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Business Journal Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter


NETWORKING EVENTS New Connections for Your Business


PACIFIC CANCER FITNESS Recover, Hope and Support



Welcome to the Chamber!

April–June 2017



Oceanside’s Premier Networking Event


Business Journal Oceanside Cha mber of Commerce Quarterly Newslet ter April–June 2017

Oceanside Business Journal is published by the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce in 4 editions: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. This newsletter is available at the Chamber office, community centers, local businesses, libraries, Sunset Market, and in PDF format on the Chamber’s website.

Cover photo: Marcy Browe ABOUT THE CHAMBER 928 N. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1534 info@oceansidechamber.com www.OceansideChamber.com Produced and published by the staff of the Oceanside Chamber Copyright Oceanside Chamber of Commerce All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017 Design: Scott Ashton and Tiffany Smith

i ns i d e th i s e d i t i on 1

Chamber Positions on Issues

2-3 Chamber Networking Events 4

Quarterly Review


Tri City Wellness Center

6-7 New Members 8

Member Spotlight


Community Events

10 Membership Renewals 11

Upcoming Special Events

12 Spirit of Sharing

I am excited about the high level of energy that I see around the Oceanside Chamber office, at our Chamber events and on our social media pages. I believe this is a result of having a dedicated staff and an amazing group of members… people who are passionate about their businesses and their community. I credit our creative staff for continually developing events, workshops and networking forums that bring value to our business community. And I am truly grateful to have a membership base that recognizes the value that we offer and actively utilizes our services. It is rewarding to see many of our members volunteering to speak at our business workshops, sharing their expertise and helping their fellow chamber members to grow. And the networking doesn’t end when we close our doors at 5pm. If you are a Chamber member and have not yet joined our Oceanside Chamber Members Facebook group, I want to encourage you to jump on board and take advantage of the “around the clock” networking we offer. I am confident that you will find this forum to be an exciting and supportive environment in which our staff and members are encouraging and promoting one another. I want to thank all of our members who support us with their finances, time and talents and also our dedicated staff, Membership Director David Zumaya, Event Coordinator Kristi Hawthorne, VP of Business Development Pam Rumer, Administrative Assistant Laci O’Brien and HR-Finance Administrator Tracy Chin. You guys make it a pleasure to come to work each day.

13 Relay for Life

The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following Chamber Partners for their generous financial contributions to the Chamber’s program of work.





For more information about how your company can participate in the Partner Program, please contact Scott Ashton at 760-722-1534

C h a m b e r S u p p o r t s Conce p t o f Co m m u ni t y V ision P l an and A g r i t o u r is m f o r S o u t h Mo r r o w Hi l l s The Oceanside Chamber recently sent a letter of support to the Oceanside Planning Commission encouraging the opportunity for residents and business owners in the South Morro Hills area of Oceanside to put together a community vision plan centered on the concept of agritourism. According to Chamber CEO, Scott Ashton, “the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce recognizes that the 3500 acres of South Morro Hills agricultural land is a unique and valuable asset for Oceanside. The possibility of creating agritourism opportunities in this community is exciting and compelling and the Chamber wants to do whatever possible to give this vision a chance to develop.” Some of the possibilities discussed for the farmland have included bed & breakfasts and boutique hotels. ​ long those lines, the Chamber’s Board of Directors voted recently to support a window of time of 24 months for a A community vision plan to be developed for this area. During this period of time, the Chamber’s intention is to not support individual projects proposed for this area. Chamber staff and volunteer leadership will continue to remain engaged with the property owners and city leaders during this time period.

C h a m b e r O p p oses A B -199: Bill Threatens to Drastically Increase Housing Cost s The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce has contacted legislators in the California State Assembly to oppose AB 199 and its potential negative impact on economic development and housing in the State of California. The Chamber believes that this legislation, which includes a mandate to pay prevailing wages for private residential projects on private property is not good for business and not good for our community. With California’s housings costs at already 2.5 times the national average, housing is already a critical workforce issue in our region. The Chamber and numerous business organizations throughout the state believe this legislation would only serve to exacerbate the problem. Higher housing costs push our work force further away from the businesses that employ them and also mean fewer resources for healthcare and other critical needs of our workers.

S ocia l Media S e m ina r s 2017 These seminars are geared toward helping small business owners and non-profits leverage the power of social media to take their business to the next level of online marketing. Oceanside Chamber members using social media for their business will present seminars of tactics and tried-and-true examples of social media marketing. Each Seminar is from 9:00 - 10:30 am Chamber Office  928 N. Coast Hwy Thursday, April 27: Instagram Thursday, May 25: YouTube Thursday, June 22: Pinterest

www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Pay at the door or register online at: www.SocialMediaChamber.com Chamber Members: $10 Non Members: $50

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 1

Upcoming Mixers & Events Board of Directors:

April 27:

Instagram Seminar – Growing your Brand Online Series 9:00 am Oceanside Chamber, 928 N. Coast Highway

Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Mortuary & Crematory, FD-234

April 27:

Mixer at Pacific Views Event Center – Camp Pendleton 5 to 7 pm, Pacific Views Event Center, 202850 San Jacinto Road

Privateer Coal Fire Pizza

May 11:

Seminar – Secrets to Getting Money Back for Employee Training 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Oceanside Chamber, 928 N. Coast Highway

Stratford at the Harbor

May 11:

Mixer at Mottino Family YMCA 5 to 7 pm, 4701 Mesa Drive, Oceanside

May 25:

YouTube Seminar – Growing your Brand Online 9:00 am Oceanside Chamber, 928 N. Coast Highway

May 29:

Chamber closed in observance of Memorial Day

June 13:

Seminar – Business and Career Opportunities for Military Spouses 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, Oceanside Chamber, 928 N. Coast Highway

June 14:

Oceanside Heroes Reception 6 to 8 pm, Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way

June 22:

Pinterest Seminar – Growing your Brand Online Series 9:00 am Oceanside Chamber, 928 N. Coast Highway

July 4:

Chamber closed in observance of Independence Day

July 12:

Awards and Recognition Luncheon Noon to 2:00 pm, El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside

Debra Allen

Charlie Anderson Josh Arbenz Bill Birnie

Pacific Marine Credit Union

Marva Bledsoe

Women’s Resource Center

Michael Brennan MiraCosta College

Isabel Escalle

Tri-City Medical Center

Leslee Gaul

Visit Oceanside Conference & Visitor Bureau

Julie Hiltsley

Finance of America Mortgage-Julie Hiltsley

Lori Lawson

New Line Associates

Deanna Lorson City of Oceanside

Cristian Manzano

Wells Fargo Bank (Rancho Del Oro)

Maria Mingalone

Oceanside Museum of Art

Col. John Polidoro USMC United States Marine Corps

Carrie Smith

Attend a Committee Meeting

California State University San Marcos

David Stewart Genentech

Bruce Tait

Masson & Associates, Inc.

Joshua W. Van Orden Oceanside Therapy Group

Bob Waite

AFLAC - Bob Waite

Kevin Witowich

BBVA Compass Investments - Kevin Witowich

Rick Wright

MainStreet Oceanside

Adeline Woodard

San Diego Gas & Electric

Membership: First Wednesday of every month – 8:00 am May 3, June 7, July 5 Emerging Issues: First Thursday of every month – 8:00 am May 4, June 8, July 6 Military Affairs: Second Thursday of every month – 7:30 am May 11, June 8, July 13 Latino Business: Fourth Wednesday of every month – 8 am May 24, June 28, July 26


Scott Ashton


Pam Rumer


Chief Executive Officer VP of Business Development

Kristi Hawthorne VP of Events


Membership Development Director


Administrative Assistant


David Zumaya Laci O’Brien Tracy Chin

Finance and HR Administrator


2 | Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce 928 N. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1534 www.OceansideChamber.com

Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com


Networking Events

Join us every Tuesday of the month for different networking events.


Tuesday networking events are open to members and non-members.

What is Plates for 8? Plates for 8 provides a chance for 8-12 Chamber Members to meet for lunch or happy hour and learn more about each other’s business. A Chamber representative facilitates the event to provide an in-depth networking opportunity. This is an industry specific networking event so RSVP’s are necessary. The only cost to attend is your meal. Please RSVP to the email provided below.

Second Tuesday Cafecito Enjoy sweet bread and coffee while learning about the Latino business community.

San Luis Rey Bakery 490 N. El Camino Real • 8:30 am April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11

Second Tuesday Beer n’ Braggin

Thursday, April 27 at 11:30 am Mimi’s Cafe RSVP to: Kristi@OceansideChamber.com

Tuesday, May 23rd at 4pm Emerald Isle Golf Course RSVP to: Scott@OceansideChamber.com Wednesday, May 31 at 11:30 am Dominic’s Italian Restaurant RSVP to: Membership@OceansideChamber.com

A casual morning of coffee and treats in a roundtable networking setting. Share a business card and get your “elevator pitch” ready. Free to Chamber members. Visitors welcome with registration.


Chamber conference room • 928 N. Coast Highway 8:00am to 9:00am April 4th, May 2nd, June 6th

Wednesday, April 12 at 11:30 am Hunter Steakhouse RSVP to: Scott@OceansideChamber.com

Wednesday, May 10 at 11:30 am Fratelli’s Italian Kitchen RSVP to: Pam@OceansideChamber.com

First Tuesday Coffee

Social Meet-Up with no agenda and no host-bar. Make new friends and enjoy happy hour after work. We meet from 4:30pm – 6:00pm and open to the public. Chamber membership not required.


Thursday, June 8 at 11:30 am The Privateer Coal Fire Pizza RSVP to: Pam@OceansideChamber.com Wednesday, June 21 at 11:30 am Oceanside Broiler RSVP to: Kristi@OceansideChamber.com Friday, June 30 at 11:30 am That Boy Good RSVP to: Membership@OceansideChamber.com For locations and more info: www.Platesfor8.com www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

at the Oceanside Chamber 8:00 am

2nd 2nd

April 25th at Masters Kitchen and Cocktail May 23rd at Legacy Brewing Company June 27th at Breakwater Brewing Co. www.BeerNBraggin.com for details

Third Tuesday Coffee

Experience a different type of networking, “Speed Networking”. Great may to make guarantee connections. Everyone is paired up for five minutes for a “One-on-One” and then move to the T U ESDAY C O FFE E next seat. Come out of the event with 10-12 solid at the connections! Free to Chamber members. Visitors welcome with registration. Oceanside

Chamber conference room • 928 N. Coast Highway 8:00am to 9:00am April 18th, May 16th, June 20th

Fourth Tuesday Maximize Your Membership Series

Learn about Chamber member benefits while networking and enjoying a free lunch. Open to all Chamber members. Guest welcome with RSVP to membership@OceansideChamber.com. Registration required for events.

Chamber 8:00 am


Chamber conference room • 928 N. Coast Highway April 25th • New Business Symposium 11:00am – 1:00pm May23rd • Maximize Your Exposure Through Networking & Community Involvement June 27th • Maximize Your Exposure through Web & Social Media Commerce Quarterly Newsletter |3 For more information about theseOceanside events andChamber learn how of to become a Oceanside Chamber member, contact David Zumaya (760) 722-1534 x106 or email membership@OceansideChamber.com

q u a r t e r l y r evie w

Meet the City Reception January 2017

Reception for 75th Anniversary of Camp Pendleton magazine January 2017

Enlisted Recognition Reception February 2017

North County Latino Business Showcase March 2017 4 | Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com

Paci fic C ance r Fi t ness at t h e s tat e - o f -t h e - a r t T r i - C i t y We l l ness C en t e r Recovery and Survivorship Programs for Cancer Patients to Live and Feel Better

A decade ago, Susan Webster was treated for – and recovered from - breast cancer, but felt that support after treatment was lacking. Today, she is an avid, passionate and driven sports medicine enthusiast dedicated to helping others. “I have been where you are … I wanted to find a way to make something positive from my experience with cancer, and make the journey less scary for others” Susan experienced two lumpectomies followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatment to ensure all of the cancer was eliminated. It was during this time that she recognized the benefits of exercise, beginning her journey to becoming a cancer fitness coach. Once cancer free, Susan worked on her excess weight (lost 60 pounds!). Her doctor had recommended losing weight to reduce her risk of developing cancer again and lymphedema, a swelling of the limbs that is common in former cancer patients. She sought cancer survivor support groups and encountered many people who had similar questions about fitness and wellness. She wanted to feel supported, guided and encouraged knowing this was not the end but the beginning of a new life. The need for support, accurate information and “community” for cancer patients wanting to care for their bodies during and after treatment was evident, and Susan was inspired to pursue a Cancer Exercise Trainer certification from the American College of Sports Medicine. With fresh know-how and a passion to teach cancer patients and survivors about how to take better care of themselves, Susan founded Pacific Cancer Fitness (PCF) which is located at the state-of-the-art Tri-City Wellness Center. In addition to the fitness classes, led mostly by Susan, PCF hosts guest speakers who cover topics related to cancer treatment and healthy lifestyle choices. Susan is inspiring, uplifting and genuinely dedicated. “Every day is a gift,” she says with sincerity. “You have to find those things to be grateful for.” “Pacific Cancer Fitness is here to offer you hope, support, and some fun along the way.”

www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 5

Welcome AT-Tech 5963 La Place Court #109 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (858) 658-0915 www.AT-Tech.com Employment Agencies

Dave & Buster’s Carlsbad 2501 El Camino Real Ste. 101A Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 576-3800 www.daveandbusters.com Events and Event Planning

G&M Oil Company, Inc. 16868 A Lane Huntington Beach, (714) 475-6379 CA 92647 Gas Station

Benchmark Nutrition, Inc. 125 South Coast Hwy. Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 967-8880 www.thebenchmarknutrition.com Nutrition Products

Difference Financial & Insurance Services (760) 512-3347 www.gordonchavez.com Financial Services

Grand Canyon University 3300 West Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85017 (602) 635-8176 Colleges and Universities

Bistro at the Pier 200 South the Strand Oceanside, CA 92054 Coffee Houses

Edward Jones-Rich Hachigian 7740 El Camino Real #H (760) 635-1097 Carlsbad, CA 92009 www.edwardjones.com Financial Services

Boss-Play Escape Rooms 2216 El Camino Real #206 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 385-3971 www.Boss-Play.com Arts and Entertainment Bryan Bratt Productions 202 South Nevada St., Unit E Oceanside, CA 92054 (763) 587-8923 Video Professional Services and Marketing ComForCare Home Care 830 East Vista Way #108 Vista, CA 92084 (760) 724-7273 www.ncsandiego.comforcare.com Home Health Care Community Liasion, Rudy Van Hunnick (760) 945-4990 Associate Member Compass Financial, LLC Financial Services Conover Public Relations & Marketing (760) 809-0056 Marketing and Public Relations

El Pollo Loco #3731 3500 College Blvd. Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 477-9345 www.elpolloloco.com Restaurants - Mexican Farmers Insurance-Silvia Calderon 2111 Palomar Airport Rd. Suite #250 Carlsbad, CA 92011 (818) 298-2895 Insurance First Command Financial Services 4167 Avenida De La Plata, Ste. 102 Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 631-8300 www.firstcommand.com Financial Services

Gypsy Soul Dreaming 206 North Coast Hwy., Ste. 310 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 622-0952 www.gypsysouldreaming.com Gift Shops Holme Estate Cellars 216 North Coast Hwy. Oceanside, CA 92054 (442) 264-7055 Winery I Love Kickboxing Oceanside 3617 Ocean Ranch Blvd., Ste. 104 Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 938-5164 www.ilovekickboxing.com Health and Fitness JM Flooring 4747 Oceanside Blvd., Ste. L & M Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 509-4604 www.jm-flooring.com Flooring

Fit Body Boot Camp 2216 El Camino Real, Ste. 203 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 512-3481 www.oceansidefitbody.com Health and Fitness

Lamvin Acoustical & Soundproofing Product Manufacturer, Inc. 4675 North Avenue Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 525-7332 http://www.lamvin.com/ Architects

Foresters Financial Services, Inc. 9275 Sky Park Ct., Ste. 425 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 650-6830 www.foresters.com Fiduciary Services

Legacy Brewing Company, Inc. 363 Airport Rd. Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 705-3221 www.legacybrewingco.com Breweries

6 | Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com


N E W M E MB E R S LP Fishing Supply 3245 Production Ave., Ste. A Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 722-8727 www.lpfishingsupply.com Sportfishing Retail

Reap & Sow 1830 South Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 421-9246 www.reapandsowonline.com Health and Wellness

March of Dimes 9325 Sky Park Ct. San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 300-6404 Clubs and Organizations/Non-Profit

Richard’s Mobile Tire Service 603 Seagaze Dr, #106 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 450-8473 www.richtire.com Tire Service, Brakes and Suspension

Mariposa Ice Cream (442) 245-0442 Restaurants – Dessert Military Benefit Association 14605 Avion Parkway (703) 968-6200 Chantilly, VA 20153 Insurance Motel 6 Oceanside-Marina 901 N. Coast Hwy Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1781 www.motel6.com/en/motels. ca.oceanside.4843.html Hotels and Motels My Little Princess Parties 503 Vista Bella, Ste. 207 Oceanside, CA 92057 (760) 529-9674 www.mylittleprincessparties.com/ Entertainment Officeshark Inc. 2244 Faraday Ave., Ste. 131 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 650-0144 www.officesharkinc.com Information Technology Consulting Pacific Stone Properties 603 Seagaze Dr., #222 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 390-1311 www.pacificstoneproperties.net Real Estate Management Ramada Inn Oceanside 1440 Mission Ave. Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 967-4100 www.ramadaoceanside.com Hotels and Motels www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Rocha Murals & Paint www.muralglory.com Arts and Entertainment San Diego County Water Authority 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 522-6714 www.sdcwa.org Water Treatment/Filtration St. Thomas More Catholic Church 1450 South Melrose Dr. Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 758-4100 www.stmoside.org Churches Tap That Draft Beer Services and Tap Room 3207 Roymar Rd., Ste. E Oceanside, CA 92058 (760) 433-4827 Tap Room Tip Top Meats & European Delicatessen, Inc. 6118 Paseo Del Norte Carlsbad, CA 92011 (760) 438-2620 www.tiptopmeats.com Meat Market and Delicatessen Tiphanie Johnson-Burke Real Estate Consultants, Inc #01995787 12707 High Bluff Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92130 www.sandiegoarearealestate.com/ tiphanie Real Estate Sales

TriCity Wellness Center, Medical Integration 6250 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 931-3171 www.tricitywellness.com Health and Wellness Trusted Payment Technologies (858) 254-5033 www.trustedpaymenttechnologies.com Merchant Services Union Strong Homeowners (619) 540-6784 www.unionstronghome.com Real Estate Sales UP Sports 1421 North Coast Hwy. Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 966-1298 Water Sports US Bank 165 Old Grove Rd Oceanside, CA 92057 (760) 754-5610 Banks Welcomemat Services of Oceanside (760) 522-1320 Marketing Westcoast Auto Service 1434 South Coast Hwy. Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-5686 www.oceanside-autorepair.com/ Auto Repair and Service Zedan Insurance & Financial 2741 Vista Way, Ste. 205 Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 266-7271 www.agents.horacemann.com/ WayelZedan Financial Services

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 7

member spotlight C a l l in g A l l S m a l l B u siness O w ne r s!!! WA N T T O D O BU S I N E S S W I TH TH E G O V E R N M E N T? by John Engstrom Business Opportunity Specialist, SBA San Diego District and Levi Kinnard, Economic Development Specialist, SBA San Diego District

Are you a small business owner? Are you interested in doing business with the federal government? If you can qualify as an economically disadvantaged or socially disadvantaged small business owner, you might have the opportunity to be approved for the SBA’s 8(a) Program! According to www.usaspending.gov the federal government awarded approximately $471.7 Billion in contracts. There is a federal mandate that at least 23% ($108.5 Billion) of all dollars awarded for federal contracts be awarded to small businesses. That is great news for small business owners! The Small Business Administration has Business Opportunity Specialists in each district office to help small business owners get certified to do business with the federal government. Sections 8(a) and 7(j) of the Small Business Act authorize a Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program, which is designated as the 8(a) Business Development Program. This is a nine-year development program, which commences from the date of SBA’s approval letter certifying the firm’s admission into the program. Generally a firm meets the basic requirements for admission into the 8(a) program if it is a small business that is unconditionally owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who are of good character and citizens of and residing in the United States, and which demonstrates potential for success. One compliance requirement a small business must meet to qualify for certification are Size Standards. Size determinations are different for many industries classification. Check to determine if your business qualifies for the 8(a) program, please refer to 13 CFR 124.102.

from circumstances beyond their control. For more specific information regarding socially disadvantaged status, please refer to 13 CFR 124.103. Economically disadvantaged individuals are socially disadvantaged individuals whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities as compared to others in the same or similar line of business who are not socially disadvantaged. For more specific information regarding economically disadvantaged status, please refer to 13 CFR 124.104. We have a brand new program at the SBA San Diego District Office called Winning Work. Registrations and completion of applications can often be confusing and time consuming. Winning Work has developed a series of programs to simplify the process, get the registrations and numbers you need to complete the certification application process. This program is designed to help small businesses qualify for admission into the 8(a) program and identify government contracting opportunities. Winning Work works closely with the local Procurement and Technical Center (PTAC) to help small businesses identify contracts, develop marketing materials for their firms and meet government buyers. All services are confidential and provided at no cost to the client. Additional information is available by contacting John Engstrom, BOS, at john.engstrom@sba.gov or Levi Kinnard, EDS, at timothy.kinnard@sba.gov. Both are located at the San Diego District Office of the Small Business Administration.

Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. The social disadvantage must stem 8 | Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter

Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com

co m m u ni t y even t s Days of Art April 22 and 23 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Corner of Coast Hwy 101 and Pier View Way www.ocaf.info

Earth Festival April 22, 10 am to 3 pm Tremont Street at Mission Avenue Environmental organizations, entertainment and hands-on activities! Contact Green Oceanside • 760-435-5828

Beach Soccer Championships

Operation Appreciation

May 19-21 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

May 20, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Oceanside Harbor

Oceanside Pier Amphitheater Free to Active Duty Military and Dependents OceansideOperationAppreciation.com

Independence Day Parade July 1st 10:00 am to Noon Coast Highway from Wisconsin Street to Pier View Way www.oceansideparade.com

Fireworks Show – Celebrating Oceanside’s Anniversary July 3rd 5:00 PM - 9:30 PM Rancho Del Oro Blvd between Mesa Dr. and Oceanside Blvd. Contact Oceanside Parks & Recreation • 760-435-5041 www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 9

m e m b e r s h i p r ene w a l S 1st Quarter 2017 76-80 Years as Member

16-20 Years as Member

Mary Steiger

Vintage Pointe Senior Apartments Warner’s Truck Rental Certified Folder Display Service, Inc. Mission MarketPlace Shopping Center Pacific Pointe Plumbing, Inc. Pacfic View Charter School Pioneer Services – A Division of Mid Country Bank Rancho Physical Therapy Sunterra Apartments Robert W. Davis, C.P.A. Len’s Auto Body MainStreet Oceanside North County Cat Hospital

66-70 Years as Member Greenman, Lacy, Klein, Hinds, Weiser & Heffron

61-65 Years as Member ORCO Block & Hardscape Hatter Williams & Purdy Insurance

51-55 Years as Member Mission San Luis Rey

46-50 Years as Member Mission Linen Supply

41-45 Years as Member

11-15 Years as Member

Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Mortuary & Crematory, FD-234 The Shoppes at Carlsbad

Jackie Camp D.A.V. Industries DIRECTV Commercial Dealer Frazier Farms Market Ce nter Prince of Peace Abbey The Lund Team Inc.-Carlton and Sandy Lund OneSource Distributors, LLC Angelo’s Burgers La Quinta Inn Oceanside Ledford Enterprises Inc. Stirling Development Gems N’ Loans Genentech Oceanside Firefighters’ Association Fastsigns Vista

36-40 Years as Member Waste Management of North County Pacific Marine Credit Union

31-35 Years as Member Oceanside RV Park Harbor Fish & Chips

26-30 Years as Member KOCT-North County’s Channel Oceanside Police Officers’ Association Pacific Marine Credit Union-Fire Mountain Branch Oceanside Driveline

21-25 Years as Member Esther L. Newman The Salvation Army - Oceanside Corps Oceanside Harbor District Quality Inn & Suites Agri Service Coldwell Banker/Roni Telmosse Oceanside Mortuary, FD-253 Walmart #2245 Dorothy’s Dry Cleaning & Laundry Ocean’s Eleven Casino

6-10 Years as Member John Beran Inc. Moonlight Cultural Foundation Omni Financial S. D. Malkin Properties, Inc. 333 Pacific Restaurant Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. Copy Link, Inc T-Shirt Factory/On Track Printing Oceanside Florist Spirit of Sharing (SOS) Action Research BBVA Compass Investments – Kevin Witowich

10 | Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter

Breakfast Club Diner California Sizzler Restaurants Visit Oceanside Conference & Visitor Bureau

1-5 Years as Member Chase Bank-Mission & El Camino Real Law Office of Steven L. Fritsch Mimi’s Café Oceanside Municipal Airport Oceanside Theatre Company Prohibition Brewing Company Inc. Sanford Clinic At Rady Children’s American Plumbing Heating & Air Conover Tires Wheels and Service Inc. Dibella Baking Company, Inc. Epiphany ADR Humana Linksoul MG Travel My Lucas Oil Presicion Janitorial Unique Flooring Upper Crust Pizza 101 Bagels & Subs Active Solutions Physical Therapy Anything But Ordinary Catering Fairway Independent Mortgage Oceanside Broiler Shopoff Realty Investments, L.P. Walmart Neighborhood Market #5637 California Pacific/Jbugs Children’s Paradise Emerald Isle Golf Course FedEx Ground Lucky Street Market Pacific Marine Charters Pacific Star Realty and Investments Renewal By Anderson El Pollo Loco The Osider Magazine Pure Watersports - Oceanside Rancho Vista Senior Living Skye Apartments Swami’s Café USA Imaging Supplies

Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com

O c e a n s i d e B U SINESS E X P O On April 20, 2017 the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Oceanside Business Expo at the QLN Conference Center. With over 100 exhibitors, the Oceanside Business Expo will also feature exhibitors with the Green Oceanside Business Network and include three free business seminars. This Expo provides a great opportunity for local business owners to make new connections from around the region, build business relationships and strategic partnerships and grow their businesses. Each year local restaurants and breweries participate at the event by sharing samples with hundreds of attendees. Admission is free. Delicious Food and drink Provided by Buffalo Wild Wings, El Camino Country Club, San Luis Rey Bakery & Restaurant, Shakey’s Pizza, Pollos Maria, the JennHouse Catering & Events, Bistro at the Pier and more. Participating Breweries & Wineries ($10 Sampling Fee)... Stone Brewing Co., Prohibition Brewing Company, Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits, and more!

O P E R AT I O N A P P R E C I AT I O N On Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 2017, the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce will bring the business community and area residents together to provide a day of recognition to all activeduty military stationed on Marine Corps Base Camp Joseph H. Pendleton and nearby military bases. Thousands of active duty military and their family members are treated to a day of free food, and entertainment at the Oceanside Pier Amphitheatre. The fun begins at 11:00 a.m. and last until 4:00 p.m. The day consists of a host of activities: including a great children’s fun zone with carnival rides, inflatable jumps, rock climbing wall, kid’s crafts and face painting. Live entertainment will be featured at the amphitheater all day long. The Heroes, a multi-award winning show and dance band, will entertained our guests. Participating Restaurants from the 2016 event included Buffalo Wild Wings, Pick Up Stix, Hunter Steakhouse, San Luis Rey Bakery and Domino’s Pizza. All Active Duty Military and their dependents must bring an Active Duty Military ID Card to get unlimited rides, activities, and a free lunch. This event is open to the public. Tickets are available for purchase for children’s rides. Entertainment and military displays are free to everyone. Whether you are a civilian who wants to show your gratitude and enjoy a day of fun, or a member of the military family, this is a day for you: Show your appreciation or to be appreciated!

Oce anside Heroes Recep tion On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, the Oceanside Chamber will hold its 2nd Annual Oceanside Heroes Reception. The purpose of the event is to recognize our community’s heroes and raise funds for scholarships for local students. Representatives from the Oceanside Police Department, Oceanside Fire Department, Oceanside Lifeguards and Teachers from the local school district(s) will be recognized for outstanding contributions to the well-being and advancement of our City. Join us in recognizing Oceanside’s best and brightest by attending or becoming a sponsor of the Chamber’s newest event. Date: June 14, 2017 • Time: 6pm to 8pm • Location: Oceanside Museum of Art www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 11

Tea f o r T w o and Fl ea Ma r k e t Too!!! Spirit Of Sharing is pleased to announce the rousing success of it’s First Annual Tea for Two and Flea Market Too!!! Event held March 15, 2017 at our Oceanside location to benefit active duty Military families. There were between 60-70 military spouses in attendance at the event. The ladies were treated to light refreshments, gift bags, and a shopping experience of available donations of household items, various clothing for the entire family, handmade baby blankets, and both perishable and non-perishable food items.

Tea for Tw o* & Flea Market Too!!!

We would like to thank our local donors, including Bed Bath & Beyond of Oceanside, Fairway Mortgage of Carlsbad, The Women’s Alternative Center of Escondido, and our local Wal-Mart, Panera Bread and Starbucks for donating the refreshments.

Spirit of Sha ring (SOS) Wed, March 15, 2017 Noo 1361 Rocky n-2pm Point Dr. Oce anside, CA 920 56 RSVP 760 859 -5911 by 3/9 /17 via Facebo ok or email Come and enj oy some fun and relaxing perusing the “Girl Time” household don ations and clot in the SOS Wa hing rehouse wh ile having som light refresh e tea and ments!

We proudly salute our Military families and the opportunity to make them feel appreciated because they are!

*Bring a Mil itary Spouse

who is new

spiritofsharing (760) 859-59 11

For more information, donations and to see the event photos check us out at; Facebook: spiritofsharing, spiritofsharing@gmail.com or call 760 726-8100

to SOS with



or (760) 726 -8100

SOS is a 501 c3 non-profit organization


Chamber Begins Production of Popular Oceanside Living Magazine

C h a m b e r We b si t e and S ocia l Media Reac h

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1,220 linkedin page followers Spring 2016

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A TAsTe of The World eAsT of I-5 ExplOrINg INtErNAtIONAl CuISINE

ThIngs ThAT never hAppened pOpulAr MythS thAt gAINED trACtION

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Spring 2014

What is a Hospital Safety Score?

7,542 Twitter followers

Oceanside has much to offer to locals, visitors and people working in our community. The purpose of Oceanside Living Magazine is to shine a spotlight on some of the best features that Oceanside has to offer. Each summer, our magazine will highlight a different element of our diverse community.


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A Publication of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce 928 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054


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6/23/16 8:50 AM

In our 2017 edition, we will revisit the “Unique People and Places of Oceanside” theme with articles on some of the incredible people that live and work in Oceanside. We will also bring attention to locations in our community that are not quite as well known as our iconic pier and harbor. For more information, call Pam Rumer at 760-722-1534. Spring 2017 | www.oceansidechamber.com

RELAY FOR LIFE Join the Oceanside Chamber and all the Oceanside teams for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, Saturday April 29th – 30th at the MiraCosta College Football Field. Your favorite Oceanside businesses and professionals will be participating in a 24-hour relay walking around the track. The Oceanside Chamber is a supporter of the event and has 23 Chamber members participating in the event. We will have multiple tents set up at the event and will encourage the public to come out and support your favorite businesses. Join the Chamber team or donate online at www.bit.ly/OceansideRelay or our Latino Business Committee team at www.bit.ly/latinorelay.

DATE: Saturday April 29th – Sunday April 30th LOCATION: MiraCosta College Football Field.

www.oceansidechamber.com | Spring 2017

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter | 13

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce 928 N. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054

Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Newsletter Published by the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce All Rights Reserved


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