Outlook 2021-2022

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The pen drive containing this edition of Outlook magazine 2022 has been largely sponsored by the Eco-Gozo Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo.





Form Day


Pastoral Team

Guidance Team

Warm Welcome To The Pope!




Of Students

Visits At Our Institute

Of Internet

Professional Growth Day

Awards Ceremony


4 Head’s Message 4 Editor’s
5 The
7 Sixth
11 Activities
By The
13 The
16 A
17 The
Representative Council 18 Library
20 Departments 23 Ekoskola 24 Alumni 26 Kommemorazzjoni Tal-150 Mit-Twelid Tal-Poeta Nazzjonali Dun
Psaila Ħajtu U Kitbietu 27 Well-Being
30 Power


The publication of our magazine Outlook has continued the uninterrupted tradition started years ago and is being presented to you, for the first time ever, in digital format. This innovative approach is in line with our policy of ‘going paperless’, a strategy initially forced upon us during the pandemic but which soon led us to embrace a greener and more direct way of reaching out to all concerned. Outlook is being handed to all stakeholders as a token of appreciation for the hard work and commitment shown throughout the past academic year.

The distribution of Outlook heralds the commencement of the academic year 20222023. The achievement s we have accomplished throughout the past year spur us all on to achieve even more this year. It is worthy of note that throughout the summer recess, work has continued in silence to ascertain we welcome both our secondyear students and the cohort of newly-registered students who have placed their trust in us for the continuation of their studies at pre-tertiary level.

This magazine continues to highlight our devotion to the success of all those who pass through our doors. The further development of a trained professional staff and the formation of students into adults and mature citizens, continue to be primary targets of this leading Gozitan Institute.

The majority of our staff will undoubtedly remember the hosting of the Barts Medical School for two whole years. In my message back then, I had written how our initial concerns were allayed by the positive outcome of this experience, even if our physical resources were stretched to their limits. Sixth Form has been asked once again to rise to such an occasion by hosting within its walls a large segment of the Gozo College Middle School, thereby allowing for the completion of works of the neighbouring school. This shall require sacrifice and a denial of the Institute’s assets we have worked so hard for and cherished for the past years, but it is an effort from all of us which shall continue to illustrate the pivotal role Sixth Form has always played in the educational fabric of the local and wider community.

I firmly believe Sir M.A Refalo Sixth Form shall continue to hold a unique place in the pre-tertiary sector, both locally and nationally, which also carries with it a responsibility to act as a role model within the tier. We have always embraced this responsibility through endeavours and initiatives which go far beyond our limited parameters. My vision continues to be one of a fully recognised and respected institution empowered with accrediting students’ efforts and initiatives, especially in terms of the parallel non-formal curriculum, as embodied in AcademiaPlus, that accompanies the academic one throughout the year.

I am most grateful to our teaching and technical staff for their continuous efforts and dedication throughout the past academic year. I wish them all the very best for the work that lies ahead this year. I am equally indebted to the Deputy Heads for their hard work, the administrative and messengerial staff for their unyielding daily support and our ancillary staff for their continuous efforts to keep Sixth Form a cleaner and more welcoming place.

Dear readers,

As I was wrapping up this 13th edition of Outlook magazine three words came up into mind: Dedication, Professionalism and Teamwork. Three terms which describe the work conducted by all the staff members at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form to give our students the best possible educational experience. This magazine aims not only to serve as a memoire of what was achieved together during the last academic year, but should also facilitate a reflection on how to continuously improve as well as inspire us to look forward with enthusiasm for the upcoming scholastic year.

During the academic year 2021-2022, although still conditioned by Covid-19 restrictions, we pulled it through once again by each one of us giving our utmost. Outlook features the staff’s unwavering dedication, professionalism and teamwork. It is also an opportunity for our students to showcase their creativity and writing skills. I truly wish that all these efforts are appreciated through this communication channel.

For those who are going to be with us during this academic year, I encourage you to use Outlook magazine as a guideline about what this Institute has to offer. This should encourage you to actively participate in the various educational and social activities organized.

Last but not least, I wish to thank the Head of the Institute, together with the SMT, colleagues, administrative and ancillary staff and students for being always collaborative and cooperative. Without your support Outlook magazine would never materialize. I wish you all a good year ahead. Let’s do it again together!

Take care and God Bless. Daniel James Cassar Head
- Ms Jane Galea (English)
Lorraine Farrugia (Maltese)
Layout & Printing - Playpen Digital Printing The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s). All rights reserved.

The Council


I am President of the School Council. I am no newcomer to the school as I was a member of the staff for 35 years. I taught Maltese and History at both Advanced and Intermediate levels. I also formed part of the System of Knowledge team. So, in a way, this is a homecoming to me, after an absence of nearly 10 years.

I believe that, with its mixed set-up of teachers and students, the Council is a great asset to the school. Its work, in collaboration with that of the senior management team, helps extend the education achievements of the school beyond the remits dictated by the rigid syllabi and helps make the education received by the students on this campus a life-long one.

I would like to thank Mr. Daniel Cassar, the Principal of the School, for nominating me for the post. I would also like to thank the teachers and school staff, many of whom are my former colleagues or ex-students, for making me feel at home.


My contribution to the Sir Michelangelo Refalo council has perfectly interwoven with my professional experience within this academic institute, having formed part of this group from the beginning of my posting as Marketing and Accounts lecturer. The Council’s role can be considered as twofold: organisation of events and activities which bring out the spirit and character of our Sixth Form as well as regular meetings which define and consolidate its position within the local education scenario. The Council serves to bring together at the same table, educators, learners and an independent member in order to better integrate our Institute within society.


I have been part of Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form Council for the last 5 years and I must admit that it has been an enriching educational journey. Apart from sharing ideas on how to continually improve our Institute, participating in the School Council offers the possibility of knowing fellow colleagues’ and students’ take on issues which crop up from time to time. Collegiality is essential in our Council. Athough we may not always agree, all members strive to see our Sixth Form an educational institution to be proud of - one which offers an outstanding learning experience to students and a rewarding working environment to teachers and other ancillary staff. The Council helps to improve many aspects of our Institute life because it is the place where educators and students interact. The latter are given the opportunity to be active participants and practise skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, organization and public speaking. Most importantly, involvement in the School Council provides our students with an invaluable lesson about the essence of democracy - where ideas are presented and debated, working with others, target-oriented action, commitment, and accountability



I have been teaching at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form for the past ten years, but this academic year has been my first as a teacher representative on the Institute’s Council. It has been an interesting and enriching experience where I have witnessed a concerted effort by all members of the Council to ameliorate our Sixth Form environment, improve aspects of our Institute’s life and organize different events, namely Sixth Form Day and the Annual Public lecture. Forming part of the Council helped me connect with the students outside the classroom environment and interact with other teachers. Our Sixth Form Council also serves as an effective way to provide leadership and development opportunities for our student representatives.


During our time in the Council, we have had the opportunity to practise various skills and put our talents to good use - leadership, teamwork, responsibility, expressing our thoughts and ideas - thus finding our own unique voices and growing in confidence. These skills will certainly help us in the future, both in our personal lives and in the world of work. I/we encourage our fellow students to continue to strive to reach their goals, even if the road may seem steep and narrow at times. Take one day at a time, find a pace that works for you and keep moving forward.


The Council has instilled in me a sense of responsibility primarily because of the numerous decisions that we constantly need to take for our institute. As a student member my most important role is to represent all of the students who attend our institute and make sure that their voice is heard. All of the decisions we make are done in the best interest of the institute. The council gave me the opportunity to feel more involved in all that is happening in our institute. This has helped me to be more appreciative towards the hard work that the staff put in to make every day in the institute a memorable one. Above all, I am very grateful for the teachers that trusted me with this role as a student council member. I will surely continue to work for the students’ interests and for the whole institute.


As a student member of the council, I feel a sense of belonging in the school environment. Every student wants their voice heard, and through the council, we can achieve this. We take part in decisions made on current and future activities, and our input is given value. Life as students is not always easy as we balance our school and personal lives. Nonetheless, as we navigate through this time full of change and new experiences, we learn useful skills that will help us throughout the rest of our lives.


Sixth Form Day

On 5th November 2021, Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form celebrated Sixth Form Day in style, with students and teachers going around the various food stalls whilst listening to trendy music. Financial and business organisations were also present to inform our students about potential future employment opportunities and to give information about their services.

This year’s event was a roaring success and it was evident that the efforts of the School Council - constantly supported by the Headmaster, Mr Daniel James Cassar and his deputies, paid off well.

Various distinguished guests visited the Sixth Form including the Minister for Gozo, Hon. Clint Camilleri, H.E. the Ambassador (UNESCO) Mons. Dr Joe Vella Gauci, Council President Mr Joe Camilleri, Director Ms Sandra Ebejer, Asst Director Ms Desiree Scicluna Bugeja, E.O.s Ms Penelope Fitzgerald and Michael Mercieca, ex-Heads amongst others.

Certificates were presented by the Head and Deputy Head Ms Miriam Debono Curmi to all students who took part in the Soiree organised recently to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the national poet Dun Karm Psaila.


On 12th December 2021, The Council at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form, bid farewell to Mr Joe Camilleri, its President for the last 12 years. Mr Camilleri was an exemplary and dedicated President of the said Council and collaborated with the other members for the continuous improvement of the Institute. During a Council meeting held on the 10th of December 2021, the Head of the Institute, Mr Daniel James Cassar, in the presence of the other members, presented a memento to Mr Camilleri in recognition of his service. The Council also welcomed the new President, former teacher Mr Carmel Cachia.


On Wednesday 27th April 2022, the council at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form organised once again its Annual Public Lecture at the Bart Medical School in Victoria. The subject of this year’s lecture was the siege of Gozo of 1551. Rev. Dr. Joseph Bezzina delivered a most interesting account of the fateful events of July 1551, when Rais Dragut, the undisputed leader of the Barbary corsairs, ransacked the island of Gozo and took practically all of the population to slavery in North Africa and Constantinople.



The work of the Council was featured on the TV programme Għawdex illum. All members of the Council were interviewed and expressed their opinions about the importance of a Council in an educational institution.


Activities held by the Guidance Team HEALTH SESSION

On the 8th February 2022 a lecture, organised by the Guidance Team about sexual health, was delivered by Ms Maria Axisa, a health professional from the G.U clinic. The aim of this talk was to raise awareness amongst our students about the importance of being responsible in their relationships and to take care of their psychological and physical health.


On Friday 25th March 2022, a Careers Day was organised by the Guidance Team at Sir M.A Refalo Sixth Form. Several professionals were invited for this activity to share their personal experiences of their respective career paths with our students and give them the opportunity to ask questions about the challenges and benefits of their careers. The aim of this event was to sensitize our students to the various career opportunities that exist (and what they actually entail) and to widen their perspectives of job opportunities and realities.

This activity was a great success, thanks to the valid contributions and sessions done by all professionals who participated in this event. The students greatly appreciated the fact that they were given this experience at such a crucial time when they are on the threshold of making very important decisions about the study paths they will follow, which eventually will lead them to specific careers.


On Wednesday 30th March 2022, students from Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form had an orientation visit at MCAST. Students visited different Institutes according to their preferences and were given relevant information about courses offered.



Embrace and love – ‘Ħaddan u Ħobb’ huwa l-motto li ġie magħżul biex jakkumpanja l-logo ġdid tal-Pastoral Team tal-iskola tagħna.

It-tħaddina hija ġest li jesprimi l-aktar emozzjonijiet profondi u qawwija li nħossu.

Inħaddnu persuna f’mument kbir ta’ niket biex nuruha li aħna qegħdin hemm, mhux biss maġenbha, imma qed naqsmu magħha t-tbatija tagħha.

Inħaddnu persuna f’mument ta’ ferħ; quddiem xi aħbar sabiħa jew f’xi okkażjoni ferriħija. It-tħaddina hija turija ta’ dawk l-emozzjonijiet pożittivi li nkunu qed inħossu għal dik ilpersuna.

Meta tħaddan persuna, int turiha li qed tilqagħha b’dak kollu li hi, bil-preġji u bid-difetti tagħha, bis-sabiħ u l-ikrah tagħha, bis-suċċessi u l-fallimenti tagħha.

Dan hu li għamel Alla meta permezz ta’ Ibnu sar wieħed minna. Huwa ħaddan lillbniedem b’dak kollu li hu. Il-kobor ta’ Ġesù jidher fil-mod rivoluzzjonarju ta’ kif huwa ħaddan lil kull persuna li magħha kien jiltaqa’ mingħajr ebda distinzjoni. Fi żmien meta l-mara kienet meqjusa inferjuri, it-tħaddina ta’ Ġesù tat dinjità lill-mara. Lill-morda, li ħafna drabi l-komunità kienet tibża’ minnhom, Ġesù offrielhom t-tħaddina tal-fejqan, lill-emarġinati tas-soċjetà Ġesù offrielhom dik it-tħaddina li wriethom li għandhom ilvalur ta’ wlied Alla. Lill-midinbin offrielhom it-tħaddina tal-ħniena li wriethom, li minkejja l-passat tagħhom, il-ħarsa t’Alla fuqhom hija dejjem waħda ta’ mħabba u li tagħti l-libertà. Liż-żgħażagħ ħaddanhom miegħu bl-imħabba ta’ ħabib sinċier.

Aħna msejħin inħaddnu. Vera li minħabba l-pandemija konna wasalna f’punt fejn nibżgħu nħaddnu persuna. Imma aħna nafu li t-tħaddina mhijiex biss il-ġest fiżiku, imma hija aktar minn hekk. Li tħaddan ifisser li int tagħmel post f’qalbek għall-oħrajn, li tilqa’ lilloħrajn, mhux biss lil dawk li jaħsbuha bħalek, imma lil kulħadd, mingħajr ebda distinzjoni.

Huwa faċli li nħaddnu lil dawk li huma tal-istess qatgħa tagħna, imma aħna msejħin inħaddnu anke lil dawk li huma differenti minna. Hija għal din ir-raġuni li fil-logo, iżżewġ idejn li qed iħaddnu d-dinja huma magħmulin minn żewġ sfumaturi tal-kulur ikħal biex juru li l-vera tħaddina hija dik li tilqa’ lil kulħadd: lil dawk ġejjin minn kulturi u pajjiżi oħra, lil dawk li għandhom ‘kredu’ politiku differenti minn tagħna, lil dawk li għandhom orjentament sesswali differenti minn tagħna. It-tħaddina vera tilqa’ lil dawk li għandhom kulur tal-ġilda differenti minn tagħna, li jħaddnu reliġjon differenti minn tagħna. Għaliex it-tħaddina? Għax fid-dinja hawn ħafna weġgħat u ħafna tbatija u l- mediċina li tista’ tfejjaq dan kollu tinsab f’ġest sempliċi li jagħmel mirakli kbar: fit-tħaddina, li hija wieħed mill-aqwa modi ta’ kif l-imħabba turi ruħha.

Jalla dan il-motto jkun jappartjeni mhux biss lill-Pastoral Team tas-Sixth Form, imma nawguralek li tadottah u tagħmlu l-motto tiegħek. Embrace and Love, xħin tħaddan u tħobb, int tkun qed tilħaq l-ogħla suċċess fil-ħajja għax il-bniedem għalhekk hu maħluq minn Alla, biex iħaddan u jħobb.

Kepxin għal-logo: Il-logo għall-Pastoral Team li ġie mpitter mill-għalliem-artist Paul Muscat.



miktub mis-Sur Alfred Grech

Is-sena akkademika 2021-22 bdiet taħt l-influwenza tal-pandemija Covid-19 b’ħafna mill-miżuri tas-saħħa kienu għadhom fis-seħħ. Għall-Pastoral Team il-bidu tas-sena akkademika l-ġdida ra t-tmiem tal-ħidma pastorali ta’ Dun Noel Debono li kien ilu Religious Counsellor tas-Sixth Form għal seba’ snin u l-miġja ta’ Dun Anthony Bajada li kien appuntat biex jieħu l-post tiegħu. Grazzi lil tal-ewwel u merħba lil tat-tieni. Iktar tard ingħaqdet ukoll mal-Pastoral Team bħala membru ġdid l-għalliema Sarah Camilleri. Minkejja l-limitazzjonijiet, matul is-sena tkomplew il-funzjonijiet regolari tal-quddiesa talewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar u l-adorazzjoni fil-kappella. Din is-sena kellna l-grazzja kbira li dawn kienu animati minn grupp ta’ studenti permezz tal-kant u d-daqq. Din l-attitudni proattiva ġibdet numru ta’ studenti oħra għal dawn il-laqgħat. Il-ġbir ta’ fondi għall-karità reġa’ kien fuq l-aġenda tal-Pastoral Team. Filwaqt li l-Bake Sale tal-Milied sar b’risq il-missjoni fil-Gwatemala ta’ Dun Mario Curmi, ex-student tal-Istitut tagħna, il-fondi mill-Christmas Charity Campaign mill-għalliema marru għall-Fondazzjoni ARKA. Id-dħul mill-Bake Sale ta’ San Valentinu mar għal oħt waħda mill-għalliema tagħna li hi soru mal-Kongregazzjoni ta’ Santa Tereża ta’ Kalkutta. IlFondazzjoni Smiling with Jerome kienet il-benefiċjarja tal-Mother’s Day Plant and Bake Sale. Barra minn hekk, matul ir-Randan, inġabru prodotti tal-iġene b’risq nisa fil-bżonn jew żvantaġġjati. Ta’ min jirringrazzja lis-Surmast, l-SMT, l-għalliema u l-istudenti li ħadu sehem.

Bl-approvazzjoni tas-Surmast, il-Pastoral Team kompla bil-ħidma tiegħu biex jagħti dehra iktar attraenti tal-ħidma tiegħu. Fost l-inizjattivi nistgħu nsemmu logo u motto ġodda, id-disinn ta’ kitchenette għall-kamra ta’ maġenb il-kappella, stained glass għallkappella u t-tlestija tal-pitturi li kien jonqos fil-kappella.

Is-Sixth Form, xprunata mill-Pastoral Team, kienet involuta sew fiż-żjara tal-Papa Franġisku li kien f’Malta mit-2 sat-3 t’April, 2022. Barra li numru kbir mill-istudenti u millgħalliema ħadu sehem fl-inizjattiva djoċesana li tinkiteb parti mill-Enċiklika tal-Papa Franġisku Fratelli Tutti li mbagħad ingħatat lill-Papa stess mill-Isqof tagħna Mons. Anton Teuma, grupp ta’ seba’ studenti u żewġ għalliema marru jilqgħu lill-Papa fil-wasla tiegħu ġewwa l-Belt Valletta fi Pjazza San Ġorġ quddiem il-Palazz Presidenzjali.

Il-qasam spiritwali kompla jissaħħaħ permezz taż-żjara tal-missjunarju fil-Perù Dun Raymond Portelli, il-quddiesa speċjali tal-Milied, it-tlitt ijiem Eżerċizzi tar-Randan minn Mons. Joseph Curmi, it-Talba tal-‘Via Matris’ fil-Jum tad-Duluri u l-attività Marjana li għalqet ix-xahar ta’ Mejju. Bħala inizjattiva għall-Jum Dinji tal-Vokazzjonijiet, żewġ patrijiet Franġiskani żaru l-klassijiet u għaddew messaġġ spiritwali lill-istudenti preżenti. Il-wiċċ l-ieħor tal-munita tal-katekeżi, jiġifieri d-djakonija, kien l-inizjattiva sabiħa tal-għoti taddemm mill-istudenti li għaliha attendew madwar għoxrin.

Il-kejl tas-suċċess ta’ din il-ħidma mħallta, diffiċli jitkejjel għalkemm mil-lat uman ngħidu li matul is-sena l-Pastoral Team għamel rekord ta’ erbatax-il laqgħa, jiġifieri, jekk tneħħi x-xahar tal-Milied, medja ta’ tnejn fix-xahar. Il-Pastoral Team ma llimitax ilħidma tiegħu fil-kappella imma kien preżenti wkoll kemm fil-Freshers’ Day fil-bidu tassena akkademika u anke fl-Awards Ceremony fi tmiem is-sena. Inroddu ħajr lit-tmexxija; is-Surmast u l-SMT, partikolarment lil Ms. Debono Curmi li għandha r-responsabbiltà diretta tal-Pastoral Team, l-għalliema kollha u l-istudenti għall-appoġġ kontinwu u l-parteċipazzjoni inkoraġġanti. Inpoġġu dawn l-isforzi f’idejn Ommna Marija biex tressaqhom quddiem BinHa Ġesù

Fl-aħħar nett, tixraq ukoll kelma ta’ ringrazzjament lill-membri kollha tal-Pastoral Team għad-dedikazzjoni tagħhom - Fr. Anthony Bajada, Alfred Grech, Silvana Agius, Bernardina Attard, Stephanie Azzopardi, Sarah Camilleri, Michelina Debrincat, Stephania Debrincat, Miriam Portelli u Joanne Rapa. Ma’ dawn inżid ukoll l-istudenti li għenu fl-animazzjoni taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet reliġjużi li saru tul din is-sena skolastika – Alber-Lauren Agius, Mark Attard, Nicole Pia Curmi, Ellyn Rose Debrincat, Nicolas Dingli, Francesca Hili, Hailey Muscat, Shaun Portelli u Simon Zammit.



We are a group of students whose mission is to connect with other students and teachers through various activities and also help them connect with God. During this year, many activities were held after the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were relaxed.

Our activities include the mass on the first Friday of the month, where members of the Pastoral Team help out in various ways. There are those who are responsible for musical animation, and others for the preparation of power point presentations. Some take on the role of lectors and others are assigned with decorating the altar for the celebration of Mass. Apart from that, days of adoration were also held as well as the celebration of certain feasts such as the recital of the Via Matris on the feast of Our Lady Of Sorrows and the recital of the Holy Rosary on a Marian Day in May.

An unforgettable experience was when as a Pastoral Team, we attended Pope Francis’ visit to Malta at St. George’s Square in Valletta on the 2nd of April, where we heard his first message to the Maltese people from the President’s Palace. Another interesting moment was when Missionary Fr. Raymond Portelli from Perù visited our school and told us about his experience in the community of Iquitos, and about the tough moments they had to endure during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is important for the school to have such a group not merely because of the spiritual experience but also because of the life skills one can achieve. Such team spirit enhances positive relationships and encourages one to be responsible and take initiative in various situations.


A warm welcome to the Pope!

On the 2nd of April, a delegation of teachers and students from our Institute, was invited to greet His Holiness Pope Francis in Valletta. The group of six students, Albert-Lauren Agius, Mark Attard, Nicole Pia Curmi, Karl Kurmi, Shaun Michael Portelli and Simon Zammit was led by our teachers Ms Stephanie Azzopardi and Ms Antonella Borg. The following are some of the student’s feedback.

I will certainly never forget the feeling of joy when Pope Francis arrived and passed by so close to us while in St. George’s Square. I feel very grateful that I was part of it. Thinking about it, it feels very surreal, and I am sure that this memory will last forever! Nicole Pia Curmi

This amazing experience was truly a memorable one as it felt very special to witness the Pope in front of me. The atmosphere was exceptional, and I am very grateful that I was part of this moment! Albert-Lauren Agius

Pope Francis is an incredible human being and a person who constantly works for a better world, and his work is admired worldwide, so seeing him pass so close by is an experience I will cherish my whole life. I rarely feel the enthusiasm and happiness I felt in that moment when the Pope passed through St. George’s Square. Shaun Michael Portelli

Pope Francis is someone I look up to and so it meant the world for me to meet him! It was an experience that I will cherish throughout my life and truly an honour for me to see him pass by me! Simon Zammit

I will never forget the enthusiasm felt, as the Pope entered Saint George’s Square! I felt honoured seeing him passing by so close to us! Mark Attard

The Student Representative Council

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have undoubtedly reverberated through many spheres of life, including our institute – Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form. Despite this drawback, the Student Representative Council, better known as the SRC, has attempted, through its initiatives during this scholastic year, to turn back time and revive the excitement of the pre-pandemic days.

In order to appreciate its efforts, it is a prerequisite to understand the SRC’s unique structural arrangement. Comprised of several different yet essential roles, the SRC consists of both 1st year and 2nd year students, enabling diversity and broader perspectives. This year, fourteen students made up the SRC line-up, taking up various role, with one aim in mind: to brighten students’ lives at the institute. This notion is at the heart of the SRC and in order to realize such an ideal, it was crucial to carry out engaging activities. Despite the ominous presence of the pandemic, the SRC was still successful in organizing enthralling activities: Pink October Event – In aid of breast cancer awareness, the SRC organized a bake sale in the latter stages of October to raise funds for the cause. A stunning sell-out of goodies and treats enabled us to raise a healthy and impressive donation for the Marigold Foundation.

Sixth Form Day – Although not entirely in the hands of the Student Representative Council, the SRC still turned up to the event, spurred on from the successful Pink October Event, dishing out even more finger-licking treats to the enjoyment of both students and teachers alike.

Christmas Photo Hunt – Having not been organized since 2019 year because of the pandemic, the SRC saw the Christmas Photo Hunt as an opportunity to mark the institute’s return to its pre-pandemic years. Although several changes in format were set in place, the photo hunt turned out to be an entertaining event, teeing up the participants for a pleasant Christmas season and concluding the first term on a good note.

Bake Sale in Aid of Ukraine – The Russian invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves across the world; however, thanks to a global human effort, Ukraine has held strong and been buoyed by support and aid from other nations. In light of this, the SRC organized another bake sale, raising a substantial amount of funds for Ukrainian families, evidencing as well the SRC’s engagement with international affairs.

These peppered initiatives did not only color further the days at sixth form but they also allowed the SRC members to get to know each other better, integrate together and learn many values pertaining to cooperation and teamwork amongst other skills. Such values and skills exercised and embraced by the SRC are essential for an educated citizenry and a healthy democracy. Conclusively, this scholastic year has revitalized the SRC, enabling it to pick up from its previous successes while simultaneously initiating a new crop of members.


liibrary Services


Our Library staff would like to acquaint the readers with services rendered in the recently upgraded library of Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form.

Students and teachers are urged to make full use of the library for study and research . One can also make use of computers, borrow books and skim through magazines and journals.

Our library collection is catalogued online, as other Public Libraries, and books can be searched by visiting the website maltalibraries. gov.mt under Search the Public Libraries Catalogue or by the newly launched Iguana Library App. For borrowing of books, one needs to have a valid Membership Card (Karta ta’ Sħubija) issued by Malta Libraries.

With Libby, one can access free eBooks and audiobooks. A vast collection of electronic magazines is also available through this Libby App. Now, Maltese language digital books can also be borrowed by creating an Octavo account.

Another service offered by our Institute’s library is to help students acquire new and used textbooks at the best competitive prices on the market. This ensures that each student will have their own textbooks at the start of the term. In collaboration with various subject teachers, the library offers students different study packs relevant to their course of studies. The 2022 – 2024 Students’ Textbook List can be viewed at our Institute’s website smarsf.edu. mt . First and second year students, who have finished courses at our Institute, can sell their used textbooks to the Institute library bookshop, only if they are still on the list and the latest edition.

Our Library aims to be a resource of information, open to ideas and imagination and an instrument of cultural and educational development. It fosters a love of reading and a climate of lifelong learning to enrich the lives of students and teachers. It offers spaces for all to meet and connect, to learn and to teach and to inspire creativity. We are here to help you achieve your academic dream.

Thank you for using our library services and we hope that the years you will be spending with us will be fruitful and enjoyable.



“During this past first year at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form, I made use of the library services many times. The library provided a quiet place where to study in peace. I could also do my work through the availability of computers and utilize a the wide range of books for research. I will surely continue to make good use of it in the coming scholastic year and encourage others to do the same.”

Nicole Borg (Biology & Chemistry student)

“In the library, students can find all the books needed to study or do research and find additional information on a certain subject. Moreover, its environment provides an excellent area where to study and work in peace.”

“For me the library is a quiet place where to study.”

Michael Saliba (Physics student)

“I visit the school library very often. There, I do my lesson preparations and correct homework in peace and quiet. The library is definitely the ideal place for study and research because of the wide availability of reference books and helpful literature. In it you also find a good selection of magazines and journals, which I enjoy browsing through, during my free time. I am glad to see that the library is kept updated through the purchasing of new books and other recent publications which are useful to both teachers and students alike.”

Aaron Formosa (Philosophy teacher)




Id-Dipartiment tal-Malti u tal-Ingliż ħa ħsieb illi jorganizza żewġ attivitajiet marbutin mas-sillabu tal-Malti Avvanzat u Intermedju. Fi Frar li għadda, il-mistiedna Leanne Ellul f’laqgħa virtwali mal-istudenti tagħna ddiskutiet temi attwali mill-ktieb tan-novelli Xemgħat ta’ Trevor Zahra. F’din il-laqgħa virtwali l-istudenti ngħataw iċ-ċans illi jiddiskutu u jistaqsu dwar in-novelli li qed jistudjaw. Leanne Ellul spjegat kif awtur permezz talkitba ikun jista’ jagħti gost lill-qarrej u fl-istess ħin joħloq kuxjenza dwar diversi temi li aħna lkoll nesperjenzaw xi darba jew oħra tul il-ħajja tagħna. Laqgħa oħra virtwali saret mal-poeta Għawdxi Charles Bezzina fejn tkellem dwar il-kritika ta’ poeżija. L-istudenti ngħataw diversi poeżiji miktuba mill-istess poeta fejn ġew ittratti diversi elementi talkritika fosthom il-metrika, il-metafora u t-termini letterarji. Attivitajiet bħal dawn jagħtu l-opportunità lill-istudenti sabiex jimirħu iżjed fis-suġġett tagħhom u jiltaqgħu ma’ nies li taw kontribut siewi lill-ilsien Malti.



On Thursday 25th November 2021, 4 students from our Institute took part in the Juvenes Translatores Competition, an event organized by the European Commission and aimed at promoting future European translators. As in past years, this contest took place simultaneously across all EU member states. Candidates were asked to translate a text on the topic: “Let’s get on tracktowards a greener future”. Our participants worked on texts using Maltese, English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.



On Friday 13th May 2022 Dr Fabrizio Foni, lecturer in the Department of Italian, Faculty of Arts at the University of Malta held an online lecture for our students. This lecture was organised by the Department of Italian as a Foreign Language at Sixth Form Gozo. The title of the lecture was: Una Lettura Alternativa: Il Fantastico Italiano.

Sociology, Religion, History, Philosophy, Psychology and Classical Studies – Coordinator Ms Mariella Debono


On 9th December 2021, NGO Għawdix, held a workshop for Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form students. The workshop, delivered by Ms Simone Azzopardi, was very well organised. Students were given useful information about this NGO and its main aim, participated in a quiz, and discussed environmental related issues.


On22nd March 2022 Department 7 (Department of Computing, IT, and Engineering Drawing), together with Department 9 (Department of Economics, Marketing, and Accounts) made a visit to the Gozo Regional and Development Authority GRDA Head Office at the Gozo Innovative Hub in Xewkija. Here we met GRDA CEO Mr Mario Borg, and following a tour of the premise, he conducted a very interesting presentation where he explained the roles and duties of GRDA. All members present at this meeting found this a very interesting and useful exercise since the information disseminated could enhance the educational experience of prospective students.


Since Covid-19 measures were still in place at the beginning of Academic Year 202122, there were various restrictions on what activities could be held. The Department thanked Ms. Anne Marie Vincenti for her contribution as she was leaving for Junior College, and later welcomed her worthy replacement Mr. Paul Muscat. Soon after the mid-term holidays, we attended an online Webinar organised by MATSEC about the SOK Projects. Thankfully we were able to hold the SOK interviews in January and May face to face. There was visible relief on all sides. Regarding the second-term Professional Development Session, just before the Easter break, the Department invited former colleague Dr. Mark Sagona now a University Lecturer with the History of Art Department at the Faculty of Arts in the University of Malta. His impassioned and illuminating lecture on developments in the local artistic scene during the 19th Century was as captivating just as it was instructive.



The Department of Economics, Marketing and Accountancy has organised varied activities/outings during the pre-Covid-19 years. Unfortunately, this was not possible during this scholastic year due to restrictions yet, nonetheless, the Department still organised a Departmentalised Professional Development session at GRDA (Gozo Regional Development Authority) for teachers to keep updated on future opportunities for our students. The Department looks forward to the coming scholastic year, where hopefully all Covid-19 restrictions will be removed and is eager to organise activities for our students again.



EkoSkola aims to encourage students to take an active role in environmental decisionmaking and action in the classroom and in the community.

During our 2 years here at Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form, we were part of the EkoSkola committee under the guidance of Ms. Stephanie Azzopardi. Various meetings took place where we discussed and came up with ideas for future projects for the advancement of our school.

During this scholastic year, our institute became an official member of The GLOBE Program, an international science and educational programme. We worked on two projects focusing on tree observations and surface temperature in built-up areas. We planted a fig tree in the school garden to monitor leaf growth during spring following the Green Up Protocol. We also participated in the Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign during which we collected readings of the surface temperature of the yard near the canteen area. The data collected was then uploaded on GLOBE database to be used by scientists to better understand the effects of urbanisation on climate change.

Another project we worked on as an EkoSkola team was that regarding sustainable transportation. We conducted a questionnaire and distributed it online to all students attending our institute. The aim was to find out which means of transport students mostly use to commute to school and see what could be done to promote viable transportation. The students also had the opportunity to suggest means by which we can improve our institute’s green footprint.

Taking part in EkoSkola was a wonderful experience in itself. We learned new facts about our surrounding environment and were taught how to keep track of the changes happening around us. We strongly believe that environmental education is the essence for a mentality change in the Maltese islands towards environmental awareness and improvement. It has been an honour to be part of the EkoSkola group at sixth Form.

I am a first-year student and during this scholastic year I was a member of the EkoSkola committee at M.A. Refalo Sixth Form. We organized several activities amongst which was a project regarding sustainable transportation. As a team we conducted a short questionnaire that was forwarded online (in March) to all students attending the Institute. In all, 134 students participated, of which 61.2% were females. Of all respondents, only four own a driving licence. The most common use of transport to commute to Sixth Form is public transport followed by the use of private cars. Furthermore, a number of students come on foot or carpool. Only two students cycle to school.

Students were also asked to give a reason behind using the indicated mode of transport most frequently. Several students argued that they do so because it is comfortable, convenient, and easy to use. Some also mentioned that it is cheap and environmentally friendly. Several students argued that they do so because there is no other choice. When asked whether they take into consideration sustainable transportation, the majority with 62.7% agreed, whereas 29.1% responded ‘maybe’ and 11 students answered that they do not take into consideration sustainable transportation.

In this questionnaire students were also given the option to suggest how our Institute could be more eco-friendly. They came out with several suggestions including the promotion of carpooling and public transport, the installation of recycle bins around the Institute, the organisation of transport to places where public transport is not convenient or else the amendment of the bus timetable. They also recommended more ecofriendly and sustainable options especially in the canteen, for example, the option of students bringing in their own food containers.




My visits to Gozo, always lead me to a great degree of reminiscence of my two years of educational formation at Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form. I have very fond memories of these two years, that served as two major pillars of my educational formation as well as psychological growth. These two years were challenging in terms of the choices I had to make in terms of the subjects that I studied, all of which were imperative for my career path. Looking back, these two years also gave me innumerable life lessons that ushered me into young adulthood.

The teaching staff made their utmost to open our eyes to the challenges and the opportunities of the contemporary world. Apart from guiding us in our choices to embark on specific areas of studies, teachers accompanied us on this journey. Each journey brings along different opportunities and challenges. At times, we needed guidance, while in other times we needed a firm reminder that it is up to us to chase our goals and our dreams. Altogether, teachers gave every student unwavering support and advice.

My educational formation at the Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form exposed me to a whole new world of opportunities. Through the assistance of my mentors, Ms. Miram Portelli and Mr. Stefan Said, I developed the yearn to study History. As from that time, at such a tender age, I was drawn to the world of International Relations and Diplomatic Studies.

Studying the past, on a day-to-day basis, gave me a solid grounding on the groundwork of the modern world, and how it evolved out of past trends and events. Such mindbroadening knowledge equipped me with new perspectives in interpreting world events and instilled in me the urge to be a critical, clear and objective thinker. The study of History honed my sense of analysis, synthesis and persuasiveness, that became all the more indispensable for the career I am currently pursuing in Diplomacy.

Besides, my studies that were also typified by specialisation in Maltese History, helped me comprehend in a better way, Malta’s role in Europe, the Mediterranean and the globe. This knowledge was seminal for me, as the new generation of Maltese diplomats set out to enrich Malta’s traditional foreign policy with a global touch, as in recent years Malta pioneered a global foreign policy approach. A knowledge of history honed my ability to represent my country abroad and echo Malta’s tenet in seeking to ensure peace and stability in Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond.

Furthermore, I believe that throughout these two formative years, the study of languages and other areas of knowledge such as the Humanities and Sciences gave us the necessary backing to evolve, not solely in our career path but also in our development as responsible citizens of the world.

Apart from the academic experiences, I remember fondly the exchanges we had from time to time with alumni who engaged with us students at Careers’ Day Events that were organised by our schools. During these sessions we learnt from the experiences of others and as a result, we could actually start to believe that with determination and hard work, we could reach our aspirations. Additionally, our onsite visits to the University of Malta and other colleges were equally inspiring, since during such opportunities we could witness at first hand the experience of other students for a couple of hours. Such opportunities made us believe that it is possible to believe and achieve.

Altogether, the opportunity of educational trip to Munich, also gave us, students the opportunity to bond together outside of the premises of the school, whilst being


exposed to a foreign culture and history. I consider this opportunity as one of the highlights of my educational formation.

All told, I look back at these two years as a determinative trajectory that allowed me to acquire new knowledge that proved imperative for my career formation. Albeit surrounded by friends, family and a strong backing from the family, at times I felt encountered difficulties and uncertainty especially during examination periods. However, through the strong support from the academic staff and my personal strong will to overcome these challenges, I learnt that there is no straightforward, one-size-fits all path.

Every individual is unique and hence all our experiences are diverse. There is no path that is firmly cast in stone, that we all have to follow. I learnt that at times, it might take an extra degree of effort to reach a certain stiff objective. With time, I gathered that alternative paths attribute oneself with another experience to cherish. Indeed, hard work and perseverance make these achievements even more rewarding.

These observations can only be articulated with hindsight. Conclusively, I would like to express my best wishes to all the students in their respective studies. Although the transition from secondary school to Sixth Form and the eventual build up towards further education can be demanding, I encourage you to enjoy this path, take care of one another and prioritise your physical and psychological wellbeing. It is important to remain focused on your goals, however one must always remember that this should never take place at the expense of becoming conscious of who you are, where you want to reach and what fulfils your contentment. Knowing yourself, is key to success in all spheres of life, since all achievements are rooted in the power of YOU!


My years at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form were easily the best two years in my academic experience. When I got to Sixth Form, I had the opportunity to choose the subjects which I liked most and wished to study. I had great teachers for all my subjects, especially my A-levels in History and Italian. The teachers always helped us students; they made us aware of opportunities suited for us and motivated us to pursue our desired career paths. At Sixth Form, I found a good balance between independence and responsibility as a student. Sir Michelangelo Sixth Form does not only provide academic education, it also provides the right tools for students to learn about their newfound adulthood.

With my History A-level, I pursued a BA in History and International Relations at the University of Malta, choosing the latter for my Honours degree. Afterwards, I pursued a Masters’ degree in European Public Affairs at Maastricht University. Today, I work at the Energy Ministry, where I oversee the implementation of various multiple EU funded projects. The path for my career started at Sixth Form, and I could not be more thankful for the experience I had here, the teaching staff is very dedicated and go out of their way to ensure to provide the best education for the students. I have great memories from my time in Sixth Form and will cherish them forever.


Kommemorazzjoni tal-150 mit-twelid tal-Poeta Nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila

Hajtu u Kitbietu


F’għeluq il-150 sena mit-twelid tiegħu, Dun Karm kien jistħoqqlu li jiġi mfakkar u jingħata l-għarfien li jixraqlu. Dan seħħ bi proġett li ttella’ filKatidral tal-Belt Victoria, b’kollaborazzjoni bejn l-Istitut Sir MichelangeloRefalo Sixth Form u l-Kumitat Ċelebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali u Reġjonali fi ħdanil-Ministeru għal Għawdex. Kien nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’ Ottubru 2021, meta ttellgħet serata taħt il-patroċinju tal-Ministru għal Għawdex, l-Onor. Clint Camilleri.

L-għan ta’ dan il-proġett kien li jikkommemora l-ħajja tal-Poeta Nazzjonali u l-ħidma letterarja tiegħu. Is-serata kienet imżewqa b’diversi talenti fosthom kant, qari u mimika.

Ġew imħejjija anke props apposta, fosthom dawk marbuta mal-poeżija ‘Il-Jien u lil Hinn Minnu’ illi fiha rajna l-filosofija eżistenzjalista li ġġegħilna nirriflettu fuq ħajjitna.

Motiv ieħor li ġie mfakkar kien dak ambjentali. Saret enfasi fuq it-tfulija ta’Dun Karm u l-ħajja għalkollox rurali li l-poeta għex f’Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Kien hemm anke xena fejn ġew involuti t-tfal, simbolu tal-ħajja sempliċi li għex Dun Karm u r-rispett tan-natura li ħalaq Alla.

Żgur li l-poplu Għawdxi u Malti jħossu midjun ma’ Dun Karm u sabiex ilkitbiet tiegħu ma jintesewx tul iż-żmien, wieħed irid jibqa’ jfakkar u jagħti qima lill-Poeta Nazzjonali tagħna. Meta wieħed jaqra lil Dun Karm, jara kemm kitbietu jirriflettu temi attwali u l-messaġġ li jgħaddi fil-ħidmiet tiegħu jibqa’ jgħodd anke għaż-żminijiet tal-lum.

F’Dun Karm mhux biss fakkarna l-importanza letterarja tiegħu iżda wkoll dik ir-ruħ Maltija li riedet ixxettel u twarrad l-identità Maltija.


F’dan il-proġett, flimkien mal-istudenti u l-għalliema ta’ Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form, involvejna wkoll kemm eks studenti kif ukoll eks għalliema. Bħala edukaturi nemmnu illi dak li jkunu tgħallmu l-istudenti, ikunu kapaċi jesprimuh lil hinn mill-bank tal-iskola. L-Istitut, bl-appoġġ tal-Kap, is-Sur Daniel James Cassar, dejjem ħa ħsieb it-tagħlim ħolistiku tal-istudenti u jibqa’ jgħinhom jiffurmaw il-karattru tagħhom mhux blakkademiku biss, imma b’dak li jmur iktar lil hinn. Importanti li l-istudenti mhux biss jeċċellaw fl-istudji, imma ngħinuhom jesponu t-talenti u l-ħiliet tagħhom.

Wellbeingof studentsand teachers


A 3 versus 3 volleyball tournament was organised at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form on the 29th of March 2022. Fourteen teams participated in this tournament and students were from ASDAN and non-formal volleyball groups. Two teams from the Polish Erasmus+ group also participated.


This event was successful with over 90 students participating in the games and tournaments. First, all students participated in multi-sport games. Then two tournaments, one for handball and one for football, were held.

This event was organised by Mr Angelo Bonello in collaboration with ASDAN students and non formal students.

All other students who did not participate in the games went for a fun walk.


Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form organised a variety of sessions in May 2022 to enhance teachers’ awareness about health and well-being. First session, a stretch class to improve bad posture, was held by Mr Angelo Bonello on Thursday 5th May 2022. These classes also served to encourage team building amongst the teachers participating.

Visitsatour Institute


On 11th November 2021, Edyta Lozowska from Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących School, in Katowice Poland visited our Institute and together with the Head, Mr Daniel James Cassar and Ms Abigail Camilleri, discussed a future Erasmus+Project collaboration. Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form believes in a holistic education not only on a national level but internationally as well. The Head of the Institute always supports such initiatives to give to our students an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom setting and from which they would benefit.


On 22nd December 2021, his Excellency the Bishop of Gozo Anton Thewma, visited Sir Michelangelo Sixth Form and delivered a message of hope to all the staff before Christmas recess. Ms Stephania Debrincat presented the sum of four hundred euros collected from a fundraising activity held by the Pastoral Team to Mons Joseph Curmi in aid of Guatemala Mission of Rev Mario Curmi. The latter also delivered a message to all the staff through a videoclip sent all the way from Guatemala.


On 15th February 2022 Mr Tomasz Musial visited our Institute to discuss with the Head, Mr Daniel James Cassar, Ms Abigail Camilleri, Ms Stephanie Azzopardi, Ms Maria Bortone, and Mr Gordon Grech an Erasmus+ project between Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych i Technicznych w Wojkowicach in Wojkowice, Poland and Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form. Following these discussions, students from Poland accompanied by their teachers, visited us in March and together with our students took part in several activities. This project entitled “Power of Internet” aimed at helping students become more responsible in terms of media use as well as enhanced media literacy. The aim was for students to become wiser users of social media and this project was surely a different, beneficial educational experience for all our students.

Discussions were also held with Ms Jennifer Cauchi from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ who organized a day of activities during their mobility in March, related to this topic. Mr Tomasz Musial also had the opportunity to meet writer Mr Charles Bezzina who presented him with two of his books which he personally signed.


Ms Elizabeth F Cannelakis, Public Affairs Officer within the US Embassy in Malta visited the Institute on 7th April 2022.

Ms Cannelakis met the Head, members of SMT and administration and discussed opportunities that can be offered to students who attend our Institute.


On Friday 29th April 2022 MEP Dr Josianne Cutajar honoured us with her visit at Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form. She was given a warm welcome by the Head of the Institute Daniel James Cassar and all the staff. Dr Cutajar met our students and outlined the opportunities offered by the European Union such as careers, traineeships, exchanges, and Erasmus.


On Wednesday 4th May, Fr. Noel Debono and Fr. Etienne Gilson visited classes during the second lecture and delivered a short message about Vocations Day that falls on Sunday 8th May.


Between 13th and 23rd June 2022, as part of an Erasmus+ funded programme, a group of UK College sport students accompanied by their teachers visited our Institute and set up multisports activities (indoor and outdoor) together with our staff members.


Power of Internet

Students are living in a technological world. They are surrounded by disinformation and fake news, cyberbullying and hate speech. They know how to use the devices, but do they know how to identify what is real from what is fake? Do they know how to behave, where to get help if they end up victims of cyberbullying or hate speech?

This project aimed at helping students become more media responsible and media literate and to become wiser users of social media and was a success as a result of a great collaboration between the Eramus+ Team at Sir Michelangelo Refalo comprised of 4 teachers (Ms Abigail Camilleri, Ms Maria Bortone, Mr Gordon Grech and Ms Stephanie Azzopardi with the total support of the Head of the Institute), and Ms Jennifer Cauchi and her team from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the Cyber Crime Unit, as well as Mr Tomasz Musial from Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych i Technicznych w Wojkowicach in Wojkowice, Poland and the amazing students from both schools.

‘Power of Internet’ helped in developing the students’critical thinking skills enabling them to recognize biases and different perspectives of information being projected on social media. These skills gave them the necessary guidelines to be able to distinguish real news from fake news and to decipher what is credible and what is not, to be aware of hate speech and most important to learn to reflect and to be wise - not to believe everything that they read, watch or listen.

This project also helped our students to make new friends and learn about other cultures. It also made them more confident and gave them a different and enjoyable educational experience outside the classroom setting.

The following are some of the students’ and teachers’ feedback:

“Both mobilities became possible thanks to Erasmus+ funds and the extraordinary cooperation between me and Ms Abigail Camilleri as well as Mr Gordon Grech and Ms Stephanie Azzopardi, Ms Maria Bortone and the Head of Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form Mr Daniel James Cassar, who all came up with the plan for the mobilities which allowed 10 students from Poland to go abroad for the first time in their lives. This exercise helped to expand their skills related to internet safety, self-organisation, communication, creativity and how to react to hate speech. Most of all it was an enriching experience where our students became friends with Gozotians, who stole our hearts. Luckily this exchange of good practices between us is not the end as we are already planning further mobilities!” Mr Tomasz Musial


“Our main aim was to get knowledge of cybercrime. We were already familiar with the topic, but the workshops and lectures extended our knowledge. Working in international teams and communicating with each other sometimes wasn’t easy but all these experiences made me step out of my comfort zone. Apart from that we made new friends. The students were kind and open-minded. There was always space for new opinions, views. Everyone was tolerant and curious about our culture, languages, but at the same time they were eager to tell us about Maltese culture and teach us Maltese words. Whatever we asked about, students and teachers from Malta always answered patiently, their love for their home country was evident. We admired their commitment to the Erasmus project.” Maja Kiciak

“It was an amazing experience, amazing people with a beautiful culture that I will never forget. The opportunity to learn new things abroad country was terrific.” Kinga Matecka

“This was an amazing experience mainly because I met these wonderful group of students and we all became friends. I enjoyed all the outings that we did together and also the informative talks we had about on using the internet safely. I loved learning about their culture and learning new facts about Poland. I also enjoyed telling them about our country; our lifestyle, traditions; taking them to historical places and teaching them some Maltese words too! I hope that one day we will get the chance to visit their country. It was such a pleasure getting to know these people and learning about Poland too.” Simon Zammit

“At first I wasn’t very optimistic about this project, but the story turned out to be a very different one. We became a big group of friends and it seemed that we had known each other for a very long time. We learned, we laughed and we enjoyed exploring our little island. I thank you all for this amazing eduational experience.” Mark Attard




On 28th September 2021, the Head of the Institute, Mr Daniel James Cassar, together with the SMT and Administrative Staff, organised a farewell gathering for Father Vince Pavia thanking him for the work and service given during his years at the Institute. Father Vince Pavia started at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form in the year 1995 as a Spiritual Director and then also taught Sociology, Philosophy and Religion at the same Institute. Father Pavia was also given a small gift as a token of appreciation. The Head and SMT together with all the staff wish Father Pavia the best of luck for his retirement and new ventures in the future.


On 25th November 2021, the staff at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form bid farewell to colleague Ms Florence Garcia and augured her all the very best in her new career, that of EO (Maltese as a Foreign Language).


Awards Ceremony

On the 1st of July 2022, after two years of pandemic restrictions, Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form celebrated the achievements of the Second-Year students with an ‘Award Ceremony’ held within its campus. The ceremony started with a Mass celebrated by his Excellency Bishop Anton Theuma. Several distinguished guests were present: DG DCLE Mr Jude Zammit, Assistant Director DLAP Ms Desiree Scicluna Bugeja, EOs Mr Michael Mercieca and Ms Penelope Fitzgerald, President School Council and all the Council, Hon Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri, Director Culture MGOZ Mr John Xuereb and Ex-Heads of Sir MA Refalo Sixth Form. Speeches were given by some of the above-mentioned guests as well as by the Head of the Institute, Mr Daniel James Cassar, and two students who shared with us their best memories at the Institute.

The ceremony ended with the presentation of certificates followed by some refreshments. After years of absence, the ‘Award Ceremony’ was certainly a success.



Dr Charles Daniel Saliba presented to Mr Daniel James Cassar, Head of Sir M. A. Refalo Sixth Form, the book ‘Provérbios Europeus / European Proverbs / Proverbji Ewropej’ published by the International Association of Paremiology (IAP). This book was coauthored by Prof Rui Soares, President of the IAP, and Dr Charles Daniel Saliba, IAP member. The book can be found at the Institute’s Library.


One Institute, One Staff

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