Waiting for the Moment > Through a Hidden Lens: Science Images 2014~2017

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等待 > 祕鏡 2014 2017 科學攝影事件簿選集


Aphid Lion ꀾ甧⧾

蚜獅(草蛉的幼蟲)是昆蟲界的違章建築師。牠 們將捕食到的獵物殘骸,連同撿拾碎片一起放在 身上作偽裝,所以走起路來像搖搖晃晃的垃圾 堆,但這就是一種防身術。如果沒有這些偽裝, 就很容易暴露身份,招受天敵的攻擊,就連螞 蟻都來欺負牠們,最後的下場就是成為螞蟻的大 餐!

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Aphid lions (or lacewing larvae) are like the illegal architects in the insect world. Wherever they go, they collect leftovers and the remains of prey and stash them on their back. When they walk they look like a staggering stack of garbage. But, this is how they defend themselves. Without this camouflage, they become easy targets for predators such as ants.

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