Benefits of Boarding at NLCS Jeju

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Boarding at NLCS Jeju is the heart of our community, with a number of key benefits for our boarders and their families NLCS Jeju - Boarding Values Our boarders are open-minded and collaborative, they are confident, critical thinkers who develop their scholarship. They are globally-minded, empathetic and have a commitment to service. As individuals they are independent, resilient, self-reliant, responsible, mature and show great perseverance. Boarders have independence not dependence Experts in our field • Our Boarding Masters and Mistresses are BSA trained (The Boarding Schools’ Association) • Our boarding staff are 1st Aid & ASIST trained • Our boarding staff have over 100 years of experience between them • Our boarding teams are all qualified and experienced teachers • Each home has 6 resident staff: 1 BM, 2 Assistant BMs, 3 Graduate Assistants and a non-resident Matron Social and Emotional Development, and Wellbeing • Mixed aged homes provide role models and peer support for younger students and leadership opportunities for older students • There is no wasted time with daily commuting • Structured evening and weekends means more time to relax, rest and sleep • Boarders form lifelong friendships and become a close knit family • Experienced residential Nurses provide 24/7 medical care through Medical Centre • Wrap-around Pastoral support by close collaboration with Tutors & teachers

Academic Success • Higher IGCSE and IBDP results • Evening Boarder’s only Academic Enhancement Programme delivered by our teachers • Evening prep/homework is supervised and supported by teachers • No requirement for expensive Hagwons - all our students needs are met on campus • Boarding students study smarter, not longer!

Financial Sense

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It is approximately 220% more cost effective to live in boarding (compared to private rental in the GEC)

No additional cost for our Academic Enhancement Programme and evening prep support No Hagwon costs High quality and nutritious meals for under 7,000 won - we provide three hot meals a day and no worry for parents No daily commute travel costs

University Guidance - Start here. Go anywhere. • Our University Guidance Counsellors visit Homes in the evening and weekend to provide advice and guidance for university applications • Students who board are well equipped for university life, which is valued by Admissions Counsellors • The number of leadership opportunities enhance university applications

Experiences • Students make full use of their time, the planned structure ensures a healthy balance of study, rest and leisure • Weekend and evening activities - including day trips, sports, movie nights, arts & crafts, baking and much more are available to all of our boarders • Access to School facilities - such as the Astro Turfs, Gym, Pool and Performance Areas • Well equipped boarding homes (music rooms, sports areas, relaxation rooms, cooking areas) Benefits for parents • Assurance that your child’s needs are taken care of by professional experts • Quality family time during exeats and holidays • Peace of mind for busy and working families • Regular opportunities to visit boarding homes for afternoon tea • Confidence that you are providing your child with a unique and life enhancing opportunity

Student Survey - Satisfaction Rate - December 2023 • Accommodation - 90% • Pastoral Care - 91% • Range and Quality of Food - 83% • Range and Quality of Evening and Weekend Activities - 81%

“School taught me how to be a student — boarding taught me how to be an adult. In order to go anywhere, you need to start somewhere, and boarding is the perfect place to begin”

Chandler Ahn, Year 12 Sixth Form Halla Boarder

“The immeasurable bond between and within the year groups has amazed me constantly, which is considered the most beneficial aspect of being a boarder.”

“Boarding is a good way to make new friends and be independent by living alone.” "Boarding is a good way to grow and be independent. I've grown in my maturity (says my Mum!), and it's helped my schoolwork through the daily routine we have. I have to say the food is quite healthy too."

Layla Jung, Year 6 - Junior Boarder

“In boarding we can get help from our own school teachers in academic support. We make strong friendships with our roommates and other year groups friends.”

Jungseo Park, Year 10

Sanghoo Ahn, Year 11

“This year's boarding experience was truly outstanding, and I couldn't help but fall in love with every moment spent at Hyeopjae.”

Yujin Son, Year 7

“Boarding is a place which provides endless opportunities to become independent and ready for the real world.”

"At first you might feel there is only you, as you don't have your parents with you, but you learn really important things in life such as understanding other people. It has helped me to have a healthy daily routine, including healthy food."

Hannah Kim, Year 11 Joon Park, Year 9

Yeonjae Lee, Year 5 - Junior Boarder

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