ORWF Newsletter January / February 2016

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TRUNKLINE President’s message: Saundra Waecker Hello ORWF, I can hardly believe it is 2016. Here we are with the most important year in America’s history in front of us and all we have to do is win. Republican presidential candidates are battling and it makes no difference who you are rooting for because any one of them is better than an old leftover socialist hippie and the fat corrupt, lying, self serving wife of Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend. We can take America back to Good. We can and we will!! 2015 was a great year for ORWF. We increased our membership and we won a record 18 awards from NFRW, CFRW and SDCFRW. We earned the coveted NFRW Diamond Achievement Award. We won the CFRW State Grand Championship Award for our Caring for America project and we won most Volunteer Hours from CFRW as well. Honestly, you ladies ROCK. Now, about this newsletter and 2016 for ORWF. If you read the entire newsletter you will find that we are having a fundraiser on Saturday March 12th for Saint Patrick’s Day. We have 13 tables left to sell and we need you all to help us sell them. The tables seat six (6) and the tickets are $30.00 each. Call me 760-492-1774 or Cathie Tierney 760-.438-3335. Please join us. We have a great program planned for 2016 with speakers chosen to inform, educate and entertain. Please join us the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the El Camino Country Club for our speaker- business luncheon. Lunch price is $22.00. Join Politics 101, a morning speakers meeting the first Saturday of every month at VANC in Oceanside for a free informative meeting. Check this newsletter for our speaker line-up for the next few months. In the newsletter I am continuing my historical perspective and history of Islam. Each month I will submit an article on Islam and it’s movement through time. I started this because it occurred to me that nowhere in today’s rhetoric is the Islamic history presented and yet we are supposed to co-exist without knowledge. In 1915 the date of the last Caliphate in the Middle East almost 2 million, mostly Armenian Christians and many others were murdered and starved to death, but did you learn that it was an Islamic Caliphate?

I want to thank all of you who have supported ORWF with your membership and volunteering spirit. We are lucky ducky’s to have you. 2016 Here we come!!!!




Your Saint Patrick”s Day Fundraiser Team







Program for ORWF presented by Susan Custer VP Programs, susanbcuster@gmail.com

February 10 Luncheon Meeting, Michael McSweeny, The burden of governmental regulations March 9, Luncheon Meeting: Tia Quick, Speaking on the impact of Prop 47 on crime in San Diego County. Tia Has been a Deputy District Attorney for over 23 years. For the past 13 years of her career she has been assigned as the Law Enforcement Liaison at the San Diego Police Department, Politics 101, First Saturday of every month, 9:30 am VANC Bldg. 1617 Mission Ave, Oceanside

February 6,, Politics 101: Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall: Measure A March 5, Politics 101: Saundra Waecker, Primer on Islam

February 10, 2016 Luncheon meeting Where: El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside CA 92056 When: 11:00 am, meeting begins with a meet and greet 11:30 am: Meeting called to order 11:40 pm: Speaker Michael McSweeney 12:20 pm Lunch is served, 12:30 Short business meeting, adjourned 1:00 pm

RSVP Doris Garrison: 760-439-8148 or email Colleen Vogel, colleen_vogel@msn.com or Saundra Waecker, skwaecker@cox.net

Pot Roast, Mashed Potatoes,& Gravy, fresh Vegetables and Chocolate Mousse; or Cobb Salad or Chef’s Choice Fish $22.00 for members, $25.00 for nonmembers




ORWF Keynote Speaker for Wednesday February 10, 2016 Speaker Michael McSweeney

Government Regulations and the Impact on your life The cost that government imposes and it’s impact on housing and all aspects of every day life. The quiet thief of fees and regulatory burdens on businesses, builders and ultimately us, the consumer. Michael McSweeney

Michael McSweeney is the Sr. Public Policy Advisor for the San Diego Building Industry Associa=on (BIA) and a 29 year licensed general contractor in the State of California. Mr. McSweeney was born and raised in a suburb of Cleveland Ohio, and relocated to San Diego in 1984. He started his own business in 1985, McSweeney & Associates, which specialized in residen=al renova=on. By offering old fashioned customer service, McSweeney built his business based solely on referrals and word of mouth. In late 2011 McSweeney accepted a posi=on at the San Diego BIA as a senior Public Policy Advisor. Melding his poli=cal involvement with his experiences in the building industry, McSweeney took on the challenge of represen=ng the interests of the almost 700 member companies and their 40,000 employees on a wide range of public policy issues which affect their businesses and livelihoods.

ORWF Keynote Speaker, POLITICS 101, Saturday February 6, 2016 Speaker Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall

Measure A

The Agua Hedionda South Shore Speci c Plan was proposed May 12, 2015, by three Carlsbad residents through a ci=zen-led ini=a=ve sponsored by Caruso A liated. The plan would change land uses on a 203.4 acre privately owned property located east of I-5, between the south shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Cannon Road.




Ways and Means

Cathie Tierney 3rd VP Ways &Means katrinka03@roadrunner.com

Pam Connolly 3rd VP Ways and Means conpam@gmail.com

Join ORWF in February at our Wednesday February 10, Luncheon Meeting at El Camino Country Club Bring your checkbooks and credit cards for great shopping. We will have the beautiful purses of Kathy Earle of Just For You Purses

Save the Date ORWF Fundraiser St Patricks Day celebration Saturday March 12 Buy your ticket now $30.00 Call Cathie Tierney 760-438-3335 PAGE 6



Second Vice president Membership

Welcome to our Membership

Dorothy Schmidt

Time to Re-new your 2016 ORWF Membership call or email today Dorothy Schmidt 700-433-5428 dortschmidt@att.net You can also renew at our February 10th Luncheon Meeting Thank you everyone who has renewed for 2016!

Happy Birthday January

07 Doris Garrisons 10 - Mary Baker 13 – Sharon Sheafe 15 – Sherry Hodges 21 – Cathy Hamilton 22 – Karen Felien 26 - Karen Bell 26 – Judy Rees 27 - Mike Johnson 27 - Suellen Shea 28 – Saundra Waecker 28 – Emily Ortiz Wichman

NEW MEMBERS SINCE SEPTEMBER 2015: Shirley Griggs Deborah Norwood Janice Peluso Geraldine Teutsch MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE:

Terri Bernal Janie Booth - Sunshine Chair Kathleen Clark Pam Connolly Cheree Dracolakis Shirley Griggs Joan Parro Kelly Pelekis Sheila Steelman - Greeter Chair Colleen Vogel

Happy Birthday February 07 Jerilyn Mills 14 Cora Frolander 27 Katherine Ballinger




This article on the History of Islam is intended to continue where we left off from the October ORWF Newsletter. By Saundra Waecker I have chosen to write about the history of Islam and it’s impact on civilization through the years because to understand what is happening today, it is necessary to understand that this has happened before. Islam’s geopolitical force is religion, but also so much more.

" the future should not belong to those who slander the prophet Mohammed” The quote comes from a speech that President Obama delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2012 about the death of U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. MY QUESTION, REALLY , WHY? Four Americans died on September 11th, 2012, the only person who was arrested was a coptic Christian who had posted a video making fun of Mohammed. He was practicing free speech in a country founded on the freedom of speech. As an American I believe in debate, knowledge and sunshine. Islam, the religion of peace, we have been told over and over. Translated, Islam means submission, Muslim means one who has submitted. Islam History, began in 609 AD with the 40 year old merchant, Mohammed in Mecca. He believed God was speaking to him. Allah had been one of the many gods of Mecca but Muhammed’s epiphany reaches into the Judaeo and Christian faith to pull it’s prophets and was considered by St Thomas Aquinas who studied it in 1268 AD to be a cultish Christian heresy. Muhammed began his teaching in Mecca in 609 AD however Mecca would not convert from it’s pagan gods; so he left Mecca in 622 AD. With a couple hundred followers Muhammed went to Medina, another Oasis. This move shifted Muhammad from a prophet trying to persuade with ideas of his faith to a doctrine combining religion and political power. While in Medina, Allah kept instructing Mohammed, but the voice becomes darker and the scripture for Medina becomes less recruiting with teaching and more with physical submission. It appears in 625 AD, Muhammed and Allah were losing patience converting followers, Allah gave permission to Muhammed to use physical force against those who wronged him and would not accept Allah. Muhammed began in Medina with those he perceived as illegal and plotting against him. The first group to become a target for Muhammed were the Jews. Muhammed understood that these jews were not going to convert nor were they going to allow him to gain converts so he began with Medina’s Jewish tribes. Mohammed exiled two of Medina’s Jewish tribes and executed the men of another and took all of their property.




Islam History continued, final page

Mohamed next turned back to the non-believers of Mecca, this time he didn’t come with words, but with conquest in mind. He and his followers began raiding and looting caravans as they were traveling to Mecca. Mohamed led his men into battle. Paradise was promised to any Muslim who died fighting for Allah. Jihad began with Muhammed. Non-Muslims could be killed and their property stolen. The upside to this was amassed wealth for Muhammed and his followers. As his army grew he was able to cut Mecca off from all trade and takeover the city. Mecca would become the heart of Islam. Muhammed died in 632 AD without naming a successor or having a plan for selecting one. Muhammad's death in 632 AD left a void. Muhammad's successors were called Caliph,( king) The next 4 Caliphs as they were called, that followed him were companions of Muhammed; the first was Abu Bakkr. These early Muslims were a formidable fighting force, conquering the Persians and the Byzantine Romans after the death of Muhammed. However, the in-fighting within early Islam, left 3 of Muhammed’s successors, (the first Caliphs), dead by assassination before 661 AD. The assassination of the fourth Caliph, Ali, who was the cousin and son-in law of Mohammed began a war among the factions and a split. All of the original close leaders of Muhammed were now dead, who should stand in line for Caliph? Shia: Those Muslims who believed the next Caliph should be the son of Ali because of the tie of blood to Mohamed. Shia, which means the party of Ali. for the Shia, Ali is the first Imam. Sunni: The other faction called themselves the Ahl al-Sunna; meaning the people of the tradition, and accepted the legitimacy of Umayyad,Abbasid. they became the Sunni. The split happened in around 661 AD. The world currently has approximately 1.5 billion Muslims and 85 to 90 % of those are Sunni, however almost 95% of Iran is Shia. The Quran for early Muslims was not written down in any kind of a complete document. Some existed text was written on bones and leaves, however the original text was not written until about 180 years after the death of Muhammed. The Hadith is the oral traditions attributed to Mohamed and is very important in determining the rules for a Muslim’s daily life, The Hadith are the sayings of the prophet Mohamed. Next month we will again look at the belief in the End Times, by both Sunni and Shia. With our new Iranian nuclear deal it is important to understand Iran’s belief in the 12th Imam and with ISIS, the Caliphate returned. It is important to know how they are recruiting such large numbers of young Muslims with the belief that the End Times are near and they must join the fight or lose their place in heaven. ISIS is following prophecy and are uniting the Caliphate under. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, many believe he is the Mahdi which is the one who comes just before The Day of Judgement and Muhammed. The world is becoming dangerous, we can not afford to not understand,. More next month…… PAGE 9





Calendar for our Republican Friends and Neighbors February 2016 Contact Saundra if you would like to attend either meeting to carpool. 760-492-1774

Carlsbad RWF Satellite Club Happy Hour Poli8cs

CONTACT: Andrea Ryon
 Phone: 760-518-8238; Email: aryon58@gmail.com

SDCFRW: Luncheon, Monday, February 8, 2016, 10:00 am, Bahia Resort, San Diego, CA

Republican Central Committee: Monday, February 8, 2016, 6:00 pm, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA

Carlsbad, CA –

Update on Domes-c Violence Issues in San Diego! Join Happy Hour Poli-cs on

Wednesday, February 17th to meet Tracy Prior, San Diego Deputy District AEorney.

¬ Feb. 17, Wednesday: Republican Club of Ocean Hills. Meets the 3rd North County Republican Coalition Ben Sullivan President Monday, February 15, 6pm. 83 Degrees 660 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad 92008 760-729-7904

Located at Carlsbad Village Dr and Roosevelt Street. The room is available at 5pm for Happy Hour prices on food and drink.

Wednesday of each month at Broken Yolk Cafe, 2434 Vista Way, Oceanside. Time: Noon to greet and meet, and 1:15 pm for the guest speaker, Carl DeMaio, Chairman,

Carlsbad RWF monthly meeting ¬Feb. 23 Meets 4th Tuesday of each month at Green Dragon Tavern, 6115 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad at 11:00 a.m.; Judy Rees, email: jayare@sbcglobal.net. Guest speaker will be Waskah Whelan, Campaign Precinct Chair of San Diego County Republican Party.



Stuff thats important 2016


ORWF 2016 Executive Committee President: Saundra Waecker skwaecker@cox.net, 760-492-1774 First V.P.: Susan Custer 760-672-1954 susanbcuster@gmail.com


Help Veterans Association of North County. (Our Caring For America Project.) Any questions? contact Kathleen Clark

kathleen101@cox.net or 760 439 1378 ORWF 2016 Board Chaplain: Cathy Hamilton, claygirl@cox.net Sunshine lady, Ambassador: Janie Booth janiebooth@janiebooth.com Scholarships and Achievement Awards: Pam Chambers pamchambers@cox.net Americanism: Cathie Tierney: Katrinka03@roadrunner.com Legislation: Pam Connolly conpam@gmail.com Hospitality: Sheila Steelman 760-722-4115 Local Activism: Pam Chambers,pamchambers@cox.net Pam Connolly, conpam@gmail.com Cathy Hamilton claygirl@cox.net Caring for America: Joan Parro, Kathy Clark, Julie Sturk Registration: Katherine Ballinger, Lois Tubandt, 760-729-2894 Name tags, Registration and computer Guru: Cristina Maynard 760-859-7485

Second V.P.: Membership Dorothy Schmidt 700-433-5428 dortschmidt@att.net Third V.P.: Ways and Means Candi Szabo candigrams@cox.net Third VP: Ways and Means Cathie Tierney: 760-438-3335 katrinka03@roadrunner.com Fourth VP: Campaign Precincts Juliet Cunningham 760-295-7774 juliet2@gmail.com Carolyn Batiste 760-433-0676 carolynbk1@yahoo.com Treasurer: Mary Azevedo 760-439-5979 MaryZ@mary-z.com Recording Secretary:Donna Hill 760-213-1486 donna-hill@cox.net Corresponding Secretary: Doris Garrison 760-439-8148 Parliamentarian: Voter Registration Bounty and Publicity: Kathy Clark 760-439-1378 kclark1060@sbcglobal.net Advisor and past president: Joan Parro 760-967-4346 joanparro@gmail.com


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