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© Best Version Media PUBLICATION TEAM Publisher: Gloria Bruni Publisher Assistant: Daniela Banegas Proof Reader: Stefanie Stayin Account Executive: Crissy Moore Hall Designer: Hannah Argall Contributing Writer: Katie Culligan Photographer: Tatiana Dove ADVERTISING Contact: Gloria Bruni Email: gbruni@bestversionmedia.com Phone: 703-868-8071 FEEDBACK/IDEAS/SUBMISSIONS Have feedback, ideas or submissions? We are always happy to hear from you! Deadlines for submissions are the 10th of each month. Go to bestversionmedia.com and click “Submit Content.” You may also email your thoughts, ideas and photos to: gbruni@bestversionmedia.com. CONTENT SUBMISSION DEADLINE (5 days prior to the Submission Deadline; remember Content Submission Deadline dates of the 20th or later refer to a magazine edition 2 months out.)
Content Due Edition December 10 ...........................................................................January January 10.............................................................................. February February 10 ..................................................................................March March 10.............................................................................................April April 10..................................................................................................May May 10 .................................................................................................June June 10 ...................................................................................................July July 10 ............................................................................................ August August 10 ............................................................................September September 10 ..........................................................................October October 10 .......................................................................... November November 10 ..................................................................... December Any content, resident submissions, guest columns, advertisements and advertorials are not necessarily endorsed by or represent the views of Best Version Media (BVM) or any municipality, homeowners associations, businesses or organizations that this publication serves. BVM is not responsible for the reliability, suitability or timeliness of any content submitted. All content submitted is done so at the sole discretion of the submitting party. © 2023 Best Version Media. All rights reserved.
DEAR RESIDENTS AND FAMILIES OF McLEAN, Hey there! It’s November already. As your publisher of this wonderful McLean Living Magazine, I wanted to wish you all a fantastic Thanksgiving season. I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the crisp autumn weather. Thanksgiving is such a special time of year, isn't it? It's a time to gather with loved ones, indulge in delicious food, and take a moment to reflect on the things we're grateful for. And speaking of gratitude, I wanted to share a personal story with you: I grew up in a privileged environment where I had everything I needed and more. But in the fall of 2001, something extraordinary happened that changed my perspective on life. Recently, out of high school, at 17 years old, I (my parents) decided to step out of my comfort zone and volunteer at a refugee camp in South Sudan. It was a decision that has had a profound impact on my life. As I learned about and interacted with the individuals at the camp—all young kids that were left orphans while their parents were in a war against North Sudan, OH—I was humbled by their stories of resilience and strength. I saw firsthand the challenges they faced and the gratitude they expressed for even the simplest plate of food or just water, not even a warm shower. Just water. It really helped me understand how I had to be grateful for everything. To this day, I do not forget how privileged I am, and so are we and our children. Let’s just be thankful, guys. We do have it all. Whatever problems we may have, believe me, everything will be OK!
photography by www.tatianadove.com
Gloria McLEAN LIVING | 3
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ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES Iche Chiu | 360 CPA 866-550-2050 | 360.cpa
HEALTH & FITNESS Janine Serio | 2 Health Nuts 410-935-9241 | 2healthnuts.com
ACUPUNCTURIST Dr. Sarah Alemi | Eastern Roots Wellness 571-354-6643 | easternrootswellness.com
HOME SERVICES: ROOFING Esequiel Alvarez | Falcon Roofing & Solar 703-826-5306 | falconroofingva.com
BAKERY Sandra Panetta | Sweetbites Cafe 703-4448-1115 | sweetbitescafe.com
INSURANCE Milena Bu | State Farm 225-252-1932 | buforyou.com
CAREER COACH Kelly Featheringham Kelly Featheringham ACC, Executive Career Coach 914-489-8856 | kellyfeatheringham.com
MENTAL HEALTH Eva-Maria Theodosiadis, MD & Dr. Debra Brosius Integrated Psychology Associates of McLean, LLC 703-215-4101 | debrabrosius.com | ipamclean.com
COSMETIC ENHANCEMENT Maryam Khavandi | Medjuvenis 703-345-8322 | medjuvenis.com
LANDSCAPING - RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Andre Passos | The Grounds Guys 888-929-8188 | groundguys.com
DENTIST Dr. Negar Tehrani | Aura Dentistry 703-748-1900 | auradentistry.com
MASTER PEDICURIST & ONCOLOGY-TRAINED ESTHETICIAN Lisa Tep | Sesen Spa 703-281-0822 | sesenspa.com
EDUCATION Jinsil V. Kim, MBA, M.Div. | C2 Education of McLean 703-288-4400 | c2educate.com
MOVER Gina Kovatch |Petra Moving Company 703-547-7631 | petramovingcompany.com
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Emily Yosmanovich | Trinity Preschool of McLean 703-790-2767 | umtrinity.org/preschool
PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Gema Island | Island Children Dentistry & Orthodonticst 703-790-1320 | islandchildrensdentistry.com
FURNITURE Joni Foerter | Front Porch Furniture Rescue 703-543-9248 | myfurniturerescue.com
PREMIUM BEAUTY AND WELLNESS Keneathia Glenn | K. Arcadia 703-752-6270 | karcadia.com
HAIR STYLIST Daniel Bechara | Salon Daniel 703-893-5000 | salondaniel.com
REAL ESTATE Brian Mason | Signature Move Real Estate 703-936-6501 | Signaturemoverealestate.com
GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY Dr. Ramin Farboud | Advanced Gastroenterology & Hepatology 703-345-6655 | aghofgreaterwashington.com
RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Stephanie Q. Lawrence | Vinson Hall 540-314-8745 | vinsonshall.org
DERMATOLOGY Dr. Pantea Tamjidi, MD, F.A.A.D. | Tamjidi Skin Institute 703-345-6677 | tamjidiskininstitute.com
TRAVEL AGENT/VACATION PLANNING Emmy Hoffman | Luxe Traveler Club 502-345-8938 | luxetravelerclub.com
JOIN THE TEAM! To learn more about becoming an EXPERT CONTRIBUTOR, contact Gloria at: 703-868-8071 or gbruni@bestversionmedia.com 4 | NOVEMBER 2023
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SOCIAL4GOOD: Five Years of Supporting Little Bottoms with Fairfax Diaper Article and Photos by SARAH SHAMAL “Right now, nearly 75,000 Fairfax County residents are food insecure – and that means diaper insecure,” noted Christine Kenny, Fairfax Diapers’ founder, at S4G's 5th Annual Diaper Sort & Social. Our local community reflects a national trend: Nearly one in two American families experience diaper need. Diaper Need is defined as the lack of a sufficient amount of diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. A recent study by National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) reveals that diaper need has increased sharply. 47% (almost half) of families reported diaper need in 2023, an increase from the 2010 study that cited one in three families struggle. This need causes multiple stressors – financial, personal, health – and is shown to intersect with food insecurity. More than a quarter of respondents (28%) who reported diaper need said that they skipped meals so that they could afford more diapers. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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Four years ago, Ms. Kenny saw this need and launched Fairfax Diapers. The organization's goal is to ease the challenge of diaper insecurity and to raise awareness of this need in our community. Fairfax Diapers has seen an increase in local need consistent with the NDBN study. During July 2019, Fairfax Diapers distributed over 7,600 diapers compared with 30,000 diapers distributed in July 2023. It has reached a milestone of over 1,000,000 diapers supplied to clients receiving food at Food for Others, as well as 10 other local nonprofits. S4G members gathered September 20, during National Diaper Awareness Week, to sort and pack diapers and learn more about Fairfax Diapers efforts. Many hands made for light work and the boxes of diapers were quickly packaged for distribution. S4G donated more than 100,000 diapers over the past four years and set a goal to donate 30,000 diapers this year to meet one month's demand by local families. The continued support of S4G was recognized and celebrated throughout the evening. “At Fairfax Diapers, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing the issue of Diaper Disparity. We are a very grassroots
Exclusive Aesthetic and Wellness for the McLean Community
organization and rely on community support. It's a simple model, but it works. Social4Good's five years of support has been impactful and we appreciate the dollars, diapers and time they have contributed.” Through the generosity of S4G members and community, the group exceeded their goal and raised $5,185 in financial and in-kind donations. The S4G drive will provide over 30,000 diapers so local babies have what they need to remain healthy. Over five years, S4G has donated over $19,582 to support this Viennabased organization. S4G is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization that brings together engaged women who want to meet new people and support the organizations that make our community strong. Each month, this column will highlight S4G's monthly project to raise awareness on critical needs in our community and local nonprofits making a difference. To learn more about S4G or to support local nonprofits, visit www.Social4Good.community.
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6 | NOVEMBER 2023
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Salon Daniel is a family owned and operated luxury salon and spa that strives to ensure clients leave feeling beautiful and con昀椀dent. SPECIALIZING IN
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S A L O N DA N I E L . CO M | 7 0 3 . 8 9 3 . 5 0 0 0 2 7 5 0 - D G a l l ow s R d , V i e n n a , VA 2 2 1 8 0 DANIEL BECHARA has been helping his clients realize their hair dreams since 1991!
customerservice@salondaniel.com McLEAN LIVING | 7
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cLean's own Tracy Williams truly approaches life with a sense of social responsibility and commitment, in terms of living with a purpose to serve others, whether it be her family, her clients, or the larger McLean community. She is the Senior Vice President of TTR Sotheby's International Realty and her team has sold real estate for over $750 million to date in the Greater Washington area, but it's not the numbers that matter to her, it's the relationships she makes along the way. Tracy explains that “the most fulfilling aspect of my work is the unique way I serve others. I may not heal, educate young minds, or undertake heroic feats, but I firmly believe that service doesn't always require grand gestures to be meaningful and impactful. Service takes on diverse forms for everyone, and this is my distinct contribution.” Tim Fargo once aptly stated that leadership is about service, not merely a position, and Tracy approaches the responsibility of being a Realtor with the utmost sincerity. She consistently aims to provide a level of service that exceeds expectations, whether it's handling a $500K or a $5Million-property. She explains how important it is to be mindful that she is managing most people's largest asset, and with that comes an enormous amount of trust and sensitivity. Tracy also has a keen appreciation for the fact that selling or buying a home often involves a host of emotions and she enjoys connecting with her clients on a level often requires compassion and empathy. She elaborates that being honest, dedicated and of service to others is key to succeeding in life. "People ask me what I've done to create the level of business I have, and it's remarkably simple. I bring my A-Game everyday of course and leave nothing on the table, but equally important is my belief in living with a sense of abundance and maintaining a dedicated focus on being of service to others. That's it.” Her commitment to others align with one of her favorite quotes by Howard Zinn, that “small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world”.
8 | NOVEMBER 2023
Tracy has her roots in Canada and was raised in a french-speaking community. As she puts it, she was the lone defector, since her entire extended French Canadian family still lives in Canada. She grew up playing pond hockey and was on the girl's hockey team in high school!
© Best Version Media Not surprisingly, hockey remains to this day, her favorite sport to play. She is the middle child of five children and, as she fondly shares, they are her best friends whom she adores. She warmly states that “being with them, in Canada with my children and husband….is my happiest of happy places. I grew up on an island - we were free to roam and explore, fish and swim… and had a beautiful childhood.” Tracy and her family typically travel to their second home in Canada for Christmas, and if the ponds aren't yet frozen over, they rent a rink and her entire household suits up to enjoy some quality hockey time. Speaking of family, Tracy's family is comprised of her husband, Chris, a former officer in the Marine Corps, and their two children, Katie, 21 years old and a Junior at Fordham University and Samuel, 19 years old at Christopher Newport University. They also have two "impossibly adorable” rescue cats, Fudge and Cardinal Wolsey. Tracy laughs, “They are crazy….and we love them.” While Tracy feels strongly about her work and service to the community, her true “why” in life are her two kids. She expounds that her life has pretty much focused on her children for the last 20 years; everything from coaching to being a girl scout leader for seven years, volunteering at school and local food banks with them, to helping Samuel earn his Eagle Scout rank, which he accomplished last year. Both Katie and Samuel were swimmers growing up and went on to swim Varsity in high school.
Tracy met her husband, Chris, when she first moved to D.C. in a sitcom meet-cute plot line of sorts. They were both promised a basement to stay in from Tracy's cousin that accidentally overlapped, leading to an inevitably humorous situation, which fortunately eventually led to romance! Now that they are newly empty nesters, with both kids in college, Tracy hopes to branch out and focus on her interests of serving others. This includes working at a local food bank, and most recently, she joined the McLean Projects for the Arts and “plans to volunteer for that wonderful organization”. Tracy is an avid reader and usually has several books going at once. The Williams family usually takes one big trip each year. They are headed to South Africa this year for the holidays and will embark on a three day safari while there. In addition, her daughter Katie had to go to Barbados for her research this past summer, so the rest of the gang tagged along. Tracy gushes, “It is my favorite of all tropical islands. They say God is a Bajan and there is a reason for this saying!” When not traveling, Tracy and her family live in a quiet subdivision off of Georgetown Pike in McLean. They chose to live there so the children would be close to their school. Tracy goes on to say, “I live in a tight-knit community. McLean is incredibly international, but it still has that small town feel to it. I made my very best friends here through my children and their relationships, so they are authentic and real.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
We would like to thank Nancy Rose and Associates for bringing you this month's cover story.
© Best Version Media FEATURE STORY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Tracy went to university in Canada, and received her BA and Master's in Political Science. She came to the D.C. metro area on a one-year visa to do research for her PHD back in 1998. She had Advanced Political Science degrees, with a focus on Public Policy. She wrote her partly published masters dissertation on pension reform in Canada and more precisely, how the pension system in Canada inadvertently penalizes women. While in D.C., she was laser focused on a new Bill at the time: The American's With Disabilities Act. She wanted to apply some of those principles to her PHD which, she hoped, would translate into a similar change in Canada. She enjoyed this work so much that she renewed her visa another year, then soon enough got engaged to Chris, and the rest is history. Fast forward many years, and Tracy is Senior Vice President of TTR Sotheby's International Realty and leads the top performing team in the brokerages McLean office. She works primarily in the McLean, Great Falls and Arlington markets. She and her team recently launched their own brand new YouTube channel. Since D.C. is such a transient global city, she explains that this avenue of communication is to reach those located all over the globe. The channel will work on educating people who don't live here about the DMV area. She elaborates that there is so much information about the real estate market, that is surprisingly not readily available to people. She hopes this YouTube channel will rectify this.
10 | NOVEMBER 2023
Tracy's bucket list for future goals include completing her PHD. In addition, someday she “would love to sink her teeth into some flawed public policy again, to contribute in some small, but hopefully meaningful way”. Tracy is committed, first and foremost, to her immediate and extended family, but she also holds the firm belief that being in service to others isn't a charitable act - it's a powerful catalyst for positive change that fosters a sense of community, compassion and shared humanity. She shares, “in the tapestry of giving, every thread, no matter how modest, adds warmth, depth and beauty to the overall design of a better world.”
Tracy’s Fast Five Favorites: 1. Favorite Movie—Love Actually 2. Favorite Music Artist—Van Morrison 3. Favorite Book—Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice 4. Favorite Podcast— Kelly Corrigan Wonders 5. Favorite thing to do in McLean—Hiking in Great Fall’s beautiful parks
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PLAN YOUR NEXT GREAT ADVENTURE Vinson Hall Retirement Community residents come from a variety of backgrounds, but they have one thing in common: a spirit of adventure. Whether they are returning from a vacation to Italy or a trip to the grocery store, military officers and their families, and leadership level (GS-14 and higher) government employees from any federal agency, love coming home to Vinson Hall Retirement Community.
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By JANINE FRANK - CEO & Co-Founder of 2 Health Nuts
nd just like that, hello November! I feel like we just kicked off 2023 and now we are gettingready to ring in another year. Before we start singing “Auld Lang Syne,” though, I want togive you an early New Year's gift…I am letting you off the hook this Holiday season.
Don't you feel relieved already? Yes, I am giving you permission to “mess up,” and focus on letting go of the “all or nothing” mindset this season tends to bring. You know, that feeling of “I better eat all of the foods I know are (supposedly) ‘not good’ for me because, come January 1st, I am going to be super strict with pretty much EVERYTHING.” Does this sound familiar? Food can be a paralyzing thought, and one that can totally consume you; ultimately, “it” is one that can rob you of total joy and satisfaction. And let's be honest - it can be a paralyzing thought 365 days a year but the holidays make it feel larger than life. Why does it have to be “all or nothing?” Why can't we have our pumpkin pie, and enjoy every bite, without feeling guilty…or weak? Guess what, you can! How do we practice “navigating down the middle” with our lifestyle efforts, and never feeling like we are back at the starting line come January 1st? Here are some of the very mindset shifts we, at 2 Health Nuts, coach our clients on everyday to help free the food FOMO, and focus on a life of abundance - not scarcity. Because life is too short to be worried about having a few bites of your favorite cookies this Holiday season. #1: PERFECTION IS A MYTH - as much as we may fight it, perfection is unattainable. We can try all day long to find the “perfect” plan but, at the end of the day, it is about doing the best you can and figuring out what works for you, and only you! #2: IT WILL ALWAYS BE ABOUT CONSISTENCY – not perfection – to keep you on point with your lifestyle goals (ah hem, don't let perfect be the enemy of good). Know that there will be days where sweets are calling your name, and other days where you cannot get enough of your protein and veggies. Investigate, learn, and navigate. Trust yourself and your process. For example: maybe you come to the conclusion that the day after a restless night of sleep you crave more sweets…or maybe you really do just have sweet tooth. Remember, that’s okay - you are human! Instead of fighting it or “white knuckling” your way past the candy bowl, have a piece or two of your favorite. Savor each and ENJOY. By practicing this every day (and with any food that you feel is your vice or “controls” you), the urgency goes away and the enjoyment takes over. Hence less control and more trust. And doesn't it feel better knowing you can - yes, you can- have a piece or two of your favorite candy every single day, rather than eating an entire bag in one sitting? #3: ELIMINATE LABELING FOODS AS “GOOD” OR “BAD.” The moment we start labeling foods this way is the moment we start judging our actions and behaviors. “I ate a piece of fruit today; this is on the ‘good’ list so I am doing good.” “I had a small piece of cake for a co-worker's birthday. This is definitely ‘bad’ and, therefore, I am weak.” These are the very stories we tell ourselves and, in fact, these may be the very reasons why we feel the need to “have it all at once.”
#4: BE MORE TRUSTING AND LESS CONTROLLING. We live in a society where we are constantly searching for that “perfect” solution or “diet” to help us lose those last 10 lbs, or get those 6-pack abs you see on the cover models of fitness magazines. Diets are the epitome of control, and we never truly learn about ourselves in the process. Trust in the fact you know what to do, for you. There is no right or wrong way. Be your own wellness detective. Figure out what foods make you feel your best, perform at your highest level, and what gets you closer towards your goals. Because what happens when the diet plan we are following comes to an end? We once again become paralyzed with what to do and what to eat…and the cycle continues. By learning through trial and error, you are gathering the tools in your wellness toolbox to live a life FIT for you. Not what a magazine tells you, or what worked for your neighbor, or what your workout buddy shared with you during spin class. That's right - it is all about YOU! #5: GET TO “IT” FIRST BEFORE “IT” GETS TO YOU. Okay, we have all been there. You know that feeling when you are SO HUNGRY that you don't even remember what you ate (or how it tasted) because it was consumed so quickly. Not to mention the feeling you get afterwards – bloated, uncomfortable, and downright stuffed. This is a practice in learning to understand what it feels like to be both hungry and satisfied. One of my business mentors in the industry, Jill Coleman, coined the term “preemptive cheats”as a great way to stabilize your nutrition. This is a wonderful strategy, especially this time of year, when your social calendar is filled with Holiday parties and events. A little something to “take the edge off” will keep you from going completely overboard. We have found foods with a higher healthy fat/protein content are the best for feeling satiated. Think assorted nuts, veggies & hummus, a few pieces of good quality cheese, nut butters, etc. Remember, you can make cookies at any time you want, and the pumpkin pie ingredients line store shelves 365 days a year. Instead of thinking you only have 6 weeks to get it all in, why not think about it as having 52 weeks to enjoy all year long? Prioritize your lean proteins, complex carbohydrates (think veggies and whole grains), and healthy fats. And, YES, I highly encourage you to enjoy those few bites of your Aunt's homemade pumpkin pie! For more information on the 2 Health Nuts wellness services, please contact info@2healthnuts
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ARE YOU READY TO MAKE THE CHANGE? The SPATZ adjustable balloon o昀昀ers patients outstanding weight loss results. Advanced Gastroenterology & Hepatology of Greater Washington
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The adjustablity feature extends the weight loss trend, helping people change their existing habits and achieve a healthier lifestyle. The Spatz3 Adjustable Balloon System is the world’s 昀椀rst and only adjustable gastric balloon. This non-surgical weight loss solution o昀昀ers patients a higher weight loss success rate than ever before. With the highest weight loss results and highest success rates of all 8-month gastric balloons, the Spatz3 has proven to have an 84% success rate and 15% weight loss, far exceeding every non-adjustable balloon in non-comparative studies. In addition, FDA Clinical Trials show that Spatz balloon patients lost 昀椀ve times as much weight as those on diet alone.
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Spatz Medical is committed to the patient’s journey, helping them achieve their weight loss goals, while learning to listen to body cues that ultimately contribute to long-term weight management success. The Spatz3’s proven success rate encourages and inspires those looking to start their journey to health and happiness.
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By GEMA ISLAND Island Children's Dentistry & Orthodontics
f you are a mom like me, you definitely want the best for your child. Cavities can appear on baby's teeth as early as age one to two. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Dental Association recommends a child should visit a dentist after the first tooth appears and not later than age one. By age three, 28% of the children have one or more cavities. By age five 50% of children have one or more cavities. That first visit is important because it allows the dentist to identify any potential dental problems early on and provide guidance and preventive care. The dentist can also give you information related to baby bottle tooth decay, infant feeding practices, teething, and evaluation for tongue or lip ties. Taking your child early to the dentist will help make them comfortable with the dental experience such as noises, instruments and equipment. Dr. Island recommends, if possible, bringing your baby or toddler in the morning when they are fresh and alert. Try to avoid scheduling appointments close to napping time. Your child will sit on your lap and the dentist will perform a knee-to-knee exam or lap exam. At that point the dentist will examine teeth, gums, jaws and review diet and a prevention plan or treatment plan in case of any findings that need care right away. Dental caries is a preventable disease that can lead to pain, infection, and serious life-threatening events if left untreated. Early visits can prevent suffering and emergency dental services. Baby teeth are as important as permanent teeth. Dr. Island and her team are welcoming new patients and would be happy to give you and your children a positive experience and build long-term relationships with your family. Dr. Island is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist, graduated from TUFTS University, she specializes in sedation dentistry for kids, laser dentistry, and loves helping special needs children to have a positive experience at the dentist.
Our Main Concern is What is Best for Your Child. SERVICES: Preventive Dentistry, cleanings, pediatric sedation in office, laser dentistry, digital x-rays, tongue tie and lip tie laser release, airway assessment, orthodontic treatment, Invisalign and much more. $99 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL includes Full exam, Cleaning, and X-rays
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Co氀氀ege Admi猀猀ions THE SERIES: RULE #5
Thou Shall Prepare Thyself with a Winning Strategy By JINSIL V. KIM, MBA, M.DIV. If you aspire to achieve exceptional outcomes in your college admissions journey, it's imperative to craft your own winning strategy that sets you apart from the competition. In our journey through life, we invariably encounter many challenges and struggles. Preparing for college admission is one such formidable hurdle. While many students rely on their past experiences, logical reasoning, or available information to guide them through this process, following the well-trodden path often leads to average results. But what exactly is this winning strategy? How can you obtain it? A winning strategy requires you to elevate your level of competing above the ordinary. Most prospective college students rely on familiar approaches like consulting the U.S. News & World Report for college rankings, seeking advice from school academic counselors, and compiling a list of colleges based on interests, proximity, and recommendations. Your strategy must go beyond the conventional. To create a winning strategy, you must uncover the 'truth' about the institutions you're considering. This truth goes beyond the readily available public information on school websites, in books, or through promotional materials. For instance, one of the top colleges in the United States recently established a new school after splitting from another institution. While superficial knowledge might mention the establishment of this new school, the more profound truth reveals that they were actively launching new programs and had more open admission standards to attract students interested in this major or their school. If you aim to secure admission to a top-10 U.S. college and your interests align with this new school's offerings, prioritizing entry to this institution could be a winning strategy many overlook.
16 | NOVEMBER 2023
© Best Version Media A winning strategy involves the ability to see what others miss, penetrating the veil of superficial knowledge to uncover the hidden truths about the schools or organizations you're targeting. It's about understanding what genuinely transpires at your chosen institutions and how you can present yourself in a way that aligns with their needs. An old Korean proverb wisely states, "Know thyself, know thy enemy, and your victory is certain."
In the highly competitive battlefield of college admissions, where the acceptance rate for your dream schools may be less than 10 percent, you must also understand what the schools seek in an applicant and align your application to answer their questions. Uncover the truth that lies beneath the surface. So, how can you access this truth that goes beyond superficial knowledge? The truth often emerges from meaningful interactions and relationships built on trust. It's essential to remember that colleges and universities are ultimately run by people, comprised of people, and designed for people. Each institution has its unique desires, stories, and vulnerabilities, much like individuals. Understanding these aspects can provide you with a strategic advantage in preparing for college admissions. For instance, imagine having the opportunity to participate in a campus tour at an Ivy League school. While this is a common experience at such institutions, most students treat it merely as a surface-level tour. To understand the school's truth, you must intentionally create meaningful interactions and cultivate relationships within the school community. Are there events hosted by the school for the local community that you can attend or even volunteer for? You'd be surprised at the meaningful connections you can forge through such opportunities. Are there academic conferences organized by the school you're interested in, where you can purchase a ticket and engage with members of the school community on a profound level? You could be one of the students who actively participates by asking questions and lingers after the conference to establish deeper connections. The activities may vary, but the objective remains the same: uncover the truth about the organization and get to know the people in the school community through personal interactions Your winning strategy for college admissions is a truth grounded in trust that can be leveraged to your advantage.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ms. Kim is the CEO of Joy & Joseph's C2 Education Franchise Group, located in Washington, D.C., and Florida. She embarked on her journey with C2 Education in 2007 and has since overseen one of the most thriving franchise groups nationwide. Ms. Kim was honored with a nomination for The Carey Relentless Advancement Award by Johns Hopkins University in May of 2023. Ms. Kim holds a Distinction from UCLA Extension as a Certified College Counselor. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Ms. Kim is a devoted wife and a loving mother of three children: Sebastian (7), Theodore (5), and Sophia Grace (3). She met her husband, Dr. Crutchley, during his Anesthesiology Residency interview at Johns Hopkins, a divine moment that led to a beautiful family. Ms. Kim is also an alumna of Oral Roberts University, where she earned her Master of Divinity in 2006. Her mission is to please God and love people, values that she brings to her professional and personal life.
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alcon Roofing and Solar is a locally based military veteran owned and operated company. The business aids homeowners in obtaining roof replacement, through insurance, after storm damage. They also offer direct wholesaling of solar panels (total solar solutions) replacing existing energy bills with a lower solar bill. The owner, Ezequiel Alvarez, who goes by Zeke, started this company in 2020. He originally was a sales rep for another company, but noticed that they weren't treating homeowners right and it made him feel unethical. He is retired from the Army after 20 years of service, so ethics mean a lot to him. He explains, “In this game, there are a lot of estimates and you don't know who to trust, so I want to provide customers with the same type of values as the military.” The very personable Zeke, and his company, make an effort to look at things from a homeowner's point of view. They have the knowhow to accomplish big home improvement projects, without digging into owner's pockets. Zeke's business mantra is, “Think of yourself as if you were in the homeowner's shoes”. His words to live by are: Integrity, transparency and honesty. He emphasizes that word-of-mouth is everything and understands that the best leads are from homeowner referrals, so you must do right by people. He and his company make it a point to educate the homeowners through the whole process. The satisfaction from homeowners about Falcon Roofing's follow-through and customer service provides Zeke with the validation of knowing he's helping achieve their company goals. The company personnel itself is comprised of ten others, who Zeke calls “leaders” rather than employees because as he states, “I'm nobody's boss.” He makes sure to train each person carefully before sending them out on projects. He keeps his star-powered team in close communication with consistent check ins. He comments that workdays are built on spiritual and mental fitness as it aligns with their core values. There is also a “healthy competition within the business to make each other better” which translates to a constant uplifting of brother-sisterhood with the whole team. Zeke mentioned, you never know who you're going to run into in McLean and that Falcon Roofing often services well-known clients in the area. However, most of the time when they get calls, they don't know that they're dealing with “stars.” One time, Zeke sent out a sales rep that had no idea that the client was a very well known football player. Because the company treats every person like they're special, said football player was shocked to learn that the celebrity treatment he was getting wasn't actually because he was famous.
Zeke has three kids, a 14 year old daughter and 10 year old twin boys. He cherishes teaching them about the business and offers to take them to every job site, if they want to come. He loves seeing his daughter progress to be business-minded. At home, the family often cooks together, starting from researching various new recipes, to actually crafting handmade pasta! Falcon Roofing and Solar is involved in sponsoring soccer teams and sporting events. They also provide leadership summits for small business owners. Zeke believes in the importance of leadership training and mentoring as it advances good values. He simply states, “Provide the world with something that it needs in the future and present transparency in how you do it." In his parting thoughts, Zeke hopes to continue providing service to the McLean area. Since it's such a close-knit community, he wants to do business the right way and supply value and transparency to the area to carry on the trust of the good people of McLean.
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Transforming Beauty, Inside and Out By DANI BANEGAS
r. Lorena Khouri Popp is a remarkable physician whose success has been driven by a passion for healing the human body and enhancing natural beauty. This passion has a heartwarming backstory; it all started at the age of seven, when she fell ill and spent weeks in a hospital. During this challenging time, a compassionate doctor not only treated her body but also nurtured her young soul. This profound experience instilled in her a dream – to become a doctor and bring both health and happiness to people. Determined to fulfill her dream, she graduated summa cum laude from LMU University in Munich, Germany, with integrated internships at Yale. Upon her arrival in the United States, she met her husband and embarked on her residency at GWU. It was during this time that her passion for noninvasive cosmetics began to flourish. Her husband recognized her dedication and encouraged her to chase her aspirations. For the past two decades, Dr. Lorena Khouri has wholeheartedly dedicated herself to internal medicine and the world of noninvasive cosmetics, culminating in the birth of Labelle MD Esthetics. In the world of modern aesthetics, where science meets artistry, Labelle MD Esthetics stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to harmonize their inner vibrancy with their external appearance. As an internist with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Lorena Khouri Popp frequently encountered women who expressed the desire to align their inner vitality with their external appearance. These individuals diligently maintained healthy lifestyles but sought a solution to the inevitable signs of aging. Labelle MD Esthetics was conceived as a sanctuary where patients could embark on a journey to preserve their well-being and enhance their natural beauty.
Emmy is an Advisor at Luxe Traveler Club, a boutique travel agency specializing in custom itineraries and personalized service. Through Preferred Partnerships with top hotels and the Virtuoso network, she is able to add special amenities and perks to create a VIP experience.
Emmy Hoffmann LUXURY TRAVEL ADVISOR emmy@luxetravelerclub.com 20 | NOVEMBER 2023
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At the core of the Labelle MD Esthetics brand is a mission to empower women and help them reflect the beauty they feel inside. Dr. Khouri Popp and her team are passionate about making a transformative impact on their patients' lives. They witness firsthand the positive changes in confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being resulting from the array of services offered. At Labelle MD Esthetics, innovation and transformation go hand in hand. Let's take a closer look at some of the beloved services, as rated by our patients. • GENIUS RF MICRONEEDLING: This revolutionary treatment tightens skin, improves acne scarring, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, tightens pores, replenishes sun/age spots, and builds elastin for thicker, youthful skin. The Genius RF Microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy that restores lost collagen and repairs broken elastin fibers. • LASEMD ULTRA: Complementing the Genius RF treatment, LaseMD is a resurfacing laser that smooths out the top layer of your skin, revealing a fresh and radiant complexion. • SCULPTRA INJECTIONS: To restore lost collagen and rejuvenate aged skin, Labelle MD Esthetics offers Sculptra injections. This noninvasive procedure results in a more youthful and natural appearance. • PDO THREADS: For those seeking a non-surgical facelift and skin tightening, PDO threads are an excellent option. They stimulate collagen production and provide a lifted and refreshed look.
Labelle MD Esthetics is where science meets artistry, where compassion meets transformation. Dr. Khouri Popp and her team are committed to helping each patient look and feel their best, inside and out. Whether you're seeking to enhance your natural beauty, restore lost confidence, or simply embark on a journey of self-discovery, Labelle MD Esthetics is here to guide you every step of the way. For more information go to www.labellemdesthetics.com or call now: (703) 992-7779.
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Article and Photos by CHEF GABRIELA ACKERMAN Ah, yes, the enchanting culinary journey im about to take you mes amis starts at this unassuming French cafe tucked away in a strip mall - an experience that defied all expectations. From the exterior, one would hardly imagine the hidden elegance that awaited inside Cafe Renaissance. This, my friends, is the kind of place where you uncover culinary treasures in the most unexpected of locations. Greeted by the friendliest staff, my family and I were seated and Saeed, the owner gave us a little backstory to his long trajectory in the culinary scene and walked us through the menu and immediately took care my 2 year old son, crafting him a special mocktail and made sure he was the first one to eat, bringing out a Pasta Primavera perfectly toddler portioned that brought smiles and satisfaction to my picky eater. A restaurant that caters to families with such care is truly exceptional.
Our meal commenced with an appetizer sampler that was nothing short of a flavor revelation. The shrimp and scallop with pineapple? A veritable A+ combination of sweet and savory. The crab cake, a testament to their seafood expertise, and the ravioli, a delicate marvel, left me craving more.
22 | NOVEMBER 2023
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Shortly after, a buttery delight was at our table. Escargot, that classic French delicacy, tiny morsels of garlic-infused snail were pure heaven. And the warm, crusty bread that joined the party? A perfect tool for sopping up the rich sauce. The Salad Maison offered a refreshing pause, a vibrant medley of greens, plump cherry tomatoes, crumbly feta, and a house vinaigrette that truly danced on the palate. A generous grinding of fresh cracked pepper added the final touch. As we waited for our entrees, you couldn't help but notice other guests. It was a sight to behold; it seemed like every other table was celebrating a special occasion, and Saeed made sure to make every single diner feel special. Out comes our waiter with 2 plates in hand, my Coquilles Saint-Jacques and Filet de Flétan. Coquilles Saint-Jacques are pan-seared Boston sea scallops, kissed by lemony white wine, danced alongside spinach and shiitake mushrooms. The scallops? A textbook example of perfection, a true testament to Saeed's extensive research on the best scallops. The Filet de Flétan, is adorned with almond and lemon butter. Each bite of halibut effortlessly flaked apart, and the buttery sauce was the perfect complement and bursting with flavor. And then came "Le Châteaubriant" - a spectacle unto itself. A center-cut beef tenderloin, accompanied by seasonal vegetables, potato, and a decadent béarnaise sauce. The chef himself emerged to show us a perfectly pink, medium-rare cut of beef, and plated it before us. Last but not least, les desserts! We were surprised with a tower of desserts. From créeme brûlée, to Capucchino cake, Champage and berries to chocolate mousse. Each one was better than the other and was hard to choose just one.
My son on the other hand had a clear favorite, the chocolate mouse. As a fitting crescendo, Saeed, presented a flaming Irish coffee, a performance unto itself, a delightful conclusion to an unforgettable meal. What truly elevated the evening was the joyful personality, Saeed. His warm and welcoming presence added a layer of charm to the dining experience, making us feel like cherished guests. Café Renaissance pays homage to tradition with modern flair, and Saeed's personal touch and the unexpected elegance of this place combine to create a culinary experience that deserves the spotlight, no matter where it's hidden. Bon appétit!
Your Trusted Business Partner Iche Chiu, CPA MBA Partner | MyAdvisor360 1775 Tysons Blvd STE 500 Tysons, VA 22102 (866) 550-2050
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24 | NOVEMBER 2023
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As a freelance makeup artist herself, Mrs. Ortiz Bari found the need to create this tool to manage all individual client contracts and remove the administrative hassle that took the joy out of being a beauty professional. As a client and mother of two young kids, she realized that finding an artist of her choice and efficiently booking any beauty service was currently impossible. Glist was recently featured on Good Morning Washington on abc7 news hosted by Eileen Wheelan.
“I created Glist because I saw a need for a better way for beauty professionals to list their services and for clients to find and book these services,” said Mrs. Ortiz Bari. “Our app is designed to make it easy for both beauty professionals and clients to connect with each other. We are here to empower beauty professionals with a tool that removes all the administrative hassle and barriers to entry in the beauty industry. Our goal is to become synonymous with quickly booking a beauty experience, whether that's a haircut at home, a quick nail appointment at the office, or a full glam hair and makeup session for a major event at a venue, it should all be more accessible and efficient than what is currently available.” “Glist – Beauty on Demand” is available for download on the App Store and Google Play. Glist's webpage is www.glistapp.com and is also on Instagram @glist_app.
list, a new app founded by Avista Ortiz Bari is empowering vetted beauty professionals (hair, makeup, nail, and spray tanning artists) with a tool to quickly list their services and for clients to quickly search, find, and book any beauty experience where a vetted freelance artist comes to a client's location of choice.
© Best Version Media
26 | NOVEMBER 2023
© Best Version Media
Here are two fun activities to try together with your child to nurture gratitude:
TEACHING CHILDREN ABOUT GRATITUDE By Emily Yosmanovich Director, Trinity Preschool of McLean
Gratitude is an acknowledgement of the blessings, both great and small, that contribute to our situation in life. When a person invites gratitude into their mindset, the benefits of resilience, confidence, and overall happiness will abound. Of course, we all want our children to receive these benefits, and in turn, often parents will start with teaching basic “please” and “thank you” manners to their children at a young age. When we teach our children to say “thank you,” following the receipt of kindness, we are teaching only a small seed of potential gratitude. So what more can we do for our children to nurture the seed and watch it grow into a beautiful flowering tree? The most important factor toward developing any life skill in a child is modeling it yourself. Children imitate what they observe. Hold yourself accountable to how grateful you are towards people and situations around you, especially as your child is watching. As local authors Catherine McCarthy, MD; Heather Tedesco, PhD; and Jennifer Weaver, LCSW suggest in their new book, Raising a Kid Who Can, practice the “think aloud” strategy by verbalizing your gratitude so that it is evident to your child. For example, in the car, rather than giving in to road frustrations, you might allow someone to cut in front of you and say aloud, “It really wasn't that car's turn, but it seems like they're in a hurry and it will be kind to let them in front of us. I'm thankful we're all safe and everyone will get where they need to go eventually.” It may seem unnatural to many of us, but verbalizing this kind of thought could very well inspire your child to think about the plight of others and be more grateful for their own situation.
BUILD A RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS BUCKET: On small index cards, write an act of kindness. Children older than age two can help brainstorm acts to include. Put the cards in a bucket and draw a card each day or week. Discuss why the act is kind and encourage performing the act together or individually. Some acts might be a onetime event, but others might be habits you hope to build, like thanking a coach after a game. Retell and share about the act as time passes in order to build the memory. Some examples might be: cheer on a local youth sport team and thank each player afterwards, draw a picture for and visit an elderly neighbor, try to greet everyone with a smile and a “hello” today.Text Box: Children often find inspiration for kind acts from familiar books or TV shows. Encourage identifying these acts and consider replicating them together.
GO ON A THANKFUL NATURE HIKE: Choose a beautiful Fall weather day, tie on your boots, and head out into nature! While you're out there, take along a list of items to find that encourage gratitude toward nature. Your list could include something to throw in the trash (take gloves and a bag), something that makes you smile, something that is colorful, something that provides food, something that provides shelter, something that makes a lovely sound, something fun to play with, a place that's nice to rest, etc. Take pictures of the things you find to make a photo book or collage at home as a reminder of the things your child is grateful for. This also helps leave no trace! Finish your hike by creating a heart out of found pieces of nature to leave behind for the next hiker to find. Imagine the smile and joy that hiker will experience!
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1472 Chain Bridge Road McLean, VA 22101
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"And... lift-off! After gathering 90+ registrants, 6 guest speakers, and 4 student projects, Space Summit DC's inaugural event occurred on September 23rd, 2023 at UMD College Park. On an especially stormy Saturday, it was a place of refuge for all of the attendees, who had a wonderful time learning about space with each other. The event kicked off with an introduction and icebreaker with Ronit Kapur, a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and the Founder of Space Summit DC. Attendees answered polling questions ranging from what their high schools are to how optimistic they are about space exploration.
The first talk was a Keynote by Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi (Dr. O) from George Mason University. Dr. O recounted his inspiring story detailing his journey to where he is today, starting from humble beginnings in rural Mississippi. With several stories from his childhood and career, Dr. O inspired high schoolers with an interest in space and astrophysics. “My advice to you is to stay on your path, they'll make it tough, don't let that dissuade you, build your grit and resilience, that's what matters, follow your dreams, come into this world and it's going to be a much more amazing ride than you can imagine”, he said in closing his inspiring keynote speech. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
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THE CUTTING-EDGE OF ASTROPHYSICS Dr. Rachel Osten from the Space Telescope Science Institute's, was an excellent primer on the latest advances in astrophysics brought by cutting-edge space telescopes, including the recently-launched James Webb Space Telescope and the upcoming Roman Space Telescope. “You can definitely expect there will be a robust Astrophysics field in the next 10-20 years,” she quoted as one of the key takeaways. She also inspired students to be creative and suggested: “astrophysics is driven by imagination as much as it is by the laws of nature." ELECTRONICALLY-ASSISTED ASTRONOMY Love stargazing? Paul Derby of the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club took to the stage at Space Summit DC to discuss how to beat the light pollution here in the DC area with electronically-assisted astronomy. He was able to set up a Unistellar eVScope in front of the audience in a mere 4 minutes and 36 seconds, taking it out from a backpack and setting it up using a phone app without any complicated wires. It was magical to see how electronic techniques filter out light pollution to give rise to amazing raw astronomical images.
The event concluded with a captivating panel on what the future holds for space — especially in the domains of national security, space policy, and astrophysics. Space Summit DC's respective panelists in those domains were the U.S. Space Force's Lt. Col. Erin G. Salinas, George Washington University's Dr. Scott Pace, and UMD's Dr. Tad Komacek. Moderated by Ronit Kapur, the panel discussed -- among other topics -- the importance of national leadership in space, ways to harbor diversity in space activities, and crucial advice for young people as they consider possible careers in space. Lt. Col. Salinas's hope for space "is that it's peaceful, and that it's available for the people of our nation and our allies to use, and that we can create a productive environment. There is so much in space which is beneficial to everyone and that's what I hope is the focus of the future.” Speaking on the future of space, Dr. Scott Pace stated that “it's not just machines and astronauts that we will be sending to space, it's also our cultural and national values that will guide what the future of space holds." He further encouraged students to “push as hard as you can in the areas of math and science. Get as much technical knowledge as you can early in your career.” And finally, Dr. Komacek engaged with students on the question of extraterrestrial life, which was especially intriguing to summit participants. “Fundamentally, your generation will have the statistical answer to the question of whether or not there is life out there in the universe. Scientifically, we are witnessing a transformation and are at an inflection point in understanding our place in space," he said during his panel remarks.
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In addition to the talks by local experts across all aspects of space, Space Summit DC featured projects by some of the DC Metro area's young scientists and engineers. We got to learn of an improved way to characterize exoplanet atmospheres, a CubeSat project applying small satellites to largescale NASA missions, a high school team taking a liquid-fuel rocket to space, and the engineering design of space debris-cleaning technology! RONIT KAPUR "Gravity-Darkened Atmospheric Models of Exoplanets: Insights from KELT-9b" AKESH MALLIA "SPEIDSat: Applying CubeSats to Larger NASA Missions" CAELUS ROCKETRY "Designing, building, testing, and launching the 昀椀rst high schooler-built bipropellant liquid-fueled rocket to the Kármán Line"
Stunning Look
KEIRA OVERMANN & ISAIAH GREEN "The Innovation and Animation of Orbital Debris Clearing Technology"
Overall, the event proved to be a success, with experts across all domains of space taking their time to speak at the event and inspire the next generation. Space Summit DC is looking to continue by becoming an annual event, and hopefully, as space exploration continues to grow in our cultural zeitgeist, this will create a consistent event for high schoolers to come together and learn as well as discuss their passion for all things space." MedSpa run by Physician, MD injector
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By JONI FOERTER Founder of Furniture Rescue
he conversation usually starts out something like, I have this (insert name of piece of furniturehere) that was (insert family member name here). Then continues with it's been in the family and/or it's been in storage and/or I really don't like it the way it is, but I'd like to use it or my child wants to use it and/or my parents gave it to me and I have to use it. So, I'm thinking about painting it. It seems easy enough and the appeal is that you can take a not so attractive looking piece of furniture, paint it, possibly change out or paint the hardware, and have a newer looking furniture piece that brightens up your living space. Beware, there are few common mistakes that can leave you disappointed in how your piece turns out. #1 NOT CLEANING THE FURNITURE PIECE THOROUGHLY BEFORE PRIMING OR PAINTING If you leave any dirt, dust, oi, or any kind of substance on the piece before painting, the primer or paint won't adhere properly. This will cause the paint to peel or chip away instead of sticking to the piece. Dust can create tiny bumps in the surface which don't come off (or look very good!) The only way to fix this is to go back, sand, and repaint. Before we begin work on any piece of furniture, we do a quick triage to evaluate how much cleaning is needed, if any finish that is worn away, and any repairs that are needed. For a light cleaning we'll use a damp cloth to clean off any dust, dirt and cobwebs. Then we'll run our hands along the surfaces to see if we feel anything else. For exceptionally dirty furniture, a more intense cleaning and/or some sanding is required. Don't forget to inspect the inside of drawers and cabinets! A hand-vac can easily get rid of any dust or debris in drawers or interior corners. A thorough cleaning with our favorite cleaner, Howard's Clean-A-Finish, can get rid of most odors.
32 | NOVEMBER 2023
#2 NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE PREP WORK Some holes and cracks are obvious while other smaller ones are hard to see…that is until you paint and then you can't unsee them! Using the flashlight function on your cell phone (or go old school and grab a flashlight from your junk drawer) look over the surfaces, sides and moldings of the piece, shining the light at different angles to see anything that may need to be filled or sanded. Primer may be required after sanding or filling, especially on darker or redder pieces. Skipping the prep work can be appealing as it's often tedious, but prep work is crucial to achieving a high quality, smooth finish. You don't want all of your hard work to chip off or have bleed through later! #3 NOT GIVING THOUGHT TO YOUR BRUSH OR PAINT The last thing you want to see on your piece of furniture that you've worked so hard on is brush strokes! If you are painting your piece with a brush, avoid using a cheap one. Cheap paint brushes are guaranteed to show brush marks easily. Your time is too vaIuable to end up with a low-quality product. Do your homework and research to find a good quality paint brush that works for you and will give the best value/results for your money (and it doesn't need to be the most expensive top of the line either). The same goes for the paint you choose to use. There are a lot of options out there and some that I have yet to try. Make smart choices about the best products for your budget. At Furniture Rescue, our go to brushes are Cling On brushes for paint and Zibra brushes for top coating. You'll find us using General Finishes and Paint Couture Paints.
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#4 DON’T CHOOSE A COLOR THAT YOU’LL SOON BE SICK OF One look at my Pinterest board and you’ll see a lot of brightly colored, trendy or funky colors. It’s what I like and a true reflection of my aesthetic. But those colors in real life, in your living space may not reflect you or your style.You want your painted piece to add interest and style to your space, not look like a cheap garage sale find. Make sure you really love the color you are choosing! Don’t overthink it though. If you later regret your color choice and have to go back and add another coat of paint, it wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen! #5 PAINTING ANY CHEAP FURNITURE YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON AND THEN EXPECTING AMAZING RESULTS Be realistic about the type of material you are working with and what the potential outcome could be. Oftentimes that inexpensive furniture find is actually made of particle board or laminate. No matter how
much effort you put into it, the quality of your outcome will be lacking. Work with good quality wood furniture whenever you can for the best possible results. Use the curbside castaways and yard sale finds for practice, unless you got lucky and scored a well-made piece! #6 PRACTICING DIFFICULT TECHNIQUES FOR THE FIRST TIME ON ONE-OF-A KIND ANTIQUES If you're still not getting the results you want, bring your family heirloom to Furniture Rescue and have us take over your project. Want to have beautiful, lasting results? Painting furniture takes practice and planning. I've made my share of mistakes and happy accidents along the way. I've learned a lot about what to do and what not do to end up with pieces that I'm really proud of and that my clients love. At Furniture Rescue we're always happy to talk furniture. Come by and visit our Flippin’ Tools Room for your DYI needs.
“Every piece of furniture we work with has a story” From a broken drawer, broken chair, missing hinge, or chipped area up to a broken china cabinet, armoire or large dresser.
We provide free estimates, including move damage 3158-H Spring St. | Fairfax, VA 22031 | 703-543-9248
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© Best Version Media
Brian Mason Takes the Stage By DANI BANEGAS Photos by TATIANA DOVE In a world inundated with negative narratives, Craig Sewing, a prominent radio host and TV personality, dares to ask a pivotal question: What's the real American Dream? This inquiry serves as the cornerstone of his national cable talk show, The American Dream. Unlike conventional programs that often highlight the gloomier side of life, Sewing's show takes a refreshing approach. Instead of dwelling on pessimism, the show is on a mission to educate, empower, and engage viewers, guiding them towards the achievement of their personal American Dreams. The topics explored span a wide spectrum, including real estate, finance, and fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Prepare for a thrilling revelation because the next face gracing the screen of The American Dream is none other than our exceptional Expert Contributor, Mr. Brian Mason. Renowned as an Award-Winning Real Estate Agent, Brian has been handpicked to step into the spotlight as the show's new host. The American Dream isn't your typical television show. It transcends the realm of mere entertainment; it's a national sensation and even earned an EMMY nomination. At its core, the show stands as a beacon of authenticity, showcasing the very best in real estate.
Unlike scripted reality shows, The American Dream prides itself on being a genuine representation of real stories. Hosts like Brian Mason don't just represent themselves; they become THE VOICE for their respective markets. In the words of Brian Mason himself, "In this role, I am dedicated to illuminating the stories that truly matter. By shedding light on these narratives, I aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the myriad paths to success in America. The American Dream serves as a source of inspiration, motivation, and unity, as we celebrate the indomitable human spirit."
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey alongside Brian Mason. As he takes the helm, he will bring to the forefront the remarkable stories that define the American Dream. Through his lens, viewers will witness tales of resilience, determination, and triumph, reminding us all that the pursuit of the American Dream is not just a cliché; it's a vibrant, ever-evolving reality waiting to be explored. Stay tuned for an inspiring ride that promises to uplift the spirit and reignite the belief in the limitless possibilities of the American Dream.
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