1 minute read


Oh we are bad characters. We’ve got morning-after hair, and we have thrown on our party clothes to run around in the next day. Guilty as charged! We are the naughty kids, but no naughty step for us. Oh no, we set out to be different and we know what we like.

We like to give NE Love away free, we want them to disappear, want you to pick them up and stick them in your pocket or your handbag. What we don’t want is to put a price on the cover and have any at all, none! returned.

Will this be the summer of love? Well we hope so; love is definitely in the air, disappearing in to thin air in fact, thank you for picking us up and taking us home.

These last couple of months we didn’t so much set out to rewrite the rules, as to inject some energy; aided and abetted along the way by all of the amazing things that have been going on, and as always the people that drive them.

They resonated most clearly in these past months in the incredible Northumbria University fashion show at the Baltic where the talent shone bright, and when we were bowled over by the Northern Lights, and knocked out by Shindigs shenanigans.

Yea! so that’s what’s gone before, now for the next chapter of NE Love.

Enjoy our lovingly produced number four!

LOvE; paSS iT ON l Juin Filon Rodriguez

Tel 07865630036 juin@nelove.co.uk

Inspired by the amount of great food in this issue it was time we asked our ‘band of brothers’ (and sisters) AKA our contributors, “If you were on death row and could order their last meal, what would it be”? some predictable (Juin) some frankly surprising but! here they are l

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