Materialdataiscollectedingoodfaithfromoursuppliers,alternativelyfromrawmaterialmanufacturers,andmaydifferdependingonthetest methodused.Toensuretherespectivevalue.NordicPlasticsGroupdisclaimsallresponsibilityinconnectionwiththeuseofthedata
Physical properties Test method UnitValue Density ISO 1183 g/cm³1,45 Moisture pick up till saturation in normal climate 23 'C 150%r.h. ISO 62 %0,23 Water absorption till saturation inwater at 23 -cISO 62 %0,47 Mechanical properties Test method UnitValue Tensile stress at yield v= 50 mm/min ISO 527-2 MPa Tensile stress at break v= 5 mm/min ISO 527-2 MPa76 Nominal percentage elongation at break ISO 527-2 % 7 Tensile modulus of elasticity ISO 527-2 MPa3450 Flexural modulus of elasticity ISO 178 Mpa Ball indentation hardness (value at 30 sec.) ISO 2039-1 MPa160 Rockwell hardness (measured with testpieces 10 mm thick) ISO 2039-2 M 94 Charpyimpact strength +23 °C ISO 179/1eU kJ / m2>30 Charpyimpact strength -notched +23°CISO179/1eA kJ / m22,5 Electric properties Test method UnitValue Specific insulation resistance IEC 60093 Ohm• m1013 Specific surface resistance IEC 60093 Ohm1014 Dielectric constant (at 1 MHz) IEC 60250 106 Hz 3,2 Dielectric constant (at 100 Hz) IEC 60250 102 Hz 3,4 Dissipation factor at 1 MHz IEC 60250 106 Hz 0,014 Dissipation factor (al 100 Hz) IEC 60250 102 Hz 0,001 Dielectric strength K20/K20 (in transformer oil)IEC 60243-1 kV/mm21 Comparative tracking index (CTI) IEC 60112 600 Thermal properties Test method UnitValue Temperature for usage in air (max. shorttenm) °C160 Temperature for usage in air (max lasting) °C115 Minimum service temperaturein air °C-20 Heat distortion temperature (HDT A process) ISO 75-2 °C75 Coefficient of linear expansion at length 23-60 °C ISO 11359 10-4/k 0,65 Thermal conductivity(+23°C) DIN 52612 W/(K• m)0,29 Flammabilityaccording UL Standard (thickness 3 and 6 mm) UL 94 ClassHB Vicat softening temperature (VST/B/50) ISO 306 °C Melting point (DSC. 10 K/min) ISO 3146 °C255
Nordic Polytech Group, Omvägen 17, SE-231 61 Trelleborg, Sweden. Tel +46 (0)10-707 80 00 Version:2022