2025 Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Hall of Fame Nomination Form

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Jan. 10, 2025 Deadline for nominations & supporting material due to the CFD Old West Museum

Feb. 3-7, 2025 Ballots mailed to eligible voting members of the CFD Old West Museum

Mar. 14 2025 Deadline for ballots to be returned to the CFD Old West Museum

Mar 31, 2025 Inductees announced

Sept. 5, 2025 CFD Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

The Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Hall of Fame showcases individuals, livestock and organizations whose distinctive contributions to Cheyenne Frontier Days™ have helped grow one man’s dream into “The Daddy of ‘em All.” Whether contestants, contract personnel, entertainers, livestock, families, or volunteers, those voted into the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Hall of Fame represent the wonderful competitive and cooperative spirit that has remained the hallmark of Cheyenne Frontier Days™.


To be eligible to vote, you must be a current Volunteer Hall of Fame Member or higher of the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum. New memberships must be purchased by February 1, 2025 to be elibible to vote in 2025.

To become a member, contact us at 307-778-7243 or email lonnie.reese@oldwestmuseum.org.

Cheyenne Frontier Days™


Post Office Box 2720

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003

Nomination Form

Nomination Instructions

A nomination form must be completed for each nominee. Please type or print clearly. Be as complete as possible to ensure accuracy on the ballot.

Additional supporting material such as newspaper clippings, articles, photographs, videos, letters of support and other relevant reference materials are welcome and due with the nomination form to the Museum. All items submitted will be considered a permanent donation to the collection of the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum. Nomination forms and supporting materials must be submitted UNBOUND on traditional letter size paper (8.5” x 11”). Please do not send any three-ring binders or over-sized items.

Each nominee must have made a significant impact on Cheyenne Frontier Days™ as a contestant, volunteer, contract personnel, historic notable, historic volunteer, family, or other.

The Hall of Fame Committee conducts in-depth research of each nominee submitted, validates nominations, and prepares a ballot for voting. The committee reserves the right to not place a nominee on the ballot. All nomination materials will be retained at the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum for public research and historical purposes.

Nomination Requirements

Contestants & Contract Personnel

a. Has won a title at Cheyenne (minimum)

b. Have 5 years on contract (minimum) [Contract]

c. Must be paid for services [Contract]

d. Should not be an active contestant or contractor

Volunteer & Historic Volunteer

a. 25 volunteer years (minimum)

b. Can no longer be in a leadership role for Cheyenne Frontier Days™

Family, Historic Notable, and Other*

a. Family must have three generations of active participation

b. Minimum of diverse participation preferred (i.e. Dandy, W-Heel, HEEL, Committee, parades, pancake breakfasts, arena volunteer, etc.)

*Other includes livestock, all non-human contributors, organizations, carriages/wagons, and committees from a specific year or with other defining characteristics for grouping and the nominee must have made a significant impact on Cheyenne Frontier Days™.

Potential Inductee

Full Name and Nicknames (if applicable)______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, and Zip Code_______________________________________________________________________________

Daytime Telephone Number __________________________________________________________________________

Email Address________________________________________________________________________________________

Place of Birth_________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Select Which Category Best Fits the Inductee: Volunteer

Contestant/Contract Personnel

Family/Historic Notable, Other


Frontier Days™


& Significant


- Years, contributions, volunteer service, honors, records, etc. (Please attatch additional pages, if necessary)


Address the following criteria in narrative form explaining why this candidate deserves to be inducted, based on their influence at Cheyenne Frontier Days™. (300-500 words)

• Accomplishments at or in service to CFD (Achievements)

• Contributions made to CFD

• Enduring value or historical significance of accomplishments/achievements

• Life and experiences with CFD

Please Complete if Potential Inductee is Deceased

Full Name of Nearest Known Relative ________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, and Zip Code ______________________________________________________________________________

Daytime Telephone Number___________________________________________________________________________

Email Address________________________________________________________________________________________

Relationship to Potential Inductee____________________________________________________________________

Nomination Submitted By:

Your Full Name_______________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, and Zip Code ______________________________________________________________________________

Daytime Telephone Number___________________________________________________________________________

Email Address________________________________________________________________________________________

All materials sent with a nomination packet are permanent donations to the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum and are not returned. Additional materials such as news clippings, articles, photographs, letters of recommendation, and other relevant reference materials are encouraged. Items received and accepted for a potential candidate or as a subject file will be considered permanent donations to the Museum. If duplicate or repetitive information is received, it will not be used in consideration.

Persons nominated should be aware of the fact that any included information (outside of privileged personal information) will be made accessible to the public and/or media.

After the nomination process is complete, voting will take place over between February 7 and March 14, 2025.

Nomination Checklist:

Completed Nomination Form

Attatched Biography

Supplemental Materials (articles, photos, etc.)

Post Date Sent:_________________

Please return with supplemental materials before January 10th, 2025 by hand drop-off to the Museum Offices, via email to rylee.anderson@oldwestmuseum.org, or to the address listed.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact:

Rylee Anderson | Marketing Coordinator

Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Old West Museum rylee.anderson@oldwestmuseum.org 307-778-1420

Attn: CFD Hall of Fame Committee

CFD Old West Museum

P.O. Box 2720

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003

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