2Working plan extracts_Sp

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Volume: XI Chapter 2: Page No:


9C-I(b) Upper or Himalayan Chil Pine forests: This type occurs

continus, Buddleia

between 1000m to 2000m elevation in 2/6 Gadamawa, 2/3

pashia, Desmodium tiliaefolium, Colebrochia oppositifolia, Rubus

Siarunal, 15/20-III, Bindraban, Narayangarh-III, 1/8 Lohr, 1/17

ellipticus vibrunum Zyanthozylen alantum are common.

Gohan, 1/36 paleini Chalaon of Arsu, Nither and Chowai Ranges.

up and under a more regular canopy hush growth is less

It gradually merges into dry scrub forests in Chowai and Niether

rampant and some Desmodium species, Berbaries species,

Ranges and gives way to the temperate broad leaved and

Indigofera are found with Plectranthus rugosus, Elsholtzia

conifer forest above. The predominant species among the

polystachya and other composite as the common herbs. On the

coniferous is Pinus roxburghii. It forms open, poor quality crops

southern aspect the shrubby undergrowth is very light due to

on the hot southern aspect on rocky and shallow soils. But on

regular burning and grazing.

paniculata, Mallotus phillipinensis, Pyrus


the northern aspect there are few good patches of poles and middle ages crops in all kind of forests viz 1st class, 2nd class and

DS-I Himalayan Sub tropical scrub: The extensive growing areas

3rd Class. The crop is generally irregular and mature trees are

used as grazing grounds and hay fields be the villagers forms

few and scattered except in recently raised established Chil

this forest type. They are spread over in between Chil forest in

plantations where the crop is even aged. Admixture of other

the Chil zonation.

species occurs along the upper limits as well as lowers down in


the streams and damp nallas. The common associates are

Malformed scattered Chil trees are found with scrub species like

Querus incana, Rhododendron arborium, Pieris, ovalifolia, Pyrus



pashia, Bauhinia variegate, Albizzea species etc. The associates



may occur either in light admixture or occasionally may from an

Indigofera pulchella and Adiantum species. This type occupies

under storey in the pine forests.

the south western aspect in the Outer Seraj. This type is due to

Kail (Pinus wallichiana) and


There is frequent burning and large scale















sprinkled Deodar makes its appearance in the upper reaches

heavy biotic interference of grazing and burning.

These areas

and is sometimes extending into Chil areas in the cooler aspect

can be regenerated naturally or artificially by restricting the

as is noticed in the 15/20-III forests of Arsu Range.

biotic interference. DS-II Sub tropical Euphorbia scrub: Euphorbia roylana and

The flora constituting the under growth varies in types and

Opuntia constitute this type of forest which spread along river

density according to the Chil, Woodfordia, floribunda, Rhus Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

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