. Otherwise, I serve as a Worship Leader at Fellowship Tabernacle.

Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

Photography by Bloozick Multimedia

How was 2014?

2014 was the launching pad. One of the most memorable things that happened in 2014 was the release of the music video for my song, ‘My Desire’. That was a dream come true. I’ve never experienced that before so that was a big deal for me. One of my favourite events that I did last year was ‘Still Waters’. It was a transformation in my ministry. Something about that night. It was just a different kind of event that *deep sigh*…it’s not just a concert where you come and everybody is hype and everybody is raving and stuff like that. It’s like a very easy, laid back kind of vibe and I loved that. But musically, it was just one of my favourite events in 2014. She recalls her preacher brining a message in January entitled ‘Arise and Act’ – a message speaking about getting up and doing the things that have been placed on our hearts.

Not just saying okay, I want to do this, but actually going after our dreams and doing the things that have been in our hearts. It’s as if the doors were just waiting for me to take a step of faith and just open. I’m happy about the doors that have been opened to me; the opportunities that have been afforded to me through being a part of Bloozick Multimedia – Owner, Ariff Butler. To see those things happen and the different avenues – concerts, events, etc…was very exciting.

So, 2015?

For 2015, you can expect possibly another music video, if not two. Definitely more opportunities, more open doors; fresh music – I want to do more worship songs and events this year. So I’m looking forward to those things coming to pass this year. Just look out. Look out for more of Yori for God’s glory! Hey that rhymes!

To fellow ministers

I’ll say it again: there’s a place for each of us. We will never be effective in building the Kingdom Remember that we all have a when we’re tearing each other place. So our main aim in the down. Kingdom is to help each other and to build each other up; to Let us show love – true love – to encourage one another. one another, and let it not just be lip service. Encourage each other So the people I can reach…it’s to fulfill our Kingdom mandate. very possible that you can’t reach them and vice versa – depending on the assignment that God has given to each of us individually. Our collective ministry is the reconciliation of Christ. We are to reconcile men to God – that is our primary goal…to win souls for the Kingdom – to go out and disciple the nations. Because God was so wonderful in making us differently, the things that we each have been called to do, we’ve been called to do them in our own unique way, so there’s no need for us to fight or backbite one another or pull each other down. What we need is togetherness. What we need is encouragement.

To our readers

Remember to acknowledge Him in everything that you do and He’ll get the glory out of our lives. Follow God. Just follow His lead- Just wait on Him; trust Him to ing and obey Him. I think that the see us through. blessing awaits our obedience. Some of the things that we are It sounds so cliché, but trust Him. waiting for or want to see God It’s not easy but it’s worth it. do, they require our obedience. Remember that He has a plan for So, this year, I would encourage our lives. He is active; He doesn’t us to just walk in obedience to sleep, He doesn’t slumber. He is what God is saying every step of actively working out His plan for the way and not try to figure out our lives. But we must obey Him. our life on our own. Remember to include Him in every decision you make this year.

So when He says to do something, be careful to do it, and in the way that He says to do it – not in the way that we think. Even if it means going back to Him and asking for more direction. It means giving ourselves to Him in a renewed way; in a fresh way this year…seeking Him like never before and giving Him the glory in everything that we do. Remember that He is faithful and true and He knows what He’s doing even when to us, it makes no sense.

Photography by Bloozick Multimedia PAJE || 47

With this desire in place, she applied to the International House of Prayer University, and was accepted. So PAJE got the opportunity to enter her thoughts re the journey she has already made; checking in with her from before she left, till her current experiences in the International House of Prayer University. Let’s take a look, together...

Where she is:

The International House of Prayer is an evangelical missions organization that is committed to praying for the release of the fullness of God’s power and purpose, as they actively win the lost, heal the sick, feed the poor, make disciples, and impact every sphere of society—family, education, government, economy, arts, media, religion, etc.

RAE POWELL We had the opportunity to speak with Rae Powell, a talented and passionate woman of God who is eager to really live a life of full Christian discipleship and take it to a completely different level.

Their vision, based on King David who organized and paid 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to worship God night and day (1 Chr. 23:1–25:31), is to work in relationship with the wider Body of Christ to engage in the Great Commission, as they seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and people. International House of Prayer is a ministry that desires to see 24/7 prayer return to the heart of the church of Jesus Christ as a springboard for many evangelistic moves across the earth. “If my people would humble themselves a nd PRAY and seek my face, THEN I will stretch forth my hand and heal their land”.

The heart of the One Thing Internship: to call a generation to wholeheartedly pursue God, lead consecrated lives of prayer and fasting, and learn to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is searching for a generation who, in loving obedience, will abandon themselves to Jesus as their supreme delight and pursuit—their “one thing” (Ps. 27:4). One Thing Internship challenges and equips spiritually hungry young adults, ages 18–25, to be equipped in a life of prayer and outreach. The trip is for six months and the cost is at least US $8,000. The break down of the cost is as follows: Tuition: US $4,900 ($4,500 tuition, $400 non-refundable housing deposit) International fee: US $500 one-time, additional, international admin fee Health Insurance: US $400 Miscellaneous: US $1400 (Books and Groceries)

why she chose to go:

“But what about you? Who do you say that I am.” Mark 8:29

I read this verse a couple of months ago and it stirred my heart. As if God was challenging me to answer the question of “Why He Is Good.” Not just to know but to experience that God is Good. And I realized I really wanted MY answer.

Not the church, my-pastor-told-me-so answer, but mine. And so I desire to spend these next 6 months in prayer and intercession, discovering the truth that “Jesus is worthy.” Discovering my personal conection to this God I call Good. It will also be a time of realizing a desire in my heart to be apart of the generation that wants to seek God’s face. That generation that has a one thing focus based on Pslam 27;4. “One Thing have I desired of the Lord; and this one thing do I seek; that I may gaze upon His beauty and inquire in His temple”. I want to be one that behold’s God’s glory and beauty and majesty all the days of my life, so that those who encounter me may gaze upon the Lord as well. For as I behold, I become. I desire to release His heart in the earth for all men to be drawn UNTO Him. And I will partner with Him to see this accomplished. That He be lifted high, and that all men from every nation, tongue and tribe be given unto him as His rightful inheritance, but starting first with my own heart. Account Info: Victoria Mutual Building Society (VMBS) Branch: Liguanea Account Name: Lindsay-Rae Powell Account Number: 211-339-13 Or you can donate online at:

Her Update since arrival


A Journey of Firsts! Leaving Jamaica was interesting. A journey of firsts. My first time being away from home for 6 months. My first time travelling alone. My first time flying! (that I remember) My first time seeing snow! (It is better to see it than to feel it). It was just a journey of new experiences. I felt like a child seeing rain for the first time, living every moment. I was just so excited and I could feel God was enjoying every moment with me, like it was our little adventure. And that’s what this is. Our little honey moon. Where it’s just me and Him.

Really Go for It Like I said before, a desire in my heart is truly being realized and I am just ready to really go for it. That’s been my motto for each day. It’s what I hear God say to my heart. Really Go For It. I wake up and I will myself to use every opportunity given me to be with God. My greatest fear is to waste it. So I ask each day that the Lord renew my hunger. Pray with me in this regard.

Arrival Arriving at Kansas City was a shock to my system. It was so cold! And I was looking around like I was a tourist, not believing I was there. Haha. They picked me up from the airport and I went to orientation a little uncomfortable as I was travelling for a whole day. I needed to shower and sleep but I stuck it out. They welcomed me. They said I had the coolest hair in the internship *grin*. They were very nice and I was introduced to my roommates who are so amazing. I love them all. We have so much fun together, we’re always laughing and going out (when we have time - cause our schedule is ridiculous! In a good way *grin). You wouldn’t believe we’ve only known each other for a week.

I’m very happy here! And I just can’t wait for the adventures to come. The ups, the downs, the all arounds *chuckles*. I want to uncover everything I can! Searching out His heart. God has already began to work as I cry almost every day with just the reality of how beautiful He is and how much He is for my heart. He is giving me my real identity and calling me back to my first love SO again I say THANK YOU to all who allowed God to work so that He could make this possible. Needs/Prayer List: Money (for warm clothes especially shoes, groceries and books) Being open and willing.

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2014 was an extremely eventful year not only for the Still Waters event, but for the movement on a whole.

The work began with the formation of the Still Waters Band in February, the celebration of the event’s anniversary at the end of March, our first unfolding of the Still Waters weekend in May which was the band’s first venture to Westmoreland for the year, as well as the introduction of Still Waters ENCOUNTER in June! The first half of the year, however, only stood as a foundation for what was to come. God blew our minds some more by sending the band back to Westmoreland in August - during which there was a ‘Still Waters Kool Runnings’. So, with that, the Summer ended with a bang. But we weren’t anywhere near being finished for the year.

On October 26, we staged the ‘Still Waters Black Tie Affair’. The process of preparation itself was certainly a memorable one - it even saw the formation of two sub-ministries: Zamar and the Still Waters Jamaica Dancers. The actual staging of the event stood as a night to remember for all participants and audience members alike. But, we still weren’t done!

The first stop was Manchester! So, on December 14, the Still Waters Manchester branch was launched! The Lord showed Himself completely faithful and full of grace during 2014 and we are truly grateful and we are honoured to be able to serve such an awesome God in such a unique and refreshing way.

2015 has a bevy of plans in the The Lord laid it on the heart of pipelines - all of which we are still Andre Whittaker (Event Producer in prayer about. and Band Leader) that He wanted However, you can definitely keep to establish the Still Waters your ears open for the ministry in different territories. celebration of the Still Waters Anniversary between March and April. In addition to that, the Manchester team will be busy too Join us on our journey! Instagram: @StillWatersJa YouTube: Still Waters Ja

Photography by Ramesh Newell

For a very long time, we’ve heard that persons actually do not like doing business with Christians. We don’t know about you, but that really bothers us. If we are to be setting an example for others to follow and also being used to help win souls for the Kingdom, we should really aim to maintain a standard of excellence in all areas. Now, that notion sounds quite idealistic, we know - although it is a bottom line based in Truth.





A lot of us tend to have exceptionally busy schedules. However, there’s nothing more trying than when your client can’t hear from you. Find a way to rectify that.

No matter how simple a task may seem, ensure that you aim to provide your best work. So, especially when we are giving services for even Churches particularly, at least try to spruce up the end product.

Note that we are not saying that we are perfect. We are acknowledging and seeking to address the issue. So, we tried to find some of the core issues persons tend to encounter with Christian busniess persons at times, and we briefly address each issue. Yes, we take into account that we are all human, but nothing is wrong with accepting that there is room for improve ment in our ways. So, let’s go!







If you know that you are exceptionally bogged down, don’t take the job. Yes, you want the business, but if you know that you may not treat your client well, just do not begin the process.

Especially when deadlines are in play, try to be completely transparent with your client. Creating false expectiations causes immense loss of confidence in you and your business.

A great way to build relationships is to offer sponsorship by whichever means. Or simply use their services as well. Show others that you support their business, especially if PAJE || 71 they’ve supported yours.

Like it? Well, we do! We had a lot of fun doing this reception. But why? Well, it literally jumps out of the box! We’re sure you’ve been to lots of receptions that are so conventionaly. So safe. So...generic. But, you, our readers, are definitely lovers of spice! Let’s talk about working our space so we can add that spice.


So you’ve selected your venue, clearly. It’s so gorgeous. But then, how would something like a backdrop be put in place without hiding the beauty of the venue? Simple, work with the venue’s preferred elements. Doing that gives your event that uniqueness. It also gives you the best of both worlds.

8-SEATER BANQUET TABLES ARE GREAT SPACE SAVERS No long talking right here. It all depends on the number of guests you’ll be having and the space you are working with. However, the round banquet tables tend to be easier to place, and also help to preserve your event’s intimate element simultaneously.


Some of the most scenic venues actually have awkward spacing for the events they seemingly fit. Should we run away from those? Well, why let the fear of stress stop you? You just need to accept certain things. Not everyone will have the best seat. To do damage control, simply identify the important elements of your event and make sure THOSE things are easily accessible by your guests. So, at a reception, at least make sure the bride and groom can be seen from all angles.

IF SEATING IS CLOSE, YOU MAY WANT TO GO WITH MINIMAL SPACE SETTINGS As seen in the pictures, the tables are riding on the bare essentials. Otherwise, you’d have more things on the table not only in the realm of utensils, but also accentuating pieces like chargers. But because chargers actually widen a given place setting, when you’re really trying to work your space, eliminating chargers may be best.

There are many more elements that you can visit and revisit in a bid to properly work your space and stage a classy, impressive event. Always remember that space doesn’t HAVE TO dictate to you, you have the power to make things work - in realistic situations. BUT, if you really just don’t have the time or strength to actually work out these logistics, remember you can actually email us: You can also call (876) 878-6645/481-1958 for consultation and inquiries!

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