Lab Management and Science Issue 1 2019

Page 13

NE WS Wirsam donates analytical balances worth R120 000

that often involves long-term storage of

South African genetic information should

samples in biobanks. The nation hosts about

only be made available to South African

a dozen such facilities,

institutions or individuals.

which enable large-scale

NMISA hosts 11th Annual Achiever Awards

analysis of diseases and health phenomena. The report advises that

Representatives of Wirsam Scientific handing over analytical balances to the Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education.

On Friday 7 December 2018, the National

South Africa establish

Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)

guidelines that address the

celebrated measurement excellence with an

ethical, legal and social

awards ceremony in Pretoria. The NMISA

implications of genetic

Achiever Awards are organised annually

work. In this area, the study

in line with the association’s employee

specifically recommends

recognition policy, to recognise employees

regulation of the new field

who have distinguished themselves through

of consumer genetic marketing and testing,

outstanding performance, achievement and

R120 000 worth of analytical balances to

using guidelines that are feasible, enforceable

excellent service.

the Centre for the Advancement of Science

and sustainable.

and Mathematics Education (CASME).

Picture credit: UP

Wirsam Scientific recently donated around

“South African

NMISA board chairperson Jabu Mogadime, welcomed guests and

CASME is working on changing the lives

researchers, guided

of learners through quality and innovative

in part by the

mathematics and science education. “South

country’s research

Africa has a shortage of trained scientists

ethics committees,

all the candidates at the award gala dinner

and mathematicians from disadvantaged

have set the bar

and presented an opportunity to “show

backgrounds,” CASME said in a statement.

high when it

respect to those who continue to ensure

“The problem is exacerbated further by

comes to ethics

success in the endeavours of NMISA.”

the fact that very few females enter these

attitudes, and this

professions.” According to Wirsam director

is in part related

University of Pretoria’s

including the CEO Award, which was this

Vicky Wagner, the company “is very proud

to our history of

Prof Michael Pepper

year awarded to Aadil Essop, an electronic

to in some small way contribute to the

discrimination as well as the recognition that

systems designer at NMISA, for his

advancement in science, mathematics and

we have a very valuable resource that needs

outstanding performance and demonstration

technology education, and the development

to be protected,” said Prof Michael Pepper,

of the industry 4.0 trend in his line of work.

of educators in South Africa.”

who presented the report.

NMISA is part of the Department of Trade

emphasised that measurement excellence, which is one of the guiding principles in the organisation, was clearly on display among

Awards were granted in eight categories,

To ensure that this standard is upheld,

and Industry’s Technical Infrastructure

ASSAf calls for improved ethics guidelines for gene editing

the report calls for the establishment of

(TI) institutes. The TI is responsible for

a South African human genetics advisory

measurement standards and sciences,

The Academy of Science of South Africa

board, which will enforce a code of conduct

procedures and the regulations as well as

(ASSAf) has released a study aimed at

for professionals in the field. Furthermore,

accreditation that gives confidence in goods

creating a more clearly defined regulatory

committees must be established to determine

and products and allows for successful

environment for government departments

who can use genetic data and samples, and

prosecution in cases of non-compliance. M

on matters relating to human genetics and the human genome. The study’s aim is to inform the drafting of policy, regulations and guidelines, but stakeholders have indicated that researchers will need to lobby the government to create such ethical and legal frameworks. The country has become a hotspot for genomics research with the launch of projects to characterise and understand the genetics of its diverse population — work



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Some of the recipients of NMISA’s 11th Annual Achiever awards during the awards ceremony in Pretoria.

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LMS  Issue 1 | 2019


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