TOM Edition 55

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The Old Mancunian

Spring 2020 EDITION 55

Keeping Old Boys throughout the world in touch with MGS

• Alumni Awards • Forthcoming Events around the world • Where are they now? Frances Annear (84-00) • The High Master

Our om Alumni Awards honour the achievements of our alumni, from those who are established in their careers to those who are just getting started ...

From the Director of Development Alumni Awards 2019 There was a new addition to the Old Boys’ Dinner last November – The Alumni Awards. The Awards, which honour the exceptional achievements of Old Mancunians, were presented on the stage of the Memorial Hall by the High Master, Dr Martin Boulton.

Above: Each Award Winner was presented with a bespoke illustrated artwork, handcrafted by Lisa Murphy, Head of Art & Design

Adam Chekroud (03-10)

Sam Rose (85-92)

Canon David Wyatt (47-54)

Junior Alumni Award Winner

Senior Alumni Award Winner

Senior Alumni Award Winner

Adam Chekroud (03-10) was the recipient of the Junior Award for his research into improving treatments for mental health, as co-founder of mental health start-up Spring Health.

development expert for the UN and the British Government for the last 20 years.

Simon Jones (88-95) Director of Development 0161 224 7201 ext 240 or

Canon David Wyatt (47-54) and Sam Rose (85-92) were our Senior Award Winners. Canon Wyatt is a central figure in his Salford community, providing support and services for the less fortunate. Sam has been a dedicated humanitarian and international

We hope that Old Mancunians will nominate their peers for this year’s awards, which will be presented again at the Old Boys’ Dinner in November. A nomination form is enclosed with this newsletter and online submissions are most welcome at

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Retiring Staff

Old Mancunian Events around the World L-R: The High Master, Sam Rose, Canon David Wyatt

OM events have been planned for New York and Toronto in early May before the High Master and I fly to Tel Aviv to host a reunion in Israel later in the month. I have also been invited to speak at the Educate Plus conference in Adelaide in September. The conference will cover my expenses and provide me with the opportunity to visit OMs in far-off lands once again. Forthcoming OM reunion events: New York: Tuesday 5 May

Several longstanding members of staff will be entering their final term at MGS this summer: Deputy High Master, Paul Thompson; Head of Modern Languages, Patrick Thom; French teacher, Elisabeth Dalton; OM Howard Read from the Maths Department; and finally, Brian Edwards from the Classics Department. Please post your appreciations of these fantastic educators on the feed of

Toronto: Thursday 7 May Tel Aviv: Sunday 24 May Dubai: Thursday 3 September Sydney: Sunday 6 September Melbourne: Monday 7 September Singapore: Saturday 12 September Further details can be found at    or by contacting the Development Office.


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Alumni Award Winners 2019 1. Adam Chekroud (03-10) 2. Sam Rose (85-92) 3. Canon David Wyatt (47-54)

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Bursary Telethon 2020 We have a growing number of Old Mancunians, of all ages, who support our bursary fundraising by making a monthly gift to the School. In response to Old Mancunians who enjoyed this method of fundraising from their universities, we held a bursary telethon in 2016 and in 2018, which resulted in over 400 new donors to the School. Young OMs will be calling again in July as we look to keep up the momentum. We are grateful that OM Paul Ormerod (61-68) will be covering the costs associated with the telethon, to ensure that any new donations benefit bursary recipients directly. Significant thanks must also go to OM Richard Donner (72-79) who has agreed to incentivise new donors with an element of matched giving.

Above (from top): Paul Thompson; Patrick Thom; Elisabeth Dalton; Howard Read; Brian Edwards

Careers Education

MGS boys get the opportunity to go on a work experience placement in Year 12 provided by an Old Mancunian. This year, we were able to provide work experience placements for 105 boys through your help! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to host a boy this year for a placement. We have also had some great careers events this year, including: Careers in Business/Entrepreneurship, Tech and Medicine evenings. If you would like to offer a work experience placement or would like to get involved in any of the School’s careers events, please email Caitlin

Old Boys’ Dinner 2019

The 215th Old Boys’ Dinner took place in the Memorial Hall on Saturday 23 November. Simeon Gabriel (87-94) did a splendid job as the Recorder on the night, with Patrick Christys (03-10), a host on LoveSport Radio, and Jaideep Barot (85-92), Head of Bristol Grammar School, giving outstanding after-dinner speeches in their roles as Junior Steward and Senior Steward respectively.

Below (L-R): Martin Boulton, Patrick Christys, Jaideep Barot and Simeon Gabriel

An excerpt from Jaideep Barot’s speech ... ‘So, there is something very special, if somewhat difficult to pin down, that MGS gave to all of us. Quite apart from our own vernacular, including names such as Owls’ Nest, West Basement, the DPA, and the somewhat less exclusive but equally evocative names of Bassenthwaite, Borrowdale and Grasmere. Hugh Oldham and “Sapere Aude”. Wilf and his amazing stories of the school and its alumni. Heck, most of us even managed to negotiate and understand the most complicated timetable in the history of UK schools by the time we left – the weird and wonderful concoction that was the sevenday timetable. Not for us anything as convenient or mundane as having the same lessons on the same day each week. Maybe it was getting our heads around this timetable that – more than anything else – gave us the ingenuity and resilience to cope with the vicissitudes of life after MGS.’

Above (clockwise from top left): London Supper; Carol Service; Manchester Pub Evening; Okey Nzelu book Launch; Luncheon Club; Careers in Business/ Entrepreneurship; Cambridge Pub Evening; Ian Leverton Lecture; Oxford Pub Evening

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Forthcoming Events

OM Reunion Day, Saturday 25 April

Invitations have already been sent by post to all OMs who started school between 1949 and 1959 or who left in either 1980, 1990, 2000 or 2010. The first joint decade and leaving year Reunion took place last year and was a great success. So much so that when the time came to split the year groups we made the decision to all stay together instead. Come along and join in the fun where OMs of all ages can share their experiences of their time at MGS. As last year there will be no formal speeches, just the opportunity to share memories with one another in an ‘open mic’ session. The High Master will be in attendance and will during the course of the evening address OMs.

Forthcoming Events – Highlights Here are some highlights of forthcoming OM events. A full list is detailed at  and on the back page of the newsletter. Booking for these events is now open at

Old Boys’ Dinner Saturday 21 November MGS, 6:30 pm

London Monday 18 May Lunch with the HM The Lamb, Lamb’s Conduit St, Holborn

Midlands Events and lunches are organised occasionally. All OMs and guests are welcome or contact John Wilson at johnhwilson1943@gmail. com  or 0121 4753700 for further details.

South and West The 54th Commemoration

Service in Exeter Cathedral will be held on Sunday 21 June, followed by lunch at the Mercure Southgate Hotel. The date of any future events will be published at

Overseas Events See page 3 and back page

The OM Luncheon Club We extend a warm invitation to any OM who would like to attend our events. Guests are also welcome.

Friday 22 May Lunch at MGS at 12:30 pm And MCC Cricket Day

Friday 5 June Lunch at MGS at 12:30 pm Speaker: Simon Jones, Director of Development – ‘The Story of the Development Office and the OM Community by numbers’. Friday 26 June Lunch at MGS at 12:30 pm Speaker: Richard Palombella, MGS Catering Manager and tour of the school kitchen Future dates will be published at  For further details, or if you would like to suggest a speaker, please contact Jane Graham j.graham@  I do hope you will join us and I look forward to seeing you – Les Coop, Chairman leslie.

Chess By now, the 2020 Old Mancunians’ chess match will have been played. A match report will be published in the autumn edition. If you would like to get involved in future events please contact jamiehorton1995@gmail. com

Golf Thursday 11 June Manchester Golf Day Venue TBC Time: 9:00 am breakfast, 10:00 am tee off

Old Mancunians AFC If you are interested in playing weekly competitive 11-a-side Saturday football contact oldmancs@

From the High Master The recruitment of the very best ... Right: (from above) Masters c.1938; MGS Masters at Long Millgate, 1890 Background: MGS Teachers 2019

Dr Martin Boulton (84-86) High Master

I am sure that for MGS pupils past, present and future, the school year has its rhythms. For me, the Lent term is always a time when I am busiest with recruitment, both of pupils and staff. There is no more important aspect of my job – making the right decisions about which boys will thrive in the School and recruiting teachers who have the knowledge and skills to inspire them is vital. I am pleased to be able to report that recruitment of talented pupils and staff remains very strong, and it is this which, in my view, makes MGS such a rewarding and stimulating community in which to work.

This can make MGS a hard place for staff to leave. As an illustration of this, three of our teaching staff retiring at the end of the year – Brian Edwards, Patrick Thom and Paul Thompson – have, between them, accumulated more than 100 years of service at the School. I know that they have been at the School long enough to teach Old Mancunians as well as their sons, although I’m not sure any of them achieved the feat of teaching a grandfather and grandson. Other staff leave for promotion at other schools, including headships. We recruit teachers from the state and independent sectors in equal measure. I believe there are many reasons why we attract staff: our commitment to social mobility through our bursary scheme, the rewarding challenge of teaching our bright pupils, and the value we place on the co-curriculum here. Also important is our commitment to professional development. MGS has always sought to recruit people who have a strong academic background and the potential to be a great teacher, regardless of whether or not they have a teaching qualification. We continue to appoint a number of teachers

straight from university, including those completing doctorates. Now, however, we perhaps recognise more the value to the individual and the institution of some formal teacher training, and we fund through a school-based teacher qualification anyone who needs to achieve qualified-teacher status. This approach also brings benefits in professional development to the staff acting as mentors to those being trained. The make-up of our staff has changed over the years. Any Old Mancunian who left the School more than a quarter of a century ago will be able to name very few female teachers; in 1990, you could still count the number on one hand. Today, by contrast, 43 per cent of our teaching staff are women. This gradual change over time has been down to one, simple factor – the desire, every time we advertise a position, to recruit the very best teacher from the field of applicants. My confidence in our decisions is helped by the fact that we now always see candidates teach, something which was not the case in decades past. As with our decisions about prospective pupils, whenever we interview a candidate for a teaching position I am always mindful of the importance of the decision, for the individual and the School. The time invested in both types of decision is time well spent!

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From the Archive Returning to the Nest


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The title ‘Old Mancunian’ is normally reserved for individuals who have attended MGS as a pupil. However, over time this has been extended to include former members of staff. A small number of people have the distinction of being Old Mancunians twice over, having come as pupils and later returning to the nest to serve on the staff. A famous example, of course, is the legendary Ian Bailey who completed over sixty years at MGS as boy and man. In total, we have records of nearly one hundred Old Mancunians who have returned as staff in some capacity.

1. Nigel Davenport (79-86) Physics

On the current staff, one of our most recent returners is Okey Nzelu (00-07) who has taught English since 2016.

2. Simon Jones (88-95) Geography and Development

Okey writes: ‘I still remember my first day: my parents gave me a little money for emergencies and it fell out of my pocket while I was walking up the drive; a very kind student in my year picked it up and gave it back to me. Now, as a teacher, I notice that a lot of the same spirits seem to come and go. All the students are individuals of course but all the same, every so often, I recognise certain traits, certain dispositions that I’ve seen before. Returning to MGS as a teacher also means I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some of the English teachers who taught me and encouraged me to write; I’ve also had the privilege of being able to thank them for their teaching and encouragement. I’ve also had the bizarre experience of having to call them by their first names, but I’m sure I’ll get used to that. It’s been three and a half years.

I came to MGS having done Teach First beforehand, working in very different schools, serving deprived communities and dealing with all the problems that tend to accompany that deprivation. MGS is a very different place to work, but the privilege of working with young people remains the core of the job. I feel very fortunate to be able to do that here.’ The number of Old Mancunians who do come back, both to visit MGS and to work and volunteer here, must be testament to the influence the School has had on its alumni.

MGS and the RAF

Current OM Staff at MGS

3. Robert Neal (88-95) Mandarin 4. John Akers (67-74) Sports Porter

Above: Ian Bailey (27-32) History (49-07)

5. Okey Nzelu (00-07) English 6. Matthew Bolton (02-09) Religion and Philosophy 7. Howard Read (68-75) Mathematics 8. Adrian Dobson (62-70) German Lloyd Hopkins (98-05) Classics Martin Boulton (84-86) Physics

I am researching connections between MGS and the RAF. I would be most grateful if anyone who served in the RAF or had relatives who served would contact me at School via the Archives if they have photos, memories or memorabilia of their time in the RAF. Jeremy Ward Staff (74-97) and Volunteer Archivist

Rachel Kneale School Archivist, ext 361,

Where are they now? Frances Annear (Staff 84-2000) A love of place and a curiosity as to its ‘ how? and why?’ has made me a geographer: finding the patterns in the landscape. As a teenager I found Greece from a restricted book in the school library; in my twenties I discovered mountains. And then I found building projects. In 1990, whilst still at MGS, I put all those interests together by buying a small barn on the outskirts of a road-less village in the Pindus Mountains of Northern Greece.

Bottom: (from left) Frances now; Frances with form 7A in 1992 Background: Vikos Gorge, Pindus Mountains, Greece

A decade of 2nd form boys learned about the goatherds and developing tourism in the remote mountain region of Papingo … followed by nearly a decade of Year 8 girls at Badminton School, Bristol where I became Head of Geography. This move not only gave me the challenge of a new school – tiny, boarding, all girls, academic – but also a new building project. Peter and I had moved south to return to family and friends; we bought a ‘toothpaste tube’ cottage in the Somerset countryside, and proceeded to put another storey on the top and an extension to the side. We lived in three sheds and a tiny caravan in the garden whilst the cottage was almost demolished and then rebuilt; it took a year instead of the expected four months … Each day I tiptoed through the building site to arrive at school unsullied for a day of teaching! I left Badminton in 2009 leaving behind a completely refurbished Geography Room, and having thoroughly enjoyed developing fieldwork (especially physical geography) and IT in the curriculum.

Since then I have spent increased time in our church (deacon, Toddler Group leader, webmaster, coordinator of parenting courses and so on) … and of course on a building project too – refurbishing our Grade II listed building. Our son Tom (OM 90-97) also returned to the south and now lives in Bath with his wife; he still works in finance. And our little Greek barn? A delight on so many levels! It has provided almost continual building projects; it’s been the catalyst for friendly, helpful relations with the villagers – and an almost constant source of amusement for them. They tell the story of how we used to ‘carry the sand in our pockets’ from the road-head to the house. We soon learned to use mules. The village – at the end of the road – is situated in a great bowl in the mountains with towering cliffs above and the famous Vikos Gorge around the corner: plenty of geography here! I love the language and try to learn new words for new situations – ‘cess pit’, ‘purlins’ and ‘gearbox’ – my Morris Minor broke down in the Greek countryside. I was so pleased to know some words that baffled Paul Ponder! ‘Exploring Papingo’ is the guide book to mountain walks in the area that I have written, illustrated and self-published; it keeps me in trips to Greece. It is published in Greek also, and Hebrew (even with a translator quite a challenge!). New editions keep me on my toes …

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The School Today For more stories like these visit

MGS Boys Honoured Six pupils who created a project to teach English to rescued victims of human trafficking have won the first ever Goldsmiths’ Company Community Engagement Award. Competing against schools from across the country, the team won the competition for the amazing work that they have done teaching English to rescued victims. Each week, our boys work with vulnerable adults who have been rescued from traffickers and placed in a safe house. They work one-to-one to teach basic English skills to enable the adults to build a new life and gain employment. The lessons begin with basic grammar, numbers 1-100 and using money, then advancing onto topics like filling an incident report at work. The team received a beautiful award, specially designed by the artistcraftsman Tom Fattorini and a £3,000 cash prize to support the continuation and expansion of the project.

Prestigious Engineering Scholarship Y12 pupil Michar Acharya has been awarded a prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship at the London Institute of Engineering and Technology. He underwent a rigorous selection process involving thousands of candidates across the country, which included an application form, an aptitude test and an interview presenting his project, which was to design an advanced warning system to aid dementia patients. His project is designed to help nurses to predict when a person who has dementia might walk off, and can be used in homes and in hospitals where there is a growing concern that dementia patients can fall and injure themselves while walking around the hospital unsupervised. As an Arkwright scholar, he will be paired with the Eranda Rothschild Foundation, who are his sponsors and mentor. They will provide him with funding for him to use toward his further projects, interests and study material related to engineering.

National Photonics Award for MGS Trio Upper Sixth boys William Fletcher, Ross Davenport and Hamzah Malik won prizes at the inaugural Photonics Design Awards, run by the Photonics Academy of Wales. The competition was organised by Ray Davies (66-91), a former Physics teacher at MGS and now Director of the Photonics Academy of Wales. The boys were challenged to use laser photonics to design something that would help the visually impaired. Well done, boys.

Talented thespian Jack wins top award Congratulations to talented young thespian Jack Mabon, Year 9 – who won the National Operatic and Dramatic Association award for Best Supporting Male in a Youth Musical for his role as the Wizard in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ at Brookdale Theatre.

Above (from top): William Fletcher, Ross Davenport and Hamzah Malik; Jack Mabon Below (from left): (L-R) Lawrence Abel, Adi Arora, Ben Dempsey, James Wang, Harrison Kaye and Daniel Bourne; Michar Acharya

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OM Communications In response to Andrew Mayne’s featured article in the last edition, Nick Munday (Staff 79-09) writes ... ‘Andy recalls that “we were told that the school bells continued to ring throughout the night – with the intention of scaring off would-be burglars.”

Below: 1. Christopher Richardson (50-58) as a young school boy; and visiting the School in 2019

I can confirm that this did actually happen. I was one of the leaders of an MGS Classics Trip which had to leave at some unearthly hour like 4:00 am and in order to spare the parents (and ensure a timely and panic-free departure) we arranged with Harry the caretaker that we would all sleep in the school pavilion overnight. The boys duly brought sleeping bags Owl’s Nest style and after a few preliminaries about 10:00 pm we all lay down to get what we hoped would be a few hours’ kip before the early start. This was not to be – just as we tried to get to sleep the bell would go off (and everyone remembers how loud it was, and probably still is now). And I can vouch for the fact that this did occur every hour. At least we were ready, even if totally sleep-deprived, when the coach arrived. We didn’t see any burglars ...

Bob Coupe (46-53) writes ... ‘My wife and I have recently returned from a Great Rail Journeys holiday in Southern Germany. As we trundled through the station of Hugfling in Bavaria, I spotted a familiar phrase daubed in white paint on a glass shelter ... “Sapere Aude”. Was this the action of an enthusiastic young trekker, keen to record an MGS presence?’ 1

Gift Aid


We are grateful to the significant number of Old Boys who donate regularly to the Bursary Fund. We are obliged to remind you that Gift Aid regulations require you to let us know if you no longer pay sufficient tax on income and/or capital gains. Please notify any changes to the Development Office.

OM Visits Many OMs have visited us recently. Here is a review of some of them ... Seven members of Maths VI (67-70) Mark Ellison, Steve Furber, John Maiden, Mike Myerson, Peter Thorpe, David Whittington and Andy Zuntz all met up on 29 August 2019 for a small reunion and a tour of school. They sat in their old classroom which is now used to teach Mandarin. Chris Beswick and David Moores (61-68) visited us in September for a guided tour with Brian Taylor (45-50) and enjoyed their trip down memory lane. The addition of the Junior School, our boys and the School’s varied curriculum impressed them very much. Christopher Richardson (50-58) 1 , who recently celebrated his 80th birthday, returned to MGS for a tour. He was delighted to see a framed photo of himself as a young school boy in the High Master’s meeting room.

Left (clockwise from far left): Ron Seddon (45-53); The seven members of Maths VI (67-70); Gordon Davies and David Hoffman (both 83-90) and their Greek teacher, Nick Munday (centre)

MGS Classics, Cambridge Greek Play 2019 A Welcome Gift Ron Seddon (45-53) received a gift voucher from his daughter to attend this year’s Old Boys’ Dinner. We look forward to seeing him then.

100 Years Young OM H Brian Robinson (35-38) celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends on 5 November 2019 where he lives in Somerset. He attended the sixth form at MGS from 1936 to 1938 having previously attended North Manchester Grammar and Buxton College. He went on to study Botany at Brasenose College, Oxford, before serving in India and Burma in World War II. Subsequently he was an hotelier in Devon and a sub-postmaster in Somerset during his working life.

Gordon Davies and David Hoffman (both 83-90) revisited past glories in October when they reunited with Nick Munday, their Greek teacher, to attend the 2019 Cambridge Greek Play, Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus at Colonus’. Cambridge Arts Theatre hosts an ancient Greek play (performed in its original language) every three years. Nick, David and Gordon had attended productions on MGS school trips in 1986 and 1989. Three decades on, Nick, David and Gordon met again to watch this year’s production. They plan to do it again at the next triennial Cambridge Greek Play in October 2022. Please keep it in mind. More details will follow nearer the time. Left: H Brian Robinson (35-38)

Many of us shop online, and by using the amazon.  website through the icon link on the School’s own website (  ) up to 10 per cent of the value of any purchase made is automatically given for the direct benefit of the Bursary Fund.

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In memoriam Since the last issue of TOM we have been advised of the recent deaths of the following OMs. We would welcome offers to supply brief obituaries or memories for ‘Ulula’. Ernest J T Acaster.............................................. 1951-52 A Eric Alexander................................................ 1942-50 David S Andrew..................................................1952-59 Stephen G Barnfield.........................................1966-71 Christopher R Beswick...................................1946-54 Merton Brookes.................................................1937-39 Frank Burd............................................................ 1939-43 James R Cadman.............................................1943-49 John T Caff...........................................................1947-54 G Derick Caldwell............................................. 1930-35 John G Canham...............................................1944-50 John J Chapman.............................................. 1938-45 Michael H Clarke................................................1969-76 John D Clough..................................................1944-49 Kenneth W Cooke............................................ 1950-57 Leonard T Davenport......................................1952-59 Michael J C Garnett..........................................1965-72 Michael G Goldman........................................1940-47 Michael S Hall......................................................1964-71 Reginald V Herbert.......................................... 1943-47 Robert Higginbottom..................................... 1949-55 David A Hind.......................................................1959-65 Anthony C Hodges.......................................... 1939-42 George E Hunt................................................... 1945-52 J David Last..........................................................1951-58 Jack L Leonard...................................................1943-49 David Levy.............................................................1952-59 William V Lowe..................................................1943-49 Donald I McGilvray......................................... 1940-44 William H Mellor................................................1946-52 Colin H Petch.....................................................1944-52 Paul Quinn........................................................... 1949-55 David L Redwood.............................................1945-48 Caleb J Rooke....................................................1943-46 David I Rose.........................................................1960-67 Geoffrey J Statham.......................................... 1939-45 John A Stocks......................................................1936-41 Ian A Sturgess.....................................................1940-45 Alexander G Theodossiadis.........................2005-12 Ian V Tudge..........................................................1944-50 David A Twigg.....................................................1960-67 Stanley G Warrell...............................................1940-45 Arthur P Watterson.......................................... 1938-43 John G W West..................................................1938-44 Richard S Wilde..................................................1956-63 Obituaries are posted on the In Memoriam page of the School website and on MGS Global Connect. If you would like to advise us of a death, please email Caitlin

Forthcoming Events 2020 1950s Reunion Dinner & 1980, 1990 &, 2000 & 2010 Leavers Reunion Dinner Saturday 25 April at MGS – see page 5 New York OM Reunion Tuesday 5 May Churchill Tavern, 45 E 28th St, New York, NY 10016, in the Trophy Room Toronto OM Reunion Thursday 7 May Jump Restaurant, 18 Wellington St W

Old Boys’ Dinner Saturday 21 November at MGS Details of all the OM events can be found at

Music events Summer Concert Wednesday 29 April, 6:30 pm

Drama events Junior School Production ‘Peter Pan Jr’ 10 & 11 June, 6:00 pm

London Lunch with the HM Monday 18 May The Lamb, Lamb’s Conduit St, Holborn

Get in touch ... Hugh Oldham Liberal Arts Teatime Lecture Series Refreshments from 3:45 pm Lecture begins at 4:00 pm ‘How to change the world when it seems too big’ Thursday 23 April Speaker: Tom Skinner, Greater Manchester Poverty Action Group Dates and times of events are subject to change. Full details can be found at the MGS Box Office at

MGS v MCC Cricket and Lunch Friday 22 May at MGS Tel Aviv OM Reunion Sunday 24 May More details to follow OM Luncheon Club Friday 22 May, 5 June & 26 June – see page 5 Manchester Golf Day Thursday 11 June at – venue TBC Exeter Service and Lunch Sunday 21 June at Exeter Cathedral & The Mercure Hotel

Correspondence to Julie Wright at MGS, Old Hall Lane, Manchester, M13 0XT or 0161 224 7201.

Left to right: Aria Johnston, ext 571  Caitlin Gaslawski, ext 570  Jane Graham, ext 243

Online Shop

Julie Wright, ext 241,

All of these items are available to purchase online or by contacting Julie Wright in the Development Office.

Simon Jones, ext 240  search for Publications and Souvenirs in the Old Mancunians’ section. Gift vouchers for any event are available on request. Please contact Jane Graham  Ulula 2015 History book (Souvenir Edition) Ulula 2018

Glimpses of Notes

Manchester Pub Evening Friday 3 July at the Gas Works, Tony Wilson Square Dubai OM Reunion Thursday 3 September at Abd El Wahab, Souk Al bahar, Near Dubai Mall


OM Ties


Gift vouchers

Sydney OM Reunion Sunday 6 September at Hunter & Barrel, Cockle Bay Melbourne OM Reunion Monday 7 September Left Bank Melbourne, 1 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank, VIC 3006 Singapore OM Reunion Saturday 12 September – more details to follow

Coming soon to the Online Shop ... MGS branded A5 notebooks, socks and scarves

Left to right: Otto Smart, Archives Assistant and Rachel Kneale, School Archivist, ext 361

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