The Lingnan University Magazine (February 2024)

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Issue 002


The Lingnan University Magazine


Exploring the Nexus:

Liberal Arts

in the Age of


80 年代。司徒拔道舊校舍語言實習室 Language Lab, the old Stubbs Road campus in the '80s. 把你的嶺南回憶寄給我們至 Send your memories of Lingnan to





Chair Professors Prof Sam Kwong & Prof Chen Xi

Musical duo mixing AI with traditional notes

Promoting the Yoyo - sport and the subculture

Cody Wong the supernova of Hong Kong tennis

Issue 002





02 Dialogue Exploring the nexus: liberal arts in the age of AI

22 Special 從實習中捕捉機遇 擁抱科技 駕馭未來

12 Arts An auditory touch of connection

24 Scholar talks 書寫歷史的使命: 專訪徐頌雯教授

16 Dance Cross-cultural dance and music programmes show Lingnan’s cultural and ethnic diversity 20 Exhibition 以感會物

26 Trailblazers 寓社會研究於興趣 搖搖高手盼「搖」出香港 次文化價值



26 12


32 Time out Running the extra mile: A psychologist’s journey into ultramarathons and mental resilience

40 Column Opportunities in the metaverse powered by AI: human capital development - Michael So

36 Faces 王康怡 追夢四大滿貫

42 Column Be water: stay with “why”, not “what”- Bernice Li

38 Column 嶺南故事之二: 嶺大門前的歲月痕跡 - 劉智鵬教授

43 Donation form 44 Magazine subscription form


Exploring the nexus: liberal arts in the age of AI


ingnan University embarked on an extraordinary

j o u r n e y, e m b r a c i n g t h e a r r i v a l o f t w o e m i n e n t scientists in September 2023. Actively redefining the essence of pioneering, they are making invaluable contributions that transcend boundaries and reshape our understanding of innovation and knowledge. Their unwavering dedication reinforces Lingnan's commitment to becoming a world-class research university in liberal arts during the age of AI.

Text: Eva Tsang Photos: Hazel Chow


The Lingnan University Magazine


Lingnan’s Highly Cited Researcher drives real-world transformations

“As computer scientists today, we have all these tools available. How are we going to make use of them to create a better life for our society or for the next generation?” That is the question posed by Prof Sam Kwong Tak-wu, an eminent scientist who joined Lingnan University as Associate VicePresident (Strategic Research) and Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence in September 2023.



rof Kwong has a notable level

like speech recognition and many

research has focused on developing

of expertise in fields ranging from

other practical tests,” he explained.

techniques that enhance image quality

computer science, engineering and

“Over time, it became apparent that

while preserving important features

telecommunications to automation

genetic algorithms were not only

such as edges and texture.

and control systems, and imaging

effective for numerical issues, but also

science and photographic technology.

for practical industrial challenges. The

These practical solutions and various

And he has already made history at

evolutionary computational algorithms

tools, developed in collaboration

Lingnan by becoming the first faculty

mimic the concept of survival of the

with industry partners, have made it

member to be named as a Highly Cited

fittest. That is a very interesting thing.

possible to incorporate cutting-edge


It relies on two operators: crossover

technologies in multimedia systems,

and mutation, and is basically the

and led to other industrial applications,

This prestigious form of recognition

same as what humans do in our

which all make for a better user

is accorded by Clarivate and given to


experience when viewing videos.

per cent by citations for their fields and

Prof Kwong traces the history of

"A s a p i o n e e r i n t h e f i e l d o f

publication year over the past decade.

artificial intelligence back to the

computational intelligence, I am

Scholars from 67 countries and regions

Dartmouth Conference in the 1950s

committed to continuing my research

worldwide were named as Highly Cited

when the term was first coined.

and making further contributions to

Researchers in 2023 and, earlier in the

Networks have been around since the

academia and the wider society,” he

year, Prof Kwong was also included

1980s. And nowadays, we have access

said. “I am excited to be part of this

on the Stanford University list of the

to very powerful computers that have

important work.”

World’s Top 2% Scientists.

facilitated the evolution of computational

those whose work ranks in the top 1

“I am deeply honoured to receive this

algorithms and led to the emergence of

Bright future

new networks, deep learning, and AI.

In addition, Prof Kwong feels that Lingnan University is starting a new

recognition for my research, which I believe reflects the outstanding

"We had all these ideas in the early

chapter under the leadership of

research and influence of Lingnan

1980s and 1990s, but it is only today

President S. Joe Qin and, in line with

University,” he said. “This would not

that we are seeing something that is

the President's vision, can become a

have been possible without the support

truly like Star Wars," he said.

world-class, research-based liberal arts university.

of my colleagues and students, and I am grateful for their contribution to

Enabling cutting-edge technologies

our research.”

Driven by a passion for research,

“I look forward to working together

Prof Kwong has made substantial

to make the university better,” he

Pioneering genetic algorithms

contributions to advanced evolutionary

said. “And I am excited to see how I

Prof Kwong’s pioneering research

computation theory. His work has

can leverage my knowledge to help

began some three decades ago with

also demonstrated the feasibility

Lingnan reach new heights. I think

work on genetic algorithms, a far-

of interdisciplinary applications,

because of its individuality, Lingnan

reaching specialism of great moment,

starting with video encoding and, more

can play an important role not only in

as evidenced by the two authoritative

recently, culminating in work on low-

Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area,

best-selling books on the subject

light enhancement and underwater

but also globally. Our size allows us to

prominently displayed on his office

i m a g e syste m s . I n t h i s a re a , h e

excel, just like some of the prestigious


has improved the quality of images

Ivy League universities in the US that

captured in exacting environments,

are not so big. Given these conditions,

“When genetic algorithms were in

and developed several algorithms for

I am optimistic that Lingnan will do

their infancy, I think we were one of the

strengthening low-light images, which

well over the next ten years.”

first to use them for other problems,

are often noisy and lack detail. His The Lingnan University Magazine


As a pioneer in the field of computational intelligence, I am committed to continuing my research and making further contributions to academia and the wider society.

— Prof Sam Kwong

Photo: iStockphoto

Groundbreaking research

developing new theories and methods for enhancing

With a remarkable track record of scientific breakthroughs

the algorithm efficiency for video coding in three

and contributions to society, Prof Kwong’s influence is

key respects: optimal mode decision, sparse

far-reaching. In addition to his work on evolutionary

transformation quantisation, and motion estimation

computation, low-light enhancement and underwater image

optimisation. Published in journals included in the

systems, other notable distinctions include:

Science Citation Index, the team’s 59 academic papers have been cited positively by fellows of

Science and Technology Award of the CSIG

academies of science and engineering around the

Prof Kwong's research project "Cross-modality

world, as well as over 50 IEEE and Association for

interaction and remote perception theory and

Computing Machinery fellows.

method for salient attribute mining" won the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award of the Science

Influential papers

and Technology Award of the China Society of Image

Prof Kwong has published extensively in the field

and Graphics (CSIG) in 2023.

of low-light intensification and underwater image systems, including numerous papers in top-tier IEEE

Major Ministry of Education award

journals and conferences such as CVPR, ECCV, and

Prof Kwong and his team's project, titled "High-


efficiency Computing Theory and Method for Video Coding", received the Second Class Awards in the

His paper "Zero-reference deep curve estimation

Natural Science category at the Higher Education

for low-light image enhancement", published in

Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards

CVPR 2020 has been recognised as among the most

(Science and Technology) in 2020, which is a major

influential in the field and frequently quoted, with

Ministry of Education award.

close to 1,000 citations according to Google Scholar. His research has had a powerful effect on various


After conducting extensive research for over a

real-world applications, improving the quality and

decade, Prof Kwong and the team have contributed

usefulness of images captured in low-light and

to the ultra-high-definition video industry by

underwater environments.


Prof Sam Kwong Tak-wu

His underwater image work “An underwater image

enhancement benchmark dataset and beyond”,

IEEE Chester W. Sall Memorial Awards 2024 Best Paper Award

published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in 2020, is groundbreaking, as he has developed an

Fe l l o w o f t h e H o n g Ko n g A c a d e m y o f Engineering Sciences

archetype dataset that includes diverse underwater scenes and difficult degradations, which has become a de facto benchmark in the underwater image

First Lingnan scholar elected as Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors 2023

processing community. His baseline model trained using this dataset, combining deep learning with image processing techniques, has achieved better

Second Prize of the Natural Science Award

performance than commercial software such as

of the 2023 Science and Technology Award of

Dive+. This paper has received over 900 citations

the China Society of Image and Graphics

in a short time, demonstrating its significance and importance in the field.

First Lingnan faculty member to be named Highly Cited Researcher 2023

Significant impact on different applications Prof Kwong and his team have developed an

World’s Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University 2023

efficient and robust method called MLLE to enhance underwater images, which often suffer from colour deviations and low visibility due to wavelength-dependent light absorption

Speaker at the Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series 2023

and scattering. The MLLE method employs a minimum colour loss principle and a maximum attenuation map-guided fusion strategy to locally adjust the colour and details of the input image. Additionally, integral and squared integral maps are used to compute the mean and variance of local image blocks, in order to adaptively adjust the contrast of the input image. The enhanced images produced by MLLE exhibit vivid colour, i m p ro v e d c o n t r a s t , a n d e n h a n c e d d e t a i l s . This groundbreaking work was published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in June 2022 under the title "Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimal Color Loss and Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement". Prof Kwong's research has also had a profound impact in numerous fields, including marine biology, and oceanography.

Prof Kwong shares his insights at the Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series 2023 at Lingnan.

The Lingnan University Magazine


Pioneering Trailblazer the path to a Lingnan’s sustainable future: Highly Cited visionary Researcher leader drives of SIS real-world transformations

I don’t want my research to stay mostly on paper or just become ‘cool’. I want my studies to solve real problems.

— Prof Chen Xi



ur world emits over 35 billion

"I would like not only to invent new

master’s degree in engineering from

tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the

technology, but also to inspire new

Tsinghua University before completing

atmosphere annually, so the challenge

types of business and industry that

a PhD in solid mechanics at Harvard.

before us is to mitigate this immense

Opting to pursue a career in academia,

quantity, or perhaps even better, to

can really take advantage of the CO2,"

he said, emphasising that forward

h e b e ca m e a fa c u lt y m e m b e r a t

convert part of this into a valuable

thinking and applied expertise are

Columbia University and has since


needed to achieve the sustainability

won international recognition as a

goals that are so essential for all of us.

distinguished scholar specialising in

Prof Chen Xi is an esteemed pioneer

material science and mechanics.

in the field of distributed CO2 capture,

This view, of course, reflects Lingnan's

utilisation and sequestration. And in

own “Education for Service” motto and

Throughout, his objective has been

his roles as both Chair Professor of

exemplifies the essence of a liberal

to ta c kle re a l - wo r ld c h a l le n g e s

Interdisciplinary Studies and Dean

arts education.

relating to energy, the environment,

of Lingnan University’s School of

nanotechnology, and biology.

Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS), he has

Re m a r ka b ly, P ro f C h e n e n t e re d

developed an ambitious vision of what

university at just 13 years old. He

“I don't want my research to stay

it will take.

subsequently graduated from Xi’an

mostly on paper or just become

Jiaotong University’s Gifted Youth

'cool'. I want my studies to solve real

Programme and went on to earn a

problems," Prof Chen said.

Shift in focus Around 2010, his attention began to shift more towards energy and greenhouse gas issues, marking a pivotal "click moment for scientists" which was opening up groundbreaking areas of study. And this meant that, in 2020, when President Xi Jinping announced that China aims to achieve c a r b o n n e u t r a l i t y b e f o re 2 0 6 0 , Prof Chen already had a decade’s experience in the field. “ Te n y e a r s b e f o re t h a t s p e e c h , many people didn’t understand the importance of this global issue, and some even made jokes about me,” Prof Chen said. “But after it, they immediately got in touch, asking what we should do, not just scientists, but also government officials and industry leaders.”

The Lingnan University Magazine


Prof Chen Xi

His own firm belief is that the crown jewel of carbon neutrality

is to find ways of removing carbon dioxide from the air.

Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

“That would be the best. That would be a gigantic step •

Career Award from the National Science

for science and technology, and it would greatly benefit


mankind,” he said.

Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical

One encouraging advance in this respect is the development

Engineers (ASME)

of a membrane-type carbon-capture material, known for its “moisture swing” capacity.

Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator

Award from ASME •

Young Investigator Medal from the Society of Engineering Science

“When the surrounding air is dry, it can chemically absorb CO2 directly from the air. And when the surrounding is wet,

it can then release CO2 that has been absorbed,” he said.

Based on the use of this material, as well as other •

Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award from

technologies, Prof Chen has proposed a whole framework


of options for distributed carbon capture and utilisation, aimed at turning CO2 into a valuable asset. “One example is carbon farming,” he said. “Our experiments have shown that CO2 captured from the air can really help to increase the yield of some vegetables such as tomatoes by 30-40%. Another example is using mineralisation reaction to permanently store CO2 in building materials and the base

layers of roads, making them much stronger.”

Such changes, he noted, should go hand in hand with an embrace of smart city concepts and digitalisation to optimise the overall impact. New possibilities As a world-renowned scholar, Prof Chen first crossed paths with Lingnan’s President S. Joe Qin through an alumni network and was intrigued by the possibilities.

Moisture swing carbon-capture materials can chemically absorb CO2 directly from the air when the surrounding air is dry.


To become a leader in sustainability research in the digital era, we have to leverage our existing strengths of liberal arts, while implementing changes.

— Prof Chen Xi “I was convinced that President Qin is the type of leader I

finish renovating the space by the end of January and then

would like to follow. He has many brilliant ideas. And I could

start work in the labs.”

focus on SIS, which is a chance to combine everything,” Prof Chen said.

The broader aim is to attract talent from the Greater Bay Area in order to expand the research facility, to work closely

Since joining Lingnan in September, his work has felt like

with mainland institutions, and to build a team of world

establishing a start-up company. He believes the university

leaders in sustainability.

offers many great possibilities, and is ready to transform things where necessary. “To become a leader in sustainability research in the digital era, we have to leverage our existing strengths of liberal arts, while implementing changes,” he said. Therefore, SIS has established a master’s concentration with support from the Faculty of Business, with a view to launching a joint programme which would welcome its first intake in September 2024. Plans are also under way for a new PhD programme plus more international collaboration and stronger ties with the Greater Bay Area. “To develop science and technology components, Lingnan must work with mainland partners for lab space and research collaboration facilities,” Prof Chen said. “I am happy to see that we have already made milestone progress by establishing the university's Shenzhen Research Institute. That is the first step, and I think we will be able to

Capstone project As a way of motivating and inspiring Lingnan students, Prof Chen is proposing a capstone project involving the newly announced campus building which will connect the main entrance area with one of the other existing buildings. “We would like to make that a benchmark for carbon neutrality and green construction in Hong Kong, also using it as a testbed for student projects,” Prof Chen said. “There can be advanced technology applications, including a solar roof, advanced ventilation and solid waste management systems, and an energy harvesting system.” Looking further ahead, he has also been considering ways to make strides in a next big area of research, which includes water and material genomics. “We were one of the first groups to apply AI and machine learning in functional material prediction,” he said. “I would like to keep predicting and leading what can be done.” The Lingnan University Magazine



An auditory touch of connection

Text: Chan LT Photos: Hazel Chow

Musical duo from Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit: mixing AI with traditional notes



t i s a p p a re n t f ro m t h e w ay t h e

performance of Touch/Connected is set up that this is no ordinary musical recital. Bamboo hammers strike a yangqin to produce deliberately distorted notes, while the other half of the duo shifts swiftly between woodblocks, a symphonic bass drum, a rack of opera gongs and a laptop. The resulting cacophony depicts an undulating soundscape, occasionally becoming an electrifying tone. Like the 13 percussion instruments in Edgard Varèse’s Ionisation and the asymmetric strums in Horaţiu Rădulescu’s The Origin, an acoustic bass drum permeates the rhythmic texture of Touch/Connected, steadily lifting the crescendos and giving depth to the composition with a rich resonance. Interspersing the composition, a female voice narrates, guiding the audience into the music. The two presenters of this innovative musical performance, Prof Ip Kim-ho and Dr Enrico Bertelli, describe the process of constructing the piece as a series of controlled improvisations, a culmination of five decades of d e d i c a t i o n a n d ex p lo ra t i o n i n t o music and innovation both on and off stage. In their continuous pursuit of social entrepreneurship in the music i n d u st r y t h ro u g h co l l a b o ra t i o n s with artists, museums, institutes, and community organisations across the UK and Germany, their friendship developed through many serendipities and quickly blossomed into a rewarding partnership dedicated to democratising music and introducing it to a wide variety of audiences.

The Lingnan University Magazine


Touch/Connected is a manifestation of their foray into collaborative composition, which developed from a work by Prof Ip, Professor of Practice at Lingnan University and Head of the Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit, back in January 2023. Dr Bertelli, Associate Professor of Practice of Lingnan and founder of Conductive Music, is the mastermind behind the instrumental arrangement. Inspired by the I-Ching, sacred Buddhist texts, and 20th century avant-garde noise music, the score slides fluidly between Western and Chinese percussion instruments, and between tradition and innovation, as illustrated by the oscillation between the touch of fingers and buttons. “Our intent was to craft a piece that not only speaks to the audience, but also transcends typical auditory experiences often bordering on the misunderstood,’ Prof Ip declares. ‘Any misinterpretation we encounter is not a setback, but rather an affirmation of our role as pioneers in the ever-evolving landscape of music.” – and they have further stepped it up by incorporating Combining their expertise in Western contemporary music,

a tactile dimension into the performance, where each

Eastern traditional sounds, electronic music, and creative

tensioner lug of the bass drum is electrified to augment its

coding, their music allows them to transcend cultural

vibrations so the 16 lugs function as interactive buttons that

boundaries in their mission to eradicate music’s association

trigger a series of dominant chords. The technical principle

with elitism, and make it accessible to not just the “talented”

is similar to a mobile touchscreen: the musician completes

but to everyone. With the help of collaborators in the Music

the electric circuit by contact with the instrument, in turn

Unit, they have been able to diversify their pedagogical

generating a chord on a software-based electric piano.

approach and immerse students in heterogenous forms of music-making, performance, and appreciation.

Indeed, this method enables a tangible, intimate, and truly interactive relationship with music, which is indispensable

The work experiments with the harmonic and contrasting

in an education centred on accessibility and care. Capacitive

relationships between Western and Chinese percussion

sensing has been integrated in various workshops at Lingnan,

instruments, as well as electronic components such as

including the Link Sound Sinfonia project designed for

live sound processing and sample triggering. Prof Ip and

students with special educational needs.

Dr Bertelli even ventured into uncharted territories by bitcrushing the yangqin’s sounds into what may sound like

This vision of nurturing a more inclusive and expansive

technical interferences. Their creativity seems limitless

understanding of music is in perfect alignment with the ethos


Prof Ip Kim-ho (right) and Dr Enrico Bertelli (left) work closely with various departments and units across Lingnan and partners for interdisciplinary projects combining the arts, well-being and sustainability.

repetitive and technical tasks so as to allow time for original elements and humanistic charm such as establishing personal connections during live performances. “AI should be viewed as a complementary tool rather than a replacement,” Prof Ip observes. “What we are truly excited about is the prospect of an AI that can improvise in tandem with a human performer, learning their style and anticipating movements.” The possibility of supplanting human musicianship and creativity is still, Prof Ip and Dr Bertelli conclude, unattainable at this stage of AI development. of Lingnan University’s liberal arts education, which strives

Forecasting AI’s evolving influence on music and education,

to broaden perspectives, foster creativity, and encourage a

they anticipate the possibilities that the AI revolution and

holistic understanding of the world. “We aim to inspire our

transition to Web3 will present, and look forward to the new

students to embrace music not just as an academic subject,

Music Unit hub on Lingnan’s campus, which will prompt

but as a versatile and enriching part of their personal and

new musical experiences and peer collaborations between

professional lives,” Prof Ip says.

traditional musical forms such as Chinese opera and cutting-edge, AI-driven methodologies.

The same versatility can also be seen in AI development in music and live performance. AI is often presented as a

Standing at the intersection of music, technology and

threat which may overshadow or even replace human artists

education, Lingnan’s scholars have always been active

in the ongoing discourse around its integration into music.

composers and conductors of the future. The University’s

However, Prof Ip offers another perspective, explaining

pioneering course, which synthesises data science,

that while current tools and services – such as iZotope

Generative AI, and music production, is currently

plugins and LANDR – are capable of high-performance in

being refined to engage all students – regardless of

automating repetitive aspects of audio engineering, AI is

academic background – with the learning experience;

yet to meet the mark of human creativity when it comes to

simultaneously, a new minor programme in music with

fulfilling customised or high-quality conditions. AI’s audio

a special focus on GenAI is in a developmental stage to

modelling capacity remains limited as it tends to produce

pave the way for future postgraduates in this dynamic

predictable output, but it effectively liberates artists from

and vigorous field of study. The Lingnan University Magazine



Text: Lee Wing-sze Photos: Whitney Hon, Hazel Chow

Cross-cultural dance and music programmes show Lingnan’s cultural and ethnic diversity W

ithin Lingnan University’s liberal arts education

framework, the Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit (WBLMP) has been organising music and arts courses and activities to enrich students’ learning experience and assist cultural and ethnic encounters on the campus. Recently, it invited local dance charity BEYOND Bollywood to host a Bollywood dance workshop on 3 November 2023.


In the workshop, co-founder

“ B o l ly w o o d d a n ce i s s o m e t h i n g

and artistic director of BEYOND

different from other dance forms,”

Bollywood Uday Sathala introduced

says Sathala, who staged his

the wide variety of Indian dances,

s o lo p l a y M y L i f e O n T h e Fr i n g e

and the histor y and culture of

o n L i n g n a n ca m p u s e a r l i e r l a st

Bollywood dance to some 20

year. “There is a lot of expression.

s t u d e n t s . A c h o re o g r a p h e r a n d

We s h ow fe e l i n g s t h ro u g h h a n d

performer, Sathala also showed

g e s t u re s a n d fo o t w o r k , a n d w e

the students how to dance to the

move from the top - head, body to

dynamic Indian music.

toes. It is good exercise, good fun, and something new that you can feel in the music.”

Bollywood dance is something different from other dance forms.

-Uday Sathala

Among the students who indulged in the rhythmic, upbeat Bollywood music and dancing in the workshop wa s Va n s h i Ke ta n Pa t h a k , a n exchange student from Ahmedabad University, India. “I am having a lot of fun,” she says. “I am Indian and I enjoy dancing in my free time. When I saw that Lingnan University was providing a workshop about Bollywood dance, I would like to sign up just as a fun activity and I also want to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible before I leave.” Vanshi Ketan Pathak (left) and her friend Vidhi Vishal Chotai (right) put on stage an Indian dancing performance during the International Day 2023 held at Lingnan University in early November.

The Lingnan University Magazine


Scan to watch the workshop’s highlights

Hostel tutor and alumna Terra Ting,

BEYOND Bollywood’s co-founder

an Indian movie fan, appreciates

a n d p ro g r a m m e d i re c t o r B e n i s

the workshop that gave her a way

Cheng hopes the workshop would

to mingle with people of other

s t i m u l a t e s t u d e n t s’ i n t e re s t i n

ethnicities. “I do know a little bit

Indian dance, and inspire them to

about the Indian culture, but I have

explore its dance forms and Indian

not really had a chance to make

culture. She is also impressed by

friends with Indians. A workshop

Lingnan University’s liberal arts

like this is a very good opportunity

environment. “The curriculum is not

for us to meet people of other

just about academic knowledge, but

nationalities and learn about their

a whole person development. The


multi-cultural learning environment c a n a l s o h e l p w i d e n s t u d e n t s’ horizons,” says Cheng, who formerly worked in private banking.

The curriculum is not just about academic knowledge, but a whole person development. The multi-cultural learning environment can also help widen students’ horizons.


-Benis Cheng

An Uzbek music ensemble arranged by the Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit to enhance the ethnic and cultural vibes on Lingnan campus. Photos courtesy: Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit

In addition to the Bollywood dance workshop, two other cultural activities were hosted by WBLMP on the campus recently. From October t o N ove m b e r 2 0 2 3 , a n I n t e g ra t e d L e a r n i n g Programme (ILP) class, the Egyptian Dance Workshop, was organised by the Office of Student Affairs. Besides, the “Music in Asia’s Heart of Hearts Uzbekistan Music Appreciation” took place on 2 November 2023 as a course enhancement session for WBLMP’s Music and World Cultures cluster course under Humanities and the Arts. The oneand-a-half-hour ensemble played by four guest musicians from Uzbekistan brought to about 80 Lingnan students indigenous Uzbek music and instruments, presenting the rich history and cultures across Central Asia.

Instructed by charitable organisation Dance For Life, the six-session class demonstrates Egyptian folklore dance movements to Lingnan students, who have also performed in the Hong Kong International Egyptian Dance Festival 2023.

The Lingnan University Magazine



以感會物 1 由嶺南大學數碼藝術及創意產業系策劃的全新展覽及 教育場地 — 少雪齋藝術展覽館,於即日至本年 11 月底 首次呈獻「感物」的主題展覽,透過「山水之樂」和「玩 物之道」 ,承載藝術家和鑑藏家以人為本、以創作及賞 物油然而生的人與物之間的藝術連繫。 展覽展出約三十件由少雪齋蒐集的中國繪畫和陶瓷珍 品,讓觀眾置身於二十世紀畫家筆下氣勢磅礡的山光 水色,體會中國天人合一的宇宙觀;遊走於宋代至清 代陶瓷器物的造型美學,把玩陶藝匠人指尖下詮釋的 歷史與生活雅趣。 你有興趣跨越情感、穿梭時間,來一趟與自然萬物交 感交會的藝術之旅嗎?

嶺南大學李運強教學大樓(南翼)三樓 星期一至五上午十時至下午五時 歡迎公眾人士預約免費參觀

2 Photos: Hazel Chow


1. 嶺南大學全新展覽及教育場地 — 少雪齋藝術展覽館 2.「感物」主題展覽 3. 展覽展出約三十件由少雪齋蒐集的中國繪畫和陶瓷珍品 4. 展覽讓觀眾體會中國天人合一的宇宙觀


4 The Lingnan University Magazine




擁抱科技 駕馭未來 Text: Eva Tsang

科技人才精於解決問題,博雅教育人才擅於發問 問題,兩者對一間公司同樣不可或缺。 — 姚祖輝 「先做人,後做事」是嶺大校董會主席姚祖

同學在參觀知名企業及 CEO 講座等一系列








大學生期間表現出眾,市場及國際企業學 由滬港社團總會主辦、嶺南大學和學生事




五所大學共 60 名學生中脫穎而出,獲選為





19 名嶺大生獲安排前往上海,在香港特區





玩具反斗城、City’super 等多間大型機構



及實力企業展開為期 53 日的實習,親身體



驗內地職場文化和國家高速發展,並與潛 在僱主建立聯繫。



Photo: iStockphoto









大策略發展計劃 2022-28,優化數碼時代




莞 的 政 府 部 門、 國 企、 央 企、 民 企 等 實

能擁抱達 8,000 至 9,000 萬人口的大灣區市





務、人力資源、公關等,提升競爭力。 「科技人才精於解決問題,博雅教育人才 擅於發問問題,兩者對一間公司同樣不可 或缺。過去十年香港的增值能力並無顯著 提升,希望透過科技,能衍生出數十萬份 高增值工作。我相信嶺大學生定能從這塊 餅中,分得一大部分。」

市場及國際企業學系學生彭子豪 ( 左三 ) 及歷史系學生何佩珊 ( 左四 ) 獲選為優秀學生。

The Lingnan University Magazine


Scholar talks Text: Whitney Hon Photos: Hazel Chow


專訪 徐頌雯教授 「我們每一個人都是歷史的觀察 者,是歷史的一部分。作為歷史 系教授,我有更大的責任客觀地 記錄及解讀,幫助現在或者未來 的人更全面地了解當中的歷史。」


徐頌雯教授所著的《香港街市:日常建築裏的城市 脈絡 (1842-1981)》中、英文版。






們的父母 —— 當年屋苑落成後第一批買



個 高 層 規 劃 社 區 」(Housing the Nascent


Middle Class: the First High-rise Planned Community in Post-War Hong Kong) 榮 獲


國際亞洲研究學者大會 (ICAS) 全球香港研


究人文類最佳文章獎,同時她的著作 《香港




亦入圍2023年ICAS 圖書獎最佳中文書籍。

多個現存的街市,細尋城市記憶,書寫香 港街市的價值。

美孚新邨除了盛載徐教授的兒時回憶外, 在香港房屋史上更具有重大意義。 「美孚新








位設計。」從美孚石油公司的油庫,10 年


間慢慢改建成共 99 幢的大型屋苑,在香港



重視抱不平,觸發徐教授以縱向式研究香 港的公眾街市,她深信只有從整個香港街





結構變遷。後來香港逐一落成的大型私人 屋苑如太古城、黃埔花園等都有仿效美孚



徐教授勉勵學生,一起寫多一些關於香港 的歷史。即使沒有能力改變歷史,亦可在







The Lingnan University Magazine



Text: Zelda Lau Photos: Hazel Chow




搖搖,一種以重力旋轉出無窮花式的傳統玩具,曾 於八、九十年代風靡全球。現為嶺南大學社會學哲學 碩士研究生、香港花式搖搖協會主席的「00後」鄺浩弘 (Danny) ,以一級榮譽從社會科學學士課程畢業後,希 望透過研究香港搖搖運動,探究非主流運動文化群體的 社會價值。




談到在社區推廣搖搖運動,Danny 不忘感

賽」 ,抱著好奇心到現場一探究竟,自此與



搖搖結下不解緣。 「我當時認識了一群玩搖

當中被複製或受批判的價值和行為。 「社會
















出戰在新加坡舉行的亞洲搖搖大賽。 「搖


持講座,介紹搖搖運動。 「下一步是從康














數年,卻使我覓得另一出路 —— 將搖搖 帶入學術界,以學術角度審視搖搖圈的文







的博雅教育院校體驗海外學習。 「當地特別





協會名字。 「後來我翻查註冊資料,發覺可










種次文化所影響。 「玩搖搖的人通常都比較內向、不太懂得 表達自己,卻又要硬著頭皮上台比賽,因 而漸漸地嘗試表現自我,注重衣著儀表和 行為舉止,在台上暫時變成一個較外向的 人。」在他的搖搖圈裡,大家都走在一條與 主流社會很不同的路上,例如有人主修社 工,後來透過搖搖接觸到hip-hop(嘻哈)文 化,畢業後轉行做DJ(唱片騎師) 。

The Lingnan University Magazine


「當滑板都成為奧運項目之一,為甚麼搖 搖不行?」透過鑽研次文化價值,Danny 盼能改變大眾對搖搖的固有印象。「它不 只是一種玩具 —— 我希望大家眼中的搖 搖是一項運動,一項須接受長時間訓練、 緊張刺激、過關斬將的表演運動。」

即掃QR Code觀看Danny示範花式搖搖


HOMECOMING 2024 27-28 July 2024 (Saturday-Sunday)

Back to Lingnan! Save the date! Join us for a memorable Homecoming celebration! It will be a fun night with music, games, and friends. We can't wait to welcome you!

Further enhancing the teaching and research standards of Lingnan Lingnan Hub, an eight-storey building near the Southern Hostels with a variety of rooms and multifunctional spaces, celebrated its topping-out ceremony on 5 January 2024. Scheduled to officially open in the academic year of 2024/25, Lingnan Hub exemplifies our unwavering commitment to fostering innovation, nurturing growth, and enhancing the learning experiences of our faculty and students. We believe this project will further enhance the teaching and research standards of Lingnan and cultivate more outstanding talents.

Find out more and support us

Time out

Running the extra mile:

A psychologist’s journey into ultramarathons and mental resilience Text: Ginn Fung Photos: Hazel Chow

I n t h i s i n t e r v i e w, P ro f W i l l i a m Hayward, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and seasoned psychologist, opens up about his two-decade love affair with running and the unique intersection of his passion with his profession. From exploring Hong Kong’s lush country parks to tackling overseas ultramarathon challenges, Prof Hayward shares insights into his training routine, favourite running spots, and the mental fortitude gained from enduring ultramarathons.


When and how did you fall in

amazing things about Hong Kong is

love with running in general and

all the incredible hiking trails and all

ultramarathons in particular?

the green space, even here near the

I have always been quite sporty. When

Lingnan campus. During the week,

I was a child, I used to like all sorts

I may run here in the evenings after

of sports including running but also

work, and I often run from the campus

football, basketball, and cricket.

down towards Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long on the bicycle path. That is the

And then as I got a bit older and

good thing about running - you can run

started to have kids, I had much less


time, and found running is quite convenient. As I ran, I got to really

I run after work for about an hour

enjoy it, and I just went on for longer

- between 8 and 15km, and then on

and longer. I ran pretty regularly for

the weekends I try to run for longer -

about 20 years, and then competed in

maybe for a few hours on a Saturday

ultramarathons for about 15 years.

morning - sometimes with friends. We go off exploring, perhaps on Lantau

Can you tell us about your training,

Island or in the Northern Territories -

your running routine?

some very obscure places.

One thing I love to do is run in Hong Kong’s country parks. One of the

If I can overcome difficulties in my running, I can do the same in my job.

— Prof William Hayward Do you have any favourite places or

Mile race, which is about 24 hours of


running pretty much non-stop. In Hong

I enjoy getting out of the city, so any

Kong, the most memorable one is

place we can go where it is really the

called the Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra

natural environment, and we don’t see

Challenge. Hong Kong has four official

too many buildings - and in Hong Kong

long trails: the MacLehose Trail is

there are a lot of places like that. So

100km, the Wilson Trail is about 78km,

particularly the New Territories, Castle

the Hong Kong Trail is 50km, and the

Peak, Tai Mo Shan, or out towards

Lantau Trail is 70km. And so it’s a

Sha Tau Kok – there are some really

challenge when you try to run all four

good places out there. Lantau Island is

of them together - about 300km in

fantastic, and I love going out there.

total, and you should do it in under 60 hours. I’ve always taken a little bit over

Can you tell us about some of the

60 hours, so officially I am a two-time

overseas competitions you have

survivor of the Hong Kong Four Trails

taken part in over the years, and your

Ultra Challenge.

greatest achievement? I’ve been to California a couple of times to run the Western States 100 The Lingnan University Magazine


Quick View

Why is it important to have a hobby or

a runner; you don’t need to be sporty

the challenge. As a psychologist, it


- you may play an instrument, or like

is stimulating to understand that,

I think it’s very important to not be

to paint, or to take photographs - it

so I find my hobby quite interesting

defined by one thing, so if you only

can be anything, but I think it is very

from a professional standpoint. Then,

work and don’t do anything else, and

healthy for people to have some kind

equally, it shows me that I can do more

then you have a problem at work, then

of interest outside their work.

than I thought I could. When I started

that becomes personalised. You feel

running I thought those crazy people

that there is a problem because that’s

How does your running relate to your

who run a long way must be very

the only thing you know. You know you

work and to your research?

special, but then I realised they are

have a job, and if you are not doing

I think they feed both ways. I’m a

quite ordinary, and just like me. So if I

the job well or if there is a problem

psychologist, and the psychology of

can do that, then when I try something

then that is your problem, and that

endurance sports is very interesting

in my professional life and wonder

challenges your mental health, and

b ecau s e of t he m ot i va t i on to d o

why I can’t - why can’t I apply for that

your general sense of well-being. your

something which causes pain and

grant, why can’t I teach that course,

general sense of well-being.

discomfort. When I run for many

learn something like a new part of my

So if people have outside hobbies,

hours, I actually get very sore, and

discipline that I didn’t know before

i t j u st m e a n s t h a t yo u ca n ke e p

my legs are painful. It’s not really a

– because if I can do it in my hobby,

everything a little bit in balance. I

comfortable thing to do, yet I find it

there is no reason why I can’t do it in

find that if I run, then when I’m at


my professional life as well. I have

work I feel more efficient, and it’s

also learnt from running that I’m a

much easier for me to make decisions

So I am motivated to do something that

very stubborn person. It’s always good

because I’m able to keep my work a

doesn’t seem to bring me joy in the

to learn something about yourself

little bit separate from my sense of

instant, but I think it’s because there is

that you can apply in your professional

self, which I think is quite a healthy

something very satisfying about setting

life. And if I can overcome difficulties

thing for all of us. You don’t need to be

ourselves a challenge and overcoming

in my running, I can do the same in my job.


Photos courtesy: Prof William Hayward


王康怡 追夢四大滿貫 ● 第 75 屆全港網球 公開賽女子單打冠軍 ● 第 75 屆全港網球公開賽公 開組混合雙打冠軍 ● 成都第 31 屆世界大學生夏 季運動會混合雙打銅牌 ● 2020 年澳洲網球公開賽 青少年女子單打八強 ● 2019 年法國網球公開賽 青少年女子雙打八強 ● 2019 年美國網球公開賽 青少年女子雙打四強 ● 2019 年溫布頓網球錦標賽 青少年女子單打 16 強 ● 2018 年澳洲網球公開賽 青少年女子單打 16 強

香港網球運動員王康怡(Cody)透過頂尖運動員直 接入學計劃於2023/24學年入讀嶺南大學運動教 練學及盛事管理課程三年級。年僅21歲的她,便 在多項大滿貫青少年賽事中嶄露頭角,屢為香港 青少年網球壇刷新最佳紀錄,並在ITF巡迴賽分 站女單兩度封后,去年更首次代表港隊出戰杭州 第19屆亞洲運動會。 Text: Zelda Lau Photo courtesy: Office of Student Affairs


網球是一個很獨立的運動,例如單打,全部 都要靠自己思考如何打,如何應付場內場外 的因素,都會影響臨場發揮。 — 王康怡




























你如何看嶺南大學的運動文化? 嶺南大學的運動文化奉行了博雅教育,在

我小時候已經每個星期參加訓練班,變 成了習慣,當時又因為覺得自己的成績不






















大球手Mélodie Collard,是第一次搭檔,






但非常可惜的是,我們到第三盤(super tie-












動,例如單打,全部都要靠自己思考如何 打,如何應付場內場外的因素,都會影響





會(大運會) ,我與拍檔梁筠彤在女雙八強


我希望可以完成網球四大滿貫,我想四大 滿貫對每個網球運動員都是一個目標。我

爭入四強,同樣是打到第三盤(super tiebreak) ,又是差一個match point (決勝分) ,








行早上訓練。 The Lingnan University Magazine





歲月 痕跡


嶺大座落屯門虎地村,「虎地村村公所」就在 校園北門的旁邊,說明嶺大的校園就是虎地 村原來的中心地帶。以往有村民在村公所經 營茶餐廳、士多、理髮廳,引來嶺大學生不 時光顧。十多年前新界各處鄉村重建牌坊, 虎地村也在村公所和嶺大北門中間豎立一座 「虎地村」牌坊,以示鄉村原本所在。

劉智鵬教授 協理副校長 ( 學術及對外關係 ) 歷史系教授

劉智鵬教授 協理副校長 ( 學術及對外關係 ) 歷史系教授

上世紀七十年代屯門發展新市鎮,不少鄉村因而遷離 原址;青山公路新墟段就有重置的新墟、舊墟、良田 村、新圍仔。虎地村變為嶺大,確實與新市鎮發展有 關;但虎地村劃出土地作其他用途,則早有前科。 戰後英國重臨香港,人口的激增帶來城市發展的機 遇,當年的一項重大基建就是覓地另建新機場,選址 是毗連虎地的屏山。在規劃新機場的過程之中,中國 共產黨在內戰中取得勝利,香港一夜之間成為冷戰的 前沿地帶。1949 年,英軍在虎地村建立一個細小的 軍營,名為 Far East Farm Camp,後來改稱 Bowring Camp,中文名稱是虎地軍營。這軍營的建立估計與興 建新機場和中共建立新政權有關。1980 年代,在中英 兩國就香港前途問題達成共識的歷史語境中,軍營改 建為越南難民營。1990 年代,營地清空後曾考慮作為 香港科技大學的校址,最後此地與嶺南結緣,在 1995 年建成今日的嶺大校園。 今日的嶺南校園揉合廣州嶺大建築風格和新界鄉郊情 味,頗具特色;但除了中式花園的黃麻木和劉仲謙樓 中庭的老茘枝樹,其他屬於虎地村的歲月痕跡所餘無 幾。不過,在校園正門與巴士站之間的邊上,卻意外 地留下了軍營年代的一道歷史遺跡。 經過車站的嶺南人都可能注意到,行人路東側高出地 面數英尺的花圃上,有一段矮長的混凝土結構自北 至南橫在眼前,這就是軍營西面邊界鐵絲網的基座。 三十多年前剪去的鐵絲網,殘根仍然清晰可見。 翻看地圖和歷史照片,整個軍營都有鐵絲包圍;改建 為嶺大的時候,軍營的構築物全部移除;這段基座居 然滄海遺珠,在人來人往的嶺大門前看著時間靜靜地 走進歷史之中。

The Lingnan University Magazine



Opportunities in the metaverse powered by AI: human capital development


he Metaverse offers unique opportunities to advance

As things change, many believe the Metaverse will offer all

education and collaboration. In doing so, it can foster the

kinds of new opportunities for a more sustainable economy

development of human capital, which is a crucial aspect

which balances growth and environmental impact. This will

of economic growth. And by providing easier access to

see reduced reliance on traditional industries and business

a diverse range of resources, it can enhance learning,

practices which are known to harm the environment.

promote international exchanges, address inequalities, and help to bridge the digital divide.

Instead, economic activities will increasingly shift to the virtual realm, lessening the demand for physical resources

Moreover, with the integration of AI-powered tools, which

and leading to a significant reduction in the associated

support language translation and personalised needs, there

carbon footprint.

is great potential to add new dimensions to the overall learning experience. As a result, individuals from many

Such a transition aligns with the concept of “green growth”,

different backgrounds will be able to play an active part in

with its emphasis on the importance of sustainable

ongoing academic discourse and become directly involved

development and initiatives which protect, rather than

in the acquisition and transfer of knowledge.

compromise, the environment.

For universities and other institutions of higher education,

This philosophy entails promoting resource optimisation,

the challenge is to leverage the Metaverse to create

lower consumption, and less waste. And, to that end,

immersive learning experiences. The chance now exists to

greater use of the Metaverse can certainly contribute to the

transcend the limitations of traditional classroom settings.

creation of a more circular, eco-friendly economy.

So, the goal must be to offer more engaging, effective, and personalised forms of education, with a view to developing

Therefore, policymakers and businesses should make it

a future workforce with the skills and adaptability to meet

a priority to explore ways to leverage the potential of the

the demands of a rapidly changing economy.

Metaverse. Doing so will help them to achieve sustainable growth while mitigating possible negative effects, such as the increased energy consumption of data centres.


Michael So

Special Advisor to Associate Vice-President School of Graduate Studies Adjunct Assistant Professor BBA (Hons) in Risk and Insurance Management (2001) Photo: iStockphoto

In taking this course, though, they will also have to pay

For the sake of society as a whole, it is crucial to explore the

close attention to new regulatory and ethical challenges

opportunities and accept the challenges these technological

which are going to arise. As the virtual economy continues

advances present.

to expand, there will be questions to consider about taxation, property rights, data privacy, fair competition, and

By taking full advantage of the potential offered by AI


and the Metaverse, new ways can be found to achieve sustainable growth, develop human capital, and create a

To address such issues and to ensure the virtual economy

more equitable global economy.

is both stable and equitable, policymakers must develop effective governance frameworks. Their broad objective

It is, though, up to businesses, policymakers, and

should be to promote transparency, accountability, and

researchers to work together to drive innovation and


navigate the challenges that will inevitably come in an era of exciting economic transformation.

Fu r t h e r m o re , i t i s e s s e n t i a l t o a d d re s s e t h i c a l considerations. People are already aware of the increase in risks linked to technology, such as digital addiction and online harassment. Therefore, efforts to create a thriving virtual economy must respect clear guidelines on everything from data privacy and marketing practices to the need to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Overall, the convergence of AI and the Metaverse is shaping a new economic landscape. It will be marked by the accelerated transformation of many industries, simplified systems development, enhanced accessibility to information, and the emergence of new business and economic models. The Lingnan University Magazine



Be water:

stay with “why”, not “what”

Bernice Li

BA (Hons) in Contemporary English Studies (2022)

Photo: iStockphoto


n the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it's easy

This realisation taught me a valuable lesson about the

to get caught up in the pursuit of success and lose sight

power of prioritisation and aligning with our deepest

of our deeper motivations. However, I've learned that

passions. It reinforced my belief that we should not allow

by continually reflecting on my purpose and allowing it

labels or external expectations to define us but, rather

to guide me, I can achieve flexibility and make a lasting

remain steadfast in our commitment to what truly drives

positive impact. This has been at the core of my own career,

us. Having understood this, I resolved to shift my focus and

and I've gained valuable insights through the challenges

dedicate more time and resources to SoleSoul Club — a

and triumphs of staying true to my purpose.

decision rooted in the pursuit of my core purpose and the desire to empower others through artistic expression.

It was a pivotal moment when I embarked on an exciting trip to Indonesia, intending to develop a new line for WMXN

This taught me that staying true to purpose requires

Collective. The opportunity seemed promising, with potential

constant reassessment, and the realignment of our

for growth and expansion. Little did I know that a lightning

efforts. It demands that we prioritise what truly ignites

bolt of clarity would completely redirect my focus.

our passion and enables us to create meaningful change. By embracing flexibility, and making conscious choices

Immersing myself in the vibrant culture and engaging with

based on our strongest motivations, we can navigate

local communities, I had a profound epiphany. A true calling

our entrepreneurial paths with clarity, fulfilment, and

urged me to dedicate more time and energy to developing

unwavering conviction.

SoleSoul Club — an initiative empowering individuals through artistic expression and personal growth. It

My journey to Indonesia served as a lightning bolt of

was at that moment that I understood the importance

realisation, guiding me to prioritise SoleSoul Club

of prioritising my greatest passion — a passion that

over WMXN Collective. It was a profound moment of

resonates with my core purpose and the desire to create

understanding, highlighting the importance of pursuing

transformative change.

my greatest passion and aligning my endeavours with my core purpose. As you embark on your own entrepreneurial

With this newfound clarity, I recognised that staying true

journey, remember the importance of staying true to

to my purpose meant making difficult decisions and

yourself, remaining flexible, and allowing your purpose

reassessing my priorities. While WMXN Collective had

to guide you towards lasting fulfilment and meaningful

played a leading role until then, I realised that SoleSoul


Club held the key to unlocking my full potential, and making the most significant impact on other people’s lives. 42

捐款表格 Dona�on Form 捐款金額 Dona�on Amount □ HK$200 □ HK$500 □ HK$1,000

□ HK$5,000#

□ 其他 Others HK$_______________

*捐款 HK$100 或以上可獲發收據作申請減稅之用。Official receipt will be issued for dona�on of HK$100 or above for tax deduc�on purpose.

捐款用途 Dona�on Purpose □ 獎學金 Scholarships# □ 助學金 Bursaries# □ 大學發展基金 University Development Fund

□ 研究生獎學金 Postgraduate Fellowships# □ 嶺大創業基金 LU Entrepreneurship Fund □ 校友發展基金 Alumni Development Fund

每筆港幣五千元以上的獎學金/助學金/研究生獎學金均可擁有命名權。我們的職員將與您聯繫。A scholarship/ Bursary/ Postgraduate Fellowship can be named in honour of the Donor (individual, group or organisa�on) or a loved one for a dona�on of HK$5,000 or above per award. Our colleague will contact you for follow-up. #

捐款方式 Payment Method □ 劃線支票 Crossed cheque (支票抬頭請註明「嶺南大學」 。Please make cheque payable to “Lingnan University”.) □ 信用卡 Credit card# 持卡人姓名 Cardholder’s name □ VISA □ MasterCard 信用卡號碼 Card no. □ 銀行轉帳/轉數快^ Direct Bank Transfer/ FPS^

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本人現授權嶺南大學由本人之信用卡賬户內一次過扣除上述之捐款金額。 I hereby authorise Lingnan University to debit the above dona�on amount from my credit card account. .^ .. 請於備註一欄填上姓名、聯絡電話及電郵。Please leave your name, contact number and email in the remarks sec�on. …* ..只適用於海外捐款。For overseas remi�ance only.

個人資料 Personal Par�culars (請以英文填寫 Please fill in the informa�on in English) □ 校友 Alumni

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捐款人簽署 Donor’s signature _______________________________

日期 Date _______________________________

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如有任何查詢,請聯絡大學發展及公共事務處。 For any enquiries, please contact: Office of Ins�tu�onal Advancement and Public Affairs 電話 Tel.: (852) 2616-8975 傳真 Fax: (852) 2466-3730 電郵 Email:

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網上表格 Online dona�on form (只適用於信用卡 For credit card only)

Last updated: Jan 2024

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嶺南大學研究生校友會 Lingnan University Postgraduate

Alumni Association (LUPAA) 於2020年7月正式成立,宗旨

是成為研究生校友們與學校的一道橋梁,凝聚校友力量,建立 強大的校友網絡,回饋及支持大學持續發展。校友會定期舉辦 各類型的聯誼活動,包括聚餐、康樂活動、就業分享會及各類興 趣班等,積極聯繫及團結校友的感情!

嶺南大學研究生校友會 第三屆週年會員大會


「校友茶聚及運動樂」 ,集齊吃、喝、玩、樂的精彩活動


校友會為研究生師友計劃其中一個合辦單位,積極支 持計劃學生



自成立以來,本會透過舉辦各 類活動,如聯誼、分享會和其他 活動,加強校友之間的感情,並 與母校保持緊密聯繫。 唱作音樂人林家謙 校友線上分享會

參加大學的 畢業晚宴

手作霓虹燈 工作坊 + 參觀RICOH 混合式工作間

嶺南大學本科生校友會(Lingnan University Undergraduate

Alumni Association, LUUAA)於2021年初正式成立。校友會幹

事由來自不同學系和不同畢業年份的嶺南大學校友組成,致力於 團結所有本科生校友。目標是擴展校友網絡,加強校友與母校的 聯繫,傳承嶺南大學的校訓和博雅教育精神。

校友會也積極響應及支持母校的年度活動盛事,如校友 日、畢業晚宴、大型典禮,與校友共度美好時光。

Published by Office of Institutional Advancement and Public Affairs 大學發展及公共事務處出版 Tel

電話 (852) 2616 8989


傳真 (852) 2838 1601

Email 電郵 All rights reserved. © Lingnan University 2024 嶺南大學保留所有權利。 Privacy Policy Statement The protection of one’s personal data and privacy is of vital importance to Lingnan University (the University). The University is committed to safeguarding personal data and privacy in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The University undertakes actions to ensure that the personal data of a University member are collected, stored, held and used accurately and securely. Mutual trust, freedom of thought and expression which are essential to the University, rest on confidence that privacy will be respected; and disclosure of personal data will be made only in accordance with the requirements of relevant law. For more information of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, please refer to the University’s website. If you do not wish to receive print materials from the University, please email us at with your name, mailing address and contact details or call us at 2616 8989 for assistance. 私隱政策聲明 嶺南大學(大學)高度重視對所有人的個人資料及私隱進行妥當保護。大學一直遵從《個人資料(私隱)條例》中 的相關規定,致力保護個人資料及保障個人私隱。大學將切實執行有效措施以確保在處理個人資料期間,個人 資料能夠被準確和安全地收錄、使用和保管。大學珍貴的互信和言論及思想自由,均建基於對個人私隱的尊 重,大學只可在相關法例許可的情況下披露個人資料。有關《個人資料(私隱)條例》的更多資料,請參閱大學 網站。 閣下如欲停止收取大學的印刷品,請連同姓名、地址及其他聯絡資料電郵至或致電 2616 8989 與我 們聯絡。



Issue 002


The Lingnan University Magazine


Exploring the Nexus:

Liberal Arts

in the Age of


80 年代。司徒拔道舊校舍語言實習室 Language Lab, the old Stubbs Road campus in the '80s. 把你的嶺南回憶寄給我們至 Send your memories of Lingnan to





Chair Professors Prof Sam Kwong & Prof Chen Xi

Musical duo mixing AI with traditional notes

Promoting the Yoyo - sport and the subculture

Cody Wong the supernova of Hong Kong tennis

Issue 002

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