BG Magazine #18 Int'l

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Style and attitude for Second Life Bad girls and bad guys

Delicate Balance

Issue #18 - April/May, 2009

Is there love in Second Life?

index 78

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4 6 12 20 36 44 50 52 58 72 78 90 92

Editorial Happy Happenings Interview — SS Galaxy’s Staff Love 2.0 AD Choices - Unbelievable Places AD Choices - Gallery Bad Girl Good Guy Ridiculous Profile — Biduzão Congrejo Films that we never did Linden Lag

Issue 17 - Apr/May 2009

Chief Editor: Alyne Dagger Fashion Editor: Lucrecia Slade Art Direction: Alyne Dagger and Lucrecia Slade Photos: Alyne Dagger and Lucrecia Slade (except where credited) Comercial Department: Marcello Winston Staff: Graphic Design: Alessa Glas Translation: Roddrigo Rossi BG Magazine is independent and it does not publish conflicting opinions with the ideal of the magazine nor even for all Lindens in the world. When we speak well, we are good. When we speak ill of, we are the best!

Site: Group: Bad girls go everywhere Flickr: A Lucrecia that is not Borgia


Alyne Dagger

Editorial “Well the love shack is a little lovely place where we can get together...”* This excerpt from the “Love Shack” song by B-52’s starts our edition because the “love shack” described by that band is a heaven, more or less like the SL for many couples in love. And not by chance, the kitsch band, which have been on Brazil recently, was the inspiration for that picture of us, which is a little glimpse from the terrific fashion shoot (another one) that Lucrecia has prepared for you and the shoot took place on the genius freak show room environment. Lately, the metaverse had been a stage for real romances which can also be only virtual, but the fact is that, as we’ll show throughout this issue, just because the love is virtual doesn’t mean that is less. Everything on this issue is dedicated to live love without guilt in Second Life, it can be dancing together, it can be peeking on the romantic shoots at our Gallery, the matter is to let it be infinite while it lasts, as said by Vinicius de Moraes, Brazilian poet. We hope you love it. ;)

Aline Dagger Content editor and baaaad singer * “Love Shack” - B-52’s/Cosmic Thing - Reprise Records, 1989

Fernando Pessoa said that “all the love letters are ridiculous.” Indeed, love makes us be vexaminous, you get your head up and down, and it boldly takes us where our avatars ever been. It is where we go in our fashion editorial for this month. I also witnessed what love of Art is able to do — artists from various countries participated of a contest of ice sculptures, where originality, balance, colors, exotic shapes come together to delight the public. This is love — to be blessed with the gift of art and share the beauty with people. And if you see us smiling as well, will laugh even more the vision we have of the films we love. How they would be if they were filmed (by us) in Second Life? Love, love, love ... I go singing in love with the Beatles’ song .....

Lucrecia Slade Fashion editor and sexy voice

ICED BEAUTY A contest of ice sculptures happened at Alpine Executive Center, one of the most popular SIMs, conected with business events, art and high level entertainment.

Happy Happenings - Alpine Center

On 3rd May 2009 at the Alpine Executive Center and the Ice Caverns Gallery happened a competition of sculptures of ice. The goal of the contest was to choose a work to decorate the event of launching a server from Unysis, which happens at the end of May in Second Life. Fifteen virtual artists were entered the contest and 12 judges were chosen, all of them of different nationalities. The winning sculpture is called Ice Catleya, of Brazilian graphic designer Hallison Usher (SL), which, in addition to the trophy of ice, also received an award in lindens.

The winning work is Brazilian: Ice Catleya, of Hallison Usher.

TonyEMS Heying is the entrepreneur of vision that drives the Alpine Executive Center, a company that develops technology solutions for meetings of executives. He believes the meetings in virtual environments as the next step to support the business in RL. As a logical consequence, he created the Alpine Executive Center within the virtual environment of Second Life. Built by himself with some help of creative people in SL, the center meets the Real Life and Second Life almost continuously. The SL community is welcome to visit and enjoy the fun of the island and many businesses and entrepreneurs in RL can use the tools available with the objective of maximizing the effectiveness of your meetings, conferences, training or research activities.

Sunset Quinnel, organizer and curator of the exhibition.

TonyEMS Heying, owner of Alpine Executive Center

Bad Girls interview/ SS Galaxy Staff

Aboard on a dream Sonho de consumo de muitos residentes apaixonados, um casamento no SS Galaxy pode chegar à casa dos milhares de Lindens. Por trás desse sonho, uma tripulação de residentes dedicada e apaixonada, que se empenha em transformar um casamento ou jantar romântico virtual numa ocasião inesquecível para a primeira e a segunda vida. Entrevistamos por e-mail DBDigital Episilon, gerente de bordo e Lilian Schumman, diretora de entretenimento para conhecer e entender melhor este sonho apaixonado.

Bad Girls interview/ SS Galaxy Staff

What are your functions and what do they mean, in a practical way, for the organization of the ship?

Bad Girls Magazine:

Well basically I oversee all of the Galaxy’s operations. Everything from events, catering, rentals, the mall, and beyond. We have many staff that have specific duties, some more general. All of that must be coordinated.

DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: I

am responsible for all LIVE shows at SS Galaxy, it means: contact singers and/or managers, contract them adjusting fees, dates and times, post the event in SL Events, make Group messages and notices also Host de event itself. I’m responsible also for the Geishas events that happen twice a month in our Japanese Restaurant, and some DJ events.

Couple dancing at The Zodiac and the Gazebo

finding romance aboard. The SS Galaxy has all of the features one would require: romantic locations, luxurious rooms, lots of enjoyable events and more than I can’t list here. You have “port destinations” throughout the year. Now you are docked in Barcelona. How do this work in terms of tourism and, of course, romance? Bad Girls Magazine:

Bad Girls Magazine:

How it was developed the concept of a center of entertainment, luxury, charm and romance -- that always marked the SS Galaxy’s “joie de vivre”?

Our port locations serve to give our guests a location to visit while aboard and further enhance the feeling of being on a real cruise ship. More activities are available at our ports than what we could offer alone. Just like in Real Life. It also serves to increase tourism and romantic interludes on both sides.

Well as you know cruise ships, in general, have popularized the concept of

The Galaxy has an aura of glamour and romance. How and when you see

DBDigital Epsilon:

DBDigital Epsilon:

Bad Girls Magazine:

Moonlight Terrace is the ship’s apple eyes, romantically talking. How do it works and what expect from a night in the Terrace? Bad Girls Magazine:

It gives our guests the opportunity to have a romantic dinner in one of the best locations possible in SL. They can expect a dedication to the best dinner experience possible. DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: I

this “working”, or better, you see people coming, and knowing each other, flirting and beginning a romance? Often people come to the SS Galaxy, are impressed, and start to attend events and other activities. Often renting a suite and stay aboard awhile. And during this time they find someone with similar thoughts and feelings. Like many things in life, even if you are not looking for romance, it may find you.

DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: It

happened whit some of us here. DBDigital and Lacey for example that work together, Pielady our Gallery Curator and Rick, one of the artist that made an expo there or like me and Reyfer that was a cruiser and we knew ourselves during a vacation that he did at SS Galaxy and many others.

particularly prefer another place to a romantic night, the Gazebo on the top of Zodiac Ballroom. Just few people know this amazing place where you get a great view from ship, sea and Sagitaria State. An awesome sunset with a romantic couple dance, far from everything but near the Starts. Hmmmm. So romantic. There are love stories that you witnessed amongst people who attend the Galaxy? Bad Girls Magazine:

Yes quite a few. Some that met on the ship and even had their wedding here later on. DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: Bella

and Arkady, from staff is an amazing history that came from SL to RL. They knew here, married here at SS Galaxy, and after that they meet at RL also and he moved to her country. So beautiful.

Leisure deck

And what do you personally think about love in Second Life? Bad Girls Magazine:

It doesn’t make a difference virtual or RL, if the feelings are there. For a long time way before computers people used ‘love letters’. Love in SL is just a far enhanced method on the same concept.

DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: Do

you know, to me there are no difference between RL and SL. I see SL as a community in the same way we can see ICQ, MSN, Skype, Orkut, Facebook, and others. This is just one more way to communicate with other people. Of course someone use SL to hide their RL life, but I am the same person in both worlds. I think cause that Rey and I are together now. We think in same way, we don’t separate RL and SL, because I think we can not separate feelings, isn’t it?

Geisha night at the Tea House.

Recently the chapel and the ceremonial suffered a makeover (besides other places in the Galaxy complex). How this affected the attend of couples that looks for a wedding ceremony in the ship (more... less..)? Bad Girls Magazine:

Well I wouldn’t call it “suffered a makeover”. It is true we rebuilt the chapel area to give it a more “open air” and unique feel compared to a “more of the same” look that is common to SL. The reception of the renovation has been very positive. DBDigital Epsilon:

SS Galaxy has a complex maintaining structure and has significant fees for supporting. There’s public for 800 L dinners and weddings that can cost more than 30k lindens? Bad Girls Magazine:

Yes that is the largest package. But we have much smaller available as well, in DBDigital Epsilon:

The chapel and the reception ballroom

several sizes and price ranges. Our room rent (for example) range from 35L a day to 12600 a week. People want to “appear” in the weddings that occur in the chapel or there is a true feeling that motives who wants to marry virtually with luxury? Bad Girls Magazine:

Yes people will usually want the best for the person that they have deep feelings for, which is more affordable in SL vs RL. Sometimes it is because they are together in RL and wants the best because they can’t have it in RL. Other times it is because they can’t meet in RL due to one reason or another and through SL they can be together and have the best this world has to offer.

DBDigital Epsilon:

Bad Girls Magazine: There is some statistics about the

duration of marriages that you made in the Galaxy?

The main entrance with a miniature of the ship.

We don’t keep such statistics but I know of several marriages performed on the Galaxy that have lasted over a year. DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: Bella and Ark are together almost for 2

years if I’m not wrong, and DB and Lacey more than 1 year.. lol Bad Girls Magazine: Lag is the great villain of SL weddings.

Honestly, SS Galaxy gets to escape from this? Careful building and monitoring is a great part of it. A large wedding is likely to have some slow downs, but you compensate for that as best you can. You need to keep the experience enjoyable and your customers happy. DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: We

use to have some addboards with tips to reduce lag. And what I could see is that lag just appears when your computer is not so good like mine..lolol

believe that the luxury of the event counts for the success of a wedding? Luxury can certainly be a part of it, but is not the whole experience. There are many contributing factors that make the “Galaxy Experience”. As I said we do have smaller package available for those that don’t want the larger packages. DBDigital Epsilon:

The crew, in the Christmas event

How many people work, in general, in the events? Is it possible to have a job on the ship?

Bad Girls Magazine:

Yes it is very possible to get a job on the ship. We have roughly 50 people as staff.

DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: Wow

50?? How many people I don’t know..lolol…. Well during an event we use to have 2 staff people at minimum. But usually have much more, the Manager Director are there the most part of time, also a host person, and even that one of staff is on and know that is an event occurring they appears.. :) You guarantee a unique and unforgettable event for every couple that wants a wedding ceremony in SS Galaxy. Do you

Bad Girls Magazine:

Bad Girls Magazine:

What do you like to say to our

readers? We hope that you will come experience the Galaxy for yourself. It is different for everyone. The Galaxy Experience can not be described it must be lived. :) DBDigital Epsilon:

Lilian Schumann: Well

I’m at SS Galaxy since my beginnings time at SL and I can not change it for nothing, I love here, is my home and as me there are many other people that fall in love for SS Galaxy. And just to use better your magazine and this opportunity, I would like to inform that next moth will be the SS Galaxy 2nd anniversary and we will do some great events during a weekend between 19th and 21st, June. So.. I will be waiting for your visit there. :)

Cover Article

Love 2.0 How the Second Life re-invented romance

Something around two in the morning, a woman says goodbye to her virtual boyfriend. She’s in Brazil, he’s in somewhere in Europe, he awoken some hours earlier. The day ends for her, it’s just begin for him, but both of them were virtually together for a couple of hours. They never saw each other, never touch each other, but they believe they’re in love. Is that a real feeling?

According to Plato, Greek philosopher, (Athens,

his original idea, to the point of, nowadays, the

428/27 – Athens, 347 BC) there was two ways

“platonic love” means not a “pure love”, but that

of love: the first way, called “ideal love”, was

love which never becomes true because it is not

pure, flawless and immortal, not contaminated

corresponded. It isn’t the original concept: the

by regular passions and the second way, the

actual platonic love is that which exists in a world

“vulgar love”, was required, accord to him, for

apart and disconnected from our reality and just

the very existence of the human race, but fated

in this world it can be fulfilled.

to fall in oblivion, as everything in our world which was, still according to his precepts, just a simulacrum of a perfect world in which everything would be more pure, the “ideal world” or the “realm of ideas”.

Second Life, by its characteristics, therefore is a kind of Neoplatonic ideal world where people can show only their minds, “the idea of his self”, in the most of times, behind an avatar which also has characteristics of a perfect being. And the

The idealism philosophy, that is, the concept

question we must answer, therefore is: is this

that above the reality there’s a “perfect idea” of

ideal love real? Is there it in fact?

things and love, would be forgotten during the Middle Age, that would be rediscovered just after the Renaissance. The “ideal love” is the key concept of the romantic love as we know at our days, reborn in the 19th century by the Neoplatonic philosophers. This “reborn of love” had been become the man-woman relationship even more important, until reach our days, when almost every songs talks about love and everyone wants to love and be loved. But if the father of romanticism, Plato, although, had been corrupted throughout centuries from

It’s important to underline that we aren’t simply talking about relationship, as we did at the number 2 issue of BG Magazine, but the feeling which moves a person behind the avatar, which makes someone to take care and affection for somebody that never saw, felt, met before the Second Life and many times that one can be in the other side of the world. The person in Second Life, even the most sincere one, tries to show only his best side, although, in many of times, the virtual environment gradually obligates us, regardless

Plato’s philosophy: we are just a shadow of the perfect world

our wish to hide our flaws, to reveal who we really are, specially for those from our daily routine. Therefore, the virtual “i love you” can be just a teasing, but shouldn’t be said in vain. At the time when Second Life were recent, to see marriages happen and ending in a question of weeks were more often. As the attitudes of people behind the avatars grows mature is more and more often to meet people with months or even years in a virtual relationship. From those consolidate relationships we taken the most of our research, but we also analyzed that ephemeral and remarkable, distressed many times, relationships that also happen in SL. In the most of times we forget about that Second Life isn’t just a game, like the most of virtual environments, but is also a relationship network (like Orkut, MySpace, etc). That’s the reason our contacts receive the distinction of “friends” by the SL interface, even those who we don’t remember how they end there. Looking over your contact list, probably you’ll see you have since promoters and commercial contacts until possible romantic interests, there’s no possible graduation, but any person knows that among theirs contacts there’s much more than just friends.

But in a list of “friends” those who are

Is the virtual love real, then? There isn’t

elected to truly receive this title clearly

a conclusive answer, unless for those

are few, and among these few, there’s

who are living it. What really matters is

always someone that the sympathy can

to respect the others, their limits. If this

erupt in a feeling that some people define

limit is only to keep it in SL and you want

as impossible to explain. The virtual love

RL, then, look another companion, for

doesn’t happens because of the avatar:

most painful that it can be. RL is RL and

is a fruit from the mutual sympathy of

SL is SL, everybody knows that. If the

those who are behind the avatars. And

one’s choice is RL and the other one’s

what defines the deepness of this feeling

SL, it cannot work, period. And invest

isn’t the possibility of it to become into

hard in something that won’t work just for

something real as well, but the goal of

stubbornness is stupidity.

those who are implicated in it.

Is it less than love because it won’t end

It’s impossible that a person who wants

on a real bed, or into marriage? The

something in RL can sustain a healthy

answer is NO. There’s any rule to love.

and durable romance with a person that

Yes, you can love a person in a different

is in SL without this same expectations. In

way from that you loved all others before,

other hand, two people who are married

and you can don’t want to take this

in RL truly can appreciate a deep feeling

relationship to reality because it wouldn’t

and they can never want this relationship

work out of the virtual plan, that doesn’t

to become real. These are usual

condemn you to the death penalty in any

expectations that defines the endurance

way. The human being is a social being,

of a relationship in SL, not the possibility

it needs to interact and that’s the reason

to become this real. And those who thinks

that Second Life looks so boring when

that romance in SL is only valid and real

we found ourselves alone in it. We’re

when it also goes to RL, they really need

there to interact.

to rethink their perspective about love.

Talking about the sexual aspect, let’s leave the super boring and already exhaustively debated fidelity issue out of the question and let’s pay attention and analyze what’s the valor of the virtual sex: many people get haste to condemn the practitioners saying that is a “reality breakout”, that is “a delusion”, but they forget that what is abstract isn’t necessarily unreal. It’s more unreal a woman to pretend orgasm in the RL just to please an insensitivity partner than she stimulates herself aside a virtual partner.

Saying that we aren’t preaching the substitution

in any way, just advised about the risks to be

of RL touching and tender, but saying that each

taken by false expectations.

one should look happiness in wherever could find it. Who will condemn a handicap person who finds in Second Life the most multiple pleasures, including the sexual? There are accounts about impaired, morbidly obese, handicap people who found in the Second Life people that comprehended and loved them, including in the sexual aspect. Many times the virtual sex works for give pleasure to those who needs to feel alive in the real world. And the same people also can find in the SL a way to avoid the solitude in the RL. Of course emotionally fragile, ill or special needs people take the most emotional risk in the SL than people with a plentiful RL. For that very reason is advised to people in these conditions, able to suffer from prejudice, to not hide their conditions and to start their experience in the metaverse in safe islands such the live2give, with other people in the same conditions to understand what is the Second Life before to deal with it on the other islands. And if they have the luck to find someone to virtually join with them, and not counting as obstacles their RL limits, they don’t have to be constrained

Talking about that, the equivocated expectations are the main reason for the virtual romances to wreck. It’s required clearness of intentions since the first moment. Those who are open to the virtual romance must prepare themselves also to the great possibility for disappointment: many times experienced and intelligent people forget that the avatar isn’t the person and even in the RL many signs are misunderstanding, realize it then in Second Life. Must need to be cautious to begin a virtual romance, is required to take step by step: it’s part of the caution against the false expectations not to think, in the day after, after several hours in a hot chat with that magnificent avatar, that you found your better self. A chat is ONLY a chat, even when it’s involve hot dialogues and findings of things and mutual interests. It’s hard to rationalize feelings, but is essential to rationalize behaviors. If you found someone terrific, it’s cool, but take it easy. Don’t throw on the newly met “soul mate” shoulders the burden to immediately be your virtual better self.

And it’s important to remember another kind of

everything what was said here and reevaluate

attitude: many well married people bring their

your own experiences in the RL and in the

partners to the metaverse, many times because

Second Life. A virtual romance, the experience

they feel themselves lonely and they don’t want

to love someone without know the face is indeed

to get involved with other people in the Second

something more complex than it looks like: just

Life. This is a nice thing, but must be discussed

the time will say if those huge sympathies from

previously. The partner who already is a resident

the first chatting are the basis for a love. If you

must be patient trying to explain to the other the

didn’t found someone who completes you the

game dynamics and to respect the other limits,

problem could not be on you, but on what your

including to entitle the other to hate SL or even to

want. Find your true will before to look for a

not want to live a new version of their love in the


ideal world.

Is inconvenient to ignore the risks: those who

Don’t push limits, don’t be a boring and don’t

decide to begin any kind of virtual relationship,

force nobody to be with you just because you

such as in the real life, is giving a leap on

think SL is great. If the other didn’t like it, so be it,

the trapeze without a safety net: the risks

if the other one like it and want “to be single” in

of disappointments and disappoints aren’t

the SL, discuss about it. Don’t be you a jealous

nonexistent and not even we can say that are

pain in the neck who brought your partner to

less than those from the real life, but is important

the metaverse. If the couple want to refresh the

to know that such as in the first as in the second

marriage in a virtual way, they must to discuss

life, to be with other will only happens in a

about it very well previously to not hop aboard on

plentiful way if you, in first place, are in peace

a boat with holes and to destroy a real marriage

with your own consciousness.

finding hair on eggs.

Read further lots of statements from residents,

And for those who are looking and have

single, married and “well livid” ones, short stories

passed by many, many virtual romances and

of virtual romances.

are dashed, a little piece of advice: think about

Statements We’d asked some residents about what is love in the Second Life, amazing answers about love and to live as a couple in the SL. Singles and married couples had unleashed their mouths and we concluded that basically everybody believes that yes, can exist love in the Second Life.

Alahah Himmel Married in the Second Life with Slyborg Slade. I must confess that wrote this article isn’t was an easy task for me, because love is a delicate issue and the relationships aren’t easy in any world. Since a little time before to date in the second life were for me a nonsense subject, a very odd madness. Good heavens, they are little dolls on my computer. It’s dumbness to think that could have any feeling for a person who i never had a previous contact, who i never knew exactly how his face were, but, for my astonishment, i saw myself in a “very odd insane” story. The first time I saw him was on the Orkut, I was subtly seeing the things he used to do, how he spoke, and I note that could be a kind person, until one day I send a shy message, a comment about something he had built. For my surprise he answered me. We exchange a few other shy

messages, we saw each other on a party in the SL and our subject, always friendly, would become even more interesting. One day he asked me to meet the little house he had built, I knew that was a beautiful place, I’d seen some pictures before. When I arrived, my heart sped and I realized that even without touch or even had seen the face from who was commanding that avatar I was feeling something different. What a silly, I thought so, I’m a real silly. I tried to take apart from him fearing what was happening, but with time I was missing that avatar, I used to enjoy to be with him. He’s a tender, funny, friendly person, when the chips were down, we were already involved, dating and I loving it. What was a insanity is now my happiness. As I said in the beginning, relationships are complex, and in the Second life they are even more delicate. People have more freedom, they are “safe” by their computers, everybody is beautiful, muscular, we have nice hair and flawless skins at any time of the day. The sin isn’t in the next door anymore, because any place is one TP far. All this ease makes that the relationships often became fragile. The trick is to understand that behind of an avatar there’s a person, with feelings, fears, venom, perversions, etc.

Mix up RL with SL is another very complex thing and it must be treated case by case. Some people only plays in the SL and deal well with it, but others don’t take in consideration the possibility to date someone virtually unless that they have a similar relationship with the same person in the reality. Whatever it is, I found that is possible to have an intense and happy relationship in the second life and, despite the distance and limits, it’s possible to share feelings, to be entail, to have lots of fun. We never know how long will last a relationship, whether in the Second Life or in the real life, but the important is to understand that is possible among all this madness, if you have luck, to find love.

Tiamat Bingyi Dragoness, Linden mentor for Portuguese language. Married in RL/SL with Anima Rainmaker I’m married. And live in peace with this relationship. For me the SL wasn’t for meet somebody, but I’d faced with a lot of needy people who were trying something with me, whether humans or creatures, men and women. I’ve accepted the partnership with Anima because I like him too much and expecting the end of the harassment. Yes. I believe in love in the SL, yes. I’d loved the two partners I had in the SL, Anima came to know me in person after we’re in love in virtual then the relationship migrates to Real. He left Joinville to try earn a living in São Paulo, he’d lodged temporary at my house, but today isn’t temporary anymore... lol. My first partner were American and a lonely person. He wished to be with me, but when he was online, usually we were apart from each other. After the marriage in the SL he disappeared, and our friends used to say they saw him in clubs and adult furry places having fun with others, han... cheating on me, being that we never had intimacies. I felt like a prize, something valuable to be kept around, but

to never be brought into play. The Marriage lasts one week, I liked him too much but that impression of “being cheated” and the friends gossip made me uncomfortable. Anima were his “SL brother” and he always ended up being with me. How that affect the RL? It wasn’t a big deal, because the countries distance itself have made me stay down to earth, but in the RL I’ve still facing the fears of my separation. I realize that was more the fears from my RL experience that made me to be cautious with Anima. (hehehe yes, he says that I was hard in the beginning).

Alexia Ballinger Single, raver, free I believe in love in the SL, because people give themselves up in here as in the RL, wanting it or not, sl and rl are side by side. We’ve jealous, we’ve been thinking about the person even in the RL and we look forward for the time to enter into the virtual world. I fell in love here and I’ve taken it to RL, it was very good while it last, almost two years. Then, he didn’t log in anymore, the relationship ends due to RL and SL problems. He left his mark on my life, and for good, that’s the reason that I don’t want to say his name because he’d back to play and he’s with other girl. The SL dating story had an end for me. Now, I want love, true love only in the RL: here I want to be single and be happy with it.

MadRico Roux Month’s Good Guy, single, RPG player There’s Love in the SL, because some people already found it, but that isn’t my case: yes, it’s possible to love here, but it’s not a fulfilled love without RL, that depends a lot on the person’s needy, there’s people in the SL suffering for love, I’ve met lots of cases. I won’t say that I ‘d like to fall in love here, that isn’t my main intention, but if that happens I’ll invest on it to take to the RL, but I think it’s hard to happen to me...

Bad girls have good friends! a.c. store Glox City (78, 118, 23)

caos comunicação Caos Village, Tsering (187, 34, 94)

cineclube alexandria Paradox Valley (105, 175, 24)

happy clam Happy Clam Island (127, 127, 32)

hippie market Sled (182, 73, 93))

samba brazil RJ City (105, 67, 35)

village brasil Village Brasil (46, 31, 579)

universidade brasil virtual Vestibular Brasil W (223, 210, 22) Fortes Perez Cultural (212, 125, 31)

Alyne Dagger Choices One of the favorite dates in SL for the couples in love is to slow dance while sharing hot intimacies by IM, and that is the request from this month unmissable places. At the gallery, the romantic and inspirited shoots from Vick Spitteler and the symbolism and vibrant colors from the French Faustine Pau’s work.

AD Choices - Unbeliavable Places

Cheek to cheek

SWe selected for our readers a set of six beautiful and romantic places to please any couple, by the sound of romantic songs which varies as the places style, from standard 50’s jazz and Carlos Gardel tangos to romantic hits from the 80’s and 90’s, passing by contemporary romantic songs. Everything to charm and cuddle your love.

Passioned by tango First SL club exclusively dedicated to tango, the ARRABAL was built on the breathtaking Condensation island. It’s worthy to be known by its architecture, by the dance animations and by the music. Arrabal Tango Club, Condensation Land (31, 224, 22)

Paso doble EL SACROMONTE is a beautiful to death place where we can dance on the best Spanish tradition. A flamenco house, a garden, a beach and even a sub-aquatic ambiance which is a wave rise above in the matter of construction. EL SACROMONTE - Flamenco & Tapas, Liberation (75, 222, 41)

Piano bar A place for live music and jazz which can be considered “retro” in SL because it’s there since 2006, the BLUE NOTE, when it doesn’t have live music it has a delightful radio, the “Martini in the morning”, bumping on the stream. Highly romantic, specially the mega cute little flower store at the club doors! The Blue Note (239, 184, 21)

I did it my way... A really romantic entertainment compound, FRANK’S PLACE has a lot of ambiances with the best quality live music, depending on the schedule. We also highlight SINATRA FALLS, on the same SIM. Franks Place & Galleria Best s, Franks Place (167, 207, 23) Sinatra Falls - Frank’s Secret H, Franks Place 3 (99, 124, 81)

Yeah, yeah, yeah... TOBY’S JUKE is small and cozy, highlighting the good humor which it’d been built and how it’d been administrated, a plus to the fact of hiring good DJ’s and Blues singers, it’s a not usual style in SL. Toby’s Juke Joint Blues Club, Tobys Juke Joint (185, 177, 29)

Play it again, Sam... The inspiration for the BOGART’S JAZZ CLUB came from the 40’s and 50’s romantic movies. On a whole sim dedicated to it, the club also has a shopping mall and a pièce isolée for couples who wants to go further than dancing... Bogart’s Jazz Club & Shops - Rom, Levy (160, 49, 26)

AD Choices - Gallery

Vick Spitteler The passion for photography had happened naturally, since the early days in the metaverse, more than two years ago. And i’m sure it’s a passion that will never ends, it exists to practice my creativity, once that in rl my job is completely bureaucratic. I’m not a professional and not really an artist. My pictures always are made using the sl own scenarios. I’m a really perfectionist when i’m shooting, then i made few retouches and apply few basic filters. I’ve a lot to learn yet, i see lots of terrific works using photoshop, but the main thing that is to evoke emotions on people and be recognized by it, i think i’ve achieved, and that brings me a lot of satisfaction”.”

AD Choices - Gallery

Faustine Pau

Bad Girl of the month

Evil Godess Editor-in-chief from Slag Magazine Thanks to Diesel Works for the posing Chair.

Good Guy of the month

Highlander Madrico Roux Beck and Roux Rock Club owner and Knight, vampire, wizzard... RPG Player.

Fashion editorial

Ridiculous Love leads us to unexpected paths. Even makes us to write love letters. Fernando Pessoa had a opinion about them, said they were ridiculous. And you? Already felt ridiculously in love?

Photos and styling: Lucrecia Slade Models: Lucrecia Slade and Xhentai Kurka





Skin SWEETEST GOODBYE, shape MADESIGNS, eyes EDDESIGN, hair+hat BEWITCHED, nails CANDY NAIL, corset, panties and garters LE BURLESQUE BY OPIUM, stocks SHEER, shoes STILETTO MOODY

Skin SWEETEST GOODBYE, shape MADESIGNS, eyes EDDESIGN, hair BEWITCHED, dress DOUX PETIT DAHE, earrings and necklace GEMSTONE JEWELLERY, bracelets ZAARA, credit card hat SAVVY SHOPPER, shoes MAITREYA

Skin SWEETEST GOODBYE, shape MADESIGNS, eyes EDDESIGN, hair HAIR SALON BETTY, top PUNCH DRUNK, pants GBBERISH, bracelet AI JEWELS, earrings and necklace TWINKLEBERRY, glasses THE CAT EYE BOUTIQUE, lollypop THE DROP, shoes 50 FLATS

Profile/ Biduzão Congrejo

- How did you end up in the SL?

I came during the “boom”, when Fantástico released news talking about the SL, I saw the news and I came in, as many of the newcomers. Talk about your current project in sl, and how the idea has come?

My current project is the very first brazilian island using bdsm as theme. The island was ready to go, however due to problems not concerning to my will, it was suddenly erased: the land was rented and the owners, Jimmie Clift, Christina Parx, Alexandro Alcott, Cris Weatherwax, after they ask for the advanced tier payment, simply left the islands My Way (my island), Brasil Connection, Ponta da Praia and Lost in Love, be vanish. Right now i just intend to resume my project, avoiding struggles with the guilty ones, in another land. Linden lab has returned my objects – i almost lost more than 400k in objects because of the lack of responsibility from others. To rebuild it in another place will be the most delayed thing. But i have patience. The idea come when I decided to stop doing others projects and then start to do projects of my own, following my own will. As many other things, the Brazilians had a lack of options in our language, and BDSM is one of these things. I just knew American islands and the community

that enjoys BDSM is large, if you noticed, in many of the islands you see people that enjoy it, but didn’t had where to discuss ideas and to know other people who shares the same subject, and I did this also for me, for my love and for my slaves to have our own nook, our home, - that house is hard to handle, because it never ends, each day comes up a new idea, as one about built a three floor maze with moveable walls and traps within a reward for those who could trespass it, but we’re still making it, and because of it, the house never ends. Do you love someone in SL? How many time though?

Yes, I have a big love in my life, my May Vayandar, we met at February 10th, she started as one of my slaves, my girl, but day after day, our relationship was becoming more special, each day we’re liking each one more and more, with her I can be myself, without to hide my wills, my desires and what I want to do or to be. She’s my better half, my safe port which I can always looking for. Day after day we’re closer. As any couple, we have our fights, our misunderstandings, jealous, but we always pass by them, sitting down and talking about them. How could I don’t love a woman who gives me a love declaration like that: “TO MY HEART OWNER, BIDUZÃO 2/10, I wish to donate

myself. To submit myself to unconditionally belong to you. Be myself, with Your seeds. Be myself in Your ways. Be myself, with Thy deep marks. Marked on the skin and on the soul. I promised to dedicate You each day more and better. To catch a glimpse of Your eyes as they are precious stones that guide my steps... I’ll abandon my evenness for something bigger, sublime: Your wills, Your wishes, all perversions from Your mind. My complete submit to Thee. Your pleasure: my great subject is to Your ears to be used to my “yes”. My “nos” will be as a conclusion to not disobey Thee. Will come from you my deepest joy. My pleasure will belongs to You. My submission is YOURS, I’ll dedicate myself for Your pleasure. Always submissive to thee!” (SIC). How could I don’t give my heart, my wills and my wishes to a woman who stole my heart, who makes me happy every day, who has with me many projects and wills, together, as in SL as in RL? I’ll take advantage of this space to make my declaration for good to the woman I desire and I want beside me every single day: “May, my heart belongs to you, my wills are your wills, my fate is aside yours, my dream is to make your days happier by my side, my wish is in each day, to look at your eyes, to see your smile, to feel your

tenderness, your hands on my hair, your lips over mine, and to hear your voice, because my wish is to be together with you soon, because I love you too much, come to be happy by my side, come to make me the happiest man on the face of the Earth with the woman I love by my side. What do you like best in Second Life?

What I like best here in SL is the possibility to start a friendship with all kind of people and they do what they like and they are what they want to be, and doesn’t matter if they are white, black, if they are man or woman, their sexual orientation, because this place was made for every one to do what they want to do, to be what they desire, then, what I like most is the freedom to be what you like and who you like, another thing I like here in SL is the possibility to know several different places, in a blink of eyes, the possibility to go to France and right after it to a Japanese island, back to Copacabana and end up in somewhere in space, we have a lot of cool things such as RPG games islands, I love to fight, the possibility to chose a race and defend it, the possibility to enjoy and make a lot of friends, now I’m playing in JS (Cidade do Medo) with the Mage race, I see a lot of interesting people within that race and I think they’re guided very well by a great GM, Du, I

have a lot of friends also in DF, my great friend JM. Nowadays the RPG islands attracts lots of Brazilians, is a great place to have fun and make friends. Another thing that attracts me as well are the shopping and the possibility to chose the style, to change clothes, to decorate things without to wait days to receive a new couch, a bed and other things, in a matter of hours you can decorate all in a way and then unmake all and assembling everything in another style. And the most of all things, the possibility to explore your perversions, since 70% of sl is about sex and violence, so, if someone says they doesn’t like it, they’re lying, because it is the human nature, even more the brazilian’s, everything ends up in sex and naughtiness. What is worst than Lag and Crash in SL?

Intrigue, as any place with many people where always there is someone wanting something or some person who’s with another one, or a place in a better rank, I’ve saw many friendships ends up because of gossips, and in the end that were nothing but someone trying to tip over another one, the people must to learn to enjoy more the things they have, because the life is very short. Another thing is the fake moralists, the ones who hide their

Master Biduz達o and the slave Mackendor Woller

wills and wishes, they judge everyone who decide to do what they want. Isn’t enough of it in the reality? Enjoy to loose: Be what you want, do what you wanna do, but live, as the name says. Have your second life Favorite Lands:

Tempura, a beautiful Japanese island, made to date, dance and enjoy the beauty of the place, but go with someone: secondlife/tempura%20island/137/19/53. Another place very beautiful based upon a tropical island like hawaii, with places to enjoy as couple: The Bay http://slurl.Com/ secondlife/the%20bay/37/179/26. In this island here, where we can spent a lot of time chatting, playing, making friends and a rpg island based on races: http://slurl.Com/ secondlife/ilha%20jewell/142/123/988. There are three bdsm islands that i like best; the first one is a prison, rheinland that is at: http://slurl.Com/secondlife/ rheinland/94/239/22. Another one is an outdoor shopping mall with a lot of dons and subs. There’s nothing there, just a few stores around, but the people likes it, the name’s Marine and Alyssa: http://slurl. Com/secondlife/pak/76/61/105 And, to finish, a big project that is the open

collar, that is a group which develops collars and other high quality objects to slaves charging nothing: http://slurl.Com/secondlife/ fetish%20network/231/205/22 Of course, i’d like my land available right now, but, unfortunately, due to previously reported issues, i’ve to start it again and only then i’ll can invite you to know us. Those who has interest, can contact me by im to get further information. A word for the residents:

Don’t waste your time trying to be what the others want you to be. Be who you are, run after your dreams, your wills and be happy with what you want, not with what other people wants. Be happy, because i spent more than an year to understand that to be happy here is to do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy, we can’t turn back the time, there’s no point to regret, but i’m happy than ever, being myself. So, be yourselves, that’s why we have the sl: to unleash our wills, dreams and desires. If you have the wish to know bdsm or to just discuss an idea, you can came to me, i’ll have the most pleasure to talk with everyone, and as my house is at disposal for everyone, be welcome.

I wanna know

Alyne Dagger comments

Who never thought about another career in Second Life can throw the first rock! After thinking how could be my career as therapist in SL, I decided to bring together Lucrecia and Xhentai, by the way, the most nuts of my friends, and think about our career as SL film producers. That produced the picture from the red carpet that we never frequented due to the Oscars never accomplished by the...

...Films that we never did! A production of total insanity written, starred, directed and produced by Alyne Dagger, Lucrecia Slade and Xhentai Kurka!

name always i last one!

Maybe becau you had the

brilliant idea to choose a nickname

beginning wit

w why my

Yeah, but who‛ll pay for the studio tier?

is the



th X!

Smile and wave! We‛re chic, stylish and international!

Plot: Rhett loves Scarlett who loves Ashley who loves the lovely Melanie. The Openspaces War begins and everyone has to save the land, making a kitty to pay the tier. Then, Scarlett starts to sell pirate clothes and skins and she’s abandoned by her great love and says, at the windlight sunset: “Even that I have to betray, to steal, to kill, to lie, I swear that I’ll never use a copybot again!!!!”

We‛ve a cast problem. We found no one to play the lovely Melanie. Every girl who showed up for the audition was too big or looked like a ghetto chick. No one will believe in a good girl who bounces her booty... Why don‛t you two take Odd or Even? The winner plays Scarlett, the loser plays the good girl. Take a well look at us two. It‛s easier for me to play Mammy than the good girl. And Alyne says that Scarlett is the role of her life. ¬¬

I have a better plot: let‛s dismiss the good girl, the good guy, Mammy and make a film in which I by myself get you two, how it sounds?

Sheesh... sheesh...

300 (or better saying, 100 – because on the land there’s no more room) Plot: King Leonidas gathered his best warriors, armed with spears, shields, swords, built and cut bodies, to fight against the Persian invasion (which comes from rear).

May I know the reason, prima dona?

Damn, I‛m not really up with it.

Me and other 99 males. There‛s no woman in this film?

It had one, but the land has no room for her. I had a hard time to find Xerxes... He is bald but he has a super stylish eyebrow for the moment he suspend it embracing Leonidas from behind.

Damn... Thanks, love! You all are mega cute!!!

What this thing about embracing? All right, the crap there with so lag because of the full Land and yet comes a six feet tall male hugging me from behind? I‛m off!

Sheesh again. ¬¬

Plot: Neo is a short, fatty, bald, ugly, poor guy and lives in a distant place. But in the Matrix he’s a God and his only problem is to take care with Smith Linden, the agent who wants to kick him off the Matrix.

This film will be a disaster.


Because all the shorty, fatty, balds, uglies, poor and living in distant places people of SL will think we‛re screwing them.

And aren‛t we?

We‛ve to stop the production. Linden Lab said that we can‛t use the name Linden on the movie; it‛s a copyright violation. Sheesh once again...

Plot: Maria is new in Second Life and will work taking care of a virtual family with six children and a Prim baby. She tries to teach them how to sing, but Voice is always with problems and no one can place six people to sing in a stream.

C... is how you look at something, A... is almost the same in Lag, E, is what I ask to send me a message, F... This song is AWFUL I know, but it isn‛t supposed to sing but to be written on chat. No one will notice that doesn‛t rhymes! Musical is already a bad thing, without music then...

Alyne, there‛s no way to make a... mute musical!

I know... sheesh.

Oh yes.

Plot: No plot. Xhentai refuses to colaborate...

Homophobic! Don‛t even start, Alyne! This time it is only YOUR fault!!!!!!!

After more than 200 attempts...

Let‛s do a porn movie?

No, let‛s make Kung-fu Panda!

And, during the training scene we kick your ass off, what do you think? Sheesh, sheesh...


Alyne Dagger

Linden I love unusual avatars, and that piggy which, from the shop Pink Fuel(Osaka -64, 64, 33) was on the pornosophy ending event wearing an unbelievable BDSM tag is the most of cuteness!

For nando yip because he is the man! Talented sl and rl artist, he shows it in pictures like that, which the title - “narcissus” - spoke for its own. It’s not by accident he’d won the second news brasil forum’s contest:

The soul have been too light nowadays that in this month this page will be whitey whitey, on the behalf of love and peace.

For the hilarious ena boa, a portuguese with a genius humor and with priceless glimpses that always makes me laugh a lot kiss, portuga! :P One of the most high spirit DJ’s on all over the grid, thomtrance O’toole had found a better half for good on the Zen foxy Ashima Balut, now, his official partner. And from her Flickr I stole the picture from the happy couple. :)

Jacopo Perenti and Loglady Loon deserve my linden by the set of courageous realizations, such as the FreakShowroom exhibition and the Pornosophy, an event that gave people something to talk about. We’re waiting more creative events from this amazing and stylish couple!

Talking about stylish, stylish at the most and really out of series is the artist Bunny Brickworks, who is assuming her place and conquering fans with her artistic work which privileges the eroticism.

The Slag Magazine is really one of the great recent news of Issuu: in a tiny world in which every week comes to light a new publication (it looks like that’s become the trend to produce a magazine about SL), a courageous group decided to seriously dedicate themselves on a tabu subject: virtual sex. With humbleness and talented photographers, they’ve created a magazine which has the necessary humor to not be simply banality or even vulgarity, despite the delicate approached subject. We recommend!

Alyne Dagger

LAG Beloved Jesus! Someone has to convince Philip Linden (yes, him, the father of SL) that he’s avatar is out of fashion since 2005. Even with a lot of inducement for designers to model shapes, to design clothes, to create skins, doesn’t the uncle Linden make any point of scratch his little pocket to throw some little linden dollars on the account of any SL creator? Please, at least a Flexi hair, if you don’t want to retire that SL vintage version of the Latin gigolo with a wild hog’s mustache... modeling clay hair, that doesn’t work, Philip!

The watermelon lady on the picture, for most unbelievable that could seem, isn’t brazilian, but a legitimate american who had a good taste for skin and she’s wearing a shape and clothing that doesn’t compromised too much, but... She spent a thousand linden dollars on a shoe (i won’t say the store’s name, haha) and more than that, she probably had been beaten a lot from the unfriendly menu and even then to look like she’d stepped into the mud until her ankles. Isn’t that a shame? THE HEALTH MINISTRY ADVISES: PANTIES, DON’T LEFT YOUR HOME WITHOUT IT! I was asking myself if I should or not to publish this picture, but I think about to show that as a public necessity service, yes, it’s possible to see under your skirt when you decide to take air on your parts...

At right and at left, two living proofs that I lost my friends but I don’t lost the joke. The bad example for kids is AndreDF Beck and his bizarre young offender outfit, and the one with the Gabeira’s thong is Xenthai, who dragged me along for more than two hours around skin stores just to conclude that he won’t buy anything because his skin was nice. Grrrrrrr!!!!!

It’s a bird? It’s a plane??? No, it’s the amazing frosting-woman and her vest made of pink marshmallow!


HIS: with this horrible set of sculpt and scripts used for evil that we used to call as jinx baby on the lap (detail: and the baby was taking that he wanna be breastfed on chat). HER: using an odd gesture that did her do,in every minute, this face like she’d saw the pervert in a coat. Both: wearing a very kitsch marriage tag. No further questions, your honor!!!

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