January Newsletter 2023

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Volume 22 | Issue 9 Key Club International | CNH District | Region 3 | Division 30 South | Oxford Academy Key Club January 2023 January 2023
President's Corner Monthly Calendar Table of Contents 2 November News Contact Us! Editor's Note Updates & Events SunSpotlight 3-4 5-6 7-15 16-17 Contents | 2

Happy February! In this month, we start wrapping up this term and start looking towards our next term.

With only about 2 months left of this term, let’s keep up our hard work and start planning ahead. With Executive Board elections and appointed applications just around the corner, I can’t wait to see the heights our club reaches next year. I am so proud of everything our club has accomplished this term and though I’m sad to leave,

I am excited to hand off the responsibility of this club to the other bright and new leaders our club has.

President's Corner

Thank you to all of you for your unwavering dedication and I hope all of you enjoy this month!

Have an amazing February and can’t wait to see all of you out their serving and supporting :D

Corner | 3
Hey Key-uties!!Hey sunshines!
Hey sunshines!

What's poppin', OAKC!

I hope you ' ve all had a wonderful first month back at school after winter break. There's a lot of interesting events and occasions going on this month, from our board elections to the election of our new LTG!

Thank you for everything you do, and hope you continue to stay with Key Club for a long time to come!


Kaylin Chan OAKC Bulletin Editor 2022-2023
Editor's Note Editor's Note Notes | 4
Happy New Year!
SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12 19 26 21 18 11 7 January 5 1 2 3 4 5 15 22 28 29 30 23 16 9 10 17 24 25 13 20 27 Calendar | 5 Service Event Fundraiser 6 OAKC x Culinary Club Servathon Pause For and Tappy Trees End HOCO Games Patriot Burger Executive Board Applications Due 31 Conclave 2023


D30S Ice Skating Social (Jan. 6th)

Conclave 2023 (Jan. 14th)



HOCO Games Patriot Burger Shifts (Jan. 13th)

OAKC x Culinary Club Servathon (Jan. 14th)


Tappy Trees (Ended Jan. 28th)

Pause For (Ended Jan. 28th)

OAKC Executive Board Application (Due Jan. 8th)


Executive Board Elections (Feb. 1st)

OAKC Merch Order Form & Payments (Due Feb. 3rd)

6 Updates | 6


Sun-Spotlight Sun-Spotlight

hii! my name is lynne and i'm a project chair alongside ryan :) i'm a senior right now, and i've been in key club for all of high school

i love trying new food places + shopping! i also really love strawberries and anything strawberry flavored/scented/designed a fun fact about me is that i can also be found napping quite often. i also am a huge fan of sanrio <3

Fun Fact =3=

Who are you?

Advice for us? -w-

workonyourcollege applicationsearly!!

My favorite part of key club is meeting people at events, whether it be other key clubbers or just other volunteers, because I love listening to their stories and experiences and they are just all around genuine people.

Fav thing abt OAKC?

Spotlight | 7

Key Club Key Club January Drip Check

In one blink of an eye, 2022 has come to an end. So many great things have happened this year in Key Club. With many new members, more volunteers, and more progress towards our club’s goals, OAKC has been growing exponentially.

With the new year coming up, many exciting things are in store for OAKC. First thing, executive board applications are due one week into 2023 and I can’t want to see more new members serving the club in the near future. In addition to that, the annual Servathon is coming up on Saturday, January 21st where OAKC members will collaborate with Culinary Club to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate. This is always one of my favorite events as I really enjoyed last year ’ s sandwich making session.

As we head into the new year, there were many things to be excited for and Key Club is definitely one of them. Happy New Year, suns!

Articles | 8

Holiday Service Holiday Service

Holiday Brunch

Ryan Dang | 11 | Project Chair

The Holiday Brunch was on Christmas Eve, and I woke up at 6:30 to be there. Welcomed by K &amp; A Cafe, I started to help with setup. No matter how tired I was, it felt nice to be there, relieved of all the school work. Wrapping tables and setting out activities, I could not wait to see the smiles on everyone ’ s faces. I had a great time helping children to play with play-doh, and it felt so nice seeing all the spirit in everyone. The food and pastries all tasted so good, and even though I had to log around heavy stage equipment, everything was worth it. I really hope I can make it next year for the next annual holiday brunch, and I hope to see more people out there, as it is a very nice experience and really gets you in the holiday spirit.

Cypress Holiday Sing

Rachel Kim | 11 | Publicist

As the end of 2022 approaches, celebrations and seasonal events are on our radar. Last year, we weren’t able to celebrate the end of 2021 together as much due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. Since the pandemic has slowly been dying down, we are able to enjoy the seasonal fun again! On December 6th, the city of Cypress celebrated the holiday season with the annual Cypress Holiday Sing at the Cypress Civic Center. Conveniently being right in front of our school, OA Key Clubbers were able to help out with the event.

Along with the singing show, there were many other various activities going on, including crafts, games, food trucks, and more! As the event officially started at 6 PM, we were helping the area get ready. I helped out at the crafts area. We set up tables for kids to decorate bags where they could put prizes in. There was also a holiday crafts booth of making holiday ornaments. By 6 PM, the area became crowded and busy as people were watching the caroling and also getting food at the food trucks. Although it was very cold, the Civic Center warmed up as the community joined to celebrate the holiday season together.

As we go into the new year, I hope more people get to make tiem to go volunteer and have fun with their friends. Volunteering at these service events is actually very fun to participate in especially when you ’ re with other friends!

Articles | 13

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

On December 29th, 9 OA Key Clubbers boarded a bus and drove 30 minutes to Pasadena where they were able to volunteer and decorate floats for the Rose Float Parade. Despite the cold, we were at Savanna High School at 5:30 am to check in and then to board the buses. We took a quick group photo and headed to the decorating warehouse.

After receiving safety instructions, we all walked into the warehouse and were assigned to different floats with different tasks. Some of our members were able to get on top of the scaffolding for the floats and directly place flowers and leaves onto the floats. However, for those of us who were scared of heights, we were assigned to tasks of running the flowers to those on the scaffolding and prepping the flowers and leaves.

In terms of prepping the leaves, we would pick out leaves that were properly sized and put on glue on them, ready to be placed. For the flowers, we would pick out the flowers off the stems, spread them out and put glue on them. Though these tasks were tedious, with ample breaks and pleasant conversation with those around us, we continued these tasks for 8 hours.

Overall, this event was super fun and it was exciting to see how all the floats for the Rose Float Parade are made. As a well-attended event from many divisions, this was successful and a great experience overall. One of our members even got interviewed for a news broadcast. In all, I encourage our members that if they were not able to attend this year, to look into attending this event next year!

Articles | 9

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

Katelyn Ngo | 11 | Publicist

I woke up bright and early to get to Savanna High School by 5:30 am. Everyone was dressed in layers with jackets and hoodies, including me, but I was still freezing cold. I used to watch the Rose Float Parade on TV and would be amazed by the countless floats that were covered in flowers and leaves. I always wondered about the effort that must have been put into making these floats. I had the opportunity to witness the behind the scenes action of the Rose Float making.

We all were so excited to arrive in Irwindale, California and begin Rose Float decorating. Some of us had to wait and be assigned a task before we could get started. I was so excited to climb on the scaffolding and decorate or at least something more fun than waiting around. My group was assigned to tie branches of leaves together with wire. Time felt like it was barely moving when we were performing our task, but we were all grateful to be contributing. The lunch that consisted of something along the lines of hot dogs and chips was delicious after hours of work.

| 11 | Vice President

On a very dark Thursday morning, I woke up at 4:00 AM to the blaring sound of my alarm. Quickly turning it off before dozing off again, I repeated the process several times until alas, it was 4:45 AM and I actually had to get up. I woke up my mom and grabbed the backpack I had prepared the night before, finally leaving the house at 5:18 AM. Making it (sort-of) on time at Savanna High School thanks to the help of (totally legal) speeding through empty streets, I was off to a great start to my second ever Rose Float Decorating.

Rose Float Decorating is an annual Key Club service event in which Key Clubbers bus to Pasadena in order to help decorate the Rose Floats seen on TV during the parade every New Year's Day! It is an exhausting event thanks to the eight-hour-long shifts, but somehow, the people you ’ re with always manage to make every bit of it worth it. This year, we got to work on silverleaves pasting glue on them in order to prep them for placement on the actual float. It was eally cool process since we got to see all of the floats being ma hard work and detail that goes behind the placement of every sheer back soreness that I felt on the way home, I enjoyed it, a to see all the beautiful results on TV :)

Articles | 10

p y y j taught me a lot about leadership and my own holds.


Kaylin Chan | 11 | Bulletin Editor

The issue with burnout is that the period of burnout is different for everyone and some have it worse than others. For me, my burnout period essentially started in the winter and continued throughout the season until the end of finals week and into winter break. Over winter break, I’ve begun to reset and am ready for the upcoming months ahead!

We have the upcoming January DCM, DCON, and such events we don’t want to miss approaching quickly! From the club service opportunities to the division and district events, all of them are incredible opportunities I’ll be sure to participate in actively. After all, Key Club is a club with many attractive points, fun and service included.

Therefore, I’ll be sure to end this burnout during this time of reset and jump full throttle back into the swing of the suns of OAKC!

Ta | 12 | Project Chair

In 2020, on a random March, the world shut down. Schools, clubs, grocery stores –everyone was on lockdown. So, in order to circumvent the in-person restrictions of volunteering, a quick solution: online service events was formed. Today, we still implement online service events as an inclusive option to all students who do not feel comfortable volunteering in person.

Pause For, Tappy Tree, and Charity Miles are our most popular online options. Pause For is an app that donates towards charity for every hour you spend off of your phone. It encourages both productivity and philanthropy! Tappy Tree is also a game where trees are planted as you play the game, bettering our environment. Lastly, Charity Miles is an app that donates money towards a charity of your choice as you gain miles. Walking, running, or sprinting, it promotes better health in exchange for service.

All of them are so easy to do, and we walk everyday! So don’t hesitate to participate in an online service event.

Articles | 14

cts of CLUB CLUB

Lately, I found a website that is extremely informative and useful. Well, it’s not Google, but it is the CNH Key Club website! I first heard about cnhkeyclub.org at OTC (Officer Training conference), but I really didn’t think I would ever use it. I mean, the whole California-Nevada-Hawaii region sounds sooo far away. I’m just a little historian at the school level! However, I soon found this to be false. On the CNH Key Club website, I found graphics and marketing resources that I used for multiple projects related to Key Club There are many graphics that are neatly ordered and can be downloaded for free on the website. These graphics mainly consist of bees and keys in different locations and positions. They definitely came in handy when I was searching for pictures for my business flier project. The website also contains many other resources besides graphics. If there are any contests, programs, or awards on the district level, it will be posted on the CNH website. In addition, all applications from LTG to Key Club International are available. Other application forms such as the forms for the District Tech Team and the District Visual Media Team can also be seen when apps are open. Also, you can view all the LTGs and their corresponding district’s mascot in the entire CNH district, which is definitely more people than you expected. If you want to know more about the officers, perhaps take a look at the Youtube channel that is linked on cnhkeyclub.org. If you ’ re wondering about preferred charities, simply go to the section under projects. If you think you are qualified for a scholarship, apply using the forms provided under the “Kiwanis Scholarships and Grants” section There are still so many more functions on the website such as various forms, district officer descriptions, newsletters, and more that can be explored.


| 10 | Historian

Unknowingly to ourselves, we as humans naturally gravitate towards the rest of the herd. Especially within a large herd such as the Key Club community, it becomes more and more important that we each maintain the gravitational pull provided by our peers. As I’ve become exposed to more various aspects of this group and what we strive to do, I would have never been able to make any advances without the encouragement from others. At times when my own, personal motivation falters, I’m able to rely on my friends’ relentless passion to go out into the world and make a change. Now as the year comes to an end, I truly feel grateful to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who can steer me in the right direction It makes me wonder what we can truly achieve as a whole in 2023

Board | 15

OAKC Board

PRESIDENT: Devanshi Kothari

VICE PRESIDENT(S): Kenneth Nguyen & Helen Tran

SECRETARY: Victoria Tran



PROJECT CHAIR(S): Ryan Dang & Lynne Ta

HISTORIAN(S): Brandon Duong, Janice Lee, Yuehanna Yuan

PUBLISIST(S): Rachel Kim & Katelyn Ngo

DLT Service Project Coordinator: Ryan Dang

Spirit Coordinator: Jonathan Nguyen

Historian: Brandon Duong

Publicity Coordinator: Katelyn Ngo

Member Recognition Chair: Megan Tran

Board | 16

Contact Us :))

Devanshi Kothari: -- devanshi3743@gmail.com

Kenneth Nguyen: -- kennethnguyen6296@gmail.com

Helen Tran: ------------ helentran734@gmail.com

Victoria Tran: -------- victoriattrann@gmail.com

Megan Tran: -------- megan.trann13@gmail.com

Kaylin Chan: -------- kkchn56@gmail.com

Rachel Kim: --------- rachelhk06@gmail.com

Katelyn Ngo: ------- katelynngo05@gmail.com

Ryan Dang: -------- ryandang1794@gmail.com

Lynne Ta: ----------- lynnetaa@gmail.com

Brandon Duong:--- bdbrandonduong@gmail.com

Janice Lee: ---------- ceojl28@gmail.com

Yuehanna Yuan: -- mailyuehannayuan@gmail.com

Jonathan Nguyen: ------ johnnynguyn05@gmail.com

Contact Us | 17
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Articles inside

cts of CLUB CLUB

page 15


page 14

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

pages 11-13

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

page 10

Cypress Holiday Sing

page 9

Holiday Brunch

page 9

Key Club Key Club January Drip Check

page 8

LynneTa Sun-Spotlight Sun-Spotlight

page 7


pages 1, 3

cts of CLUB CLUB

page 15


page 14

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

pages 11-13

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

page 10

Cypress Holiday Sing

page 9

Holiday Brunch

page 9

Key Club Key Club January Drip Check

page 8

LynneTa Sun-Spotlight Sun-Spotlight

page 7


pages 1, 3

Cypress Holiday Sing

page 13

Holiday Brunch

page 13

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

pages 10-12

Rose Float Decorating Rose Float Decorating

page 9

Key Club Key Club January Drip Check

page 8

LynneTa Sun-Spotlight Sun-Spotlight

page 7


pages 1, 3
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