NYTrend- May15-23 2013

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Serving New York City, Nassau & Suffolk Counties

NEW YORK May 15 - May 23, 2013



since 1989

CHARLES RAMSEY: The Epitome of How Heroism can be Misconstrued By Zena Gray Charles Ramsey, a name that a few weeks ago nobody outside of his Cleveland neighborhood probably recognized suddenly became a name that we couldn’t stop mentioning. In case you don’t recognize the name, Ramsey is the vivacious black dishwasher from Cleveland who is being hailed a hero by many for rescuing three female captives – two white and one Hispanic — from a Cleveland home after they had been held there for a combined time of close to a decade. I’m sure after viewing the video of the animated Ramsey on the news many people were reminded of Antoine Dodson, who became a showy Internet sensation after saving his sister from a would-be rapist in their Huntsville, Ala., housing apartment, and warning people to “hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ wife” and Sweet Brown who barely escaped a fire in her Oklahoma City complex with “no shoes or nothing” because well, “ain’t nobody got time for that.” While I won’t deny that I did get a chuckle out of these colorful characters and became quite familiar with the catchy phrases of these Internet sensations, I noticed that the coverage of Ramsey took a different turn, one that bought forth his criminal past and caused me to question how we treat a person essentially deemed a hero with a troubled past. But more than that, hoe blacks and whites look at the same event through different spectrums of race. The first place we can look is the videotape beginning with his initial interview with local

Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey poses with CNN’s Anderson Cooper

Cleveland station WEWS and even his visit with Anderson Cooper. “I’ve been here a year,” Ramsey said in an interview with WEWS, a local television station. Referring to Ariel Castro, the suspect arrested for holding the women against their will, Ramsey said, “You see where I’m coming from? I barbecue with this dude. We eat ribs and whatnot and listen to salsa music… “He just comes out in his backyard, plays with the dogs, tinkers with his cars and motorcycles, goes back in the house. So he’s somebody you look, then look away. He’s not doing anything but the average stuff. You see what I’m saying? There’s nothing exciting about him. Well, until today.” Ramsey explained that Castro “got some big testicles to pull this off, bro.” He added, “I knew something was wrong when a little, pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms. Something wrong here. Dead giveaway.” My sentiments exactly Mr. Ramsey, there was plenty wrong. Ramsey learned all that was wrong when he put down his McDonald’s Big Mac and answered a call for help from Amanda Berry, who had been last seen in


May 15th - May 23rd

2002 on the eve of her 17th birthday. The two other women were Georgina “Gina” DeJesus, who had been missing since 2004 at the age of 14, and Michelle Knight, who disappeared in 2002 at the age of 21. While being hailed as a hero, Ramsey was the object of both racism and ridicule. I’ll be the first to admit, the television was playing as background noise in my home when this story broke and before I even looked at the screen I knew Ramsey was a black man and for some reason, I knew he would look a mess. When I actually looked up I wasn’t surprised to see my assumptions were correct and that I may have cringed just slightly at the sight of him. Why couldn’t he be a clean-cut brother returning home from his job as a dishwasher or simply enjoying his day off from work? Why did


Ask Wendy

Antieau Gallery


COVER STORY (continued) the animated black man have to be one with a stained white t-shirt and a afro-kinky slicked-back hair-do? Why did he repeatedly have to mention he was eating McDonalds? Why—although probably accurate—did he have to be the one to say he knew it was a problem when a white girl ran to a black man for help? To put this in context, even way back when black civil rights protesters would dress up in their Sunday’s best even knowing that they were going to get physically assaulted by police and white supremacists. And why did they, because then, as now, image matters to us. Especially when one of us appears on television. Still, there are plenty of people in our community who look like Ramsey and their speech and appearance make them no less valuable than the best dressed and most articulate among us. All in all, Charles Ramsey wasn’t the picture of perfection but why does that deflect from the fact that he is indeed a hero. Hundreds of thousands of people probably walked by the home that these women captives were held but it was Charles Ramsey who rescued them. If nothing else, he is a hero. Some have suggested than many people, specifically white people take delight in seeing blacks caricatured in the image of Charles Ramsey and Antoine Dodson. When will the time come that the Internet’s meme artists will stop assuming that any black person that is interviewed by a news station about a crime that he helped to foil can be

convicted felon whose rap sheet includes three separate domestic violence convictions that resulted in prison terms.” Blacks instantly asked: Why is something that happened a decade ago—and had nothing to do with Ramsey’s heroism—relevant today? Cleveland’s WEWS-TV, facing a backlash from viewers, apologized for reporting on Ramsey’s criminal past. “While the story was factually sound, the timing of it and publication of such information was not in good taste, and we regret it,” the station said on its Facebook page.

reduced to some catch-phrase? How is it not perplexing that we’re trying to find a way to laugh about what is, in itself, a disturbing turn of events. Isn’t it strange that these catch phrases are actually overshadowing what actually took place? Instead of realizing that someone was saved from captivity or escaping rape, we make YouTube videos highlighting sound bites from the rescuer. Another factoid that most of us knew, or at least suspected deep down, was that something about Ramsey’s past would surface, causing further embarrassment. Why would we think like this? Well because isn’t it second nature for people to broadcast your failure but whisper your success. And of course it happened. A website disclosed on May 8 that Ramsey “is a

Normally, I would agree that Ramsey’s criminal past, certainly in this situation, should be irrelevant. Unfortunately, Ramsey invited the scrutiny while he did his media rounds when he said he suspected domestic violence because he “was raised to help women in distress.” In view of that assertion, Ramsey’s domestic violence convictions—hardly a record of helping women in distress—became fair game and should have been reported by the news media. But, the reporting should not end there. Ramsey’s ex-wife, since remarried, said Ramsey eventually apologized for battering her and they now interact on “an okay basis.” While he was without a doubt wrong for ever being in the position to need to apologize, it certainly wouldn’t have hurt to have news outlets to show reports of that tidbit as well.

American Learning Institutes

Launches Summer Elementary Thru College Level Intensive Courses ALI Founder Dr. Teresa Taylor Williams Offers FREE Consultation American Learning Institutes, led by founder and parent advocate, Dr. Teresa Taylor Williams is offering free consultations and evaluations for those who are seeking academic courses or educational counseling for students in elementary through college, beginning June 5 through June 30th. Contact American Learning Institutes @ 347-551-1545 or docttw@aol.com. American Learning Institutes, located at 1845 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset ,New York. Dr. Taylor Williams has been a licensed and recognized remedial specialist for public and private educational institutions. As a university professor, Dr. Taylor Williams has successfully navigated students into the college environment and assisted students with challenges in the university setting, including academic deficiencies, emotional and social issues, and probationary hearings.

American Learning Institutes can be reached by email at DOCTTW@aol.com or call 347-551-1545

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For nearly three decades, Dr.Taylor Williams has continued to assist students and parents with meeting the challenges of a competitive and stressful process of getting students of all ages through school. The goal of Dr. Taylor Williams is to meet the needs of the student with an individualized plan of instruction coupled with behavioral counseling that provides the student with a holistic treatment. As a professional behavioral therapist , Dr. Taylor Williams is well positioned to bring in any appropriate resources for students and has a highly skilled team of psychologists, mental health counselors, attorneys, academic advisors, and remedial specialists that contribute to the high rate of success of American Learning Institutes.

May 15th - May 23rd


EDITORIAL Color Blind? No, Have Kaleidoscope Eyes


By Ann Brown Sometimes I just shake my head when I hear people wish for a colorblind society. Recently rapper/actress Eve said in a muchpublicized interview that she wanted to raise her kids with her white boyfriend to be colorblind. She said she didn’t see “color” and didn’t want her kids to either. If you don’t see color, I thought, how bland the world would be. So I was pleased to hear former CNN journalist Soledad O’Brien speak out about the tern color blind when being interviewed about the backlash her “Black In America” series received. O’Brien, who considers herself an Afro-Latino having a mother from Cuba with African roots and an Australian father, noted that it was mainly white people who questioned the purpose of the history making series. “First of all, it’s only white people who ever said that -- ‘if we could just see beyond race. If only people didn’t see race, it would be such a better place, and you are responsible for bringing up these icky race issues, Soledad, you should just let sleeping dogs lie,’” O’Brien told the Huffington Post. She continued, “I was like, again, ‘OK, white person, this is a conversation you clearly are uncomfortable with, and I have no problem seeing race, and I think we should talk about race.” O’Brien, who is now tackling a series called “White In America,” noted white America’s reluctance to talk about race issues. “You know, white people really have a luxury in that they get a range of stories, that they’re not defined by five stories,” she explained. “So I think that the difference with ‘Black in America’ was the filter did matter. That there are only going to be five stories and we want to know exactly who you are and what your credentials are to be telling our story.” The reluctance not only comes from fear but also once the discussion is had, then the demand for even more equality will surely take place. So the fear really is rooted in the fear of losing control. But my problem is why so many black people jump on the colorblind bandwagon. Why would you want your race to be erased. It won’t make you more white. What these black folks should be seeking is an respect of race—not tolerance, but respect. America needs to talk about race not be blind to it. We should see all the races in their full spectrum--and respect and celebrate our differences. Being blind to race is wishing we were all the same, and we aren’t and shouldn’t be. Jane Elliott, who conducted the legendary “A Class Divided” study, once said:”We don’t need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables - the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers - to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences.” And I could not agree more. NewYorkTrendnyc

May 15th - May 23rd


Owner/Publisher Executive Editor Dr Teres Taylor Williams Senior Editor Zena Gray International Correspondent Ann Brown Travel Editor Jim Weaver Contributing Editor Justin Williams Circulation Manager Robert L. Taylor Distribution/Advertising Darrel Murdaugh Graphic Designer Allison Burris Emeritus Office & Subscription Manager Sophie Taylor Social Media Zoie A. Williams Darwyn Lynch Writers Zena Gray Deardra Shuler Anastasia Williams Justin Williams Teresa Williams NewYorkTrendNYC Catalogued and displayed in the U.S. Library Congress. New York Trend welcomes letters to the editor. 14 Bond Street, Suite 176, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021 Tel. (516) 466-0028 Fax (516) 626-3966 ISSN#1083-58 Email: NYTrend@aol.com Website: www.newyorktrendnyc.com “Like Us” on Facebook: www.facebook.com/newyorktrendnyc New York Trend is published by TTW Associated, Inc. which holds copyright to the content of this publication. Mail inquiries to: New York Trend NYC, 14 Bond Street, Suite 176, Great Neck, N.Y. 11021. New York Trend NYC is not responsible for the content of letters to the editor or opinions expressed by individual writers. New York Trend reserves the right ot edit all letters to the editor. Photographs and manuscripts will not be returned.

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POLITICS Wet Seal Settles Lawsuit — Charged with Firing African-American Employees Wet Seal agreed to settle a national class action lawsuit filed by plaintiffs represented by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) and co-counsel. Cogdell v. The Wet Seal, Inc. charged that former top executives at Wet Seal directed senior managers to get rid of African-American store management employees for the sake of its “brand image,� and to hire more white employees. The lawsuit alleges that Wet Seal had a policy of denying equal pay and promotion opportunities and terminating African-American store management employees across the country. Wet Seal’s new CEO and Board of Directors have agreed to make numerous changes to address the discrimination charges. Wet Seal also agreed to pay $7.5 million in monetary relief, including damages to current and former African-American managers of at least $5.58 million. In December, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a Determination that former Wet Seal executives racially discriminated against store manager Nicole Cogdell, the lead plaintiff in the class action being settled. Ms. Cogdell learned she was being terminated after a former Senior Vice President visited her store in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and discovered Ms. Cogdell was African-American. Ms. Cogdell said about the settlement, “Being targeted for termination from a job I loved because of my race was a nightmare. It was important for me to be a force for change, but I could not have done it without the support

of other employees who spoke out against discrimination. Wet Seal has now committed to strong, fair policies because we took a stand. I hope these changes will create opportunities for all deserving employees, regardless of their race.�

UNDER THE SETTLEMENT WET SEAL WILL: s 0AY MILLION INTO A FUND FOR CURRENT AND past workers affected; s4RACK APPLICATIONS TO ENSURE DIVERSITY IN applications and hiring; s%XPAND 7ET 3EAL S HUMAN RESOURCES department to better investigate complaints of discrimination; s0OST STORE MANAGEMENT AND $ISTRICT $IRECTOR openings; s(IRE EXPERTS TO DEVELOP UPDATED JOB RELATED hiring, promotion, and compensation policies and practices; s(IRE EXPERTS TO DEVELOP PERFORMANCE evaluation tools for store management employees; s-AINTAIN A $IVERSITY AND )NCLUSION #OUNCIL made up of a diverse group of current employees that will advise the company on topics including equal employment in recruiting, hiring, and compensation; and s2EGULAR REVIEW AND REPORTING REGARDING HIRING

promotions and terminations of minority employees. “With this settlement Wet Seal is attempting to right its wrongs. It has agreed to address

our claims challenging the treatment of black workers in its retail stores,� said Sherrilyn Ifill, the President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., which is on the legal team representing the plaintiffs. “The fight for equality in the workplace is far from over in America. No one should have the cards stacked against them on their job simply because of their race.� Nancy DeMis of the Gallagher, Schoenfeld law firm said: “This brings a sad chapter to a close. We are proud to have had the opportunity to represent the courageous employees of Wet Seal who stood up for what was right. � According to Bill Lann Lee of the Lewis Feinberg law firm: “Wet Seal’s new management made improvements to its employment policies after the filing of the case. That led to this resolution. We expect the proposed settlement agreement will benefit African-American employees for years to come.� The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Orange County, California in July of 2012. The plaintiffs are represented by NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF), as well as two law firms: Oakland, California’s Lewis, Feinberg, Lee, Renaker & Jackson, P.C. and Media, Pennsylvania’s Gallagher, Schoenfeld, Surkin, Chupein & DeMis, P.C. The settlement agreement, the lawsuit, and additional information are available at www.naacpldf.org/wetseal

BUSINESS Long Island Expansion Network Event The Career Institute of Health and Technology (CIHT), 100 Black Men of Long Island, Inc., and the Caribbean American Dr. Roy Hastick President and Founder of CACCI made a special Chamber of presentation at the event. Commerce & Industry, Inc. presented the CACCI Long Island Expansion Networking Event at Career Institute on May 9th 2013 at its Garden City location @ 400 Oak St Suite 104 Garden City NY. NewYorkTrendnyc 4

CIHT and The 100 Black Men of Long Island, Inc. recognized the importance of sharing information and knowledge in the business community, as a result created this type of event, which is important for growth and success in today’s economic environment. At the event Long Island Small business owners had the opportunity to learn about the tremendous opportunities available to them as members of CACCI. There was a special presentation by Dr. Roy Hastick President and Founder of CACCI. In addition there was a Salute to outstanding business owners who have contributed their time to the success and progress of the Caribbean business community. May 15th - May 23rd

the success and progress of the Caribbean business community.

Members of Career Institute of Health and Technology (CIHT) and 100 Black Men of Long Island, Inc., and the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.


NEWS New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council Celebrates 40 Years of Successfully Developing Partnerships

Lynda Ireland

The Council’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Features Special Events Throughout the Year And a Salute to New York Metro Area’s 1973 Minority Supplier and Corporate Partnerships

The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council (The Council) will celebrate its 40th anniversary throughout 2013 with special events and programs examining The Council’s direct impact in developing economic partnerships between New York and New Jersey metro area minority businesses and Fortune 500 companies, institutions and government agencies.

In addition, The Council’s 40th anniversary celebration includes a salute to the initial 1973 minority business owners that were certified by The Council and the founding corporate members during the Business Opportunity Expo from June 19-20 at the New York Marriott Marquis in Manhattan. In 1973, when The Council was launched, President Richard Nixon was in office. That year, The Council certified 50 minority businesses from New York and New Jersey. There were less than 20 Fortune 500 companies that signed on to be founding members. These early corporate members included Banker’s Trust, AT&T, NYNEX, Citibank and Con Edison. Avon hosted The Council’s first office in their corporate headquarters. Today, in 2013, President Barack Obama is in office. The Council has approximately 225 corporate members encompassing Fortune 500 companies, institutions and government agencies. There are approximately 1,300 certified African American, Asian American, Hispanic

American and Native American businesses. These minority businesses have annual revenues ranging from $100,000 to $2 billion. In 2012, The Council’s certified minority businesses totaled over $27 billion in revenue from corporate contracts. “Across the 40 year span of The Council, corporations have acknowledged that supplier diversity and inclusion have proven to be a financially viable business case, not only to the corporation, but to the economic stability of communities,� said Lynda Ireland , president and CEO, The Council. Under her direction and leadership for almost 20 years, The Council certifies minority businesses to be eligible to compete for contracts with its corporate members. Through special events, business workshops and sourcing services, The Council is a conduit in creating partnerships. The Council is an award-winning National Minority Supplier Development Council affiliate. Its jurisdiction encompasses New York State, North and Central New Jersey and Trenton.

$20 BILLION INVESTMENTS IN CITY WATER SYSTEM PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF 2013 Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Carter H. Strickland, Jr. today detailed $20 billion in investments to the City’s water system since 2002, and announced that the water quality project at the Gowanus Canal will be completed by the end of the year, despite flooding and other damage that resulted from Hurricane Sandy. The Gowanus Canal project broke ground in 2009 and includes two components: an upgrade to a wastewater pump station that will reduce Combined Sewer Overflows into the Canal by more than 30 percent; and an upgrade to the tunnel that will feed oxygenrich water into the Canal, improving water quality. The Department of Environmental Protection made repairs and developed new improvements to protect the facility from future storms, including raising mechanical systems to a higher elevation. The project is one of several key investments the Bloomberg Administration has made: New York leads the nation with more than $20 billion in investments to protect drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. The Mayor and Commissioner made the announcement at the Gowanus Canal facility in Brooklyn, where Council Member and Chair of the Council’s Committee on Environmental Protection James F. Gennaro, and Robert D. Yaro, President of the Regional Plan Association joined them. Since 2002, the Bloomberg Administration has invested more than $20 billion in water NewYorkTrendnyc

Another $9.5 billion has been allocated toward projects that better treat wastewater and make waterways cleaner. The work includes $190 million for the Gowanus Canal pump station and tunnel, as well as: s BILLION TO UPGRADE THE .EWTOWN #REEK wastewater treatment plant; s BILLION FOR MORE THAN MILES OF NEW or reconstructed sewer lines; and Mayor Bloomberg announces water quality upgrade project at the Gowanus Canal pumping station to be completed by end of 2013, despite impact of Hurricane Sandy.

quality projects – the largest commitment to water supply and wastewater infrastructure of any U.S. city. Of that, more than $10 billion have been committed to upgrades that protect the city’s drinking water supply, including:

s BILLION TO REDUCE NITROGEN EMISSIONS AT water treatment facilities.




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May 15th - May 23rd

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Celebrates The Launch of “ASK


segment. William Morrow is excited to announce the publication of Wendy’s latest book, “Ask Wendy” (William Morrow Hardcover; OnSale: May 7, 2013; $25.99; ISBN: 9780062268389), a no-nonsense, guilt-free guide to life’s ups and downs. Honest, vivacious, and full of Wendy’s inimitable attitude, “Ask Wendy” covers important life topics such as relationships, body image, work, sex, parenting, style and beauty. Wendy also reveals for the first time never-before-heard stories from some of the challenges she’s had to overcome in her own life. This is the perfect book for Wendy’s fans and anyone who needs “a friend in their head.”

By Ramya When Wendy Williams throws a party, it’s just as over the top as her personality. The radio host turned TV personality celebrated the launch of her new book, Ask Wendy– a book full of advice for every problem straight from Wendy. Hit the jump for more! Last night, Wendy treated her guests through one of the most extravagant book launches at Pink Elephant night club. Sponsored by Logic, Hint water, Harper Collins and more, the party was just as vibrant as Wendy’s famous personality. The room was decorated with pictures of Wendy, with Macaroon and Cupcake trees adorning the “food” room, some of her famous friends including, Sharon Carpenter, Yandy Smith, Raqi Thunda, French Montana, Carla Facciolo, Va$htie and more! As the host of the hugely popular “The Wendy Williams Show,” Wendy is not afraid to tackle tough issues. But life is filled with all kinds of drama, and there is only so much advice Wendy can dish out during her show’s signature “Ask Wendy”

Additionally guests were there to toast her off to the big white way in her new Broadway role as Matron “Mama” Morton in in “Chicago: The Musical” starting Tuesday, June 25th.

which also displayed delicious cake pops, m&ms and other sweet treats. Additionally, Logic distributed cigars and electronic cigarettes. Wendy made sure that every guest’s basic need would be met!

PHOTO 1: Talk Show Host Wendy Williams debuts “Ask Wendy” by Harper Collins Book Release Party at The Pink Elephant in New York City. (Photo by Jennifer Graylock/ WireImage)

DJ Kiss was on the 1s and 2s and spun an amazing set list that had the party on their feet for hours. When Wendy finally arrived with her husband, she was ready to break it down with NewYorkTrendnyc 6

Photo 2: Wendy’s Book Cover PHOTO 3: Wendy Williams (L) and Carla Facciolo (R) PHOTO 4: New York Designer & Entrepreneur Va$htie Kola PHOTO 5: Wendy Williams will star as Matron ”Mama” Morton in “Chicago: The Musical” on Broadway

May 15th - May 23rd


TREND ON THE TOWN LONG ISLAND CHAPTER STRIKES GOLD 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HELD (L-R) Margot James Copeland, National President, The Links, Incorporated, The Honorable Dorothy Goosby, Councilwoman, District 1, Town of Hempstead presenting certificate of recognition, Betty P. Monroe, Chapter President and Dianne S. Hardison, Eastern Area Director, The Links, Incorporated

On Saturday, April 27th, The Long Island Chapter, The Links, Incorporated celebrated 50 years of friendship and service to the community with a gala luncheon held at the North Ritz Club, Syosset, New York.

The Links, Incorporated founded in 1946, is one of the oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and persons of African ancestry.

(L-R) Margot James Copeland, National President, The Links, Incorporated, Darlene Harris presenting citation for The Honorable Edward Mangano, County Executive, Nassau County, Betty P. Monroe, Chapter President and Dianne S. Hardison, Eastern Area Director, The Links, Incorporated.

The celebration attracted over 200 guests that included national and regional officers, politicians and business leaders who were welcomed by current president of the Long Island Chapter of the Links,Inc. Link Betty P. Monroe. Attendees included, The Honorable Dorothy Goosby, Councilwoman, District 1, Town of Hempstead, Margot James Copeland, National President, The Links, Incorporated and Dianne S. Hardison, Eastern Area Director, The Links, Incorporated. Chapter poses for historical moment


May 15th - May 23rd

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“#BEAUTIFUL” featuring MIGUEL!!! “#Beautiful” is live on all streaming services and is available at iTunes now.

Multi-platinum global superstar Mariah Carey caps her season on FOX’s American Idol with the world¬wide launch of her new single, “#Beautiful” featuring Miguel. “#Beautiful” was written and produced by Mariah and Miguel, and is the lead track from Mariah’s much-anticipated new album, due for release this summer on Island Def Jam.

As Mariah recently told Billboard, her new album ‘has more raw ballads than people might expect,’ and producers including Jermaine Dupri, Bryan-Michael Cox, Big Jim Wright, Hit-Boy, The Dream, Mike Will, and Rodney Jerkins. The new album is the follow-up to her worldwide multimillion-selling Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel (released September 2009). Mariah Carey is the best-selling female artist of all time with more than 200 million albums sold to date. She has a total of 223 #1 records across all Billboard singles, albums, sales, and airplay charts, dating back to her

“Vision Of Love” debut, including 18 Billboard #1 Hot 100 singles (17 selfpenned). With her distinct five-octave vocal range, prolific songwriting, and producing talent, Carey has defined the modern pop performance. As a singer/songwriter/ producer, she has been recognized with five GRAMMY® Awards, nine American Music Awards, Billboard’s Artist of the Decade Award, the World Music Award for World’s Best Selling Female Artist of the Millennium, and BMI’s Icon Award for her outstanding achievements in songwriting, to name a few. Mariah will also kick off the Good Morning America Summer Concert Series live from Central Park on May 24th.

MOTOWN the Musical is Hitsville! By Deardra Shuler After hearing varied opinions about the good and bad of the play Motown the Musical, I was glad to get the chance to see it myself to make my own determination. The play which opened on Sunday April 14th, proved quite entertaining. This musical extravaganza is delighting audiences at the LuntFontanne Theatre, located at 205 West 46th Street, in Manhattan. Directed by Charles Randolph-Wright, this collaboration between Kevin McCollum, Doug Morris and Berry Gordy is adapted to the stage via Berry Gordy’s book entitled “To Be Loved: The Music, The Magic, The Memories of Motown.” Motown the Musical takes the audience down a hit-filled historic past when Motown was at its zenith. Naturally it couldn’t mention in 2-hours the numerous contributions of the many songwriters and artists who made Motown the greatest independent music company in the world or tell the complete Motown story. But I must give props to individuals like Ethan Popps for the wonderful musical arrangements and orchestration, to the band led by conductor Joseph Joubert and associate conductor, Jason Michael Webb. Kudos go to the inventive scenery of David Korins and to ESosa who offered up lovely NewYorkTrendnyc 8

costume designs as well as praise to Patricia Wilcox and Warren Adams who provided the creative choreography. I must say the casting director put together a cadre of incredible talent that makes Motown the Musical well worth the ticket. The cast did their homework with Valisia LeKae (Diana Ross), Charl Brown (Smokey Robinson), Bryan Terrell Clark (Marvin Gaye) and youths Raymond Luke, Jr., and Jibreel Mawry performing in the roles of the young Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson, and Stevie Wonder. These artists literally channeled their characters. May 15th - May 23rd

While there are diverse opinions on what went on to make Motown the success it was, this show is told through the viewpoint of hit maker Berry Gordy. It touches lightly on his short featherweight boxing career, his love affair with Diana Ross and his determination to bring the musical talents of African Americans to the world-at-large. Played by Brandon Victor Dixon, Gordy struggles to keep his hit factory afloat. And indeed, “Motown the Musical” is a dazzling array of nearly 60 song classics like “My Guy,” “My Girl,” “ABC,” “I Heard It Through the Grapevine,” “I’ll Be There,” “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” “War,” “Super Freak,” “What’s Going On,” and “Good Morning, Heartache.” The audience is reintroduced to groups like The Marvelettes, The Supremes, The Temptations, The Commodores, The Jackson Five, Gladys Knight and the Pips and artists like Mary Wells, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson, Tina Turner, Teena Marie, Rick James, Gladys Knight and Diana Ross, et al. The entire ensemble cast worked hard to make this show a fabulous walk down memory lane. As far as this reviewer is concerned “Motown the Musical” comes signed, sealed, delivered and is definitely yours. I recommend it. www.newyorktrendnyc.com

HEALTH & BEAUTY Procter & Gamble’s My Black is Beautiful Debuts Imagine a Future Documentary in New York My Black is Beautiful and Community Partners BLACK GIRLS ROCK! and UNCF Help Impact the Lives of Young Black Girls Through the Imagine a Future Initiative Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) awardwinning African-American consumer campaign My Black is Beautiful (MBIB) From left, Director Shola Lynch, actress and director Jodie Foster, actress Gabourey brought its message to the masses Sidibe, documentary lead Janet Goldsboro, director and producer Lisa Cortes, and through film with the premiere of executive producer Beverly Bond at the premiere of the “Imagine a Future” documentary the Imagine a Future documentary in presented by P&G’s My Black is Beautiful on Sunday, April 21, 2013, in New York City, NY. association with Tribeca Film Institute (Brian Ach /AP Images for Procter & Gamble) in New York City. In partnership with solutions such as scholarships, leadership teen Janet Goldsboro as she travels to UNCF and BLACK GIRLS ROCK!, camps for teen girls, online consumer South Africa to examine the historical MBIB hosted an intimate screening of interactive tools, and the Imagine a and present beauty and self-esteem the Imagine a Future documentary for Future documentary. issues that challenge black women and prominent film industry influencers and girls. Infused with the perspectives of distinguished guests, offering them “As a natural evolution of the MBIB renowned media personalities such as a first look at the film that examines mission, we were happy to work with Mikki Taylor, Gabourey Sidibe, Michaela beauty and self-esteem issues that UNCF and BLACK GIRLS ROCK! to Angela Davis, Tatyana Ali, Gabrielle challenge black women and girls. launch the “Imagine a Future” initiative Douglas and Melissa Harris-Perry, their Imagine a Future marks MBIB’s inaugural last year and we are excited to take stories compliment Janet’s journey of foray into the film space and serves our work a step further by providing self-discovery by focusing on black as a tangible tool aimed at inciting the community with a documentary beauty insecurities and examining the a dialogue around beauty amongst that is both powerful and informative,” images of black women in the media. African-American women and driving said Associate Marketing Director, NA them to action. Media and Multicultural Marketing, “Janet’s story is one that is prevalent in Lauren Hoenig. “Our hope is that this our community, and many young black The seven-year MBIB campaign was documentary will aid in altering the girls can relate to her beauty and selflaunched with the goal of fueling a current perceptions, conversations image issues,” said Lisa Cortés, Director national conversation about black and societal implications that come and Producer. “It was an amazing beauty while encouraging women to with negative self-image and low selfexperience capturing her journey as become catalysts for change in their esteem of young black girls. Through she traveled to South Africa to explore local communities. Since its inception, the “Imagine a Future” initiative depictions of black beauty throughout My Black is Beautiful has developed and partnership with organizations history. My hope is that through sharing a successful and engaging online and UNCF and BLACK GIRLS ROCK!, P&G the stories of the individuals in this film, offline community and has celebrated, we are able to impact the lives of black empowered and connected generations continues to reinforce its long-standing commitment within the multicultural women and girls and help change their of black women everywhere by perceptions of black beauty.” championing their desire to express their space and desire to facilitate a community wherein black women best and most beautiful selves. In 2012 The Imagine a Future documentary will air on BET everywhere can change the conversation on July 5, 2013 at 10 PM ET/9 PM CT and on Centric MBIB took its mission a step further and help us create a beautiful future for on July 6th at 9 PM ET/8 PM CT. The film will also by enlisting the support of community be available for online viewing on the My Black is young black girls.” organizations BLACK GIRLS ROCK! and Beautiful YouTube channel. Viewers are encouraged to learn more about the “Imagine a Future” initiative UNCF to launch an initiative aimed at Directed and produced by Lisa Cortés, and join MBIB in changing the conversation by positively impacting the lives of one visiting myblackisbeautiful.com and facebook.com/ Academy-Award nominated for Precious, million black girls over three years. The MBIB. There, the community will be able to download directed by Free Angela Davis and All an informative Imagine a Future discussion guide initiative, entitled “Imagine a Future,” Political Prisoners director, Shola Lynch, that will provide insightful information to fuel documents the current state of black conversations and engagement and aid MBIB in and executive produced by BLACK beauty, provides an in-depth look at achieving its goal of positively impacting the lives GIRLS ROCK! founder and NAACP of one million black girls over the next two years. the influences of young black girls, and You can also change the conversation on Twitter, @ Award winner Beverly Bond, Imagine equips the community with tools and MBIBMovement. a Future follows the story of Delaware NewYorkTrendnyc

May 15th - May 23rd

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EDUCATION Minority Business Development Expert David Hinson to Deliver Address at City Tech’s June 4 Commencement because he was afraid to speak English; his thick Spanish accent wasn’t understood and he felt self-conscious. But 25-year-old Salas found a way to remedy the situation and hasn’t looked back. He was hired as a summer camp counselor for seven- and eight-yearold boys and girls, who helped him with his pronunciation and were his toughest teachers.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech) will mark the annual rite of passage for graduating students at its 73rd Commencement Exercises on Tuesday, June 4, beginning at 11:30 a.m., at Jacob Javits Center North, 40th Street at 11th Avenue, Manhattan. President Russell K. Hotzler is expected to confer 2,378 degrees, including 1,192 associate and 1,186 baccalaureate. The number of baccalaureate graduates has almost doubled over the past ten years as the result of the addition of several new BS and BTech degree programs, including those in Applied Mathematics (BS), Biomedical Informatics (BS), Emerging Media Technologies (BTech), Health Services Administration (BS), Mathematics Education (BS), Mechanical Engineering Technology (BTech) and Radiological Science (BS). Delivering the commencement address will be David Hinson, national director of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a bureau within the United States Department of Commerce. The top two students in the 2013 graduating class both have Latin American roots. Dany Salas, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who majored in computer systems, is City Tech’s valedictorian. Jessica Castillo, an architectural technology major whose family is from El Salvador, is the College’s salutatorian (second in the graduating class). David Hinson, Commencement Speaker As national director of the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a bureau within the United States Department of Commerce, Hinson oversees a national network of 40 MBDA Business Centers, including those in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and the first of its type, the Federal Procurement Center, located in Washington, DC. MBDA’s core mission is to expand the U.S. economy and create new jobs by promoting the growth and global competitiveness of large, medium and small businesses that are minority-owned. Since the start of the Obama Administration, MBDA has assisted minorityowned firms in obtaining nearly $12 billion in contracts and capital, creating and saving over 20,000 jobs. Under Hinson’s leadership, MBDA has experienced the three best performing years in the 43-year history of the agency. Prior to joining the Obama Administration as a presidential appointee, Hinson was president and CEO of Wealth Management Network,

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Commencement will be especially sweet for him because his mother, sister and brother will be part of an audience of nearly 6,000 people who will see him deliver his valedictory address. This will mark the first time in their lives away from the Dominican Republic and the first time Salas will have seen them in more than four years.

Inc., a multi-million dollar independent, financial advisory boutique where he provided global asset management and risk management services to high net worth and emerging wealth clients. Before this, Hinson managed a 10-state sales region as director of advisory services and managing director of business development for Envestnet Asset Management, a publicly traded, $70 billion financial advisory firm. Hinson’s experience also includes a number of senior-level and mid-management positions at Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, First Chicago (now JP Morgan Chase) and The Village Foundation. He has been featured on CNN, Fox News Channel, The BE Report and CBS News for his wealth management and financial planning commentary, and was a wealth management columnist for The Network Journal. Hinson holds an MBA in finance from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and a BBA in insurance and finance with honors from Howard University in Washington, DC. In addition, he completed a fellowship in International Finance with honors from the Stockholm School of Economics and graduatelevel studies in French with honors at the University of Abidjan, in Ivory Coast, West Africa. He is a native of St. Louis, MO, and currently lives in Washington, DC. Dany Salas, 2013 Valedictorian When Salas left the Dominican Republic for New York in January 2008 to attend college, he was uncharacteristically silent for the first couple of months in his new country. That’s

May 15th - May 23rd

Once he felt at home at City Tech, Salas challenged himself to take a leadership role. He was president of the Computer Club, vice president and founder of the Gay-Straight Alliance, a peer advisor for first-year students, the Microsoft student partner ambassador for the College, a member of the City Tech Honors Scholars Program, and a participant in the Office of Student Life’s annual leadership retreat. After an internship at Goldman Sachs, he was offered a full-time job and works as an information technology analyst in the firm’s Jersey City office. Jessica Castillo, 2013 Salutatorian When she was a little girl creating houses and pyramids with blocks and Legos, Castillo loved being a builder. “I was constant thinking about constructing things,” explains Jessica Castillo, City Tech’s 2013 Salutatorian (second in the graduating class). “I would try to use all the pieces I could to make a big structure.” Castillo, 25, who will receive her bachelor of technology degree in architectural technology at the City Tech commencement, has been preparing herself for a career as an architect specializing in historic preservation. “I love the old buildings. My favorite is Grand Central Terminal,” she says. “We live in the greatest city in the world. We have so much history here, and there is so much structural damage that people don’t know about. I’d love to help preserve the architecture so that future generations can enjoy it, too.” New York City College of Technology (City Tech) of The City University of New York (CUNY) is the largest public college of technology in New York State. Located at 300 Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn, the College enrolls more than 16,000 students in 65 baccalaureate, associate and specialized certificate programs.


TRAVEL New Orleans Art Gallery Features Works By Self-Taught Artist/Owner

each year and a number of works from previous years are also available. Working from her original fabric paintings, two talented staff members do the basic cutting and sewing. Then Chris does all the detail work on each one. It

By Jim Weaver Chris Roberts-Antieau is a self-taught artist from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Its something she is very proud of, and furthermore, she thinks art schools often destroy innate creativity and many student artists along with it. Being told she could not draw made her an instant art school dropout, but it did not change her mind about becoming an artist. “I knew I had artistic talent.” she recalls, “all I had to do was figure out how I could earn a living with it.” Now more than three decades later she is by every measure a great success. Today, Chris has nine employees, her own gallery — Antieau Gallery in the French Quarter of New Orleans, — plus more than a dozen other galleries across the country who handle her work, and, of course, her website. She produces more than three dozen new “fabric paintings”

is labor intensive and time consuming work, but the results are of significant quality and craftsmanship. Recently, Chris has also been offering workshops in fabric appliqué for persons who are interested in learning the her techniques. She has also exhibited at both the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show and at the Smithsonian Craft Show in

Washington, DC. Chris has also shown her work several times the international art expo, The Basel Show in Miami. She has had four separate exhibits of her unique fabric paintings at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore and several of her works are part of its permanent collection. This unique museum is devoted to self taught artists. Chris also has fabric paintings in the collection of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. With the help of her son, a marketing specialist, Chris has been staging a series of “pop up” gallery shows in various cities around the country. “We find an empty store front in a heavy traffic commercial area and rent it for a month,” she explains. “Then we convert it to a temporary art gallery and promote it like crazy.” She has held successful pop up galleries in New Orleans, Portland, Ann Arbor, and in Manhattan’s Soho District. She plans to open one in London, England in 2013. The New Orleans gallery was so successful in 2010 that it has became a permanent gallery.It’s her goal to own five permanent galleries.

FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON ACCELERATES WORLDWIDE GROWTH WITH OPENING OF 175TH HOTEL AND TARGETS 200TH MILESTONE IN 2014 Powered by an in-demand platform of comfort, style, and value that’s “best for business,” Four Points by Sheraton today unveiled a thriving global pipeline of hotels that sets the stage for a milestone 200th opening in 2014. The popular brand reached its 175th hotel in 2013 with the openings of Four Points by Sheraton Manhattan (Manhattan, Kansas, United States), Four Points by Sheraton Riyadh (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), Four Points by Sheraton Ahmedabad (Ahmedabad, India) and Four Points by Sheraton Kecskemet (Kecskemet, Hungary). Four Points’ impressive growth rate makes it the second-largest pipeline and third-largest brand for parent Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: HOT). Four Points represented more than a quarter of Starwood’s openings and signings in 2012 and is expected to sign more deals in 2013 than ever before in the brand’s history. A recent $1-billion brand-wide rejuvenation has spurred its popularity and is helping to drive Four Points’ growth. “As our pipeline proves, there’s plenty of room for Four Points to keep growing, with massive potential in markets we haven’t even begun to tap,” said Simon Turner, Starwood’s President of Global Development. “Considering the brand’s powerful positioning, untapped growth channels like conversion projects in developed markets and new build hotels in underhoteled emerging markets, and ever-stronger demand from partners and developers worldwide, we’re looking toward a very bright future for Four Points.” Brian McGuinness, Senior Vice President of Specialty Select Brands for Starwood, agreed. “There’s an enormous and growing global appetite for affordable,


In North America, Four Points to Surpass 120 Hotels

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May 15th - May 23rd

reliable hotels. That’s what Four Points delivers, and it’s why the brand continues to resonate with a huge spectrum of travelers,” he said. “Tremendous loyalty from guests has also been a big part of the Four Points’ success, and we’ll keep fueling growth by delivering great experiences.” With genuine service, classic style and great rates, Four Points gives travelers everything they need to be comfortable while away from home – like stylish rooms, productive work spaces, and local beer from Best BrewsSM. Four Points has been ranked the number one hotel brand in its category by readers of Business Travel News.

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Serving New York City, Nassau & Suffolk Counties

NEW YORK May 15 - May 23, 2013



since 1989

And The Winner Is…Injury!

And in pretty much every series, injuries have given other players opportunities to shine on a big stage that they otherwise wouldn’t have had. Unexpected heroes emerged and while that’s a great thing, fans would have preferred we didn’t have to deal with all the injuries, twists and turns this season gave us.

By Zena M. Gray

The absolute numbers of injured stars in this year’s playoffs is astounding. Almost every team is dealing with injuries to a player that made up at least 18% of their 2012-13 salary and 12 of the 16 playoff teams are playing without AllStar caliber players.

(And How it Shaped the 2013 Playoffs) With the 2012-13 National Basketball Association season nearing an end and the NBA Finals in our direct line of vision, let’s took a look at the beginning and acknowledge why the teams left standing are there. The defending champ Miami Heat were already favored to be the repeat victors this year, and with the Finals right around the corner, they coasted through the playoffs and in the position to do just that. And not just because they’re that talented, albeit the fact that they are, but they’ve definitely gotten lucky with some of the best players from opposing teams haven gotten hurt one right after the other. The unexpected competition –at least in my eyes—seems to be the emergence of the San Antonio Spurs as their closest competition. Yes, in 2013, the Spurs will likely be representing the Western Conference for the Larry O’Brien Trophy in June. But back to how we got here. The regular seasons were wrapping up and things began getting crazy. What are these “things” we speak of? Injury! Injury is the premise of the NBA playoffs this year. From the Eastern Conference to the Western Conference, players are dropping like flies due to injury this year. Many teams had to make adjustments in the 25th hour, just to make the top eight teams and even be in the playoffs. From Derrick Rose to Russell Westbrook, injuries have been at the core of this year’s NBA Playoff narrative and have created a lot of this playoff madness. Obviously injuries are always a factor in the playoffs after a long regular season. Just last year, Chris Bosh’s abdominal injury almost did the Heat in and the Bulls were essentially eliminated when Derrick Rose went down. But this year, more than any other in recent memory, injuries have been the story. In more than half of first round matchups, the ability or inability of a team to adjust to the loss of a superstar has become the primary story line in the series and if some of these injuries hadn’t happened, the playoffs would look very different. Here are some of the injury situations around

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Oklahoma City Thunder’s Russell Westbrook watches Game 5 of the quarter-final series from a suite.

the league during this years playoffs: I’m almost positive that a healthy Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash probably wouldn’t have led the Lakers to an upset in the first round, but it would have been more competitive. Although the Spurs—the oldest team in the league—are currently playing like they’re all teenagers again, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker are still not 100%. Dwyane Wade missed a game during the playoffs and took almost two rounds to even be a factor in the Heat’s success thus far.

This years playoffs are an anomaly. Without a doubt, every year every team will more than likely have injuries, but these aren’t just any old, end of the year injury situations we’re dealing with. These are contending teams and star players whose injuries have totally reshaped the NBA landscape this season. The Heat are still the favorites -- that hasn’t changed — but pretty much everything else has due to injuries.

The Rockets would have been eliminated in a sweep by the OKC if Westbrook were playing and the Bulls would have been a top-3 seed and serious contender with Derrick Rose, Luol Deng and Kirk Hinrich on the active roster. The Knicks might not have made their lateseason run if Amare was playing and the Celtics are a completely different team with Rondo at the helm. Joe Johnson pretty much played with one leg during the Brooklyn Nets first round run and as we saw in the last Grizzlies-Clippers game, LA has no answer for the Memphis bigs if Blake is unable to play and Chris Paul is playing with a hurt thumb. Kenneth Farried and Stephen Curry had some ankle issues and Andrew Bogut wasn’t completely healthy which proved to be detrimental as the Golden State Warriors fell to the Spurs in the second round of the western conference playoffs. These sound like typical stories come playoff time. But this year is unique in the amount of significant injuries to star players and the number of series that are being shaped by these injuries. David Lee, Danilo Gallinari, Jeremy Lin and Danny Granger are some of the big names that have missed time in the playoffs. A few of them missed ample time during the season while others dropped off one by one.

May 15th - May 23rd

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