December 2017 NICA News

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All beverage-related trademarks are owned by PepsiCo, Inc., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Contents • December 2017 FEATURES

Activities & Events

07 Hidden Object Contest 21 WFA Convention Preview 29 Coca-Cola Membership Contest Connie McKinney, CCE, Connie’s Concessions Leaderboard 30 2017-18 Events Calendar

12 NICA Business Expo & Fare Foods 2018 Food Show Information 18 Thoughts from a CCE

News & Articles


04 This Month’s New & Renewal Members 05 President’s Message 11 Allied Specialty Dominic R. Palmieri, III, CCE

05 Director’s Voice

Carmel Dyer-Pittroff

07 Card’s Corner Michelle Card

10 Association Announcements 17 Northeast Regional Council’s 2017 Year in Review 19 NICA at IAAPA 23 End of the Season Fair Faces 24 Getting to Know Your Regional Council Members

28 Heinkel’s Packing Insurance 09 Hummel Group 22 Berk Concession 18 JKJ Workforce Supply 20 K&K Insurance 20 Fanestil Meats 27 Mr. G’s Meats 28 Fare Foods 02 Pepsi 22 Fontanini Italian 11 Soda Parts Express Meats & Sausages 25 Source1 Purchasing 29 Haas & Wilkerson 27 The Best Around Insurance 30 WNA

Dedicated to strengthening relationships with the Fair, Festival, and Special Events Industries through effective communication, education, benefits, leadership, and solutions The National Independent Concessionaires Association, Inc. is a Florida Corporation with an Editorial and General Office located at 1043 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511 • Off ice: (813) 438-8926 • Fax: (813) 803-8460 • Online: The information contained in this Publication is based upon sources believed to be reliable. Readers should not act without professional advice. Cover to Cover © 1993-2017 NICA, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! December 2017 NICA News


This Month’s Newest Members! Herbert Decker Televac Products Versailles, MO

Michael Kramer Fun Time Foods Tampa, FL

Nancy Short Nancy’s Cajun Cooking Royal Palm Beach, FL

Bob Dias Burger Bob’s Concession Fort Myers, FL

Timothy Lisko Triple L Concessions Lowellville, OH

Vickie Waggoner The Silhouette Shop Fairland, OK

Jim Johnson Johnson Concessions / Southern Tier Show Salamanca, NY

Andrew Ross Ross Concessions Sarasota, FL

Kevin Wolfe Juanito’s Taco Price, UT

We wish a warm welcome to all 19 of our newest members! Each new membership gets their referral one entry into the 2017 Coca-Cola Membership Contest. “Together We Can!”

This Month’s Member Renewals David Belcher The Eatery Huts and Footsie Wootsie Princeton, KY (2014) John Campbell JSCM Concessions Dixon, CA (2007) Clay Chester Chester Foods South Vienna, OH (2005) Costas Constantinou Grecian Delights Flushing, NY (2011) Stacy Doane SS Doane LLC dba Pony Espresso Yreka, CA (2015)

Lee Grigsby Grigsby Enterprise LLC Shreveport, LA (2015)

Tod Marchant Marchant Concessions Summerland, BC (2012)

Owen Stern National Food Group, Inc. Novi, MI (2015)

David Hendricks A. W. K. Ent. Inc. Milford, PA (2016)

Mike Markowitz Mike's Concessions Inglis, FL (1993)

Virgil Strickler Ohio State Fair Columbus, OH (1995)

Fred Jackson Manna Foods Arley, AL (2014)

Stacia Markowitz Mike’s Concessions Putnam, CT (1996)

Utah State Fair Utah State Fair Salt Lake City, UT (2008)

Bobby Jenks Jenks Concessions, Inc. Vale, NC (2013)

Ron Redburn Specialty Foods Panama City, FL (2004)

Richard Valentine Jac & Do's Pizza Tiffin, OH (2003)

Amber Kapuscinski Am-2-Da-Ber Concessions Quartzsite, AZ (2012)

Jeff Ross Ross Concessions Sarasota, FL (1997)

Daryl Whicheloe, CCE Southern Oregon Food & Beverage Cave Junction, OR (2012)

Schuyler MacPherson Bob Fiste Ten Pound Buns / SDM Fiste Enterprises, LLC dba Concessions, LLC Bowman’s Concessions Long Beach, CA (2011) New Madison, OH (2008)

Kathy Ross Ross Concessions Sarasota, FL (1999) Ed Stergar C & E Concessions, LLC Indianapolis, IN (1997)

Fred Wiemer Uncle Fred's Foods Apollo Beach, FL (2008)

Thank you to all 25 Renewing Members for your continued support!

Merry Christmas from all of us at


December 2017 NICA News

President’s Message Dominic R. Palmieri, III, CCE, President

Wow, what a last hurrah in Vegas for your NICA. There was a great presence in all aspects of the convention, including sessions, roundtables, presentations, future planning, and future-proofing. NICA Directors were invited to speak to all the Fairs at all eight Zone Meetings. The Zone Chairs graciously gave us time to address the membership and we shared our vision, goals, and accomplishments. We welcomed all the Fairs with our NICA News magazine and VIP invitations to our NICA suite party. Approximately 550 people attended the NICA party. It was a pleasure to have so many Fairs tell us how they appreciated our efforts and congratulated us on 25 years. This year has been electric with planning for our 25th Anniversary, rolling up our sleeves with important issues near and dear to all our members and getting some closure on issues of years past that have now been pushed over the

“A Year to Remember” goal line. When this organization started 25 years ago, one of the passions of our founding fathers was to have some equity, fairness, and reality about the value of our businesses having legacy. Transfer of Ownership (through the sale to another vendor or passing it along to a family member) they knew the importance of maintaining consistency for the guest, expecting to find that stand at the Fair, and the value of what hard work meant from many years of contributing to the Industry. This has finally become a reality. Fairs of all sizes are really looking at a thoughtful and well-planned Transfer of Ownership. Some Fairs have written policy and have a process in place. Transparency and honesty is the key point and agreeing that all parties will come openly to the process and have meaningful conversation to help the process along is a must. This is a new era. IAFE had the

►► “Message” continued on page 8

Director’s Voice Carmel Dyer, Director

I have never been on a Board before, but after a phone call from NICA’s Past President Paulette Keene in May 2016 and learning that she had been serving NICA for five years, I decided to run with her encouragement. That means this is also my first Director’s Voice, so we will see how it goes. I have done a lot of observing, listening, and learning. NICA’s Board Members have so much integrity and the Executive Committee works tirelessly and volunteers many hours (more than I could ever imagine) while still running their businesses in a very busy Fair season. Our Board Members are either driving to other

“Twenty Five Years!” Fairs during our phone conferences, which are every month (except for August), in the middle of setting up or tearing down, or even trying to run a busy Concession day while juggling a phone conference. Each call of attendance we have always has been able to manage the required quorum (minimum amount of members present) without the meeting being cancelled. Most meetings are over two hours, which is a long time when you are working. No one complains and everyone has the utmost respect for each other’s time and their input when needed.

►► “Message” continued on page 6 December 2017 NICA News



President: Dominic R. Palmieri, III, CCE 1st Vice President: Dan Lusenhop 2nd Vice President: Kathy Ross Secretary: Sandy Class Treasurer: Jennifer Giordano


Don Delahoyde, CCE Carmel Dyer-Pittroff Richie George Tim O’Brien, CCE Mike Pence, CCE Daryl Whicheloe, CCE

Immediate Past President Paulette Keene, CCE

Past Presidents’ Council Joe Potillo, Jr. Greg Miller, CCE Tom Sattler, CCE Russ Harrison, CCE

Richard Busse, CCE Tom Hodson, CCE Jim Hodson, CCE (Deceased) Tim O’Brien, CCE Ron Smith Adam McKinney, CCE Mike Pence, CCE Jack Woods, II, CCE Bob Hallifax, CCE Frank Parnell, CCE Larry Orme (Deceased) Larry Sivori Rich Wright Bill McKinney, CCE Arthur Pokorny, Jr. Gene O’Brien, CCE (Deceased)


Executive Director: Michelle Card

Executive Manager of Councils: Rey O’Day

Business Manager : Jack Turner

Communications, Marketing & Design: Jesse Willard

Northeast Council

Coordinator : Jessica Gottsche

Council Members: Lindsey Constantine Kelly Grout Henry Mitchell Cameron Murray Vinnie Nelson Eddie Porcelli, III Tonio Viscusi

West Council

Coordinator : Rey O’Day

Council Members: Kim Barr Nate Janousek Ryan Long Ashley Murray Mike Newman Lisa Thompson-Baker Jay Wells Daryl Whicheloe, CCE April Wood

National Representatives Duane Fischer John Harkey David Higginbottom Charles Ivory, CCE Mike Markowitz Mike McGrath Kevin McGrath, II Etta Pence, CCE David Spann R. Josh Stremmel George Wandrey, Jr. Ted Wentz Nick White

Are you Interested in becoming a National Representative or Council Member, starting a Communications Committee, or learning more about NICA? Contact the NICA office by phone at (813) 438-8926 or via email at

Anniversary Gala on February 7th, and visit the Florida State Fair all in the course of one week. Also, don’t forget the Fair Partner’s Shootout held in conjuction with OABA and the Florida We are now in the midst of convention time. Federation of Fairs on February 8th. This year’s I was unaware of the months of preparation Florida Week is going to be great! that NICA does to be involved with our The best part of being on the Board for me has partner organizations and to make sure we are been meeting some amazing people from different well represented in a professional way. parts of the country who all do different routes. The annual IAFE and WFA conventions are as They are all enthusiastic, smart, hardworking, and important to NICA as our own event in February, selfless in their passion to help NICA become one the NICA Business Expo and Fare Foods 2018 of the leading organizations in our Industry. Food Show; the only difference is that our As Michelle Card, our Executive Director, event is free. I don’t know of any organization emphasized at our last Board of Directors anywhere that provides a food show, a variety of workshops, and an Industry dinner, entertainment, meeting, we are here to help and to listen to our members; if any member has a problem please and auction, which is provided by very generous let us know or contact the NICA office at sponsors, for no entry fee. or (813) 438-8926. “Together If you have never attended this event, be sure We Can Make a Difference!” to come this year. It is NICA’s 25th Anniversary. And yes, Dominic, I wrote this article while You can attend the free Business Expo workshops flying to Australia; thanks for the tip! As a fellow during the day, go visit Gibtown and their Board Member, you have been a great President museum, experience the Fare Foods Food Show representing our members. ▲ in the evenings of February 5th and 6th, attend NICA’s General Membership Meeting and 25th

“Voice” continued from page 5 ►►


December 2017 NICA News

Card’s Corner Michelle Card, Executive Director

NICA Membership and Customer Experience is at the top of the office agenda. We have been diligently working behind the scenes on several fronts on your behalf, from H-2B, monitoring and investigating issues concerning cashless systems, and DOT/ELD updates to simplifying benefit use opportunities. As part of NICA’s ongoing quest to improve member benefits and the membership experience, NICA has embarked on a modernization of our website and expect an early 2018 launch. You can expect a fresh new look, easier functionality and navigation, onsite member benefit registrations, an online scholarship application, and much more. With this exciting launch, there will be a new requirement of each member to use a unique email address. This means that shared email addresses between members will no longer be permitted while utilizing the NICA website login. All of us in the office are here to help and will assist you with the new process once our renovated website is up and running. Past President Russ Harrison, CCE has agreed to Chair the NICA H-2B Committee. Russ and I are collaborating efforts to capitalize on potential H-2B cap relief in conjunction with OABA and Cloakroom Advisors. My recent visit with OABA to DC to meet with Congressman McCarthy and Senator Tillis coupled with Russ’ Florida meetings with Senator Rubio’s staff and Senator Nelson are proving fruitful. We are making headway and



Find the Candy Cane

have additional opportunities we will keep you apprised of once they are final. The NICA Business Expo will host two DOT discussions to include updates and ELD sessions to help you finalize your compliance preparations. Be sure to register for your hotel accommodations as well as the sessions you want to attend. We already have overwhelming response from our NICA members to attend this year’s Expo and celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Space is limited and running out fast. Register here to ensure your spot: NICA Business Expo & Fare Foods 2018 Food Show* Highlights: • There will be a surprise announcement Monday evening at 9:00 PM in the Fare Foods Hospitality Suite—be sure to be there, you won’t want to miss this! • The General Membership Meeting will be during the day from 2:00 - 5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 7th. • The OABA sponsored Cocktail Hour will be from 6:00 - 7:00 PM. • The 25th Anniversary Denim & Diamonds Gala will start promptly at 7:00 PM. ▲ * For registration, sponsorship, and other information for the NICA Business Expo and Fare Foods 2018 Food Show, turn to page 12.

Somewhere in this issue we have lost a candy cane from our stocking. Do you think you’ve seen it? If you locate it, you can win a Gift Card!

So... What if you Find it?

Well, lucky reader, tell us where you found it by entering online at You may also call the NICA Office at (813) 438-8926 or send us a letter with the page number, and page location to NICA, Hidden Object Contest, 1043 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511. Member entries must be sent in by December 31, 2017. December 2017 NICA News


“Message” continued from page 5 ►► Industry Relations Committee (led by Chair Greg Chiecko of The Big E, which also included NICA members Randy Reichert, CCE, Wannell Costello, and Russ Harrison, CCE) that presented a white paper project with valuable information for both Fairs and Concessionaires/Commercial Exhibitors to consider. The room was full and conversation was vibrant. Pointed out was the fact that Master Concessionaires, large, corporate Commercial Exhibitors, and Carnivals have been doing it for years successfully. With smart people stepping up to the table, this Committee did wonderful work. I’m proud of the work of the Industry Relations Committee and the past 25 NICA Boards to get us to this new era. H-2B has been a major concern of our members. NICA has become more involved than ever with members reaching out to the Board and the office regarding challenges. The Board has taken the position to support the efforts of our members and also help OABA whenever possible with financial contributions to the PAC Fund, travel to Washington, DC to help represent NICA and currently working the political spectrum to align with politicians in favor of H-2B labor. There is still much work to do, but the outcry of members who have been struggling with labor continues; so will our efforts to fill the void of a lack of a skilled, traveling workforce. This year we are seeing a surge in membership and realize we are getting back to the numbers we used to have many years ago. I traveled this summer and met with members of all size businesses. I went to the Heartland and saw a new vibe of interest by new members and witnessed the transformation of old members in their approval of how the organization could work for them. We have encouraged all our member Fairs and addressed ALL the Fairs at Zone meetings at IAFE about the importance of Fairs supporting a professional organization like NICA. Through education, training, and member benefits, we bring an overall better product to the Fair guest and enhance the guest experience. The value of Fairs encouraging ALL their Concessions and Commercial Exhibitors to become a member of a professional organization that helps them run 8

December 2017 NICA News

their business more efficiently, brings higher standards of quality products, and delivers them in the safest means possible is such a valuable asset to Fairs. Communicating and working with Fairs to collaborate new ideas, fix old ones, and discover and challenge ourselves to become better is what we do. It’s who we are! Being part of the solutions to many challenging issues and helping guide the Industry into the next 20 years is our job. Speaking of 20 years: we had NICA representation in the several 20-year project sessions hosted at IAFE. What will Fairs look like in 20 years? What will Concessions and Commercial Exhibits look like in 20 years? What will Carnivals look like in 20 years? What will facilities look like in 20 years? These were important sessions and YOUR NICA was there to be part of the process. I was reflecting on our last face-to-face Board Meeting and thought we do not take pauses to celebrate the success of where we are and what we have accomplished. Let’s do that here. During the Board Meeting, we passed extensive updating of our Bylaws and Policies and Procedures that involved many members and hundreds of hours from everyone combined. It was possible because our recent Boards have become Bylaw literate through review, re-reading, revamping, and understanding the past while embracing the future. Here is a short list of accomplishments (and I stress short because I have been prodded and poked about the length of some of my President’s letters): • • • • • •

• • •

Updated Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Executed a successful Strategic Plan New Fare Foods Agreement New NICA/Sysco Marketplace renewed five year agreement Five candidates ran for office last year and four this year Developed great leadership both on the Board and the Councils Northeast Council running successful fundraising, meetings, and reporting for a year and half Executive Director Michelle Card’s 18-month anniversary First Data credit card processing renewed five year agreement

• • • •

Sponsorship up Membership up including Fair membership 2018 budget approved early and line by line 2017 awarded $17,000 in scholarships including new Gene O’Brien Technical School award for $2,000 NICA representation in many conventions NICA message developed for programming and presenting Designed a new NICA member packet and renewal process Depth in our bench of leadership on the Board

deliver the best of who we are: resiliant, innovative, hard working, and caring of this Industry. I will take this time to personally thank Michelle Card, our Executive Director, Jesse and Jack in the NICA office, Jessica Gottsche, Northeast Council Coordinator, all of the Council Members, and our Sister Organizations OABA, IAFE, WFA, Florida • Fed, and our State Fair Associations. Special • thanks go out to Rey O’Day, Executive Manager of Councils; her expertise, dedication, and resilience • to continually support NICA has been so important to all of us. On behalf of the Board, we appreciate • all you have done for us. I wish you the best Christmas and Holiday This shows how successful your NICA Board has been executing through our Strategic Plan. It Season. I look forward to seeing many of you at keeps us focused and on track. We look forward to a few more conventions and I invite everyone to many more successes and encourage all of you to make plans NOW for WFA in January in Anaheim, CA and our NICA Business Expo in February, hosted be part of those achievements. in beautiful, warm, and sunny Tampa, FL. Lastly, I can’t help but reflect on 2017. For Goodbye old friend Vegas, hello San Antonio! many, it was a long, hard year faced with many Dust off them thar boots, throw on your cowboy challenges. For others, it was their best year ever. We will always have differences of opinions, hats, and mosey on yonder to the Alamo. We hope to see you next year. Warmest regards; I humbly levels of success, and certainly levels of interest. serve as NICA President. ▲ But one thing we will always have is the desire to make the best of what faces us each year and

focused on





Workers’ Compensation December 2017 NICA News



Announcements Do you have any news that you would you like to share? Contact us at (813) 438-8926 or

Star Families Day at the Dutchess County Fair Vicki Imperati, Admistrative Operations Manager, Dutchess County Fairgrounds Rhinebeck, NY — This 2017 Dutchess County Fair was the inaugural year for the Star Families Day program. Powers Great American Midway, the Dutchess County Fair, and 24 Food Concessionaires teamed up to treat Gold Star and Blue Star families to a day of free admission, rides and food, along with all the traditional Fair activities. The idea was the brainchild of Rich Wright of Sugar Shakers Concessions and GreenZone Hero, an association that recognizes businesses that honor our veterans and military and helps those businesses succeed. The Fairgrounds worked closely with local military agencies to identify and invite the families who have lost a loved one in combat or currently have a loved one deployed. By coordinating invitations through agencies who already work with the target population, Fair staff did not have to do the footwork to qualify requests. The Fair created an electronic invitation for immediate Star family members from our county and sent it to the military agency for dispersal to their client base. Interested parties called the Fairgrounds and then staff emailed the family a form for name, address, and number of family members attending. Since our Fair runs the end of August, there was an August 1st deadline for responding. Entry passes for the family were mailed along with the Fair brochure, the list of Food Vendors’ offers as well as the instructions for their arrival at the Fair. Families could choose any day to attend the Fair and checked in at the Administration Building when they arrived for their check-in packet. The packets contained special wristbands to identify family members to the Midway and the Food Concessions, a medal of thanks, lanyards, and a map of Fair Food Vendors. While there were less than a dozen Star Families who attended this year, there was much positive reaction to the program. We heard enthusiastic feedback from families, vendors, Powers Midway and the members of the coordinating agencies. In reviewing the program, we anticipate higher participation both in number of Star families and number of Concessions offers next year. ▲

Call for Stories and Photos from the last 25 Years To prepare for our 25th year coming in 2018 (which, believe it or not, is coming up next month) we want to focus on our members’ experiences during this period of history. Were you here since the very beginning? Were you part of NICA’s leadership during these years? Did you join recently but want to share your story? Has the Industry changed in 25 years? We want to hear from you, so send your stories, photos, etc. to today. ▲ 10

December 2017 NICA News

Masters in the art of insuring amusement risks. Since 1983, we’ve crafted risk management solutions solely for the Amusement, Entertainment and Leisure industries. That’s expertise we bring to your business. We find the perfect mix of innovative and affordable insurance programs for each and every individual client, then add 24/7 claims service to give you peace of mind. Call and see how we can help:

800.235.8774 XL Group and Allied Specialty Insurance are global brands used by XL Group Ltd’s insurance subsidiaries. Coverages are underwritten by the following XL Group Ltd insurance companies: Greenwich Insurance Company, Indian Harbor Insurance Company, XL Insurance America, Inc., XL Specialty Insurance Company and T.H.E. Insurance Company. Coverages not available in all jurisdictions.

December 2017 NICA News


Join us aΩ ¹e

SHERATON TAMPA EAST 10221 Princess Palm Ave. Tampa, FL The NICA Business Expo will provide Workshops and Discussion Groups which will cover the issues and the daily challenges our industry is faced with today. The Workshops will be facilitated by experts in their fields. This year also marks NICA’s 25th Anniversary, join us in helping them celebrate this momentous feat. The Fare Foods 2018 Food Show will feature exhibitors showcasing the latest food trends and technology that will define the 2018 Fair Season.

FEBRUARY 5TH & 6TH, 2018 NICA Workshops and Discussion Groups Fare Foods Food Show: 5 pm - 9 pm (Vendor Setup: Feb. 5th, Noon - 4 pm)

FEBRUARY 7TH, 2018 NICA Membership Meeting and Evening Entertainment

Wc look forward to sccing you in Tampa 12

December 2017 NICA News

Exhibit Space Application FEBRUARY 5TH, 6TH & 7TH, 2018 Food Show: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Vendor Setup: Feb. 6th, Noon - 4:00 pm

Please Select a Sponsorship Level  Platinum .......... $7,500  Gold .................... $5,000

 Silver .................. $3,000  Bronze ............... $2,000

Return completed form by November 15, 2016 to: Fare Foods, P.O. Box 407, Du Quoin, IL 62832 Phone: (618) 542-2155 • Fax: (618) 542-4798 E-mail: All payments must be made in full by December 30, 2017 or booth space will be forfeited.

Company Name _____________________________________

List products/services to be exhibited:

Contact Person ______________________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Phone ____________________ Cell ____________________ Address ____________________________________________ __________________________ City _____________________State ______ Zip __________ E-mail: _____________________________________________ ☐ Master Card

☐ Visa

Credit Card No. ______________________________________ Expiration Date: _____________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________

Name Badges: Please print first and last name of individuals working your booth

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Credit card payments accepted, *3% Processing Fee Applies

December 2017 NICA News


Hotel Reservations To reserve hotel accommodations at the

Sheraton Tampa East you must visit the online reservation site at


King Single / Double Bed Room.......................................$133.00 Breakfast vouchers available for $13 per person, per day (including tax) for each guest in room. You will only be charged when voucher is redeemed. Vouchers provided at check-in. (Redeemable at Panfilo’s Restaurant) *For Junior Suite Upgrade, please contact Audrey Poole at Fare Foods prior to reserving your room. Limited availability.

If you have questions about the reservation process for 2018 please call or email Audrey Poole: (618) 542-2155 • *Limited number of rooms available! RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE NO LATER THAN JANUARY 5, 2018 to receive these special reduced rates. Credit card required to reserve room. 14

December 2017 NICA News

Sponsorship Opportunities q 25th Anniversary Gala Entertainment.................................................................$1500 q Opening Ceremony Champagne Toast.................................................................$1500 X 25th Anniversary Gala Open Bar / Cocktail Hour.................... Sponsored by OABA q q 25th Anniversary Gala Photographer..................................................................$1000 q Food Show Refreshments......................................................................................$1000 X Food Show Ribbon Cutting................... Sponsored by Australian Battered Potatoes q q Board Luncheon.......................................................................................................$800 X Past Presidents Luncheon..................................... Sponsored by Odyssey Foods LLC q X 25th Anniversary Lapel Pins (2 More Available).............. Sponsored by Rudy's Inc. q q New Member Goodie Bag........................................................................................$500 q Welcome / Registration Refreshments (2 Available).............................................$500 X 25th Anniversary Gala Decorations.................... Sponsored by Odyssey Foods LLC q q Educational Workshops (No Limit)........................................................................$250 First Name: ___________________ Last Name: _____________________ Company: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Payment Type: q Cash q Check q Credit Card CC #:________________________ Exp: ___ /___ Code: ______ Signature: ________________________________________ All Sponsors will receive company name and/or logo on the NICA Website, in the Convention Schedule booklet and General Membership Meeting program, and on the signage at the Registration Desk, Food Show Lobby, General Membership Meeting, and Hospitality Night. You can submit your sponsorship application online to, by fax to (813) 803-8460, or by mail to NICA, 1043 E Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL 33511. Call (813) 438-8926 if you have any questions. December 2017 NICA News


Don’t Miss Out! This will be the biggest Business Expo and Food Show we have had in the last 25 years. Register online today at

Educational Workshops Topics include Member Benefits, Property and Health Insurance, Point of Sale Options, DOT Updates, Electronic Logging Devices, Concession Trends, Transfer of Ownership, Human Resources, Risk Management, and more!

Annual Auction Items include “His and Her” Diamond Rings with 25 beautifully arranged diamonds to celebrate NICA’s 25 Years, Sniper School, Gift Baskets, a Guided Fishing Tour, Guns, Florida State Fair Camping Spot, and more!


December 2017 NICA News

Northeast Regional Council’s

2017 Year in Review

Jessica Gotsche, Northeast Council Coordinator

the summer. The bus left from the main gate of the New Jersey State Fair during set up week. We sold 45 tickets, and those who attended enjoyed In June 2017, the NICA Northeast Regional the comradery and being together with other Council celebrated its one year anniversary, members. We anticipate another bus trip in 2018. and what a year it was! Our first major Our Council representatives have also accomplishment was filling all of the open spots been actively recruiting new members to the on our Northeast Council. Today, your Northeast association, and to date, 21 Concessionaires have Council members are: joined through the Northeast Council’s efforts. In September, we held our second annual rally • Cameron Murray, Chester’s Gators and Taters in West Springfield, MA. Dominic Palmieri, CCE, • Lindsey Constantine, Red’s Red Apples our Board President attended and the • Henry Mitchell, Amy’s Sweet Treats opportunity to meet with many NICA • Kelly Grout, Jack’s Fries members from the East Coast. We In June • Vinnie Nelson, Vinnie’s Fine partnered with eight sponsors Foods this year, and had a circus act 2017, the NICA • Eddie Porcelli, III, Spaghetti and band as entertainment. We Northeast Regional Eddie also had a full table of raffle Council celebrated its • Tonio Viscuso, Angela’s prizes, and held a 50/50 raffle. one year anniversary, International For the first time, we raffled off Northeast Council swag, and what a year In January, we attended the including branded money bags it was! New York State Association of that were very popular. Agricultural Fairs (NYSAAF). The In October, we elected Vinnie Northeast Council managed a booth Nelson as our Ex-Officio representative where we shared information on member to the NICA Board of Directors; we look benefits, the purpose of the Northeast Council, forward to having a closer relationship with the and recruited new members. Jessica Gottsche, Board, and know that Vinnie will represent us well. Northeast Council Coordinator, also presented Finally this year, Jessica also attended the to the entire assembly, introducing the Northeast joint Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Council, sharing the mission of NICA, and Island State Fair Convention in Sturbridge, encouraging growing partnerships with Fair Massachusetts. At the convention, Jessica had Management. the opportunity to meet with over 20 members We also held our first opportunity sale this of Fair Management, to share the mission and season, raffling off a $150 VISA gift card at direction of NICA, and to remind them of the the Saratoga County Fair. The purpose of the opportunity and benefits being a member, even for fundraiser was to build engagement, and raise a Fair, brings. some money for Northeast Council activities. As plans for 2018 progress and are getting The winner, who had not been a member of the underway, plan to see the Northeast Regional Association before, joined us as a new NICA Council at the NYSAAF Convention again, in member after winning the raffle. Rochester, NY in January. We will also attend the For the first time, and spearheaded by Vinnie IAFE Zone 1 meeting, and present a roundtable, Nelson, we organized a bus trip of NICA members, topic to be determined. And, of course, we are who attended a New York Yankees game over already making plans for our third annual rally! ▲ December 2017 NICA News


Thoughts from a This month’s Statement of Communications & Management Philosophy is from Connie McKinney, CCE, Connie’s Concessions, who earned his CCE in 2001: “My philosophy is that I insist that all my products are sold hot and fresh out of the fryers. I do not believe in using a heat lamp. I only want what goes out my window to be the very best and hottest that I can serve, as my reputation is at stake. I have had different people tell me that I am too particular and when customers come back next year they will not remember if your product was good or bad. I do not believe that. We have built our business with repeat customers year after year. I am also very adamant that all of our workers tell all our customers ‘thank you’ for their business. If you walk around any Fairgrounds, big or small, you seldom hear ‘thank you.’ I feel that it is part of our job to make the customer feel like we appreciate their business and are glad that they came. ‘Thanks’ is a little word that goes a long way, doesn’t cost a thing, and earns big rewards. We sell two of the hardest and messiest products on the Fairgrounds (Grater Taters and Blooming Onions), so we have to work especially hard to keep our trailers clean. I am very picky and insist that we clean our tailers top to bottom between each event. We have many customers tell us that one of the reasons they buy from us is the cleanliness of our trailers. When they tell us that, my employees then understand why we do so much cleaning and it makes all of us feel good.” ▲ The CCE Program was developed to recognize the professionalism of Concessionaires. The title of CCE represents a deep understanding and respect for the Fair and Festival business and indicates that the titleholder will perform with the highest level of professionalism. The applicant must have a minimum of seven years as a full-time chief operating manager of an independent concession business and be a current member of NICA, at least one State Association, and of one of the following associations: IAFE, IFEA, or the WFA. The applicant must then complete a questionnaire and a 150-200 word personal philosophy of communication and management as it relates to the fair industry. Applications are accepted until October 1st of each year, but applications submitted after the deadline are still reviewed for the following year’s program. Visit the CCE website for more details: 18

December 2017 NICA News

NICA at IAAPA Photos by Russ Harrison, CCE, Past President

The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) holds their annual convention and trade show in Orlando, FL, a huge event that showcases new ideas, products, rides, and more from across the world. NICA visited the trade show and Carnival and Showmen’s Reception, hosted by OABA, where they introduced NICA’s new 25th Anniversary pins, connected with associate members, and most importantly, had a great time! Here are a handful of photos from the evening:

NICA in attendance: Michelle Card, Executive Director, Jack Turner, Business and Membership Manager, and Kathy Ross, 2nd Vice President

Richie George, NICA Director, and his wife Judy, George’s Fun Foods, with Ron Porter, Fare Foods

Bill and Jon Chestnut, Chestnut Identity Apparel

Chris and Jody Lopez, Ray Cammack Shows and Lopez Concessions, Dominic and Kim Palmieri, NICA President and First Lady, and Ann and Robert Kastl, Ray Cammack Shows

Ron Porter, Fare Foods, and Joe Betras, Whirley DrinkWorks!

Laura Porter, Fare Foods, Sandy Class, NICA Secretary, and Audrey Poole, Fare Foods

Annie Shugart, Lisa Cummings, and Mary Chris Smith, Allied Specialty Insurance December 2017 NICA News


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December 2017 NICA News

WFA Convention Preview Rey O’Day, Executive Manager of Councils

NICA and WFA are continuing to enjoy a productive and successful collaboration as two sister organizations. Many companies are members of both organizations as a way to strengthen both their own businesses and their Fair relationships. We invite all our NICA members in the West to engage in our NICA West activities by attending the 2018 WFA Convention and Trade Show at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, CA.

Wednesday, january 3 • 2:15 – 3:30 PM: Transfer of Ownership, moderated by Rey O’Day: Review the recent publishing of the “IAFE Transfer of Ownership= Succession Planning=Long-Range Planning” white paper. Learn the questions to ask, how transfers impact the fairs along their route and communication tools that will streamline the process for all involved in this milestone life event. • 3:45 – 5:00 PM: Temporary Labor—Rising Costs and Limited Availability: Learn how to navigate the network of issues surrounding temporary labor including minimum wage increases, health insurance requirements, H-2B Visas, and finding and training employees. • 6:30 – 8:00 PM: Welcome Reception

Thursday, january 4 • 8:30 – 9:45 AM: Service Members Opening Meeting • 10:00 AM — 12:30 PM: General Assembly • 12:30 PM: Opening Trade Show Lunch, sponsored by NICA, Sysco, and Source1 Purchasing • 12:30 - 4:30 PM: Trade Show including NICA Sysco Marketplace Food Show

Friday, january 5

• 8:30 – 9:30 AM: Service Members Division Breakouts: Commercial, Food & Beverage, Entertainment • 9:45 – 11:00 AM: Care and Feeding of Service Members: Listen to the data collected at earlier sessions that suggests how Fairs work best with their business partners. • 11:15 AM — 12:30 PM: Jim Teece, Keynote Speaker, presents “Future Proofing Fair and Company” • 12:30 – 3:30 PM: Trade Show including NICA Sysco Marketplace Food Show

• 4:45 – 6:15 PM: NICA Membership Meeting: Experience a Sysco Business Review complete • 3:15 PM: NICA fundraiser drawing for Golf Cart • 3:45 – 5:00 PM: Affordability: A panel with food and beverage trends and Chef discussion moderated by NICA West Council Tastings as well as learn how the new DOT that discusses what does affordability mean to regulations will affect transporting your Fairs, Vendors, and Fair guests. equipment. • 6:00 – 8:30 PM: Industry Awards Dinner • 6:30 – 8:00 PM: President’s Reception December 2017 NICA News


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December 2017 NICA News

End of Season Fair Faces Rey O’Day, Executive Manager of Councils

Miguel Santana, President and CEO, LA County Fair Association, and Kathy Kramer, CEO, OC County Fair

OC Fair Friends: Tommie Fomby, retired OC Fair, Ashley Murray, NICA West Council, and Carmel Dyer-Pittroff, NICA Director

Erin Magdaleno and her daughter serving up Country Fair Cinnamon Rolls

Erica Quintero, JLQ Concessions, in Santa Rosa and soon to be a new member of the West Council

Gigi Horowitz, Funtime Foods, loves NICA logo’d items and she makes a great cookie

Nick Necora, Spectra Food, Chuck Giordano, C&C Concessions, and Charlie Neary, Spectra Food, cooking up something

Dominic Palmieri, CCE, NICA President, and Schuyler MacPherson, Ten Pound Buns, in Wizard of Oz green celebrating Rey O’Day’s birthday

John Giordano, C&C Concessions, doing what Concessionaires do all day!

Mike Bradley, CEO, California Mid-State Fair, and Rey O’Day, NICA Executive Manager of Councils, enjoying a beautiful day in Paso Robles

►► “Fair Faces” continued on page 26 December 2017 NICA News


Getting to Know Your

Regional Council Members Rey O’Day, Executive Manager of Councils This month, we are focusing on the West Council’s very own April Wood, based out of Orland, CA. What is the name of your business and what do you sell? The name of our business is Rawlings Concessions. We sell a variety of items: Chicken Strips and French Fry Baskets, Curly Fries, Hamburgers, Corn Dogs, Icee - The Original Frozen Carbonated Beverage, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, Ice Cream, and Roasted Corn. What is your route? We play Northern California Fairs from Anderson to Madera and many points in between. How long have you been a NICA member? My grandmother, Lynette Rawlings, has been a NICA member for a long time and served on the NICA West Council the first year it was formed. I was an employee member until I started my own business in 2014. Then I became a regular member with my business. Tell us about your family. Are they active in the business? I have a lot of family in the business. My retired grandfather sold Icee and my uncles are in the business and sell Icee. My sister, Brandy, married Marco Arredondo, Noel’s Foods, and sells Mexican Food with her family. My grandmother still has a route, my cousin has his own business, and my fiancé, Drew, sells Ice Cream and also has a route.

April and Drew were engaged in September on the ferris wheel in Boonville at the Mendocino County Fair on the last day of their 2017 season. Cheers!

What is your most valuable NICA benefit? I use the Sysco and Pepsi programs. My family has had success with the vehicles program too. What inspired you to join the West Council? It is important to give back and be involved. I want to make a positive impact on our Industry because a huge part of who I am revolves around this Industry. I believe that to be of service to others and give of your time is an important part of a person’s overall satisfaction with life. Moreover, if you don’t help then you have no right to complain. What do you hope the West Council accomplishes during your tenure? I hope we accomplish more positive relations between Fair Management and our members. The Fairs and the business professionals in the Industry are really all in the same boat together and working together is the best way to ensure that the boat stays afloat. We appreciate your responses April! What is the best way for a NICA member to reach you? Call me up at (209) 678-1393 or send me a text! ▲


December 2017 NICA News

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Fairs are a favorite pastime activity and as the concessionaires travel around the country, friends and families from local communities come together to relax and create special memories. As the administrator of the NICA | Sysco Marketplace Program, we take pride in supporting the NICA community and helping to extend national pricing to all its members. It’s the role we play in helping to create special experiences for families across the United States.

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Emma is joined by David Koretsky, Stephen Larkin, Margaret Young and Gabriela Diaz. In partnership with Sysco, our dedicated team of food and beverage professionals continue to strengthen relationships with top leading brands we all know and trust. These relationships are built and sustained in an ongoing effort to keep the NICA community connected all year long. As we celebrate our 5th year partnership, we would like to take a moment to wish our NICA family a very happy and healthy holiday season!

Our team at Source1 Purchasing, led by National Accounts Program Manager, Emma Ryder, is proud to be part of the NICA family.

NICA | Sysco Marketplace is administered by Source1 Purchasing.

December 2017 NICA News


“Fair Faces” continued from page 23 ►►

Gianni Messmer, MKM Concessions, with his crew in Santa Rosa; they just signed up to be NICA members and are enjoying their logo’d items

Katie Young, Deputy Fair Manager, and Rey O’Day visiting at the Sonoma County Fair

Teresa Brander, Brander Enterprises, with her daughter Lillie at the OC Fair


December 2017 NICA News

Angelica Escolero-Aguilar, Gingerbread Shop, signed up as a new member too!

Celia Smith, Owner, and Pamela Hill, Stands Manager, Family-A-Fair, at LA County Fair

David Woo, Auditing Services, and Phil Delahoyde, Extreme Food and Beverage, discussing the day at the Sonoma County Fair in Santa Rosa, CA

Rich Brander, Brander Enterprises, trying out a new Kettle Corn stand at LA County Fair

The second and third generation of Reno Pignati’s Concessions: Cathy and Ken McKnight with their son Taylor

John Marsolino, Mackinac Island Fudge, visiting Dominic at the LA County Fair, truly one of the Californian Concessionaires that is a Living Legend

John and Donna Burgoon, Mrs. J’s Ice Cream, celebrating their new trailer in Santa Rosa

Sharon Autry, LACF Public Relations, Mark Hill, Old Tyme Ice Cream, and Tommie Fomby, retired OC Fair: three who first met at the LA County Fair many, many years ago

John Giordano, C&C Concessions, Chris Lopez, RCS, Kim Palmieri, RCS, and Nate Janousek, Fun Biz Concessions, cooking up a great breakfast

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to their events throughout the year.





Frozen Items

December 2017 NICA News

Dry Goods

Canned Goods

Paper Products

Fun Food

Custom Printed Cups

2017 Membership Contest Leaderboard* General Membership Jeff Ross................................................................................4 Etta Pence, CCE.....................................................................4 Jennifer Allison......................................................................2 Robert Hutchins....................................................................2 Randy Reichert, CCE..............................................................2 Robert Santorelli...................................................................2 Lee Amos...............................................................................1 Vince Agnifili..........................................................................2 Arnold Blewer........................................................................1 Jane Harris............................................................................1 Russ Harrison, CCE...............................................................1 Tom Hodson, CCE..................................................................1 Mike Knott.............................................................................1 Stacia Markowitz..................................................................1 Mike McGrath........................................................................1 Bill McKinney, CCE.................................................................1 Andi Price..............................................................................1 Kelly Sanders.........................................................................1 Bruce Short............................................................................1 Dale Smith, CCE.....................................................................1 Ron Smith..............................................................................1 Jeaneen Stephens.................................................................1 Phil Teague............................................................................1

Councils Jay Wells................................................................................5 Tonio Viscusi.........................................................................2 Kim Barr.................................................................................1 Mike Newman........................................................................1

Board of Directors Don Delahoyde, CCE..............................................................9 Carmel Dyer-Pittroff..............................................................6 Sandy Class...........................................................................3 Kathy Ross............................................................................2 Daryl Whicheloe, CCE............................................................2 Richie George........................................................................1 Paulette Keene, CCE..............................................................1 Dominic Palmieri, III, CCE......................................................1

Administration Office....................................................................................35

*See the back cover for rules and prizes

Advertise Your Business in

by calling the NICA Office today at (813) 438-8926 emailing, or by downloading the online Insertion Order at December 2017 NICA News


2017-18 Events Calendar

Representing NICA & Its Industry Partners December 8–10: Association of Iowa Fairs Annual Convention • Des Moines, IA 25: Christmas Day (Office Closed)


4–7: Ohio Fair Managers Association Annual Convention • Columbus, OH

11–14: Minnesota Federation of County Fairs Annual Convention • Minneapolis, MN

4–7: Texas Association of Fairs and Events Annual Convention • San Antonio, TX

11–14: West Virginia Association of Fairs & Festivals Annual Convention • Charleston, WV

4–8: Virginia Association of Fairs Annual Convention • Hot Springs, VA

12–15: New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs Annual Convention • Rochester, NY

1: New Year’s Day (Office Closed)

5–7: Kansas Fairs & Festivals Association Annual Convention • TBA

3–6: WFA Annual Convention featuring the NICA Sysco Marketplace • Anaheim, CA

7–10: Wisconsin Association of Fairs Annual Convention • Wisconsin Dells, WI

4–6: North Carolina Association of Agricultural Fairs Annual Convention • Durham, NC

11–13: Michigan Association of Fairs & Exhibitions Annual Convention • TBA

Although these dates are based on sources believed to be reliable and true, they are subject to changes throughout the year. Additional or revised dates may be announced in future issues of NICA News or at on our calendar.

Fa re Foods


December 2017 NICA News

National Independent Concessionaires Association, Inc. 1043 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511 Phone: (813) 438-8926 • Fax: (813) 803-8460 Email: • Website:

For Off ice Use Only

Date: #:


q Ms.



Name of business: Physical address: Mailing address:

City :

City :

Primary Phone Number :





Alternate / Cell phone number :



Age Range: q 20-35 q 35-50 q 51-70 q 70+ q Other :

NICA News Preference: q Mail q Email

Referred by :

Annual Membership Fees Independent Concession Membership

Associate Membership

q Independent Concessionaire............................................$125 q Additional Member...............................................................$75

q q q q q

A person or entity who provides services to the concession industry.



q Employee................................................................................$50 q Retired....................................................................................$50 five Year independent Concession Membership

Pay for five years up front and save $50.


Independent Concessionaire............................................$575

Concession Business / Group Membership

Includes five memberships in one: one Independent Concessionaire, one Additional Member, and three Employee Members ($350 value).

q Concession Business / Group..........................................$300 Additional Member : _________________________________________ Employee Member 1: ________________________________________ Employee Member 2: ________________________________________ Employee Member 3: ________________________________________ Check a category below and provide a detailed description of your company’s services below:

q q q

Commercial Exhibitors / Retail Attractions / Entertainment Services

q q

Fair / Festival over 75,000 attendance.......................... $125 Fair / Festival under 75,000 attendance...........................$75 Manufacturer / Distributor / Supplier............................ $125 Carnival / Circus Operator................................................ $125 Special Services................................................................ $125

Business Description

Provide a detailed description of your business, products, and/or services below. This information will be used for your entry in the annual NICA Membership Directory and as keywords to search for your business on the NICA website.

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Food Games

Mail Check or Money Order to NICA’s Office at 1043 E. Brandon Blvd. Brandon, FL 33511

Concessionaire General Routing Information

q Visa q Mastercard q American Express q Discover

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Credit Card #:

List all states / provinces where you conduct your concession business:

Fairs and Festivals

List three Fairs or Festivals worked in the past year :

1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________

If accepted for membership in NICA, I hereby agree to abide by its by-laws and rules.

Security Code:

Expiration Date:


Signature of Credit Card Holder I authorize NICA to charge the agreed amount listed above to my credit card provided herein. I agree I will pay for this purchase in accordance with the issuing bank cardholder agreement. The NICA sponsored $10,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Policy is automatically provided to all Independent Concessionaire Members.

Applicant’s signature


Beneficiary ________________________________________ Phone ___________________

National Independent Concessionaires Association, Inc. 1043 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511 Time Sensitive Mail • December 2017 Issue


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