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SE Asia Oceania Regional News - September 2009 Visit our website!

UK Australia Final Prayer Action 11 July 2009 From "Sydney Cove":

From Station Pier Melbourne:

There were 11 of us gathered on the west side of Circular Quay at First Fleet Park. Praise God for His mercy in answering our prayer for the weather conditions - it was a little overcast but dry and there was no wind, so we were able to stand on the ground roughly at the same place that the first Jews would have come ashore in Australia, over 200 years ago.

We gathered from the city of Melbourne, from south eastern Victoria and from northern Victoria, a Gideon’s army to complete our assignment in unity with our brothers and sisters throughout Australia, UK, Ireland and Israel. The wind blew and it was icy cold but our Heavenly Father positioned us in a place of refuge at the extreme end of the pier. We began with a time of worship, then took communion together declaring the victory of Yeshua at the cross.

There was a fair bit of background noise from a busker, and a brief interruption from a security guard, but otherwise we were able to pray and proclaim the scriptures undisturbed. Pete and I were particularly encouraged to have the support of Pastor Jack and his wife Ann - feeling that this was a real "first fruits" of the church coming alongside us. Despite the fact that several in the group had not met each other before (coming as OE supporters from different parts of Sydney) there was a very real sense of unity and passion for the Lord to accomplish His plans for the Jews of Australia. There was also a special sense of partnership as we closed by praying for the others who were to come after us in Adelaide, and anyone who was praying in WA, then of course for the UK and Nth Ireland intercessors.

We sensed the awesome power of Almighty God as we took our part in what He is doing in our nation to close the false aliyah highways and open up the true aliyah highway from Australia to Israel. We declared as the Lord had shown me, that in 2010 the Jewish people will begin to make aliyah from Australia. As we finished some fishermen came down the pier and a little child ran in front of them, reminding us of God’s call to the fishermen. (Jer 16:16). to Page 3

SINGAPORE Join us for a One Day Seminar One great encouragement is the scripture Ephesians 3:20&21, which was brought to our prayer time on Saturday by Ann, and included in Cynthia's report from Adelaide. I believe this is the Lord confirming to us that He will indeed be doing even far beyond what we asked of Him on Saturday, and that this day will mark the beginning of a new season of aliyah for the Australian Jews - to His glory and praise!

with Pete and Fiona Stucken

“Understanding the Times” High St Centre (opp Parliament House) 1 North Bridge Rd #30-01, Singapore 179094

Sat 17 October 09 See enclosed leaflet or details at

Fiona + Pete

Operation Exodus SE Asia Oceania is a Ministry of Ebenezer Emergency Fund International


The Biblical Feasts: The Biblical Feasts or “appointed times” are a wonderful opportunity to pray for both Jews and the Church to come into a greater measure of understanding of God’s redemptive plan for mankind. Leviticus 23 lists all the feasts. The Feasts of Trumpets (also known as Rosh Hashana), the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles all point to the second coming of Jesus (Yeshua). The evening of 18th September begins the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) – pray for the church to wake up and anticipate the second coming of Messiah (1 Thess 4:16-17) and for the Jews to hear the trumpet call of the Father for their return (Is 27:12, 13) The evening of 27th September begins the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), when the Jews will fast for 25 hours. Pray for the Church to awaken and understand the Father’s desire for the national redemption of Israel, and for the Jews to receive the gift of true repentance and see their Redeemer and Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach. The evening of 2nd October begins the seven day Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), when the Jews build small shelters that remind them of their desert wanderings, and celebrate God’s faithful provision. Pray for the church to rejoice and pray for the return of Yeshua to rule and reign from Jerusalem on the throne of David and for the Jews to receive revelation of His first coming as Saviour, so that they will soon say “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord” (Matt 23:39). Pray for Aliyah: Isaiah 62:10 “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the peoples”. Please pray that the Lord would show us how to pray in order to see the release of the Jews from our nations in SE Asia/Oceania. We are asking Him to show us the “stones” or hindrances to aliyah that are hidden in the history of our nations, and in our societies and which need to be removed. Pray for intercessors in Australia and New Zealand especially (where most of the Jews live) to receive fresh revelation from the Lord for this matter. Pray for all Jews in SE Asia and Oceania to receive from Him the desire to return before circumstances become difficult. If you would like to receive a monthly prayer letter which covers the ministry of Operation Exodus worldwide, please fill in your details below. Perhaps you would consider gathering with a few friends to pray together for the ministry? Please let us know if you would like to from a prayer group so that we can help and encourage you. Please post or fax to our office (details on back page) or email us on: Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postal Address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Street or PO Box) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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POSTSCRIPT –. Answered Prayer!

I had written out the scriptures, Isaiah 62:10-12 and Jeremiah 29:10-14 in gold ink (how precious is the Word of God!) tied them with red ribbon and put them in a plastic bag. On the journey to Melbourne I had stopped at the highest part of the journey and picked up a smooth heavy rock. Once in Melbourne I bought a pair of knee high stockings, put the scriptures in the stockings and tied 7 knots. To finish our assignment we all walked over to the edge of the pier and Pat Ramsay and I dropped the package over the edge. It was like a rocket as it hit the water and we shouted to the heavenlies and for all to hear and know, what Our God has accomplished in our day.

August Aliyah flight from the UK As this prayer initiative covered aliyah from the UK and Australia to Israel, we are excited to see that on 11 August an aliyah flight departed from the UK. This was the first time the Jewish Agency has asked Operation Exodus join in facilitating a UK Aliyah flight.

All Glory, All Honour, All Praise to the Holy One of Israel!! Philippa

Lighthouse Prayer Tower Adelaide: Eight joined the Prayer Initiative at the Lighthouse Prayer Tower in Adelaide at midday on Saturday. It was wonderful to be linked in the Spirit with all the others praying in agreement across the globe. There was certainly an anointing on the whole time. Included in our small team were three with Jewish forebears who came from England, and one with a convict forebear, possibly Jewish, from England. Among the additional prayers was repentance for the harsh treatment of those of German background, including those of Jewish blood, who were herded into a concentration camp on Torrens Island, South Australia, for the duration of World War 1.

Pastor Don stood in the gap to repent for pastors who have perpetuated the doctrine of Replacement Theology in this nation. We felt that this added to the momentous nature of this occasion, as we have not heard of a pastor or minister making this stand before. We set up a literal wooden signpost: "To Israel", pointing to a map of Israel, prophetically directing the Jews of UK and Australia back to Israel according to Jeremiah 31:21. Eph.3:20-21 ! With love and blessings, Andrew and Cynthia

Praise the Lord for already answered prayer! The UK Olim arrived safely. According to information from Rafi, 107 Olim arrived. The youngest 3 months old and the eldest 90 years old! It was a very joyful group and the workers of the JA who were also on the flight said they have never experienced such a great flight. People were singing and happy and having fun throughout the flight. The UK team also enjoyed it very much – they have plenty of stories to share. It was great to see everyone excited and happy to arrive home to Israel.

August 2009 in Jerusalem - Arrived in the Land!

‘For behold, the days are coming’ declares YHVH, ‘when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah’. YHVH says: ‘I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers, and they shall possess it.’ Jer 30:3



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Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say: “He Who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock” Jer 31:10

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