Orwf newsletter nov 2014

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TRUNKLINE President’s message: Saundra Waecker

Oceanside Republican Women Federated Is Having a Party and You are the Reason!

Annual Christmas Tea and Membership party.

Wednesday December 10th, 2014 11:00 am to 2:00 pm Lots of food, Christmas Carols, with piano accompaniment, Toys for Tots,
 bring a new unwrapped toy. RSVP to Doris Garrison 760-439-8148 Where: Saundra Waecker’s 2275 Oceanview Rd Oceanside, CA 92056



Dear ORWF, As 2014 is coming to a close and we are heading into Thanksgiving week. Now might be a time to reflect on all of the things that as president of ORWF that I am thankful for. I am thankful for our members, those who are new to us and those who continue to come and have remained for so many years with ORWF. I am grateful for all of you who volunteered during this election cycle. Thank you. I am thankful that our Ways and Means VP Candi Szabo has faced down cancer and has defeated it and is still smiling and gorgeous even in the middle of treatment I am thankful for the best Board any president has ever had. I am thankful for the guidance and friendship of so many of you. I am so grateful for you, for your encouragement and your support. I am happy and encouraged for the Republican election win across the United States. On election day every time another Senate seat was won or a Governor’s race, my spirit soared. However with this win our work has just begun. Now we need to make the Republicans hear us. It is time for Leadership in America. It is time for our elected representatives to show courage and stop the government assault on individual freedom. America needs leaders to look beyond the next election, stop listening to political chatter and think about America’s future. It is time for statesmen. Democrats, not unlike the communist party, sacrifice America for power for their party. Now is the time to take America by the hand and lead her into the future; a future of prosperity and possibilities. We need to believe again. We need someone to restore our trust in government and her promise for our children and their children. America, God shed his Grace on thee. Happy Thanksgiving!

Saundra Waecker, president, ORWF



From Candi Candi Szabo
 3rd Vice President
 Ways & Means candigrams@cox.net

Contact Candi; 760-439-3530, candigrams@cox.net AMAZING BIRTHDAY CANDLES

We still have birthday candles for sale. They are ORWF’s fundraiser. They make a fun gift as well as putting one on your favorite person’s cake. I’ll have them out on the back table every month, but if you find you need one in between, call me and you can come by and pick one up anytime. They are $7.00 for one, or 3 for $20.

Welcome to our new Board Members Cathie Tierney: Chair for Americanism Lidia Moore: Co-Chair for CampaignPrecincts-Voter Registration Juliet Cunningham: Co-Chair for CampaignPrecincts-Voter Registration

Mary Tornborg, has written a cookbook with only yummy cookie recipes She has printed 50 copies at her cost and is allowing ORWF to sell them for $10.00 each to help ORWF purchase a projector to have at our meetings. if you would like one, call me 760-492-1774

Calendar for January 2015

Have you joined us for BUNCO?

January 10, 8:00 am to 12:30 Leadership Training Workshop SDCFRW, Attention ORWF Board members

Every other month we come together in a competitive spirit at Candi’s house. We munch on goodies and roll the dice. The cost is only $10.00 but the fun is priceless.

January 12, Republican Central Committee 6:00 pm January 14, ORWF luncheon, El Camino Country Club, 11:00 am January 27, ORWF Board Meeting January 31, Politics 101



Time to renew your ORWF membership! Colleen Vogel 2nd Vice President, Membership. Call her or email today to renew or join

colleen_vogel@msn.com 760-842-8735 You can also renew at our Christmas Party on December 10th, 2014 Saundra Waecker’s 2275 Oceanview Rd Oceanside, CA 92056 No cost; just bring an unwrapped new Toy, for Toys for Tots

Birthdays, November

Julie Brooks Nov,3 Dorothy Schmidt Nov. 9 Andrea Ryon, Nov 27

ORWF Birthdays, December

Terry Bernal Dec. 1 Mary Jo Schutz Dec. 3 Ronna Freitag Dec. 25 Carolyn Batiste, Dec. 31



Toys for Tots The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is now in its 56th year. Toys for Tots began in 1947, when Major William L. (Bill) Hendricks, USMCR and a handful of Marine Reservists in Los Angeles collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children on Christmas eve. The idea came from Bill’s wife. During the fall of 1947, Diane Hendricks handcrafted a Raggedy Ann doll and asked Bill to deliver the doll to an organization that would give it to a needy child at Christmas. When Bill determined

that no organization existed, Diane told him he should start one. He did. As a result, Toys for Tots was born.

Our ORWF Christmas Party will feature 2 Marines standing guard for our Toys for Tots donation. Please bring an unwrapped new toy for these great warriors to collect. Please Join us for our Christmas Party We will be featuring Emmalyn from the VANC choir ,Choir directer, who will lead us in singing our favorite Christmas Carols. Our Board, filled with wonderful cooks will be supplying potluck and we will have Hot Stew, Chilli and many great savory dishes and so much more. Mary Tornborg will be bringing her famous Christmas cookies.




Please Join us for 2015!

It is time to re-new your membership for 2015



ORWF Lifetime Volunteer Award Ronna Freitag Ronna has served the Oceanside Republican Women faithfully for so many years. She began on the ORWF Board as Corresponding Secretary in 1996. She was president of ORWF from 1997 to 2001 and then again in 2003 through 2005, with a slight break in the time.. She began our yearly booth at Harbor Days for voter registration and she has mentored many Republican women in our wonderful organization. She has been doing our per-capita reporting for well over 8 years. I remember when I first joined ORWF and attended a membership per-capita workshop at the SDCFRW Leadership Training Workshop. I sat there for awhile and then someone said to me, we don't’ have to pay too much attention to this because Ronna Freitag always does our per-capita. I remember thinking, Thank God, who is smart enough to figure this out? Who is this mystery lady that tackles the most difficult job the Federation gives its clubs?

ORWF Volunteers of the Month, 2014 January: Mary Azevedo February: Katherine Ballinger March: Kathleen Clark

Per-Capita is our tie to the Federation. It is through per-capita that we enter our membership into the bigger world of the Federation. The reporting is done monthly and every time we get a new member, Ronna has to add it to our excel sheet and submit it to our County Club in San Diego.

April: Cathy Hamilton

Ronna does this faithfully without any of us ever saying thank you or giving her great big hugs or telling her how important a role she plays in this organization.

May: Doris Garrison

Ronna is part of the fabric of the history of our organization. Ronna answered the call to volunteer her time and her skills to help the Oceanside Republican Women Federated and without women of her character and her dedication we would not exist as a club or as a group of hardworking caring and loving conservative women. Ronna resides in Oceanside with her husband, she is wife, mother and grandmother.

Ronna God bless you and Thank you.

The grateful members of ORWF

June: Ruth Clifford August: Candi Szabo September: Joan Parro October: Pat Berry




ORWF 2014 Board President: Saundra Waecker skwaecker@cox.net, 760-492-1774

Legislation Report - Nov 10, 2014 Charlotte Devlin, Chair Recap of the 2013-2014 Legislative Session (continued) A few more of the Signed and Vetoed Bills SB 1183 - would authorize a city, county, or regional park district to impose, as a special tax, a motor vehicle registration surcharge of not more than $5 for bicycle infrastructure purposes. Signed SB 666 provides for a suspension or revocation of an employer's business license for retaliation against employees and others on the basis of citizenship and immigration status, and establishes a civil penalty up to $10,000 per violation. Signed. AB 4 prohibits a law enforcement official from detaining an individual on the basis of a United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) hold after that individual becomes eligible for release from custody, unless specified conditions are met. Signed AB 35 provides that immigration consultants, attorneys, notaries public, and organizations accredited by the United States Board of Immigration Appeals are the only individuals authorized to charge a fee for providing services associated with filing an application under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's deferred action program. Signed AB 524 provides that a threat to report the immigration status or suspected immigration status of an individual or the individual's family may induce fear sufficient to constitute extortion. Signed AB 1024 allows applicants, who are not lawfully present in the United States, to be admitted as an attorney at law. Signed AB 1159 Imposes various restrictions and obligations on persons who offer services related to comprehensive immigration reform. Signed SB 141 requires that the California Community Colleges and the California State University, and requests that the University of California, exempt a United States citizen who resides in a foreign country, and is in their first year as a matriculated student, from nonresident tuition if the student demonstrates financial need, has a parent or guardian who was deported or voluntarily departed from the U. S., lived in California immediately before moving abroad, and attended a secondary school in California for at least three years. Signed

First V.P.: Susan Custer susanbcuster@gmail.com Second V.P.: Colleen Vogel vogel@msn.com Third V.P.: Candi Szabo candigrams@cox.net Treasurer: Mary Azevedo MaryZ@mary-z.com Recording Secretary: Cathy Hamilton claygirl@cox.net Corresponding Secretary: Doris Garrison 760-439-8148 Parliamentarian: Kathy Clark kclark1060@sbcglobal.net Advisor and past president: Joan Parro joanparro@gmail.com Chaplain: Janie Booth janiebooth@cox.net Hospitality: Kelly Pelekis jak104@gmail.com Hedge/Local Activism: Pam Chambers,pamchambers@cox.net Pam Connolly Caring for America: Julie Sturk ricnjulie@yahoo.com Registration: Katherine Ballinger, Lois Tubandt, Christina Maynard Pat Berry, we love you; Hurry Back!!!!


OCEANSIDE REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED NOVEMBER 2014 CARING FOR AMERICA The Oceanside Republican Women Federated have had the excep,onal opportunity of living near Camp Pendleton and been able to become involved with assis,ng our Veterans Associa,on of North County (VANC). We have become par,cipants in their leadership commiCee, TEAM VANC in wri,ng grants and in raising funds for the rebuilding of their Resource Center at 1617 Mission Ave. in Oceanside. VANC is made up of over 37 Veteran groups in North County. The VANC MISSION is to serve as a one-­‐stop resource center for ALL VETERANS, ac,ve duty military and their families. This includes: helping and coordina,ng,on temporary and permanent housing, support groups, alcohol abuse, PTSD, family resources, counseling, child care, job training and placement, help with deployment, funding, resources for food, car repair, moving, gas, diapers, motel, storage rental, health, wellness, resources for adult children, of aging veterans, burial support/resources, legal resources for VA claims, family law issues, bankruptcy, medical bills, addic,on recovery, recupera,ve care, pet support, foster home, food, medical bills, and providing career assistance training. Prior to the existence of VANC, Veteran organiza,ons, such as DAV and the American Legion came up from San Diego ONCE a month and operated out of the trunk of their car while holding mee,ngs in parking lots. HOW MUCH COULD THEY HELP OUR NORTH COUNTY VETERANS OPERATING LIKE THIS?? So a group of Veterans, headed by Chuck Atkinson, came together to search for a mee,ng place where all Veterans could get help in North County. This took a long ,me, and the City of Oceanside had been trying to sell or lease their old police sta,on. They had no buyers or renters so they offered the Veterans a 60 year lease with no rent if they rebuilt the stripped down sta,on. This would cost the veterans $1.2 million. VANC started to Fund Raise. Presently they are working to build-­‐out a banquet hall and are fund raising for a kitchen. Then they will have the building finished.!!! An Honorary Veterans Garden will be planned and planted as soon as more money is raised. The Career Transi,on Assistance Program (CTAP) has been able to hold classes in VANC for the past two years. They have had classes in preparing Resumes, interview techniques, proper dress for business, wri,ng classes and job prepara,on. 130 Veterans have completed classes in CTAP and 90% were placed in jobs within 180 days. We now have 55 volunteer instructors for CTAP and hope to have many more Veterans taking classes. We also have classes in Security guards, 100 veterans have graduated and all have jobs. We also have classes in fiber op,cs, and 80 veterans have graduated and all have jobs. Interfaith and County Veteran Agencies have been busy this year at VANC taking care of our Veterans. Our data base shows we have assisted 1,716 Veterans with VA issues on site, had 1900 phone calls for veteran assistance with VA issues, 60 homeless veterans gained shelter, 41 received tui,on Free CA State educa,on. There were 8 outreach events held at VANC: Celebra,on on Veterans Day, Memorial Day and July 4th with 400 aCending and there were two Wellness

Fairs with several hundred aCending. They have a County Veteran Affairs Coordina,ng CommiCee that meets monthly, chaired by VANC to promote networking and collabora,on,on. VANC is sekng a Role Model for other American ci,es to follow to help our Veterans!! ORWF has more than 20 of our women par,cipa,ng as volunteers for VANC. The ladies of ORWF have given their ,me money and efforts to help VANC raise money for the much needed improvements of the building and facili,es. The ladies have spent countless hours making scarves that are sold for fundraising, selling military stuffed bears and wri,ng grants and sending off informa,on to poten,al donors with so much success that they have almost reached their goal to finish the facility. With the help of Joan Parro our president emeritus and Kathy Clark who taught herself how to write Grants and resource donors , and so many other ORWF ladies with vision, VANC was able to get matching funds from the the City of Oceanside to make this dream of the VANC facility, a reality; engineered, built and soon func,oning just the way it was intended from it’s incep,on. Congratula,ons to VANC and to the wonderful ORWF volunteers.



ORWF Having Fun



Join us as we head down to San Diego for the SDCFRW Christmas Luncheon. They will have 8 vendors for some Christmas Shopping, A Fashion Show and a superb Speaker, If you are interested in carpooling call me 760-492-1774

Dr Gina Loudon of Politic Chicks


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