Orwf newsletter may2014

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MAY 2014

TRUNKLINE President’s message: Saundra Waecker

Hello everyone, Boy has ORWF been busy. May 2, we had BUNCO night and May 21, Women on Target. June is so jam-­‐packed. I posted a picture below of the 2012 ORWF Lloat for the Oceanside Independence Day Parade because I wanted everyone to know, we will be participating again this year; Saturday, June 28th contact Pam Chambers if you would like to join us. Sunday June 8, we will be registering voters at the San Diego County Fair and we need volunteers, again call Ms. Pam Chambers. We also have a new website, I am so excited with this development. It should be up running and functional by May 27th and I will send out the link the minute it is completed. Watch for it! Tuesday June 3 is Election Day, if you would like an ORWF Republican Voter Guide, email me at skwaecker@cox.net and I will send you our Republican candidates; this is especially helpful for the judges. We also have our pick for Superintendent of Schools and the County ORWF’s Float 2010 Oceanside Independence Day Parade

Board Of Education. Prop 41 and 42; the Republican Party is recommending a YES vote on both propositions; I am recommending a NO vote on both. If you wonder why, contact me. I have posted below the current picture of the 2014 ORWF Board. These terriLic ladies donate so much of their time to ORWF; I thought you should see their lovely faces. Two are not pictured, Doris Garrison and Cathy Hamilton. I also want to take this opportunity to give a BIG THANK YOU to Pat Berry. Pat has served in many capacities on the ORWF Board and has just recently resigned as Membership Chair. We really miss her input and hope she will be returning to us just as soon as possible. Please, never hesitate to call me if you have suggestions or questions about ORWF. My goal; ORWF should be a resource for you.

!God bless you all!

Saundra Waecker

Oceanside Republican Women Federated 2014 Executive Board


OCEANSIDE REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED! ORWF POLITICS 101 SATURDAY MAY 31, 9:30 TO 11:30 Cathy Hamiltons’s Home, 2261 Oceanview RD. Oceanside, CA 92056 LOU OBERMAN: Speaking on Convention of the States, (definition on page 8.) Lou Oberman is a Retired Financial Planner/Investment Adviser.

Speaker for

ORWFLuncheon June 11, 2014

Since October 2013, LOU serves most of San Diego as a District Captain for the Convention Of States a Project

of the Citizens For SelfGovernance and is here to present their story. The title of his presentation: “A SOLUTION – AS BIG AS THE PROBLEM”.

LOU was associated with the financial services community and in 1980 founded Lifetime Financial Advisers, Inc., A Registered Investment Advisory firm. He sold the firm to his partner in 2003 and remained as a consultant until his retirement.


MAY 2014

RSVP; Doris Garrison 760-439-8148

Join us for our luncheon Speakers Meeting

Mary Baker Local Activism

Mary Baker is a graduate of Middlebury College and ac6ng President of the San Diego/Orange County Chapter for the non-­‐profit organiza6on, Ci#zens’ Alliance for Property Rights. Mary is also on the board of CA Eagle Forum and the San Diego County Federated Republican Women and is currently developing a RWF Local Ac6vism ini6a6ve for the County of San Diego.Mary is a blogger who researches and writes ar6cles and opinions on the impacts of sustainable development on property rights and our na6on’s sovereignty. In 2012, she co-­‐ published Dimensions of Sustainability, a report designed to help elected officials navigate smart growth implementa6on strategies. Last year, this report was incorporated into a larger publica6on, Sustainable Development in California, and is available on Amazon.com.In 2013, Mary launched a workshop and an accompanying training manual called How to Become a Ci#zen NinjaTM. Mary is a guest speaker in the Southern California region. Her websites are caprsdoc.org and societyoffreerangeamericans.com, and her blog is exurbiachronicles.com. Mary can be reached by email at marybaker@caprsdoc.org.

Where: El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside When: Wednesday June 11, 2014 11:00 am: Meet and Greet 11:30 am: Meeting called to order 12:00 pm: Lunch is served, Roast Pork Loin, Cobb salad or fish 12:30 pm Guest Speakers, Mary Baker, Local Activism

Presented by;

Susan Custer VP of Programs susanbcuster@gmail.com! 760-672-1954

RSVP for lunch: Doris Garrison 760-439-8148 PAGE 2


MAY 2014

Calendar for May/June, 2014!


From Candi Candi Szabo
 3rd Vice President
 Ways & Means candigrams@cox.net

May 2, BUNCO, 6:00pm

Candi’s Home 372 Islander St. Oceanside, CA 92056 May 12, SDCFRW Luncheon,10:00 am, Bahia, San Diego May 12, Central Committee meeting ,Rancho Bernardo. 6:00 pm May 14, ORWF Luncheon Meeting, 11:00 am
 El Camino Country Club. Oceanside


We will be having another Women on Target, Wednesday, May 21st. That is our very popular women-only event where we go out to a beautiful outdoor shooting range in Escondido and are taught how to safely use firearms. Lunch is served and it’s a very informative and entertaining day. There’s only room for 25 ladies, so sign up early. Contact Candi; 760-439-3530, candigrams@cox.net


We still have birthday candles for sale. They are ORWF’s fundraiser. They make a fun gift as well as putting one on your favorite person’s cake. I’ll have them out on the back table every month, but if you find you need one in between, call me and you can come by and pick one up anytime. They are $7.00 for one, or 3 for $20.

May 21, Women on Target, meet at Trader Joe’s May 26, ORWF Board Meeting May 31 Politics 101, 9:30 am Cathy

Hamilton’s home, 2261 Oceanview Rd. 92056 June 2, Southern Division Luncheon Meeting, Pomona 

June 8, ORWF Day at the San Diego County Fair June 9, SDCFRW Luncheon 10:00 am Bahia, San Diego June 9, Central Committee 6:00 pm June 11, ORWF luncheon, El Camino Country Club, 11:00 am June 20. Membership evening event, 5:30 to 8:30 June 26, ORWF Board Meeting June 28, O’side Independence Day Parade

Women on Target

Join us Wednesday, May 21, 2014



MAY 2014

Time to renew your ORWF membership! !


Colleen Vogel 2nd Vice President, Membership.


ORWF! Luncheon

Call her or email today to renew or join

Women on Target ORWF! Board meeting

Politics 101

colleen_vogel@msn.com 760-842-8735 Southern

You can also renew at our luncheon meeting June 11th, 2014!


Election ! Day

Fair Booth

ORWF We are a group of conservative caring women who want to be your conservative home. We are available if you need our assistance or you need prayer or helpful conversation.

Division, luncheon! Pomona

ORWF! Luncheon

Membership reception ORWF! Board Meeting

O’side! Parade

President: Saundra Waecker skwaecker@cox.net 760-492-1774


Chaplain: Janie Booth: janiebooth@cox.net, 760-703-7997

ORWF Birthday’s May and June

Sunshine Lady: Dorothy Schmidt dorschmidt@att.net

Janie Booth May 11! Gary Felien May 14! Joan Parro June 27





What is Smart Growth? Smart Growth Education Series, Part 2 of 6 by Mary Baker, SDCFRW Chair, Local Activism —May,2014 Contact: marybaker@caprsdoc.org -­‐-­‐ Blog: www.exurbiachronicles.com

Sustainable development is the precursor to smart growth and it has become the interna6onal blueprint for living in the 21st Century.


In 1992, at the Rio de Janeiro United Na6ons Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Earth Summit, Agenda 21 was introduced as the comprehensive global plan that would eradicate the communal threats of social, economic and environmental injus6ce. The plan was adopted by more than 178 governments including the United States of America. President George H. W. Bush pledged, on behalf of the American people, to commit to a plan of ac6on that would be implemented in every area in which humans have an impact on the environment.


MAY 2014

In 1993, President Bill Clinton issued Execu6ve Order No. 12852 and created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. In addi6on to working with ‘Captains of Industry’, he contracted with the American Planning Associa6on (APA) to create a blueprint for sustainable development and implementa6on strategies. The subsequent manual was called: Growing Smart and incorporated President Clinton’s request to develop “bold, new approaches to achieve our economic, environmental, and equity goals.” The

blueprint became the legisla6ve guidebook for local governments and was named: Sustainable America: The New Consensus.


By 1999, President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore had the framework they needed to address the “increasing public interest in ‘sprawl’ and other land policy challenges.” With the support of the Clinton Administra6on, Al Gore spearheaded the Livability Agenda and the Lands Legacy Ini?a?ve. These new U.S. ini6a6ves promoted the concept of Smart Growth. “ The aim of the agenda [was] to help communi6es across America grow in ways that ensure[d] a high quality of life and strong, sustainable growth.”


In 2001, the Interna6onal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) generated a report sta6ng that man was responsible for global warming. The IPCC is the leading interna6onal body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Na6ons Environment Program (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organiza6on (WMO) to provide the world with a clear scien6fic view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its poten6al environmental and socio-­‐economic impacts. The UN General Assembly endorsed the ac6on by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC.



MAY 2014


June 2001, President George W. Bush requested the US Na6onal Research Council to research and report on the societal and ecological impacts of global warming on America.


“President Bush made a policy statement on June 11, 2001, following release of the NRC report […] acknowledge[ing] that the world has warmed and that greenhouse gases have increased, largely due to human ac6vity, […]. The President then outlined the U.S. approach as rejec6ng the Kyoto Protocol* and favoring voluntary ac6ons, increased scien6fic research, beOer technology, and market mechanisms.” *The Kyoto Protocol to the United Na6ons Framework Conven6on on Climate Change is an interna6onal treaty that sets binding obliga6ons on industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. (WIKI)


Despite Bush’s rejec6on of the Kyoto Protocol, numerous congressional acts were proposed and many approved that would support the trea6es greenhouse gases reduc6on targets; including the California Global Warming Solu6ons Act of 2006, AB 32.

including the Environment Protec6on Agency (EPA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Department of Transporta6on (DOT), and numerous non-­‐ profit organiza6ons such as Smart Growth Network, Smart Growth America, Local Government Commission, Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy and the Na6onal Associa6on of REALTORS have used smart growth principles and the threat of global warming to influence local and state governments to adopt progressive paradigms for change.

Words that should Strike Fear in the Heart of American citizens who love individual freedom and the right of private property ownership


“Smart Growth” “Sustainable Development”


Join the ORWF local Activism Committee, call Pam Chambers 760-722-0648 or email pamchambers@cox.net for details


Since then, with the renewed support of the Obama Administra6on most federal agencies



MAY 2014

ORWF Volunteers needed !


ORWF San Diego County Fair: Sunday June 8th 2014 Republican Federated Women have a booth at the San Diego County Fair. We have had the same booth for 25 years. We need you to work at the booth! What Do we Do? We register voters and answer questions about being a Republican woman.


Each of the 21 Federated clubs in the county are responsible for working a day at the booth


Sunday June 8, 2014 is our Day!!!!! We need to fill four 3 hour shifts from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm. PLEEEASE Help us!! . We can carpool, we will buy your admission to the fair, work 3 hours and then enjoy the rest of the day at the fair We need volunteers for all of these shifts


10:00 am to 1:00 pm 1:00 pm til 4:00 pm: 4:00 pm till 7:00 pm 7:00 pm til 10:00 pm.

ORWF Volunteers of the Month, 2014


January: Mary Azevedo


February: Katherine Ballinger


March: Kathleen Clark


April: Cathy Hamilton


May: Doris Garrison

We need 3 people per shift. Will you help us?? Call Saundra Waecker 760-492-1774, skwaecker@cox.net or Pam Chambers 760-722-0648, pamchambers@cox.net


Independence Day Parade:

June 28, Saturday, come join us for the parade, help us decorate our float and join us on the float in the parade call Pam Chambers



Politics Topic for Politics 101, Convention Of the States: Saturday, May 31

CONVENTION Of The STATES: What is it? Ci0zens concerned for the future of their country, under a federal government that's increasingly bloated, corrupt, reckless and invasive, have a cons0tu0onal op0on. We can call a Conven0on of States to return the country to its original vision of a limited federal government that is of, by, and for the people. Why Do We Want to Call a Convention of States? Washington, D.C., is broken. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people...The federal government has overreached its constitutionally-­‐established boundaries and has its hands in almost every area of our lives. Our children and grandchildren will inherit a bankrupt nation run by an unaccountable bureaucracy. Article V allows us to call a Convention of States to restrict the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, effectively returning the citizens' rightful power over the ruling elite. Together, state legislators and citizens can recover the checks and balances on federal power to protect our liberty from the abuses in Washington DC.

MAY 2014

ORWF 2014 Board


President: Saundra Waecker skwaecker@cox.net, 760-492-1774

! ! ! ! !

First V.P.: Susan Custer susanbcuster@gmail.com Second V.P.: Colleen Vogel vogel@msn.com Third V.P.: Candi Szabo candigrams@cox.net Treasurer: Mary Azevedo MaryZ@mary-z.com Recording Secretary: Cathy Hamilton claygirl@cox.net


Corresponding Secretary: Doris Garrison 760-439-8148

! !

Parliamentarian: Kathy Clark kclark1060@sbcglobal.net Advisor and past president: Joan Parro joanparro@gmail.com

! ! !

Chaplain: Janie Booth janiebooth@cox.net Hospitality: Kelly Pelekis jak104@gmail.com Hedge/Local Activism: Pam Chambers,pamchambers@cox.net Pam Connolly

! ! !

Caring for America: Julie Sturk ricnjulie@yahoo.com Registration: Katherine Ballinger, Lois Tubandt, Christina Maynard Pat Berry, we love you; Hurry Back!!!!



MAY 2014

Caring For America

Veterans Association of North County Memorial Day Celebration Monday May 26th at VANC, 1617 Mission Ave. Oceanside,CA 10:00 am Special Guest David Brahms Brigadier General USMC(Ret.)

Way to go Kathleen Clark, Parliamentarian for ORWF and volunteer for VANC. Kathy is responsible for writing the Grants that helped VANC receive this check for $50,000



MAY 2014

ORWF Membership Sunset Reception Friday evening June 20, from 5:30 to 8:30.


Join us at 815 South Pacific Street Oceanside, CA

Complimentary Food, Drink and Conversation. Please come to welcome prospective new members and to honor our regular membership. Bring a new prospective member and receive a special door prize


Our Speaker for the evening Featuring the new best selling author and conservative bloggers

Politi Chicks PAGE 10


MAY 2014

Politi Chicks Rick

Ann-Marie Murrell Oceanside Republican Women Federated New Membership Reception Friday June 20, 2014

! featuring Politi Chicks !

RSVP to Doris Garrison 760-439-8148


ORWF members please join us or help us by volunteering to bring an Hor D’Oeuvre or Dessert

Ann-Marie Murrell is


the original anchor and

Show and Front Page

National Director/Editor-

Magazine’s Glazov

in-Chief of PolitiChicks.tv,


which was nominated at

Ann-Marie has co-

CPAC 2013 as the

authored a book with

“People’s Choice Blogger

Morgan Brittany and Dr.

of the Year”. Ann-Marie

Gina Loudon called

recently received Front

‘What Women (Really)

Page Magazine’s Glazov

Want’ which will be

Gang Ronald Reagan

released early September.

Award for 2013.

You can find Ann-Marie

In addition to

on Facebook (Ann-Marie

PolitiChicks, Ann-Marie

Murrell) and Twitter

writes for Conservative


websites including

Ann-Marie Murrell

TownHall, Daily Caller, Front Page Magazine and The Blaze. Ann-Marie has appeared

Anchor & National Director/Editor-inChief PolitiChicks.tv

on the Dr. Phil Show, Fox News, BlazeTV, the Dennis Prager Show, and she is a regular commentator and guest host on One America’s


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