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a magazine full of art, litter, politics, design, literature, science, anthropology, pest or inetersts, beetles, sex & foreign or forgotten languages

really rich

the dummy text issue

MList of Contents of this Chic, pretty Pretty & Elegant Issuee

D .—. T

i m m e d i a t e ly a f t e r s h e a s k e d :

-- A u d e m u s p o t a m o in dius bon seet?

-- C a t a b u n u m a d menterente.

h e s i m p ly r e p l i e d .

事冬給智権隊王身譲最台 探止後芸味毎介半。親済 内河種供文形歳合万死。 区件続毎土育関流世親有 座情関胸医世切公。職一 謎対統指終起省成時湯信 賠閣厳域。補京表需学左 教要三径美応府報鮮月京 台。更納置辞表実毎楽育 主必軍記電東。画班人損 文候読声長表越市玉支柴 情新注民給。必新岡表使 図宅入績口務衆実。示由 朝西敗近著古止者公禁抑 投物者内。 去計資条均鳴憎彼中温土 西持。模開心忘質氷業同 本布者入夢向。坂東更批 北面未肪万路雄是棋議。 交験西頑猪大埋語読使更 束鳥。有気際囲女提加増 都味直東連鹿状長写子 弱。現声万表日的校支生 文他盤無分詳福聞。新更 経験公平位論大六氷済山 昨者内平丸債。舞放与本 秘右戻民専始郵転企必応 規避。今求質入数月職株 豊施人評者祭知八 藤頭容年旬退健子汗身月 時材輪的政財父泳療。府 草救九操整活囲与父補謝 走受挙戦客実。案条千器 権静資断長掲順上技定。 容相都作学花朝報導学梨 罪健聞息父議上造。読菊 廣聞言読阪襲今芸要都覚 津。楽心地落古販不置度 朝度搾認禁。病際足後術 鋭真問最画競思違必握 都。休計写手療復鶏風鼻 局小一検今見。界在新解 講小落合断勝府理。


amet ut dolore doner, officia exercitation in capicola filet mignon pork belly shankle aliquip drumstick sed irure. aute ut leberkas, mollit ut cow velit jowl eu cillum nulla. in ullamco duis quis short loin minim

capicola. ex rump commodo consequat turkey eu. beef ribs fatback quis, elit esse

hamburger ut in.


drumstick veniam. pork

ribs est. sausage consequat sunt. porkquisque beef ribs. swine dolore consequat biltong. pancetta capicola elit non. pork belly sausage deserunt, chicken aliqua bresaola. aliquip cow pig pastrami flank tempor pork belly aute turkey labore leberkas ham.


bacon ipsum dolor


Омнию м анкил л ьа ы но л ю ё ж ж э э а э о ж, к у д уо ы л ь ит ко нкып т а м ко мпр э хэ нж а м, мы а й н ф ю г и т ко р р ю мпит . Н а м ку но м и н а ви пы р икул ь а , ф а ч т и дёе д е ж пю т ат ио нй пр ё нэ , х а ж инд о кт ум д э мо к р и т у м д ы ф инит е о ны м ку. Но о м н еж инт ы л л ы г а м инт ы л л ь э г э б а т пэ р . Т ы ж ят а ккю м за н д ы т р акж йт , ж ят бр у т э цр я л р ы ф э р р э нт ур йн. Н а м ан о р а т и о ф э ю г а ят д ы т ы р р ю изщ э т . Е д

y eah , pe s t or i n te re s t?

pe s t, of c ours e

soffocato, ma splendido, ricorda il mutamento rinnovella volgendosi; riprenderà che ricordarmi ritroverai. lancio con stoffe un sapore di sabbia, poi piove. che all’interno addio saprà pochi colpi di gambe. soffocato, ma splendido, ricorda il mutamento. lui svelto accade. una storia di due, vedrei voi. se ami uno, smetto anche pensar.

sbig o t t i ta i o , ri c upe r ata, e me rge vo . tr as c i nata d ’ i mpaz ie nz a pe r me r aviglia calpes tare chi va ca nce llata. or a s cac c i ar la. m agra a d ir s i, os i p u nt o pe nsar e. dov e i l bl o c c o g uar da, vi a lanc i o la s o gli a che fai. p is a, f ina, t i p one nudo . ha ! a h i l prof u m ato de s i de r i o as pe t tavo . r ive de r la f u abband ono.

old bad hunter, with some dogs

a moose just fell in my beer who, clothed, then mock the naked hogs turning, expecing to hear murmers and jeers.

Neodialectic Narratives

L a c a nist Ob scurity a nd Precul tural Se m an ti ci s t The or y

Henry T. Reicher —Department of Sociology, Yale University G. Jean-Michel von Junz — Department of Deconstruction, University of California, Berkeley

1. Discourses of economy “Sexual identity is dead,” says Sartre; however, according to Finnis[1] , it is not so much sexual identity that is dead, but rather the rubicon, and thus the collapse, of sexual identity. Thus, if Lacanist obscurity holds, we have to choose between precultural semanticist theory and Lyotardist narrative. Derrida suggests the use of subpatriarchial deconstruction to read art. If one examines the cultural paradigm of narrative, one is faced with a choice: either reject precultural semanticist theory or conclude that reality is created by communication. It could be said that in Amarcord, Fellini reiterates Lacanist obscurity; in Satyricon he analyses precapitalist narrative. The subject is interpolated into a Lacanist obscurity that includes sexuality as a whole. In a sense, von Junz[2] holds that the works of Fellini are an example of mythopoetical capitalism. The subject is contextualised into a precultural semanticist theory that includes consciousness as a reality. But Bataille uses the term ‘Lacanist obscurity’ to denote the rubicon, and subsequent dialectic, of postsemiotic sexual identity. Any number of discourses concerning the role of the observer as writer may be revealed. However, in La Dolce Vita, Fellini examines the cultural paradigm of narrative; in Satyri-

con, although, he affirms Lacanist obscurity. The characteristic theme of Hubbard’s[3] model of the cultural paradigm of narrative is the absurdity of conceptualist narrativity. 2. Lacanist obscurity and neocultural desublimation In the works of Spelling, a predominant concept is the concept of constructive culture. Thus, several narratives concerning precultural semanticist theory exist. Derrida uses the term ‘Debordist image’ to denote the bridge between society and reality. “Sexual identity is intrinsically responsible for class divisions,” says Lyotard; however, according to Drucker[4] , it is not so much sexual identity that is intrinsically responsible for class divisions, but rather the meaninglessness, and subsequent collapse, of sexual identity. In a sense, the main theme of the works of Spelling is a self-fulfilling whole. Precultural semanticist theory implies that government is part of the economy of consciousness, given that culture is equal to art. It could be said that the characteristic theme of de Selby’s[5] essay on neocultural desublimation is the difference between society and language. Lacan’s model of Baudrillardist simulacra suggests that narrativity is capable of deconstruction. However, if precultural semanticist theory holds, the works of Spelling are not postmodern. An abundance of dematerialisms

concerning the role of the participant as artist may be found. It could be said that Bataille uses the term ‘cultural narrative’ to denote the bridge between sexual identity and society. Lacanist obscurity states that sexuality may be used to reinforce colonialist perceptions of sexual identity. 3. Contexts of Rubicon The main theme of the works of Spelling is the role of the reader as artist. But in Melrose Place, Spelling denies neocultural desublimation; in Beverly Hills 90210, however, he deconstructs precultural semanticist theory. Foucault uses the term ‘neocultural desublimation’ to denote a mythopoetical paradox. If one examines precultural semanticist theory, one is faced with a choice: either accept neocultural desublimation or conclude that narrative must come from the collective unconscious. It could be said that Dahmus[6] implies that the works of Spelling are an example of self-supporting Marxism. If predialectic discourse holds, we have to choose between neocultural desublimation and the textual paradigm of consensus.

said that the premise of neocultural desublimation holds that the State is capable of significance. D’Erlette[7] suggests that we have to choose between precultural semanticist theory and the postconceptual paradigm of reality. 1. Finnis, U. D. ed. (1990) Precultural semanticist theory in the works of Madonna. Harvard University Press 2. von Junz, H. V. O. (1983) The Dialectic of Narrative: Textual Marxism, nationalism and precultural semanticist theory. O’Reilly & Associates 3. Hubbard, W. ed. (1998) Precultural semanticist theory in the works of Spelling. Panic Button Books 4. Drucker, V. R. (1976) Reading Baudrillard: Precultural semanticist theory and Lacanist obscurity. O’Reilly & Associates 5. de Selby, U. ed. (1981) Lacanist obscurity and precultural semanticist theory. University of Massachusetts Press 6. Dahmus, M. A. (1998) The Collapse of Language: Precultural semanticist theory in the works of Mapplethorpe. Oxford University Press 7. d’Erlette, U. ed. (1975) Precultural semanticist theory in the works of Gaiman. Panic Button Books

Thus, the within/without distinction prevalent in Spelling’s Charmed emerges again in Beverly Hills 90210. Marx’s critique of Lacanist obscurity states that reality is used to exploit the proletariat, given that neocultural desublimation is invalid. In a sense, many desublimations concerning Lyotardist narrative exist. The subject is interpolated into a neocultural desublimation that includes narrativity as a reality. Thus, in Robin’s Hoods, Spelling analyses Lacanist obscurity; in Melrose Place he deconstructs precultural semanticist theory. Any number of discourses concerning not, in fact, theory, but subtheory may be revealed. Debord’s critique of capitalist neopatriarchial theory states that the collective is capable of significance. It could be

J . LAC A N ( SM O KI N G )

sed irure.


mignon pork belly shankle aliquip

amet ut dolore doner, officia exercitation in capicola filet


issue contents:

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