2021 Beacon-Winter

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The Ohio

BEAC N Volume 28, Issue 1, Winter 2021

It’s okay to ask for help Page 11

OMH Receives COVID-19 Vaccine

Page 12

Illustrating The Masonic Lectures Page 6

Take A Virtual Masonic Road Trip Page 7

Celebrating 25 Years of The Ohio Beacon Page 5 Page XX


IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the CEO . . . . 2 Letter from the GM . . . . . 3 Grand Lodge News . . . . 4 The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation News. . . . . . . . 8 The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News . . . 10 The Ohio Masonic Home News . . . . . . . . . 12 Western Reserve Masonic Community News. . . . . 13 Springfield Masonic Community News . . . . . 14 Browning Masonic Community News . . . . . 15 The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 or 800-292-6092 Douglas Kaylor, PGM Program Coordinator dkaylor@glohio.com The Ohio Masonic Home Marketing Department 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 937-525-5609 OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org If you would like to receive the Ohio Beacon electronically, send an email with your request to OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please update your information via Grandview, or report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.

A Message from the CEO Dear Brethren, As 2020 comes to a close and we begin a new year, we can't help but look back on what the year brought not only to The Ohio Masonic Home but the world as a whole. This has been a year of challenge. If there is a silver lining to the obstacles that 2020 has brought, it would be how our residents, staff, and Fraternity have stepped up and united to meet these challenges and proven the power of adaptability and collaboration. I could not be more proud of our employees' efforts during these past few months. I have been inspired by the dedication, selflessness, and resilience seen across our organization. Our staff and their commitment to our community members, clients, and each other is the embodiment of our mission and who we are as an organization. Since the start of the pandemic, we have taken action and made informed decisions that support and benefit our community. At the first sign of COVID-19, we prioritized spending where it was needed most and have purchased Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for our staff, their families, our clients, and community members so no one would lack the protection needed. We've even been able to assist hospitals, childcare facilities, and first responder organizations in providing supplies for their employees by donating much needed PPE. Our number one priority has always been to keep our community members, clients, employees, and their families safe and protected. The staff of the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center and Ohio Masonic Home Foundation have worked diligently to keep our residents connected to their family and friends. Our Powering the Connection initiative has provided hundreds of devices to our residents, fostering a sense of hope, security, and connectivity. Thank you to all who have supported this initiative and made this possible! Throughout the pandemic, we have been working diligently to enhance services provided through the Resource Center and our communities with updated space and amenities. We are always here to assist you, and we encourage you to reach out at any time. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy, and thank you again for all you do for our Ohio Masonic Home. Fraternally, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home

SAVE-THE-DATE Due to the uncertainty of mask requirements, the status of Home Day is still undecided. The final decision will be announced in the Spring issue of The Beacon. Facebook (@theohiomasonichome) and at www.ohiomasonichome.org

OMH Foundation Golf Classic June 7, 2021 Rose Society Ball August 14, 2021

A Message from the Grand Master Brethren All, I hope you had a great holiday season, spending time with family and friends, whether in-person or virtually. I know these times are forcing us to make hard decisions, but at least we have options which were not available to those in the last wide-spread pandemic in 1918! There has been a lot of interest in Lady Teri’s and my charity for the year. I would like to give you a little background to our thoughts. In our travels to other Masonic jurisdictions, there were reports in their annual sessions about charities to support Veterans. Although the Grand Lodge of Ohio has had fundraisers for this purpose in the past, I found it striking that we did not have a permanent fund in support of this cause. Lady Teri and I talked about it and agreed that supporting our Veterans and First Responders would be our charity of choice for the year. In an earlier meeting, I made a motion to create an additional permanent account or fund within the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation for veterans and first responders. This fund would be used for larger purchases and not for individual assistance. Our Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation is already set up well to support an individual, but not necessarily a group or organization. As examples, our Veteran’s Homes may need socks, electrolyte drinks for drug abuse detoxification, or other purchases that are not supplied by normal means. This is the principal purpose of our endeavor and I am looking to “seed” this account so future generations shall benefit from our labors. If you can help, please send your donation to the Grand Lodge Office, and make the check out to the Grand Lodge of Ohio Charitable Foundation with “Veterans & First Responders” in the memo line.

Find the Shield

Congratulations to Peter Couladis, of Paramuthia Lodge No. 25 in Athens, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Leaf search! There were 3 Leaves in the last edition. In this edition, we acknowledge the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination process for our employees and community members (page 12). We receive the vaccine to shield ourselves and our loved ones. Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Shield graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).

There has also been a lot of interest by those wishing to join our fraternity, both by traditional petitioning and through the Grand View Inquiry process. We have over 1000 men in the queue just waiting to be talked to. Your Lodge Prospect Manager is of critical importance to talk to these potential members. We have work to do Brethren, and possibly great times for the future of our fraternity lie ahead! I hope you and your family are doing well during these uncertain times. This virus is serious and real, and I can attest to that. By the release of Edict 20214, I have provided a way for Lodges by their choice to work in-person or virtually. What we all hope for is the high effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for those who are the most vulnerable so we can return to normal times. This would be our prayer. Fraternally, Richard A. Dickerscheid, Grand Master

Submit the correct answer along with your contact information (name/address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org by Friday, March 19, 2021, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.) WINTER 2021 3

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Master’s Wages

Every Master Mason promises to care for distressed Master Masons, their widows, and orphans. For many years – before Social Security, unemployment, Medicare and Medicaid – that meant food and shelter. The leaders of Ohio’s Masonic organizations united to create the Masonic Home over 125 years ago for just such a purpose. Today, we may not need our own social safety net, but we do need to provide for the personal and emotional needs of our Masonic families and deal with the isolation and loneliness of modern life. It might be a phone call on a birthday, running an errand for someone who can no longer drive, or a similar show of support. One such example that happens across Ohio is remembering our widows at Christmas. Many Lodges contact their widows during the holidays. It happens at many places and in many different ways. Recently, the Grand Lodge received an email from the 23rd District describing their program: To: OhioLodgeLife@Freemason.com Subject: Lodge activity in the 23rd District To my Brothers at Grand Lodge, We had an event that I'd like to share with you. About 20 volunteers, many of them involved in the Masonic Volunteer Program, from Flushing #298, Friendship #89, Harrison #219 and Point Pleasant #360, all in the 23rd Masonic District, met at Flushing Lodge and packed 100 Christmas fruit baskets for the four Lodge's widows and infirm Master Masons. The baskets contain two apples, a pear, and two oranges, as well as about 20 pieces of assorted individually wrapped candy, in an attractive Christmas bag. We have been doing this for over 12 years, and it has allowed us to build a solid relationship with our widows and maintain contact with our Brothers who are too frail to regularly attend meetings. Because of this relationship, we are more able to provide assistance to those who are in need. With the advent of the Masonic Volunteer Program, we are better enabled to direct those in need to the OMH's Resource Center. DeAnna Kinney of the Resource Center has worked hard to help our widows and senior Masons in need, and has supported our group's efforts. This year we needed extra care in handling the baskets; the volunteers used gloves, masks and social distancing to pack and deliver them. The widows and senior Masons always appreciate them; this year they welcomed the contact even more, as many of them have been socially isolated due to their age and condition. We also donated three cases of fruit to the residents of the Harrison County Home for their enjoyment. We look forward to this event every year, as it keeps our relationship with our widows and infirm Masons strong. Fraternally yours, John Lovejoy, Chairman, 23rd District Masonic Volunteer Program Well done 23rd District, and well done to all the Lodges across the state who conducted similar programs for their members. Remember that if you found members and ladies in need, you can refer them to the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center.

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The Grand Lodge of Ohio

This is Ohio Freemasonry for 2021

Ohio Masons are men from all walks of life and from all parts of the state – men who might never have met if not for Freemasonry. We are men who share in a common set of principles, who take the same obligations, and who wish to live well as good men and true, and by so doing, help each other, our families and communities. With this in mind, the Grand Lodge public awareness campaign, This is Ohio Freemasonry, does not talk about history, symbols, or secret rituals. We talk about our members. It is you and your Brothers who are Freemasonry in Ohio. The “wall of fame” continues to grow on the Grand Lodge website, www.freemason.com/this-is-ohio-freemasonry If you know a good Mason, please consider nominating him for Mason Monday.

Celebrating 25 Years of The Ohio Beacon It's hard to believe that The Ohio Beacon is now 25 years old. In the winter of 1995, the first issue was published. The Ohio Beacon staff has located the first few issues. Throughout this year, we will be posting these archival issues online for you to view. Take a look to reflect upon years past and see some familiar faces.

To view the first issue of The Ohio Beacon 1. Go to www.theohiobeacon.com 2. At the top of the screen, click Archived Print Editions 3. Scroll down and find the Special Issues heading 4. Click on 1st Issue of The Ohio Beacon WINTER 2021


The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Illustrating The Masonic Lectures

Adapted from an article by RWB Chad Kopenski, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Education and Information Every Mason may not remember what was said in his three degree lectures, but most likely, he remembers the many pictures and symbols used during the presentations. The first printed illustrations of our Masonic symbols was published in 1819 and 1820 with the book The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor by Jeremy Cross. By the mid-1800s, as Freemasonry was spreading across America, two Ohio companies were well-known for their fraternal materials. Sherer Publications in Cincinnati was known for its Masonic degree carpets and lecture plates, and their creator, John Sherer, produced some interesting works on early Masonry. These items were often hung on the walls of the Lodge, and a few can still be found in Lodges across Ohio. As Lodges embraced new technologies, M.C. Lilley & Co. from Columbus became wellknown for its magic lanterns and hand-painted Magic Lantern glass slides. The images used on those glass plates eventually found their way on to the photographic slides, filmstrips, and videos still in use today. In the 20th Century, magic lanterns were replaced by newer technologies, but there are a few Lodges in Ohio that have an original working model. Many older Lodges may still have at least a partial set of glass slides in the attic.

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Both the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library and the Grand Lodge of New York currently have online exhibits that include many M. C. Lilley Co. slides. They are remarkable for their vibrant colors and artistry as well as their Masonic lessons.

What’s a Mason to do when he can’t go anywhere? How about visiting some of the great Masonic Museums and Libraries offering virtual tours and collections? Here are some museums you may know and some you may not.

Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library www.srmml.org

Established in 1975 by the Scottish Rite Freemasons of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, the Museum & Library tells the story of Freemasonry and fraternalism in the context of American history. Of particular note: the Museum’s Online Collections and Exhibitions and the Library’s Digital Collections. Also the museum has prepared an excellent 21-page booklet, Caring for Your Masonic Treasures: Documents, Photographs, and Books, which can be viewed online or downloaded for personal use.

Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library www.nymasoniclibrary.org

As the library and museum of the Grand Lodge of New York, the Livingston Library’s collections include books, artifacts, memorabilia and archival holdings relating to the subject of Freemasonry. For over 150 years, the Library has pursued its mission to collect, study and preserve the Masonic heritage, focusing its efforts on the history and impact of Freemasonry in New York State. The Library offers a Reading Course for Masons and the Museum includes an online artifact collection which can be searched or explored at random.

The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania www.pamasonictemple.org/john-wanamaker-resourcecenter/museum/

The Masonic Temple in Philadelphia was constructed in 1873. It has been called one of the great “wonders” of the Masonic world. Check out the virtual tour of the Masonic Temple as well as the Museum. The Lodge rooms are amazing. The Museum link includes several online collections as well as informative videos.

Museum of Freemasonry (Sidney, Australia) www.mof.org.au/

This museum collection spans over 200 years and includes the archives, museum, gallery and library of the Freemasons of Australia, all housed in a building considered the “finest example of Brutalist Architecture in the Southern Hemisphere.” This museum has an excellent virtual tour, allowing the user to move back and forth through the galleries, turn 360 degrees, and zoom in and out on various exhibits.

The Grand Lodge of Ohio

Take A Virtual Masonic Road Trip

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation would like to recognize the following individuals, Masonic bodies, foundations, businesses and organizations for their support in 2020. Your generosity helps preserve the hope, dignity and security to everyone we serve. $100,000+ Charles E. Brister Trust Walter Frank Trust Grand Lodge of Ohio The Columbus Foundation 50,000.00 - 99,999.99 Estate of Edwin D. Foster 25,000.00 - 49,999.99 Alvin P. McCallum Estate George K. Moss Trust Opal Dancey Memorial Foundation Richard L. Snyder Estate Rubicon Lodge #237, F&AM Vivian H. Schulze Trust Webster Sturdivant Trust US Bank 10,000.00 - 24,999.99 Douglas & Nanci Allen Frank & Marguerite Colburn Trust Damascus - Collingwood Lodge #643, F&AM Robert J. & Mary Davis Orlando W. Davis Trust Tim & Kathy Godard Martin L. Hall Trust Bessie V. Hosler Trust Huber Heights Lodge #777, F&AM Robert R. Kauffman Lancaster Lodge #57, F&AM Jeff & Peggy Lovelady Manning & Napier Medina Lodge #58, F&AM Meridian Sun Lodge #69, F&AM Millennium Lodge #779, F&AM Charles & Philomena Miller Trust Ohio Arts Council SEI Investments Dorothy T. & Myron T. Seifert Trust Howard M. Sheeler Trust Teheran Grotto Keith & Kathy Tuttle Robert E. White Estate 5,000.00 - 9,999.99 Baile Senior Management Dallas W. & Helen B. Bowyer Trust BrandMETTLE, LLC Scott & Katrina Buchanan C & N Industrial Contractors, Inc. Janet L. Campbell

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CHW Mechanical Services CNA Insurance Ronald & Elaine Connelly Isaac D. & Heather Demarest Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Ralph J. Gooding Trust Greystone The Hamilton-Beck Trust Hiram Lodge #18, F&AM Donald C. & B. Jane Huser Trust Susan & Joe Minor Betty H. Oberle Trust Steve & Lori Petitjean Remedi SeniorCare Robinson Locke Lodge #659, F&AM Dino Sciulli Kenneth R. Sterrett Trust Tolday Corporation Valley of Dayton, AASR Victory Lodge #649, F&AM Harry D. Waddell Trust Wadsworth Lodge #385, F&AM 2,500.00 - 4,999.99 Absolute Rehabilitation Acacia Lodge #651, F&AM Adriatic Solutions & Processes, Ltd. American Union Lodge #1, F&AM Anonymous (2) Arbor Rehabilitation & Healthcare Services, Inc. Audrey E. Auman Aurora Lodge #48, F&AM BB&T Capital Markets Blendon Lodge #339, F&AM Cleveland Lodge #781, F&AM Clinton Lodge #47, F&AM Collinwood Lodge #582, F&AM Community Lodge #684, F&AM Coventry-Akron Lodge #83, F&AM DataServ DS Benefits Group, LLC Jane & Roger Edgington Fazio Color Shop, Inc. Garrettsville Lodge #246, F&AM William T. & Ruth Gilmore Grand Chapter of Ohio, OES Grand Chapter of Ohio, RAM HealthPRO Heritage, LLC JMM Architects John W. Barkley Lodge #621, F&AM John W. Durst Lodge #716, F&AM

KADS Real Estate LLC Marsh & McLennan Agency Mechanical Systems of Dayton Medina Chapter #266, OES Morning Star Lodge #795, F&AM New England Lodge #4, F&AM New Franklin Lodge #803, F&AM Paramuthia Lodge #25, F&AM Plante Moran, PLLC Point to Point Systems RCS Construction Ridge Stone General Contractors, LLC Frank T. & Susan Schenck Estate of Mary Katherine Shrider Harold G. Shrive Trust Anna Laura Sine Trust St. Andrews Lodge #619, F&AM Theodore Breck Lodge #714, F&AM Martin & Bonita Trent Harold W. Ullman Valley of Cleveland, AASR Valley of Toledo, AASR Cyril & Dorothy Veinott Memorial Fund Robert L. Vogel Western Hills - Cheviot Lodge #140, F&AM Dr. Gary B. & Mrs. Pamela Williams Frank R. Williams Trust York Lodge #563, F&AM 1,000.00 - 2,499.99 Aerospace Lodge #800, F&AM Allen Lodge #276, F&AM Alpha Lodge #729, F&AM Angel Funding Consulting LLC Anonymous (2) William L. Applebee George D & BJ Arters Trust Pauline Baker Barton Smith Lodge #613, F&AM Beavercreek Lodge #753, F&AM Bellefontaine Lodge #209, F&AM Belpre Lodge #609, F&AM Gwen & David Bennett David & Susan Black Charles J. & Ethel Briggs Browning Masonic Resident Council John T. Cameron Canton Lodge #60, F&AM Capital City Lodge #656, F&AM Charity Lodge #530, F&AM David & Mary Ann Collins

MVDconnect Neoacacia Lodge #595, F&AM New Carlisle Lodge #100, F&AM Norwood Lodge #576, F&AM Kinsley F. Nyce & Karen Woods Orient Lodge #321, F&AM Parkside Lodge #736, F&AM Parr Insurance Agency, Inc. Jesse Pertee Terry & Cheryl Posey Donald B. Prather Joan F. Primm Quarry Lodge #382, F&AM RDL Architects Royal Chapter #29, OES Scioto Lodge #6, F&AM Harold & Josephine Shank Trust Sharonville-Calvary Lodge #204, F&AM Shiloh Lodge #544, F&AM Robert G. & Sara Short John C. Snyder St. Johns Lodge #13, F&AM Star Lodge #187, F&AM Stokes Lodge #305, F&AM Stone City Chapter #325, OES David & Joyce Subleski Sunrise Lodge #783, F&AM The Cardinal Squares, Inc. Thomas & Ann Thinnes Third Protestant Memorial Church Endowment Fund Tippecanoe Lodge #174, F&AM Toledo Ft. Industry Lodge #144, F&AM University Lodge #631, F&AM USI Insurance Services, LLC Valley of Cambridge, AASR Valley of Youngstown, AASR Vandalia Lodge #742, F&AM Venus Lodge #152, F&AM Todd Vikan Washington Lodge #17, F&AM Waterville Gas & Oil Co. Gary E. Watters Wauseon Lodge #349, F&AM West Gate Lodge #623, F&AM JoAnn Whitacre Estate William Farr Lodge #672, F&AM William H. Hoover Lodge #770, F&AM Randy A. & Debra Williams Willoughby Lodge #302, F&AM Xenia Lodge #49, F&AM John H. & Bonnie Youngblood William H. & Virginia A. Zimmer 500.00 - 999.99 Acme Lodge #554, F&AM Alto Healthcare Staffing

Ameriprise Financial Ann Rutledge Chapter #453, OES Anonymous (4) Anthony Lodge #455, F&AM Argus Lodge #545, F&AM William N. Arnold Ashland Lodge #151, F&AM Wesley C. Bates Richard B. Beatty Bellville Lodge #376, F&AM Lara Bentley Bethel Lodge #61, F&AM Janice Billing Black River Lodge #786, F&AM Dr. Ross R. & Mrs. Linda Black William P. Bodle Larry Boger Boggs Lodge #292, F&AM Matthew & Clare Boggs Greg Bowlus Bremen Lodge #608, F&AM Douglas & Patsy Brenneman Elbridge & Mareeta Brewer Gary J. Brookins Canal Winchester Lodge #670, F&AM William M. & Zoe Carter Cedarville Lodge #622, F&AM Chandler Lodge #138, F&AM Ronald F. Chapman Cincinnati Bell Cincinnati-Lafayette Lodge #483, F&AM Cleveland Chapter 23 of the National Sojourners College Hill-Harry S. Johnson Lodge #641, F&AM Columbia Thread Needle Coolville Lodge #337, F&AM Cortland Lodge #529, F&AM Richard L. Coy Delta Lodge #207, F&AM Lehr L. Dircks Dover Lodge #489, F&AM East Palestine Lodge #417, F&AM Eastern Star Lodge #55, F&AM Ebenezer Lodge #33, F&AM Elyria Lodge #787, F&AM Wilbur E. Engle Fairborn Lodge #764, F&AM Farmersville Lodge #482, F&AM Felicity Lodge #102, F&AM David W. Feller Richard Feusse Fielding Lodge #192, F&AM Thomas S. Fisher Flushing Lodge #298, F&AM Fostoria Lodge #288, F&AM Fulton Lodge #248, F&AM Continued on website...

The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation

Grace L. Cone Trust Conrad Lodge #271, F&AM Thomas W. & Cathy Cordas Dr. Stephen E. & Mrs. Susan Cross Dayton Lodge #147, F&AM Dayton Masonic Foundation Delhi Hills Lodge #775, F&AM Jay & Gina Dettorre Terry L. DeVassie Trent T. Dominique Steven A. & Toni Duncan Timothy & Judy Eames East Gate Lodge # 796, F&AM Ely Lodge #424, F&AM Emery Lodge #258, F&AM Enoch T Carson Lodge #598, F&AM Gregory H. Essig Sam & Shelly Ewing Facebook Fundraisers Far Hills Lodge #784, F&AM Findlay Lodge #227, F&AM Raymond Girard Goose & Gridiron Lodge #1717 Charles R. Graham Grand Chapter of Ohio OES Charitable Foundation Grand Council of Ohio, R&SM Grand Rapids Lodge #289, F&AM Grove City Lodge #689, F&AM Hamer Lodge #167, F&AM Harmony Lodge #8, F&AM Barbara J. Henz Highland Lodge #38, F&AM Phillip A. Hoffman Clyde R. Huddleston, Sr. Jefferson Lodge #90, F&AM Charles C. Johnson Betty M. Jones Ned A. Katterheinrich O. Harold Kelley Trust Kilwinning Lodge #356, F&AM Adolph Krams La Grange Lodge #399, F&AM La Rue Lodge #463, F&AM Lake Shore Lodge #307, F&AM David & Virginia Lewis Trust Lima Lodge #205, F&AM Linden Lodge #637, F&AM John C. Lindholm Lone Star Lodge #175, F&AM Madisonville-Madeira-Mariemont Lodge #419, F&AM Mason Lodge #678, F&AM James H. McCurdy Melrose Lodge #671, F&AM Mercer Lodge #121, F&AM Minerva Lodge #98, F&AM Frank J. Moesle Montgomery Lodge #94, F&AM Mt. Zion Lodge #9, F&AM

There simply aren't enough pages to list every generous donor. Please visit www.TheOhioBeacon.com to view the entire list of 2020 donors. WINTER 2021


A Year in Review

Resource Center

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center is here to assist Masons, their wives, widows, Eastern Star members, and the communities we serve, with finding the services they need to age respectfully. We make referrals and coordinate services with appropriate local agencies and Fraternal organizations, and can connect you to information and resources like finding home health care, our Ohio Masonic Home campuses, our trusted partners, medical equipment, products that help you stay in your own home, and offer connection to benefits like VA, ODJFS, SSI and more. We are available to do presentations at Masonic meetings and events to discuss our services. We also offer the Masonic Volunteer Program, Masonic Youth Outreach Program, and a Masonic Bereavement Program for widows and widowers. The Resource Center partners with our Volunteers and the Lodges, year round. Together, in 2020, we were able to help 1,479 new people. Although COVID-19 altered some of the home visits we normally would do, we were still able to coordinate referrals and assist clients with clinical, financial, and social needs. We are happy to be here for you and will continue to do what we can to help in the safest way possible. We are looking forward to an exciting year serving more people, doing more good, and helping our communities even more. We have recently updated our territory map to better serve our clients. And, we have added a new member to our team! We have welcomed Dan Shirk as the new Central Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator. Dan will be representing Districts 9, 14, 15 and 19. Please refer to the next page to see a full list of coordinators available throughout the state. You can also reach our campuses, or the Resource Center by calling 877-881-1623. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year! Samantha Loy, Director Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center

Masonic Volunteer Program

2020 has been a roller-coaster of a year. But amidst the trying times, there were many instances of great compassion and selfless giving that shine a spotlight on our Masonic Volunteer Program Committees and their efforts throughout the state. Our volunteers are such an integral part of the Resource Center, allowing us to reach more people and going above and beyond to express care, compassion and concern. For information on becoming an MVP volunteer, please call DeAnna Kinney at 740-262-1974.

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center Welcomes Dan Shirk! Dan Shirk is now the Community Outreach Coordinator for Central Ohio. Prior to coming to The Resource Center, Dan has operated as a Fund Developer and Fraternal Relations Manager for The Ohio Masonic Home. Previously, he has worked for Cedarville University and OTMC. Dan is also a veteran of The US Army where he received numerous accolades for performance. Dan is very active as a Mason. He is a plural member, but his home Lodge is Harmony Lodge #8 in Urbana, Ohio. He has served as Master of multiple Lodges and rose to other positions of prominence, such as 9th District President and District Deputy Grand Master. Dan is also active in York Rite, Scottish Rite, Commandery, Grotto and more.

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Dan lives in Troy, Ohio with his wife Julie. The couple combines to have seven children and 10 grand children. If you would like information on resources in Central Ohio please contact us at 877-881-1623, or you may reach Dan at (937) 926-4305.

Masonic Youth Outreach Program

It’s okay to ASK for help…

For the majority of people it’s hard to ask for help. We think we can handle things on our own until we can’t. We don’t want people to know what’s going on, our personal business, or we are ashamed, etc. I think it takes courage to ask for help. But, there are many people that want to help and that are just waiting to be asked. Being a Mason means that you are blessed with several resources where you can ask for help. Your local Lodge, Grand Lodge, The Valleys, and the OMH Resource Center. We all work together to help those in need. We use our financial assistance programs and connect you with local resources that can help.

Masonic Bereavement Program

The Resource Center continues our efforts to assist Masonic and Eastern star widows’ and widowers’ through our Masonic Bereavement Program. Through this program, we offer support to widows and widowers, and others suffering after the loss of a loved one. We provide information on important documentation to gather and numbers to call (Social Security, Medicare, etc.,) as well as information on grief and loss, local resources, and contact information for the community outreach coordinator closest to the surviving spouse or family. We enclose pamphlets tailored to their situation and follow up with a phone call. For more information, or to provide your Lodges’ widows list, please contact Bobbi Schickler (513) 567-1100.

Resource Center

Did you know we offer kinship care resources and information on education, online learning, scholarships, and other available resources? If you are interested in writing to a senior, please let us know. Our pen pal program is just getting started! There are many things you can do from the comfort of your own home that can make a world of difference to someone. Contact Raquel Brown at 419-2600855 for more information.

A few years ago we worked with Chad Mullins. Chad is a member of Seville Lodge #74. Chad is a disabled veteran that needed help with a home remodel so he wouldn’t have to navigate steps. With donations from Seville and Ebenezer Lodges, his family, the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, Western Reserve Masonic Community, a contractor that is a Mason and the Resource Center, we were able to accomplish this. The Resource Center was able to get him connected to public resources. When the quarantine began we were able to help Chad to purchase a small freezer to keep food in. Most recently we were able to help him with other needs that were not being met. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. That is what we are here for and helping one another makes this world a better place. Special thanks to Chad for letting us share his story!

If you or someone you know needs assistance with a health or safety need, contact us at 877-881-1623. We have programs that can help!

Samantha Loy

Director, OMH Resource Center & NE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (937) 504-4407

Raquel Brown

Bobbi Schickler

DeAnna Kinney

NW Ohio Community SW Ohio Community SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator Outreach Coordinator & Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Youth Masonic Bereavement & Masonic Volunteer Outreach Program Program Coordinator Program Coordinator Coordinator (513) 567-1100 (740) 262-1974 (419) 260-0855

Melissa Hirn-Pulliam

Dan Shirk

Millie McNeal

Southern Ohio Central Ohio Community Financial Assistance Community Outreach Coordinator Coordinator Outreach Coordinator (937) 926-4305 (937) 525-3005 (740) 970-7903

Call toll-free 1-877-881-1623 or visit www.omhresourcecenter.org

OMH Receives COVID-19


“I’ve seen what COVID can do to a facility, to a family, to a resident and I want to make sure that I do my part to keep myself safe, my family safe. I also want my residents and my staff safe from anything that I may bring back to the campus from my life outside.”

The Ohio Masonic Home

Tony Berardi SMC President

The first few days of 2021 brought the COVID-19 vaccine to The Ohio Masonic Homes. All three campuses have received the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine was administered on all three campuses by Walgreens. All employees as well as many community members were eligible of receive the vaccine. You could feel the excitement when you talked to people. You could hear comments regarding “getting life back to normal again.” The second dose was administered three weeks after individuals received the first dose.

“I decided to take the vaccine to protect my family, the OMH community members and all of my friends. I think taking the vaccine is going to help us get back to normal, get my son back in school, get the fraternity back in meetings and have some normalcy again.” Jesse Pertee Assistant Director of Volunteer Programs for OMHF

"My mom. She has been a nurse for a long time. It made her feel very happy that I could get the vaccine. I’m doing this for my mom.” Heather T. Housekeeping at SMC

"I believe in the profession we are the front line and in dentistry we can’t work on anybody with their mouth closed. We are always in very close proximity to our patients so I felt this was definitely what I needed to do.”

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Dr. Anthony Hall SMC dentist

Kindness, Giving, Service Finding the Positives of 2020

As we look back on 2020, trying to find the positive, Western Reserve Masonic Community along with the generous help of The Ohio Masonic Home has reached out to the community in a variety of ways what we like to call Small Acts of Kindness such as donating supplies to The Children’s Center of Medina County as well as donating personal protective equipment (PPE) to the Medina Twp. Police Department. We also worked with helping Medina County for Older Adults by donating gifts to be added in their meals on wheels holiday bags. WRMC didn’t forget the veterans either by donating 20 cases of shampoo to the Medina County Veterans Office for their 10th Annual Tank the Truck which will go to veterans living in Medina County.

Western Reserve Masonic Community

Western Reserve Masonic Community has dedicated community members that have given themselves a name, “WRMC Yarn Buddies.” This group made scarves, lap blankets and afghans which were all made entirely with donated yarn. These donations have allowed them to continue to be a part of the Warm Up Medina County program for the past six years and they plan to continue being a part of this wonderful program for years to come. WRMC continues to show small acts of kindness to their employees too. The dining team keeps the refrigerators stocked with sandwiches/wraps for employees to grab with no charge. All of these “small acts of kindness” are just what everyone needs to make people feel better, and in turn making us feel better also. It may have been that smile that we can only see in their eyes above the mask knowing that what is small to one person may be a grand gesture to the next person. WRMC is looking forward to what 2021 has to bring with hopes that we can all get back to normal.



Springfield Masonic Community

A Challenging Year Brings New Opportunities The year 2020 will definitely be a one to remember. While many of us will recall the challenges that were imposed on us, 2020 also brought Springfield Masonic Community many great things that will serve as a springboard for 2021. Many opportunities were found to embark upon which allowed for us to stay socially connected in a safe environment. This past year, we launched a virtual platform for all of our lifelong learning classes. This allowed for us to continue broadening many educational horizons along with extending our outreach for new instructors. Not only did we find a new way to provide premium lifelong learning classes in the comfort of their homes, but we also found a new way to continue our community events and social gatherings. This was done by streaming our church services, virtual happy hours, and many other socially distant activities! Additionally, with the aid of The OMH Foundation, we provided free tablets to all community members. This helped them stay connected with their loves ones and allow them to continue to do the things that they love. Although 2020 will be unforgettable, we look forward to this next year with optimism for what’s yet to come!

14 WINTER 2021

In 1936, a 450-acre plot of land was selected for a Memorial Home for aged Masons at the wishes of Otis Avery Browning. Browning, a prominent Toledo businessman, book publisher, civic leader, and Mason, set forth the plans for this Home in a will he prepared in 1922, creating a trust for the Otis Avery Browning Masonic Memorial Fund. Browning’s memorial fund grew from the time of Browning’s death in 1923 until 1979, when ground was broken for the construction of a Retirement Community for Master Masons, their wives and their widows. The formal dedication took place on July 26, 1981 and the first resident moved in in October 1981. His will states, "It is one of the chief purposes of my will, that I may become an instrument, under God's directing care, in providing for the erection and maintenance of a home for aged people, where they may be properly cared for and with all modern comforts."

As we reflect back on the 40 years Browning has been in existence, we beam with pride when we think of how the organization has remained mission-based, true to the wishes of Otis Avery Browning. Our most recent memories that will be added to the rich history of the campus was when the world as we knew it halted to keep our people safe. During that time, The OMH Foundation and their generous donors stepped up with tablets to keep community members engaged and connected with the outside world while sheltering in place. This blip in the long history of Browning will be remembered and we all dream of the day where we can celebrate 40 years of service to Northwest Ohio’s senior citizens. We’d like to thank everyone who has been instrumental in the momentum of making Browning a destination for retirement, but also to those whom we’ve not yet had the chance to meet! WINTER 2021


Browning Masonic Community

Browning Masonic Community Celebrates 40 Years of Caring

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A New Look for The OMH Print Shop Website Frequent visitors to www.omhprintshop.com might have noticed some changes. The OMH Print shop recently launched a new and improved website. The biggest change is a whole new look! The online store has been redesigned to reflect a cleaner and more effective user experience. Mobile users will also notice a more streamlined approach. Another new feature: users may also create an online account. Your account will securely save all of your contact information and keep track of re-orders. This will save you massive amounts of time as the years and orders progress. Additionally, we have expanded our "Custom Quote" contact page. You can now explore some of our supplier catalogs to get a more ideas for your custom projects. While the look has changed, The OMH Print Shop still aims to provide high quality products at competitive prices with a quick turn-around and first rate customer service. In addition, it is also worth mentioning that all of our proceeds benefit your Ohio Masonic Home.

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