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a magazine full of art, litter, politics, parasites, fleas, literature, science, trypanosomes, bacteria, death, sex & foreign or forgotten verses

really rich

the poetry and parasites issue

a poem is a parasite

i. brunetto latini distoma epathicum ezra pound eustrongylus gigas giorgio caproni anguillula intestinalis ii. robert frost cyclodella lumbricoides percy bisshe shelley filaria sanguinis vittorio alfieri hĂŚmatopota pluvialis iii. giuseppe ungaretti tĂŚnia mediocanellata maria luisa spaziani anchylostoma duodenalis guido gozzano dracucnculus medinensis iv. henry wadsworth longfellow helophilus pendolus allen ginsberg trombidium cinereum dylan thomas tze tze fly v. yehuda amichai sarcoptes scabiei archilochus simulium rectans anna achmatova hexathrydium venarum and many many others.

ein mann wohnt im haus der spielt mit den schlangen der schreibt

Пришла деловито, за рыком, you came – за ростом, determined, because i was large, взглянув, because i was roaring, but on close inspection разглядела просто мальчика. you saw a mere boy. Взяла, you seized and snatched away отобрала сердце my heart и просто and began to play with it – пошла играть like a girl with a bouncing ball. как девочка мячиком. and before this miracle И каждая every woman was either a lady чудо будто видится astounded or a maiden inquiring: где дама вкопалась, “love such a fellow? а где девица. why, he'll pounce on you! she must be a lion tamer, "Такого любить? a girl from the zoo!” but i was triumphant. Да этакий ринется! i didn’t feel it – Должно, укротительница. the yoke! oblivious with joy, Должно, из зверинца!" i jumped and leapt about, a brideА я ликую. happy redskin, Нет его i felt so elated and light. ига! От радости себя не помня, скакал, индейцем свадебным прыгал, так было весело, было легко мне.Владимир Маяковский стихи

ENJOY YOUr FLEAS d. t h o m a s

mark but this flea, and mark in this, how little that which thou deniest me is; it sucked me first, and now sucks thee, and in this flea our two bloods mingled be; thou know’st that this cannot be said a sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead, yet this enjoys before it woo, and pampered swells with one blood made of two, and this, alas, is more than we would do.

oh stay, three lives in one flea spare, where we almost, nay more than married are. this flea is you and i, and this our mariage bed, and marriage temple is; though parents grudge, and you, w'are met, and cloistered in these living walls of jet. though use make you apt to kill me, let not to that, self-murder added be, and sacrilege, three sins in killing three. cruel and sudden, hast thou since purpled thy nail, in blood of innocence? wherein could this flea guilty be, except in that drop which it sucked from thee? yet thou triumph’st, and say'st that thou find’st not thy self, nor me the weaker now; ’tis true; then learn how false, fears be: just so much honor, when thou yield’st to me, will waste, as this flea’s death took life from thee.

Ah, bein

his species bursts

ah, essere bestia, o insetto: quando muore schiatta la specie.

g a bea st /o r a n in se ct : wh en he dies,



Le nostre malattie si fondono

e come portati via si rimane


a parasite is a poem

i. n that great drama which we call nature, each animal plays its especial part, and he who has adjusted and regulated everything in its due order and proportion, watches with as much care over the preservation of the most repulsive insect, as over the young brood of the most brilliant bird.


i i. ach, as it comes into the world, thoroughly knows its part, and plays it the better because it is more free to obey the dictates of its instinct. there presides over this great drama of life a law as harmonious as that which regulates the movements of the heavenly bodies.


i i i. nd if death carries off from the scene every hour myriads of living creatures, each hour life causes new legions to rise up in order to replace them. it is a whirlwind of being, a chain without end.


i v. his is now more, fully known; whatever the animal may be, whether that which occupies the highest or the lowest place in the scale of creation, it consumes water and carbon, and albumen sustains its vital force.

balaustrata di brezza per appoggiare stasera la mia malinconia balustrade breeze supporting tonight my melancholy

di giorno mi protegge [solitudine e quando è notte mi fa [scudo angoscia

del primo incontro [l'attimo passò e, breve, il tuo ritorno [l'indomani mi ha chiuso come in un [tumulo di secoli


felice chi è diverso essendo egli diverso

happy is the different one, being he diferent


but woe to the different one, being he common

t t



(fourth well-dressed brazilian edible ant hidden here)

ma guai a chi è diverso essendo egli comune

its power from a quick turn of the waist.

the right cross: a sharp stunning blow receives


issue contents:

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