4 minute read



“Hey ho, let’s go!” You have a plan and nothing is going to get in your way. You have crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s. You have the stamina and discipline which will ensure whatever you put your efforts into will yield great results. Don’t let this go to your head though, staying grounded and never forgetting your roots, will take you further than any bravado will.


“Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour... That’s an invitation!” Things are about to get pretty wild for you. Magic and mayhem will come knocking at your door to tempt you to forget reality for a while and frolic in the world of fantasy and freakiness. Usually, you like to play things safe, yet you are being coaxed out of your comfort zone for a reason. Take a risk and you never know where it may lead you. Exciting times!


“You only see what your eyes want to see. How can life be what you want it to be? You’re frozen when your heart’s not open” Don’t believe everything you think, your perception of something is not how it truly is. You may be laying down the rules and wanting everyone to adhere to them, then wondering why no one wants to play. Openness and flexibility are your friends, receptivity is much more fun than resistance.


“You’re simply the best, better than all the rest.” Success looks good on you, others are noticing this even if you currently aren’t. This is just the beginning, so many opportunities are about to be presented. These are not coming out of the blue, you’ve earned every one of them. The universe is bringing rewards and recognition. This truly is your time to shine. Bask in that spotlight baby!


“You’re still standin’ better than you ever did. Lookin’ like a true survivor, feelin’ like a little kid” You made it through! I know it hasn’t been easy and your will may have been tested to its limit in recent months, however, it’s time to take that victory lap as you met the challenges head-on and triumphed in times you thought you would fail. Be proud of yourself, others are. March proudly forward with your pride intact, you are stronger than ever and pretty invincible currently. What a force of nature you are!


“Everybody stands, as she goes by. Cause they can see the flame that’s in her eyes.” Your light is dazzling all those you connect with. Your free spirit and charisma are touching the hearts of all who come into contact with you. You’re like a breath of fresh air, your optimism is infectious and your company is in demand. The only thing you have to do is continue being your authentic self, you are creating a stir wherever you go and uplifting people’s spirits as you play this game of life with ease and enjoyment. You glow girl!


“We gotta get out of this place. If it’s the last thing we ever do We gotta get out of this place. ‘Cause girl, there’s a better life for me and you” Expect the unexpected! something is coming out of the blue that could see your plans doing a complete 180. Travel could be involved and a lust for life could hit you hard in the soul. Don’t think too much about this, your mind cannot comprehend what is happening yet your gut and heart know the way. Let them lead you, they are guiding you swiftly towards a dream you may not have even dreamt of yet.


“It’s been a hard days night, and you’ve been working like a dog” You are physically and mentally exhausted, you have been setting yourself on fire just to keep others warm and you have burned yourself out. You need to set up strong boundaries and speak up for yourself. Free yourself from anything that is bringing you down, if it’s not a f*ck yes, it’s a no!


“When you wish upon a star. Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires. Will come to you” The universe is showering you with pixie dust, there is magic in the air and synchronicities are in abundance. Please take notice of any signs that are presented to you in the coming months, they are trying to guide you to your destiny. Fate favours the bold, take chances, and have faith that everything is going to work out in ways you could never have imagined. This is an auspicious time for you. Your wishes will be granted.


“Ain’t nothin’ gonna to break your stride. Nobody gonna slow you down, oh no. You got to keep on moving.” Nothing is getting in your way, you are determined to get where you want to go and are ploughing full steam ahead to reach your target. You will not be suffering fools and won’t listen to any excuses. You are focused and driven as you know that now is the time to do what you have been thinking about for a while. Your motto is ‘Bring it on’. You are unstoppable.


“Very superstitious, Writing’s on the wall” Your spidey senses and internal antenna are on point currently. Take notice of your dreams, and any gut feelings or vibes you pick up. You are tapped into something that cannot be explained with your logical mind, yet your soul is singing a song that sounds familiar. Anything to do with esoteric practice will benefit you. There are secrets about to be uncovered to you that could change the way you look at life. All will be revealed in divine timing, just be open to receive.


“Go on now, go, walk out the door. Just turn around now Cause you’re not welcome anymore” You may have gone through quite a time in the recent past, feeling like your hands have been tied and feeling powerless as things seemed out of control. Yet now you feel this surge of strength and are ready to speak your mind. Someone who may have taken advantage during this time and who may have mistaken your softness for weakness is about to see how powerful you truly are. The strongest warriors are often the ones who fight for peace.

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