5 minute read



by Ms Maria Buttigieg Diplomat, Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta


My visits to Gozo, always lead me to a great degree of reminiscence of my two years of educational formation at Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form. I have very fond memories of these two years, that served as two major pillars of my educational formation as well as psychological growth. These two years were challenging in terms of the choices I had to make in terms of the subjects that I studied, all of which were imperative for my career path. Looking back, these two years also gave me innumerable life lessons that ushered me into young adulthood. The teaching staff made their utmost to open our eyes to the challenges and the opportunities of the contemporary world. Apart from guiding us in our choices to embark on specific areas of studies, teachers accompanied us on this journey. Each journey brings along different opportunities and challenges. At times, we needed guidance, while in other times we needed a firm reminder that it is up to us to chase our goals and our dreams. Altogether, teachers gave every student unwavering support and advice. My educational formation at the Sir M.A. Refalo Sixth Form exposed me to a whole new world of opportunities. Through the assistance of my mentors, Ms. Miram Portelli and Mr. Stefan Said, I developed the yearn to study History. As from that time, at such a tender age, I was drawn to the world of International Relations and Diplomatic Studies. Studying the past, on a day-to-day basis, gave me a solid grounding on the groundwork of the modern world, and how it evolved out of past trends and events. Such mindbroadening knowledge equipped me with new perspectives in interpreting world events and instilled in me the urge to be a critical, clear and objective thinker. The study of History honed my sense of analysis, synthesis and persuasiveness, that became all the more indispensable for the career I am currently pursuing in Diplomacy. Besides, my studies that were also typified by specialisation in Maltese History, helped me comprehend in a better way, Malta’s role in Europe, the Mediterranean and the globe. This knowledge was seminal for me, as the new generation of Maltese diplomats set out to enrich Malta’s traditional foreign policy with a global touch, as in recent years Malta pioneered a global foreign policy approach. A knowledge of history honed my ability to represent my country abroad and echo Malta’s tenet in seeking to ensure peace and stability in Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond. Furthermore, I believe that throughout these two formative years, the study of languages and other areas of knowledge such as the Humanities and Sciences gave us the necessary backing to evolve, not solely in our career path but also in our development as responsible citizens of the world. Apart from the academic experiences, I remember fondly the exchanges we had from time to time with alumni who engaged with us students at Careers’ Day Events that were organised by our schools. During these sessions we learnt from the experiences of others and as a result, we could actually start to believe that with determination and hard work, we could reach our aspirations. Additionally, our onsite visits to the University of Malta and other colleges were equally inspiring, since during such opportunities we could witness at first hand the experience of other students for a couple of hours. Such opportunities made us believe that it is possible to believe and achieve. Altogether, the opportunity of educational trip to Munich, also gave us, students the opportunity to bond together outside of the premises of the school, whilst being

exposed to a foreign culture and history. I consider this opportunity as one of the highlights of my educational formation. All told, I look back at these two years as a determinative trajectory that allowed me to acquire new knowledge that proved imperative for my career formation. Albeit surrounded by friends, family and a strong backing from the family, at times I felt encountered difficulties and uncertainty especially during examination periods. However, through the strong support from the academic staff and my personal strong will to overcome these challenges, I learnt that there is no straightforward, one-size-fits all path. Every individual is unique and hence all our experiences are diverse. There is no path that is firmly cast in stone, that we all have to follow. I learnt that at times, it might take an extra degree of effort to reach a certain stiff objective. With time, I gathered that alternative paths attribute oneself with another experience to cherish. Indeed, hard work and perseverance make these achievements even more rewarding. These observations can only be articulated with hindsight. Conclusively, I would like to express my best wishes to all the students in their respective studies. Although the transition from secondary school to Sixth Form and the eventual build up towards further education can be demanding, I encourage you to enjoy this path, take care of one another and prioritise your physical and psychological wellbeing. It is important to remain focused on your goals, however one must always remember that this should never take place at the expense of becoming conscious of who you are, where you want to reach and what fulfils your contentment. Knowing yourself, is key to success in all spheres of life, since all achievements are rooted in the power of YOU!


by Ms Doreen Schembri

My years at Sir Michelangelo Refalo Sixth Form were easily the best two years in my academic experience. When I got to Sixth Form, I had the opportunity to choose the subjects which I liked most and wished to study. I had great teachers for all my subjects, especially my A-levels in History and Italian. The teachers always helped us students; they made us aware of opportunities suited for us and motivated us to pursue our desired career paths. At Sixth Form, I found a good balance between independence and responsibility as a student. Sir Michelangelo Sixth Form does not only provide academic education, it also provides the right tools for students to learn about their newfound adulthood. With my History A-level, I pursued a BA in History and International Relations at the University of Malta, choosing the latter for my Honours degree. Afterwards, I pursued a Masters’ degree in European Public Affairs at Maastricht University. Today, I work at the Energy Ministry, where I oversee the implementation of various multiple EU funded projects. The path for my career started at Sixth Form, and I could not be more thankful for the experience I had here, the teaching staff is very dedicated and go out of their way to ensure to provide the best education for the students. I have great memories from my time in Sixth Form and will cherish them forever.

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