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Now a multi million pound industry the injectable business has grown over the past fifteen years or so, to be so widely available and common place that it’s almost as casually thought of as going to the hairdressers.

It’s not for everyone and there are some pretty unscruoulous practitioners out there. So for your own safety it’s wise to maybe not look for the cheapest option maybe ask a friend, don’t believe all of the reviews you read. Or just let us give you some intel re what it’s all about which might enable you to make a more informed choice. It is such a vast area that for today lets just talk about fillers. Wrinkles are caused by a loss of collagen, or hyaluronic acid, as skin ages. Dermal fillers are injections that fill in lines and wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, temporarily replacing the skin’s elastin that has been lost with age and adding volume to the face. Unlike Botox, they combat wrinkles & lines that are unchanging and are still visible when the face is at rest. Fillers can also be used to plump and add volume to the lips or cheeks. The effects of fillers are immediately visible, and last between 6 – 24 months, fading gradually. Fillers can be immediately reversed if need be although hopefully you won’t feel the need. If you’re looking to take the next step in anti- aging treatments, talk to a professional to help you decide if you can benefit from fillers!

Dermal filler injections work to replenish hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance within the skin that diminishes with age. Hyaluronic acid is what creates youthful volume, and when it decreases, fine lines and wrinkles can set in. The gel-filled syringes of dermal fillers are injected by a medical aesthetics professional in the targeted areas of the face and work to increase collagen.production and add volume to the desired areas with hyaluronic acid.

Over the years, good practitioners have been able to achieve astonishing results by using fillers not just in the lips but lift sagging jowls, fill cheeks for a fresh youthful appearance in the forehead where unlike Botox they can reduce static lines even when the face isn’t at rest, marionette lines and nasolabial folds, reduce the appearance of scars by evening out the texture, even nose jobs, known as a liquid rhinoplasty. The ways that these treatments can be used (in the right hands) is incredible and can not only make you look better, but as we all know can give you an incredible feeling of self- confidence when you look better you feel better right?

So no need to go out looking for a face lift just yet a tweak here and a tweak there and you can look fresh as a daisy. Even better, in the right hands it can be so natural looking that no one would ever know unless you told them.

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